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05/18/17 04:16 am
pj! I remember wishing one of your stories would be finished seriously about a decade ago. Amazing. I just tried an old password I used to use and amazingly got in too. Memories!
03/20/17 01:20 am
10 yrs later, i finally rem my username and password. Pari, you rock. Hope you are well.
12/23/16 01:12 pm
I donate every month. Please donate to keep this site up!
10/06/16 08:34 am
Great post.
08/31/16 03:45 pm
And anyone else who loves this site, it's worth mentioning there's a nifty little "Donate" option just below the shout box here! ;)
08/31/16 03:43 pm
Just wanted to take a moment to thank Pari and all the mods for maintaining such a great site!


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Summary: This time, I’m going to get this ‘right’ right from the start by submitting my disclaimer!!!

All of the wonderful characters in this fiction are property of Joss Whedon and Mutent Enemy and although I know ‘we’ writers and readers wished that ‘we’ owned them, that, sadly is impossible…sigh.

Okay, I’m going to do a complex kind of summary, then a brief Prologue. I must finish at least ‘Rebel Hearts’ before I really begin posting this story, so this is just a tease I guess, to see if any readers are interested. I’m still not sure about this title, so, it’s kind of WIP on that, also.

First off, I’m starting, here, with a quick ‘cast of characters’ in this tale of mystery and mayhem. Please, read and drop me a review or contact me and tell me what you think.

Buffy Summers: A dissallusioned Homicide Cop in Sunnydale, California. She’s about 30 years-old and is divorced from another cop, Riley Finn. (there’s an angstsy tale in that itself that will come out later).

Xander Harris: Buffy’s partner on the police force. He’s a bit of a bumbler, but good hearted and adores Buffy. (this is also a tale in itself!)

Angel O’Connor: Sunnydale’s stellar Assistant District Attorney. Buffy and he have ‘a past’ history together, and Angel would like to bring it into the present. Especially since Angel has just become divorced from his wife, Darla.

Holden Webster: A crime lord in Sunnydale who ends up on the wrong side of a gun, along with his mistress, Katerina McClay. (Thus our murder mystery sub plot!)

William ‘Spike’ Williamson: A British ‘sometime criminal’ who is the dead Holden’s cousin and out for revenge. (Like how I get him to Sunnydale!)

Rupert Giles: Buffy’s friend and mentor, more of a scholar then a detective. He is married to Jennifer.

Willow Rosenberg: The Sunnydale Police’s bright, brilliant Psychiatrist. Buffy is not only her friend, but a patient of hers.

Tara Mclay: Willow’s girlfriend and live in companion. Oddly enough, also the cousin of Katerina McClay.

Anya Jenkins: Xander Harris’ on and off again girlfriend. She runs a dress shop in Sunnydale and is getting mighty tired of Xander’s infatuation with his partner, Buffy.

Amy St. Clair: A troubled young woman, very troubled. She’s been in trouble with the Police for years, but this time, she’ll find herself mixed up in murder. Buffy may be her only ally.

There will be appearances from various other characters of BTVS/ATS.


Buffy Summers works on the Sunnydale Police Force in the Homicide department. She is divorced from fellow cop, Riley Finn, someone she met at the Police Academy. Riley is now remarried and works in Los Angeles, California. I’ll explain Buffy’s and Riley’s problems later. A notorious crime lord is found shot to death, along with his mistress, in their beautiful Sunnydale penthouse. All the signs point to a jealous woman as the shooter, but our Buffy is not convinced that she is the killer.

Of course, this tale will start out as PG-13 then go into NC-17, hopefully soon!!! Spuffy all the way!!!


It was Buffy Summers’ day off from the Force. Her contract with Sunnydale’s finest stated that and she certainly intended on honoring it. At the moment, Buffy was sitting at the local Coco’s Restaurant, listening to her younger sister Dawn Summers-Crawford prattling on about baby things. Buffy ‘was’ interested, really, but she still found it a bit disconcerting that her baby sister, Dawn, was giving their parents, Hank and Joyce Summers, their first grandchild. ‘Wasn’t that supposed to be me? I mean first and all,’ Buffy wondered with more then just a little bit of resentment and guilt. “If it’s a girl,” Dawnie was sighing, happily, “we’re going to name her Elizabeth, after you Buffy. If it’s a boy, then it’s Connor, for sure.” Connor was Dawnie’s husband, he taught at Sunnydale High School, of all things. Unlike Buffy, Dawn Summers had never been interested in anything to do with Police work, that was Buffy’s job. And, their Father, Hank Summers’ ex-job. Hank was on retired disability from the Force, having been shot on duty a few years before.

“So, what do you think, Buff?” Dawn’s question broke Buffy’s train of thoughts, “huh?” she responded, her green eyes wide in puzzlement. “About the names, Buffy,” Dawn whined, “I thought you’d be so pleased that we’re planning on naming our little girl, Elizabeth, after your given name.” Buffy glanced at her pouting little sister, guiltily, “I’m sorry, Dawnie,” she sighed loudly. “I guess I’m just thinking about my own baby. I mean the one I lost, you know,” the older girl frowned and tried to shake off the painful memory. “I am really happy for you, Dawnie,” Buffy reached over the little table and clasped her sister’s hand, warmly, “you and Connor. I’m so glad you two decided to stay in Sunnydale, even when Mom and Dad moved to LA.” Dawn finally graced Buffy with a sincere grin, “Connor and I love Sunnydale, we think it’s the perfect place to raise a family.” Buffy scowled for a moment, “well, I don’t know about that, Dawnie,” she stammered. “There’s a side to Sunnydale that a lot of people don’t see, or, choose not to.” The dark-haired, taller sister of Buffy’s just giggled and added, “well of course, you just see the bad side of SunnyD, Buff. That’s exactly why I chose not to follow in the Summers’ crime fighting tradition! Too damn depressing!”

“Thought I’d find you two here,” came Xander Harris’ booming voice. Xander was Buffy’s partner on the force and had been friends with Dawn and Connor for years. Buffy groaned and rolled her eyes, “can I ask ‘why’ you’re here, Harris,” she asked evenly. “Business, babe,” Xander flopped down beside the pregnant Dawn and grabbed Buffy’s uneaten piece of toast, which he finished off in three bites. “Check the logs, Harris,” Buffy grumbled, “it’s my day off, remember?” The large brunette male grinned and nodded his head, “yeah, it ‘was’ mine too, but we got called in. If you’d actually wear your cell phone, or at least turn it on, Buff,” Xander grabbed the last piece of bacon, “you’d have gotten the call too.”

“What is it,” Buffy rasped in exhasperation, “bikers on PCP attack the Public Library again?” Xander grinned, while finishing off the errant bacon, “nope, bigger then that.” ‘Well’ Buffy glared at Xander, “gonna’ share the news, or just eat my sister’s and my food,” she muttered. “Guess what ‘big, big shot baddie’ right here in Sunnydale was just found, in his exclusive penthouse, no less, shot through the head? Oh, his ‘flavor of the week’ Katerina was found right next to him, both deader then dead.” Xander gave Buffy his ‘I know and you don’t’ smug look, as she sat up with a jolt. “Holden Webster is dead?” Buffy gasped wide-eyed at her partner in disbelief. “Uh, huh,” is all Xander could manage while he finished off Dawn’s sweet roll, hungrily. “Does Anya feed you?” Dawnie asked him, sarcastically. “We’re on break, again,” Xander replied simply with a shrug. “Well, Dawnie,” Buffy stood up to grab the bill and pay it, “sorry, but duty and all that. Tell Connor ‘hi’ and take care of yourself.” Buffy glared at Xander who was busy eyeing a cup of untouched coffee, “oh for God’s sake, Xander, get off your ass and let’s get going,” she hissed at the man impatiently.

A/N: Well, I must tell you, this fiction is actually based on something I was attempting to write as a murder mystery (novel form). I just felt that the characters from our beloved BTVS/ATS would fit in quite nicely to the plot line and decided to submit it as a Spuffy fan fic. I am going to try and get Spike over to Sunnydale, ASAP, of course, sparks will fly between Buffy and him, hehehe. Thank you for reading, please review and tell me what you think. Luv, Spuf

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