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First, The - Amends, Season 7 baddie
Literally, the first evil. Doesn't have a corporeal state. Finally makes war with the Scooby gang only to be beaten back by Buffy and the other 'Chosen' in the finale.

Fish Men/Gill Monsters - Go Fish
Originally, just humans who were genetically tampered with by their Coach and the school nurse. They ripped out of their human skin and developed scales - basically becoming fish men. They devoured their coach and the school nurse and were last seen in the Pacific Ocean

Fyarl Demon - A New Man
Giles was turned into a Fyarl demon by Ethan Rayne. A Fyarl demon is enormously strong and can shoot paralyzing mucus through it's nostrils. Giles was returned to human status by Ethan Rayne when he reversed the spell.

Gachnar - Fear, Itself
A Fear demon, it can root through the human mind and manifest your deepest fears into reality. It can also change the physical surroundings where it was summoned to suit it's needs. The manifestation of Gachnar was bout 6 inches tall and Buffy stomped it. Still, it was only a manifestation and the real demon probably still exists in the demon dimension.

Gavrok Spiders - Choices
"A mutant insectoid" - it killed by tearing off a human's face - It hasn't been disclosed what happened to the box after Mayor Wilkins was done with it or how many spiders were in the box.

Gentlemen, The - Hush
The Gentlemen are fairytale monsters who stole the hearts of humans to survive. They need seven hearts and the sound of human voices can kill them. They steal the voices of humans while they hunt for the hearts with their creepy footmen. Buffy got her voice back and screamed, causing their heads to explode (but we don't know that they were the only group that exists).

Ghora Demon - Forever
The Ghora is a reptilian three headed demon that lives in caves beneath Sunnydale. The Ghora's egg gives life and is a powerful ingredient in many spells, including resurrection. Dawn stole an egg from a Ghora Demon in order to complete her spell to resurrect her mother.

Ghost - After Life
A tit for a tat. This demon ghost comes to be as an after-effect of raising Buffy from the dead. After Willow and Tara perfom a spell to make the spirit corporeal Buffy chopped off her head with an ax.

Ghosts of Sunnydale High - Lessons
Ghosts of the newly built Sunnydale High pay Buffy et al a visit when a magical talisman appears in a bathroom. Finally were released when Xander destroyed said talisman.

Gingerbread Demon - Gingerbread
A demon that could manifest itself in the form of two young children - Hans & Greta. This demon lived to foster hatred amongst mankind.

Glarghk Guhl Kashma'nik - Normal Again
A waxy demon summoned by the Troika that stabbed Buffy and caused her to hallucinate that Sunnydale and her being the Slayer were all just in her head. The antidote was also contained in the same stinger that the poison was from.

Glorificus aka Glory - Main 'baddie' Season 5
Gregor of the Knights of Byzantium has kindly explained some of Glory's history to us:
"Along with the Beast, they were a triumvirate of suffering and despair, ruling with equal vengeance. But the power of the Beast grew beyond even what they could conceive -- as did her lust for pain and misery. They looked upon her, what she had become... and trembled ...Such was her power. They feared she would attempt to seize the dimension for herself, and decided to strike first. A great battle erupted. The very bowels of Hell trembled as the war of the gods spanned a thousand years. In the end, they stood victorious over the Beast - barely. She was cast out, banished to this "lower" plane of existence, forced to live and ultimately die trapped within the body of a mortal, a newborn male, created as her prison. Her own living Hell ...That was her punishment. To finish an ageless existence buried deep inside the flesh tomb of a normal average human man. A man that would grow, age, and eventually die, like all the rest of us. That is the Beast's only weakness. ...You have seen a glimpse of the true Beast. Her power was too great to be completely contained. She's found a way to escape her mortal prison for brief periods before her energies are exhausted and she's forced back into her living cell of meat and bone." It turned out that Glory and Ben were the sharing the same body. He was her host. Giles killed Ben when Buffy couldn't, thus killing Glory as well.

Gnarl - Same Time, Same Place
Paralyzing demon that eats the skin of his victim and also laps up the blood leaving a trackable blood trail. Nearly ate Willow before being killed by Buffy when she stuck her thumbs into his head through his eyes.

Gorch Brothers, The - Bad Eggs, Homecoming
The Gorch brothers were vampires, but they were also killers before they were turned somewhere around 1886. Tector Gorch was killed by the Bezoar, but Lyle's whereabouts are unknown.

Halfrek - Older and Far Away
Vengeance demon friend of Anya. Nicknamed Hallie, this demon cause havok when she trapped the scoobies inside a house with a dangerous demon. Has some history with one 'William the Bloody'. Killed by D'Hoffryn as payback for reversal of Anyanka's Frat Boy spell.

Harbringers - Amends, Season 7
"...High priests of the First. They can conjure spirit manifestations of the power, set them on people. Influence them, haunt them...For they are the harbingers of death, nothing shall grow above or below them, no seed shall flower, neither in Man nor..."

Harmony Kendall - (as a vamp) Season 4/5
Harmony was a popular Sunnydale High student before she was turned to a vampire (presumably during Graduation Day, part II). As a vampire, she's vapid and attempting to turn herself into a tough force to be reckoned with. For awhile she lived with Spike in his crypt, but once Drusilla returned (even for the brief period she was there) - Spike kicked her out. Harmony fled to Los Angeles, where she stayed for at least a night with Cordelia. However, Harmony betrayed them (no surprise) to a bunch of vampires. Cordelia couldn't bring herself to kill Harmony. Harmony remains at large in Los Angeles.

Hellhounds - The Prom
The Hellhounds are demonic footsoldiers who eat brains. Buffy killed four of the hellhounds in The Prom, but there are most likely more of them out there.

Hellmouth Spawn - Prophecy Girl, The Zeppo
The Hellmouth Spawn aren't really one demon - they are pure demons from another dimension. Thus, they are bigger and more powerful (also slimy and yucky). They were beaten back into their own dimension both times they attempted to escape.

Hus - Pangs
Hus was the spirit of vengeance for the Chumash Indians who were slaughtered by Americans. Hus could create warriors out of mystical energy and could take animal forms. Buffy killed Hus at the end of Pangs but it is unknown if this really killed the spirit of vengeance for the Chumash people.

Hyena People - The Pack
Regular, if mean, students who were possessed by the spirit of hyenas. They behaved like animals and ate Principal Flutie. They were de-possessed at the end of The Pack. It is unknown what happened to the actual students, however.



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