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On this page there are spells that are meant to be taken seriously, I do not encourage or support the practice of witchcraft and am therefore not responsible for any bad .:KARMA:. that you get from hexing someone. Remember, what goes around comes around.

Bad Luck
Oh timeless spirits in Heaven and Earth,
I have been wronged and seek restitution.
Bear down on my enemy causing misfortune
And failure in every endeavor.

Alien Abduction
To the powers of above and beyond
Take this earthly creature away from it all.
At night leave strange marks
With scary symbols and signs,
Keeping the body and mind at bay
As evil aliens plan to take thee away.

To Control Another
Take a High John the Conqueror root and anoint it with John the Conqueror Oil. On a piece of brown paper, write the name of the person you wish to control/conquer and soak the paper in Controlling Oil. When the paper is dry, wrap it around the High John the Conqueror root and tie with purple thread.

To Bind a Lover To You
Take a small mirror which you lover has looked into. Without looking into the mirror, break it into small pieces. Bury the broken mirror in your yard or in a flower pot you keep in your home. Every Friday, sprinkle the spot with a tea made from Spikenard Herb while repeating the name of your lover.

To Cause Your Enemy to Leave
Take a small jar. Write your enemy's name nine times on a piece of paper and put this in the jar. Fill the jar with Four Theives Vinegar and throw it into a river.

To Overcome an Enemy
Take a brown candle and write your enemy's name three times on it. Place it in a bowl filled with brown sugar. Light the candle and affirm; "Your hostility, I'll overcome. In days of nine, your friendship is mine." Do this before you go to bed. Allow the candle to urn itself out while you sleep. In the morning take what is left of the candle wax and the brown sugar and throw it in your enemy's yard. Do this for nine consecutive days without fail.



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