![]() The Buffy Cross & Stake's Photo Galleries are comprised of promotional pictures and original scans from magazines, books, photos, postcards and trading cards. I pride myself on the fact that the galleries consists of images in the best possible quality that they can be in. All images scanned, go through an extensive editing process to remove any text, errors, etc. They are cropped, colored and fixed up to be the best. This is why I ask for some form of credit for the work I do on them when putting these pictures up at your own site. I put a lot of work into editing these pictures (some can take hours to fix up) and I doubt even a link to my site will do you any harm. On very few images do I put a site label to keep people from reproducing the image without asking and therefore, I'd really appreciate credit.
Other images, that I have not scanned are credited to their rightful owner. Aside from the fact that I do own the magazines, books, photos, postcards, and trading cards, I hold no ownership over the images. I also make no money from these images which I've scanned or any of the Buffy related products which I've bought to get these scans. I have no intentions of taking credit for the actual photo themselves, and my intentions of editing the photos is only to provide fans with the best quality of an image by removing what magazines and books put over the images.
All I ask for, is some sort of a mention that shows you are not trying to take the credit for the work I put into these photos. A text/banner link on your links page is even fine. Or, a statement that claims that the images were found at my site is appreciated. If you are willing to put up a graphic for my site, you can choose between my site's Banners and Buttons. I realize that as soon as I put up new photos, minutes later, they'll be on every mailing list, and addresses will be posted on posting boards and discussion lists everywhere. I can't stop that, so I ask that if you pass these pictures around, just say you found them at The Buffy Cross & Stake. It wouldn't hurt, and I won't have to keep putting my site label on every picture. I hate doing that, but I hate it more when hours of editing work go down the drain because no one pays any attention to the fact that removing borders, and fixing color and editing out text takes a lot of time and is not an easy thing to do.
I do spend a lot of my free time checking over web sites and if I do find that you've used the pictures I've scanned and edited (even worse, linked them from my site) without asking me or linking to or at least mentioning my site, I will e-mail you about it. I'm sure you wouldn't want anyone stealing the material you provide at your site and taking the credit for it, so why would I?
If you are unsure about the original location an image came from, and you'd like to use it on your site, just e-mail me about it. As most who've e-mailed me know, I do my absolute best to e-mail everyone back whether they've e-mailed me with comments, praise or questions about my site. Although I can't get back to everyone, I do try. Questions regarding the photo galleries are almost always answered because I am very serious about seeing that credit goes where credit is deserved.
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