"Rm W/ A Vu"

Written by: David Greenwalt and Jane Espenson
Directed By: Scott McGinnis

At the office, Cordelia is too distracted complaining to Doyle about not getting a role in a commercial to answer the phone. It turns out it is Aura who's called, and then Cordelia leaves early. At Doyle's request, Angel talks a bit about what Cordelia used to be like back in High School. At her incredibly rundown apartment, Cordelia finds lights that don't work, brown water comes from the faucet, and then finally the multitude of roaches makes her call Doyle for help. On his way to answer the phone, Doyle runs into a little trouble, as a demon collecting money from him either wants the money, or Doyle's life. Fortunately, Doyle is able to get away with a wounded hand. Cordelia however, goes straight to Angel's place, interrupting his shower and moving herself in.

The next morning, Doyle goes down to Angel's place and finds Cordelia there. The exchange of words between her and Angel about peanut butter on the bed leads him to the wrong conclusions, but Angel quickly explains. Doyle asks some questions, and finds out that Cordelia gave out his address to the demon collecting from him. Having noticed the bruise on Doyle's hand, Angel tricks him into thinking someone was there to collect money. Doyle tells him what's going on and they make a deal: Angel will take care of the demon if Doyle finds Cordelia an apartment.

Doyle and Cordelia go hunting for an apartment, and after many failed attempts, Doyle calls someone he knows and they find a beautiful apartment at a cheap price. Of course, later that night, Cordelia discovers that the reason it's cheap, beautiful, and available is because it's haunted. Angel meets up with the demon collecting money from Doyle at Doyle's apartment. Using a little violent persuasion, he tells the demon he'll get the money, but then they leave Doyle alone. Doyle's not happy that he has to pay, but he is grateful he gets to live.

Desperate to keep the apartment, Cordelia pretends not to be affected by all the moving objects and blowing wind that the ghost is trying to use to make her leave. Angel and Doyle stop by to check out her new place, and after discovering the place is haunted, and that the ghost obviously wants Cordelia out, they make her leave with them. At the office, they research to see who the ghost might be and how to get rid of them. They believe it's Maude Pearson, who used to own the building and also lived in one of the apartments. Doyle leaves to get the supplies they need to get rid of the ghost while Angel pays a visit to Kate to see if any police records could be of help.

Cordelia gets a call from Angel telling her to meet him at the apartment. However, when Angel calls Doyle, and they hear the conversation saved on the answering machine, it's revealed that it wasn't Angel on the phone. At the apartment, Cordelia finds that the ghost of Maude Pearson was just playing tricks, and that she thinks Cordelia is the girl who wanted to marry her son and take him away from his mother. Doyle and Angel arrive to perform the spell and find Cordelia an emotional mess because of what the ghost said to her. Wind blowing, objects flying, and Cordelia is too preoccupied with crying and feeling sorry for herself to help complete the spell, they try to leave. Instead, they are greeted by the Caliph demon and two friends, all armed with guns.

While the demons are occupied with fighting against Doyle and Angel, Cordelia is pulled back into the bedroom where Maude's ghost attacks her verbally. Suddenly, something inside Cordelia snaps, and she's back to her old self, telling the ghost off. Meanwhile, as the wind and flying objects stop, Angel kills the last demon. Cordelia comes out of the bedroom, and suddenly her eyes turn an icy blue color, and she grabs a lamp. With all her strength, she knocks down a brick wall with the metal stand of the lamp, revealing a skeleton behind the wall. Flashing back, we see that Maude Pearson didn't want her son, Dennis to run away with a girl, tied him up, and then built the wall up around him, leaving Dennis to die.

Angel talks to Doyle about the way he lives, and Doyle says it'll get better, it'll just take some time. Cordelia loves her new apartment and raves about it to Aura on the phone. She does have to share the apartment though, with the much less-scary ghost of Dennis Pierson.

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