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Absalom - When She Was Bad
A vampire, he was regent for the Anointed One. The resurrection of The Master was his idea. He was burned to death by Buffy.

Acathla - Becoming, parts I & II
A very powerful demon who was capable of creating a vortex that could suck all living things from Earth to the demon dimension. Long ago he was cast into stone by a virtuous knight who ran him through. Angelus attempted (and succeeded) to resurrect the demon but Buffy succeeded in sending Acathla and Angelus back to Hell.

Adam - Main 'baddie' in Season 4.
As Adam put it: "...a kinetically redundant, bio-mechanical demonoid...in addition to organic material, GP2D11 infrared detectors, 140 MWS, mirospec 400 sensors, a harmonic decelerator..." He was nearly invincible, but was destroyed by Buffy (and the power of the first Slayer & her friends) when she punched into his chest and pulled out his powersource.

Ampata Gutierrez - Inca Mummy Girl
A 500 year old mummy who appeared young by sucking the life force out of living humans. She thought herself in love with Xander, but was willing to kill him. She was destroyed by Buffy.

Anagogic Demon - Judgment
A psychic demon tied to the mystics. The Host of Caritas, the Karaoke Bar, is one and when you sing for him he can read your soul.

Angelus - Innocence through Becoming part II
A vampire, Angelus was sired by Darla in 1753. He traveled the world with her and was known as the scourge of Europe. He then sired Darla, Spike, among others. Darla brought him a gypsy girl and after Angelus killed her, her clan cursed him with his soul. Darla was sickened by him once he had a soul and dumped him. That's about when he became Angel, the tortured vampire with a soul. Angel lives in Los Angeles.

Ano-movic demons - The Bachelor Party
Once nomad's, they did have violent leanings but gave up their old ways around the turn of the century, however they still held on to at least one ritual. When they married someone who had been married before, they ate the brains of the first husband as a blessing of sorts. Angel prevented the Ano-Movics from eating Doyle's brains. Ano-movic demons are believed to place great importance on strong family values.

Anointed One, The - Season 1/2
A vampire (a child vampire)...he was fated to be The Master's greatest warrior and deliver the Slayer to him. Deliver her, he did, but The Master ended up being killed by Buffy. The Anointed One, Colin, attempted to take The Master's place but Spike put him in a cage and exposed him to sunlight, which killed him.

Anyanka (Anya) - The Wish
A vengeance demon who granted Cordelia's wish that Buffy never come to Sunnydale. Her amulet (the source of her power) was destroyed by Giles which restored her humanity. After being left at the alter by one Xander Harris, she was restored to her vengeance demon powers. Reluctant to kill Anya finally retracted a spell causing her to once again lose her demon status and live the rest of her short life as a human. Anya was killed in the final battle with The First Evil.

Balthazar - Bad Girls
An enormously fat demon, who brought the Cult of Eliminati to the New World. He once resided in Sunnydale before being driven out by Mayor Wilkins. He was crippled when the Mayor stole his amulet from him. He could move objects and people solely through force of his will. He returned to fetch the amulet and was electrocuted by Buffy.

Bezoar, The - Bad Eggs
A primal animal of some sort - the mother had hosts that seemed to cling to the backs of humans and turned them into zombie like slaves. They masqueraded as regular old chicken eggs. While still in the egg, the bezoar could send out long tendrils that spread out over the intended host's face. By the time they hatched and were ready to attach, the host was already compliant. Buffy killed the mother and the babies all died.

Birthday Clown - Nightmares
Not so much a demon as a nightmare brought to life. The Birthday Clown was one of Xander Harris's worst nightmares, due to a bad experience at a birthday party when he was young. The Clown appeared when all of Sunnydale's nightmares were becoming real and began to pursue Xander, Giles & Willow. Xander overcame his childhood fear of the Clown and punched him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

Brotherhood of Seven, The - The Puppet Show
Demons who took the form of young humans, they needed a heart and a brain every seven years to survive in that form. As far as we know, all seven were killed by Sid the demon hunter.



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