All Our Yesterdays -


"Come, pet, got to keep moving. The next cycle's gonna start soon," said Spike as he maneuvered from one patch of solid earth to the next, carefully avoiding the slopes of mud that would send him careening into the swamp. He waited for her, watching as she tried to balance."Are you tired?"

"A little, yeah, but I'm okay, keep going," Buffy replied, following in his footsteps until she finally caught up with him. He took her hand and steadied her, then moved it around her waist.

"The next hundred feet or so look fairly steady, but stick close, can't have you tripping. Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?" She gave him the look again and he sighed.

"You're carrying both packs already, I don't think you need another hundred pounds. I'll be fine, Spike."

"Yeah, but, love, you're carrying the most important thing." The hand that wasn't holding her to him travelled down to her rounded middle. She was only five months along, showing prominently, which was a given considering her small frame,"And I'll not have the mother of my child burdened or under any more duress than we already are." She covered his hand with hers and craned her neck up to kiss him, just briefly.

"Mother and child are doing just fine. The exercise is good for me."

"Some, not this much. You'll say so, the very second something's not right?"

"I promise, come on, we gotta cover more ground before it starts up again, find a tall enough tree, or please god a cave." They started off across the mossy wet earth.

"We should head westwards then, there's a likelihood of finding a larger cave towards the coast. Wonder where the mouse has gotten to?"

"He's around here somewhere, I don't think we could be rid of him if we tried. Before you say anything, we're not going to try again. The last thing we need is more whining."


"How much farther to the next town do you think?"

"Another day? Maybe two. My sense of direction is pretty keen, even in this bloody place, but it's harder when we can't see the stars, trees n' what not getting in the way and I don't fancy scaling up another one of these sky scrapers. Too easy to fall, too many branches waiting to pierce the heart. At least I can be out in the day with this kind of cover, no rays to smoke the Spike."

"Don't even talk about it, I can't stand to think..."

"I'm not going anywhere, Buffy, you know that."

"I know, what would I have done here without you? What would I have done anywhere for that matter? In case I haven't said it today, I love you Spike."

"You said it this morning after you woke up, and again after breakfast. But thank you, love you too sweetheart." They managed to traverse the terrain with minimal difficulty, never lingering on one footfall too long for fear of sinking. The boon of a rocky slope presented itself and after a few testing pushes with his boot, Spike deemed it safe enough to venture over. It was nice not to have to worry about getting their feet soaked for a little while. The vines that were draped over the tall trees came down only to the tops of their heads as they made their way to lower ground. The air was less heavy at this level, less humid, but it was much darker. Spike pulled Buffy a little closer, kept her turned slightly into him. Since the very first moment they learned that the seemingly impossible had occurred, and Spike had got Buffy pregnant, he was fiercely protective, as well as nurturing. She knew his greatest happiness was in taking care of her, though she insisted she didn't need it. However, in this new world, she was eternally grateful for it and him. She loved him completely and it made this quasi post-apocalyptic Earth a paradise. Where there was love there was hope. The hope was to provide their child with a good life. In and amongst all the chaos, they clung to each other and their love and perseverance was being rewarded. The prospects of bringing a child into this world was terrifying, but they were grateful for the miracle nonetheless.

Between the ruined cities of Los Angelos, and where they were heading, Seattle, the wilderness was a literal jungle. Soon after the First's attempts to reign Hell upon mankind were successful, Gaia revolted in her own way. She ravaged the world with storms of ice and water, then heat and aridity. Cities burned, nuclear explosions destroyed countries and parts of continents, disease and hunger eliminated most of the human race. In the process, the demons the First hoped would rule the planet were also put asunder. Little remained of the world they once knew, this part grown in a very short time into a miraculous expanse of rain forest and swamp. Once the proverbial dust had settled two years later, three survivors from Sunnydale were made to start over. Spike, Buffy and...

"Hey guys! Come look at what I found!!" the mouse, as Spike called him, shouted as he appeared several yards ahead. Spike sighed and dropped his head on to Buffy's.

"Best follow, bloody annoying little boy, but he's got a knack for finding things we need," Spike supplied, the boy's enthusiasm often irritating the vampire.

"He's not so bad," Buffy countered as they quickened their pace.

"If he makes one more bloody reference to how this place is just like Dagobah I'll tear his throat out with my bare fangs!"

"Play nice, think of how boring it would be without the comic relief."

"Oh you mean not having to worry about him spying on us when we shag? Perish the thought, don't know if I could even get it up anymore without the possible thrill of having him surprise us again. And again."

"Can the sarcasm, Spike. He's useful...and, well, he's our friend. You like him and you know it."

"Bloody lie."

"Hurry up! It's cool this time, I promise. Not just another tree that looks like David Letterman!" the boy shouted again.

"Coming Andrew!" Buffy yelled back, pulling Spike along behind her.

 Chapter 2

So far since they began the trek from Southern California to Washington, Andrew had proven to be surprisingly valuable. Perhaps it was his extensive near perfect memory of every science-fiction novel ever written, or everything he'd ever seen on the Discovery channel, but the boy knew more facts about survival in a post-apocalyptic environment than anyone Spike or Buffy could have imagined. Spike had begun by calling him Gollum for all his foraging and need to please, but it softened into mouse somewhere along the way. Approximately the time when Xander died, Spike thought, when the vampire found himself in need of someone to make fun of. When he needed a friend.

The Scoobies and remaining potentials hid out for over a year in Sunnydale's underground. One by one they were either killed or died of a super-illness. That time was awful for Buffy, especially when Dawn's time came. Buffy never left Spike's side again, for fear of losing him too. When Faith bought it, things got interesting. Among the girls remaining, not one of them was called. There was a Slayer out there somewhere. The decision to go to Seattle wasn't impulsive, though perhaps a little foolhardy. Buffy had a dream, so they were following what the Slayer's subconscious told them.

Buffy showed signs of morning sickness. Naturally, at first, they presumed it was one of the innumerable illnesses that had plagued the planet. They thought she was going to die and it tore them apart. One month after that, Buffy got suspicious that perhaps her condition was something else. When she broached the subject with Spike he was dumbstruck to say the least, and too hopeful to believe it. At the time there wasn't access to things like home pregnancy tests or even doctors. People were few and scattered, the world above where they were held up for all those months was in chaos. They survived on well water, food grown hydroponically - something Xander had devised, and whatever Spike could scavenge from abandoned homes. It suited them well enough, it was a matter of survival. Getting out of Sunnydale and LA was no small feat. They'd taken the detour inland instead of following the coast in hopes that Angel and the others were still alive. The Hyperion Hotel had burned down and there was no sign of any of them. Los Angeles was a war zone. The three of them barely made it out alive.

A month passed and one night, as the vampire and his Slayer lay curled together in their make-shift bed that he heard it. The baby's heartbeat. Buffy woke to his tears wetting her bare stomach. They knew then that a miracle had occurred. A week after that she had her dream. A week after that they decided to leave Sunnydale.

Andrew said it was just like Stephen King's novel The Stand, when referring to the highways and cities littered with decomposing corpses and the remains of havoc from demons, humans, and natural disasters. The decision was made to travel in the wilderness. Certainly it made things more difficult, but in many ways it was easier to abide trees, ravines and wild animals than the remains of civilization. Furthermore, Spike was appreciative of having Buffy eating off the land, fruits and fish, rather than canned goods. They were making excellent progress, all things considered. Spike's best guess had them in Seattle in a month from now, perhaps two.

"Ugh, what's that smell?" Buffy asked, pinching her nose,"It's awful!"

"Sulfur, I think...breathe through your mouth. You're not going to be sick are you?"

"No, I'm okay. What can be so great if it smells this bad?!" A few minutes later the came to what it was had made Andrew so excited. It wasn't hard to find, they just followed their noses and the hot steam rising from the earth.

The mouth of the cave was just large enough for a person to fit through, opening up into a vast expanse that towered over their heads, an opening at the top of the dome letting plenty of light shine down.

"Would madame care for champagne and strawberries whilst she soaks in our springs?" Andrew welcomed them, making sweeping gesticulations with his hands not unlike the ladies on The Price Is Right.

"Bloody hell! Andrew you mad brilliant bastard, I could kiss you!" Spike exclaimed. Andrew waited expectantly, but received only a pat on the back from Spike. Beside him, Buffy was already unzipping her coat and ready to kick off her shoes."Hold up a moment pet, let me check things out first."

"Spike, I haven't had a hot bath in forever!" she protested, but one look in his eyes and seeing the trepidation there, she backed off. Spike shrugged off the two heavy packs he wore and progressed deeper into the caves to where the hot springs welled up into several large basins.

"He probably just wants to make sure there aren't any demon eggs incubating in the water, or any giant squid that have come up through deep underground interconnecting oceans like the one that links Loch Ness and Okanagan Lake in Canada." Buffy eyed him with a curious smirk.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Andrew, listen, do you think maybe Spike and I could have some alone time? Maybe you could be just around the corner? Please?" The young man blushed, he imagined what Buffy had in mind. He nodded and she gave him a peck on the cheek as a reward,"Thank you and thanks for finding this. It's a godsend."

"Welcome." Suddenly there was a loud echo of a vampire's yelp and a mighty splash. Buffy and Andrew exchanged looks of panic, then rushed on after Spike.

They found him doing the back stroke. With a nod from Buffy, Andrew backed away and went to the left to find his own pool, while Buffy sauntered over to the skinny dipping vamp. She watched him, highly amused, as he dove under and resurfaced several times before coming to meet her at the edge of the pool. The look of utter glee on his face was beautiful, he hadn't show this much enthusiasm in months. The only exception was when they'd discuss the baby. Buffy picked up his discarded leather duster and clothing and made a neat pile before taking off her own clothes.

"Let me help you down, love, it's a tad slippy," Spike warned, taking both her hands as he guided her to the water. Buffy started to moan appreciatively the very second the hot spring water touched her toes. She let herself go and submersed herself fully in the water. The past two years of hardship seemed to melt away as her aching bones were warmed to the marrow and her muscles relaxed.

"Mmmm...heaven," she sighed. Spike wrapped himself around her and pulled them to the center where his feet barely touched and they could wade.

"Heaven, love, is wherever you are."

 Chapter 3

Buffy broke away from him and dove under the water, circling around behind him, getting a lovely clear view of his tight behind. She couldn't resist giving a cheek a tweak,"Bloody hell woman!" he yowled, moving away from her. She resurfaced with a wide smile on her face, her skin flushed from the heat of the water.

"Oh ppffft! Don't be a spoil sport, I haven't had a hot bath in two freaking years! I could spend hours, days, weeks in here!"

"Ten minutes."


"Hyperthermia, s'bad for the baby. No more than ten minutes at a time, then you can just sit and soak your feet." She was already pulling herself to the edge and getting out,"Buffy, wait..."

"Why the hell didn't you tell me before I dove right in!? Why didn't I know this? Terribly mother...terrible mother..." He rushed over and grabbed her, keeping her in with him.

"You're not hurting the baby and you're not a terrible mother. Quite the opposite, no one's more careful than you, pet, no one could possibly love a child more than you already do. Relax with me, come, you're all naked and warm...lovely, beautiful, intoxicating Buffy for me." He pulled her back into the water and wrapped his arms around her. He held her close and came down to kiss her, easing his tongue past her lips and deep into her mouth, curling it around hers. Outside the cave there was a faint rumbling as the next cycle of rain storms began. The storms came in with the tides, like clockwork, every day. More often than not they'd get caught in the deluge, though they certainly got clean, it often ruined many of their supplies, not mention exposing the two humans to catching colds or anything else. Spending the latest storm in cave full of hot mineral springs was definitely preferable."My beautiful girl...sweet....golden..." He whispered affections to her between breaths before delving back into her succulent mouth whilst his hands meanwhile kneaded and caressed her flesh.

This was the first bit of peace they'd had in so long neither could remember when. They often, always, found sanctuary in the other during this purgatory, but it always had felt as though they we loving on borrowed time. In this place, however, there wasn't much more than the contentment of being warm and safe and together.

They played in the water until they deemed Buffy had spent her allotted time submersed. Spike sat her bare bum on the rock surface, leaving her legs in the water up to her knees. In turn, he sat down in front of her and rested his head back against her stomach. The feel of the soft wisps of hair between her legs against the back of his next were absolutely thrilling. Under the water he began to massage the arches of her feet, making the Slayer moan in pleasure. She ran her finger through and through his hair, then down to massage his shoulders.

"How are you feeling, pet?"

"Sleepy, warm and deeply aroused." He peered back over his shoulder with eyebrow arched.

"Hmmm? Think I might have to do something about that..." He turned around, coming face to face with her heated center, all pink and swollen, her tummy rounded and full, everything about her was divine. Placing both hands on her middle, he dropped his head and kissed where the baby was nestled inside his mate. He moved higher, to her breasts, stroking his cheek over the areole and sensing the nipples harden despite the heat in the air. He took one in his mouth and gently suckled as Buffy's hands played over his back and neck. He released the pert nipple and lay his head to her chest, looking up at her with dreamy eyes."I know this life is hard on you, love, not having a home any longer, being on this endless sodding camping trip...being without the....without the others. I'm trying my best to provide...but...but I know it's not enough."

"What you mean it's not enough? William, you've done more than enough, you've...god, don't you know? The world has been in one kind of hell or another for two years and you've gone above and beyond the call of duty to make it bearable. You've given me some of the happiest moments in my life, you've taken care of me in everyway. You've given me a baby." He sighed and nodded, and clutched her tightly. Every now and again he needed to be nurtured too."Don't ever doubt, okay? Please?"

"I don''s just hard, you know? 'Course you know."

"Yeah, I do. Love you."

"Love you...oh Buffy...I need you."

"Right here, not going anywhere. Come here, baby..." He let her pull him from the water and into her arms. Her thighs cradled his hips between them and as soon as he in turn became aroused, he was easing himself inside her. Buffy let out a long sigh and pulled him even closer. He was so incredibly gentle now when he made love to her, always cautious, but always phenomenal. He tilted her back a little and slipped his hands under her bottom, raising her up to his languid, long thrusts. Buffy had once used sex with Spike as a way to escape the pain of being torn from Heaven; now she let them both escape together.

He didn't always kiss her, sometimes as with now he wanted to look upon her face, look into her eyes. He wanted to see her love for him and he always did. The effects of the sauna like cavern had them both feeling light headed, slow moving, utterly and totally relaxed. The perfect way in which Spike timed and executed his strokes was driving Buffy to a easily achieved climax. The water-warmed thickness and length of his cock stretched her all the most pleasurable ways, never failing to touch her most excitable places.

Buffy curled her hips to meet each thrust, unable to prevent her moans of rising ecstasy from escaping. Her thighs tightened around him as the moment came increasingly closer. She wanted to close her eyes and fall into him, but he held her gaze with frightening intensity. Down between them he made lazy circles on her clit, watching in fascination as tears slipped from the sides of her eyes. He felt her sex tightening around him and the pleasure was glorious, but he wouldn't let either of them look away. There was something in him that craved connecting their souls this way, he always needed the reassurance. Her breathing was hard, panting, coupled with sharp gasps and cries, she was so close. Her fingers gripped his shoulders with bruising force, nails digging into his skin.

Finally she threw her head back and exposed her neck in invitation. She always offered, but he never more than touched the spot with his tongue and lips. Soon, under the pressure of her own climax he too came, washing her with his release.

They held each other, submersed once more in the water, kissing passionately and still moving together,"Tell me...that...this isn't..." Buffy whispered breathlessly in his ear."All...mmmm...we'll ever need..."

Chapter 4

Having the foresight to have brought soap along with them, Spike and Buffy also used the spring to get clean. Leaving the bliss of the hot water was reluctant, but eventually they relented this one creature comfort. There wasn't much about Andrew that surprised them anymore, but coming back towards the main cavern they were met with a roaring fire and the beds already made. It consisted of no more than foam rolls and sleeping bags, but it more than sufficient. The small bonfire, and a pile of extra wood to endure the night was prepared in a dry corner. Andrew was already unpacking the camping gear to make dinner. The smile of appreciation on Buffy's face was thanks enough.

"Got the wood before the rain started," Andrew explained sheepishly.

"Let me give you a hand with that, mate," Spike offered, nudging Buffy to go and lay on the sleeping bag they shared, also handing her his duster to fold into a pillow. Spike knelt down as Andrew unpacked the pots and food from his own pack and started to help. Spike spoke quietly, as so Buffy wouldn't be distracted from taking a nap,"Listen, mouse, I want to thank you for all this, today and the bit you're doing here. I know it's meant alot to Buffy, but it also means a great deal to me, you helping, always helping."

" didn't leave me in Sunnydale."

"Couldn't do that, you're a Scooby, just us three now."

"Four, the, uh, bitty Buffy."

"Bitty Buffy, I like that. M' glad you're here, even if I don't always act like it. You make things better for Buffy and for that I'm in your debt." Andrew got that nervous, twitchy look in his eyes whenever Spike was nice to him. The look usually turned into a few tears. As a preemptive strike, Spike ruffled Andrew's hair and gave him a nudge, which unfortunately was enough to knock the poor kid over. They shared an awkward smile and prepared dinner in relative silence.

Later that night, after dinner had been eaten and fire built up enough to last until morning, Spike slipped quietly into the sleeping bag with Buffy. He'd made certain she'd eating half his share of the food, arguing that it really did nothing more than fill his belly and the nourishment it gave should go to her and the baby. He managed to go on a hunt every few days to get blood from any animal he could easily kill. Mostly rodents, but he spared her the details. She felt guilty that she couldn't be the one to feed him. He wouldn't allow himself to take from the child growing within. There was Andrew, but the boy was a little too bite shy from the time long ago when Spike was forced by the First Evil to drink from him, to offer. Spike never would have asked regardless.

Still asleep, Buffy rolled half over top him, resting her cheek against his and throwing her arm over his bare chest. Spike pulled the covers up to their necks and settled down for the night. He was always the last one to sleep, waiting until he was certain there were no predators around. It was in this time also that his mind ran wild, full of nightmares and daydreams. At some point Buffy would sigh or mumble against his chest and he'd come back to reality. It was a reality that had them together and becoming parents. He'd sleep peacefully then, listening to the heartbeats around him.


"I'm no bloody Tarzan, so don't even suggest it Slayer," Spike growled as they stood over a divide between two dense expanses of forest. The crevice was no more than 12 feet deep, and only 8 or so across, but it was a problem with heavy back packs and a pregnant Slayer who was not allowed to take chances."Doubt we can go around, not cutting down a tree...I'm also not Indiana Jones, so there'll be no dumb luck or sudden cunning."

"Okay, okay, it was just a suggestion," Buffy replied, rolling her eyes."So I guess we climb down, then climb back up? It's gonna take forever and there aren't any vines hanging down and no one on the other side to tie the rope to something. So?"

"So what? You're the bloody Slayer, slay the problem." She was getting irritated. She knew she could play the baby card and garnish waves of sympathy if she wanted, but that would be cheating.

"Okay, toss Andrew over gap with the rope. We use a vine to climb down one side, and the rope to climb up the other." Spike thought it over for a minute then nodded.

"Right then, mouse..." Andrew squeaked, solidifying his nickname. Spike slipped off one of the backpacks and shoved them into Andrew's arms. The boy started to back away, eyes widening in fear at the approaching vampire."Come on, it'll be fun."

"The hell you say!" Andrew shrieked, dropping the pack and picking up two sticks, making a cross in front of him,"Back! You evil souless fiend!" Behind them Buffy giggled. Spike rolled his eyes and snatched the twigs from Andrew's hands and tossed them on the ground.

"Two things, mate, one - got a bloody soul! And two, making a cross with sticks is pointless if you haven't got the faith to back it up. And, they're sticks!"

"No one tosses Andrew Wells!"

"Mouse, listen, it'll be no trouble, you're but a slip of a boy, be like tossin' a kitten." Andrew cringed and pouted, then stomped his foot,"Come on lad, for the Bitty Buffy?" That did it, Andrew's face turned to a stern scowl and he relented.

"Be careful where you grab, I bruise easily."

"No problem, you're a real sport."

"They say you have a soul, but you're still evil."

"Not evil, mouse, just bad."

With that one minor crisis safely maneuvered around, the trio made their way through the jungle that was once Las Padres Forest, towards Seattle. Spike followed his nose, metaphorically speaking, towards a point on the map he hoped was still there in reality. Shortly after sunset they emerged from the forest to an area close to Big Sur. They avoided the main areas of town, any remains of its people and headed towards what had been there six years previously when Spike had drove through on his way back to Sunnydale after Dru had dumped him.

It was glorious, like the doors to heaven had opened and paradise lay on the other side, theirs for the taking. A monument to all they once held dear about the world, a monument to the world before the fall, before the ruin....and it was still standing.

It was, and possibly the last, Wal-Mart in America.

Chapter 5

"Xander always said that at least we could count on there being Wal-Marts after the apocalypse," Buffy commented as she and Spike pried the sliding front doors open. Spike chuckled, Harris could always been counted on for comments like that,"Cockroaches and Wal-Mart and..." She paused and laughed to herself.

"And what?" he asked, mirroring her grin.

"Well, and you. He said there'd be cockroaches, Wal-Mart and Spike because you were too annoying to get killed and what would the few survivors of war and disease do without a bleached vampire to annoy them?"

"Good ol' Harris."

"Alexander's a nice name for a boy, don't you think?"

"Yeah, love, it's a bit of alright. Good name from a good man."

"William Alexander Summers, or are you ever going to tell me your last name?"

"I prefer Summers. The baby's a Summers."

"Then so are you, until you tell me your last name."

"Summers it is then."

"Uggh!! You're so annoying!"

"Yep, me n' the cockroaches." Andrew passed Spike and Buffy each a flashlight and shopping cart,"Go wild young ones, go wild."

"Yay! Shopping! Even if it's just Wal-Mart, but I don't have to pay!"

"Meet you two back here in an hour, alright?" With a quick nod from Andrew, the boy was off in a run down the center aisle. Spike turned to Buffy and pulled her into a tight embrace. After a long, deep kiss he let her go,"You mind yourself, keep your eyes on where you're walking as not to trip."

"Spike, go, have fun, I'll be FINE. Your baby will be FINE."

"I know, love, I just worry."

"And I appreciate it, but every now and again, we gotta lighten up. Now, I love you truly, madly, deeply, but I need to go find a bra that can actually hold these huge things!" She gave her breasts, altered and heavy from pregnancy, a squeeze in front of him then dashed off, leaving the vampire wide eyed and, horny again. He sighed and headed towards the camping and home repair side of the store.

Andrew was heading straight for the essentials. The snack food ailse. Beholding the row upon rows of vacuum sealed and still perfectly fresh Doritos, Cheetos and other things that ended in 'os', he gave a shudder and advanced. He piled in chips, nuts, chocolate, cookies, cans of soda, dips and everything else his little heart desired. He tore open a bag of Oreos and took four in his mouth at once, promptly starting to gag. Fortunately no one was around to witness his embarrassment. At some point he thought he should go find some new clothes, but oh god, there was a display of Riesens!!

"Bleedin' Tiffany's this ain't," Spike grumbled to himself as he looked over the rings displayed in the glass jewelry case. He had been on his way to the manly side of the store in search of camping gear and weaponry, but the beam from his flashlight had caught the gleam of cubic zirconia and his interest had been piqued. He didn't think there was a real diamond in the lot. It wasn't as if he didn't feel inside that he and Buffy were every bit man and wife, but he knew surprising her with a token of commitment was just the thing the sweet idealistic girl that was still inside her somewhere would get all teary over. It would probably earn him a righteous shag too. Only fact was what he saw before him was neither stylish nor particularly precious. He moved on to the next case and grinned. Picking the lock, he pulled out the sets of wedding bands, testing the sizes on his fingers before choosing two platinum bands and putting them securely in a ring box, then the inside pocket of his duster. He knew this would make her happy.

He'd make it to the supplies eventually, he supposed, when he spied something as coveted as the Lost Ark. Rows upon rows of music CDs, discmen and sweet lord in heaven, batteries. Spike gave a snarl of victory and headed down the aisle straight to the rock n' roll section. C for Clash, D for Deadboys...R, oh yes, the Ramones. He snatched a copy of Loco Live and tore off the cellophane with his teeth. He ripped through the cardboard around the diskman with equal fervor, popped in the batteries and attached the best, high fidelity, set of headphones he could find. When the first notes of the punk band's rendition of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly journeyed to his too long denied ears he sighed contentedly and sunk bonelessly to the floor. Hey ho let's go, hey ho let's go...

He lay out spread eagle and waited for it. The music segwayed into Durrango 95...just a little longer. Almost there and then the near orgasmic release of hearing Joey's "1, 2, 3, 4..." Spike vamped out and howled like a wolf to the moon. Teenage Lobotomy.

"Lobotomy! Lobotomy! Lobotomy! Lobotomy! DDT did a job on me! Now I am a real sickie! Guess I'll have to break the news! That I got no mind to lose. All the girls are in love with me! I'm a teenage lobotomy!" Spike sang in conjunction at the top of his lungs. He was in heaven!

Buffy heard all the noise Spike was making all the way on the other side of the store. She laughed to herself, it was good for the soul to hear him be so happy. At this point she knew the Ramones when she heard them, even if it was being mangled by Spike's shouting it out. Now he was signing something about Psycho Therapy. She sighed and passed her torch light over the array of undergarments still hanging on their racks. Just because the whole world had gone all Mad Max, it didn't mean she couldn't still have pretty things. Wal-Mart wasn't Victoria's Secret by a long shot, but she'd make due. She tossed a couple of pairs of maternity bras in her cart, even though she'd have no need for another four months, then gathered a few lacy underwire things and camisoles. She also grabbed some new panties, a size bigger than usual. Pregnancy was unkind to Slayer's bottom, no matter how much the vampire loved to squeeze her cheeks.

She veered towards the maternity clothes. As if the reality hadn't sunk in enough already, Buffy took a moment to stop and look at her stomach. She ran her hand over the rounded expanse. She was happy, truly happy to have this, but here she was in a Wal-Mart after the end of the world. She wished the circumstances were different, wished so much was different, but on the other side of the store her vampire lover was signing about how Judy was a punk something or other."Your daddy's a nut," she commented to her tummy.

Buffy was so wrapped up in her thoughts, that she didn't sense the demon's presence behind her until it was too late.


Chapter 6

The blow across her back sent the Slayer crashing into the racks of clothing. She had her hands out in front of her and landed badly, but her baby caught none of the impact. She rolled on to her back, then lurched away just in time as the basketball sized fist of the ten foot, dark gray lizard skinned monster attacked again. The thing was well muscled and stocky, not something that could easily be knocked off its feet. It towered over her with its rows of shark like teeth snarling at her, and white eyes fixed.

"SPIKE!!" she cried when she had a moment to draw breath,"SPIKE!! SPIKE!!!" She got to her feet, and not a moment to late as the demon stomped down where she'd just been laying,"Oh god, Spike HELP!!" The demon was relentless, and much faster than her on its timber like legs. Rather than risked being thrown again, Buffy chose not to run and tried to get in close enough to make a hard fast strike to any vulnerable spots and give herself a chance to get to Spike. Her foot stomped on the demon's knee, trying to pop it out of its socket. She didn't quite succeed, but caused the thing enough pain that she could dart away. Unfortunately, it gained ground and closed the distance between them in mere seconds.

"AAAaaiiiieeee!!" came a battle cry from an unlikely source. Andrew leapt down from nowhere with a metal rod in hand and bashed the same knee as Buffy had kicked out. Obviously Andrew caught a bruised nerve with his strike and the beast stumbled back, clutching his knee.

"Andrew, go and get Spike!" Buffy ordered, but it was redundant, as the demon was on the attack again. Together Andrew and Buffy defended themselves, counterstriking with fists, feet and whatever weapons metal racks could afford them.

"Where's Spike?!" Andrew whined, bravely putting himself between Buffy and the monster.

"I don't know..." Buffy's cheek was clipped by one of the beast's knuckles and she fell again, her hand immediately going to her middle in defense. She was the Slayer and she could fight well enough and possibly beat this demon if she was free to do so, but her condition prevented it. She needed Spike, and soon.

The vampire had cranked up the volume on the CD and his brain was tingling with all sorts of carnal pleasures being able to listen to real music again. He'd been at this concert, live from Barcelona. He'd gone two years without it and hearing it again now made him realize how important this kind of escape was to him. This was better than a good fight. Not, however, better than time with his girl. His lovely, beautiful, golden haired Buffy. One song ended and the crowed erupted in roars and cheers and screams. There was one scream however that didn't quite jive with the ones on the CD.

Spike sat up and whipped off the headphones. The sounds of battle hit him like a sledgehammer, including the sounds coming from Buffy he knew all too well. He was up and running in the blink of an eye. The fear came upon him all at once, it didn't matter that Buffy was the Slayer, it didn't matter that she'd fought thousands of battles before. She was his mate, she carried his child and something was trying to take that from him.

Adrenaline fueled Spike with a strength beyond the supernatural abilities of a vampir, his mind was more focused - save Buffy, sod all else. When he saw the demon attacking his woman, Spike moved faster, got angrier, got stronger. With fluid grace, Spike sailed over thirty feet of floor and on to the back of the demon. He reigned fists of fury on to the thing's spine, knowing bones were cracking under the leathery skin. The demon reeled back with a roar and tried futilely to knock the vampire off. Spike instead jumped back and slipped under the demon. He saw how it was favoring one knee and went for a killer strike, this time popping the joint out from its socket.

The demon hit the ground with a thundering, resonating thud and instantaneously, Spike was upon him, smashing his fists into the demon's face, breaking teeth and bloodying its face. There was a primal rage pouring through his body and through his swinging arms he let it flow upon the foul monster that had tried take away the only light in his soul.

"Spike, stop! Please stop!" Buffy cried. Her first words to him snapped him out of his berserker rage and he spun around to her. She pulled him away from the demon by his lapels. Ahead of them there was crying, someone was crying. Spike saw them then, just as Buffy had the moment after Spike had come to her rescue. There were more demons, similar to the one on the ground, only small."He was protecting his children, he didn't know."

The demon's mate, was there now too, wrangling her children behind her. The demon on the ground came back to consciousness and crawled back to his family. The female smacked the back of her mate's head and gave Buffy an apologetic look. The children glommed on to their father and helped him up. Buffy nodded to the other female, a silent understanding passing between them."She's sorry...her mate didn't understand, it's been hard, there's no one to trust...they're going to Seattle too...they were just passing through...seeking shelter, they'll leave now."

"How?" Andrew asked from her side.

"Telepathy...she spoke to me. They won't bother us again. She think's I've chosen a worthy mate...woah...." The room began spinning around the Slayer's head as the rush of the fight finally hit her. She wavered, then went limp with a cry out."Spike..." He went down to the ground with her.

"Buffy?" Spike asked in panic,"Is it the baby?! Buffy...the baby?"

"Just...gimme a second..." She breathed in deep and let it out, then repeated the calming technique several times until she could get her heart to slow, her body to release the tension and the panic she'd built up, to move the stress away from the baby. She took Spike hand and held it on her stomach, bringing him close to the life inside.

"Buffy, tell me..."

"We're okay, love."

Chapter 7

As if she and Spike weren't already glued to the hip as it was, Buffy wondered now if she'd be allowed to go to the bathroom by herself! After she'd recovered her nerve after the fight with the demon she'd broken down and cried, and he'd held her and soothed her. Then Andrew threw his arms around them both. Andrew had been a real hero and Spike had told him as much. From that moments on Spike had gone into uber-caveman protection mode. He carried her around in his arms while she was allowed to finish her shopping, she'd insisted, but he'd only relented when she agreed to his terms. Andrew pushed the cart.

Buffy's only contribution to the making up of the beds from those giant air mattresses they'd seen once long ago on television was to chose the sheets and quilt and test the pillows. Buffy wouldn't deny that this behavior of her vampire's was getting on her nerves, but she didn't let it show, instead allowed him to do ever nuance of work and let her relax. The fight had been the most terrified she'd ever been, the first time she realistically could have lost the baby. There was a mortal dread in that she couldn't allow herself to consider. This baby had to survive, otherwise the death of her friends, and all the people of the Earth would have been for naught. This child was a miracle, proof that there was still goodness and hope in the world. It was also what made Spike believe that he wasn't still an evil, unclean, dead thing. The baby was everything.

When that night's camp was set up, Spike made Buffy sit comfortably in the center of the bed with a chenille throw around her shoulders. He cast many quick, adoring smiles at her and she returned them in kind. He left Andrew to prepare dinner, as the boy often volunteered to do. From the grocery section they'd gathered soups, canned vegetables, crackers, baked beans (at Buffy's request, she had a sudden craving). There were other things too, sweet things, like puddings, snack cakes, and cookies. Buffy was in a pregnant lady's heaven.

Spike had reluctantly left them alone for the time being, in order to finish his original pursuit of gathering more militant supplies, as well as scoping out for more demons, thankfully finding none. He had been quiet since the incident, as if any words would take them into somewhere full of darkness and fear. They'd have to go there eventually. Buffy sighed as she finished her dinner. Andrew was already done cleaning up, he was quiet to.

"I haven't thanked you yet, Andrew," Buffy began,"For attacking the demon." Andrew always squirmed when receiving a compliments or thanks,"You saved me, really. A fight isn't always about who's stronger or faster, there's a lot of luck. He was about to get lucky, I was down, my back turned. But then you showed up and jumped right in there. So, I thank you, Andrew."

"It's okay, I mean you and Spike are like....well..."

"Family, we're family." Andrew gnawed on his bottom lip and blushed. Buffy let him be. Moments later the patriarch of their family returned, both pushing and pulling shopping carts with him. He left them a way's to one side, taking a few things in his hands and coming to sit with Buffy,"We saved you some dinner."

"Ta, love, perhaps in a bit, appetite's not quite there. You ate though, right?"

"I did. What you got there?"

"The bloody mother load, that's what!" He handed her a handful of medicine bottles. She read the labels - folic acid, calcium, and other prenatal vitamins,"For the baby, never too late to start." Buffy cast her eyes down. She heard Andrew moving away, sensing a private moment was about to be had. Besides, he was excited about trying out his new Yoda sleeping bag and matching pup tent.

"I'm sorry." Her voice was meek and quiet.

"No more sorry than I listenin' to a soddin' punk CD...while that thing..."

"I was distracted, I got caught up in the moment, it's been so long since I've been able to let my guard down..."

"And the first time I let myself forget what kind of world it is we live in... Buffy, love, I was careless and irresponsible. It won't happen again. I'll be dust before your child is ever harmed. Forgive me?"

"OUR child. There's no fault here. You're just scared, so am I. But we're all still here, together. You know, I think that fight did one to the baby though." If Spike had any circulation she could have sworn all the blood drained from his face. She saw it happening all at once in front of her as if it were playing on a tv screen, how the raw, primal fear seized upon him."No, Spike, a good thing!"


"Give me your hand, sweetie." Buffy lay back and guided his hand under her clothing to rest on her bare belly. After a few moments there was a wave of movement under his hand. This was the first time he'd ever felt the baby move, until now it had been something only Buffy had felt on the inside,"There, how's that? Sayin' hello to daddy."

"Oh god..." There was more movement and as he stared in fascination at the round place that held his child, tears came unbidden and streamed down his cheeks. Buffy wiped the wetness away and inched closer to him. She wrapped an arm around his neck and snuggled her face under his chin.

"This world is so scary, we never know what the next moment is going to bring, Spike. We've lived through hell and we survived. We have rage and sorrow and guilt because we're still here. I never thought I would be, didn't think you would either and I definitely never imagined we'd have our miracle. I'm terrified of losing the baby, in this world it is a struggle just to stay pregnant, to stay healthy, but I'm so full of hope that I can't give up or let my fears overcome me. Our child doesn't deserve that. We have to try to not let our fears shadow how wonderful this is. I know going to Seattle is the right thing and your faith in me makes me stronger."

"I have hope, I have faith - I truly do, Buffy. But sometimes it's not about the big picture you've just painted. I'm in love with you and I'm in love with the little one growing inside. I don't give a sodding damn about anything else to tell you the truth. So bloody what if there's no more television, Man U, heh, or civilization period, or anything else I ever thought was important. I just want to hold him or her when they're born, I want to raise them up...want them to love me too. You understand?"

"I do." She pulled back a little and drew his lips down to hers. The kiss was immediately deep, tongues ravenous and desperate, the need too great to give and take gently.

The mouse squeaked.

Spike and Buffy drew apart, each letting out heavy sighs."Yes Andrew?" Buffy asked.

"" the boy replied.

"It's fine, what do you need?"

"My tent...I can't get the poles to bend like they're supposed to. I'm not strong enough." Vampire and Slayer shared a smile.

"Right, coming mouse, I'll help," said Spike, he then turned to Buffy,"Get in bed, pet, I'll be back in a mo'."

Chapter 8

About twenty minutes later, Spike returned to his Slayer. Buffy had changed into her new yummy watermelon pajamas. She'd brushed her hair out with her new brush, the long golden tresses that extended down to her waist were light, free and healthy. The mineral water had done lovely things to it, it was so soft. She was happy to have fresh toiletries again, the ones they'd been using previously had been wearing out badly. Hell, even the use of the Wal-Mart washrooms had been a godsend.

Buffy had neglected, possibly deliberately, to button her pajamas to the top. One curve of pale, plump breast peaked out to wink at him. He almost made a move on her, but caught her yawning and decided that sleep was the best course of action for them tonight.

Before that however, Spike had a surprise for her. He made a detour to one of the shopping carts and retrieved two things."Get under the covers, pet, time to go down for the night," he instructed, turning his back to her as he slipped off his clothing. It wasn't often he felt he could relax enough to sleep nude, but even with the demon attack earlier, this place was safer than any other they'd come across in the past two years. Behind him Buffy giggled."See something you like, pet?"

"No...well, yes, of course, 'cause hey, yummy naked vampire bod you got there - but you said go down and I was wondering if that was a proposition?"

"Always, love."

"Just checking."

"I'd wager though that you're far too exhausted, whether you know it or not. I'd like to hold you close and watch over you. I've brought you something, shall I show you?"

"Only if you come here and do what you've just promised, it's been almost an entire half hour since I've had close Spikey contact and I'm sucker for it, pun intended, so c'mere babe."

"You're a bossy chit aren't you? Fine, fine, one vampire coming right up, pun intended there also." She tossed back the quilt and snuck under, holding the blankets up until he could join her. She settled back on the pillows, head turned slightly towards him. The lamp that ran on batteries illuminated his features in a beautiful, yet haunting manner, but in no way was it frightening. He settled in close, keeping his surprise behind his back. He kissed her forehead,"Almost seems normal, eh love? Being in a bed, being clean for once."

"It's pretty nice, even nicer to have new clothes, lip gloss and hey, we can even bleach your hair Mr. Two Tone. There's almost as much brown as there is blond." She gave his shaggy mop of curls a ruffle with her hand, then smoothed it back and behind his ears. One of these days he'd have to cut it, it was making him positively bohemian. She smiled and her eyes dipped closed. It was then that something soft and cool touched her cheek. She opened her eyes to see that it was a small scrap of white colored cloth. Spike held up the newborn sleeper for her to see.

"Can you imagine someone so tiny?"

"Oh Spike."

"I saw it and I couldn't resist." He turned shy then, quickly bunching up the baby outfit and going to hide it away, but she took hold of his wrist, then took the sleeper from him for herself.

"I love it. I didn't go look at the baby department. If we could, I'd like to find a blanket..." He reached behind his back presented her with the very same thing she'd just suggested. It was a dark color, too dark to distinguish in the dim light, but it was of a thick cotton and as lovely as could be. She clutched both items to her chest and turned into him,"I love you, my sweet William."


You won't even try to sleep?" Buffy asked, some time later on in the night, after Spike had changed his position for the twelf time in as many minutes.

"Can't get comfy," he complained, beating on his pillow in an effort to fluff it up.

"Spike, this is a bed, not the cold hard earth we've been sleeping on for the past two years. No, this is you not being about to stop your mind from running away from you." He huffed out a breath and stared up at the ceiling. To tell the truth, Buffy was still a little riled up herself. She needed to calm down almost as much as he did. She turned over to face him and lay her hand on his bicep. He looked at her and smiled.

"How are you, love?"

"A little hungry."

"What would you like? I'll go get it, something sweet?" She nodded her head, then stopped him before he could move by running her hand down his chest and under the covers. Next her finger curled around the base of his soft member. His reaction instant, the muscles of his abdomen tightening.


"Shhh, just relax...want my something sweet." She kissed his shoulder, slowly dragging her lips over the plain of his chest where she then tongued his nipples. This always made him very excited, never able to hold in those gasps of pleasure that made his entire body shudder. Buffy gently kissed over the quivering muscles of his lower abdomen, taking her time to enjoy the softness and flavor of his skin. He was so thin now, she realized, when her lips grazed his pronounced hipbone. He wasn't getting enough blood. She wished he'd take from her when she offered.

He might not take everything she offered, but this was something he couldn't deny. She disappeared under the covers and centered down on what she sought. The anticipation alone was enough to bring him to full arousal, let alone the overwhelming euphoria that seized upon him when half the portion of his cock was taken in by her sweet mouth.

Buffy loved this, the taste and texture of him. He was always cool in temperature, but he took her warmth into himself, swelling as her tongue laved and pushed on the underside of his shaft. She rose till only the head was engulfed, sucking eagerly and hard, making him sob aloud from the intensity of it. Then, she took him in again. She'd become an expert with him, for him, and it brought her as much pleasure to give it as it did for him to receive. His hand went under the covers, his fingers into her hair, while his other sought to hold her hand. She reached out for him too and grasped his hand while she brought him to completion.

Afterwards she kissed him deep and feverishly, he could taste his release lingering in her mouth. Buffy turned and rested her back against his chest, taking his hand and holding it over her stomach as they both drifted to sleep.


Chapter 9

Buffy awoke the next morning feeling about as content as she could ever remember. She was in a comfortable bed, covered up to her nose in thick warm blankets, furthermore she was clean and well fed. There was a gentle ripple in her abdomen, signaling that the baby was waking too. The only thing missing however was Spike. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and yawned.

"Spike?" she called out.

"Right here precious, just packing up," he replied, walking past her with his arms laden with various supplies, Andrew following behind carrying less.

"What are you doing?" He gave a nod to Andrew to continue with the work, piling his own stuff on to poor Andrew and came and sat down next to her on the bed.

"One thing I always loathed about civilization as it was - the bleedin' suburbanites thinkin' they needed tanks to cart their broods of brats around to footy practice or PTA meetings. Bloody irregular if you ask me, however, damned convenient for us."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"Found a Hummer in the parking lot."

"A Hummer? You're kidding."

"Hardly, you'd think I'd willingly drive one of those soddin' messes? Would take a bloody apocalypse before I get behind the wheel of a Hummer! Horrible things." Buffy couldn't help but laugh."At any rate, m'love, we don't have to walk to Seattle. Did a test drive this morning before dawn; checked under the hood, got extra parts from the automotive section, then siphoned gas from all the cars out there, with gallons to spare. Me n' the mouse have been packing the back full of our gear."


"Yes, beautiful?"

"There wasn't a soccer mom skeleton was there?"

"No, precious," he laughed in return. He leaned in and kissed her sweetly on her lips,"Take your time getting ready, drink some orange juice and take your vitamins. Put on your new clothes, wear something sexy underneath." He waggled his eyebrows and received another darling smile.

"Okay." He went to go back to the packing, but she took his hand in hers,"How are you? Be honest." He sighed and let his shoulders drop.

"Hard ache in m'guts, love, I don't know if I'll ever recover from last night."

"Well, I do give the best blow jobs ever."


"Sorry, bad Buffy, making bad jokes. Baby's all wiggly this morning."


"It is good." She kissed him this time then nudged him away,"Tell Andrew I'm riding shotgun."


The handy thing about Wal-Mart, they really did have everything including tinting for the vehicle's windows. After his moment of comfort from Buffy, Spike had managed a few hours sleep, but just a few. A nightmare woke him and rather than haunt himself of memories of the past two years, he put his restless energy to good use. He found the Hummer, filled the extra gallons from the automotive section with gas from other abandoned cars and crammed every single last necessity he could fathom into the back. The journey to Seattle would be so much easier as long as they could find gas to refill should they run out along the way.

He paused often to watch over Buffy as she slept, the tense fear of having almost lost her and their baby making him feel unhinged. Now he watched her emerge from the bathroom, fresh and radiant. She'd found maternity jeans that hugged her legs perfectly and a thin baby blue sweater that showed off the increased swell of her breasts and round tummy. A new hair clip had helped spin her long curls into a lovely cascade around her shoulders. The hint of pink lipstick on her lips accentuated her smile.

"Can I just say how much I LOVE being clean and stylish again," she proclaimed, spinning around for his perusal,"I'm gorgeous! I even did my nails. I know it's shallow, but..."

"You're a goddess!"

"Flattery will get you everywhere. You didn't do your roots." He ran his fingers thorough his shaggy, lengthening hair, the dark roots almost longer than the blond.

"I packed some L'Oreal, pet, another day. You don't like me like this?"

"Don't be pouty vamp. I think it's sexy, just that you complained so long about not being able to."

"Yeah, well, maybe I'm beginning my grunge phase, we are going to Seattle afterall."

"Then we should get you some flannel." He growled at her and grabbed her hips.

"You tryin' to start trouble?"

"Maybe." She scratched her nails over his t-shirt covered chest, rose up on her tip toes and licked and nibbled on his chin.

"Gonna, have you, Slayer, gonna eat you hot little..." There was a loud din by way of the front doors and Andrew whining a drawn out 'ow'. Spike sighed and placed a chaste kiss on Buffy's forehead and patted her bottom,"I best go see to him, not telling what he's done now."

"Probably accidentally opened a portal to a hell dimension, be careful honey, it's no fun without you."

"'Course precious, you know me."

"Oh god, you're going to die!"

"Can the sarcasm pet, or you'll be denied the orgasmic pleasure that is my mere presence come nightfall."

"You're so full of yourself."

"And often, pet..." He flashed her the vamp face for a brief second, she squeaked in surprise tinged with lust,"So are you."


Chapter 10

After so long of having not been in a moving vehicle had both Buffy and Andrew car sick. More than once Spike had to make an emergency stop for one of the to toss their cookies. Oreos as a matter of fact, most unpleasant. But Spike diligently held her hair back and ran soothing circles on her back with his hand until she reigned control over her protesting stomach. With both Buffy and Andrew now fast asleep, Spike could relax and just drive. He stayed off the intestates, too littered with abandoned cars, or cars with drivers who'd died running to nowhere. He didn't want Buffy, or the mouse for that matter, to see anymore carnage, disease or misery. Being the kind of man he was, protecting his family from these sorts of things was integral, even though he was perfectly aware that they all knew the reality, this facade of life being peachy was something he couldn't let go of.

Buffy was reclined across the center bench, awkwardly buckled in, with her head on his thigh, her hand on his knee. The scents of her body lulling him as he wound the massive vehicle down the back roads of California on the way north. There was the odd car on the side of the road, in one hundred miles though he'd only seen three. No sign of people, which to Spike wasn't entirely a bad thing. He liked having Buffy need him as she did. He liked that they talked together so much. He liked especially in the quiet times, how she touched him and gave him her body, and loved him. She turned over in her sleep, her round tummy presenting itself and Spike could help but lay his hand there. The miracle of life growing from the two of them was something that he could never get used to, no matter how Buffy's burgeoning stomach told him it was fact.

"You know, lil' bitty," Spike began, a dialogue to his unborn child,"Your dad's quite the fellow, thought I should tell you that in case your mum forgets in and amongst all the kickings of my ass, or tellin' me what a stupid git I am, or that I'm an over bearing sod who won't let you date until you're thirty - if you're a girl that is. 'Course your mum's also quite taken with me and even though I haven't seen my reflection in over a century, I do know I'm a rather handsome chap, so if you're a boy then you'll be beatin' 'em off with a stick, especially if they're all genetically mutated from disease, radiation n' what not. However, even if they're no prettier than a Chaos Demon, you show a lady respect..." It was then that Buffy giggled,"Bloody hell!" She opened her eyes and kissed the air at him.

"Sorry, but you were being so cute."

"I'm not cute."

"Yes you are. You are so cute, honey. You're also a wonderful man and this baby's so lucky to have you, I'm so lucky too." She took his hand and brought it to her lips to press a kiss on his palm,"You know, I think my tummy's bigger. Did it grow when I was sleeping?"

"Couldn't say, pet, well come to think of it, a tad larger, I suppose." She sat herself up and immediately scooted right up to him until they were pressed tight together. He put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her close, kissing her temple while keeping his eyes on the road,"Sun's almost down, we'll drive all night, I think, head up to Cannon Beach in Oregon, almost to Washington. It's beautiful there, North Oregon....we can make love on the beach."

"Sounds romantic."

"Horribly romantic, roses and champagne."

"Except Wal-Mart didn't have those things."

"We'll use our imagination. There'll be a moon, and stars, and salt wind." Buffy sighed and kissed the side of his neck.

"William the Poet, that's who you are, my poet, all mine."

"Yeah, love, all yours, always all yours." They drove on a little while longer, perhaps an hour, in silence, holding each other and watching the world pass by. There were difficult spots where the Hummer came in handy, when the road was overgrown and nearly impassable. Somewhere along the way Spike heard Buffy humming softly to herself,"I know that one, pet."

"Old and English - like you," she said, rubbing her tummy,"I don't know how I remember it, but I do."

"Maybe Joyce had sung it to you?"

"Maybe. It's very pretty."

"Written by King Henry VIII, when he was a poet, when he didn't care about crown and country, just his lady love."

"Didn't he chop of the heads of all six wives? And hello, six wives? Insecure much? "

"And I became a vampire and according to some slaughtered half of Europe. We were both young idealistic young lads once."

"Can you sing? I mean the non-punky stuff you just shout. Really sing?"

"Yeah m'not bad."

"I'm terrible, really. I want one of us to be able to sing to the baby and not hurt their little ears."

"Doesn't matter if you're not operatic, love, a mother's voice is the sweetest sound a child will ever hear."

"You said once your mother sang that other song to you."

"Early One Morning. It was my lullaby. Shall Greensleeves be ours?"

"I'd like that."

"Alright then, Greensleeves it is. You should sleep again, it'll do you both good. I'll wake you for lunch, find us a nice shady spot to stop."

"I like talking though...and if I sleep anymore I'll slip into a coma!" He hugged her, giving his insistence in the gesture and Buffy acquiesced, sliding back down and using his thigh as her pillow. He cupped her cheek and brushed his thumb back and forth over her features. He cleared his throat, and began tentatively, but his voice grew in confidence.

"Alas, my love, you do me wrong, to cast me off discourteously. For I have loved you well and long, delighting in your company. Greensleeves was all my joy, greensleeves was my delight, greensleeves was my heart of gold, and who but my lady greensleeves. I have been ready at your hand, to grant whatever thou would'st crave; I have waged both life and land, your love and goodwill for to have. Greensleeves was my delight, greensleeves my heart of gold. Greensleeves was my heart of joy, and who but my lady greensleeves...."


Chapter 11

The coast was beautiful, even with the images diffused by the tinted window. A sliver of sunlight shone on Buffy's face where she'd opened the window on her side for a little fresh air. Hopefully it would diminish her car sickness. They'd stopped for lunch, of which despite the nausea, Buffy ate a whopping amount. There was plenty of food packed to last them for weeks, but it still concerned Spike how much of an appetite Buffy had now, and if suddenly having food became an issue again it might prove difficult to provide. He'd have to cross that bridge when they came to it. He had skipped lunch himself, human food wasn't sitting with him too well lately. He could go into the forest for a bit of a hunt, find some poor creature and drink its blood, but that thought wasn't overly appealing either. Furthermore, leaving Buffy alone was not an option anymore.

Back on the road Spike watched the world go by, the breathtaking, wild, unpopulated world. Sometimes he preferred this, just the three, or rather four of them, their cosm, their family. However the notion of Buffy giving birth without drugs, a hospital or doctors to help should anything go wrong terrified him beyond imagination. Of course the thought of him trying to deliver the baby himself was another thing that nightmares were made of. He rarely had dreams that brought him fond memories come morning, always nightmares, especially about the past two years. He didn't sleep much anymore, he was afraid every time he closed his eyes that when he'd wake, she'd be gone.

"Spike!!" Buffy's voice cried out. He snapped back to attention, taking control of the steering wheel and righting the direction of the Hummer before it nearly veered off the road and down a ravine. He slammed on the breaks and put the vehicle's emergency break on and buried his face in his hands, trying to breathe steadily in and out in an effort to regain his composure. He was sure his heart would have been racing like a jack rabbit if it wasn't dead.

"Mom?? Are we there yet?" Andrew asked as he woke from his own sleep, but held his voice when he saw something was wrong. Buffy cast the boy a sympathetic look, asking with her eyes to just wait a moment. She tentatively touched Spike's arm and he jerked it away. Buffy unlatched her seatbelt and maneuvered until she was kneeling beside him. Gingerly, she began to stroke his hair.

"What happened?" she whispered.

"Just bloody near killed you!" he growled.

"Spike, get a grip, come on. Talk to me, sweetheart. I woke up and you were all dazy looking, are you sick?"

"I'm not sick, Slayer."

"But you're angry at something, you don't call me Slayer unless you're emotional."

"Emotional? Great, a bloody wanker now am I?" He sat up, his face marred with so many emotions Buffy couldn't pin point a single one to tackle first.

"You've been up for hours, we can stop for a rest..." He put the car back on the road and started driving them again,"Spike..." He ignored her. Buffy wasn't going to stand for this sort of attitude.

"Pull over, please." He kept on driving, jaw clenched so tightly that his cheeks sunk in. Buffy sighed heavily,"The baby's pressing on my bladder and it's uncomfortable, please stop the damn car, Spike." He hesitated, then did as she asked. She grabbed a box of tissues and hopped down, then slammed the door shut with all her Slayer strength, damn near wrenching the thing off its hinges. She was mad at him and it stung no matter how deserved it might have been. It hadn't been her fault and her first reaction had been to try and comfort him and he'd acted like a beast to her. Apologizing would likely earn him a punch in the nose. When she got back in the Hummer she sat leaning against the passenger side door, staring out the window and out of his reach.

Spike choked on his hurt and the vehicle started moving again. The sounds of Andrew playing with his new hand held video game system were the only disruption to the icy silence between the pair in the front seat. The drive was excruciating from then on out. Spike watched the road, kept his mind sharp, kept his eyes hard and open. He wanted to touch her, to apologize for taking his anger at himself for nearly dozing off out on her. Andrew played his game with focus and intensity, because if he let them see how upset the distance between them made him, he'd probably cry himself.

After an hour, Buffy made the first move. It wasn't anything she said, she didn't move too far from her spot, but in her own way she made things alright between them. She rummaged through the Wal-Mart bag chock full of CDs and chose one. She unwrapped the cellophane and slid it into the car's stereo. She kept the volume low and easy, selecting the song she wanted before curling back up against the window.

Spike knew this one, loved the humbleness and the sensuality to it. Bruce Springsteen's Fire. He felt the warmth returning between them. Loving and fighting, it was just their way.

"Cannon Beach is about four hours off," Spike said.

"Okay," was Buffy's reply. By the end of the song, Buffy was a few inches closer to him. Andrew let out a sigh of relief. He didn't like it when his parents fought.


Chapter 12

Cannon Beach, at least to Spike's memory, had not changed. Along the shore stood megalithic stones scattered along to the ocean's lip like so many monstrous teeth. Douglas firs and cedars were gathered in lush clumps upon the rocks, standing sentry before the forest that divided this sanctuary from the mainland. The sun was hovering on the horizon and the shapes were cut apart from the azure tinged sky of twilight as black silhouettes. The night's rain had already come and gone. Buffy and Andrew descended from the vehicle and made their way to the beach for watch the sunset, while Spike hid out the final minutes of daylight behind the Hummer, unpacking the camping gear and preparing dinner for the humans.

Buffy felt a bit of chill rush through her, the wind off the water decidedly cool and very unlike that what was found back in Southern California. There was still some residual tension between her and Spike, but she wished he'd come and wrap his arms around her. In a day all the strife would have dissipated, but those hours in which emotions ran hot there was a distance in bodies that made for a distance in hearts.

"Do you think the baby will have fangs?" Andrew suddenly asked. Buffy's jaw dropped at the audacity of the question, but knowing Andrew as she did also knew he'd meant no offense.

"No, mouse," Spike answered as he brought them their dinner. He had for each of them a hot bowl of Kraft dinner with broccoli as well as canned peaches for Buffy. He'd tossed a blanket on the lawn in front of the Hummer. And oil lamp burned for light, while a heating element simmered down after having cooked the pasta.

Buffy awkwardly made her way down to the picnic and as she relaxed Spike was behind her stacking pillows for her back. She went to thank him, but he disappeared again, returning with bottles of water. They ate in silence for some time.

She knew there wasn't a right time to broach the subject with him, but if she waited too long, they both might regret it. She offered him a spoonful of peaches,"Here, eat a little," she coaxed, trying to keep her tone from seeming desperate. He waved her off and went back to watching the ocean. Andrew turned away from them.

"No thanks, pet, food hasn't been sitting well with me lately. I come over a bit queasy afterwards."

"Maybe it's because your body's craving blood, not macaroni and cheese." He huffed out a breath, instantly going on the defensive.

"Don't start, Buffy."

"Already started it."

"I'm fine."

"You had some animal something in the forest a week ago? Nothing since, don't you dare tell me you're fine. Normal people can't go a week without eating."

"Vampires can."

"Skinny people in dusty countries? Living skeletons! That's what you said, you're on the fast track to becoming one."

"Oh sod off, it's hardly that bad! Bloody hell!!" That dismissal made her angry, he could be so stubborn sometimes. She had to get through to him and yelling wasn't going to it. She didn't want to manipulate him, but she couldn't see another way at hand. She labored to her feet, Spike reacting instinctively and standing to help her. She pushed his hands away and started walking away down the beach."Buffy? Where are you going, love?" She ignored him and kept walking, increasing her pace. He let her go another twenty paces, then ran after her,"Wait up!"

He caught up with her, coming around in front of her, blocking way,"Please move."

"Buffy, don't be like this."

"You told me to sod off! So, that's what I'm doing. Move."

"Like hell! That's not what I meant, I just wanted..."

"Me to drop the subject, I know, that's why I had to get away from you. I don't think you're even aware of what's happening here!" A stream of tears suddenly flowed down her cheeks,"How can you take such good care of me, watch out for me and not expect me to do the same for you? Spike, a vampire needs blood, there was a time when you used to drink a person or three every night! Even with the pig's blood you still ate everyday. Now look at you, you're skinnier than I've ever seen you!" She poked his hip to punctuate her point,"You're all bone!"

"So I'm not a hulking caveman like some of your others, I'm good enough."

"Spike, dammit, this is about your health and not my stupid boyfriends, in case you hadn't noticed, I'm carrying your baby here! You're a hell of a lot more than good enough. But you're getting sick, I can see it. You almost fell asleep at the wheel earlier. You're tired, you don't look well, Spike...I'm scared for you." He was perplexed, she seemed truly upset. He hadn't thought much of it himself. Certainly he was aware that his lack of blood intake was showing signs, but not as bad as she was making it out to be. Though now her behavior was giving him doubts.

"Took on the bloke last night alright." She nodded, sniffled, then her hand was on his chest.

"Why won't you take my blood?" She said it in such away that he felt ashamed for ever having refused it,"Is it me?" She took her hand away and wrapped her arms around herself, looking down at the sand.

"Since when are you this insecure?"

"That one time, in that woman's house, where you'd buried all those people the First made you kill. You licked the blood off my arm. Is there something wrong with my blood?"

"What!? Buffy, god no. You're the Slayer for bloody sakes, your blood is ambrosia to vamps, a holy liquor - a man could drown in it. You're forgetting that before the baby, I had your blood all the time."

"That was sex, I'm talking about drinking my blood, from my neck."

"I can't do that."

"Why not?" She was trembling and coupled with her tears and sad voice, the vampire was rendered helpless. He pulled her close, his hands on her lower back, pressing her pronounced stomach against him and he rest his forehead down on hers.

"Taking your blood will weaken you, that'll weaken the baby and here and now, in this world where you aren't even guaranteed a decent meal once a day, taking a risk like that is more than I'm willing to wager."

"Half a pint isn't going to make me miscarry, you know. It's not going to do anything to me that I won't be back 100% from in half an hour. Spike, please listen to reason."

"I won't do it." She gripped his biceps and choked on a sob.

"Baby, please." She was practically begging and he wanted so much to give in, he knew if he did he would feel guilty and disgusted with himself,"Please, William, I love you, I want this." She pulled back and held his face in the palms of her hands,"Change for me." He kept his eyes down and did as she bade. She caressed the distorted ridges of his face and smiled,"Don't ever think I don't love this face just as much as your human one." She kissed his mouth, running her tongue gently along his fangs. She took his hand and placed it over her heart, then guided him to her throat. He pulled her closer, his arm all the way around her waist and kissed the pulse point carefully so not to graze her with his fangs. She rubbed his back soothingly as well as the back of his neck, encouraging him onwards. He sunk into her flesh, into her vein and drank. He started to pull away almost instantly, the hot rush of liquid ecstasy that was her blood overwhelming him, but Buffy held him down forcefully until he relented.

He took long, slow gulps until Buffy let him know it was time to stop. He drew back from her, not a spec of her blood on his face, just a little on his bottom lip. He pressed his thumb to each puncture, to take up the drops of blood that escaped before her Slayer healing took instant effect. He bent back down and licked away the smudges, she shivered with a little thrill. Her hands found their way to his thin waist, hooking her thumbs inside his jeans."You feel better, don't you?" she asked. He didn't reply, the look on his face was stern, yet sad also."We're going to do this every couple of days, okay?"



"Don't say my name like I'm a child you're scolding!"

"Then stop acting like one! For heaven's sakes!" She grabbed his lapels suddenly and yanked him to her for a fierce, passionate kiss,"By the way, I'm not really being a martyr here. The bitey thing? Better than sex!" She got a little grin out of him and she finally felt at ease.


Chapter 13

Half way back to camp Buffy was suddenly seized by Spike, wrapped completely in his arms and being thoroughly kissed so deeply she thought she was having an out of body experience. He sucked on her tongue and groped her body with ferocity that had her blood singing. This was a wild passion between them that was so overwhelming she nearly swooned.

When he finally let her come up for air, she found herself embraced close to his body, held tightly with his face buried at her neck breathing in and out deeply. She was uncertain for a moment, but then turned her face to his and then burrowed against his throat, her arms slipping under the duster and around his back."Love you, Buffy," he mumbled.

"Love you too, Spike. We gotta take care of each other."

"I know, we will. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, baby. Let's go back, poor Andrew's probably in a fit and I want snuggles, all night snuggles."

"Be very happy to oblige, pet, get us all nice and'll let me come inside, make your body sing for me."

"Yes, I need you. Make love with me, all night...I'd be so lost without you. I couldn't bare to be alone out here." He wrapped the folds of the duster around her, sealing them in a cocoon.

"How's the baby tonight?"

"Quiet, just little touches here and there, feels bigger."

"Won't be long now."

"I can't wait to hold them, look in their eyes."

"I want to watch you nursing. I imagine it all the time. Watch their little cheeks sucking and face getting all pink. Those little fingers clutching to your breast. I want to see the life I had no business creating."

"You will, sweetheart and don't give me any of that I'm the evil undead nonsense.I believe in destiny and it was your destiny to be a daddy, so there."

"Yes dearest."

"Thank you, now about those snuggles please, need my nekkid Spike."

"How's about you have your naked Spike after we do something first?" She drew back, a little perplexed, but willing to play.

"Okay, I'll bite...but I like it better when you bite." He gave her a pointed look and she wrinkled her nose at him and kissed the air to him.

"You're quite precious, you know that?"

"Yep, because you tell me and I believe everything you tell me. Now what are we doing before I get me some?"

"We, my lovely love, my beautiful, effervescent, sex pot..."

"Get on with it, vampy."

"Marry me, here tonight on the beach. Bugger the priest...okay, poor choice of words there, I meant forget that there's no priest, or holy bloke or judge or legalities..."

"There's Andrew."

"No church or white gown for my bride..."

"Knocked up here, white gown not so appropriate."

"Champions of Goodness, carrying miracle children in their wombs can wear white."

"I still don't have a dress."

"I like what you're wearing now."

"We don't have rings."

"That I can help us with..." He kept their cocoon secure, but managed to reach into the inside pocket and produced the ring box. The look on her face, the instant tears of joy, when she saw the matching bands was enough to make his soul burn."Takin' that as a yes?" She squealed and it gave him a jolt, then she kissed him.

"Andrew's celibate, he'll make a good priest."


Chapter 14

"Is that the Bible?" Buffy asked, trying to peer over the large volume their would be presidor for the impromptu wedding ceremony held aloft in his hands.

"'s um, The Lord of the Rings," Andrew replied with a nervous laugh."I thought i'd be okay cause of the Berren and Luthien thing, but with Spike as Luthien because he gave up the ways of his people for his mortal love and stuff. Buffy, did Spike ever sing and dance in a moonlit meadow wearing a gown of deepest purple?" Spike gave the mouse a stern glare,"Perhaps not, but I think you'd look nice in purple, it would bring out your eyes."

"Get on with it mouse, or I'll show you what the Ents really did to the orcs at Isengard, and I'm talking about branches where branches don't belong." Andrew's eyes widened in horror and Spike smirked.

"I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but it's creepy and all nerdy, so cut it out," Buffy huffed. Andrew cleared his throat and held his head high.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, under the uh, the....well, um..."

"What, mouse?" Spike asked.

"God, Allah, Shiva, Ahuramazda, or....."

"Willow always said Gaia," Buffy provided,"And the Goddess is all around us now, I think. And Ahurawhat?"

"Zoroastrian uber deity."

"Riiiiight....please continue."

"We are gathered here today in the house. Well, no so much house as great big outdoors, of Gaia, to join Spike and Buffy in holy matrimony."

"Bloody hell, you're making it sound like we're being sentenced to life of hard labor!" Spike groaned. Buffy whapped him across the stomach,"Sorry, mouse, you're doing splendid, carry on." Andrew bravely stuck his tongue out at Spike and Buffy giggled.

"Do you William, take Buffy..."

"Often..." Buffy cocked her fist back and Spike just smiled.

"To be your lawfully, even though there's no civilization to support said law, wedded wife to have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, especially 'cause there's no more money in the world, as long as you both shall live? Or, unlive..." Despite the jangled version of wedding vows Andrew had presented, there was calm and assurity that had come over Spike as he turned and looked into the hazel and emerald eyes of his intended bride. Buffy saw this, saw his soul projecting out to her the love that had endured and grown over years and her emotions welled up inside her all at once and came forth in tears.

"I do," he said simply, taking both her hands in his and holding them to his chest.

"Buffy....or is it Elizabeth, 'cause Buffy is just the pet favorite abbreviation of Elizabeth, it was popular in the late 18th century England..."

"It's Buffy," she stated.

"Buffy Anne, actually," Spike added.

"That's sweet," said Andrew,"Do you Buffy Anne, take William as your lawfully in a world without law husband to have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer in a world where money no longer exists, as long as you both shall live? Or, unlive..." Buffy closed the gap between her and Spike, until their stomachs were touching and the baby was happily nestled between them.

"I do, and always will." A single tear escaped down Spike's cheek and she watched it run down his neck and wet his shirt,"I love you William..." She took a cleansing breath,"I love you with all my heart, so much so I think's it's full up and then you go and do something that makes me love you more. Our lives have been messed together for almost nine years - can you believe that? We used to despise each other, I guess it was just the passion...and it's always there, whether we're fighting or making love, or just doing nothing. You're inside me, you're in my blood, in my surround me, take care of me and you've given me a peace inside and a love that is worth dying for, worth fighting for and worth living for....I just love you, Spike." Andrew passed her a ring and she slipped it on Spike's held out and trembling hand.

"Buffy...oh god..." Spike's voice cracked as he tried to echo her words with his own,"My Slayer, my redemption. It's all you, all because of you. This demon, in me..." He pounded his fist to his heart for emphasis,"He's fierce and vicious and he loves you like any loves their mate, I will kill for you, die for you, be good for you and be a man for you. I love you better than anyone that's ever been, love you more than I ever did anyone when I was man and as I do now as a vampire. For the longest time you were my soul, Buffy, my guiding light, showing me the way back to myself, back to the boy whose mother loved him, back to the man who wanted a wife and child of his own to love and protect. You saved me, every night you've saved me." Spike fit the ring to Buffy's finger and kissed it. Andrew began to sob and snivel as he clutched the book to himself.

"That's SO BEAUTIFUL!!!" the boy cried.

"Oh, bloody hell, mouse, pull yourself together...honestly...really...terrible..." Spike said this as he wiped his own deluge of tears from his face harshly with the back of his hand.

"There's one last bit there, Andrew," Buffy said softly.

"Oh yeah," Andrew laughed nervously,"Sorry. Uh, by the power vested in me by no one whatsoever, I now pronounce you man and wife, or vampire demon and claimed female human concubine type thing."

"Good enough."

"You may now kiss, or bite your bride."

"Capital plan," Spike mused as he took hold of his bride and kissed her. As the pair of lovers embraced, Andrew all too happily found himself pulled into their arms."Thanks, mouse."

"Welcome, guys."

"That was perfect, Andrew," said Buffy, kissing the boy's cheek,"Now get back in the Hummer, I want to have sex with my husband."

"Pet, you just channeled Anyanka!" Spike exclaimed.

"I did, didn't I? Anya's a nice name for a girl, isn't it?"

"It's lovely, pet. Good name, from a funny, bright girl."

"What about the first dance?" Andrew asked, the married couple looked at him, surprised, he tried to explain,"We have twinkies, they can be the wedding cake and lots of music, so you guys can have a, like a really real wedding."

"Oh Andrew!" Buffy cried, elated,"That's so thoughtful!" Andrew gave them a dopey smile and dashed off to the Hummer. He opened the windows and slipped a CD into the player, the sudden sounds of a love song playing along with the thrum of the ocean.

"Bloody hell..." Spike mumbled.

"What is it honey?"

"The Bee Gees. Does the boy know anything about me? Honestly, it's been bleedin' years?! How Deep is Your Love? Torture."

"It's sweet, corny, but sweet. He's happy, let him be." Spike grumbled a little, but smiled, when Buffy's fingertip dipped under his chin and lifted his head up,"You going to dance with me or sulk all night?" He gave a little snarl and pulled her into his arms, the pair of them swaying in the cool ocean air, Andrew back by the Hummer stuffing his face with snack cakes.


Chapter 15

Now that they were suddenly alone, trying to repeat more words like those just said in their wedding vows seemed impossible. Part of Buffy thought it was ludicrous that Spike was setting up the bed again, just like they'd had in the store the other night, but on the other hand there wasn't anything more romantic to her mind than making love on the beach under the moon. When he came to her, the first touch of his hand on her body had her suddenly so overwhelmed with desire she let out her breath with a slight cry of urgency that sounded like pain. He was shaking himself, already fully aroused and aching to be with her. The duster dropped off his shoulders and fell to the grass, he kicked off his boots, then grabbed her shoulders and crushed his mouth to hers. This kiss was poured into her with all his love, his soul, every passion of the demon and hope of the man. Buffy fell into him and let him hold her up, let him fill her up.

The efforts to get their clothing removed were hampered by their unwillingness to part their lips and when they got their shirts bunched up around their necks, the laughter started."Look at us, like a bloody pair of teenagers swimming in hormones and premature eja..."

"Don't you dare!"

"Buffy! I wouldn't. I'm the five hour man, remember?" He made a lewd gesture with his tongue, to which Buffy snapped open her bra and stripped it off as well as her shirt. Spike pulled his own shirt off his back and over his head, then tossed it to the wind."Look at you..." She made a face, letting her arms flap to her thighs.

"Chubby, all quasi-bodied Buffy...." The cool wind air had her nipples stiffly erect, her skin covered in goosepimples. Spike chuckled warmly, a deep sound rumbling in his chest, and bent his head down to on of those ample mounds of flesh. Taking one nipple in his mouth he suckled fervently as she draped her arms over his back. He tugged down her jeans and panties while she helped shimmy them down her legs. Her nipple, tingling from the attention he'd paid it, popped free from his lips as he descended to his knees. He helped her off with the boots and the rest of her clothes, all the while nuzzling the soft curls on her mound, untrimmed in years and just how he loved them. She was the perfect embodiment of woman. His lips pressed wet, open mouth kisses to her swollen stomach, her scents and heat radiating to all his senses. She was still exposed to the elements, and before she could catch cold, he was on his feet and taking her to bed.

Once inside the heavy layers of quilts and blankets and Spike naked finally, Buffy decided it was her turn to be worshipful of his body. They could only see each other's faces, given the little chrysalis of quilts they were under, but they could feel. Spike opened his mouth, felt his eyes roll back and moaned, when her two hands closed around his erection. One moved steadily up and down the shaft, the other massaged his sac. Her touch rendered him speechless, helpless and submissive. Her hands eventually left him, moving up over the plain of his abdomen, over his chest, then settling on his shoulder for support as she moved over top him.

Straddling his waist, the blankets still around her shoulders, Buffy slowly let him part her soft folds, then bit by bit, become enveloped in her snug heat. Settling comfortably down upon him, she bit her bottom lip and smiled, adjusting to the familiar sensations. His hands ran along her thighs while he pushed up with his hips and was gifted with little mmmms of pleasure from his wife. She wanted to ride him like she used to, slam their bodies together in a wild frenzy, but those days are gone, replaced with a carnal lust born of the deepest love on Earth. This doesn't mean of course that it wasn't still phenomenal.

With calculated movement, Buffy angled her hips back and forth, flexing and tensing her inner muscles around his cock, the pair of them sinking low down into the pleasures of it. She flipped her hair to one side, the long tresses falling over his arm and shoulder. Buffy rocked a little faster, a little harder, rubbing her clit down on his pubic bone while his hand roamed over her back and bottom. She arched her back, presenting her full breasts to him and Spike raised himself up and flicked his tongue over the nipples. Buffy's little sighs of delight pleased him and he thrust up with a little more purpose, always mindful to be careful. After a moment she pushed him back down against the mattress.

She was slow and easy as she began to slide herself up and down on him. As she rose, she tightened herself around him, making him groan loudly, going back down was for her own pleasure, letting his length hit the sweet spot. The looks between them were beyond lust, into a love that transcended the act. The carried on guided by the ebb and flow of the ocean, until the breaking point came and they cried out with their climaxes. They would have gone on all night, but there was a serenity to this place that lulled them to sleep quicker than usual. It seemed somehow that this was the first time in two years, that they could rest.


Chapter 16

The sunlight of late morning coupled with the salty ocean air and fragrant trees lining the beach were the elements that made this the perfect morning to wake up to. The night before had been to her recollection the absolute happiest of her entire young life. It definitely hadn't been the wedding of her teenage fantasies, but in truth the only part of those fantasies that mattered were that she was with a man she loved. The silly dream of a white dress and a church with Angel frankly made her a little disgusted with herself. It had been the aspirations of a little girl, now the reality of husband and child was so much sweeter, no matter the conditions. She opened her eyes and blinked quickly as the light assaulted her senses and just like with children, the sudden brightness made her sneeze.

It took her a few moments to realize that Spike wasn't by her side, which wasn't surprising given the time of day, but where would he be otherwise? She looked over to the grass, where his duster, clothes and boots form the night before still lay. Panic seized her and she tossed back the covers, searching for his dust,"Oh god!!" she gasped, there wasn't even dust.

"Right here, precious," he said solemnly from his position sitting at the end of the bed, his naked back fully exposed to the sun's rays. He had his knees drawn up to his chest, arms around them and chin resting there. He'd been staring at the ocean since dawn, since he'd woken to find his exposed leg not being burned by first light. Buffy scrambled over to him frantically, having to touch him and make certain he was real. He quickly pulled her on to his lap and wrapped his arms around her, hiding his face between her breasts and sudden sobs wracked his body,"What's happened to me?!" She held him tight, rubbing his back and kissing the back of his neck.

"Are you still a vampire?" He nodded, raising his face to show her the demon. She smiled at his other face and pressed her lips to the ridged brow,"Are you somehow alive too?"

"No...m'heart's not beating. Just...just not burning anymore. Buffy, why am I not dust?"

"Why am I pregnant? I don't have the answers. Maybe it's because of how the world's changed. Hey, it could be radiation poisoning that's changed you - made you all mutant vamp?"

"Which would make the little'un one too? Not doing a terrific job of cheering your husband up there, pet." She batted the back of his head and gave a pout.

"Or Gaia's changed the world in such a way that you've naturally evolved, making you fertile and non-conbustable?"

"That's better. I didn't get any sunglasses at Wal-Mart."

"You'll live."


"How does it feel? Being out in the sun after well over a century?" He peered up at the blue sky and shivered slightly, prompting Buffy to encircle his shoulders with her arms,"Hmmm?"

"Scary, very bloody fucking scary!"

"I wonder if you'll freckle?" He rolled his eyes at her, intimately pleased that she knew him well enough to crack a joke. He dropped his head to her shoulder and sighed.

"Sweetheart, I'm so glad you're here."

"I'll never be anywhere else. You can play in the sunshine with the baby."

"Yeah, guess I can now, I'll enjoy that. Sometimes I see us with a little girl, and she's chasing a butterfly, picking flowers....I know, terribly poofy of me."

"Not at all, just the kind of thing I love to hear you talk about."

"Or teaching my son how to play footy."


"Football, pet. Speakin' of footballs..." He hand patted her round tummy,"Definitely bigger, you're into your last trimester."

"I think so. I hope Seattle's everything we're expecting it to be, that we can deliver the baby safely there."

"It will be, I trust your dream. I trust the Slayer."

"The Slayer doesn't always know what's best, we learned that lesson the hard way." She looked at him and smiled, thought it was full of woe,"I couldn't lose you, I couldn't let you sacrifice yourself. It was wrong and it was selfish and it's because of me that the world ended."

"World's not ended, love, it's beautiful, you see it for yourself. I would have done it too, I was ready to die...but hearing your words of love, your tears, you begging me to sod the bloody world, Buffy needs me...I was weak, I should've done it."

"We're together, we're blessed....but it cost so much...."

"Guilty because we're happy, I know, I feel it too, but the bitty one doesn't deserve that, so we go on, we live. We make our child's life worth it, they died so our baby could live. Some would say that's wrong, but if we think like that we might as well give up now."

"Seattle's the answer, I know it is."

"And I believe that too, so Isuppose we should get to it then, shouldn't we?"

"Or we could...uh..." She nibbled on her bottom lip and trailed her finger down his chest,"You're so beautiful in the sunlight." Drawn into the kiss, Spike held her to him with his hand resting on her swollen stomach, smooth ripples of movement under the surface. The intimate moment lasted only a few seconds when Spike suddenly tackled away from Buffy and being smothered by a heavy quilt.

"Andrew! Let him up!" Buffy ordered. Andrew turned his head and yelped at the sight of a completely naked, yet very commanding Slayer. Spike used the distraction to toss Andrew off him and get to his feet.

"Bloody hell mouse! What'd you do that for?!" Spike demanded. Andrew turned to see Spike and his own sculpted nude body, the boy's eyes growing wide and focusing in one place."Hey! Eyes on the trees!" Spike grabbed the quilt and covered the source of his modesty, then noticed that Buffy was just as starkers as he was,"Slayer, cover yourself!" Buffy rolled her eyes and grabbed a sheet from the bed and wrapped it around her body.

"You're not on fire!" Andrew exclaimed.

"Oh, right...that. Funny thing that, er, no longer flammable."

"Cool." Andrew smiled, Spike had a very nice chest. Spike cleared his throat, the situation at a bit of a stalemate. When Buffy's wandering hands gave his bottom a pinch, the vampire reacted.

"I need my pants!"


Chapter 17

They were back on the road in a short time, Andrew taking shotgun while Buffy reclined in the back with a discman listening to something boyband-ish, Spike was certain of that. Spike had the window rolled down, the sun shining on his arm and face. At his request they were heading inland towards Portland. He wanted to visit the city, specifically a bookstore, hoping the place was still there. Powells was the largest in North America and ought to have everything under the sun. Spike wouldn't let either Andrew or Buffy say no since they had the time and he had the inclination.

Andrew certainly didn't seem to mind, the thought of free range of the sci-fi section was super. Buffy was open to it too, but only because of Spike's strange enthusiasm for the idea. She relaxed in the back, leaving the two males to converse for the next couple of hours. There was a reprieve of enjoying a sing along to Creedence Clearwater revival, but given the phenomenal string of miracles he'd been gifted with, Spike's conscience was telling him that perhaps it was time to reach out. The disc ended and Andrew went to change it, but Spike stopped the boys' hand and instead turned the volume silent."Hold up a mo', mouse," Spike began, his voice lower and more intimidating than usual.

"K'..." Andrew was always nervous when Spike addressed him directly.

"Been meaning to talk to you 'bout something. Was wondering how you're getting on."

"Really? I'm great, yep."

"Uh-hun. You sure about that? I also wanted to say thank you for earlier, I know you meant to protect me, thought you were saving me." Andrew looked down at the floor and shifted uncomfortably,"I did want to ask though, if you fancied me a bit?" Andrew was suddenly beet red and visibly agitated.


"Simmer down, mouse, we are adults here....well, me not so much according to Buffy. I know there've been times when you watched Buffy and, you know, makin' love. Or maybe it was Buffy you were watching."

" won't ever happen again!"

"Mouse, take it easy, I'm not angry with you. I want to help you. You're a young man and you're alone out here, even though you're with me n' the Slayer, you're still alone. Guess you could say I'm curious too, thought you could use another man to talk to about it - whether you fancy blokes or lovelies like Buffy. I won't be judging you."

"I don't know..." Andrew whispered, his embarrassment showing itself with tears in his eyes.

"Well, would you rather have a kiss from me or from Buffy?" Andrew thought about it for a moment, then sniffed.

"B...Buffy. But you're nice too."

"Alright. Now's that because she's a hot little number, or because she reminds you of your mum?" Andrew didn't answer.

"Thought as much. I've been with blokes before you know?"


"Long ago, not too long after I was turned. Can't say as I had much choice in the matter, I was the low one on the proverbial totem pole and when Angelus tells you to do something..." His voice trailed off and Spike took a steadying breath.

"You mean he??"

"Not something I'm too keen on rehashing if it's all the same. Been over a century anyways, right? Later on though, sometimes Dru made requests.....who was I to refuse her...anyways, I'm just trying to say that it's alright for you to like who you like, alright? Buffy and I,'re a member of our family. Okay?"


"Good, that's uh....settled?" Andrew nodded,"Good." Spike reached over and gave the boy's shoulder a squeeze."You're a good fella, mouse."

"My mom and dad...." Andrew didn't think there'd be another time when someone would want to hear about the stuff he'd never been able to tell anyone about.

"Go on, I'm listening."

"They fought all the time, mostly about my brother Tucker. He liked to do bad things, he summoned these demon dogs once to kill everyone at Buffy's prom. But it started way sooner, when we were little."

"What about you during all this?"

"In my room, I used to hide in the closet...or on the roof. It was quiet out there, the yelling wasn't so loud."

"Your dad ever hurt you guys? Was he mean bastard?"

"He used to drink, it was only like that when he wouldn't let him hurt us...but she...she got hurt...."

"M'sorry 'bout that, damn sorry. Too bad you n' Harris never got to trade war stories. I remember when I was stayin' with him how his folks always got into a terrible row. I barely remember my own father, he died when I was a boy. I remember that he was kind, and that he read a lot....and I loved him and he loved me. Just impressions are all I have left, really. I hope my child knows me well, knows that I love them."

"I miss my mom."

"Yeah, I miss mine too. We got Buffy, though, right? She's a wonderful mum, you can see that already. A Slayer deals in death, but not our girl, not anymore. This one's all about creation, and love. She'll take care of us."

"You take care of us too."

"Yeah, suppose I do."

"You're a good dad."

"Thanks, mouse. You feel a bit better? We good?"

"We're good, Spike."


Chapter 18

Portland was like most of the cities in North America, in utter ruin. Surprisingly however the older buildings still had a foothold. The city had no skyscrapers, so the expanse did not look as severe as some places. It seemed more of a ghost town in actuality.

The bookstore was mostly there, part of the top floor was missing, but both Spike and Andrew seemed eager and enthusiastic about doing some exploring. Buffy admitted she was curious enough to venture in for baby books. Never too late to start learning. She found it odd that Spike went to the trouble of securing and locking the Hummer, but she said nothing. It was just as well in hindsight, there could still be demons lurking out there. By now there weren't any bodies to be seen, perhaps a skeleton or two, but the city looked like it had long been deserted even before the end had come.

Once through the doors Andrew bolted off in search of the Sci-Fi/Fantasy section,"Oi! Mouse! Be careful out there!" Spike warned,"Never know what's lurking!"

"I will!" he called back. Buffy enjoyed seeing Spike's concern over Andrew's well being showing more. His paternal instincts towards the baby had carried over to the boy. Together, the couple ventured into the endless shelves of books.

"So?" Buffy began,"Why the bookstore - I'm not mentally stimulating enough for you?"

"What? No! Sweetheart you n' I have the best talks, I can tell you anything."

"I'm just teasing, honey."

"Oh. Right. Sorry, a lot's been weighing on my mind lately, the sun walking n' all that rot."

"I understand, it's still kinda wiggy for me too."

"There's a reason for coming here though. I don't want to come over all heavy, but if there's a chance that Seattle's not what we need - I'm going to be the one delivering our baby. So we're here for books on how, not to mention everything else they've got about child health and care."

"Wow, that's so...thank you."

"Just taking care of mine."

"And I love you so much for it, all the more. I know you'll take the very best care of us."

"I'm also gonna go check out the sexuality section for dirty pictures!"

"God, you really are such a pig."

"Oink, oink Slay girl." He made a lewd gesture with his tongue and fingers. Buffy's jaw dropped."Mind you, come to think of it, you're looking awfully pink and round."


"Better run, little Buffy, before the Big Bad catches you!"

"Or you'll huff and you'll puff..."

"And blow you!" Buffy was very much liking this game. Spike advanced on her, morphing into game face. Buffy started to run away and the vampire gave chase. Buffy squealed when he finally got her, pushing her back up against the wall, yellow demon's eyes gleaming at her with a flash of white fang from his mouth. She was so hot for him she could barely stand it.

"You've caught me you big bad evil vampire you!" Buffy toyed, meanwhile undoing the buttons on her blouse until her new bra was revealed, very lacy and very black. Spike liked it.

"That I have, love. Whatever are you going to do?" His fingers gently tugged on a concealed nipple, making Buffy's skin flush with desire.

"I could scream!" Her hand shot out and cupped the heavy bulge straining against his denim. He pushed himself into her hand.

"Then I shall quiet it with my deadly kiss." He quirked his face at her apologetically for having just uttered something so horribly clichéd.

"You better put me under your hypnotic thrall, thus making me your helpless slave."

"Make you do all sorts of wanton, shameful things, dirty, wicked, sexual things."

"Yes please, master vampire."

"Master? Oh I like, pet."

"Thought you would, pig."

"Whatever. Tell me more about my thrall."

"It's so powerful....and so big!"

"Powerful is it? Big you say?"

"Yes, I get this tingly feeling down there..."

"Down where?"

"...and it makes my skin all hot."

"Perhaps you should take off all your clothes then?"

"Why don't you help me?"

"With pleasure, and....evil." He went inside her shirt, but she slapped his hand away.

"Un-huh, just the fangs."

"Oh someone's a kinky little thing, aren't they?"

"Shut up and bite me!" With a lustful snarl his demon emerged and lunged for her throat. Buffy gave a sharp but ecstatic sigh when his fangs sunk through her skin and into the vein. He drank her slowly, reveling in the rush of delicious hot blood sliding down his throat. Buffy's hands massaged the muscles in the small of his back while the pair of them moaned at the divine sexual connection this was. However just as Spike released her and was laving over the wounds with his tongue, Buffy forcefully pushed him away. Before he could get a word of protest out he witnessed a stake plunging down towards Buffy's chest, right where he would have been.

"BUFFY!!" he shouted, but his Slayer had her wits about her. In a move that combined knocking the stake from the attacker's hand as well as kicking their midsection, Buffy sent them flying. The aggressor slammed back into a shelf of books, then fell forward to the floor. They wasted not a second and came back on the offensive. Luckily Spike was too. He snuck in with a right hook into their ribs, slipped up their arm, took hold of the wrist then twisted himself under the arm. This trapped it behind their back. His other arm pinned the free one of his opponent to their side, his firm around their waist. He growled, fangs poised at their neck.

It was then that the girl screamed."Well bite size," Spike laughed,"That's what you get for biting off more than you can chew!"

"Spike, honey, you already kicked her ass, no need to make with the bad puns," Buffy scolded.

"What? You're the only one who gets to be quippy? Buttons, pet." Buffy ignored his statement, but listening to his advice and buttoned her shirt back up. Then she looked over the girl. She was close to Dawn's age, or at least the age she'd been when she'd died. This girl however was nothing like Buffy's sister. She was no taller than Buffy herself, but had short spiky hair dyed fire engine red with black roots showing. Her face was clean and pale, but her eyes were dark and smudged with mascara. She wore a leather motorcycle jacket, black t-shirt, dark green cargo pants and combat boots. The look was completed with a dog chain around her neck.

"What's your name?"

"Not telling you a thing, vamp whore!" With that remark, Spike gave the girl's arm a hard twist and she cried out.

"You'll show my wife respect," the vampire ordered.

"Wife?! You're married to a vampire?!"

"Spike's a lot more than a vampire, a hell of a lot more. For one, he has a soul," explained Buffy. That got the girl's attention,"He also happens to be able to walk in the sun and..." She patted her pregnant belly,"Father children."

"How's that possible?"

"We dunno 'bout the last two...soul's another story," Spike provided, slipping back into his regular human face. His captive visibly relaxed at that,"But I reckon it comes from the same magic that's made you a Slayer."

"A what?"

"Figured as much. I'm gonna let you go now, but there'll be no staking of me, understand? Otherwise the missus might take offense and beat you into next Tuesday." Spike twisted away from the teenager and gave her a push, allowing himself enough time to get to Buffy's side in case the young Slayer attacked again.

"When did it happen?" Buffy asked,"Your strength, the instincts, knowing how to kill vampires?" The girl looked at Buffy, somehow recognizing that this small pregnant lady in front of her was unlike anyone she'd ever met in all her life. Then there was the vampire, dressed in clothes she rather liked, but with his hands on his wife's shoulders gently kneading her muscles. There was a tenderness in him that no vampire she'd ever encountered had ever possessed. He looked down on the woman he called his wife with such admiration and love, that it almost made her forget what he was."You're what's know as a Slayer, one girl in her generation, chosen to fight alone against the vampires and demons..."

"And who are you?"

"Well, see, that's where things kinda get...."

"Divergent," Spike said matter of fact,"She's a Slayer too. Actually, she's the original one for these times, but she was dead..."

"Just for a little....twice."

"Because of that Kendra was called. Kendra was killed, then came Faith....she was our friend and she died."

"In April," the girl gasped.

"That's right. So now you're the Chosen One. Except you're not alone. Do we get your name?"

"Why should I trust either of you?." The girl was back on the defensive, body taut and ready for action.

"Because my fangs could've been in your neck and I'd have bagged my forth Slayer." Buffy elbowed him in the ribs for that one, then approached the girl.

"What's your name? I'm Buffy, he's Spike."


"That's a name?" Spike chortled before catching another evil stare from Buffy.

"It's a better name than Spike."

"She's right honey," Buffy smiled.

"It's better than Buffy too, lovemuffin," Spike retorted.

"Shut up, honey." Spike gave a ticked off sort of look, but it curled immediately into a dear smile for his girl.

"It's Brenda Moony okay? That sucks rocks, so I made it weird and cool. We're you born Spike and Buffy or did you just take alot of drugs?"

"I like this one, love," Spike offered,"Bit o' the bad in her."

"Boon...have you had any dreams?" Buffy asked, growing serious,"About..." She saw the knowledge in Buffy's eyes.

"Seattle...yeah, I have....god, you guys aren't lying are you?"


Chapter 19

"Why don't we find somewhere comfortable to sit and we can explain," Buffy suggested.

"No, not here....listen, you should go," Boon advised,"It's not safe here."

"Why's that?"

"Downstairs...there's some vampires. I'm here to kill them. I've been...been watching them come and go for a while."

"A nest?" Spike inquired,"Could go for a spot a violence, you don't mind do you, precious?" Buffy sighed and gave his back a little rub.

"Go have your fun, I'm gonna go hang out in fiction." Spike pulled her to the side a bit to speak with her.

"I'd feel a bit better if you'd go find Andrew, I don't want you alone."

"Spike, I am the Slayer, remember?"

"I know, I know. Just......nevermind, I'll stay here."

"Don't be silly, you know you wanna see this girl in action. We're the only ones in the world who can help her, teach her. Why don't I come with?"

"No bloody way!"

"I'll hang back, watch you be all feral and stealthy. Come on, lemme watch my Big Bad vamp be all noble good guy and sexy.You know you wanna play."

"I've got an idea." They turned back to the girl,"Up for a bit of a lark, girl?"

"Huh?" the younger Slayer questioned.

"That's old British guy speak asking if you want to humiliate the vampires horribly before you dust them?" Buffy supplied.

"What the hell."

Down in the lowest part of the building, which housed the children's books, old magazine archives and washrooms, a group of six vampires had hoarded around a pile of loot - nothing that was of an value or use anymore in the new world, but simpleton fledgling demons weren't able to appreciate that little irony. From the moment William awoke after his turning he saw the richness of the world before him as few vampire do, the Order of Aurelius bred a special kind of demon.

Boon had a pack of cigarettes and for this little foil, Buffy didn't mind him partaking, truth being that she kinda liked the subtle scent lingering on him, and would allow it just this once. Of course he still had the zippo and the flame flickered to life after a commanding din of metal on metal. The perfect circle of burning ash that stood in the darkened stairwell immediately commanded the attention of the half dozen vampires.

"You lot from 'round 'ere?" Spike asked, leaning back against the wall, inhaling and letting out a white billow of smoke. The ones that weren't perennially in game face changed into demons without volition, showing themselves to be the dogs they were. Spike rolled his eyes.

"We gonna argue 'bout who's got the bigger lumpies? 'Cause I'm telling you here and now that the champ of that contest always turns out to be me."

"Who are you?" one of the snarled.

"Name's Spike, might've heard a me?"

"Just one, from Sunnydale." Spike groaned.

"Do I sound like a bloody southern Californian? Hail from Merry Olde, but yeah, I'm coming by way of the land a sunshine..."

"Weren't you the Slayer's lap dog?" one of the others asked. Spike chuckled to himself.

"The lap part a that being the operative word. Sure, she kept me in blood n' beers for a while, I didn't get staked, she got serviced. Little tart liked thinkin' she had herself a pet vampire, but I always knew how to take her down." Spike heard Buffy gasp from around the corner where she was hiding. He cringed inwardly, knowing he'd pay for that little comment later,"But that chapter's over...funny, chapter - bookstore.....heh...." No one ever got his humor, Spike carried on,"On the trail of a new girl now, 'eard there's a fresh baby Slayer in these parts. Seen 'er 'bout?" Only one of the vamps was a woman. She was dressed simply in jeans and a flannel coat, long hair, small.

"I've seen her, I know all about her," she seethed.

"That right, tell us, pet, does she come 'round 'ere much, trying to suss out what you lot want? There's not many fresh meals left to this town."

"The Slayer's here."

"Which is why I'm here, if you've heard of Spike then you know that Slayers are a specialty o' mine."

"We know, every vampire knows about you," the first vamp said,"William the Bloody, the Slayer of Slayers." Buffy rolled her eyes, that had probably puffed her husband's chest up like the Incredible Hulk's.

"Good on you, now pony up, where's the little bint at this time of day?"

"Don't know...she's out on the street every night, never comes in here though, she's chicken."

"Oh so she knows about this little family of yours? Funny that, a Slayer being afraid of a bunch a limp fanged wankers!" It took a few for the vampires to clue into the fact that they'd just been insulted, but when they did they all turned to Spike with fangs gleaming and ready for a fight."You know what's even funnier? That she's standing right behind you." Like lemmings over a cliff, the vamps all turned to see Boon standing on top of a low bookshelf, stake in hand, smirk on her face. Spike used the distraction to jump into action. He took the rest of the steps in one leap, slid the stake out from his belt and stuck it into the heart of the closest vamp.

Boon was a little slower to the take, but sharpened up in time to kick a one of them in the face when he came for her. She jumped clear over him and landed behind, thrusting the stake into his back and rendering him to dust. She'd never taken on more than one random vamp at a time, once there was two and she'd barely managed. This situation would have had her scared witless if it weren't for the fact that Spike was laughing and Buffy looked somewhat amused from her position of watching in the doorway. They were having fun with this. Spike was rambling on about Manchester United and how it was a real shame Beckham didn't survive the apocalypse.

The young Slayer's attention was captivated by another vampire when he struck her hard across the face, sending her staggering back into a bookcase. She struggled with him until he was suddenly pulled off her. Spike staked him good and proper."No worries, Slayer. We'll get you trained," he said before going back to the two remaining vamps. Spike was fighting them both off at once, more like playing with them. Good old fashioned slaying had him adrenalized. Boon locked eyes with the one female in the group, a cold angry stare and the Slayer felt compelled to take this one on herself. The vamp showed fear at seeing that steel predatory glint that only came from the source of a Slayer's power. The vampire decided now was not the day to die and took off up the stairs.

Buffy luckily watched the exchange and was ready, but unfortunately didn't expect the vampire to not try and pass her, instead she went on the attack. Buffy deflected the vampire's punch and returned it immediately. The vampiress slammed into the arch of the door and was after Buffy again in seconds. Buffy's motility was as sharp as ever, but she caught her heal on a stray book on the floor and slid a little, this giving the vamp a open window of attack. The vampire's foot landed square in Buffy's chest, knocking the wind out of her and straight into another shelf.

Buffy struggled for breath and deftly heard the sound of a vampire exploding into dust before Spike was rushing over her in a manic state,"Love!? Love? Buffy??!" he cried, falling to her and searching for injuries on her body.

"What the hell was up with that accent?" she wheezed,"Could you be any more cockney trash? It's like your IQ dropped fifty points every time you dropped a consonant!" She touched his face and smiled, trying to put him at ease by making jokes.

"How badly are you hurt?"

"Not at all, I'm tougher than that bitch. Get me up." He reluctantly complied and once he had her on her feet he crumbled, shaking as she hugged him.

"Told you to stay back."

"I did, she came after me. I'm okay, okay?"

"Okay...just...I get scared you know?" She kissed him and rubbed his back.

"How'd your new Slayer do?"

"Pretty good, she needs training, needs a Watcher."

"Well she's go two now." Buffy looked down into the basement where Boon stood kicking about some of the vampires' possessions, looking very sullen.

"I think her pride's a lil' hurt, she did get knocked about."

"I think she'll be good, she's got good instincts and reflexes, she just needs our help to make her into a real Slayer."

"I don't know about you, but I could use a little bit of rest after this latest adrenaline infusion. You scared me half to death, pet. More to death, rather."

"Why don't we have lunch then, you go find Andrew and get the stuff, I'm gonna go find a bathroom. Baby, foot, bladder, you know the drill."

"Alright, pet, be back in a jiff." Buffy went down to Boon's level, but winced and had to pause, there was a sting in her abdomen, but it passed quickly. She came over to the young Slayer, but was shocked to find tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" Buffy asked.

"Huh? Oh, fine, fine...just a little...I've never really been in a fight like that before."

"It's okay, you did great, even got a vamp. I totally missed the first time I even tried to stake one. You'll get a lot better, I promise. Spike and I will help train you, teach you."


"Of course. Where have you been living, we can go with you and get your stuff."

"Around...I don't have much stuff, I had to abandon my pack one night - I think it's here with with all this other junk. Buffy?" Buffy had closed her eyes and her lips were pressed tight,"You okay?" Buffy exhaled the breath she'd been holding in and gave the girl a smile.

"I'm fine...just need a washroom."

"Um...I think it's over there." Buffy nodded and headed to where the girl pointed, quickly.

"Where's my lovely wife gotten to then?" Spike asked when he returned some ten or so minutes later, setting down a couple of boxes with food and the stuff to prepare it with. Boon was alone, sitting on the bottom step, Andrew walked down and gave the girl a little wave.

"She went to the bathroom," the young girl replied.

"Right, poor lamb, the little tyke's getting bigger each day it seems. Boon, this is Andrew, friend of ours."

"Hi," Andrew said.

"Hey," Boon replied.

"Buffy been gone long?" Spike inquired.

"Yeah actually, since you left." Feeling decidedly uncomfortable by this bit of news, Spike immediately followed after his mate. Buffy knew it was him before he even opened the door. She quickly finished cleaning herself up and exited the stall. The tears that were still streaming down her cheeks spoke a grave story.

"Sweetheart?" he asked quietly,"What's the matter?" She showed him her hands before she went to the sink to wash away the stains of blood,"Oh no..."

"I'm sorry...I thought I was fine...but then I had a couple of cramps...I came to check case.....and......and...." She started to sob, hanging over the sink and barely able to draw in breath. He went to go to her but she held him at bay, too afraid to take the comfort he had to offer. There was something that had to be done first. "I'm sorry...but, I, Spike could you please....heartbeat? Listen to hear if there's still a heartbeat?"


Chapter 20

An intense wave of nausea followed her words, the very thought of him putting his ear to her belly to hear if the baby had died made her sick. She'd have done anything to save him the anguish of having to do it, to go down on his knees before her and perhaps find that their miracle was no more.

"Isn't it moving?" His voice cracked and it was a dagger to her heart. His bottom lip trembled violently and tears already spilled from his eyes. His hand hovered over her stomach, unable to take that last inch and feel what might be a lost child, dead inside Buffy.

"I don't know...not for...for a while now...I don't know, I can't tell. Could you please just hurry!!" He gave her a sharp, pained look, sharing her panic and horror, but unable to do anything but spiral down into the same abyss of despair and fear. He fell to his knees as if his legs had suddenly been sliced off. Angrily he pushed her shirt up, without the inherent gentleness he'd always treated her with, put his ear to it. He was quiet for a few moments, the only sound in the room was Buffy's hard breathing through her mouth. Spike let out a wounded sounding cry and Buffy shattered,""

"Strong as ever...little heart's going a mile a minute!" He gave her roundness a full, open mouth kiss, arms flying around her thighs, a litany's of thanks yous to god flowing from his mouth with his sobs of pure joy and relief. Buffy held on to his shoulders just to keep herself upright, her own tears coming hard and fast. The fear had gripped them for only the expanse of a few minutes, but in that time every hell they'd seen in the last two years seemed like a circus by way of comparison."Don't you dare leave us! You hear me in there? Never scare mummy and daddy like this again!" His demand was affirmed by a sudden kick from inside right against his cheek.

"Spike, don't yell at your child." She was caressing the back of his head and holding him firmly, her voice soothing but still a little shaky.

"I don't mean to, pet, m'sorry. Still, something's not right if there's been blood. It's to bed with you until we're certain you're fine, let whatever's wrong heal. No arguments."

"I'm not going to argue...just hold me, please." He rose to his feet and encircled her with his arms, rocking them gently as their tears took time to recede. Afterwards he carried her back out to the basement and told Andrew to set up camp . An hour later they had their own private space, separated by several shelves of books from Boon and Andrew. Settling her down on her back, he propped several pillows under her feet to alleviate any strain on her abdomen, then piled several layers of blankets over her. He sat down cross legged on the floor in front of her, resting his chin near her shoulder, his hand stroking the top of her head. He'd given her the baby blanket he'd gotten for her and it laid over her chest and stomach under the covers, just the corner peaking out. He was singing Greensleeves to her in an effort to lull her to sleep. Buffy tried, but her mind was still too overwrought, so she turned her head and watched his eyes and listened to his voice until he finished the song and he joined her in bed.

His head came to rest on a corner of her pillow, lips just touching her shoulder. Under the sheets they'd linked hands and Spike's thumb stroked the back of her hand,"I'm scared, Spike," she whispered.

"So am I, pet."

"But we're together, so we can do this, right?"

"Keep faith, precious."

"I'm trying, I've never been so scared in all my life."

"Me's are they?"

"There's a hand, I think, pushing up top, like they're testing how much room they've got, it kinda hurts a little, but it's nice. Hold us, k'? I don't think I can sleep." Spike moved cautiously so not to jostle her much until he was on his side and his body was pressed against hers. He slipped his arm underneath her neck, so her head could rest back against his chest, while his other hand laid splayed over her middle, the gentle movement of tiny bones tapping against his palm. She was crying and trying very hard to hide it from him, but he knew.

"What do you think of the name Anne?"

"It's my middle name."

"Yes, I know dear. Do you like it?"

"I guess, yeah...I think mom gave it to me because she felt the need to give me something plain after the debacle that is Buffy."

"I think your name is lovely. Anne was my mother's name."

"Oh! You never said before. You told me all about her turning...but you never said her name."

"Just a thought."

"Good thoughts, tell me more good thoughts. What was your dad's name?"

"Nothing too exciting, it was William also."

"I think that's been my choice since the beginning. I'd like the baby to have a family name."

"Joyce then?"

"Maybe....that would be nice, mom would like that."

"Tara, Willow, Anya and Dawn...all beautiful names."

"We'll have to have lots and lots of babies to fit all those names."

"There's Rupert and Xander to think of too."

"Suddenly we have a team?"

"Yeah, half a dozen little Spikes to terrorize mum? Sounds good to me."

"Of course it does, you just have to sit back and be the proud papa. I have to do all the work."

"Not bloody likely! You know I'll be right in the thick of it, teachin' 'em, keeping them well fed and warm, making sure they're protected and loved."

"I know you will, you're going to be an amazing father and you'll never leave, like mine did."

"No, I won't. I couldn't bare to be separated from my child, not for a second."

"I know that too. You're unique, Spike, I think, in all the world - that's why we could make our baby, that's why you can walk in the sun. Because you've earned these gifts."

"You shouldn't put such praise upon me, pet, I'm not deserving."

"I believe you are."

"Then I'll let it be, because you're the only one I believe."

"Then believe that I love you and that we deserve to have our baby."

"I do."

"Good, because if you really do, then I can too, then I can fall asleep safe in your arms and not worry that we'll lose them." He saw now what this little conversation was about, if he exuded the same blind confidence he always did, if he was strong, then she could find it in herself to be that way also.

"We'll not lose our family, I promise." She nodded and clung to him and let herself slowly come to sleep in her mate's embrace.


Chapter 21

Buffy awoke the next morning, having slept all afternoon and night feeling very well rested. The fact that Spike hadn't left her side had ensured a deep, rejuvenating sleep. In the hazy, sloped place before she was fully aware or her surroundings she discerned equally as soft and light movements from her baby and the presence of the father with them. There was a vampire sitting next to her, his hand cool against the naked warmth of her tummy.

"Am I going to have a permanent hand print there?" she mumbled, keeping her eyes closed.

"How are you feeling?" he asked in a whisper, ignoring her question entirely.

"My butt's numb, I really have to go to the bathroom and my spine is feeling like there's a steel rod through the center, if you must know. And my neck hurts. And I'm hungry."

"Is there any pain? From..." She knew what he meant.

"Nothing. It's like yesterday never happened."

"It happened." She reached out and grasped his forearm, commanding his attention.

"Spike..." She wasn't quite sure what to say to him, how to reassure him. Especially considering how frightened she was herself,"I love you."

"I love you too, Buffy, so much." There wasn't anything else to say. He helped her up and to the bathroom and waited by the door until she returned and brought her back to bed. He was going to insist she stay there all day and she acquiesced without a word to the contrary. There was no sign of anything wrong this morning, thankfully. Once back in bed Spike was fussing over her with breakfast, juice and vitamins. Afterwards Buffy lay on her side and snuggled down under the covers, while he lay next to her reading from a textbook. One among many collected.

"Anything interesting?"

"It's all interesting."

"Yes, but anything about what happened?"

"Not exactly, just a few horrible worst case scenarios that have us......." He couldn't finish and Buffy understood, she didn't particularly want to hear it. She reached out and caressed his cheek with her fingertips."Anyways, there's a couple of reasons...if the placenta's too close to the cervix....or if the sex we've had's been too rough..."

"It hasn't, you're always slow and gentle, and we're both careful."

"So, there could just be a little tearing away of the placenta from the uterine wall...from getting knocked about like you did...just something that needs time to heal."

"That doesn't sound like anything except total alarm inside my head."

"It's not good, Buffy, not at all....if the, um, plancenta tears....I think we need to stay here a bit longer....a week or two at least. I'm going to keep reading, until I know all there is. Andrew's been a good lad, went n' got them for me so I wouldn't have to leave your side."

"A week in bed, that almost sounds perfect, if the circumstances were different."

"There's enough books in this place, at least you won't get bored."

"Remember that I'm the non-ready all action Buffy, I'm gonna get cranky and very bored, so promise me you'll spend lots of time here with me and not give all your attention to your new Slayer."

"Don't think like that, precious, I'm not going to be anywhere but here - after I unload the Hummer with all our vitals. I don't want to chance any wayward demons nickin' our things or food."

"You'll still take my blood won't you?"

"Not for a good while, but yeah, I'll not fight you on it anymore."

"Thank you. Put the book down for a little bit, okay?" He put it aside and turned so he too was on his side. He inched ever closer until their lips could meet. Their kiss was soft and affirming at first, but then Buffy opened her mouth and slipped her tongue between his lips and sought inside. He leaned into her, moving until he was over her slightly her, his own tongue curling around hers. It was all wetness and warmth as they infused the other with comfort and love. With eyes closed, the pair relaxed completely and submersed themselves in the indulgence of his the dueling of tongues, the pressure of lips and the gentle running of fingers through hair and down backs.

"See?" Andrew whispered as he and Boon peered around from behind the bookcase where they were hiding,"Isn't it beautiful? They're so in love. " The young Slayer tugged at his jacket and took them away from what had suddenly become a very intimate scene. She didn't want to spy.

"Okay, so let's hear the rest of the story!" They went back to where their camp was, sitting on their sleeping bags and eating from a bag of chocolate chocolate chip cookies.

"Well, as it turned out, the Principal was evil, just as Buffy had originally suspected. Forming a plan with an overbearing and slightly unhinged Mr. Giles, due to the loss of all his fellow Watchers, not to mention the intense accumulation of jet lag from travelling all over the world to collect Potential Slayers. Spike was lured to a garage - a garage of pure evil!"

"I thought you said it was filled with crosses?"

"Yes, but they were evil crosses because of the Principal's tainting them with his thirst for unholy vengeance!"

"But Spike killed his mom, right?" Andrew sneered, trying to copy Spike's patented glare.

"The demon had changed, and now a man lived within Spike, a good and noble man called William. He wrote poems n' stuff. The man Robin Wood wanted to kill no longer existed."

"Sorry, go on."

"Thank you. Giles led Buffy away, where she would be unable to protect her noble vampire lover from harm and dusting. Meanwhile using the lullaby once sung to him by his own mother, Principal Wood used the trigger to bring forth the demon. A rousing battle ensued and both men were left battered and terrorized."


"Quiet, a tale is being told, an epic."

"Okay, geez, keep your shirt on. I guess Spike won, huh?"

"Oh yes, oh yes indeed. In a dramatic and emotionally arduous flashback sequence, Spike relived the terrible memories of turning his dear, ailing mother into a vampire, intent merely easing her suffering and not creating the monster that befell him. In a fit of anguish, William, sweet William, staked his own mother, thus putting her soul to rest. You see, this was what the First Evil had used to brainwash the newly souled vampire. In the end, Spike broke The First Evil's hold over him, coming to realize that he was loved by his mother and forgiven for his trespasses. He allowed Principal Wood to live, but with an outstanding threat to finish the job should the Principal step out of line again."

"What about Buffy?"

"She arrived too late, coming upon the tragedy as Spike left the scene of the crime. Being true to her man, Buffy echoed Spike, if Wood did not give up his vendetta, he would die!"

"Good, I'm glad she stood up for him. Is that when they got together? What about Giles? Did Buffy forgive him?"

"Those are great notions aren't they? Love and forgiveness? But alas now was not the time, for something terrible was about to occur! The arrival of someone none of us were expecting, someone that would change the very fabric of our beings!"

"Oh, was it that Caleb guy?"

"No, just Faith, she macked on Spike....Buffy got jealous, it was a thing."

"Then Caleb?"

"Yeah...then stuff got bad...."

"But Buffy and Spike were falling in love even then right?" Andrew looked down and smiled to himself.

"They were falling in love."


Chapter 22

"Keep your shoulders relaxed and you elbow hugged down at your ribs, fist comes out straight - elbow down." Spike instructed as he and Boon circled around each other. Andrew and Buffy stood on the sidelines, watching the vampire train the Slayer,"I can see you projecting every move before you make it, so will any other vamp, gotta learn to be the one in control of the fight. A vamp is always searching for your weakness, any split second opening to get a strike in. If you're distracted by anything, you're dead."

"I've done okay you know!" Boon shot back, getting increasingly annoyed with the vampire who'd taken on the role pf pseudo Watcher. For the past two weeks they'd done nothing but train while Buffy rested. If Spike wasn't caring for his wife, he was sparring with his new student. Buffy could see a little bit of a spark come alive in both of them. Despite Boon's complaints and Spike's hard edge, she could tell the two of them were enjoying it.

"Against fledglings, sure. Humans can take down fledglings, but come up against a seasoned fighter and you're dinner. I've taken out two Slayers in my time and Buffy'll tell you I never got the upper hand our fights, but there were times when I'd have had my third." Boon tried punching with the techniques Spike had shown her, the improvement evident.

"He's totally full of himself, he'd have never beaten me," Buffy noted. Spike stopped moving and stood erect, half annoyed with Buffy, who innocently munch on cashews from a tin with Andrew.

"Do you mind, love?"

"Not at all, did he tell you about the time he fell into an open grave?"

"Slayer!!" Boon started giggling and Spike snarled, throwing on his game face and lunging for the girl. The attack was not predicted and she panicked. She took a chance and popped him in the nose. Amazingly enough she got him and Spike, instead of falling down his with his usual spectacular merely backed away, walking over to Buffy and leaning down.

"Why do they always go for the nose?" Buffy placed a kiss on the tip and passed him the nuts.

"My poor baby." She patted his bum and took over the lesson.

"Be careful Buffy."

"I'll do it very Matrixy, all slow mo'." Fact of the matter was, her body was so stiff from lack of movement she felt the need to run a marathon and battle a Fyarl, but she'd suffice with imparting only the wisdom of a seasoned warrior. She put her hand on Boon's shoulder and led the girl away,"Let's go for a walk."

Then ended up near the religion section, chock full of books about God, Gaia and every other notion of the universe,"Can I ask you something, Buffy?" Boon asked. The two girls sat down on a bench that lined one book end.

"Go ahead."

"Spike said that all vampires were monsters, just animals....but he's not?" Buffy smiled to herself, this wasn't something easy to explain,"And then he started mumbling something about sodding poofs. What's a sodding poof?" That was even more complicated.

"Uh, well...okay, here's the thing. I'm a great big freak."


"I am, really, totally not normal. Always been a little bit kooky, insano Buffy. Yep. Vamp fetish, Faith said." She was confusing the girl."The sodding poof was Spike's grandsire. Angel made Drusilla, who made Spike...or more precisely Angelus made Drusilla, who made William. Angelus was the cruelest most wicked vampire there probably ever was. He murdered a gypsy girl and it cost him, her people cursed him with a soul. After that he was on his own and William became Spike and Dru - Sid and Nancy of the vampire set. Angel....he brooded for a century and ate rats. In a nutshell."


"Then he met me, and to cut a long story short, he was my first boyfriend and it was very dramatic and all that Shakespearean kinda stuff. To cut the story even longer, Spike and Dru got into the mix, Angel lost his soul....and then well, it got so bad I nearly lost myself."

"Is that where Spike came in?"

"No, not for a few more years....and then...then he became everything. Didn't Andrew tell you all of this?"

"Just the past three years or so...after Spike's coming home from Africa, with his soul."

"Which he got for me. The demon went against his nature, went against everything he was supposed to be, all because he loved me. That's what makes Spike more than a monster or an animal. There's things about Spike and mine's relationship that's going to stay private, suffice to say that the two of us have done each other a lot of damage and it's been ugly, but we got through it, fought to stay together and now it's amazing. So, no, Spike's nothing like any other vampire out there, he never was, not since the moment he was sired. When he was a human he was quiet and sentimental, a true Victorian gentleman and even as a vampire, living for blood and mayhem, his core never changed.....I don't know how else to explain it. You can trust him. Andrew can fill you in on the early years if he wants."

"I think it's more complicated than I can understand."

"That's probably true. There's a reason you're asking, those vampires that first night?" Boon was about to try and avoid answering, but there was something about Buffy, the fact that she really seemed to understand that prompted her to reveal the truth.

"My mom and brother....they were two of them. This is where we were living, trying to escape the stuff above, and the demons. Some vampires was then I found out what I could do...but I ran after. They got turned."

"And Spike killed them."

"I'm glad he did....I don't think....."

"That you could've done it. I get that, it's a hard thing, making a sacrifice. They weren't your mom or brother anymore, you know that right?"

"I guess. But if Spike could be good...maybe then....."

"I don't know, Boon, but I know Spike has a destiny, or something. The Powers That Be have been screwing with our lives for good and bad for years. I don't know why Spike's made it this far, why we got to be together, or why we're having a baby when it's completely impossible. No vampire can be in the sun, but he can.....I don't have answers, just experience and that's telling me that there's a bigger picture here."

"Something to do with Seattle?"

"I hope so, I hope it's what we need."

"What did you see?"

"The woman in white....the demons and people all around her.....she was holding something, something familiar, important."

"That ball of green energy?"

"Yes." Buffy sighed, feeling a swell of emotion, and so much hope. The Key. Dawn?


Chapter 23

Portland to Seattle was only a four hour drive and as each mile was behind them, Buffy was growing increasingly uneasy. She was curled right up against Spike with her head on his chest and an arm around his waist. He had his arm around her shoulders, giving her many comforting squeezes and saying sweet things under his breath for only her to hear. Like typical teenagers, Andrew and Boon were in the back listening to discmen and playing video games, laughing together. After all this time, finally getting to Seattle had her frightened. Everything was about to change. She pushed it to the back of her mind and concentrated on the things that wouldn't change, like holding the man she was now. She kissed his collar bone through his shirt and coat and he gave her another hug. Buffy closed her eyes and hugged him back.

There was laughing this time, there wasn't usually laughter, just a predominant ethereal feeling of peace and supernatural presence. Buffy had the vague notion of feeling lethargic, but in the manner when people have had too much good food and wine. Spike was with her, leaning up against her and gently sucking blood from her neck. Oddly, the fact that he was using a straw to do it didn't seem out of the ordinary. At the same time he was playing with her hair, shaping tendrils into a vignette that turned into the scene from Genesis of the snake offering Eve the apple.

The woman, or the being, of white light was there and the orb of glowing green energy was dancing around and over her hands like water over a rock surface, Buffy was laughing. Then, just as when a clock's knell of midnight shifted one world from peaceful night to the hours of the Devil, the scene changed. An unseen hand took the Key and hurled it at Buffy. Spike was incinerated, his dust blown away by the hurricane force of the energy crashing over her. Inside her, the baby was in panicked fits, thrashing madly in her womb as the pair of them were burned from the inside out.

Buffy shot awake with a violent jolt, screaming. Spike pulled the car to a halt and took hold of her. Boon and Andrew scared also, looked at each other in the back seat."Buffy?" Spike said, looking her in the eyes and pulling her out of her dream the rest of the way.

"Nightmare," she whispered. Her hand went down to her middle, just making sure the baby was still there. All seemed suddenly normal. Spike cradled her in his arms and kissed the top of her head.

"Was it very bad, sweetheart?" She nodded her head and hugged him closer,"Tell me."

"Later...just wanna let it go for now. Where are we?" Spike sighed and let it be, but she still cleaved to him in fear.

"We're here, pet, Seattle, or the edge rather. Now we just need for you to tell us where to go."

"I don't know exactly, there's a lake?"

"Lake Washington."

"Go there." The circled around the neighborhoods of Lake Washington until Buffy and Boon both felt a pull to one direction. At long length, after months of journeying and struggling to reach this place, they were there. It stood vast and palatial hugging the shores of the majestic lake.

"Bloody hell!" Spike exclaimed, dumbfounded,"We come thousands of miles to this?!"

"What?" asked Buffy.

"Pet, that's Bill Gates' house."


"Oh yes!"


"Yes, love, really. Your prophetic portents have led us to the magic dream home of a tech mogul."

"You think he's still alive?"

"God only knows. If he is, I'd wager he's probably got Melinda n' the kids cryogenically frozen in the Batcave."

"Fabulous. So?"

"Well we did come all this way. We should at least say hello, and I have a bone to pick with him about Office XP."

"You're very strange."

"Take weapons, Bill always seemed a bit shifty in my opinion." They parked the Hummer and descended to the immaculately landscaped drive, trees and flowering bushes decorating the place like an Indian palace. Which for all intents and purposes this likely was, a paradise. The house and all its surroundings were seemingly unfazed by the ravages of the recent apocalypse.

"Looks nice enough," Buffy commented, taking Spike's hand in hers, watching as he slipped a knife into a sheath and affixed it to his belt.

"Looks too good to be true if you ask me."

"The Powers didn't give both Boon and I these dreams for this to mean nothing. There is something here for us, I know there is."

"You're meaning the Key, aren't you? It won't be our Dawnie, love, as much as we want it to be."

"I know, I do, really...but there was something in her that was this Key thingie and that makes her not quite so gone." He gave her a smile and nodded in agreement.

"Come on, love, we'll find our answers." Boon and Andrew walked beside them, keeping an eye out, on guard as much as the vampire and Slayer.

The man guised in a monk's habit came on to the path approximately ten feet ahead of them, carrying with him a large woven basket with a knife dangling at his hip from a braided leather strap. Buffy and Spike exchanged a look and then she spoke."Hello?" He turned and looked at them, his face weathered and kind. He gazed into each of their eyes, a somewhat unsettling action, then nodded and motioned for them to follow.

Spike guided Buffy's hand around his waist and held her protectively close, the monk seemed harmless enough, but he wasn't taking any chances until he knew the score. The monk led them around to the side of the house and through a pair of glass French doors into what looked like a part of a kitchen. Down a short hallway was a larger room filled with stoves, refrigerators and counters covered in fresh vegetables and bread that had just come from the oven. The monk put down his basket full of vegetables and fruit and scurried away. The place smelled divinely and the growling in Buffy's stomach told Spike that already this place was a haven for her. The monk then returned with more of his brothers. They each took reverent bows to their guests. One more monk joined them, this one considerably younger than the others.

"You should eat something," he said,"You all look hungry. Take anything you want." Andrew practically dove for the food, but Spike caught him and held him back.

"In a minute," Spike began, feeling suspicious. He looked over the boy, likely barely out of his teens, if that. There was a vague familiarity about the kid, and something Spike didn't like about him,"Who are you?"

"My name is Connor, you're welcome here. We're used to newcomers, you'll find a few other humans are here already, and some you, you're not entirely human."

"Good on you boy, no, vampire here."

"But you're out in the day..."

"Not just a vampire, then, am I?"

"Are you the father?" The young monk looked over at Buffy and Spike fought back a growl.

"Yeah, I am."

"Then I suppose I should tell you, my father was one. His name was Angel, he died two years ago in Los Angeles, protecting me. It wasn't until he sacrificed himself like he did that I believed he loved me." Buffy and Spike locked eyes and gave her an encouraging smile and whispered 'sorry, pet' to her.

"We knew him. We can talk about this later."

"Then eat."

"No, there's more important matters at hand. There's a reason people are coming, isn't there? There's a woman."

"You can see her whenever you wish."

"Now, then."

"Come this way." The other monks stepped aside and Spike ushered Boon and Andrew on, the boy giving a whine at having to leave the tray of sticky buns he'd been eyeing. The end of the kitchen exited into a large foyer. From there they ascended the grand staircase, which seemed to go up forever until finally they came to the top which opened to a spacious hall and there in the center she waited.

"Oh my god!" Buffy gasped. Andrew dropped to his knees in reverence.

"She's beautiful!" the mouse cried.


Chapter 24

"Bloody hell, mouse, get to your feet, it's just Cordelia!" Spike groaned,"Hey, love, you look ravishing what with the floating and the glowing."

"Oh! Hey Spike," Cordy replied, then turned to Buffy,"Buffy! Wow, you look'"

"Knocked up? Happily. How are you Cordelia?" Buffy asked. It was as if two years of strife were slowly pooling at Buffy's feet and flowing away. Of all things she'd imagined, she would never have predicted Coredelia Chase was to be their salvation. She tilted her head to rest on Spike's shoulder and the vampire took notice of how relaxed his wife was, feeling it too.

"Pretty good, higher being here, but only about 6 feet higher, as you can see. You?"

"The usual, apocalypses, still sleeping with vampires." There was pause, an uncomfortable silence, the two women smiling and nodding their heads. Spike watched the exchange with his brow furrowed until he couldn't take it anymore.

"What is it with you women, always havin' to skirt around things? Cordelia, pet, come on, what the hell's happened here?! Where are the others from Los Angeles?" Cordy sighed. If it was possible to make a higher being depressed, Spike had just succeeded."Why has Buffy dreamt of you, why have we come all this way?"

"I don't have the answer to that one. Nice soul, by the way."

"Sorry, pet, I didn't mean to snap. It's just been hard, on all of us."

"Maybe so you could have somewhere safe to have your baby? We've got farms here, magic and medicine. This is a good place, a safe place. Maybe this is supposed to be home? The monks were already here when I arrived and have made this place sacred, I'm here because they needed a beacon for the others. They're coming from everywhere for something, but I don't know what and if the monks do they're not saying. Well, most of them have taken vows of silence, but still. Guys, I'm clueless and not the I'm too wrapped up in my own thing kind of clueless. I've been watching for over three years now to all that's going on down here, the whole pod-Cordy fiasco in LA is one hell of a story. It wasn't until it was all over that I was allowed out of my really borning heavenly cage and now I just hover here like a balloon that's lost half its helium greeting newcomers. Hi I'm Cordelia and I'll be your very pretty but useless heavenly being today. I had to watch as one by one each of them died or went missing...and then Angel...what happened to Angel..." Her voice trailed off and there were tears in her eyes. Connor reached out to touch her, to offer comfort, but his hand passed through her."So here I am, I don't know why. The Powers just sent me here, but now you guys are here too so this must be it right?"

"Cordelia?" Buffy said, approaching,"You loved him, didn't you?" Cordy sighed.

"Yeah, I really did. Angel had kept himself locked down and closed until he met you Buffy, he really fell hard....yeah, well, we were all there. But once you guys were over and he did the whole deep broody thing again....we got to be the best of friends and it was coming on really slowly, but we got there in the end and it was about to be as epic and sweeping as you and Spike. Then, you know, stuff happened."

"I'm sorry Cordy."

"It's okay, I have a feeling this all happened for a reason. We have destinies....the Powers just like making stir fry outta them. You know what? That's enough depresso stuffs for now, go relax in your own rooms, pig out, we have Playstation!" Spike cast a quirky smile in Andrew's direction. The boy looked liked Parasifal when he'd found the Holy Grail."And Spike?"

"Yes, Cordelia love?"

"Get a haircut."


"I know it's Cordy, once Queen Bitch of All Time, but it's Cordy, Spike! We're not all lost, we're not all gone...there's still Scoobies in the world." She wrapped her arms around his neck, which wasn't so easy anymore given how big she was getting, and tilted her head back under the hot spray from the shower. The water was divine and washed away all her inhibitions and cares, heating her entire body and his as it traveled down to her heels.

"And it's got you happy, so I'm happy for you, love." He worked a lathering of shampoo through her hair, from roots to tips, while she did the same to his own.

"Aren't you happy for you too? Fresh blood, from very nice monk people who Cordy said would gladly donate! Big bouncy fluffy bed. Hot showers. Doctors, real actual doctors with drugs. Epidurals for Buffy!" He turned them around once her hair was rinsed to do the same to his own. By now there was a heaviness to the air from all the steam, leaving them both hot and supple.

"Yeah, yeah, love...I'm glad for all that, but I won't be letting my guard down. I'm still waiting for a snake to offer me an apple. There's one thing I've leered in these past two years is that I trust no one and nothing except you n' the mouse." She nodded her head and after vigorously scrubbing soap into a lather in her hands she began to wash Spike, in a rather arousing manner. Her hands worked the suds over his chest and arms, around his back, over his shoulders, down to his rear, then across his abdomen. When his erection rose up despite not being touched in the least, Buffy curled her slippery hands around it and worked it clean also.

"That thing has a mind of it's own doesn't it?" She tugged at it, pressing down over specific veins, her finger toying with the head.

'Actually...fuck, pet......we were both thinking the same thing." He put his palm to the tiles to steady himself as her hands continued to pump him with increasing ardor.

"It's been a while for us? I really need you, Spike." He kissed her, closing his eyes and kneading her bottom lip with with his. He turned off the water.

"Let's go to bed, then, nice and comfy like you said." They dried themselves off quickly and made their way to the beautiful, spacious and sunlit bed. They fell back on to the many layers of white quilts, the air poofing out under their weight and settling back as if they lay on clouds. Their mouths met for fiery, wet kisses, with Spike rolling her on to her back and cupping her face in his hands and smiling throughout."Bloody hell, I love you so much woman! I love you!" She wrapped her arms under him and around his back, squeezing him tight as she laughed and kissed him. This was perfect, this was everything they both needed. With the knowledge that one of their friends was protecting this place, they could allow this time to connect.

"Make love to me for the rest of the day..." She asked when he allowed her a breath,"Then all night."

"Anything my precious desires." He moved down to her breasts, teasing the tips with his tongue, the suckling one nipple as he rolled the other between his fingers. Buffy made soft murmurs of approval as she held him to her breasts and ran her fingers through his newly shorn hair.

"She only desires exactly what she has now....maybe another steak later, dinner was so yummy."

"I'll see what I can do about that, but hey, if you want meat..." She cuffed him behind the ear,"Sorry, pet, sometimes you just can't miss the opportunity..."

"Be. Romantic. Or. Else."

"Yes, dear." He encouraged her to roll over so they face each other, then he took her hand and placed a kiss upon her palm,"Shall I tell you of how beautiful I know our child will be? How the love between us will only deepen as we hold them in our arms, kiss the top of their little head, tell them we love them? But also how until they're ready to be born, you and I, oh Buffy love...."

"I rather you show me." With a grin he kissed her, then slipped away. He kept a hand on her as he rose and crawled over to the other side, easing down behind her. He gathered up her hair away from her neck, laying the thick blanket of damp golden locks over the pillow.

"I want us close like this." She nodded in agreement and bent to kiss the forearm across her upper chest, loving the feel of his torso against her back, so warm from the shower,"Slow...quiet...alright?"

"Mmm hmmm." His free hand slid between her thighs to open them up for him to press his hardness into her. As he parted her moist folds and eased inside, both let out deep moans satisfaction at being joined together again. He nudged in closer, until he was completely enveloped in her heat, his stomach pressed to her backside. He kneaded her thigh and lay his cheek against hers, his chin anchored in the crook of her neck.

"This nice pet? You like this?"

"Love this, love you. Don't move, hold me." Using her well practiced inner muscles she tensed herself around his cock until he let out a small, nearly painfilled cry. She relaxed and did it again. And again.

"Buffy....." His eyes squeezed shut and his tightened his hold on her, his breath ragged and erratic.

"You watch me when we make love, watch for every reaction. We've almost never do it like this...can you open your eyes?" She tensed again and he growled.

"No......" He shuddered when she did it yet again,"God, Buffy!" She eased off and he exhaled.

"Your turn."

"You're gonna pay for that, Slayer."

"I should hope so, but take your time, we've got hours and hours." He began thrusting, slow and deep, making her flesh sing for him. Her insides were fluttering, melting around him. She'd primed herself perfectly with her little game. He rubbed his cheek against hers like a cat, giving little grunts and growls as he moved inside her. Buffy closed her eyes and abandoned herself to his love making. He loosened his arm from around her shoulder and gripped her chin, angling her face to his to claim her mouth. As with all their kisses it was passionate and teeming with love.

The coupling did indeed go on for hours and hours, a never ending sequence of climaxes and words of nothing but love and devotion. Laughter and tears and cries of orgasmic heights, naughty words that make them both hot, then they lay still and rested and marveled over Buffy's pregnant belly when Spike put his hands on her and felt their child stretching and kicking.

Come nightfall they were under the covers, wrapped in each others arms, warm and safe.


Chapter 25

Buffy's first thought upon waking the next morning was that she was trapped in a giant marshmallow. She quickly shook that dreamy notion from her mind and pulled the heavy white quilt down from over her head. The first thing she saw was dawn's first light behind her illuminating Spike's yesterday bleached head. He was hugging his pillow and smiling in his sleep. Buffy sighed and reached up to lay her hand on his cheek.

"Spike, baby?" she whispered, trying to coax him out of sleep. He murmured something unintelligible and curled up into a tight fetal position,"William?"


"Wake up."

"Huh? No." She reached under the covers and brought his hand to her stomach and watched and waited for the smile that appeared on his face when he felt the baby moving.

"Open your eyes." He didn't open his eyes, but instead snuck under the covers until he'd commandeered her round tummy as his new pillow. Buffy sighed and pouted and finally relented, drifting off back to sleep.

When she woke up again, Spike was gone, replaced with a pink rose on the pillow. She took it and brought it to her nose and inhaled the scent. She hadn't smelled a rose in so long she couldn't remember when had been the last time. She'd missed it. She sat up and looked for her husband, but he was no where in sight. She didn't like waking and not finding him with her, but nor did she think anything was wrong. He'd probably just gone exploring. She got out of bed, marveled at how the sun filled the entire room, everything looked like it came from heaven. She padded her way on the cushy carpeting to the bathroom. She emerged half an hour later from a bath, wrapped in a thick terrycloth robe. This place was better than a five star hotel!

Spike had returned and to see him standing outside on the terrace put her at ease, even more so to see the sun on his naked back. He was wearing a pair of sand colored linen pajama bottoms, looking exceptionally sexy with them riding low on his hips. Even after their hours making love the day before she was in want of him again, but she was in want of something else just a little bit more. Namely, the breakfast displayed in an appetizing array on the table outside, half a dozen silver domed plates with bowls of fruit and a pitcher of juice. She came on to the spacious, private deck and touched his back. Spike turned and embraced her warmly.

"Morning, lovely, brought you breakfast," he said, bestowing a kiss on her forehead,"Got 'em to make up the works - pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruits, cereal."

"And I'm supposed to eat all this? There's not much room left in this Buffy body."

"Take your time, pet, we're on permanent vacation." He led her to the table and held the cushioned chair out for her to sit. He piled food on to her plate and let her drench it in syrup. He took his place across from her and poured himself a wine glass of fresh blood, to which Buffy's curiosity was raised,"Some of the people, uh, donated. Cordelia asked them to, some of her monks I suppose."

"This doesn't mean the end of you taking my blood I hope?"

"It doesn't have to, love. It's become something between us, I don't want it to stop." He took a sip and put his glass down, looking across the table at her,"Buffy, I've loved you for a long time, I think maybe the whole time I've known you. God, since you were sixteen! We've done just about everything in bed imaginable, everything out of bed too. There were times when I imagined there was more..."

"There was."

"Thanks for saying, love, but you could never take any happiness from it. Then, as one by one the others left us, you let me love you and to help save yourself from misery you let yourself love me back. We found something good in all that death and despair and then we learned we were having this baby of ours and I think for the first time, I really felt it - what I'd been searching for all my decades, that intimacy that went deeper than bodies, deeper than words. So, when you let me be what it is I am, a vampire, when you let my fangs inside you like you do the rest of me, that means more to me than making love. Understand?" There were tears brimming Buffy's eyes as she listened to his words. He'd spoken with such emotion that it overwhelmed her. He smiled timidly at her then nodded towards her plate,"Now eat up."

She wanted to say something in return, but he'd rendered her speechless. They ate in comfortable silence, looking out over Lake Washington. When breakfast was finished they went inside and got dressed, finding that the monks had brought in everything they owned from the Hummer. Every article of clothing had been cleaned.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Buffy suggested,"Try and work off the fifty pounds of food I just consumed?"

"If you like, maybe a bit around the lake?"

"Or the forest a little, I wanna see where it is we're living now."

"You've decided we're stayin' then?"

"I thought maybe, yeah. I mean, Cordy's here and those nice protective valet like monk guys...and Angel's son. We have to hear that story. He's kinda family in a distant, weird way. It's so nice here, and easy, I just want to be somewhere I know is safe. At least until after the baby's born, please?"

"I wasn't going to say no, just wanted to know you were sure."

"I am. Let's go get Andrew and Boon too." New clothing for the mother to be in the form of a summer dress and other garments of woven hemp, had been graciously provided by the monks, along with sandals of braided leather. It was a comfortable form of maternity wear that Buffy very much approved of. Spike decided to forgo the clothing given to him, mumbling something about not liking Kool-Aid that much and sodding' cultists. With their hands twined, they proceeded to Andrew's room, but Spike stopped them short of the door."What?"

"Er, nothing...let's go alone. Rather be alone."

"Don't be silly." She went to knock, but he grabbed her wrist.


"Why not? You're being weird."

"I think he, um...he rather not be disturbed." Buffy gave him a curious look and went to try and knock again."Buffy, he's not alone."

"Yeah, I gathered, he and Boon were going to play video games all night and day they said. I wanted to ask her along too."

"Well, she's in"

"What?" Spike tried very hard to think of something other than the truth to tell her about what his vampire's hearing told him, but failed.

"I'm pretty sure it's just snogging."

"Snogging? Snogging!"

"At this point."

"She's a Slayer! What if she hurts him?" Spike gave a little growl and pulled Buffy away from the door before they were noticed."Spike!"

"Slayer, he's not a pup, he can take care of himself. He's been keeping us alive post-Apocalypse if you recall. He's barely had anything for himself in two years, let him have some peace and you will not ask him about it later, you hear me?"


"I mean it, Buffy. Promise me."

"Okay, okay....but it's Andrew, Spike." He saw the emotions well up inside her,"It's our Andrew."

"Pet, I know....I know what he means to you, but he's not a child. Come on, love, let's go for our walk."


Chapter 26

"I think it was hormones," Buffy stated. There was a man made path off of one exit from the house upon which Spike and Buffy started out on their walk. It hugged close to the shores of the lake, but was flanked on either side by dense forest, thickening with every yard they trespassed. Spike tossed his arms around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. He smiled down at her and kissed the top of her head.

"How's my girl, really?"

"You're girl's doing splendid. I'm happy for Andrew and Boon, honest. How's my vamp?"

"Fairly content. Rather boring here though."

"Figures. Everything is all strife and anguish for two years and the moment your get a decent rest and lots of fresh food you're twitchy."

"M'not twitchy."

"Maybe you're horny then, aren't you usually?"

"Buffy, precious...I'm a man in addition to being a vampire, of course I'm horny. Don't suppose you are too, huh pet?"

"Maybe a little, I could go either way. Maybe I'm hungry again. Not sure."

"Would the promise of an hour of deep tonguing from yours truly sway you?"

"I think there's a dense patch of shrubs over there we can hide under!"

"That's my girl."

"I'm always your girl." He paused for a moment and came to stand in front of her. He eyed her chest for a moment before reaching up and cupping a plump breast in each palm.

"I'm deeply fascinated with your breasts. I always thought I was an arse bloke, but my mind's a changing." To punctuate his pointless point, he gave the ripe pair before him repeated firm squeezes. Buffy stood there, mildly amused, oddly aroused.

"What pray tell, is so fascinating about them?" He flicked his thumbs over the nipples, bringing them to attention under the thin tunic.

"They're very soft, very heavy, fill m'hands right up. They're warm, sweet, succulent. You're full of life Buffy, you've made this poor dead man feel alive." She took his hands and brought them around behind her back, holding them there.

"You're not dead, you're more alive than any man I've ever know. How could a dead man make this child? You're not dead...not anymore. You have your soul, you can walk in the sun. You're changing....I'm changing too. I don't want to ever have to be the Slayer again, I just want to mother our baby and love you."

"This place might not be exciting like good old Sunnydale, but we're safe. For once in our bloody lives we're safe! It's all we need."

"I think things will spark up once the baby's born."

"See, where as I think once they're here everything's just going to be so right and so peaceful. I love you, n' case I haven't said it this hour."

"Love you too...come on, the shrubbery beckons."


They lay under a canopy of rhododendrons, specs of sunlight peaking through the leaves above. Buffy wondered as she snoozed naked under the duster that Spike refused to leave back at the house and curled up next to an also naked Spike. If this was finally their journey's end, it was a good place. Food and all the comforts they'd given up were in their grasp again. She wouldn't have to constantly be looking over her shoulder. She knew Spike wouldn't stop doing this though. By all accounts this was a safe place to give birth and raise their child. Still, not everything felt 100% clear and easy. There had to be mysteries surrounding so ideal a place. She didn't trust the monks too readily, given her past experiences with monastic types. Furthermore she was anxious to discover if the Key was really here.

Spike made a contented rumbling sound and nuzzled her neck, inhaling her scent at her hair. His arm went across her chest, then around her shoulder and Buffy gave a little gasp of surprise when he jerked her closer to him. His leg insinuated itself between hers, hooking around one and securing her in his grasp."Guess I'm gonna be here for a while," Buffy mused to herself. She lay there with a smile on her face as Spike continued to sleep, mumbling little words about her under his breath. She smiled and relaxed and for a time studied the patterns of the sunlight filtering through the leaves above her. Just as she began to doze herself, the atmosphere changed. The vampire gave a definite whimper, bordering on anguish. In his sleep he vamped out, but it wasn't in anger or bloodlust, but instead in an effort to protect his mate from the supposed dangers his mind was conjuring,"Shh...honey, it's okay. Wake up." She nudged him to try and rouse him from sleep, but he was trapped.

"" he whined, his body tensing around hers,""

"Spike, come on, I'm right here...."

" baby...." Buffy had to wrestle with him a bit so she could turn over. He was becoming fitful and desperate, clutching her, calling for her help.

"Spike, snap out of it! Come back to me." Suddenly he stopped fighting, his hold on her relaxed and he began to cry. Tears came from under closed eyelids. The sight broke her heart. She began to kiss him, willing her comfort into him until finally his instincts aided him to start kissing her back. His eyes fluttered open, blinking away tears."There you are. Tell me what it was about."

"I didn't mean to doze off..."

"No, tell me what you were dreaming."

"Too horrible..."

"I don't care, I won't have you keeping this to yourself. I share your pain as much as your happiness." He shook and trembled, but he told her.

"I don't know why I wasn't with you, but I wasn't...I was trying to find you...but when I did...." He sobbed from the images still fresh in his memory."They'd torn you open...and the baby...was....I can't...I can't!"

"It wasn't real."

"Felt real...too real." Buffy took his hand and brought it to her stomach, underneath the baby squirmed and kicked.

"Feel that? They only move that much when daddy's near."

"I hate my dreams. I bloody fucking hate them. All I ever have his nightmares."

"I'm sorry for that, Spike. But believing your fears are going to come true is like throwing punches underwater. Remember that fight we had when you got the gem of Amara?"


"No, it was us at the time and you really kicked my ass by the way."

"It was mutual."

"Oh I know, I'm still the best." She got a little smile from him for her quip."The point I'm getting to is...even from when Mom got you with the ax, up until now we have been on a journey together, not apart. Spike and Buffy are forever, Spike and Buffy take care of each other and Spike and Buffy aren't ever going to let silly things like bad dreams, or even death split them apart. Oh and Spike and Buffy are gonna have a baby. Now bite me."

"Come again?"

"Go on, take a little nip."


"You've still got the lumpies on and those sharp fangs, have yourself a Buffy."

"I really don't think..." She exposed her neck to him and tapped on the vein with her finger and smiled sweetly for him."Buffy, I know you're trying to make me feel better. It was just a dream, I'm over it now. Plus, we're under a bunch of rhododendrons, we really should be heading back."

"Honey, what did I say about the bitey thing?"



"Said it was better than sex..."

"So, have a nibble. Spike penetration of Buffy in any form is a good thing."

"Okay fine."

"Don't act like it's a chore or punishment."

"It's's just..."

"Just what?"

"Okay, here goes....the biting you, it's a vampire thing, right? But it's more than a thing, when it's a vamp n' his girl. If I'm not doing it for, did Giles ever tell you anything about vampire claims n' what not?"

"Not exactly, but if my knowledge of pop culture serves, it's like the vamp version of marriage?"


"So, claim me already."


"Um, hello, pregnant here, little half-vamp baby all squirmy inside. So, how do we go this claim thingie?"

"Well, fairly simple....usual way, you, uh, just have to be orgasming at the time."

"Claim me!!"

"Buffy, we're underneath rhododendrons, I'm imagining something a trifle more romantic."

"Okay fine, we'll get dressed, we'll walk back to the house, go up to our room."

"Then get into bed, under those massive covers....I'll, um, get you worked up n'...."


"You're being impossibly cute today, you know this, right?" She nodded and reached for her clothes.


Chapter 27

"So how do we do this?" Buffy asked, rapidly stripping off the clothes she'd just put back on out in the forest. She was grinning from ear to ear, breasts bouncing as she danced around the room in front of him. Spike laughed warmly at her enthusiasm. Since arriving at this place she was like a new woman, so carefree and joyful. It made him deliriously happy.

"Come here, pet," he bade, his voice low and dripping with seduction. She swayed over to him, reaching out and grabbing his belt, tugging him forward.

"So this claim thingie? Are there any perks?" He placed his hands on her shoulders, massaging them lightly while he looked her honestly in the eyes.

"You'll be bound to me, mind, body and soul for all eternity, beyond this mortal coil..." The tone in his voice told her the time for fun and games was over, this was a serious undertaking,"Angel may have bitten you, Dracula also, but neither laid claim to you. A claim is animal, feral, it marks your body, your blood, your spirit. Every demon out there will know you belong to me, and me alone. You'll be my mate and in return I will be eternally devoted, your willing slave. When we come together, when we join bodies, when we make love, you'll feel it a thousand fold, you'll feel me from the inside out, the souls of demon, man and mate will merge into one perfect sublime being.....we become each other for a time, one, a perfect one." She gasped, trembling a slight,"But Buffy, love, that being said, the claim's got nothing on this..." His hand fell upon the roundness of her pregnancy,"This is our love, this small, innocent person inside here. The creation of child, through love, is more powerful than anything else in all the worlds. Do you accept my claim?" Buffy leaned in close, her lips close to his ear and whispered,"Yes."

He put her in bed, let her warm, womanly body sink into the soft mattress next to his, letting it curve to her spin and cup every curve. He pulled the quilt over her. She opened her arms for him and he fell into her and let her envelope him with her love. They made love slowly, gently and as she climaxed, his fangs slipped effortlessly into her vein and he supped on her blood. When he withdrew, he spoke the sanctifying words of the claim, words that had been known since the first vampire claimed a mate. He held her until she slipped into slumber, his hand tracing comfortable circles on her swollen stomach, until both she and the baby were asleep.

There was a soft knock at the door a long time after the sun had set and Spike eased himself away from his wife, reaching blindly for his jeans and pulling them on. On the other side of the door he found Boon and Andrew.

"Sorry if we're disturbing you," Andrew whispered, noting Buffy's sleeping form under the covers.

"S'alright, mouse, what can I do for you two? Don't tell me the playstation and Gates' DVD collection's already bored you," Spike replied, stepping out into the hallway and pulling the door to.

"No, those are....listen, this place has gone all Canticle for Leibowitz! I betcha there's even a two headed woman!!"

"Come again?"

"The monks...." Andrew leaned in close and lowered his voice,"I think they're evil."

"Terrific. Bloody great. Typical. Why do you say that, mouse?"

"Can you hear anybody around the house?" Spike quieted himself, blocked out the comforting sound of his mate sleeping, detected a few families, be they demon or human in some other rooms on the floor, but Andrew was right, he couldn't sense any of the monks about.

"Wait here." Spike went back into the room, pulled on a t-shirt and his boots. He shrugged into his coat and slipped a knife to his hip, just in case. He gave one last look on his sleeping wife, smiling affectionately, then exited the room,"Time to patrol, Slayer, mouse."

"Cool," replied Andrew.

"What's patrol?" Boon asked.

"It's where you get your next lesson on how to be a Slayer. It's not all punches, slashin' n' staking. Sometimes it's just reconnaissance. Come on." He led the two of them subversively downstairs. To the best of his knowledge Cordelia was still at the top of the main staircase, just being Cordelia. He'd have to question her one day on the whole higher being thing, once she and Buffy had had a good girly gabfest. The thing about the Gates' house was that Spike suspected it was laden with hidden passages and anti-chambers. Finding them might prove both difficult and dangerous.

Spike walked soundlessly with vampiric grace, hugging close to the wall. Boon and Andrew didn't quite manage such fluidity, but did their best. His listened to the walls, felt the breezes and pressures of the air, detected scents, and the supernatural hum of magic. Spike brought forth the vampire and let his senses flare. He was drawn in one direction, through the kitchen and outside. In the night air, it all became infinitely more clear,"This way," he said. Down behind the house was a passage to underneath,"Stick close, be ready to run or fight."

After a descent of fifteen minutes, which considering the size of the house, was fair, the sound of voices chanting were perceived by the vamp. The slope of earth they were walking was a cavernous tunnel, lined sporadically with flaming torches. Perfectly gothic and typical of nefarious underhanded deeds being no doubt done. As the voices became more clear, Spike realized that the chanting was actually song, Gregorian chanting. Beautiful streams of Latin singing the praises of god. It was all rather beautiful to Spike. He hoped they were just singing the Almighty's praises.

This proved false when the light illuminating their way took on a greenish tinge."Bollocks," he muttered under his breath. There were outcroppings of rocks to shield them as the tunnel opened into a vast chamber. Before them were the monks assembled in a circle of reverence, on their knees and hands clasped before them. In the center of this monastic gathering was a swirling, chaotic mass of green energy floating about 6 feet off the ground. It was the Key. Spike was utterly hypnotized by what he was seeing. It was possibly the most beautiful, unearthly thing he had ever seen. He tried to find some part of this that stirred within him a sense of Dawn, but there was nothing. It nearly made him cry from a broken heart. The heart and the soul that had been his nibblet had nothing to do with her being the Key and everything with her having been a part of Buffy.

Boon and Andrew were each clutching a sleeve of Spike's duster, like small children in a crowd. Coming back to himself, Spike took stock of what else he was seeing. There were markings on the walls, a script vaguely familiar, but certainly indecipherable by the vampire. He surmised he'd likely ran across it in one of Giles' texts. He wasn't surprised this place wasn't what it appeared to be. He hoped Cordelia was trustworthy, for Buffy's sake as well as his own.

He was no less surprised to spy Connor among them. Spike was however sent into an instant panic when the boy turned his head in their direction. Spike backed away, pushing Andrew and Boon ahead of him,"Run!" he hissed. They did Spike kicking their heels behind them every stride. They exited the tunnel and rounded the corner and headed back towards the kitchen. Spike tore off his coat and tossed it at Andrew,"Get the bloody hell upstairs into your room, stay together. I'll be there soon. Go!"

When Connor sauntered casually into the kitchen he found Spike rummaging in the cupboards."Are you looking for something?" he asked of the vampire, the look on his face stone cold. Spike turned around, a loaf of bread in his hand.

"Yeah, Slayer's a bit peckish. That's how it is when they're carrying...gotta eat for two n' all that. Thought I might make her something," Spike replied, the snark obvious in his tone."Sandwich maybe? Though, I don't think my bird would say no to something sweet."

"There should be cinnamon rolls in the container behind you, Brother Columbanus likes them, he makes them fresh every day." Spike put the bread back where he'd found it and opened up the treasure chest of iced cinnamon roles, taking three large, gooey conglomerations of bread, cinnamon, brown sugar, butter and white icing and putting them on the plate he'd retrieved before hand.

"This'll hit the spot, no doubt. I hope Columbanus isn't expecting any for breakfast, Buffy might sneak down n' polish off the lot."

"He won't mind. The Brothers are all very generous here."

"That so? You've all been more than hospitable, I must say."

"We have many guests from all walks of life here, we provide for everything in addition to this safe haven. In return...there are certain rules."

"That so? These Cordy's rules?"

"These are the house's. Cordelia is part of this house."

"Tell you what. Print 'em out in a nice bold font n' have one of your little Brothers slip it under our door. If you'll excuse me, the missus is waiting."

"You must know by now who my mother is, if you knew Angelus as you say. I inherited everything from my parents except their demons. My sense of hearing, smell..."

"That so? Good on you. Oh, and boy? I still have my demon." With that Spike turned and went back to Buffy.


Chapter 28

Spike debated between going to put Andrew and Boon at ease, and giving up two of the cinnamon rolls, or checking on his wife. Naturally Buffy won out, but he was met at his own door by a rather brassed off blond goddess. She looked incensed, eyes fiery and foot tapping like Morse code."Where the hell have you been!?" she demanded,"I've been worrying myself sick."

"Um...snack," he mumbled, presenting her with the plate. For a moment her anger dissipated, but then she snatched the plate from him and it was back.

"First you claim me, and it's like the biggest thing in forever! And then you leave me!"

"Wait inside, I'll be right back."

"What?" He nudged her back inside the bedroom and then closed the door on her. He figured she was too shocked to react, and therefore he felt safe to leave to go to Andrew's room. He entered without knocking, finding the pair sitting side by side on the love seat with the duster between them.

"Coast's clear, but I want you two to stay together tonight. Andrew, on. the. couch."

"Yes, sir," the mouse squeaked.

"Anything gets bigger than you can handle, you call. I'll come." Spike winced, knowing how badly what he's said sounded aloud. He grabbed his duster and gave Andrew a pat on the shoulder and a nod to Boon."Don't freak, everything's fine. You have my word."

"Okay, Spike," Boon assured, putting on a brave front. He left them and went to face his wife. He locked the door behind him, turning to find Buffy tucked into the first of the rolls.

"Buffy, something happened tonight," he began.

"Yeah, you left..."

"No, pet, quiet now, I'm serious. It's about the Key." She gasped and looked him square in the eye, a litter fear behind her own."Keep eating, got 'em special for you."

"Thank you." He took off hit boots and eased down on the bed next to her, stealing a bit of the sticky bun for himself. He brushed his lips across hers and gave her tummy a little rub.

"Andrew came earlier, thought something was off. Turns out, they've got the Key under the house, a bright ball of green energy, all the monks were gathered around, worshiping it."

"Did they see you?"

"I think Connor suspects, he's got no proof other than what his supposed inherited vampire senses tell him. Figures he's a bloody monk, given dear old dad was a eunuch."


"Sorry, love. Buffy..." Spike sighed, then brushed a strand of curls away from in front of her eyes, tucking in behind her ear,"Sweetheart, I saw this thing, the Key....I'm very sorry, but I swear it - there was nothing about the Key that is Dawn. It's just energy, just kinetics and magic. Our Nibblet was who she was because she came from you." His wife tuned into him and began to cry, utterly disappointed, feeling as if she'd lost her sister all over again. Spike took the plate from her and set it aside on the bedside table, then pulled her down with him to the bed. His arms held her firm and he cajoled her as best he could.

"I'm so tired Spike, so fed up...why did we have to lose everything!" He let her cry for a while longer, letting her wring herself out of the hope of finding a remnant of her sister. It became apparent however that she was far from calming and chose to enact one of the aspects his claim on her. He latched his mouth over the puncture wounds he'd previously made and sucked soothingly. His tongue laved over the two minute holes, tasting the lingering flavor of her blood on the closed wounds. He was making a low rumbling growl in his chest, something that was akin to a purr, but more feral. Buffy was drawn away from her despair and tears and into the near hypnotic enthrallment of his attention to the site of his claim. She stopped crying, stopped shaking and just relaxed. When he felt the tension leaving her body, Spike released her neck, kissing his way along her jawbone until he found her lips, then he sunk in. His tongue pushed its way into her mouth, skimming along the roof, then down to curl around hers. His lips were soft, giving only a little pressure, pouring in comfort and love. He drew back after a time and rested his cheek down on her shoulder.

"What did you do?" Buffy asked, closing her eyes and breathing evenly, calmly.

"Just a trick of the claiming, love. I can't make you do things you don't want to or anything like that. It's not a silly hypno thrall like bloody Drac, but I can give you comfort, what I've just done is stronger than caresses or words...just making you feel loved."

"I did. I do. Oh Spike, when is it really gonna be over? When can we trust that we're safe and we can rest? I though this was it...but now I'm scared."

"How can you be scared? You're my Slayer, she's never scared."

"Don't think a pep talk's gonna do it this time. I'm just tired, honey...just two years of tired."

"I'll cheer you up then!" He had such an expectant, pleading look in his eyes, begging her to let him. It made her fall in love with him all over again.

"Feed me more of those delicious cinnamon buns and talk dirty to me." Spike chuckled and reached for the plate again.

"Tomorrow, pet, I want you to talk to Cordelia, try and ask her about the Key. That's if you trust her."

"I trust her." He nodded and tore a piece of bread off and fed it to her, then licked the stickiness off his fingers.

"Good. Now, love, why is it that have an unbelievable urge to tear that robe from your body, smother your quim in buttery brown sugar goo and icing and lick you clean?"

"Probably comes from the same place that makes me wanna nibble your nipples. They're better than candy."

"That so?"

"Or your popsicle cock."

"Bloody hell, Buffy, keep talking like that and I'm gonna pop!"

"Popsicle cold cock with nummy cream filling!"

"Fuck! Slayer!"

"Would you? Because, you know, horny bitch here."

"Are you indeed? You're mine, aren't you? My wife, my mate, mother of my greatest miracle." She touched his face, her thumb tugging on the jut of his bottom lip, he kissed it.

"Loving you's been my greatest miracle. Thank you for never giving up on me. Thanks for waiting."

"Would've waiting till then end of the world. Did, actually."

"Yeah, you did...oh!"

"What? What?" She smiled and waved him off, grabbing his hand and putting it on the underside of her ever growing stomach,"Your child has decided that mommy's not gonna get any sleep tonight...there! Feel that one?"

"Bloody hell, doesn't that hurt? Kid's kicking up a storm, ready for patrol!"

"Patrol is contained inside me tonight, which means I ain't sleeping."

"Then let's talk. We'll talk all night until I've exhausted you with tales of m'glory days." There was another flurry of kicks from the baby that made Buffy wince, but they laughed about it, then kissed and resumed conversation.

"Tell me about your mother instead."


Chapter 29

Buffy was pleasantly surprised upon waking the next morning to see Andrew, Boon and Spike outside on the balcony, eating breakfast, and drinking their respective blood or coffee. Apple juice in Andrew's case. She stretched herself out and patted her tummy, murmuring a good morning to the baby, then rose from bed.

She joined them outside after a shower and dressed in some of the summery maternity clothes she'd gotten from the Wal-Mart,"Morning, love," Spike greeted her, coupled with a kiss before he pulled out her chair for her and helped her sit down,"Got your breakfast right here, nice omelet with mushrooms and shallots. Grape juice too?" He was attentive and doting and Buffy relished every moment of it.

"Thank you, sweety."

"Always pet." She took her first bite of the still hot dish and moaned a little sigh of satisfaction at the wondrous taste of her food.

"So, what's up, you guys looks all conspiry."

"Nothing, much, precious, just trying to suss out last night's goings on. I'm also trying to decide whether or not to make disparaging remarks about the grandsire's manliness to his only begotten, just for fun you understand." Andrew snickered, as did Boon, Buffy gave her husband a glare, but it softened.

"He is kinda creepy. He stares at you, like he's trying to burn your image into his mind. Angel never stared. He glowered and brooded, but he never had that I'm gonna be a sociopath when I grow up thing going on."

"Gets it from Darla, she could slice your heart out with her stare. Either way, the gnat's a problem. If he's evil, he'll be as deadly as Angelus."

"Fabulous. So much for finding the Garden of Eden, huh?"

"It's common," Andrew said,"Classic distopian scenario, paradise is fleeting..."

"Can it, mouse," Spike growled.


"No, mouse, I'm sorry. I'm just fussed that the place we'd been hoping would be safe is half run by Angelus Jr."

"We don't know what Connor's like, Spike," Buffy tried to reason.

"The kid's 18 years old at least, you're telling me that the poof when he was still in his rat eating phase had something to do with getting a son? By dead Darla no less? There's more to the story here, Slayer."

"Which is why after I eat I'm going to sit down, or maybe float with Cordelia and ask her what the hell's up with this place. I think I should go it alone, but you can scope out the house, maybe try and meet some of the other people."

"Right. Andrew and Boon, you can do the same, but play up the curious kiddy angle. Don't go into dark places, or through any secret passages. If you get lost, we might not find you in time. Stay together." Buffy finished her omelet, but as she got up to go, Spike put a bowl of fruit in front of her and gave her a stern look. She slumped back down and he fed her a grape from the bowl, giving her a smile and taking the pout she gave him.


In the years they' known each other, Buffy had never once felt beneath Cordelia Chase, but rising step after step up towards the shimmering apparition, she felt somewhat dwarfed by the former cheerleader's present divinity. There was a small crowd of demons and humans gathered before her, but it was not in reverence, but more akin to the early days of the Cordettes, people where just attracted to her. There was laughter and conversation until Buffy came upon the scene and the monks shooed everyone aside. Buffy felt especially conspicuous then, but returned to ease when Cordy smiled her way and ushered Buffy into the fold.


Going down through the house prove risky so Spike went back out to the balcony and scaled up the side of the house with such grace and speed that not a thing or person was disturbed. As light on his feet as a spider, the vampire ran over the roof of the house and leapt high and far, then sailed down through a thicket of Douglas firs.

"East as pie. Pie from the bloody Matrix," he ruminated to himself. The entrance to the cave under the house was unguarded like before, only this time there were no discernible sounds emanating from inside. Hunkering down, the vampire entered, using his demon's senses to make his way in the dark. This time there was no light at the of the tunnel. No key.

He emerged into the same anti-chamber as before and the scent of a man wafted under his nostrils. Spike's arm shot out and grabbed the man by the throat. The other's reflexes were as honed and quick as the vampire's. His arms snaked under Spike's while the other twisted his wrist and he was free, returning with a backhand across Spike's jaw, sending the vamp back a few paces. With his foot, the monk flipped up his bow staff and push it out at length, pinning Spike against the wall with the wooden point at his heart, pressing deep enough into the skin to nearly pierce it. One wrong move for Spike and he would be dust. The man's face was hidden under his cowl.

"I could kill you were you stand, vampire," the man spoke in a hushed, stern voice with a definite British accent. Spike stayed perfectly still. He'd just been bested by a human being and the demon inside him raged to come forth. Spike was fast, but even he wasn't completely sure he could get out of this alive if he acted physically. He did the only thing he felt he could under the circumstances.

"Don't kill me, please," Spike said, even and strong, but still with enough emotion in his voice to evoke empathy,"Please, I have a wife...a child."

"You're a vampire."

"M'not just a vampire. I love them."

"I know who you are, William the Bloody."

"That's not me, not anymore. I have my soul....please, for my baby. I am begging here."

"I have no intention of killing you," The stake however remained at Spike's heart,"But you shouldn't be down here. And please, no witty retorts. You put yourself and the lives of your family by going where you are not permitted. I hope you see the seriousness of what I'm implying. You can make a good life here with ours and Cordelia's help, but any dealings with the Key are strictly for the Brothers. Do you understand?" He pushed the point of the stake in harder, making Spike grimace.

"Yeah, I got it." The man back away, keeping the staff held high, like a scorpion ready to sting.

"This wasn't a challenge, merely a warning. I wish you and yours only the best, and you can have that here. You just have to play by the rules." The man receded into the shadows and was gone. Spike let his demon come forth and he inhaled deeply, memorizing the man's scent. He then turned around and punched the stone wall, breaking his hand and shredding his knuckles. He was angry, violently so, but mostly because he knew if the man had wanted to he could've staked Spike. Then Buffy would be without him and he'd have left his child without a father. Fear gripped him too and he realized he was shaking. There were few choices presented to him, so he went with his instincts. He went to find Buffy.

The Slayer was coming down from her time with Cordelia, a smile on her face for her husband, but it faded when she sensed that he was upset. She caught site of his bloody hand and stared at him in shock,"Spike?" she inquired, reaching for the injured hand.

"Upstairs, quick please, love," he begged,"I need you."

"O..okay. Baby, what's wrong?"

"Tell you in a minute." They made their way to the haven of their bedroom, Spike taking some comfort in that Boon and Andrew seemed to be alright together in his room. Buffy took off Spike's coat and led him into the bathroom to clean his wounded hand. Upon seeing how the bones were twisted the skin eviscerated she began to softly weep. He pulled his hand away and turned from her, quickly setting the bones back, stomping his foot on the floor to prevent himself from screaming from the pain. Buffy started running warm water in the sink, lathering up some soap in her own hands. His hissed when the sting of the soap hit him and even the gentle pressure of her touch as she cleaned the wounds. He dropped his head atop hers, nuzzling into her hair. When his hand was clean she turned off the water and wrapped his hand in a towel. They moved in silence back to the bed, Buffy taking Spike in her arms, his ear resting on her stomach while she stroked his hair.

"You wanna talk?"

"Not yet, just need to hold you both for a bit."

"Let me then. Cordelia and I had a good afternoon, she introduced me to some of the others. There's a doctor here, he's a heart surgeon, but he promises he can help with the birth. He lent me his stethoscope and I got to hear the baby's heartbeat!" Spike looked up at her with happiness in his eyes, then turned back into her and kissed her rounded tummy."There is however a doulah named Carmen! She's been at over 200 births, she put me so at ease about it. Cordelia said there's this room in the house that would be perfect for the birth, it's very serene and full of light." He felt the waves of peace and joy flow through her, knowing how very good this was for the baby. He'd been about to tell her they had to leave this place. Here Buffy had food to nourish her and the baby. Here there were doctors. But here there was also an underlying and unseen threat, he felt it in his blood. "I didn't get to ask about the Key, everyone was there.......Spike, honey?"

"Yes, love?"

"How did you hurt your hand?" His vampire healing was already working to repair the joints and skin, there wasn't even any blood soaking through the towel. He needed time to think, to decide if could uproot his family again. In addition, there was still the lingering humiliation and fear from his earlier encounter with the remarkable monk. The baby was especially active today, it seemed Buffy had gotten used to it, but he hadn't and didn't think he ever would. One doesn't get used to a miracle. He inhaled and exhaled, his eyes closed and he shivered,"Spike?"

"Just hold me for a while, pet. Take care of me?" She turned on her side and pulled him into his arms and drew his head down to pillow on her breasts. Just holding her and being held by her was enough to get him from this moment to the next. Truth was, he was perhaps more tired than she. More disappointed than he'd ever let her know. For two years he'd watched as one by one of the people he foraged food for, kept comfortable on their sickbeds, fought off predators to keep safe - the people he loved, all died. He'd traversed thousands of miles in the wilderness, always the strong one, always the one who kept the other two going. Buffy was a survivor and the Slayer, but fundamentally she was his mate and it was to him to provide for and protect. But he was tired. Worn down through his bones to the marrow. He just wanted to rest. Truly rest.

Buffy couldn't understand why her husbands eyes were shimmering with tears. He stared up at her with an intense and unwavering gaze that would have frightened her had it come from any body else, instead she felt only pathos and love towards him. She leaned down and pressed kisses over his features and soothed him until he closed his eyes and slept, safe in her arms.


Chapter 30

Spike never came across the Brother who he'd met down under the house ever again. It was as if even every trace of his scent was gone too. Two months had passed since their arrival at the Sanctuary, as the other humans had dubbed it. Spike kept to himself mostly, when he wasn't in the near constant company of his wife, or Boon and Andrew. He took fully to the role of Watcher to the young Boon and the two of them were as close as Buffy and Giles had been. He loved this exuberant, punky girl. And it seemed, so did Andrew, but Spike let that stay private. If Andrew wanted to talk, Spike would wait for him to broach the subject . In the meantime Buffy was a veritable social butterfly at the Sanctuary. She made friends with humans and demons alike, and was a large part of those who welcomed the demon family they'd met months ago in the Wal-Mart.

Also during this time, Buffy grew. Her stomach was full and swollen, so much so Spike felt the constant need to be spotting her in fear she'd topple. Furthermore, Spike loved the fact that his Slayer had become a rather plump little pumpkin. With so much food and Brother Columbanus' mastery at pastries, Buffy had gained a very healthy amount of weight. There was nothing the vampire loved more than squeezing her ample behind, or suckle at her heavy breasts. Buffy complained constantly that she was fat and unattractive, but her rants never could get off the ground when he growled at her and pulled her close to whisper sexy little words in her ear. Sometimes he took her to bed and proved how beautiful he thought she was.

Life at the Sanctuary was tranquil, normal, better than an all-inclusive resort. Spike wanted to learn to live at ease in this place, but he simply couldn't. Instead he sat up all night, a sentinel to watch over his charges. So long as Buffy and the baby were healthy, he could let his own care for himself fall short again. Buffy had never asked him again about his broken hand, and instead of confronting Spike again when she noticed the depletion of his health, she merely made a game of getting him to feed from her, usually through love play. She learned that his claim on her had it's own pull to her if she willed it, and sometimes she did.

This morning however had him worried. Buffy sat in a bath full of cool water, pitched forward and whimpering and weeping. Spike knelt beside her on the floor, one hand rubbing her back and the other held her hand. She was overheated, enormously pregnant, hormonal and uncomfortable. She was due within the next week and had just about reached the end of her tether with being pregnant. The past week had been fraught with false labors and the fact that the end of summer was hotter than the middle had been made for one incredibly ornery Slayer. She was especially emotional this morning, having barely slept all night and had broken down several times in tears. Spike had taken her into the bathroom and was now trying to soothe her as best he could.

"Are you in pain, love?" he asked in a near whisper.

"My back aches...all over," she said woefully, squeezing his hand a little tighter,"Hasn't stopped all week...I don't think I can take much...much more..."

"Shhhh, love, not long now, just a few more days, I'm sure."

"I don't feel so good, Spike."

"I know, darling, I know, but you're doing splendid. Just breathe, be quiet and let me care for you....not sure I'm doing you any bloody good though." She turned her head and gave him a weak smile.

"Just you being here is everything. I'm sorry for being a pain." Spike make an unaffectionate sound in his throat and Buffy recoiled from the sight of his eyes going hard as his face lowered and his jaw tightening. Then he looked straight at her, clearly annoyed.

"Slayer. Damn it, Slay...Buffy, you are not being a bloody pain, or anything remotely inconvenient! Seems I do have to repeat myself as far as my love and devotion are concerned! I love the two of you with everything I am, and I'll be there with your for every pain and every trial and I'll do it gladly....I'm always honored every time you merely smile at me. I love you Buffy."

"I know you do, I love you. Baby, can you that thrall thingie on me again? I'm feeling another bad wave coming on again."

"'Course love, let's get you out of the tub first." He helped her stand and toweled her off as the water drained, paying loving attention to the huge round expanse of her stomach. Meanwhile she held fast to his shoulders and continue to give pitiable little whimpers of discomfort. He pulled a plush bath robe around her and gave her tummy a rub. She was thankful for his vampire's strength as he scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He sat down in the easy chair with her on his lap. She pulled her hair away from her neck, exposing two pink scars. The scars from his feedings were slight pale blights on her upper body, but the two from his claim were dark and tender, but only to his touch. He pulled open her robe and lay a hand over her stomach, feeling the baby's kicks up high, knowing they'd turned already in preparation for coming into the world. He made a trail of licks and kisses from her fairly massive breasts up to his claim mark. His mouth latched on to the spot and he began to suck, nursing at it as he would her nipples.

Buffy made excited little gasps when he sucked more fervently and she felt wave after wave of love and peace tingle through her every cell. Her pains became manageable and the tension left her body. When he was done, he lay his face to her breasts and stomach and became docile under the intoxication of her scent, the feel of her skin and the thrumming of the blood through her veins. After a time, they both finally fell asleep. It was welcome after such a restless night.


Spike awoke by his senses flaring. His vampire features we on the surface, his ears perked and listening to the sudden rise of screams and voices coming from downstairs. Buffy was still curled in his lap, sleeping soundly with her fingers mindlessly stroking his chest. There was trouble brewing, panic running like a current through the members of the house. It was an awkward rise to his feet, but Spike managed to do so without disturbing Buffy. It seemed her exhaustion had finally caught up with her. He covered her up and pulled on his shoes, leaving his coat behind.

He met Boon and Andrew in the hallway,"We sensed a disturbance in the Force," Andrew said. Spike rolled his eyes and pushed the mouse ahead of him, Boon falling in at his side. Downstairs was in complete upheaval. People and demons alike were in a panic, all gathering in the foyer as Connor and Columbanus carried the bloodied body of one of their fellow monks. The dead man's habit was black with blood, the brown tunic soaked through. Connor looked up at Spike with the same steel glare, emotionless and resolute.

"Ever heard of a demon called Polgara?" Connor asked of the vampire.

"Yeah, got spears that come from their forearms when they're on the attack."

"There's one out in the woods, Brother Oswin and I saw him, then we found Brother Jerome. Will you protect the house if I...."

"Ever come up against a Polgara, boy?"

"No...but as you now know I grew up in Quartoth..."

"There any Polgoras in Quartoth?"

"No, but..."

"But nothing, you're protecting the house, and my wife. You get how important that is? Angel loved her and would have died for her, think you can honor that?" Connor nodded and Spike nodded back, sealing the agreement. The vampire half flew up the stairs, an anger roiling up from deep in his belly. This place, however much he distrusted aspects of it, was his home and the Brothers, no matter their espionage, had taken care of them.

When Spike came rushing back into the bedroom, Buffy was pulling on one of her summer tunics. "I head the noises downstairs, what's going on?" she asked.

"Some nasty business, Slayer," Spike replied, pulling out a series of weapons out from under the bed,"There's a Polgara demon, maybe several, stalking around the property. Brother Oswin's been done through. He's dead. Connor and Columbanus found him. Ugly mess."

"Oh no!"

"I'm taking Boon and going on the hunt. She's ready. Bloody bastard is about to learn a new definition of pain thanks to yours truly."

"But Spike..." There was worry on her sweet, rounded face. He understood, it being so close to her due date.

"Love, there's no way I'm gonna be put down by a bleedin' Polgara! I might not be best buds with the lot here, but I'll bloody well take care of the ones that have been taking care of us. I know you're fretting already, sweets, and if you ask me outright not to go, I'll stay..."

", I have confidence in you, but please be careful. More careful than you've ever been before!"

"I will, my heart. Listen here, we're bonded mates now - you'll know if I'm in any real danger. You'll feel it in every cell in your body." He gave her a firm kiss, then bent down to do the same to where the baby was,"Have Andrew come and sit with you, at least to keep you focused on something."

"I will. I love you."

"Love you both, with all m'heart."


Chapter 31

"Boon you're shaking so hard you're causing a bloody earthquake," Spike grumbled under his breath.

"Sorry," she replied meekly, only trembling more with fright. Spike slapped her on the back and pushed her forwards.

"I'll take point. If a Polgara jumps out, hack its arms."


"You're the Slayer - there's nothing a demon's more terrified of in all the world and it's me who's trained you. You're the bloody wrath of God - believe it! I do."

"You do?" He gave her a nod and saw her beam with pride, then steel herself and stride on. After another half an hour though, it became frighteningly apparent to Spike that there were no Polgaras out here and that there never had been. He vamped out and growled, putting Boon on guard."What is it?"

"We've been tricked."

"What do you mean?"

"Come on, Slayer, Buffy and Andrew are in danger. As the understanding passed between them, the pair began a sprint back to the house, Spike snarling and spitting out expletives as he ran. He couldn't believe he'd been such a fool. Connor was the son of Angelus alright, to say the least.


With Andrew passed out on the sofa, Buffy had allowed herself a moment's repose. She'd only meant to give her eyes and back a rest. The lower part of her abdomen was under pressure, she knew she could go into labor at any moment. Her exhaustion finally overcame her and she nodded off. Some time later when a hand clamped over her mouth and another pressed her down to the bed, she snapped awake, ready for a fight.

"Stay quiet, Buffy!" a man warned,"They're coming for you, I'm here to help!" She'd remain quiet, but that didn't mean she wouldn't still mash this guy into next week. Andrew however, roused from his own slumber by the disturbance, beat her to the proverbial punch. The monk was pounced upon and pulled off Buffy, the two men falling off the bed and tussling on the floor. Buffy turned on the lights in time to see Wesley Wyndam-Pryce getting royally bitch slapped upside the head by Andrew."Buffy!?" Wes exclaimed, sounding every bit as spazzy as when they'd first met.

"Andrew, honey, let him up," Buffy asked. Andrew gave Wesley a nasty look and got up off him."Wes, if I wasn't so happy to see a familiar face I'd punch it."

"That's nice to hear, lovely to see you also." Picking himself up off the ground and righting his monk's habit he wore, he launched himself immediately into it,"I do wish there was time for a proper explanation, but there simply isn't time, we must leave this place immediately."

"Come again? I'm not going anywhere, especially without Spike."

"Buffy, the Polagara was a ruse to separate you from him, they're coming to take the baby from you." With those words a deadly chill set upon the Slayer.

"Does Cordy know about this?"

"Cordelia has no part in this, but she cannot help you. Buffy, this concerns the Key and your sister Dawn, there just isn't time to explain."

"Talk faster then. I'm not going without my husband or Boon."


"I mean it." She was as infuriatingly stubborn as when they'd first met and every bit as stubborn. Wesley sighed and quickly gathered his thoughts.

"Dawn was made from your essence in an elaborate and complicated spell in order to house the power of the Key. So much so that the monks here do not have the capabilities to repeat the process, but the baby is ready made. They mean to take it from you, pre-born and infuse it with the Key. After that...the monks, they're fatalists, you see? They're a cult and hardly a holy order at all. There is nothing holy in this place. They believe in accomplishing what the First Evil could not....Buffy, do you understand what I'm meaning?"

"They're going to kill my baby?"

"Yes, but not if I can prevent it. I've been living here all this time, knowing that you would come, as was prophesied. Please, we must leave now, they could come at any moment. You must chose between Spike and the life of your child. What would he want?" There were the sounds of footsteps approaching the door and Buffy went into action. She slipped on her sandals as Wesley and Andrew armed themselves,"We'll have to fight our way past and make a run for it." The monks came in a dozen strong and her two protectors soared into battle. Buffy picked up a sword herself and went to join but turned back to take something with her, the baby blanket Spike had given her.

They'd made it past the first wave and were running at breakneck speed through the house to escape. Wes looked back only once, to see Cordelia in all her effulgence atop the stairs and the two shared a knowing look. After over a year of waiting, the first part of their plan had come together.


It's not too much further," Wesley told them,"I assure you it's quite safe and unknown by the monks. I don't doubt Spike will be able to follow however, he is your mate after all." They had been on the move for over an hour, running hard to the most of it, something that was none too easy for Buffy in her condition. She wasn't particularly surprised when the cramps that had come upon her in transit had finally defined themselves as active labor.

"Come on, sweety, give mommy a break here," she whispered to her child.

"Just around this bend."

"Good thing, Wes. My water just broke."


Chapter 32

"Spike? What's wrong?!" Boon cried, rushing to the vampire's side when he lurched forward and nearly keeled over, clutching his middle. He was breathing hard, eyes clenched tight from apparent pain. He fought past it and straightened, though his abdomen still quivered and roiled against him. He felt it then, he felt Buffy sending her will out to him, begging for him to come to her. The claim he'd put on her was powerful indeed, never before had he felt her so completely nor so strongly inside with his demon and his soul.

"I think...I think...if we don't get to them faster, don't mind me, get to Buffy and Andrew at all cost, you understand me Slayer?" She pulled him up straight and wrapped her hand around his forearm.

"Let your demon out again, it'll help I think. Won't it?"

"You're starting to get aren't you, girl? Starting to feel your power?"

"I am."

"And what's it telling you?"

"Same thing. Let's get 'em!" Spike let his demon come out again and roared.

"Right!!" They broke into another sprint, running wild and hard through the forest, determined to reach their mates in time.


Buffy paced back and forth in the small room of the cave deep inland from the house and lake. She held her back and rubbed her stomach, trying to center her breathing. The contractions were coming every ten minutes now. All the while she was silently pleading for Spike to find them.

"I need to sit down," she whimpered. Wes had been preparing a place for her to give birth as best he could. Under his monks' habit he wore plain clothes, and had hidden a few immediate supplies - food and water, first aid and his monk's knife. Skint supplies for a woman about to have a baby. Without her husband by her side. Wes helped Buffy down to sit, with her back against the cave wall, down on the spread out monk's habit. It was then that she burst into tears.

"Oh god, I can't do this! I can't do this!" she cried, hiding her face in her hands.

"Buffy, I'm sorry," Wes said, crouching down beside her,"I wish this could have been done different, but things must play out in a certain way. I admit, I never planned for you to go into labor."

"Plan?! Wes what was wrong with last week? Or two months ago!?"

"Buffy in the months you've been at the house you've been well fed, tended to. I saw you when you arrived, you were too thin, under nourished and Spike wasn't fairing much better, nor was your friend Andrew or the other Slayer. You were under enormous stress, we thought this time would strengthen you for the situation we're in now."

"Who's we?"

"Cordelia and I primarily..." Buffy let out a cry, another contraction coming on.

"Where's Spike?!!" She sobbed through her body's tensing, feeling the baby pushing down and a need to push herself,"Please, go find him...I need him. Please Wes."

"I can't leave you, not now. You're vulnerable and I cannot risk you being found alone. I'm prepared to deliver the baby. I've never done something like this before and though the Council never prepares a man for this, even those sent into the field, but I've watched the Learning Channel...though not in the past two years."

"Wes, shut up!!"

"Andrew can help." The mouse squeaked, trying to hide behind the baby blanket he now held.

"I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies!!" the mouse cried. It made Buffy smile, despite how dire the situation was.

"Andrew, sweety, just hold my hand, please," Buffy bade, reaching for him. He nodded and sat down next to her, passing the blanket to the needy mother about to be. Time passed, nearly an hour and Wes was telling her to breathe and to push. Andrew put his arms around her and tipped his head down to her and hugged her while she cried for Spike and felt the baby coming.


Spike wasn't doing particularly well in his own right, he was, to begin with deathly afraid for his wife and child, but it was coupled with a dull unrelenting and unexplainable ache in his abdomen. He wasn't allowing it to hinder him, but the pain was increasing in intensity, even the demon couldn't keep it at bay. As they ran back to the house, he forgot nearly everything in his surroundings and opened himself to the voice that had been calling for him these past hours, Buffy's. It wasn't as though he heard it directly inside his head, it was more the sense of her, the connection they'd formed through their claim. He understood where his physical pains were coming from. Buffy was under great duress, fearing for their baby, feeling out of control and alone. The anguish washed over him in waves and spurned him on.

The sounds of angry voices barking out orders came to the vampire's ears a couple of hundred yards from the house, halting Spike and Boon as he grabbed her and pulled her down behind the cover of the lower trees. He shushed her before she had a change to protest, then keened himself towards the voices. The Slayer was missing, so was the boy, they had to find them before it was too late. Before what was too late? Spike wondered. Taking Boon by the hand, he led them in a wide arc around the perimeter of the house, trying to discern what the nature of the commotion was, to see if the monks were to help or to endanger Buffy, Andrew and themselves. Coming close on to where the front path leading down the main doors Spike caught a familiar scent in the air, three of them in fact. The first two were familiar, unforgettable, Buffy and Andrew, but so was the third. Mingled with the essence of his family was the monk from a couple of months ago, the monk that had almost killed him. Spike's stomach clenched down hard and he nearly felt the urge to vomit overcome him. He turned himself and Boon away from the house and set himself upon the trail after them, praying he wasn't too late. If that monk had Buffy....he couldn't bear to think about it.


Chapter 33

The night was bleak, summer was turning to fall and the late August sky was promising rain at any moment, maybe even a storm. The weather had been hot and arid for two weeks, making it the perfect climate for thunder and lightning. As the vampire and young Slayer trekked through the wilderness as quickly as they could force their bodies to move. Boon hadn't seen Spike's human face for hours and his eyes near glowed in the dark of night. He led the way, pulling her along as she was unable to see in the night as he was. Buffy's scent still lingered in the air, a thick vapor trail that filled his head with her, urged him on and made his exhaustion and stomach ache a nuisance rather than a hindrance.

When the odor of her blood assaulted him, he stopped and gave an animalistic cry, grabbing on to Boon, his vampire face slipping away. He crumbled before Boon's eyes, breaking down in sobs, using her to hold him up. All his worst nightmares were coming through, his senses telling him that he was too late and they'd been taken from him just like in his dream.

"Hey! Hey Spike!?" a familiar voice called. It was Andrew. He was standing twelve feet away from them in front of a cave that had gone unnoticed until the boy had called out for attention.

"M...Mouse??!" Spike gasped.


"Where is she!?"

"Inside..." Boon was abandoned and Spike rushed passed Andrew in search of Buffy. She was huddled in the corner, in the dark but still discernible. She looked sickly and wasted, but that wasn't all. Her face turned to see him and she smiled weakly, there was something cradled in her arms. It took a time for the knowledge to sink in, but when it did it slew him.

"I've missed it?" he sobbed, still a a few yards away from where Buffy was seated, holding the newborn. The most monumental moment of his entire existence and those bastards had kept him from it. He'd missed his baby being born, and suddenly Spike knew the greatest regret of his life, the greatest pain. The emotions on his face showed no joy, tears rained free down his sharp cheekbones, his face sunken and tense. Buffy couldn't look at him any longer, she'd have done anything to have turned back time, but it had been beyond their control."I can't have missed...I've been waiting all this time for it...I missed it?"

"I'm very sorry," Wesley said solemnly, laying a hand on the vampire's shoulder,"There simply wasn't time. We would have waited for you if I'd thought it safe, but they were coming for Buffy and I knew you'd put their safety first. Spike drew back, unknowing of who this person even was, only that in their first encounter he'd threatened Spike's life.

"He's a Watcher, he was my Watcher for a while. I told you about Wes, remember?" Buffy said,"I'm so sorry, William, I don't even have the words for how sorry....but she just wasn't gonna wait, even for her daddy."

"Sh...she?" Spike stammered, eyes widening as he took in a sudden breath,"She? We have a little girl? Oh Buffy!"

"Come here, honey, meet your daughter." He hadn't actually looked upon the baby's face yet, now realizing how foolish he was being. Right before him was everything he'd been fighting for, living for. He crossed the divide between them and knelt down Buffy and then eased himself in beside her. Buffy pulled back the corner of the blanket that covered their daughter's face. The baby was wincing and her little mouth was working itself into expressions with her tiny fists balled up at her chin. The cave was darkened, but the little light there was seemed to frighten her and she turned into the warmth of Buffy. Spike was crying, he couldn't help it, and so was Buffy. He leaned down close and pressed his cool lips to the baby's very warm forehead. She made a soft coo and snuggled closer to her mother. Spike looked on her with awe, feeling such a swell of love bubbling up inside him that it overwhelmed him. She was finally here, she was warm and tiny and all his and Buffy's.

"Buffy, please, we must call her Anne. I know we never decided, but..."

"Anne it is, after your mother. Anne Joyce."

"Beautiful....god, there's nothing more beautiful than our girl, is there?"

"Nope, not a thing. Would you like to hold her?"

"May...may I?"

"Of course, she's yours." Buffy placed the gently squirming bundle in his two hands. She whimpered, terrified at being away from the warmth of her mother, hands grabbing urgently at nothing but air and becoming increasingly distressed. Spike looked at Buffy, terrified also.

"I....I don't know what to do! Am I hurting her?!"

", sweety, just bring her close to you."

"I'm....I'm cold Buffy....I haven't a heartbeat....babies like, take her back."

"No, William.. You have to learn how to do this, to be everything she needs. You're the one she's always going to come to, always. You're the first man she'll ever hold her and love her. Just follow your heart, follow your blood, like you always do."

"I'm scared, Buffy love." Buffy put her hands under his and gently guided Anne closer to him. He turned the baby into him and brought her against his chest, tucking her warm, downy head under his chin and against his neck. She instantly curled herself into a tiny ball and slowly calmed, somehow sensing just exactly who he was and how much he loved her. His two hands covered her entire fragile body. He held her and wept and made silent promises to her. Buffy opened her arms and Spike folded himself into her, their daughter between them."I love you so much my sweet Anne, love you both so much."

"We love you too, Spike." After a little while Anne, started to whinge, startling a still very nervous Spike."I think it's time I try to feed her. Remember that time on the beach? The night we got married? You said this was what you were looking forward to most." He backed himself and Anne away a little and she unwove the interlacing cord that fastened up her nightgown. When it was undone to her middle, she pulled the fabric away to reveal her milk heavy breast."I was reading those books, I think I know how to start....and I think I know how, you know? Just being her mom....I know." Spike guided the baby down and with Buffy's help, latched Anne's sweet little lips to the leaking nipple. He held her until Buffy had her supported in her arms, holding her head to the breast. From then on they let nature take over and after a few tentative, uncertain starts, mother and daughter began to bond as child took nourishment from the one who'd given her life. Spike's fingertips stroked Anne's cheek, feeling her taking her first milk, feeling further warmth spread between the three of them. The baby closed her eyes and was lulled into a peaceful state of bliss.

"What does it feel like?"

"It's different...hurts a little....but it's beautiful. I thought I knew before, what love was...but this is better. We made her, Spike....she's you and me....I just....I don't need anything else, ever, just her....." He kissed his wife's lips and smiled, understanding all of what she didn't quite have the words to express. Oddly enough he began to hum, then whispered as he sang to them.

"Alas, my love, you do me wrong, to cast me off discourteously. For I have loved you well and long, delighting in your company. Greensleeves was all my joy, greensleeves was my delight, greensleeves was my heart of gold, and who but my lady greensleeves. I have been ready at your hand, to grant whatever thou would'st crave; I have waged both life and land, your love and goodwill for to have. Greensleeves was my delight, greensleeves my heart of gold. Greensleeves was my heart of joy, and who but my lady greensleeves...." Anne began to suckle a with a little more determination, already showing a few of her inherent vampire traits.

"She likes her song," Buffy whispered, starting to drift off to sleep. She hated to pull Anne away, but she needed to shift her to the other side. The moment the nipple was pulled form her mouth the baby started a loud squall, but it disappeared when a new source of sweetened warm milk was offered. Once the nursing started up again, Buffy smiled up at Spike, who was still singing softly, then turned back to her daughter and closed her eyes.

"Sleep, love. I'll take care of her when she's filled up. Rest now, I'll keep watch." He took off his duster and lay it over his wife and daughter, then wrapped them both up in his arms.


Chapter 34

Boon and Andrew snuggled together on Buffy's right hand side, while she snuggled up to Spike on her left. Spike had bundled Anne securely in her blanket, swaddling her in the snug semblance of being inside her mother. All the while his wife and daughter had slept he had watched them, unblinking and constant. They were miracles, the pair of them. Across the six foot expanse Wesley stood with his eyes to the mouth, a sentinel. It was too much of a risk to make a fire, so they remained in the dark for the rest of the night. As the Buffy had slept, Wesley repeated the story he had told Buffy.

It was close to sunrise, though it was hard to tell with the cloud covered skies, but the night had remained fairly peaceful. Buffy and Anne were further wrapped in the duster, staying as warm as possible. Buffy had woken some time ago, but said nothing. Instead she curled close into her husband, eternally grateful he was with them again. She was at peace in the circle of his arms and the attendant comfort of his embrace and like him studied Anne's sublime face. Buffy eased down a little further, laying her head on his chest and tucking the baby's head under her chin. Both hers and Spike's hands covered the tiny body.

"Is she warm enough?" Spike whispered. Pulling the leather up to Anne's chin.

"Yes, honey, she's plenty warm, between you and me," Buffy said.

"I was worried...I'm always so cold."

"Don't be talking that way, you're nice and warm."

"You've made me so...not just with this Slayer body of yours that makes beautiful babies, but with your heart."

"A heart that used to be broken, used up and cold....and then you just wouldn't go away."

"Couldn't do that, pet, I was in love with you. I knew, I just had to wait until you knew too." Underneath the blanket of the coat, her left hand gave his thigh a reaffirming squeeze.

"I won't ever forget it. How could I? Gave you a kid and everything."

"That you did, love, that you did. She has your nose."

"Yep, but your eyes."

"It's dark, how can you tell?"

"When she looked at me, it felt like you. I promise, once we get her out in the sun you'll see they're a perfect match to yours." Anne gave a quick, fitful jerk with her limbs, just learning that she had more room to move about. She whimpered and made a sad little mew, the beginning of her crying again,"Shhh....mommy and daddy's have you, you're all safe...." Anne continued with small gasps of air that came out with tiny cries, still scared of this open world,"Spike, sing to her." Spike complied, the first few soft words of Greensleeves hummed softly at Anne's ear. Abruptly he stopped and quickly pulled away and got to his feet. The action startled both mother and child and the baby began to cry.

"Someone's coming..." Wes came to attention, drawing out his knife, while Spike picked up the sword he's had with him previously and Boon did the same. It was, much to Spike's surprise, Connor who appeared at the cave's opening.

"Finally!" Wes said, exasperated,"You should have been here hours ago."

"I know," Connor replied, trying to catch his breath,"It's all going wrong...they're right behind me."


"What the bloody hell's going on here!?" Spike demanded. It was then that Connor showed them what was in the leaded strong box he was carrying. He shook off Spike's disdain and knelt down, placing the box on the ground and opened the lid. The entire place was filled with the glowing power of the Key. Anne stopped crying and hid herself from it, curling into her mother's breast.

"It took Cordy too long to convince them to bring it to her, even longer for me to escape with it. I can move twice as fast, but they're still coming after me, they'll be here soon enough. They still want the baby."

"Over my dead body!"

"You might be a daywalker, but you're still a vampire, 50 monks against you? One lucky stake and the Slayer and the child are helpless. Escape is the only way....we've known this for over a year."

"Spike, Buffy," Wes began, taking over the explanation,"We're still on schedule, the plan that I formulated with Cordelia and Connor. We've found a way to set things right. Cordelia came back from where the Powers sent her, with a clear vision of every day to come up until this one. It wasn't supposed to go quite like this..." Spike grabbed Wesley by the shirt and slammed him back against the cave wall, the man winced as a jab of stone caught him in the back.

"You tell me what you lot've done in messing around with the lives of my wife and daughter!!" Spike roared.

"We're trying to save them! Save us all." Connor and Spike heard the monks at their doorstep at nearly the same time,"Spike, Buffy, you must do as I say, your child's life depends on it. Cordelia has done something to the Key, I don't know what precisely, but she assures me that it will be able to take you to a time and place before the apocalypse."

"When and where, Wes?!" Buffy asked, wanting to get to her feet but still too drained from birthing Anne to manage it,"China two thousand years ago?!"

"I don't know, I'm trusting Cordelia on this."

"You need blood to open that Key," Spike stated.

"I know..." Connor went off to meet the first throng of monks, trying to hold them at bay long enough for the portal to be opened. Wes took his knife and slash it across his palm. As the droplets fell from his hand and over the energy sphere, there was a disturbance in the atmosphere that resulted in a vortex opening beneath it. The energy of the Key poured down the electrified funnel. The portal was slowly draining the Key and Wes dry,"Jump through. You must hurry, no time to debate! I won't last long....once the blood stops..."

At that moment a trio of monks breached Connor's resistance and came at them. They were stopped by Boon. The young Slayer ignored the danger and did what any natural born Slayer would do, protect the innocent. Andrew was about to leap into the fray, but Spike grabbed him by the collar,"No time for debate," Spike said, deadly serious.

"But..." the mouse tried to protest.

"I'll get her, just bloody jump!" The vampire pulled Andrew to the edge of the portal. He also helped Buffy to her feet and into the leather duster and wrapping it around her and Anne. He gave Andrew a push and bravely the boy leapt and then he was gone, swallowed by the energy,"Boon come on!! Boon!!" Wes was weakening, the Key draining his life's force, the portal couldn't remain active much longer. The young Slayer was in the thick of it, too far out for Spike to reach her and still get back to make it through himself. It would have risked it, but just then Buffy wrapped her arm around his waist and hugged close to him, Anne protectively sandwiched between them. Spike knew he'd never be able to forgive himself for what he was about to do, but he left one Slayer behind, took hold of Buffy and jumped.

As the last seconds of reality slipped away and Spike felt them shift from one dimension to the other, a shock of memory hit him. The portal created by Dawn all those years ago had closed only when Buffy had passed through, not just from the draining of blood. If it needed to be so this time also...

Spike reached out at the last possible second and caught the hem of Wes' pants, pulling the former Watcher through the portal with them.


Chapter 35

There was an audible *snap* in the air as the portal between the previous world and the one they now found themselves in closed. Spike landed from the ten foot drop on his back, cushioning Buffy's fall and consequently Anne felt non of the impact. The jarring however had her upset and crying. Wesley landed next to them with a dull thud. Spike ignored the other man and carefully rolled he and Buffy on to their sides,"Love, are you hurt?" he asked urgently.

"We're okay," Buffy gasped, staring up at the trees that surrounded where they lay and gently rocking their daughter. Beneath her was soft, lush grass, a little moist in the shade with late-morning dew. Anne was quieting and snuggling at her mother's chest, wondering why she'd ever left the warm place inside. When her father's hand began to rub her back, the tension left her body and she relaxed upon Buffy,"Is everybody okay?"

"Wes, mouse?" Spike asked, looking up, but seeing only Wesley struggling to his feet,"Andrew?! Andrew?"

"Spike, where is he?"

"Don't know, love." Spike rose to his feet, scanning the area, finally setting his sights on a patch of the lawn that was indented where the boy had landed,"He was here, pet, but he seems to have run off, don't worry, I'll wrestle him back here and give him the lecture about straying."

"Where do you suppose we are?" Wes asked, standing on the other side of Buffy, peering out over the gatherings of trees.

"Sunnydale," Spike and Buffy replied in unison, Spike continued,"The cemetery where I had my crypt is a few hundred yards off to the left, the town's to the right, or at least I hope they are, no telling what year it is until we investigate."

"How can you tell?"

"I know the trees, we both do, spent...uh...many a night alone together here."

"Oh...oh I see."

"Yeah, well...." There was sudden disruption that knocked both Spike and Wes to the ground and started Anne crying again. The Earth gave a mournful groan, not through the soil beneath them, but the entire planet. Buffy looked at her husband with eyes full of anguish, his reflected the same. They knew exactly when they were. The earth shook and Buffy wrapped both her arms around Anne, trying to shield her from everything."I remember what the First Evil told us...what it's telling the other Spike and Buffy right now."

"I can't think about it," Buffy said, cradling her daughter as close as possible,"Not right now." He crouched before her, reaching out to pet the top of Anne's head.

"Buffy, love, remember what the First told us? The only way to cease the Hellmouth's eruption was a sacrifice born of love. Pure and true love."

"No..." She shook her head in denial.

"Pet, listen now, listen to me, we both know what's about to occur and what's to be done about it. It's why Coredelia's sent us back. I gotta do it, or it'll happen all over again. The death, the disease, the end of the world, I have to do it. There's no one else and we both know it. Come on now, give us one last kiss at least." She denied him, instead rocked Anne in her arms and whispered soothing words in her ear,"Fine then, without my kiss."

"How can you? How can you talk like this? How can you do this to Anne?"

"I've held her in my arms, kissed her face, looked into her eyes. As blue as you promised. It's more than I'd ever hoped for, more than I ever deserved. What wouldn't I do for you, Buffy? What wouldn't I sacrifice of myself so you can live? And what wouldn't I do for Anne? Buffy, we created her, from our love, how could either of us not do what right so our little girl can grow up in a world with Willow, Dawn, Xander, Anya, Giles and Dawn? And you won't be without me entirely - the other Spike's still here."

"He's not my husband! He's not Anne's father!! You bastard, you can't do this to us! Spike, please!!" She grabbed on to his arm, trying to pull him down with her.

"I know you don't mean to call me that, I know how much you love me. There's no one else, love, time's out...I gotta go now....gotta go...." He broke himself away from her grasp, her fingers refusing to tear away from the skin, scratching down his arm. He let her scrape all the way down to his fingertips. Buffy was too weak to follow, to stop him and the desperation in her sobbing, clutching their daughter to her was not the last image he wanted to remember, but it was them nonetheless."Love you both forever."

"No, no, no.....Spike...." He turned and started to run. He didn't look back when he heard Buffy scream for him, heard those screams turn from words to mournful howls. When Anne's own cries joined her mother's he almost went back, but instead he quickened his pace, broke into a hard sprint, the tears streaming down his face. He'd found the resolve to do this. He'd failed last time and let Buffy's pleas stop him, he wasn't going to fail again.


Chapter 36

It seemed to Andrew that he'd been standing over the gaping opening in the bottom floor of the school for years instead of minutes. Below in the basement the Seal of Danthazar had opened with an army of Turok Hans waiting to be unleashed. He saw an incarnation of the First Evil taunting another Spike, the one from two years ago that was to become his best friend. The other vampire was preparing to jump down to his doom, while the other Buffy was telling him for the first time that she loved him.

"Mouse?" his own Spike asked. Andrew turned around and faced his friend,"Been wondering' where you'd gotten to. What are you doing mouse? It's dangerous there on the edge." Spike was twenty feet or so back from where Andrew stood. If the boy slipped accidentally Spike didn't think he'd catch him in time.

"I remember where I was," Andrew began, his voice fluttering with nerves,"I was gonna help, but I got scared and went and I hid in the equipment room near the gym."

"Yeah? I was..."

"I know, right down there with Buffy," Andrew pointed,"In a couple of minutes you're going to walk away, so you and Buffy could be together and make....make Anne. Buffy let me hold her, for just a second though. It was nice, she didn't cry. The baby that is, Buffy was already crying."

"'Course my little angel didn't cry, you're her Uncle Andrew. You're gonna teach her all about old fantasy stories, read to her from The Lord of the Rings, watch Star Wars n' tell how her dad's just like Han Solo...."

"You can to that, and you are just like Han Solo."

"Yeah, but I know bugger all about Red Dwarf."

"I think they're out on DVD now."

"Good to know....mouse, come on, time's a wasting."

"It is. Spike? Do you think you'll go to Heaven when you die?"

"Dunno...I've killed many..."

"I just killed one. Does it make a big difference?"

"Not for us to answer, but I hope and try to have faith."

"Maybe I can to then, if you can."

"That's good, pet, now come away."

"Spike, can you make me a promise?"

"What is it? Anything if you just step closer over here a few paces."

"Take the other me to Portland some day?"


"A sacrifice, one born of love, right?"


"That's right, isn't it? That's what you told me two years ago when we were all hiding out in the sewers."

"That's right...mouse, come here. You're too close to the edge there, it's making me nervous. Come here. Come right bloody now!!"

"I love you guys...tell Buffy and Anne."

"We love you too, oh god, Andrew please don't..."

"Bye." Andrew smiled at Spike, sweet and innocent and as quirky as ever. He turned away when the vampire came running for him and took a step forward.

Right before Spike's eyes, Andrew fell down through the open hole and was swallowed up by the Hellmouth,"ANDREW!!" Spike fell and reached for the boy, arm stretched out and hand open to grasp the boy's coat, or arm, or anything, but he was already gone. He watched, horrified and with his heart feeling as though it had been shredded to ribbons as Andrew slipped into the black and the vampire drowned himself in tears of sadness.

Trembling, Spike backed himself away from the crevice. God, how was he ever going to tell Buffy that their boy was gone? He struggled then to this feet, still overcome with shock and with unsteady paces he made his way out of the high school. Behind him the effects of the Hellmouth's energies collapsing under the power of Andrew's sacrifice echoed in the vampire's ears. In a selfless act, born of love, this particular gate to Hell was no more, sealed for eternity and setting the Slayer free.


Chapter 37

Two years ago, when the Hellmouth erupted, Sunnydale had shook to its foundation and the collective of demons had howled in victory with such a mighty roar that it nearly had made Buffy's eardrums bleed. There was only the dainty chirping of the birds in the trees, the cool breeze rustling the leaves and dancing on the blades of grass. Wesley had given up trying to communicate with the bereft young mother. Buffy rocked Anne and was trying to sing a rather poor version of Greensleeves to calm the crying baby, and herself as well. She was holding on to Anne and it was just enough to keep her holding on to her sanity, otherwise she'd have done something drastic. She'd have followed Spike to wherever he was now.

"Buffy," Wesley gasped,"Buffy look! Buffy, he's back!" She heard her husband's footsteps coming across the field. Her head shot up and looked hopefully at Wes, who shared her joy, then backed away to watch the reunion. His own emotions were palpable and he let them come when Buffy opened her arm to welcome her husband back. Spike collapsed to the ground and into Buffy, who squeezed him hard, Anne still fitful and squirming between them.

"Andrew's gone," he said when he eased back. He knew he had to get the explanation out quickly or he'd break down again and not be able to say a word,"He's gone....he got there first.....went into the Hellmouth before I I didn't have to..." Buffy was shaking, tears streaming down her cheeks. Andrew had become so vital to them, so precious, as important as if he'd been their own brother. Spike caved then, and crumbled in Buffy and Anne,"He sacrificed himself...for Anne, for you and me." The baby was crying hard and as much as Buffy tried to calm her, she was in no state to do it. She was falling apart with relief that her husband and mate had returned to her, but in grief for the loss of a dear friend."Here, lemme have her....I need to hold her. Please, Buffy." Buffy nodded and let him take the screaming baby from her arms. Once Anne was in his arms he moved even closer to Buffy. Spike knew why Andrew had done it. Because he loved them. They loved him too.

"Papa didn't mean to frighten his little darling...shhhh..." His entire palm covered the baby's head as he held her close and rocked them. It was then suddenly that Spike felt a new miraculous change coming over him. He was warm, and it wasn't from Anne or from Buffy. It was from him, from his own circulation, from his own heart beating. Buffy must have sensed it too, because she was looking at him in the most awestruck way. Anne had ceased crying and was now nuzzling at her daddy's chest, clutching the fabric of his tshirt in her tiny fists. He rubbed the baby's back, tucked the blanket snug around her, soothing her as best he could after her tumultuous first hours in the world."You're alright, aren't you my pretty precious ? Mum n' daddy've got you, you're alright..."

"We really should get Buffy and the baby to a hospital, don't you think?" Wesley suggested. The family reunion would have to continue elsewhere it seemed, as Spike agreed with the former Watcher.

"We'll tell 'em Buffy and I'd gone..uh..camping and I delivered the baby. Wait. We don't have any identification or anything of that sort, how can we trust that they won't try and take her from us?" Spike questioned.

"Well, that is a problem."

"Bloody right it you know any doctors, mate?"

"In Los Angeles, they could be here a couple of hours. Where do we go until then?"

"The house I suppose, it's not like they'd turn away their future selves and the little one, would they? Did that sound as preposterous out loud as it did in my head?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Spike, honey, what else happened at the school," Buffy asked,"Did anyone see you?"

"I think maybe," Spike said,"That he other self. For a second, then I was gone, back to you and Anne." There was the sound of a twig snapping heard to one side and moments later a small, diminutive woman appeared looking thinner and more haggard than her counterpart who'd given birth hours ago. The two Buffies stared at each other, obviously thrown for loops at seeing their doubles.

"Spike...he said he thought he saw...I picked up your trail...I..." the newcomer stammered, she looked in the direction of the man with his arm around the girl, him holding...."A baby?"

"Our daughter, Slayer," Spike explained,"There's...god, there's years of explaining to do here, but first, we need to get Buffy and our daughter to your house, she's only a few hours old. We'll need a doctor too."

"Of...of course...the car's just at the cemetery entrance. How did all this....the baby?"

"Like I said, years of explaining to do." Anne was laid gently back in her mother's arms and Spike took his wife off her feet and into his arms."Let's go then." The younger Buffy walked on ahead, completely wigged out and even more nervous of seeing the two of them so close and with this little angel in their arms. She'd cast quick glances over at the child, how she clung possessively to whoever held her, how much she looked like both of them. Her own Spike waited for her back at the house. She had told him she loved him, just as he was about to sacrifice himself in order to prevent all Hell from breaking loose. He hadn't believed her. So she made him believe. She'd taken his hand in her iron grip and told him that she would follow where ever he was going, even into Hell. He's pushed her away and called her a silly, romantic bint; furthermore that her world was the one above and he was going to give that to her. He was about to do, and then she'd started to beg, and repeat her devotion to him over and over. He stood on the precipice and she was reaching for him. He'd almost done it, but then she broke his resolve and he backed away and into her arms.

They knew their mistake the moment Spike was away from the seal, the Earth seemed to scream. They held fast to each other and waited for the end to come. It was then that another appeared, it was Andrew. Spike and Buffy weren't sure what they were seeing until it was too late. He fell past them from above and found his end. There was a rumbling from down below, and then, a light. The light was everywhere, through them, around them, under and above them. It was glorious. She'd held on tighter to her lover and hidden her face against his chest. Whatever had compelled Andrew to do it was beyond her comprehension.

She thought, through the roaring music of the permanent closing of the Hellmouth, that she heard a scream. A man's voice crying out. Spike heard it too, as when they looked up Spike was fixated, he looked confused and shocked.

"Spike?" she asked,"What is it."

"I don't know...but I think I just saw myself up there." He sent her out too look after explaining it again, that there had been a double of himself up there in the school. He'd been up high, but there was no mistaking it. Buffy had honed in on the trail, using her instincts to track a vampire like she always did and it brought her to them.

When they stepped into the sunlight there was a moment of panic from her on their behalf,"I'll explain later," Spike said.


Chapter 38

There was no possible way of presenting the group gathered at the Summers house with a second Spike, Buffy and Wesley, along with Anne without a long winded explanation, so Buffy strode right on in and announced that they had new guests. The household came rushing to the front hall, Spike especially eager to be reunited with his Slayer though they'd only been apart an hour.

"What the bloody hell...." the vampire choked out upon being confronted with the family that followed his Slayer inside the house.

"Spike, mate, lookin' good, none too worse for wear after an apocalypse I see," the second Spike said to his other self. The vampire was dumbstruck at seeing himself, with the present day Buffy and with his own Buffy sleeping cradled in his arms. Then there was Anne, nestled against Buffy's breast and cooing softly. The present day Spike was fixated on the child, a small river of terror washing over him as he cautiously extended his hand out in want of touching her. He looked nervously at the other man and withdrew his hand,"It's alright, go on touch her. Her name's Anne."

"After....after mother? May I?" Spike nodded in affirmation and the other vampire reached out again and brushed his fingertips across the child's face,"She's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. How is it possible?

"It's miracle, for one and there's more, but not right now, want to get Buffy into a bed and get a doctor to look her and the baby over first."

"Right, of course, sorry."

"No worries, and stop looking so bloody scared, it's a baby."

"From a vampire and a Slayer? She's no ordinary tyke is she?" Spike looked up the stairs, wanting very much to keep on going but he supposed he owed his other self a little more considering how this must have thrown every one's lives into chaos.

"No, she's not ordinary, not in the least, but she's only a few hours born and she's my little girl. I couldn't care less about Slayers and vampires. Get it?" The other Spike nodded and the first went up to the bedroom. Buffy had already turned down the bed and arranged the pillows for him to put his Buffy down. He lay his wife up against the pillows, making sure Anne was secure before taking off Buffy's sandals. She stirred for a moment, opening her eyes and smiling up at him when he pulled the quilt over her.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"We're home, pet, just rest now."

"So tired."

"I know, love, you've been through alot. You both have."

"I should feed her."

"She's sleeping, you can feed her when she wakes." He bent down and kissed her forehead."We've sent for a doctor too, just to check you and Anne over."


"Sleep, Buffy love."

"Don't leave."

"I won't go anywhere, promise." She nodded her head and slipped effortlessly back to sleep holding her baby. The other Buffy stood in the doorway watching the exchange, wondering what her own Spike thought of all this. Then she sensed him, coming up behind her, but stopping before he could touch her. The two of them watched as the Spike from the future took off his boots and crawled on to the bed next to his wife and child, wrapping an arm around them and closing his eyes and resting his head on her shoulder. Buffy backed away and closed the door, turning around to face him.

"She alright you think?" Spike asked, catching a last glimpse of the baby.

"He's with them, so yeah," Buffy replied. He saw how she was shaking and reached for her, she hesitated a moment, a little startled, then grabbed for him too. She buried her face in his chest and muffled the sound of her sobs against his body. Spike wrapped his arms around her and moved them away towards her old room, which was now Willow's. He sat them on the bed and rocked them until she calmed. He held her cheek with his hand and brought her back to look at him.

"What's the matter?"

"Did you see them?"

"Yeah, 'course I did. I don't understand, love."

"Love! That's just it, you can see it's just nothing but total love between them! And that baby!"

"Yes, Buffy, but....."

"How can we ever get to that?"

"You don't think we can? Even after everything you said back at the school? You said that you loved me and that you couldn't live without me. Didn't you mean it?"

"I meant it, I do love you, god I love you more than anything in the world...but....I'm going to ruin it, I know I will. I'll suck you in and wreck you, I always do." He pulled her on to his lap so that she was straddling him and they could see eye to eye.

"You saw how he was holding her?" She nodded,"That total and utter devotion? That's what I've always given you and you know it, my love. The difference in that room is her, she's learned to take comfort in what he's got to give, learned that it feels good to give it back. You just have to learn, Buffy. What you want is right in front of you."

"Will you help me learn?"

"Of course, Buffy, you're my whole world, sweetheart."

"And he's hers, him and the baby girl. I want that too, I want you to be my whole world too."

"And the baby?"

"How's that even possible?"

"Dunno, pet, we have to wait for them to tell their tale. Would you really fancy having a kid with me?" She smiled slightly, her fingers twisting the loose curls at the base of his neck around her fingers.

"Might not be so bad."

"She's a little darling isn't she? Did you get a good look?"

"Not really...I'm kinda scared to, you know?"

"Why's that, pet?"

"Because I don't think it's really written in the cards for us. Some pretty miraculous stuff had to have happened for a vampire to be able to...the whole cold dead seed thing."


"It might be nice, but I don't really think it's gonna be for us too."

"Maybe, maybe not, we've never tried. There's all sorts of magic in the world. But if not, there's Anne still, we can be her strange auntie and uncle who look remarkably like mummy and daddy."

"Why are we the strange ones? Why can't they be the strange ones?" He brushed his lips across hers and smiled.

"Aunt and uncle are an okay thing to be, pet, we can spoil her rotten and not suffer for making her so."

"Sounds good."

"For now. I think they've been together a very long time. We've had what, a few hours of something real, something beautiful? Give us time."

"I think I'd like us to start now, please."

"Here? Won't Willow have something to say about that?"

"Well it used to be my bed?"

"Fair enough. I love you, Buffy."

"I love you too, Spike."

"Yeah, I know baby."

"With all my heart and soul."

"Yes, love, I know."

"Forever, okay? Really forever!"

"I know, Buffy."

"No, like...with everything I am."

"I know. Be quiet already you silly bint and give me a bloody kiss!"


Chapter 39

Buffy awoke feeling perhaps more exhausted than when she'd passed out, not to mention the fact that her body ached terribly. As she forced her eyes open the entire ordeal that has transpired came crashing back to the forefront of her mind.

"Spike!?" she cried out suddenly.

", m'right here, see?" he answered at her ear. She was gathered up in his arms with Anne cradled in between them, facing her father. Buffy let out a sigh of relief and dropped her cheek down to the top of their daughter's head.

"Oh thank god, for a second there....we're really here aren't we?"

"Yeah, Sunnydale, May 2003. Back in your own bed." Buffy kissed the top of Anne's warm crown and smiled at the miracle that was her.

"And she's really here too." The baby was quiet, clinging to Spike, still feeling uncertain of her new world, but knowing she was safe nonetheless,"Spike, she's a perfect little girl, isn't she? Our little girl."

"Nothing as perfect in all the world, 'cept maybe her mum. I'm so proud of you, love."

"I was so scared. I tried, Spike, believe me, I tried to wait, but she couldn't. You shouldn't have missed seeing your baby being born."

"We were set up, love, there no blame on you. I on the other hand...I'm so terribly sorry I wasn't with you, at the least to hold your hand....take away some of your fears."

"I had Andrew, and he was great. We'll always have this tiny regret, but how can we now that Anne's here?"

"Hardly at all. Still, I wish to have heard her first cry, seeing you take her in your arms..." He sighed and kissed Anne, lingering on her hot little head until his lips felt as warm as she. He inhaled her scent, memorizing every molecule of it, how she was a little of himself and a little of Buffy, but also of being a new and completely unique person. He sunk down further into the bed, covering her body with his hands and keeping her warm between her and Buffy. A few stray tears fell down his cheeks and Buffy kissed them away."I love her, I love her..."

"I know, William, I love her too. This is it now, okay, we don't have to look for a mission, or a figh...we're done. This is all we have to do forever, love Anne."

"Love Anne and love each other." The baby stretched and yawn, pushing off her baby blanket some before opening her eyes, wincing at the brightness in the room,"We'll need to get her clothes, toys, more...stuff."

"We'll get her lots of stuff, honey, don't worry."

"I need to get a job. Bloody hell." Buffy giggled and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Not something to worry about today. I know you'll take care of us, you always have." There was a knock at the door and Buffy sighed."Everyone's probably outside that door."

"No, it's just one person, I can tell - the lot of 'em are downstairs forming the mother of all research parties. No doubt picking poor Wes' brain down to the bloody thalamus! Hopefully he can field most of their questions. You both need rest and lots of it. You've given birth and I think you've earned a little maternity leave from being the Slayer."

"Permanent leave! Change the title from Vampire Slayer, to Mommy of Vampire's Baby." The knock came again, slightly louder.

"Come in!" Spike called back. The door opened and Giles peaked his head in, he was about to speak, but was awestruck at seeing the new parents cuddling their newborn between them."Come in, mate." Spike's tone was unexpected to the Watcher, gentle, friendly.

"Right, sorry, but we've a doctor to examine Buffy and the child," Giles explained. Spike nodded and carefully turned Anne over and into her mother's arms.

"I'm gonna wait outside, sweetheart, let you have your privacy," Spike explained in a hushed voice.

"You can stay," she whispered back.

"Truth? I want know, just have a moment with the Watcher. I know this Giles isn't my friend like ours, but you know?"

"I do. Don't push him too hard." She gave him another kiss and he rose from the bed, making way for an older lady with a moon shaped face and long, bountiful gray hair pulled back in a loose ponytail. She carried a medical bag and gave Spike a warm smile. Stepping outside, the vampire closed the door behind him and found Giles still standing there waiting for him.

"Wes told you the gist of things?" Spike asked. Giles was pensive, arms crossed and head down.

"Yes, it was harrowing tale, a very bleak future. I should like to know your story, however."

"I'll tell it, we can sit down with a couple a pints of Boddingtons, little Who on in the background....what?"


"You looked shocked, Rupert. Suppose you'd never consider palling around with this time's Spike would you?"

"Hardly...I...." Spike breathed a hard, angry breath our through his nostrils and tightened his jaw. He should've know this wouldn't have be easy.

"Save it, Watcher. For what it's worth, you, Xander and Andrew were my best mates...we talked...there were times...bloody hell."

"Go on."

"When you let me unburden myself, let me be who I really am, when Dawn first got sick, you let me cry....fuck, I can't do this. You're not bloody him!"

"Spike, wait. Listen, you're right, the Spike I know isn't my friend...but, I'm willing to give you a fair chance."

"I rather that you gave my counterpart that fair chance. He's the one who needs it. Consider the fact that he would've gone on to be a man you loved and respected, a man that would marry Buffy and have child with her and love them with everything he's got." Giles examined this man in front of him and thought of what had occurred at the high school. He looked Spike square in the eye and gave a nearly imperceptible nod of consent."Thank you."


Chapter 40

The bedroom door opened and the doctor stepped out, giving Spike an unexpected warm smile."You can come back in now," she said. Spike made his way back to Buffy's side as the doctor gathered up her belongings.

"Everything's okay?" he asked of his wife.

"We're good," Buffy answered him, opening up the hemp gown she still wore in order to nurse Anne again.

"I've given your wife a few shots, all preventative measures considering the situation of the birth, other than that, everything appears perfectly normal," the doctor explained,"Your daughter's in excellent condition. I'll be designating her a file number at the hospital under your names, Mr. and Mrs...."

"Harker, Mr. and Mrs. William Harker. Our daughter's name is Anne Joyce," Buffy smiled and he winked at her. Finally giving her his real name obviously pleased her, though he was expecting he'd be on the receiving end of a few good natured Bram Stoker jokes.

"Alright then, Mr. Harker, congratulations. You can bring her into my office in a few days for a check up, I'm Dr. Beltram."

"Yes, thank you doctor." The vampire took a seat on the bed next to Buffy, wrapping his arm around her,"Up to a few visitors, pet?"

"No," she sighed, nervously,"I'm a little afraid to see them."

"I understand, love, I'm a tad off kilter too. At some point you and I are going to have to have a talk about Andrew." She nodded and held Anne just a little closer,"Giles is just outside so are our other selves."

"Maybe I could have a bath first? And we had to have someone buy a few things for the baby. I'm hungry too." He kissed her cheek and rose from the bed.

"I'll take care of it, you two just rest."

"Thank you. I haven't said it in a while - I love you."

"Love you too, be right back.

"Okay." He was met by the aforementioned trio of vampire, Slayer and Watcher as he exited the room.

"Buffy," the anomalous Spike said,"The other....I mean, my Buffy would like to take a bath and maybe borrow some clean clothes?"

"Oh, um, of course," she replied, already moving past him into the bedroom. Spike turned to Giles next.

"If it's not too much to to ask, can someone get us a few things for the baby? Nappies, clothes n' all that?"

"Actually, Willow and Dawn have already taken the liberty," Giles responded,"I have a few questions..."

"Which I'll be more than happy to answer, but first, I haven't had anything to eat for near on 24 hours and neither has Buffy." He turned to his other self,"Care to spare a pint a pig?"

"', I have a question..."

"Come on then you two. For the record, Anne was conceived under 4th Street and Royal Avenue."


The present day Slayer stopped after she'd closed the bedroom door. Her other self sat curled up with pillows and the comforter, breast feeding her newborn daughter. A pang of jealousy shot through her and she tensed. The little girl was all but asleep, her small hand splayed out over the heavy swell of nourishing flesh. Buffy looked tranquil, murmuring soft words as she looked lovingly down upon the child. She looked up when she noticed she'd been joined by the other woman.

"Hey," the young mother said, gently prying the sleeping infant away from the breast and laying her over her shoulder.

"How are you?"

"Much better now that I've had some sleep and she's been fed."

"Um...Willow and Dawn went to buy her some diapers and clothes and stuff. Did you want another blanket?"

"That would be great...right now though..."

"Right, a bath. Are jogging pants and a t-shirt okay for you? For after?"

"That would be great. I just said that a moment ago, didn't I?"


"You want to ask me about her?"

"How did you know?"

"I'm you....well, two years from now."

"How did it happen?"

"The usual way. Would you like to hold her while I take my bath."

"Can I? Oh, maybe I shouldn't, I don't know how."

"Come here, I'll show you how." The two women made their way to the bathroom. Once the tub began to fill, Buffy passed her daughter into the arms of her other self. The other Buffy was overwhelmed at holding a baby for the first time. She couldn't remember her parents ever letting her hold Dawn,"Not so bad is it?"

"It's wonderful. She looks so much like him. How did it ever happen?" Buffy disrobed and sunk herself down into the bath.

"It was nothing short of a miracle, but then that's just Spike, isn't it?"


"So how is it that your Slayer's all plump as a Christmas pud and you're as thin as a bloody rail?" The present day Spike asked of his twin. The three men had gone into the kitchen and scooted out any and all Potentials, leaving them with a modicum of privacy. Spike went about his business of getting out food to prepare for Buffy and pouring a mug of blood for himself and popping it in the microwave. He leaned against the counter and spoke.

"Hard times, mate. I couldn't always trust that they wouldn't have put something in the blood. Wes gave you the gist, right? Anyways, I made all of Buffy's meals myself. After a few suspicious incidents, I didn't trust her safety to them either."

"Wesley's told us good majority of the world from which you've just come," Giles began,"I am admittedly more interested in how a vampire was able to father a child."

"Ever the Watcher, eh? One day, Buffy was pregnant. I woke up a few months ago under the sun and didn't burn. This morning my heart began to beat."

"You're becoming human? My word..."

"I dunno. I still have the demon inside. Tell you what, you research, I'll make lunch."


Chapter 41

Buffy had eaten an humongous meal courtesy of her husband and rested again comfortably in bed, wearing the clothes borrowed from the other Buffy. Anne was in her arms and wearing a new sleeper, one of many gifts Willow and Dawn had come home with. In the corner along with a bassinet were numerous shopping bags full of every conceivable baby need. The entirety of the household had gathered around Spike, Buffy and Anne to listen to their story. When Andrew had returned to the house the future Spike had at first been reluctant to make contact, considering the loss he had just suffered, but he welcomed the boy instead. Spike had wrapped him up in a crushing hug that left the boy both terrified and ecstatic. Buffy had given him a sweet smile, but couldn't bring herself to say anything.

Spike began by explaining what would have occurred this day, if their Andrew had not given his own life. From then he told of the chaos that ensued and how they'd taken refuge underground. Spike pulled Buffy just a little closer when he began to tell of how they'd taken solace in each other. Then he told of how one by one the others had all died. Buffy was silent throughout.

"You can't really understand...what....what it's like to see you all alive again... " Spike sighed, looking over at his Buffy, then gliding his hand down the length of Anne's body asleep across her mother's chest,"I was the one who dug each and every one of your graves....sometimes if I needed time alone, or if I needed a distraction, I'd dig a few extras, sometimes as many as three...knowing that they'd be filled before the end of the week. I was the one who wrapped your bodies....sometimes all we could find were old sheets...I was the one who lay you in the ground, said prayers for you....then covered you with earth. It was my responsibility, my honor. Sometimes..." He looked to Buffy again, smiling fondly at her, then swiping a pass over her cheeks with his thumbs to gather up her tears, remembering how she'd thought that because she was the Slayer it was to her to bury their friends,"But I'd never let her, had to keep my love from all that....that misery. When we learned that Anne was going to come to be, I decided it was time to leave Sunnydale, no matter what the outside world held. We waited...until...." He looked over at Dawn, who was standing between the other Spike and Buffy. The other Spike looked down and away from them,"But Dawnie wasn't the last to go, there was Rupert and last came Faith. Buffy had come over rather sickly, morning sickness and I couldn't leave her. Some demon got lucky, luv, sorry." He cast a sad look in Faith's direction and she smiled back at him. From then on he spoke of the harrowing tour through Los Angeles, the escape into the wilderness, the struggle to survive. Then he spoke of the changes that had come over him, how he slowly began to show signs of coming alive himself. Wes completed the story with the saga in Seattle.

Spike finished his tale with a promise that he and Wes would commit the epic to paper in greater detail some day. For now though, he wanted to rest and think about the future. As now it seemed his family had one.


From inside the house Spike watched his future self outside in the sunshine. He had his daughter in his arms and was singing her a song. Half of him was a jealousy so intense boiling up inside of him that it threatened to over power the other side that was filled with pure joy at the mere existence of Anne. The parents let him hold her whenever he asked, as they did with his Buffy and the others too. But is wasn't the same as if she'd been his own. Still, he was contended enough just to watch the image of himself holding her. One week had passed since the world had been saved. The majority of the potentials had returned home and the house had slowly quieted down. Willow, Dawn, Giles, himself and Buffy were all that remained on a regular basis. The other Spike and Buffy too of course, and Anne.

Anne was the center of attention at all times. Everyone that wasn't her parents were constantly fighting for the right to do anything for her, but the three that made up the little family kept quietly to themselves the majority of the time. Wesley had ventured to Los Angeles, there was much information he needed to impart to his friends there, or at least those who were his friends. He promised that he and his other self would delve into the mystery that was the future Spike's increasing state of humanity.

The future loomed full of opportunities. Decisions had to be made, but all in good time. The Spike and Buffy of the present day were as inseparable as their future selves. Buffy had moved down into the basement after giving up the master bedroom to the family. Giles busied himself with acquiring identities for the vampire, Slayer and their offspring. Finding that he and a small handful of remaining Watchers were suddenly in control of the Council's fortune, both Buffies were the immediate beneficiaries, along with Faith and the other Potentials.


From years of strife, violence and peril to now calm and the comforts of home, Spike was uncertain about all of it. He told himself to accept that the journey was over and that they could rest, but still he was uneasy, on guard. However, he certainly felt able to leave Anne in the care of his other self and felt in a way that he owed the other vampire time with the baby, being as he may never know the miracle of creating life. He came in from the sun and caught his other self in the act of observing them.

"Sorry, mate, just....uh..." he stammered.

"Not a worry, you know that. Do me a good turn?" the other asked. He passed Anne into past Spike's arms, tucking her blanket around her,"Hold her for her nap? She doesn't like sleeping alone. Always wants to be close. I need to have a talk with my girl. We have some decisions to make, about the future."

"You're going to leave Sunnydale, aren't you?"

"Don't know, but I promise you and your Buffy will be a part of Anne's life." Spike brushed his lips over his daughter's forehead,"Keep her warm."

"I will." Spike left his other self and ascended the stairs to where his hearing detected his wife finishing her morning routine. He gave a quick knock on the bedroom door and slipped inside. She was standing in front of the mirror frowning. He admired her naked body appreciatively.

"Mmmmm, love, you do know how to entice a bloke, look at you," he moaned,"God, I'm a lucky man." Buffy continued to frown, which escalated into a full out pout. She poked her tummy and watched it jiggle.

"How can you love this jelly belly Buffy?" He slinked up behind her and cupped her rather full breasts, gently caressing.

"I like your tummy, pet. Besides, you only had the kid a week ago, give those Slayer powers a chance to kick in, yeah?" His hands tickled down her ribs and came to rest on her not in the least objectionable stomach. He nuzzled her neck, kissing and nipping.

"Where's the baby?"

"Happily dreaming in the arms of her daddy's double."

"I think he loves her."

"Everyone loves her. Sweetheart?"

"We don't have to decide right away do we?"

"No, 'course not, but I've been thinking about it is all."

"You need to relax, honey, and really actually do it. I mean, really. Sleep in late, spend all day being a daddy, making your wife breakfast, maybe give her a pedicure."

"Oh, so you're playing that Willing Slave card then are you? Fine, you've got me."

"I know that, Spikey. And no Willing Slave thing here, or if there is it's mutual. I'll sleep in late..."

"It's past noon, precious, you only got up thrice to feed the little'un."

" our little girl...and, bitey."

"Bitey?" Buff exposed her throat to him and pressed herself back against his body, her hands moving over his.

"We can't be together for" She cast him a glance over her shoulder, a little smile and then a quiver when the demon's visage appeared. His fangs slipped as easily into her vein as would a knife. Buffy went boneless in his arms as he drank from her languidly, the pair of them utterly intoxicated,"I love you." He finished partaking of her gift to him, tongue laving over the wounds.

"I love you, Buffy."


Chapter 42

It was comforting to realize that Cannon Beach was as they'd remembered it. The stones had been there for thousands of years and would be another thousand from now. They'd found the same spot as where they'd been married and had waited out the day until all the tourists had left and they were alone. The Andrew that was not their own waited in the wings, back near the car. Buffy and Spike had asked him to come with them to Oregon. Afterall, what was inside this boy had become their mouse.

After two years of living out of civilization, being back in it was not agreeable. A small town in rural coastal Oregon suited them much better. Sunnydale was close enough to return to for holidays.

The cool twilight breeze off the ocean curled around them and sang arias through the trees. With their arms around each other and three month old Anne nestled between them, Spike held his girls close and held aloft a heavy volume to read aloud from in epitaph.

"The Road goes ever on and on
Out from the door where it began.
Now far ahead the Road has gone,
Let others follow it who can!
Let them a journey new begin,
But I at last with weary feet
Will turn towards the lighted inn,
My evening-rest and sleep to meet.

"Goodbye, mouse." Some adventures do indeed have an end.



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