July Updates

07/30/05 - Chapter Three of In Omne Tempus is now up.

07/28/05 - Chapter Two of In Omne Tempus is now up.

07/26/05 - Chapter One of In Omne Tempus is now up.

07/25/05 - Chapter Twenty-Five of GoCR is up.

07/23/05 - Added some new nominations for Dancing in the Moonlight, Needlework, Cupidity, Shades of Heaven, and an author nomination.  All were from the Fool For Love Awards.  Thank you so, so much to whoever nominated me!  Also, Nightingale has been nominated for Best Short and Best Angst at the Blood Ties Awards.  Thank you so much!

Coming soon: Chapter 25 of GoCR, and the first chapter of a new story, In Omne Tempus.

07/18/05 - Have added some new awards for Dancing in the Moonlight (Best Fluffy), Harbingers of Beatrice (runner-up for Best OC), and Nightingale (Best Short, runner-up for Best BtVS Rewritten).  Thank you to everyone who voted for me at the Spuffy Awards. Have also received a few nominations from LSA for Needlework and Once Upon A Dream, and a couple for Shades of Heaven at Raison D'Etre.  Thank you all so very much.  It means a lot.

There should be a fic update soon.  I'm working on my smuttathon assignment as well as Chapter 25 of GoCR.  I also intend to begin a new challenge response to one of the many wonderful suggestions at BSV.  Check back soon!

07/14/05 - All links/nomination buttons, and everything else is up.

07/12/05 - Have added all fics that are currently planned for archival.  Am still working on adding links and nomination buttons, which is fine, as this site has yet to go public.