August 2005

08/29/05 - Chapter Sixteen of In Omne Tempus is now up

08/28/05 - Chapter Twenty-Eight of GoCR has been added, concluding Part I of the series. Also, have added several nominations for Harbingers of Beatrice, In Omne Tempus, and Yellow Brick Road for the Blood Ties Awards. Harbingers of Beatrice has also been nominated for several things at The SunnyD Awards. Thank you so much to whoever nominated me!

08/26/05 - Chapter Fifteen of In Omne Tempus is now up

08/23/05 - Chapter Fourteen of In Omne Tempus is now up

08/20/05 - Chapter Thirteen of In Omne Tempus is now up

08/17/05 - Chapter Twelve of In Omne Tempus is now up

08/16/05 - Chapter Twenty-Seven of GoCR has been added

08/15/05 - Chapter Eleven of In Omne Tempus is now up

08/14/05 - Parts 1-5 of The Other Side Of Midnight, my entry for the Spuffy Smuttathon, have been added.

08/13/05 - Chapter Ten of In Omne Tempus is now up

08/11/05 - Chapter Nine of In Omne Tempus is now up

08/09/05 - Chapter Eight of In Omne Tempus is now up.

08/07/05 - Chapter Seven of In Omne Tempus is now up.

08/05/05 - Chapter Six of In Omne Tempus is now up.

08/03/05 - Chapter Five of In Omne Tempus is now up.

08/01/05 - Chapter Four of In Omne Tempus and Chapter Twenty-Six of GoCR have been added.