All of the banners on this page were made for TBC&S by others! The author is credited above the banner. (Although the author credit won't show up when you put one of these banners on your site.) You are welcome to use any of these to link to my site but, you may not link directly to any of the pages within my site (other than the main pages) without my permission or to the banner graphics themselves.
If you need assistance with the HTML code, please copy the code below the graphic. Just replace the file name with the correct location of the file once it's been uploaded to your *own* server.
If you'd rather place a smaller graphic on your site, you can use any of these buttons.
Thank You.
<a href="">
<img src="bcs1.gif" alt="The Buffy Cross & Stake" border=0></a>
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<img src="tbcsbanner21.jpg" alt="The Buffy Cross & Stake" border=0></a>
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<img src="tbcsbanner2.jpg" alt="The Buffy Cross & Stake" border=0></a>
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<img src="tbcsbanner4.jpg" alt="The Buffy Cross & Stake" border=0></a>
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<img src="tbcsbanner14.jpg" alt="The Buffy Cross & Stake" border=0></a>
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<img src="buffycrossstake.jpg" alt="The Buffy Cross & Stake" border=0></a>
This page was last updated 8-3-01