Spuffy Kinkathon Assignment
Title: Marking Time
Author: Night Owl
Written for: cindermom
The Kink: Hurt/comfort
Three other requests: Spike reluctantly biting Buffy (see how I worked another kink in there?), include Dawn and/or Xander in the story, could be set anywhere from Season 5 to Post-NFA.
Up to two restrictions: No character bashing.
Rating: R
Feedback: (Absolutely. Thrilled to have it.)
Spoilers: To play it safe, let’s just say all of BtVS and AtS.
Disclaimer: The characters don’t belong to me, but I love Joss Whedon & Co. for sharing them with us.
Distribution: Don’t have a website or an LJ. If you’re interested in archiving, please ask. I’d be more than flattered.

A/N: This is my entry for the Spuffy Kinkathon, brought to you by the awesome BuffyX. I didn’t quite finish it in time for today’s deadline, darn it, but here are the first three chapters, and I should have all parts posted by next weekend at the latest. I hope it pleases, especially you, cindermom. Thank you for the lovely inspiration.

Marking Time
By Night Owl

A strange keening sound was the first inkling Spike had that something was wrong.

Well, more wrong than finding himself back-to-the-wall and hopelessly outnumbered by a hacking, slashing mass of marauding fiends from hell, all of them screaming for his head. That one could have worked out a bit better.

Bruised, bloodied, and fighting for all he was worth, he’d been too caught up in the chaos of battle to keep track of the others. Even if he’d had that luxury, he couldn’t see past the crush of demons hemming him in. It wasn’t until a high-pitched whine rose above the clamor of blood-curdling screams and iron axes clashing against steel blades that he let himself wonder if Angel had finally slain his dragon.

No sooner had the thought formed than Spike found himself airborne and sucked halfway down the length of the building, arms and legs flailing against an invisible current that had latched on and wouldn’t let go. Sailing through the air, he bounced off a tumbling Garnak demon, altering his trajectory just enough to send him careening toward a large metal pipe. It was obligingly bolted to the same brick wall that had guarded his back almost since the battle had begun. A desperate grab and his backward momentum halted with a jerk so hard it dislocated his shoulder.

Spike cursed and bit back a yell, pushing through the pain to tighten his grip on the pipe. It wouldn’t have been easy, even without the relentless pull of the invisible force. He’d suffered some serious wounds, at least two of which would have done in a mortal man. Punctured something vital, he suspected, though for him it had only slowed his responses a bit. But now, waving in the air like a leather flag, he felt his strength leeching away even as he fought to retain his hold.

He realized somewhat belatedly that the air around him now pulsated with an unearthly blue glow, growing in intensity with each passing second. He strained to locate the source but abruptly lost interest when an iron helmet smashed into his forehead then spun off toward the far end of the alleyway where he and the others had originally made their stand.

Just then, a flash of something familiar caught Spike’s eye. His free hand shot out, fastening around a small, booted ankle, and Illyria’s headlong flight ended as abruptly as his own had a moment before. His arm was extended full length, the invisible undertow fighting to tear her away. Spike bared his teeth in fury and defiance at the unseen threat. Illyria’s face was hidden from him, and he didn’t even know if she still lived, but he had her in his grasp and he wasn’t letting go.

Too bad he couldn’t say the same for the pipe. He knew it was starting to loosen, even though the groan of rusty brackets was impossible to hear over a horrible shrieking noise that steadily grew in intensity. He’d thought the din raised by the demon hordes had been bad enough, but this was something infinitely worse.

His fingers slipped a bit and Spike realized with sudden horror that he was gradually getting weaker. A tingling numbness in his hands and feet crept inward and upward, spreading through his body, enveloping him in an advancing wave of sluggishness. He strained, desperately hanging on to the pipe and even more desperately to Illyria. Had to hold on. Wouldn’t let go. Not even to save himself.

More debris flew by, more demons, too, as the gale-force winds howled around them, but still he clung. For one brief moment, Spike let himself believe that he might have the strength to outlast whatever it was. Then a searing pain roiled through him and Illyria slipped away. At the same time, he lost his grip on the pipe, hurtling backward, spinning end over end toward an unknown fate.

Then everything went away.


The English countryside flew past in a blur of deep greens and mottled browns, but Buffy’s brain was too preoccupied to take it all in. As the car hurtled along, she focused instead on the mysterious summons from Giles, wondering for the umpteenth time what had prompted it.

When she’d listened to the message on her answering machine, she hadn’t stopped to question it. Even with a scattering of high-profile disagreements and their painful disconnect during those final weeks in Sunnydale, Buffy trusted Giles. He simply meant too much to her for that ever to change. If he wanted her to drop everything and fly to England without an explanation, there had to be a good reason.

Not knowing what the trouble was or how long she’d be needed, she packed a suitcase along with her carry-on bag and left a note for Dawn and Andrew. Forty minutes later, she was on her way to Fiumicino and the first England-bound flight she could catch. True to his word, Giles had arranged everything. With only one flight a day into Bristol, the quickest route turned out to be a 3-hour non-stop to London’s Heathrow Airport.

Buffy knew a driver would be waiting for her at the other end, ready to whisk her off to Giles’ estate in Westbury as quickly as possible. What she hadn’t expected was to see Xander – tan, fit, and still sporting a rakish eye patch – standing in the baggage claim area at Heathrow. When she had spoken to him barely a week before, he’d been fully immersed in running the African branch of the slayer training and special operations program. If something big were brewing, it made sense that Giles would also send for Xander, but how had he made it there ahead of her?

Buffy frowned at the obvious answer.

“How long have you been here?”

Xander’s welcoming smile didn’t falter, though she caught a flicker of something in his face that left her with an uneasy feeling.

“Well, hey there, Buffy! Great to see you, too! Oh, I’m fine, just fine, thanks for asking. How was your flight?”

Point taken, though he should know she couldn’t be sidetracked so easily. Crossing her arms, she gave him the look that never failed to make him squirm. “Long on suspense, short on information. How was yours? Or more to the point, when was yours?”

Behind them, the baggage carousel hummed to life, the first suitcase thudding against the metal surface as it slid off the conveyer belt. Xander’s head whipped around.

“Oh, hey, look…the bags are here. That was fast.” He smiled nervously. “Better keep a close eye out. Believe it or not, there are unscrupulous people around who like to make off with luggage that doesn’t belong to them. And, too bad for us, we’re not allowed to stake them. What color is yours?”

“Red. And the question still stands. When did you get here, Xander?”

Smile fading, he visibly deflated. “A couple days ago. But before you ask me anything else…don’t. Yes, there are things you need to know, but not here. And not in the car on the way. I promise, you’ll find out everything as soon as we get to Giles’ place.”

She started to protest, but Xander cut her off. “Buffy…just trust me, please?”

She stared at him, seconds ticking by. Then she pointed to the carousel. “There’s mine.”

Xander smiled.

Buffy’s thoughts returned to the present as the car slowed and turned onto a paved drive, passing through some familiar gates. She saw the turnoff to the compound where recently gathered slayers spent their first months in training. The facility was situated less than half a mile from the sprawling manor home that had been in the Giles family for the last century or more. As the car neared the big house, she caught glimpses of it through the trees. When they rounded the final bend, she could see her former Watcher already waiting on the front steps. Two minutes later, she was in his arms.

“Missed you,” she said, giving him an extra-tight squeeze.

Giles groaned with mock protest and pulled back just enough to smile down at her. “Missed you, as well, terribly.” He released her and turned to Xander, who was lifting her suitcase and carry-on out of the car. “You made excellent time.”

Xander nodded. “Neither wind, or snow, or crazy British drivers can keep me from my appointed rounds. Or something like that.” His eyes darted to Buffy then back to Giles. “Anything new?”

“Very little, I’m afraid, but this is hardly the place to discuss it. Let’s go inside.”

During the flight and the subsequent drive to the estate, Buffy had spent much of her time speculating as to why Giles had summoned her to England. A pending apocalypse topped the list, but she’d also considered a slayer-related crisis, and she’d even hoped a bit wistfully for a good, old-fashioned demon scourge.

That it might somehow involve a blue-haired woman clad in a leather bodysuit and a surly attitude? Never once crossed her mind.

Xander deposited Buffy’s bags in the entry hall as Giles moved quickly to the foot of the staircase where the strange woman stood. Halting just inside the door, Buffy waited with raised brow as eerie blue eyes assessed her. If the sneer that formed on the demon’s face meant anything, she’d just been judged and found wanting.

“Ah, here you are,” Giles observed with strained civility. “I had not intended to call you down just yet, actually, but…well, since you are here. This is –”

“I know who she is. She is the one called Buffy. She is as unimpressive as her name.” The woman turned to Giles, head tilting. “Are you certain there is not another?” she demanded. “This one does not seem sufficient to inspire the necessary devotion. I do not think it will work.”

Buffy crossed her arms. “Giles…who is she, and can I kill her?”

The woman shot her a disdainful look. “That is extremely doubtful.”

As Buffy bristled and the demon sneered, Giles’ sardonic voice cut through the rising tension. “While I’m certain we’re all fascinated to see the outcome of this riveting display of…I’m not really sure what…I’m afraid we haven’t the time. Buffy, this is…an associate…of Angel’s. She’s here because of an unfortunate situation that has developed in Los Angeles.”

Buffy straightened. “Is Angel in trouble?”

“Yes,” Giles said quietly. “I’m sorry to tell you, he is.”

Buffy stared at him, then nodded. “Okay. So she tells us what she knows and then I kill her.”

The demon faced her, nostrils flaring. “Enough. I grow weary of this.” She eyed Buffy with contempt, as if the mere sight of her left a sour taste in her mouth, and turned to Giles. “She is a child with meaningless taunts and empty posturing. We do nothing but waste time.”

“Hey, I’m not the one who started this. What is your problem, anyway?”

The strange blue eyes swung back to her, the alien appearance emphasized by the ferocity in their depths. “You have caused much grief. I dislike grief.”

The glowering disapproval obvious on the demon’s face impelled Buffy forward a step. The other quickly moved to meet her but halted when Xander stepped between them.

“Okaaay!” Slapping his hands together with fake enthusiasm, he glanced from one to the other and back again. “Since we’re all agreed we’re pressed for time, how about we opt for the Cliff Notes version? Buffy, this is Illyria. She’s a god. Or, former god. Her powers aren’t what they used to be. Don’t ask.” He held up his hand. “She hasn’t always looked this way. You remember Fred, that friend of Angel’s Willow mentioned? She died and Illyria sort of sublet the place.” The hand shot up again. “I repeat, don’t ask.

“Anyway, since then she’s been hanging out with Angel and his gang. According to her, Angel only pretended to go along with Wolfram & Hart until he and his posse could take out the big guns…namely, some uber-secret society of really bad guys. This pissed off the even bigger guns, who sent an army of demons out to rain on Angel’s parade. Big battle, things looking grim, then Illyria kind of…accidentally opened a portal to another dimension. Apparently, she had a little more juice left than she thought.”

Xander’s voice softened, his smile fading, and somehow Buffy knew she didn’t want to hear the rest.

“Buffy … Angel got sucked into that portal. Someone named Gunn, too. And a whole lot of demons. The same thing would have happened to Illyria, but she was yanked out of there just in time by Willow and the coven.” Xander looked at Giles. “Did I forget anything?”


“Oh. Right.” Voice grave, he turned back to Buffy. “Wesley didn’t make it. I’m…sorry.”

The last was directed to Illyria, who stared at him without comment. Buffy looked from Xander to Giles to the impassive woman and squared her shoulders, raising her chin as she drew in a deep breath. “So…how do we get him back? Angel. How do we find him?”


“No.” Her tone made it clear she would accept no argument on this point. “How do we get him back?” she repeated.

Giles fell silent, then he nodded to Xander. “I’d like to speak with Buffy alone for a moment, if you don’t mind. Perhaps you could escort Illyria back to her room and check on that…other matter?”

Xander nodded. “Sure, no problem.” He motioned Illyria toward the stairs. “Your godness, if I might have the honor?”

She stood, haughty and apparently stone deaf..

Giles broke the impasse. “There’s little more we can do at the moment, Illyria. We won’t act without your knowledge, and we’ll keep you fully informed of our progress. You have my word.”

It seemed to mollify her. Without further comment, she followed Xander up the stairs. As they moved out of sight, Giles ushered Buffy to a small library off the main entry hall and closed the door behind them. He held up his hand. “To answer your question, Willow and the coven are working on identifying and locating the exact dimension in which Angel and his friend are trapped. Illyria, unfortunately, has not been able to provide us with much information in that regard, so it’s a rather time-consuming process, as I’m sure you can imagine. Nevertheless, Willow feels certain they’ll be able to narrow it down to a manageable number quite soon.”

He pinched the bridge of his nose, head bowed as if he felt a headache coming on. “There are dangers to be expected, of course – not knowing what Angel may encounter there…wherever he is. But there is every chance it’s a perfectly benign environment, and believe me, Buffy, when I say we have genuine hope of bringing them back safely.”

Though it was hard to resist the urge to rush back to London and hop a plane to LA, Buffy nodded. “How did you know? That Angel was in trouble. Did he call?”

Giles hesitated. “I…had heard from him about another matter, but not about this. The coven’s eldest seer notified us of the impending battle, but we didn’t have enough notice to reach LA in time. Willow, fortunately, happened to be here reporting on a recent mission to the trans-dimensional plane. She was able to join with the coven in time to teleport Illyria. But, as you already know, we were too late to retrieve Angel.”

Buffy was silent a moment, digesting the information, but she knew Giles. There was something else. “What aren’t you telling me?”

He cleared his throat. “I beg your pardon?” Though his tone betrayed only mild curiosity, his gaze studiously avoided hers. If his glasses hadn’t been out of reach on a table several feet away, he would have been furiously polishing them by now.

She’d managed to stay relatively calm up until now, surprising even herself, but now a heavy knot of dread formed in her stomach. “Giles, you didn’t have me come all this way just to tell me you don’t know what’s happened to Angel. So whatever it is, let’s get it over with.”

She waited. The silence stretched out, marred only by the quiet ticking of an old clock somewhere across the room. When his eyes finally met hers again, his gaze was filled with warmth and concern and more than a little trepidation. But it was the glint of anger she saw that worried her most.

“Angel is part of it…but you’re right.” Giles nodded slowly. “There is more.”

Crossing her arms, she tried for flippant. “Isn’t there always?” Even to her own ears it sounded strained and unconvincing.

Dawn was okay, she knew that. Xander was here and Willow was with the coven. Giles had already told her about Angel. It couldn’t be the end of the world again because she knew his pending-apocalypse face by heart and this wasn’t it. Even Andrew was safe and sound back in Rome and enjoying his new and mystifying status as a chick magnet. So what…or who…else could have him this wound up?

She froze. Faith. Something had happened to Faith.

“Buffy, I don’t know how to say this, but…”

Oh, god.

“It’s Spike.”

Wait. What?


No. He isn’t.


She stood there, unable to believe Giles could do this to her. He knew how much Spike’s death had affected her, understood how keenly she’d felt his loss. She had mourned him the same way she had loved him, silently and in secret, but Giles knew. He had seen what the others couldn’t or wouldn’t. So, why…

“Buffy, I realize what a shock this is, and I only wish there’d been time to better prepare you, but I thought it best you not be told over the phone. I –”

“He’s not.” Her protest grated like a rusty saw on stone. “You know he’s not.”

He can’t be.

“I understand your…reluctance…to believe.”

Because if he were, he’d be here.

“But I assure you it’s quite true.”

With me.

“In fact, you can see for yourself.”

And I would know. I would feel it.

“He’s just upstairs, actually.”

But…oh, god. What if…?

“Did you hear me, Buffy?”

The solid warmth of his hand on her shoulder called her back from the place her mind had wandered. She looked up to find him gazing down at her, waiting for some kind of response. Her eyes filled with tears. Only one thing she could think to ask.


Chapter Two

Giles led her to a part of the house he referred to as the east wing. She hadn’t seen much of it in previous visits, spending most of her time at the training compound. As they went, he filled her in on everything they’d learned from Illyria – Spike’s restoration via the amulet, his months as a ghost tied to Wolfram & Hart, his sudden return to a corporeal state, and his surprising decision, to Giles at least, to stay and fight the good fight in LA.

He touched briefly on their shock when – instead of delivering Angel, Wesley, and company to the coven’s circle – the teleportation spell had produced an angry leather-clad woman and a totally unexpected Spike. It was only then that the vague rumors Giles had heard about another vampire joining forces with Angel were confirmed and explained.

What hadn’t been explained was Spike’s present condition.

“He’s virtually comatose, Buffy. He has been ever since his arrival. I must admit, we’re at a loss to explain it. Though his injuries from the battle were severe, they’re hardly sufficient to account for his current state. In addition, he’s not healing as he should and we haven’t been able to ascertain why. His intake of blood has been severely curtailed, of course, since he’s unable to feed on his own, but we’ve been giving him blood intravenously. It seems to have had little effect, I’m afraid. Perhaps enough to keep him from wasting away.”

Giles paused. “There were very brief periods in the beginning when he was awake and somewhat lucid. However, things have changed. He still has waking periods, but he’s unresponsive and apparently unaware of his surroundings. It’s…worrisome.” He glanced away then back, sympathy and anger battling in his gaze. “I’m sorry, Buffy. You shouldn’t have to go through this. I’ll be quite frank with you…I didn’t want you to know. I’m aware that it’s been difficult for you, that it wasn’t easy to get past everything that happened, to start a new life. It isn’t fair that you should face losing someone you care about all over again, especially on top of this news about Angel.”

A tired sigh escaped him as he shook his head. “Nevertheless, I do realize how wrong it would be to keep this kind of secret from you…a lesson I suspect we’ve both learned through harsh experience. And we thought, perhaps, if he saw you…if you were somehow able to reach him…”

He never finished the thought. Instead, he came to a halt outside a dark paneled door and turned to face her. Buffy stared at it, the only thing keeping her from seeing Spike. She looked up at Giles.

“Is he dying?” It was the first time she’d spoken during what had seemed an endless trek up the main staircase and down two corridors.

He started to answer, then stopped, gazing wordlessly back at her as he clearly tried to gauge her emotional state. It would be a good trick if he could. Her mind seemed to have shut down, along with said emotions, and she felt herself adrift in a strange sort of mental limbo, hanging somewhere between sweet expectation and cold realization.

As Giles waited, her hand rose and touched the door, trying to detect Spike’s presence through the wood. She flashed back to another place, another door, but this time there was no invisible current to electrify her senses. It was just wood. Hard. Cold. Dead.

Panic flared. In the space of two heartbeats she had pushed her way inside, pulling up short in the middle of the room, panting as if she had run there all the way from Rome. She barely noticed Xander rising from a chair next to a large mahogany bed. Instead, her gaze was riveted to the bed’s lone occupant, a pale, wan figure lying motionless under an ivory-colored sheet.

His eyes were closed, his face still beneath a wild riot of curls. His chest rose and fell in a slow, steady rhythm, mimicking a living, breathing human. In another vampire it might have surprised her, considering his unconscious state, but Spike had always been different – embracing food, flirting with sunlight…loving a slayer. Never willing to accept the same boundaries that others did, he’d constantly pushed the envelope.

Never more so than now. Dark bruises and angry red welts painted a cruel picture across his torso, or as much of it as she could see. His arms were in a similar state, and she guessed that his legs would look much the same. Eyes lingering on his face, she took careful inventory of the small scrape on his chin, the sharp cut on one cheek, the ugly gash on his forehead, and a colorful bruise just below his hairline. Except for these relatively minor injuries, his face had been mercifully spared.

As if he’d felt her gaze on him, his eyelids fluttered then slowly opened. For a split second Buffy’s heart soared. He knew she was there; her presence had called him back. But her relief died quickly as his ice-blue eyes stared vacantly at the ceiling, lacking even the tiniest spark of awareness.

It hit her like a sucker punch to the gut.

Xander, who’d been unusually silent, spoke up. “Looks like the relief pitcher’s here. Why don’t I go give Willow a call? Let her know you made it.” As he brushed past, he gave her shoulder a quick squeeze. Lost in Spike’s beautiful, unseeing eyes, Buffy barely noticed his departure.

“How long?” she finally managed, her voice hoarse.

Giles cleared his throat. “Five days.”

That got her attention; she felt her face harden. So much for lessons learned.

“The last time he was briefly conscious…two days ago,” he added, gazing steadily back as she shot him an accusing glare.

“Could you leave us alone?” she asked, even though it wasn’t really a request and she didn’t feel particularly civil.

Giles knew it, too, but he didn’t call her on it. “Of course, but…it’s getting late and you’ve had a long trip. I know you won’t rest, but could I at least persuade you to have something to eat first? I’ll sit with Spike until –”

“I’m not hungry.” It came out even harsher than she’d intended.

Giles studied her silently. “No, of course not. As I thought. Well…if you should change your mind, I’ve recently had an intercom system installed that runs throughout the house.” He gestured to a panel on the wall. “I’ll ask Mrs. Hudson to prepare a tray, just in case.”

This time Buffy merely nodded. She could tell he wanted to say more, but she couldn’t get into it now, not when a miraculously resurrected Spike was lying in bed not six feet away from her.

To her relief, Giles disappeared into the hallway, returning an instant later with the bags they’d left outside the room. He set them just inside the door, off to one side.

They exchanged a long look that spoke volumes before Buffy nodded slightly. That he knew she would be staying there with Spike and didn’t question it went a long way toward easing the tight coil of anger she felt at being kept in the dark for five days. It didn’t get him off the hook, and they’d eventually have to work things out, but Hurricane Buffy had just been downgraded to a tropical storm.

Buffy was already heading for the bed before the door had even closed behind Giles. Sinking down next to Spike, she settled against his hip, careful not to jostle him. She didn’t know how long she stayed there, silently studying him, but by the time she could tear her eyes away the windows were completely dark, the heavy drapes no longer outlined by even the faintest trace of light.

She huffed a shaky laugh. “Okay…the whole TLC thing? Not exactly my specialty. Even on your worst day, you were better at it than I’ve ever been. My idea of tender is more like threatening to kick your ass if you don’t snap out of it.” She frowned. “Except you’d probably enjoy that, which I guess makes it a bad idea as far as motivation goes.”

Eyes drawn to his, she searched his face for some sign that he heard her, some tiny hint of recognition. It was pale and composed and painfully beautiful, but so terribly, terribly blank.

Buffy swallowed, fighting against the sudden constriction in her throat. She blinked hard and shook her head. “I should be really mad at you. Come to think of it, I am really mad at you. All this time – ” Voice catching on a slight hiccup, she almost growled in frustration as she scrubbed angrily at her eyes then let her hands fall to her lap. She straightened and glared at him accusingly. “You know that kicking-your-ass thing I mentioned? Think you can pretty much count on it, unless you’ve got a damn good reason for not picking up the phone, at least, to let me know you were alive. Asshole.”

Again she searched his face, and again there was nothing. He looked like a statue, like one of those strangely life-like figures in the Palace of Wax that she used to marvel over as a child. An insane notion popped into her head – that maybe this wasn’t Spike, that maybe it was just a lifeless figure created to confuse her. To give her hope where there had been none. To lift her up, only to bring her down. To snatch away the absolution that was staring her in the face.

Driven by an irrational need to reassure herself, Buffy reached out to brush his cheek with the back of her hand. Holding her breath, she let her fingers trail lightly across his brow and down the strong bridge of his nose. He felt…like Spike. Exactly like Spike. The truth of it hit hard, filling her eyes with hot tears.

He’s real. He’s here.

She trembled all over as her thumb traced reverent butterfly patterns along the generous curve of his mouth. She’d forgotten how soft his lips were, how long and dark his lashes looked, how perfectly smooth the column of his throat was. How could so much fade from her memory in a single year?

All at once, it wasn’t enough just to touch his face. She needed more – a connection, something tangible to anchor him to her. Leaning down, she dropped a soft kiss onto the jagged scar that marred his left eyebrow. Then, without stopping to shed either jacket or shoes, she curled up next to him, fitting her body to his, careful of his injuries as she draped an arm across his chest and rubbed her tear-stained cheek against his shoulder.

“I know you’re in there, Spike,” she whispered, breath stirring the short tendrils of hair behind his ear. “I know you can hear me…feel me. I’m here now, and I’m not leaving. Not this time.” Lifting her head, she saw that his eyes were no longer open. Once again, he appeared to be sleeping. Closing her own eyes, she pressed closer, nuzzling his ear lobe and burying her face in the crook of his shoulder. “I won’t leave you,” she vowed again, this time for her own benefit as much as his.

Seconds later, she was asleep.


It would have been misleading to say she was dreaming. It was more of an unconscious remembering – a half-buried memory dragged to the surface of her slumbering mind. Buffy frowned in her sleep, reluctant to relive it even in her somnolent state.

But there she was, back at the house in Sunnydale, an agitated Dawn tugging at her arm.

“You have to go! He needs you!”

“Dawn, stop it.” Buffy gently pried her sister’s fingers away and moved toward the kitchen. Dawn, predictably enough, trailed along behind.

“But he’s hurt, and he won’t let me help him! You have to go, Buffy. Somebody has to take care of him!”

“Spike can take care of himself, Dawn. You should know that by now.” Retrieving a carton of orange juice from the refrigerator, she avoided her sister’s accusing gaze. “Whatever’s wrong with him, I’m sure he’ll be fine again in no time. Just leave it alone.”

“Oh, right.” Dawn’s voice was heavy with sarcasm. “Just like he would have been fine this morning when the sun came up and turned him into vampire flambé. If I hadn’t gone after you, Buffy, I never would have found him in the alley. He’d be ashes now and we never even would have known what happened to him!”

Buffy froze, clutching the glass she’d pulled from the cabinet. “You found him in an alley?”

“Yes! He was all beat up and unconscious. It was right by the police department. I was looking for you, but you weren’t there. I would have told you later at the Magic Shop, only Spike made me promise not to say anything. And I was mad at you anyway.”

Buffy turned, orange juice and avoidance tactics forgotten. “What did he say happened?”

“He said that a bunch of demons jumped him because of a misunderstanding over a poker game. But he was lying, Buffy, I know he was. He never lies to me, but this time he did. It’s got to be something really bad.” Dawn clutched her arm again and gazed at her imploringly. “Please, Buffy, I know you don’t really like him, but he’s my friend. He took care of me when you weren’t here. Whatever did that to him – it’s really dangerous. He’s hurt so bad. What if it comes after him again? He won’t be able to protect himself!”

After a long pause, Buffy finally nodded. “I’ll go…but you have to stay here.” She held up a hand, cutting short her sister’s protest. “Stay here, and I won’t tell him you broke your promise.”

Biting her lip, Dawn hesitated then sighed. “Okay. Just take care of him, please?”

“I’ll…do what I can.” It was a weak promise at best but enough to reassure Dawn.

Ten minutes later, Buffy stood outside Spike’s crypt, wondering for the first time if she should knock instead of barging right in. Not knowing his condition and uncertain of her reception, she opted for the latter. Not surprisingly, she found him in the lower level sprawled face down across his bed. Also not surprisingly, he lay there without a stitch of clothing on, not even a sheet covering him.

Normally, she might have appreciated the sight. Now, her eyes slid away from the ugly bruises covering his back. She hadn’t realized…

Unlike the rest of him, Spike’s face had been hidden from view. But suddenly he stirred, demon senses awakening to the presence of a slayer in his lair, and his head turned.

Buffy felt sick.

His face was a swollen and mangled mess. It looked so much worse than she’d expected, especially since she knew his preternatural healing had already kicked in. No wonder Dawn had been so upset.

Her mouth went dry. Oh god. Dawn. What would her sister say if she knew who had given him those brutal cuts and bruises?

Buffy swallowed, belatedly realizing she could see a hint of blue through the swollen, narrow slit that passed for an eye. Spike was silent, watching her, waiting.

“I…I came to see how you were.”

She was sure he raised an eyebrow at that, or would have, if he’d been able. Glancing away, her gaze fell on a bowl of water sitting on a stand next to the bed. There was a clean washcloth beside it. She guessed that Dawn had fetched it there, intending to wash the dried blood off Spike’s face, but he’d obviously sent her packing before she could even start the task.

Without realizing she’d moved, Buffy found herself standing beside the bed, wet washcloth in hand. Hesitantly, she touched Spike’s shoulder, urging him over until he lay flat on his back. His lips parted but she hushed him before he could speak.

“Don’t. Just…let me help. Let me fix it.”

It was as much of an apology as she could manage and perhaps more of one than he’d expected, judging by his sudden stillness. Nevertheless, as Buffy gently bathed the crusted blood from Spike’s face, she couldn’t quite bring herself to look him in the eye.


Later, she couldn’t say what had first alerted her, the restless movement or the fever-hot flesh beneath her cheek. But even before Buffy had fully awakened, she knew something was very wrong.

“Don’t…can’t…gotta stop. Gotta stop…Pavayne…there’s a hole in the world. Seems like…wouldn’t change it for…the world. Her world…gone. S’posed to wear that on the inside, Charlie-boy. Help…Doyle said…said…where’s Percy? Can’t…you liked…Barry Manilow. Never figured…what’s…harsh repose…harsh…soul…is…I’m in…”

A heavy sheen of sweat glistened on Spike’s skin, causing damp tendrils of hair to stick to his neck and forehead. His body jerked and shuddered as his head moved restlessly on the pillow, a stream of nonsense spilling from his lips. His eyes had opened again, but this time they weren’t blank. They were wide and focused on something only Spike could see. An invisible threat conjured up by his fevered brain? Buffy didn’t know.

“Spike…what’s wrong? Can you hear me? Spike!” The heat from his skin seemed so intense that for a few gut-twisting seconds, Buffy feared he might be burning up from the inside, just as he had that terrible day on the Hellmouth. But common sense thankfully reasserted itself as she realized his temperature was no worse than that of a normal human with a high fever. Of course, he wasn’t human, and as a vampire he shouldn’t even register above room temperature, but at least he wasn’t about to burst into flame.

She flew from the bed and hit the call button on the intercom panel. Scant minutes later, a sleep-tousled Xander and a grim-faced Giles came barreling through the door. Giles took one look at Spike and sent Xander hurrying into the adjacent bath to fill the tub with lukewarm water.

It took almost an hour, but they finally got the fever down. Buffy had insisted on climbing into the tub with Spike, cradling him with her arms and legs, supporting his head above the water. At one point, she glanced up to find Illyria standing in the doorway, but Spike shifted, mumbling more nonsense, and she tightened her arms around him, bending her head to whisper soothing words into his ear. When she looked up, Illyria was gone.

She’d only retreated as far as the bedroom. Once Spike was resting quietly again, Buffy noticed the woman standing silently in a corner, observing everything with her unsettling eyes.

“He is trapped in the past.”

Buffy adjusted a pillow and smoothed the covers down, then faced Illyria. “What?”

“His mind. It is trapped in the past. He speaks of things that are no more.”

“You understand what he was saying?” Giles stepped into the room, drying his hands on a towel.

Her head tilted. “Yes. But it is of no consequence. Now is all that matters. He has slipped away again. I believe he is growing weaker. Soon, he will not be able to fight his way back. This is not acceptable. You will help him.”

“We are trying, Illyria. We don’t know what to do for him.”

“I do.” Buffy shook her head as they turned to stare at her. “God, I’m such an idiot. Willow can help, Giles! Like she did with me. She can go into his head, she can bring him back. We just have to call her, tell her to come over –”

“No.” His voice was quiet but firm. “I’m sorry, Buffy, it’s not possible.”

“What…of course it is! She’s done it before, Giles. All we have to do is ask her.” Buffy looked at Xander, seeking his support. He stood in the open doorway, head bowed, avoiding her gaze.

“Willow did offer, Buffy, but as much as I regret it, I simply cannot allow it.”

Her gaze swung back to Giles as the simmering anger she’d felt earlier flared into a red-hot flame. “You can’t allow it? Why? Because he’s just a vampire?”

“Yes! That’s precisely why!” Giles was equally angry. “Think, Buffy…stop and think exactly what you’re asking. Spike is a vampire. Willow would have to delve inside his mind, immerse herself as she did in yours. Do you know what that would mean? The mind of a vampire? Surrounded by all of his memories, all of his past actions. Prisoner to a demon’s darkest impulses. Do you really want to subject her to that?”

In the face of his reasoning, Buffy’s anger evaporated, leaving her drained and more than a little ashamed. She hadn’t given a thought to how it might affect Willow. The only one she’d been concerned about was Spike. Numbly, she shook her head. “No. Of course, I don’t. I didn’t…”

“Humans are weak.” Illyria’s voice dripped contempt. “What is there in his mind that is any worse than yours? The only difference is that he does not hide from it. Humanity denies the darkness inside, pretends it does not exist. You are fools, all of you.”

“Maybe so,” Xander spoke up from the doorway, “but this fool is getting a little tired of you and your high-and-mightiness. I know he’s your friend, but Willow is mine, and I’m not going to let her risk herself when we don’t even know what’s wrong with him. So you can take your damn attitude and stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.” Smiling weakly at Buffy and Giles, he shrugged. “Not big on originality, I know, but it’s the best I can do at this hour of the night.”

Xander sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Look, I want to help. I do. And we’ll find a way, somehow, but that’s not it. In the meantime, we’ve been going non-stop for almost a week and we’ve got another big day ahead. We should try to get a little rest while we can.” He looked at Buffy. “If you need anything, I’m just an intercom away.” With a shrug and a wave, he disappeared down the hall.

Illyria, anger radiating off her in waves, stood for several beats, staring first at Spike, then at Buffy. Her chin rose as she seemed to reach a decision, but instead of speaking, she turned and walked out the door. Her abrupt departure left an uneasy silence in the room.

“Well, isn’t this just brilliant.”

The anger she had expected, but the vicious bitterness in Giles’ voice surprised Buffy.

“Giles…it’s not his fault.” She was too drained to be angry herself, but she wouldn’t let it go unchallenged. They weren’t talking about Spike’s condition, or Illyria’s outburst, or even Willow’s safety anymore, and they both knew it. Buffy could feel the lecture coming, and she wondered what form it would take. No good can come from giving your heart to a vampire? You’ve worked hard to build a new life for yourself, so don’t muck it up now on a hopeless cause? But when she finally met his eyes, she found unexpected sympathy there along with the anger.

“It’s not Spike I blame, Buffy, as difficult as that may be for you to believe. I hold responsible whatever bloody powers there are that think of us as nothing more than pawns, as puppets dancing at their whim. They must find this all so terribly amusing…the wankers.”

Hearing that familiar word coming from Giles made Buffy laugh, even as her eyes filled with tears. She dropped into the chair next to the bed and looked over at Spike, a sleeping statue once more.

Giles’ voice softened. “Right now, Willow is concentrating all of her energy on locating Angel. Spike is here, and he’s alive…more or less. And we’ll continue to search for another way. But I promise you, Buffy, if it comes to that point and Willow is still willing to take the risk, which I very much expect she is, then we’ll reassess the situation.”

Buffy couldn’t take her eyes off Spike’s deathly still face. She knew Giles was waiting for a response, but she didn’t seem to have one. Instead, she reached over to adjust the sheet, letting her hand linger on his chest, covering the spot where she would have felt his heartbeat if he’d had one.

When the door closed, she didn’t look up.

Chapter Three

For the next two days, little happened. Willow called to report on the coven’s continuing efforts, which had thus far had failed to produce anything of note. Illyria kept her distance, except for a brief appearance as “Fred,” which Buffy had found more than a little unnerving. Giles continued to research Spike’s condition, assisted by Xander, who also checked in with Dawn via long distance.

At first, Buffy had asked him not to tell her sister about Spike but changed her mind when she realized that, by keeping the news from Dawn, she’d be guilty of the same offense as Giles.

Dawn, naturally, had been halfway out the door before Xander had persuaded her to wait a few more days until she’d finished her final exams. She argued loudly but reluctantly stopped when Xander insisted Spike would want it that way. He promised to keep her updated and to call her the second anything changed. They also agreed it would be better for all concerned to keep Andrew in the dark, at least for now.

During those two days, Buffy rarely left Spike’s side. She hated being so helpless, the way it made her feel. She longed to go out and kill something just to prove she wasn’t totally useless. But even though it might make her feel better, it wouldn’t help Spike. So she stayed and took care of him, bathing him with a cool sponge in hopes of keeping the intermittent fever in check, talking to him in low, soothing tones, or trying to coax blood down his throat whenever he opened his eyes. She had little success with the latter, and it frustrated her to the point that she actually considered hauling off and punching him, as she had Angel all those years ago, just to force him to feed.

Buffy froze, eyes widening. God, how could she have forgotten? Faith had poisoned Angel, causing almost the same kind of symptoms Spike now exhibited. What if…?

She was halfway to the door when she stopped, mind racing. She couldn’t tell Giles, not yet. If Spike had been exposed to the same kind of poison, on the tip of a blade or the point of an arrow, then there was only one cure. And it was one that Giles would never agree to let her try, not after she’d almost died forcing Angel to drink from her.

She straightened, her resolve hardening. If her blood could save Spike, nothing would keep her from giving it to him. Nothing, that is, but Spike and his inability to feed.

Buffy sighed and contemplated kicking the wall with her stylish yet affordable boots. Even if she had the knowledge and equipment needed to draw and bag her own blood, which she clearly didn’t, the intravenous feeding had done little more than sustain him, while his near-catatonic state kept him from taking blood the usual way.

But there was a time when he might be capable of it – during one of his spells of fever-induced delirium. He moved on his own, spoke on his own, and it didn’t matter that he wasn’t truly conscious of his actions. All that mattered was that he did act. That meant, with the right approach, it should be possible to arouse his natural instincts, which in turn would lead him to feed.

And Buffy had a pretty good idea as to how she could arouse those instincts.

First, she checked to see that the door was locked. The prospect of an unexpected visitor didn’t really worry her. It was late, and they’d been left largely undisturbed since that first night. But Buffy wasn’t taking any chances.

As she made her way back to the bed, she began to disrobe, discarding her shirt and everything else piece by piece. A rueful smile curved her lips. All else aside, it was really too bad Spike wasn’t awake to witness her little strip tease. Something told her he would have really appreciated it. If he had survived the shock, that is.

Sliding beneath the sheet, she pressed up against him. Slowly, she matched her breathing to the steady rise and fall of his chest, marveling anew at the anomaly that was Spike, and waited. And waited. And waited.

Just as she began to fret that nothing would happen, she felt him stir, the rising warmth of his body signaling the return of the delirium.

“Fred…where…can’t lose…Fred, luv.”

Buffy tried to ignore it, but the timbre of his voice as he spoke Fred’s name sparked a hot pang of jealousy. She remembered the brief glimpse she’d had the day before of a sweet, beautiful, intelligent woman who seemed to feel entirely too much affection for Spike. A part of Buffy that she didn’t like to acknowledge was relieved that woman no longer existed, while the rest of her felt deeply ashamed.

But this wasn’t about her and what she should or shouldn’t feel. This was about Spike and what he needed – something only she could give. Buffy ruthlessly silenced the little voice that told her there were thirty-odd slayers right down the road who could also give Spike what he needed. The point being, it was her place to do it, not theirs.

Buffy brought her lips to his ear. “I’m here, Spike,” she whispered. “I’m going to make you well again.”

Gazing into his face, she placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. Tenderness between them had been so fleeting. It felt wrong somehow that now, as she freely gave him what he’d so desperately craved, he wouldn’t even know. But there was no other way. She wouldn’t consider the method used with Angel, and that left her only one other form of persuasion.

Lips grazing his cheek, whisper soft, she thought of all the times he’d pleaded for a chance to love her. All the times, she’d turned him down. Not just turned him down, but beat him down, turned him away, sneered at the creature who thought he could be a man.

There was only one monster in that relationship, and it had never been him.

Tears of remorse stung her eyes as she nuzzled at his neck, inhaling the sharp, heady scent of him, colored now by the faintest tinge of sweat. Once upon a time, there’d been a trace of Buffy, too, marking him as indelibly hers. Even when she’d hated it, she’d just as fiercely relished it. She wanted to mark him again, though she couldn’t be sure he would still welcome it.

No, you don’t. But thanks for sayin’ it.”

Buffy shut out everything but here and now and the man lying next to her. She let her hands roam, mindful of his injuries, reacquainting herself with the form she’d once known so intimately. Soon, his mindless muttering turned to gasps and his body responded in a way that left little doubt about his ability to feel. He arched up into her hand, blindly seeking more, and she gave it to him.

Just as his movements reached a fevered pitch, her hand fell away, her heart leaping at the loud groan of protest that escaped his lips. At the same time, she glanced up and was disappointed to see his human face. He’d never changed during their sexual encounters, but a part of her had always suspected it took a conscious effort on his part. That he’d held back out of fear he would lose her completely if he did.

Now, when she desperately wanted to see his vampire visage, he remained stubbornly human. Stronger measures were needed to coax him out.

Slowly, gently, she moved above him, taking care not to burden him with her full weight. Head lowering, her mouth settled against the strong column of his neck, tasting the salty tang of sweat. His body shook and words spilled from his mouth, but she didn’t let it distract her. Spike had always been vocal during sex, with dirty endearments and passionate promises peppered throughout their lovemaking.

It had always been lovemaking, at least for him. Of all the harsh truths she’d had to face after Spike’s return from Africa, this had been the hardest for Buffy to admit.

Her mouth continued its erotic play on his neck, teasing and tantalizing with moist kisses and gentle tonguing. When she fastened on a tender spot and scraped it with her teeth, his body jerked spasmodically beneath her. She pressed in closer, nipping and worrying and alternating with a steady licking. His breathing was harsher now, his movements more frantic. With a silent prayer, she closed her eyes and bit down hard, so hard she wondered if she might draw blood.

The result was electrifying. Spike arched wildly beneath her, his body slamming into hers as a loud growl reverberated through the room. Letting go, Buffy lifted her head and came face to face with the vampire. There was no recognition in his gaze, only a feral hunger, but it made her heart sing. She tilted her head, exposing her neck, then closed her eyes and waited for the strike.

It never came.

Her eyes flew open. Spike was still in game face, but his head had fallen back against the pillow. He was still aroused, and no doubt starving, but apparently unable to act on it.

Buffy almost howled with frustration. They’d come so close. It had almost worked. There had to be a way.

Her eyes darted frantically about the room and lit on a half-empty water glass sitting on the bedside table. In one fluid move, she grabbed the glass, dumped its contents, and shattered it against the table’s edge. Then, grasping the largest shard, she pulled back just enough to drag the jagged edge across her forearm. A thin, red line appeared in its wake, trickles of blood running down to her wrist.

His head jerked, the scent of her blood causing his nostrils to flare. She lifted her arm, placing the cut over his lips.

“Please, Spike,” she urged softly. “Drink from me…please.”

He moved faster than she would have expected, his lips fastening on her arm, voraciously mimicking her assault on his neck, though fangs never penetrated flesh. She watched his throat move as he swallowed, mouth working to draw in still more of her slayer-enhanced blood. The low growling noise he made touched a primal place inside her, while his faint moans as he sucked moved her to tears. She shifted off of him, still holding her arm in place, and settled at his side, touching her forehead to his cheek.

Buffy was tempted to let Spike feed for as long as he wanted, to seduce him into biting her so he could have as much of the life-giving blood as he needed, but she knew it would be foolish and probably fatal. Reluctantly, she pulled her arm away, his wordless snarl of protest knifing through her heart.

When it died away, there was nothing but the sound of harsh breathing, hers and his. After several long seconds, her gaze lifted to his face. She froze.

He was looking at her. He was looking at her. Staring at her through amber eyes.

His mouth worked silently. For an instant, she had the crazy thought that was speaking and her brain just couldn’t process it. Then a faint word reached her ears.


Chapter Four

“…Buffy?” Spike spun around, gaze darting frantically. “Buffy!”

Where the bloody hell had she gone? She’d just been there. He was certain of it. He looked around again. For that matter, where the bloody hell was he?

“She’s pretty worried about you.”

Spike whirled again, coming face-to-face with…Fred? Stunned, he stood gawking like a school boy in a brothel.

Fred smiled indulgently. “Thing is, she shouldn’t be. She’s only going to mess things up.”

Giving his head a quick shake, Spike resisted the urge to pinch himself; but only just. “Fred…” He squinted then straightened. “Hang on...you’re not Fred.”

“You always were a lot smarter than most people gave you credit for being.” She tilted her head. “It’s probably the hair.”

“Yeah? Well, I’m not too inclined to take fashion hints from somethin’ that can’t even wear its own body. Speakin’ of…” He leaned forward, voice dropping to a dangerous level. “Get. Out of. Her. Face…Now.”

“Fred” laughed lightly, slapping playfully at his shoulder. “Oh, stop it, silly. We don’t have time for things like that. Haven’t you even wondered where you are?”

Spike frowned as he shot a sideways glance at his surroundings. He had been, actually, just before the appearance of the thing that looked like Fred. But he’d been momentarily sidetracked. Truth was, he’d never been that good at multi-tasking. He’d always been more of a straight-to-the-kill, focus-on-the-goal type vampire. Which was odd, since his thought processes weren’t the most structured, and he loved nothing so much as a good, chaotic brawl. But even then, he usually took it one brawl at a time. The soul hadn’t affected that part of him much, merely made him a little more discriminating about what kind of chaos he embraced.

He sniffed. “Matter of fact, I have. Doesn’t look much like LA.” Didn’t look much like anything he recognized. It seemed to be some kind of void, filled only with the two of them and an endless, shifting sea of mist and fog. Everything, including the not-Fred, was cast in a soft, pink glow.

God, he hated pink. Such a bloody stupid color. Didn’t have the balls to be red, wasn’t good enough to be white. He couldn’t imagine anything worse than living out the rest of his days bathed in such a namby-pamby hue.

That’s it. Must be hell.

“Oh, stop it. You’re not in hell. God, Spike, sometimes you’re such a drama queen.”

Oi! Out of my head!” He glowered at her. “Nobody invited you to go pokin’ about in there. Wouldn’t catch Fred doin' somethin' like that. She had more respect for people. She was something special, not like some nosy, pain-in-the-ass, pale imitation.”

Not-Fred merely folded her arms, looking enormously amused.

“Anyway, ’s warm enough to be hell,” he groused. “Snuffed it, didn’t I? In the big battle. So, what are you…some kind of gatekeeper?”

“What I am isn’t important, but you’re not in hell, and you’re not dead. At least, not in the strictest sense of the word.”

Spike sighed. Apparently, gutting a Kaznar demon would be easier than trying to get information from this bloody bint. “So where am I, then?”

“In between.”

“In between,” he echoed, eyebrows quirked as he waited for more. When it didn’t come, he clenched his fists and his jaw. “In between what? Life and death? Good and evil? Clay and Ruben?”

Not-Fred shrugged. “Just…in between.”

Spike snorted. “Bloody typical. You get your rocks off givin’ me a bunch of nothin’ and I’m left flapping in the wind. You can at least tell me about the others, right? What happened to them? What happened with the battle?” He sobered. “Did anyone survive?”

“What’s the last thing you remember?”

Head cocked, he squinted into the nothingness. “Remember the alley. Remember the fight. Remember a bloody weird sound and a big wind.” He stopped, his brow furrowed. “And…a room. With people.” He frowned harder, trying to recall. “Rupert…and Red. And Illyria, too, I think.” His gaze turned back to hers. “I wasn’t in the alley.”

She smiled. “Nope. You were there…in England. They pulled you out, you and Illyria.”

“Or maybe I only imagined them,” he challenged. “Like I’m probably imaginin’ you.”

“You are such a knucklehead.” She laughed lightly, her tone affectionate. “They were real enough. So am I, just not the way you see me now.”

Giving that some thought, he slowly nodded. “Fair enough. What about the others, then…Angel and Charlie?” He swallowed. “Are they dead?”

She shook her head and sighed. “Why do you always jump to the worst conclusion? You’re dead, they’re dead, none of this is real…there are other options, you know.”

“Really. Why don’t you tell me about them then?” he asked, sarcasm in full swing.

Before his eyes, all semblance of Fred vanished. The body was still there, but the face was a blank mask devoid of any emotion. The voice, when she spoke, was deeper than before – more like a cross between Fred and Illyria.

“Prophecy is not set in stone, and destiny can be rewritten. You taught us that, William.”

For once, Spike was at a loss. Before he could recover his snark, the being in front of him morphed into Illyria.

“She meddles in things she does not understand. This cannot be allowed, or the prophecy will be altered and a new page written.”

Spike shook his head, bewildered. “Prophecy? What prophecy?” He squinted. “Is this about that shanshu bugaboo? And who is this ‘she’ you’re talkin’ about?”

“She will call you back. You must not go. Whatever happens, you must resist.”

“Who the hell are you talkin’ about?” Spike yelled, his patience snapping.

Her head tilted. “The Slayer.”

That stopped him cold. “The…Buffy? You’re talkin’ about Buffy?” Worried now, he started to pace. “What’s she got to do with this? Is she all right? Not hurt is she? Woman never could mind her own business. But she’s okay, right? Otherwise, she couldn’t be meddlin’ in whatever it is you won’t tell me about.”

He looked up to find Not-Illyria striding away. “Hey! Hang on there…answer me!” He started after her. “Blue! Answer my bloody question! Is she all right?” He started jogging, trying to catch up, but even though she seemed to be moving at the same speed, the distance between them grew. He finally gave up and skidded to a stop.

“Blue! Don’t leave me here like this!” he bellowed after her. “I need you to tell me! Blue!”

An instant later, the leather-clad figure was swallowed up by the pink fog.


“I swear, Giles, he knew me. He woke up! He said my name! And it wasn’t just the fever talking.”

“I believe you, Buffy. Unfortunately, he seems to have slipped away again.” Giles rose from his seat at the bedside where he’d been examining an unresponsive Spike. “It is quite encouraging, however, and he no longer has a fever. Did something happen?”

Buffy froze. “Something? What…something?” She surreptitiously tugged at the sleeve of her robe, making sure it still covered the cut on her forearm.

“I don’t know. Some…sign that he was coming out of it? Something you said, something you did differently? Anything out of the ordinary.”

Buffy licked her lips, which had suddenly gone very dry. “No. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

For a vampire.

Giles gave a slight shrug. “I’m at a loss to explain it. There’s something else a bit strange, as well. It almost seems as if his injuries are healing at a faster rate. Not that they were really healing at all before, other than a very slight improvement with some of the lesser cuts and bruises. But looking at him now, I can tell the difference. Perhaps we should try the intravenous feeding again.”


He was startled by her vehemence, and Buffy offered a weak smile. “It’s just that…if he is improving, and I think you’re right, then we don’t want to do anything that might interfere with that. Right? I mean, you’ve been feeding him and he didn’t get better. Last night, you didn’t and he did. Maybe we should hold off a little bit. See what happens.”

She waited, holding her breath, until Giles slowly nodded.

“Perhaps you’re right. We don’t know what we’re dealing with. For all we know, he may not be responding in a way that’s normal to a vampire. As long as he doesn’t get worse, I don’t suppose there’s any harm in waiting a bit.”

Giles moved toward the door then stopped. “Buffy. Promise me, that whatever happens in here, you won’t take any unnecessary risks.” He turned to look at her. “If anything should happen to you, even if Spike recovered because of it, do you really believe he would thank you? How long do you think he would stay in this world, knowing he had been the cause of your death?”

Buffy’s shoulders sagged. She should have known. “I was careful, Giles. I didn’t let him take too much. I won’t give him more than a little at a time, I swear. And there’s no real danger. He couldn’t even do it on his own; I had to help him. Believe me, he’s not a threat.”

“Now, perhaps, but what about later as he grows stronger? How much of a threat will he be then?”

“I can handle it. Trust me on this, please.”

He stared at her solemnly. “It would seem I have little choice.” At the door, he paused. “Buffy, I know your blood replenishes itself faster than that of a normal human, but there are limits. Please, don’t forget that.”

“I won’t,” she promised, and smiled reassuringly.

It was only after the door had closed that her smile faded away.


Over the next three days whenever the fever appeared, Buffy “encouraged” Spike to feed. Each time he did, the fever quickly abated. A small part of her acknowledged that she got off on the erotic nature of the feedings more than a little, but mostly she avoided thinking about that aspect, focusing instead on Spike’s rapidly improving condition. Rapidly improving in the physical sense, that is. No matter how hard she tried, there was no further sign of recognition on his part, no random moment of lucidity to give her hope. Trying to suppress her bitter disappointment, she redoubled her efforts.

She was equally discouraged that the coven seemed no closer to locating Angel, despite Willow’s continued attempts to reassure her otherwise. When they spoke on the phone, Willow seemed eager to cheer her up. Maybe a little too eager. Something in her voice smacked of desperation, and it gave Buffy the sinking feeling that all of their efforts wouldn’t be enough. That Angel was lost to them forever, and that Spike, somehow tied to his fate, would slip away from her without any hope of stopping it.

Late at night, as she lay beside him, she couldn’t help wondering if it already might be too late. That even if he came back all the way, it wouldn’t be to her. Other than that brief moment of recognition, her name never passed his lips. His fevered monologues were filled with references to his life in LA, but nothing about her. Nothing about Sunnydale. Nothing to indicate he’d ever had a life before last year.

Through his disjointed ramblings, she gathered bits and pieces of the time he’d spent away from her, but the picture they formed was a hard one for Buffy to accept. Plagued by nagging questions, one in particular, she knew that if she really wanted to help Spike, she had to get an answer.

Even though it might be one she didn’t want to hear.

She found Illyria in the garden, bent over a large yellow flower that Buffy didn’t recognize, studying it with an intensity that gave new meaning to the phrase “communing with nature.” She looked strangely at home among the colorful flower beds, far less alien here than she had seemed in the formal parlor of the house.

“Did he love her?”

The demon lifted her head and with one fluid movement rose to face Buffy. “Her.” The tilt of her head was quizzical, though it didn’t sound like a question.

“Fred. Did Spike love her?” Buffy stood with fists balled, staring her down.

Illyria regarded her silently, the breeze playing with her blue-tinged hair. Buffy was about to repeat the question when she spoke. “Yes.”

The answer caused a strange constriction in her chest. “Was that why he stayed in Los Angeles? To be with her?”

Illyria seemed to study her much the same way she had examined the flower. “You ask why he stayed, but what you really wish to know is something else. You wish to know why he did not leave and come to you. Humans are predictable.” Something flickered in her face. “All but one.”

Buffy took a deep breath, reminding herself she was there for information, not to antagonize. “So, what does he call you?

“He has many names for me. It is his way.”

“If you’re talking about ‘love’…or maybe ‘pet’…sorry to break it to you, Illyria, but he uses those a lot.”

“Perhaps. He did not use them with me.”


Buffy looked away.

Guess he wouldn’t have used Goldilocks, either, considering.

She turned back. “Did he call you Blue? Was that one of those…many names?” Waiting, Buffy felt a cold stillness settle over her. She knew the answer, had known it, really, from the moment he’d first started calling out to her. But there was always a chance…

“It was.” Illyria cocked her head, clearly considering something. “I called him Half-Breed, in the beginning. I would not call him that now.”

“So, I guess you two were…close?”

“Yes. Frequently. I enjoyed our intercourse. I liked the noises he made when I hit him. He was the only one who could properly challenge me. And he took me out. No one else did.”

As the chill spread through her body, Buffy realized that suspecting something wasn’t nearly as bad as knowing it. She’d thought the not-knowing would be the hardest part, but she’d been so wrong.

“I would have claimed Spike as my pet, but Angel would not permit it. Perhaps it would be allowed now.”

Suddenly, Buffy wasn’t cold anymore. She burned with fury and disbelief. “Your pet?” She spat out the word. “That’s all he is to you?”

“You are angry now. Why? I would do him great honor. It is no small thing to belong to me.”

“First off, bitch-god, Spike doesn’t belong to anyone. Second, if he did, it would be me. So if all you can offer him is a collar and a leash, then back off!” Tossing her head back, Buffy barked out a harsh laugh. “God, I don’t know why I was stupid enough to think you could help. He doesn’t need you! He’s not some thing, some lap dog. He has feelings and –”

She froze.

Oh god.

Illyria remained silent, but Buffy barely registered her presence. She wondered who she was yelling at – the demon god or herself. All those things, all those terrible, terrible accusations. She’d been guilty of all of them. And never once had she apologized to him, not even at the end, when she knew how wrong she’d been. Because deep in her heart, she’d still thought of him as hers – as something, or someone, to own. As a vampire, who was less than human and therefore less worthy of her consideration. The same kind of consideration that she’d always freely given to another vampire.

Oh god.

Raising her gaze to meet Illyria’s, she searched for some kind of answer, some reassurance that she wasn’t the same Buffy who had considered Spike her personal property to do with as she would. But if the answer lay there, she couldn’t find it.

A noise on the gravel pathway broke the silence. As she turned, a slightly out-of-breath Xander slowed to a stop.

“You’d better hurry,” he said. “Something’s happened.”

: Many apologies for the delay in updating. The story has grown a bit and I needed to revise this part to reflect that. Turned out to be a little harder than I thought.

I’m currently working on the next installment (in which Important Things happen :cough:Buffy/Spike:cough:), but there may be another delay. I haven’t been able to get an Internet connection for days, apparently due to stupid static on the phone line, or so I’m told. If there’s no joy to be had from the phone company, I’ll be switching from dial-up to cable as soon as I’m able. I’m visiting my parents today and using their phone line to post this.

Also, if anyone’s interested, I’ve changed my pen name to annapurna2 and set up an LJ account for posting fiction updates. You can find the link in my personal profile.

Now, on with the show…

Chapter Five

Willow’s excitement practically vibrated through the phone line. “We found them, Buffy! They’re in a level four dimension!”

Fist tightening around the receiver, Buffy glanced at Giles and Xander hovering nearby and at Illyria lurking in the background. They were all gathered in the book-lined study that served as Giles’ private retreat. “That’s great, Will. But what does that mean – ‘level four’?”

Success made Willow extra perky. “It’s a trans-dimensional classification system developed by the Osara. They’re sort of…dimensional nomads, I guess you could say. They assign different levels based on all sorts of factors – environment, cultural and technological development, indigenous species…even odds of surviving if you go there. Well, especially odds of surviving, which is something you really, really need to have a good handle on when you’re popping back and forth between dimensions all the time. Do you know they go through dimensions just like we’d walk from one room to another? It’s pretty cool,” she enthused.

“Willow. Point?” Despite her worry, a faint smile tugged at Buffy’s lips. Willow might have changed a lot since their high school days, but some things invariably stayed the same.

“Oh. Sorry. Runaway train of thought. Um…basically, the level assigned tells you the degree of badness you can expect.”

“Pretty handy. So, a level four is…?” Buffy left the question hanging.

“In layman’s terms? Sort of halfway between Sesame Street and Day of the Dead.”

“Great. In a way that’s really not.” She sighed. “Especially since that covers a whole lot of territory. Why couldn’t we have Sesame Street? I like fuzzy blue things and big-but-cuddly yellow birds.”

“Sorry. It could be worse, though. It could have been a level nine. Only…um…we won’t talk about that right now, ’kay? ’Cause, one, we don’t have time, and two…you really don’t want to know.”

Somehow, Buffy didn’t doubt that. “So this dimension where Angel’s trapped…you can open a portal, right?”

“Right. It’ll take us a couple of days to make all the preparations and gather the energy we need, but we can definitely open it.” Willow’s voice was firm. Then she hesitated. “We just don’t know how long we can keep it open. Could be a day, could be a minute, which means you may not have enough time to find them and get out again. It mostly depends on how much juice it takes to open up the portal.”

Running through possible scenarios, Buffy frowned. “What if you opened it long enough for someone to go through, then closed it? Could you keep opening it every so often…like automatic redial?”

“Sure, but like this first time, we’d need at least a couple of days in between each opening. Maybe longer, since the more times we do it, the less energy we have to draw on. And…there’s another problem. Time passes differently in some dimensions. If we close the portal, you could wind up staying there a lot longer than it would seem like on this side. A lot longer.”

Slowly, Buffy nodded, then remembered that Willow couldn’t see her. “Understood. I guess we’ll just have to deal with that if and when it happens. In the meantime, start doing whatever you have to do to get that portal open. Let us know when you’re almost ready.”

Willow agreed and she hung up, turning to Giles who was now seated behind his desk, watching her expectantly. “How soon can Faith get here?”

Giles stared. “Faith?”

“Willow said they’ll need a couple of days to get enough mojo flowing to open the portal, but when they do we need Faith here and ready to go. There’s no way of knowing how long they can keep it open, so every second counts.”

Xander frowned. “Okay. Wait. What am I missing? You’re sending Faith? You’re not going after Angel yourself?”

Buffy shifted, bracing against the bleak pang that knifed through her. It was superceded by a deeper ache that left no doubt where her priorities lay. “I can’t leave Spike.”

No one spoke. Then Xander coughed.

“Well, Houston, I’d say we have a problem. Faith and Wood have gone walkabout in Australia. No way we can reach them in time.”

“Unfortunately, Xander is correct.” Giles rose, moving from behind the desk. “Under different circumstances, Willow might be able to contact them, but from what you’ve told us, any such attempt on her part would most certainly delay the opening of the portal and could even hinder the efforts of the coven. It simply isn’t an option.”

Xander peered at her intently, seeming to choose his words with care. “I know you’re worried about Spike. I get that. But he’s…okay, so he’s not fine, but he’s here. And he’s alive, more or less, and getting better every day, right? Giles can look after him while we’re gone. It probably won’t take us any time at all. Much as it pains me to say it, Angel’s a smart guy. I’m sure he’s doing everything he can to stick close to where they landed. We’ll pop in and right back out. It’ll be like you’re taking a little dinner break.”

Giles was conspicuously silent. Buffy looked away, reluctant to meet his gaze. Unlike Xander, he knew what lay behind Spike’s sudden improvement, and he probably suspected the same thing Buffy feared – that without slayer’s blood to counteract it, Spike was dangerously vulnerable to the recurring fever.

Such was Buffy’s quandary, boiled down to its most basic level. If Spike died because she went after Angel, it would be her fault, and if Angel died because she didn’t – also her fault.

It didn’t matter that Angel was perfectly capable of saving himself. It didn’t matter that her blood was no more potent than donated blood from thirty-odd slayers less than five minutes away. If one or the other died, it would be because she had failed him.

Suddenly, her emotions were bouncing back and forth faster than a Ping-Pong ball. A moment ago, she’d been certain of her choice. Now, doubt wormed its way in, turning her resolve into so much Swiss cheese. As her uncertainty grew, so did her anger at being expected to choose one over the other.

Buffy clenched her fists. That’s exactly what it felt like – a no-win choice, carefully engineered by the same powers that Giles had railed against. For what purpose, she had no idea, though it didn’t really matter.

Sending Faith after Angel had seemed an ideal solution. While there might be plenty of people who could rescue him, only Faith would fight as hard for it as Buffy herself. Normally jealous of the strange connection between Angel and Faith, she had abruptly found herself in the confusing position of counting on it. Now, she had to regroup.

If their positions were reversed, Angel would stop at nothing to get her back. Buffy knew that, and under normal circumstances she would do the same for him.

Only, these were hardly normal circumstances, and Angel wasn’t the only one in trouble.

Illyria stepped forward, eyes locked on Buffy’s face. “I will retrieve Angel…and Charles, if he lives.”

“No offense to anyone, but…shouldn’t we all go?” Xander glanced around. “Giles excluded, since somebody needs to stay with Spike and no one in their right mind would trust me with that assignment. We should probably draft a few of our friendly neighborhood slayers, too. I mean, who knows what we could run into there?”

“I have walked in worlds you could never imagine. I do not need assistance.”

Buffy finally spoke up. “We have two days to decide who’s going. Spike is getting stronger; he could wake up any time.” She looked at Giles. “I should check on him now.”

“There’s no need. Mrs. Hudson would have called us if his condition had changed. There are still things we must determine, arrangements to be made.”

“We’ll settle it all tomorrow.”


Tomorrow, Giles.”

She left a reverberating silence in her wake.


Spike felt as if he’d been walking for hours, though as far as he could tell time had little meaning anymore. He didn’t know how long he’d been there, had nothing to mark the passage of days, couldn’t even say if such a concept existed in that realm.

Frustrated, angry, and bored beyond sanity, he longed for something to kill or maim, a bottle to smash, or a wall to punch. Anything to dispel the massive amount of energy building to a Hiroshima-sized explosion. Stopping dead in his tracks, he threw back his head and howled with rage.

The sound was swallowed by the shifting mists almost as soon as it left his throat.

Bloody. Fucking. Hell.

His chin dropped to his chest, shoulders slumping in momentary defeat. How many times had he been through this already? Caught in an endless cycle of buildup and release that jangled along his nerves like a metal spoon clanging against a tin cup. And in between the rounds of nettlesome nothingness lay vague recollections of something else – a sudden flush, an inexplicable weakness, a loss of consciousness, murky dreams that eluded his memory. And the sense, each time he came to, that something precious had slipped from his grasp.

Head lifting, Spike scanned the nebulous haze around him. Fists clenched and jaw squared, he resumed walking.

And the cycle began again.


“He did not feel worthy.”

Buffy stopped, hand resting on the door to Spike’s room. Illyria emerged from the shadows of the hallway.


“He did not seek you out when his body was restored to him. He did not feel worthy.”

“That’s crazy.” Bewildered, Buffy shook her head. “He sacrificed his life to save the world. How could he not feel…?” Trailing off, she frowned. “He actually told you that?”

“He spoke of it to the shell.” Illyria moved closer.

Okay. Confused now. “He went to the beach?”

Illyria halted, face reflecting a hint of uncertainty for the first time since Buffy had known her. “Perhaps. It has no relevance. He spoke to the shell…Fred.”

“Oh.” Buffy knew she had no right to resent Illyria for that, but she did. She hated that stinging reminder of how close Spike had been to someone who wasn’t her.

Even more, she resented having to stand there in the hallway listening to Illyria. Tomorrow she’d be forced to choose, to make a decision she didn’t want to contemplate right now. Tonight, she only wanted to be with Spike.

“You are torn.”

Surprised, she searched Illyria’s face. It hadn’t sounded like an accusation, but she felt oddly defensive. “You’re not?”

Illyria’s chin raised. “No. There is nothing I can do here.”

“Maybe not, but still—”

“Before the battle, each of us was charged with a task – one suited to our individual strengths. It is the same here. I do what I must, as do you.” Illyria paused, ice-blue gaze going first to the door then to Buffy’s arm, where it lingered a moment before locking with hers. “I will not fail. Nor must you.”

Buffy’s breath caught in her throat as the significance of Illyria’s words sank in. She knew. Somehow Illyria knew. Almost before she could process that thought, she heard the familiar cadence of Xander’s footsteps fast approaching down the corridor. Illyria turned at the same time she did, and Buffy wondered if the demon welcomed the interruption as much as she did.

“Sorry to interrupt the girl talk, but Giles wants you downstairs,” he told Illyria, then backtracked as her chin rose. “What I meant to say was, Giles humbly begs the honor of your presence to help with some questions that no one other than your exalted exaltedness could possibly be able to answer.”

Illyria’s head tilted and her eyes flashed. “Do not mock me, human. My tolerance is not without end.” With a last long look at Buffy, she was gone, striding down the corridor.

Buffy waited until Illyria was out of sight before turning to Xander. “Those questions – do they have anything to do with Spike or Angel?”

“Yeeeah…about that. I lied.” At her raised brow, he shrugged. “It was that or tell her to go away. In which case, she’d snap me like a toothpick or grind me under her heel till I cried like a baby. Not a pretty picture.”

Buffy snorted softly. “So what happens when she finds out you sent her on a wild Giles chase?”

He shrugged, waving the question away. “I’m not worried. If Giles rats me out, I figure I have plausible deniability on my side.”

Buffy nodded absently, her mind already inside the room with Spike. She’d been gone a lot longer than intended and now she was antsy to get back to him. The phone call from Willow, her encounters with Illyria, the conflicting emotions stirred up by news of Angel’s whereabouts and worry over Spike – all of it pulled at her patience, twisting it taut. Reaching for the doorknob, she stopped when Xander’s hand touched her arm.

He took a deep breath. “Listen, Buffy…I know we’re not officially talking about this until tomorrow, but Giles thought we should call for backup, just in case. He contacted Vi, and she’s on her way.”

She frowned. “What about Cleveland?”

“Things are quiet enough right now. If anything comes up while she’s gone, Rona’s got the junior slayers to help out. We, uh, thought about calling Kennedy, too, but that’s a little dicey, what with the breakup and all. Willow’s adjusting okay, but Kennedy…not so much.”

“Right. Bad idea. Can we talk about this later?”

Buffy entered the room, trailed by Xander. Mrs. Hudson, who’d been with the Giles family for decades, was seated in a chair, quietly knitting away. Her plump face broke into a smile as Buffy approached the bed.

“I was beginning to think you’d taken up residence in the hallway, lamb.”

Buffy smiled. “No, too drafty. Thanks for sitting with him.”

“Don’t you go thankin’ me now. I’m happy to do it. Poor lad hasn’t stirred, though I do think he’s resting a bit easier since you came.” Regarding him fondly, she clucked sympathetically under her breath. “It’s a shame, it is. Such a handsome fellow. Who would have thought I’d be carin’ so about a fierce vampire? But he’s wormed his way into my heart, he has, with that fine face of his and that poor, lost soul.”

As she rose to greet them, she beamed kindly at Buffy. “Mr. Hudson would tell you I’ve a soft spot for strays and an even softer one for lost causes. But don’t you fret. Your lad ended up here for a reason, and you’ll sort it out…you and Master Rupert. I’ve a good feeling about it.” Nodding to Xander, she gave Buffy’s arm a comforting squeeze. “I’ll just be on my way now. I’m sure he knows you’re back and is that much happier for it.” Suiting action to words, she promptly bustled out the door.

In her wake, Buffy suddenly felt drained and strangely lethargic. Worried about Spike, resentful of Illyria, uncertain about Angel’s fate and the choice she had to make – her thoughts seemed to flounder in that pit of quicksand she called a brain. Making it as far as the bed, she collapsed into the chair.

“I didn’t know.”

She blinked and looked up to find Xander watching her.

“How you felt,” he clarified, shrugging self-consciously. “I mean, I knew you cared about the guy. Never could understand why exactly, considering—” He broke off, shaking his head. “Erase that last bit, okay? It’s not what I came up here to say. The point is, I never realized until you got here how much he really meant to you. Still means.”

He knelt beside her, bringing them face-to-face. “I’m sorry we made you feel like you couldn’t tell us.” Stopping, he shook his head ruefully. “No. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. I swear I’d take it back, if I could.”

Buffy responded automatically. “Xander—”

“Don’t.” His voice was quiet. “You’re going to let me off the hook, and you shouldn’t. I was angry back when I found out, for a lot of reasons. Mostly because I wanted you to think and feel the same way I did. Scoobies good. Vampires bad. A chipped vampire who thinks he can be one of us? Not even in the realm of possibility. I was wrong, and I’m sorry for it.”

Buffy stared, searching his face. “So what changed?”

A self-deprecating smile curved his lips. “My perspective. Time has a funny way of doing that.” With his head turned toward Spike and only his eye patch visible to her, Buffy couldn’t read his expression. “As long as I’m being honest…and please, god, somebody kill me before I say this…he really wasn’t that bad. If you don’t count the frequently-trying-to-kill-us part, the endless snide remarks about my manhood, the irritating smirk, and that whole…thing…at the Magic Box, that is. But, you know…after the soul…it was better.”

Buffy’s gaze dropped to her hands, carefully folded in her lap. “It was better before, too. It took me a long time to understand, but he was trying, Xander, he really was. None of us would see it. Instead of encouraging him, we just made it harder to keep going in the right direction.”

Suddenly Xander was facing her again. “Hey…back up there, bucko. Let’s not get carried away. I may be running along behind the Spike bandwagon, now, but you’re not going to convince me that if only we’d welcomed him into the fold with open arms, all those pesky ‘evil’ issues would’ve vanished into thin air. You can tame a tiger, Buffy, but at heart, he’s still a tiger. At least with the soul, Spike is more like a…cranky pussycat. A really dangerous cranky pussycat, but one that can be domesticated.

“And, yeah, I’ll grant you he was trying, and, in hindsight, we could have made it easier for him than we did. But, hey,” he countered, offering a lopsided smile, “if being good were easy, everyone would do it.”

Buffy glared. “Xander, I’m not stupid. I know it wouldn’t have solved everything. I’m just…we could have tried, okay? And we didn’t. We were awful to him, not because of what he did or anything he used to do, but because of what he was.” She bit her lip. “And because he stayed there and took it.”

Suddenly earnest, she caught his gaze with hers. “Why did we do those things?”

Xander’s face assumed a help-me expression. “Things in general, or particular things?”

“Stupid things. Hurtful things. Things that make you lie awake at night wishing you could take it all back, make it like it never happened.”

“Ah. Those things.” He shrugged, smiling sadly. “Why does anyone? For the same reason we keep doing them, I guess…because there never seems like another way. By the time we figure out there is, it’s too late. We’ve lost the chance and, for most of us, there’s no getting it back.” A soft huff of laughter escaped, tinged with a trace of bitterness. “You’d think we’d learn.”

Hesitating, he added so softly she could barely hear, “I hurt her, Buffy. I hurt her so bad. She never really got over it.”

The pain in his voice stunned her. “Xander…”

“I miss her, you know? Every day. I thought it would stop. Thought I could fill up that empty space with other things, other people. Didn’t work. It’s still there – part of me. Doesn’t hurt as much anymore, and it’s not like it’s all the time. But it’s there, and I wouldn’t want it gone because it would mean losing her all over again.”

Buffy felt her eyes fill with tears. What could she say – that she knew how he felt? That she had the same kind of regrets he did? It was pretty self-evident and the whole point of his confession to her. Speaking it aloud wouldn’t change anything for either of them; it would only serve to trivialize his pain. Just as any words of comfort or contradiction would make her a bigger hypocrite than she already was. All she could do was gaze wordlessly back at him.

As if he recognized her dilemma, Xander offered another sad smile, his hand resting briefly on her shoulder before he rose. At the doorway he paused. “I’ll never forget her, and I’ll sure as hell never stop loving her. I just wish…that she’d known.”

He stared at the floor, pent-up breath escaping in a deep, shuddering sigh. Then his gaze rose and locked with hers. “I’d give anything to tell her that to her face. Even if…” He trailed off, glancing at Spike. “Even if she couldn’t hear me.”

The door closed quietly behind him.



An hour later, Buffy lay beside Spike, limbs entwined in a tantalizing union of fire and ice. It had always surprised her how well their bodies fit together, her form filling an invisible niche carved only for her. As if they’d been made for each other on the most intimate of levels.

Spike had said as much once, but the words he had used held no pretense at romance, rumbling in her ear with a carnal earthiness bordering on the obscene. They were dark and sweet and unbearably dirty, and at his last whispered utterance, she’d come. Nails digging into his back, helpless and keening, so hard she’d almost passed out. Time had stilled, lurched forward, and resumed, great gasping shudders leaving her weak and pliant in his arms.

The soft satisfaction in his gaze had ignited her rage faster than warm winds whipping up a California wildfire – white-hot fury flaring into a scathing glare and a swift shove that sent him tumbling backwards onto the stone-cold floor of the crypt’s lower level. Before he could untangle himself from the cocoon of sheets pinning his legs, Buffy had scrambled from the bed, scooped up her clothes, and disappeared through the trap door above. Her last sight of him – sprawled on the floor, bewildered, angry, and painfully resigned – was etched bright and harsh in her memory.

He’d never said those words again.

Eyes squeezed shut, brow crinkled, she tightened her grip on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck as she burrowed her way deeper into the one-sided embrace. So much hurt, so many regrets, and only a waning hope of ever making it right.

A grim-faced Giles had admitted earlier in the day that he was no closer to finding the cause of Spike’s condition than when he’d started. The few likely leads he’d unearthed had all hit a dead end, and though he’d promised to keep trying, his sympathetic gaze had spoken volumes, leaving Buffy with nothing to cling to but her own belief that he’d been poisoned during the battle.

Only that, too, seemed to be going nowhere. It was impossible to cure Spike all at once, as she had with Angel, without being drained near the point of death. Instead, she had hoped to do it in stages, letting her blood replenish itself between feedings and stubbornly ignoring the little voice urging her to call on the other slayers for help. Each day she fed him, and each day he improved. Bruises faded, cuts and abrasions healed, but her undead sleeping beauty refused to awaken.

Now, it seemed that her blind determination to be the one to save him could cost them both dearly.

Leaning in on one elbow, she studied his face, taking in everything from the scarred brow and angled sweep of his cheekbones to the full, lush curve of his mouth. She’d always thought him beautiful, reluctantly at first, even angrily. The very idea that evil could wear such a striking face had seemed outrageously perverse. Later, when she’d discovered just how striking the rest of him was, the true irony of it hadn’t been lost on her.

Over their turbulent months together, her attraction to Spike had grown, and with it, the conviction that she was…broken. That only something equally dark and perverted could feel the primal stirrings his mere proximity awakened in her. That only someone hopelessly depraved would willingly seek out his company. She’d hated him for making her want him. Hated herself more for giving in.

And then the true horror hit. She’d found herself loving him in an almost helpless, compulsive way, as if his raw hunger and unremitting devotion demanded it. It was something she couldn’t accept, something she had to hide -- from herself, her friends, and most of all him. To feel that way about someone who had killed with impunity, who had slaughtered innocents and laughed as he’d done it, had seemed the ultimate betrayal of her duty, her birthright, and everything she believed.

She’d loved Angel before she’d ever known that side of him. Spike, she’d known and loved anyway. Foreknowledge made it infinitely worse.

The bitch of it was that she still felt that way. Just days ago, after stumbling across damning evidence connecting Paulo to some less-than-benign activities, she hadn’t hesitated. Italian authorities, human and otherwise, might have been willing to look the other way, but she couldn’t. The relationship had ended, and so had The Immortal’s latest sojourn in Rome. It hadn’t been easy for her, but it had been simple.

With anyone but Spike.

“There should have been some kind of warning, you know?” She smiled crookedly, fingertips skimming lightly across his forehead. “The first time we saw each other. Or…scratch that. The first time I saw you -- you being all stalker vamp and all.” Head tilting to one side, she studied his face. “Just seems like there should have been something. A lightning bolt from the blue, big movie soundtrack, message from the Surgeon General…anything to clue us in on the mega drama to come. But that would have been too easy, right? And nothing with either one of us has ever been easy.”

She rested her head on his shoulder, snuggling closer. “We are so not your typical Hollywood love story. Girl meets boy, girl finds out boy is an evil, bloodsucking fiend whose big turn-on is to kill her and her kind, girl kicks his ass and generally makes his life hell but still falls for him anyway. Only, by the time she realizes it, it’s too late.”

She frowned. “Actually…I think we are your typical Hollywood love story.”

Falling silent a moment, she pondered the possibilities, then sighed. “Would it have made any difference if we’d known…or would things have happened pretty much the same? Like maybe we were fated or something. Only…as long as we’re being honest here? I think a part of me did know, or should have known. I could tell you were different right from the start. Felt it, even before I realized what you were. It was the first thing that popped into my head when you stepped out of the shadows.”

She bit her lip. “Well…okay…it was more like, ‘Oooh, pretty.’ Followed by ‘Sooo hot,’ ‘Oh my god, what a sexy British accent,’ and ‘Hello! Fashion intervention!’ I’m pretty sure ‘Uh-oh, trouble’ was mixed in there, too, but that only registered after you threatened to kill me.”

Buffy glanced up, searching for some flicker of awareness as she sent her hand on a leisurely journey down his torso. It finally came to rest splayed across his taut belly. “C’mon, Spike,” she wheedled. “Don’t you want to wake up and gloat? Here I am, confessing I had the hots for you from day one, and you can’t even manage a little smirk? That’s beyond wrong on so many levels.”

Falling silent again, she held her breath, against all reason letting herself hope, willing to believe for one fraction of an instant that he might actually respond. That his eyelids might flutter, his head turn, and his eyes open to find her lying there beside him. That he might smile and gather her close, and she would know everything between them was finally okay.

But he lay there, unresponsive and stubbornly out of reach. Her eyes closed tight against a rush of bitter disappointment.

“God, you’re such a pain in the ass. But you’re my pain in the ass, and I’m not letting you go. Do you hear me?” she whispered fiercely. “Not. Letting. Go. You think you’re the only stubborn one in this relationship? You have no idea.”

And that was the crux of it all, wasn’t it? He had no idea. He’d gone to his death, or so she’d thought, certain that nothing more than pity had moved her to say the words. She couldn’t stand knowing he’d believed that, couldn’t bear that she’d done nothing to convince him otherwise.

How many times had he professed his love for her, and how many times had she thrown it back in his face? Even as she’d finally acknowledged his feelings, right before everything had gone to hell, she’d done it with unconscious cruelty and a condescending compassion that had cut him to the quick. She hadn’t meant to be callous, hadn’t even realized it until much later, but the truth weighed heavily on her now.

So many things to regret – the dawning hope in his eyes when she’d come to him the night of Riley’s return; the anguish in his voice afterward as she’d turned away. And later still, the silent accusation of his gaze when she’d pretended to her friends that their cozy chat in the cemetery had been nothing more than a cold interrogation.

An ugly part of her had relished that power to wound him, to make him pay for his presumption and suffer for her pain. Words had been her weapons, and she’d wielded them gladly, never once stopping to wonder if she should.

More scenes, bitter scenes played out in her head, shame bubbling up in her throat like thick bile. Words and images careened through her mind, turning cartwheels with raw abandon, crashing into unspoken regrets and lost opportunities, tangling together until the muddled mess in her head at last coalesced into a single coherent thought, and without even meaning to, she cried it aloud.

“I’m sorry! God, I’m sorry!”

And just like that the damn broke, releasing a torrent of muffled words that tumbled against his throat.

“Is that where it starts? It’s stupid, and…I don’t know. It doesn’t seem like enough. There are things I have to say, but I can’t remember. I practiced them over and over in my head, those first weeks you were gone – everything I should have said, and it still wasn’t right. Good old Buffy is all about the quippage, but when it’s something important, something that really matters…”

One balled fist gave a feeble, frustrated thump to his chest. “You’re the one with the words…me, not so much. Unless it was to hurt you, and then it was easy. Too easy. I don’t want to hurt you anymore, Spike…ever. And if you’d just come back, I could show you…prove it to you. I could make you understand. All you have to do is come back.”

Something damp touched her cheek, but she brushed it away.

“C’mon, Spike. You know I’m going to win this. I always do. I want you. Here. With me. Safe and well. So you might as well save yourself the trouble and wake up now. And…if things have changed…if you don’t feel the way you did before…that’s okay. I’ll deal. Just as long as I know you’re all right. But you can’t leave like this. Not without knowing. Not until you really believe. Even if you don’t want to be with me anymore, you have to know that you were loved. You deserve that.”

Voice breaking, she buried her face deeper in the crook of his neck. It scared her, how out-of-control she felt, how very much she wanted this. For so long, she’d kept the deepest part of her locked away, built walls to hold out the hurt, buried feelings to deny the pain. It had worked so well, she’d convinced herself she couldn’t love anymore, but she’d been so wrong.

She loved. Oh, how she loved.

“I don’t even understand why. Why you loved me so much. How you could love me at all. It’s not like I gave you any reason. Stupid vampire. I wouldn’t have loved me. I wouldn’t have been able to stand me. And, okay, sometimes you deserved what happened to you, but most of the time…with us…you really didn’t.”

More wetness now, dripping silently off her chin.

“I don’t know how to make it right, but I want to so much. I hate the way I treated you. I hate that I didn’t understand what you felt…that I didn’t want to understand. I hate that I hurt you and didn’t care, and that I can’t go back and do things differently. But most of all…more than any of those other things…I hate that I made you believe I could never love you the same way you loved me.”

She felt lost and so far from slayer-like that she might as well hang up her stake – as vulnerable and exposed as she’d ever been.

“Spike, look…you want me to beg? I’ll beg, okay? I’ll do anything it takes. Just please, please come back.”

No flutter of lashes, no barely detectable moan -- only the relentless in and out of useless breath as he mocked her with his absence.

She exploded. A white-hot anger she hadn’t even felt boiled up so fast and hard her trembling body could barely contain it. Bolting upright, she grabbed his head, holding it between her palms as she stared into his face. “Damn it, Spike! You’re not a quitter! You don’t give up…you never give up!”

And there it was at last – a slight flaring of the nostrils, a tiny parting of the lips. She would have missed it had she not been so close. Her breath caught, trapped in her throat. She was afraid to move, afraid to speak, afraid she might have imagined it.

Then his head moved in restless delirium as the burning heat of his skin sent her hopes plummeting. The fever had returned.

It was a bitter blow. Her anger resurged, and with it came a steely desperation that sent her mouth crashing down on his. She pushed him back into the pillows, hands roaming his body, touching, caressing, possessing as much of him as she could. She peppered his face with butterfly kisses, murmuring words that made no sense. Her mouth slid lower, tongue tasting the sweet hollow of his throat, tracing along the taut muscles and strong curve of his neck.

Her hand closed around him, cupping and stroking, making him hard. Always so hard…for her. Only her.

She shifted again, lips and tongue seeking out his nipple, mimicking the actions of her hand as it teased and fondled him with sensuous deliberation. Though still unconscious, his body responded as it had each previous time, muscles tensing, chest heaving, the ragged cadence of his breathing unnaturally loud in the silent room.

Just as she started to pull back and place her wrist against his lips, she heard a sound that froze her in place. Her name – soft and barely recognizable, but definitely her name. Hardly daring to hope this time, she looked up…and almost sobbed with relief.

He stared back at her through heavy-lidded eyes, eyebrows drawn together, nostrils flaring, panting hard. He looked confused, even dazed, but as her hand left him, he uttered a low groan of protest, hips jerking in a desperate bid for attention.

She laughed, eyes brimming with joyous tears, as she slipped her hand into his. Leaning over, she dropped a soft kiss onto his hard abdomen…

And moved lower.



He was dreaming again.

Invisible hands roamed his body, touching, caressing, pressing into him and around him. Nowhere and everywhere, never enough and too much. Leaving him adrift. Setting him on fire.

Warm breath flowed across his cheek, essence of peppermint and mocha tickling his eyelashes, grazing his brow. Half-formed words faded in and out, meaning lost in a haze of sensation.

His head arched back, acquiescing to the moist tongue lapping insistently at his neck. Licking, licking softly and steadily in the tender hollow of his throat, curling against his skin, tracing patterns along tendons stretched taut beneath the welcome assault. Soft nibbles and sharp nips joined the fray, sending tiny eruptions of pleasure racing along nerve endings. Muscles clenched, breath caught.

Fingers drifted in a languid dance down his abdomen, stoking the fire burning fierce and hot in his belly. A hoarse shout burst from his throat as they closed around him, weaving a spell of golden-honey warmth that left him wild and rampant with need. Ruthless in their devotion, they teased and soothed, tickled and stroked, worshipped and adored, always unhampered by clothing that invariably dissolved into the hazy edges of these dream encounters. His voice broke as he whispered her name.

Velvet heat descended, driving him upward, grunting and gasping, blindly seeking more. He closed his eyes to the shifting mists and dreamt of a blonde head poised above him. Hands rose, fisting in silken air, as he rode the swell higher and harder, breaking and surging, until at last he shattered and came apart, like flotsam caught on the crest of a wave and jetsam forever lost to the shore.

His head rolled to one side as he lay prostrate on the ground, chest heaving, weak with repletion, but still hard and aching. Despair rose in his throat, a sense of loss so keen he thought he might choke on it. Any moment, he would wake, and the dream would fade. No memory to warm him, nothing to hold on to – all alone with only a hollow space inside. Trapped in an endless void of nothingness.

A feather-soft caress grazed his hip.

He froze, too afraid to hope that it would come again. When it did, he nearly exploded with relief. Muscles tensed, straining in anticipation as teasing strokes segued into a steady stream of cascading touches, propelling him to great shuddering gasps that left him teetering on the brink. Head arched back, lips moaning her name, he waited for the plunge…

That never came.

Quivering and bereft, he breathed a low, agonized groan, protesting the abrupt abandonment. His eyes flew open, searching wildly for his phantom lover, then widened as the air in front of him rippled, parted, and reformed. Nebulous shadows coalesced into firm flesh that settled over him, taking him in, covering his nude body with hers.

Bending, she brushed against his chest, arching and mewling, hips rising and falling in mindless rhythm. His arms locked around her, pulling her closer, skin against skin, as they flowed together like cool cream and warm molasses. Adoring hands swept down the length of her back, following the sweet curve of her ass, squeezing and kneading, then gliding lower still.

Mouth covering hers, he opened wide to swallow a welcoming moan as his fingers slid home. At the same time, his tongue plunged between her lips to taste the velvety depths with a frenzied need that screamed of desperation.

Another shift, and he was above her – forehead to forehead, eyes fixed on hers with single-minded intensity. He thrust harder and faster as her nails dug into his biceps and she rose to meet him with an unleashed fervor that matched his own.

At some point, a bed had materialized beneath them, a fact that registered only now in a distant part of his brain. A familiar hunger began to build as her head pressed back into nonexistent pillows, baring her throat to him, egging him on with soft cries and the haunting beat of her pulse. In the space of a breath, he felt the change take him over, smooth forehead gliding into ridged brow. Loosing a long, low growl, he tried to turn away, but soft hands caught and framed his face, denying him escape.

Her frenzied movements slowed and stilled as he waited for the inevitable, knowing with near-fatalistic certainty that not even this dream Buffy would accept that part of him. But in the depths of passion-darkened eyes, a smoldering spark ignited, and with a quick lunge her mouth crashed into his. Heedless of his razor-sharp fangs, she devoured him – deep, endless kisses with warm trickles of slayer ambrosia teasing at his tongue.

When she finally came up for air, he found his gaze riveted to her mouth and the tiny beads of blood glistening on her lower lip. With another low growl, he leaned in, claiming the droplets in one possessive sweep of his tongue. As he pulled back, she looked at him with heavy-lidded eyes, hand lifting to trace the curve of his mouth.

“Mine,” she whispered.

He froze in mid-thrust, hand halfway up her thigh. Then the word erupted in his mind like molten lava shooting into the sky, and with a strangled cry, his mouth descended on hers in a feverish kiss that surpassed all sense of time and place.

Clarity spiraled away in a blur of ardent gasps, desperate kisses, and savage movement. When he at last came to himself again, he was buried to the hilt, her legs locked around him, his fangs penetrating her neck. With each greedy pull of his lips, his mouth filled with the hot, sweet tang of slayer’s blood, while beneath him, she writhed and panted, hands tangling in his hair, holding him firmly in place.

He shifted slightly and her grip tightened. Fingers twisted and pulled, urging him on. Ever obedient, he bit down harder even as the speed and force of his thrusts increased.

She rewarded him with an arched back and a high keen, heels beating a wild tattoo against his backside as he drove them ever closer to the brink. She met him thrust for thrust, hips undulating, seemingly unfazed by the relentless way he went about possessing her.

Just when he felt he would surely dust from the sweet agony of it all, a final explosive thrust sent them rocketing over the edge. Her frantic cries of release rang in his ears as his own pleasure crested, the sheer intensity of it crashing over him in great shuddering waves. Unable to contain it, he tore his fangs from her neck and threw back his head, a loud roar of fulfillment erupting from somewhere deep in his chest.

He rode the wave down, chest heaving, muscles trembling, her hands falling away from his shoulders as she relaxed beneath him like butter melting in a pan. Lowering his head, he saw her gazing at him with a heartrending tenderness he’d never found in those hazel depths. It spoke to a part of him he’d tried hard to bury along with the hellmouth.

She blinked slowly, as if awakening from a deep sleep, then sighed and stirred. Questing fingers reached up to touch first his mouth, then the still-tender mark he’d left on her neck. She smiled, eyes brimming with unshed tears.

“I knew you’d come back.”

Her arms reached up, twining around him as she pulled his head down, guiding him back to the golden curve of her neck. He went willingly, aware on some level that she would soon be gone, dissolved into the ether, and that he would inevitably wake to the bleak loneliness of his own personal hell. He wouldn’t question; he would only feel.

Fangs sinking into her tender flesh, he marked her for a second time, his eyes closing as he began to drink. But with each heady pull at her neck, something niggled at the edges of his mind, until at last it cut through the gossamer haze enveloping him.

He jerked, as if a vial of holy water had been splashed in his face, and pulled free, his vampire visage vanishing beneath a crush of horrified confusion. The next instant, he was across the room, back pressed against the door, his chest heaving in full-bloom panic.

Buffy sat up, seemingly heedless as the sheet slipped down around her waist, and gazed back at him, the contented glow in her eyes fading to uncertainty. Her hand rose, halfway reaching out to him.


He fled out the door, his name echoing behind him.






Eyes wide, Buffy scrambled off the bed. No. This couldn’t be happening. Please, not now. Not after…

A wave of dizziness hit and she wobbled, grabbing the bedpost to keep from falling. Then it was gone, the roaring in her ears receding as her vision cleared. Still a little shaky but steady enough not to fall on her face, she bolted after Spike but stopped short as the cool air of the room reminded her of her current lack of clothing. With a muttered oath that would have made Spike proud, she whirled and darted back to the bed, yanking off the sheet and struggling to wrap it around her.

A muffled scream sounded from the hallway. Her head shot up. Kicking aside the trailing end of the sheet, she rushed to the door in an awkward stumble-hop and threw it open, skittering to a dead halt as she came face-to-back with Spike.

He hadn’t made it far, just barely past the threshold. Over his shoulder, Buffy could see the source of the scream – a young housemaid named Kitty. She stood frozen in place, a pile of crumpled bed linens at her feet and one slightly pudgy hand covering her mouth, eyes large and staring above it.

At first, Spike didn’t look back, didn’t acknowledge her presence in any way, but then his head turned and she saw the confusion in his face.

“I don’t have clothes,” he said softly.

Her heart lurched at the bewildered tone, so very un-Spikelike. It was painfully close to the way he’d sounded when she’d first found him living in the high school basement.

She glanced quickly at Kitty and realized the girl seemed to be making a quick recovery from her initial shock. Looking not so much traumatized as fascinated now, her wide-eyed gaze boldly settled on a particular part of Spike’s anatomy.

Buffy scowled in her direction, then spoke softly to Spike. “We’ll get you some clothes, Spike. Just come back in the bedroom, okay?”

At first, he didn’t respond. She wondered if her words had even registered. Then his head bowed and he turned to brush past her, his eyes avoiding hers. As she was about to follow, she noticed Kitty edging closer, craning her neck to better keep an eye on the retreating view.

Tugging the sheet higher, Buffy stepped in front of her. “Not that I don’t understand, but if you don’t stop ogling my boyfriend, I’m gonna have to hurt you.”

The girl’s eyes grew even larger as her mouth snapped shut, and Buffy felt the tiniest pang of guilt.

“Just kidding,” she said. “Except about the ogling part. Or the part where I tell you not to mention this to anyone, or I’ll get majorly pissed. Um…that’s mad pissed, not drunk pissed. And I don’t really think Mr. Giles would be too happy about it either,” she added. “So, we’re good, right?”

Kitty’s mouth opened and closed a few times, but only a slight squeak escaped. She eventually settled for nodding, ducking her head as she did so. Feeling like a big fat bully, Buffy reached out and touched her arm. Kitty’s head jerked up, and Buffy smiled encouragingly.

“Sorry. I really do understand. I mean, really do. But let’s still keep this our secret, okay?”

This time, Kitty’s nod was more enthusiastic, her face glowing with relief. Buffy smiled again, shuffling backwards into the bedroom while trying to maintain as much dignity as possible. Before she could close the door, a commotion sounded down the hall, freezing her in place. Giles charged into view, his headlong rush slowing and halting as he caught sight of her. His expression changed from worried uncertainty to wary relief, tinged with a hefty dose of embarrassment.

A suddenly galvanized Kitty jumped to scoop up the bed linens. Scurrying past him, she mumbled something Buffy couldn’t quite catch then disappeared less than a second later, leaving Buffy and Giles to stare tongue-tied at each other.

Giles cleared his throat, hurriedly removing his glasses as he glanced away then back. He carefully studied the wall just to her left. “I thought…well…Mrs. Hudson heard a scream.”

Buffy clutched the sheet tighter. “Yeah, it was…it was Kitty. She was kind of…startled.”

Giles nodded. “I had no idea she was so excitable.”

“Giles…” She made sure her hair covered her neck, trying not to be obvious about it. “Spike is awake.”

Awkward Giles vanished in an instant. “I see.” His piercing gaze pinned her. “And how long has he been…?”

“It just happened. I swear it just happened. I haven’t even talked to him yet.” Glancing over her shoulder, she located Spike sitting on the edge of the bed with his back to her. Thankfully, he was well out of Giles’ line of vision. She turned back, lowering her voice. “You don’t have to worry, I promise. But I need some time here. We’ll be down later.”

When he started to object, she cut him off. “Giles, please.”

Instead of arguing as he so clearly wanted to do, he nodded, his face taking on a familiar resigned look. Settling his glasses back in place, he sighed. “Very well. I’ll inform the others. Perhaps you could at least join us for dinner, if not before. Spike, too, if he’s feeling up to it.”

Buffy watched as he retreated back down the hallway, then closed the door, drawing in a deep breath as she swung around to face Spike. She almost jumped when she found him standing less than an arm’s length away. They stared at each other.

There were so many things she wanted to say. How badly she’d missed him. How happy she was to see him alive and well. How angry she’d be at him for keeping his return a secret, once she got past being so happy about it. How deeply moving their lovemaking had been.

“You ran away.”

She hated that her voice sounded so small and vulnerable.

He opened his mouth then blinked. “What?” He frowned. “Didn’t run away.”

“Yes, you did. You ran away.”

“Did not.

Now it was her turn to frown. “Did so.”

Didn’t.” He frowned harder. “I was just…lookin’ for a fag.”

She rolled her eyes. “Naked.”

“Yeah, well…” He shrugged. “Been awhile since I had one.”

She snorted softly, lips quirking in a faint smile, then sobered quickly as his expression changed from macho-defensive to something achingly akin to awe. For several seconds, neither one spoke.

“Hey,” she ventured at last.

“You’re real.”

She nodded. “Really am.” Tears stung her eyes as she gave him a tremulous smile “So are you.”

Naked Spike and memories of what they’d just done together made it really hard to concentrate, but Buffy knew he needed an explanation. So she did her best to oblige.

“Look, I know you’re probably confused. A lot’s happened, and you don’t have any idea where you are or how you got here. So first things first, okay? You’re at Giles’ home. In England. He and Willow got wind of something bad going down in LA. They did a spell and teleported you here, you and whatshername…Illyria.”

She paused, but he didn’t respond. His eyes never left her face.

“Anyway, when you got here you were hurt pretty bad, and you weren’t really healing the way you should. Something else was going on, too. You wouldn’t wake up. I think maybe you were poisoned and it was keeping you from getting better. So Giles called me, and…well, there’s some other stuff we can get into later, but…bottom line…you’re awake now, and you’re okay. Right?”

The reassurance Buffy craved didn’t come. “Spike, you are okay…aren’t you?” Biting her lip, she moved closer, head tilting back to gaze into his face. Something flickered in his eyes and he looked away, body tensing, jaw tightening. He didn’t pull back, but she could feel everything in him straining away from her. Stricken, she froze.


“Get away.” He said it calmly, as if commenting on something as innocuous as the weather.

She blinked at him stupidly.

“All right. If you won’t, I will.” He very deliberately stepped backwards.

At first, she could only stand there and gape in disbelief. Then she took a deep breath. “Okay. Wait. Can we start over? ’Cause I don’t know what just happened here.”

His hard gaze fell on her neck. With her hair swept behind her shoulders, the mark he had left there would have been clearly visible to him.

“Oh, yeah. You do. You know exactly what just happened.”

The growling anger in his voice shocked her. “Spike, just calm down a minute—”

Bugger calm! I was biting you! I damn near killed you! Do you even care?”

That hit an old nerve, and Buffy felt herself go from confused to livid in less than half a second. Pulling the sheet tighter, she glared up at him. “First off, not really feeling near death here, and second, what the hell is that supposed to mean? And don’t you dare give me that old line about a death wish, because I am so over that!”

“Right. So you were beatin’ me off with your neck then.”

She tossed her head, exasperated. “Is that what this is about? Okay, fine. We made love, you made with the biting thing, and then you got all freaky and ran away. Big deal!”

“It’s a bloody big deal! What in the buggering hell did you think you were doing?”

“Saving your life, you idiot! You couldn’t feed on your own, regular blood wasn’t helping…you were dying. It was the only way to bring you back!”

Dark brows drawn together, he glared at her. “Yeah? How’s that?”

Taking a deep breath, Buffy chose her words carefully. This was just a stupid misunderstanding. Somehow they’d gone from making mad, passionate, bitey love to this, and now it was up to her to fix it. It wasn’t really something she wanted to get into, and he definitely wouldn’t like hearing about it, but there was no other way.

“A few years back, Angel was poisoned. He was dying and the only cure was the blood of a slayer. Your symptoms were a lot like his. We couldn’t find any other answer, so…” Her gaze steady, she met his eyes. “I gave you the blood of a slayer.”

Seconds ticked away as she searched his face. Maddeningly calm and aloof now, his expression was unreadable.

Then his head tilted. “And how exactly did the shaggin’ figure into it?”

The question hit her like a blast of frigid air. “What?”

“You heard me. The shaggin’…that part of the cure, too, or just a fringe benefit? Is that how dear old grandsire lost his soul? No, wait…couldn’t have been. On account of it was Faith who poisoned him, so that must have been a good while after you gave him the big happy.”

At her disbelieving stare, he nodded. “Oh, yeah, heard all about it…and about your little trip to the hospital after lover boy got a bit greedy. Your friends made sure of that as soon as you moved me into your basement. Worried I might get a little naughty, or you might forget yourself and they’d end up with a repeat performance.” He snorted. “Thought they were off their bean then, thinkin’ you’d make the same mistake twice, especially with me. But maybe it wasn’t such a cockeyed notion after all.”

“Stop it, right now! You don’t get to turn this into some kind of lame contest between you and Angel! Why are you acting this way?”

His icy blue gaze challenged her. “Think the bigger question is, why were you offerin’ yourself up like my bleedin’ birthday prezzie? Retirement provin’ a bit much for you, slayer?” His voice lowered. “Need a bit of a thrill?”

He stood there, jaw clenched, muscles tensed, obviously expecting her to fight back, or maybe even hit back. Instead she stared at him, drowning in a weird sense of déjà vu. It had been so long since she’d seen this side of Spike, not since his soulless days, really. She’d forgotten how keenly his words could cut.

But only if she let them. Her gaze hardened.

Stepping back, she dropped the sheet and turned on her heel, ignoring the slight hiss of indrawn breath behind her. Moving to the large wardrobe, she reached inside, grabbing his boots and yanking his freshly laundered jeans off the hanger. Then she marched back to him, flinging the pants hard at his chest. He caught them reflexively as she resisted the urge to follow up with the boots and instead dumped them on the floor.

Without looking at him, she scooped up her own clothes and headed for the bathroom, closing the door firmly behind her. When she emerged fully dressed a few minutes later, she found Spike lacing up the last tie on his boot. He rose to face her.

Even now, her traitorous body responded to the sight of his bare chest gleaming above the tight-fitting jeans, but she ruthlessly suppressed the emotions he roused and kept her expression carefully blank. He wasn’t the only one who could do enigmatic.

“I’m guessing they couldn’t salvage your shirt,” she said, voice flat as she glanced at the clock on the bedside table. “Dinner should be in about an hour. I’ll ask Giles to see that you get a new one before then. You don’t have to come down, of course. Doesn’t matter. But your friend Illyria will be there.” A tinge of bitterness crept in. “I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to see you.”

She was halfway out the door before Spike’s voice stopped her.

“What about—?”

He sounded hesitant now, even subdued. She turned.

“Angel…and Gunn. What happened to them?”

She stared at him for a long moment. “We don’t know. We think they got sucked into another dimension. Willow’s pretty sure she and the coven have located it. They’re preparing a spell to open a portal so we can go after them.”

She waited for more, but he simply gazed back at her before giving a slight nod, standing motionless in the middle of the room as she closed the door.





Spike had endured some fairly tense Scooby gatherings during his time in Sunnydale, but this one surpassed them all. Buffy had gone out of her way to choose a place at the opposite end of the table from where he sat, which suited him just fine. The further away she was, the better for his peace of mind. Not that he was in any danger of attacking her; he had more self-control than that. Still, the exquisite taste of her lingered in his mind like a siren’s call and he needed time to distance himself. He needed a clear head and judgment that wasn’t clouded by Buffy’s close proximity.

He was still furious that she’d taken such a chance with her life. It shouldn’t have surprised him, though. Buffy had always been willing to put it all on the line, especially for the people she cared about. She would have done…hell, she had done…whatever it took to save him.

He wondered if Buffy had given any thought to how devastating it would have been for him had she traded her life for his. Especially if, however unwittingly, he had been the one to kill her.

He had never thought she could do anything he wouldn’t forgive. Now, he wasn’t so sure.

The conspicuous distance between them hadn’t gone unnoticed. Spike had caught Xander stealing not-so-furtive looks at the two of them, while Giles eyed him with steely speculation. Even Blue had seemed to pick up on the unspoken tension. He’d spent the first ten minutes interrupting her just to keep her from commenting on it. Luckily, she’d finally caught on, abandoning the attempt in favor of quiet glowering.

Halfway through the meal, at the request of Rupert, Spike gave them a brief account of his stay in the void, the mysterious being he’d encountered there, and his sudden return to consciousness. It was the same carefully edited version he’d shared with the Watcher after he’d shown up at Spike’s door and presented him with a black button-down shirt to wear. There was no love lost between them, but Spike knew if anyone could puzzle out what had happened and why, it would be Rupert.

“A prophecy. Great. Like we haven’t had enough of those.” Xander shook his head. “So, any idea what she was talking about…or would that be too easy?”

Spike shrugged. “With those mystical types, who knows? Could’ve just been havin’ me on.” Spearing a forkful of pot roast, he crammed it into his mouth. As he chewed, he could feel Illyria’s laser-beam gaze burning a hole through him but didn’t look up.

“I seriously doubt it.” Giles frowned. “It would seem a rather elaborate hoax and for what purpose?”

Xander leaned forward, waving his fork to punctuate his words. “Maybe whatever that thing was just didn’t want Spike to leave. Must get pretty lonely in a place like that. Not knowing any better, it probably took a shine to what it saw as a hunk of manly goodness and wanted him to stick around. So it tried to use that tired old prophecy line to keep him there.”

At their incredulous stares, he shrugged. “Or not.”

“I don’t see what the big mystery is.” Buffy sounded irritated. “It was obviously a bad guy who knew we were close to saving Spike and was trying to stop us. One less champion in the world and all that. We won, it lost, end of story.”

Giles looked skeptical. “It would be nice if it were that simple, Buffy, but I hardly think—”

“The Shanshu!”

Spike flinched at the excited Texas twang. Turning, he found “Fred” sitting where Illyria had been. Even though he’d heard about her ability to change, experiencing it firsthand was more than a little disconcerting. The others looked openly shell-shocked, except for Buffy, who sat stone-faced and seemingly unimpressed.

“Fred” smiled at Spike. “It has to be the Shanshu, right? I mean, what else could it be?”

Xander held up his hand. “Excuse me, but…what the hey!”

Buffy spoke up, voice flat. “It’s okay Xander. Apparently, Illyria can look and sound like Fred whenever she feels like it. I found out earlier this week. I would’ve mentioned it, but I thought you already knew. Sorry.”

“You thought? Don’t think. That’s bad, okay? Very, very bad!”

Giles gave Buffy a reproving look. “Allow me to echo Xander’s sentiment. Assumptions of that nature can be…problematic. Having established that, however, perhaps we can get back to the subject at hand? Which, I believe, has just taken a rather interesting turn.” He arched an eyebrow at Fred. “Would you care to elaborate?”

“There’s nothin’ to elaborate on,” Spike said sourly. Though he’d once pursued it doggedly, he now felt perversely reluctant to give the idea any credence. “Blue’s just blowin’ steam. The prophecy wasn’t mine.”

“We can’t know that for sure,” Fred/Illyria insisted. “When Angel was the only vampire with a soul, okay. But then you came along. You gave your life to save the world, and you didn’t stop there! All the lives you saved in LA…all the sacrifices you made. You saved me, you saved Charles, you saved Angel. You didn’t have to do any of that. You didn’t have to follow Angel into that alley, but you did. You didn’t expect to survive, but you went anyway. To make a difference. To give Evil a big ol’ punch in the eye just because it was the right thing to do. You deserve it, too, Spike…just as much as Angel.”

Snorting, he shook his head, but his traitorous gaze sought out Buffy. Brow furrowed, she was staring hard at the faux Fred.

“Deserve what?” she asked. “And what has this got to do with Angel?”

Right. Angel. Count on that to get her attention. Well, bugger it. He might as well get it over with and rip off the plaster with one savage yank.

“You wanna know? Fine. Few years back, a prophecy turned up talkin’ about the vampire with a soul. Said he’d help a bunch of people, save the world, and then, if he ate all his veggies, washed behind his ears, and didn’t talk back to his mum, he’d get to go to Disneyland and be a real boy again.”

Xander frowned. “Disneyland? There’s a prophecy about Disneyland?”

“No, the prophecy doesn’t say anything about Disneyland,” Fred/Illyria assured him. “Spike’s just being…Spike. Basically, it says that after the vampire with a soul has helped enough people, he’ll be in a big apocalyptic battle and then he’ll become human again. You know, like a reward? Everybody thought it was talking about Angel, but then Spike showed up and…” She shrugged, flashing them a brilliant smile.

Spike scowled. “It is about Angel.”

“That’s not what you were saying before.”

“Well, obviously I was wrong. Hello! Still a vampire.”

“So? That only means it hasn’t happened yet. Who knows? A hundred years from now, you could be lopping off the head of a Balgoth demon and right in the middle of the big battle…poof! You’re human. Or, well…most likely after the big battle since turning human when you’re taking on a hoard of demons single-handed might be a little inconvenient. I mean, what would be the point? Kind of a waste of a good Shanshu if you get skewered right off the bat.”

Leaning over, she playfully poked him in the arm, so like Fred that he couldn’t help but smile in fond remembrance until he caught himself. He glanced self-consciously around the table. Giles appeared thoughtful, Xander looked confused, and Buffy…well, he couldn’t tell what Buffy was thinking anymore. Somewhere along the line, he’d misplaced his ability to read her. He looked down at his plate.

“All right, Blue, that’s enough,” he said quietly. “You’ve told them what Fred knew. Now turn back.”

Instantly morphing, Illyria cocked her head. “I have not told them everything. The text was derived from various languages of human and demon origin. The shell was informed it was difficult to translate.”

“Fine. Now you’ve told them. Let’s leave it be.”

“As you wish.”

Xander snorted. “Oh, sure…I get ‘Don’t mock me, human, or splat!’ and he gets ‘As you wish.’ Just tell me, who died and made him the Princess Bride?”

Spike started to give Xander a two-fingered salute but stopped as he spotted the teasing glint in the other’s eye. Not sure what to make of that, he turned the gesture into a quick scratch on the forehead. When he looked up again, he found Buffy staring at him with a strange expression he couldn’t decipher.

Before he could ponder it further, he heard the faint ringing of a telephone. Giles quickly excused himself and went to answer it. Returning a few moments later, the Watcher’s face was grim.

“That was Willow. Due to an unforeseen and apparently extremely rare escalation in trans-dimensional shifts, it seems our window of opportunity for retrieving Angel and Mr. Gunn has narrowed considerably. Once the escalation begins, it will become increasingly difficult to open or maintain a portal of any kind. At its peak, the trans-dimensional walls will be completely impenetrable. Unfortunately, there’s no way to accurately estimate how long it will last.”

“Are you saying we can’t go after Angel?” Xander asked.

“I’m saying that if we are going to attempt this, the portal must be opened immediately. We’ve no time to waste.”

“But what about the gathering of energy? The big mojo the coven needs to do its stuff? Willow said it would take a couple of days but it’s only been a few hours.”

Giles carefully removed his glasses, squinting as he attacked them with a cleaning cloth. “The portal can be opened at less than full strength, but it may drastically affect the time it can remain open…which was already uncertain at best.” Replacing his glasses, he looked at Buffy. “There is another concern. If the portal fails while in transit, those who have not yet made it to the other side will be trapped between inter-dimensional planes, beyond all possible hope of rescue. It’s not a fate to be taken lightly.”

Buffy’s gaze was steady. “Trapped. No rescue. Check. So what say we get this show on the road?”

Xander rose from his chair. “I’m good to go. It’s just too bad Vi’s gonna miss all the fun.”

“I’m afraid you won’t be going, Xander.” Giles approached the table. “Willow also informed me that in order to have the greatest chance of success, it’s necessary to limit the number of people using the portal. Each life form that enters represents an additional drain on the energy field needed to sustain it. Therefore, the rescue party must be a small one.”

“No problem.” Buffy stood up. “One is all we need.”

Spike also found himself on his feet. “Two.”

Buffy’s gaze hardened as her face took on a mulish expression. “Spike—”

“Not alive,” he pointed out. “Won’t be a drain on the field, leastways not as much.”

“You just woke up from a coma.”

“And I’m feelin’ fine now.”

The “thanks to you” hung silently in the air between them. He just couldn’t bring himself to say it, even without an audience. Her mouth tightened.

“I’ve got as much right as you, Buffy. Maybe more. I was there.”

Giles intervened in the budding standoff.

“He’s right, Buffy. You’ll need someone to watch your back. Illyria is strong, but she could conceivably require more energy from the field. That makes Spike the most logical choice.”

Standing motionless, Spike’s gaze locked with Buffy’s as she stared at him in stony silence. Then…

“Fine. Let’s do it. The sooner we find Angel, the happier I’ll be.” Turning on her heel, she marched out the door.

And Spike realized there was more than one way to stake a vampire’s heart.

TBC in Part 10

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