October Updates

10/29/05 - Part Five of Rough and Tumble is now up, completing that series. In Omne Tempus and Once Upon A Dream have won a few things at the Breathless Awards. Thank you to whoever nominated me.

Sadly, I must announce that as of now, In Omne Tempus is on hiatus. I hate doing this, especially since I have only five chapters left, but I have a ficathon fic to finish that will demand all of my attention so I can have it complete by my posting date. Hopefully, it won't take me very long to write finish said ficathon piece, and the hiatus won't be more than a week or so.

10/20/05 - Chapter Twenty-Nine of In Omne Tempus has been added

10/18/05 - Part Three of Rough and Tumble is now up

10/17/05 - Part Two of Rough and Tumble is now up. Also, I have picked up several awards from LLGA, The Spuffy Awards, and 12 Months of BtVS for In Omne Tempus, Needlework, The Other Side of Midnight and my Angel/Darla fic, Blood And Roses. I have also added some of my rough attempts at artwork.

10/14/05 - Chapter Twenty-Eight of In Omne Tempus has been added

10/13/05 - Part One of a new fic, Rough and Tumble, is now up. Also, I picked up several things at the Lost In Spike AwardsNeedlework, In Omne Tempus, Once Upon A Dream, Grey Gardens of Shadowed Rapture, and Gardens of Crimson Roses all picked up awards, and I won a Judge's Choice for Best Author. Thank you all so much for the nominations!

There will be another update either tomorrow or Saturday, with a new chapter of In Omne Tempus, and hopefully another from Megan, as well.

10/08/05 - Chapter Twenty-Seven of In Omne Tempus has been added

10/05/05 - Voting is open at the SunnyD Awards, where Harbingers of Beatrice is up for several things. Make sure you go over and vote. There are some lovely fics up there. Also, The Other Side Of Midnight has won a Judge's Choice award at the RDAs (now retired). Also, Needlework and Grey Gardens of Shadowed Rapture have been nominated at the Fang Fetish Awards. Thank you so much to whoever nominated me! 

There should be a fiction update before the week is through. I apologize for the delay, but I am under loads of schoolwork.

10/01/05 - Chapter Twenty-Six of In Omne Tempus has been added