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Caleb - Baddie Season 7
A former preacher, Caleb is described as the 'only man strong enough' to channel The First Evil. Physically enhanced and mentally unstable with a particular hate for women he was sliced in half and made 'Julienne Preacher' by Buffy.

Claw - Teacher's Pet
A vampire, Claw was an ex-member of The Masters Order of Aurelius. He cut off his hand and in it's place was a giant claw. He was dusted by Buffy

Clem - Older and Far Away
Kitten poker-playing, floppy eared friend of Spike. Guest of Buffy's birthday and the wedding.

Cursed Man - Hell's Bells
A man cursed by Anyanka 100 years ago on his wedding day returned for revenge. Showed Xander false images of the future that scared him away from marrying Anya. Killed by Buffy and Xander in front of all the guests of the wedding.

Dalton - What's My Line, parts I & II, Surprise
A vampire, he worked as a lackey for Spike and Drusilla. They kept him around mainly because he was book smart and served a purpose. He was served as a party favor to The Judge.

Darla - Welcome to the Hellmouth -to- Season 3 Angel
A vampire, Darla was sired by The Master. She served as his favorite for over four hundred years. Darla sired Angelus and was the one who brought him the gypsy girl which resulted in his soul being returned to him. Darla was staked by Angel but has been mysteriously restored to "life" by Wolfram & Hart. Darla was uncomfortable with her human life (especially since she was dying of syphilis) and tried to get Angel to turn her back into a vampire (he refused). After seeing what Angel goes through, Darla finally found her humanness and was prepared to die. Of course that's when Drusilla showed up and turned Darla back into a vampire. A few months later as a consequence of being 'with' Angel in LA, she turns up again, pregnant. Darla sacrificed herself for her child by staking herself at the moment of his birth.

Daryl Epps - Some Assembly Required
As a human, Daryl dated Cordelia Chase. He died in a rock climbing accident and was resurrected by his brother. He died, again, in a burning building.

Dead Man's Party - Dead Man's Party
Zombies who were brought to life by a mask that the demon Ovu Mobani could focus its power through. When Buffy destroyed Ovu Mobani, the zombies were destroyed as well.

Der Kinderstood - Killed By Death
A monstrous demon who stole the lives of children. He sucked their lives out through their eyes. It was also only visible to children, the feverishly ill and madmen. Adults thought that it was just nightmares. Buffy, who was ill, was able to see the demon and snapped it's neck.

D'Hoffryn - Doppelgängland, Something Blue, Hells Bells
A lower being who is part of a demon council that bestows "demonhood" on humans. He made Anya a vengeance demon and offered the position to Willow, who refused. He acted as Anya's father figure for her wedding, and made her a vengeance demon again when she was left at the alter.

Dracula - Buffy vs. Dracula
Dracula is a vampire who is a legend even among other demons & vampires. He possessed the ability to hypnotize (like Dru), shapeshift into multiple things, didn't "vamp out" when he fed and didn't seem to die from being staked. He was staked twice by Buffy and finally dissipated into mist (probably escaping).

Dreg - Shadow, Listening To Fear
A demon, unclear as to what kind, who is sort of a servant for. He provided her with the transmorgification spell that she used to locate "the Key." Dreg is still around, aiding Glory. It's unknown whether or not he works with her regularly or just recently.

Drusilla - School Hard through Becoming, part II, Fool For Love, Darla, Reunion, Redefinition, Crush
A vampire, Drusilla was sired by Angelus Before turning her, he killed & tortured her family and drove her insane. She gets visions (like Buffy and has the power to hypnotize. Drusilla and Spike parted ways when he caught her with a chaos demon, cheating on him. Drusilla next turned up in Los Angeles, having been brought there by Wolfram & Hart to turn Darla into a vampire. Darla and Drusilla wreaked havoc in Los Angeles for a period before they were hunted by Angel. Angel set them on fire and after recovering, Drusilla went to Sunnydale to fetch Spike. She wanted her family back again. However, what she found was that Spike was in love with Buffy. After trying to make him back into what he once was, Drusilla fled Sunnydale. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

Eyghon the Sleepwalker - The Dark Age
A demon who, when called from his dimension, could occupy the bodies of the dead or sleeping. He used them as sort of a battery and the body would disintegrate into a fluid. He was also capable of marking people and could track them in that manner. Eyghon attempted to jump into Angel's body but Angel's demon won the fight. It's assumed Eyghon is either dead or back in his own dimension.



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