Disclaimer: I own nothing except the ideas buzzing in my noggin


A/N: Spike left after Seeing Red but not because he attempted to rape Buffy (in my world he never did) he wanted to have his soul to be a better man. This is my very first PWP ever. I just found it and thought it should be shined up and put out there…and TA DAH here it is. Hope you like it.


Dedicated to: Starbrite (cause you are such a sweetie can’t wait for Circus), Kari Mouke (my new absolute fave authoress and staunch supporter of Death in Pairs), Askita (cause you like my art and for the wee bit), Kinky Nikki (who is stuck in never neverland at the mo’…miss you sweetie and when are you finishing your fics?), Megan Peta (another ab fab authoress…can’t wait to co- author something), Shippy (who even though drives me nuts sometimes with her reviews is always supportive of anything Spuffy I write….*hugs*), And Bitten and Staked (who shares a lot of similar thoughts, is always a hoot to chit chat with and is one of my all time faves writers that keeps me writing) whoo….I think that’s long enough this time ;)



“This is sooooooooooo cool.” Dawn squealed bouncing around the newly installed hot tub. “I can’t wait to tell Janice, she is going to be sooooooo jealous. God Buffy, I can’t believe you got us a hot tub.”

Buffy smiled as she listened to her younger sister rambling on and on about the newest addition to the Summers household.

“I wish I could try it out tonight,” Dawn pouted giving Buffy puppy eyes in the hopes of dissuading her older sister.

“And that would be a world of no. Janice’s mom is expecting you and Janice to gear up for serious studyage missy.” She said her smile getting bigger at the thought of a nice long soak all alone.

The bonus from her job had been a total surprise and after a night of being beaten down by G’gralark demons her muscles had let her know exactly what they were craving. And so the hot tub project had been born. Luckily Xander had been able to salvage and repair a redwood hot tub from a house that his company had been demolishing and his crew had just finished the installation.

“Lucky you.” Dawn sighed looking at the tub one last time shaking her pretty head mournfully as she went inside passing by Xander as he came out onto the porch.

“Hey Buffy, we’re all done, I’d help you try it out but I’ve got a hot date with a red head,” he grinned rubbing his hands together.

“You and Willow going to the movies huh?” She asked turning her green eyed gaze to the brunette carpenter.

“Yeah, it’s our weekly bonding activity,” he said with a happy grin.

Buffy nodded, “She seems to be getting along better. How’s she dealing without Tara?” She asked a little note of sadness creeping into her voice at the thought of her dear departed friend.

“She doesn’t talk about it too much but she’s stopped closing up all together whenever Tara’s name is mentioned,” he said softly remembering the sweet, soft spoken witch that had touched everyone’s heart.

“Well… I guess that’s something.” She said smiling a bit as Dawn bounced back out onto the porch night bag in hand. “Tell Willow I said hi and I’ll call her. Soon .”

“You ready Xander?” Dawn asked.

“Yup,” He said, “ Lets shove off and leave your sister to enjoy her night off.”

“Bye Buffy, don’t drown or anything.” Dawn giggled hugging her sister briefly.

Buffy laughed, “I’ll try not to, and Xand? Thanks again I really mean it. When you get a free night off come on over and we’ll make a night of it…all of us.”

“Sounds good to me, I’ll tell Willow too. I’ll see ya later Buffster, come on Dawnie lets hit the road.”

“Enjoy the hot tub,” Dawns retreating voice sang out.

“Oh I will,” Buffy smiled to herself.

2 Hours Later

Buffy stepped out into the balmy night air more than ready to test out the hot tub. Walking across the newly expanded back deck she flipped on the bubbles and set the radio she had brought out with her on the ledge of the kitchen window.

Soft jazz music floated across the back yard as she stood for a moment in the moonlight breathing in the scent of night blooming jasmine and drinking in the quiet solitude.

“ Enjoying yourself luv?” the voice of a certain peroxide blonde broke into her thoughts.

Raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow at Spike she said, “ I was….until you came along…Luv,” a snarky grin firmly in place and her eyes twinkling with mischief as she looked down at the vamp.

“And what…pray tell…. are you doing back here Spike?” She asked crossing her arms over her chest and looking from him to the hot tub longingly as she caught sight of the first tendrils of heat now curling into the night enticingly.

Resting his lean frame against the lower railing of the deck his eyes slid over her like a caress taking in the expanse of golden leg open to his perusal by her short terry cloth robe before he moved his eyes back to her beautiful face with obvious effort.

Before he answered her he caught her quick sneaking glance at the hot tub and a wonderful thought popped into his fevered brain. *Hmmmm….slayer, hot relaxing water, nighttime, and me? Me thinks I have an idea. A bloody wonderful idea. **

Turning on his most innocent and convincing charm he smiled up at her and replied, “Thought I’d help you with the slaying tonight pet. Knocked on the front door but you didn’t answer so when I heard the music I thought maybe you were back here with your chums or Dawn or some such.”

Buffy looked at him as if sussing out whether he was sincere or not and apparently finding what she sought in his seemingly unassuming features she smiled a bit herself.

“Nope, no slayage tonight. Tonight I’ve declared a slayer night off so all baddies can relax. Including you Mr. Bloody.” She giggled a bit at her teasing.

Her smile warming him inside he nodded towards the hot tub, “So I see. New purchase then slayer?”

“Yep.” She replied popping the p with an even bigger smile making her eyes light up and the green sparkle mesmerizing Spike momentarily with their candescence. “Got an unexpected bonus from work, bills are all paid, Xander was able to get me a great deal, I just thought it was time for me and Dawnie to have something nice.”

She shrugged, “I was just gonna take it for a trial run….” Her voice trailed off as the thought of sharing the hot bubbly goodness with a certain lean and supremely munchable vamp popped into her head.

*Muscles, muscles of Spike in wet, soothing goodness. Oh bad…bad bad bad…. *

Spike grinned a bit as he tilted his head watching her. Her heartbeat had increased and her body heat had hiked up a few notches. *What’s she thinking bout now? *

“You can join me if you want,” she blurted out before she could stop herself her face turning a lovely crimson with embarrassment. *Great…really. Nice going Buffy…now he’s going to make fun of you and ruin the whole damned night. *

Noting her chagrin he, for once, kept his tongue under control and replied with nothing but a teasingly seductive comment. “No trunks slayer…” he said taking one step up towards her lowering his voice just a hitch, “Unless…. you want to see me in my birthday suit.”

Buffy stood held captive in his deep blue gaze before her frazzled brain sent out messages to her mouth. “XANDER.” She exclaimed before she could produce a full sentence.

Quirking an amused eyebrow he asked, “Whelp?”

“He…uh…left some trunks here…. from the last time…. we…. uh…. went to the beach. You could borrow those.” She finally managed to stutter from her now paralyzed lips her face even more crimson than before as she mentally slap herself. *Hello Buffy…wakey wakey…. stop talking like a teenager with a crush…and start being an adult. * She then added in a quieter interior monologue, *ok…an adult with a crush but still. Pull it together girl. *

Spike watched absorbed by the emotions flitting across her face as she seemed to wrestle with something before finally letting whatever it was go and smiling at him indulgently.

“Yeah…. it’s either that or go home…your choice of course.” She said sweetly already starting towards the door to the house knowing that he would follow.

“The whelps dungarees.” He said his face scrunched in distaste and his body shuddering a bit, “they at least laundered pet? Don’t want to get any of the boy’s cooties on me if you catch my meaning.”

Leading him up the stairs she stifled a giggle and replied, “Yes Spike, all fresh and washed. Even put some fabric softener into the mix.”

Spike only snorted mumbling under his breath about radioactive waste not being strong enough to dispel the whelp’s germs and followed Buffy obligingly as she made her way into her room.

Sitting on her bed he picked up the wee pink pig and started tossing it from hand to hand nearly dropping it when Buffy bent over in front of him digging through her dresser in search of the wayward swim trunks.

Buffy grinned a bit to herself when she heard the unmistakable sound of a growl in the room and she moved just a bit so that the short robe slid up more to reveal her perfectly shaped legs and firm ass. She briefly thought why she was teasing the poor vamp but quickly dismissed it as the tiny devil on her shoulder poked at her with a pitchfork. Besides, it was fun to get some of her own back.

Spike sat clenching his teeth in desperation and strangling the poor pig as his eyes remained glued to her curves. The twin globes of her bottom were separated by only a mere slip of red thong bikini bottom and swaying slightly with her movements making his hands it to reach out and touch the forbidden.

“Here we go. “ She said cheerfully pulling the trunks from the bottom drawer and turning towards the vamp with them in hand her robe now gaping in the front and giving him a perfect view of her barely clad breasts. “You can change in here, I’ll grab a towel for you and meet you downstairs.”

Getting no reaction but a dull nod Buffy handed the mute demon the clothing and left the room. Leaning on the door she waited a few seconds before she heard quite distinctly, “Bloody Hell…Hawaiian print?”

Stifling a giggle she made her way back downstairs.

TBC10 Minutes later.

Buffy sat relaxing in the tub her hair piled haphazardly atop her head as the heat and rising steam curled a few escaping tendrils so that they framed her face sweetly. Her eyes were closed and a small smiled played across her heat pinkened lips as she thought to herself, *this is the life. *

A familiar tingle soon had her opening her eyes to the gorgeous man that now stood, towel in hand, next to the tub. *Oooo tasty, yummy, delectable, fantabulous *was all that processed as she looked her fill of him. * Gah….look at those abs, those arms, that….oh MY….* the temperature in the tub seemed to heat up about 20 degrees as her eyes trailed over his body and zeroed in on his obvious physical attributes below the waistline.

*He’s a like Michelangelo’s David come to life, all chiseled plains and shadowed dips. God…. I wonder if he tastes as good as he looks. *

The surfer style trunks hung low on his hips due to his smaller frame. Taut 6-pack abs rippled when he moved to toss down the towel and the sharp cut of hip bones, you know the spot right below the waist line and right above the groin, had her itching to run her tongue in the crease of his flesh.

*Oh God…how am I going to keep my hands off of that? And who woulda thunk he could even make Hawaiian print look good? * She thought her desire sparking to life in her luminous green eyes as the little devil on her shoulder hopped up and down waving her arms and screaming ME ME.

*She keeps looking at me like I’m a sodding Twinkie and she’s gonna get all the cream filling she can handle. * Spike groaned inwardly trying desperately to keep down the erection that wanted to spring forth and be known. * Wouldn’t do any good to get yourself staked now would it mate? *

Quickly settling his trademark smirk onto his handsome face he stepped down into the steaming water taking his place safely on the other side opposite Buffy. With a hiss as the water bit into his less than average body temp frame he sat down draping his arms across the back of the wooden tub and tried not to grimace at the heat.

“Oh….Oh sorry,” Buffy apologized realizing immediately that he was feeling pain and not of the good nature, “I forgot.”

Standing up she bent over the side to reach the temperature gauge to lower the heat.

Spike bit back the groan that gurgled in his chest as it took all of his substantial willpower not to come in his borrowed shorts like some weak willed foppish schoolboy. *Sweet Jesus, she’s perfection. *

His eyes traveled over the long line of her back to her tight bottom getting the full view of what he had only glimpsed earlier. *A bloke could be happy with that for hours, day, hell a lifetime…Oh YES he could. * He thought feeling his borrowed blood rush to his groin with a vengeance.

“It should start to cool down in a few,” she said pulling Spike back from his delicious musings as she turned back around gracefully.

*GOOD CHRIST…. * His lust addled brain shouted, *she’s trying to kill me, that’s it. My prick gets any harder and the Whelps gonna need a new set of shorts. If I were any less of a vamp I’d be drooling out the mouth right about now. *

He ran his tongue over his full lips just in case. * Thank the bloody maker…. nothing. *

Buffy watched his tongue slide over his lips not even trying to hide the arousal she was feeling at the sight of his long pink tongue. *One lick…that’s all it takes…one. Oh god I wish I were a lollypop right now. * She thought as she watched him looking his fill this time.

She shivered deliciously just a little as his bright blue eyes mapped her skin. From her taut tanned stomach up to her full breasts with the now achingly hard nipples barely covered by the bikini top.

He sat mesmerized staring as water dripped from the ends of her loose strands of hair down her chest finally sliding into the valley between and out of sight.

“Spike?” Her tremulous voice broke through his haze drawing his eyes to her lovely face. There he saw reflected the same wanting, lust filled gaze flooding her eyes as well. *She wants me. * He thought in surprise and awe. *The love of my life…wants me again. *

He made a decision.

Buffy squeaked as he reached out with lightening quickness to pull her sweet body flush to his and kissed her. As his lips crashed against hers the warm wet heat between them sent shudders chasing through each of the frames. Lips caressed, tongues battled and fingers dug into slick skin trying desperately to get closer to one another.

*It’s been to long. * She thought as she lost herself to the kiss Spike’s arms tightening around her petite form enjoying the feel of her there, where she should have been all along.

*Love you…love you…. love you…* was on auto repeat in Spike’s head as he broke the kiss his eyes reflecting the depth of the emotion as he just held her for a moment and gazed into her eyes.

Cupping her chin in one cool hand he gently placed a kiss on her lust-swollen lips before pulling her to straddle his lap as he sank into the water again. Her knees rested on the wooden bench below him as they just gazed in wonder into each other’s eyes Spike’s fingers tracing lazy circles on her back while Buffy clasped her hands on his shoulders.

Gazing into the now souled vampires eyes she could see nothing but blue depths of the ocean filled with love, want and need for her. All of them all equal in their intensity and all of them just as hopeful.

In that instant….something clicked.

It was like a dark corner of her heart was filled with pure light and she knew without a doubt that she loved him.

Spike tilted his head in question as her eyes filled with crystalline tears a smile more brilliant than the stars twinkling above breaking over her face as she ran her hand up to cup his chiseled jaw line.

“What is it Buffy?” He asked his heart seeming to pound along with hers, “ If you don’t want to do this…” his voice trailed off.

“Spike,” she said shaking her head her eyes softening, “I want to …very much.”

He exhaled the breath he didn’t need to hold.

“I just now realized how much I do want to. And how much I want you to be the only one from now on,” she said dipping her head shyly and biting her lip waiting for his reply.

“The….only one luv?” He asked cautiously thinking to himself if his heart could beat it would be doing jumping jacks.

Looking into his cerulean depths, feeling so very right with his arms around her waist knowing that he would always love her, always protect her she could finally tell him. Her heart demanded no less from her.

“I love you.”

It was simply said, matter of fact. But the wealth of emotion contained in those three little words… “Y…you…what?” He stuttered disbelieving.

“I….love…you….Spike,” she said again cupping his face with both of her hands now and looking into his eyes. “I want to be with you.”

Seeing the truth laid bare in his true love’s eyes Spike broke into a grin so radiant it would have out shown the sun that he could never see again.

*And I gave that to him, * Buffy thought.

“Well it’s about bloody time.” He teased against her lips as he pulled her to him seeking blissful contact.

As their lips met all she could do was moan “Mmm hmmm” as his tongue swept hers each of them swept up in their own worlds enveloped in the sweet silk of love and desire for one another.

*So worth it. * She thought sliding her hands down his hard chest and pushing him back just enough to separate them.

Smiling seductively as she reached behind her neck to untie her top Spike swore she was glowing. *My very own Angel come to life right here in my arms. *

His eyes spilled over with feral heat as he ran his hands up the length of her back undoing the second tie and scorching her with cold fire wherever he touched.

Sliding the top from her tanned breasts a low growl of pure animalistic appreciation sent shivers down Buffys spine and goose bumps skittering across her skin regardless of the heated water surrounding her.

Arching her back she offered herself to him silently pleading with him, just a touch of his lips, a span of teeth and tongue and she would be done for.

Spike took what she offered and dipped his blond head trailing his cool tongue down between her breasts causing her to giggle as he hit a ticklish spot.

His smile at her girlish laughter reflected her own as he continued to lightly kiss the inner curve each breast nudging the soft mound with his nose and licking at the underside before moving upwards.

“Oh god…Spike.” Buffy gasped breathlessly as he nipped at her hard nipple before slowly drawing more into his mouth suckling greedily on one delicious peak before moving to the other and fulfilling his oral fixation with her body.

Keeping one hand splayed firmly across the width of her back making sure she didn’t fall he moved his other hand to the juncture of her spread thighs tickling his fingertips over the sensitive bud he found poking through the snug bikini bottoms.

Buffy moaned and wriggled on his lap seeking more contact with his fingers and tongue pushing as much of both that she could into his masterful touch.

Sliding one long finger under the edge of her bottoms he pushed it into her welcoming heat groaning around her nipple as it tightened down clinging to his finger.

“Oh….OH….Oh God…I’ve missed this so much…I’ve ….missed you so much.” Buffy cried out as she pulled his face up to capture his soft pliant mouth with hers again.

Her breathing became heavier turning into small panting breaths as the pleasure mounted.

He slid another finger into her growling against their sealed lips as he thrust his eager digits deeply into her.

Buffy pushed down onto his fingers seeking deeper penetration mewls of delight escaping her as she kissed him feverishly her clit on fire as he rubbed it with the pad of his thumb.

Leaning her body forward she pressed her swollen nipples against his chest the hard plains of his body teasing her and driving her need to have him even higher.

Reaching down between their bodies she tugged impatiently at the closure of his trunks undoing them easily.

*Thank GOD for Velcro, * they both thought as he spilled hard and heavy from the borrowed trunks into her waiting hand.

Running her fingers gently over the steel like length she marveled at how good it felt in her hand and that it was hers now and forever. He…was hers…now and forever.

Spike tore his lips away from hers, “Inside you…. now.” He said his voice husky and demanding making Buffy quiver with anticipation at giving herself to him, finally…all of herself.

With a combined gasp from each he removed his still questing fingers from her quim and shoving her bottoms aside pulled her down impaling her on his hard cock in one long delicious stroke.

Bottoming out, his balls snug against the round curve of her ass, they both moaned in supplication at the wondrous feelings dancing along their nerve endings.

Buffy fingers came up to clasp tightly around his neck leaning forward and pressing her forehead against his as she gazed into his bluer than blue eyes.

With a slight twist of her hips and a push of her strong thighs she lifter herself on him and then dropped slowly back down savoring every inch that slid deep into her tight suctioning hole. *God…it’s like fucking a ….oh… goddamned baseball bat…I….Oh….forgot.*

She began to ride him in slow steady strides each of them moaning helplessly as he filled her again and again. Every single vein on his rigid length scraped her tender insides and made her body weep over the belled head of his cock.

Spike tried to hold steady to his demon but he was in love, it was in love and the struggle was coming to a head as she cried out her love for him to the heavens above.

“Buffy,” He breathed his eyes glowing amber his face not shifted as he slide his tongue into her honeyed mouth once more seeking her out.

Pushing and thrusting each pulse of their bodies brought them closer and closer to each other and a glorious climax of spirit and soul. Every single hard fucking motion into her hot wet willing body brought Spikes demon scratching at his bonds lurching forward like a dog on a leash trying to catch a cat that dared to stray across it’s path.

He slid his hand into the heated hollow between their bodies maneuvering until he found her nerve center.

Her body shook and shuddered as she teetered on the edge, his fingers playing a delightful chorus on body. Each stroke was more demanding then the last, each rough rub on her clit making her cry out until she was begging for release.

“S…pike…” she half gasped half mewled her head rolling back and exposing the long line of her neck to him, “Yours….Oh….god….PLEASE….” She begged her nerves stretched taut as her fingernails created little bleeding half moons on his shoulders.

His demon slid to the fore as he roughly rubbed her clit again making her wild. Water sloshed and bodies slammed together in the desperate need for completion. Growling loud enough for her to hear that one gratifying word “Mine,” he sank his teeth into her soft skin like a knife through butter.

Her scream of pleasure filled the night air as she was shot into orbit her sweet blood bursting over his tounge and teeth as he drove into her again and again the taste of her orgasm swamping his senses.

Her mouth stretched wide with a continuous sound as she shifted into multiple orgasm, each and every pull of his lips on her neck pushing another one through her leaving her paralyzed with delight a mere slab of flesh for him to exact his wicked way on.

Spike growled against her skin the tangy smell of it mixed with the heady mixture of her blood making his demon fight harder than ever to stay in control as she rode his hard tool through her many prick clenching orgasms.

Finally as her muscles clamped down on him viciously he relinquished what little control he had and wrenching his fangs away from her skin howled to the moon as his cool spunk splashed inside her unprotected quim.

“FUCK…FUCK…..BUFFY….FUCCCCCCKKKK….” he chanted as she bounced on him the muscles of her cunt clenching and unclenching seeming to drink up everything he could fill her with and come back for more.

Buffy mewled and cried out and moaned lost to everything except Spike and their pleasure.

Her head drifted down to his shoulder nuzzling his flesh with her nose her heart pounding and her head swimming. Before she even questioned the act her own lips formed the words he had so long waited to here from her. Well…besides I love you.


With a snakelike lashing movement of her head Spike’s body tripped like an acid high as he felt her teeth latch onto him and tear at his flesh before taking a slow draught of his blood.

His cock exploded in her again as she lapped at the torn flesh, he drug in harsh panting breaths of air and his hands convulsed on her hips.

His eyes were clenched shut as the pain/pleasure rippled through him once more making him into the mewling one.

He tilted her head and lapped at his own marks closing them with his natural healants as his demon started to purr ridiculously in contentment.

“Mmmm…” She murmured her body replete in it’s relaxation as she clung to him enjoying the water and the coolness of his body.

For the first time in a long time she was happy since walking away from him the first time. This is where she was supposed to be…this was what she wanted, love, caring, passion. From now on nothing else would do.


(just a little bit more to go...Oh..and reviews make me write more working man ;))

5 seconds later

“Well…that’s gonna leave a mark,” Buffy sighed happily into Spike’s arms just enjoying the feel of his love wrapped around her like nothing else on the face of the earth. She was back in his arms by her own decision and God did it feel right.

“Buffy.” Spike said quietly not wanting to upset the bubble of crimson glow surrounding them.


“Buffy….luv…look at me.” The uncertainty in his voice cutting through the euphoric haze she was still in and letting her know that he had something serious to say.

Sitting up fully she was careful not to jar him as they were still intimately attached and the image that bit of information fed to her brain made her clench her inner muscles around him involuntarily.

Both of them moaned softly as she shifted getting comfortable her teeth sunk into her bottom lip as she tried not to give into the heady sensations so sweetly beckoning them both.

Looking deeply into Buffy’s hazel eyes he could already see the slow burn of passion in them and that all it would take was a single touch for that passion to be entirely stoked to fruition.

*No…No… what I have to say is too important. * He thought to himself trying like the devil himself to quash his lustful yearnings for the sweet flesh in his arms.

“Buffy…what I did….” He said hesitantly lightly brushing his fingertips over his mark making her moan again, “You…do you know what it means?”

Her stomach and heart twisted into a knot as she gazed into his bluer than blue eyes seeing the worry, the uncertainty of what he did and asking her forgiveness for it.

She shivered lightly as the tender emotions she had been unable to convey in their previous encounters but had always felt for him, suddenly washed over her in a thunderstorm of realization.

Cupping his face with her hands she looked deeper into him, deep into the soul she knew he had even before he had gone to Africa, past the demon and into the man and tried to convey how he made her feel. How he had always made her feel.






And the list went on from there.

“You’ve claimed me and I you. We are one until one of us dies. One heart. One breath. One love.”

The smile that accompanied her words reached into her very depths filling her entire body with light and happiness so bright that it brought tears to Spike’s eyes to see it in all it’s intensity.

“I love you Spike. I wish it hadn’t taken me so long, I wish I could have admitted it,” she shook her head a bit as if to clear old cobwebs away before continuing, “But I didn’t want to love you. I thought I couldn’t. I thought if I did, it would kill me, kill the slayer part of me but I didn’t know. How could I?” she asked tilting her head and gazing on him her eyes filled with the warm tears that flowed over and streamed unimpeded down her face. “How could I know that by denying what you wanted so badly to give me…I was really killing myself already.”

Spikes face reflected shock, awe, happiness and nothing but unconditional love as he gently pressed soft kisses to her cheeks kissing away her tears as she struggled to tell him her heart.

“I didn’t know …didn’t realize until you came back….I….I just missed you so much Spike…”She sobbed softly her throat tight and her voice quiet and husky. “But I still had to be the strong one, still had to be the Slayer, and I did. But…I missed you. Missed your strength, missed your smile, even your smart assed comments.”

He chuckled a bit leaning back again and gently caressing her face watching her quietly his heart warming with her crooked smile.

“But do you know what I missed most of all?” She asked earnestly watching him shake his head, “I missed your spirit, I missed…your soul. I hope…I just need….please…can you ever forgive me?”

He watched her face taking in the trembling lip, the quivering chin, the guilt ridden eyes and knew without a doubt that he had forgiven her already. Seeing in her the truth he had not even dared to hope for not so long ago.

Now he could see her for what she really was. A woman, a warrior, a lover, and his equal but scared just as much as he was. Her heart was in his hands. How could he not love her? How could she even ask?

A slow smile started across his handsome visage as he tangled his fingers into her long damp locks. One word was all that was needed. One turn of phrase and she would be his completely.

Pulling her forward he kissed her long and deep releasing her only to utter that one perfect word.


The stars above shone more brightly or maybe it was her imagination all Buffy knew was with that one word she was forgiven and would be forever loved and cherished by this special man.

As she shifted her hips filling herself with him again she smiled at him her eyes brilliant as emeralds and said simply, “Yours.”

The End


Well I hope you all liked it. It actually turned out to be a love story didn’t it? But that’s ok cause fluffy Spuffy is so wonderful I think. Let me know how you liked it. And thanks for all the wonderful reviews.


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