SETTING: Doyle goes to Sunnydale to meet the gang and meets a vision...then he has one. Willow/Doyle
DISCLAIMER: All characters are copyright Joss Whedon. We just like to play with them.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Can I just say how much I miss Doyle? And this one's for Seren, to help her with the mourning.

Moving Forward

By: Laura


“I’m tellin’ ya, Angel man, the girl is completely clueless when it comes to her feminine wiles. There’s no way she can pull this off on her own.”

“The spell is dangerous.”

“The spell is as harmless as a darker shade of lipstick and a bit shorter skirt.”

“And where you’re concerned, that’s dangerous.”

“I’m not the one she’s goin’ after. She’s not goin’ after anyone, as a matter of fact. She’s just gonna be dancin’ with Cordelia.”

“Trying to turn on every man in the place.”

“That’s why you and I are goin’ ta be there to escort ‘em home.”

Angel looked up from the symbol. “No.”

“Angel, if she doesn’t get in their good graces and give them the opportunity to change their minds, she’s going to end up short a few things she’s gonna be needin’ to keep livin’.”

“You don’t even know if this coven is going to be willing to forgive and forget. Or forgive and brainwash. No.”


“The answer is no.”

“I want to do it.” Willow walked into Angel’s office. “I don’t want to be scared, Angel. I want it finished. And you and Doyle can protect me. And I can protect myself too.”


“If I don’t do this now, they’ll keep hunting for me. And when they find me, I might not have anyone like you or Doyle…or Buffy around to save me.”

Doyle raised an eyebrow at Buffy’s name. She was bringing out the big guns. Angel sighed. “If you get hurt…”

“I know you won’t let anyone hurt me.” She sat on the edge of his desk. “I trust you to take care of me. You’ve saved my life before, why shouldn’t I put myself in your hands?”

“Because I’ve tried to sink my teeth into your neck?”

Jealousy surged through Doyle once more. Angel had threatened to kill her and she trusted him. She was willing to put her life in his hands. She was practically begging him to watch over her. Standing up, Doyle pictured Willow in a short skirt, make-up and a clingy blouse, dancing with Cordelia in a smoky club. He bit back a groan at the image, turning to look at Angel.

Bastard was grinning from ear to ear, and Doyle knew he’d heard him. “Maybe it’s not such a good plan, Willow,” he started.

“That wasn’t you, Angel. Stop trying to take credit for it.” She turned to Doyle, her green eyes innocent of the knowledge of what he’d been thinking. She smiled at him and he knew that he had no choice. “So, tell me about your ex-girlfriend and we’ll start planning strategy.”



“Cordelia, don’t you want to help?” Doyle’s eyes pleaded with her. “I know that it goes against everythin’ in your personal code of conduct. I know that you’re so straight and narrow you’d never even think of tryin’ to deceive someone. But these are the bad guys. We’re allowed to lie to them.”

“You don’t want me to lie,” she reminded him. “You want me to act like a slut.”

“And how’s that different than trying to sell yerself to the man with the biggest wallet?” Doyle asked, exasperated. “I’m asking for you, for one night, to put aside the latest CEO of the month and help out an old friend. Be the good guy…or girl as the case may be.”

“Does Willow know what you want? Because I just can’t see her agreeing to this.”

“That’s the other part where you come in handy.”

“Oh no. NO. You’re not going to make me do this. You want me to tell her too? That’s not lying to the bad guys, Doyle…Francis. That’s…that’s…”

“What?” He asked, ignoring her mention of his first name. “It’s helping the girl stay alive.”

“You sure you’re not just trying to get your jollies off watching us?”

“Positive.” His voice quivered slightly and Cordelia raised an eyebrow. “Okay, so I’m a man. I admit that, but that’s not why we’re doin’ it. I mean, Angel’s gonna be there.”

“Not during the rehearsal.”

“Well,” Doyle wracked his brain, trying to think of the right thing to say. “You won’t either. I mean, except for tomorrow. Tonight, you can do whatever you want and I’ll ease her into it.”

“Into what?” Cordelia gave him a knowing look.

“The thing…the strategy of what we’re going to do.”

Shaking her head, Cordelia grabbed her purse. “Well, you do that, Doyle. Ease her into it. But tonight, when I come home, don’t expect me to extract the pencil you’re liable to have sticking out of your gut should you try anything.”

“Right,” he said to the closed door, as it slammed shut behind her. “I’ll keep that in mind.”


Willow sat on the edge of the couch, looking up at Doyle and Angel with wide, unbelieving eyes. “This is your strategy?”

“Well, I mentioned that they’re into power, right?”

“Power? Since when has that been synonymous with lesbianism?”

“I’m not askin’ ya to be a lesbian.” Doyle looked to Angel for help, sneering at the vampire when he saw his wide grin. “Ya just have ta dance with Cordy. For a while.”

“Dance. As in dance or….” Willow wrinkled her brow. “Like…a sexy dance?”

“Both?” Doyle asked.

“I don’t dance. I can waltz. Giles taught me that. And I can…well, what Xander taught me isn’t important. And Oz and I…well, I can’t do *that* with Cordelia. We’d look stupid.”

“We’re gonna teach ya.”

Willow looked to Angel for guidance, just as annoyed as Doyle when she saw his smile. “Don’t you have someone to rescue or something?”

“I thought I was here in case you needed rescuing.” He tried to suppress his smile and failed miserably. “But if you don’t…”

“Go away,” Doyle and Willow chorused in unison.

Angel shrugged and left the room, throwing a smile back in Doyle’s direction. The half demon ignored him, turning to Cordelia’s stereo system.

“All I’m askin’ is that ya trust me,” he said softly. “I know these women and you’re going to have to be a little more hardened to get into their good graces. You’re a sweet person and they’ll eat you alive…literally, if you don’t impress them. Will you trust me, Willow?”

She stood up, sighing heavily. “I don’t have much choice, do I?”

“Your vote of confidence is duly noted,” he stated.

“I do trust you, Doyle.” She smiled weakly. “I’m just not sure I’m up to being the femme fatale.”

“Don’t worry. With a few lessons from me, you’ll be knockin’ ‘em dead.”


Willow watched skeptically as Doyle proceeded to bump and grind his way across the room. After a few seconds of being entertained by him, she couldn’t help but laugh. “Doyle? Please tell me you don’t want me to dance like that? I mean, I never thought I’d find anyone who danced *worse* than Xander.”

“I dance just fine, thank ye very much.” He drew himself up to his full height, completely insulted. “Besides, you’re a fine one to talk, actin’ like you don’t know how to dance at all.”

“I don’t.”

“Liar.” He strode over to her and grabbed her hand, pulling her up onto her feet. His hands rested loosely on her waist as he slowly rocked forward. Willow responded, pulling away from him, as they began to sway slowly. “Ye see, it’s just like making love, only you do the opposite.” He blushed, refusing to look at her. The words hadn’t been planned; in fact, he’d thought them and tried to say something else just to get the thought of her – sweaty, rumpled and sated – out of his mind.

Willow’s green eyes widened, slightly surprised. They moved slowly to no music, both of them watching the other without actually sharing a gaze. Suddenly, the CD player started, a sensual tune issuing forth from the speakers.

“Damn you, Dennis,” Doyle breathed, looking up, unable to stop from catching Willow’s eye. “He’s sort of a romantic ghost.”

“What does that have to do with us?” She asked breathlessly, unconsciously altering her rhythm so that their movements were mimicking the other, their bodies swaying, moving closer, brushing against one another. Willow’s hand slid off Doyle’s shoulder, moving down to his arm then his hip.

“Absolutely nothin’.” He stated, matching her movements as well, his hand slipping around her waist. “We’re as far from romance as you could possibly get.”

“Exact…” Willow stopped, unable to speak with the pressure of Doyle’s lips on hers. Her fingers curled against his hip, holding him closely as they stopped dancing, moving into a much more private embrace. Doyle’s arms wrapped around her, pulling her to him, feeling the brush of her body against his. His tongue swept across her lips, asking for invitation. Willow surrendered, opening her mouth, sucking on his tongue as it penetrated the warmth of her mouth.

Pulling her even closer, Doyle pressed her body tightly to his. Willow moaned softly, her whole body tingling from the contact as she finally broke the kiss. Her eyes were wide as they met his. “Did I do that?”

He brought one of his hands up, pressing his fingertips lightly against her swollen lips. Her tongue darted out, brushing against the warm skin. “You did somethin’,” he admitted.

Realizing she was still in his embrace – an exceptionally intimate embrace – Willow blushed. She could feel exactly what she’d done. “Oh.”

Doyle swallowed hard and stepped back. “Well, I…uh…” He cleared his throat. “I think you’ll have no trouble with the…the…uh, tomorrow. I would…well, leave off the last part when you’re dancin’ with the princess, eh?”

Willow giggled. “You think?”

“Well, I don’t know that Cordy would appreciate any of it. Although every male in the place watchin’ most likely would.” He took her elbow and guided her toward the guestroom. “Now, go get some rest.” He stopped in the doorway, fighting the temptation to go in. “Sweet dreams.”

Willow leaned into him, kissing him softly on the cheek. “Night Doyle.” She ducked into the room, closing the door behind her.

Sighing in relief, Doyle started back to the living room for another night on the couch. Her voice stopped him at the end of the hall.



“When you said every male in the place? Did you mean you and Angel too?”

An image shot through Doyle’s mind and he knew he had to get her behind a locked door, away from him. “Well, I can’t speak for the vampire, but for myself…I would appreciate just watchin’ you breathe.” Especially if you were struggling to do so, my body over yours and… Doyle cut off his thought and smiled in response to Willow’s embarrassed grin. “Night.”



Angel looked up at Doyle and barely managed to stifle a laugh. He looked horrible. “What happened to you?”

The Irishman shook his had and sank down across from his boss. “Rough night.”

“What did she do to you?”

“Nothin’. Well, not exactly nothin’, but close enough. I just couldn’t sleep.”

A small smirk decorated the vampire’s face. “What exactly happened?”

“I’ll tell you,” Cordelia burst into the office, glaring daggers at Doyle. “I come home at a nice, decent hour…”

“Four AM,” Doyle noted.

Cordelia ignored him. “And find him,” she pointed meaningfully at Doyle. “Sitting around in his boxers and T-shirt, playing poker with three other demons and watching a porn film!”

“Which I was pleased to note you weren’t in,” Doyle added.

Her eyes widened and she took a menacing step forward. Angel got up from his desk and grabbed her shoulders, maneuvering her to the door. “I’ll talk with him.” He shut the door behind her and turned around. “Nothing, huh?”

Doyle buried his face in his hands. “God, Angel. It took every ounce of willpower I had to stay out of her room last night. And I have little enough of that as it is.”


“I needed to keep my mind busy. And there’s nothin’ better for that than losin’ money.”

“Porn film?”

“Just in case she walked out and noticed…somethin’.”

Angel’s look was skeptical. “Boxer shorts?”

“Ah, the four of us did that just fer Cordelia’s benefit.”

“And did Willow see any of this?”



“When Cordelia started chasing me, I sort of ran into Willow’s room to hide.”

Angel struggled to control his grin. “In your boxers?”


“After the porn?”

“Well, the psychotic Cordelia took care of that…particular problem. At least until Dennis tripped me and I landed on top of a certain warm redhead.” He paused. “Dennis, for a ghost, has fine aim.”

Angel started to say something then stopped. Looking at Doyle, he started again. “What exactly does that mean?”

“I landed face down on her chest.” Unable to help it, Angel laughed. Doyle glared at him, his cheeks tinged red. “At least it kept her from noticin’ me problem. Which was suddenly back. Full force.” He watched as Angel kept laughing at his expense. “Keep with the chucklin’, boyo.”

“What…” Struggling for control, Angel tried to speak. “What did Willow do?”

“She woke up.”


“And said if I didn’t get off, she was going to make sure the coven got me head.”

Sensing more, Angel suppressed his grin. “And?”

“Well, I hadn’t had any sleep, I was fearin’ for me life, as ready as a teenage boy and…”


“And she’d just told me to get off.”

The vampire’s eyes widened and he sucked in unneeded air. “You didn’t.”

“So I told her to do that, she would have to let me do more than kiss her.”

“Kiss her?” Cordelia’s voice came from the now open door. Incredulity was etched on her face. “You kissed her?”

“It was a mutual thing,” Doyle defended.

“And what…” Angel snickered. “What happened then?”

“She kneed me in the groin and ran for the bathroom.” Doyle shook his head. “Which is where the other three demons hid when the prom queen here went on her rampage. She screamed, tried to turn, slipped and knocked herself out.”

Angel lost the battle and leaned against his desk for support as he laughed. Doyle stood up and paced the office.

“You know, it really isn’t funny. She’s probably lying there, half-conscious, thinking I’m the biggest pervert in the world.”

“You left her there? Unconscious?”

“Not unconscious. Sleeping. I think.” Cordelia shook her head. “Anyway Doyle: One – She knows Xander Harris, so you have competition. Two – you are the world’s biggest pervert, so she’s not far off base.”

Doyle sighed. “Cordelia? Could you just go away?”

“Fine.” The wounded look in her eyes didn’t escape the notice of either man, but neither of them went after her. Angel sobered and reached out to catch Doyle’s arm.

“Let me ask you this, Doyle. And be honest?”

“A…all right.”

“What are your intentions when it comes to Willow? She’s not the kind of girl you’re used to.”

“She’s the kind of girl I married, Angel.” He pulled out of Angel’s grip and headed for the door. “I’m going to go back and try and get her to talk to me. Hopefully I’ll live through the experience.”


Willow looked at herself in the mirror, frowning at the small bump on her forehead. The note taped to the glass did little to make her feel better. As if “Gone to Angel’s” was any explanation for what had happened last night. Sighing softly, she smiled.

Last night.

Doyle had kissed her last night. Danced with her and held her, kissed her softly and tenderly and then a little more.

Shaking her head, she laughed at herself. “You’re going crazy, Rosenberg. It didn’t mean anything.”

“Didn’t it then?”

She looked up, surprised to see Doyle’s reflection in the mirror. “Did it? To you, I mean.”

He crossed his arms over his chest, the leather of his jacket crinkling. “I’m sorry about what happened. In your room. I didn’t mean what I said…well, I did, but not the way it came out…er, happened. I wasn’t tryin’ to take advantage of ya, is what I’m tryin’ ta say.”

“I know that. Now. Waking up, finding you where you were…are you all right?” She asked with wide eyes, quickly glancing down to her target area. “I mean…I’m so sorry.”

“Well, Dennis deserves to be exorcised for putting me through it, but I’ll survive. We demons are made of sturdier stuff.”

“So I saw. Do all demons wear boxer shorts?”

“Only the green scaly ones, the orange flaming ones and the blue oozy ones. The rest are strictly brief demons.”

She smiled, her whole demeanor lightening. “It did mean something, right Doyle?”

“Me real name is…is Francis. Er, Allen Francis.”

“Francis.” She nodded. “Doyle suits you better.”

“I thought so.”

Ducking her head so that her bangs fell in front of her eyes, Willow blushed. “It meant something…a lot of something to me. I haven’t…” She shrugged. “When Oz left, I didn’t feel particularly…anything, other than hurt. It was nice to feel again.”

“I’m not looking to be someone to take his place,” Doyle stated firmly. “I’ll admit that I like you. Find you incredibly sexy and charming, I’d go so far as to say. But I’m…”

“I’m not looking for someone to replace Oz. Although I wouldn’t mind someone to…to…” She stepped closer, closing the short distance between them. Her hand touched his lips as his had done to hers the night before. “I don’t suppose I could get you to kiss me again? I mean, it’s been a while and if I’m going to make it look convincing with Cordy tonight, I’m going to need a lot more practice.”

He grinned against her fingertips. “Happy to oblige.”

“Just one question?” She tilted her head, her eyes glinting mischievously. “What exactly is ‘Galactic Amazon Vixens from Planet Triple X?”

Doyle’s whole face flamed red. “Uh…”

“Because it was in the VCR. Was that more of my practice?”

Recalling his favorite scene in the movie, Doyle whimpered. “You want me to kiss you or take you right here in the bathroom?”

“Let’s start with a kiss, shall we?”

Dumbstruck, he couldn’t even manage a reply.


There was very little distance between them to start with, so it was easy for Willow to just move into Doyle’s arms. He tilted his head, brushing her forehead with a soft kiss. She smiled, raising her lips to meet his. “I haven’t done this…I mean, really and on purpose for a long time.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you with anything you don’t remember.” Doyle’s breath was soft on her upturned face as he touched the tip of her nose with his. “You’re sure? Because if you’re wantin’ to say no, now would be the best time.”

“No nos. Not from me.” Willow’s tongue darted out, moistening her lips. “You?”

“Not in the…” he reeled back, releasing her quickly. His head slammed into the door and he morphed into his demon face as visions lanced through his mind. Willow’s eyes widened, with shock or horror he couldn’t be sure, as he fell to the floor.

His first thought was to slip back to human. He did so as soon as he could, refusing to look up at her. He fought to get his breath back, trying not to picture her face.

“Did you…did you want a drink?”

“No.” He sat up, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. He ventured a look in her direction. She’d sunk down to the floor beside him and he expected…he wasn’t sure what he expected. But it certainly wasn’t the sight of her, sitting there, her green eyes filled with concern. “Did I hurt you?”

“Me? No.” She shook her head and reached a hand out, touching his cheek. “Does it hurt?”

He knew she meant his head, but he deliberately misunderstood her. “Changing?”

Shrugging, Willow moved closer to him. “Sure.” Her fingers trailed over his face, learning all the contours of it. “You’re poky-er than I expected. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone like you.”

“It’s just on the face,” he said softly, his breath brushing her hands. “Well, and one other place, but that’s got nothin’ to do with bein’ a demon.”

Willow giggled, moving still closer. “I’m not afraid of you, you know. Not of what you are.”

“I’m beginnin’ to realize that.”

“It’s about time.” She leaned in and brushed his lips with her own. “Do we have time for me to kiss you or was it a pressing vision about me getting my organs removed?”

“You say the most romantic things,” Doyle pulled her onto his lap, carefully adjusting her so that she wouldn’t feel exactly how much she was affecting him. “Pressing vision,” he nodded. “But there’s always time for you to kiss me.”

He bent his head; his eyes focused on her parted lips. Licking his own, he moved to press closer to her, capturing the soft, damp pinkness when the bedroom door opened and Cordelia walked in.

“Are you guys…oh. Ew. Stop it. Not in my house. And not now. Angel wants you both to come to the office. Something big is starting.” She slammed the door behind her, not wanting to watch them disentangle themselves from each other.

“Something big is starting,” Willow whispered, not talking about Angel’s dire warning at all.

Doyle nodded, an impish grin on his face. “That it is.”


Cordelia rolled her eyes in Angel’s direction as she led the way into his office. Willow followed her, Doyle close behind. “You owe me extra for that trip. It’s bad enough when he’s being Doyle, but when he thinks he’s being charming?” She shivered.

“You’re just not used to it,” Doyle stated. “I grow on ya.”

Angel cleared his throat. “Are you two finished?” They both nodded, sitting in chairs opposite his desk. Willow looked from one to the other then sat on the arm of Doyle’s chair. “Cordelia found this outside the office. I think you should have a look at it.”

Doyle leaned forward, doing his best to ignore how close she was to him. He took the long, flat, mailing envelope Angel held and opened it. Blood fell from the opening. Willow shivered beside him. “Well, they know you’re here. They know you’re with us.”

“How?” She asked quietly. All the humor that had buoyed her spirits through the thoughts of upcoming doom faded away. “How do they know so much?”

“They’ve been watching you, most likely.” Doyle grabbed Angel’s trashcan and poured the blood into it. He knew the smell was getting to the vampire. “And trust me, boss. It’s not wasting, here. This is tainted blood, most likely. Generally, the blood sent to announce the debt is laced with poison or some other such thing. Trying to slow down the victim’s body systems so that she…or he is easier to subdue. It’s a bit easier to cut into someone when they’re not puttin’ up a fight.”

“I don’t like these people,” Cordelia stated. “I think it’s important that everyone know that.”

“Good. That will keep you alert tonight at the club. No getting sidetracked by any fancy boy that walks by.” Doyle pulled a piece of bloody jewelry from the envelope. “I promise they’re not worth your efforts.”

“What is that?” Willow leaned closer, her breath warm on his skin. “Is it a necklace?”

“Yeah.” Doyle held it up by its chain; his eyes focused on the gem at the center of the delicate filigree design. “It’s the summoning stone.”

“Summoning stone?” Cordelia asked before Willow could.

“When you owe a blood debt to this particular group, they call you out. Sometimes there are dreams first, but I seem to have gotten those for her.” He looked at Willow, smiling affectionately. “But then there’s the summoning stone, which, if you stare at it long enough, tells you what your debt is. It’s surrounded by tainted blood, masking its intention. They’re pretty powerful stones; they can hold a world of knowledge in them. If they fall into the wrong hands…with the wrong information on them, you get in a lot of trouble.”

Willow was staring at the gem, noting how there was no blood on it, despite the package it had come in. “Tonight.” She whispered.

“What?” Angel looked over at her, surprised she’d spoken.

“It’s tonight. Well, tomorrow morning at 2 AM. That’s when I’m to meet with them.”

Doyle’s eyes left the necklace and went to Willow. She looked pale and scared. “Does it tell ya what your debt is?” She started trembling and Doyle tossed the necklace to Angel, catching her just before she fell. Her whole body shook in his hands and he pulled her close. “It’s all right, Doll. It’s okay. I’ve got ya. Tell me what it said.”

She shook her head, confused. Her green eyes were scared as they met Doyle’s blue ones. “Nothing. Only that I’m going to die.”