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Queller Demon - Listening to Fear
A demon from another planet (arrived in a meteorite) that must be summoned. It is attracted to the mentally ill - destroying them. Ben summoned the Queller demon to get rid of the insane people that Glory was leaving in her wake (Cleaning up her mess). Buffy killed the demon when it attacked her mother.

Rack - Smashed/Wrecked
Not technically a demon, but seriously into dark magic. He is responsible for the 'rape' and down-spiral of Willow in her own dark arts. Introduced to Willow by Amy.

Razor - Bargaining, parts I & II
A biker demon who, upon hearing that Buffy was dead, decided to take over Sunnydale. He and his gang rode into Sunnydale and began looting the town, wreaking homes, cars, terrifying people. They also caught the BuffyBot and destroyed her by tying each of her limbs to a motorcycle and riding off into different directions. Tara axed Razor when he tried to kill Willow. The rest of his gang fled after his death.

Rwasundi - Dead Things
Time shifting demons that were summoned by the Troika in order to confuse Buffy into thinking she had killed Katrina, actually murdered by Warren.

She-Mantis - Teacher's Pet
A giant preying mantis who could take on human form, she attempted to mate with Xander (after which she would kill him) but she was destroyed by Buffy.

Sid - The Puppet Show
Actually a demon hunter who was killed then cursed into a wooden puppet. He broke the curse and was released from the wooden body. It's assumed that he is dead.

Sisterhood of Jhe, The - The Zeppo
She-demons who were members of an apocalypse cult. They opened the Hellmouth. Lots of them were killed but it's unknown how many there were or if any survive.

Skyler - Enemies
A cowardly demon who dressed as a tourist, he claimed he could sell the Books of Ascension to Buffy & Faith. He was murdered by Faith.

Spike - Been around forever.
A vampire, he was sired by Drusilla but apparently learned all he knows from Angelus (whom he referred to as his "Yoda"). He attempted to destroy the world and kill Buffy on several occasions. He was captured by the Initiative, who implanted a chip in his neck rendering him unable to harm humans. He grudgingly helped the Scoobies but really wanted the chip removed so he can be the Big Bad again. He was involved with the Slayer until an attempted rape that drove him off in search of his soul. Spike died a hero's death in the finale ensouled and loved by Buffy.

St. Vigeous - School Hard
The patron saint of vampires who led an ancient vampiric crusade.

Sunday - The Freshman
A vampire who led a gang at USC Sunnydale when Buffy first arrived. She was able to shake Buffy's confidence and steal all her possessions, but in the end, Buffy killed her and all her gang.

Suvolte - As You Were
A very dangerous breeding demon killed by Buffy with the help of Riley and his wife Sam. The offspring were later found in Spike's crypt, where Spike (as the Doctor) was selling them on the dark market. All the babies were destroyer by a grenade, along with most of Spike's lair.

Sweet - Once More With Feeling
A demon who was summoned by Xander so that everyone would have to tell the truth (regarding their feelings) in song and dance. Apparently Xander didn't read the clause at the end that said that once the spell was done, Sweet would take the one who had summoned him back to his underworld lair as his bride. Sweet thought that Dawn had summoned him (as she was wearing his talisman - stolen by her from the Magic Box). The singing and dancing also had the effect of causing some people to combust if they couldn't stop singing and dancing. After Sweet had had enough fun and he was ready to take Dawn with him, Xander confessed that he had summoned Sweet, not Dawn. Sweet, though amused, waived the clause and allowed Xander and Dawn to stay in Sunnydale. On a side note, Sweet mentioned that he is known by many names, so "sweet" might not be his technical demon name. It was also never specified what kind of demon he was.



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