"I've Got You Under My Skin"
Story by: David Greenwalt and Jeannine Renshaw
Teleplay by: Jeannie Renshaw
Directed By: Robert David Price

Wesley shows Angel a knife that Wesley later discovers is for killing demons that are already extinct. Cordelia has a bad attempt at making brownies and when she and Wesley begin to argue over her cooking, Angel tries to break it up and accidentally calls Wesley, "Doyle." At their new home, Seth and Paige Anderson put their kids to bed, but they place padlocks on the doors, locking their son and daughter in. Cordelia talks with Angel about Doyle's death. Angel admits that he misses Doyle. Cordelia gets one of her visions that sends Angel and Wesley to the Anderson house.
The young Anderson boy, Ryan, is nearly hit by a car when he walks out into the street that night, but is saved by Angel. Ryan's parents come outside and when Paige notices that Angel is cut, she invites him inside so she can tend to the wound. Seth is very rude and eager for Angel to leave while Paige invites Angel to dinner the next night. Cordelia check's the family's background and finds that they're constantly on the move. Complaints of disturbances, and Wesley's discovery of plakticine outside the house indicates that someone in the house is possessed by a demon.
Angel brings brownies to dinner that night, which contain eucalyptus power. After everyone takes a bite, the powder reveals that an Ethros demon is possessing Ryan. After talking with the parents, Angel brings Ryan to his place where they keep him surrounded by a circle of binding powder. The powder will keep everyone safe from the demon while they gather materials for the exorcism. Angel and Wesley go to church, but find that the priest they need to perform the ritual had been killed by another demon six months ago.
Angel doesn't want Wesley to try and perform the exorcism, but Angel can't hold a cross and they have no choice but to let Wesley perform it. As Wesley reads about the Ethros demon and exercising it from the boy's body, he discovers that the demon immediately looks for a new host and that usually kills the new host. Paige can't keep away from her son and runs to him. The demon shuts the door on everyone else and the boy strangles Paige.
Wesley chants in Latin, holding a cross to the possessed boy and Paige is set free. Cordelia goes to find an Ethros box that will hold the demon when it is exorcised. Wesley tries to work with the boy, but the demon reads his mind and uses it to distract Wesley. In a moment of anger, Wesley crosses the circle of binding powder and he is stabbed in the neck with a cross. When the boy starts to talk about Doyle, Angel gets fed up and charges into the room to perform the exorcism.
Cordelia finally shows up, but with a Shoreshack box and not an Ethros box. When the demon is exorcised from the boy, it breaks the box in half and is free. The Ethros demon is on the loose, and they go searching sea caves in order to find the demon before it possesses another body. Angel and Wesley talk to the Ethros demon, and discover that the boy is actually so much more evil than the demon. The Ethros demon was so frightened of the soulless boy that he was trying to kill him and get out of the boy's body.
Ryan steals matches from his father, blocks his parent's door shut and then spreads gasoline all through his sister's room while she sleeps. Dropping the match, he sets the bedroom ablaze. Angel breaks through the window and rescues the girl while Wesley gets the family outside. Kate comes with the police and they take the boy away.
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