by: Dare

Author's note: Hee hee i think i am demented

Another note from the author: You have to have seen Jerry Maguire in order to understand this. And I think you have to be Michelle or Me to actually find it funny. Oh well. Whatever. Read at your own risk

[opening scene: PHYLICIA RASCHAD is sitting in the living room with a bunch of LADIES who are all talking. She looks slightly out of place and uncomfortable. She stands up and speaks]

I've been listening to you guys for a long time, and I think I agree with you. Desserts are the enemy.

[the LADIES all say things like "No. No they are not the enemy. Sure they might put some cellulite on your thighs and you won't get thin but they aren't the enemy]

(as she is picking up some cups and glasses) BUT...I still *love* the enemy.

[she walks to the kitchen, but drops some cups on the floor. As she bends over to pick them up, BILL COSBY walks in]

Jello? I brought some Jello. Does anybody want some? Oh, and yeah, I'm looking for my wife.

[the LADIES all look at each other, wondering what is going on. PHYLICA stands up. She does not say anything. BILL waits for a while, then begins speaking.]

We live in a bitter, fat-filled world. And I know that there are some desserts out there that would give anything to be with you. [he is suddenly at a loss for words. He mumbles, but almost as if to himself] I used to be the king of the commercial. But I guess if this is where it has to be, then this is where it is. When we made Jello together..[he gestures, trying to think of what to say, then gives up].. I tried making Jello alone. But I couldn't be happy because you weren't there to share in the joy of Jello making with me. Phylicia, I love you.

[PHYLICIA wipes her tears away] Shut up. Just shut up. You had me at "Jello" You had me at "Jello".

[They run to each other and embrace. Bill pulls two cups of Jello from his pocket and together, they eat them. MALCOM JAMAL WARNER runs up to them]

Bill, can we go to the zoo?! I wanna go to the zoo!!

The fucking zoo is closed.

thank you, thank you, this has been an original presentation of Dare

I'm drooling for more of Dare.
Get me the hell out of here before I poke out your eye.