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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


Author's Corner

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Authors Chapter Notes:
Okay, here's chapter two! Characters' personal thoughts are in between these little thingies: * *

I already had this chapter written, and so this one is here faster than the whole of the story will be coming to you, im just warning you. I wanted to get the first few chapters posted quickly because this story isn't very detailed in the beginning, im laying the ground work. (P.S. the chapters for this story will not necessarily be updated at the same times as Opposites Attract.)

Thanks to all who are reading this one and/or OA!! *hugs!*

She woke up screaming.

Heart beating, cold sweat, breaths coming in deep gulps. She put one hand to her chest and the palm of the other against her forehead. She was shaking, trying desperately to forget the memories of flames and everything else that’d been a part of her nightmare.

“Relax, relax Buffy. It’s okay. It’s ov- over now.” She whispered as steadily to herself as she could.

As she peered on at her room the sunlight strode in through the thin curtains. The sparkling dust in the air blurred as her eyes overflowed with salty water.

Buffy put her head to her bent knees and sobbed into the blankets. Couldn’t she get ONE night of rest without a damn reminder of everything? Just one freaking night of forgetfulness? Of peace?

She sat there for about ten minutes, and then choked back all the tears she could. When her eyes were finally dry she took her feet out from beneath the covers and set them on the ground. Where she expected to feel wood flooring she came in contact with soft cotton.

Buffy looked down and saw a light pink pair of slippers with a piece of paper sticking out of one of them. She picked the shoes up and touched the warm material as a slight frown marred her face. She grabbed the paper read the note.

“You’ll catch your death walking around barefoot all the time. It’s drafty in this old house, I’m sure these will fit you. –Love, Grams.”

The message and gift actually managed to make Buffy smile slightly, and she gratefully slipped on the shoes, loving the cotton enveloping her cool skin. She wiggled her toes inside the squishy slippers before standing and walking to the bathroom.


Being that it was ten in the morning when she awoke, and ten thirty after she got done showering and dressing, Buffy knew her grandma would be out of the house already. She was an early riser, as was most of the church going community in this little town- at least that’s what Grams had said.

Buffy herself didn’t go to church often, and Anne didn’t make her. The teenager only went for certain holidays really, like Christmas and Easter, but even then she attended mostly just to please Grams.

So now, standing in her bedroom, having just opened the window, Buffy was faced with deciding what she wanted for breakfast.

The girl threw her hair in a ponytail and walked into the kitchen. She turned the corner into the room and spotted the money on the counter for which she knew her grandmother had left her.

And then suddenly, everything approached quickly. She’d promised to “get out” today, see the world, breathe in the fresh air, maybe mingle with people.

Buffy groaned and opened the refrigerator door. Already yesterday felt like a much better day.

It wasn’t like she hated socializing. It was just that she’d rather spend time with a good book over another human being who would ask her questions about her life, possibly say something that’d bring up a painful memory. She often got lost in a group, too. Thoughts always taking over and managing to depress her when all she wanted to do was edge away from the not so far away past.

And she didn’t get lonely when she was immersed in a story. She didn’t have to think, about her life, about anything. It was nice, and asides from that she honestly enjoyed books. Even when she was prom queen and head cheerleader at her old high school she’d held a secret joy for reading (Yes, secret.)

Buffy had dated a lot, but often times she used to blow off guys just so she could spend a night home on the couch with Jane Austen. And that wasn’t only because books held better vocabularies than most of the boys that were interested in her.

The guys she’d gone out with usually didn’t like to talk about anything other than football or whatever other sport they played. And the few that’d actually seemed curious about HER had frightened Buffy off with the lack of sparkage she felt while around them.

Boys- The Summers girl was not an expert. Although, each time she’d gotten asked for advice by one of her fellow ‘popular’ friends, the info she’d given them seemed to have successful outcomes. It was strange. She knew what she wanted but she’d never gotten a guy that held her interests.

Buffy sighed. All she saw in the fridge would require actual cooking, and since she really didn’t want to burn down her grandmother’s house, she went in search of cereal.

*Okay, eat and then go out... You know it’ll make Grams happy.* She mentally insisted on herself.

As she dumped the sugary flakes into a bowl, the teenager told herself that she could always bring a book with, and besides, she really should go to the bank and take out some money.

Pouring the milk and grabbing a spoon she started to think of what she might be able to do. Exploring her new home, the town of MayBell, was a must. She WAS curious about the place and she wanted to see what had changed since she was a little girl.

Buffy munched on her breakfast and tried not to dread today too much. She wasn’t scared, maybe a little nervous, but that was not what was bothering her.


She’d spent an extra half an hour putting on makeup. She hadn’t cared to wear any for a while and it felt nice to apply lip gloss and blush again.

Plus, she was prolonging the moment when she would force herself out into the real world.

She didn’t like reality too much as of late.

Buffy took her backpack off of the chair it was hanging from. The bag was dark green and not too large, but it was a good material and held everything she needed.

She took her three books and slipped them inside, along with a jacket she favored, her iPod, and her cell phone.

One last glance at her bedroom and Buffy decided to leave the window open. Grams wouldn’t mind and it was warm today.

Throwing the bag over her shoulder, she approached the front door that blocked the sunlight. She reached for the handle and pulled, a mental push finally getting her through the entryway.


MayBell, home of some Super Bowl star she was sure, was quaint and welcoming. Buffy had walked through most of the charming place after withdrawing some cash from the local bank.

She was currently in the town square, peering into shops with her headphones stuck in her ears. The leaves on the trees were still green, with autumn coming later to Alabama and it still being eighty degrees outside. The people she passed always smiled in her direction, and the sun shone brightly.

MayBell lifted your spirits, and even though she ached to sit down on that bench not too far away and crack the spine in one of her novels, Buffy was (surprisingly) enjoying her stroll. Painful memories hadn’t entered her brain as often as she’d thought they would, but when they did the girl bit back the tears. It was all she could do. She hated to cry, and she’d had her full of it.

A little vintage shop caught her eye across the street. The blonde scrutinized a small group of friends coming out of the place, they were all grinning and laughing, having a good time it looked like.

The sight was bittersweet. Buffy took a breath and shook her head. *C’mon. Go check out the store.* She told herself.

She plowed on across the road and pulled open the door to Mama Leann’s Shoppe. Her nose was assaulted by the aroma of apple. She inhaled greedily as her eyes took in the appearance of candles everywhere, all lit and glittering. The whole room was shining from them and Buffy could see many of the labels described their smell, such as “Apple” or “Cinnamon”, while others were unscented.

She took her earphones out and instead listened to the sounds coming from the radio inside the building. The whole place screamed “Welcome!” and Buffy found herself somewhat comforted here.

She stared up at the golden brown ceiling and white Christmas lights hanging from the molding along the walls. There was a cozy chair and loveseat with dark purple cushioning in the middle of the floor, and different sorts of merchandise sat displayed on shelves everywhere. Vintage clothes hung on hanger rods and hats for sale sat on plastic busts with wigs.

She turned at a tap to her shoulder, startled out of her reverie.

Buffy gasped and the woman before her quickly apologized for the scare. “Oh darlin I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten ya none.”

Buffy moved her hand from where it’d instinctively flown, over her racing heartbeat, and swallowed hard. She tried for a smile. “No, no it’s okay. I was just, just uh, admiring the place. Kinda zoned out a lil bit.”

The woman offered a sweet smile and nodded. “I understand. No worries.”

A quick moment passed before the lady spoke again, and Buffy used it to take in the other gal’s appearance. Tall, with silky chestnut hair down to her shoulders, and soft blue eyes that smiled at you. Flawless skin and a good figure, the woman was pretty and looked around thirty. She had a kind disposition that Buffy could sense right away, too.

The lady tilted her head in study, speaking a second later with her sugary southern accent. “I hope ya don’t mind my askin, but I don’t think I’ve seen you ‘round before. An MayBell’s a pretty small town, ya usually know everyone here. Are you passin through?”

Buffy blinked a couple of times before she answered, processing her thoughts. She’d spaced out for a moment. That was another reason she didn’t really like talking to people, she found herself loosing concentration very quickly whenever she did. She hadn’t used to do that.

“I um, no- I uh, actually just moved here, to live with my grandmother. Anne Summers.”

The woman’s eyes lit up with realization and she suddenly took on a delighted expression. “Oh for all that is good in heaven, you’re Elizabeth aren’t you?!”

Buffy blinked again in surprise. This woman certainly seemed to know her. “Uh, yeah. I’ve been to MayBell before but not since I was younger.”

“Oh darlin the last time I laid eyes on you ya were no bigger than a toad! My gosh, you probly don’t even remember me do you?”

Buffy eyed the woman and smiled a little guiltily. “Sorry, I don’t. Are you um… Mama Leann by any chance?”

The lady laughed and shook her head. “Oh golly no dear, that’s my mother. This is her lil shop right here, I just go on an manage it most the time. I’m Meg Stovall, and ya know when I first met you, yous just about ten. I myself was twenty two at the time.”

“Oh.” The girl frowned apologetically. “I’m sorry I don’t remember you.” She offered, not sure what else to say.

“Don’t you go on worryin ‘bout nothin. Not a big deal, we only saw each other for a few times anyhow.” Meg waved a hand dismissively before her eyes smiled again with fond remembrance. “My golly, you were just about the cutest little thing this side a the Mississippi. Blonde hair in pig tails, so sweet. And good mannered too! Your mother and ya granddaddy raised ya well, they did.”

Buffy swallowed hard. She desperately wished for something new to be said, a silent weight falling upon her chest.

“They did.” She whispered hollowly and took a slow, deep breath. The walls suddenly felt like they were closing in and her throat became tight in almost an instant.

Meg’s face took on an expression of mortification just then, and she hastily backpedaled. “Oh I- I’m sorry, hun. I uh, I have this tendency to- to sometimes stick my foot in my mouth. My momma’s been tryna rid me of the danged habit for just ‘bout my whole life.” And she stuttered a moment longer before smiling once again. “Was there something that you were looking for today? If my shop doesn’t have it m’sure I can point you in the direction a one that will.”

Buffy gave a feeble smile herself, quickly taking up the offer of distraction. “Um, yes.” Her voice was soft. “I need some new clothes. I didn’t bring a whole lot with me from- from…”
“California?” Meg finished the girl’s sentence and Buffy gratefully nodded her head as she released another trembling breath.

“Alright. Well I’ve got a lot of stuff here, but f’ya don’t like anything I’m sure ya can find somethin else at another one a the places in town. Now don’ you worry your pretty lil head we’ll find ya a new wardrobe in no time.”

And Meg’s sunny nature was back in under a minute. Buffy could tell by the way she’d acted before that Grams must’ve filled the woman in on everything. Like why a nineteen year old who should be in school or traveling was instead living with her grandmother in a sleepy town in Alabama.

She was led over to the wall where all the clothes hung. She shook her head and tried to focus on, well, focusing. Meg chattered kindly about the merchandise, holding up a skirt here, a pair of slacks there. She guessed Buffy’s size easily and started picking out pretty tops and even pointed to the shoes that were placed on a long shelf above the hanger rods.

“Everythin in this place is one of a kind, you won’t find nothin that anybody else has.”

“Th- Thank you, Ms. Stovall. I’m sure I’ll find something.”

“Please darlin, just call me Meg.”

Buffy nodded and smiled gently. “I will.”

“An if ya wanna try anythin on, the fittin rooms are right over that way.” She pointed towards the back on the store.

The teenager thanked her again.

With that, the manager of Mama Leann’s told her customer to give a holler if she needed anything, and then went back to work.

Buffy perused the clothes. She fished through too brightly colored tank tops, some nice pants, several wool sweaters, and a few vintage bustiers. Her eyes bugged at a couple of the sequin garments she found, they looked like something you’d use for costume material. Some jackets drew her in though, along with a few cute T-shirts and one light pair of ripped jeans.

Buffy collected her items and headed toward the changing rooms.


The jeans fit, the jackets were nice, and she liked two of the shirts she’d tried on, so Buffy took her purchases over to the checkout counter. She chatted quickly with Meg while her items were rung up, finally asking the woman before leaving where she could buy some bath and beauty products.

“Oh the best place’d be Pretty Penny’s. Right down the street, five stores that way.” She pointed her finger to the left, indicating which way Elizabeth should turn when she exited the shop.

“Thank you.” And Buffy left, responding with a “You, too.” when Meg told her to have a good day.

The girl walked out of the sweet smelling store and headed towards Pretty Penny’s, wondering whether or not she should stop for a bite to eat at the diner across the street after she was done looking for a new shampoo.

She pushed open the door to the beauty shop, a bell at the top of the doorframe ringing when she entered. Her nose was assaulted yet again, but this time the scent was fresh and crisp, like mint and cotton. Buffy inhaled and smiled at the checkout girl who offered a friendly greeting.

Not that Meg hadn’t been nice or anything, but Buffy was hoping no one would talk to her too much anymore. She figured if one person was aware of her recent past, than that meant there were probably many in the community who knew the reason as to why Elizabeth Summers had moved in. Grams was loved in this town, and Buffy knew that all residents of MayBell constantly liked to help and be hospitable, so it would only be a matter of time before the commiserations started. Those were something she’d rather not have to deal with.

Buffy studied the place she was in, dragging her thoughts away from their saddening down spiral. Shelves carried body lotions and foot creams, as well as shampoos and conditioners. There were four tables with mirrors and makeup supplies all set up in the center, with chairs surrounding them. Hair dyes and perfumes were stocked at the front near the windows.

The teen moved towards the soaps and bubble baths, trying to decide what she should buy for herself and Grams. No way was Buffy not going to get something for that grandmother of hers.

As she read descriptions and sniffed bottles, Buffy tried not to let her mind wander. She was getting more and more antsy as the day went on. At the beginning of everything she’d been pretty much fine, but then the minutes started getting longer and longer.

She decided on some lotions, and a shower gel she thought her Grams would like, before moving on to the shampoos.

Her mind was starting to get too muddled, too thoughtful and just… cramped. She itched to pick up a book. It was the only thing she could focus on that didn’t make her concentration wane.

*Okay. Think, try and just think about the stuff in your hands. Strawberry or Lavender? Which one do you want your head to smell like?*

Buffy managed to make herself smile slightly with that thought. She grabbed a little basket for her things and stuck both of the shampoos inside along with the lotion and wash.

She looked at the makeup tables.
*Hmmm… Oh I’ll just get some. I barely have any with me anyway.*

It had been a long time since Buffy went shopping, and as long as she was out she might as well splurge a little bit.

She started with the lipsticks, and ended up picking out a dark rose color along with a clear flavored lip gloss. As she was looking at blush her ears started to ring. She shook her head, trying to get rid of the annoying sound and idly thinking of that old myth that said if your ears rang it meant people were talking about you.

She sighed when the ringing finally fell away, but soon realized that something else was bothering her. She felt as if someone was watching her.

Buffy looked around her shoulder and all she saw in the shop were a few people over by the lotions, so she just ignored the weird sensation. She was probably imagining things.

She continued to look at rouge and picked out something light pink, along with a dark brown shadow and charcoal grey eyeliner. She already had a black pencil at home and other eye shadows so she decided she was through with this store. And her tummy was grumbling.

Buffy looked around one more time, admiring the décor. The shop was warm, and charmingly set up.

That eerie feeling of being watched though threw the convivial atmosphere off a bit. Buffy quickly paid for her items and exited.

It took her going across the street and into the rustic diner before she lost the imaginary eye that was keen on studying her every move.


The shadowy figure stood behind the door to the back room marked ‘Employees Only’. He peered on at the new arrival in town. He didn’t recognize her, never had seen her before. He was sure he would have remembered a girl so beautiful as that, and he smirked a little when she started to sense his gaze on her.

He watched her move, from the makeup counter to the checkout.

She seemed suddenly in a rush to leave, and he felt himself slightly disappointed at the thought. He kept observing her for as long as he could, watching the girl walk as she headed straight for Leonard’s restaurant across the way.

The being then decided he’d gotten what was needed, and took his stolen goods as he dropped back through the old trap door. He closed it quietly and began his journey home, absently wondering who that strange girl was.

She had blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail, green eyes from what his powerful eyesight could tell, and a radiant smile- but there was an air about her. Something was off with the beauty, almost a withdrawn sadness.

She only looked about nineteen or twenty, but she seemed aged more than that. Something about her eyes, like she was concentrating too hard on each individual moment. Every glance she made looked almost... strained.

The girl was mysterious.

Too bad he wouldn’t be able to get to know her any better.


Buffy sat in the diner, sipping her drink and sifting through her wallet for money to pay for the meal and leave a tip.

She’d had a turkey club along with hot raspberry tea, and she was happily full, but she also needed time to herself with one of her books.

Leonard’s Place was bustling. The eatery wasn’t too loud and the people were friendly, but she really wanted to get away from everything. She often got lonely in a lively setting like this.

Maybe she should go exploring some more, stay out in the sunshine just a tiny bit longer.

*You could just read a book OUTSIDE…* Buffy’s inner recluse nudged encouragingly.
*No. Grams is right, I need to be more social. Maybe I’ll check out the shops again.* She internally cringed. Her loner qualities were getting very demanding.

She mentally prepared herself to stay out in the real world just a little while longer and laid her money down on the table. She was about to leave when a young man suddenly slid into her booth and sat across from her.

“Hey there.” The boy offered kindly. He looked about sixteen or seventeen. Dark brown hair and a big smile, green eyes and an attractive face.

He’d scared Buffy half to death.

She controlled her breathing and closed her eyes, counting to ten so she didn’t hit the boy for surprising her.

“I’m Frank, but my friends call me Franky.”

“Well, Franky…” Buffy breathed out a sigh. “Do you always go around scaring people like that?”

The boy took on a look of concern and promptly blushed. “Oh. I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, just wanted to come over and say hello. I’ve never seen ya ‘round before.”

“I just moved here.” She nodded and pursed her lips into a sort of smile. “And it’s okay.”

He shuffled nervously for a minute. “What’s your name? F’ya don’t mind my askin.”

“I’m B- Elizabeth. Elizabeth Summers.”
She used her proper name. She wanted to start using it more and more, as a part of the move. Trying to forget everything, trying to roll with how she herself had changed.

Elizabeth was what she’d tell people now.

“Oh, ya related to Anne Summers then?” The boy asked.

She nodded again. “Yes. I’m her granddaughter.”
“Ah, so you said you just moved here? From where?”

“Um, California.” Wow, maybe not everyone knew about her tearjerker back story. This guy seemed clueless as to anything other than her family name.

“California? That’s cool. I’ve always wanted to go there m’self. I heard a… that all the girls are real good lookin.” He looked her over a little. “Guess the rumors were true.”

It was time to get out of here. “W- Well, um. Th- Thank you Frank, that’s really nice. I’m sorry but I… I gotta book.” Buffy cleared her throat. “It was- was nice to meet you.” She quickly gathered her things and stood.

“Oh well, uh.” The boy removed himself from the booth. “Alright. Maybe I’ll see you around sometime.” He smiled at her in a charming way, and it made Buffy want to flee.

She used what little composure she had left though, and grinned at this kind person. She felt bad for blowing him off but the part of her that was virtually panicking was grateful for the departure. “I- It was nice to meet you. Frank.” She stuttered repetitively.

“Maybe I can show you around town sometime. Ya know since ya just moved here an all.”

She lost all capability to respond, and just nodded her head in the affirmative, even though she despised the thought of such an outing. “I- I… gotta go.”

There was no way she was being real world girl anymore today, it was time to be hermit girl for a while.

Given that it was only two in the afternoon though, her Grams would hate to find out that she’d only left the house for about three hours.

On her way out of the diner, an idea hit her. The desperate girl tapped a waiter on the shoulder. “I- I’m sorry to bother you, but could you point me in the direction of the local library, please?”

There, she’d solved her problem.

Chapter End Notes:

Spike and Buffy meet, err... well sort of, in chapter 3! I promise! there will be eye contact made!!

Review please! even though this chapter was sort of uneventful asides from laying out Buffy's character a little bit more, i still love feedback! :)

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