It's the End...

As if you hadn't noticed already... the sites are no longer updated. Two years ago I decided to "retire" from the Buffy/Angel website biz at the end of Buffy's 7th season, regardless of any future either show had. And I am. The sites will remain in their current condition for as long as I can afford to keep them running. I hope to keep them both online at least through the duration of Angel's 5th season, but beyond that, I can't make any promises.

Part of the reason that this notice is so late is that I was debating over whether to continue the sites in some way with new management, to shut them down or to keep them running in an non-updated form. After much thought, I've finally decided that the sites will remain, without update for as long as I can afford it, but I won't be handing over the reigns to anyone else. Over the past 5 years that I've been running Buffy and Angel sites, I've always designed and updated my own pages, even though I've received an enormous amount of help from friends and fellow fans as far as gathering content and editing. My sites are a big part of me and even though I'm moving on to focus on school and my eventual career, I, perhaps selfishly, wish to keep the sites my own, even if it means they are never updated again.

For now though, I'll let the sites stand as a reference with what information they already have. I will be moving the galleries back to and making that server as the main host of my sites. AngelicView will remain for a potential home of my message boards in the future.

I hope the sites have been enjoyable for fans over the years and thank you for all of your help and support.


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