by Anastasia


Disclaimer: Don't own anything except the story. All characters belong to Joss and ME.

Rating: R- NC17

Pairings: You'll see soon enough

Summary: Set back in the 1800s a few years after Spike was changed. Darla doesn't exist, she was staked shortly after Spike was vamped. Angel, Dru and Spike all live in a mansion in London, England. Thats all I’m going to tell you for now.

Distribution: Sure, just let me know where it goes!



Chapter 1


Spike spotted Dru near a bay window overlooking the streets of London.

"Dru," he called stepping up behind her.

'The streets call to me," she whispered softly. She placed her hands on the window and leaned against it. her ear was now pressed to the glass. "Lost souls trying to find their way. So lost.....I can help them."

She turned to Spike and vamped out. Spike smiled and ran his hand down the side of her face. Dru purred and nuzzled further into the palm of his hand.

"Dru, you know you're not supposed to go out into the streets alone."

Drusilla flashed her golden eyes at him. "Come with."

Spike placed his other hand on the other side of her face. He guided her lips to his. her face was still vamped, but he didn't notice or care. Their lips met. The kiss was one of hunger, they both wanted each other. Dru sliced his bottom lip with her fangs. She drank his blood greedily.

Spike broke the kiss. He looked down at her and saw his blood trickling down the side of her mouth. He growled low in his throat. She was so beautiful. Her eyes full of hunger and want.

"Come," he said, feeling his desire growing. "Lets get your mind off those lost souls."


"Angel," Dru murmured in her sleep.

Spike's jaw tensed when he heard his dark princess call out Angels name. He knew the bond she had with their sire was stronger then the one they shared, but it still bothered him that the love of his unlife placed him on such a high pedestal. He brushed her dark hair out of her face and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.

"She may worship you Angelus," he whispered still gazing at the woman in his arms. "But its my bed she's in every night."

Spike smiled contentedly and pulled Dru closer to him until their lower bodies touched.

"Ill never love anyone the way I love you my ripe wicked plum," he told her before burying his face in her hair and following her into sleep.


Angel stormed into the mansion and stalked up the stairs to Spikes room. He kicked the door open with such force it nearly fell off its hinges.

"What the bleedin....?" He heard Spike groan.

"Angel," Dru said, sitting up when she sensed the presence of her sire.

"Get your asses downstairs," Angel barked. "I have a surprise."

"What's this surprise?" Spike asked coming into the room with Dru on his arm.

'Daddy has a present," Dru spoke lazily. She moved from Spike side and drifted over to Angel.

"Thats right Dru," Angel said taking her into his arms. "Daddy has a present."

Angel tilted her head to the side and kissed her on the neck. Dru moaned excitedly. Angel lifted his gaze to Spike, his lips still pleasuring Dru.

Spike stood motionless. "All right, Dru," Spike said through clenched teeth. 'Let Angel show us his present so we can get back to enjoying ourselves."

Angel straightened, keeping his eyes on Spike he spoke to a nearby fledging. "Bring her in."

The fledging that had been standing in the corner left the room. A minute later he returned with another fledging. Both of them held a young girl between them.

Angel pushed Dru away from him and walked to the girl.

"Go" he ordered. The fledging immediately released the girl and fled the room.

Angel hooked his finger under the girls chin and lifted her face.

"Bright," Dru sang.

Angel chuckled softly. "Yes," he agreed running his fingers through the girls golden hair.

"This is your surprise?" Spike snorted. "Another girl who will eventually end up being a left over for your minions."

"No," Angel snarled jerking his head around to Spike. "This one is different. She wont be touched by anyone, only me."

'I want to play with her," Dru pouted.

"No one touches her," Angel repeated. "Not even you Dru."

'Shes so bright," Dru said again coming closer to the girl. 'So pretty."

Dru locked eyes with her. She forced herself into the girls mind. "So much sadness," Dru mumbled reaching out slowly to touch the girl. "I can make her happy."

Angel backhanded Dru. Dru cried out in pain as she stumbled back away from the girl.

"Hey!" Spike yelled running to Dru's side.

"Dont touch!"

"Daddy hurt," Dru whimpered.

The anger once apparent on Angel's face melted away. He lifted his arms and beckoned Dru to come to him. Dru rushed to him.

"Daddy didn't mean to hurt you. He just doesn't like it when you touch his things."

Dru looked up at him. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"My bed is reserved for someone else tonight," he answered glancing over at the girl. "Im sure William will take you into his."

Dru faced Spike and her eyes lit up as if noticing him for the first time since Angel came home.

"My Spike," she cooed rubbing herself against him.

Spike glared at Angel.

"What's the matter boy?" Angel smirked. "You should be grateful."


Spike poured himself another glass of scotch and took a seat by the fire. His thoughts were plagued by the girl Angel had brought home. When he first saw her something about her made him wonder. Drusilla had been right when she had said the girl was full of sadness. The one chance he got to look at her eyes he could see pain in them. He felt a death wish on her as well. Maybe thats why Angel wanted to keep her alive. To prolong her misery and deny her the end she longed for. But, that wasn't the thing that bothered him about her. There was something deeper in her that she was hiding. If Angel kept her alive long enough maybe he could find out exactly what it was.

Next chapter find out who the girl is....but im sure you guys already know.

Chapter 2

Weeks had passed and the girl was still alive. She stayed in Angelus's room, he never allowed her to roam the mansion or talk to others. He was very adamant about keeping her to himself.

Tonight though Angelus was letting her join them while they attended a party on the upper Eastside of London. Drusilla was growing weary of stale blood from the poor, homeless off the streets. So, Angelus decided they should fill their stomachs with the richness of pure blue blood.

The girl was bathed and dressed in an elegant gown that once belonged to Darla. It almost fit her perfectly except for the fact that Darla had been taller then her.

When she entered the room where they were waiting Spike almost thought she looked as beautiful as Dru. Almost.

The girl looked up and met Spikes gaze. She smiled a little before quickly averting them and lowering her head once more.

"Ah, there she is," Angelus said when he to noticed her.

Dru touched Angelus lightly on the arm, drawing his attention away from the girl. "My tummy aches."

Angelus rolled his eyes. "Well, Dru if you hadn't of fed off that sick homeless before, your tummy wouldn't ache now would it?"

"Don't worry, pet," Spike soothed. "Once that rich blood hits your stomach it will quell any aches you have."

"The carriages are ready."

Angelus grabbed the girl by the elbow and guided her outside and into the carriage. Spike and Dru entered right behind them.

"Can I bring one home?" Dru asked referring to one of the socialites they would meet at the party.

"Dru you know we aren't invited to this party," Angel calmly explained. "Please try not to draw attention to yourself."

"Don't worry Angelus, she'll be with me the whole night."

"Yes, my Spike and I will have fun tonight." Dru said running her finger along his cheekbone.

Spike sucked in his bottom lip and closed his eyes. He felt Dru slice his skin with her nail, drawing blood. Her lips closed over the wound and sucked. Spikes eyes drifted open and he saw the girl watching them in awe.

"Don't they make a cute couple," Angelus sneered.

The girl looked away at the sound of Angelus's voice.

Spike moved his eyes to Angel and asked, "What do you plan to do at this party Angelus? Usually you mingle with the fresh debutantes. But, seeing as you have everything you need here," he continued, gesturing to the girl. "That wont be the case tonight, will it?"

"We'll see....we'll see."


All four arrived at the party with the aura that they belonged there. Heads turned, conversations halted. Many wondering who they were and why they never saw them before.

Angelus smiled broadly, causing many ladies hearts to skip a beat. The girl remained at his side, her head lowered.

Spike, however, lavished all his attention on his dark princess. Never once taking his eyes off her.

"The smell of their blood is overwhelming," Dru whispered to Spike. She tentatively reached out her hand trying to touch the nearest person that walked by.

Spike pulled her hand back. "Not now, luv," he instructed bringing her hand up to his mouth and kissing her knuckles.

"Mummy's hungry."

"First we blend," Angelus told them while leading them through the crowd of people.

"Then you can take your pick of whatever human you fancy."


Spike groaned in frustration. He had left Drusilla alone for one minute, one bleeding minute, and now she was gone. He had frantically searched every lower area of the house but had no luck in finding her. Now he was standing up high looking over the crowd hoping he would spot her.

Minutes passed until he saw someone who shouldn't be alone, the girl. She was standing by some french doors that were open and led to a patio outside. He noticed how her demeanor was different. The shy, quiet girl she was around Angelus didn't appear to be the way she was now. Her head was held high, her shoulders square and a small smile played on her lips. Each person who passed her she greeted. Occasionally someone would make her laugh and her smile would widen and her eyes would light up.

Spike shook his head. This girl was definitely up to something. He was about to start his search for Dru again until he saw a man approach the girl. The man said something which caused her to nod and slip her hand into his. The man then led her outside onto the patio.

Spike didn't wait a second before he was making his way through the crowd and out the french doors.

"There you are," he cried coming up behind the girl and placing his arm around her middle. "I've been looking all over for you."

Spike kissed her temple and felt her tense.

The man who had taken her outside stared at Spike.

"I'm sorry....I didn't realize," the man stuttered. "She was standing alone. I thought she
might want some company. I didn't know she was taken."

Spike grinned. "Thats all right mate."

The man looked at the girl and smiled. "I was asking her her name. I saw her across the room and I had to know who this breathtaking lady was."

Spike puckered his lips, amused by the mans lack of morals. It was obvious Spike had declared the girl taken and yet the man was still trying to woo her.

He turned his head and studied the girl he still had his arm around. Her face was downward. Gently he nudged her. "I think the man wants to know your name, luv."

Slowly the girl lifted her head. "Bu.....Elizabeth Summers," she spoke softly, extending her hand out.

Chapter 3: (NC17)

Warning: This chapter deals with semi-submission. So, if you don't like the thought of Buffy or a woman submitting to a man without fighting then don't read this chapter. I don't really call it rape, but I guess you can go there in the oral sense, cause she does not have intercourse in this chapter. Just read to find out what I mean. ;)


The man took Elizabeth's hand and kissed it. "It was nice meeting you Miss. Summers."

The man then released her hand and nodded to Spike. Spike nodded in return and watched as the man rejoined the party inside.

Spike unwrapped his arm from around Elizabeth and moved in front of her. He caught her gaze before she quickly lowered her head.

"Elizabeth....that's a beautiful name," Spike commented, studying her body language intently. She seemed nervous, like she didn't want to be around him.

"But its not the one you go by."

Elizabeth raised her head and stared at him, her eyes full of shock.

"What is your real name?"

"I'm not supposed to talk to you," she said, lowering her eyes once more. "Angelus said...."

"Angelus isn't here," Spike interrupted. "Its just you and me."

Elizabeth sighed deeply. "My name is Elizabeth, but my family calls me Buffy."

"Buffy," Spike repeated, letting her name roll around in his mouth, familiarizing himself with it. "That's an unusual name."

"I'm an unusual girl," Buffy told him her eyes shining brightly for a brief minute.

Spike laughed heartily. "Angelus really knows how to pick 'em."

"I should go."

"No, don't," Spike spoke quickly. "Why doesn't Angelus want you to talk to me?"

"I really should go."

Buffy picked up her skirt and turned away from Spike. She disappeared into the crowd.


Spike pulled the covers over Dru and kissed her lightly on the forehead. After they left the party Dru and him had gone upstairs to be alone. Now, since he wasn't tired, he was heading downstairs to find Angelus. He knew the poofter was still up and he felt like having a little chat with him about this Buffy girl.


"Harder." Spike heard Angelus growl as he came into the room.

He could see Angelus's head poking above the chair he was sitting in. He moved further into the room and saw Buffy on her knees in front of Angelus. Her head buried in his lap.

"Harder," Angelus growled again.

Spike inched closer and now he could clearly see what was going on between the two. Buffy's head was moving up and down, her hands were resting on Angelus's thighs. Angelus's head was hanging down, his eyes focused on the girl who was sucking him off.
His hands tightened around the armrests he was gripping, as he threw his head back and moaned his release.

"Good girl," Angelus mumbled, running his hand through Buffy's hair as she swallowed every drop of him.

Buffy lifted her head and wiped her hand over her chin. She stayed seated in front of Angelus, waiting for him to excuse her.

"Are you going to stand there all night?"

Spike snapped out of his daze when he heard Angelus. He shed all shock from his mind and walked over to the chair next to Angelus. He glanced at Angelus and saw his flaccid cock exposed and resting comfortably against his thigh.

"Did you enjoy our little show?" Angelus asked his eyes trained on the fire blazing in front of him.

"Caught the tail end of it," Spike answered calmly, moving his eyes to Buffy. "But, I liked what I saw."

Angelus cocked his head to the side and smiled. "You envy me."

Spike scoffed. "Not really."

Angelus slowly stood. "Stand up," he ordered Buffy.

Buffy got to her feet. She straightened the clothes she was wearing then stood motionless as Angelus moved behind her.

"I want to show you something," Angelus said to Spike, placing his hands on Buffy's shoulders.

Spike watched with little fascination as Angelus brought his hands to the front of Buffy and took hold of the thin ribbon that held her top closed. He saw Buffy flinch and lifted his eyes to her face. He saw nothing, no emotion, no sign of fear....nothing. He returned his gaze back to Angelus's hands and continued to watch as he pulled the ribbon loose.

The front of Buffy's shirt parted, exposing the bare skin between her breasts. Angelus hooked his fingers between the parted material and pulled it further open, revealing her breasts to Spike.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Angelus asked while removing the shirt. "The most delicate part on her is the sweetest. I want you to have a taste."

Spike stared mesmerized by the full rosy breasts that were revealed to him. He shifted uncomfortably in the chair, not liking the feeling that coursed through him.

Angelus pushed Buffy closer to Spike. He moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Amazing isn't it?" he inquired, moving his hands down her arms.

He reached around the front of her and cupped each breast in his hand. His thumbs grazed over her areolas, causing each nipple to become taunt.

"The things we couldn't appreciate when we were human," he spoke, lifting his eyes to Spike. "The things that were forbidden to us because of the rules of society."

Spike licked his lips, preparing his mouth to latch onto her soft globes. He sat up in the chair, eager to take advantage of Angelus's generosity.

"Why?" he asked his eyes still fixated on Buffy heaving chest. "Why are you offering me her blood?"

Angelus smiled. His hands were still cupping her breasts. He lowered his chin to rest on her shoulder.

"Because she's so sweet," he answered gliding his hands down to her belly. His fingers traced small circles over her skin. He tilted his head and rested his mouth against Buffy's ear.

"Go on, let William have a taste."

Buffy stepped up to the chair. Spike parted his legs and she moved to stand between them. She waited with her arms at her sides for Spike to feed on her.

Spike sat up more so his face was inches from hers. His eyes shifted up, meeting Buffy's gaze before he vamped and pierced the tender flesh of her breast with his fangs.

Angelus stepped away from behind Buffy and returned to his chair. He sat down and watched Spike hungrily suck the sweet blood from Buffy.

"Take all that you want, William," Angelus said.

Spike placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer . The thick liquid filling his mouth was enticing. His body was responding quickly to it. A low growl erupted from his mouth.

Buffy moaned when Spike's lips vibrated against her. She knew this was wrong, that her life was being drained from her with each gulp that Spike took, but she loved it. The feeling moving through each part of her body excited her. She didn't want him to stop.

Buffy gripped his hair in her fingers and held him tightly to her.

"William, you always had a way with the ladies," Angelus commented. "Even though they always fall into bed with me in the end."

Spike jerked his head away and snarled at Angelus.

Angelus smiled. "William, you're so tense." He observed. His eyes turned to Buffy. "You know what to do."

Buffy's breathing was still erratic and heavy. She somehow managed to acknowledge Angelus's command and got down on her knees.

Spike was still seething from Angelus's comment. His eyes were narrowed and glaring at his sire, who held a grin on his face. But his anger evaporated when he felt a warm had wrap itself around his cock. His eyes flew to the girl kneeling before him and he wondered when she had gotten his trousers open and pulled him free without his knowing. The thought was short lived when her heat engulfed him. His hands gripped the armrest of the chair.

Buffy took him completely into her mouth. The coolness of his shaft sent a chill over her. She let her tongue mold around his hardness as she started to move her head up and down in a slow rhythm.

"Bloody." Spike grunted, bucking his hips involuntarily.

Angelus got up to his feet and started to leave the room. When he reached the door he turned to speak.

"I'll keep Dru warm for you."

Spike's mind was a jumbled mess. The only word he caught was 'warm'. Yes, her mouth was warm...no it was hot. Her mouth was so hot he feared that her lips would burn through his cock and cause it to fall off. His sac twitched and tightened, a sure sign that he was close to exploding into her mouth.

Buffy sensed his impending orgasm and increased her pace. She brought her mouth up to the tip and sucked hard, not to hard, just enough to please. Her tongue ran along the slit, licking the pre cum clean off. She felt his shaft pulsate.

Spike roared and spilled himself into her. With each new spurt that escaped he felt her swallow, the muscles from her throat and mouth making him come harder.

Buffy took every last drop from him until none was left. She pulled him out of her mouth and sat back on her legs. She cried out when two hands grabbed her by the shoulders and jerked her up.

Her shock died when she was pressed against a lean body with two strong arms wrapped around her.

Spike didn't know what came over him, but he had to kiss her.

His lips covered hers.

Buffy melted into his embrace and returned the kiss with equal ferocity.

Spike moved his hands downwards and cupped her ass. He pressed her lower body into his growing erection.

Buffy felt his desire and pushed away roughly. She stumbled to her feet and backed away from him. Her eyes lifted up to meet his and she gasped. Her hand shot up to cover her mouth. That was not supposed to happen.

She bent over and picked up her shirt to cover her bare chest. Without looking at Spike again she fled the room.


Chapter 4:(NC-17)

Author's note: What can I cay?......I am working on 'Change' right now, or at least i will tonight. Might be a few more days before i post the new chapter. Well, for those of you following this fic i hope you enjoy this chapter...not much happens, but the next chapter is something to look forward to, as you will see why at the end of this one.

After Buffy ran out, Spike pulled himself together. He cursed himself for his actions earlier. Angelus had played him, he knew he was being set up. Angelus was tiring of his new toy and was pushing her off on him. Only because his interest was now on Dru. But, Spike wouldn't have that. He'd be damned if Angelus stole his love from him and he was given leftovers that he didn't even want. The girl was a mortal, all he wanted to do to her was kill her. To him mortals were dinner, not sex toys.

Spike barged into the room he knew Dru and Angelus to be.

"All right Angelus, you've had your fun, leave, " he growled.

"Spikes been naughty," Dru cooed from her place on the bed.

Angelus smiled at her. "William was just relieving some tension," he corrected, before turning his attention to the angry vamp standing at the foot of the bed.

"Get out of here!"

Angelus smiled slyly. "Dru, do you want daddy to leave?"

"Daddy's going to sleep with his princess."

Spikes' anger increased as he watched his love slide across the bed closer to Angelus and start to nibble on his neck. Angelus angled his head to kiss her. He laced his fingers in her hair and jerked her head back, causing her to gasp in pain.

"Go sleep with the mortal," Angelus ordered. "I'm sure she's scared and needs someone to hold her."

"That all she is now?" Spike asked. " A mortal? For a long time she was your prized toy, not to be touched or talked to."

Angelus groaned. "William, why are you being so difficult? I'm giving you a warm body, someone to keep you warm while Dru sleeps with me."

"I done want your leftovers."

"Daddy," Dru whined. "Send Spike away so we can go to bed."

"You heard her William. She wants you to go away."

Spike remained where he was, debating over killing Angelus right then and there or dragging Dru out of the bed and into his own. When the two objects of his fury started kissing and groping, ignoring the fact that he was still there, he spun on his heel and left the room, slamming the door closed with all his might.


Spike wandered the halls aimlessly, purposely avoiding his room and the girl. he wanted to kill something, terrorize someone, anything to get his mind off Angelus and Dru. But, the impending dawn prevented him from leaving the mansion.

He was just making his second trip through the downstairs hall when he heard music coming from one of the rooms. He must've been so lost in his anger that he didn't hear it sooner when he paced the hall earlier. he followed the music towards a room at the end of the hall.

He entered and saw her, Buffy, seated at the grand piano. Her eyes were closed as her fingers glided over the ivory keys, so she didn't notice him come in. Nor did she hear him walking over to her, his footsteps silenced by the music drifting through the room.

But as she finished the final notes and slowly opened her eyes, she saw him standing next to the piano.

Buffy bolted off the bench and started to make her way around him so she could leave.

"If you know what's good for you, you'll stay," Spike warned, taking a seat on the bench she once occupied.

He settled his fingers over the keys, playing a few, testing their sound.
"Schumann," he said, his focus still on tuning the piano to his liking.

Buffy stood in the center on the room, unmoving. Every now and then she would glance at the door, wondering if she should chance leaving.

"That was what you were playing? Schumann?" he asked, looking over his shoulder at her.

Buffy nodded.

"Schumann, ha! Bloody romantic ponce," Spike spat. "Fool to believe in romance. Romance is dead."

Spike started to play, the unknown tune slowly filling the room with each key he stroked.  For a minute the soft music relaxed Buffy, quelled her nerves.  Allowed her mind to forget where she was and what was being done to her. That feeling, however, vanished the instant Spike slammed his hands against the piano keys.

"Come here." She heard him order.

Buffy edged her way closer to him. She stopped when only a tiny distance stood between them. A yelp escaped past her lips when his arm shot out and pulled her in front of him, placing her directly between the piano and his legs.

Spike raked his eyes over her, he noticed she was still clad in the white undergarments from earlier. This time, however, he noticed something he had missed the first time. The undergarments were made of a flimsy material, giving him a clear view of the outline of her body.

"What does Angelus see in you?" he asked, raising his eyes up to meet hers.
He reached out one hand to touch her and she flinched.  "Shh, its okay. I just want to touch you….that’s all."

Buffy swallowed hard before gradually nodding her head.

Spike rested his hands on her hips. ‘Smart girl,’ he thought ‘Knows not to fight me.’

"What is so interesting about you that he kept you hidden for weeks?" he wondered, moving his hands down along her outer thighs and stopping their descent at her knees.

Gently he started to bunch the material in his fists, lifting the skirt higher. When the skirt was high enough he moved one hand underneath, blindly searching for the apex of her legs.  He found it and ran his finger lightly over the outside. He lifted his gaze again, this time to watch her reaction when as he slipped one long finger between the silk folds.

Buffy moaned despite herself. Her hands sought out the piano behind her for balance. Her whole body stiffened when he pressed his thumb into her clit. She felt her knees buckle and her body slowly start to slide down along the piano.

Spike stood and caught her around the waist with his free arm. He hoisted her up and set her on the top of the piano. He pulled his hand out from under her skirt and used it to rip her shirt open. Two rosy peaks stared at him and he couldn't help but consider taking Angelus up on his offer. At least just this one time.

After all what harm could it bring.

"Love can sometimes be magic. But magic can sometimes...just be an illusion." – Javan

Chapter 5: NC17

AN: Hope you all enjoy the delicious spuffy smut that oozes all through this chapter. Short, naughty and utterly tantalizing. Okay, ill stop now…..going overboard with the descriptions.

Spike gripped Buffy by the hips and yanked her forward until her pelvis connected with his. The force with which they hit caused both of them to groan. He encircled her waist with one arm and used the other to tear her shirt completely off. He lowered his head and attacked one nipple, sucking the hard peak between his teeth.

Buffy remained still. Only briefly did she open her eyes to look down at the head buried in her chest. One feeling coursed through her mind at that moment. Pure ecstasy. The feel of Spike's arms wrapped around her coupled with the cool touch of his mouth all over her skin sent her to new euphoric levels she had never experienced before.

Buffy felt Spike shift his body, the hard foreign object in his pants grinding roughly against her center. This caused her to move. The next thing she knew her hands were clutching at him. One held his head, while the other rested at the middle of his back. The next thing to move was her legs. They seemed to move of their own accord, wrapping themselves around his lean frame.

Buffy became terrified at where this was all leading. But, as frightened as she was she wanted to go there. She wanted to reach that plateau, the one that seemed so far away yet so close at that moment. And, she wanted Spike to take her there.

Spike stepped back, putting distance between their heaving bodies so he could reach down between them. With his mouth still feasting on her breast, he sought out the front of his trousers with his hand. He started to pull at the offending material, eager to free his throbbing erection. Once he was free his hand traveled back to the warm center between her thighs. He ran one finger along her outer lips, checking to make sure she was ready for him.

She was ready. At least as far as he could tell seeing as this was his first time fucking a human. He had his share of mind-blowing foreplay with the servants, but never had he taken them to bed.

Buffy felt something poke her at her center. It was smooth and soft, but most of all it was foreign. Her body was virgin in all aspects. It had never been explored and treaded upon until Angelus had taken her into his home. Even the moments spent in his bed she had never gotten this far. He had only wanted pleasure from her mouth and hands. And he only gave her pleasure through his touching. Well, it wasn’t so much pleasure as it was agony.

Spike poised his erection at her opening. He heard Buffy's breath halt and her body tense. He paused and wondered briefly if he should stop. But, that thought was soon dissipated when Buffy's legs tightened their hold on him and forced his pelvis closer. He growled and surged forward, burying himself in one quick thrust.

Buffy cried out in pain.

Spike pulled half out then pushed back in, setting a slow, hard rhythm that satisfied him. All the while he was oblivious to the pain he was causing the woman in his arms. His nails dug into the flesh at her hips as he forced her lower body to a pace that matched his own.

Buffy felt the fierce pain from before slowly start to fade. But a new pain started to make its way throughout her body, the pain of guilt. She had been taught the values of a girl’s innocence and knew that once they were tarnished she would never be the same. She wasn’t feeling guilt because she had been violated or because she knew her innocence was lost. She felt guilt because she was actually getting pleasure from what was happening.

Spike pumped faster. The tightness surrounding his shaft made him ache to reach his release. Why was she so tight? He wondered. Or was his girth to much for her petite form? He continued to mill over this thought, still thrusting in and out of Buffy’s tight channel.

Buffy became aware of a warm wetness against her skin. Her mind didn’t stay focused on the matter for long because Spike was soon feasting on one of her breast again. Her head feel back and her lips parted with a silent moan.

Spike smelled the poignant stench of fresh blood and growled. He released his hold on the soft breast and stared down at her chest. No blood was there which already concluded what he knew seeing as he hadn’t bit into her. Then again he wasn’t even in demon form, so how was it that he smelled blood? He stole a glance at Buffy’s face and caught her looking at him with glazed eyes. Were those tears of pain? He thrust into her more violently and smiled when her lip twisted in agony and her eyes began to leak again. Yes, they were of pain. His inner demon smiled, satisfied that this meaningless shag was causing her pain. He loved pain, not as much as Angelus mind you, but  he loved the fact that she, Buffy, was feeling it. Because of her his dark princess had been taking from his bed and he was given leftovers. Spike cursed under his non-existent breath and returned his focus on pounding into the small woman clutching desperately to his body.  He be damned if he let Angelus shadow his thoughts and ruin what was turning into a pretty decent fuck.

Buffy closed her eyes and tried to drown out the pain of Spike’s fingers digging into the flesh at her thighs. Instead she concentrated on the sensations traveling up her legs. This weird tingling felling had started in the tips of her toes and had now worked its way up her legs to nestle at her center. From there little shocks of pleasure seemed to course through her upper body every five seconds, intensifying as Spike drove into her harder and faster. Her body shook each time they washed over her. Despite the aching numbness in her legs she managed to tighten their hold around his waist. She could sense her self about to lose control, wanting to let the shocks shake her to the core. But, if she clung to him maybe it wouldn’t happen, maybe she could stop the impending shaking from taking over. It didn’t. Within moments after she realized she was about to lose it she did. Her whole body convulsed and trembled. Her muscles became taunt as pleasure cut through every nerve in her and she moaned softly.

Spike followed her soon after. His shaft exploded, releasing his cold seed inside her.

Buffy slowly relaxed. She was glad that the sensation was over, thankful that she once again had some semblance of control. But, her relief was short-lived as another wave of shocks went through her.

"Oh god," she groaned while burying her face in the crook of Spikes neck.

Spike rested his head against her shoulder, waiting for his cock to empty itself completely. The quivering muscles of the girl enveloped around him helped to squeeze his fluid out faster.

Spike pulled back and gazed down at Buffy. She was still trembling and shaking uncontrollably. He lifted his hand and brushed a strand of hair away from her now slightly drenched forehead.  Buffy’s eyes lifted up to meet his.

"It’s not over," he told her.

Buffy was uncertain as to what was meant by his remark. She got her answer soon enough when he lifted her off the piano and into his arms before carrying her out of  the room.


To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world


Chapter 6

Rated: NC17

Spike kicked open the door to his room with such force the door banged against the wall, sending a rumbling vibrating sound throughout the room. He sensed the presence of someone and quickly looked around before his eyes landed on a servant tending to the fire in the fireplace.

"Get out!" he ordered, glancing over the shoulder of the small women held in his arms.

The servant halted her task and stared at him in terror. She took one look at the semi-naked person in her master’s grip and knew to leave immediately.

"Don’t disturb me unless you are called upon," Spike snapped at the retreating form of the servant as she passed him.

"Yes, sir," she mumbled obediently, pulling the door closed as she left.

Spike stalked over to the king-sized four-poster bed that sat in the middle of his room. When he reached it he released his hold on Buffy, letting her drop carelessly onto the soft, downed comforter.

"Take off your clothes," he said, walking briskly over to the fireplace at the far end of the room.

Buffy stared at him then looked down at what was left of the clothing she did have on. She lifted a trembling hand to grasp the material at her shoulders and pulled at it slowly, letting it slide down the length of her arms to pool at her waist.

Spike heard the soft movements of Buffy as she moved around on the bed. He knew she was taking off her clothes like he had demanded, which only served to put a frown on his face. He couldn’t understand why he was being so gentle with her. Usually, from his times with Dru, if a servant was in his room he would not wait for them to leave. He would push Dru up against the door once they had entered and fuck her, oblivious to the presence of those around him. But, for some reason with Buffy he didn’t want to put her in that position. He wanted her comfortable and relaxed. He wanted her to feel safe.

Spike gripped the edge of the mantle hard as that thought ran through his brain. Safe was not a word associated with his kind. People were supposed to fear him; he wanted people to fear him. So, why was it so different with Buffy?

Buffy whimpered faintly when her bare feet hit the cold floor. She took hold of the waistband of her chemise and gasped loudly when she noticed for the first time the red stains that adorned the front.

Spike heard the soft gasp and turned sharply. He saw Buffy staring at her lower half, her hands clutching her skirt. He saw her body start to sway as if she were about to faint.

Buffy became dizzy when she realized what the stain was. Her upper body started to grow heavy, and her knees seemed to become too weak to hold her up. She lifted her head up and instantly felt the blood rushing to her brain. Her knees gave out and she could sense herself gradually falling back.

Spike caught her before Buffy could fall any further. He gently scooped her up into his arms and placed her on the bed. He pulled a pillow up behind her head so she could sit upright against the headboard. He tenderly brushed her hair out of her face then recoiled when he realized what he was doing. Once again he was being gentle with her. Caring about her needs. The demon inside of him hated this and came forth to show his fury.

Spike yanked on her lower body until she was lying flat on her back. He then pulled himself up onto the bed and covered her body with his own.

"I thought I told you to get undressed," he fumed, his eyes burning into hers.

Buffy stared at him wide-eyed. Her mind raced with questions over what she had done to cause his sudden change in attitude. Not minutes ago she had felt the tenderness in his touch when he had held her. She tensed when he placed his hands behind her knees and raised them high so they were on either side of his lean hips, the chemise skirt falling towards her waist to expose her naked lower half. She could feel the hardness of him pressed between her thighs and knew instantly what was to come.

Spike lowered his head to her neck and licked the smooth column of her throat. He ground his lower half into her and groaned when he felt the heat from her center near his erection. He became anxious, wanting desperately to bury himself inside her once again. But, he resigned himself to waiting. This time he would go slow, prolonging the pain that he was sure to cause in her like before.

He moved his mouth until it came to rest beside her ear.

"Why are you tensing up?" He asked huskily, running his cold tongue along her ear. "I know you want this. I can smell it."

Buffy turned her head to the side and gazed out into the open space of the room beside her, focusing on anything but the feel of his lips moving down her body.

Spike stopped his descent down her body at her chest. He lifted his head high enough so he was able to view the soft globes just inches from his face. He noticed his bite mark from earlier. It was still red and swollen, the two holes having barely closed. His eyes drifted over to the other breast and that’s when he became aware of something that seemed odd to him. His was the only bite mark on her. There wasn’t even a scar from Angelus anywhere. He glanced up at Buffy.

"Did Angelus drink from you?"

Buffy turned her head to look down at Spike’s face.


Spike returned to his examination of her breasts. "Hmm," He mumbled deep in his throat still trying to figure out why Angelus had avoided feeding from her chest. He was the one who praised the area, telling Spike that it was the most delicate and tender flesh that he would ever sink his teeth into. So, why did he not take advantage of such an opportunity?

Spike’s attention soon changed direction when he saw her nipples harden into peaks. He smiled. He hadn’t even touched her there and already she was excited. He placed his hand around the one without the wound and started to play with the nubbin, rolling it between his finger and thumb.

Buffy arched her back into his hand, moaning with satisfaction. This was heaven a small part of her brain told her. This was what it felt like to be in the arms of a man who worshiped a woman’s body. She didn’t care that it was wrong, well she did but her body was too weak to protest against the pleasure that rolled through it.

Another moan escaped her lips when she felt Spike’s cool mouth settle on top of her breast. Her hand moved from her side and found purchase in his hair. Her fingers knotted through his locks and tightened their hold when she felt his fangs slice into her skin.

Spike gingerly drank the blood that flowed from the thin cut he had made above her areola. To late he realized what a big mistake it was to have done this. Her blood increased his arousal tenfold and made him harder, if that were even possible. His tongue swept over the wound and closed it, preventing any blood from leaking out. He pulled his body up so he was directly parallel to hers and braced himself up on his hands.

"Don’t fight me. Okay?" He told her, using one hand to reach between their bodies and pull down his britches.  "You feel really good and I want to enjoy this."

"So do I," she replied meekly.

Spike froze. So, she speaks, he conscious spoke. A small smile formed on his face as he decided to play with her a little before they got down to business.

"Did you enjoy our time in the study?"

Buffy nodded her head. "Yes." She spoke the partial truth. She had enjoyed it, but only after the pain had subsided and she was able to really feel what was happening to her body.

"This time will be much better," he assured her, arranging himself at her entrance. "I promise."

Before entering her Spike ran his shaft along the outer folds of her cunt, coating himself with her juices. He felt her shiver beneath him. That’s when he knew she was ready and willing, or as willing as she could be considering. He pushed forward just enough so only the head was nestled inside her. Then he shifted his body, bracing himself up on his elbows now so his torso barely touched hers. The heat radiating from her scorched him through his shirt, but it was wonderful. His face only inches from hers, he leaned down to brush his lips over hers.

Buffy lifted her head to return the kiss, her subconscious wanting to make this moment as intimate as possible. But her efforts were short-lived as her mouth connected with nothing. Mentally she tried to tell herself that it was okay, that intimacy wasn’t that important, but her mind screamed its disagreement. It told her to care, told her to save what little amount of virtue she had left by refusing this man above her until he gave her what she craved. Her body on the other hand had other ideas. The world she had been introduced to earlier this evening was forbidden in society unless one was married or a mistress. That’s what enticed her, the elusiveness of the whole thing, and the fact that she was pulled into it when others could only imagine what it must be like. And, that’s why her body craved it more than intimacy.

Buffy’s mind went blank after the first harsh thrust of Spike’s erection inside her tight channel. She found her legs locking themselves around his thighs, helping to keep her body in motion with his as he started to move at a faster pace.

Spike burrowed his head in the crook of her shoulder. He began to groan at the enjoyment of being inside her brought him. It stilled surprised him how incredible tight she was.

"Don’t fight it, luv," He grunted harshly into her neck. "Don’t.  Fight.  It."

She didn’t.



Chapter 7

Rated: NC17


"Dru!" Spike yelled as his body found release for the fifth time inside Buffy’s hot channel.

Spike fell limply onto the small body beneath him, air that he didn’t need passing back and forth over his lips. When he felt some bit of strength return to his body he rolled off of Buffy to lay beside her. He ran his hand down along his face and started to laugh deeply.

"Cor, luv," he groaned through his laughter. "Hate t’ say it, but Angelus taught you well."

He was so caught up in his own thoughts and relaxed state that he didn’t know Buffy was crying until a sob broke through the silence surrounding them. He turned his head to face her and saw a single tear making its way down one smooth cheek. ‘Bloody hell, what is she crying about?’

Spike looked away from her and pushed the covers off his body. He slid off the bed and made his way over to the fireplace. Once again he found himself fighting off feelings of sympathy. Why was she doing this to him? She was just another human like all of the others he feasted on night after night. So, why should he feel any different about the pain he was causing her.

Spike turned sharply. He stared at the girl laying in his bed, her face turned away from him. He had to get to the bottom of this. He had to know why she was offered to him so easily by Angelus.

With determination in his step he plodded back over to his bed. Ignoring the tears and pain he saw in her eyes when she looked up at him, he yanked the covers free from her body. She was still dressed in her chemise skirt and that’s when he noticed the small amounts of dried blood covering the front. He pulled her up by her shoulders, his nails digging into her skin.

"What did you do?" he growled.

Another sob tore from Buffy’s throat, this one long and hoarse. Shame and anger bubbled up inside her for he first time since she had lost her innocence. Raising her hands to rest against the chest in front of her, she pushed with all her might against it. Hoping to get him away from her.

"Don’t touch me," she seethed. "You evil, horrible man."

Spike smirked at her. This girl who used to be the shy and quite was now turning into a little spitfire right before his eyes. He began to chuckle as Buffy continued her efforts to overpower him. Lifting his head towards the ceiling he let out a howl.

"Nice to know you think of me as a man, luv," He remarked as he watched her. "But, ‘m not a man. I’m a demon down to the very core."

Buffy lifted her gaze to his and glared at him. "Yes, you are," she agreed.  "Any man who would take the virtue of a lady so wantonly is nothing more than an evil careless demon."

The smirk remained on his face as he laughed at her. "Feisty arent you. What happened to the vulnerable, willing girl last night? Not that I don’t like the way you look right now. Seething with anger. Rage burning…" he paused mid-way as her words finally registered in his brain. "Virtue? What are you? A virgin."

Buffy’s anger quickly turned to misery as tears started to form in her eyes. His last two words were barely above a whisper and when she heard the shock in his voice she broke. She feel into a heap on the floor as his hold on her was released. Sobs raked through her body as her shame and humiliation became more intense.

Spike slowly moved away from the girl curled up into a tight ball at his feet. One thought raced through his mind as he tried to figure out what was happening. She had been a virgin. Angelus had given her to him knowing this. He had know without telling him. Why?

Spikes eyes widened even more as realization hit him. Angelus knew what he would do. Angelus knew he would claim her body for one night as his. But why did he want him to do it? What did he have planned for him now that he had fallen into his trap.

"Get up," Spike ordered.

When the girl on the floor didn’t budge Spike rushed over to her and yanked her up to her feet. The girl let herself go limp in his arms.

"Listen to me, pet," Spike said, pushing her back so he could see her face better. "I didn’t know you were a virgin. Do you hear me? For weeks you were in Angelus’s bed. What else would you two have done in there besides shag?" 

Buffy stiffened in his arms as memories form her time with Angelus assaulted her mind. She was forced to do horrible things with him, more horrible then anything imaginable. 

"The sun’s almost setting," Spike told her, setting her down to sit on the edge of the bed. "I have to get out of ‘ere before him and Dru wake up."
"Where?" Buffy asked, lifting her head up to look at him.

"Out," was all he said. "Now, you have to promise me you won’t breath a word of what happened between us last night. They can’t know."


"Promise me."

"I promise."

Spike nodded his head and turned. He walked over to the bedroom door and opened it.

"Stay here," he said before closing the door shut behind him.

Stepping out into the hallway he tried to remember the servant that had been in his room last night when he came in with Buffy in his arms.

"Ursula," eh mumbled when the name popped into his head.

Searching up and down the hallways and in all the rooms, he finally found her folding linens in the laundry room.

Ignoring the frightened glances being thrown at him from other servants in the room, he stalked over to her.

"Come with me," He commanded. "Now."


Buffy’s head shot up at the sound of the bedroom door being opened. She watched as Spike came in, followed by a little old lady. The old lady noticed Buffy sitting on the bed, still half dressed, and blushed.

Buffy pulled the sheet from the bed up to cover her chest. She turned her gaze from the little old lady to Spike, her eyes filled with confusion.

"This is Ursula," Spike informed her, leading the little old lady closer to the bed. "She will be seeing to your needs. Anything you want you ask her for."

Buffy nodded her head in understanding.

Spike pulled Ursula with him towards the door. He glanced back at Buffy before leaning down to whisper in Ursula’s ear.

"You scrub her until she bleeds. I don’t want any trace of me on her by the time she’s done bathing. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

"And, just so we’re clear on everything," he added, pulling back to look her directly in the eyes. "You tell Angelus about what you saw last night, or anyone. Then the next blood that fills our bellies will be your own."

"Y…yes sir." she stuttered, backing a little ways away from him.

"Good girl," he praised.

Spike took one last look at Buffy. Taking in her disheveled look and instantly regretting that he couldn’t take her one last time. But that would be a mistake. He had to end this now before he got to deep into Angelus’s plan. Everything he wanted to do with Buffy had to wait until he knew exactly what Angelus was up to. He refused to let Angelus have the upper hand.

Please review this fic!

“Chapter 8”

Buffy sat in the hot bath water with her knees pulled up so tightly towards her chest she could barely 
breathe.  She didn’t want to breathe though, not after last night.  She would much rather be dead then face 
Spike again, or Angelus for that matter.  But, that was not possible.  She was alone here, she had no one.  
Her family didn’t even know she was gone.  They probably wouldn’t realize it for awhile and by then she 
would more than likely be dead. 

“Scrub her till she bleeds, he says.” Buffy heard Ursula mutter as she walked into the bathroom carrying a 
pitcher of water.  “Won’t hurt the girl anymore then he already has. Crazy fool is what he is.”

Ursula set the pitcher of water on the table beside the tub. She lifted up her skirts and kneeled down next to 
the tub, reaching out for the wash cloth that was hanging on the side.  She dunked the cloth into the water 
before pulling it out and wringing some of the water out of it.  Next she grabbed the soap and started to rub 
it across the cloth until a soapy residue began to form on its surface.

“How you doing dear?” Ursula asked, taking hold of Buffy’s arm and lifting it high so she could start 
washing her down.  “You’re nothing but skin and bones.  Have they been feeding you properly?”

Buffy could only nod her head, but at which question she wasn’t sure.  Ursula didn’t seem to care.  She 
started to hum to herself as she continued to lather up Buffy with soap. 

“Always the same thing with these ladies they bring home,” Ursula began to ramble on.  “Not a one of 
them looks healthy enough to be standing on their own two feet.  Never stay around long enough for me to 
teach them how to take care of themselves.  Always here one day and gone the next.”

“What happens to them?” Buffy finally spoke, meeting Ursula’s gaze when she felt the old woman staring 
at her.  

Ursula looked away quickly.  “Don’t rightly know.  I reckon they go back from where they were found.  
Back home.”

“They kill them, don’t they?”

“We shouldn’t talk about these things,” Ursula advised, getting up to her feet. “Master Angelus has 
sensitive hearing.  The walls are always talking to him.”

“He can’t hear us,” Buffy lied, hoping to get Ursula to tell her what had happened to those other girls she 
had mentioned. “Please tell me what happened to them. Are they going to kill me just like them?”

Ursula glanced warily over her shoulder.  She went over to the door and closed it shut.  She knelt back 
down beside the tub and picked up the wash cloth once again. 

“Angelus usually finds the girls when he goes out late at night,” she began to talk, rubbing the cloth gently 
over Buffy’s arm.  “Some of them are very nice looking, upper crust I guess you could say.  Most of them 
are troubled. No family to speak of, living off the streets.  He brings them home and then the next morning 
their gone.  Others like to blind themselves by believing he just sent them on their merry way. But, I know 
better.  I’ve seen things.

“You’re different though,” Ursula said, brushing some wet hair off of her face. “Master Spike has never 
touched any of the girls Master Angelus has brought home.  He only holds a candle for his precious 
Drusilla.  Somehow you changed that.  You are the first women, besides Drusilla, that I have ever seen him 
touch that intimately.”

“There was nothing intimate about it,” Buffy remarked. “I was forced on him and then he forced himself 
onto me.”

Ursula sighed deeply.  The girl was too emotional right now to understand anything she tried to explain to 
her.   Besides she knew she had no right to be talking to the girl at all.  If Spike found out that the help 
stuck their nose into his business, where it shouldn’t have been in the first place, the consequences would 
be dire. 

“Raise your arm,” Ursula instructed.  “Master Angelus will be up soon and wanting to see you.  Cant have 
you looking unkempt.”

“Do you think washing away what that horrible man did to me will make a difference?” Buffy sneered 
angrily. “Isn’t Angelus supposed to be all knowing?  He’ll be able to tell, wont he?”

“You best mind your tongue young lady,” Ursula advised, squeezing the cloth dry and getting up to her feet 
again. “Feisty attitude like that won’t make you very liked in this house.”

Buffy shut her mouth after that.  Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions right now and she couldn’t seem to 
think straight.  She wanted to fight as hard as she could to get away from them, but her fear of them 
prevented her from doing anything that drastic so soon.  Her fear made her so angry that all she wanted to 
do was lash out at them.  Her anger made her scared because she had never felt so much of it in her life.  
She had always been secure in the knowledge that there was nothing to fear in the world.  Or at least that 
was how she has been raised to think.  Sheltered and secluded most of her life, she didn’t think coming to 
Europe to see her cousin would lead her to this.  

Buffy started to cry as she remembered the last night she had seen her cousin before coming here. 

Ursula came back to the tub holding up a huge towel to dry Buffy off with. When she saw the girl weeping 
away in the cold water of the tub her shoulders slumped.  

“I didn’t mean to upset you, child. Just saying you need to be careful is all.”

“Please help me,” Buffy pleaded softly, grabbing hold of Ursula’s hand. 

Ursula looked at Buffy with sadness in her eyes, she could sympathize with what the girl was going 
through but there was nothing she could do to help her.

“Come, child.  Let’s put some nice clean clothes on you to make you feel all better.”

Spike yanked his teeth out of the smooth neck of his latest victim just as the door to their room came open.  
He let the pretty redhead slip from his arms to fall with a thud onto the floor then propped his legs up on the 
couch of which they had both been sitting moments before.

“William,” a woman in the door cried out while sticking her head out the door to make sure no one saw 
before closing it and stepping into the room.  “Angelus and I have an agreement that you two may have any 
of my girls when you come here, but you may not kill them.” 

Spike grinned and shook his head before wiping the side of his mouth with the back of his hand. “Ruby, 
pet, don’t worry.  You have the best little whore house this side of Westminster.  I am sure another lonely 
girl is out there waiting to stumble across your abode.”

Ruby turned over the redhead that was still lying on the floor and gasped when she saw her face for the first 
time.  “She was one of my best ones!” 

Spike chuckled again under his breath.  “I don’t know about that, but she sure did taste sweet.” 

“You mean you didn’t even sleep with her?” Ruby cried out when she heard Spike’s comment.  “Oh, Annie 
I’m sorry it had to end this way for you.” 

“Ruby, don’t concern yourself over her, “Spike tossed over his shoulder, listening to her struggled to lift 
the dead redhead onto the couch.  “I made her last moments on this earth very enjoyable.”

“I ought to tell Angelus about this,” Ruby threatened.  “He would love to have a reason to kill you.”

Spike put down the drink he had in his hand and turned to Ruby.  “What does that mean?”

Ruby tugged at the arm of Annie one last time before giving up and sitting down on the couch herself to 
rest.  “William will you please help me with her.  I clearly can’t do….”

Spike yanked Ruby back to her feet, his hands seizing her arms to hold her up close to him.  “Tell me pet, 
is Angelus trying to have me killed?” 

Buffy walked into the dining hall with her freshly bathed body and crisp clean clothes.  On the outside she 
looked picture perfect, fit to live the high life that the house occupants clearly transpired to have. But on the 
inside she still felt dirty and beaten.  She was weak and didn’t feel like taking another step.  In spite of this, 
something prevented her from giving up entirely, her will to live still had a flicker of life left in it and she 
wasn’t meant to give up hope just yet. 

“Angelus, the pretty doll has on mummy’s clothes,” Dru said when she saw Buffy for the first time since 
last night.  

Angelus left Dru standing by the dining table to come to Buffy’s side.  He took his time taking in her 
appearance before wrapping his arms around her and inhaling her sweet scent.  A sweet scent he had 
expected to be laced with Spike’s.  Instead it wasn’t. 

Angelus pulled Buffy away to arms length. “Did you enjoy your night with William?”

Buffy stared at him, afraid to answer his question.  Unsure of what would be the right response.  She had 
sensed earlier from Spike that he did not want Angelus to know about their night together, so maybe lying 
would be the best option.   

Buffy pulled herself gently away from Angelus and took a seat at the dinner table.  She avoided his gaze as 
she felt him slide up behind her to scoot her chair in for her.  

“I see he left you speechless,” Angelus whispered into her ear.  

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Yes, you do!” Angelus sneered, grabbing her by the shoulders and pulling her roughly back against the 
chair.  “I don’t know what Spike has been telling you, but if you lie to me in my house you will be very 

“Mmm, daddy hates lying,” Dru moaned from her place across the table.  “Especially from little dollies 
who smell of sweetness.”

Buffy winched in pain from Angelus’s nails digging through the material of her dress and into her skin.  
She was stupid to have said what she did and now she was going to pay for it.


Buffy heard Spike behind her and relief filled her body.  

“William, how nice of you to finally join us.”

“It’s always a pleasure to see you Angelus,” Spike mumbled under his breath as he came walking into the 
room.  “What’s for dinner?”

“I’m afraid you missed dinner William my boy,” Angelus told him, standing up straight behind Buffy’s 
chair.  “But you’re just in time for dessert.”

Before Spike could even respond to his comment Angelus had yanked Buffy up from her chair and into his 
arms.  He stood frozen as Angelus thrust his hand into Buffy’s hair and tilted her head to the side, exposing 
her pale neck.   


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