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Killer Instinct:
Written by Karbear57 for Gothchick

Summary: NC17; Adaptation of S2 Halloween: Buffy goes back and exchanges her Victorian dress for something a bit different. Response to Challenge 42
Warning: Character Death, Violence, NC17 for sexual situations & language
Spoilers: S2 up to Halloween
Pairing: Spike/Buffy

a/n: I took the transcript of the Halloween and adapted it for my own purposes.  I used straight quotes and descriptions from said transcript.  Transcript found at Mostly Dead things: http://www.mostlydeadthings.com/transcripts.html: This includes the Latin translations.

Also, this isn’t my normal fluffy romance… not so much fluff.  Darker tale.

Chapter 1

Ethan Rayne

He used to wonder what people would say about him when he was gone.  Not anymore.  He had a higher purpose. 


The universe was built on it.

Everything thrived on it.

Dimensions and physics catered to it.

He stepped in a darkened room and kneeled.  His head lifted towards the white bust of Janus, god of gates, creator of all things.  Janus would understand him, two sides of the same coin.  Ethan winced as his hands joined together, his skin prickling in protest.  He felt the warm liquid pool on the surface of his skin.  Sacrifice.

“The world that denies thee, thou inhabit,” Ethan chanted.  He felt energy swirl around the statue.  The transformation had begun.  Carefully he dabbed his right middle finger on his left palm and brought it up to his right eye, smearing his sacrifice onto his body.

“The peace that ignores thee,” he continued and brought his left middle finger to his right palm and then smeared his blood on his left eyelid.  “Thou corrupt,” he whispered.

He painted a blood cross on his forehead, “Chaos.  I remain, as ever, thy faithful, degenerate son.”   He bowed in front of the twisted bust.  The macabre face of woman and man, life and death, chaos and order.

“Janus, evoco vestram animam. Exaudi meam causam. Carpe noctem pro consilio vestro. Veni, appare et nobis monstra quod est infinita potestas,” his voice chanted.  Janus, I invoke your spirit. Hear my plea. Seize the night for your own reason. Come, appear and show to us that which is infinite power.

He felt the bite of his zipper against his erection, being bad felt so good.  “Persona se corpum et sanguium commutandum est. Vestra sancta praesentia concrescet viscera. Janus! Sume noctem!”  The mask transforms itself into flesh and blood. Your holy presence curdles the heart. Janus! Take the night!

A cool wind whipped across the land, inhabiting all that had been enchanted, all that was left to enchant.  He stood up, prepared to take care of his body’s reaction to corruption.  As he adjusted his girth, he smiled broadly. “Showtime!”

Ethan stepped out of the back room, rubbing his right hand on his trousers when he looked up, startled.  The Slayer was back, the dress she bought still in its plastic wrapping.  “Ms. Summers!”

“Oh, hey!” she lay the dress on the counter, “I really can’t afford this, I need to change costumes.”  She prayed the shopkeeper would let her return the dress.  It wasn’t that she didn’t think it was beautiful, it was beyond beautiful.  But, it wasn’t her.  She could never be that sophisticated, be lady-like.  She wasn’t wired that way anymore.  

“That’s not possible,” Ethan said, “No returns.”

“Please,” she pleaded.  “My mom will kill me if she knew I spent this much on a Halloween costume.”  Ethan stood still; his plan wouldn’t work if she returned the dress.  It would be so nice to watch a defenseless Slayer in a world of ghouls and goblins.

She scanned the shop, noticing that quite a few of the costumes were taken, only plastic masks and vinyl costume sets remained.  “I’m sorry, Ms. Summers, I cannot take any returns this close to Halloween.” 

“Please,” she whined and stomped her foot, almost inciting Ethan to drop his cover and snicker at the girl.  “How about an exchange?”

“An exchange?”  Ethan asked.

“Yeah,” she looked around the store at the different costumes, “See,” she grabbed a plastic bag near the register.  “This would be better.”

Ethan looked into her hand, his stomach coiled tightly with delight, “I think that I can make an exception, but only for you, Ms. Summers.”

“Thank you!” she jumped up and down, her young body bouncing with mirth.  He voided the previous credit card charge and accepted cash payment from her.  Ethan watched the young Slayer leave the store, an evil smile lighting his face.  Her new costume was still part of the enchantment; all he had to wait for was night to fall.  What a lovely town, holding his enemy and his ward.

What a lovely town.


“Where is it?”  Spike roared at his minion.  His vampiric face turned unnaturally red with anger.

“We,” the minion audibly swallowed, “don’t know.  It was here, a moment ago, but it’s gone.”

“Well, find it!”  Spike yelled.  Raged bubbled up inside of him, the useless minions had lost the tape of the Slayer.  He wanted to rip them apart, destroy them, but knew he couldn’t because he would never find the tape again. 

“Yes, Master,” the minion scurried out of the room, intent on finding the missing tape.

“Bad doggie,” Drusilla whimpered from the doorway, her right hand was braced against the door jam.  She was wearing a long crème nightgown, flowing from her shoulders to the floor.

“Drusilla,” Spike purred, his rage disappearing at the appearance of his Dark Princess.  “What are you doing out of bed?”

“Grr,” she snapped her teeth together, “playing with the little girl when he should be playing with me.”

“What’s this about?” Spike tilted his head in curiosity.  “Dru, did you do something?”

“Bad doggie, Miss Edith told me what you did.” Drusilla glided closer to Spike, her eyes invoking his intention.  “Shhh, something’s coming, my sweet.”

Spike wrapped his arm around her, holding her body to his, “Dru, tell me, did you take the tape?”

“She’s floating around us,” Drusilla whispered, her lips forming a pout.

“Who?” Spike growled as he licked her neck.  “Tell me, Dru.”

“The little warrioress, she’s going to change, I feel it.”

“Change?  What’s this about?  Someone get their good day?”

Drusilla giggled, “No, my Spike, she’s different, shifting, can you feel it?”

“Dru, did you take my tape?”  Spike growled as he shook his precious cargo, his mind trying to figure out her meaning.

Drusilla tore her body away and hissed, “Disgusting!  She’s floating around you.”

“Drusilla,” Spike calmly chided, “Did you take the bloody tape?”

“Yes, yes.  I took the precious tape.  It snapped and crackled and popped.  She’s all around you; make you nothing more than ashes.”

“You did what?”

“What did you want me to do?”  Drusilla continued.  “She’s everywhere.  She’s at the cemetery; she’s with Daddy; she’s here and there and everywhere!  No birdies for me, she says!  I want my birdies! And, now she wants you too!”

“I have that tape so I can kill her, poodle.”  Spike gritted his teeth.

“No, no, I see her.  She’s here,” Drusilla pointed at his head and then trailed her fingers down his head and torso, “and here.”  She stepped away, “I fear that I’m losing you.”

“Never,” Spike said vehemently. 

“You obsess...”

“To kill her,” Spike interrupted her.  “I watch her; I study her to kill her.”

“No,” Drusilla denied, her memory fresh with visions of the future, “You won’t, not now, not when our reality shifts.”

“I will always love you,” Spike spoke sincerely.

“I know, Spike,” She stepped away.  “I’m tired.”  Drusilla walked to the doorway and paused to whisper, “But you’ll love her more.”


Buffy walked out of the costume shop with a smile on her face.  She laughed at herself as she headed home with the plastic shopping bag in her firm grasp.  Ironic.  She knew that Giles thought this holiday and its celebrations silly and he would think of her as silly for dressing up like this.  She could just hear the stern lecture about her sacred duties and her destiny.  What a poor excuse of a Slayer she was, definitely not a handbook girl, and definitely not someone to follow the rules.

She saw Cordelia talking to her group of airhead followers and moved across the street, she didn’t want to talk to them and she certainly didn’t want to talk to Cordelia.  Her obsession with Angel was getting on Buffy’s nerves.  Every time Buffy saw them together it was like a slap in the face, if Cordelia only believed her about Angel.

Buffy and Willow were talking in the bathroom when Cordelia walked in, “So, Buffy, you ran off last night and left poor little Angel all by his lonesome.  But I did everything I could to comfort him.”

Buffy rolled her eyes, “I’ll bet.”

Cordelia looked into the mirror and took out her blush, “So, what's his story anyway? I mean… I never see him around.”

Willow snickered and added, “Not during the day, anyway.”

“Oh, please. Don't tell me he still lives at home. Like, he has to wait for his dad to get back before he can take the car?”  Cordelia sounded disgusted as she put her makeup away.

“Cordelia, I think his parents have been dead for a couple of hundred years,” Buffy said slowly as she exchanged glances with Willow.

“Oh, good. I mean,” Cordelia paused, her mind processing what Buffy just said, “What?

Slowly, Buffy answered, “Angel's a vampire. I thought you knew.”

Cordelia looked in the mirror, her mind reeling, “Oh, he's a vampire. Of course! But the cuddly kind. Like a Care Bear with fangs?”

Willow saw that Cordelia didn’t believe Buffy, “It's true.”

”You know what I think? I just think you're trying to scare me off 'cause you're afraid of
the competition. Look, Buffy, you may be hot stuff when it comes to demonology or whatever, but when it comes to dating, I'm the Slayer.”

Buffy watched as Cordelia walked out and waited for the door to close, “You mean the layer.”

Willow snickered, “Buffy!”

“What?  I heard this kid say it in class.”

It wouldn’t be so bad, Buffy thought as she ducked into a little shop.  It wouldn’t be so bad if Cordelia didn’t cut her down at every step.  Between hair, fashion and choice of friends Cordelia constantly berated her.  Buffy couldn’t help but think that in another time, in another life, things would be different.


Buffy stood in front of the mirror while she fastened hoop earrings onto her ears.  She appraised her image in a short blue clinging dress.  She wore heels and lots of makeup.  Definitely a good costume.  She walked over to her dresser and picked up the package that she bought from the costume shop.

Willow called through the bathroom door, “Where're you meeting Angel?”

“Here. After trick-or-treating. Mom's going to be out,” Buffy stuffed a pair of plastic teeth into her mouth.

“Does he know about your costume?”

“Nope.”  Buffy spoke around the fake teeth and fangs.  She smiled into the mirror.  “But I think he’ll like.”

Buffy turned towards the bathroom door, “Okay, Willow come out. You can't hide in there all night.”

“Okay, but, but promise you won't laugh?”

“I promise,” she spoke clearer this time, she was getting used to the teeth.  As Willow opened the door, Buffy’s eyes bulged. 

Willow stood uncomfortably in the room, not used to showing so much skin.  Her black skirt barely brushed the middle of her thighs and the long-sleeved burgundy mid-drift top left little to the imagination.  Quickly, Willow picked up a white sheet, clutching it to her body.

“Wow, you’re a dish!”  Willow tried wrapping the sheet around herself, but Buffy yanked it away. “I mean, really.”

Willow’s arms covered her midriff as she looked into the mirror, “But this just isn't me.”

“And that's the point,” Buffy reminded her and smiled, showing off her teeth, as she walked around Willow. “Look, Halloween is the night that not you is you, but not you.  You know?”

The girls stopped appraising themselves when the doorbell rang “Oh! That's Xander. Are you ready?”  Buffy asked.

Willow nervously looked for something to cover her body with, anything to cover her skin, “Yeah. Okay.”

“Cool! I can't wait for the boys to go non-verbal when they see you!”  Buffy headed down the stair to the front door.  Willow grabbed her costume and followed her friend.

Buffy opened the door for Xander, dressed in military garb. “Private Harris reporting for…” He looked at Buffy in her costume, “Buffy! Wow!  I love the teeth!”

Buffy laughed and shook her head, “Thanks, but wait till you see...”

Xander turned toward the stairs when he heard Willow’s footsteps. 

“Hi,” Willow’s meek voice was hidden by the large white sheet with ‘Boo’ written on the front.

“Casper.”  Buffy finished lamely.

“Hey, Will! That's a fine boo you got there,” Xander said.  Buffy shook her head, too bad Willow didn’t have her self esteem things could be different.


a/n: I do deviate from the shows original dialog in the coming chapters.

Buffy took her troop of trick-or-treaters into the dusk, followed by Willow and Xander with their respective groups.  Buffy shuddered as they past more dressed up monsters, something deep inside her itched at the mockery of the supernatural.

The unsuspecting Slayer watched as her group went from house to house, collecting their bounties.  They even collected new toothbrushes.  Something felt strange, though.  The hair on the back of Buffy’s neck rose with apprehension as a cool wind traveled down the street.

She watched with interest as the atmosphere changed around her.  The little goblins and monsters that she was watching changed before her eyes.  Their costumes turned from plastic and vinyl into skin, their masks fading into their faces, turning into the macabre.

Buffy watched as the ghouls turned on each other and their care takers, fighting for dominance and she wanted to participate.  Violent lust boiled underneath her skin, prickling into her consciousness. 

The smell of horror over powering her senses.

Her body quaked with restraint as her eyes shifted from left to right, the night crisper than before.  Buffy inhaled, earthly scents hitting her olfactory glands.  The taste of copper was heavy on her tongue as her tongue bled from tiny wounds. She felt her body move forward, as if something else was controlling her actions.  Her head tilted to the side, hundreds of pounding rhythms echoed in her ear drums, each separate and distinct.

She watched as a green creature walk across the street, a weapon cradled to his shoulder.  A soldier, a predator just like her, only tonight he was her prey.  She watched as his weapon fired bullets across the road, barely missing some of the changed creatures. 

Buffy hid in the shadows, her eyes following the militiaman.  A ghostly form ran up to him, speaking to him as if a real ghost could.  Buffy decided it must be magic.  No self respecting ghost would walk in that way or talk to a mortal.

She watched as her prey turned on the ghost, leaving his back unprotected.  She licked her lips, her mouth watering with lust for the kill.  She heard their weird conversation, the changed Slayer focused on her prey, dismissing the ghost.  He turned away, moving toward her, perfect.  The closer he got to her, the more of a surprise attack she could launch.

The ghost ran past him, blocking his movement.  She listened to their inane babble, barely paying attention to more than the proximity to her.  The ghost again hopped in front of the soldier, she ordered him not to use his weapon. 

Suddenly the ghosts eyes fell onto Buffy, “We just need to find, Buffy!”

Quickly, Buffy’s face changed as she stood up from her hiding place as the ghost and her prey neared.  “Buffy, are you okay?

She watched as the monster that the soldier tried to kill before snuck up on them.  Her prey raised his weapon and took aim as they neared, “This could be a situation.”

“Buffy, what do we do?”  The ghost asked. 

Silently, Buffy smiled and let her face change.  She reveled in the shocked gasp of the ghost and soldier as her teeth glinted in the moonlight.  “Run,” she whispered, “It makes your blood taste all that much sweeter.”


Willow and soldier-Xander ran down the road, nearing Revello.  She heard the low growl of Vampire Buffy behind them, stalking them with out memory. 

“She’s not Buffy!”  Willow muttered.

“Who’s Buffy?” soldier-Xander asked.

“We’re friends,” Willow huffed.

“Lady, doesn’t seem like we are too friendly right now.  In fact, she seems hostile.”

“Yeah, thanks for pointing that out, I didn’t notice that before.”  Willow sneered.  “How are we supposed to get through this without a Slayer?”

“What’s a Slayer?”  Xander asked as a monster popped out from behind a tree.  Quickly solider-Xander hit the fang-bearing monster with the butt of his weapon as he passed.

“Buffy… was,” Willow replied, losing her breath fast.

“And you’re a ghost.”

“Yes, now let’s get inside!”  Willow yelled.

Soldier-Xander took a moment to look at the ghost next to him, “I just want you to know that I’m taking a lot on faith here.  Where do we go?”

Muttering to herself, “Where’s the closest?  We can go to a friend’s.” With a shout, she told soldier-Xander directions to Buffy’s house.

Xander threw open Buffy’s kitchen door and stepped in.  Quickly he scanned the room with his rifle, “All clear!”

Willow entered through the wall, “Hello?  Mrs. Summers?”  She listened for a response, “Good she’s gone.”

Willow heard Vampire Buffy growl at the injustice of the house’s protection of the mortal.  Watching the Vampire carefully, soldier-Xander closed the door.

“Where are we?” he asked.

“Buffy’s, now we just need to…”  Willow trailed off when she heard loud banging on the front door.

Soldier-Xander walked over to the wood door, ready to open it when Willow yelled, “Don’t open it!”

“Could be a civilian”

“Or a mini demon!” Willow answered.  Thinking of her demonic friend she muttered, “Why couldn’t she have dressed up like Xena?”

Soldier-Xander looked out one of the small windows in the door and moved away as an ugly fist broke through and reached for him.  He raised his weapon through the door.

“Not a civilian!”  Willow yelled.

“Affirmative,” Soldier-Xander answered as he aimed his gun through the door.

“Hey!  What did we say?” Willow walked up to him.

She winced as the sound of bullets hit her ears and then glared at Xander as he rolled away from the door, “Big noise scare monster, remember?”

“Got it!” Willow replied then gasped as she heard a loud, feminine scream from inside.

Soldier-Xander looked outside and muttered, “Damn it!”

Willow watched as he opened the door and stepped out.  Willow bit her bottom lip as she paced in the living room.


Soldier-Xander saw a hairy beast attacking a strange looking woman in a cat costume, screaming, “Somebody help me!”  She screamed again, her voice sounding hoarse from misuse.  She kicked the beast and turned around towards soldier-Xander.  “Xander, help me!”

Looking at the beast on the ground, he grabbed her arm and pushed her closer to the house, “Come inside!”

Willow watched as soldier-Xander and Cordelia ran up the sidewalk and burst through the front door. “Cordelia!”

“Wait a… what’s going on?” Cordelia asked.

“Okay, your name is Cordelia, you’re not a cat, you’re in high school, and we’re your friends, well, sort of,” Willow explained quickly.

“That’s nice, Willow.  And you went mental when?” Cordelia snidely said.  She looked around the Summers’ house, wondering how she gets pulled into these nightmares.

“You know us?” Willow replied, confused.

“Yeah, lucky me, what’s with the name game?”

“A lot’s going on,” Willow replied cryptically.

“No kidding.  I was just attacked by Jo-Jo, the Dog-Faced Boy.  Look at my costume!”  She picked at her torn sleeve, “Do you really think that Partytown’s gonna give me my deposit back? Not on the likely.”

Soldier-Xander listened to the cat woman and took his short off to wrap around her shoulders, “Here.”

“Thanks,” Cordelia muttered, confused at Xander’s behavior.

“Okay, you guys stay here while I get some help.  If something tries to get in, just fight it off.”  Willow commanded.

“Who died and made her the boss?”  Cordelia asked as Willow walked through the wall behind her.


Spike strolled down the road with his minions, watching as several monsters chased people in the street.

“Well! This is just... neat!” Spike smiled through his vampiric visage.  He could smell death and destruction in the air.  It smelled so sweet.  The fight with Drusilla and the subsequent out of control fire was almost forgotten.  It was time to find the Slayer and take her out of his system.  Maybe a little torture was in order. 


Soldier-Xander carried a dining room chair to the front window and spoke to Cordelia, “You!  Check upstairs.  Make sure everything’s locked up.”

As Cordelia followed his instruction, soldier-Xander secured the chair under the dining room table that currently covered the window.  He heard a low murmur of growls and grunts from the other side, knowing that the ghost’s ‘friend’ was outside, sniffing around for a weak point.

He glanced around the room and spotted a picture on the floor, “Whoa!”

Soldier-Xander looked at the picture of a fully corporeal ghost-Willow, a non-vampire-Buffy, and himself.  “She must be right.  We must have some kind of amnesia.”

Cordelia walked down the stairs, “What?”

“That ghostly girl, she said something about amnesia, here.”

Cordelia looked at the picture and rolled her eyes, “Yeah, you the freak, and the blonde freak are friends, so?”

“It’s just,” soldier-Xander paused. “I ain’t got a clue about this.  Don’t remember being friends.”

“You are,” Cordelia lifted her head in the air. “The Three Freak-a-teers and I can’t believe you sucked me into this craziness.”

Angel walked in from the kitchen, “Oh Good!  You guys are alright.  It’s total chaos out there.”  He scanned the room, noting that something wasn’t right inside either.

Sodier-Xander pointed his weapon at Angel while Cordelia posed seductively for him.

“State your name!” Soldier-Xander stepped into front of Cordelia.


Willow walked through the library wall, startling Giles as he looked through a card catalog.

“Jeez!”  Giles yelped.

“Hi,” Willow said quietly.  Her semi opaque form was hovering in the air.

“Uh, ah.” Giles was at a loss for words as Willow floated through the card catalog.

“We have a problem,” Willow said.


“Okay,” Angel towered over soldier-Xander.  “Somebody wanna fill me in?”

“Do you live here?” Soldier-Xander asked as he gripped his weapon tighter.

“No, and you know that. I'm lost here.”  Angel felt something primal inside of him, deeper than Angelus start to stir.  Something was changing the balance of the world.  He felt the creatures suddenly form in the night air, taking form out of children; he felt them as he approached the house.

“He doesn’t know who he is, everyone's turned into a monster, it's a whole big thing.” Cordelia supplied from behind Xander.  “How are you?”

The lights flicker, revealing a vamped out Buffy pressed against the living room glass.  “Oh my god!”  Cordelia screamed at her first sight of Vampire-Buffy.  The beast snarled and then pushed herself off the window, only to disappear in the night.

Chapter 3

Angel tracked Buffy’s scent to the middle of town and saw her in the shadows of the store front, her movements graceful, yet powerful.  “Buffy,” he growled.

He watched her yellow eyes turn towards him, recognizing him.  He watched her movements still as she watched him.  Slowly, he walked across the street.

Buffy stayed still as he came closer, somehow recognizing who he was, what he was.

“You’ve got to come with me,” Angel insisted as he got within arm’s distance.

“Hungry,” Buffy pouted. 

“I know where we can get some food,” Angel grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him.

“Mmm,” she inhaled his scent, “You smell good.  Can we go hunting?”

“No, we do not eat people,” Angel shook his head negatively.

“They’re just cows, meant for food.”  Buffy said.

“No, no.  People are friends, family.”

“Who are you?”  Buffy whispered.  “You smell,” she paused to inhale, “like mine.”

“No,” Angel stepped back and let her go.  “No, I’m not.”  Angel’s face shifted to his demonic visage, Angelus fighting for dominance.  He knew that this, Buffy being a Vampire, would solve so many problems between them, but he also knew it would cause so many others.  “You’re Buffy, you’re the Slayer.  Please, remember.  You’re Chosen to fight evil, to protect the innocent, the humans.”

“No, not a Slayer,” Buffy stepped back at his description of the Slayer.  “I’m a Vampire and you’re a Vampire.  Are you my Sire, you smell like my Sire?”

“Please,” Angel looked up at the night sky, the muscles in his body wanting to embrace the Slayer come-Vampire.  “Buffy, please remember.  I’m Angel.  Vampire with a soul.”

“No,” she sneered and stepped further away.  “I smell that, too.  Disgusting!”

“Buffy, come with me.” Angel pleaded.  He knew he could not fight her, not protect her from herself.  He knew that if he gave in, he would lose her, maybe even lose himself.  It was too tempting to forget about the soul and be with her.

“No,” Buffy turned away and pouted.  “You’ve ruined my hunt.”

“Buffy,” Angel followed and grabbed her arm.

Buffy turned back growling, “Leave me!” She pushed him into the store’s front window and watched as his body broke the glass.  Angel landed inside the store, setting off the alarm.

He heard her sneer, “You are unworthy, not my Sire.”

Before he could get up, Buffy disappeared.  The only thing left to do was to go back to soldier-Xander and Cordelia.


Giles took out a stack of papers from the book cage and blew dust off of them.  He walked toward Willow reading a book.  “I don’t even know what I’m looking for.  Plus I can’t turn the page.”

Giles cleared his throat, “Well, alright.  Let’s review. So, everyone became, uh, whatever they were masquerading as.”

“Right. Xander was dressing up like a soldier and Buffy had these teeth, you know ironic, Vampire.”

Giles sat back, still thoroughly confused at the situation, “A-and, uh, your, your costume?”

“I'm a ghost!”

“Yes. Um... w, uh, uh, uh, the ghost of what, exactly?”

Willow self-consciously tried to cover herself with her hands, “Well, this is nothing. You

should see what Cordelia was wearing. A-a, a unitard with cat things, like ears and stuff.”

“Good heavens. Uh, she became an actual feline?” He stuttered.

“No! She was the same old Cordelia. Just in a cat costume.”

“She didn't change?” Giles asked.

“No. Hold on... Partytown. She told us she got her outfit from Partytown.”  Willow said.

“A-a-and everyone who changed, they, they, they, they acquired their costumes where?”

“We all got ours at a new place. Ethan's.”  Willow jumped, “Oh, Buffy!”

“What about Buffy?”

“She’s a real Vampire, Giles.”

“Dear lord,” Giles moaned as he took off his glasses.  “We need to figure this out.”


Cordelia, Angel, and soldier-Xander walked down a dark, dirty alley, looking for Buffy.  Soldier-Xander scanned the area with his trained eye.

“Are you sure she came this way?” Xander asked.

“No,” Angel almost growled.  He caught up with soldier-Xander and Cordelia quickly after his confrontation with Vampire-Buffy.

“She'll be okay,” Cordelia said quietly.

Angel scoffed back, “Buffy would be okay. Whatever she is, she won’t be okay when she comes back.”   Angel didn’t want to admit to them that he already encountered her, or that she’d pushed him away.

Unknown to the group, a gang of Halloween-monsters and a Master Vampire hid in the shadows, listening to their conversation.

Spike turned to his companions, “Do you hear that, my friends?”  He waited for them to acknowledge, “Somewhere out here is the tenderest meat you’ve ever tasted, and all we have to do is find her first!”

In another alley, vampire-Buffy inhaled the scent of her latest prey.  Suddenly she took off, running down the alley.

Buffy followed the transient human from the local pub.  She kept to the shadows as he wandered through the streets, his crude demeanor and fishy stench repulsed Buffy, but she knew that this one, her prey would not be missed.

She listened as he sung a noxious melody into the night air, his voice cracking on every other note. His lips curled into a menacing smile, showing his rotten teeth to the world.  She slipped past him and entered an alley, ready to pull her prey to her.

“Please, help,” she whimpered from the shadow.

“Wee little poppet,” he sang into the night.  He stumbled on something unseen as he headed into the alley and Buffy had to repress her gaiety.  It would ruin the fun if she revealed the game too soon.

“Help me,” she whispered, her feral eyes tracking the pirate as he came closer.

“Oh little girl.  Where are you, little girl?” he teased.

“Please,” her face slipped into her human mask as he came closer.  Buffy stepped out from behind the wooden crates she used as cover and stepped into the light. “Help me.”

“Pretty, pretty,” the shipman came closer.

Buffy smiled as her face shifted into her true demonic self and whispered, “No, you are.”

He barely screamed as she attacked.  With one hand clasped around his carotid artery and windpipe, she grabbed his arm and wrenched him closer.  She inhaled the scent of his fear, “You are nothing but a smelly cow.”

Her nails bit into the skin of his neck, freeing his rich blood.  Her grip tightened as he choked and sputtered on his last breaths.  “Filled with liquor and god knows what venereal disease.”

She listened to his gasps and shook her head.  “Tsk, tsk.  Cows aren’t supposed to talk.” With a fluid motion, she cracked his neck; ending his pitiful life.

She pushed his corpse against the brick wall in the alley, preparing to drain him when she heard someone walking down the alley.  With disgust she pushed herself away from the corpse, allowing it to collapse on the dirty ground.

She turned toward the noise and shifted her facial features back to the smooth human mask.


Giles and ghost-Willow walked through the front door of Ethan’s Costume Shop. 

Giles called out, “Hello? Anyone home?”

Willow walked towards the back of the store, bypassing Buffy’s returned gown and pointed out a door partially opened.  “Giles.”

They walked in slowly, their eyes darting to and fro when Giles stopped dead in his tracks, “Janus.  Roman mythical god.”

“What does this mean?”  Willow pointed to the two faced bust of the god.

“Primarily the division of self.  Male and female, light and dark,” he answered.

Ethan appeared behind Giles and smirked, “Chunky and creamy.  Oh no, sorry.  That’s peanut butter.”

Giles’ eyes narrowed, “Willow, get out of here, now.”

Willow complained, “But…”

“Now,” he ordered.  Willow stared at Giles face, pale and angry.

“Hello, Ethan,” Giles sneered.

“Hello, Ripper,” Ethan grinned. 


Buffy watched as her previous prey came running at her.  She smelled the sweet scent of his adrenaline.  She smiled shyly as her eyelashes fluttered.

“Are you all right ma’am?”  He gasped, unable to recognize her in her human guise.

“Now that you are here,” she purred.

“I saw him attack you,” soldier-Xander continued as Cordelia and Angel arrived.

“Buffy! Get away from her,” Cordelia yelled as she pulled him further away from Buffy.

Angel stepped closer to Buffy, his demon crawling to the surface of his being.  He couldn’t help but remember holding her.  She was calling to him, enticing his evil self to defeat the soul.    Buffy stepped back behind the crate as he growled at her, her basic knowledge knowing that he wasn’t as weak as he seemed earlier.

“What's your deal? Take a pill!” Cordelia flipped her hair behind her shoulder.

Buffy weakly growled at Angel, her face shifting again.

Willow ran down the alley, catching up to her friends, “Guys!”

“Willow!” Angel warned before he growled once more at the vampire inhabiting Buffy’s body and mind.  He wanted her, wanted to be free and in some part of him wanted to give up the fight.  He was angry at himself for being so weak, so pitiful.

“Guys, you gotta get inside.” She warned before she looked behind her.  “Hurry!”

Willow flew down the alley, revealing Spike and his monster gang coming down the alley.  Angel growled, “This way, find an open warehouse.”

Soldier-Xander turned to grab his weapon; Buffy grabbed Cordelia by the arm and licked her lips, “Not so fast, honey.”

Before anyone could react, Buffy had her teeth embedded in Cordelia’s smooth neck and was pulling on her blood.  Cordelia’s scream fell short of release as she quickly lost consciousness

“Fuck!” Soldier-Xander yelled as he watched the lady in the cat costume fell into the arms of the monster.

Vampire-Buffy lifted her head from her meal and growled at her previous prey.  “You’re next.”

Soldier-Xander turned around and ran towards ghost-Willow and Angel, too stunned at watching Vampire-Buffy kill.


“What? No hug?  Aren’t you pleased to see your old mate, Rupert?”  Ethan grinned.

“I'm just surprised I didn't guess it was you. This Halloween stunt stinks of Ethan Rayne,” Giles admitted.  The two foes faced each other, watching and waiting for the other to act.

“Yes, it does, doesn't it? Don't wish to blow my own trumpet, but it’s genius. The very embodiment of 'be careful what you wish for',” Ethan laughed.

“It's sick, brutal, and it harms the innocent,” Giles pushed his words back at the disturbed man in front of him.

“It’s not like you don’t remember the chaos we caused years ago with a spell like this,” Ethan challenged and licked his lips slowly.

“I’m not the same,” Giles spat.

“Oh, and we all know that you are the champion of innocents and all things pure and good, Rupert. It's quite a little act you've got going here, old man,” Ethan taunted.  He smiled at the look of outrage and humiliation filter across Giles’ face.

“It's no act. It's who I am,” Giles insisted, knowing that he worked hard to move beyond his past.

“Who you are? The Watcher, sniveling, tweed-clad guardian of the Slayer and her kin? I think not. I know who you are, Rupert, and I know what you're capable of.” Ethan paused, “But they don't, do they? They have no idea where you come from.”  Ethan licked his lips again and motioned to his crotch.  “I know you and I know what you like.”

“Break the spell, Ethan. Then leave this place and never come back.”  Giles new full well that some part of him wasn’t the perfect Watcher.  That he wanted Ethan to succeed with chaos, to help him succeed.  And, something inside Giles wanted to acknowledge Ethan’s taunt, to go back to the days of orgies and black magicks.

“Why should I? What's in the bargain for me?”  Ethan smiled, he saw the Ripper still in Giles’ eyes.

“You get to live.” Giles threatened.

“Oh, Rupert, you're scaring me.”  Ethan smirked; Giles was fighting for control over his psyche.

Giles clenched his fist and punched Ethan in the stomach causing Ethan to lean forward.  Taking a step back, Giles threw his fist toward Ethan’s face.

Chapter 4

“Over here!” Angel yelled when he found an open warehouse.

Xander used his brute strength to push the door open, the two men and ghost enter.

“Check if there are any other ways in!” Xander yelled.  He couldn’t get the image of vampire-Buffy’s teeth embedded in that innocent girls throat.

“Where’s Cordelia?” Angel asked.

Willow looked around and noticed the missing debutant.  “Yeah, she was right here.”

“That Vampire got her.” Xander admitted.  “Couldn’t do anything except run.”

“Oh god!”  Angel called out, “She killed?”

“More than once, big brow.  She killed that pirate, remember?” 

Angel collapsed on the floor, suddenly his soul aching for its love, unable to comprehend it all.  It was too much, Angel knew.  Buffy would never be Buffy again, not from his experience.  Her soul would haunt her for the rest of her life, condemning itself to live in purgatory for the deaths of her schoolmates.


“Well, well, well.  What do we have here?”  Spike rubbed his hands together as he watched the Slayer feed off the Cheerleader.

Buffy’s yellow eyes met with his, acknowledging his presence.  She slowly lifted her head from her dinner and licked her lips.  She let the corpse fall to the ground as she watched Spike come closer.

“Hungry, pet?” Spike smirked as he came within touching distance.  “Tsk, tsk,” he wiped blood off her cheek, “You’re such a messy eater.”

Buffy watched anxiously as Spike licked his finger clean. When he stepped away, her eyes darted to the monsters with him then back to Spike’s form.

“Cat got your tongue?” Spike smiled when he saw her smile.

“You could say that,” she purred as she kicked Cordelia’s body over to reveal her costume.

“You’re not such an uptight wench, now, are ya, Slayer?”  Spike eyed her outfit, his eyes gliding over her short dress, his cock twitched with lust.

“Not a Slayer,” Buffy gasped out, once again horrified at the implication.

“Yes, you are,” Spike bowed his head and moved closer to her, his eyes hypnotizing her.  His fingers itched to touch her again, to caress her brow.  Something was going on, something dark and sinister.  Spike couldn’t help but be intrigued with this magically turned Slayer.  “I’ve fought you.”

“No,” she insisted and stepped back only to stumble across the drunken pirate.

“I see you’ve been busy tonight.”  Spike looked down at the rotting corpse and sneered.  “Tasty meal you hunted for yourself?”

“I’m a Vampire,” she quietly reminded him.  Something told her to mind her mouth when she spoke to him.  He exuded power that the other Vampire didn’t.  “There’s more.  In there, I saw them go in when you came.”

Slowly, Spike stepped forward and kissed her cheek, allowing himself an indulgence of inhaling her scent.  Suddenly torturing her was the last thing on his mind. “You don’t smell like her.”

“I’m not her,” Buffy whispered back, too shocked at his actions to return them.

“I’m beginning to see that,” Spike smirked.  “Who’s your Sire?  You smell like… family.”

Buffy looked around and then back at him, “I don’t know.”

“What’s your name then, little one?”

“I don’t know,” she whimpered but stopped when Spike’s hand cupped her cheek.  “He called me Buffy.”

“Who?” Spike growled, his hand dangerously gripping Buffy’s face.

“The other Vampire, tall and,” Buffy gulped, “ensouled.”

“Don’t you dare mention Angelus in front me.” He pushed her away, causing her to run into the brick wall and chafe her arm.

“He said his name is Angel,” Buffy whispered while she held her arm.

Spike stretched his neck right and left as he tried to reign in his temper.  “Didn’t you hear me, little girl?”

“Don’t mention him in front of you.”

“And yet you did,” he purred.

“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to mention,” Buffy shut her mouth as she saw Spike visibly tense.

“That’s it, a little lesson is in order, pet.”  Spike grabbed her long hair and pulled her away from the building, only to throw her across the alley into another building.  He jumped closer to her and rubbed his erection against her hip, “Lesson the first: Don’t mention the Poof.”

He twisted her around and punched her jaw.  Buffy staggered against the building, unable to retaliate back.  She felt a tightening in her stomach, arousal blooming throughout her body.  Spike kicked her knee and watched as she fell to the trash littered ground.  “Learn quick.  Lesson the second: I’m the Master around here.”

Vampire-Buffy felt something underneath her hand; she picked up a piece of a shattered crate and stood up.  This felt right, her holding a shaft of wood.  With her arm pulled back she threatened Spike with the makeshift stake.  He could smell the light arousal coming from her, but chose to ignore it.  Wasn’t the first time he’s smelt it and Spike was sure it wasn’t the last. 

“See, what I tell you boys?  A Slayer!  Sweet Meat!” Spike smirked and then grabbed her arm holding the stake.  Her blood dripped from an open wound on her arm, distracting Spike momentarily.  Lust hit his brain like an ocean wave; the scent of her blood intoxicated him.

“No!” She struggled with him, kicking and punching as they fought for control.  The demons Spike brought with him were studying the dueling pair.

“Lesson the third: we already have our weapons,” Spike rasped as he gained control.  Buffy’s body was now held still in his grasp as his mouth hovered about her neck.  Spike threw the stake away and licked her dead vein, “Who am I?”

Buffy choked with emotion, she thought her unlife was over, but soon realized that the Vampire holding her and rubbing his erection into her had no immediate intention to kill her.

“I repeat: who am I?”

“My Master,” Buffy breathed.  Suddenly she felt his fangs pierce her neck as he greedily drank from her.  She felt his hands under her skirt, probing her feminine mound.  She grasped at his duster, holding on to him as his other hand went to the catch of his belt, deftly removing it and undoing his jeans.

Spike used his body to shield their act from the other demons; he wrapped her leg around his hip but under his duster, giving them some privacy.  She felt his penis rub against her bare skin, suddenly aware of what was happening.  She groaned, trying to push away from Spike only for Spike to pull her closer and push them against the brick building.

With his fangs embedded in Buffy’s neck, he pulled on her blood harder, leaving her defenseless and weak.  Carefully, he moved his hips to help his cock probe her quim.  He was very happy to smell and to feel her arousal, despite her reservations.  He growled around her blood, speaking to her with his demon.  She whimpered back, her demon unsure.  After a series of grunts and growls from Spike, Buffy’s body relaxed.  Spike lessened the pull of her blood into his being.

Buffy gasped with shock and pain as Spike swiftly entered her.  Breaking his hold of her neck, Spike gasped as he felt her skin rip and stretch around his member.  Buffy brought her hands to his shoulders holding on to him as she lifted herself off of him and then slowly back down. 

“Give in to me,” he commanded.  He struggled to keep his composure as he deflowered her, taking Angel’s girlfriend’s virginity.  He wanted to roar to the world of what he was doing, to let everyone know he had her first.

Her feral eyes met his as they moved together, blood dripped down her neck as Spike watched her.  He licked his lips, tasting her Slayer-Vampire blood still on his lips.  He moved against her, matching her downward movements.

“That’s right.  I’m keeping you,” Spike chanted as he watched her face contort mirroring her feeling of pleasurable pain.  He allowed her to move against him, finding herself with him.

Spike watched as her demonic face shifted on and off as she fought her way towards her brink.  He held her thighs; his fingernails ripping into her flesh, allowing the pleasure of feeling her blood run down his hands.

“Tell me,” Spike commanded.

“I’m yours,” Buffy gasped out as Spike’s head fell forward to lick at the blood on her neck.

Spike smirked as he took one hand off her thighs and moved it towards her clitoris.  Buffy’s body tightened as she felt him probe the sensitive bundle.  She watched him watch her, unable to control her self.  

“Take it,” he commanded.  “Be mine.”

Spike tilted his neck to the side, giving Buffy permission to take his blood.  Like a rattle snake, she attacked.   Buffy felt like home as she felt his blood rush down her throat.  Like something was missing until this moment, finally she found him, her Sire.

Spike pumped himself inside her, feeling the erotic pull of his blood.  He felt her falter, her teeth slipping from his neck when her body started to quake.  The violent tremors hit her womb and convulsed around his member.  He pushed her further against the brick wall, allowing her orgasm to overtake him, too.

Slowly, he felt her soft body cradling his with her rough tongue licking at the wounds of his neck. 

“Bloody hell, Slayer,” Spike groaned.  “That was,” he paused while he thought, “something, wasn’t it?”

He felt her nod before burying her head in his shoulder.  “Hey what’s this?”

“Nothing,” she mumbled; her face smooth once again.  Spike forcefully removed her head from his shoulders and looked her in the eyes.  “Are you going to kill me now?”

“What?  You’ve got to be joking?”  Spike helped her ease her legs down to the ground and backed away.  “I don’t kill mine, and you’re mine.”

Buffy smiled through her tears.  “Yours,” she agreed.

“Childe,” Spike spoke quietly, “You’re my Childe, I can feel it.”

“I am yours,” Buffy breathed as Spike’s lips kissed her neck, she felt his fangs scrape across the wounds.  Buffy gasped as his teeth slipped through her skin, once again drinking her blood.  She felt his erection nestled between her legs as he leaned against her.  Moaning and resigning into his pull, Buffy gently humped against Spike.  Her head fell back in ecstasy as he pulled harder on her blood.

Spike smiled, even though her blood was flowing through his mouth.  No doubts about it; she still held Slayer blood, and it was all his.

Thoughts of Drusilla never entered his brain; instead all of his energy was directed at one source, the vampire in his arms.  He slowly retracted his fangs from her neck and gently licked the wounds closed.  He felt her blood filling up his dead body, merging with his. 

She whimpered as he finished the task of making her his.  It wasn’t a claim as some Vampire’s choose, but a rebirth for her.  He took over the magical responsibilities of a proper Sire.  He shared his blood with her, taking her.  It didn’t matter which of his family member’s sired her, he would fight tooth and nail to keep her as his.

“So, pet.  Now that we all are acquainted and such, where did you say they went?”

“In that building.”

Spike held out his arm for her.  “Shall we, my dear?  I believe my mates and I are a bit peckish and there is some tasty treats around.”

The monsters arrived at the door that the trio had gone through and started to pound on the door.  Soldier-Xander picked up a large gate and set it in front of the door, on top of a few barrels, trying to block entry.

Soldier-Xander continued to block the entry when the monsters push the door open.

“Go!” he yelled at Angel and Willow.  She tried to push Angel up from his position on the floor, but was unable to induce the old Vampire up with her ghost self.

The masquerading soldier shooed ghost-Willow away and lifted Angel’s arm around his shoulder, using his soldier know-how to hoist his large body up.

He dragged Angel’s dead body through the warehouse, hoping to get away from the pursuing monsters.

Willow led the group as they ran, knocking over boxes on the way.  Angel woke up out of his stupor and started to run beside Soldier-Xander.  Both men picked up large grating and tried to push off the monsters hot on their trail.  Willow ducked into a small area surrounded by barrels.  Soldier-Xander threw his grating at the monsters, only to distract them for a moment.  He backed away as he watched them push the grating and barrels aside.

Angel struggled with his grating when he saw who followed the two monsters.


He felt like his soul cracked as Spike came up behind Buffy, his hands splayed across her abdomen and bringing her back to rest on his front.

a/n: Thank you for those lovely reviews!  You guys ROCK!! 

Chapter 5

Giles slowly walked around Ethan who was lying on the floor, beaten and tired.

Ethan chuckled despite his injuries, “And you said the Ripper was long gone.”

“Tell me how to stop the spell,” Giles ordered.

“Say ‘pretty please’.”  Unhappy with that response Giles kicked him in the kidney.


Spike and Buffy entered the nook where Willow, soldier-Xander and Angel were cornered in.  The monsters held Soldier-Xander and Angel to the side, their primitive beings easily able to outsmart the two.

“Look at what I found,” Spike smirked at Angel, “She was shaking. Terrified. Alone. Lost little lamb.”

Buffy moaned in ecstasy when Spike tongue licked her neck.  Her knees threatened to give out from lust if Spike didn’t hold her close to his body, rubbing his erection against her.

“I love it,” he smiled against her throat.  “So willing to be mine.”

Angel struggled with the two monsters holding him; calling out, “Buffy!”

Spike pushed her forward, but grabbed onto her arm so she would spin back to him.  “Isn’t that right, love?”

She nuzzled his hand when it cupped her cheek.  Buffy tilted her head to the side, giving him full reign.


Ethan rolled over in pain as Giles’ foot kicked his torso again.

“Now, tell me how to stop the spell.”

“Janus,” Ethan gasped.  “Break its statue.”

Quickly Giles went over to the statue and lifted it over his head.


Soldier-Xander broke free of his captors and shoved them away.  Spike growled against Buffy neck, his cool breath enticing Goosebumps to appear on her neck.  

Soldier-Xander turned his attention towards the couple embraced in the middle of the room.

Willow yelled, “Now that guy you <strong>can</strong> shoot!”

Xander bent down to retrieve his weapon.


Giles threw the statue to the floor, smashing the two faces into tiny pieces.


Xander stood up, aiming his gun when he looked down.  It was a toy.

“What the?” he questioned.

The monsters turned back to children and other high school students.  Scared, the children cried out, bringing attention on to them. “I'm scared! I want my mommy!”

Spike looked up from his place against Buffy’s neck, enjoying the smell of fear from the others when he noticed the shift of atmosphere.  Buffy stumbled back, still in her vampire visage.

Angel stepped forward, ready to fight Spike, only to notice that the spell did not change Buffy.  Noticing the other Vampire heading towards her Sire, Buffy leapt into action.

She punched Angel in the torso and then in the face, pushing him away from Spike’s position.  Angel tripped against a set of stairs on wheels.  Angel tripped and grabbed a length of pipe, trying to defend himself when Buffy grabbed it out of his hands and throwing his body across the room into some crates.   She used the pipe to hit his chin and stab him in the stomach.

Angel groaned in pain as he watched his love in demonic face beat the crap out of him.  “Buffy?”<br>

Buffy pulled the pipe back and swiped him under the chin once again, causing his bludgeoned body to slide to the floor.

Spike grabbed her waist and lifted her off of Angel, amazed that she didn’t shift back into the Slayer.  “Time to go, pigeon!”


  Giles looked down to see Ethan gone.


Buffy dropped the pipe and escaped with Spike.

“Buffy,” Xander cried.

“Oh my god!” Willow coughed from under her sheet.  “She didn’t change back.”

“I remember, Cordelia!” Xander cried again, the Cheerleader was dead.

“You remember?” Angel asked from his position on the floor.

“It was way creepy. It's like I was there, but I couldn't get out.”

“She didn’t change,” Willow muttered.

Xander looked around at the sniveling children, “I guess we better get them back to their parents.”

“Yeah…” Willow agreed as she took off her sheet.  Self conscious, she was about to put the sheet back on.  Shaking her head she threw the sheet on the floor.  “I think we need to talk to Giles.


Giles walked into the library, tired and in desperate need of a stiff drink.

“Giles!” Willow sighed.  “Thank goodness you are here.”

“Willow, I see you are,” Giles stopped to clean his glasses, “solidified.  Xander.”

Xander nodded his greeting, “Back to normal, Sir… I’m sorry.  Still feeling like a soldier.”

“Ah, I see.”  Giles sat down at the large research table.

“I suspect Buffy is out patrolling for any demon that got loose tonight?”

“Well,” Willow exchanged glances with Xander. “Not exactly.”

“Is she home?”

“No.” Willow winced.

“Well, where is she?”  Giles asked.


“Oh, I see… wait, what?” Giles roared.

“She’s still a Vampire, I don’t know how.”

“No, no, it can’t, she’s can’t.  I smashed that bloody statue.”

“Trust me, G-Man.  She’s all Vampire and making not so nice with the Bleached Bloodsucker.”

“Spike?”  Giles held his head in his hands.  “What… what do you mean she’s all Vampire?”

“She,” Willow spoke when Xander couldn’t.  “She killed Cordelia.”

“She killed…” Giles lost his voice as tears filled his eyes.  “Please, it can’t be.”


“Where are we going?” Vampire-Buffy asked from her spot curled under Spike’s arm as they walked down a deserted road.

“Home, sweets.  We’ve got a nice cozy lair in a factory down here.  Me and Dru… SHIT!  Drusilla.”

“Drusilla?”  Buffy stepped from underneath his arm.

Spike didn’t pay attention to her desertion.  “She knew.  I can’t believe the bloody bint knew and was trying to tell me.  Sodding crazy…”

“Drusilla?”  Buffy stood a few feet away and watched Spike pace back and forth as he ranted.

“She said I obsessed.  I told her I would kill you,” Spike pointed his finger in Buffy’s direction.  Buffy stepped further away from him when she thought Spike would follow through with his threat.  “Told me you were coming,” he paused, his face shifting back to its human form, his eyes thoughtful.

Buffy stood still, a pout forming on her lips, “Oh, don’t do that, baby,” Spike stepped forward.  Buffy watched as her came closer, just stopping inches from her.  His finger traced her bottom lip as he whispered, “Pouty, I’m going to get that lip.”

Buffy ducked her head when he whispered to her.  She looked into his eyes and saw no malice towards her.  “Drusilla?”

“My Sire.” Spike said and stepped back, his hand falling to his side.  “Crazy clairvoyant.  Hell, all of them are crazy, but she’s a step above.  She told me to come get you.”

“You love her?”

“Well, yeah” Spike shrugged.  “She’s the face of my salvation.  Been together a little over a hundred years.”


“Look, I didn’t know.” Spike explained.  “Half the time she’s naming the stars during the day.  When she said… I didn’t think I would feel this way.”

“What way?”

“This way,” Spike lightly cupped Buffy’s face in his hands and started to kiss her.

She moaned when she felt his cool, wet tongue lick her lips, asking for permission.  Opening her mouth, she returned his kiss with equal fervor.  His hands moved down her body, past her shoulders to stop at her breasts.  He cupped her mounds in each hand, working his fingers against her nipples.   Buffy’s hands moved down his torso to settle against his waist.  Her hands traveled along the top of his jeans, tickling him as she went.

Spike heard one of his minions approach and broke away from the endless kiss.  “What?” he snapped his head to the side so Buffy knew he wasn’t talking to her.

“The Mistress… she’s asking for you.”

Spike looked into the night sky to see the midnight blue started to turn lighter.  He sighed and rested his forehead against on Buffy’s.  “Has she eaten?”

“She refuses.”

“Bugger,” Spike cursed.  “We’re coming in.”  Spike glanced at Buffy, “Don’t worry.  You’re mine.  Nothing will change it.”

“Mm, kay.” Buffy muttered.  Suddenly Buffy stepped back, her memory back in full force.  “Spike?”

Spike stopped walking into the factory when he heard her, knowing that his Childe was different now.  He slowly turned around, slipping in his vampire guise.  “Slayer, can’t say I’m glad to see you back.”

“I’m a Vampire,” her hands felt her forehead and teeth, tears in her eyes.  “I’m a Vampire?”

“None of that,” Spike chided her and took her hands in his.  “You going to stake me if I let your hands go?”

Buffy shook her head, but stayed silent.  Spike cursed the magicks that surrounded them.  He closed his eyes and kissed her forehead, stalling for time.  He felt Buffy shake underneath his lips, her emotion bubbling inside her.  “How?”

“Do you remember anything?” Spike wrapped her arms around her, holding her.  He made a movement to the watching minion to leave them.

“I,” Buffy’s voice faltered.  “Not sure.  A bit.  Something with a soldier and a cat.”

“You were hunting your friends, Slayer,” he whispered and noticed that she didn’t stiffen.

“I killed Cordelia,” Buffy spoke evenly.

“That you did, Cat Woman didn’t have as many lives as she thought.  You upset?”

“I should.”  Buffy pulled away from his embrace and smiled, “But I’m not.”

“That’s my girl,” Spike smiled and pulled her closer.  Buffy nuzzled his chest as she enjoyed the feeling of belonging and wanted.  Spike’s voice wavered as he asked, “You still are, right?”

“Looking to get rid of your newest Childe already?” She looked up at his face, a bit surprised to see the intense look of longing on his face.

He shook his head slowly and bit his lower lip, “My one and only Childe.”

Buffy’s mouth opened to say something when she felt Spike stiffen, his gaze off toward the building.  “Spike, come bring her in before you catch your death.”

“Drusilla,” Buffy breathed.  Standing only a few feet away stood Drusilla in a champagne colored nightgown, her skin almost translucent under the moon.  Buffy envied the way her hair shimmered across her shoulders and curled at the ends.  She watched as the crazy Vampire turned around and walked unsteadily back to the building.

Spike stepped away and grabbed Buffy’s hand, intent on following his Sire.

a/n: Thank you to everyone reviewing.  I am so happy that you are enjoying this... one thing I thought I should point out.... The bite that cemented Buffy as a vamp... well, it may not have been a mating/claiming bite, but Spike was claiming her for himself... so yes it was a claiming bite, but not in the traditional sense of the concept.

Chapter 6

Giles shuffled into his office and closed the door.  He fell into his chair and cradled his head in the palms of his hands, his glasses long forgotten as tears poured out of his eyes.  He just found the answer to his query, in black and white. 

He knew what he had to do, what to say, but he couldn’t make himself do it.  Instead he decided that he needed to grieve, to come to terms that his Vampire Slayer was no longer.  In her place stood something greater, something truer…


“Come sit, have tea.” Drusilla collapsed on a chair, her frail body barely managing the walk back inside.  She knew that Spike would catch her, would take care of her, but she also knew that now he had someone else to take care of.

Spike led Buffy to a chair next to Drusilla and seated her.  Buffy sat stiffly in her chair, unable to relax around Drusilla.

“Relax, my dear.  Spike, be a darling and bring us someone to drink.  I smell Granddaughter has already had a birdie, but she needs to keep up her strength.”  Spike reluctantly left the room.  “Now, that he’s gone,” Drusilla’s voice was as soft as the wind, causing Buffy to lean into her.  “You’ll take care of him, won’t you?”

“Yes,” Buffy whispered back.

“He’ll take wonderful care of you.” Drusilla smiled.  “Just don’t pluck too many birdies from the trees; the vultures tend to get snippy if you do.”

“Huh?” Buffy shook her head as she watched Drusilla weave her hands in the air; it reminded her of those snakes charmers and snakes in the baskets.  Her long fingers sliced through the air so elegantly.  “Check, don’t take too many birdies.”

“Yes,” Drusilla announced as Spike came back into the room, two minions behind him dragging two humans.  She clapped and stood up.  “Bring them here so Granddaughter can choose.”

Buffy watched as the tow humans cowered before her, something inside her whispered that killing them, the innocent, was wrong, but she quickly dismissed the idea.  No more rules of right and wrong, no more expiration date.  She was free now.

Buffy looked up to see both Spike and Drusilla watching her, her faced shifted as she looked upon one of her former classmates, “Hiya, Jonathon!  I’m going to eat you now.”

The older Vampires smiled as they watched the newest member bite down on the neck of her former classmate.  “Too bad,” Drusilla sighed.  “No more troika, lost his chance to star in the Matrix.”

“What’s that?” Spike asked as he wrapped his arms around her, cuddling her.

“Nothing,” Drusilla looked up at Spike, her eyes glassy.  “It’s time, Spike.”


“Yes, time.” Drusilla nodded eagerly.  She looked back at Buffy and smiled, she held out her arms for the young fledgling, “Come here dear.”

Buffy glanced up at Spike and noticed the look of his surprise.  She walked slowly towards the couple.  She tried to determine if Drusilla meant malice, but saw none.

Drusilla hugged her and petted her hair.  “Time for Grand Mummy to eat,” she giggled and then pierced Buffy’s flesh with her fangs.


“So what’s the what, G-man?”  Xander hopped on top of a table, eating a donut, oblivious to the older man’s grief.

“No good, I’m afraid.” Giles took his glasses off and cleaned them with his handkerchief.

“Giles?” Willow looked at him carefully.  “Please don’t say that.  We have to be able to change her back, I mean we’re all are back to our regular selves.”

“Yes, well.” Giles bit the inside of his cheek.  “It appears that if she willingly exchanged blood with a Vampire… well, she’s not coming back.”

“What?”  Xander yelled.  “No, there was no exchanging of blood.”

“We don’t know that!” Willow yelled back, “She was with Spike, at it looked… well it didn’t look like she was protesting much.  I saw the bite marks on her neck!”

“So, that doesn’t mean she bit… I mean she wouldn’t, it’s Buffy!”

“No,” Giles stood up, his face drawn.  “It wasn’t Buffy, not then and not now.”

“So he turned her while she was turned?”  Willow asked quietly.

“Not a conventional turning.” Giles paused in thought.  “It really has to do with the Slayer.   If it was you or Xander… nothing would have…”

“The Slayer?”

“Yes, see.  The Slayer was originally a demon,” Giles stuttered, suddenly his grief took over.  “The spell allowed that demon to wake up.”

“The Slayer is a Vampire?”  Willow asked, curiously.

“No, no. But something… similar.”

“So what do we do?” Xander stood up.

“You do nothing,” Giles warned.  “There is nothing you can do”

“We have to do something!” Willow said.  “I mean she’s out there, with Spike.  She didn’t even know who we were.  Maybe she’s gotten her memories back…”

“She’s already killed, Willow.  There is no going back.” Giles reminded her.

“So we are supposed to put Buffy down like a rabid dog?” Xander asked.

“No, the Council does.” Giles answered.


Drusilla licked her lips clean as she pulled reluctantly away from Buffy’s neck.  Spike held onto Buffy steadying her as she recovered from Drusilla’s bite.

“Yum!  Thank you, Grand Childe.  I’m sure Daddy would appreciate it, too.”

Spike licked Buffy’s neck, staving the flow of blood from the wounds.  “Daddy? Oh don’t tell me you’re going to Angelus?”

“Shh,” Drusilla twirled around.  “Not really my daddy, but the other one.  He’s so sad that our little miss is no longer his.   I’m going to go cheer him up!”

Buffy finally came out of her light stupor.  “What happened?”

Spike picked her up in his arms and carried her over to the table.  He sat her down on top of it and grabbed the second human.  “Here, eat this.”

Buffy growled and sank her teeth into the other human, thankful that her body was being replenished.  She purred with pleasure as she dropped the dead body on the floor and cleaned the blood off of her cheek.  “What’s going on?”

Spike smirked at his Childe and then back at his dancing Sire. “Looks like Miss Edith has been telling tales out of school, isn’t that so, Dru?”

Drusilla stopped spinning and nodded excitedly.  “She did, don’t be cross, my Spike,” Drusilla slinked closer to Spike and brought her hand up to cup his face.  Buffy growled low in her throat, only to be rebuffed when Spike growled back.  “This is the way it should be.”

“Drusilla, you know how I feel about…” Spike paused in understanding and looked over at Buffy.  “So it’s a trade?”

Drusilla nodded and stepped back, “Don’t worry, deary.  Our Spike is not my destiny.”

Spike reached for Drusilla again, “Dru…?”

“Shh, take care of her, your Childe.  For she is special.”

“That’s it then?” Spike wanted to hold her, kiss her, just one more time, but he knew deep down in his being that he couldn’t.

“Yes,” Drusilla walked towards the door.  “I don’t have much time, almost sunrise.”

“Drusilla, wait until sunset.  It can wait, he can wait.”

Drusilla cocked her head to the side as if listening to something whispering in her ear. “No, no, I’m afraid it can’t.  I must go.  Daddy needs me.”


Drusilla stopped in front of Angel’s front door, her body slightly singed from the walk over.  She smoothed down her dress and held the doll known as Miss Edith to her breast.  “Hush, Miss Edith.  We must be good girls to be with Daddy.”

She jumped back when she heard the door click open and Angel stood in front of her, “Drusilla…”


Angel blocked entry into his apartment.  “What are you doing here?”

“I know you are sad, Daddy.” Drusilla touched his chest.  “But Spike will take care of her.”

“I know.”

“He took such good care of me.”

Angel stepped closer, his eyes closing in pain, “I know.”

“And now you will take care of me.”

Angel’s eyes opened and he nodded, “Yes, Childe, I’ll take good care of you.”


Giles, Willow and Xander stood a few feet from the factory entrance, the sun shining in the sky.  Willow checked her stakes and weapons once again, “Are you sure we should do this?”

“It’s this or the council.” Giles muttered.

Xander flicked his take in the air.  “No prob.  She’s a Vampire, Vampire’s bad, we kill bad things.  Ergo we kill Buffy.”

Giles looked at Xander, “Did you just say ergo?”

“What?  I can’t expand my vocabulary?”

Giles shook his head, “And said vocabulary.  It must be the apocalypse.”

Willow bit her lip to keep from laughing at Xander’s indignant expression.  “Fine, whatever.  We’ll go in there and kill the bad guys, all right?”

“Very well.” Giles stood still, his eyes misting over.


Spike watched Buffy as she fell asleep.  His eyes roamed over her nude body, her breasts were young and perky and her thighs strong.  He moved out of the bed, walking naked across the small room.

He poured himself a glass of O-Neg blood and sipped on it.  He purred in contentment, it was virgin.  Glancing back at Buffy, Spike grabbed a pair of jeans and slipped them on.  It was time to face the minions and let them know of the changes to the family.

Spike walked into the main area of the factory and stopped dead in his tracks, feeling the presence of three humans outside of the factory.  Slowly, he walked over to the door and listened to their conversation.

He stepped away when he figured out what they were there for.  Quickly running into the Minion’s rooms, he woke them.  He then ran to Buffy, waking her up, “Come on, pet.  You’re mates are out for your blood.”

“What?” Buffy vamped out.

“They’re outside, getting ready to attack.”  Spike threw some clothes at her.

“God, those spiteful holier-than-thou…”

“Shh, remember you were one of them just twelve hours ago. Get dressed and come out.  We’re going to have a party.”

“Will there be refreshments?”  Buffy smiled evilly.

“You betcha!”

a/n: Thank you for the wonderful reviews!  You all rock!  One more chapter and this fic is complete!  And I am happy that so many enjoyed my vamp Buffy without much conscience.  It was fun to write with blurred lines.

Chapter 7

Buffy’s head lay on Spike’s leg, her eyes drifting open and closed, content that they got out of the factory in time.  The drove all day and now moving into the night. 

Giles and Xander kicked the door open and stepped through only to be surprised by dozens of Spike’s minions.  Willow stepped through behind them, her eyes widened with surprise.

The fight was fierce and short.  With memory of his soldier-ness and Giles’s Watcher skills, they disposed of over half the minions within minutes.  Spike held Buffy back in the shadows, unwilling to risk her safety.  “They’re here to stake you, love.”

“But they are killing them, I can’t just stand here.  I thought you brought me out to fight,” Buffy said.

“Relax, and just watch.  Look at how they go after the humans with a blind eye.  Then poof and they are gone.  No mortal wound, just dust.”  Spike watched as two more minions crumbled to dust.  “Damn it! Should have known that they were no good.  Come on.” Spike grabbed Buffy hand and tugged her towards the back.

He helped her slide into his old black De Soto car and started it up.  They broke through the protective garage and sped down the street.  Buffy looked back in time to watch her ex-Watcher and best friends come out in the sunlight, hunting her.

“Where are we going?” Buffy asked.

Spike’s hand fell to her head, stroking her hair.  “Away, don’t know.  Maybe back to Europe.  We’ll be lucky if your Watcher hasn’t already contacted the Council of Wankers.  I bet they’ll send a squad to good old Sunnyhell to hunt you down.  Bet Gramps will get a good seeing to.”

“So anywhere but there?”

Spike lit a cigarette and opened the window to flick the ashes out.  “Seems about right.”

“Is this what they mean by riding off into the sunset?”  Buffy sat up in the front seat, still close to Spike.

“You mean moonlight,” Spike smirked.

Buffy slapped his chest and then leaned over.  “Dork.”

“You love me for it.” Spike bit his tongue the moment the phrase fell off his lips.

“Yeah, yeah.” Buffy smiled and leaned over to whisper, “I do.”

The End

a/n: So I hope you all enjoyed it.  I would like to thank my LJ Friendlies: FacingtheSun, starshinebrt18 and schehrezade_1.  Ladies, you did a terrific job in helping me structure the main event.  Also a big thanks to bethgirl with a different outlook (not hearing me whine day in and day out about the characters) you helped pick apart some weaker parts.  And always: Mercy my ever present beta, you mean the world to me.

And for those rooting for Angelus to rear his forehead, my original storyline had Angel turning into Angelus. After I began writing, I realized that with RL time constraints, I needed to cut out that story arc.  So those that want to know what comes next?  Dru makes Angel very happy and Angelus appears.  They decide to follow Buffy and Spike across the country.  The Council decides to go after Buffy, but run into Angelus first.  Angelus obliterates most of the Council as both are trailing after Buffy and Spike.  Angelus and Dru catch up to the duo and decide to finish off the council.  Giles and Joyce go to England to visit Travers, Buffy has her first meeting with her mom and for some reason doesn't want to kill her.  She orders her mom off limits for feeding and killing.  Spike is mad at Giles for trying to kill Buffy in Sunnydale and decides Angelus and him should exact revenge.  Angelus thinks that if he gets rid of Spike, he could have both Drusilla and Buffy so he tries to dust Spike as they hunt Giles.  Spike escapes and Buffy realizes Angelus' plan.  Drusilla also realizes what Angelus wanted and decides to ban together with Buffy and Spike to teach Angel a lesson.   *lol, see why I counldn't continue this with all the WiPs I have?  If someone wants to continue with this storyline, let me know: I've got other ideas that I was playing with*

Original Challenge

Name:   Gothchick
Email:   Gothchick@yours.com
Seasons:   season 2

Challenge: 42

Do you remember the episode where the dress that Ethan sold Buffy turned her into an old-fashioned kind of a girl for Halloween?  Well, what if she had second thoughts about the dress and decided that she wanted to make fun of her whole destiny by getting something else from Ethan shop, Instead she gets fake fangs and fake blood so she can be a vampire for Halloween. So when Ethan spell turns Buffy into a vampire who else does she run into than none other than our favorite vampire, Spike. (Vampire!Spike + Vampire!Buffy = Trouble for Sunnydale with lots of Spuffy goodness.)

Must haves:

1.    NC-17

2.    Dru/Angel bashing

3.    Spike & Buffy claiming each other and staying together.

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