Cordy's Tips

1. Laugh at everything a boy says to you.

2. Never wear the same thing twice.

3. College boys are the only way to go.

4. Never risk breaking a nail for someone who is not on your favorite show.

5. Never speak unless Cordelia isn't.

6. It is not a date untill the guy spends more than you have on food.

7. Never go anywhere without your father's credit card.

8. Be seen, and heard, loudly

9. Know how to apply makeup while driving.

10. The utility closet at school is not the best place to make out, the guy's car is...

11. When dealing with a scary demon be sure to run first and scream second.

12. If you are trying to pick up guys at the bronze never go for the pale guy with the out of date clothes.

13. Never date a guy named Devon, he is a complete jerk who wont return your calls.

14. Lather, rinse, repeat. Lather, rinse, repeat.

15. Whenever you get good or bad gossip as soon as you've heard it call everyone ever met.

16. Never make wishes to scary looking fairys.

17. Always keep a cross handy.

18. There is no use pleading for your life when being attacked by a vampire, he is going to kill you anyways. Plus you are wasting valuable time you could be screaming and running away.

19. Say what you think.

20. Never sign those free trade agreements, all you get is cheesy knockoffs

21. Hang with me and mine and you'll do fine.

22. Sticking with losers as boyfriends is not the way to go, specially if their name is Xander!
23. Always remember: Tact is just saying stuff that isn't true.

-Katy | WWW

To Submit your Cordy tips send it to

Disclaimer: This is only for fun, do not take it literally.

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