Written by Rob Des Hotel & Dean Batali ~ Directed by Bruce Seth Green

Oz and Willow talk about their date the night before at the movies. Willow continues to try and drop hints for Oz to kiss her but he doesn't pick up on any of them. Larry, the hormone driven jerk of the school, harasses Oz about his relationship with Willow while she complains to Buffy about how far they haven't gotten. Willow accidentally mentions "boyfriend" to Buffy. Buffy says that she is holding okay without Angel, but it is still hard.

That night, Xander and Cordelia are making out in her dad's car. He can't shut his mouth about how he can't stand Willow being with Oz. Cordelia argues with him and finally gives up. She opts to take him home, but suddenly, a werewolf sticks his hand through the roof of her Daddy's convertible. They knock the werewolf off the car and drive away. The next day, Buffy and Giles examine the car and prepare for another force to fight in Sunnydale.

In Gym class, the students are learning self-defense. While signing up, Larry reveals he got thirty-nine stitches from a dog bite, and Oz reveals that his cousin, who doesn't like to be tickled, bit him. Buffy sticks up for a girl, Theresa, but Willow spoils her fun by reminding her that she can't be a super-human in front of others. While pretending to be weak, Buffy tries to flip her partner, Larry over to the ground. He makes the mistake of putting his hand where it wasn't wanted and Buffy flipped him onto his back.

Later in the Library, Giles explains the whole concept of werewolves to Buffy, Xander, and Willow. They determine that they won't kill the werewolf since the werewolf is still human most of the time. That night, Giles and Buffy go searching at the local make-out spot and hunt for werewolves. Giles suggests that they knock on a few windows but Buffy assures him that no one has seen anything!

She wonders off to look for the werewolf but is caught in a poacher's net. He lets her down and nearly gets his head bit of by Giles when he mistakenly suggests Buffy and Giles were a "couple". While at the Bronze, Willow and Cordelia talk about the existent and not-so-existent relationships. Then a werewolf come crashing through the ceiling and scares everyone away. Buffy and Giles get there just in time. Buffy is locked into the Bronze and finds the werewolf. While attempting to put a chain around his neck, she is thrown aside and the werewolf escapes. The poacher, Mr. Cain gives Buffy a lecture about how she let him go.

Meanwhile, Angel hunts down Theresa. He befriends her then sucks her dry. The werewolf finds Theresa's blood trail and encounters Angel when it finds the body. Angel backs off leaving the werewolf staring at the dead Theresa. Later that night Buffy returns to the car to hear on the radio that Theresa was found dead. The police linked her death to those of the recent animal mauling. Early the next morning, the werewolf is sleep then morphs into Oz. He wakes up naked and very much confused. When he gets home he calls his Aunt to find that his cousin Jordy (the one who bit him) is a werewolf. At school Oz is very jumpy and nervous.

In the library, Buffy and everyone talk about how they are going to catch the werewolf. Xander tries to put himself into the werewolf's position because he remembers everything from his "hyena" experience. He comes to the conclusion that the werewolf is Larry and goes to talk to him. Oz leaves the library and Willow coldly. Xander goes to confront Larry about being the werewolf but Larry reveals to Xander that he's gay. Xander then finds himself in a very uncomfortable position after what he said to Larry to get him to confess. Now, Larry believes that Xander is gay too.

While trying to figure out how who could be the werewolf, Buffy and Willow talk about how Willow is working alone. Afterwards, Buffy and Xander go to check up on Theresa because of Buffy's hunch that a werewolf was not the cause of her death. They find that a vampire killed her. While signing the guestbook, Xander notices that Theresa is a vampire. Buffy and her fight and just before Buffy stakes her she happens to mention that "Angel sends his love". Buffy is distracted and the stake is kicked from her. Xander then stakes the vampire and comforts Buffy.

Mr. Cain prepares for the final night of the hunt while Giles and Buffy do the same. Their intentions are different though. At home, Oz gets out chains to protect him and others from his werewolf side. However, Willow interrupts him and goes on about how he's been treating her so terribly lately. He keeps trying to get rid of her but she refuses. Then he changes into a werewolf and chases after her through the woods. She stumbles and falls but the werewolf doesn't attack. He smells something and heads into another direction. Willow rushes to Sunnydale High to tell Giles and Buffy. They all head out to tranquilize Oz.

Cain tries to lour the werewolf to him with fresh meat. Before he gets the chance to fire, Buffy kicks him out of the way. The werewolf attacks Buffy and she struggles with him for several moments while Giles tries to get a clean shot. Buffy is thrown into Giles and Willow. Then Willow gets up and shoots Oz. The next day, Xander and Buffy discuss Larry and Oz. Buffy notices how Larry is somewhat a changed man despite Xander's quietness. Willow confronts Oz and they both apologize for what has been going on. Oz offers to leave Willow alone but she says that she would like to have him around. She walks off then turns back and kisses him. She walks away leaving Oz to say: "A werewolf in love!"

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Last Updated: 2-25-00