As She Lies in Pale Moonlight

He watched her as she slept, the moonlight streaming through her bedroom window shadowing the features of her face in hints of pale blue and gray. It troubled Spike to see the slight frown creasing her features as if her sleep wasn't contented. Instead it looked as if she were having a terrible dream. Slowly, Spike positioned himself above her, the bare skin of her shoulder looking so enticing and soft; he couldn't resist running a palm over it. Cupping her shoulder and sliding his hand down, his body instantly hardened and he marveled at his reaction. Just a touch was all it took and he was rock hard, wanting her so badly. Pressing a kiss to her shoulder, Spike wanted to take in her scent, capture it in a bottle and carry it with him. The scent was unique, heady and intoxicating, a mixture of blood, vanilla, peaches and sex. No other woman he'd been with had a scent like his Slayer. Spike stared down at Buffy's features, noticing the frown creasing her forehead had softened, as if she were relaxed at last. Spike couldn't help knowing that he was the source of her contentment. It satisfied him, made his knees turn to jelly, and made him want her more. Spike felt her stir beneath him and slowly her eyes opened, their emerald green depths taking Spike's breath away as her gaze slammed into his. She tried to sit up, but gently Spike pushed her back, staring down at her intensely as their eyes met and held for what seemed like an eternity. Her gaze traveled down the length of his naked body, her mouth opening to protest.

"Spike...what are you-"

Spike silenced her with a finger pressed to her lips and pressed another kiss to her forehead.

"Shh... love. Don't talk, just feel. Feel how badly I want you," Spike whispered huskily gathering her hand in his and gently guiding it over his stomach and lower until the palm skated over hard male flesh and she gasped. Spike hid a secret smile. It was so easy, so bloody easy.

"Spike...please..." she moaned rolling over onto her back and then reaching up and grasping his head between both hands dragging his mouth down to meld with hers. The heat between them was instant and powerful, the sexual attraction mutual and tangible. At first the kiss was slow, sweet, filled with tenderness and longing. Spike followed Buffy's lead, and listened as her desire increased with each shaky breath she took, as her heartbeat increased, as her mouth began working over his frantically. His senses slammed into overdrive as he sensed how badly she needed him, reaching out, wanting, aching...

Slowly, Spike parted her mouth with the prodding of his tongue and intertwined it with hers, simulating with his tongue exactly what he wanted to do to her body. Spike lowered the blanket covering their bodies, exposing her near-nakedness. She wore only a camisole top and barely-there bikini panties and Spike smiled lustily. She'd been ready for this moment. Hovering above Buffy, Spike tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, his eyes never leaving hers as his other hand began to travel over the smooth skin of her belly. His palm rested on the waistband of her panties and Spike looked up to see what the Slayer's reaction would be. She was staring at him intently, her eyes begging him, daring him to go further. Spike never passed up on a dare. ((What can I say baby, I've always been bad)). She arched her body, giving Spike full access to the smooth pale skin of her neck as his fingers slipped beneath the cotton fabric of her panties and combed through the silky curls between her thighs. Nuzzling his mouth in the sweet spot between her neck and shoulders, he breathed in her scent drunkenly. The fingers of his hand were busily working through the curls of her mound, finding her wet, ready. She opened her legs further, and Spike accepted her invitation, slipping a finger inside of her, and then slowly withdrawing it. She squeezed her eyes shut, her mouth falling open as the sensation seized her, a guttural moan issuing from her throat. Her face contorted, the breath hissing through her teeth as the waves of her orgasm shook her entire body, as her thighs quaked beneath him.

"Spike...oh god...Spike...good...feels so good..." she moaned, twisting and writhing beneath him. Spike almost lost hold of the control that was slowly slipping away as he watched Buffy's face contort in pleasure, the pleasure he was providing her as his fingers continued to move in and out of her wetness. Spike had never felt so powerful, it was intense and so unlike anything he'd ever experienced with a woman, a little frightening, but definitely inescapable. It only made him want her more, the desire swift and immediate as it undulated, rippled between them.

With a low growl in his throat, Spike tossed the blanket that barely covered their bodies onto the floor and then in one deft motion ripped Buffy's panties from her body and tossed them aside, causing her to gasp in pleasure. She stared down at him with heavy-lidded eyes, the lust thinly-veiled, as Spike lowered his head between her thighs and blew lightly on the curls covering her sex, watching with delight as she opened and closed her thighs, unable to control her excitement any longer. Spike lifted his head and caught the Slayer's gaze, a chuckle shaking his shoulders slightly.

"What?" Buffy pouted, a slight frown creasing her features.

"You pet," Spike said with a shake of his head.

"Me what?" Buffy asked.

"You have bedroom eyes, love," Spike laughed softly, crawling up towards Buffy and levering his arms as he hovered above her. Buffy smiled and reached up to frame Spike's face with her palms. Spike dipped his head to capture her mouth again, as the passion built between them.

Buffy's kisses grew more frantic as she nipped and sucked at his bottom lip, catching it in her teeth, adding slight pressure until she tasted blood in her mouth. Spike growled deep in his chest, a tell-tale sign that he was turned on. Breaking the kiss, Spike turned to the top she was wearing, slowly lowering the thin spaghetti straps. He tucked a hand beneath the hem of the top and slowly lifted it over her head. The top was tossed across the room and then Spike turned to gaze at her beautiful body, exposed before him. Hunger like he'd never known seized his entire being at the sight of all that skin, laid out just for him. The urge to possess her was so palpable; you could almost reach out and touch it. It had weight and substance. This was desire, this was need, yearning. Spike wanted nothing less from his Slayer.

The moonlight shone over her entire body, shoulders, arms, breasts, legs, thighs, feet and Spike wanted it all. He couldn't wait. He positioned himself above her, drinking in the potent and naked desire that shone back from her eyes. It only fueled his desire, stoked the red-hot burning inferno that raged inside of him. With a growl, he swiftly dipped his head and pressed a moist warm kiss to the skin at the juncture of her neck and shoulder. The combination of her scent mingled with the persistent beat of her pulse from beneath her skin caused the monster within Spike to show itself as his face transformed. Buffy moaned and opened her eyes, her gaze slamming into the yellowed eyes of the vampire and she lowered her eyelids and bit her lip enticingly and that was all it took. Spike descended his mouth onto her throat in one fluid motion, his fangs exploding from his mouth, scraping against the column of her throat.

"God yes, Spike! Yessss...." Buffy moaned and hissed as she squirmed beneath him, feeling the pressure of his teeth gently piercing her skin, the wet warmth of blood seeping slowly down her neck. Spike lapped at the blood of the Slayer, until each drop that had spilled was cleaned away. The puncture holes he'd left in her neck deftly healed and as his face transformed into his human guise, Spike found himself marveling at the healing power of the Slayer. There wasn't much time for marveling anymore as Buffy writhed uncontrollably beneath him. Lowering his hand, he cupped one of her firm breasts, kneading it, testing its weight in his palm. His thumb ghosted slowly over her nipple, as he watched it pucker and harden instantly. Other things on Spike's body hardened as he slowly lowered his mouth to her breast, taking a nipple in his mouth, tugging on it, nipping it, sucking it. She gasped when his mouth moved to her other breast, her hands pressing to his hard chest as her body vaulted from the bed as pleasure exploded within her. Spike pressed her back against the pillows and then took one of her hands in his, guiding it to the place that he needed her to touch, that he ached for her to wrap her strong hand around--ohjesusohchristohshit. It was as if she'd read his mind, as she got to her knees, pushed him roughly on his back and then positioned herself between his legs. Spike stared up at Buffy, growing more excited as each moment passed. The sight of her swollen lips, taut nipples and heavy-lidded eyes caused Spike's erection to grow harder as she lowered her hand, wrapping it around his shaft. Her eyes never left his as slowly she stroked him, gently at first, then increasing her speed as Spike's breathing huffed through his mouth, as his hips bucked and his head rolled from side to side, every now and then crying out her name in reverence. She brought him to the brink and just when he was moments away from explosion, slowly lowered her body over his cock, taking him in inch by agonizing inch, until Spike was delirious with wanting her, needing her. She leaned her body forward, pressing her palms to his chest as she began to move, to ride him slowly, her eyes never leaving his that is, until the pleasure coiled within her. At that moment, her eyes drifted shut, her mouth dropped open. Her head tilted and she gasped in ecstasy. Spike opened his eyes and stared as her breasts moved hypnotically in front of his eyes. He lifted his head and clasped a nipple in his mouth, sucking gently, nipping at it with his teeth. He did this in turn, alternating with each breast until she was crying out in pleasure, barely able to hold herself atop of him as waves of ecstasy rolled off of her. She leaned back, bracing her hands on each side of his legs and then tipped her head back, letting out a guttural moan. It set Spike's blood to boiling and in one swift motion he flipped their bodies until he was on top, thrusting into her so forcefully that it caused the headboard of the bed to slam against the wall with each stroke. She arched her back, wrapped her thighs around his middle and let out a scream. Her fingers dug into the sheet covering the mattress, balling the linen tightly in her fists as she came violently, crying out his name in one long dragged out litany.

"OhSpikeohgodohSpikeohgodohSpikeharderharderharder... I'm coming...I'm coming...yessss!" she squealed from beneath him and Spike clenched his jaw, biting the insides of his cheeks to just to keep himself under control, but that control was fading fast as her vaginal muscles clamped down around his cock, squeezing, releasing, squeezing, releasing and:

"Buffy...Jesus...bloody hell, pet! I'm coming, love! I'm coming!" he cried out as his thrusts grew more powerful and forceful, the headboard banging the wall as Spike climbed the plateau and in one swift thrust spilled his love into her, collapsing atop of her body as his seed drained into her. He gasped and moaned, the sweat rolling off his body. Buffy moaned beneath him as she recovered from her own climax. Slowly Spike lifted his head, steadying it with one hand, staring down at the Slayer lazily. Her eyes were still closed and sweat had matted her hair to her head. Cupping her cheek with his hand, he saw her eyes open and he smiled.

"Was it as good for you as it was for me, love?" he drawled sexily.

"Better," she murmured and then rolled, cuddling her naked body against the length of Spike's, resting her head against his chest, a contented sigh issuing from her lips. Spike's heart overflowed with love as he settled himself beside her. Protectively, she swung a leg over his thigh, snuggling closer, the smile still lighting the corners of her mouth. Drawing in a shaky unnecessary breath, Spike cupped her head in his hands and slowly entwined his fingers in the length of her hair, watching as Buffy drifted slowly into sleep. God, he loved this woman. He loved how one moment she could make his blood boil and in the next make him love her with such terrifying intensity. It was what great love was all about. True love. That's what she was to him. True love. Forever.

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