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Reviewed by: DuCkY
Number rating: 8/10
I thought that this episode was quite good. Except for the corny parts in which Angel tries to give Cordy a pep talk when she's a basket case..but other than that, I thought this ep was worth watching. Especially for the Angel-in-only-a-towel scene.. :)
Reviewed by: Lydia
Number rating: 8/10
Sonanmublist may never overcome the number 1 postion (held by IRWY) as favorite ep for most people but it does for me. This episode is clean of inconsistancies, full of plot twists and best of all, you don't end up crying at the end! It's the first ep where the they show Wesley-Angel-Cordelia working as a team. I found the flashbacks to be a little boring, as Penn and Angel (And Angelus too) are more interesting to watch in modern times. I was glad that Kate finally found out the truth, and even more pleased to see that she used her brains to outwit an oponant who was a lot stronger then she was.
Reviewed by: Tamara
Number rating: 10/10
Excellent episode! rivoting! very well written! It really gets into character growth and pulls us into that supernatural world. Both reality and the supernatural clash. This line just says it all. "No you haven't heard a word, not now, not yet, because there are some things in this world you are just not ready to face."-Angel to Kate while grabbing her crucifix and burning his hand. That stare he gave Kate was SO intense and really grabbed me!
Reviewed by: lindsay
Number rating: 9/10
I totally loved the interaction between kate and angel in this episode. im not really for the 'ship at all, but the way she reacted to finding out about angel was classic. i couldnt have dont it better myself if i found out vampires were really. Penn the bad guy in this show was totally hot and had a lot of energy going on. the only reason i didnt give this episode a ten was that the dialogue between wesley and cordelia lagged a bit. this is my favorite episode soo far!!!
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