One Hot Night In A Crypt

AUTHOR: Tami Brandt - tabrandt @

RATING: NC-17 (Best to be safe than sorry, sexual
situations, blood play)

SPOILER WARNING: Season 6: Dead Things.

KEYWORDS: buffy, spike, sex, fanfic, fan fiction, complete story

DISCLAIMER: I don't mean to infringe on any copyright. All copyright to characters in this story belong to WB, Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy, Inc. This is a non-profit story.

SUMMARY: This is a stand alone scene based on the Voyeur scene in DEAD THINGS Season 6, Episode 13 in which Spike/Buffy have sex on the balcony of the nightclub while her friends dance. This is my view of what would come later that night.


AUTHOR: Tami Brandt - tabrandt @

She had never come like that in her life. Out in the open like that . . . with Spike!  The danger of her friends looking up and seeing her with him thrilled her to the morrow of her bones.  Shot through her to her core, causing her to clamp around Spike's cock.  His teeth skimmed her throat, his fingers slipping into her mouth when she finally came.  He made her lose her own inhibitions in that moment and it frightened her.

He held back though.  After she came, he tucked himself back into his tight black jeans.  He slid his hand down her arm, lacing his fingers with hers, pulling her away into the dark shadows of the night club and out into the night.  He straddled his motorcycle, and she eased behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

As they rode the bike, she leaned forward, laying her head against his back. Feeling the cool leather on her cheek, she closed her eyes; she felt the fresh air fan her face. Her fingers slid under his black shirt and left them to explore his muscular abs and chest, feeling the planes and ridges of his muscles under the taut, cool flesh that seemed to boil at her touch.

As much as she denied her feelings for him, this felt so right. Being with Spike completed her. It frightened her still. These feelings. Feelings she could never act on in the company of her friends. She could never girl-talk with Willow or Xander about Spike, nor her feelings for him. She didn't completely understand her feelings let alone explain them to her friends. He was a Vampire for chrissakes! She was the Slayer. This shouldn't be working. She'd seen him kill is his Big Bad days. The only thing keeping him from killing now was the chip in his head.

But even in his killer days, he was so hot. She could feel his white hot aura sear through her when they first met. Angel struck her heart – and wounded it. Spike struck the very core of her and set it on fire . . . for him. Angel betrayed her. He turned on her. But Spike? She knew Spike for what he was from the very beginning and he still got under her skin. It drove her mad, the way she let him get to her . . . .

Buffy was jolted out of her reverie when Spike stopped the bike outside his crypt. She slid off the back of the bike. She watched the play of muscles under his jacket and shirt as he got off the bike and sauntered to the door of the crypt. Buffy followed Spike inside the dark building. He shucked the jacket off and threw it on the chair.

"You hungry, love?" Spike asked Buffy while pouring himself a cup of animal blood.

"No, I'm fine," Buffy said off-handedly as she looked around.

Spike's crypt was comfortable. Not that she cared. She shouldn't care about anything that comforts him. Especially after the humiliating orgasm she had at the club with him. The exhilarating orgasm that he caused her to have. God, was it hot in here? How can a cold, damp crypt feel this warm?

Buffy took her jacket off and laid it over the back of the chair. Well that was better. She welcomed the cool air on her overheated flesh. She walked around the crypt until she came to his bed.

Spike followed her progress with his penetrating blue eyes as he drank his fill of animal blood. Setting the cup down, he stalked silently after her, like a cat eying his prey. Spike came up behind her, slipping his cool hands up inside her shirt. Her body felt like a living flame as his hands traveled over her rib cage, he nibbled her earlobe. He felt her body shudder as he formed his palms to her breasts.

"What do you want most, pet? What do you want from me?" His voice masculine and balmy in her ear, as Buffy tried to swallow back the pleasure rising in her body at Spike's touch. Hell and damnation. The man only had to look at her, caress her with his eyes and she wanted him.

Spike moved his hand to pull her sleeve off her shoulder, watching her breasts heave with each arousing breath. He could smell her arousal, feel it emanating from her hot flesh. His whisper came again, "What do you want, Buffy?"

Buffy finally let herself go. She couldn't fight him anymore. Didn't want to fight him anymore. "You. God, I need you inside me, Spike."

Spike slid her shirt off, and unlaced the ties of her skirt; letting them pool at Buffy's feet. He hooked his thumbs in her panties and slid them off. Leaving her only in her garters and pumps. Spike smiled ruefully at the thought of Buffy wearing garters on a night out with her friends. Buffy looked up at him, flaming in embarrassment, for they both knew she wore them thinking she would run into Spike at some point tonight.

Spike skimmed his fingertips over the curves of her body. Buffy gripped his wrists in a semblance attempt to stop his affect on her, but it was no use. Spike was in her blood. He made her nerves hum to life. Spike rotated his fingers around her clit, growling low in his throat when he felt her arch against his palm.

Spike pushed her forward to kneel on the bed, watching Buffy bend forward on her hands and knees, her nice ass facing him. God, the site of her made his skin sizzle. He shucked his clothes immediately and moved behind her on the bed. He wrapped his fingers around his shaft and rubbed the head of his hard cock along her clit and quim. His free hand gripped her waist as he aligned his cock just right. Grabbing both hips now, he plunged deep inside her hot supple body, thrilling when she cried his name out on entry.

"God, Buffy! Fuck, so bloody hot and tight, you are." Gasped Spike as her muscles contracting his hard shaft.

"Spike! I have to touch you. I can't do it this way." Buffy moaned breathlessly.

Spike pulled out gently as possible, devouring her body with his eyes as she turned over. Still in wonder as she opened her thighs for him. Buffy opened her arms to him. Needing no more encouragement, he covered her body, burying his fingers in her hair as she arched against him accepting him deep within her body when he plunged back into her.

Spike settled into a slow, methodical, hard-driven rhythm. He hit every nerve that mattered inside Buffy. She gyrated against him, bucked against him, clawed at him. She wanted him deeper, to absorb him even as she should be repelled by him.

Spike kissed Buffy all over. He kissed her forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, licking her lips and claiming her mouth with his tongue as he answered her need with harder, faster thrusts until she cried out in ecstasy. Spike couldn't stand watching her body undulate and writhe under him anymore. His hands held her hips still as he vamped and licked her jugular pulse before slowly sinking his fangs in erotically.

Buffy soared to new heights as the feel of his fangs sinking into her flesh caused volts of electricity to spear to her core and she contracted around Spike's cock even more, causing him to growl into her throat as he drank her sweet essence. "God, Buffy. You drive me wild. I can't separate my human from my demon. When I make love to you, my demon has to claim you."

Buffy purred sleepily and snuggled against him. She smiled up at him. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she brought his head down closer to kiss him, licking her blood from his lips. Knowing she was safe as far as Spike was concerned. Spike smiled sadly as he wrapped her in his arms watching her sleep. She may be fine now. But wait until morning when the sun is out and reality kicks in. One day, some day, he wanted this barrier to be down between them, at least to amicable size. But that's tomorrow . . . .

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