Once Bitten
by Spikesbabyblues

Buffy could see the surprise on Spike’s face when she stormed into his crypt. She supposed that after her saying so many times that he was disgusting and she was never going to be with him again, he had probably started to believe it. But she didn’t know that wasn’t the case at all. He knew that she would be back; she always came back. He was her addiction; she couldn’t give him up completely if she wanted to. He was like heroin to her. You wanted to give it up, knew it was bad for you. But you became dependent on the high it gave you and so no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t give it up. Well at least not as quickly as she tried.

So in truth, neither one of them had any idea what was going on inside of the other. Although they both liked to think that they did. So when she appeared that night, Spike hadn’t expected her but he had known she would be back eventually. And Buffy, at least in her mind, had herself so convinced that he probably was so afraid she would never come back that he would do whatever she wanted him to do. But then again, didn’t he always?

He told her that he loved her and that he wanted her, and when he told her that he always wanted her there was no denying that it was a one hundred percent true. He had shown it in the way he followed her around for the past year like a lost little puppy, how he went out of his way to be around the scoobies even though he didn’t like them, simply so that he could be close to her. And of course, all his seduction attempts and naughty whispers when nobody was around kind of gave it away too. But he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he was her ‘willing slave’ as he had so eloquently put it when he’d been under Sweet’s spell, singing that fact to her aloud. He had always admitted he was a fool for love; willing to do whatever it took to make the woman he loved, love him back. Even if he did fail miserably. He would never give up trying. You had to admire him for it. Even Buffy, when she was at her lowest had to admit that much to herself.

So Buffy heard what she wanted; needed; to hear and then she allowed herself to be led to the bed. She knew straight away that this time, well at least the first time, wouldn’t be like the others. She could see it in his eyes; it wasn’t going to be rough. Spike was going to make it about more than just a quick screw that made her feel something. And for the first time, she wanted the exact same thing. She wanted more.

Riley’s appearance today had just upset her so much and she felt that hurt deep inside. So she felt something already. Being with Spike this time wasn’t about feeling, it was about erasing feelings, erasing the pain and replacing it with a little bit of happiness. Maybe the happiness wouldn’t last forever but it would be long enough. It would help her. And it would mean something.

So she stood there and let him slowly peel her clothes off before responding in kind, shivering, as he placed little kisses up and down the side of her neck. As they fell onto the bed together kissing and caressing, feeling the need to keep touching each other, as if afraid that if they stopped then everything would go wrong. They both felt at peace. It was a strange feeling, one that had never really been felt before when they were together. But they both liked that feeling. Right then, in that moment, being together felt right. And they couldn’t believe it could feel any other way.

Free of all their clothes they lay kissing on the large bed, neither making any move to take it any further at that specific time. It didn’t need to be rushed; not this time. You would have thought they had the luxury of having all the time in the world right then. Eventually though, their need for more did start to overtake them, so Spike rolled Buffy onto her back, and towered over her, his head bent to continue with his soft nips and kisses. And then he entered her in one swift movement, they both shivered at the feeling of exquisite ecstasy induced by the joining. But still they didn’t rush, they rocked together slowly, muttering soft words to each other here and there, sharing soft kisses.

As they moved closer to the height of their pleasure they continued in their easy rhythm, meeting each other’s thrusts easily. As they moved together Buffy had never felt anything so right, and although she was still afraid of the feelings that being with Spike inspired within her, she couldn’t deny that being with him made her feel safe and complete. And it wasn’t just his human face, beneath the surface his demon was always there, and she still felt safe. But his demon was something she had never encountered during their many sex sessions in past months, and she knew that now she needed to. So without saying a word, she moved her head to the side, bringing her hand up to the back of his head and pulling him down slightly, indicating exactly what she wanted from him and waited. It was his move now.

Spike was worried that maybe he was reading her actions wrong. What if he did it and she staked him for it? What if what he was thinking that she meant something that she didn’t mean at all? So, he lifted his head and turned to look in her eyes, and he saw in them that they were on the same page. He lowered his head back down, his human face still in place and he kissed the side of her neck gently and then started to nibble softly at the flesh there. And eventually, he allowed his demon to slip out and as gently as possible, he let his fangs sink into her neck. He took his time, wanting to let her know that his demon loved her just as much his human emotions did. He kept up his slow steady thrusts, taking pleasure in the fact that we so close to her right then, in the most special and intimate ways he knew. He brought his hand up to play in her hair while he bit her, still being as gentle with her as he could.

Neither one ceased their movements as her blood flowed from her neck to his mouth. She was being devoured by him, but in such a good way. It felt like it lasted for such a long time when in reality it was but a few moments. But what they both felt wasn’t about the pleasure of the act, Spike as a vampire craved blood of course, but that wasn’t it this time. And before with Buffy when she had let Angel drink from her she had felt pleasure in the act at least for some of the time. But this time, it was about how close they felt to each other. Neither one of them had felt this close to someone else in so long, even though they had been having sex for months they had never felt this close. Never shared intimacy like this. And in reality the closeness was what they both truly craved, both needed, more than anything. And so it was that which brought them crashing over the edge together. When he let his fangs slip from her neck once more and his human face came back into place, he placed soothing kisses along his mark. He knew that the bite would leave her with a burning sensation, for no matter how much pleasure it brought her, there would still be some pain. And he wanted to take it away. Along with his kisses he gave a gentle lick here and there over the small holes that he had left there. His head stayed buried in her neck, he was content to stay there.

As they lay curled up together afterwards, Buffy felt like she finally belonged. And that well known phrase that she had lived by for so long became forever changed. As she lay in his arms, she thought of this one time with Spike. She had let him bite her and it had made everything so clear and right to her. Once Bitten, Forever perfect.

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