Beer Bad
Written by Tracey Forbes ~ Directed by David Solomon
At the cemetery, Buffy rescues Parker from three vampires and then he thanks her for saving his life and asks for forgiveness. Buffy then wakes up from her daydream in Psychology class to see Parker flirting with another girl. On campus, Buffy studies while Xander informs her and Willow that he's the new bartender at the campus Pub. Buffy's still stuck on Parker, and hoping that he'll come back wanting to pursue a relationship with her.
That night, Xander struggles as the bartender, finding it difficult to deal with Buffy enters the bar, and while her eyes are fixated on Parker sitting with another girl, she runs into Riley. He tells her Parker's bad news, and that he only uses a girl and then moves on to another one. An intelligent upperclassman makes fun of Xander and the fact that he's nothing more than a bartender. Xander spots Buffy at the bar and tries to console her but must get back to work. On her way out, Buffy runs into another guy who, with the help of his friends persuades her to stay and drink with them. Seeing Parker leave with the other girl, Buffy accepts and ends up getting drunk with these very intelligent college guys.
At the Bronze, Willow and Oz watch the new band "Shy," play. Oz can't seem to keep his eyes off of the band's lead singer, Veruca. Willow is slightly disturbed by this, but says nothing. The next morning, Willow finds Buffy hungover and sitting in front of the TV, mesmerized by the bright colors and tiny people. In Psychology class that day, Buffy's weird behavior continues when she sees another girl eating in class and quickly snatches the sandwich. Later at the bar, she again gets completely drunk with the guys, and their once intelligent behavior has diminished incredibly to primal grunts and short sentences. Xander turns on the jukebox, and Buffy is amazed by the box that sings. Then, Xander cuts her off from the beer and sends her back to her dorm room to sleep.
After briefly noticing that 'girl' is gone, the four, previously smart guys all change into cavemen-like creatures. Xander scares them away with the fire from his lighter, then confronts his boss. His boss however is responsible because he had his brother, a warlock, create a potion to be mixed with the "Black Frost" beer and it brings out the primal side in its drinkers. Xander then goes to Giles for help and together they go to find Buffy. At the Bronze, Willow finds Parker and demands an explanation. He explains that he was just looking for sex without the commitment, and he didn't intend to lead Buffy on and make her think it was anything else. Giles and Xander find Buffy in her dorm room, where she has painted figures on the walls, spins around in a chair and amuses herself with things around the room until Giles mentions beer and she runs off to find some.
Meanwhile, the four cavemen have been out running around the streets. They check out garbage, cars, and girls. At the Bronze, Parker attempts to charm Willow, and while she pretends that she's falling for it at first, in the end she tells him she wasn't. The cavemen charge into the Bronze carrying girls with them, and knock Willow and Parker out with wooden clubs. They build a fire, but it quickly gets out of hand and spreads to the rest of the bar. Outside, Xander manages to catch up with Buffy just as she spots that the bar is on fire. Something inside of her is able to determine that fire is bad, and she crashes through the wall and tries to put out the fire, but doesn't know how. Spotting Willow on the ground, and then a window, Buffy breaks the window and carries Willow out while the other cavemen and their captured girls also find safety through the window.
After seeing Parker on the floor, she clubs him over the head, and then carries him out as well. The cavemen are locked into a car, and the only lesson Buffy has learned about beer is that it's foamy. Parker approaches Buffy again, and her dream begins to really happen as he apologizes and thanks her for saving his life. However, Buffy doesn't seem to care and just hits him over the head again with her club. Her friends walk up and look down on him, and then they all walk away.
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Last Updated: 5-19-00