Official Buffy Magazine Guide
These magazines summaries are not official, and were written by me. They are just to give fans an idea of what they can expect to find in each issue. Many of the issues can be bought at PowerStar. You should be able to find the most recent issue at your local newsstand.
Official Magazine #1:
This issue contains interviews with Joss Whedon, David Boreanaz, Seth Green, and the character of Principal Snyder. The issue also contains several sections that give a glimps to the behind the scenes world of Buffy, complete with pictures. Todd McIntosh, the head make-up artist for Buffy offers steps of how the make-up is applied. An episode guide for season 1 and 2 and a look at the Buffy comics are also included.
Official Magazine #2:
In this issue, the cast members talk about their high school experiences and there is a guide to Buffy speak. Interviews with Anthony Stewart Head, Charisma Carpenter, Eliza Dushku and the characters of Spike and Drusilla are all included. There's also a look at the library set, and the Summers home. An article is also in the issue on the special effects used for the demons and vampires on the show.
Official Magazine #3:
Issue number 3 has a great article on the music of Buffy, and an article on the set design of Buffy. There are interviews with Kristine Sutherland (Joyce Summers), the costume designer, Cynthia Bergstrom, the character of Lyle Gorch, Mark Metcalf (The Master) and Robia LaMorte. A behind the scenes look at Buffy's bedroom and the streets of Sunnydale are included. The issue also contains a guide to choosing a stake, the cars used on Buffy.
Official Magazine #4:
In this 4th issue, you can find an article on the departure of Angel and Cordelia from Buffy to the new Angel series. A behind the scenes look at the Mansion, and the make-up demons of Sunnydale. There are interviews with James Marsters and the Mayor, Harry Groener and the character of Willy the Snitch. A look at the various villains that have been on the series.
Official Magazine #5:
Issue 5 contains a behind the scenes look at the college set, including Buffy's dorm room. Interviews with Eliza Dushku (Faith), and the background star character Jonathon (Danny Strong). On the Angel side of this issue, there's an introductory article on the new series, a behind the scenes look at the series and set. An interview with the actor behind the new character Doyle (Glenn Quinn) as well as an interview with the evil character from Buffy, Willow--from the alternate universe.
Official Magazine #6:
This issue contains a behind the scenes look at Xander's basement home, The Initiative, and for the Angel series, Cordelia's appartment. There's an interview with Marc Blucas (Riley) and Elisabeth Rohm (Kate on Angel). Tod McIntosh gives a glimps into a day as a make-up artist as he details his daily activities. There are short articles on Harmony and Parker as well as a guide to surving college, and the music on Buffy.
Official Magazine #7:
In this issue, you can find interviews with Buffy's Professor Walsh, Lindsay Crouse, and Angel's Wesley, Alexis Denisof. There's a fun article on monsters and a great feature on the Buffy editing team. The issue also contains an article on Buffy's former roommate from Hell, Kathy. An interview with the character of Harmony is included as well as many fun articles on the work the fans are doing and Buffy's spread all over the world.
Official Magazine #8:
In addition to all the usual material of fan artwork and letters, this issue contains commentary and pictures from the Official Posting Board Party, and information on the star's upcoming movie roles. An article on exorcism (inspired by the Angel episode, "I've Got You Under My Skin") accompany interviews with Nicholas Brendon, Amber Benson (Tara), and the Wolfram and Hart lawyer (from Angel), Lindsey MacDonald. A guide to all the major villains of both the Buffy and the Angel series cover the last 10 pages of the magazine.
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