Amy Acker plays Fred, a young physicist who was sucked away into another dimension, Pylea, and stuck there for five years of her life. In this other dimension she lived the life of a "cow" or human slave. In the second season of Angel, Cordelia was subjected to the same fate and the rest of the gang rushed off to save her. In the end, both girls were rescued and brought back to the Angel world we know.
In the third season, Fred became a regular cast member and it took her a while to adjust. In the beginning, she spent a lot of time hiding under tables and in her rooms, but with some help from the Fang Gang, she was eventually brought out of her shell. She even put her brain power to good use and helped the gang fight evil. As the season progressed, Fred even started to build a relationship with fellow evil fighter, Gunn. The two faced many challenges, but it quickly became clear that they both loved each other a lot and could withstand those challenges.
Amy Acker is a native of Dallas, Texas where she grew up with her family. She studied acting at college and had a few minor acting roles before taking on the big role of Fred on Angel. Currently, she has worked on couple of minor films: "Groom Lake" and "The Accident."