Written & Directed by Joss Whedon

Anya, who is now a mere human being, begs a demon for him to create a temporal fold in time and allow her to go back and retrieve her amulet. The demon denies her request and she vows to get the amulet back with or without his help. At school, Willow practices floating a pencil while Buffy does sit-ups in preparation for Slayer testing. When the topic of Faith comes up, Willow looses her emotional control over the pencil and it goes flying into a tree.

Principal Snyder tells Willow that she is going to be tutoring one of the basketball team stars, Percy West in History. Later at the library, Giles asks Willow to re-attempt breaking into the Mayor's files. Faith and Wesley come in, after training on the obstacle field and Wesley is a bit tired. Faith finds out about Willow searching through the Mayor's files and informs him of it. The Mayor presents Faith with a brand new, fully-furnished apartment and then tells her that he plans to have some vampires kill Willow so she is out of the way and unable to access his computer.

Back at school, Oz meets up with Willow and informs her about a gig the Dingoes had the other night that she didn't know about. When Willow confronts Percy about tutoring him, she finds out that Principal Snyder's real intentions were for her to do all of his work for him. Buffy and Xander ask her if she recorded "Biography" for them the other night, and Willow gets upset that she is considered "Old Reliable," then storms away.

Anya finds Willow and asks her to help her with a spell which she does. The two perform the spell in a empty classroom, and as it's working, several scary images from "The Wish" flash before their eyes. When the spell is over, and unsuccessful, Willow is very frightened by what she saw and refuses to try the spell again. In an abandoned warehouse, the Willow from "The Wish" universe has appeared instead of the amulet.

The Evil Willow walks through the streets of Sunnydale and is very confused by this world where people walk the streets happily at night. She enters the Bronze where Percy finds her and orders her to finish his paper, but instead she attacks him. Xander breaks up the fight and Evil Willow recognizes him from her world only to be disappointed by the fact that he's not the same. Buffy is surprised by the new leather look for Willow and even more surprised when she finds out that Willow is a vampire.

Later that night, Evil Willow is attacked by two vampires but they don't expect her to fight back and kick their asses. She holds one down and finds out who he works for by breaking his fingers. Finally after breaking a few fingers, he acknowledges that he works for her. Buffy and Xander return to the Library and inform Giles about Willow and the three just sit there depressed until the real Willow shows up. A cross has no effect on her which convinces them that this is the real Willow, and then all three--including Giles--hug her. Willow is terribly confused and scared by the fact that there is a vampire walking around town looking exactly like her.

Anya tries to get a beer at the bar, claiming she's 1120 years old but gets carded and she settles for a coke. Angel shows up, asking Oz if he's seen Buffy and then Evil Willow and her minions break in, taking over the Bronze. Angel leaves to get Buffy and Oz watches as she demonstrates the good and bad of cooperating with the vampires by killing a girl. Oz tries to talk to her, then Anya walks up and presents the idea of getting back to Evil Willow's world.

Angel tells Buffy and the gang about Willow being dead, before he notices she's standing right next to him. They all leave to go stop what's going on at the Bronze but Willow goes back for something and instead gets caught by the Evil Willow. The two banter back and forth before finally Willow shoots her evil double with the dart gun and locks her up in the library cage. At Buffy's suggestion, the two Willow's switch clothes in order to save the people at the Bronze. Willow, uncomfortable in the leather attire does her best to pose as the Evil Willow while the rest of the Scooby Gang waits outside.

Cordelia arrives at the library, dressed up for Wesley, and finds Evil Willow locked up in the cage. Before unlocking it though, she opts for the chance to discuss Willow stealing Xander away from her. After a long lecture, the evil Willow is nearly out of her mind and apologizes. Finally when let out of the cage, she reveals that she's a vampire and chases Cordelia through the school, finally ending up in a bathroom. Wesley, having heard Cordelia scream shows up, convinces the vampire to leave and is rewarded with a hug from Cordelia. She asks what he's doing that night.

After Willow's not-so-convincing act at the Bronze, Anya convinces the other vampires that their leader is a fake and then the party is crashed by Buffy and Angel who start taking out vamps left and right. Willow and Oz escape off to the side just in time for Evil Willow to show up and attack. She throws Oz out of the way and then starts choking Willow. Buffy breaks it up, but is stopped just before she can stake the vampire. Willow wants to send her back to the other universe and not kill her. They do just that and Evil Willow goes back just in time for Oz to push her up against the broken piece of wood and she manages to say, "Oh, fu..." before combusting into dust.

The next day, Buffy asks Willow if she's like to go out that night, but she can't because of all the homework she has. Percy shows up, and before Willow can apologize for not doing his work, he presents her with two papers on both President Roosevelt's. Evil Willow scared him good, thus freeing up Willow's schedule.

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Last Updated: 2-25-00