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Adam for Champions

Real name: Adam (last name unrevealed)
Other known aliases:
Occupation: Former military experiment and soldier, later leader of a demon army.
Current group affiliation: Leader of his own army at time of death.
Past group affiliations: Minion of Professor Maggie Walsh and soldier for the Initiative, former ally to Spike, member of the Boy Scouts in a past life.
Major enemies: Scooby Gang, The Initiative.
First appearance: The I In Team 4.13
Origin: Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Haunted #4 and Goodbye Iowa 4.14
Description: Adam is a monstrous creation of human, demon and cybernetic parts. The upper right portion of his face is human and his left arm is that of a Polgara demon.


30/35     STR     20
   21     DEX     33
   21     CON     22
   14     BODY     8
   20     INT     10
   12     EGO      4
   18     PRE      8
    0     COM     -5
    9     PD       3
   14     ED      10
    5     SPD     19
   10     REC      0
   42     END      0
   40     STUN     0
Characteristics Cost: 132

Powers and Skills

 6     1D6 Absorption,"Absorb electricity to END and STUN.",vs SFX     
        (one power)     
 7     6/8 Damage Resistance     
10     Eidetic Memory     
 5     IR Vision     
 5     Life Support,doesn't eat/sleep/excrete     
10     12 Mental Defense     
30     MP (30),"Inbuilt weapon systems."     
 3u    4D6 EB,"Explosive Missiles",Explosion(+1/2),13-16 Charges(0)  0
 3u    2D6 HKA,"Polgara bone spur.",vs physical defense              3
 3u    1D6 RKA,"Automatic rifle.",vs physical defense,x5 Autofire     
        (+1/2),33-64 Charges(+1/2)                                   0
 2     +5 STR,doesn't add to figured,x3 Increased End Cost(-1)       0
 3     Computer Programming 13-     
 3     Deduction 13-     
 3     KS: Demons & Vampires 13-,(INT based)     
 9     3 Levels: Haymaker, strike, disarm.,tight group     
 5     Oratory 14-     
 3     SC: Biology 13-,(INT based)     
 3     SC: Psychology 13-,(INT based)     
 3     Tactics 13-     
 2     WF,Small Arms     
Powers Cost: 118


Base Points: 100
 5     Distinctive,"Deep evil voice.",easily concealable,minor
25     Distinctive,"Misshapen fragmented monster.",not concealable,
25     Hunted,"By the forces of good.",as powerful,non-combat
        influence,harsh,appear 14-
 5     Physical Lim,"Big and heavy.",infrequently,slightly
10     Psych Lim,"Scientifically curious.",common,moderate
10     Psych Lim,"Interested in chaos.",common,moderate
15     Psych Lim,"Casual killer.",common,strong
15     Psych Lim,"Wants to make an army of demonoids.",common,
 1     Quirk - Acts like a monstrous Tony Robins.
 1     Quirk - Always speaks evenly and calmly.
 1     Quirk - Likes to use others.
 1     Quirk - Makes speeches.
 1     Quirk - Thinks of Riley and Maggie as family.
20     Rep,"Half demon killing machine.",occur 14-,extreme
 5     Unluck,1D6
10     Vuln,"Magnetics",uncommon,x2 stun
Disadvantages Total: 150

Experience Spent: 0
Total Points: 250

Explanation of the conversion: Adam is a powerful villain with a number of diverse abilities. Despite his physical prowess, he is a thinker and a planner, and should be played as such.

Adam History: Little is known about the early history of the man named Adam. It is known he was a member of the Boy Scouts, and later on joined a branch of the U.S. military, where it is assumed he excelled.

In the summer of 1999 Adam was assigned to work for Professor Maggie Walsh in setting up her secret Initiative headquarters under Lowell House of U.C. Sunnydale. One night on patrol Adam captured what what he thought was a standard vampire who was about to attack a girl, but the vampire was actually possessed by the spirit of the former mayor of Sunnydale, Richard Wilkins III (Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Haunted #3).

Adam When the Wilkins possessed vampire was taken for examination by the Initiative scientists the spirit decided to move to the dead body of a demon called Hostile Six, which Walsh was doing experiments on. Hostile Six broke free, severely maiming Adam in the process and went out hunting for his quarry, Vampire Slayer Buffy Anne Summers again. Even though Adam lost an arm, most of his face, and much of his skin, Maggie was able to keep him alive in room 314 until body parts could be located to rebuild Adam (Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Haunted #4).

Adam Professor Walsh attempted to build the perfect soldier from Adam. Pieced together in the Initiative, Adam combined cybernetic implants as well as parts from various demons. Adam became possibly one of the most physically powerful humanoids on the planet, with speed and intelligence to match. Sadly for Maggie, Adam self activated before she intended him to and his first action was to kill his creator (The I In Team 4.13).

''Mommy.'' - Adam

Adam Adam then escaped and began to explore the world around him to the deadly results of those he met (Goodbye Iowa 4.14).

''I'm a kinematically redundant, biomechanical demonoid designed by Maggie Walsh. She called me Adam and I called her mother... In addition to organic material I'm equipped with GP-2, D-11 infrared detectors, a harmonic decelerator, plus D.C. servo... Which tells me what I am, but not who I am. Mother wrote things down. Hard data, but also her feelings. That's how I learned that I have a job here, and that she loved me.'' - Adam

Adam had no conscience and believed it was his destiny to destroy others. He started to raise an army of demons to complete this goal. These demons followed him religiously (Who Are You 4.16).

''You fear death. Being immortal, you fear it more than those to whom it comes naturally. Vampires are a paradox.. Demon in a human body. You walk in both worlds and belong to neither. I can relate. Come. We have a lot to talk about.'' - Adam

Adam Adam took to learning all he could by breaking into a library and accessing it's computer. It was then that he noticed that Jonathan Levinson had cast a spell that altered reality and the memories of everyone except Adam. He claimed that the magic was unstable though, and shortly later the world did return to normal (Superstar 4.17).

''I'm aware. I know every molecule of myself and everything around me. No one, no human, no demon, has ever been as awake and alive as I am. You are all just shadows.'' - Adam

Adam Adam realized that Buffy would be an obstacle to his plans, so he recruited the vampire Spike in aiding him in weakening the Slayer's support. Adam promised to remove the inhibitor chip Professor Walsh had placed in Spike's head in exchange for his help (New Moon Rising 4.19).

''Scout's honor.'' - Adam

Spike was successful in breaking the Slayer up from her friends, and delivering information to her about Adam's plans which Adam wanted her to get (The Yoko Factor 4.20).

Adam Angel then purposely led his demons into a massacre within the Initiative headquarters, attempting to kill as many of them and the soldiers as he could in order to get parts to create an army of demonoids like himself. Although many humans and demons were killed in his plan, Adam was killed by Buffy and her friends Alexander Lavelle Harris, Willow Rosenberg and Rupert Giles when they combined their powers with an enjoining spell and became more powerful then Adam. They ripped Adam's power supply from his body and he died (Primeval 4.21).

Adam Adam then appeared to Buffy in a dream the next night before she was attacked by the spirit of the first Slayer who was angry over the spell she cast (Restless 4.22).

''She's uncomfortable with certain concepts. It's understandable. Aggression is a natural human tendency. Though you and me come by it another way.'' - Dream Adam

Buffy The Vampire Slayer #49 Even though Adam's body was destroyed, his mind lived on in the computers of the Initiative. The government contractors who were supposed to fill in the Initiative with cement didn't finish the job and eventually Adam was able to recover. Looking for new minions he was able to contact the demon army called the Scourge and became their new leader. He had them come to Sunnydale and round up the humans, including Buffy, Xander and Buffy's little sister Dawn Summers in the Initaitive headquarters and forced Buffy to fight in a fighting ring with demons. He would then sacrifice humans in a magical vat to create a powerful addictive drug called soul drops.

Buffy The Vampire Slayer #50 The good vampire Angel, the Vampire Slayer Faith, Xander, Dawn and vengeance demon Anya Jenkins found themselves confronting the Scourge's new leader, Adam, who had become a living holographic computer program. Buffy and her old friend Pike were able to break into Adam's headquarters. Buffy shut down the vat making the soul drops and then the others were able to defeat the Scourge. Once Buffy learned Adam was using the gladiatorial fights to power the Initiative and his computers she was able to talk the demons in the ring in into not fighting each other and Adam lost power. They then returned to Buffy's house where Xander took care filling in the Initiative caves. Angel told Buffy and Dawn he had a teenage son now. After Angel and Faith left Pike told the others the story of when he and Buffy went to Las Vegas (Buffy The Vampire Slayer #50).

Adam In the fall of 2002 Spike returned to Sunnydale and set himself up in the basement of the rebuilt Sunnydale High School. While there he was haunted by the First Evil, who haunted Spike in many forms including that of Adam (Lessons 7.01).

''I can be patient. Everything is well within parameters. She's exactly where I want her to be, and so are you, Number 17. You're right where you belong.'' - Adam/The First Evil

Trivia: On Buffy The Vampire Slayer the part of Adam is played by actor George Hertzberg.

Powers: In his original body Adam was vastly strong and resistant to harm. His speed and reflexes were incredible. He could see into the infrared spectrum, and had an extendible bone weapon on his left wrist. His right arm can convert into an automatic weapon which also has an explosive launcher. He could read computer disks with his cybernetic implants. Adam had proven to be immune to magical mind control, and claimed to be more aware of himself and the world around him then any human or demon that had ever existed.

In his second incarnation Adam was a living computer program who appeared as a hologram in the Initiative headquarters and had no real physical form.

Links to other Adam pages:

  • Conversion by Mathew R. Ignash - November, 2003 (

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