Rating NC17
Summary: Buffy leaves home the night she finds out that she is the Vampire Slayer. Later she meets up with Spike when she goes to Sunnydale to stop a ritual a warlock has told her about. Fluffy and very Spuffy. This is my first attempt at writing so be kind.
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Joss Whedon and ME. I just like playing with them.
This was written because of my 2 favourite girls. Thank you Tam and Rosie and yes I know I just used your name so what. I am not going to use your pen when it is this important. Love you both so much.
Thanks also to Megan and Tam who both looked over and beta’d to make sure it was ok.
Be advised that beta's only correct grammar and punctuation and give suggestions, all writing is done by uncagedmuse at her request.
*banner by bloodshedbaby*

Chapter One

She felt the cold as it seeped into her bones, standing there staring in the mirror as the tears streamed down her face. She was just a girl, only fifteen. How could anyone expect her to take on the hell she had just found out walked this earth? She could hear her parents arguing about her coming in late again. That is all she heard now when they were talking to each other. Her father said her name as if it was a curse and she knew that he would leave them soon.


That was who she was this morning-- but who was she now? What was she supposed to do? She was now aware that there truly was evil in the world and that she alone was to fight it.

The hushed arguing from the other room became yelling and the only thing she could think was to run. Get away from the pain and the anger she was feeling at this moment. She grabbed a duffle bag and shoved her basic necessities into it. As she rushed around her room she grabbed the money she had been saving for a new wardrobe. Suddenly noticing Mr. Gordo-- her beloved stuffed pig-- on the bed, she walked over and grabbed him up. It was the only thing she had that reminded her of happier times with her father.

Mr. Gordo in hand, she climbed quickly out of her window, not once thinking of where she would go. She just ran for a while and found herself in the one place she did not want to be; a cemetery. She had been in one earlier as the crazy man who said he was her watcher showed her that vampires were real.

It all came rushing back. The vampire running at her and the attempts she had made at staking it in the heart as he silently watched her. Merrick Jamison-Smythe. Fulfilling his job as he forced her to do hers. Tears flowed as loud sobs escaped her burning throat. This was more than her mind could take at the moment. She wanted to go back to knowing nothing of this other world. She wanted to return to being just a girl.

Then it happened. She felt the tingling at her neck, the slight pain in her gut and reacted without thinking. She stood quickly, sidestepping as something came at her from behind. She realized in that second that it would be better to be alive than dead, even if she would have to fight to stay that way. Her eyes darted up to see what had tried to attack her. It was covered in dirt and stank profusely. VAMPIRE, her body screamed and she lunged with a branch from a tree she had picked up without realizing it. She hit her mark dead on in the heart and the dust floated to the ground.

Buffy never returned to her home or her parents. But she watched from afar for a little while. She had been afraid to go back, thinking her parents would be better off without her. No daughter with an insane calling to get in their way. They still had divorced from what she could tell. She had quit watching then, only wanting to forget completely the life she once had.

Merrick had wanted her to live with him when she first told him she had left home, but she had refused, telling him she needed to take care of herself. Together they had trained daily and he had taught her how to patrol effectively every night.

The workouts Merrick put her through were tough, but Buffy thrived on them. Merrick could not believe how quickly she learned. She wasn’t the best when it came to meditation, but her skill for all manner of weaponry was great. She was stronger than even he had expected.

Buffy worked hard to be the best at everything her Watcher put before her. She knew she needed more concentration when doing the things she thought boring, but Merrick never treated her like a bad student. He praised her for every accomplishment-- no matter how great or small.

He knew what she needed in living on her own and had given her advice without being overbearing or condescending. Merrick had shown her the old building that was empty and helped her get the water back on-- illegally of course. Living in an abandoned building wasn’t easy, but she did the best she could. They had scavenged some old furniture for her new place and he had given her a mattress as a gift, saying it was for all her hard work.

As the months went on they had become very close. Buffy had come to love being around Merrick. He treated her so much better than her actual father ever had. She enjoyed every moment they spent together; saw him as the father she wished she would have had.

One day while Buffy was at the store getting a few things she needed, she heard familiar voices. It was some of the girls she had been friends with at Hemery High. She stayed out of their line of sight, not wanting them to see her in case her parents were still looking for her. She could not keep herself from listening in on their conversation, wishing for a moment to be the girl she once was. Hearing them talk now she realized how shallow and idiotic they were. No wonder Slayers did not have friends.

Life was hard for her. She worked in seedy dives to make money under the table. Not having rent to pay, she could eat well and have decent clothes so that she could keep those waitressing jobs.

Merrick had gotten Buffy her first job at a random bar that was not worried about age. They just wanted someone the customers would enjoy ogling. Keeping them happy was the only thing the owner of the dark and smelly bar thought about. He had even had a fake ID made for her so that on the rare occasion the bar was checked, she looked legal.

It was hard in the beginning. To keep a smile on her face while she served drinks as men pawed at her. Buffy learned quickly, though, that the shorter the skirt the better the tips. She did not complain because the money was really good and sometimes she was even allowed to throw a patron out when they were making too much of a stir for the owner.

Buffy now knew that monsters were not just the demons she had to keep the public safe from. She had met enough horrible men since being on her own to see that being human did not mean that you automatically were good.

Her worst experience with the human population had been just a regular night at the bar. A couple of stupid guys kept grabbing her and making lewd comments, and all the while she had had to keep that fake smile plastered on her face. Finally they had left just before closing and she sighed in relief.

Upon leaving to make her way back home, she was grabbed from behind and a hand was slapped down tight over her mouth. It only took her a moment to realize it was the two men from the bar. “Hey, sweet thang. We were looking for a little fun and you have just what we need to have a little party,” leered the man holding her. The stench coming off him was fetid and made her feel sick.

Her elbow found his ribs, not bothering to pull her strength any. She believed that if she broke his ribs, he more than deserved it. At the same time she kicked out to catch the other one in the side of the head, taking him out immediately as he rolled unconscious to the ground. The guy behind her let go abruptly, grabbing his side and screaming in pain and anger.

“You picked the wrong girl to mess with buster,” she said and knocked him unconscious with a brutal uppercut to the chin.

Through all of her experiences after turning away from her biological family, she had Merrick at her side. He was the only person she truly talked to. Yes, she interacted with others at work, but she never made friends. Her Watcher was the only friend or family she had left.

Then one day he was not there when she came in to work out with him. It was not like Merrick to have missed their regular time together. He was always so punctual. So responsible. And so devoted to teaching her what she needed to know to stay alive. She went on patrol that evening by herself, hoping he would show up yet worrying that something terrible had happened.

Buffy’s nerves were on end walking through the cemetery she and Merrick had planned to patrol that night. She knew something was not right and every small noise she heard had her jumping out of her skin.

Lothos watched her from afar. He did not want to reveal his presence to her just yet. He found her nervous fear delicious to his enhanced senses. She was a beautiful creature and he wanted her for his playmate. To ensure such an outcome, he’d taken her Watcher for leverage.

Thinking of how wonderful it would be to make her his, he finally stepped from the shadows and into her path. “My Beauty, how are you on such a fine evening?” he asked.

“I’m not your anything!” Buffy huffed. “Who are you?”

“I am the man who will fulfil all of your deepest desires. I will take you to places you have only imagined and heights you have never reached.” Lothos breathed the presumptuous words and stepped closer.

“Full of yourself much?” Buffy asked, immediately getting tired of his act. “Is there something you want before I turn you to dust?”

“You won’t hurt me at this moment, my lovely girl. I have your Watcher, and if you want him back you will have to meet me tomorrow night. I always get what I want, and I want you,” Lothos replied, self-confidence pouring from him in comfort of the fact that he was a Master of some great influence and strength. “I know you will find me, so I will see you tomorrow at sunset.” Turning, he walked away; confidence rolling off of him in waves, knowing that she wouldn’t decide he was a liar and stake him in the back. He had every faith that his plan would work like a charm.

Buffy spent most of the night shaking down leads that eventually led her to finding out where Lothos’ lair was. She was going to go in and kill him as soon as she found where he resided. Her plan was to fight and dust until she could get Merrick back. There was no way she was waiting for the next day.

She kicked her way into Lothos’ home, killing every vamp that got in her way in a fury, propelled by her fear of losing her one remaining support. Then she saw Merrick, sitting in the corner of the large room she had just entered. For a brief moment she was relieved, until his demon visage turned to look at her with a smile, fangs descended and sharpened in his newfound hate for her kind.

Her stomach dropped as her heart clenched and tears rolled down her face. Merrick-- or the demon that now wore his body-- stood and walked slowly toward Buffy, taunting her with words her beloved Watcher had used to praise her with.

Forcing herself to see nothing but the evil creature he had become, Buffy flew at him, closing her emotional self off and letting Slayer instinct take over. His being a newly risen vampire gave her quite an advantage and she dusted him quickly. Even knowing the man she loved as family was no longer a part of the walking-dead creature that had stalked up to her, it still ripped her apart having to destroy the monster with Merrick’s face.

For taking away her surrogate father, Buffy made Lothos’ death slow and painful.

Buffy’s heart still ached daily for the loss of her Watcher and only friend. She merely survived now; killed only when she came across demons or vamps. She no longer sought evil out, no longer patrolled as Merrick taught her.

Buffy was alone. No one to love or love her back and she decided it was better that way-- especially if she was destined to die young.

Destined to fight. Destined to die.

And destined to be alone.


 thanks to Tam and Megan again for their wonderful beta skills. Thanks to everyone who also left those great reviews.


Chapter Two


Two Years Later


He lingered in the shadows outside the club, looking over the women that were waiting to go inside. Finally, one particularly sweet little tidbit caught his attention. His choice made, he took the cigarette from his full, red lips and tossed it to the side as he approached her, his battle scarred leather duster swirling around his legs as he walked. The moonlight played over him, accentuating his shock of white blonde hair and drawing attention to his striking bone structure and pale, milky skin. Dressed in black leather pants that clung like a second skin and a blood red silk button down shirt, he seemed to exude an air of danger that had the eyes of every woman there turning his way. But only one held his attention.


She was a pretty little chit. Petite, with sun kissed skin that looked soft to the touch, a well toned figure with lush curves, large doe-like eyes, and thick, flowing hair. Just the way he liked them.  


Stepping up to her, he pointedly ignored the others as he unleashed his lethal smile on her.


“Hello, Pet. Would you like to go somewhere quiet and have a drink with me?” the gorgeous man asked as he skated a finger lightly down her exposed arm.


“Sure,” she practically moaned, caught up in his beautiful, sea blue eyes and the lilt of his accented voice. Slipping his arm around her waist, he led her down the street away from prying eyes as her hand caressed his back. Oh yes this was just what he wanted, if the scent coming off of her was any indication. He loved to make these nameless women crave him and then take their lives.


It was his need to prove he was more now than when he was human. As a human, beautiful woman only scorned him and now he held the power.


Once out of sight, he turned her into a dark alley. There was no argument from her. Forcefully he pushed her into a brick wall and attacked her neck with lips and tongue. When she started to moan her pleasure he struck like a viper, ripping into her neck with his fangs and greedily gulping her life force as her body writhed against him. Proving he was utterly in control of the situation.


This was always so easy for him-- finding a willing female that would follow him into a dark and secluded area so he could sink his sharp teeth deep in her pliant flesh and drain the life from her. Sometimes it was almost too easy.  But feeding from beautiful women always made him hard, so it was definitely nothing to complain about.


After taking the last drop from her rapidly cooling body, he dropped the girl unceremoniously to the ground. Walking away with a swagger in his hips and a smug smile on his face, he drew a cigarette from the pocket of his leather duster and lit it. With a look of indifference he glanced one last time over his shoulder at the body of the moronic girl who had no clue who he really was.


He was Spike, formerly known as William the Bloody who lived truly for the fight. As a young vampire he had tortured those who had made his human life hell, but quickly outgrew that. He relished a good rough and tumble and what better way to prove his strength than fighting and killing those chosen to destroy his kind.


Spike was still reeling from the hunt when he made it back to the lair. He loved the way it always left him feeling invigorated. The begging, the smell of fear, the intense arousal as they died by his vicious fangs. It never failed. Male or female, once the initial pain of the bite was over, the person would not be able to control the desire that arose in them as their blood was drained and their life ebbed away.


Stepping into the lavish home that he and Dru had taken over for their stay in LA, he was greeted by his dark princess and her incessant moaning. He was getting tired of the visions that seemed to be coming more frequently. The bloody doll and the pixies always talked to her now and he was exhausted from her insane ramblings.


“Dru, my perfect princess, what ‘s it?” He struggled but kept his tone tender and calming when what he really wanted was to shake the sense back into her head sometimes.


“Miss Edith is a bad dolly, my Spike. She has been telling me lies,” she whined. “The stars told me we must leave for the mouth that wants to eat up the world, but Miss Edith says my boy will leave me in that sunny place and chase the golden girl.”


Spike sighed. “Dru, you know I’d never leave you. You’re my ripe wicked plum. Only you. Always you, luv.” He then bent and kissed her forehead. “Princess, I know it upsets you to go to the Hellmouth but we need to be there to ensure everything goes as planned. You know how much mystical energy a Hellmouth creates and Sunnydale is the closest one.”


Trying to calm Drusilla’s fears Spike gently stroked her hair in spite of his aggravation with her tantrums. 


“I met the warlock tonight and got the book we needed t’ make you better. We can leave tomorrow after the sun sets,” Spike told her as she drifted off into an uneasy sleep. He, on the other hand, could not sleep yet. His adrenaline was still pumping from his meal and he wanted to look through the book he had just procured. He also had to figure out what the visions that Dru was having of the golden girl might mean. She was accurate more often than not.


Spike walked into the den where he had left the book and sat down, getting comfortable for his night of reading. The book was in Latin, of course, something he was glad had been an educational staple before he was turned. As he read, he realized that he would need her sire to complete the ritual. Angelus had disappeared on them almost a century earlier for reasons of his own. Shit.  I’m going to ‘ave to do a locating spell and find the git so that I can help Dru.


Spike realized he would have to put off leaving LA for a day or so. He needed the warlock to do the location spell. Once he knew where Angelus was, he could get him to help. If Angelus was willing, there would be no need to hurt him to cure Dru. If he tried to refuse…there was always torture.


Deep down inside, Spike was afraid he would loose his love to her precious daddy again. He thought back on the many times Drusilla had chosen her Sire over him. Spike was always second choice for her; he knew that without a doubt she would be at the wanker’s side if he wanted Dru there.


The more Spike thought about it, the angrier he became. He loved his vicious girl with all that he was, but she never professed to feel love for him in any fashion. He kept the pain of her rejection locked deep inside, not wanting others to know how weak his love could make him. He might be a master vampire, but he still had a poet’s heart.


As he sat there with these thoughts and fears spinning in his head, all the resentment he held towards Drusilla began to surface. Normally he kept a good hold on this part of himself, but just thinking of her twisted devotion to the Grand Arse brought it to a boil.


Spike saw it all in his head once again. Running from the party with tears streaming from his eyes, the ripping of his heart the only sound he could hear. She found him there in that dark alley sitting on a bail of hay, shredding the sheets of his bloody awful poetry.


Looking into Drusilla’s eyes that night so long ago had shown him what he so desperately wanted to see. Promises of love and glory had fallen from her lips. All lies he now knew, and had known for so many years. There was no real love in her for anyone but Angelus. His dark princess only wanted Spike for his complete devotion to her every need.


Why did she do this to him? He was going through eternity in the same manner he had lived-- no one to love him with the same boundless love he gave.


After all this time, these things should mean nothing. He was stronger now for all the torture his sentimental self had endured. It had given his demon a savage brutality that made him a feared master in a very short time.


Spike was surprised but accepting when he became aware of the tears that flowed freely from his eyes. Wiping them away quickly he stood, growling in rage for allowing himself to get caught up in the past. Putting it all from his mind, he once again locked that weak William part in the depths of his dead heart and strode off to bed.



Thanks as always to my beta’s Megan and Tam. Love you much!!


Chapter Three

Sitting at the small dining table in his two-bedroom apartment, Rupert Giles stared down at the large ancient text before him without really seeing it. His mind was once again occupied with thoughts of his situation here in this small town of Sunnydale. Working for the high school’s library was dull and the horrid teenagers he had to put up with only made it worse. Giles had no friends per se, only the interaction with other teachers while at work.

As a Watcher for the mighty Council, Giles had studied for half his life to do his duty and train the Chosen One. This tedious existence was beneath him.

He was a man of great standing in England. Having come from a wealthy family, his status only grew as he took his place in the Council of Watchers. However, with no Slayer to be found it was impossible to do his job.

Where was his Slayer? Upon hearing of Merrick’s demise he had waited for one Buffy Summers to make an appearance. He had informed the Council after a month went by that she had not come. They were just as dumbfounded as he was. No one could tell him where she was or why she had just disappeared. All the Council could do was reassure him over and over that she would be there at some point.

Giles had held fast for two years but to no avail, all the while doing her job in her absence. Well, he was entirely fed up with filling her role.

He had come up against many vile monsters in his time on the Hellmouth. There was never a lack of the detestable creatures. Demons were drawn here by the evil that emitted from the area. The only thing in this town for him was death.

One anomaly had piqued his interest soon after his arrival. Giles had met a stranger who gave him information. Within a week the man calling himself Angel revealed his true nature to the Watcher. He was a vampire who had been cursed with a soul by gypsies.

Knowing nothing of this, Giles had been apprehensive at first to say the least. Finding that Angel was the former Angelus, Scourge of Europe who loved toying with his victims, made Giles all the more concerned.

Angel, however, proved himself trust worthy night after night by working beside Giles to stop whatever the forces of darkness threw their way.

Giles was a man alone and yearned for Miss Summers to show up or be killed so that his wait would be over. Either way, he believed his life would be better. 


Helping the bartender place chairs upside down on the tables, Buffy was avoiding going out into the night. She rarely came up against any demons these days to remind her of what and who she was, but all evening she could not shake the feeling that something was coming. Finally, Tom rudely shoved her out the door so he could lock up and go home.

Feeling a chill slide down her spine, Buffy walked towards her building hoping to make it home without any trouble. Every time she came up against anything she had to slay it only reminded her of Merrick and all she had lost.


Hearing voices coming from the dark alley she was about to pass, Buffy knew that her night was about to take a twist in the wrong direction. She stopped to listen for a moment when she noticed her spidey sense--as she liked to call it-- going off.


Looking down the alley as she kept hidden, she saw a man speaking to a thin, green creature. Eww, that is so gross, she thought as she watched a blob of slime drip from the demon onto the ground. A human talking to a demon and showing no fear was an unusual thing for her to see. Thinking this could really be a bad thing, she decided to listen in on their conversation.


“So you see my friend, soon there will be utter chaos in Sunnydale,” the man related in a voice that had a strong British accent.


“And what am I supposed to do with this information,” questioned the demon. He was harder to understand with his nasal sounding voice.


“Well” the man grinned maniacally, “in all the confusion that is to ensue, the Hellmouth will not be guarded and it will be a demons paradise.”


Buffy had heard enough. She stepped into the alley, coming up behind the nasty demon. Quickly grabbing him around the neck she twisted until she heard the satisfying snap as his neck broke. She then turned, advancing on the stunned looking man as he backed up against the wall. Upon reaching him her hands shot out to capture his collar and hold him in place. “What’s a Hellmouth and why are you talking to demons?” she questioned.


Ethan Rayne looked at this slip of a girl and knew right away this would just add to the disorder that he loved. Taking on a look of sheer panic, he stammered out, “Please don’t hurt me. I will tell you anything you want to know.”


“I want to know everything, so spill before I decide you aren’t worthy of breathing,” Buffy snarled menacingly.


“There is a vampire seeking a cure for his sire and he cannot do it unless he is in Sunnydale. He will also need her sire for the cure. I am sure that with such powerful master vampires there will be a lot of bloodshed and possibly the Hellmouth will be opened,” Ethan said with as much fake fear as he could project into his voice. Inside he leapt with joy for he knew if his manipulation worked she would add to the fun.


“How do you know this?” Buffy asked while still holding the frightened man up against the wall.


“I am a warlock and the blonde vampire known as Spike came to me seeking a book he needed for the cure. There is one more thing I should tell you. The other master Spike has to locate for the ritual has a soul. That is everything. I swear to you.” Ethan kept playing up the scared act gaining a great amount of enjoyment from the fact that he would soon be able to sit on the sidelines in Sunnydale and watch the fun he had created.


Ethan was a man who lived for creating turmoil wherever he could. It excited him more than almost anything else in his life ever had.


“I’m going to let you go and I want you to remember one thing. I can break you in half like a twig, so don’t let me see your face again,” Buffy said giving him her best ‘I would really love to hurt you’ look.


She let go of the man abruptly and he stumbled before he immediately took off running.


Well I guess I am going to have to go to Sunnydale and see what I can do about the problem there, Buffy groused angrily to herself.  I can’t let anything called a Hellmouth be opened and I can’t let a town be destroyed by some nutty vampire trying to cure another nutty vampire.  


After noticing the slime covering her arms, Buffy looked down at her clothes. “Oh man, there goes one of my favorite outfits,” she said to herself as she started walking home once again.


Spike was out hunting for the warlock, wanting to get on with it so his girl could be restored to health. He had already checked the hotel he had followed the warlock back to the night before with no luck.


Trying to track the slight sent that still lingered in the air, Spike was abruptly knocked backwards as Ethan ran straight into him.


“Just the man I was lookin’ for,” Spike said with a grin while setting Ethan roughly back up on his feet. “You ‘ave to do a locating spell and tell me where Angelus is right now.”


Ethan smiled inside. He already knew where Angelus was but he could not risk revealing his underhandedness or the vampire would have him for dinner. He adopted the stutter and panicked look again. “Yes, Mr. Spike. I can do that immediately if you have something once owned or touched by this Angelus.”


Spike had known that he would need something from the great poof and had brought along an old shirt of his that Dru still kept with her. He pulled it from his duster pocket and handed it to Ethan. “Now, I guess we need to go where you have your ingredients. I want to get this spell finished and leave for Sunnydale soon,” Spike drawled as he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, sucking the smoke into his dead lungs.


“Of course, Mr. Spike. That is not a problem. This spell will only take a few minutes and then you and your companion can be on your way.” Ethan replied in the most sincere voice he could manage. This was going to be so much fun, putting all of these unknowns in one spot-- and Giles will be the icing on the cake.  The evilly inclined human grinned maliciously at the damage that would be brought down on his old friend. 


There was nothing he liked better than to settle old scores.




Well this ‘s going to be easier than I thought. Peaches ‘s already on the Hellmouth and all I ‘ave to do ‘s get him where I need him for the ritual, Spike thought as he grabbed a young man dumb enough to be alone on the streets late at night for Drusilla’s dinner.

The ritual itself would be simple if Angelus agreed to do it. All he had to do was open his wrist and mix some herbs in with his blood. Then Drusilla would need to drink from him as he chanted the words.


That was it! After 10 years of searching it was so simple that it angered him and filled him with hope at the same time.


He hauled the struggling young man into Drusilla’s room and chained him up, and then he went over to the bed and woke his sleeping princess. “Luv, I brought you a nice young dinner. I know where Angelus ‘s and we can leave as soon as you’ve eaten. I packed all of our things before I went out.”


Dru climbed from the bed, swaying her hips as she walked to the lovely young man. She leaned in close and looked deep into his eyes. He was going to scream, and she loved it when they screamed. Suddenly, her faced changed to its true visage and she struck, tearing into his neck savagely. His scream had her smiling around his throat as she pulled the blood from his body.


When she released the now lifeless boy his body hung limply like a marionette. Dru turned, looking at Spike innocently. “On to see my Daddy now Spike?” She knew that she would get him back-- she had always known.


Undeserving young pups could have no cake. That was only for Daddy and soon the celebration would begin. Spike’s pout over never getting his bite had already been forgotten.


She couldn’t wait for all the guests to arrive.



Chapter Four



Angel felt a change in the air. After so many years he could still feel his family. They were close and that scared him more than anything else could. In spite of the fear, he longed for the comforting embrace only they could give him. Being alone so long had only intensified his yearning for them. 


Angel had drifted the earth suffering the torment of his restored soul alone. He struggled daily with his forced solitude. He only associated with a Watcher in hopes that the good deeds he performed would ease his pain. The horrific images he endured from his previous existence kept him locked up and an outsider to both worlds.


Spike, Angelus loved him as much as he loathed him. Always brash and unpredictable that boy was. Never one to do what he was told and this had angered Angelus as much as it had made him proud. What would he do if and when he came face to face with Spike? He really didn’t want to hurt his family.


Drusilla was near and with her came a burning need. She was his. How would he be able to stay away from his princess? His love for her to this day pulled at him. What if the soul demanded her death? Would the demon that called for her allow him to do the right thing if she were to kill innocents?





Driving through the darkness, Spike’s anger continued to grow as they came ever closer to Sunnydale. Drusilla looked out the window, humming to herself as they sped along the highway. Spike knew what was spinning around in her head. Talking to the bloody stars about the great poof I bet. All she wants ‘s that stupid wanker.


Seeing a sign that cheerfully welcomed them to Sunnydale glaring at him from the shine of his headlights, Spike smashed his foot down on the gas pedal and drove through it, feeling hugely satisfied at causing its destruction.


A few minutes later he stopped the car outside an old factory. Spike was gripping the steering wheel with white-knuckled hands. He tried to calm himself, but the look of rage that distorted his handsome features was there to stay.


Drusilla ignored him and began bouncing in her seat. “We’re here!” she squealed, clapping her hands and waiting for Spike to get out and open her door.


Spike kept the scowl on his face as they walked into their new home. When he had known they would be coming to Sunnydale, Spike had called in a few favors. A rokurokubi demon named Wilburt-- an old friend from their days of knocking about Europe--had found this factory quickly and fixed it up to Spike and Drusilla’s liking. He had sent Spike a layout of all the rooms and met the few minions Spike sent ahead of them. He was happy to see that the main room housed a nice leather couch and chair with a large entertainment center for keeping him occupied during the day. He generally woke up long before the sun set and boredom was a problem.


Wilburt had left behind two of his own vampire bodyguards to make sure everything went smoothly when his friend arrived. Noticing his own loyal minions and two new faces, Spike decided he should explain how things would work while they were here. “Okay you moronic gits, let’s get straight to it, shall we? First off-- Drusilla is to be protected at all times. Never, and I mean never, leave her alone. Got it?”


Heads nodded as the minions agreed. All but one of the new ones that Spike didn’t recognize. He was blatantly staring at Drusilla. Spike growled a warning at the imbecilic show of strength from the young one. He was either very brave or very stupid. Given his age, Spike was betting on stupid.


Instead of heeding the Master Vampire’s warning, the minion foolishly decided to directly challenge his new master for the dark beauty that twirled and sang so entrancingly. He stepped forward, growling threateningly to issue his challenge. His only thoughts as he flew towards Spike were of becoming a strong master vampire and ruling the small clan with Drusilla by his side.


His overconfidence was his downfall.


Spike waited, not moving a muscle as the minion reached him. Spike sidestepped the charge at the last second and grabbed his head with both hands. Letting the minion’s own momentum carry him forward, Spike stayed motionless, effectively ripping the git’s head off and turning him to nothing more than a pile of dust. He slapped his hands together with a feral grin.


“Any more of you want to show ‘ow stupid you can be?” Spike asked calmly. The spot of violence had at least eased some of his inner fury.


The others had the sense to only shake their heads no. They could see Spike was eager to show them who was boss once again if they so much as squeaked.


“Lesson the first. Deal fairly with me and I won’t rip your stinking heads off. Got it?”


Drusilla wanted to go to bed so the stars could whisper to her of Angelus. In her dreams her Daddy always painted everything crimson. Soon he would come for her. She stroked her hand down Spike’s cheek, “My dark knight, the pixies say Mummy will fade away soon.”


“What ever you need, Dru.” Spike muttered. The hurt he was feeling made his tone clipped and rougher than normal. He knew she was not thinking of him as he led her to their bedroom.


After putting Drusilla to bed, Spike went out for a quick meal before the sun could come up. He had noticed a change in Drusilla from the moment they entered this town. His fears of loosing her to the great ponce were making him more agitated than he wanted to admit. As much as he hated the thought, tomorrow night he would have to go out looking for him.




Angel decided that he had to tell Giles about his childer being in town, even as his demon warred with the soul, wanting to protect what was his. Even with all that had happened since he was last in the bosom of family, the demon knew they would accept him no matter what. The soul was a moron.


He was so deep in thoughts of his family that he didn’t realize that he had walked all the way to Giles’ flat until he was standing at the door. He raised his hand and knocked. The door swung inward a moment later and Giles was standing there waiting for Angel to say something.


“Yes Angel, what do you want?” Giles eyed him warily.


“I think we may have a small problem, Giles. I got a strange feeling about an hour ago. My blood pumping through their veins so close to me. It pulses through me calling out family. Their here in Sunnydale.” he replied, walking past Giles into the living room as if he was there everyday. He was still so lost in himself that he didn’t notice the look of shock on the Watcher’s face.


Giles shut the front door and headed for his bottle of scotch, needing a stiff drink to prepare himself for what was to come. “And just what does this mean, Angel? Is there some reason I should worry that you would join her instead of doing the right thing?”


“No, Giles. I will do whatever I have to do, but I know she won’t be alone. My grand- childe Spike will be with her, and he is vicious when it comes to protecting her.” Angel couldn’t hide the sadness in his eyes when he spoke of them.


Giles knew of Drusilla. He had also read up on her companion, William the Bloody. Together with Angelus, they had cut a destructive path through Europe. With this knowledge also came a nervous fear to the Watcher.


What if Angel’s soul wasn’t strong enough to resist his demons pull towards family? He would loose his only ally in this small town and gain a terrifying enemy, one that had an invite to his home. With that also came the knowledge that Angel would be aligned with two other very strong vampires and death would definitely come for him. Giles could only hope that Angel’s soul would keep any of this from becoming a reality.

Chapter Five


As the bus made its way towards Sunnydale, Buffy’s mind frantically tried working through everything that had transpired in the last twenty four hours. She had not actively sought out demons of any kind since Merrick ’s death. Why now? What had shifted inside her for her to get involved? Well, for one, I don’t want a town to be destroyed knowing that I can stop it. That would make me feel not so good about myself. Oh, and let’s not forget this thing called a Hellmouth. That just sounds too scary. Nope, can’t let that be opened.


At least she’d had enough brains to save most of the money she had made over the last two years. It would pay for her room and board while she was there and still have plenty left over. Now I just have to figure out how to find that vampire with the stupid name. Who calls themselves Spike? I mean, really, couldn’t he pick something better than that?



When the bus arrived at its destination, she asked one of the employees if they could point her in the direction of a cheap motel. On the edge of town was the Sunnydale Motor Lodge. It looked like it was about to fall apart at any minute, but all she needed was a roof over her head and a hot shower.


After she deposited her stuff in her room, Buffy went out to see what she could find. She stopped and had a burger before hitting the cemeteries. Who knows, this could be fun. It’s been years since I’ve had a chance to really intimidate anyone, except for that British guy in the alley. Doing that got me all excited. Maybe my inner slayer coming out to play is just what I need. Using the tactics Merrick had taught her caused a gut wrenching stab of pain which she quickly stomped down. Being strong emotionally was something she had learned to do.  Being strong physically had been thrust upon her.


In the first cemetery she caught sight of a vampire, which meant possible information as well as a good fight. Moving quietly, Buffy made her way closer to the unknowing vamp. She stopped, turning her back to him as she pretended to be mourning at the grave in front of her. Within minutes the demon took notice and started to slink towards her, positive he was going to have himself an easy meal. Just as he closed in, she rounded on him and slammed her fist into his face. She then grabbed him before he could get over being stunned and pinned him to the side of a nearby crypt, bringing her stake up to his heart.  Damn! That wasn’t much of a fight. I was hoping for a little more action.


“Hi! I’m Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I’m kinda new in town, so you probably haven’t heard much about me. Anyway, I wanted to know if there have been any new vamps in town? Maybe one that goes by the name of Spike?” she said with such a casual tone that the vampire just stared for a second.


When he didn’t answer her right away, she pressed her stake into his chest just enough to break the skin. Getting the message quickly, he began to talk, “Yeah, I heard that a Master Vampire rolled into town last night with a really crazy chic at his side. Are you going to let me go now?”


“Do you know where I can find him?” Buffy questioned calmly.


“Nope. I guess I’ll be on my way now,” the vamp smiled tensely, trying to wiggle out of her grasp.


“Well, hell. You aren’t much help,” Buffy groused as she plunged the stake into his heart, coughing lightly as she dusted herself off.





Giles was out on his nightly patrol through some of Sunnydale’s finer cemeteries when he saw a small young woman. She appeared to be alone and grieving over someone she had lost. When she seemed oblivious to the demon attempting to creep up behind her, Giles surmised that she must be new in town. While most of the town’s residents pretended nothing was amiss, they knew not to come to places like this after dark. Oh, dear Lord, there is a vampire sneaking up on her. I must warn her quickly. He was about to call out to her when she turned on the vampire and threw him into the side of a crypt.


This was interesting. He knew of no one strong enough to do that to a vampire except other vampires. He moved closer in an effort to find out what was going on. Giles abruptly stopped when he heard the most amazing thing come from the girl’s mouth. Did she really just say that she was Buffy the Vampire Slayer??  His wait was finally over!


When the vampire turned to dust, Giles came out of his stupor and began walking towards her again. He was determined to find out where this young upstart of a Slayer had been and what had taken her so long to get here.


Hearing someone approach, Buffy turned to face whoever it was and adopted a fighting stance. When she saw, she almost started laughing. It was an older man dressed in the dorkiest looking tweed suit she had ever seen, and he was walking directly towards her in a determined manner.


“Who are you and what do you want?” Buffy asked trying to suppress a giggle.


“My name is Rupert Giles and I have been waiting two years for you to show up,” he retorted, taking off his glasses and polishing them, a faint look of disdain marring his features.



“What in the fuzzy heck are you talking about? Explain to me why I should have been here two years ago and just who in this insane universe you might be?” she said while looking at him like he was a complete screwball.


“If you are Buffy Summers then that makes me your Watcher and I have been waiting because you were supposed to be here after your last Watcher died,” Giles scoffed.


That did it. Bringing up Merrick while using such a callous tone made Buffy angry. She didn’t care about any of the other things he had said, just the bit about her Watcher being dead, making it sound as if it were nothing. She walked up to him with violence shining in her eyes and punched him directly in the gut before turning on her heel and walking away.


Giles was trying to catch his breath on more than a wheeze and follow her at the same time. Who was she to think she could do this to him? Did she not realize he was important and that he had given up his life in England to be here waiting for her?


Spluttering, he yelled after her. “You have a sacred duty to keep the evil in this world under control. You should have been here doing that duty.”


“Well, no one informed me where I was supposed to be, but I guess your precious council had no idea what my life has been like. Go away and leave me alone! You can go back to wherever you came from because I don’t need you. As for my duty, I am here because I heard something bad might happen and I wanted to stop it,” Buffy huffed as she continued to stomp her way across the cemetery to the gates.


“It is my job to train you and I do not shirk my duty as you seem so determined to do. I can’t believe how neglectful your last watcher was in teaching you these things,” Giles replied in a scathing tone.


Buffy turned with malice in her eyes. “If you ever speak of Merrick in that way again, I will kill you. I don’t care if you are human.”


Giles sputtered indignantly, taking an involuntary step back from the undisguised hatred in her cold hazel eyes.


She advanced menacingly, forcing him back even further as she continued. “If you weren’t so high and mighty you could have gotten off that tweed-covered ass of yours and found me. I have lived in the same abandoned building for the past two years, working in the same dump. I thought you and your council were all powerful. You should have known where to find me.”


He cowered nervously. “Can’t we discuss this rationally?”


“You want rational after you were trying to tear apart my Watcher? You have no right to speak Merrick’s name. You are nothing!” she spat, giving him one last contemptuous glare before viciously stalking away with her head held high.




Chapter Six


As soon as the sun set Spike was on the hunt for something young and delicious to sate his hunger. Knowing he had to find Angelus this night he wanted to be at top form for whatever was to come. He found himself a yummy treat outside of a teen club called the Bronze and quickly drained the pretty little happy meal on legs.


As he walked through the streets, Spike’s inner William began to plague him with thoughts of inadequacy. Angelus had always mucked things up between him and Dru before, why would it be any different this time? He did not even notice he was lighting a cigarette every few minutes trying to quiet the fear as it twisted his insides making his hands tremble.


Drawing a lung full of smoke from the next cigarette, Spike became aware of the shakiness. It troubled and disgusted him that Angelus could still get the better of him; even when he wasn’t around. Spike threw his fag to the ground, snuffing it out with his boot.


He walked towards the more upscale area of Sunnydale. Angelus always enjoyed the finer things so he searched for him among the nicer homes, hoping he would be able to feel the pull of the Aurelius line and catch his scent the closer he came. Not finding a trace of him there, he finally opened the familial bond to guide him. Almost instantly he felt a tug at his senses and strode off with an air of complete confidence and purpose surrounding him.


Before too much time passed, he was standing in a cemetery watching his grandsire as he flipped another vamp over his back, forcefully slamming him into the ground. Swiftly, Angelus was on top of the fledgling pummeling his chest and face savagely before raising a stake in the air and turning the battered vampire to dust. What the bloody hell’s wrong with him? Thinking it must be a territory dispute; he blew it off and stepped from the shadows.


Angel felt Spike long before he saw him. He had sensed the younger vampire was looking for him and he was trying to quell the craving to be with his family. Needing something to kill in order to quiet his inner demon’s rage was his reason for going on the hunt. No matter how many fledglings he dusted there was no relief from his inner strife.


Spike, trying to tamp down his nervousness, jumped right in and went with the first thing that came to mind. “Grandpa. Long time no see. Where ya been hiding yourself?”


“Spike. Why are the two of you here?” Angel asked unable to hide the anxiety in his voice.


Hearing the slight quiver in Angelus’ voice, Spike realized there was something different about him. Something…off. Studying him intently, he tried to get closer without Angelus sensing what he was doing. Maybe if I can look him directly in the eyes, I can figure out what’s going on with him.


“Well, it’s like this. Me and Dru were in Prague when she got a little careless.” He wasn’t about to mention that it was Angelus’ fault that she became so careless. Time enough for that later. “Wasn’t long before the locals caught on and we were attacked by a mob. She hasn’t been well since. I found a cure but we need to be on a Hellmouth and she needs the blood of her sire for the ritual.”


Spike lit another cigarette and took a drag, trying to appear untroubled. He really despised having to ask anything from Angelus. It only made him feel like the weak fledgling at his grandsire’s mercy he once was but this was for his dark princess. For her he would suffer almost anything. “She needs your help, Sire. Will you come see her?”


Angel’s warring emotions pulled him under. How could he say no to his most beloved childe when she needed him so much? I can’t leave her the way she is. Maybe if I explained things to Spike and set down some rules he would agree. There is no way I can allow them to kill. I will just have to make that clear to him.


He finally allowed his eyes to meet Spike’s. With despair shining in his tormented gaze, the words tumbled out of him. “Spike, did Darla ever tell you why I left the family?”


Spike shook his head, trying to decipher what was staring back at him. He suddenly realized that this was not Angelus.


“She never told you or Dru what happened to me?” It was more of a statement than a question. “The night I left, Darla and I happened upon a band of gypsies. For killing one of their cherished daughters, I was cursed. They returned my soul so that I could feel all the pain and anguish I had caused my victims. Darla refused to allow me back into the family afterwards. I have not taken a life since and animal’s blood is the only thing I am able to eat.”


Spike was completely shocked. Darla never told us anything about gypsies, curses or a soul. Stupid bitch told us only what she wanted us to hear. He didn’t really leave us of his own freewill and to suffer the way he has by himself is unimaginable. Spike’s demon was howling at the injustice of the curse and of the shame Darla had put on the family by leaving one to agonize alone.


Thrusting his own distress aside he looked into Angelus’ eyes to convey his need to understand and hear the rest of the story.


“I wandered aimlessly for many years until I met a demon. He told me that I was needed to fight on the side of good. I was called to protect this Hellmouth because the Slayer who was supposed to be here never showed up. I need your promise that you will not kill while you are here. You have to understand why I cannot allow it. Please, you must promise me you won’t kill, and that you’ll leave town once the ritual has restored Drusilla.”


Spike looked at him dejectedly. That was asking a lot of them especially when Angelus had been the one to teach them how to hunt and kill. His grandsire was a traitor that killed his own kind but he was still part of them. “How could you leave us? You were m’ mentor.”


He felt betrayed and angered by Darla’s actions as well as Angelus letting her push him away. Not realizing his demon had come to the fore until Angel took up a defensive stance. “I don’t want to hurt you or Drusilla. You’re my family and I still feel strongly for the both of you. If you can promise me these things, I’ll come with you now. You also have my word that I will do whatever is needed to cure her.”


What could Spike do? He needed his dark princess whole again, and needed Angelus to do that. Then he saw the silver lining and grinned to himself. With the soul there was no way Angelus—no… ANGEL-- would be taking Dru away. All of his fears of her leaving him for her sire diminished. “You’ve got a deal. We can’t do the ritual for five days. It has to be done on the night of the full moon,” he said turning to walk away, knowing Angel would follow.


Spike entered the factory with a renewed swagger in his step, heading straight for the room he shared with Drusilla. Stepping into the room, he waited for Angel to enter and closed the door behind them. Spike walked to the bed, bending down so that he could run his hand through her silky dark hair. “Luv, I’ve brought someone t’ see you.”


“Did you bring mummy a present, my Spike?” Dru questioned as she sat up to see who her guest was. Seeing Angel, she squealed with delight. She leapt from the bed as if there was no weakness in her body at all and ran to him. Throwing her arms around him she said with a laugh, “Daddy you came back for your perfect princess! I have been such a good girl waiting for you.”


Angel was overwhelmed with the wondrous feeling of having Dru in his arms again. He held her tightly to his body, wanting desperately to be able to stay like this for eternity. Harsh reality seeped back into his mind and he extracted her from his arms. Sorrow filled his brown eyes and a single tear slid down his cheek. “Dru, my beautifully perfect girl, I came to help you get well and make sure you’re being cared for. I can’t stay, my heart. I live in between worlds now.”


At his words, Dru flung herself on the bed wailing. Spike tried to wrap his arms around her but she swung her arms out like a wildcat, using her claws to rip into his face. Angel started to leave the room full of guilt for hurting the one creature he loved most. Leaving Dru to sob into her pillows, a heavyhearted Spike followed Angel out of the room to make sure he was coming back for the ritual. “You’ll be back in five night’s right? I’ll try to make her understand before then why you can’t stay.”


“Yes, Spike. I’ll be back.” And with that he walked out of the factory.



This is for all of you who have left me wonderful reviews. Thank you so much. It really means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy it.


                                                          Chapter Seven


The following evening Spike stormed out of the factory with anger rolling off of him in waves. I bloody well stand by that stupid bint through everything and all she can do is whine and cry about the hair-gel wonder.


He had tried to console Dru for hours the previous night, explaining patiently why Angel could not stay with them. All he got for his trouble was a screaming and distraught girl insisting that the pixies had said her daddy would stay with her. Stupid pixies, what did they know about anything? I was the one at her side for the last century listenin’ to her ramble on about that bloody doll. Took care of her every need and only wanted her love in return. Doin’ the best I can since she became ill to make her well again. I’m such a fucking ponce. Even went without a good shag for the last two years to keep from makin’ her any weaker and still she only wants her precious daddy.


Spike wanted to kill something badly, but he had promised Peaches he wouldn’t and he always kept his word. So here he was, wandering the town with all this rage and no way to get rid of it. He decided to go hunting for something really big and ugly to beat to a bloody pulp and alleviate some of his fury.


Then he saw her. The short green sundress clung to her form as moonlight danced on her glistening skin, giving it a golden hue. He had never seen such a glorious sight as the petite blonde walking gracefully through the cemetery. She had an ethereal presence about her that Spike realized made her glow from within. He was enthralled by her, and for once not even Drusilla crossed his mind. What the fuck. Stop thinking with the wrong head she’s just a snack. Made that damned promise to the poof, so I can’t kill her, but he never said I couldn’t nibble. I bet she tastes divine.



Walking out of the shadows like a panther on the prowl, he made his presence known. “Hello cutie. What’s a pretty little girl like yourself doin’ here all alone at night?” The closer he came to her the more amazed he became. Even with some distance still between them he could see a burning intensity in her eyes. She was gorgeous.


Buffy turned as she felt the familiar tingle. Great! I just might find where this stupid Vampire is tonight. She was definitely not prepared for what she saw stepping out of the shadows. He was the most stunning creature she had ever seen. That face was a thing of complete beauty, all angles and sharp cheekbones with full lips and a shock of platinum blonde hair to top it off. Oh God, look at the way he moves, all sleek with that leather duster billowing around his legs. Ugh! Those eyes, so fierce and consuming.


As he drew nearer, she could see the animalistic gleam in his eyes that was creating intense sensations inside her that she had never felt before. Shit, where is my mind going? Focus! This is a vampire, and… Did he just call me cutie?


Shaking off the unwanted thoughts and emotions, Buffy dropped immediately into a fighting stance as she realized he was more powerful than most vamps she had ever come across. Lothos was the last master vampire she had come up against, but the way this blonde was setting her spidey senses screaming there was no mistaking his immense power.


Spike smirked at her. “Well, well! What do weave here?” He could feel the strength radiating off of her now that he was so close. Slayer. Looks like I’m going to get a good fight after all. Might bag my third Slayer and maybe get a taste of that sweet power runnin’ through her veins as well.


He circled her, sizing her up. Tall, dark, and forehead must have been wrong, because this girl is definitely a slayer. “One question, Slayer. How long ‘ave you been in town? My source said there wasn’t a slayer in these parts,” Spike asked with a maniacal grin on his face.



What was with the question asking? Why had he not attacked her yet? She was standing there, ready for him. Maybe she would have to lash out first with this one. “Are you going to yak all night, or are we going to get on with this?” Buffy said her patience strained. She didn’t like the vibes she was getting from him.



Buffy lunged at him, trying to catch him off guard. Spike easily sidestepped her and swung his arm back at the same time to catch her in the back of the head as she went past him. She hit the ground hard but was back on her feet in less than a second.


Spike was bouncing on his toes, enjoying himself immensely. At that moment, Buffy spun low, trying to take his feet out from under him. He jumped over backwards, causing her to miss.


They continued fighting; each of them landing a few solid hits until Spike decided it was time and charged, knocking her to the ground. Quickly he pinned Buffy with his body. As he lowered his head to her neck, he sighed at the feel of her underneath him.


He was hard from the fight, but having her pinned beneath him was sending new sensations throughout him like bolts of electricity. It had been so long for him and the warmth and smell of her was like an aphrodisiac. His brain went on hiatus as his body reveled in her softness.


Buffy lay there under the unyielding body of the vampire, stunned. When he had pinned her, she had known this was the end. This was her last moment on earth, but she didn’t struggle. She felt him lean forward going in for the kill and still made no move to stop him. Years of being alone had finally taken their toll and a strange feeling of relief that it would all be over soon swept through her.


The hoarse groan that escaped from his parted lips startled her from her thoughts of death. Her mind cleared and Buffy began to notice the way his lean muscular body pressed against hers, causing an ache she had never known before. Her mind screamed, He’s a vampire about to kill you. Get a grip on those hormones, you fool! But God help her, it felt so good.



His lips brushed her neck and parted to lick the skin he found there. “So soft” he mumbled not even realizing that he was rubbing his pelvis against hers until he felt her arch into him. His hands started to move of their on volition from where they had hers trapped at her sides. Running slowly up her arms in a light caress, he breathed in her scent as she wrapped her arms around him, holding the back of his head with her hands.


Buffy was panting and mewling as his hands came to the rest on either side of her face. How could he be making her feel this way? No man had ever done this to her before.


Spike was lost in the noises coming from her. He slowly ran his lips and tongue up across her jaw to meet with her mouth. He could smell her arousal perfuming the air, driving him on. Gently he pressed his lips to hers, parting them to run his tongue along her bottom lip, begging for entrance. She opened to him taking his tongue in to caress it with hers. The kiss grew more fierce and passionate with each passing moment until Buffy finally had to break free for air.


Spike’s mind chose that moment to kick in. He leapt suddenly to his feet staring blankly for just a moment at the siren spread out before him. He took in her kiss swollen lips and the flushed body that was still shaking with lust. Slowly his eyes traveled down over her heaving chest to her dress pushed up around the tops of her spread thighs. He had to get away before he gave in to this sudden need to plow himself deep into her warmth. Turning swiftly in a swirl of leather, he ran as fast as he could. What have I done? I‘ve never touched another in passion before. ‘Ow could I betray my ripe wicked plum? And with the Slayer no less!


Buffy lay there trembling, shocked to the core at what had just happened. Oh my God, I was totally making out with a vampire! A cold, soulless, evil, dead sexy master vampire. No, not sexy! EVIL. Right. An evil, dead, not sexy with kissable lips. Kissable lips? Argggg! I have to stop thinking like this, but gah! I didn’t want him to stop. What the hell is wrong with me?


She needed to get out of the cemetery and get herself together before she was attacked. All of the feelings that were swirling around inside of her could only turn out badly. Deliberately pushing the turmoil in her mind down, she climbed to her feet and began walking briskly towards the gates.





I just wanted everyone to know that Tam helped a whole lot on this chap. I was completely stuck and became rather mad with it lol. Megan gave me many ideas as well. So thanks to both of them for all of their input.


Chapter Eight 


Buffy walked, trying to sort out her muddled thoughts of what had occurred in the past hour. How could I let a vampire touch me like that? How could I act so slutty? I should have a sign saying ‘vamp ho’ plastered on my forehead.  But his body felt so incredibly good pressed to mine. Those moans and groans and those hands all over me.  God, he’s such a good kisser and…Ugh, not again! Bad, bad Buffy!  Stop thinking of the evil undead like that.


Someone called her name. She turned and saw that horrible tweed covered watcher coming towards her with a tall dark man that her senses told her was a vampire. What the hell is he doing bringing a vampire to me?


“What do you want, O Great and Powerful Watcher?” Buffy asked in her most scathing tone.


“Miss Summers, I know we got off on the wrong foot last night, but I am still your Watcher and I have some things I need to discuss with you,” Giles replied stiffly. It might gall him, but he was determined to be civil to the little upstart.


“Why are you hanging out with vampires if you’re part of the almighty Council?” she questioned. She made no attempt to hide the look of hatred in her eyes.


Being so close to another vampire after making out with one only caused Buffy to become even more frazzled. She really needed to not be standing here talking to these two right now, but seeing the determined look on the Watcher’s face, she knew the sooner she let him talk, the sooner she could be on her way. She wanted some time to herself, time alone so that she could figure out why she reacted the way she had to that nameless vamp.


Coming back to the two men standing in front of her, Buffy took a closer look at the hulking, dark haired vampire. While sizing him up, the first thing she noticed was that he was taller and bulkier than the vampire she’d met earlier. She could tell he was old, but he didn’t exude any real power. Really, that expression on his face makes him look like a kicked puppy. And look at that hair! He uses more hair-gel then anyone I’ve ever seen. This guy must really be obsessed with his looks.


Buffy was unable to stop the small laugh that escaped her at the thought of a vampire consumed with vanity. At least she was distracted from her fixation with the other bloodsucker while she was inwardly sniggering at the one in front of her.  


Angel had been discussing his family and Spike’s request with Giles when they had spotted the Slayer. The closer they got to her, the more he could sense his grand-childe’s signature on her. Needing to make sure his mind wasn’t playing tricks on him, Angel discreetly sniffed the air. 


The vampire was stunned. His jaw dropped and he openly gawked at Buffy. Standing this close to the little Slayer, it was impossible not to be aware of two things; the lingering scent of the Slayer’s arousal and a residual amount of Spike’s as well. What the hell is going on? For her to have Spike’s scent on her like that they would have had to be all over each other.


“I see you have met my grand-childe, Miss Summers,” Angel declared with a slight frown. This could not be good if the slayer of slayers had already met up with the slayer. It might prove to be a big obstacle in curing Drusilla. What if Spike decides the no kill promise doesn’t apply to a Slayer. He can really be an arrogant little bastard and that could cause all kinds of problems. I have to find out what the hell that boy is up to.


 “What the hell are you talking about?” Buffy snapped.


“William. I recognize his scent all over you. You reek of him, in fact.” Angel gave her a condescending smile.


Buffy glared at him. “I fought a vamp earlier. He got the drop on me but I managed to get away,” she lied. “Are you sniffing me? You do know how gross that is, right?” She knew she was being a bitch, but he was a vamp and saying weird things out of the blue as he blatantly stared didn’t help with her first impression of him.


“Can we go somewhere not so public to discuss these matters?” Giles asked in a clipped tone, starting to move down the street towards his apartment.


“Whatever,” Buffy sighed. She was really starting to get freaked out by the way Giles seemed to not worry about the big vampire walking beside him. It seemed to be something they were accustomed to.


The small group made their way to Giles’ apartment in silence. Each contemplating what was going to happen once they reached the Watcher’s home as they cast questioning looks from the corner of their eyes at one another.


Giles opened his front door and allowed Buffy to go in first since it was the polite thing to do. Angel stepped over the threshold just after him causing Buffy to start wondering if Giles really was who he claimed to be.


Maybe this was all some sort of scheme to get the Slayer off guard and then kill me. Buffy’s mind began screaming at her. She stayed near the door watching closely to see what would happen next.


Not noticing her discomfort Giles offered them something to drink, but only because he had good manners. Then he sat to discuss why Angel had come running to him this evening while he was out looking for his slayer. “First off, I think I should introduce Angel to you, Miss Summers. He works for the side of good.”


Buffy snorted at that. “I’ve heard of him. Vampire with a soul right?” she questioned, looking directly at said vampire. Realizing this was the same vampire the warlock in LA had mentioned, she relaxed enough to sit in a chair that was still close by the door.



Angel just nodded even though he could tell she thought it was something akin to a joke. Feeling her uneasiness did bring a slight smile to his lips.


“Now Angel, what was it you wanted to discuss with me?” Giles said before taking a drink of his scotch, still oblivious to the tension surrounding him.


“I told you the other night I could tell that some of my family had showed up. Well, Spike came to me last night wanting help.”


Buffy interrupted him. “Spike. That’s the vampire I came here looking for. See I got this tip in LA that he was going to do some ritual on the Hellmouth and that it would be not so good for this town.” 



“The ritual will not cause any problems!” Angel bellowed, jumping defensively to his feet before he realized that the two humans were staring at him intently. Trying to calm himself, he continued, “Look, all he wants is to make Drusilla well again. They were attacked a while back and Dru has been very sick since then. He just wants to help his sire and he needs me to do it. He promised me he wouldn’t kill while they’re here and that they would leave as soon as she was healed.”


“How can you trust an evil murdering fiend to keep his word? You know better than anyone that vampires cannot be trusted!” Giles spluttered out, getting so angry with each word that fell from Angel’s mouth his glass of scotch shattered under his intense grip.


Buffy intently watched the argument play out before her. She could not believe some of the things Angel was saying. He wanted to do this ritual that she was supposed to stop and defending fanged killers.


When the glass had broken in Giles’ hand she was amazed at the strength this unassuming man had. Maybe there was more to this Watcher than she had first presumed.


Red faced and glaring at Angel, Giles quickly stood and walked into his small kitchen rinsing the cut that now adorned the palm of his hand.


“Spike is a vampire yes, but one thing he has always been is honest. When he makes a promise he never goes back on it,” Angel stressed, angrily defending his family while pacing the small apartment with undisguised agitation. That had been one of the things he was always able to count on with Spike. If he said he was going to do something, he did it.



After the wound was clean and bandaged Giles retrieved a towel and broom to clean up the mess he made with his drink. Maybe if they sat and discussed matters more patiently he would be able to find out if the ritual would truly hurt anyone.


“Angel, please do sit down and let us talk about the concerns I have about the ritual so I can at least have some idea of what is going on.” Giles sighed. He was already exhausted by the proceedings of the night.



Finally it dawned on Buffy while listening attentively to everything being said that the Spike Angel was talking about was one and the same as the vampire that made her body ache so deliciously earlier. Her heart beat started to speed up at the revelation of knowing his name. Spike. She had made fun of it when she first heard the name days before but now it made her skin tingle and moisture pool at the apex of her thighs. Her mind began to wander into the bad place again where Spike had kept up his ministrations; making her scream his name as he showed her how phenomenal his touch could be for her.


Reality seeped in and brought her musings to an abrupt stand still when she remembered that Spike was here to heal another woman. Who was she to him? Buffy felt a twinge of pain that he may already have someone he cared for even as her logical side kept screaming about her duty to destroy demons such as him.


Hearing a part of the conversation between Giles and Angel that caught her attention she finally looked up and asked, “What did you just say about a warlock?”



“I came across this man in the cemetery tonight right before I went to find Giles. He had a bunch of magic stuff set up so I know he was going to perform some sort of spell. He was definitely human and wasn’t too happy about being interrupted, either,” Angel said


“What cemetery did you find him in and can you give me a description of what he looked like?” Giles practically demanded, growing more uneasy by the moment.


“It was in Restfield and he was average height with brown hair and British,” Angel replied, wondering where this new Giles had come from. He had never seen the man act with such strength.


“Bloody hell, that sounds like Ethan Rayne. We must find out if it is really him and if so, what he is doing here. He loves to make a mess wherever he can,” Giles said slumping down in his seat. This was worse than he had feared. If it was Ethan then what he was up to could prove to be something very damaging.


“That sounds like the same guy I grabbed in the alley in LA that told me about the ritual. Why would he tell me if he wanted everything to go willy-nilly? This can’t be very good,” Buffy stated, intrigued by the situation.


“My only assumption is that he was trying to bring as many together as possible to start some kind of disorder. You see, Ethan worships Chaos. We will have to start looking for him and find what he is truly up to,” Giles spoke in a calm tone, attempting to mask his nervousness. He knew what Ethan was capable of. In his youth they had done many of the same types of things together. At one time, they were best friends and had relied on each other.


They decided the best course of action would be to come up with a plan before going to find the warlock. Giles made some snacks for his guests before they sat at his dining table and began talking it out.


******            ******            ******          ******             ******             ******


Spike was still moving slowly through the many cemeteries of Sunnydale as the images of what had happened with the Slayer played in his mind on a continual loop. What’ve I done? It’s all Dru’s fault for being sick. If it hadn’t been so long since I was able to be with her my body never would’ve reacted that way. 


Incensed by his reaction to the Slayer and angry with her for being so beautiful Spike began kicking over and stomping any headstone into dust that dared to be in his way.


Bollocks.  I’m jus’ lyin’ to myself.  That slayer was so warm and soft and all I wanted was to shag the hell out of her right there on the soddin’ ground. I had my chance. Could’ve bagged my third slayer and instead I start snoggin’ her like there’s no tomorrow.


He could see her golden hair shining like a halo as she crouched, ready to fight him. Her movements had been so graceful and yet had a ferocity to them that he had not seen on any other Slayer before. It made him want to teach her new moves just so he could watch how she would change them to fit her unique style.


Playing the feel of her well toned form pinned below him over in his head once again Spike wished he wouldn’t have let his brain interfere. He couldn’t stop thinking of her scent, her oh-so-soft skin, and taste of her lush lips.


 I wasn’t the only one interested though, considering the way she was rubbing up against me and makin’ those hot little noises. Bloody hell, now I’m hard again. He stopped and rubbed the ache held too tight in his jeans.


Gotta stop thinking of her. Dru’s going to kill me if she smells that slayer’s arousal on me. Gotta go straight for the shower so she won’t know. Can’t let her know. She needs me.


Finally Spike decided he had to get back to the factory and clean himself up. He wondered as he walked through the darkness why the Slayer had finally shown up in Sunnydale or if Angel had been lying to him.


As he made it to the door of his lair Spike made a decision to have one of his minions find out the Slayer’s name. He knew it wasn’t a good idea but he had an overwhelming urge to know. He made short work of sending one out and then headed for the shower.




      Chapter Nine



Bloody vampire interrupting my spell. If it wasn’t for that interfering soulful git I would have a whole horde of demons to wreak havoc on this town, Ethan thought as he stalked through town. He was livid because he was unable to use an incantation he had found to open the portal to the demon dimension. With the portal spell he had to be at a certain place and do it at the exact time or it wouldn’t work.  


It would’ve been so entertaining to watch an army of demons demolishing this quaint little town. That little slip of a slayer would’ve had her hands full and maybe Giles could have been ripped to pieces playing super hero. Oh well, at least I have my little back up plan.


Ethan’s other plans wouldn’t be as amusing for him, but they would cause chaos all the same. With three powerful vampires, a slayer and a watcher becoming slaves to their deepest hidden desires, things could get very interesting. Smiling to himself, Ethan quickly decided he would cast the first spell the following evening.


The second spell was far more complicated, but just as destructive. Magically inducing vampires to revert to their primal selves would make the town an all you can eat buffet. The night would be filled with screams and blood. Even though both spells would only last for short periods of time, there would still be plenty of the turmoil that he loved.


As he came closer to his motel room, Ethan knew he would have to immediately cast a cloaking spell for himself. That nancy boy vampire would surely run straight to Giles and tell him about what he had stumbled upon at the cemetery-- and then Giles would be out looking for him. There was no way he was allowing himself to get caught before he could work his magic on his old friend.


With a demented grin on his face and a cocky swagger, he walked to his door and unlocked it. This was going to be one of the best parties he had put together in a long time.   


******               *******              *******               *******              *******


Buffy couldn’t believe she was out hunting for this Ethan guy with a big, broody looking vampire and an irritating Watcher. They had already covered half of Sunnydale and still there was no sign of the guy. I mean, the guy was a wizard or something.  Wouldn’t he be doing something all magicky to hide his whereabouts?


Angel’s mind kept playing over the short amount of time he was able to be with Drusilla the previous evening. The way she had looked up at him and flung herself into his awaiting arms. The way she felt against him. Something so soft in a world that had been nothing but harsh for him.  He could still feel her softness and it caused him to waver. Even after a century, all he wanted to do was run back to the factory and pull her to him, never letting her go again.


Giles had a look on his face that suggested his world was slowly crumbling around him and he had no way of stopping it. Buffy couldn’t help the fact that she loved that look on him right now. She was still really angry with him over his asinine comments about Merrick.


Giles was a complete mess on the inside but trying to appear as if it was a just another normal evening. Walking determinedly down the street with his eyes focused in front of him, his thoughts were centered on Ethan.  What am I going to do if it is him? We were close friends for so long, doing everything together. When I chose to stop making others miserable, I didn’t even talk to him about it. I just left my dearest friend alone. No wonder he’s been so angry with me all these years. If he would have done that to me, I wouldn’t have forgiven him.


For years, he had kept anything about the man he used to be in the dark, never wanting people to know all of the evil things he had done. He still could not figure out why Ethan had never grown out of it as he had done. How could he still be worshipping chaos after so long? Did he just never grow up? Was there something I could have done to make him see how wrong it was to continue? Nothing good ever came from the things we did. Or maybe the bitterness was overpowering.


Echoing his inner thoughts, Buffy broke the silence asking, “So how do you know this Ethan guy anyway, Giles?”


Giles thought for a moment and then decided to be mostly honest. He could give them that much at least. “When I was a young man, my father pushed me towards the council and being a watcher. Naturally I rebelled, as most young people do. I went straight for the opposite of what he wanted and started delving into black magic and the occult. I have done many horrible things I am not proud of,” he sighed, nervously taking off his glasses and polishing away the nonexistent dust.


Pushing the glasses back onto his nose, he continued. “After some time I finally turned my back on that dark period of my life and became the watcher that I was supposed to be. Ethan was my best friend, but he never grew out of the occult and has continued to worship Chaos. With all these years of honing his craft, I am sure he is very powerful now. I don’t want to have to come up against him, but I will do whatever is necessary.”


Buffy was dumbstruck. It was unbelievable to her that this uptight arrogant man had once been into black magic. He seemed way too tweedy for that kind of thing.


Angel wasn’t all that surprised, suspecting there were some skeletons in old Rupert’s closet. With the way the older man’s heart raced whenever he mentioned Ethan’s name over the last few hours, he was sure there was more to the friendship than Rupert was implying as well.


Giles stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and turned to the others. They had been at it for hours. He was tired and by the look of it, they were ready to give up for the night too.


“We have been over almost every inch of Sunnydale and I don’t think we are going to find Ethan tonight. What say we quit for now and pick it back up tomorrow?” He wanted to crawl into his bed and sleep for a week.


“Sounds like a plan to me. I’ll be over at your place tomorrow night, Giles. Bye.” Buffy walked off before either could say anything to her. There were other things she had to sort out in her head.


Angel and Giles said their goodbyes for the night and headed to their own homes.



******            ******              ******              ******              ******             ******


Spike came into their bedroom just before sunrise hoping Dru would be sound asleep. He had spent the last thirty minutes scrubbing himself raw to make sure no scent of the slayer lingered on his body. He entered their room as quietly as possible. Slowly, he climbed into bed with Drusilla and pulled her close, hoping that maybe the feel and smell of her would drive thoughts of the slayer from his traitorous head.



Dru turned to face him and her eyes fluttered open. “Bad dog, my Spike, climbing into our bed with thoughts of the little golden girl twirling and swirling in your brain. Mummy doesn’t like those things going round and round in your head.” She nipped at his face but then turned her back to him and went back to sleep.


Spike lay there in silence. Dru knows. How am I going to make this better? At least she didn’t rip into me with those claws of hers. Maybe she wasn’t fully awake. Maybe she’ll forget all this by tonight and everything’ll be okay again. 


Maybe I’m an idiot to think so, he told himself as he drifted off to sleep, images of a little golden girl dancing around him, a stake clutched in her hand.




Chapter Ten


Ethan sat in his horrid little motel room surrounded by the ingredients he needed for the first spell; the one that would bring out one’s most hidden desire. It was almost six in the evening and a very good time to start the fun, in his opinion. The sun would not be setting until almost seven and the three vampires would have an uncontrollable need to get to whatever their desire was while trapped inside their shelter. This would serve to compound their feelings and drive them harder towards what they wanted once they were able to leave.


From the small amount of research he had done on the two vampires, he had learned of their fierce rivalry when it came to the vampiress, Drusilla. Because of the love that Spike had for Drusilla and Angelus’s possessiveness towards her, Ethan was hoping for a fight to the death.  In their frantic desire driven state he knew that anyone or anything getting in their way would be decimated.


Having the Slayer under his little spell would be a treat. Knowing most all of what had been written on the slayer demon he could only imagine what kind of wonderful things could come from the influence of his dark magics. Maybe she will turn into her primal self. Wouldn’t that be magnificent?


Giles’ role in his little play was the topper. Ethan hoped that he would be visited by all the anguish that Ethan had suffered upon his rejection.


The bloodshed and destruction all of these beings would cause would be magnificent to see. Beautiful chaos such a perfect thing to be a part of. He sat down in the circle he had created for the spell and with a deranged grin on his face, he began to chant.




Across town in the old factory, Spike sat in his favorite leather chair. Jeopardy was on but he wasn’t bothering to pay attention. All he could think about was the Slayer, even as he berated himself for his traitorous thoughts.


The minion he had sent out the night before had been successful in finding out her name. Buffy Anne Summers. A sappy grin crossed Spike’s face as he shook his head while pondering the silly name. Buffy. How could such a name ever strike fear into her enemy’s hearts? 

An unexpected gut wrenching surge of desire ripped through him, twisting his insides painfully like the sharp blade of a knife, leaving him with a desperate longing to be with her. Spike was driven to his feet, hands shaking with the force of his craving as he paced and furiously willed the sun to go down. Buffy. Must get to Buffy. Need her so bloody much. So warm and beautiful. Want to wrap my arms around her. Want to feel her soft skin. Want to breath in that divine scent that’s only hers. Will the bloody sun never go down?


Drusilla rushed into the room fretfully wailing her agony as she was consumed with her need for Angelus. The minion who had been assigned to look after her followed close behind. Seeing that his mistress was going towards the door while the sun was still shining outside, the young vampire grabbed her, trying to trap the distraught woman. If he allowed her to dust herself it would be a slow and painful death for him. 


Struggling desperately to free herself, Drusilla began to whimper, “Daddy wants me. He still loves his princess. Whispering such beautiful things in my ear, telling me he will bring out all the lovely colors on my skin as he makes me his again. Must find Daddy.”  Finally she collapsed against the minion in her tormented state sobbing uncontrollably.


Wrapped up in their own obsession to find their heart’s desire, the two vampire’s who had spent over a century together were utterly oblivious to the others presence and pain as they waited for the sun to begin it’s decent in the sky.






Angel’s demon burst forward, howling with want and need as it pushed down his soul. He could feel Drusilla’s body calling to him strongly. His most precious childe needed him and his demon raged at the sun that was keeping him inside. Furiously grabbing the first thing his hands could get a hold of he flung the mattress from his bed ripping it with his clawed hands destroying his own apartment in his frenzied plight. He needed the darkness so he could go to his Perfect Princess.  Have to claim what is mine. She is mine. No one else will touch her again. If I have to kill Spike, I will. He is not good enough for my dark girl. Doesn’t know what she needs. Can’t make her feel like I can.

Mine, Mine, Mine.




Buffy was going out of her mind as she raced through the cemeteries of Sunnydale. She had one goal, one desire. To find the one person who could take all her pain and loneliness away. Tears were flowing down her face and her body trembled in fear that she wouldn’t be able to find him. Spike. Where is Spike? I have to find him. I can’t live another day without Spike. Need to feel his strong comforting arms around me. Only he could take away the loneliness and fear. Need to feel his cool body against me drowning out the harsh world.


She suddenly froze. Lifting her head, she sniffed the air, heart pounding in anticipation as she caught a familiar, mouth-watering scent. Spike! With a cry of joy, she ran towards the abandoned factories at the edge of town.

Nothing would get in her way of having him. 




Giles could no longer lie to himself. Everything he had ever felt for Ethan was bubbling up from deep within where he had buried it ages ago. Giles had repressed all of it for so long, telling himself it was just the experimentation of a young man who had gone down the wrong path. Now he realized that he couldn’t be more wrong; that Ethan was the reason he had never been happy in a relationship with a woman.


As his memories of the time they had shared together pushed forward, Giles grew more and more determined to make everything right between them. Ethan had always been an open book to him, never hiding anything of himself from Giles. I have to find him and tell him I love him. Maybe he still loves me. Maybe he will change so that we can be together. Please let me find him. Giles began to beg whatever higher being would listen.




Finally the sun set and three vampires ran heedlessly into the night, looking for the only thing that could calm the turbulent storm inside each of them.


Angel’s human mask slipped, bringing his true face to the fore as he followed the pull of his childe. Soon they were within site of one another and began howling with delight. The only thought in both their minds was to claim their mate as they threw themselves into each others arms and biting quickly into the others neck. Bliss.  It was sheer bliss that took them over as they fell to the ground, wrapped around each other.




Giles knew that they had searched most of Sunnydale for Ethan the night before, but now he decided he would look room to room at the only two motels the town had to find him if he had to. Maybe then he could find his love and once again feel whole in Ethan’s arms.


After knocking on every door of the Regency Hotel, he realized Ethan wouldn’t stay there. It was in the middle of town and there were too many guests for Ethan to have the privacy and anonymity he would need for working his dark magics. No, Giles was sure that he would be at the Sunnydale Motor Lodge. It was old and dilapidated and located on the outskirts of town. Just the right place for someone bent on doing something without being noticed.


After beating on so many doors, Giles’ knuckles stung fiercely.  But there were only two doors left. If he didn’t find Ethan in one of these rooms, he knew of nowhere else to look for him. He raised his hand and knocked. The door was immediately opened by none other than an exhausted looking Ethan Rayne.


Giles’ heartbeat sped up as he flung himself at Ethan and wrapped his arms around him. All the pain of being without the man he loved broke free and he began to sob. “Please forgive me?” Giles wailed, begging through the weeping tremors that shook his body. “I love you.”  





Buffy was leaning face first against a streetlight crying when she got a familiar tingle. Please, please let it be him. Before she could turn around she was engulfed by strong, cool, loving arms. Her head fell back against his chest as her tears dried up and her body began to hum with his closeness. Putting her hands over his she sighed, “I have been looking everywhere for you. I needed you so badly and I didn’t know where to find you.”


“Was pacin’ the factory I’m staying in, willin’ the sun to go down,” Spike whispered next to her ear as he let her warmth and scent engulf him. “It was agony havin’ to wait to find you.” His arms tightened around her as he began to nuzzle her neck. “Need you, luv. So bad.”


Being pressed against his cool hard body sent the rest of the world drifting away, leaving her and the vampire she hoped would become hers to discover one another.

Chapter Eleven


Buffy was melting into his possessive embrace, craving what only he could give her. His arms held her against his hard, cool body while that seductive voice sent puffs of cool breath over her neck, causing her to shiver against him.


Spike needed to see her beautiful face. He turned her in his arms, hoping to find the same all-consuming desire in her eyes that he was feeling in every molecule of his body. There was no mistaking the burning intensity that was shining from her captivating hazel eyes. As he brought her body against his, he crushed his mouth to hers; pouring all the lust and love he had into an all consuming kiss.


His teeth nipped at her bottom lip, followed by his tongue begging entrance to her mouth. She opened to him with an eagerness that caused him to shudder with yearning. The smell of her arousal hung in the air like the sweetest of flowers and the soft moan that escaped her lips was his undoing. There was nothing in this world that could stop him from making her his now.


He pulled away from her mouth, suddenly unwilling to take her out here in the open where anyone else could see her delectable body. It belonged only to him. “Pet, let’s go somewhere more private,” he said, not releasing her from his arms.


“I don’t want to wait, Spike. I need to be with you now. My motel room is so far away and it’s no better than one of the crypts in that cemetery across the street.” She pouted up at him while unknowingly rubbing her legs together for much needed friction.


Spike couldn’t take his eyes from her lusciously protruding bottom lip, desperate to latch onto it with his teeth and suck it into his waiting mouth.


“Would rather it be in a nice bed our first time, luv,” Spike replied. Her whimper of disappointment stopped his protests. “Crypt it is, my sweet girl.”


Pulling her along beside him through the gates and into the graveyard, he pushed open the door to the closest crypt. That was as far as he was able to move before his arms were suddenly full of Buffy. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he walked further into the crypt, kicking the door closed behind them.


Buffy’s warm, wet mouth descended upon his, ravaging his lips with teeth and tongue. She couldn’t get enough of the taste of them, nipping and licking them until he opened under her onslaught.


Spike moaned into her mouth as their tongues dueled against one another. The feel of her heat rubbing into his crotch was almost too much to bear. He had to be inside her soon or he would dust from the fire that was raging within.


Moving his lips from her mouth, he began to run his tongue along her jaw, nipping at it with his blunt teeth. She was panting in his ear and writhing against his body with such abandon he was sure he would make a mess of himself.


Luv, wait a sec,” he mumbled against her skin as he tried to remove his duster. She finally noticed what he was trying to do and eased her legs down, moving eagerly to help him remove his clothes, wanting to see all of him.


Buffy’s fingers danced across his abdomen, causing his stomach muscles to quiver in response. Bloody hell, she’s going to kill me. Spike thought as he felt her warm little fingers run along the fastenings of his jeans. Needing a distraction, he turned to spread his duster out on top of the nearest sarcophagus, creating a makeshift bed for them. Satisfied with the results, he reached for her.


Ducking his head, he ran his mouth along the soft skin of her neck as he unbuttoned her shirt, dragging his finger along the flesh he exposed. She was mewling in the back of her throat, sending delicious tingles throughout Spike’s body.


His tongue slid wetly over her collarbone and he breathed out through parted lips, “You taste so good, baby.”  Pushing her shirt all the way off, he deftly unhooked her bra and peeled it away, leaving her bare to him.


Before he could get his mouth around one of those perfect nipples, Buffy’s hand snaked into his now open jeans to caress him. Spike’s head shot up when he felt her fingers around his rigid cock. His eyes rolled back as he thrust forward with a growl. “Buffy, baby… Ugh … Feels so good.”


Buffy couldn’t help but stare at him, all silky and hard in her hand, while a light blush colored her cheeks at the boldness he brought out in her. She licked her lips at the sight. It seemed somehow appropriate that his should be the first naked male body she had ever seen. He was magnificent.


The look of lust that the slayer had on her face made Spike groan in anticipation. Taking her hand from him, he fell to his knees before her, flicking the tip of his tongue across her diamond hard nipples.


Buffy flung her head back with a harsh cry as Spike sucked her into his cool mouth, grabbing the back of his head as he bit gently on her nipple. She didn’t realize that he had divested her of the rest of her clothing until she felt a cool finger run across the heated lips of her sex and her knees began to buckle.


Spike grabbed her around the waist as she started to fall. Lifting her up onto the sarcophagus, he laid her down gently on his duster. Quickly, he kicked off his shoes and pants and climbed up beside her.


He pulled her flush against him, needing to feel her heated body gliding across his coolness, warming him. He crushed his mouth to hers, running his hands down to tweak both nipples before moving on to lightly caress over her abdomen and into her soft curls. He slid his fingers over her hot quim, finding her dripping with need. Sliding his finger back to the apex of her sex, he found her nub and began circling it slowly.


Buffy panted and moaned as her body twisted with the most intense pleasure she had never known. She opened her eyes to find Spike staring down at her, his own eyes midnight dark. “You’re so beautiful, my love,” he said, his voice filled with awe.


His words gave her the last thing she needed as her body was catapulted into the strongest orgasm she had ever had. Never with her own fumbling hand was she able to make herself feel like this.


Spike moved over her, unable to wait any longer. He felt as if she was his body’s nourishment and without her he would dust. Placing his aching member at her soaked opening was heaven in itself. The feel of the heat pouring out of her body and the anticipation of being home inside her was the most erotic thing that he had ever felt.


Buffy arched against his body as she felt his cock rub against her slick passage. She needed him inside her to fill the aching void that he had created. Slowly, he began pushing forward and it gave her a twinge of pain. She knew that it would hurt the first time and was prepared for what was to come.


Spike hadn’t been ready for how tight she was. He hissed with pleasure as he nudged his way inside. When he came up against the barrier it came crashing in that she was a virgin. Stunned, he looked down at her and saw that there was a little frown of pain on her face.


“Buffy,” he whispered with remorse. “I didn’t know, baby. It’s gonna hurt for just a second, luv. Then I promise to make it feel so good.” Overcome with emotion that she was giving him such a precious gift, a single tear slid down his cheek.


Knowing it would be better for her if he did it as quickly as possible, he stared into her eyes and surged forward. Buffy let out a yelp of pain. Spike’s eyes closed as he fought to keep himself under control. He was home, firmly ensconced in her velvety core.


Buffy was relieved to find that he was right. The sharp pain was now dissipating. Her muscles began to relax and a new feeling of need came to the fore.


Spike pulled slowly out of her as her muscles relaxed and then slid back in. She was so hot and tight that he was having trouble controlling the demon and his face began to change back and forth.


Writhing against him, Buffy began to match Spike thrust for thrust as her legs slid around his waist and her fingers dug into his back.  Her eyes fluttered open, needing to see his. When she realized he was trying to keep his demon in, she reached up to gently caress his face. “Let it go, Spike. I want all of you, man and demon.”


Spike lost all control and began pounding into her, moving faster with each stroke and driving them closer to something big. Buffy could feel it growing with each stroke of his turgid member. Glorious vibrations spread to every limb of her body as Spike began a low continuous growl.


“Spike, Spike, Spike,” she chanted mindlessly over and over.


Feeling how close she was, Spike could hold back no longer. He started to nuzzle her neck, licking the salty sweat from her skin. As she began to shudder and her moans became louder, Spike scraped his fangs along her neck. Her silken walls clamped tighter around his girth in response, causing his sac to tighten with his impending orgasm.


Spike slid his fangs slowly into her flesh, letting her blood pool in his mouth. It was the most delectable ambrosia he had ever tasted. Buffy’s body convulsed with the first pull of his mouth at her throat and a cry of pure ecstasy filled the air as her orgasm ripped through her.


Pulling his fangs from her neck with a roar Spike thrust in to the hilt, filling her hot core with his cool seed. “MINE!” he roared.


“For eternity,” Buffy answered with a tired smile.


Spike rolled them both slowly to their sides, keeping himself nestled in her warmth as he lapped at the marks that proved to the world this girl was his. Holding her tightly to him, he began to run his fingers through her hair as she mumbled her contentment and fell into an exhausted sleep.


Truly happy for the first time in his life or unlife, Spike drifted off along side Buffy with a smile.




Chapter Twelve



Spike awoke a few hours later with his body wrapped around Buffy’s. She’s so warm and feels so right in m’ arms. Laying there he stared at her beautiful face as she continued to sleep peacefully. Love. That was the feeling that overtook him as he looked at this earth bound angel. He knew without question that he would protect her and stay at her side for as long as she would allow it.



Buffy slowly began to come back to consciousness. Ooohh, he feels so good pressed up against me all snuggly like. I want to wake up like this everyday. Buffy’s eyelids slowly fluttered open to see his gorgeous blue ones staring at her, full of affection and tenderness.  


Mornin’, luv,” Spike breathed out as his lips came down in a gentle caress upon hers. He was still having a little trouble believing this radiant girl was all his.


Buffy’s hands moved with a mind of their own, stroking the well defined muscles of his back as her mouth opened to run her tongue along his full lips.


Moaning into her mouth his tongue came out to entwine with hers. His fingers brushed over a rosy nipple and she gasped, arching into his sensuous touch.


“Spike, I need to feel you inside me please,” Buffy begged as her juices flowed from her body, coating the thigh he was pressing against her in just the right spot.


Spike felt the warm wetness on his thigh and knew she was ready for him as he shifted her to spread out on top of him. Holding her hips, he began rubbing his hardness between her thighs, hissing in pleasure.


Whimpering with need, Buffy pulled her knees up under her so she was straddling his hips. She was a little shy about being on top, but the look of ever darkening lust in his eyes spurred her on. She raised herself over his rigid cock until he rested at her dripping entrance and slowly slid down.


A sensual growl escaped his throat as her wet warmth encased him. “Buffy… so tight,” was all he could manage to choke out before she was moving above him, the feel of her silky depths stripping him of the ability to form words. He was mesmerized by the sight and sound of her rising and falling above him with her head thrown back and the delicious mewling sounds coming from deep in her throat. 


Already so close to orgasm, Buffy’s breathing became erratic with Spike’s continual upward thrusts. She leaned forward onto his chest, needing to feel his body pressed against hers as she writhed upon him. Her inner muscles began to flutter and tighten around his hard shaft as her whimpers turned to moans and growls.


Knowing she was close and wanting to feel his fangs deep inside her again, Buffy bent forward and moved her head to the side, allowing him access to her neck.


Spike licked and sucked the sweat slicked skin he found there, waiting for the perfect moment. “Love you, Buffy” was pulled from Spike’s lips as her velvet walls strangled his cock. His teeth sliced through her skin ever so tenderly and he contented himself with taking small pulls of her delicious blood.


Buffy’s body convulsed as her ear piercing scream echoed off the walls of the crypt. Then her head was at his neck and her teeth ripped through his skin, tasting his essence for the first time. She didn’t know what possessed her to do it, but she knew he had claimed her the night before and wanted him to be hers as much as she was his. She pulled a swallow of his blood into her mouth as she growled around his throat “MINE”.


Spike’s eyes flew open when her teeth tore into his neck. Oh fuck! She’s biting me.  His back arched off the sarcophagus as his hips slammed into her pelvis, emptying his copious load. “All yours, forever,” he howled to the world.


Afterwards, they lay in each others arms, each basking in the other’s soft touches.


Buffy’s mind drifted to his admission of love during the mind blowing sex. She worried that he didn’t really mean it. Had he only said it in the heat of the moment? There was only one way to find out.


“Spike, did you mean it when you said you love me?” she mumbled, looking around the crypt at anything but him as she waited for his rejection.


Seeing her fear, he placed his hand under her chin and guided her eyes to his. “Yes luv, I meant it. You’re so strong and beautiful. There’s nothin’ that can keep me from your side.”


Buffy pressed her lips lightly to his as a tear rolled down her cheek. “Good, because I love you, too,” she said as she pulled back to look in his oh-so-expressive eyes.


Throughout the day they held each other, alternating between talking and making love. Hearing about Buffy’s solitary existence and the agony she had suffered, Spike vowed to never let her walk in the world alone again.


Then Buffy’s stomach suddenly started making itself known and her skin tinged pink with embarrassment. She realized she was starting to get very hungry, but it was only four-thirty in the afternoon and still light out. Leaving Spike to find something to eat was not an option in her mind.


Spike’s own needs had been sated from the small amounts of her blood he’d taken throughout the day. She needed nourishment and he wasn’t about to let her wait until sunset to go out for food. He needed to ensure that his girl’s needs were taken care of.


“Pet, I know you’re hungry. Are you sure you’re not part grolak? That cute little stomach of yours sure sounds like one.” Spike started to tickle her with amusement dancing in his eyes.


Trying to shove his hands away from her ticklish sides, Buffy fell backwards almost tumbling off of the sarcophagus, but Spike caught her just in time.


“Why don’t you go get somethin’ to eat and meet me back here when you’re all done?” Spike asked as he held her to him, trying to stop the laughter that wanted to spring free.


“But I don’t want to leave you,” she whined. “I can hold off for another couple of hours.”


He raised his hand to her face, stroking her soft cheek lightly. Spike felt the same way but didn’t want his mate to suffer waiting for night fall. Leaning forward he kissed her irresistible lips.


“I don’t want you to have to wait, luv. It won’t take long, and then you’ll be back in my arms. If you know where you’re goin’ to get somethin’ to eat, and the sun sets before you get back, I can meet you there,” he suggested.


Buffy leaned into Spike, not wanting to be away from his touch for a second. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and moved her lips softly against his. Tingles shot through her again just from the touch of his lips and she opened her mouth, forcing her tongue into his.


Spike pulled her against his body, reveling in the feel of her softness pressed against him as they continued to assault each other’s mouths. Hands began to slide along skin, eliciting moans until Buffy’s stomach gave a loud protesting rumble wanting to be fed. She pulled back from him, turning red once again.


“Sorry,” she muttered, looking down at her lap.


Spike laughed and grabbed her face, smacking her lips with his in a playful manner. She was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen. “Kitten, I want you to go get somethin’ to eat. Be a good girl, now. The sooner you go, the quicker you’ll get back.”


“Fine, but I won’t be happy the whole time I’m away from you,” she pouted, brushing her lips against his again. He grabbed the back of her head to keep her in place as he began kissing her with a fierce intensity.


When he finally let her go, she had to ask “What was that about?”


“Needed me a proper kiss ‘til you get back, don’t I?” he breathed huskily.


By the time Buffy actually walked out of the crypt it was already after five. She was going to get her food as fast as she could and get back to him. His mark on her neck was already beginning to protest the loss of his closeness.


There was something nagging at the back of her mind, causing her to frown for a brief moment unable to figure out what was bothering her before thoughts of her vampire pushed it back.


Maybe it was just her silly fear of losing him.





 Chapter Thirteen

Giles awoke wrapped in the arms of his true love, aware of a feeling of contentment he hadn’t felt for many years. Ethan looked so young and peaceful cuddled beside him. How could I have ever thought my life would be complete without him?

They had talked through the night about their feelings for one another and Ethan’s evil tendencies. He admitted it would be hard to give up the life he had clung to for so long, but promised to try and be good as long as Giles was there to help him.

Giles was happier now than he had ever been in his life. As he absorbed these new wonderful feelings, a silly grin spread that he was unable to get rid of and he really didn’t want to.

Realizing it was now late afternoon and his body was craving sustenance, he carefully climbed from bed, not wanting to disturb his sleeping lover. Knowing Ethan would be hungry as well when he woke up, Giles thought it would be a nice surprise to bring him breakfast in bed. It would mean leaving his beloved, but it wouldn’t take too long and it would make Ethan smile.

Dressing as quickly as he could, Giles quietly picked up his wallet and strolled out into the evening twilight.


Buffy hurried towards the burger place, not paying attention to anything around her, thinking only of getting back to her love. In her haste, she accidentally bumped into a man and knocked him to the ground. She bent quickly to help him up, apologizing the whole time.

Plowing into the poor man made her aware of her surroundings for the first time. She noticed the people coming from the different shops running along the street as the shops were being readied for closing. A few feet away there was an art gallery. Seeing it made her think of her mother and how much she missed her. Unable to resist, she walked over to look in the front window, her thoughts flashing back to when she had a family in LA.

There was a woman standing behind a counter with her back to the window. Noticing her, Buffy thought how wonderful it would be to see her mother again. Maybe Spike would help her look for her mother when this was all over.

She was about to turn away when it happened. The woman turned in her direction and a gasp of surprise broke from Buffy’s lips.

Her dream stared her in the face as she lost all her breath.

Joyce Summers continued to arrange a display of pottery, completely oblivious to the shocked eyes that stared at her so yearningly through the glass of the front window.

It had been over a year since she had watched her mother this same way from outside the gallery in LA. That morning upon waking up, she had decided that it was just too painful to keep watching her parents from a distance when she would never have that life again.

She watched as Joyce prepared to leave for the day, knowing that she would have to follow and make sure she was okay. Maybe she could even find out a little something about Joyce’s new life. She hoped more than anything that her mother was happy.


Spike felt something new coming through the claim. He had been feeling nothing but love and happiness when suddenly there was a hint of sadness. Trying to get his emotions under control, he paced furiously, needing badly to be with her, holding her. Bloody hell, why did I let her leave without me?

Then the sadness turned to pain mixed with hope. This was something he couldn’t fathom. What would cause her to feel this way? He could tell it wasn’t her feelings for him. Becoming more agitated by the second, he began to growl low in his throat wanting the sun to go down so he could find his Buffy.


Buffy was still standing outside the big window watching her mother go through the routine of closing up the gallery when suddenly she felt like she was being twisted inside out. Oh god, it was all magic.

She didn’t know how she knew it had all been a spell, but abrupt awareness swiftly filled her mind.

Panic rushed through her. What if Spike didn’t love her anymore? What if, with the magic gone, his love was as well? A sharp pain knifed through her chest. It was fear, plain and simple. Crippling fear that Spike would leave her alone. The agony was so overwhelming that she clutched her chest, sobbing uncontrollably.

She stumbled to the side of the gallery, leaning against the wall as the tears streamed down her face. What was she going to do without him?


Spike felt when the spell released its hold on him, but even with it gone his love for Buffy was still there. Everything he had told her was the truth and he would never leave her side.

He was struck with an intense sense of panic at that moment and centered all his thoughts on Buffy. Her desperation and pain shook him to his very core. She was terrified that he might leave her. He became more agitated, desperate to get to her and prove that nothing would tear them apart.

He tried to send her loving reassurance through his thoughts but she was so consumed with fear he didn’t know if anything was getting to her. The sun was just going down and he bolted for the door, determined to find her as quickly as possible.


Angel’s heart broke when he realized what he had done. He was filled with conflicting emotions as he held Drusilla in his arms. She was still a killer and his soul wouldn’t allow him to stay with her.

In spite of his anguish, a small glimmer of hope took root in his heart. He had reclaimed her as his own and maybe with the claim in place he would be able to get her to feed from bagged blood.

He could only hope that it might be possible for Dru to stop killing if he was there to keep her under his watchful eye.


As Giles strolled down the street he felt the desire spell release him. It was strange, but he had full knowledge of the spell and how it affected him. For a brief moment he felt slightly violated but quickly realized the spell had done no harm. It only brought forth his true feelings and made him take a real look for the first time in his life at what was important to his heart.

He was positive that Ethan had done the magic, thus revealing his long-buried love for the man. How could he stay angry at him for opening his eyes and tearing down the walls that had kept Giles caged inside his uptight life for so many years without love?

However he would have to have a chat with him and find out who else had been influenced by the spell. Giles had an idea that the spell had been meant for everyone that Ethan had gathered together on the Hellmouth.

With a desire spell it would have only opened up the deepest feelings one buried. Ethan may have been expecting some other effect but in matters of the heart it was always about love and Giles understood this.

With a spring in his step he continued on his search for a place to buy food so he could return to his beloved.


Ethan woke alone. A cry of pain ripped from his throat as he allowed the emptiness to consume him. Enraged that Giles had deserted him after the promises he had made, he leapt from the bed and dressed quickly.

Possessed with a deep need for revenge against the wrongs perpetrated upon him, he gathered the ingredients for another spell; one that would bring forth all the vampires that called the Hellmouth home. He prepared everything and started the spell, his heart aching with loss. This was all he knew and without Giles, he would do everything in his power to turn the world upside down. Chaos would reign.


All across Sunnydale, vampires began to rise; instincts telling them to hunt, feed, and mate. Game faces at the fore, their basic urges were in complete control.

The quiet little town had no idea what beasts lurked amongst them this dark night.

 Chapter Fourteen

Buffy was so consumed with her pain she didn’t notice the slight sting in her gut or the tingles that were telling her there were a lot of vampires nearby. Hearing a terrified scream, her head jerked up in time to see her mother surrounded by at least fifteen of the creatures. She hadn’t seen this many together since she’d killed Lothos.

Rushing towards them, Buffy flipped over their heads. A battle cry exploded from deep within her as she took up the defensive between the snarling group and Joyce. Kicking out at the nearest one, she grabbed the ever-present stake from the back of her jeans. Soon she was fighting all out, punching, kicking and dusting several within the first few minutes. It seemed no matter how many she turned to dust there were still more. They rushed at her as she kept her position, blocking her mother from them.

Joyce couldn’t believe what was happening. When she’d come out of the gallery-- only to be surrounded by several men with horribly disfigured faces-- she’d screamed. There had been rumors of strange creatures that only came out at night when she first moved here, but she’d never believed them until now.

When she thought all hope was lost, she heard a ferocious yell and a tiny young woman amazingly came flying over her attacker’s heads. The girl stood before her, shielding her from the snarling creatures. As she got a good look at the young lady, her breath caught in her throat.

It was Buffy. Her Buffy.

How could this be? She couldn’t fathom what her eyes were showing her. Her daughter was in front of her, fighting for their lives with a fierceness she had never seen before. The men she thrust the wooden stick into were turning to dust. Dear Lord, they’re vampires. Vampires are real!

Aching muscles and exhaustion consumed her, but Buffy continued to fight with every last bit of strength at her command. She prayed to whatever higher power existed that she would be able to kill them all before her energy fled.

Pain flared when a fist smashed into her stomach and she stumbled when a forceful blow struck her temple. Struggling to stay upright, Buffy forced her tired limbs to keep striking vampire flesh. There were just too many hits finding their mark that she was unable to block with her faltering body.

She was kicking out at one of the vampires when her mother yelled a warning. Three more had moved into her blind spot. The warning came too late and she was knocked to the ground, face down and stunned long enough for a vamp to slam her forehead into the pavement. Her last thoughts as she lost consciousness were of her mother and Spike.


Spike was filled with fear. He let his claim guide him to Buffy when Ethan’s newest spell took effect. His game face burst forth and his basic instincts to get to his mate and keep her safe pushed the regressed vampire to run faster. Feeling the scorching ache in Buffy’s body and knowing she couldn’t last much longer in her fight, Spike erupted with constant growls as he forced himself onward. He had to get to her soon.

Bounding down the street, he saw Buffy set upon by the three vampires just as she went down. With a feral roar, Spike dove into the fray, ripping and shredding anything that dared get in his way. Reaching the one who had smashed his mate’s head into the parking lot, Spike tore his arms off first before wrenching his head from his shoulders. It only took moments for him to turn them all to dust.

Faster than the eye could see, Spike had Buffy in his lap whimpering and making small growling sounds, trying to awaken his girl as he rocked back and forth nuzzling his mark. His rumbling chatter became more frantic seeing the blood spilling from the gash in her forehead. Quickly he began licking the wound to clean it and help it knit together faster, all the while cooing softly to his broken mate.

Joyce took a hesitant step towards the blonde vampire that was tenderly taking care of her daughter, noting the shine of tears in his eyes. She was still in a state of shock, but seeing this creature’s actions made her fear lessen. “Is she going to be okay?” she asked anxiously.

Spike’s head lifted upon hearing the small voice, but not understanding what she was saying he growled low in his throat, sniffing the air to determine if she was a threat. Picking up the smell of Buffy coming from her, his senses told him she was family. Realizing she wasn’t a danger to his love, he went back to purring and cooing as he rubbed his rough cheek against Buffy’s, desperate for her to open her eyes.

Buffy’s lashes started to flutter and she groaned. Her head was pounding and she was sure she was going to throw up. She felt cool arms holding her and knew Spike was with her. Why does my head hurt? Oh crap, my mom! The vamps!

She panicked and tried to sit up too quickly. Spike wrapped his arms around her to hold her still. “My mom, where is she? Did they get her? Spike, we have to find her!”

“Buffy, its okay! Honey, I’m right here,” Joyce replied. She noted that the blonde was no longer growling at her for getting too close, so she bent down to run her fingers over Buffy’s hair.

Trying to wriggle out of Spike’s strong grip so she could get to her mother, Buffy realized that Spike was in vamp face, purring as he licked her neck. “Spike, baby, I need up,” she protested. A series of jabbering noises was his only response.

Confused at what was wrong with Spike, Buffy looked up at Joyce and asked, “Mom, do you know what’s wrong with Spike? Did one of the other vamps hit him in the head?”

“I don’t know, sweetie. Right after your head hit the ground, he came flying in and killed all of the others. Then he picked you up and started making noises while he rocked you. When I tried to talk to him he growled at me and then went back to watching you. He hasn’t said one word,” Joyce replied softly, not wanting to make the vampire mad.

Whenever she tried to move from Spike’s lap, his grip would tighten. Buffy went still and concentrated on Spike’s thoughts and feelings, trying to determine what was wrong. There was a myriad of emotions coming through the claim. Fear, relief, protectiveness and love being the strongest. She was only receiving basic thoughts from him and suddenly understood that the sounds he continued to make was his demon’s way of communicating with her. Finally it dawned on her that for some reason, Spike was functioning on a primal level.

What else could go wrong?


What in the name of God is wrong with the people in this country? When heading out to get something for him and Ethan to eat, Giles hadn’t counted on the fact that the motel was on the edge of town. The only place close by was an all night convenience store which he knew would not carry the type of foods that he wanted, but seeing the horrid things they had to eat shocked him.

How could they call this rubbish edible? After searching the entire establishment, he finally decided on ham and cheese sandwiches from the cooler and a large bag of Cheetos.

Finding the fountain drink machine set him off on another mental rant. There were only large cups with the words Big Gulp printed on them. Uncouth Americans drinking swill. Dimwitted employees who pay no attention to stocking the shelves. Ethan is going to have a nice laugh when I come in with such a romantic meal.

As he started towards the front of the store to pay, a half-dressed vampire burst through the doors snarling and slobbering through his fangs, lunging for the man behind the counter. Giles immediately reacted. Dropping his Big Gulp, he pulled a stake from his pocket and plunged it into the back of the vampire, piercing his heart.

The grateful man told Giles to take his sandwiches and Cheetos on the house. Without saying a word, Giles walked out. He decided he needed to return to Ethan as quickly as possible. Once he knew that everything was alright, he could get them something to drink from the vending machine.

What the bloody hell was happening? There were no people on the streets and he could hear inhuman roars coming from a few blocks over. Spotting another of the evil demons running ahead, Giles became very nervous and mindful of the things around him.

He made it to the motel room safely and walked in to tell Ethan the things he had seen and heard. Stunned for a moment, he just stood there until Ethan stood up from his position on the floor. He had been performing a spell.

“WHY, ETHAN?” Giles screamed at him.

“What are you doing here, Giles? Come to spank the bad evil warlock? I thought you left,” Ethan stated, confusion and pain clearly showing on his face.

“I went out to get us something to eat so that when you woke up we could just sit here and spend time together. Why are you doing this? You promised to be good! I trusted you!” Giles yelled with tears in his eyes.

“I woke up alone and thought you left me. I was sure you weren’t coming back and it hurt too much. I had to do something to try and make that agony go away. Please Giles, I beg you! Forgive me and I swear I won’t do it again. PLEASE!” he begged, choking as the tears threatened to drown him.

“We have to stop whatever you have done here. People are being badly hurt. We’ll talk about us once you stop this. You have to keep your word if our relationship is going to work.” Giles looked at him sternly before letting his face soften with the knowledge that Ethan needed him so much.

Filled with a surge of joyful relief, Ethan resumed his position within the circle and began the chant to reverse the spell. A small part of him wanted to rebel, but the part that wanted to spend the rest of his life with Giles would do anything for the other man’s approval. When he was finished, he found himself enfolded in Giles’ strong arms. And he knew there was nowhere he would rather be.

Chapter Fifteen

Buffy was beginning to worry that she’d be unable to make Spike understand her when his amber eyes started to fade back to their normal gorgeous blue once more and his bumpies and fangs receded. A brilliant smile spread across his handsome features as he leaned down, lightly brushing her lips with his.

“Are you okay now, Spike? What the heck was going on with the cave man thing anyway?” Buffy asked as she cupped his face in her hand, stroking his cheek with her thumb.

“M’ fine luv. I think there was another spell at work. M’ thinkin’ we need to find that warlock and stop him from doin’ anythin’ else. First we need to get you inside somewhere before somethin’ else goes wrong,” Spike insisted.

He was a little stunned at what his nose indicated about the woman crouched down beside them. She had to be the slayer’s mum, but he’d never seen a slayer with family before. Maybe she was the cause of the feelings he’d been receiving from Buffy earlier.

“You can come to my house,” Joyce offered. “I’m not letting you out of my sight for a moment, baby girl.”

Spike stood, helping Buffy up with him as they followed Joyce to her SUV. Joyce spun around quickly. Pointing at Spike she blurted out, “Wait a second. You’re a vampire. Buffy, are you a vampire too? Is that why you disappeared two years ago?”

“No, Mom! I am not a vampire. Yes, Spike is a vampire, but that explanation will have to wait ‘til we get to your house. He won’t hurt you cause…well…um…he’s my boyfriend, I guess you could say,” Buffy stammered. She knew he was much more than just a boyfriend, but wasn’t sure how to make her mother understand any of it.

They all piled into Joyce’s car and drove to her house on Revello Drive. Buffy was trying to come up with a way to tell her mother about the past two years. Spike held her hand tightly, afraid to let go for even a moment. He needed the contact with her. Flashbacks of her head hitting the pavement played over and over and it had scared him more than anything else ever had. What would he do without her?

When they were all standing on Joyce’s porch waiting for her to get the door unlocked, Buffy spoke up. “Mom, I need you to invite Spike in. He can’t come into the house without an invite.”

Joyce looked at her daughter and began to laugh. “You mean to tell me that it’s like in the movies and he can’t get into the house without me asking him to come in? What else do they have right?”

Finally getting the front door open, she invited Spike in and proceeded to walk into the living room. Before Buffy could say anything, Spike had her sitting on the couch and was checking her for any other injuries from the earlier fight.

While Spike was fussing over her, Buffy was able to look around the room. There was a beautiful fireplace that had candles and sculptures gracing its mantel, as well as a picture of Buffy and Joyce that was taken just before she’d run away. The couch she was lying on was overstuffed and comfy. Across from her, Joyce sat in an armchair that looked as if one could snuggle up with a good book for hours. There was all manner of art on every wall as well as most of the flat surfaces. It felt cozy and inviting, just like the smile that adorned her mother’s face.

When Spike was done looking Buffy over, Joyce said, “I want an explanation for everything; from the time you disappeared until now.”

“I’ve been trying to come up with the best way to tell you everything. I’ve decided just to start at the beginning and tell you the whole truth,” Buffy said, clearing her throat nervously.

“You remember the night I disappeared?” When Joyce nodded, Buffy continued. “Well, after school that day, a man named Merrick showed up. He said he’d been waiting for me. I thought he was just a freak at first, but he convinced me to go with him to prove that he was telling the truth. And he was. Mom, I’m a Slayer.”

“Buffy, what is a slayer exactly?” Joyce asked, thinking her daughter had gone off the deep end.

“One girl in all the world chosen to kill vampires and other evil things that go bump in the night. I know, it sounds crazy, right? That’s what I thought, but Merrick showed me different. I have super strength and speed. I heal quickly, but I can still die. Most slayers die by the time they’re eighteen. After one dies, another is called to take her place. Most potential slayers have a watcher from the time they’re young to train them so they’ll be ready if they’re called. I was an anomaly. For some reason the Council of Watchers never knew about me and until I was called and they located me, I had no training or knowledge of my status as the Chosen One.” Buffy was trying to get everything out in the open as quickly as possible. She knew her mother was probably thinking she needed to be locked up in the mental ward and wanted to get the ‘splainy stuff out of the way.

“Merrick took me to a cemetery that night and I staked my first vampire. Well, actually I missed his heart the first time and had to do it again. When I came home I was scared and I didn’t want to be the slayer. You and Dad were fighting again about me being late and I just couldn’t take hearing it on top of what I’d already learned that day. I knew you wouldn’t believe me so I grabbed a few things and ran. I watched you and Dad for a while but thought it was better to stay out of your lives,” Buffy sobbed. Tears flowed freely down both her face and her mother’s. She really had missed her so much and being here recounting the past two years was making the long buried emotions rush forward.

“Since I left I’ve been working as a waitress and living in an abandoned building. My watcher was turned only a few months after I left home. He was my only connection to the world and when I had to stake the monster he’d become, I shut everything out. I was alone and thought it was better for me and everyone else if I stayed that way.” Buffy struggled to compose herself.

Spike wrapped his arms around her tightly as much for her as himself. Her heartache was twisting inside him like a sharp blade and he wanted more than anything to be able to erase all of her past hurts. “You aren’t alone anymore, love. I’ll do everythin’ I can to keep you safe. No early death for my slayer.”

Joyce was still somewhat confused but accepted the things Buffy had told her. After all, she had watched her fight off those vampires earlier and was now sitting in the presence of one.

She was heartbroken that her daughter had gone through all of this alone, and upset that she’d been so emotionally distanced that Buffy didn’t think she could come to her with this.

“According to my new watcher, I should have been here two years ago. I never knew Sunnydale existed until I overheard a warlock named Ethan Rayne talking to a demon about something big going down here. Apparently he’s an old friend of Giles and just wanted me here to add to the chaos that would be caused by his magic.”

“Wait a bleedin’ minute. Ethan Rayne is the bloke I got the ritual from. He did the spell to find Peaches so I could make Dru better. Must’ve wanted to see us fight. I bet he did the other bloody spells, too,” Spike interrupted. A sudden smile brightened his face.

“What’s with the happy face, Spike? We just found out we’re being used,” Buffy said.

“Well, pet, the way I figure it, without this wanker we wouldn’t have gotten together. I think we need to be thankin’ him,” Spike answered as he kissed her nose playfully.

“What do you mean? You just met Spike! How can you trust him if you just met him?” Joyce’s voice was getting higher with each word that crossed her lips. “If Spike’s a vampire, why haven’t you killed him? I can see that he cares for you very much and I don’t want to fuss, but I need to know you’re safe.”

“Mom, calm down. It’s okay, really. Let me explain before you explode. I’m sorry if this shocks you or hurts you, but I love Spike. Although we haven’t known each other very long, we have a bond. In his world, we’re mates. I feel everything he feels.”

Spike got a goofy smile hearing her speak of them being mated with such feeling.

“He may be a vampire, but he is caring and kind and he loves me even though he shouldn’t. We’ll be together until I die. I want to get to know you again, but I won’t be the stupid, self-involved little girl that I was before. I’m almost eighteen and I know how to take care of myself. There is no way I’ll pretend to be someone I’m not. I can’t go back to being the girl you knew. I’m the Slayer and I have a vampire mate. You need to accept this,” Buffy declared forcefully, wanting her mother to understand but not wanting to argue about it.

Suddenly she was pulled into a strong embrace as Spike buried his face in her hair. “I love you so much, Buffy,” he choked out.

The obvious affection Spike showed for her daughter helped to put Joyce a little more at ease.

“Buffy, I’m sorry for jumping in like that. I’m really trying to understand it all and I know your life is different now. It’s just hard for me not to think of you as a little girl. Please stay here with me for a while, honey. I won’t try to tell you where to go or what to do. I know you have your own life now and I’ll try to respect that, but I don’t want you to leave again so soon after getting you back,” Joyce pleaded, near tears again.

“I’ll stick around Sunnydale as long as I can, but if Spike leaves, so do I. Plus, I don’t think I can spend the night away from him, so I probably won’t be staying here,” Buffy said honestly. She wanted to calm her mother’s fears, but she didn’t want to lie to her.

“Promise me you’ll stay in town. Just for a little while longer, at least. I can’t bear to be without you in my life again,” Joyce begged, hoping Spike would be staying here for a long time to come.

“Kitten, we can stay in Sunnydale as long as you want to.” He could sense that she didn’t want to be far away from Joyce now that she’d found her.

“Thank you,” Buffy whispered, knowing he was doing this just for her.

“I’m going to have to check on Dru soon. I haven’t even thought about her since the spell started and she’s weak, so I can’t leave her to fend for herself. I don’t want to go unless you come with me, though.” Spike hoped she wouldn’t get mad at him for needing to make sure his sire was okay. He might not be in love with his dark princess any longer, but he couldn’t just leave her to get herself dusted.

“Of course I’ll come with you,” she said while gazing up at him adoringly. The claim told her his feelings for Drusilla were nothing more than family love and his concern for her made Buffy love him more.

“Mom, over the next couple of days I have stuff that I’ve got to do. I’m not leaving Sunnydale anytime soon, but I have to take care of this warlock and be with Spike when he heals Dru. How about I come over in the morning and we can have breakfast together before I have to find Giles? I don’t much like this new watcher, but since he knows this guy it’d be easier to find him with Giles’ help.”

Joyce was upset that Buffy was already going to leave but she knew that pushing her would only make things bad between them. “I understand, honey. I’d love for you to have breakfast with me. How about I have it ready for us around eight thirty in the morning? I’ll wait until ten to go into work.” She tried to hold onto her smile as she got to her feet.

Buffy stood up with Spike and ran to give her mother the first hug they’d shared in a long time. Joyce was actually listening to what she was saying instead of making demands on her. Maybe everything would be fine. “That would be wonderful, mom. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Keeping her arm around Buffy as she walked her and Spike out onto the front porch, Joyce felt a glimmer of hope at their situation. Saying their goodnights, she squeezed her daughter, never wanting to let her go. Finally she released Buffy and held out her hand to shake Spike’s.

“Don’t worry, Joyce. I’ll take good care of her and make sure she gets to see you as often as she can,” he muttered shyly, suddenly feeling like a teenage boy in front of her.

Joyce smiled at the handsome man in front of her, knowing instinctively that she could trust him. “Thank you, Spike. I look forward to getting to know you better, too.”

As Buffy and Spike walked down the front steps, their hands brushed against each other before their fingers intertwined. A light-hearted exhilaration added bounce to their steps as they strode towards their destination.

 Chapter Sixteen

Angel couldn’t believe how badly Drusilla was acting, just because he asked her to stop feeding on humans. She was ranting about it being unnatural for a vampire to dine on bagged blood. Couldn’t she see how wrong it was to kill innocents? Maybe he should try and find a spell that would give her back her soul. Then he wouldn’t have to watch her constantly and listen to her fits.

“Dru, I want you to stay with me. I want to be able to take care of you and hold you in my arms when I sleep. I don’t think I can be without you anymore, sweetheart,” Angel pleaded, trying to make her see that his way was for the best.

Dru stopped beating her fists on the bed and let out a small giggle when Miss Edith whispered a lovely secret in her ear. If she could be patient, her greatest wish would come true. Drusilla sat up and turned to Angel with a sweet smile playing on her lips. “If Princess promises to be a good girl, will Daddy stay and make me all better?”

“Of course I will, Dru. I already told you I didn’t want to let you go again,” Angel replied. He was beginning to worry about Spike’s whereabouts.

“I wonder what happened to Spike. Where do you think he would go, Princess?” Angel hoped his grandchilde hadn’t gone out wreaking havoc and causing destruction everywhere. He started to pace, wondering if it might be best if he went out and looked for him.

“No need to worry about sweet William. He went to find the light. He loves her now, not his dark girl. She was dancing in his head until he couldn’t see anyone else. He’ll be here soon,” Drusilla said while dancing around the room. She was going to get her Daddy back and all she had to do was be good for just a few more days.


They were happily loading Ethan’s things into the back of Giles’ car. Giles had asked Ethan if he wanted to stay at his apartment even though they’d only just been reunited. Waiting wasn’t an option when one lived on the Hellmouth, because you never knew when your life could end.

“You’re sure about this, right? I don’t think I could live with it if you decided after a couple of days that you want me to leave,” Ethan said with some apprehension. It had almost destroyed him completely the first time Giles had left. He knew he couldn’t live through that pain again.

“No need to worry, Ethan. As long as you’re honest with me and we keep no secrets from each other, I see no reason why I would ever want you to leave. I’m going to have to look for my young slayer soon, though. She needs to know that you aren’t going to hurt anyone. I really don’t want her coming after you. I also need to let her know that the ritual Angel’s childer will be doing isn’t going to cause any problems.”

Spike and Buffy were making their way to the motel after deciding that a shower and a change of clothes would be good before going to see Drusilla. On the way they’d discussed Spike’s feeding habits. Not wishing to upset her, he’d explained that feeding completely off animal blood wouldn’t work for him, but that he wouldn’t kill anyone either. He knew that would destroy his precious slayer. Taking nips from the underbelly of society would keep the bloodlust under control, and the violence he could always get while fighting by her side.

Coming around the corner of the motel, they were met with the sight of her watcher and the warlock smiling happily at one another.

“Hey, Giles. I thought we were supposed to stop the evil guy, not help him out,” Buffy called as she and Spike picked up their pace.

“Yes, well um…you see, Miss Summers, well…uh… Ethan has agreed to give up the practice of worshipping chaos,” Giles stammered out. Seeing Ethan’s stiff stance and the look in his eyes that said he was waiting to be rejected, Giles decided he wouldn’t hide what they shared. “Ethan is coming to stay with me at my flat and there is no concern for alarm since he will not be delving into the dark arts any longer.”

Buffy stood with her mouth agape, trying to process that the straight-laced watcher in all his tweedy glory was in love with a man who’d been pretty much bad for several years from what she understood. ‘Well’, she thought as she shrugged her shoulders, ‘to each his own.’

“Well, well! William the Bloody, what are you doing holding hands with the Slayer may I ask?” Ethan asked with a huge smile, realizing the first spell he’d cast had a totally different effect than he’d intended.

“Well mate, it seems that me and my Slayer owe ya one. Makin’ sure we were all in the same town, that ruddy fantastic spell… well, things just happened. Now I’ve got my girl and one hell of a fighter at my side,” Spike said, reaching his hand out to shake Ethan’s.

“You mean to tell me that you and Miss Summers are… involved?” Giles gasped in a high pitched voice.

“She’s mine. We’re mates and no one’ll take her from me. I love Buffy and she loves me, period.” Spike’s tone told them that there would be no arguments.

“You’ve no room to talk. Look at who you chose. Now, we’re gonna go get cleaned up so we can check on my sire. Talk with ya later.” Turning he pulled on Buffy’s hand, trying to get to her room.

“Wait,” Buffy finally spoke. “We still have the ritual in two nights and I need to make sure nothing is going to interfere with that.”

After Giles assured them that there were no plans to disrupt the ritual, they went their separate ways. Buffy and Spike took a little longer than they had planned. How could Spike resist a naked Buffy in the shower?


Dru could feel them as they neared the factory, sending a giddy tingle through her body. She’d been so bored, sitting in the open area of the factory quietly chatting with Miss Edith as Angel brooded to himself. But now there would be some fun.

She got to her feet and started to bounce up and down, clapping her hands. “Daddy, our Spike is coming. The pixies say he’s bringing his shiny light with him. You’ll still love me when you meet the golden girl, won’t you, my Angel? She already took away my dark knight.”

“Princess, you know no one could ever take your place in my heart,” Angel replied. He was really curious as to who the ‘light’ was. Spike’s leaving Dru alone when the spell started had confused him to no end. He’d been certain that fighting Spike for Dru that night was inevitable, but it seemed things had changed dramatically.

Dru threw herself onto Angel’s lap, ecstatic to hear his words. As she began to run her hands over him, she said, “I promise I’ll be a good girl and play nice with the light. Maybe she would like a tea party with Miss Edith.” She giggled, so proud of herself for the idea.

Angel would be completely happy if he didn’t know that keeping an eye on his beloved was going to be hard. He was afraid she wouldn’t be able to control her bloodlust for some time to come, but he would be at her side lovingly helping her become a new creature.

As they sat there enjoying the feel of being close to each other, the door to the factory opened. Angel helped Drusilla to her feet and they turned to see Spike walk in with someone behind him and who had his absolute attention.

“William, where have you been? You left Dru all on her own,” Angel said with a bit of anger. “She could have been hurt in her weakened state.”

Spike looked up; a cocky grin plastered on his face that he knew would irritate his grandsire. “Well, grandpa, I knew once the spell was gone that you’d be here with her. I had to get to my girl, didn’t I?”

“Hi, Angel,” Buffy said with a wave. She was overflowing with joy to hear Spike say that in front of the other vampires. Catching sight of Dru, Buffy stepped forward “You must be Drusilla. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Angel’s jaw hit the floor when he saw the Slayer step out from behind Spike. His first thought was that Spike must have turned her, but then he heard her heartbeat. “Hello again, Slayer. I didn’t think I’d be seeing you here tonight, and especially not with Spike.”

“Oh, you would taste so sweet with all that power singing through you, but Daddy says I have to be his perfect little girl. Can’t bite the sunshine,” Dru said with a pout.

“Dru, has Angel been takin’ good care of you?” Spike asked.

“I am fine, Spike. Daddy has kept me safe,” Drusilla replied and then turned her attention back to Buffy. “I was thinking we could have some tea with Miss Edith. Would you like that?”

“Why don’t we all have some of that tea, princess? We need to talk about making you all better,” Spike suggested, knowing this would keep Drusilla content.

Dru was so happy. She started to hum to herself, dancing around while preparing the table and Miss Edith for the party. When the table was all set with Dru’s imaginary tea and cakes, everyone sat down.

Buffy gave Spike a look of astonishment as Dru began to poor the fictitious tea into everyone’s cups while asking if they wanted cakes to go with it. She couldn’t fathom how he had done this for almost a century.

Angel smiled at Dru indulgently and accepted his cup. How could he not want to be with this childlike beauty and protect her for eternity? She seemed to have no problem with his soul like Darla had.

Spike began the conversation. “Buffy wants to be here for the ritual. She doesn’t want anythin’ to get in the way. We were both worried about somethin’ stoppin’ it. Angel, there is somethin’ I need to talk out with…”

Angel interrupted, “I know that you want to be with Buffy, Spike. I can feel the claims you’ve placed on each other and I was already planning on keeping Dru with me anyway.” Turning to Drusilla he asked. “You don’t mind if Buffy is here for the healing do you, my beautiful girl?”

“Pretty Buffy, if you want to take care of me I don’t mind. You glow. So perfectly shiny you are, and Miss Edith says you will take care of my Spike for me. I can see you love him deeply,” Dru responded to Buffy instead of Angel.

“Thank you, Dru. Is Miss Edith having a good time?” Buffy asked trying to make Drusilla happy. It was strange but she felt protective of the insane vampire. Dru was so much like an innocent child it was easy to forget she could rip someone’s throat out with a flick of her wrist.

Drusilla leaned down to her doll and whispered, then listened intently before turning to Buffy, “She’s having a splendid time. Thank you for asking.”

“Well, we’d best get goin’ before it gets too late since you and your mum are gonna be havin’ breakfast, pet. We’ll be back night after next for the spell, Angel. Dru, I’m really happy for you and Angel,” Spike said, getting to his feet and reaching his hand out to help Buffy stand. “Angel, you’d best take good care of her. She’s a very special girl.”

Drusilla, making sure she was the perfect hostess for her party, stood to show them to the door. Angel got up when she did.

Spike was thrilled with the way everything had gone. He leaned down and kissed Dru on the cheek as they reached the door.

“Thanks for the tea, pet. Everything was perfect and tell Miss Edith she was a delight,” he said, knowing that involving Drusilla’s silly doll would go far with her.

Leaving the other couple smiling in the doorway, the slayer and vampire stepped out into the evening air to walk in companionable silence back to the motel.

Chapter Seventeen

The rich smell of Buffy’s arousal enveloped Spike’s senses, making him dizzy with lust. He struggled to keep from tackling her to the ground, knowing that his simple caress to the back of her hand affected her in such a way.

When Buffy reached the door of her room, Spike stepped up behind her, molding his body into her lush backside. Feeling his erection pressed into her made it harder to concentrate on getting the door unlocked. He felt so good, all hard and lean muscles making her skin tingle and moisture rush into her now very damp panties. There it was. A lusty growl right in her ear. A sound that went straight to her womb. What was she doing again? Oh right… the door.

As the door closed behind her, a very surprised Buffy was pushed up against it while an extremely aroused vampire ground his steely member into her backside. “Can you feel what you do to me, luv? Make me so hard.” His roughened voice sent shivers of anticipation through her body.

Spike grabbed her hands and forcefully placed them above her head as he continued to sensually rub himself against her. Feeling his nude form pressed to hers, she wondered briefly when he’d managed to get his clothes off. He started pulling at her clothes, needing to feel her skin flush with his. “Brace yourself, little girl. The Big Bad’s comin’ in,” he huskily whispered into her ear as he ran his tongue along the shell of it.

Buffy let out a throaty moan as her head fell back onto Spike’s shoulder. Her body shuddered yearningly at the feel of his fangs scraping across her neck as he pushed her thighs further apart. She let out a gasp of surprise when she was quickly filled with his cool hard cock, sending pure pleasure throughout her whole being. Buffy screamed, “Yes, Spike! More.”

Spike had no control as he pounded into her supple body with unadulterated animalistic need, each stroke faster and harder than the one before. The fingers of one hand pinched her hard nipples as the other furiously rubbed her swollen clit.

“Aghhh…more, Spike…more,” Buffy wailed, head thrashing as her nails dug grooves into the wooden door.

She wanted more? Well, he was just the vamp for the job, Spike thought. The hand that was tending her plump breasts slid down her side to wet his thumb in her copious juices while slowing his thrusts and pulling her hips back farther.

A protesting whimper slipped through her lips, only to be replaced by a shocked but impassioned moan as his thumb pushed into her tight little ass.

“Fuck, slayer…can’t hold back…so hot…little cunny strangling me,” Spike hissed, knowing he wouldn’t last much longer.

He felt her heated walls flutter around him and he drove his fangs into her shoulder. Slamming into her deeply as she milked his hard length, he spilled his essence into her warmth.

Shrieking her satisfaction, Buffy’s body went limp in his arms. “Love you, Spike,” she murmured as her eyes drifted closed.

Spike picked her up and carried her to their bed, laying her down gently. He then slipped in beside her, pulling the covers over them and drawing her into his strong embrace. “Love you, kitten. Rest now,” he said as he nuzzled the back of her neck, breathing in her scent before falling asleep.


Spike awoke warm and satisfied. He opened his eyes to see the beauty that had her head pillowed on his chest. Buffy was sleeping soundly, making the cutest little snoring noises. He smiled at the thought of her being by his side forever.

Wait. Not forever. She was human and a slayer. Panic infused his being. Slayer. That word always meant early death. He knew there was no way he could survive without her. What was he going to do?

He pulled her tighter against him, not realizing he’d started squeezing her hard enough to awaken her.

“Spike, need to breath here. What’s wrong?” Buffy asked, feeling the panic coming through the claim.

Spike knew then what he had to talk to her about. There was only one way to keep her with him. If she didn’t agree, he’d dust himself upon her death.

“Sorry, luv. I got somethin’ important I need to talk to you about. This isn’t gonna be easy and you won’t wanna hear it, but please listen without interruptin’.”

Buffy snuggled into his side. “You know I will, Spike. I don’t think you’d say anything to hurt me. I promise to keep quiet until you’re done.”

“Let’s sit up, love, so I can look in your eyes while we talk,” Spike suggested.

“Okay, now spill,” Buffy sat up facing him with concern marring her features.

“Buffy, I love you so much. You’re my world and I’d do anythin’ to keep you safe with me. I woke up happy, truly happy for the first time in my existence. While I was thinkin’ how havin’ you by my side for eternity was gonna be glorious, I remembered you’re the Slayer. You’ll die young and leave me alone. I can’t live without you, pet. Need you always,” Spike sighed, running his hand through his hair in a nervous gesture.

“Bloody hell, let me just tell you some things about vamps that aren’t in those stupid watcher’s journals. When you’re turned, you don’t lose your soul. It’s buried by the demon. See, it’s like this. Most vamps are turned to be minions. They’re left to rise alone. If they make it through the next few days after awakenin’ then the vampire who sired them will come for them, ‘cause they’re strong enough to do whatever the sire wants. When you first wake, the bloodlust is so strong and painful you’ve gotta kill on instinct to survive. If you don’t feed right off you aren’t gonna make it. Vamps need lots of blood in the first twenty four hours.” Spike was staring intently at Buffy, trying to gage her reaction to what he’d said so far. He needed her to understand all of it.

“With childer, it’s different. They’re turned to make the familial bloodline more powerful. We rise with the same hunger and needs as the rest, but we have our sire there with us. The sire wants to make the childe love the hunt and kill. Wants to turn us into the evil you see. There’s torture combined with rewards that younger vamps see as love, makin’ you do whatever your sire wants. It makes the demon stronger than the soul. You do these things so your sire’ll love you, ‘cause you crave it just like the blood.”

He took her small hands in his and held them tightly. “Buffy, I want to turn you. I know this is somethin’ you’re afraid of, but you won’t wake up alone and I won’t try to make you into the evil thing you hate. If I have plenty of bagged blood on hand then you’ll never know a kill. I want you to be my Buffy, not some cruel creature. I’ll care for you and keep you away from people the first couple of weeks. Then your soul will be integrated with the demon and you’ll still be you. What do you think, love?” Spike asked with fear in his voice. He waited for her to scream or hit him and runaway.

“I don’t know what to say, Spike,” Buffy replied, extremely worried of what would happen if she said no.

Spike grabbed her hands knowing she was frightened. “If you say no, I’ll accept that and dust myself when you die. I’d rather live with you for eternity, but it’s your decision Buffy, not mine.”

The bond kept him from being able to lie to her so she knew everything he said was the truth. Buffy decided to give it some thought even as she was leaning towards no at the moment. She could give him that much. “Spike, I need to think about it. Will you give me a little time?”

Spike pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly to him. He was elated that she hadn’t said no right away. “’F course, kitten. You think on it and then let me know. I love you, Buffy Anne Summers. No matter what you decide, I’ll never leave your side.” He kissed her so sweetly then that it brought tears to her eyes.

Buffy knew that he would be with her always and knowing that he could’ve tried to force this on her and instead had talked to her about it, filled her with awe. He was her everything.

 Chapter Eighteen

The sun would be rising soon and Buffy knew she’d have to leave Spike’s comforting embrace so that she could get ready to see her mother. The talk they’d had was monumental, but holding her mate was more important than anything at the moment.

Pulling away from her, Spike looked her in the eyes before brushing his lips to hers in a soft caress and telling her to go get ready.

Standing in the bathroom as she turned on the shower, she mulled over Spike’s question. She wasn’t afraid of living forever as long as he was by her side, but to be turned into the thing that she was supposed to kill was another story. Fear of becoming a mindless, bloodsucking creature and needing Spike to keep her from people when she first rose was tormenting her thoughts.

Spike had done his best to explain everything in detail to her and still she was confused. She was seriously afraid that even with a soul and Spike keeping her from doing anything to harm others, that she would become evil. Every other vampire she’d come up against had been, so why wouldn’t she? But that wasn’t exactly true either. Look at the one she loved. He’d change anything she asked him to because he loved her so deeply.

Then there was the nagging question that she needed Giles to answer for her. Why, if Angel already had a soul, did he need to be cursed with one? Wouldn’t it make more sense to pull his own soul to the fore and allow that to be his guiding conscience? Was the soul so weak against the demon that it couldn’t stop the demon from hurting others?

This is where her anxiety sprung from. If the soul was weaker, then she wouldn’t be able to control the demon inside and she would have to live out an eternity with this horrible form of torture of constantly fighting within herself.

Finally she pulled herself from her musings and reluctantly stepped out of the nice warm shower. Emerging from the bathroom, Buffy stood in front of the mirror above the dresser with a pout on her face as she applied a light coat of make up and pulled her hair into a pony tail.

“Come ‘ere, luv,” Spike said, opening his arms in invitation, knowing she was letting her mind get the better of her right now. “Love you. Don’t worry about anythin’. Go have fun with your mum.”

Nuzzling his neck, she inhaled his scent before leaning back and kissing him passionately.

“I love you too, baby,” Buffy whimpered against his lips. Leaving him alone without an answer from her made her feel slightly guilty. Even now she knew he was trying to keep his feelings about the whole thing to himself. Not wanting to influence her in any way.

Hesitantly, she left his arms and with a smile she hoped would ease his turmoil, she exited the room.

Walking through the streets of Sunnydale, she continued to ponder the revelations he had laid before her the previous evening. Knowing the soul stayed upon being turned was a plus in his favor, while the thought that he would dust himself as soon as she was dead hurt more than she wanted to admit. Maybe she could talk to her mom about it in a round about way, she thought as she reached the front door of Joyce’s home.

Joyce was heading for her door the moment she heard someone step on the porch. She couldn’t contain her excitement that Buffy was actually there. There had been some doubts throughout the night and she’d almost convinced herself that it had all been a dream. A wonderful yet insanely strange dream.

Joyce swung the door inward just in time to catch her daughter’s expression. It was obvious that she was in thinking hard about something.

“Buffy, I’m so happy you came,” Joyce spoke as she wrapped her in a motherly hug.

“I told you I’d be here, mom,” she replied, basking in the feelings of love and safety within the warm embrace.

“Come on, honey. Let’s go to the kitchen. The food’s almost done,” Joyce stated smiling down at her little girl. She was so happy to have her back.

Buffy nodded and followed her into a bright room. It was nice and homey. There was an island in the middle with stools on one side and the food smelled delicious. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d enjoyed her mother’s cooking. All these things and the huge smile that lit up Joyce’s face engulfed her, releasing some of the tension that had been building on her way over.

“How are you this morning, sweetheart? When I opened the door you looked like you had a lot on your mind. Is there something I can do to help, or maybe we could just talk about it?” she asked, hoping Buffy would open up to her and wanting to be close to her daughter again.

Buffy sighed, wondering how to say it without letting her mother know what she was really talking about. There was no reason to cause the woman to have a heart attack before she’d even made a decision about it herself.

“Mom, can I ask you something?” She worried her bottom lip with her teeth as Joyce piled heaping spoonfuls of scrambled eggs onto the already full plate of bacon and jelly toast. All of which Buffy loved.

“You can ask me anything you like. What do you want to know?” Joyce asked, placing the plate down in front of her daughter.

“If you love someone- and I mean truly deeply love them- would it be wrong to do something you’re afraid of even if it meant you could be together? I don’t mean something bad. At least, I don’t think it’s bad.” Buffy looked up at her mother from where she’d been pondering the floor, unsure that anything she’d babbled had made sense.

“Buffy, I don’t think you’d do anything wrong. You’re a good person. I understand what you’re trying to say though, and if its just fear keeping you from being happy… well, sometimes you have to take a leap of faith,” Joyce told her, hoping it was the right thing to say.

The rest of their morning went well and Buffy realized that being in her mother’s company after their long separation didn’t feel awkward in the least. When it was time for Joyce to leave for work, she asked if Buffy and Spike could come to dinner that night. Buffy readily agreed, hugging her mother tight before leaving to go back to her hotel room.

On the way back to Spike, Buffy was still undecided about what to do, although she was much more at ease with the idea. She hoped talking to the Watcher would give her a little more insight on the matter.

Opening the door to their room, she saw Spike sitting on the bed staring blankly at the wall in front of him. The expression on his face was full of sadness, causing her stomach to roll with worry.

“What’s wrong, baby?” she questioned, walking over to sit beside him and lay her head on his shoulder.

Spike pulled her to him in a crushing hug and lay down on the bed. He knew she’d been agonizing over their talk, and he’d berated himself for not having the courage to just let things be. What kind of poncey git allowed his own fears of loss to override the needs of the person he loved? How was he supposed to undo what he’d already done?

Soon Buffy started to drift off to sleep after trying to get him to tell her what was affecting him so much. After refusing to answer for the hundredth time, she’d let it go and told him about going to her mother’s that evening.

As the sky began to darken, he loosened the firm hold he’d had on her all day as she slept and whispered softly in her ear, trying to rouse her. He wanted to make sure they had plenty of time to stop by the watcher’s before going to her mum’s house.

“Come on, luv. Time for sleeping beauty to wake,” he whispered. “Does my girl need a kiss to make her open those gorgeous eyes?”

“Kisses are always a good way to wake up,” she answered with her eyes still closed.

Perfect. She was completely perfect for him, he thought as their lips met and her tongue played against his bottom lip asking for entrance. His earlier agitation and guilt slammed into him once more. Buffy was his everything and he’d made her think about becoming the thing she was made to destroy. It was getting harder to keep her closed off from these emotions that were rocketing through him, but he refused to allow anything else from him to cause her distress.

“Mmmm…sweet lips of Spike,” Buffy smiled, pulling away from the kiss. “Oh crap, I almost forgot about having dinner with mom! We’d better go see Giles while we still have time.”


Sitting in Giles’ living room, Spike couldn’t help but glare menacingly at the watcher for just a moment before snickering to himself. Yep, he still had it. He was a vampire, after all.

“Enough with the teasing, baby. We need to get down with the question asking,” Buffy admonished while trying to suppress a grin. Making Giles uncomfortable was fine with her, but they had to be somewhere soon so there was no time for him to play.

“Giles, Spike and I had a long talk about vampires earlier. There are a lot of things I didn’t know; the most important thing being that vampires don’t loose their soul when they’re turned, it’s just buried under the demon,” Buffy informed him.

“WHAT!” Giles spluttered indignantly. “I have never heard of such a preposterous thing!”

“Giles, let her get to her point. She is correct; vampires don’t lose their souls,” Ethan interrupted. He knew he had a lot more knowledge on this subject than Giles. Being evil, he’d made it his business to find out anything he could that the council elders wanted to keep hidden from the world as well as its own watchers and slayers. It wouldn’t do for anyone to find out that these creatures had the exact same feelings of love, devotion, loyalty and guilt as any human.

“What I wanted to know is why the gypsies would curse Angel with a soul if he already had one?” Buffy asked.

“I know the answer to this one,” Ethan offered smugly. He couldn’t help being filled with pride at knowing more than the rest of them. “Living in the demon world and having access to a number of books that the council doesn’t even know exist has kept me well informed. I have read the history of the gypsy clan that cursed Angelus. Before he was turned, Liam, as he was once known, was a right bastard. He was a lay-about and a drunken womanizer who did nothing unless it benefited him directly. If the gypsies had used a curse to pull his own soul forward, it would have done them no good. They decided to give him the soul of someone good- someone with morals- so that he would suffer for all he had done over the years. So you see, Angel actually has two souls residing in him.”

Giles’ jaw was almost touching the floor by the time Ethan finished. He had a lot more questions to ask him as soon as they were alone. A sappy grin suddenly spread across his face when he came to the realization that he could have the most informed watcher’s journal ever written. With Ethan’s help, of course. Showing up the head of the council would be so much fun. The man was an arse.

“I guess now that my big question got answered, Spike and I can go. Mom will be upset if we’re late for supper,” Buffy articulated, rising to her feet and pulling Spike up with her.

“Your mother? I thought she wasn’t around anymore and that you lived on your own?” Giles looked at her in confusion.

“I do. I didn’t have a clue she was here until last night when she was attacked by a group of vamps and I had to kick some demon butt,” Buffy answered as she followed Spike to the door.

“Well, I guess it’s good that you came to Sunnydale. I hope you enjoy your evening,” Giles said as they left. Shutting the door, he heard Spike’s muffled shout of ‘later, Watcher’ and smiled. That vampire wasn’t too bad once you were around him for a little while.

Now, on to the more exciting things that Ethan could tell him. He had a feeling he wouldn’t be sleeping at all tonight. He was going to be thanking his lover in all the best possible ways before his hand got too tired from writing to show his appreciation later.

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