By Tista

Disclaimer: No copyright infringements is intended.

Rating: R with B/S pairing. This chapter is PG-13ish.

Summary: Buffy travels back in time, and encounters a punk rock Spike.

Spoilers: Inspired by events in the season 7 ep, Lies My Parents Told Me. It's what I think would happen if Wood and Giles would have gotten their way.

Author's Notes: It was the first fic that I wrote, and I made myself cry at one point. The club is supposed to be like CBGB in New York. I have not personally been there, and I wasn't there in '77, cause I was like a toddler then. Also I imagine the Ramones had just finished playing when Buffy entered the club, I didn't want to get caught up in details, I was focused on telling the story from Buffy's placement in this strange setting.

Distribution: My site, my affiliates, anyone I send it to. Although, I like to house things on my site, if I need to make changes.

Feedback: Yes. E-mail me with comments, questions, and other stuff.

Part 1: Time Travel

Buffy took a deep breath and found herself transported to an unfamiliar place. She was disoriented, but it took a few moments for her eyes to focus. Buffy was aware of her surroundings for a moment and realized it was a rock club. It was way dirtier than the Bronze, Buffy thought to herself.

The people in the club were scruffy and many of them were dressed in punk rock styles. Other patrons looked like homeless people and others looked like prostitutes. Loud music blasted through the speakers. The floor was littered with trash, beer bottles, and other debris. Buffy picked up a discarded copy of the New York Times and looked at the date, March 25, 1977.

Buffy wondered why she was here. The last thing she remembered was crying over the ashes of Spike. When she saw a badly beaten and barely alive, Robin Wood with a stake in his hand and a pile of dust on the floor, she knew what he had done. Spike was dead. She fell to her knees in agony, weeping like a new widow.

Wood was covered in blood and bruises. He looked dead, but still gasped desperate breaths. Buffy figured it was one hell of a fight. The walls of the garage were covered in crosses, and Buffy figured that Spike was set up and caught off guard, or his trigger went off and he got sloppy. Wood didn't have the skills or the smarts to beat Spike. Wood was fueled with rage, passion, and 26 years of hatred. He also could have got very lucky, like a winning lotto ticket of death.

Giles kept her busy while Principal Wood killed Spike. Buffy felt that she could never trust anyone again, this betrayal stung hard. She flew over to Robin's house and seemed to be a few minutes late. If only she ran faster or figured out Giles was stalling her sooner; maybe she could have prevented this. She knew her world would never be the same again. A pang in her belly hit when she realized, she would never be with Spike again not just in the sexual way, but she would never get to be in the same room with him. Buffy wept in agony and guilt. A single tear fell on the ashes that were once the heart, soul, imagination, lust, humor, and loyalty of Spike.

Buffy looked around the rock club to see if she knew anyone and if they could help her figure out why she was here. Buffy knew that he lived in New York City around this time, plus her Slayer sense alerted her whenever he was around. Scanning the crowd his image caught here eye; he looked the same only his hair was spikier. Spike was alone sitting at a table drinking a beer. He wore black leather, but not his signature duster.

She walked over to his table. Buffy noticed Spike checking her out and it pleased her. If the Spike she knew was gone, Buffy wanted to spend time with this Spike and change fate. A last chance, this meeting had to be occurring for a reason. Finding a way to change the future was Buffy's mission of the evening.

"Hi Spike." She said as she sat down at his table.

"Do I know you?" He asked. "No. I would have remembered if I met a pretty little blonde thing like yourself."

"This is going to sound, like majority weird, but I know you. I'm from the future." She stated. "My name is Buffy, Buffy Summers."

"So pet, why is a gorgeous human traveling back in time to see me?"

"It's very strange, you probably won't believe me when I tell you the whole story." She said. "But, I think I'm here to change something, to save you."

"How could a little girl like you save a big bad like me?"

"I'm stronger than I look."

"So, in the future how do you know me? Friend, lover or mortal enemy?"

Buffy laughed. "All of the above."

Spike was pleased to find out that this girl would have sex with him. It was the first thing he thought about when he saw her. "So I'm your sire or do human girls just go for fangs and bumpy foreheads in the future?"

Buffy confessed. "I guess I'm the only girl I know that keeps on falling for vamps."

Spike became possessive instantly. "Vamps as in plural? So who's this other guy? Do I know him?"

"Oh God, you're gonna hate this. It's Angel, Angelus."

"He must of changed over the years, because I know his deal. He sleeps with a girl once and the second time they fuck he rips out her throat when he comes."

"He got his soul back, I thought you knew about that." Buffy explained. "And I only slept with him once."

"A vampire will a soul how lame is that?" Spike internally chuckled at the assumption that the only reason she slept with him once was because he was a horrible lover.

"Angel was cursed by Gypsies with a soul, but you get your soul back too, but you sought it out because you love me."

Spike was stunned by this news. He gulped more alcohol. "So I'm still cool and tough with the soul or am I a poncy brooding bugger?"

"Yes, you look and act surprisingly the same with the soul. You're a strong and valiant warrior against evil and very cool and so hot. I would say you're almost too damn sexy. "

"I'm glad you think I'm sexy, because you're quite a vision yourself."

"I saw you in the club and I thought I would be disappointed, because you would be mean to me."

He raised his scarred eyebrow. "I would never be cruel to a pretty girl that I wanted to charm into bed with me."

"Well, in the future it takes you about four years of your charm to finally convince me to have sex with you. And you want to get me into bed after one night?"

"What year are you from?" Spike asked, changing the subject.

"It was 2003 the last time I remembered." She said. "I meet you in 1997 and if it is now 1977 I haven't been born yet."

"Can I get you something to drink?" He smiled. "I mean, if we're going to be talking a while . . ."

Buffy interrupted. "Can we go somewhere else? Someplace that doesn't reek of urine."

"Let me finish this beer and I'll take you home with me." He said as he exhaled a ring of cigarette smoke.

"Is Drusilla going to be there?" She asked. "And if so, can we go somewhere else?"

"No, she's doing a little traveling with Darla ." He said. "I didn't want to go to sodding Los Angeles."

"Why not? I thought Dru and you never were apart."

"A talking bird came to her in a dream. It told her she was going to be on television if she went to California. I mean it's bloody ridiculous? We ran into Darla and she wanted to go with her."

"I know why you stayed behind."


"The Slayer."

Part 2: Hello/Goodbye

"I know you want to kill the current Slayer." Buffy confronted him directly.

Spike replied. "Well pet, I'm a vampire, I kill Slayers, it's what I do."

"Killing this Slayer, is not a good thing." She lectured. "Killing her might seem like a good idea now, but the consequences of snapping her neck on a subway will catch up on you. It will snuff you down at a good point in your unlife."

"Oh sod it. I'm not really the type of guy that plans ahead, it is not like me to think about what could happen 25 years later." Spike confessed.

"Do you know that this Slayer has a child?" She inquired.

"So are you saying, I got to kill the little bastard before he kills me?"

"Spike, he does stake you. We need to prevent it by any means necessary." Buffy pleaded. "I don't know if I can win this war without you by my side."

He said. "I don't know if we should go on about talking about changing the future. It could fuck up the outcome, if I don't kill her there may be a chain reaction of events and you and I may never meet."

"I don't think that would happen, its like fate, we always end up together, even if we don't want to." Buffy thought about what Spike said. It was kind of like in the movie Back to the Future, a cultural reference this Spike would not get.

He got up out of his seat.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

"Home. And you're coming with me." He was curious. "I wouldn't mind to hear a little about the future, but I won't let it change my actions and impulses."

Buffy got up and dusted off of her butt from the dirty chair she sat on. "But, aren't you mister unfair advantage?" She asked.

"Sometimes, but I do love a challenge, a good fight. That is why I go after Slayers." He claimed.

"Spike, I know better than that. You're not as evil as a lot of vamps. To prove you're a bad ass, you kill Slayers."

"That is completely wrong, because I'm a tough bad ass vampire. Killing slayers is just a fun hobby."

Buffy tossed a light punch to his shoulder. "O.k. Spikey, it's true if you believe it."

If you're looking for a fight, this ain't the place. My favorite club and I don't want to be 86ed, cause the Ramones are playing here next week."

"Eighty what?"

"It means to be kicked out, pet."

Buffy walked outside with him. She was glad to be out of the sea of punk rock filth. The couple walked together to Spike's apartment, it was a place he won in a poker game; it was his bachelor pad, a place to avoid the nagging sound of Drusilla when he needed a break.

As they traveled through the New York streets, Spike grabbed her hand. Buffy enjoyed his touch.

"Why do you wanna hold my hand?" She asked.

Spike answered. "I thought you and I were a thing. I thought you would like it, baby."

"We're in an off again stage." Buffy looked up at him. "If things were different, I would be with you, I love you-I just want to see if we survive the apocalypse and if we do, all I want to do is be with you."

Spike kissed her as they waited to cross a busy intersection. He ventured his tongue inside her mouth; Buffy went along with it. The kiss turned into the obligatory power play of wills, a battle of supremacy. Buffy ran her fingers through the front of his spiked hair and finally grabbed the back of his skull. His touch was the same as ever. I guess the undead, don't change that much, Buffy thought to herself.

She took the kiss to a passionate level that she didn't intend. If I can't find a way to get my Spike back, she thought, I need to savor my few moments with this Spike, because I'm with him for a reason.

Finally, after missing countless chances to cross the street, they finally walked across the traffic.

"So pet, how do we meet?" He asked.

"You try to kill me." Buffy said.

Spike answered. "Sweetheart, if I really wanted to kill you, I would have in 2 seconds."

"Even if I'm a Slayer?" She replied.

"You're the Slayer and you're in love with me?" Spike was shocked. "You want to protect me from a staking?"

Buffy answered. "I know it is kinda weird, there are some outstanding circumstances."

"Like what? That I'm a sexy bastard?" He retorted.

"True on both counts, but you work on the side of good and we need a strong warrior like you. You've been helping us even before you got the soul."

"Really? Whatever would make a Slayer killing vamp like me ever help you?"

"Love." She said. "I think that is a lot of your reasoning, but I can't read your mind." Buffy wanted to tell Spike about the government behavior modification chip in his brain for 3 ½ years, but thought it might freak him out too much in a Clockwork Orange sort of way. The chip was an excuse for him to help her, only that Buffy thought he would help out sometimes anyway, like with the Angelus thing.

"The sex between us must be really hot, since I wager you got me whipped into becoming a do-gooder."

"That's part of it Spike. I mean the sex is mind blowing, totally amazing, but that is only part of what we share, it goes deeper than that. We were moral enemies that fell in love."

"Then why are you apart from future Spike before he got staked?" He asked.

Buffy didn't know how to answer. Why didn't she get back together with Spike when he came back with the soul? "It just hasn't happened yet, I really can't say why."

"Maybe thats why you're here, to realize you can't live without me." Spike smiled.

Buffy said. "I don't know, I just want to save you. So you can be with me, help me, support me, humor me."

"Tell me if I'm out of line, but it sounds like you want me to be your mate, a soulmate."

Buffy agreed. "I guess that's what you would call it."

Spike said as he pointed to a large apartment building. "We're here at my place."

"The whole thing belongs to you?"

"No princess, just a tiny basement apartment." He smiled.

"Oh," she realized.

"Let's go inside and we can snuggle and watch television. I got 3 channels with hardly any static." Spike bragged.

"Well buddy, you're going to love the future, you live at my house and we have 67 channels." She said as his eyes widened.

Spike said. "I think Three's Company is on tonight."

"That show creeps me out. The guy on it reminds me of this psychotic robot guy my Mom dated." Buffy replied.

"Is dating robots popular in the future?" He asked, fumbling for his keys.

"No. I mean not really. Before we go out, you bully this guy to make a robot double of me and you have sex with it." Buffy smiled.

Spike laughed and didn't know if she was telling the truth. He opened the door to his place.

Buffy was shocked when the door opened. It was a clean apartment. Punk rock posters covered the walls. Living room full of mismatched furniture and a few empty liquor bottles. The kitchen was spotless and it didn't smell bad.

Spike went to the kitchen to make drinks. Buffy looked into the bedroom. A king sized bed just barely fit in the small room. The bed looked soft and very cozy.

"Where's Miss Edith?" Buffy inquired.


"You know Drusilla's stuff. Her dolls?" She asked. "You use to tell me that her favorite doll, Miss Edith would haunt you in your dreams."

He laughed. " I eventually date a woman not obsessed toys. I hope." Spike put the drinks on the coffee table. "Do I date anyone between Drusilla and your beautiful self?"

Buffy put her feet up on the coffee table. "You date a vampire girl that collects unicorns."

"Bloody hell!" Spike sat on the couch and put his arm around her. "Quit bullshiting me, Slayer."

"I love it when you call me Slayer, it's like a cute little nickname with us." Buffy nuzzled in his arms.

"What else to you like to be called?" He asked.

"Pet, Luv, Baby, anything that rolls off your tongue with that sexy voice of yours."

"Do you want to my tongue to slide on other parts of you?" He teased and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, I do, but in a weird way, I feel that I'm cheating on future Spike, being with you, but its silly because you're Spike." Buffy confessed.

"I don't mind, you can cheat on me, only with me, got it?" He kissed her on the cheek. "I think the bedroom is calling us."

"Ok, maybe if I'm good enough you might change your ways and I can save you, somehow."

"Let's find out." Spike picked her up off the couch and carried her to the king sized bed. "I know you'll be perfect." He kissed her roughly, placed her onto the bed, and crawled on top of her.

Part 3: Stay the Same

Spike placed Buffy on the bed. Her whole body quivered with excitement, the way it always did before Spike was about to ravish her.

Spike took off his ripped punked out, Clash T-shirt barley held together with safety pins. His great body looked the same as it always had. His chest was a perfect item, something that she thought would be around for an eternity, but sadly it was something, she was viewing in the past and possibly not part of her future.

"Buffy, do you want to?" He said.

"No matter what the decade, I'm helpless against you." Buffy took off her large hoop earrings and left them on the nightstand.

Spike followed her cue and took off her black top. He gazed at her pink bra and its contents. "God, I love this chest."

"And think about it. In 20 years, you will try to kill me." Buffy reminded.

"Babe, if I would kill you it would only be to sire you. Something so beautiful to go to waste." He said as he discarded his torn jeans.

"I feel the same way about you--Spike, I can't bare to imagine you as dust."

He kissed her breasts, with sweet little pecks. Slowly these kisses developed into sucking the mounds of skin.

He was kissing her cautiously. "Do you like this baby?"

"Yea, but its o.k. You can go wild. Please unleash your vampire instinct." She begged.

"Are you sure?" He speculated. "Fangs and everything, baby?"

"Yes--Spike, I need you. The real you. All of you."

He vamped out and pounced on her zipper. Her jeans and panties were quickly ripped off her body.

The vampire then attacked her pussy furiously. Spike licked her and kissed her clit, as his fangs would graze her pussy lips. Buffy's whole body wiggled in response.

After getting her worked up, he focused on her juicy entryway. He dipped his tongue inside and jammed it in hard and fast. The fangs poked her sensitive skin, but did not draw blood. Spike's hands squeezed the soft skin of her inner thighs. Buffy arched her back and begged for an orgasm in a high pitched wail.

Spike didn't want to make her come that quickly, he wanted to be inside her. He grabbed her legs, spread them wider, and swiftly jumped on top of her. His erection lunged into position.

Buffy was shocked how animalistic he was with her. She had never had the guts to allow future Spike to be this free with her. Buffy wanted this Spike to see why he would want to listen to her warnings about the future, but she was enjoying this much more than she expected. It had been over a year since she had sex with Spike or anyone for that matter.

Spike rammed into her with such furiously that Buffy didn't think she could handle it. He growled like he was going to devour a kill. Buffy screamed out with the first penetration.

After a few minutes of bumping and grinding, Buffy came screaming "Ooh Spike, fuck me." Spike was close to coming too. It had been along time since he was with a warm human and enjoying even more because she was a Slayer and a sexy bitch.

In the heat of the moment, Spike bit her neck. The side that wasn't already scarred with fang imprints. She gasped at the incredible sensations radiating from her neck and between her legs; climaxing hard.

He gulped down her warm blood as it flowed down his throat. He came inside her and exploded with pleasure, while still feasting on her neck. His groans were muted against her skin.

Spike's fangs released the same time his cock pulled out. "Slayer." He said as blood dripped from his lips. Spike licked off the blood of her wound.

Buffy closed her eyes and basked in post orgasmic bliss.

"Is that what's it usually like?" He asked as his human face reappeared.

"I never just let you go that wild, but its been close."

He began to kiss her breasts. "Tell me about it."

"The first time, in an abandoned building was so crazy, we did everything, every way, all night long." Buffy explained.

Spike looked up from his work of kisses on her stomach. "Everything?" He inquired with exuberance.

"Yep." She said with a giggle.

"Even that sweet little arse?" He teased

Buffy blushed. "Yea, my guilty pleasure, but I need a breather, I'm spent." She wanted to leave him wanting more as a ploy for him to ensure his future survival.

"I thought a Slayer had additional strength, speed and stamina." He teased.

"A vampire has super strength as well, we're equally matched with fighting and fucking." Buffy observed.

"I could be like this forever." He said. "I guess you are my match."

Spike held Buffy close and they shared moments of uncomfortable silence. He lay next to a woman that he enjoyed being with. He could spend a long time with such a fox. Spike fell asleep with dreams of Buffy. Drusilla would know he was with someone else, but he didn't care.

Buffy fell asleep in Spike's arms. She wondered why she was sent here and if it would change the future. She didn't want to go back and deal with the death of Spike. It seemed strange that she didn't mourn him when she was with the past version of him.

She woke up alone in her bedroom; she was sleeping in the nude. Buffy thought it was the present day. Her clothes were haphazardly tossed on the floor of her room. As she lay under the covers, she couldn't remember what was a dream and what was real. Was Spike dead? Did she go back in time and sleep with Spike in 1977? Did Spike really kill Principal Wood's Mother--his second Slayer? A few moments she spent staring up at the ceiling until she couldn't stand it. Buffy put on her bathrobe and ran to the cot in her basement; it was after all Spike's bed.


In 1977, Spike woke up from what he thought was a dream. He figured he had a dream of a pretty blonde Slayer in the future. A vampire killer that fell in love with him and they had great sex to boot. He noticed the earrings on the nightstand and knew that she had truly been with him last night.

He had never forgot the night, dreaming of it quite often. Spike remembered the Slayer and was delighted to see her dancing in the Bronze in 1997. Drusilla's break up with him was not a surprise in 1998. He knew that they would one day he would work with the Slayer and they would be romantically involved. He knew he would get his soul back. These revelations didn't rule his life and sometimes he thought that his imagination playing tricks on him.

Spike did not change a thing . . . until that night. Buffy gave him the exact date, March 25, 2003. He knew he was being set up and was ready. Spike rigged up a metal plate covering his heart, protecting him from a stake through the heart. He knew he had to beat Wood to a bloody pulp and then he went home.

Buffy ran to the basement and smiled when she saw Spike sleeping peacefully. She crawled into bed with him. Buffy sweetly kissed his earlobe and whispered, "morning honey."

"Slayer is that you?" He inquired.

"Who else would be cuddling you?" Buffy asked back.

"Never know with all these women living here." He teased.

"Well, don't leave out Andrew, I think he has a crush on you." She said.

Spike changed the subject as fast as he could. "Last night was wild wasn't it? For both of us."

"Yea, so you remembered." Buffy replied.

Spike acted confused. "What?"

"I went back in time, to 1977 and I told you that you were going to die and I didn't want you to die." Buffy was talking fast. "I love you Spike and I can't have you out of my life for just one second. When I thought you were gone, my heart sank and fate gave me an opportunity to save you."

"So does that mean we are back together again?" He hopefully smiled.

"Yea, I don't want to waste a day." Buffy answered.

"I'm so happy to hear it." Spike said.

"Me too," Buffy stated, "I will love you forever, no matter what."

Spike grabbed her close. He didn't have to say anything, because he knew the rest of his existence would be perfect, with her.

He reached over for his duster. Spike searched the pockets for something; he pulled out a pair of silver earrings and handed them to Buffy. A pair of earrings he had in his possession for 26 years. "I think these belong to you."

The End