Jingle Bell Drunk
by Jerzeyanjel

Bloodshedverse Challenge # 15 by REDWULF

PWP, Christmas fic, Buffy/Spike, a gallon of chocolate sauce, Angel's dust, Spike singing his version of "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" The words along the lines of:
Slayer got run over by the Big Bad...She had a doc mark on her forehead, and incriminating Spike marks on her neck.

It was hot outside, so unseasonable for December weather in Sunnydale. The highs were hitting well over 100 degrees leaving all the beautiful Vermont Christmas trees brown and dry. Buffy was lucky, she had managed to snag one of the last fake fir trees at Target that day. Luckier still because it was Christmas Eve.

But Buffy’s luck soon ran out. No sooner had she decorated the tree and the house did the phone start ringing. Her father had suddenly decided that he wanted to spend some time with Dawn. Dawn had readily agreed and rushed to pack a couple of items for her visit with her father. Buffy didn’t say much, her father absently invited her as well but Buffy would rather walk on glass with her bare feet then spend time with their father and new step mother. The only thing that totally stank was Dawn wouldn’t be with Buffy for Christmas. It figured their father would ruin the one good holiday a year.

Dawn leaving wasn’t the only unlucky news. Willow had called, her and Tara would not be coming over because Willow’s mom had suddenly decided to take an active role in her daughter and wanted to meet the woman who had her daughter so smitten. Willow was apologetic but Buffy shrugged it off. Wasn’t Willow’s fault.

Un-luckier still and it didn’t end there, Xander called. He and Anya were going to be spending the holidays in an alternate dimension. Buffy didn’t say a word even though she thought that was a touch weird, instead she just said to have a good time and to bring her back a t-shirt.

Giles was away in England, which left Buffy alone.

Alone with Spike.

She couldn’t tell him he couldn’t come over now. It wouldn’t be fair.

Tis the season and all of that.

So Buffy continued decorating and made some cookies shaped like little trees. She was in the process of icing them in green vanilla when the back door opened. Spike wandered in, his trademark black duster trailing behind him.

“I don’t know how you can wear that. It’s boiling outside,” Buffy said licking her fingers free of icing.

“Vampire love. I don’t feel it,” Spike replied as he shrugged out of the smooth leather. He laid his jacket over the side of the kitchen chair and sat on the stool in front of the center island.

“Where is everyone?” He asked reaching for a cookie.

“Gone. Everyone got called away to better things,” Buffy said smacking his hand, as he was about to grab the perfectly iced Christmas tree cookie.

“Hey. Starving vamp here!”

Buffy rolled her eyes.

“Starving vamps don’t want cookies.”

“You offering?”

“In your dreams Spike.”

“So it’s just you and me then?”

“Yup. But hey if you’ve got better things to do then don’t worry about me…” Buffy started to say.

“Nah. Nothing to interesting happening tonight. Might as well make sure the slayer doesn’t get into any trouble.”

“Ha! Me get into trouble. Please!”

She only meant that to be funny but fate had a different plan for her.

At that moment black smoke started to billow out of the oven.
Buffy didn’t have time to react. Spike was already in front of her, pushing her to the side as he turned off the oven. He pulled open the door and grabbed the cookie tray.

“Bloody hell,” He yelled as he dropped the tray on the burners that lined the top of the stove.

“What the hell possessed you to grab the cookie sheet without an oven mitt?” Buffy asked him as she grasped his injured arm and dragged him to the sink.

“Wasn’t thinking.”

“Yeah I see that.”

Buffy started to run some warm water and thrust his hand underneath the soothing water. The burn on the palm of his hand was an angry red but didn’t seem to want to blister.

“Stay here and keep your hand in the water,” Buffy told him as she went into the pantry to get the first aide kit. She pulled out the Neosporin and some gauze and returned to his side. She turned the water off and patted his hand dry with a Christmas-y dishtowel.

Spike watched as she lined his burn with the ointment and then wrapped his hand in the gauze.

“There all better,” She said holding his hand in between both of hers.

Their eyes met and Buffy saw the shock in his blue depths.

“Shoulda been a nurse,” He murmured, unable to tear his eyes from her shimmering green gaze.

“Yeah…well I guess slayer will have to do,” She said as she started to blush. She dropped his hands quickly and started to back away from him. There must have been some water on the floor because the next thing she knew her feet were in the air and she was flying. She braced herself for the impact of the hard tile floor but it never came. Instead a pair of strong cool arms caught her falling form.

“I think we should get out of the kitchen,” Spike mused, his lips dangerously close to hers.

Buffy opened her mouth and laughed.

“Yeah that might be a good idea.”

Spike helped Buffy steady herself on her feet and then dropped the circle of his arms. He moved behind the island once more.

“We should go do something.”

“Like what?”

“The Bronze is open.”

Buffy shrugged.

“Could be fun,” she said.

“Is better then staying in this kitchen where we have required a burnt hand and almost a bummed head.”

Buffy laughed.


“Ok this is how you do it. First you lick your wrist and put a line of salt on it. You don’t sip the tequila you drop your head back and drink it down in one gulp. Then you lick the salt from your wrist and then suck on this here lime.”

“That’s a lot of thens,” Buffy laughed.

“Well do you want to learn the proper way to drink like the best of them or do you want to be a girl about it?” Spike challenged raising his scarred eyebrow.

“M’not a girl.”

Spike snorted.

“Ok yes I am a girl but I’m the slayer too ya know?”

“Well let’s see how far the slayer’s tolerance to alcohol is.”

“Ready?” Spike asked her.

Buffy nodded her head and reached for the saltshaker. She opened her mouth and ran her tongue along her wrist. She wasn’t paying any attention to Spike who had suddenly found himself very turned on by the action of her tongue.

She sprinkled salt over her wrist and then reached for the shot glass. She sniffed at the amber liquid.

“Don’t be a pansy about it slayer or else you’ll never do it. Remember what I told you.”

“M’not a girl,” She muttered as she threw her head back and downed the shot.

“Blechhhh!” Buffy gasped as the cool liquid hit her stomach. She licked her wrist quickly and stuck the wedge of lemon in her mouth.

Spike laughed at her expression when she pulled the lemon rind of her mouth.

“Wow. And you actually enjoy drinking this?” She asked him, her body starting to feel tingling warm and fuzzy.

“This is bloody good stuff slayer. Jose Cuervo and I go way back,” Spike said seriously.

“Yeah uh huh sure.”

Spike shrugged his shoulders.

“Now watch how a real person drinks,” Spike told her as he reached for the salt.

He didn’t hesitate as he gulped down the foul liquid quickly.

“See? Nothing to it,” he said as he stuck a lemon wedge in his mouth.

No way was Buffy going to let Spike out drink her. She was determined to be one up on him.

“Pour me another,” She barked at the bartender.

Spike smirked at her as she took her newly refilled glass to her mouth. She eyed him over the rim as she threw her head back and gulped.


Spike smiled and cocked his head to the side.

“Hey that wasn’t so bad. Give me another.”

“Are you sure pet?”

“Uh huh.”

Buffy smiled at him as she reached for her shot glass.

Spike laughed and poured himself another too. Damned if he wasn’t going to get as drunk as the slayer.


The band had just finished their song as Buffy downed her latest shot.


Spike laughed in his inebriated state as the people around them turned to look.

Buffy closed her eyes as her vision got a little fuzzy. The band started to play again a light beat, easy to sway to. Buffy found herself starting to move to the music on her stool.

She opened her eyes and looked at Spike.

“Come on Spikey. Let’s dance,” She said as she jumped off the chair and grabbed his hand.

Spike allowed himself to be dragged onto the dance floor by the drunken slayer, which was already crowded with hot and sweaty bodies. Buffy turned her back to him and started to slide down his body. She rubbed her head and shoulders against his stomach as she slid down.

You let me violate you
You let me desecrate you
You let me penetrate you
You let me complicate you…

Help me…

Oh bloody hell, Spike thought as he realized what song was on. The slayer rubbed her body back up against his and spun around, her mouth inches from his. It didn’t help that he was almost as drunk as she was and obviously as horny.

“I want to fuck you like an animal,” She whispered against his mouth as she started to sway her hips to the thumping beat. She turned around again and put his hands on her hips as she ground herself against the front of his jeans.

Spike was having a hard time.

Hard being the operative word.

He couldn’t stop her as she bent over in front of him, her ass against his straining cock.

Spike grabbed her hips and slammed himself against her. Making her feel what she was doing to him.

You can have my isolation
You can have the hate that it brings
You can have my absence of faith
You can have my everything…

He fisted his hand through her hair and pulled her up. He leant in close to her neck as she wrapped a leg around his waist.

“I want to feel you from the inside,” He whispered against the shell of her ear.

“You bet your ass you do,” she slurred.

Spike pulled back and looked at her. Buffy’s face was flushed, her eyes mirroring his. Drunk, horny and heat radiated between their bodies as they danced. Spike had her leg still wrapped around his waist, his hand holding her knee. Buffy was leaned back, her arms around his neck as he pounded his pelvis against hers.

Buffy and Spike were oblivious to the people around them as they backed away. The sight of the two blondes on the dance floor was too much for them. The man with the shock of white hair was holding the girl’s leg up, her black leather skirt riding dangerously high as he gyrated his hips against her.

Buffy grasped at the hair on his neck, her nails clawing slightly at the sensitive flesh. Spike buried his head in the swell of her breast visible beneath the lacy cream-colored shirt she had on. He licked at her sweaty flesh, his cool tongue soothing her boiling skin.

“Spike…” She moaned loudly attracting new attention their way.

“Do you think they even know what they are doing to the rest of us?” One observer asked another. Together they looked around the dance floor, various couples had taken the initiative and were all over each other. To the casual onlooker it was as if a huge orgy was about to take place.

Buffy pulled Spike’s mouth from her breasts and crushed his lips to hers. She opened her mouth to his allowing his tongue to enter. She ran her tongue along his, dancing in time to the music and his thrusts within her hot cave.

Spike pulled away from her mouth as Buffy pulled in great gulps of oxygen. He rested his forehead against hers, his body in a whirlwind of lust.

“I want you Buffy.”

“Let’s go home.”


The walk home proved to be very interesting to say the least. Both the vampire and the slayer were beyond drunk. So drunk that there wasn’t even a term for it. They tripped and wobbled all the way home laughing and kissing and groping each other.
“We have to stop this before I take you in a bloody alley,” Spike moaned as she bit his neck.

“’Take me?’ Don’t have to be all gentlemansly about it. You wants me, I wants you. Let’s wants each others,” Buffy giggled.

“I do say slayer. I think you are a mite drunk.”

“Me? P-shaw!”

“Ok maybe a little,” she admitted.

Spike laughed and grabbed her arm as she tripped over herself again.

“Slayer got run over by the big bad
Walking home drunkenly Christmas Eve.
You might say there’s no such thing as big bads.
But as for me and the slayer we believe.
She’d been drinking too much Jose
And she begged for something more
But little did she know the big bad had other plans
To stuff her stocking to overflow
When the scoobs found her Christmas morning
In the rumpled mess that was her bed
They saw vamp bites on her gorgeous breasts
And said vamp asleep upon her chest,” Spike sang.

Buffy laughed as she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house. Spike stumbled over her and tried to grab a hold of the banister but ended up falling on the bottom stair.

“Smooth move Spike. I thought vamps were sustosed, susposted, supposed to be steady on theirs feet,” Buffy slurred.

“Yeah was that English pet?” Spike asked her as he tried to stand up.

“I don’t know. It might be.” Buffy shrugged. .

Spike laughed and held his hand out.


“Aren’t you going to help me up?”
“No. You are a super hu-amp. HA! Get it a Hu-amp,” Buffy chuckled as she walked into the kitchen.

Man that girl is gone, Spike thought as he got to his feet. He was rubbing his eyes when he walked into the kitchen. The refrigerator door was open and Buffy was bent over inside it.

“Looking for something?” He drawled as he came up behind her and pushed his himself against her.

“Ooophh,” Buffy moaned as she stood up.

She smiled as she turned around, in her hand a bottle of Hershey’s Chocolate Syrup.

“What’s that for?”

“It’s not what I wanted. I was looking for Magic Shell. Ya know the stuff that when its poured it hardens on contact?”

She said it innocently enough but as the words slipped from her mouth Spike’s cock twitched excitedly in his jeans.

“What do you want that for?” he asked, his voice raising slightly.

“Oh nothing. I thought I would make myself a chocolate Popsicle.”

“How ya gonna do that?”

“Well…ya see your body isn’t hot like mine. It’s actually kinda cool, refreshing. So I was gonna pour this on you and lick it off,” She said as she drew little circles on his chest with her finger.

“Is that so?”

“Are you going to deny the poor, drunk little slayer?” Buffy flirted as she batted her eyelashes at him and put a pout on her face.

Spike growled softly as he grabbed her waist and pulled her against him.

“Never deny you baby,” he said as he lowered his mouth to hers.

Buffy groaned and fell into his kiss, nipping at his mouth with her teeth, sucking on his bottom lip. Spike grasped at her lacy blouse and broke their kiss long enough to pull the material over her head. Her bra-less breasts came into view, their rosy nipples hard and tense with need. Spike needed no encouragement as he fingered the taut peaks causing little whimpers to escape from Buffy. He grabbed for the bottle of syrup she still held in her hand and peeled her hands from it. He opened the top and poured some of the cold sticky substance on her fevered flesh. Buffy moaned aloud as Spike’s mouth trailed down to her chest. He spun them around and leaned her over the kitchen island.

Buffy leaned back and closed her eyes as Spike lowered his mouth to her chocolate covered skin. She ran her hands through his platinum locks as he swirled his tongue around her hardened peaks. He bit gently on her as he licked all the chocolate away. He raised his head to hers again and Buffy grabbed at him. She didn’t go for lips; instead she went to the corners of his mouth, licking up the chocolate. Spike shivered as her hot little tongue darted out and caught all the remaining chocolate.

She smiled at him as she smacked her lips together.

“Your turn,” she said as she stood up. She made him lean against the counter as she got onto her knees in front of him. Her hands trailed up his jean covered legs to his waist; deftly she undid his belt and flung open his fly. His un-bound cock bounced out begging for attention. Buffy looked at him appreciatively and licked her lips. Spike held his breath as Buffy took the Hershey bottle and drenched his cock in the sweet liquid. With an audible ‘yum’ she licked the angry head of his cock.

Spike jumped and moaned as her hot tongue swirled around him. She licked his length tentatively, savoring the moans and gasps she was receiving for her work. When she had the bulk of the chocolate off his stiff prick she opened her mouth to him and sucked him deep inside the hot confines of her throat. Spike resisted the urge to grab her head and pound away. He was doing fairly well until he felt her small hand cup his balls. She pulled on them gently, rolling them around in her hand as she moved her mouth up and down on his length. She took him in deeper and deeper, relaxing her throat muscles to accommodate his large size.

She ran her nails along the sensitive skin of his sack as swallowed around his cock.

“Oh god Buffy…” Spike moaned his hands in her hair.

She continued to work him into a frenzy, bringing him to the point of cumming and then backing off. Spike was going crazy. He needed to fuck her, to feel her, to make her cum.

He pulled her up by her hair and crushed his mouth to hers, his hands immediately on her waist shoving her skirt and panties down. He lifted her up and wrapped her legs around his waist, impaling her on his shaft all in one move.

The moaned simultaneously as their bodies were finally joined. Buffy looked him in the eye as she began to move on top of him, her dripping core clutching at him as she moved up and down on his length. Spike leaned against the counter for better leverage and started to pound inside her, her breasts jiggling with the force of his thrusts.

“Spike…” Buffy moaned as he began to bite gently on her neck, his thrusts speeding up.

Spike growled low in his throat. He could feel the blood rushing and pumping away in Buffy’s neck and he was fighting the urge to bite her. Buffy was mewling and bouncing away, her pussy clenching at him, her orgasm on the horizon. His balls started to tighten as she screamed his name, her inner walls strangling his cock, making it impossibly tight. Spike growled again and vamped out. Swiftly he struck, imbedding his fangs in the throbbing vein of her neck.

“SPIKE!!” Buffy yelled as another orgasm crashed over her. He pulled on her blood once, twice. After the third time Buffy’s eyes rolled up in her head, her body engulfed with soo much pleasure it was almost unbearable.

Spike lifted his blood stained mouth and roared as his cock began shooting stream after stream of cool seed inside her waiting womb. Buffy slumped against him, her body drained as the last of her orgasm flowed out of her. Spike licked at her neck, closing the twin wounds in her neck.

“Oh my god Spike…” Buffy mumbled.
“You ok pet? Did I hurt you?”

“Was soo totally worth it,” she moaned as his cool tongue flicked over his marks once more.

She lifted her head and looked into his eyes.

“Think we can do that again?” she asked him as she ran her hand down his cheek.

Spike laughed and leaned into her palm.

“Only if we get a bed this time,” he answered.

Buffy smiled as Spike set her down on her own shaky legs.

“Don’t forget the chocolate syrup,” She reminded him as she went to leave the room.

Spike grabbed the bottle and followed her. He found her waiting in the doorway between the foyer and the living room. She smirked at him as she pointed up. There above her head was a sprig of mistletoe.

“Silly Christmas traditions. Good thing I don’t ignore them,” He said as he grabbed for her and kissed her deeply and thoroughly.

“Merry Christmas Spike,” Buffy said breathlessly.

“Merry Christmas,” he replied as he gathered her in his arms and carried her up the stairs and into her bedroom. Where he intended to keep her well into the New Year.


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