"City Of"

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Reviewed by: Patricia R.D.
Number rating: 9/10

"City Of" lived up to every expectation tha I had and more. David Boreanaz and Co. show us they can hold their own in the City Of Angels. Hopefully, this is the beggining of a beautiful series. (Hey, it just started airing here)

Reviewed by: Kerri
Number rating: 10/10

The show "Angel" being a spin from one of my favorites "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was the real way you would be able to understand was if you were to watch Buffy. But in this episode it gave the whole story of Angel and Buffy and a few minutes...Plus it showed what your were going to get into by watching the show and well by watching this first episode it would really determin if you were ever going to watch it again or not...and yet of course I have never missed one.....

Reviewed by: Nadia
Number rating: 10/10

City Of.. is an excellent episode in terms of learning what other bad things are out there other than the Hellmouth. How Angel's purpose in this world came to be, the introduction of Doyle was simply amazing, how they made Cordelia's place in Angel's life make sense, and the evil lurking around L.A. Wolfram and Hart is an excellent villainous edition. The story had many twists and turns and just about when I thought he would save the damsel in distress, David and Joss just did a 180 degree on me. I believe this show will certainly develope it's own following. How could you hate this new show with a Bar Stool scene like that!!!

Reviewed by: Mary
Number rating: 10/10

'City Of' was a great episode. I became a new fan of 'Buffy the Vampire Slyer' only recently, so I didn't knew a lot about Angel. the introduction Doyle gave was excellent and funny as well! I gave it a definite 10 and I'm sure it's going to be just as successful as 'Buffy' itself!

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