-Fan Fiction-

-Action- | -ATS- | -Jenny/Giles-


» Sacrifices: The World is coming to and end.. Or is it.

» Old Enemies Return: Luke has come back to seek revenge on Buffy. Will she be able to stop him before one of her friends get hurt or even killed in the process?

» Inner Demon: The Sequel to Old enemies return. Can say more than that or it gives the story away.


» View from the top: Angel, Wes, and Faith have a rough night that never happened

-Jenny/Giles pairing-

» The Abduction: The missing scene of Ms. Calendar's abduction from the season 2 episode "When She Was Bad."

Tears Of Remorse: Takes place in season 2. A giles and Jenny story.

Sugar Rush: What would have happened in "Band Candy" if Jenny had been alive!

Passion Revisited: An alternative ending to the season 2 episode "Passion".

The Man is Mine: Jenny and Olivia come face to face and clash over Giles.

Watcher Rivalries: Jenny meets Wesley. It is set during Bad Girls, Consequences and Enemies. Everything is the same timeline, except Jenny didn't die.

Cupid's Arrow: Takes place in Season 2, right after "Ted".

Escape: This is set in the season 2 episode Passion. Angel has just thrown Jenny through the classroom door and into the corridor.

Demon Charades: A different version of "A New Man" if Jenny was alive, married Giles, and they moved to England when he got fired and had a daughter.

Loves Reward: Takes place right after "Surprise" but there was no vampire attack on the docks, so Angel has left and therefore no Judge.

Some Things Never Change: Jenny was not really dead, but everyone still thought she was, and it is revealed to them that she is still alive, resulting in Jenny and Giles getting back together. This is set at the beginning of season 7.

Spellbound: Set in season 7, Jenny and Giles are married.

Persecuted: A version of "Gingerbread" from the perspective that Jenny is still alive.

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To Submit your fanfiction send it to jenny_calendar@hotmail.com

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