Updates and Blog

September 17 2005

Three new stories have been added to Truth or Dare. Reminding us why it is always a good idea to pick Truth instead.

May 19 2005
These new advertisements that Geocities decided to plaster all over the place are really annoying me! Anyways, I compiled a list of fun Buffy games to play on the web and listed it in the game section as Online Buffy Games. Happy Gaming!

Feb 10 2005
I am sooooo sorry it has taken so long to update. Things have been rather crazy. I tried to get some updating done today while I could. Thank you for your support and all of your patience. Two new Bloopers have been added that were submitted by our lovely visitors. The Birthday list has also been updated. One new Fan fiction story has also been added and I'll try to add the rest of the needed updates soon.

Aug 26 2004
New members added to Lunchbox and more names listed at Birthdays. Along with new affiliates added.

July 11 2004
The winner of the doll contest has now been announced. And anyone who hasn't seen the movie Underworld I highly suggest you go rent it. Very cool movie.

June 10 2004
Hey everyone I decided to make a new layout since the last time I change the layout was in November. I decided on making the theme from the episode "Prophesy Girl" since I have never made a layout from Season 1. At least I don’t think I have. I left one of my old layouts up for those who use the resolution 800x600 or didn’t want to wait as long for the layout to load. I hope you guys like it. Still trying to perfect my web design techniques but it still needs work. Have a good weekend guys, and for those who are interested Sonic Youth’s new album comes out today so check it out they are a great band. They are my favorite; they made an appearance on Jay leno last night for those who caught the show.

June 07 2004
I hope everyone is having a great summer! To get the summer fun started I made a new game called Kissing Booth that allows you to kiss your favorite buffy cutie. Right now I only have Angel Spike and Xander up for you to choose from. If you have a suggestion just email it to me or send it through the form below. If you have something you would like to contribute to the site, a game story or anything just email it and you will be given full credit. Voting for the Doll Contest has also started so be sure to get your votes in. Voting Ends July 7 Good luck. I also added two new Affiliates along with a new Lunchbox and Birthdays

May 16 2004
Not too long till summer, for others school has let out and they are already getting to enjoy their summer break. I hope everyone has a good one. For updates I added some new lunchboxes along with new doll entries for the contest and a new blooper and weird fact has also been added. Thank you for the two people who submitted those. I’ll be adding a new fan fiction story that was submitted in the next update. Have a great summer everyone.

April 17 2004
I add some new entries to the Doll Contest and the voting date has now been posted. So be sure to get your doll entries in before May 20th. Then voting will begin. New members have been added to Lunch box If your site isn't up it's because you either didn't follow the rules or I couldn't find where you put the lunch box on your site. And again if you have something special you would like to add to the site feel free to email me and you will be given full credit. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to add the new bloopers or the other great emails I received through out the week. All of those things will be added in the next update.

April 1 2004
Hey guys, been a while since I have had the time to update. I've been swamped with emails and busy with school. First thing is first. I add some new entries to the Doll Contest And I had TONS of emails from people wanting to join Lunch box If your site isn't up it's because you either didn't follow the rules or I couldn't find where you put the lunch box on your site.

March 6 2004
Hey guys, got the first Doll Contest entry posted. Be sure to keep those coming. I was surprised by all the new Lunch box members that have joined. A lot added there. I also added some more visitors Birthdays to the list. Also added lots of new Truth or Dare stories so go check it out. Thank you to the visitors that contribute and help make the bronze what it is today. :)

Site of the month
A Buffy Fan Fiction

Bronze Birthdays

» Tanny- 7 1980
» Nick- 24 1988
» Meg- 21 1989
» Meghan- 25 1993
» Dila- 26 1986
» Erika- 27 1988


» Vanessa- 12 1988
» Jennifer- 18 1985

Pixel Cam

Pixel Cam

Suggestion Box


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The Vampire Slayer


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The Bronze, around since Oct 4 1999 and still kicking.

© The Bronze is no way affiliated with mutant enemy and does not own the right to the show Btvs.
Disclaimer: Even though all downloads posted on this site are tested and retested to work out all the bugs if any problems do occur the bronze is in no way responsible for errors or computer crashes. But don't worry, the chances of this are nearly impossible, if you do have a problem with any download I suggest you just delete it.