by Bugg

Chapter One ***Night Stalker***


Spoilers: Season 5. Up to ‘Blood Ties’ then takes a plunging nose dive into my world.
Disclaimer: Joss is God, all characters are His creation.
I just like to play with them.


A lone girl walked through the graveyard, stopping occasionally to gaze at the headstones in the full moon light unaware of the dark figure standing in the shadows watching her. A light breeze stirred the air, making her hair float about her face. The wind brought her scent to him and he breathed in the fragrance of peaches and coconut, a smile upon his face. Not one of his regular smirks, but one of the rare genuine smiles. She twirled the deadly wood between her fingers like a cheerleaders baton. Her voice carried over the silent night as she swore as she yet again dropped the stake to the ground. His smile widened in anticipation as he heard the shifting of dirt somewhere to the girls right. She walked over to the freshly turned dirt and waited. The man moved silently through the night, moving as if he were a shadow himself, to place himself close to the girl should she need his help yet hidden from her. A pale hand broke the surface of the ground and clutched the soil, dragging the body from the earth. The man could hear the girls heart beat speed up. The creature finally pulled its self from his grave and looked upon the girl with bloodlust foremost in his eyes.

“Oh look,” the creature growled. “Someone was thoughtful enough to deliver a little girl for my midnight snack.” The vampire leapt at the girl, fangs flashing in the moonlight. She dodged the fledgling and watched him knock over a headstone as he fell.

“I’m not a little girl.” She growled as best a human could. The vampire rose to his feet and came after the girl again. The man in the shadows watched as she dodged the creature again. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his trusty pack of smokes. Shielding the telltale flash of flame, he lit the cigarette and took a deep pull.

The girl had succeeded in a few hits to the vampires face before she raised her foot and kicked it hard between the legs. The creature fell to his knees in pain with a moan. She kicked again and connected with its face, knocking it to its back. She rammed her stake towards its heart, a smile on her face. Before the wood could connect, the girl was knocked to her back from a wide sweep of the vampire’s leg. The creature moved with superhuman speed and had the girl pinned before she could catch her breath. She gasped in fright as the vampire lowered his fangs to her neck, his weight pinning her to the ground. She called out a name to save her. The creatures cool tongue tickled her neck and she shut her eyes in fear, when the weight was finally gone from on top of her. She opened her eyes to see the dark figure strike to vampire hard across the face before plunging his own stake into the unbeating heart. The vampire exploded into dust, leaving the two alone.

“If you were looking to get bit I would be more than glad to help you out, pet.” The man said as he walked over to the girl and offered his hand. The girl scowled at him and let him pull her to her feet.

“Shut up Spike.” The girl spat out as she pushed past him and headed towards the exit of the cemetery. Spike smirked at her retreating back and hurried after her.

“I didn’t need your help.” She said with a scowl at the irritating vampire beside her. “I had him just where I wanted him.”

“Sure you did, pet.” Spike snorted. “You were lunch, luv.”

She glared at him again and walked faster to escape him. They walked the rest of the way to her house in silence. It wasn’t long before they were on the front porch. She dug in her pocket for her keys when she felt him grip her arm.

“You ok, bit?” Spike asked, concern evident on his face.

“I’m fine Spike.” Dawn replied. “Thanks.” She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and ran into the house, the door slamming shut behind her. Spike had just turned away when the door opened again, and Dawn’s head peeked out.

“I told mom I was watching TV with you.” She said with an imploring smile.

“If she asks, Nibblet.” Spike said with a shake of his head. “But no more slaying without backup.” Dawn nodded quickly and Spike turned and began to walk down the stairs.

“Spike?” Spike turned at the bottom of the stairs to look at her again. “Don’t tell Buffy.”

****Chapter 2****Part of the Gang?****

The sun filtered through the curtains, casting the Magic Box in a golden glow. Buffy stood in the center of a pool of pure ivory brilliance, lighting her ablaze, as if she were a Celestial Spirit from above. Spike sat watching her from his perch in the stairs leading to the top floor of the store, unable to tear his eyes away from her.

*It’s my fault the bit found out she was this key thing that the Glory bird is looking for. Now Buffy has another thing to fret about.* Spike cursed himself as his unattainable Seraph worried at her necklace, staring anxiously out into the setting sun.

“She should be here by now?” Buffy said, not looking away from the window.

“She’s only 15 minutes late.” Willow said, looking up from the book Tara and her were looking at. “She’s probably just gossiping with her friends.”

Buffy continued to stare out the window without answering, the mask of uneasiness never leaving her face.

“Buffy, come sit down. We must discuss exactly what we are going to do about Glory.” Giles called out, causing Buffy to sigh in resignation and walk over to the round table. She looked at the assembled group. Willow and Tara, both so loyal and dependable. Stacks of books almost three feet tall surrounded the girls, all but hiding them from the room as they dug through the mystical texts, trying to find any magical solution. Xander, trustworthy and truly the heart of the group. Thoroughly bored with the research, he flipped through the books at random, ogling the half naked pictures. Anya, guileless, and outspoken. Her love of money had her counting and recounting the money in the till dismayed at the loss of profits due to Giles’ insistence that the store close early to accommodate the meeting. And Giles, the closest thing the whole group had to a father figure. He continued to pour over the translations on Glory and the Key as if he may had missed something the first thirty times he had read them. Never willing to give up.

Buffy raised her eyes to watch Spike as he flicked his lighter on and off in boredom. He confused her. The night before when he had joined her at the table at the Bronze, he seemed to want to be part of the gang. Willow and Tara hd begun to treat him civilly Even her mom had let Dawn go over to his crypt last night to. . .wait.

“Spike, was Dawn at your crypt last night? Buffy demanded. Spike looked up, his eyes widening for a moment in surprise, stopping his snapping of the lighter.

“Uh, sure, Slayer. Why? Spike gave Buffy his most innocent look. The flame began to burn his fingers and he dropped the lighter with a curse.

“You were at the Bronze last night. When did you find time to watch TV with my sister? Buffy crossed her arms over her chest and glared at the vampire, trying not to laugh at his clumsiness.

Spike smirked at Buffy, not a bit embarassed, and resumed flicking the lighter. “It was cards and maybe you were just too busy with the new boyfriend to notice I left shortly after to keep my date with the bit.” Spike gave Buffy a smug smile.

“He’s not my boyfriend.” Buffy replied, a peculiar look on her face. “And why was she at your crypt. That is so not a good place my little sister to be.” Spike was saved literally by the bell as the front door opened to the Magic Box and Dawn waltzed in. Her eyes lit up as she saw Spike sitting behind Buffy.

“Spike,” Dawn called out in delight as she gave him a large smile. “What are you doing her? Not that I don’t want you here, it’s just that you normally aren’t here to. . . “ Spike’s amused chuckle stopped Dawn in mid thought and cause her to blush.

“Just waiting for sundown so Big Sis and I can patrol.” Buffy watched as the two chatted animatedly, a twinge of jealousy hitting her.

*Why can Spike make my sister like that.* Buffy thought to herself, a scowl crossing her features. *All I get these days is scowls when ever I open my mouth.* Giles’ voice broke through Buffy’s thoughts.

“Buffy we really need to discuss these Knights that you saw the other night. With them after-”Giles broke off at the glare that Buffy was giving him.

“Not right now ok Giles. Let’s discuss other things right now. Like how we are going to defeat Glory.” Buffy gave Dawn a furtive glance that thankfully she missed. Spike didn’t though. He watched at Buffy moved closer to Giles and the two began to argue quietly over what information they really didn’t want Dawn to know. Buffy’s golden hair bounced harshly against her face as she shook her head no. Spike couldn’t help but stare as the florescent lights bounced of her hair in waves, causing the flaxen strands to glow brilliantly. Her hazel eyes flashed in annoyance at her Watcher. *God she’s beautiful when she’s brassed.* Spike thought to himself. Buffy looked in his direction, causing Spike to rip his eyes from. her. He turned back to Dawn and saw her watching him with a combination of amusement and annoyance.

“You haven’t heard a word I just said.” Dawn pouted, giving Spike her famous puppy dog eyes. Spike sighed in resignation.

“Sorry Nibblet. Got lost in thought is all.” Spike said glancing at the still fighting pair. An idea sparked, causing his eyes to sparkle. “Bloody hell this is boring don’t ya think there bit?” Spike said, loud enough for the room to hear. “What you say we go into the back and play us a round of cards.” Buffy looked at Spike in surprise, a grateful smile on her face. Spike’s face lit up at her appreciation. Dawn jumped from her seat excitedly and grabbed her bookbag.

“Sure.” Dawn said grabbing Spike and hauling him towards the training room. “You can teach me how to count cards again.” Spike looked worriedly back at Buffy to see her watching them, an amused twinkle in her eye.

“Don’t teach her anything Spike.” Buffy called after them, with a barley suppressed grin. “And watch the language.” Spike gave her his ‘Who me?’ look just before Dawn pulled him through the back door, slamming it behind them.

****Chapter 3****Glory****

Dawn stopped suddenly, causing Spike to run into her back.

“Bit, what’s wrong?” Spike asked as Dawn’s hand gripped his arm harder, digging her nails into the skin. He followed her gaze and found a blonde haired woman in a skin tight red dress standing by the pommel horse.

“Glory,” Spike hissed in hatred. He grabbed Dawn and thrust her behind him, towards the door only to find two of Glory’s minions blocking the escape route.

“Rude much.” Glory spat out with a shake of her head. “No one is leaving this little party until I give the slayer a little message.” Glory sauntered over to the pair, looking over Spike with an appraising eye. “I can see the perks of being a Vampire Slayer. The stamina along must clinch it for her.” Glory ran her hand over Spike’s face and down his chest.

“What the bloody ‘ell you talkin’ about.” Spike spat out, unwilling to move under Glory’s assault, lest it leave Dawn open for attack.

“Just how cute is he Dawnie.” Glory cooed. Dawn clutched at the back of Spike’s duster harder, pressing her self against him in fear. “The key, blondie.” Glory demanded, taking a handful of his hair in a painful grip. “The slayer has it, I want it and you are going to tell me where to find it.”

“Sod off. Spike spat out.

Before he could react, Spike found himself pinned to the pommel horse on the other side of the room, leaving Dawn alone .

“Not a sound now Dawnie.” Glory warned. “Or your sisters boyfriend here dies.” Two of Glory’s minions grabbed Dawns by the arms and forced her off to the side of the room. Dawn watch helplessly as Glory continued to run her hands over Spike’s chest while pinning him by the throat.

“Let’s see if I can dig it out of you.” Glory’s hand stopped at the collar of Spike’s shirt. With a quick pull, she ripped it down the middle, leaving his pale chest bare to her gaze. “Is the answer here?” Glory dug one of her fingers into Spike’s chest, over his heart.

“Not a sound now precious or Dawnie is next.” Glory whispers in Spike’s ear. He gritted his teeth, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as Glory wiggled her finger in the hole she made. “Nope. Not here.” Her finger pulled out with an audible pop. Spike looked over to see Dawn’s face turn an unhealthy shade of green.

“I'll tell you where the sodding key is. Just let the lil bit go. She doesn’t need to see this.” Spike gasped, around the pain in his chest. Glory’s eyes lit up in excitement. “Well Dawnie, looks like I don’t need you anymore. Jinx, take her outside, when I have my key you can let her go.” Spike sighed with relief as Dawn was drug reluctantly from the room and into the back alley, away from Glory.

“Now about my key.” Glory ran her hands lovingly over Spike’s chest. “What did they make it this time. A chair, a necklace, one of those cute little hair scrunchies. Tell me. “ Spike stared at Glory, amazed at how drastic her mood changes were. She was almost as bad as Dru. Spike shuddered at the thought.

“Here’s the thing. The key is a book.” Glory jumped back from Spike in delight, dancing around the room.

“A book. How terribly common. My key, what book.” Glory demanded, turning back to Spike.

“Ah, it’s a big book.” Spike frantically looked around the room, for any book. His eyes land on Buffy’s school books. “It is big with a red cover.” Glory followed Spike’s gaze and pounced on the book. As soon as she touched it her eyes harden.

“The vampire ... is lying to me.” Glory spat out, an evil grin on her face, her eyes slightly glazed. “Very irritating. Irrational. Know what I mean, tiny catfish? Like. . .” Glory grips her head in her hands and moans. “I'm feelin' a little...NO, not now, I’m so close.” Glory’s form begins to blur before Spike’s eyes. Her form shifting and moving under her dress. Spike blinked and in Glory’s place stood the man from last night at the Bronze with Buffy. The man was wearing Glory’s dress.

“Oh no, what has Glory done.” Ben walked over to Spike and gave him a hand up.

“Uh mate,” Spike said, a perplexed look on his face. “You just, uh, you are. . “

“Glory. Ya man. Don’t worry, you will forget this ever happened soon enough. Part of the sharing a body package. Anyone who sees the change forgets about it almost as soon as it happens.” Ben replied with a wave of his hand. His eyes widened in surprise. “Hurry get out of here. She’s coming.” Ben grabbed his head in his hands, ripping at the hair. All Spike could do was watch as Ben shifted and Glory stood before him again.

“As I was saying,” Glory said with a shake of her head. She backhanded Spike and he flew through the air, hitting his head against the floor, hard.

“You are lying to me.” Glory said as she stalked over to Spike and pinned him to the ground, a strong hand on his throat. Her free hand slashed across Spike’s chest, causing four fingernail shaped welts to appear. Spike hissed in pain and let out a weak giggle.

“Yeah ... but it was fun. And guess what, bitch. I'm not telling you jack. You're never gonna get your sodding key, 'cause you might be strong, but in our world, you're a moron.” Spike smirked a Glory.

“How dare you talk to me like that. I am a God.” Glory punched Spike hard in the face, breaking open his lip.

“The god of what, bad home perms?” Spike said around the blood in his mouth. Glory hit him again, tightening her hold on his neck.

“Shut up.” She punched Spike again, this time four quick hits to his stomach. “I command you to shut up.” Spike groaned with pain, coughing up blood.

“Yeah, okay, sorry, but I just had no idea that gods were such prancing lightweights.” Spike grinned at Glory’s dumfounded expression. “Mark my words, the Slayer ... is going to kick your skanky, lopsided ass back to whatever place would take a cheap, whorish, fashion victim ex-god li-.” Glory’s eyes hardened as she tighten her hand around Spike’s throat, cutting off his words.

“That wasn’t very nice. Just like it wasn’t very nice of the Slayer to sick those witches on me. I think that it is time to leave a little message.” Glory gripped Spike’s throat harder. He grabbed at her hands uselessly as he felt the bones in his neck begin to crack.

“I won’t kill you, even though I know you deserve it.” Glory said, an insane smile crossing her lips. “Just hurt you a lot.” She squeezed harder, digging her thumb into his throat, raining blow after blow on Spike’s helpless body. The last sound Spike heard before he slumped into unconsciousness from the pain, was the pop as Glory broke his voice box.

****Chapter 4****Evil?****

Dawn watched the hideous brown robed minions from her perch on a stack of packing crates. Two stood in front of the door to the Magic Box, not that she wanted to go back in with Glory anyway, and two more were blocking her escape from the alley. She couldn’t help but think of the pain Glory was inflicting on Spike. He was the only one who didn’t treat her like a freak when they found out that she was the key thing. Dawn mentally slapped herself again for even thinking for a second that Spike would betray her.

‘Buffy,’ Dawn screamed silently, tears running down her face. ‘Please help Spike.’ Dawn hid her face in her knees and sobbed quietly. She sat for what seamed like hours when the door suddenly crashed open to reveal a very pissed off God.

“Let’s go.” Glory demanded, as she swept down the alley, rage coming off her in waves.

“But most ravishing one,” a minion cowered. “What should we do with the girl.” Dawn looked up, her whole body cowering in fear. Glory looked at her thoughtfully before shaking her head.

“Forget her, the Slayer will get my message. I’m bored now, let’s find me a nice new dress. That stupid vampire got blood all over this one.” The group hurried out of the alley, following Glory like the good minions they were. Dawn sat for a moment to make sure they were gone before running into the Magic Box. Dawn stopped and stared at the unconscious vampire.

“Spike.” Dawn whispered, tears filling her eyes again. The vampire lay motionless in the middle of the training room. He was not dust so Dawn guessed he was alive, but his wounds were ghastly. Dawn rushed to his side and fell to her knees. Spike’s face was purple and swollen, one eye closed completely from the swelling. Small cuts and bruises covered his chest an stomach. Long fingernail tracks ran criss cross over his chest, like somebody’s demented idea at tic tack toe. His neck was the worst. If he had been alive he would have suffocated from the air loss. Part of his neck was sunken in and there were hand shaped purple marks surrounding his mutilated throat..

“B-Buffy.” Dawn whispered in anguish. Dawn ran her hand softly through Spike’s hair. “Buffy.” Dawn said a little louder, tears over flowing her eyes and trailing over her face. “BUFFY!” Dawn screeched over and over again, her shock induced wordlessness broken, the pain and horror evident in her voice.

The door burst open and the whole gang rushed in, armed to the teeth. Buffy was the first to reach Dawn. She looked down at the crumpled form that Dawn was knelt beside and gasped. Dawn continued to scream and Buffy fell to her knees beside her.

“Dawnie what happened.” Buffy asked, pulling Dawn into a strong embrace, rocking her to calm her. Dawn stopped screaming at Buffy’s touch and broke down into sobs. The others looked on in horror at the battered vampire. It was Tara who made the first move. She grabbed Willow’s hand and pulled her out of the room. They returned a few minutes later laden with towel, first aid kits and a basin of water. Buffy succeeded in pulling Dawn away from Spike to let the witches closer to the wounded vampire.

“Oh Spike,” Willow whispered, her eyes filling with tears. “Buffy, what do we do for him? Who could’ve done something like this?” Willow looked up at Buffy with pain filled eyes. Buffy was speechless. Dawn mumbled into her shoulder causing Buffy to jerk back with surprise. Dawn raised her tear streaked face and looked at Buffy.

“Glory did this.” Dawn ground out between clenched teeth. “She was back here when we came to play cards.”

“Dawnie are you alright.” Buffy demanded, looking her sister over in fear.

“I’m fine. Spike told her he would give her the Key if she didn’t make me watch what she was doing to him. It’s all my fault.” Pulling away from Buffy in shame, Dawn started to sob again. “If it wasn’t for me Spike would’ve been able to fight back. Instead he let her bea-” Her face crumpled in pain. “Do those things to him to protect me.” Buffy watched helplessly as Dawn fell to her knees, clutching her stomach, tears falling down her face.

“What do we do?” Willow asked, looking down at the damaged vampire. Giles took Dawn in his arm and carried her to the couch, away from the group.

“We fix him.” Buffy said, determination in her voice. “He saved Dawn. We fix him.” Willow looked up helplessly at her girlfriend. Tara gave her a small smile and began to wash Spike’s chest with a warm cloth.

“What can I do.” Xander asked quietly, and smiled sadly at Buffy’s startled look. “He saved the Dawnster. Anything to help.” Buffy smiled and walked over to Xander to give him a hug.

“We need blood.” Buffy said as she released her friend. “Human blood will help him heal faster.” Xander nodded and took Anya’s hand.

“We’re on it. We’ll pick off a Red Cross truck if we have to .” Xander said with a wry smile as he pulled Anya out of the room. Buffy sank to her knees beside Spike. She tentatively ran her hand across his face, in a gentle caress.

“I don’t understand.” Buffy whispered. “Why would he let her do this to him.” Tara looked at Buffy, a gentle smile upon her lips.

“He’s not as evil as he likes us to think.” Buffy looked at Tara in shock. “Oh sure. Vampire, bloodsucker but he had feelings. Do you really think that the chip is what made him stop?” Buffy looked at Tara in confusion. “We need to take off his shirt. I can levitate him but I need you to pull it off.” Willow laid out a towel beside Spike’s lifeless body. Buffy laughed to herself at the thought. Of course his body was lifeless, he’s a vampire.

Willow and Tara moved back and began to chant quietly. Spike’s body rose slowly off the floor. Quickly, yet carefully, Buffy removed Spike’s duster and the ruined shirt. The witches slid Spike’s body so that he was over the soft towel and slowly lowered him to the ground. Buffy gasped now that she could see all the wounds clearly. Not an inch of his chest was spared. Blood welled up from dozens of cuts, a dark crimson against the pure paleness of his skin. At least four of his ribs were broken and there were finger shaped holes around his heart. Buffy grabbed the wet cloth and carefully bathed the scratches till they stopped their bleeding. His chest was peppered with bruises. Buffy ran her fingers softly against each one.

“He endured so much.” Buffy whispered, more to herself than to the witches sitting beside her. With a shake of her head, Buffy wrapped and bandaged each welt, wincing in sympathy as she recataloguing each mark. She had barely finished when Xander and Anya rushed into the room, brown paper bags clutched in their arms.

“We stopped by his crypt and grabbed a few of his things.” Xander said as he reached into one of the bags for thermos. “I had Willy heat up some of the good stuff for Spike.” Xander looked down and whistled softly. “Has he woken up yet?” Buffy shook her head as she took the jug from him.

“No. Not even when I wrapped his broken ribs.” Buffy moved to Spike’s head and carefully lifted his head onto her lap. She could hear the bones in his neck shift. Her eyes were bight at she filled the lid of the thermos with the stolen blood and raised it to Spike’s lips. She opened his mouth and poured a small amount down his damaged throat. The blood trickled slowly from the side of his mouth as he refused to swallow. Buffy looked at Giles helplessly.

“As disgusted as I am with the suggestion, maybe blood from the source would wake him.” Buffy looked at Giles and nodded at his suggestion.

“I’ll do it.” Dawn volunteered as she knelt beside Buffy. “He saved my life.” Buffy smiled and ran her hand over Dawn’s hair.

“It’s ok Dawnie.” Buffy looked back down at Spike and smiled. “Slayer blood here. If anything would wake the bleached wonder, it would be my blood.” Giles took off his glasses and frantically polished them. Buffy grinned at his action. “Giles, that dagger on the wall should work.” Giles, cursing his suggestion, retrieved the dagger and passed it to his Slayer. Buffy slid the blade across her wrist, leaving a thin train of blood behind. She held her wrist softly against Spike’s mouth and waited. Buffy stroked Spike’s hair softly , waiting for any movement from the vampire. Finally, as she was about to give up hope, his lips moved softly against her wrist. Buffy’s eyes rose quickly to Dawn’s and she smiled.

“He’s drinking.” Buffy said in amazement. Spike’s lips moved weakly against Buffy’s wrist, slowly pulling the precious life force from her. Buffy watched as Spike’s face shifted, revealing his demon visage. She grew warm as his tongue caressed the cut softly. Spike’s eyes remained closed but his lips moved faster, sucking her blood more forcibly into his battered body. Heated tingles ran from her wrist to the rest of her body as Spike continued to caress her. Buffy gasped in shock as she felt his fangs plunge into her skin, opening the wound wider. Buffy smiled weakly at the gang, as they stepped closer to her.

“I’m fine.” She reassured, looking right at Giles. Catching her unspoken message, Giles herded the group out of the room. Dawn refused to budge from her sisters side.

“Dawnie, we’ll be fine, just go up front and I’ll be up in a minute.” Dawn reluctantly rose and shuffled unwillingly from the room. Giles stared at his Slayer as she fed the Vampire from her wrist. Buffy’s hand continued to caress Spike’s soft curls. With a sigh he turned and left the room, shutting the door behind him.

****Chapter 5****Love?****

Spike’s fangs slid into Buffy’s wrist, wrenching the breath from her lips. Scorching heat ran from the twin marks causing her to flush with pleasure. In a haze, Buffy noticed her friends move in closer to at her gasp..

“I’m fine.” Buffy looked at Giles with glazed eyes communicating silently. She saw Giles nod slightly then herd her friends from the room. Spike continued to suck harder, pulling more of her blood into his battered system. Buffy turned to her sister, who remained at her side, refusing to leave Spike and Buffy.

“Dawnie, we’ll be fine.” Buffy said softly. “Just go up front and I’ll be up in a minute.” She felt Dawn leave the room but didn’t look up from the decimated vampire. Buffy didn’t hear the door close as she continued to stroke Spike’s hair, marveling at its softness. She whimpered softly as Spike bit down harder, sending another shock wave of pleasure through her body. Buffy watched as the bruised faded from their dark purple color, and the swelling on Spike’s face to abate.

“Spike.” Buffy whispered. His eyes flickered briefly but did not open. A soft rumbling sound came from deep inside Spike’s chest. Buffy’s breathing sped up and her heart began to pound. Wave after wave of heat pulsed through her body as Spike’s tongue continued to softly caress in time with his drinking. Buffy closed her eyes to stem the torment he was unleashing on her willing body. She moaned low in her throat as she felt her heart skip a beat.

Buffy was dimly aware that Spike stopped sucking on her wrist and felt a pang of disappointment. She opened her eyes in surprise and saw Spike shirt back to his human face, mouth still pressed to her wrist. His tongue gently licked the cut until the bleeding stopped then lie still, the quiet purr still emanating from his chest. Buffy continued to pant and caress Spike’s hair as he stopped all movement and sound again. She laid Spike’s head upon the floor gently and pressed her lips lightly against his smooth forehead.

Her eyes widened in shock as she realized what she had done. Buffy quickly wrapped her tender wrist then pulled the door to the front of the store open. All eyes turned to her and Buffy smiled weakly.

“He’s, well I’d say sleeping but it’s kinda hard to tell.” Buffy said with a smile. “He’s non-dusty.” Dawn pushed past her sister and ran to Spike’s side. She smiled up at Buffy, who had turned to watch Dawn rush to Spike.

“He looks better,” Dawn said excitedly. “He’s not as pale and his bruises are lighter.”

“Miracles of Slayer’s blood. The best there is.” Buffy replied sardonically.

“We need to move him.” Anya called out. “He can’t stay here.” Xander nodded.

“Let’s load him up and we can drop him off at his crypt.”

“We will NOT!!” Dawns screeched, an enraged expression on her face. “He can stay at our house.. Mom won’t mind, *she* likes him.” Dawn glared at Xander.

“He can have my room.” Buffy said quietly. “I’ll bunk with Dawn.” Dawn grinned t her sister and jumped up to hug her hard. Xander looked about to comment but a glare from Anya stopped him. Buffy walked over to Xander and put a comforting hand on his arm. “He saved Dawn from Glory.” Xander gave her a sheepish grin and nodded.

“Buffy, why don‘t you phone Joyce while I bring the car around.” Giles offered with at small smile.

“I’ll call mom.” Dawn half yelled as she leapt for the phone. Buffy watched her sister with an amused smile before turning back to look at Spike. She shook her head in disbelief.

‘Why would Spike risk his unlife for Dawn?’ Buffy asked herself silently. ‘He is a soulless killer, why did he let Glory do those things to him?’

“Cause he loves us.” Dawn said quietly. Buffy looked at her sister startled, realizing she had spoken the last part aloud. “Well he’s totally in love with you, I’m just like a kid sister to him.” Dawn crossed her arms over her chest and pouted slightly. Buffy looked at her sister in astonishment.


“Oh please, like you never noticed his hanging around, and his always asking about you, and his help-”

“Helping?” Buffy yelped. “ His *helping*, as you call it is cause we have to pay him.. He hangs around cause he is annoying not cause he lo-, cause he is in lo-, “ Buffy choked on the word and shook her head in denial. “No. You are wrong. A vampire can’t love a slayer.”

“Ya cause you and Angel were never together for like three years.” Dawn scoffed.

“Angel is different.” Buffy protested. “He has a soul. He’s not a ki-”

“Hello.” Xander called to the bickering sisters. “A little Slayer strength would go a long way at getting the undead weight moved.” Xander laughed at his incredibly lame joke but winced when no one joined in . Buffy rushed to help Xander and Giles slowly move Spike onto the small stretcher board Giles kept in the training room. Giles and Buffy carefully lifted the board and carried the still unconscious vampire to Giles’ car. They laid the board on the backseat and rearranged Spikes limbs so he could rest fully, of not a little uncomfortably, for the short ride to Buffy’s house. Dawn, Willow, Tara and Anya climbed in Xanders car to follow behind.

Buffy and Giles rode in silence. Not a word was spoken when they reached the Summer’s residence and were ushered in by a worried mom. Joyce fussed over the unconscious vampire, trying to make him as comfortable as possible in her daughters bed. Buffy had to firmly grab her mom and pull her from the room so the vampire wouldn’t be disturbed. The gang, feeling a little useless and tired despite the early hour, bade the Summers women farewell and left to their respective homes, the witches catching a ride with Giles.

Buffy closed the door behind her friends and watcher and let out a sigh of relief. She heard her mom and sister talking in the kitchen. Not feeling up to a discussion, Buffy went upstairs to her room. She walked in fully intending to just grab her pajamas and retreat to Dawn’s room, but she found herself unable to look away from the vampire in her bed. Spike lay motionless against the pillows, his pale skin contrasting dramatically with the still evident bruises. Slayers blood combined with Vampire healing had reduced the swelling and bruising. Spike’s hair had lost most of the styling get from Buffy’s previous stroking, causing his hair to curl and fall in his eyes. Buffy’s hand moved unbidden to brush the soft curls from his brow.

“Thank you for saving Dawn.” Buffy murmured, her hand continuing to stroke his peroxide locks. She looked on his still face and smiled softly. “Maybe you aren’t so bad.” Buffy continued to caress his hair for a moment more, unaware of the fugue standing at the partially opened door. Joyce Summers smiled as her daughter pulled herself away from the vampire, and after checking to make sure no sunlight would get in, go to her dresser to retrieve her pajamas. Joyce slid quietly down the hall, closing the door to her room just as Buffy came out of her own room, shutting the door softly behind her.

After changing and washing for bed, Buffy knocked softly on her sister’s door. She entered the room to find Dawn already in bed, half asleep. Buffy slid in beside her sister and flicked the beside lamp off.

“How’s he look?” Dawn whispered.

“He’s ok. Should be fine in a couple of days.” Buffy whispered back.

“Just fine?” Dawn asked with a coy smile her sister couldn’t see in the darkened room but could hear just fine in her voice. “Are you sure he is just fine.” Dawn asked pointedly.

“Dawn he’s a vampire.” Buffy blushed unaware her sister could see the color change.

“Didn’t stop you before.”

“Dawn, he’s an evil, soulless killer. Now enough it’s been a long day, go to sleep.”

“How evil is he really, Buffy. When was the last time he hurt you or the Scooby’s.” Buffy was silent for a long moment.

“Ok so not so much. But it’s just cause he has the chip to stop him.” Dawn rolled to her side facing Buffy and stared at her in the dark.

“What does that chip stop him from doing. Sure he can’t bite or hit humans, but he can still strike a match, can’t he.” Dawn took a deep breath. “I mean he could blow up all up, or burn our house while we sleep, or have minions do his killing or he could poison us or-”

“Ok, I get the point.” Buffy exclaimed exasperatedly. “Spike isn’t as bad as he liked us to think.. Now SLEEP!!” Buffy rolled over so her back was to her sister. Dawn sighed heavily then smiled. Maybe Buffy wasn’t hopeless after all. She closed her eyes and was soon asleep.

Buffy lay awake watching the clock. It finally changed from 11:59 to 12:00 after what seemed like an eternity. She rally ought to patrol but the scare with Glory had took its toll and Buffy loathed going out into the night right then. Sleep, however, was elusive as her mind repeated Dawn’s words over and over again. Buffy didn’t know what to think about Spike anymore.

‘Is he really that bad.’ She asked herself silently. ‘He’s a big help even if he is annoying. And he never really hurt any of my friends, only threatened. What if Dawn’s right. Does he love me?’

Sleep was a long time in coming.

****Chapter 6****Awakening****

Spike slowly pulled himself out of unconsciousness and noticed two things. The first was the presence of Buffy. It surrounded him completely. Her vanilla shampoo, the coconut lotion she used, the essence of Buffy herself. Spike breathed deep of the fragrant air. He could feel her all around him yet knew she was not in the room with him. Spike moved to sit up, leaving his eyes closed, but stopped before all he could do was clench his muscles.. It was this movement that prompted the realization. His entire body radiated pain.

“Bloody ‘ell.” Spike’s mouth moved but no sound came from his cold and chapped lips. He tried again to no avail. The memories of the night before came flooding back, causing Spike to groan silently.

‘Damn hell bitch.’ Spike swore to himself. ‘Buggered me up real good.’ Spike cautiously opened his eyes and looked around. He brought a shaky hand to his eyes and rubbed them in shock. Before him was not the crypt he had expected to find himself in. Spike pulled his protesting body up until he rested against the pillows in a half sitting position. Spike knew now why the scent of Buffy cloaked him.

Her room was dark, thick blankets covered the windows, keeping the deadly rays from penetrating the cozy room. He had been in this room many times, unbeknownst to its owner, yet it was infinitely different from his vantage point on the bed. Spike ran his eyes lovingly over the furnishings, smiling softly as he noticed a crossbow sitting against the dresser and stakes filling the chair in the corner. Spike could hear someone walking down the hall outside the door.

Spike’s eyes fell on the bed side table and saw that it was nearly noon. He clicked on the table lamp and reached for the stuffed pig sitting on the table. Spike tossed the pig in the air as he contemplated his situation. Spike looked over his chest in apprehension. Large white bandages covered a large portion of his ribs. The bruises and cuts that were visible were almost healed and light scars that would fade later graced his stomach. Spike missed to catch the flying pig ,as he concentrated on his wounds, and it bounced off his head. Spike glared at the stuffed animal and licked his lips thinking of the blood his body was demanding.

It was then that Spike noticed a strange taste in his mouth. Well not so strange as unexpected. The coppery sweetness of human’s blood lay on his tongue. There was something familiar about the blood yet he could not put his finger on it. Spike stood up and grabbed the shirt sitting on the end post of the bed. He slipped it on and slowly made his way to the door. He was not even half way there when the door creaked open and Buffy stuck her head in. Her eyes widened in shock at the vampire standing in the middle of the room.

“What are you doing up?” Buffy asked with a concerned note in her voice. Spike opened his mouth to reply but no sound came out. Spike glared at Buffy and took a hesitant step forward, almost falling with the effort. Buffy glared right back and wrapped her arm around Spike’s waist and pulled him towards the bed. Buffy helped Spike to lay on the bed then sat beside him , her hands pulling his shirt up. Spike jumped and batted at her hands, pulling himself painfully away from her.

“Stop being a baby.” Buffy snapped, pulling the protesting vampire back towards her. “I’ve seen it all before.” Spike’s eyes widened comically, his mouth falling open, causing Buffy to raise her hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh. “Who do you think put on your bandages. Now let me see those wounds.” Spike reluctantly let Buffy help him off with his recently acquired shirt. He sat poker straight as her hands ran softly over his cool skin. Spike watched a Buffy pulled off each bandage, running her fingers over the closed sores as she uncovered them.

“They closed good.” Buffy said quietly as she ran a finger over the marks over Spike’s heart. A flush of warmth ran through Spike’s body at her touch “You’ll be sore for a few days but you will be fine.” Spike felt as if his heart had started beating as Buffy contender to run her fingers over the marks absently. “I want to thank you for what you did.” Buffy murmured, not raising eyes to meet his. Spike went to speak forgetting he was unable, and settled for placing his hand over the one touching his chest, squeezing lightly. Buffy’s startled eyes met piercing blue ones. Spike smiled softly and raised his free hand to tap lightly against his throat. Buffy’s eyes widened in understanding.

“You can’t talk.” Buffy said needlessly. “Can you make any noise at all?” Spike shook his head, his hand still holding hers over his heart. The room fell once again into silence, causing Spike to shift uncomfortably, wincing from the pain. Buffy saw him wince and sighed.

“You should rest.” Buffy pulled her hand from his grasp, laying it in her lap, not moving from his side. She lowered her eyes to stare at the bed. Her eye caught sight of her pig. “Mr. Gordo.” Buffy reached over Spike, resting her hand on his leg, her hair brushing softly against his skin. Spike let out a silent groan and felt himself stiffen at her touch. Buffy left her hand on his leg and brought the pig up to show him with a glare. “And just what were you doing with Mr. Gordo?” Spike gave Buffy a sheepish grin and mimed tossing the stuffed animal in the air.

The hand on Spike’s leg slapped him once, lightly. “You were throwing my pig around.” Spike took Mr. Gordo from her hands and gingerly placed him back in his spot in the night table, giving the pig a pat for good measure. Buffy’s serious face fell as she started to laugh. Spike grinned and joined in silently. Buffy’s hand tightened on Spike’s leg as she laughed harder. Spike hissed as a wave of heat moved from the spot her hand touched causing him to grit his teeth. Spike began to pant as Buffy’s hand softly caress his leg, her still in the throws of laughter. Buffy felt Spike move as he tried to loosen the tightness of his pants. She raised her eyes curiously and took in the tortured look in Spike’s eyes. Buffy jumped up, as if she was bit, and backed away from Spike.

“Uh, I-I should g-go and let you rest.” Buffy stuttered as she continued to back towards the door. She grabbed the handle and yanked the door open. “I’ll bring you up some blood later.” Buffy ran her hand through her hair nervously. Spike’s eyes were drawn to the bandage wrapped around her wrist. Buffy followed his gaze and with an unreadable expression, rushed from the room, slamming the door behind her.

Spike fell back against the pillows with a silent groan. ‘Bloody hell! How could I miss the bandage.’ Spike cursed himself as he finally realized what the unidentified taste in his mouth was. ‘Slayer’s blood.’ Spike smiled to himself. ‘She let me drink her blood to heal me.’ Spike grimaced as his pants got even tighter. Spike undid the buttons then lay back against the pillows. ‘Cor do I need a smoke.’ Spike sighed as he listened to muffled voices coming from downstairs, then a door slam. It was going to be a long day

***Chapter 7***Confused***

She leaned against the railing, panting slightly. He knew. Somehow Spike had put two and two together and know she had given him her blood. Buffy shivered as she remembered the feelings she had as Spike's fangs pushed into her yielding flesh. Buffy became flushed as she relived the feeling of Spike's tongue lapping hungrily at the blood his body craved. The sound of her mother's voice broke Buffy from her traitorish thoughts. She shook her head to clear it, running her fingers through her hair. With a calm that she did not feel, Buffy walked downstairs, meeting her mom in the living room.

“How is he doing.” Joyce asked, giving a worried glance to where the vampire was resting. “Is he still in pain?” Buffy blushed lightly at the question, running her hand through her hair nervously.

“He’s awake.” Joyce smiled widely at Buffy’s words. “Glory broke his voice box so he can’t talk.” Buffy’s mom sighed and nodded in understanding.

“How will he ever survive without his voice.” Joyce sighed, a smile threatening to escape. Buffy was less successful as a giggle passed her lips. “Is he hungry? Rupert dropped off some blood before he left for the store.” Buffy grew pale at her mom’s words. She cast an apprehensive glance in the direction of her room.

“Uh, m-maybe. Buffy stuttered, her hand absently rubbing the bandage still on her wrist. A flash of heat flooded Buffy’s body as her fingers passed over the still unhealed bite marks, causing her to gasp. Before her mother could respond, Buffy grabbed her coat from the back of the sofa and practically ran for the door.

“I forgot, I have to meet Willow.” Buffy called as she pulled the door open. “I’ll be back later.” The door slammed shut behind her as Buffy rushed down the walk. With a burst of Slayer speed, Buffy ran the entire distance to the Magic Shop, not stopping till she was standing outside the door. Buffy hesitated, her hand on the door knob. She stared at the knob, lost in thought.

‘What is happening to me?’ Buffy asked herself. ‘I can’t seriously be thinking of *Spike* like that.” Buffy’s hand gripped the handle tighter as another flash of the night before flickered through her mind. The door knob turned in Buffy’s grasp before being yanked out of it completely. A woman pushed past the startled Slayer, derailing Buffy’s train of thought. Buffy walked onto the Magic Box, closing the door softly behind her.

Buffy looked at her assembled friends. Anya stood behind the counter ringing customers through, a huge grin on her face as she took their money. Giles was to her right helping a handful of older women. Willow and Tara sat at the round table flipping through a stack of books. Tara whispered in Willow’s ear, pulling a giggle from the Witch. Buffy smiled as she walked over to the table and sat down.

“Hey Buffy. How’s the undead English patient doing.” Willow smiled at her best friend . Buffy rested her hands on the table top and sighed.

“Glory really did a number on him. He can’t talk. But he looks a lot better. He’ll be back in shape in a few days.” Buffy began to absently rub her wrist, staring intently at the table.

“I’m glad he’s ok.” Tara said quietly, giving Buffy a small smile. “He like to pretend to be all big and tough but he’s got a soft spot for Dawn.” Buffy looked up from the table with a shocked expression. “She’s like a little sister to him.” Willow looked at her lover and nodded with a smile.

“I’m glad it was Spike that was with her.” Willow turned back to Buffy and gave her a concerned glance. “How is Dawnie doing?”

“She’s fine. She was more worried about Spike then anything else. I think she has a crush on him.” Buffy smiled a little at that.

“Well ya, he is a hottie.” Willow gave Tara a look causing both girls to giggle. Buffy looked at the witches aghast, her hand stopping its movement.

“Are you nuts?” Buffy sputtered. “Have you forgotten the all the times he tried to kill us. Not to mention the kidnapping?” Buffy stared at Willow, her mouth till open in shock.

“Oh come on Buffy. He may have tried to kill us but he has never really hurt us.” Willow looked at Tara, a bemused expression on her face. “Which really made no sense did it?!” Tara patted her girlfriends hand sympathetically. “Spike talks big but he has never really hurt one of us. You can’t tell me the Big Bad routine isn’t hot.” Buffy felt a blush move up her neck.

“He’s evil, Wills. A soulless, evil vampire. Who saved my sisters life.” Willow just smiled and patted Buffy’s hand. Buffy sighed and looked away from the witches to study a speck of dust on the table. Willow gave Tara a look and pulled her book closer.

Buffy began to rub her wrist distractedly. The twin punctures began to tingle softly as she ran her fingers over them. A flash of heat flowed through her, causing Buffy to bite back a gasp. She looked up, relieved to find the witches engrossed in their books again. Buffy pushed back from the table and walked to her training room. She closed the door behind her and stared at the room.

Buffy could see the spot where Spike had laid broken upon the ground, his blood seeping into the covering on the dusty floor. Slowly, Buffy walked to the couch against the wall, still staring at the blood soaked mat. She sat back, curling her legs beneath her, her eyes never leaving the spot. In her mind Buffy could see Spike still lying there, smashed and bleeding. Her chest ached as she thought of the sacrifice Spike had made for her sister. She knew nothing she could ever do could thank Spike enough for the pain he endured.

‘Maybe Dawn is right.’ Buffy thought to herself for the second time in as many days. ‘No one could do something like that unless they had feelings.’ Buffy pulled the bandage from her wrist to stare at the unhealed marks.

The twin punctures were raised slightly, the wound closed but not healing. Buffy ran her fingers over the marks in fascination. Never had a bite not started to heal. A spark of heat ran through her body at the first touch of the bite. Buffy circled the bite with her index finger, waves of heat pulsing through her body, causing her to face to flush and her heart to beat faster. The noise of something hitting the door caused Buffy to jump up startled. She rushed to the door and flung it open with a loud band.

All eyes fell to Buffy as she scanned the room for danger. Buffy’s gaze fell on Dawn who stood with a basketball in her hand and a sheepish look on her face.

“Uh, hi Buffy.” Dawn said meekly. Buffy’s eyes softened when she realized what the sound was. “I didn’t know you were back there.”

“How was your day Dawn?” Buffy asked, walking over to her. The sisters sat at the table as Dawn told Buffy about her day. Buffy half listened to her sister, her mind working overtime.

“-’w Spike?” At the mention of the vampire, Buffy broke from her thoughts. Buffy stared at her sister for a second before the question registered.

“He is doing ok. He is sore and Glory broke his voice box so he can’t talk. It will take a while for that to heal, but other than that he is getting better real fast.” Dawn let out a small giggle, covering her mouth self-consciously.

“He can’t say a word?” Buffy shook her head, a smile tugging at her lips.

“Can’t even make a peep.” Dawn broke first and laughed helplessly.

“H-how will h-he ever-rr surr-vive?” Dawn giggled, breathlessly. “N-no talking.” Buffy joined her sister in her laughter. Willow and Tara, having heard the conversation joined in.

It was a long moment before the group could pull themselves together. Buffy gripped her stomach and watched as Dawn wiped the tears from her eyes. The group got themselves under control, a stray giggle escaping every once and a while.

“We should get home.” Buffy said, rising to her feet. Dawn nodded, and the sisters said good bye to the group. They walked along the sidewalk towards home, Dawn bouncing the ball ahead of her.

“Can I see him?” Dawn asked quietly. “Is he ok for me to visit?” Buffy smiled reassuredly to her sister.

“He’s fine, I’m sure he would love a visit from you.” Dawn stared at the ball as it bounced, a downhearted expression on her face. Buffy swiped the ball from her sisters grasp and backed away, dribbling it slowly.

“Bet’cha you can’t get this back.” Dawn’s eyes lit up in defiance as Buffy smiled in challenge.

“Bet’cha I can.”

Buffy took off down the street with her sister hot on her heel, the sounds of their laughter filling the air. ‘Everything’s ok.’ Buffy reassured herself as she dogged an attempt to grab the ball by Dawn. ‘But what am I to do about Spike.’ At Buffy’s thoughts of the half naked vamp in her bed, a wave of heat to course through her body, causing her to drop the ball. Dawn scooped it up with a laugh and took off at a full run down the street. Buffy jogged behind her sister half-heartedly, suddenly in no hurry to get home.

***Chapter 8***Running***

Spike shifted uncomfortably in the bed, the springs squeaked in protest. He winced as the movement pulled painfully on his wounds. A soft smile crossed his lips, his hand resting over his heart where Buffy had touched him.

‘She gave me her *blood!*’ Spike thought unbelievably. ‘Does she have any idea what this means?’ Spike ran his hand through his sleep tousled hair, the grin refusing to leave his lips. Spike shifted again as the pants he wore became impossibly tighter. He let out a soundless sigh, running his fingers through his hair again. He desperately needed to relieve some tension but was reluctant when Joyce or Dawn could walk in at any moment. For some reason these Summers’ women meant something to him.

Spike heard the door open and bang shut downstairs, the sounds of Dawn
s laughter filling the quiet house. He smiles as he heard the door open again and the melodious sound of Buffy’s voice floated up the stairs. He grimaced in discomfort at her laughter.

‘Bloody hell!’ Spike shifted his position again before giving up entirely. Gingerly he removed the black jeans and tossed them into the chair in the corner. With a sigh of relief, Spike leaned back onto the pillows and closed his eyes. A noiseless giggle escaped his lips as he realized just where he was. Who would’ve thought he, William the Bloody, Slayer of Slayers, would end up naked in a Slayers bed.

* * * * * *

Buffy got to her house in time to hear Dawn gloat to their mom about her *win* over the Slayer. Dawn could barely suppress her enthusiasm as she bounced around her mother in the kitchen as Joyce placed a mug in the microwave.

“I was just too smart for her.” Dawn chortled in delight. “I guess the Slayer had been slacking in her training.

“Hey.” Buffy protested half-heartedly, with a laugh. “ I let you win.” Dawn gave her sister the typical ‘ya right’ look before launching into another, if not exaggerated, account of her victory. Buffy sat on the stool behind the counter, watching her sister absently. She rested her elbows on the counter and propped her head on her hands.

Buffy’s thoughts returned to Spike. He was just up those stairs, lying in her bed. Why would an evil, soulless thing protect her sister, risking his own life in the process. ‘Ok, so he’s not so evil anymore.’ Buffy thought to herself. ‘AS much as I hate it Dawn is right. He could’ve hurt us a million ways that wouldn’t’ve made his chip go off.’ Buffy lowered her hands to the counter and began to caress the bite mark again. A small smile crossed her lips as she remembered the feel of his tongues caress, her body flushed with heat.

The microwave beeped, pulling Buffy from her thoughts.

“I got it.” Dawns screeched as she hurled for the microwave, pulling out the mug and giving it a curious glance. “Eww.” She exclaimed as she thrust the offending object at her mom. Joyce laughed and took the mug from her daughter.

“I was just about to take Spike up his mug of blood.” Joyce glanced at Buffy, a secret smile on her lips. “Buffy why don’t you take this to him. I’m sure he would love some company.” Dawn opened her mouth to argue, but a glance from her mom shut her mouth with a snap. Buffy, having missed the exchange took the mug from Joyce, reluctantly, and made for the stairs. Buffy glanced down, strangely not surprised to find a bendy straw and mini marshmallows floating in the cup. All to quickly Buffy found herself outside her door. Buffy placed her hand on the knob and turned it slowly, pushing the door open when it gave way.

The room was dark, the pale light from the bedside lamp the only illumination. Spike laid on his back, the comforter having fallen from his body to pool around his hips, leaving his broad chest for Buffy’s perusal. Buffy walked silently to the bed, watching Spike’s closed eyes with apprehension. Her gaze fell to his smooth, pale chest. In the short time she was gone his wounds had healed more. The finger holes around his heart had faded to a light red color from their nasty purple. The shallow cuts and bruised were all but gone.

‘Who knew the miracles of Slayer’s Blood.’ Buffy thought wryly, as she placed the mug quietly on the bed side table. Her gaze fell on the stuffed pig, still sitting there in his place of honor. A smile lit Buffy’s face as she remember the little pat Spike had given it. Buffy gave the sleeping vampire one more lingering gaze before turning away. She was stopped by the pressure of a hand gripping her wrist. Buffy turned to look at Spike, her eyes firmly captured by his piercing blue ones. The hand on Buffy wrist tugged her closer until she was sitting on the bed beside the vampire. She was unable to look away as she felt the hand on her wrist loosen and begin to caress the skin softly. Buffy bit back a gasp as his fingers brushed over the bite mark, causing a flash of heat to course through her body. Spike watched in amazement as Buffy shifted closer to him, her eyes never leaving his. Spike’s stomach growled, pulling Buffy gaze from his. She smiled sheepishly.

“I bet your hungry.” Buffy saw something flicker in Spike’s face and hastily added. “Mom heated you up some blood.” Buffy reached for the cup with her free hand, the other still captured in Spike’s caress. Spike took the mug and raised it to his mouth.

Buffy watched, transfixed, as his lips rapped around the straw, drawing the blood from the cup. His cheeks hollowed, making his cheek bones more pronounced, as Spike sucked hungrily at the straw. His lips shifted into a smile as he noticed the little marshmallows bobbing in the thick liquid. Spike continued to caress Buffy’s wrist, making her heartbeat jump and her breath to come in gasps. Buffy continued to stare as spike moved his hand around the cup to grasp the straw and tip it, allowing the marshmallow to fall into his awaiting mouth. Spike set the mug back on the table and smiled his thanks to Buffy. She looked down shyly.

“You have healed nicely. You’ll be up and about in no time.” Spike smiled and raised the wrist he was still caressing and ran his thumb over the marks. Buffy pulled her hand from his with a jerk. Buffy covered the wound self-consciously, refusing to meet his gaze.

“You were hurt and you saved my sister and you could’ve die-” Buffy vice trailed off as Spike took her chin in his hand and raised it so that her eyes could meet his. Spike opened his mouth to speech before giving Buffy a frustrated look.

‘Thank you.’ He mouthed slowly with a smile. Buffy returned his smile.

“We need to get you a pad to write in or somethi-” Buffy’s eyes lit up as she rushed to her closet, pulling it open and falling to her knees. Spike watched rapt, a smile on his face, as Buffy pulled out items only to toss them behind her in her haste to find something. “I know it’s in here somew- Aha!” Buffy stood up, holding a small white board aloft.

“When we all lost our voices when the Gentlemen came to town Willow and I got these boards so we could talk.” Buffy babbled as she returned to her spot on the bed and handed the board to Spike. Spike took it and removed the marker from his holder. He scribbled for a moment before turning the board for Buffy to read.

“Thanks, luv.” Buffy flushed in pleasure. Spike took Buffy’s hand, raising it to his lips when the door flew open and Dawn rushed in.

“Spike! I’m so glad your ok. I was so scared and-” Dawn stared at the frozen couple. “Am I interrupting something.” Buffy jumped from the bed.

“NO!” Buffy scrambled back, giving Spike and her sister a wide eyed look. “Not interrupting anything. Nothing at all. Just leaving in fact.” With a panicked glance at the vampire, Buffy rushed from the room, slamming the door behind her.

***Chapter 9***Pain***

Spike closed his eyes and leaned back against the pillows with a sigh. He reluctantly opened one to glance at Dawn. She sat down in Buffy’s recently vacated spot, an expecting look on her face. Spike closed his eye again and ran his hand over his face with a silent groan.

“So was I interrupting.” Dawn bounced a little on the bed, trying to get the vampire’s attention. Spike opened his eyes and gave her his best ‘Big Bad’ glare. Dawn just giggled. “I guess so.” Spike covered his face with both his hands, swearing silently, causing Dawn to laugh. She clutched her stomach and laughed harder as Spike glared at her again, keeping up his silent curses. Spike watched at the teen continued to giggle, a small smile threatening to over come his lips. He grabbed the message board from where it had fallen, and with a quick wipe, scribbled for a few seconds.

‘Not funny bit.’ Dawn read as Spike held up the board for her to see.

“Oh it really is.” Dawn giggled again before her face sobered. “ How you feeling?” Spike smiled and mouthed ‘ok’. Dawn smiled before lowering her gaze to her hands. “Thank you for saving me.”

Spike quickly wiped off the board and scribbled, “Are you ok? They didn’t hurt you?” Dawn shook her head and looked at Spike. He smiled at her and brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear before writing another message.

“Now what was the night time patrol about Nibblet?” Dawn gave Spike a sheepish grin, ducking her head in embarrassment.

“Buffy says I’m just like her with her blood and all and I really wanna prove that I am useful and I really was coming to visit you I just was taking-” Dawns was cut off as Spike put his hand over her mouth. Spike removed his hand and shook his head wearily before writing another message.

‘Why were you coming to visit me?’ Spike didn’t notice the blush that stained Dawn’s cheeks a light pink.

“You’re the only one who doesn’t treat me like an alien. Besides I feel safe when I’m with you.” Spike’s eyes popped open wide as he sputtered. Dawn watched the silent vampire, scribble on the board, with obvious amusement.

‘Take that back.’ Was written in dark script. Dawn rolled her eyes and patted Spike’s arm consolably.

“Your still scary.” Spike gave Dawn a skeptical look and sighed. “ Of so not so much, but you are strong. Almost as strong as Buffy. Maybe more.” Spike smiled softly and covered his face with his hands, ashamed to have lost his Big Bad image. “Buffy thinks so too.” Spike’s hands dropped to his lap a he looked at Dawn intrigued. He wrote on his board, a small smile played on his lips.

‘What else does she say about me?’ Dawn ducked her head to hide her amusement.

“She said she was really glad it was you in the room with me.” Dawn said, when she got control of her mirth. Spike’s eyes filled with hurt.

“No no!” Dawn said hurriedly. “She didn’t mean cause you’d get hurt but because you were the only Scooby strong enough to stand up to Glory and still li-uh-unlive.” Spike mouthed the word *Scooby* in shock. Dawn gave him a sheepish grin.

“Of course you’re a Scooby Spike. You risked your life-uh-unlife to save me. You’re one of the good guys now.” Spike fell into deep thought. He didn’t know if he was offended or honored that Dawn called him a *good guy*. Dawn watched as Spike’s thought spun round and round in his head, a far away look in his eyes.

They sat in silence for a long moment when Dawn got tired of being ignored.

“So, you’re in love with Buffy?!” Spike’s eyes grew wide and flew to look at Dawn’s grinning face. Spike’s mouth opened and closed a few times as silent words he couldn’t think of, let alone say, tried to escape. Spike snapped his mouth shut and shook his head emphatically as he wrote on his board.

‘NO! Do I look NUTS? Love the Slayer??’ He quickly erased the board once Dawn had read it and added. ‘Has she said something?’ Dawn smiles at the expectant and wishful look on Spike’s face.

“She’s grateful for what you did.” Spike grumbled silently at Dawn’s words. “She doesn’t think you’re just a soulless killer anymore. She is starting to wonder if you have really changed.” Spike looked at Dawn incredulously.

‘When did you grow up and get so smart, bit?’ Spike held up for Dawn to see.

“I kinda shared a bed with her last night and she talks in her sleep.” Spike smirked at the revelation. “Plus, she likes to talk out loud when she thinks. She doesn’t even notice.” Dawn giggled. Spike grinned at her and pulled playfully on her hair. Dawn screeched in mock outrage and struggled to pull her hair from the hand that Spike had tangled it in. The struggled playfully for a bit, Dawn being careful to not hit Spike in any of his injured spots. They mock battle was cut short by a large yawn from Spike. He gave a shocked look and inadvertently released his hold on Dawn’s long brown hair.

“You look tired. I’ll get out of your hair.” Dawn stood up and walked to the door, panting lightly from the fight. She turned, her hand placed on the knob. “Thanks Spike, for everything. I knew I was safe with you.” Spike glared at the door as it softly shut behind Dawn.

‘Bloody hell.’ Spike hid his face in his hands again. ‘What ever happened to the Big Bad? The Scourge of Europe! Safe.’ Spike snorted and swung his legs off the bed, slowly raising to his feet. With painfully slow movements, Spike put on his pants and ran his hand through his hair yet again. Spike’s scowl was replaced with a small smile as he remembered Buffy’s hands in his hair. ‘Maybe there are worse things to be than one of the Slayer’s gang.’ He looked at the door thoughtfully. ‘I wonder where Buffy got to.’

***Chapter 10***Heat***

Buffy lay on the couch, staring into nothingness. Her body still tingled from Spike’s caress. ‘What am I thinking.’ Buffy chided herself. ‘He’s everything I am against. He is evil. He has tried to kill me more times than I can count.’ Buffy closed her eyes and turned her back to the room. Buffy felt her eyes get heavy as a chill fell over her body. Reluctantly Buffy turned her head, looking for the source of her unease, yet finding nothing out of place. Her mother and sister had gone out for ice cream leaving Buffy alone in the house with her thoughts and the cause of them. With a sigh, she flopped onto her back and laid an arm across her eyes wearily.

The feeling grew stronger as Buffy felt a hand rest lightly on her leg, just below her knee. Buffy sighed as the cold touch permeated the thin material of her slacks, cooling her heated skin. Buffy remained motionless as the hand moved slowly up her leg, caressing her hip. A second hand joined it’s companion, mirroring its potion on Buffy’s waist. The silky material of Buffy’s shirt was slowly pushed up to let the questing hands to come in contact with her bare skin. Buffy moaned as the cool hands skimmed lightly over her stomach, caressing the flushed skin of her abdomen. The hands continued to caress her skin in soothing circles causing Buffy to shift on the couch.

She moaned as the hands left her skin and lowered her hand from her eyes, keeping them shut. Buffy heard the soft popping of the snaps on her shirt as they were pulled open by the man beside her. Buffy sighed as the shirt was pulled open, baring her from the waist up to his piercing gaze. The couch shifted as the man straddled her waist, his hands resting on either side of her shoulders. His hand captured Buffy’s, pulling her wrist to his lips, his teeth nibbled softly on the scars. Buffy’s eyes flew open to meet the piercing blue of the man over her. Spike smiled softly around the wrist at his mouth, his cool breath caressing her heated skin.

Buffy moaned his name low in her throat as his tongue joined his teeth in torturing her flesh. Spike sat back on her legs, allowing the hand that was supporting him to raise to the flesh of her stomach. He continued to caress her wrist, blowing his unneeded breath on the moist skin. Buffy shuddered and moaned his name again in need, unable to pry her gaze from his.

A soft rumbling emanated from Spike’s chest, causing the lips on her wrist to vibrate lightly. Buffy shivered at the sensation and begged Spike with her eyes. What she needed now, she did not know but as she watched Spike shift into game face, his beautiful blue eyes shifting to an iridescent gold, she felt a flash of heat flow through her.

His fangs caressed his marks lightly, causing Buffy to squirm again under him. The low purr in his chest intensified as Buffy’s breaths came in pants, her eyes glazed with need.

Spike’s fangs slid into Buffy’s wrist slowly, pulling a long low moan from her lips. He sucked tenderly, the saccharine nectar flowing slowly from her body to fill his mouth with the tangy sweetness that was hers alone. Buffy’s back arched as heat pulsed through her body. She moaned his name as Spike caressed around the fangs, buried deep within her skin, with his cool tongue. The hand on her stomach stilled as he began to pull harder on her wrist, sucking more blood within his battered body.

Heat emanated from the spot his cool hand rested on her abdomen, flashing through her body, causing her to arch again against him. A burning intensity pooled low in her stomach, ripping a tortured gasp from her lips. Spike’s gaze burned into hers, gold clashing with hazel. Buffy eyes slammed shut as the first wave of heat engulfed her, she arched against him, a loud cry piercing the air.

Buffy jerked upright on the couch, her breathing coming in gasps. Frantically she search the room but found herself alone.

“A dream.” Buffy sighed in disbelief, running her hand through her hair. The tender marks on her wrist brushed again the soft tresses. Buffy gasped and lowered her hand to look on the marks. They were a light pink color, heat radiating from their depths. The sound of a door banging open and feet rushing down the stairs pulled Buffy’s gaze from the marks to meet the worried blue of Spike’s. He rushed to her side and sat on the couch beside her, his eyes scanning the room for intruders. Buffy felt her body flush as his gaze fell back on her, his eyes boring into her questionably.

“Just a dream.” Buffy said quietly. “A bad, bad dream.” Spike smiled and leaned back against the couch in relief. Buffy shifted uncomfortably, pulling her legs under her and away from Spike. He sat beside her in nothing but his black jeans, unintentionally pulling her gaze to his naked chest. Buffy ran her hand over her wrist absently, causing another flash of heat to flash through her already overheated body. Spike’s nose twitched, his eyes alternating between hers and her wrist, causing her to blush even more.

“I, uh, t-think, uh, I n-nee to, uh, I’ll just-” Buffy stammered before rushing from the room and up the stairs. A soft wondrous look crossed Spike’s face as he watched her flee the room. He ran his fingers through his hair in disbelief. He pulled himself to his feet and made his way to the foot of the stairs. The sound of running water filled the air as the shower turned on in the upstairs bathroom. Spike smiled and gripped the railing and slowly making his way up the stairs.

***Chapter 11***Calm Before the Storm***

“Stupid, stupid, stupid. . .” Buffy repeated over and over again as she banged her head against the wall of the shower. The cold water falling over her naked frame did nothing to cool its burning heat. She looked up into the running water, letting the cool liquid run down her parched throat. “Why me.” Buffy moaned to herself grabbing her hair in a bruising grip, running her fingers through the wet stands. The dripping locks brushed against the marks, pulling a gasp from her lips, her eyes going wide in dismay as another pulse of heat flew through her body.

“Good one Buffy.” She said sarcastically to herself, grabbing the shampoo bottle and waving it around in frustration. “Just a dream, Spike. Nothing to worry about. Why don’t you sniff me.” Buffy banged the bottle in her hand against the wall, breaking the hard plastic. Shampoo flew every which way, coating the shower and Buffy in its vanilla scented cream. She let out a frustrated yell and pulled down the shower head. She watched as the foam swirled down the drain, the small room filling with vanilla scent. With another sigh, she replaced the shower head and turned her back to the falling water. She scooped some of the remaining shampoo off her stomach and ran it through her hair, pilling it high on her head. The frigid water flowed over her back like a million icy fingers, stroking the tired muscles. Buffy could almost see Spike’s hands replace the water, their cool touch running over her skin in soothing a caress. She leaned back and almost fell as the body she was expecting was not there.

“Damn it!” Buffy swore, rinsing the shampoo from her hair harshly. “I will NOT think of that bleached idiot.” She quickly finished up and stumbled from the shower, wrapping her large terry cloth robe around her shaking frame. She stood in front of the mirror, staring at the wide-eyed girl before her. “What’s with me and the undead?” Buffy muttered as she rubbed a towel over her hair. “Why can’t I meet a nice normal guy.” She picked up the brush on the counter and ran it brutally through her hair. “Is it so much to ask? A nice, normal, good, guy. One I won’t scare away with my alarming strength and remarkable self-involvement.” She screamed in frustration, pulling the brush through her hair. A sharp pain blossomed from the back of her head. Buffy saw a large chunk of hair tangled in her brush and set it down with a sigh. She made sure her towel was secure before opening the door and walking into the hallway, almost being knocked over by a solid figure.

Spike placed a steadying hand on her arm, pulling her closer to him. She placed her hands on the hard, cool chest to steady herself, her body tingling from the contact. Buffy looked up to meet Spike’s gaze, a startled expression her face, before taking a large step back, clutching the towel tightly in her grasp.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Buffy spat out having recovered from her shock. Spike held up the board she had given him

‘Heard you scream.’ Buffy groaned and shook her head.

“And you thought what,” She asked. “That you could come save me from the big bad shower monster?” Spike smirked and scribbled on his board.

‘Thought I might get a free show.’ Spike’s smirk grew as Buffy stared aghast at him, her eyes wide. He added to the board. ‘Monster eating you, luv. Not that the other. . .’ He ran an appraising gaze over her towel clad body, following the stray drops of water as they rolled over her tanned shoulders to meet the towel. Buffy raised a hand to hit Spike before remembering his injuries. She settled for an eye roll and a glare. She pushed past the vampire and stomped down the hall to her room, slamming the door behind her.

Spike watched her go, a mixture of amusement and desire on his face. He erased his board with the tissue he pulled from his pocket and scribbled for a few moments. With an evil smirk Spike stalked quietly to the bedroom door, the miracles of Slayer’s blood having reduced his broken ribs and lip to a faint twinge. He listened for a few moments to the still ranting Slayer.

“How hard can it be?” Buffy’s voice came clearly through the shut door despite Spike’s enhanced hearing. “I could spend less time slaying, I could laugh at his jokes, I mean, men like that, right, the, the joke-laughing-at?” Spike laughed silently at Buffy talking to herself. “I don’t want the bleached-haired, evil, undead, unbelievably hot, tried to kill me, vampire slayer killing, vamp-” He tapping lightly on the door, breaking Buffy from her babbling. A loud crash came from the room just before the door was swung open wide, framing a scowling Slayer in the doorway.

“What are you doing?” Spike smirked and looked past Buffy to see the vanity chair lying over turned in the middle of the room, one of the legs bent. Buffy shifted uncomfortably, blocking Spike’s view of the room and leveled him with a glare. Spike handed her the board, the smirk still on his lips.

‘Sun’s down, I’ll be heading off to my crypt now.’ Buffy quickly looked up from the board.

“Is it safe?” Buffy blushed lightly at her worried tone. “I mean, with Glory still out there and you still hurt, not that I care or anything but you did save Dawn an-” Spike placed his hand over her mouth to stem the flow of words. Buffy sighed, her warm breath tickling his cool palm. A tingle ran down Spike’s back at the sensation, his eyes going dark. He dropped his hand quickly to his side. Buffy looked up at him questionably. “See, you still hurt.” Spike took the board from her hands and scrawled ‘What else am I to do?’ Buffy blushed and looked down at her feet nervously, before meeting his gaze again.

“You can stay here. For Dawn’s sake, she would want you to.” Buffy added quickly as Spike’s eyes widened in surprise. “I mean, you may be a little worse for wear,” Spike gave Buffy a doubtful look. “Ok, Glory royally kicked your ass but you still live.” Spike raised is scared brow. “Ok unlive.” Buffy sighed in frustration. “The point is that you can help keep her safe.” She looked at him, a inquiring expression on her face. “If you want to help that is.” Spike nodded slowly while he wrote on his board.

‘Of course I bloody well want to help. No one touches my Nibblet.’ The words were written in thick, dark print, a fierce expression on Spike’s face.

“Good.” Buffy smiled. “Now Let me get dressed and I will go with you to pick up some stuff from your crypt.” She laughed at Spike’s indignant look. “I know. You don’t need a bloody babysitter.” Buffy added in a bad imitation of Spike’s accent. Spike couldn’t help but laugh at her really bad attempt, clutching his stomach as the silent laughter refused to stop. Buffy scowled at the hysterical vampire before stepping back into her room, slamming the door behind her. The door opened a moment later and Spike’s black T-shirt as thrown at the vampire, shocking him from his laughter.

“Ten minutes. I’ll meet you downstairs.” Buffy slammed the door again. Spike looked at the shut door with amusement. A genuine smile crossed his lips as he sauntered down the hall to the stairs. He stopped and looked at the door, pulling his shirt painfully over his head. With a barely perceivable nod, Spike bound down the stairs to await his Slayer.
***Chapter12***Rough Waters***

Buffy walked softly through the graveyard, the silent vampire beside her. The breeze ruffled the loose waves of her hair. She held a stake in her hands, running her fingers over the polished surface absently. Spike held himself tight with tension and barely suppressed desire as he cast sidelong glances at the blonde Slayer and the suggestive way she was caressing the wood in her grasp.

“Bloody hell.” Spike cursed as he nearly ran into yet another low headstone. Buffy looked over at the dark clad figure and couldn’t help but giggle at the silent words he spat out. Buffy’s eyes were drawn to his lips. She could remember the feel of the cool, soft lips against her skin, drawing her life-force from her body.

‘Why can’t I quit thinking about him?’ Buffy asked herself. She was unable to tare her gaze from him, her body growing hot a the memories still fresh in her mind. ‘Ok so he’s not so evil anymore, and mom even like’s him. Sure he is hot, with the bad boy image and the high cheek bones and the way he smiles. . .’ She stood staring after the raging vampire, unable to move as a wave of want moved through her veins.

Spike noticed that Buffy was no longer beside him. He stopped short and looked back at the Slayer, a questioning look in his blue eyes. Spike’s lips curved into a smirk as the soft breeze carried her sent to him. Buffy blushed in horror at having been caught and looked down at her shoes.

“Uh, why don’t you get your stuff, I will give Giles a quick call and meet you back here.” Without waiting for an answer Buffy turned and all but ran in her haste to escape. Spike smirk turned into a genuine smile.

Spike walked the short distance to his crypt and opened the heavy door. He made is way to the lower level and grabbed the leather duffel at the bottom of the stairs. Clothing, cigarettes, and books were unceremoniously stuffed in the bag as Spike made his way systematically through the room. He stopped before a large sheet covering one wall. With a sigh he pulled back the sheet to reveal Buffy. Pictures, clothing, drawings, stakes, even a mannequin sat as a shrine to the Slayer. Nausea welled up inside him as Spike looked at the items he had stolen from the girl.

‘What in the bloody hell was I thinking?’ Spike demanded of himself in disgust. ‘The chit welcomes me into her home, lets me drink her blood, and I stole from her?’ Spike pulled the photographs down first, throwing them into a large metal can and lighting them on fire with his lighter. He turned back to remove the drawings, unable to destroy them, he placed them in a large chest, one by one. He stared for a moment at the drawing of Buffy sleeping, remembering when he had sat out her window watching her in slumber. The air in the room grew thick, pulling Spike from his thoughts. He looked up into the shadows.

‘Who’s there.’ Spike called out, forgetting for a moment that he couldn’t speak.

“A happy memory, pretty Spike,” A voice drifted through the crypt answering his silent question. A woman glided from the shadows, a long black dress draped over her willowy frame. “Look who's come to make everything right again.” Drusilla held the doll in her hands to her ear, listening closely. Spike look on in amazement at his dark princess.

“Miss Edith says my puppy is on a leash. Tin soldiers put funny little knick-knacks in your brain. She set the doll on the table beside Spike, gripping her head in her hands. “Can’t bite, can’t hurt, can’t kill.” She jerked her head with each *can’t*, miming the migraines that hit Spike. “I’m here to make it all better my, William. Make us a family again.”

Spike watched hungrily as the dark vampress slowly swayed towards him..

“What has that naughty lady done to my Spike?” Dru ran a pale hand down his cheek in a soft caress. He leaned into her touch, his eyes partially closing in ecstasy at his sire’s attention.

“No more pretty songs from my black birdie.” Spike instinctively wrapped his arm around her as Dru leaned against him. He took in a hissing breath as she ran a sharp crimson colored finger nail down his cheek, leaving a thin line of blood behind. She ran her cool tongue over the welling blood, her eyes lighting up with pleasure.

“Like sweets my sweet Spike.” Dru cooed in his ear. “It snaps and crackles on my tongue. Let me have her.” Dru’s whispered words pulled him from her thrall. Spike stepped back in shock, his eyes flitting to the partially disassembled shrine. Buffy would be back any moment. Dru’s eyes narrowed in distaste.

“I knew ... before you did. I knew you loved the Slayer. The pixies in my head whispered it to me. She surrounds you, filling your little brain with nasty ideas.” Dru moved towards the shrine, running a hand over the mannequin. “So lost, my Spike. Even I can’t help you now.” Drusilla turned, her face in the vampire mask as she attacked him. Spike stepped to the side, Dru falling past him. He picked up a large candle stick and hit her hard on the back of her head. Spike looked down on his princess with a mix of regret and loathing.

‘What is with these bloody women.’ Spike removed the last of the pictures from the shrine and stripped the mannequin, dashing the offending object into a corner, breaking it into pieces. ‘What am I going to do with her.’ Spike stared at Drusilla for a long moment before moving her into a more comfortable position on her back. Spike grabbed a pen and a crumpled piece of paper.

The words, ‘Leave town, never come back’, were written in dark scrawling print. Spike placed the note in the doll’s arms and put Miss Edith on Dru’s chest.

Spike heard Buffy call out his name. Stuffing the last of her stolen wardrobe into the bottom of his bag, Spike gave the unconscious Dru one last glare before ascending the stairs. Buffy walked towards him, a determined note in her voice.

“Giles said that there was a massacre at the train station. Eight people were killed. He suspects vamps. I’m to head over and check it out. Wanna come.” Buffy’s eyes filled with hope as she waited for Spike to answer. With a quick nod Spike covered the hole to the basement. Buffy looked around the room, an uneasy feeling in her gut. Spike grabbed his bag and ushered the Slayer from the crypt.

“Is something wrong?” Buffy’s arm tingled where Spike’s hand gripped it to propel her through the cemetery. He shock his head in the negative and dropped his hand from her arm. Buffy sighed in disappointment at the loss of touch before leading the way from the cemetery.


Buffy and Spike moved slowly down the aisle of the train. Blood was splattered everywhere, the white tape outlines of the bodies a sharp contrast to the deep red of the upholstery. Buffy looked to her right and noticed a smaller outline on one of the seats. She choked in horror as she realized that it was the outline of a baby, probably less than a year old. Tears welled up in her eyes as the horror and regret raised up inside her. She fell to her knees, her unwavering gaze staring at the place the child had taken its last breath, sobs wracking her tiny body.

Spike wrapped his arms around the sobbing Slayer. She clung to him as if her life depended on it, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. Spike ran soft kisses over her cheeks, tasting the salt from her tears. His lips moved lightly over her face before catching hers in a soft kiss. They both pulled back in shock, Buffy stared at him, her eyes shining with tears. Spike stared back at Buffy, his eyes filled with emotion, before he lowered his head to hers again and capturing her lips in a soft caress

***Chapter 13***Cool Burning***

His lips were cool and firm upon hers, the hands on her back caressing softly. She melted into his embrace, letting his strength surround her, keeping the ugly images of before at bay. She ran her fingers through his hair, marveling at the softness of the bleached locks. She felt his tongue against her lips, begging for entry into her warm mouth. Hesitantly, she opened her mouth and met his tongue with hers. A rumbling growl came from deep in his chest as he griped her hips, placing her astride him. She moaned softly as her body came into full contact with his.

AS tongues dueled for dominance, Spike ran his hands under the back of Buffy’s shirt, cooling her heated flesh as he enflamed it more. Buffy pressed herself closer, tangling her fingers in his hair, refusing to let him go. Spike’s lips moved from hers to make a searing path down the curve of her neck. He ran his cool tongue over her jugular causing Buffy to moan low in her throat. Buffy didn’t flinch as the vampire nipped lightly on her skin. Spike sucked lightly on her neck mimicking the action he craved, the strong Slayer’s blood just under the thin barrier calling to him

Spike’s lips moved down her neck until the buttons of her shirt stopped him. Without removing his lips from her skin, Spike slipped the buttons from their holes, following the path he opened. Buffy arched against him, her body singing as the heat flowed through her veins.

The sharp piercing whistle of a train broke the silence of the night air. Buffy jumped in shock. Spike looked at the Slayer with a mixture of need and questioning, his hands stilling their movements on her buttons. Buffy looked into his eyes, almost black in arousal. Her eyes widened in shock. She pulled herself from his grip in a burst of Slayer speed and moved away from him. Spike groaned silently at the loss of her heat, staring intently at her.

“We need to get home, it’s late.” Buffy said as she backed away from the vampire still sitting in shock in the aisle ahead of her. Buffy pulled her gaze from his and fled the train. Spike sighed and pulled himself to his feet. He looked up in pain as the movement caused his pains to tighten painfully. It was then Spike noticed a doll laying in the overhead. It was an old fashioned doll, similar to Miss Edith, her eyes covered by a thin red ribbon. Reluctantly Spike picked up the doll and walked towards the exit. He stared at the doll for a long moment before removing the ribbon and placing both objects in the garbage by the door.

‘No use telling the Slayer Dru’s in town.’ Spike sighed to himself, running his hands through his hair.

Spike walked down the stairs of the train and made his way to the front of the station where he left his bag. He was shocked to see Buffy standing beside it, waiting for him. She refused to meet his gaze as Spike came to stand in front of her.

“Let’s go.” Buffy mumbled as she turned her back on him. Spike picked up his bag and followed in silence.

Buffy was never more relieved at Spike’s inability to speak then now. She could feel Spike glance at her as they made their way down the darkened streets towards her home. The walk was long, the thin breeze from the cemetery had escalated into a full blow, the air hinting at rain. Buffy wrapped her arms around her shaking body, cursing the fact that she did not grab a jacket before leaving the house.

So lost in thought, Buffy didn’t even notice until the firm weight of Spike’s duster fell over her shoulders, blocking her thin body from the chilling wind. She looked up in surprise at the vampire beside her. Spike had a small smile on his face, he mouthed the word ‘better?’.

Buffy pushed her hands through the arms and sniggled the jacket closer to her body. She sent a small smile Spike’s way before continuing down the deserted street. The cool leather smelt like him. The thick sent of cigarettes, alcohol and him. Normally the smell would send her gagging but some how the combination only sent her heart rate racing and her breathing to become faster.

Spike watched in silence as Buffy burrowed her way deeper into his jacket, the cold wind doing nothing to cool him. She looked so small, belying the strength hidden beneath her thin exterior. The pale moon glinted off her hair, causing it to glow.

She glanced at her companion, the lack of duster doing nothing to diminish him. The black T-shirt he wore was molded to the hard lines of his muscles. The skin tight material of his black jeans left nothing to the imagination. Buffy’s eyes widened at the implications of the strained fabric. She let out a small eep, her eyes darting to the path in front of her.

Spike looked at her, concerned words stuck on his tongue. HE cursed his inability to speak and settled for reaching out a hand to touch her shoulder. Buffy jumped in surprise at his touch, stopping in her tracks to stare at him. She felt a flush move up her cheeks as she looked in his eyes. Spike felt her heartbeat quicken, his eyes transfixed by her tongue moving out to lick her lips. His hand cupped her cheek, his thumb caressing her lips, as he stared intently into her eyes. Buffy took in a ragged breath as he moved closer to her, wrapping his other arm around her waist to pull her to him. She couldn’t resist, unable to pull her gaze from his.

Spike stared at her for a moment more before lowering his lips to hers. He kissed her softly, lips barely brushing hers. Buffy moved closer, resting her slight weight against him, seeking more contact. Spike increased the pressure of his lips, sliding his hand on her cheek into her flowing tresses. His other hand dropped the bag to the ground before sliding into the duster and under her shirt, caressing the soft skin of her back. Buffy moaned as the movement pulled her closer to him, the cool of his body penetrating the thin material of her shirt. It was her tongue that sought entrance into his mouth, begging Spike to deepen the kiss. With a silent chuckle, Spike’s tongue touched hers before delving into the soft cavern of her mouth, rubbing against hers sensuously.

Buffy sagged against him completely, letting Spike keep her from falling to the ground. He kept the movements of his mouth slow, much to her frustration. She slid her hands up his arms to tangle themselves in his hair, tugging him impossibly closer.

The outside world ceased to exist to them, nothing existing beyond the others touch and taste. Thoughts of right and wrong flew out of her mind under his expert kisses. A deep rumbling purr came from deep in Spike’s chest as Buffy’s hands moved from his hair to bury themselves under the back of his shirt, sharp nails scratching lightly over the hard muscles. Spike trailed his lips from hers down the column of her neck, sucking lightly at the salty skin. Buffy gasped for much needed air as he took her earlobe between his teeth, nipping lightly. His hands moved down over her body, pulling her hips hard against him. Their lips met again hungrily, trying to devour the other.

The crash of thunder pulled them from their embrace just as the heaven opened up, pouring freezing rain on the pair. Buffy squealed in shock as the cold water ran down her back. Spike’s lips curved into a smile as he watched Buffy pull the duster’s collar tighter around her neck. He picked up the bag before grabbing her hand and dashing down the street, trying in vain to outrun the raindrops. Buffy laughed in delight as they splashed through the puddles, her Slayer speed a full match for his fast pace.

They reached the house in no time, stopping on the covered porch to shake themselves dry. Buffy’s laughter died as she watched Spike pull his shirt from his body to wring it out. The movement bared his stomach, the strong lines of his abs rippling. She swallowed around the lump in her throat before gripping the door knob.

His hand on hers stopped her from turning the handle. She looked up at the questioning smile on his lips. Buffy turned her face away, running her free hand through her thoroughly drenched hair. Spike released her hand and watched as she fled into the house and up the stairs, his duster fanning out behind her. He heard the slam of the bathroom door, wincing at the sound. He sighed and closed the door, moving to lean against the porch railing. From his bag he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, lighting it with the zippo in his pocket. He dropped the bag to his side, taking a long drag on the cigarette, staring out into the darkness the sound of thunder filling his ears.

Lightning flashed across the sky, lighting to front yard of the Summer’s home. Spike noticed a dark figure with and umbrella across the street, staring intently in his direction. Another flash of lightning revealed Dru’s face, a look of disgust and pain marring her classic features. A bright flash was accompanied by the loud crash of thunder, momentarily blinding Spike for a moment. When his vision cleared he searched the darkness, but she was gone. With a relieved sigh, Spike took one last drag of his cigarette before tossing it into a growing puddle. Picking up his bag, he made his way into the house.

***Chapter 14***Decisions***

The house was dark, the other Summer’s women having gone to bed already. Buffy scrubbed her hair with the towel, trying to wring the moisture from it. She pulled off her soaked clothes, dropping them into a heap on the bathroom floor. She looked at the bedraggled figure in the mirror. Her eyes were bright, staring wide eyes back at her. She touched a hand gingerly to her swollen lips, running a finger over them.

‘What have I done.’ Buffy moaned to herself as she noticed the love bites dotting her neck. ‘He is an evil, soulless killer. He sucks the life out of people.’ She flushed at the memory of Spike’s lips on her flesh. ‘What is with me and the undead.’ Buffy asked herself again, a wry smile tugged at her lips. She stilled her movements as she heard Spike come up the stairs and stop outside the door. She sighed in a mixture of disappointment and relief as she heard him move down the hall and into her bed room.

Buffy looked at herself in the mirror. She took note of the flushed skin and brightness to her eyes.

‘What is it about him?’ She asked herself incredulously. ‘He’s everything I am to hate. I should stake him, not want to be staked by him. Buffy blushed again as her thoughts caused a wave of desire to pulse through her body. Deciding to shower in the morning, she wrapped the towel around her body. A quick brush of her hair and teeth and a scrub with the washcloth left her smooth faced and minty fresh. With a decisive nod of her head, she opened the bathroom door and ran smack dab into Spike.

“What’s with you lurking around the bathroom door?” Buffy asked in a furious whisper, mindful of her sleeping mom and sister. Spike smirked and pointed at her. Her eyes widened in shock at the audacity of Spike, trying to catch a peek. She opened her mouth to reply when he rolled his eyes and reached past her to grab a towel off the rack.

Buffy watched as he pulled his dripping black T-shirt over his head and wrapped the towel around his neck. She stared at the muscles rippling with the movement, her face growing flushed. Seeing her reaction, Spike preceded to stretch causing the muscles to move again. Her breath came in soft gasps, her eyes never leaving his strong pale body.

‘Are you just gonna watch or would you like a taste.” Spike thought then cringed when he realized what her reply would be.

He took a step towards her causing her to step back in response. Buffy looked up and was struck by his piercing gaze. Slowly he advanced with her countering his every step. Buffy ran into the bath tub and would've fell save for the steadying hands Spike put on her bare arms. He ran his hands up and down her arms in a soft caress, leaning towards her. Buffy licked her suddenly dry lips, pulling his gaze from hers to follow the path of the pink tongue.

He lowered his lips to hers but was stopped by a warm hand on his chest. Buffy reluctantly pushed Spike from her, giving her much needed breathing space. Spike looked down at her curiously, his head cocked to the side. Buffy moaned and closed her eyes at the adorable expression on his face.

“We have to stop this.” Buffy said when she got control of herself again. “This is wrong.” Spike’s eyes flashed . He abruptly turned and stalked back to Buffy’s room. Buffy stared after him in shock before closing her eyes and leaning against the wall by the tub. Her eyes shot open when she felt something thrust into her hand. Spike stood before her, his blue eyes flashing gold in anger. Buffy looked at the board in her hand.

‘I know, this thing between us is wrong. I’m not stupid but I can’t stop thinking of you.’ Buffy smiled softly.

“Come on. A vampire and a Slayer?” Spike took back the board.

‘Angel is a vampire.’ Buffy’s eyes hardened, her fists clenching at her sides.

“Angel is good.” Spike sighed and erased his board, scribbling for a moment.

‘I can be too. I’m trying.’

“What happens when you get rid of the chip.” Spike stared a Buffy for a long moment before answering.

‘Nothing changes. I have changed. I patrol with you. Look after your pals and ‘Bit.’ Spike held up a hand when Buffy opened her mouth to answer. She closed it with a snap and waited.

‘I bag it. I’ve changed Buffy.’ The last words were written in dark script. She looked into his eyes, her lips curved into a sad smile.

“Maybe.” Buffy put her hand on his arm, pushing him lightly away. “Goodnight Spike. I’ll bunk with Dawn again. Tomorrow we will get you into the basement.” She walked past him and out of the bathroom. She didn’t stop until she reached the door of Dawn’s room. She placed her hand on the knob and turned back her head to look. Spike stood leaning against the door jamb, staring at her intently, a look of determination on his face.

Spike watched her go into the room, effectively locking him out. Resisting the urge to hit something, he went into the bathroom to wash some of the mud from his skin. He looked up and stared into the mirror, seeing nothing but the wall behind him. A small rubber duck was sitting on the sink. Spike picked it up and proceeded to make it float through the air. With a sigh, he through it into the sink and turned off the light. The dark hall was no match for vampire sight and Spike soon found himself back in Buffy’s room.

Her scent assaulted him from every corner. Her clothing, her bed, the essence of her permeated the room, cloaking him in a seductive mist. He breathed deep and shed the rest of his clothes along with the towel from around his neck. He fell back on the bed, her scent surrounding him. He stared at the ceiling, unable to still his raging hormones.

‘What ever it takes.’ Spike vowed to himself. ‘The next time I sleep in here, she will be with me.’

***Chapter 15***Time***

Spike lay sprawled across the bed, still staring at the ceiling as the sun came up behind the closed blinds. His thoughts refused to leave that of the blonde Slayer in the next room. He closed his eyes and listened closely to the quiet morning.

He could hear the steady heart beats and the soft breath of the Summer’s women in the rooms surrounding his. He listened, trying to distinguish the heart beats from the others. It didn’t take him long to realize that he could only hear two.

Silently, he rose, donning his jeans as he made his way to the door. The hinges squeaked in protest as Spike slowly opened the door, making his way silently into the hall beyond. A quick stop at her door told Spike that Joyce was still lost in slumber. With the grace of the vampire he was, Spike made his way to Dawn’s door and listened. He easily caught the soft sounds of Dawn’s soft snores as she slept through the early morning hours.

Spike shook his head in bemusement before quietly padding down the stairs. A quick check of the main floor failed to reveal Buffy’s form. Spike made his way to the basement and listened at the top of the stairs for sounds of her. He gave up his search with a sigh, knowing that venturing into the early morning sun would be more fatal than helpful. Spike moved to the kitchen and opened the fridge. He rooted around for a moment, pushing jugs of juice and milk out of the way as he searched the cold depths for sustenance. With a pleased smile, he pulled out a bag of blood, holding it up triumphantly. He ripped the bag open, emptying the contents in the ‘Kiss the Librarian’ novelty mug that Giles had included with the stash of blood. He placed the mug in the microwave to heat his snack.

Spike went through the main floor as he waited, closing the stray blind or curtain that was open as he went. He had just gotten back to the kitchen when the microwave made its first beep. Quickly he turned off the noise, lest it wake the slumbering women above. With a silent sigh, he pulled the mug from the microwave, take a deep whiff of the aromatic liquid.

Spike felt his demon come to the front, morphing his features into his vampire visage. He pushed it back with a shake of his head, angry that he had changed without control. A quick stop at the cupboard for the bag of mini marshmallows, he made his way to the dining room and sat down.

Spike stared into his mug as he let his thoughts drift to his Slayer.

‘When did she become *my* Slayer.’ He asked himself with a grimace. A small smile tugged at his lips. ‘Probably when she gave me her blood.’ Spike answered himself. He could clearly remember the taste in his mouth from that morning. The sweet tangy taste that stuck to his tongue, hinting at the greater pleasure that came as the nectar ran freshly from her body.

Spike couldn’t contain his body’s reaction to the memory as a shudder went through him, heating the cool body from within. The tight confines of his jeans became tighter as he remembered the feel of her lips on his. He had dreamed of that very moment for longer than he cared to admit.

The sound of the front door opening pulled Spike from his thought/ He looked up from his mug to see Buffy standing in the doorway, staring at him in shock.

“What are you doing up?” She asked quietly. Spike held up his mug with a smirk, staring her intently. She was dressed in black leather pants and jacket. The collar of a red shirt peeked out the top of the jacket. Spike smile widely at her use of his colors.

Buffy felt her knees weaken at the smile that crossed Spike’s face. She moved towards the head of the table where Spike sat and pulled out a chair, sinking into it gratefully. Buffy felt her skin grow warm as Spike continued to stare at her.

“I figured I should patrol tonight since I skipped last night.” Spike reached a hand up to tug lightly at Buffy’s dry hair. Buffy stared for a moment at him in confusion before realization set in. “The rain stopped almost as soon as it came. It made everything mucky out there.” Spike watched as Buffy spoke, unable to meet his gaze. With a sigh he rose from his chair and pulled Buffy to stand before him.

Spike pulled her close against his body, her hands resting on his chest. He ran his hand over her hair, resting it against her cheek. Buffy unconsciously leaned into his touch, resting her weight against him. He dipped his head to hers but was stopped as Buffy pushed herself forcefully from his grasp.

“We can’t do this.” Hazel eyes met blue in a battle of wills. “We can’t just go from wanting to kill each other to this-this-” Buffy sputtered, waving her hands around in annoyance. “This what ever this is.” Spike took a defiant step forward, his eyes burning into hers.

“You saved my sister. But that doesn’t just make the rest of this just go away.” Spike stopped his movements to look at Buffy. “It takes time.” Buffy’s eyes pleaded with Spike, pulling a soft smile from him. Spike held up a finger and left the room returning shortly with a pad and pen. He passed it to Buffy.

‘I have all the time in the world, pet.’ Buffy smiled at his words and handed the pad back to him.

“That’s all I ask. I need time to figure this all out.” Buffy watched as Spike scribbled for a moment before returning the pad to her.

‘We can take this slow. How about a movie tomorrow night.’ Buffy looked up at the vampire in shock. He motioned for her to flip the page. ‘You’re all I bloody well think about.’ Buffy blushed at the words and smile up at Spike.

“How about renting something and watching it here?” Buffy asked. Spike nodded his head emphatically before realizing what he was doing and going back to his ‘cool’ persona. He took the pad from her hands and wrote for a moment.

‘Anything you want. Anything.’ Buffy looked up and caught the leering look Spike was giving her. Spike noticed her gaze and quickly gave her and innocent look. Buffy smiled and handed back the pad.

“Good night Spike.” Spike’s hand caught Buffy’s as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She looked back as he raised her hand to his lips. Buffy felt her heart skip a beat at the gesture and forced herself to pull away from his grasp.

Spike watched his Slayer head up the stairs, eyeing her rear appreciatively. Buffy turned when she reached the top of the stairs. With a parting smile, she went into Dawn’s room and shut the door softly behind her.

A wide grin refused to leave Spike’s face as he made his way back to his now cold mug of Blood. He took an absent sip, not even noticing the bitter taste.

‘If she wants time, she’s got it.’ Spike thought to himself as he went into the kitchen to rinse his empty mug. He placed it in the sink to dry and made his way back to her room.

Spike stretched before removing his jeans and sliding beneath the covers of Buffy’s bed. Spike breathed deep her scent, a contented smile crossing his lips as he fell into a much needed sleep.

***Chapter 16***Plans***

It was late afternoon when Spike finally woke up. The sounds of the Summer’s women below him pulling his lips into a smile. With a minimum of movement, Spike pulled on his jeans and shirt and made his way down the stairs. The sounds of giggling pulled him towards the living room. Dawn and Buffy sat on the couch watching Joyce spin around, showing off the long black evening gown with large flowers in it that she was wearing. Spike leaned against the doorway and watched.

“I might like it more than the others. Can you spin around again?” Buffy asked her mom, a small smile playing on her lips. Joyce spun around and looked at her daughters expectantly.

“Ooh, I'm not sure. Once more.” Dawn urged. Joyce smiled at her daughters and spun again. She held out her arms and looked down at the dress.

“Now could you go the other way?” Buffy asked, a mischievous grin on her lips. Spike couldn’t help but smile at the girls antics. Joyce turned to spin again but stopped and mock glared at her daughters.

“You’re messing with me.” Joyce shook her head and noticed Spike in the door way. “Spike you’re up.” Spike smiled at Joyce and walked into the room, taking a seat between the two Summer’s on the couch. Buffy smiled shyly at Spike before turning back to her mom. Dawn wrapped her arms around Spike in a big hug and smiled.

“’Bout time you got up sleepy head. We were just trying to help mom pick out a dress for her big date tonight.” Spike raised his eyebrows and gave Joyce an appraising look. She ran her hands down the dress nervously and smiled at the assembled group. Spike smiled and nodded his approval, causing Joyce to blush prettily.

“You sure? I mean, it's not too mom-ish?” Joyce asked nervously.

“It's not mom-ish at all.” Buffy reassured her mom. “It's sexy. It screams, ‘Randy sex kitten, buy me one drink and I'll..." Buffy blinks and looks at her mom. “Oh, wait, that's not really good either.” Spike laughs silently and pulls the pad from his back pocket. He moved to Joyce’s side and took her hands in his, giving them a soft squeeze, before passing her the note.

‘You look beautiful.’ Joyce read aloud, smiling up at the vampire. Spike got a bashful look on his face and ducked his head in embarrassment.

“I agree.” Buffy said she came to stand beside Spike. “You will wow him.” Joyce smiled widely and took her daughters hands in hers. Spike took the chance to escape the room, making his way to the kitchen. He could hear the women talking about the impending date, a stray giggle escaping the excited trio.

He had just placed the mug in the microwave when he felt the presence of someone in the room. Spike turned and saw Buffy watching him from the doorway.

“That was really nice what you did in there.” Spike gave Buffy a small smile and turned back to the microwave, waiting silently for the beep. He could feel her moving around the room, the sound of the refrigerator opening and closing. “You can be a really nice guy when you want to.” The microwave beeped, saving Spike from answering. He pulled out the mug and took a sip of the blood, turning to face Buffy. She sat on a stool on the other side of the kitchen block, sipping a glass of orange juice. He made his way over to her and leaned against the counter beside her.

Buffy could feel herself grow warm at his nearness. She looked up into his eyes, her breath catching in her throat at the look in them. Spike put down his mug and turned Buffy so that she was facing him. He bent his head to capture her lips in a soft kiss. He pulled back to look into her eyes for a moment before capturing her lips again.

She met his lips hungrily, opening her mouth willingly to his probing tongue. He ran hands over her arms, pulling her against him. Buffy parted her legs to let Spike step between them, letting them get closer to each other. Spike groaned silently and lowered his hands to the small of her back, pulling her impossibly closer to his cool body. Buffy arched against him, her tongue rubbing against his in a demanding caress.

Almost as soon as they started, Spike pulled away from Buffy, leaving her gasping for breath. Spike picked up his mug and moved to the other side of the kitchen, sipping at the cooling liquid. Buffy was about to speak when the door to the kitchen swung open and Dawn bounded in followed closely by her mom.

“I almost forgot to call Rupert. He said he would look after Dawn since you are going to that party tonight.” Joyce said as she picked up the phone.

“I don’t need a babysitter.” Dawn whined at her mom, as she filled a glass of juice for herself.

“I know. honey. It’s just with all this Glory stuff going on, I feel safer if someone is here with you.” Joyce pushed the buttons on the phone, while Buffy still stared in shock at her family. She saw Spike’s hurt look that he cast her way before carefully concealing it behind his mug.

“Mom, wait.” Buffy said, grabbing the phone from her hands. “I can watch Dawn tonight.” Buffy saw Spike’s eyes light up as they stared at her. “I figured a nice quiet night at home might be nice. We’re going to rent movies and make popcorn. . .” Buffy let her voice trail off, giving her mom a small smile.

“That’s great.” Joyce said, taking the cordless back from her daughter. “I’ll just phone Rupert and cancel.” Joyce left the room, a large smile on her face as Buffy watched in amusement.

“We?” Dawn asked in an excited tone. Buffy looked at her sister questioningly. “You said *we* are going to rent movies. Who else is coming over?” Buffy blushed and sent a glance towards Spike.

“Well, just me and you and Spike. The other’s are probably still going to the party tonight.” Buffy rose from her seat and took her empty glass to the sink.

“Spike?” Dawn asked with a sly grin.

“Well ya. He is staying here for a while and I don’t want to be rude so. . .” Buffy’s voice trailed off again as she refused to meet the vampires gaze. Dawn smiled widely at the pair.

“Sure.” Dawn patted Buffy on the shoulder before dashing from the room with all her teenage energy.

Buffy stared at the counter in front of her, still refusing to meet Spike’s gaze. She felt him move beside her, rinsing out his mug and placing it in the sink beside hers. His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her against him. Buffy’s hands came up to rest lightly against his chest, still refusing to meet his gaze. Spike pulled her chin up, forcing her to look at him. Buffy saw the soft smile on his lips, and smiled back.

“I don’t want anyone to know about. . .this until I’m sure what this is.” Spike placed a soft kiss on her lips before turning her loose and stepping back. Buffy stumbled for a moment when the pressure of his body left hers. Spike smirked at her and placed a steadying hand on her arm. Buffy slapped his hand away and stormed from the room, a smile upon her lips.

***Chapter 17***Interuption***

Spike spent the rest of the afternoon helping Joyce and Dawn set up the basement as a room for him. t consisted of little more than a single bed with sheets handing off the ceiling to provide him a minimum of privacy. Buffy had left soon after storming from the kitchen to cancel her plans with her friends and pick up some movies.

Spike sat on the bed trying to unsuccessfully read a book while listening to Joyce and Dawn prepare for Joyce’s date. Giggles floated down through the open door of the basement, bringing an indulgent smile to Spike’s lips, interrupting his reading again.

Night fell over the Summer’s home, cloaking it in darkness. Spike could feel the urge to hunt come over him , pulling him towards the shadows. He shook off the feeling and wandered upstairs for a mug of blood.

The microwave had just beeped when the door bell ran. Spike listened as the hair dryer continued to work upstairs. He took his mug from the microwave and made his way to the door. Spike swung the door open to reveal a man about six feet tall with short sandy colored hair.

“Uh, hi.” The man said uncertainly, disconcerted by the vampire’s silent stare. “I’m here to pick up Joyce.” Spike stared at the man for a long moment before stepping aside to let the man past him and into the house. He motioned the man towards the living room with the hand not holding his mug.

Brian, Spike finally remembered the man’s name, sat on the couch to wait, staring around the room with apprehension and a hint of fear. Brian shifted uncomfortably under Spike’s penetrating gaze, watching him slowly sip from his mug.

Dawn came bounding down the stairs, calling Spike’s name, a huge grin on her face. She stopped in the living room doorway and stared at the occupants for a moment in a mixture of shock and confusion. Her eyes widened comically as she turned and ran back up the stairs with a surprised eep.

Spike could hear Dawn tell Joyce that her date was there. A smile crossed his lips, causing Brian to once again shift uncertainly in his seat, as Spike heard Joyce search frantically for her purse.

Spike rose to his feet, thanking vampire hearing, as Joyce started down the stairs. Brian stared at him in confusion before noticing Joyce come down the stairs. Quickly he rose to his feet and came to stand behind Spike, something telling him to stand as far from the man as possible.

Joyce’s eyes lit up when she saw Brian standing uncertainly behind Spike. With a shake of his head, Brian walked over to Joyce and took her hands in his.

“Joyce, you look lovely.” She blushed prettily as Brian raised her hand to his lips. A bit flustered, Joyce grabbed her wrap and turned to her daughter who had come to stand beside Spike.

“You kids have fun tonight.” Dawn smiled at her mom and said good bye. Joyce went to take Brian’s arm as he pulled open the door, revealing Buffy.

Buffy’s slight body was all but hidden by the assortment of boxes and bags that filled her arms. Spike rushed to relieve her of her burden, taking the items into the kitchen, trying to juggle the bags, boxes and his mug in his hands, leaving Buffy to say good bye to her mother.

Spike pulled the items out of the bags, placing bags of chips and popcorn around the boxes of pizza and hot wings that littered the counter. He tossed the bags in the garbage and pulled the movies towards him as he took a seat on the stool pulling out the movies to gage the selection.

Buffy came into the room as Spike looked at the movies. He turned on his stool and held up ‘Interview with a Vampire’ for her to see, his scarred brow raised, a mocking grin on his lips. Buffy blushed and looked away sheepishly.

“I rented that for Dawn. She wanted to see it.” She moved to take the movie form his hands but missed as he pulled it back out of her reach with at grin.

“What did I want to see?” Dawn asked as she entered the kitchen. Spike tossed the movie to Dawn, over Buffy’s head in an effort to keep the tape from her. Dawn looked down at the movie in her hands and tossed it back at Spike with a grimace.

“Ugh, No Way!! That movie’s all your Buffy.” Spike grinned at Buffy, Dawn got an evil look in her eye. “Your the one who watched that movie just cause Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise are in it.” Spike raised his scarred brow at the revelation as Buffy glared at her sister. “Or is it Antonio Bandaras or maybe Christian Slater.” Dawn yelped as she tried to dodge her sister’s attempt to smack her.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about.” Buffy said as she grabbed at her sister. Dawn managed to dodge her again and made her way quickly to the door. laughing.

“Sure I don’t.” Spike watched in amusement as Dawn fled from the kitchen and Buffy glared after her. Buffy turned her gaze on Spike, slowly stalking towards him, glaring at him.

“The movie.” Buffy stated, holding out her hand for the tape. Spike shook his head and stood up from his perch on the stool, holding the tape out of her reach.

“You don’t think you can keep that away from me do you.” Buffy asked, slowly moving towards him. Spike continued to retreat, countering every one of Buffy steps with his own. He ran into the counter as look of shock crossing his face, as an evil grin settled on Buffy’s.

“You get one more chance, dead boy.” Spike grinned and held the tape over his head. Buffy shrugged and jumped for the movie.

Spike caught her around the waist as she launched herself at him, her hand reaching for the tape in his hand. Spike groaned silently as Buffy wiggled against him in her attempt to grab the movie. He pulled her tight against him as his unnecessary breath came in pants. Buffy stopped her movement as she felt Spike stiffen, looking down at him in concern.

“Did I hurt you.” Buffy asked as she took in the strained expression on his face. Spike stared at her for a moment, willing himself to calm down and take things slow like she wanted. Buffy settled against him, her face a mask of concern. He watched as she licked her lips and decided to hell with it and crushed her lips with his.

Buffy was motionless for a moment as her mind struggled to keep up with what was happening. The feel of Spike’s tongue running over her lips brought her out of her daze. Buffy opened her mouth with a groan to his probing tongue. Her hands snaked around his neck, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss even more.

Spike’s hands moved restlessly as he dropped the tape to the counter behind him and gathered her tighter against him. The cool feel of his hands on her bare back, as they snuck beneath her shirt, caused Buffy to shiver. All thoughts of slow left Buffy’s head as Spike’s hand grabbed her ass, pulling her up against him.

Her legs wrapped around his waist as Spike turned them around placed her on the counter. Spike ground himself against her heat, pulling a gasp from her lips, as she tightened her grip with her legs. Buffy pulled away from the kiss panting, desperate for air. Spike ran light kisses down the column of her throat before moving to take her ear lope between his teeth, worrying the tender flesh lightly. Buffy moaned his name quietly, wrapping her fingers in his hair. She pulled his mouth back to hers, pushing her tongue past his lips to battle with his. Spike rocked against her, pulling her hips tighter against him, a low growl coming from deep in his chest.

The sound of Dawn calling her name pulled Buffy slowly from her haze. She pulled her lips from his and shivered as he buried his face in her neck, nibbling softly.

“Spike.” Buffy whispered, her hands tugging lightly at his hair. He raised his head to look at her, his eyes dark with need. Dawn called out again, her voice sounding closer than before.

“Be there in a minute.” Buffy called out , wincing as her voice cracked. Spike gazed at Buffy’s flushed face as she struggled to calm her breathing. She loosened her grip with her legs and pushed lightly at Spike’s chest. Reluctantly he took a step back and watched as Buffy jumped from the counter and straitened her clothes. Dawn’s voice called out again as the kitchen door swung open.

“Are you guys still fighting?” Dawn sighed as she grabbed the boxes of pizza and wings, and one of the movies off he stack. “Come on, or you’ll miss the movie.” Buffy stared after her sister for a moment before her gaze fell on Spike. He stood, leaning against the counter of the sink, his burning gaze running over her body.

“Um, ya movie.” Buffy said, surprised at the husky tone to her voice. She moved away form Spike and grabbed a couple bags of chips on her way to the door.

“Are you coming?” Buffy asked over her shoulder.

‘Not yet.’ Spike said as he grabbed the soda off the counter, following after the Slayer to the living room. ‘Not yet, but soon.’

***Chapter 18***Movie Night***

‘What the hell am I thinking?’ Buffy chided herself as she retreated to the living room. ‘I tell him slow then practically jump him in the kitchen.’ Her face grew warm as she remembered that the *jumping* wasn’t practically, but actually. She could feel his eyes on her as Spike followed her to the living room. His gaze ran over her scorching her.

Dawn sat in the middle of the couch, TV prepped and ready to go. The coffee table was littered with open boxes of pizza and wings. Dawn squealed around the pizza in her mouth and bounced in excitement.

“Bout time you guys got here. I was gonna eat all the pizza and start the movie without you.” Buffy sat down beside her sister, refusing to look at Spike.

Spike watched as she avoided his gaze and took his seat on the other side of Dawn. He set the soda on the table beside the wing and grabbed one from the box. He settled back against the couch with a sigh and turned to the TV as the opening credits started to play.

“Since you guys took so long I get to pick the first movie.” Spike stared at the screen in shock as the first scene of Beauty and the Beast came on. Dawn giggled at his reaction and snuggled next to him.

“I love this movie, don’t you Spike?” Spike unconsciously wrapped his arm around Dawn and glared at her. She giggled again before turning back to the movie.

Buffy watched in amusement as Spike mouthed ‘bloody hell’ in annoyed acceptance. She smiled as Dawn snuggled into Spike’s side, a smile that grew as he wrapped his arm around her and glared at her.

‘He acts like her big brother.’ Buffy smiled to herself, giggling as Spike tried to steal a piece of pepperoni from Dawn’s pizza, only to be slapped away. Her giggle caught in her throat as Spike’s piercing gaze caught hers. His eyes were darker than she had ever seen them, almost devouring her in their intensity. Buffy pulled her gaze from his to stare blankly at the screen, her body growing warm from his attention.

‘This isn’t happening.’ Buffy moaned to herself. ‘I am *not* falling for another vampire. He is soulless, a killer. Ok, so he has saved the world a couple of times. He isn’t really that evil anymore. But this is so totally wrong.’ She sighed and tried to concentrate on the movie.

Spike half heatedly watched the movie, having read the story years ago. He was more fascinated at the play of emotions on Buffy’s face. It was obvious that she was not interested in the movie anymore than he was.

Her hair shone a honey gold in the soft lamp light. The silky strands laying loose about her shoulders. He couldn’t help feel the urge to reach out and capture a soft lock between his fingers. Watching her was fascinating, a portrait of perfection. Spike smile ruefully as his poetic side couldn’t help but be released with his appreciation of her beauty. Buffy licked stray pizza sauce off her fingers, causing Spike to shift uncomfortably in his seat. Dawn looked up at Spike worriedly.

“Buffy trade me spots. I wanna lean but I think me leaning on Spike is hurting him.” Buffy stared at her sister in a mix of horror and shock. “Come on. You’re just sitting there.” Dawn stood up from her seat and waited expectantly for Buffy to shift over. Spike’s gaze caught with Buffy’s frightened one. He lowered his hand to the seat beside him, patting it softly, a smirk on his lips.

‘Come on Slayer.’ Spike thought to himself, as indecision warred within Buffy. ‘I don’t bite.’ His smirk grew into a leer, causing Buffy to squirm. ‘Not unless you want me to.

Buffy slid over closer to Spike, careful not to touch him. Dawn huffed down in her new seat and returned to her movie. Buffy sat ramrod straight beside Spike, refusing to relax her stance. Spike smiled at the uncomfortable Slayer and turned his gaze to the movie. Buffy couldn’t help but feel a little hurt when Spike didn’t try anything with her seated so close.

‘Bad Buffy.’ She chided herself. ‘No more wanting the undead.’ She relaxed into her seat as she got caught up in the movie.

Spike could feel her heat, scorching him, as she settled closer to him. Her scent surrounded him, causing his pants to bite into tender flesh as they grew tighter. The movie was preempted as Spike watched Buffy eat from the bag of chips she snagged. His watched raptly as she would lick each finger after each chip, her tongue wrapping around her finger softly.

The fact that she was so close but not touching finally ran it toll on Spike. With an exaggerated yawn, Spike stretched and rested his arm on the back of the couch. Buffy couldn’t help but smile at his gesture and angled her back towards him. Spike grinned at her move and slowly dropped his arm around her shoulders. Buffy slid closer to Spike, resting her body against his, her hand resting comfortably on his thigh. Spike pulled her closer and sighed in contentment, glad that Buffy hadn’t pulled away with Dawn sitting there. With her next to him, Spike was able to relax and concentrate on the movie and the feel of her against him.

Spike was struck by the similarities between the movie and his own life. The Big Bad Beast falling in love with the beautiful Belle. Her over coming her fears of his evilness to love him back. He hugged Buffy against him as Belle looked into the mirror at the Beast with a loving caress.

Buffy was preoccupied with the feel of Spike against her to pay much attention to the movie. The octagonal squeeze he gave her made burst of pleasure sing through her body. She was so preoccupied that she failed to notice the movie end. Dawn jumped up to remove the tape and noticed for the first time how close her sister was to Spike. Buffy noticed Dawn’s stare at blushed.

“What? I was just suppose to sit there uncomfortably while you sat in my spot?” Buffy asked her sister playfully. “Besides he is getting soft around the middle. It makes him a great pillow.” Spike gave the Slayer a mock glare and pulled her across his lap, an evil glint in his eye. His hands slid down her sides in a soft caress. Buffy swallowed the lump in her throat as she stared at Spike. He smirked evilly and tickled his fingers against her ribs.

Buffy squealed and tried to pull away but Spike’s vampire strength held her firm. Dawn watched in amusement as her sister tried unsuccessfully to escape the clutches of the vampire. She couldn’t help but giggle as she remembered the last tickle fight she had saw. Riley had tickled Buffy’s foot and she kicked from his grasp, cracking a few ribs in the process.

Dawn threw in the next movie and sat back down in her seat. Spike stopped tickling as Buffy cried ‘uncle’ and let her slid back into her seat. Buffy whipped the tears from her eyes and elbowed Spike in the ribs forgetting to temper her Slayer strength. She winced and waited for the answering one but was greeted as Spike simply laughed and wrapped his arm back around her.

‘One benefit to a vampire boyfriend.’ Buffy thought to herself as she settled back against him. ‘Can’t hurt him as easy.’ The opening credits of the next movie stared, pulling the trio into the story.

***Chapter 19***Just When You Think. . . ***

Dawn shifted in her seat for the third time before sighing and dropping to the floor. She sprawled out on her side, staring fixedly at the screen. Spike noticed Buffy look longingly at her sister and gestured for Buffy to lay down. With a smile Buff laid down on her side, her head pillowed on Spike’s thigh. Spike ran his hand through Buffy’s hair, the silky strands tangling around his fingers softly. Buffy sighed contently at his caress, her body growing heavy with relaxation.

It didn’t take long for Spike to get caught up in the movie. His hand continued to absently caress Buffy’s hair. The credits began to roll across the screen, the soft music filling the quiet house. He looked down at the Slayer laying on his lap and smiled.

Her face was so peaceful, the pain and stress of the day left her when sleep took over her weary body. Her chest rose and fell softly with her breath, a small smile on her lips. Spike stared at her in wonder, amazed at how young and innocent she looked when the ravages of her life were freed by peaceful slumber.

Dawn shifted on the floor before jumping up to take out ht movie. He stretched and yawned as she turned to face the couch. A smile let her face as she noticed her sister asleep on the vampire. Spike held up his finger to his lips to signal Dawn not to speak. Dawn grinned at Spike and yawned again. With a sheepish expression, Dawn kissed Spike lightly on the cheek and quiet ‘good night’, before heading upstairs to bed. Spike sat for a moment staring after Dawn, shocked at her gesture.

‘Since when did I get to be a pet vamp?’ Spike asked himself incredulously. ‘Mom always said not to play with your food.’ Spike looked down at Buffy, staring at her for a long moment, unable to pull his gaze from her sleeping form.

The clock on the mantle chimed eleven o’clock, breaking the silence of the room. Buffy stirred from her position, her hand coming up to rest on Spike’s knee. Spike watched as her eye lids fluttered before opening to look sleepily around the room. She took in the fact that the TV was off and sat up quickly, looking around for her sister.

Her gaze fell on Spike and saw him gesture to the upstairs and mouth ‘in bed.’ Buffy relaxed against the couch, her hand coming up to stifle a yawn. She gave Spike a sheepish look similar to her sisters and laughed.

“You should’ve woken me, It couldn’t be comfortable laying with me on your leg.” Spike reached a hand over and brushed a piece of hair that had fallen into her face, tucking it behind her ear. He let his hand rest against her cheek in a gentle caress. Buffy closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.

Spike shifted closer to Buffy and brushed her lips with his. He pulled back and stared at Buffy’s closed eyes. When he didn’t move in again, Buffy opened her eyes and stared back into the blue depths.

“What are we doing.” Buffy asked incredulously, her voice barely a whisper. Spike smiled and brushed her lips with his again, lingering longer this time. Buffy sighed and rested her forehead against his, her eyes closed, when he finally pulled back.

“This is so wrong. Why can’t we stop.” Spike pulled back sharply from Buffy, causing her to fall forward a bit. Buffy opened her eyes in shock and saw Spike scribbling in his note book. He thrust the note into her hands and stared at her intently.

‘Who bloody cares if this is wrong. I want you, you want me. Simple.’ Buffy looked up at Spike and sighed.

“Not simple. And the slow thing? Not so much. I still can’t figure out what this is.” Spike took back the not pad before scribbling on it for a few minutes and handing it back to her.

‘People in the workplace, feelings develop.’ Buffy smiled and looked up at Spike. Before she could speak he motioned for her to flip the page. ‘Heat, desire, it’s a start, the rest we can make up as we go along.’ Buffy stared at Spike for a long moment causing him to shift uncomfortably under her scrutiny. She shifted in her seat, moving closer to Spike and put her hand on his thigh. He sat still as she brushed her lips across his.

“There is something here.” Spike smirked and shook his head before moving her hand up his thigh slowly. Buffy’s eyes widened and she pulled her hand back to slap him halfheartedly on the chest. “You’re bad.” Buffy said before he caught her lips in a bruising kiss. Buffy moaned as his tongue sought entrance into to her mouth, tangling with hers. Spike’s hands ran over her arms, pulling her closer to him. A low purr rumbled out of Spike’s chest as Buffy straddled him and pressed her body against his. The vibrations ran through her body, pulling a gasping moan from her lips.

Buffy tangled her fingers in his hair, rubbing her chest against his, shivering at the delicious friction. Spike’s hand moved under Buffy’s top and deftly undid her bra, before moving his hands to pull her shirt over her head. As soon as the shirt was gone, Buffy threw her bra across the room and pulled frantically at Spike’s shirt. Lips parted briefly, as his shirt was flung across the room in the same direction as Buffy’s bra, before devouring each other again.

Cold skin met scorching heat as Buffy pressed against Spike again. His hands ran over her bare back, cooling her burning skin while igniting it more with his caress. Buffy dropped her head back and moaned low in her throat as Spike slid his hand around to her front, stroking her breast lightly. She pressed herself harder against him, pulling a tortured gasp from his lips, as he bucked against her. She smiled at his reaction and sighed contently as his hands continued to caress her breasts, running a callused thumb over the tips, sending sharp waves of pleasure right to her core.

Spike’s lips moved down the column of her throat, leaving a chilling trail of blazing heat behind. Buffy arched into his mouth, eager to get his lips on her aching flesh. Spike smiled into her skin and ran a cool tongue down the valley of her breast, causing Buffy to moan in disappointment.

One of his hands left her breast to snake around her waist, pulling her up to his searching mouth. Spike nibbled on the underside of her breast, coming closer to where she needed it most, when the door opened and the sound of a horrified gasped filled the air.

More uploaded real soon, later today or late tonight.

***Chapter 20***Caught***

Buffy looked dazedly to the door way to meet the shocked gaze of her mother. Buffy jumped from her perch on Spike’s lap and frantically grabbed for her shirt, covering her bare chest, face bright red. Spike looked at Buffy in shock as she pulled away before noticing Joyce in the doorway.

“Buffy, I want to speak to you now.” Joyce ground out between clenched teeth. “Spike,” Spike jumped to his feet before Joyce could continue and retreated from the room. Buffy slipped her shirt over her head as her mom watched Spike head to the basement, crossing her arms over her braless chest. Her eyes scanned the room, searching for the missing clothing.

“I think this is what you are looking for.” Joyce said as she pointed to the bra laying over the lampshade on the desk. Buffy blushed brighter, refusing to meet her mother’s gaze. Joyce looked down at her daughter and sighed.

“Buffy, what are you doing? Spike is a vampire, he’s dangerous. If I hadn’t’ve walked in how far would’ve you taken things. What if Dawn woke up and heard you and cam to see what was wrong? Can you afford to pay for the therapy she would need after having walked in on you two? Did you think of that? Did you think of Dawn asleep upstairs? Did you think at all?” Buffy stared at her lap, unable to answer. “I know you are in college now and you are a woman, not a little girl but really Buffy.” Joyce sighed in frustration. “To do that in the living room where your sister could walk in at any moment is bad enough but Spike’s a vampire.”

“I’m sorry.” Buffy said refusing to meet her mother’s gaze.

“Sorry won’t cut it this time Buffy. What were you thinking?” Joyce ranted. Buffy cringed from her mom.

“I wasn’t thinking. We were watching movies then the next thing I knew,” Buffy waved her hand vaguely in the air, unable to say the words.

“Buffy, Spike is dangerous.” Joyce asked quietly. Buffy’s startled eyes met her mother’s.

“If he is so dangerous why is he staying in our home? Why does he have an invite at all?” A look from Joyce made Buffy lower her voice from the yell it had rose to. “He saved Dawn’s life and almost lost his own. It’s just, he can be sweet. I don’t know what I feel about him but why do you not trust him all of a sudden. I thought you liked hi-” Buffy broke off when her mom smiled.

“I like Spike, I really do. He can be a great help, protecting us against Glory but he is still a vampire. He doesn’t have a soul. He is dangerous and what happens if you don’t work out. What would he do? Look at the lengths he went to with Drucilla.” Buffy winced at the vampire’s name.

“As long as it’s still chips ahoy with Spike we don’t have to worry. Besides he has changed.” Joyce took Buffy’s hand in hers.

“What happens if he gets rid of the chip or it stops working? You are my daughter and I don’t want to see you get hurt. Buffy smiled and squeezed her mom’s hand.

“He says nothing will change, that he has changed. I think I believe him. There’s just something about him.” Buffy said with a shy smile. “But how was your date?”

“No way, we are talking about you here. And never making out on the couch ever again.” Buffy nodded vigorously.

“Never ever. No more ever.” Buffy smiled at her mom. “Now spill.”

“We will talk about this some more.” Joyce gave Buffy a warning look.

“As soon as I figure out what is going on I will tell, now spill. If it helps, you can ground me, just tell me about your date.” Joyce laughed.

“All right. But I suppose by your standards it could seem pretty tame.” Buffy blushed causing her mother to laugh. “I had forgotten how much fun dating could - oh no.” Buffy looked up at her mom worriedly.

“I think I left *my* bra in his car.” Buffy stared at Joyce with a mixture of horror and disgust. “Just kidding.”

“Mother, good God that’s horrible.” Joyce raised her eye brow and looked pointedly at the bra still handing from the lamp. Buffy jumped up and stuffed the offending object in her back pocket.

“Besides, I think I really left it in the restaurant.” Buffy covered her ears and ran towards the kitchen, the sounds of her mother’s laughter following after her.


Buffy ran into the kitchen, her hands still conferring her ears. She stopped short when she saw Spike leaning against the counter, sipping from a mug. His eyes roamed over her body, leaving a searing heat behind. His gaze finally met hers, a concerned expression on his face.

“I thought you escaped to the basement?” Buffy asked quietly. Spike held up his mug and passed her the notebook.

‘I was worried about you.’ Buffy smiled, a flush of warmth running through her.

“So what, you just know what I was going to ask?” Spike smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Did you hear everything we said?” Spike nodded, his smirk shifting into a soft smile. “Everything?” Buffy asked wistfully. Spike nodded slowly.

“Yep.” His voice came out barely over a whisper. Buffy’s eyes widened as she heard his voice.

“You have your voice back?” Spike laughed silently and shook his head. “Well ok, not back but it is healing? Why didn’t you say so earlier?”

“’urts.” Buffy took a step closer, her ears straining to hear him even with her Slayer hearing. Spike took the opportunity to pull Buffy hard against him, his arms snaking around her waist. Buffy let out an eep of surprise before resting her weight against him. He lowered his lips to hers but was stopped by a firm hand on his chest.

“Not here, mom could walk in on us again.” Spike smiled and stared walking backwards, pulling Buffy with him towards the basement.

“I’m not going down their with you.” Spike pouted at Buffy, pulling a giggle from her lips. “I have school tomorrow, and it’s late.” Buffy tried to pull away but was stopped by Spike’s arms that were still around her.

“Gotta pay the toll.” Spike whispered, his cool breath tickling her ear.

“And what is the price? Buffy asked coyly, resting against him once more. Spike lowered his lips to hers, his tongue pushing his way into her unresisting mouth. Buffy moaned and clutched at his arms, letting him hold her up. Buffy broke the kiss for much needed air, her breath coming in short pants.

“Gotta love the price.” Buffy whispered, her body limp against his.

“Now you *havta* pay.” Spike grinned mischievously at Buffy. Buffy grinned and raised her lips to his.

Tongues battled furiously Buffy wrapped her fingers in his hair, pulling his mouth impossibly closer to hers. Spike’s hands ran down her back to bury themselves in her back pockets, pulling her up hard against him. Buffy moaned into his mouth, a shiver of need coursing through her body. Buffy rubbed against Spike, pulling a tortured moan from his lips.

“We have to stop.” Buffy gasped as Spike ran his tongue from her ear down the column of her neck. Blunt teeth nipped at her jugular, causing Buffy to gasp. Buffy reluctantly pulled Spike’s seeking mouth from her neck, forcing him to look at her.

“Good night.” Buffy said, before placing a hard passionate kiss on his lips, and running all the way to her bedroom.

Spike looked after her, a wide grin on his face. He looked at the scrap of silk in his hand. ‘Knew those pilfering tactics would come in handy someday.’ Spike wrapped Buffy’s bra around his fingers, reveling in the feel of the soft material. He brought the fabric to his face and breathed deep. ‘Now I just need to get the other part of this set.’ He thought, before heading to his new room.

***Words can’t describe the feeling one gets when the reviews are such as those you have given me. I hope this story isn’t getting boring or dragging out to long. I will try and have a new chapter up really soon.***Chapter 21***Gratitude***

The next day dawned bright and warm.. Windows were thrown open to allow the moist morning air to dispel the gloom of the cool night. The inhabitants if the Summer’s home rushed about their morning tasks. The scent of maple filled the air as the bacon sizzled and popped in the frying pan. Muffled shouts could be heard as sisters fought for time in the bathroom.

Joyce smiled as she heard her youngest pounding on a door, screaming at her sister. Joyce turned from the stove with a shake of her head and saw a sleep rumpled Spike standing in the corner of the kitchen, shying away from the sunlight that poured from the open window.

“Let me get that.” Joyce said as she quickly closed the blinds, clocking the deadly rays form the vampire. Spike smiled his thanks and moved to take a seat at the island. Spike was oblivious to Joyce moving around the kitchen until a hot mug of blood was thrust under his nose.

“Thanks mum.” Spike croaked, earning a sweet smile from Joyce.

“So you’ve got your voice coming back. That’s good.” A shriek pierced the air before Spike could reply, the vampire wincing at the sound.

“Banshees?” Spike asked with at smirk.

“Don’t I wish. Then Buffy could just slay them and we could have a nice quiet morning.” Joyce replied with a laugh. Spike joined in the laughter, his voice deep and husky. The sounds of pounding overhead stopped, Spike heaved a sigh of relief.

“So what are you doing up so early? I thought vampires slept all day.” Spike opened his mouth to answer but was distracted when Buffy breezed into the kitchen.

She looked stunning in her pale yellow sundress. The hem stopped well above her knees giving Spike a good look at her golden skin. Spike shifted uncomfortably as thought of those tanned legs wrapping themselves around him. Spike’s blue eyes traveled over her soft curves to meet Buffy’s amused gaze. Spike’s lips moved into a smirk as he blatantly ran his gaze over her again, a soft blush covering her features. Spike had forgotten that Joyce was in the room until she spoke.

“Breakfast is almost ready.” Joyce said as she placed a plate full of toast beside a bowl of scrambled eggs. “The bacon is almost done. I need to get dressed, can you finish it up, honey.” Joyce asked, oblivious to the looked the vampire and slayer were giving each other.

“Sure mom.” Buffy said, pulling her gaze from his to give her mother a smile. Joyce returned her daughters smile before handing over the spatula in her hand and heading upstairs. Spike wasted no time in rising from his seat and pulling Buffy towards him.

“Mornin’ Slayer.” Spike whispered huskily, dipping his lips to capture hers. Buffy returned his kiss whole heartily. Spike’s hands rested on her hips, pulling her closer to him. Buffy dropped the spatula to the counter and wound her fingers in the silky strands of his hair. She moaned as Spike ground himself against her, a slash of heat accompanying his action.

The scent of something burning made Buffy pull her lips from his and push him from her. Spike stood dazed for a moment, shocked at the sudden retreat she had made. He smiled softly as he watched Buffy scoop the bacon from the frying pan and onto an awaiting plate.

Buffy swore as the grease in the pan popped, hitting her arm as she moved the pan to a cold burner. She rubbed at the grease with her other hand, trying to alleviate some of he burning sensation. Buffy turned and found herself face to face with Spike once again. She took in a sharp breath, surprised to find him so close. Her breath became shallow as he ran his hand over her sore arm, staring into hers intently. Slowly, as if not to startle her, Spike raised her arm to his lips, darting out his tongue to caress her soft skin.

All thought of pain left her mind as Spike ran his lips over her arm, his cool tongue leaving a soothing trail behind. Buffy leaned into Spike as he made his way up her arm, moving behind her as he went. He ran his lips over her shoulder, interrupted only by the small spaghetti strap of her dress. Buffy sighed as his lips met her skin again, moving over the smooth skin of her shoulder, pushing her hair out of his way. She tilted her head to the side to allow him better access as his lips sucked lightly on her neck. Buffy shivered at the thought of the dangerous creature so close to the vein in her neck. She cried out in pleasure as his blunt teeth bit down lightly on her jugular, wave after wave of heat flashing through her body at his touch.

Spike wrapped his hands more securely around her waist, pulling her closer as she sagged against him. He moved his mouth up to her ear, capturing the lobe between his teeth, pulling another moan from her lips.

“I like the dress, pet.” Spike whispered in her ear as he continued his assault of her neck.

“Good.” Buffy sighed, a small smile playing on her lips. “I wore it for you.” Spike chuckled at her unexpected candor, the feel of his cool breath sending a tingling sensation all the way to her toes. Spike gave her neck one last chaste kiss before pulling away from her and moving back to his seat.

Buffy tottered for a moment at the loss of his body, staring after him in shock. Spike sat down on his stool, raising his mug to his lips. He gave the door a pointed look just as Dawn came into the room, a wide smile on her face as she saw Spike.

“Spike, your awake.” She cried as she rushed to give him a hug, almost knocking the blood from his hand.

“Easy there, Nibblet.” Spike croaked, his voice cracking slightly. Dawn pulled back, her eyes widened in shock, before launching herself back into his arms. Only Vampire coordination kept the mug from being dropped to the floor. He set the mug on the counter, well away from the excited teen before patting her back awkward.

Buffy watched in amusement as her sister embraced the embarrassed vampire. The imploring look he sent her way sent her into helpless giggles.

“Dawn leave Spike alone and eat your breakfast.” Joyce said, catching the look of the vampire. Spike smiled at Joyce as Dawn released her death grip and moved to take a seat of her own.

“You burned the bacon, Buffy.” Dawn whined as she pulled out a crispy piece, holding it up and staring at it in distaste. Buffy blushed as she took her own seat on the other side of Spike. Spike smiled at her and plucked the burnt bacon from Dawn’s grasp, popping it in his mouth.

“Just the way I like it.” Spike grinned, sucking the grease from his fingers. Dawn gave him a disgusted look before turning back to her breakfast.

Buffy squeezed his thigh in thanks, her hand lingering on the taunt muscle. Spike bit back a groan as her hand lightly caressed the denim clad skin. Buffy gave him her most innocent look, as Spike sent a pained glare her way. She removed her hand from his leg to snatch a piece of bacon from the plate.

Joyce watched in amusement as the three bickered over the plate of bacon, all vying for the last piece. She stifled a laugh as both her daughters pinned the helpless vampire, who had grabbed up the last piece, with their puppy dog eyes. She couldn’t hold back her laugh as Spike sighed in mock defeat and broke the piece in half, handing the halves to the girls on either side of him.

“I’m off to pick up a few things, do you girls need a ride.” Dawn nodded around the toast in her mouth and took off to her room after a dropping her plate in the sink.

“I don’t have class till ten.” Buffy told her mom. “I was going to head over to the Magic Box in a bit. But I can walk.” Joyce nodded and grabbed her purse from the counter.

“Just leave the dishes, I’ll wash them when I get back.” With a parting smile, Joyce yelled for her youngest to hurry. Dawn left the house, slamming the door behind her, leaving Spike and Buffy alone.

Spike watched Buffy intently as she moved nervously around the kitchen. Stacking the dirty dishes in the sink and wiping the counter. He smiled at her, marveling that she could be so nervous with him still.

“Buffy.” She jumped as he said her name, his voice deep and husky. “What are you doing, pet?” Buffy gave Spike an embarrassed look, a flush covering her cheeks.

“Avoiding.” She said sheepishly.

“Me?” Spike asked with a hurt look.

“No.” Buffy quickly reassured. “Well, not just you. Me, us, this-this thing between us. What are we doing?” Buffy gave Spike a searching look, her eyes bright with fear. “I mean. I know what we are doing. It’s just what is this thing with us?” Spike sighed and moved to take her in his arms but Buffy eluded his grasp. Spike gave her a hurt look.

“What do you mean?” Spike crossed his arms over his chest, staring at her.

“I need time.” Buffy sighed. “I want you. I know this, you know this but this thing,” Buffy pointed alternately between Spike and herself. “It shouldn't be happening. Sure you saved my sister but this can't just be about gratitude. I don't know what I feel but I know I need time to figure it out.”

“Gratitude?” Spike croaked in disbelief. “Is that all this has been to you?”

“No!” Buffy sighed in frustration. “I don’t know. That’s what I want to find out.”

“Bollocks. What is there to find out. I want you, you want me. Simple. Direct.” Spike glared at Buffy. Buffy ran her hands through her hair in exasperation.

“I need more than that.” Buffy said angrily. “That’s what I need time for.”

“Well fine.” Spike said angrily. “Take all the bloody time you need.”

“Fine I will.” Buffy pushed past Spike, grabbing her bag from beside the front door. “I will be back later. Stay out of my room.” Buffy wrenched the door open, slamming it shut behind her. Spike stared after her angrily, a heavy feeling in his chest.

“Bloody hell!” Spike yelled as he threw his mug against the refrigerator in anger, splattering blood over the white surface. He started to cough as the shouting took its toll on his still healing throat. He filled a glass from the tap, downing the luke warm liquid quickly.

Spike surveyed the damage when he got control of his cough. With a sigh he picked up the broken shards of the mug.

‘Bloody hell.’ Spike thought to himself, his throat raw from yelling. ‘Bollocks it up again haven’t I.’ Spike dropped the pieces into the garbage, snagging a towel to wipe up the mess. The mess was quickly cleaned up. Spike grabbed the blood stained rags and made his way back to the basement. He threw the dirty towel into the washer before flopping down on his bed.

Sleep was a long time in comingChapter 22***Darkness Falls***

Spike awoke with a start, sitting up in bed, frantically searching the unfamiliar surroundings for the source of the noise. The doorbell rang again and he fell back on the cot with a sigh. Reluctantly he pulled himself from the bed, running his fingers through his sleep tousled hair. He grabbed the bag he had retrieved from his crypt and pulled out his comb and gel, making quick work of his hair.

He walked into the front hall and couldn’t help but laugh as Joyce was all but hidden behind a large bouquet of flowers. He saw her reach blindly for the table beside the door, missing the object by quite a few feet. Spike plucked the vase from her hands and deposited his fragrant load onto the table.

“Thank you dear.” Joyce smiled at Spike. Spike in turn ducked his head and smiled back shyly. “Spike we need to talk.” Joyce motioned for him to take a seat in the living room.

“Your new beau send you those flowers, Joyce?” Spike asked nervously, cursing his cowardliness.

‘’M suppose to be the Big Bad and I can’t even talk with the Slayer’s mum.’ Spike chided himself.

“Yes, Brian sent then, aren’t they beautiful.” Spike nodded and smiled with relief at his respite. The relief was short lived.

“We need to talk about you and my daughter.” Joyce said grimly causing Spike to shift uncomfortably in his seat. “How old are you?” Spike looked up in shock. Startled at the unexpected question.

“’M not as old a s the poof.” Spike croaked out, his throat constricting with pain. Joyce stared for a moment in confusion before the reference dawned on her. She couldn’t help but smile. “I was in my mid twenties when I was turned. Dru sired me in 1880.” Spike said quietly, his throat sore from disuse and his injury. Joyce shook her head incredulously.

“You were a vampire for over a hundred years before Buffy was even born.” Joyce stared at the vampire. “I'm worried about you two. I don't have to tell you that you and Buffy are from different worlds.” Spike sighed and shook his head.

“Our worlds aren’t so different. Not anymore at least.” Joyce gave Spike an imploring look, waiting for him to continue. “We both slay and look after both you and the Nibblet.”

“There is more to her life than slaying and her family. She has school, and friends an-”

“She has friends who help with the whole slaying deal. Witches, ex-demon, watcher, and the whelp. What does he do anyway.” Joyce couldn’t help but laugh. “School is yes, something she has that is different but-” Spike gave Joyce a helpless look.

“I know you care for her.” It was Spike’s turn to stare at Joyce in shock. “It obvious you care for her. You are different then other vampires. But you are still a vampire and Buffy’s had to deal with a lot already. Grew up fast. Sometimes even I forget that she's still just a girl.”

“What happens if the chip stops working. That is what you really want to know.” Spike said quietly, looking at Joyce intently.

“Well, yes. I’m concerned for my daughter. You are a vampire Spike. You tried to kill her before.” Spike smiled and rubbed his head ruefully.

“You’re kinda mean with an axe, Joyce. I’d be more worried about what you would do.” Joyce couldn’t help but smile.

“What happened with Drucilla. We talked about this before, but. . .” Joyce let her voice trail off as Spike sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“Bloody hell, Dru.” Spike rose to his feet and started passing. “She left me. Said the Slayer was all around me. In my bloody head she was. She said I tasted like ashes. Didn’t bloody want me.” Spike ranted, the old feelings rising to the surface. Joyce watched as emotions warred for dominance on the enraged vampire’s face. “She even came back a couple of days ago.” Joyce sat back with an alarmed look. Spike noticed Joyce recoil and tried to smile reassuringly. “I told her she had bloody well leave and never come back. She new about the chip. She wanted to help get it out and go after-” Spike’s voice choked in his throat at the thought. He went back to his place at Joyce’s side and gave her a helpless look.

“What the bloody hell is wrong with me?” Spike croaked, his voice growing hoarse with the strain of talking. “I turned my back on my sire, the love of my bleeding’ life. You have the slightest idea what she meant to me? She was the face of my salvation!” A small smile crossed Spike’s face at the memory. “She delivered me from mediocrity. For over a century we ... cut a swath through continents. A hundred years, she never stopped surprising me.” Joyce looked at Spike in a mixture of horror and tenderness, her heart going out to the blonde vampire.

“Never stopped taking me to new depths. I was a lucky bloke. Just to touch such a black beauty.” Spike shook his head to clear it of the images. “Then she had to go and ruin it all.”

“By leaving you.” Joyce said, nodding in understanding.

“Not Dru, Buffy. She cluttered up my brain, filling my head with thoughts and ideas.” Spike said, his face a mask of pain. Joyce stared at the silent vampire, her eyes lighting with comprehension.

“You fell in love with her.” Spike stared at his clasped hands, unable to look at his love’s mother.

“It doesn’t matter now anyway. I buggered it up good, I did.” Spike said quietly, his voice filled with pain.

“What did you do?” Joyce asked, a hint of apprehension in her voice. Spike looked up in surprise.

“I didn’t hurt her or nothing, couldn’t even if I didn’t have this bloody chip.” Joyce sighed in relief. “I thought things were going good, after last nig-” Spike broke off and gave Joyce a sheepish look. “Which I’m sorry about by the way.” Joyce smiled reassuredly and waited for him to continue. “She says she wants time and I got impatient and pushed and she left.”

“Give her time. She has wanted a normal life for so long, but it doesn’t make her happy.” Joyce smiled at Spike. “And as much as I hate the idea of my daughter getting involved with another vampire, there is no one else I would have wanted for her.” Spike stared at Joyce with a mixture of shock and pleasure. “We both know she isn’t a normal girl, no matter how hard she tries. Her life won’t be a long o-” Joyce broke off, her voice laced with pain, her eyes filling with pain. Spike put his hands over hers, squeezing reassuredly.

“She will if I have anything to bloody well say about it.” Joyce smiled and squeezed back, before patting his hands and raising to her feet.

“Well that’s enough serious talk for one afternoon. The girls will be home soon and you know how hungry growing girls can be.” Spike laughed and rose to his feet as well.

“Worse then bloody fledglings they are.” Joyce laughed and took a step forward.

Her hand raised to her forehead, her eyes closing as a bout of dizziness came over her. She let out a small moan and wobbled unsteadily on her feet.

“Joyce, what’s wrong.” Spike demanded, a worried expression on his face.

“Just a little light headed is all.” Spike took her arm and guided her back down to the couch. She smiled softly at the vampire before her eyes rolled back into her head and she slumped back on the couch. The last sound she heard before the darkness overwhelmed her was the sound of Spike’s voice calling her name.

***Sorry it took so long. Couldn’t get the Big Bad to be vulnerable yet still himself.***Reviews make me happy. A happy me writes faster ~~hint hint~~***
Chapter 23***Panic***

“Stupid, obstinate, evil, bloodsucking, impatient. . .” The list went on and on as Buffy stormed down the sidewalk, oblivious to everything around her. A dog darted out from one of the yards, almost knocking the preoccupied slayer to the ground. The dog yelped and Buffy glared as they stood and stared at each other. Buffy’s expression softened at the ‘poor me’ expression in the bright blue eyes of the hound as it cowered at her feet.

‘Suck pretty blue ey-’ Buffy said to herself before looking to the sky and screaming in frustration. She didn’t even notice the dog go scrambling our of her way as she resumed her brisk pace down the road.

“Stupid, annoying, always right where you don’t wa-” She broke off her furious tirade as the sound of a siren pierced the afternoon air. She realized that the sound had come from her street, her heart rate rose as she began to panic. The ambulance sped down the road past her, lights flashing their warning, siren blaring. Buffy’s eyes widened in panic fear as she raced down the side walk, desperate to reach her home, the words ‘not mom’ repeating over and over in her head.

The door swung open with a bang, almost knocking it off its hinges. The Slayer rushed in screaming her mom’s name frantically. Spike jumped to his feet and hurried to intercept the distraught female, careful to keep from the sun that shone through the open doorway.

“Where is she?” Buffy demanded, clutching his shirt in her hands, her body taut with tension.

“They took her to the hospital, she fainted and I couldn’t wake her.” Spike told her gently, trying to loosen her death grip in his shirt.

“Why didn’t you go with her?” Buffy cried, tears welling up in her eyes. “Damn you. She’s all alone.” She beat her fist against his chest, Spike let her vent her frustration, barely feeling the tempered blows, as he tried to comfort the slayer. She stopped suddenly, her eyes wide and glistening with the yet unshed tears.

“I have to go to her!” Buffy grabbed Spike’s arm and pulled him after her. He hissed in pain and pulled from her grasp as the sun hit his bare skin, scorching the pale flesh. Buffy glared at him for pulling away before the smell of burnt skin assaulted her.

“Just let me grab my duster and we can take the sewers.” Spike said, already heading for the basement/

“Don’t bother.” Buffy said scornfully. “I don’t need you.” Spike’s eyes flashed gold as he pulled Buffy from the doorway, ignoring the searing pain of his burning flesh.

“Bloody hell woman! Stop being a stubborn little bint and wait two God damn seconds.”

Buffy blinked at his sudden rage, standing, shocking in place until he came from the basement, coat in hand. He covered his head with the leather and took off out the door, tempting fate yet again as he tried to out run the sun. The man hole cover was deftly removed, the result of much practice, and he jumped into the dark abyss, leaving a trail of smoke behind him. He stepped back from where the sun penetrated the dark and waited impatiently for Buffy to follow.

A long moment passed, and Spike was sure he would have to drag her down, when she appeared at the entrance, her golden hair glowing about her like a halo in the afternoon light.

“Hurry up!” Spike called out impatiently. With a loud sigh, she looked around to make sure no one was about to witness her descent, and lowered herself into the hole., making her ways quickly down the ladder. Spike didn’t give her a moment to adjust to the low light before he gripped her hand and pulled her forcefully through the tunnel, making his way unerringly towards the hospital.

“You don’t have to yank me around.” Buffy said shortly as she pulled her hand from his grasp. “It’s my mom we need to get to.” They walked in silence, the only sounds were that of their footfalls echoing in the dark cavernous tunnel.

“Are we there yet?” Buffy asked after a long moment, her voice laced with uncharacteristic fear.

“Does it look like we’re there yet?” Spike spat out before he could stop the scalding words. Buffy glared at him before increasing her pace, almost running down the tunnel.

“Buffy wait.” Spike called out hoarsely, increasing his pace to catch up. “Slayer!” Buffy ignored him and broke into a jog. Spike caught her easily and caught her arm, swinging her around to face him.

“Let me go!” She cried, pulling her arm from his grasp. “I don’t have time for you. She just had a tumor removed and now. . . she could di-” Her voice caught in her throat painfully. “I have to get to her.”

“Well you won’t get to the hospital going that way. You missed the bloody turn.” Spike pointed back the way they came to a dimly lit tunnel. Buffy glared and followed after him silently.

The walk from the basement to the emergency room was done in silence, both concentrating on the hall ahead of them. The journey though the halls was dangerous as the afternoon sun shone through the windows making the vampire rush from shaded area to shaded area. Buffy couldn’t help but laugh at his antics, despite the situation.

Spike hared Buffy giggle behind him and turned to give her a curious glance. The scowl on his face softened to his classic smirk as she continued to laugh.

“Come on.” He growled playfully, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the emergency desk. She sobered quickly as her concern for her mom took over. Spike stood off to the side as Buffy talked to the nurse at the sunlit desk. The sun played in her hair, causing the silken strands to glow as the air conditioning ruffled the locks, brushing against her golden skin. A furrow crossed her brow as the nurse said something to her, her lips moving into a frown. Spike saw Buffy sigh then head his way.

“So?” He asked as she returned to his side, having been too caught up in his appreciation of her to listen in on the conversation.

“The doctor is with her now.” She replied, her face drawn and closed. Weariness passed over her and he sat down hard on the bench against he wall. Spike took the sea beside her and waited for her to continue.

“The stupid nurse wouldn’t even tell me how she is.” Buffy said after a moment, running her hands through her hair in frustration. “She said the doctor would be with me shortly. That she paged him and he would tell me what was going on.” Buffy buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking with her repressed tears.

Spike patted her back awkwardly, unable to think of a proper way to comfort her. Buffy sat up and leaned into his touch, resting her meager weight against him. Spike relaxed and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her more securely against him, resting his shin on her head. Buffy closed her eyes and allowed his support to sooth her frazzled nerves.

It was Spike who noticed the stoic doctor walking down the hall, heading for the emergency desk. Spike noticed the tension across his shoulders and hoped that he want there for them. He closed his eyes and sighed as the nurse pointed in their direction. Buffy felt him tense beneath her and turned to give him a curious glance. She followed his gaze and sat up straight in her seat, warily watching the doctor make his way towards them.

“Miss Summers?” The doctor asked as he came to stand before them. Buffy nodded and rose to her feet. Spike rose as well and gripped Buffy’s hand. She gave him a grateful look and squeezed his hand before returning her gaze to the doctor.

“Your mother had a complication due to her surgery. There was a clot. Thankfully she was brought in in time and we were able to get to it before it became dangerous. She was lucky to have someone with her.” Buffy sagged in relief against the Vampire standing beside her.

“Can we see her?” Buffy asked anxiously. The doctor smiled.

“She is being moved to recovery right now. A nurse will fetch you when she is situated. Buffy smiled her thanks and shook the doctors hand. Spike grinned down at the Slayer and pulled her into his grasp, breathing in her warm scent.

“Joyce is a tough old bird, I knew she’s pull through.” Buffy laughed as she snuggled into his embrace.

“Just don’t let her hear you called her old.” Spike chuckled and looked down at Buffy’s upturned face, her eyes bright with relief. Spike pressed his lips to hers softly, raising his head to look at her again. Buffy sighed and brought her lips up to his, eager for contact. Spike quickly lower his head and captured her lips in a sweet caress, his arm tightening his hold on her. Buffy sighed again, opening her mouth to allow him in.

Their tongues moved languidly against each other, savoring the taste unique to their partner. Buffy wrapped her arms around his neck, slanting her mouth to open herself further to his questing tongue. Spike groaned and pulled his lips from hers, his unneeded breath coming in pants.

“Right idea, wrong place, pet.” He replied to her questioning look. Buffy nodded and buried her head in his chest. Spike groaned as her warm breath tickled his cool flesh through the thin material of his t-shirt. He felt her smile against him as she purposefully blew a hard breath against his chest, eliciting a shudder from him. He gave her butt a playful swat and glared down at her. Buffy giggled, and pulled away in mock horror.

“Did you just spank me?” She asked in mock reproach.

“Not yet luv. When I spank you, pet, you won’t have to ask if I have.” His voice deep and thick with promise. Buffy swallowed hard, her head filling with images. She opened her mouth to reply when a nurse called out her name, indicating for them to follow her down the hall. Spike smirked and pulled Buffy to his side, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. Buffy wrapped her arm around his waist and gave his side a sharp pinch. Spike laughed and pulled her down the hall after the nurse.

Chapter 24***Tease***

“Well go in, pet.” Spike said softly. Buffy stared at the closed hospital room door and didn’t respond. She leaned against him and sighed. Spike tightened his arm across her shoulders and gave her head a quick kiss.

“Go on, I’ll wait here.” Buffy gave him a wild eyes look and tightened her arm around his waist.

“No, you have to come in. I-” Buffy broke off when Spike gave her a small smile.

“Then I’ll come in.” He moved and opened the door, holding it wide for Buffy to enter. She took a deep breath and walked into the room, moving to the window to close the blinds. Spike grinned foolishly, touched that she remembered his little problem despite her mother.

“Buffy!” Joyce said quietly, her voice weak. Buffy rushed to her mom’s side and sat on the bed.

‘Mom, how are you.” Joyce took Buffy’s hand in hers and brushed her hair back with the other.

“I’m fine, honey.” Joyce said soothingly. “The doctor said it wasn’t serious and I’ll be fine in a couple days.” Buffy wrapped her arms around her mothers neck, her shoulders heaving with repressed sobs. Spike caught Joyce’s gaze over her daughters shoulder, warning him not to speak. No one know better than Spike how serious the situation really had been. He had never felt more helpless when she had stopped breathing and there was nothing he could do to help. It was the longest minute of his unlife, as he waited anxiously for the paramedics to arrive.

Buffy pulled back from her mother and wiped at her eyes. Spike shifted uncomfortably in the doorway. Joyce saw his movement and gestured for him to come closer.

“Spike, stop hovering in the doorway and come in.” He gave the pair a sheepish grin and ambled over to the bed, hands dug deep in his duster pockets. Buffy smiled at the vampire before turning back to her mom.

“I wanted to thank you for what you did.” Joyce said, taking the vampire’s hand in hers and giving it a light squeeze.

“No thanks are needed.” Spike replied softly, squeezing back. Joyce smiled at him, her eyes conveying more than her simple words. She let out a soft sigh.

“You look tired, we should let you rest.” Buffy said quickly, noticing that her mom could barely keep her eyes open. “Dawn should be home from school soon and we should be there to tell her what happened.” Spike smiled at her use of ‘we.’

“Oh honey.” Joyce called out as Buffy moved away from the bed. “Dawn is staying over at a friends house tonight. Maybe we shouldn’t spring this on her right now. Let her have a good night.” Buffy nodded at her mom and gave her a peck on her cheek.

“Sure mom. You get some rest.” Joyce smiled at her daughter and closed her eyes, settling back against the bed. She was asleep before they left the room.


The sun was still shining as Buffy and Spike walked through the hospital corridors towards the basement. Spike ached to take Buffy in his arms again but she walked beside him, her back rigid, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. He successfully dodged yet another bout of sun and Buffy walked on, oblivious. They reached the basement before long and Spike held up the grate to the sewers for Buffy to precede him.

He jumped through the tunnel into the passage beneath, the sound of his combat boots striking the earth echoing off the cavernous walls. Buffy flinched at the sound and wrapped her arms tighter around herself.

Spike watched silently as she trudged through the sewers, her petite form seeming impossibly smaller in the darkness. A shiver ran down her spine as her jumbled thoughts threatened to undo her fragile control.

The solid weight of soft leather settled over her shoulders, jarring her from her depressing thoughts. She stopped in her tracks and studied the ground for a long moment. She looked up from the sewer floor to stare at her companion.

“Thanks.” She whispered, snuggling into the warmth of the coat, threading her arms through the sleeves. Spike smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her against him. Buffy sighed and rested her meager weight against him, letting his solid for absorb some of her burden.

“Thank you.” She said again, her soft voice unnaturally loud in the stillness of the tunnels.

“You said that already, luv.” Spike murmured into her hair, his arms tightening around her waist.

“No,” Buffy said louder, pulling back to look at Spike. “Thank you for saving my mom. For getting me to the hospital in one piece.” Spike stared down into her hazel eyes.

“I’d do anything for you.” He said softly, his voice hoarse and deep.

Buffy smiled and raised on her toes to touch her lips to his. Spike gathered her against him tighter, pulling her higher against him to capture her lips more forcefully. He slid his arms under his duster in an effort to get closer to her. Buffy moaned softly as his cool hands brushed her warm flesh and wrapped her arms around his neck. Spike took full advantage of the moan and thrust his tongue into her mouth to do battle with hers.

Buffy pulled back reluctantly, her breath coming in pants. She rested her forehead against his chin, breathing deep, trying to calm her racing pulse. Spike kissed her forehead once and pulled back.

“You have an impeccable sense of timing, pet.” He smirked as he took a couple steps back, running his fingers through his hair. Buffy wobbled for a moment at the loss of his support and laughed.

“No timing and can’t even stick to my own rules.” Spike gave her a questioning look. “I tell you I need time and look, I jump you not once but twice.” Spike chuckled and took a step closer to her.

“Really not complaining here, pet.” Buffy laughed.

“I really make things hard for you don’t I.” Buffy said, more of a statement than a question. Spike took another step closer, the barest breath between them now.

“You have no idea.” He said in a low, deep voice, his smirk firmly in place.

“I think I might.” Buffy replied, pressing her body against his, delighting in his hard lines. Spike took in a hissing breath and grabbed her arms.

“But not really what I was talking about.” Buffy pulled from his grasp and continued down the tunnel. “I am a real bitch sometimes.”

“Sometimes.” Spike scoffed as her jogged to catch up. “You can be a right bitch, luv.” Buffy glared at him.

“Talk like that won’t get you anywhere but a dust end there, Spikey.”

“Didn’t know I was getting anywhere there, Goldylocks.” He tugged at an errant lock, smirk still on his lips. A chill went through her at his words.

“Just think Spike.” Buffy said, a small smile playing on her lips. “Just you and me in a house, alone, no distractions.” Spike grabbed Buffy’s arm and turned her towards him.

“’S’not nice to tease the vamp, luv.” His eyes bore into hers, searching their depths.

“Maybe I’m not teasing.” Buffy pulled from his grasp again and resumed her fast pace down the sewer tunnel. Spike stared after her in shock. His whispered words brought a smile to her lips, and several naughty images to mind, as they echoed softly against the dirty walls.

“Well I’ll be buggered!”

***Keep an eye out for a new story. This one totally AU, coming soon to a fanfic archive near you.***Chapter 25***Chase***

Buffy and Spike tumbled through the door in a flurry of smoke and leather. Buffy laughed as Spike threw off his duster and stomped on the smoking material.

“That’s it, laugh it up, Slayer.” Spike growled, casting a menacing gaze her way that just made Buffy laugh harder.

“What ya gonna do chip boy? Migraine me to death?” Buffy giggled. Spike picked up his duster and laid it gently over the banister before turning and setting his piecing blue eyes on the still giggling Slayer.

“Not nice to tease the Big Bad there, luv.”

“Oh please.” Buffy snorted. “You’re not the Big Bad anymore Spike. You’re not even the Medium Bad.”

“I’ll show you just how Big and Bad I am.” Spike took a menacing step towards Buffy, who stepped back in turn.

“Spike.” Buffy said warningly, backing away from the advancing vampire. Spike grinned in response and leapt at the blonde. Buffy squealed and took off to the kitchen, Spike hot on her heels. She ran around the island, keeping it between her and her pursuer.

“Spike.” Buffy said warningly, as she circled the counter away from him.

“Buffy.” Spike replied mockingly. The pair slowly made their way around the counter, keeping an equal distance between them.

Spike’s grin grew as he dashed at Buffy. With a shriek she took off through the swinging door and through the dining room. She was almost to the living room when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her.

Their momentum carried them through the rest of the distance so that the pair tumbled onto the living room couch in a mass of tangled limbs. Not letting Buffy catch her breath, Spike’s fingers dug into her side, tickling the exposed skin mercilessly.

“Ss-TT-OOOPP!!” Buffy screamed as she struggled to pull herself from Spike’s grip. “SP-II-KE.”

“Say it, Slayer.” Spike growled, shifting himself so that he was straddling her legs, fingers still attacking her sensitive flesh.

“AHHH,” Buffy squealed, tears running down her face. “You’re the Big Bad, ok? You’re the Big Bad.” Spike sat up and chuckled, releasing the helpless Slayer.

“Uncle would’ve sufficed, pet. But I think that is better.” Buffy tried unsuccessfully to scowl at the vampire, but her laughter won out .

“Bastard.” Buffy sniggered, the word holding no malice.

“Now Slayer, such language.” Spike replied, holding his hand to his chest in mock shock. “Besides you’re the one that ran.”

‘I ran ‘cause you chased me.” Buffy pointed out, shifting her legs into a more comfortable position. Spike took the hint and slid off of her, picking up her legs to sit on the couch, before placing her feet on his lap. He slipped off her shoes, tossing them behind him leaving her feet bare. Buffy moaned as his cool fingers rubbed the knots from her feet.

“Mmm, my own private ‘House Vamp’. Very nice.” Spike chuckled and moved his hand up to her ankles, rubbing the warm flesh.

“So, Slayer.” Spike said softly. “It’s just you and me.” An errant hand moved up her bare leg, caressing the golden skin. “In a house.” The hand slid further, pulling a gasp from between her lips. “Alone. No distraction.”

“Seems kinda distracting to me.” Buffy gasped as his cool fingers moved sensuously over the firm muscles of her thigh. Spike chuckled, sending a wave of heat through her body. Buffy arched into his kneading hand, a tortured moan parting her lips.

“What do you think we could do with all this free time, pet.” Spike watched Buffy’s flushed face as he slid his hand up further on her leg, pushing the soft material of her skirt higher on her thighs.

“I don’t know,” Buffy gasped, the muscles in her legs twitching in time with the small, leisurely circles he was drawing on the inside of her thigh. “Charades, or maybe Monopoly. I think we have the Game of Life around here somewhere. Unless you have a better idea.” Buffy’s heart gave a leap at the heated look Spike leveled on her.

“I’m sure I could come *up* with something.” Spike pulled the unresisting Slayer into his lap, one hand behind her back, the other grasping her thigh, pulling her tightly against his chest. Buffy leaned her slight weight against his chest with a sigh, one resting over his on her leg, the other snaked around his neck to play with the soft hairs at the nape of his neck.

Buffy’s gaze was snared by his piercing blue eyes. Spike stared at her incredulously, his hand coming from it’s spot on her thigh to caress the soft skin of her cheek.

“You are so beautiful.” He whispered, his gaze never leaving hers. A flush moved over her already heated skin at his words, and she ducked her head in embarrassment. Spike took her chin in his hand and tilted her face up to his. His eyes were dark, burning in to hers, as his hand moved into her hair, running his fingers through the silky strands. Buffy’s eyes half closed as she leaned into his caress. Her lips parted with a sigh, her hand moving up to play with the buttons on his shirt.

Spike ducked his head to hers and captured her lips. Buffy met his vigorous assault with one of her own. His hand fisted in her hair, pulling her closer, shifting her slightly so that he could deepen his assault. A slow ache spread through her body causing her to shift restlessly in his lap. Spike groaned and arched up against her.

Buffy pulled from his lips, gasping for much needed breath, a small of feminine satisfaction on her lips. Spike watched her through hooded eyes as she shifted in his lap until she was straddling his body, her warm heat pressed intimately against him.

Spike set his hands on her hips and shifted her impossibly closer to his cool body, arching unconsciously at the sensation. Buffy lowered her lips, brushing them lightly against his. Spike tried to deepen the kiss but she kept pulling back, content, or now at the light, teasing contact. He growled in frustration and shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Buffy laughed and curled her fingers in his hair, her eyes alight with mischief.

“There you go teasing the vamp again, luv.” Spike grinned evilly, and before she knew it, Buffy found herself on her back, pinned to the couch by the smirking blonde, her hands held over her head by one of his.

“I warned you, pet.” Buffy swallowed hard as his free hand moved over her body, leaving a scorching trail of heat in its wake. She moaned and arched into his hand as it engulfed her breast, kneading the satin covered flesh.

“No.” Buffy gasped. “Stop.” Spike looked up at the Slayer in shock and stopped all movement.

“Pet?” Spike asked, a hint of apprehension in his voice. Buffy smiled reassuringly.

“No, not here, upstairs.” Spike grinned foolishly in relief and scooped Buffy up on his arms, dashing up the stairs.

Chapter 26***Wonder***

Buffy luxuriated in his strength, as Spike swept her up into his arms and raced up the stairs to her bedroom. She was shocked that when they reached the room Spike set her on her feet beside the bed instead of tossing her on the unmade surface. She looked up at him uncertainly, his cerulean gaze staring intently down at her.

“Are you sure, Buffy.” She smiled sweetly as a wave of warmth flashed through her at his use of her name. Her answer was to slide her hands over his chest unbuttoning the buttons on his shirt. She ran her hands up the bare skin of his torso, pushing the soft material over his shoulders so that it fell to the floor at their feet, leaving his chest bare to her gaze.

Spike drew in a shaky breath as Buffy’s warm hands stoked the lean width of his shoulders, moving over the rock-solid muscles of his cool chest. He could feel the heat of her body radiating off her in waves, surrounding him with her scent, her warmth.

He wanted to stay like that forever, Buffy’s warm hands exploring his skin, but his need for her won out. His strong hands slid down her hips to pull the hem of her dress upwards, breaking her contact with him as she lifted her arms to allow the dress to be drawn over her head and tossed unceremoniously in the corner.

Buffy felt herself flush as his gaze ran over her practically nude form and she tried to cover herself self consciously. Spike captured her hands in his and raised them to his lips to lightly kiss her knuckles, his gaze burning onto hers.

“You’re beautiful, Buffy.” Spike drew her closer to him and lowered his lips to hers. “Never doubt that.”

All thoughts of modesty left her head as his lips brushed hers, softly, tantalizingly. She heard herself whimper as he deepened the kiss, her lips opening to the deep, evocative plundering of his tongue.

Spike laid her on her bed, easing her panties down her legs as he continued to ravage her lips. Buffy shivered as he wedged a leg between her thighs, the material of his jeans enticingly rough on her bare skin as he stroked her intimately. A fire raged through her veins as his cool kisses leisurely explored the erotic potential of his lips locked with hers.

Buffy wreathed her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Spike moaned as she moved sinuously against him. He pulled back to look down at the flushed woman beneath him, her hair fanning out around her head, glowing in the soft light that crept into the room despite the dark covering on the windows. Her lips were swollen from kisses, her eyes dark with need.

“What?” Buffy asked softly, worry marring her brow.

“Not a thing, luv.” Spike murmured, giving her a soft, chaste kiss on the lips. He paused only briefly to remove his jeans before sliding down her body, kissing the hollow of her stomach and stroking the soft insides of her thighs. Buffy sighed as his cool tongue traced a path around her navel, before sliding lower. A gasping moan passed her lips as his demanding fingers and tongue brought her to the brink of ecstasy.

Spike watched the Slayer thrash her head on her pillow as he continued his assault on her tender flesh, relishing the heat, the taste of her. Buffy wrapped the silky stands of his hair in her fingers, pulling harshly at the short curls as the sensations Spike unleashed on her became too much to contain. She surged against him, her back arching high off the bed as wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through her entire body.

Spike moved up to lay beside her, watching her continue to shudder from the aftereffects of her pleasure. Buffy opened her eyes sleepily to see Spike watching her, his eyes dark with barely restrained desire. She forced her gaze to lock with his as she ran her hands over his exposed skin. She smiled at the tightening of his muscles beneath her fingertips, reveling in the tortured moan that escaped his lips.

Spike pulled her hands from his flesh, his jaw tightening as he tried to control his reaction to her touch. Buffy grinned at the knowledge that she had produced the response from him, delighting in her power over the Master Vampire.

Buffy closed her eyes, her fingers gripping the muscles of his upper arms as he eased her legs open with his knee, her body overloading with the sensations. She felt a moments panic, her eyes opening wide to stare into his, as his body sank into hers. How could something be so wrong, but feel so right. Her thoughts were quickly obliterated by the thrill of having him inside her.

She was like liquid fire, pulsing all over, inside and out, inflaming his cool skin, marking him forever hers. They moved together as if they had always been, their union bringing both the most riveting pleasure that they had ever known.

But still it wasn’t enough for either of them. She sheathed him tightly as they moved in the primal rhythm, whispering each others name into the still air. He buried his face into her neck as she arched upward, again and again.

The depths of her passion pushed him into oblivion. He brought them both to ecstasy with one final thrust. She surged against him again, screaming out his name. Spike pulled her close, kissing her sweetly, languidly, still rocking against her, drawing out the shudders, until they lay spent, trembling and exhausted.

Spike rolled to lay beside her, his unneeded breath coming in heaving gasps. Buffy didn’t fare any better, her pulse racing, her body slick with sweat. She rolled to her side, facing away from him.

Spike pulled the Slayer closer to his body, spooning her naked form to his. Buffy sighed and leaned into his embrace, a small smile on her lips, her fingers lacing with his around her waist. It didn’t take long for her breath to even out and her heart rate to slow, as she drifted towards an exhausted sleep. Spike nuzzled his face into her neck, breathing in her sweet scent.

“I love you, Buffy.” Spike murmured into her hair as his eyes shut and he fell asleep. Buffy opened her eyes, the words shocking her from her light doze, her hazel gaze filled with incredulity.
Chapter 27***Never Leave***

‘He loves me?’

Buffy laid on her bed, the still form of the bleached vampire wrapped around her, warming his cool skin to match hers. She stared into the darkness of the room, unable to fall asleep.

‘He loves me.’

Not that it was really a normal time for her to be sleeping, being all of nine o’clock. The thick blankets still covered the window, as she had never gotten around to taking them down when Spike moved into the basement.

‘Spike, William the Great and Bloody, loves me?’

The air was still and silent. The soft brush of her breath the only sounds. Buffy shifted in the confines of his arms, shifting his body away from hers. Spike mumbled and pulled her closer to him, his hand coming up to cup her bare breast. The familiar tingle began low in her stomach, radiating heat to the other parts of her body.

‘Spike loves me.’

Buffy moved his hand from her heated flesh, easing his arm off of her, to slide off the bed. She turned to look at the sleeping vampire sprawled across the mattress, the thin material of the sheet wrapped around his waist, baring his back to her gaze.

He looked so innocent in sleep, his hair tousled from her fingers, freeing the silky strands into the natural curls. Thin red marks marred the perfection of his marble skin, causing Buffy to blush as she remembered running her fingernails over the cool perfection of his muscled back, her fingers digging into his flesh as he moved against her.

Spike shifted on the bed restlessly, pulling the pillow into a tight embrace, breathing deep, before a soft sigh escaped his lips and he once again fell into slumber.

‘He loves me!’

Her mental voice took on a sense of awe as his words penetrated her stubborn mind. A look of fear crossed her face and she backed from the room, grabbing her robe from the back of the door and closing it softly behind her. She slid the soft terrycloth over her chilled skin and made her way downstairs. She wrapped her arms around herself, her body starting to shake.

The phone rang just as she entered the kitchen. She grabbed it from its cradle before the first ring had finished. She kept her voice soft, afraid to awaken the vampire in her bed.

“Buffy? Why are you whispering?” Dawn’s voice was unnaturally loud in the silent kitchen. “Don’t tell me. I bet you have an incredibly hot naked vampire sleeping in your bed.” Buffy felt herself flush at the thought.

“N-no, of course not, what makes you think that?”

“Jeez, Buff, take it easy.” Dawn laughed. “Like you would anyway. Unless Angel was back in town. I mean, like you would ever go for a guy like Spike.”

“What’s wrong with Spike?” Buffy asked indignantly.

“Nothing. He’s great. You just don’t seem to notice that’s all.” Dawn said pointedly. “I mean, he’s a total hottie and so totally in love with you. But you-”

“Ok, that’s enough Dawn.” Buffy rolled her eyes at her sister.

“Is mom there, I need to ask her if she can bring over my new CD. I forgot it a-” Buffy grew pale, her heart skipped a beat at her sisters words, blocking of the rest of her sentence.

“Buffy? Is something wrong? Did something happen?” Dawn’s concerned voice brought Buffy back from her shock.

“Everything is fine, Dawnie, there was just some complications. The doctor wanted to keep her overnight for observation.”

“Buffy. What happened!” Buffy cringed at the frantic note in her sisters voice.

“Calm down. She felt a little dizzy and passed out. Spike called the ambulance and they took her in for tests. There was just some clotting from the surgery but-” Buffy broke off, her face growing paler as understanding dawned on her dismayed features.

“But she is ok right. She will be ok right, Buffy.”

“Yes.” Buffy said forcefully. “Mom will be home tomorrow or the next day. She will be fine. We can go see her tomorrow afternoon if you like.”

“Of course I want to visit. That’s two now you know.”

“What? Two what?” Buffy asked perplexed.

“That’s two members of this family that Spike has saved now. For an evil, soulless vampire he sure isn’t doing his job very well.”

“No he’s not is he.” Buffy didn’t hear her sisters answer, nor did she register when she had hung up. Buffy stood holding the phone, the steady drone of the dial tone, unvarying in her ear. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t hear the jean clad vampire enter the room and remove the phone from her hand.

“Luv, are you alright.” Spike pulled Buffy towards him, his hands on her shoulders. “Has something happened with your mum?” Spike’s concerned words broke her from her stupor.

“No.” Buffy replied, pulling from his grasp and turning away from him. “It was just Dawn.” She moved to the fridge and pulled out the juice, grabbing a glass from the cupboard as she went. “I told her what happened. We are going to go visit mom tomorrow.”

“Well that’s good then. The Nibblet staying with her mate tonight still?” Spike watched as Buffy moved around the kitchen nervously, pouring herself juice then setting it on the counter, forgotten as she moved onto another task to keep herself busy. “So what’s wrong then?”

“Wrong? What makes you think something is wrong?” Her voice sounded unnaturally shrill even to her own ears.

“Buffy.” Spike moved towards her and watched as she skittered the other way, avoiding his touch. “Buffy!” His tone held a note of exasperation but his touch was light as he grasped her arm and pulled her close enough to him to slide his arms around her waist.

“I know you, luv. You’re avoiding. Now tell me what’s wrong.” Spike smiled down softly at her upraised face.

“It wasn’t not serious was it?” Buffy’s voice was low as she tried to hide her face in his chest.

“Luv, as cute as those double negatives are, I really have no idea what your talking about.” Spike’s chuckle sent chills down Buffy’s spine.

“Mom. It wasn’t not-, I mean, it was serious wasn’t it.” Buffy felt herself grow cold as Spike’s face gave her the answer. “And they told you and not me.” Buffy pulled herself forcefully from his grasp. “You bastard.”

“Now Buffy, luv. They didn’t tell me anything.”

“Then how do you know? Why didn’t you tell me!” Buffy spat out as she wrapped her arms around her shaking form, pulling herself farther away from the vampire.

“Buffy.” Spike pleaded, moving closer to her, only to have her back away. “Damn it, Slayer!” Spike grabbed her arm and pulled her forcefully towards him, gripping her struggling form in his strong arms. Buffy tried in vain to escape, only to find herself trapped even more.

“Let go, you’re hurting me.” Buffy pleaded, tears running down her face.

“No I’m not.” And he wasn’t, Buffy realized, as his chip never fired. “Listen to me. Just listen to me , luv. Your mum will be fine. She is a strong lady. She just didn’t want to worry you with pointless facts when she will be fine.” He continued to whisper reassurances into her hair.

Buffy’s struggles lessened, her sobs quieting, before she sagged into his arms. Spike slid his hand under her knees and swung her into his arms. Buffy barely noticed as he strode quickly through the house to her bedroom. He tried to lay her on her bed, but her grip around his neck was too tight for him to break.

“Don’t leave me.” He heard her whisper against his neck.

“Never.” Spike replied as he helped her out of her robe, tossing it and his jeans into the corner, before sliding into bed beside her. “I will never leave you, Buffy.”

Buffy sighed contently, snuggling into his side, pulling his cool flesh into closer contact with her burning skin.

“Good.” Her whispered words were barely heard, but filled his unbeating heart with hope.
Chapter 28***Better Than Slaying***

She wasn’t asleep. Her breath was even, her body relaxed, but he knew she wasn’t asleep. Spike tightened his arms around her, shifting her higher on his chest so that he may brush his lips across the silky strands of her hair. He felt her sigh and snuggle against him.

“Wanna go kill something, pet?” Spike asked quietly.

“How did you know I wasn’t sleeping.” Buffy asked, her tone slightly miffed.

“You’re thinking too loud, luv.” Buffy’s lips curved into a smile.

“Well, maybe I’m comfy right where I am.” She sighed happily and wiggled against him, seeking more contact with his cool body.

“Oh, come on.” Spike scoffed. “You can’t wait to set out there and kick some demon ass.” He slid up on the bed to lean against the head board, affording him a better look at Buffy’s face. “Come on. Let’s kill something! For justice - and for - the safety of puppies – and Christmas, right?”

“Is this the same speech you gave Willow and Xander?” Buffy asked amused.

“Hey now!” Buffy laughed out right at his expression. Spike grinned at her and ran his hands up her sides warningly, causing her to wiggle half heartedly away. “Come on, luv. You are the Chosen One after all.”

Buffy froze, all laughter falling from her face. A worried expression crossed Spike’s face as Buffy pulled away from him and walked to where he threw her robe, sliding it over her slight form and wrapping it snuggly around her.

“Luv, what’s wrong.” He watched concerned as she rummaged around in her closet.

“Nothing.” She replied stiffly. “I thought you wanted to go patrol.” Spike slid from the bed and walked towards her with complete disregard for his unclothed form. He slid his arms around her resisting form, pulling against him.

“It didn’t work before, what makes you think you can get away from me this time.” Buffy sighed and looked up at Spike’s face, smirk firmly in place. “What’s wrong, luv?” Spike asked quietly.

“I'm just. . .starting to feel” She paused, searching for the right words. “Uneasy about stuff.” Spike’s smirk fell, his unneeded breath caught in his chest.

“Bout what exactly.”

“Training. Slaying. All of it. It's just ... I mean ... I can beat up the demons until the cows come home. And then I can beat up the cows,” Spike smiled at the little giggle Buffy made, his eyes softening. “But I'm not sure I like what it's doing to me.”

“You are the powerful Slayer I have ever faced, luv. Your strength, your moves, your flexibility,” Spike leered at her, causing Buffy to blush. “Your cunning, resourceful-”

“I'm starting to feel like. . . being the Slayer is turning me into stone.” Buffy beat her fists lightly against his chest to punctuate her words. “You have seen me break down three times now. That is three in the last year! I never break down. To slay, to kill ... i-it means being hard on the inside. Maybe being the perfect Slayer means being too hard to love at all. I already feel like I can hardly say the words.” Realization dawned on Spike’s face.


“No!” Her voice was panicked as she pulled away and began to pace back and forth. “I was never there for Riley, not like I was for Angel, and he still left. Riley left because I was shut down. He's gone. And you. You-” Buffy stopped before him and waved her arm in his direction, at a loss for words.

“Don’t put me in the same category as those wankers.” Spike stepped closer to Buffy, close enough to feel the heat of her body. “I have left how many times and have still come back. That was before you let me in. Before I could touch you.” Spike ran his fingers up her arm in a soft caress.

“Before I could taste you.” His lips brushed hers, sending shivers down her spine. “What makes you think I could just leave you now.” His lips moved on hers urgently, demanding her surrender. Buffy’s lips parted willingly, opening to his questing tongue. She leaned into his body, his arms going around her to hold her hard against his bare form.

Buffy pulled away gasping, resting her forehead on his chest, her breath coming in pants. Spike’s hands moved over her back and up to her shoulders, sliding the material of her robe off to allow him to place feather light kisses to her skin.

“I thought you wanted to patrol.” Buffy gasped as his fingers fumbled with the knot at her waist.

“The beasties can wait. This can’t.” He gave up on the knot and slid his hands around her waist, cupping her ass in his hands and pulling her up against his cool body. Buffy gasped at the contact, leaning into his embrace. He ran his lips down her neck, sucking her jugular, nipping at it lightly with blunt teeth.

Buffy arched her neck with a loud moan. Spike’s hands grasped her robe, pulling the hem up to allow his hands to venture underneath.

“Stop.” She gasped, pushing halfheartedly at his chest. “We’ll never get out of here if you don’t stop.”

“Would that be so terrible.” He mumbled against her skin, his hands making a delicious path over her skin.

“Patrol.” Buffy gasped as his fingers brushed against her tender flesh. “I have to patrol.”

“Later.” His fingers continued their assault till Buffy was arching against him, her breath coming in gasps. Spike caught her as she sagged into him, pulling her impossibly closer to his body with one arm, the other never ceasing with its movements. Buffy arched against him, her head falling back as a low moan escaped her lips.

Spike trailed his lips over her neck, biting lightly at her collarbone as he sped up the movements of his fingers, pushing more firmly against her. Buffy wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, every muscle taunt with pleasure. A scream broke from her lips, as the darkness threatened to consume her in its searing heat, pulsing through every nerve of her body, leaving her gasping for much needed breathChapter 29***Something New***

“Wow.” Buffy whispered as she came back into herself. Spike chuckled and pulled her close for a short searing kiss. Buffy sighed as they pulled apart, running her fingers through his hair, a contented smile on her lips.

“Mmm, I could curl up and go to sleep right now.” Buffy sighed, her words slightly slurred.

“Uh, luv, we still have a small problem to deal with.” Buffy looked at his questioningly, noting the strained expression on his face.

“Ugh, so do not wanna slay tonight.” Buffy said with a groan.

“Not the small problem I was referring to, pet.” Spike’s lips curved into a smirk as he pressed his hips against her. “Or not so little as the case may be.” Buffy blushed and tucked her face into his chest, her head snapping up at his chuckle.

“And just what is so funny?” Buffy asked, insulted.

“The fact that even after what we have just done, you can still blush so prettily.” He replied, his eyes softening.

“You think I’m pretty?” Buffy asked, unable to stifle the hopeful note in her voice.

“Hell, pet, you’re bloody beautiful, you know that.” Her face lit up in pleasure and she raised her lips to his to bestow a lingering kiss, her tongue darting out teasingly to trace the fullness of this bottom lip. Spike groaned and pinched her playfully.

“Minx.” He said with mock severity.

“I don’t have to stand for this.” Buffy said playfully, trying to pull from his arms.

“Nope, your knees would work just fine.” Buffy’s eyes went wide, her hand slapping his chest with tempered Slayer strength, still pulling a wince from the vampire.

“Hey now, watch it, luv. Don’t want to damage the goods.”

“I’ll be damaging a lot more than that.” Buffy’s eyes flashed with annoyance.

“Hey, don’t get your knickers in a twist, not like I was asking for you to take it up-”
“Spike.” She said warningly. “It’s just that-” Buffy broke off with a sigh.

“Just what, luv?” He asked quietly

“I’ve never. . .I mean, I haven’t-” She broke off, her face blushing wildly.

“Never?” Buffy shook her head, refusing to meet his eyes. “Not even with-”

“NO!” The room filled with an uncomfortable silence.

“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, luv.” Spike said quietly, pulling her into his arms.

“You want me to?” Buffy asked, her head burrowing into his chest.

“I must admit the thought of your sweet lips wrapped around my-”

“SPIKE!” Buffy screeched, scandalized, before growing serious, her voice almost a whisper. “But what if I do it wrong?”

“Luv, I can guarantee that nothing you could do would ever be wrong.” Spike replied gently, a small smile playing on his lips.

“But what if I suck at it?” Buffy asked, worrying her lip with her teeth.

“That’s kinda the point here luv.” Spike replied with a smirk.

“No, you know what I mean.” She replied exasperatedly.

“Buffy, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He replied, pushing the hair off her face with a gentle caress. “There are plenty of other things we can do. But you havta know that nothing you could do would be bad, luv. You are amazing.”

“Oh sure, try and butter me up.” She couldn’t help the smile as a warm glow filled her body, filling her veins with a pulsing heat.

“Maybe later pet, when we have more time.” Buffy felt a sharp wave of arousal hit her as the mental image refused to leave her mind. “You don’t have to. We can do something else, just go slaying?”

Buffy nodded and took a deep breath.


“Right.” Spike barely keep the disappointment off his face as he released her from his arms and began to look around the room. “Now where did my pants get to?”

“No Spike,” Buffy said, pulling him back towards her. “I meant yes I will do it.” His face lit up at her words.

“Are you sure?” The question tasted bitter in his mouth but he knew he had to ask her, she meant too much to him. Buffy gave him a coy smile before brushing her lips against his.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Spike watched in fascination as Buffy moved to the bed and grabbed her pillow at his feet before sinking to her knees before him.

He felt himself grow harder as her warm breath brushed against his bare skin, causing a shiver to race through his body. He stared, rapt, as her small, pink tongue moved out to moisten her suddenly dry lips. He was unable to suppress a moan as she sighed, the air causing gooseflesh to cover his pale skin.

Buffy looked up only to meet his blue gaze staring intently at her. A smile crossed her lips as she raised her hands to run lovingly against the solid muscle of his thighs, pulling another moan from his lips.

“Please.” Spike whispered, his voice deep and hoarse. “Buffy.” A bolt of courage went through her, as she determinedly moved her lips closer to his straining flesh.

Buffy jumped and Spike groaned as the piercing sound of the telephone broke the silence.

“The machine will get it.” Buffy said quietly, watching a pleased smile cross his lips. He reached out an arm to tangle in her hair, stoking the strands lovingly. Buffy turned back to the task at hand when a distraught voice filled the room.

“Oh, God Buffy! Please pick up. It’s Dawn! Glory has herDawnie, your sister took something of mine. I know you know where it is.”
Dawn stared at the woman pacing in front of her. “It doesn’t belong here. By not telling
me where it is, is just keeping from its rightful place.” Dawn continued to sit silently in
her chair, watching Glory pace. The woman stopped in front of Dawn and leaned in

“You have two choices, Dawnie.” Glory said in a sickeningly sweet voice. “You
tell me where my key is, or-” Glory’s eyes grew wide and she stumbled back a step.

“NO!” She screamed, grabbing her hair in frustration. “Not now, I’m so-” Dawn
watched in horror as Glory’s features melted, her hair growing darker, and shortening, the
green orderly uniform grew tighter as the body beneath it shifted.

“-close.” Ben said as he blinked to clear his vision. “Dawn.”

“Ben.” Dawn cried, jumping to her feet and wrapping her arms around the
familiar man. “She was going to kill me. She is-” Dawn pulled back and looked around
the room in confusion. “Where’s Glory.”

“Ah-” Ben stalled, searching for an answer. “A creepy looking guy came in and
said something about finding a key, she took off after him.”

“Where was I?” Dawn asked, very confused. “Never mind, I’m just so glad
you’re here.”

“What are you doing here anyway.” Ben asked, leading the girl to the door.

“Mom had some complications and she is here over night for observation. I came
to visit with-Oh God!” Her eyes grew big. “Willow and Tara, we have to find them.”

“We will.” Ben said soothingly as he and Dawn hurried down the hall.


“Buffy!” Willow called, seeing the slayer run into the hospital, the blonde
vampire a step behind.

“Willow, where is she?” Buffy asked frantically. “What happened?”

“We brought Dawnie up to see your mom,” Willow said, gesturing to herself and
Tara, who had just returned from the nurses station.

“Where is the last place you saw her?” Buffy asked, waiting expectantly for
Willow’s answer.

“We were just coming out of your mom’s room when Dawn saw Ben and she
went to say hi when out of no where Glory grabs her,” Willow replied, her eyes filling
with tears. “She just pushed us aside and grabbed Dawnie and drug her down the hall.”

“W-we should go t-to the M-Magic Bo-” Tara said quietly.

“No!” Buffy yelled. “I’m not leaving this building until I find my sister!” Tara
nodded and backed away from the enraged Slayer.

“Buffy,” Will said in reproach. :There is no reason to yell at Tara. We’re here to
help. If you just calm-”

“Calm?!” Buffy asked incredulously. “You expect me to be calm when my
sister, who just happens to be able to open all hell dimensions, is in the hands of a
creature who knows how to use her to bring all hell on earth?! Not to mention she wants
to kill Dawn!” Willow looked at her friend, stricken.

“I understa-”

“No Willow you can’t begin to understand.” Buffy shook her head sadly. “She is
my sister, my responsibility. We have to find her!”

“Buffy,” Spike said softly, taking a step forward.

“We have to find her.” Buffy said urgently turning her back to her friends to face
Spike, her eyes bright.

“We will!” Spike replied with a smile, closing the distance between them so that
there was a scant inch separating his cool frame from hers. Buffy looked up into his face,
her eyes beseeching him to help.

“No one hurts my girls.” He whispered, his eyes burning into hers with barely
restrained possessiveness.

Buffy smiled sweetly, her body swaying to brush lightly against his, a flash of
warmth going through them both at the brief contact.

Willow watched in shock as Spike whispered to Buffy, moving in close to her
body. She couldn’t help but gape as Buffy leaned into Spike instead of the traditional
punch to the nose.

“Uh, Buffy?” Willow’s voice penetrated the fog that surrounded Buffy as Spike
continued to stare into her eyes. With a blink, Buffy broke contact and turned to face her
best friend. Buffy caught the shock on her friends face and took a quick step away from
the vampire. She didn’t have to look at him to feel the displeasure that radiated off him
in waves at her movement.

“I’m sorry Tara.” Buffy said tot the blonde witch. “You and Wills should go
back to the Magic Box and whip up a locator spell. Spike and I will search the hospital.
You can have us paged if you find her. Willow nodded slowly, still shocked at the
intimacy the mortal enemies obviously shared.

“Spike,” Buffy turned back to see him brooding against the wall, a dark
expression on his face.

I need you to be my bloodhound.” Spike straightened his stature as he
caught the slightly emphasized words. “See if you can sniff out Dawn in amongst all
this-” Buffy waived her hand around.

With a nod, Spike moved down the hall, brushing against Buffy lightly as he
passed. The women watched for a moment as he stood in the middle of the hall, head
cocked to the side before Willow picked up her bag and gestured for Tara to follow.
Buffy gave her friend a grateful smile and moved after Spike. The witches were about to
enter the elevator when a voice called out, echoing through the hall.

“Buffy!” The blonde slayer turned to see Dawn running down the hall towards

“Dawn!” Buffy yelled, meeting her sister half way to capture her in a tight

“Are you alright? Did she hurt you?” Buffy cried, pulling back to check over her
sister for injuries.

“I’m fine. She didn’t do anything.” Dawn replied, her eyes looking over Buffy’s
shoulder. “Spike!” Dawn reached to the vampire with one arm, the other still wrapped
around her sister. Spike gave Buffy an apprehensive glance before moving to wrap on
arm around Dawn, the other sliding around her waist to pull his girls into a tight embrace.

The witches moved towards the trio, Tara with a smile on her face, Willow staring
in shock.

“you ok nibblet?” Dawn nodded without releasing either of her family. “How’d
you get away?”

“Glory was trying to get me to tell her where the key was then all of a sudden she
was gone and Ben was there. He brought me back to look for Willow and-” Dawn’s eyes
went wide as she pulled from their embrace and looked around the hall until her gaze
rested on the two witches. With a relieved squeal she ran and grabbed them in a tight

“Dawnie are you alright?” Tara asked softly.

“I’m fine. Ben showed up and showed me how to get back.” Dawn replied.

“Dawnie, great to see you’re alright but breathing becoming an issue.” The girls
laughed as they pulled apart.

“Ben?” Spike asked as he and Buffy came up to the trio. Buffy gave him a
sheepish smile.

“He is the orderly who helped out when mom ended up here the first time.” She
replied, not quite meeting his eyes.

“Buffy went our with him a few times.” Dawn piped up with a mischievous grin.

“We didn’t go out.” Buffy said, casting a furtive glance at Spike. “We met up at
the Bronze once.”

“He was at the party too,” Willow said happily before looking thoughtful. “But
you stayed home with Spike and Dawn that night.”

Spike shot Buffy a pleases grin before sliding it into his classic smirk.

“So where is this Bengi?” Spike asked, rolling his tongue behind his teeth as he
buried his hands into his duster pockets, and rolling back and forth on the balls of his feet.

“Ben.” Buffy said slowly, as if to a small child, giving Spike a not go gently
backhand to his stomach.

“Someone mention my name?” A voice said from behind the group. As one they
turned to see the tall dark haired man standing off to the side, clad in his blue scrubs.

The pleasant smile on Ben’s lips grew strained as his gaze fell in the blonde
vampire. Spike’s eyes grew wide in recognition before they narrowed, flashing yellow in

“You!” Spike growled, just before he attacked. Chapter 31 *****Confrontations*****

“SPIKE!” Buffy screamed as the enraged vampire grabbed Ben by the neck and pushed him forcefully against the wall.

“What are you doing?” Spike brushed her hands off his arm as he pressed harder in the choking man’s neck.

“Bengi here isn’t who he says he is. I caught him doing a whole body switching thingy with Glory, pet.” Spike said conversationally. Buffy’s eyes widened for a second before filling with disbelief.

“He can’t be Glory.” Buffy protested, pulling ineffectually against the hand Spike had Ben pinned with. “He’s human and hello, he’s a guy.”

“If he’s so human why aren’t I in agony over hurting this pillock?” Spike smirked. “And believe me he is hurting.” A feeling of uncertainty came over Buffy.

“Let him go. Security is on its way.” A nurse down the hall called out in fright. Spike simply tightened his grip. Ben struggled ineffectually against the angry master vampire, clawing uselessly at the hand against his throat, his face turning a sickly purple color.

“Spike, let him go so I can talk to him.” Buffy demanded, grabbing Spike’s arm harder and pulling at him.

“Spike.” Buffy said sharply, her patience quickly running out as Spike refused to loosen his grip. With a sigh of resignation, Spike released his grip, letting the man fall to the floor at his feet.

“Willow, Tara, take Dawn home.” The witches nodded at turned to go. “Dawn, no arguing, we will see you later.” Buffy said as Dawn opened her mouth to protest. With a resigned nod, Dawn followed the Wiccas and they were soon in the elevator.

“Spike,” The blonde vamp turned from his station, hovering over the gasping man. “Grab Ben and follow me. With a grin, Spike grabbed Ben by the arm, lifted him to his feet and dragged him after the retreating Slayer.

Buffy tried to ignore the sounds that came from behind her as Spike drug Ben down the stairs behind them. Ben’s protest fell upon deaf ears as they came to the stairs to the basement and pushed into the empty room with a loud bang. Buffy moved over to the far wall and watched with feigned disinterest as Spike threw Ben into the room, causing the man to stumble to his knees.

“Buffy, what’s going on?” Ben asked, rising painfully to his feet.

“The lady will be the one to ask questions, mate.” Spike growled as he put a restraining hand on Ben’s shoulder, pushing him again to his knees. Buffy crossed her arms over her chest, her face washed of all emotion.

“What do you know about Glory?” Buffy asked coolly, her eyes never leaving Ben’s.

“G-Glory? Who’s Glor-aahh!” Ben yelped as the vampire grabbed him by the hair, pulling his head back at a painful angle.

“Now’s really no the time to be lying to the lady. I remember what I saw.” Spike growled, his eyes flashing gold. Ben’s eyes widened in fear as her remembered where he saw the vampire. Spike smirked at the realization that flashed across Ben’s face and released his hold. Ben’s gaze flew to the woman watching from the side of the room.

“When the hell bitch tortured me at the shop, seems that Benji here took over the body long enough to escape.” Spike said when Ben refused to speak. “Not the prettiest sight, a grown man in a tight dress.” Buffy’s lips quirked at the expression of disgust that crossed Spikeeatueatures.

“So Ben and Glory share a body? Why hasn’t anyone else seen it?” Buffy asked, confusion covering her mirth. Spike looked down at Ben and gave him a not-so-soft nudge to start speaking. Ben glared at Spike

“There’s a spell.” Ben says reluctantly

“So what’s the spell do?” Buffy asked looking back and forth between Spike and Ben.

“Oh, I get it.” Spike says with a sarcastic laugh when Ben refuses to say anything more. “Glory's worked the kind of mojo where anyone who sees her little presto-change-o instantly forgets. And yours truly, being somewhat other than human ... stands immune.”

“Oh.” Buffy says with a nod. “Why are we interrogating Ben?” She asked Spike in a low voice.

“Ben and Glory share a body.” He replied. At Buffy’s shocked look, Spike shook his head and sighed. “Just trust me.” Buffy nodded and stepped up close to Ben. She stared into his eyes for a long moment, her face sad. Ben stared back, an uneasy chill running down his back. Buffy turned away only to whip around and land a slayer forced punch across Ben’s face, causing him to fly across the room. Spike grinned and bounced on the balls of his feet in delight. Buffy walked over to Ben and turned his face to hers, gaining a grim satisfaction from the blood that dribblewn hwn his cheek.

“Tell her it's over. She missed her shot.” Buffy said quietly, Ben watched her, not moving. “She goes. She ever, *ever* comes near me and mine again...”

“We won't. I swear.” Ben choked out, turning his face to spit out a mouthful of blood. Buffy nodded once and turned away from the broken body, a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“Spike?” Buffy said quietly taking a step towards the vampire.

“Just a sec, luv.” Spike strode over to the man crumpled on the floor, hunching down to look at the body with malice. “You heard what she said, but listen to me. I have been around for over a century. I have learned from the best the proper way to torture and kill and believe me when I say that if you ever come near my girls, you will be begging me to kill you before I even start.” With a quick flash of fang, Spike rose to his feet and stared down at the cowering man. A sadistic smile crossed his lips as he applied a well placed kick to the downed man’s temple, knocking him unconscious.

“Let’s go home, luv.” Spike said walking to Buffy’s side.

As one Buffy and Spike turned and headed towards the sewntrantrance that they used to avoid the security guards they heard thundering down the stairs, leaving Ben on the ground behind them.

They were a few minutes into the sewer tunnel when Spike felt Buffy’s hand on his arm. He stopped and looked down at the petite slayer.

“So why did we beat up Ben?” Spike shook his head in exasperation, a small smile on his lips.

“I’ll explain it later.”

Chapter 32 *****Explanations, Again*****

Buffy watched in amusement as her vampire tried in vain to explain, yet again, about the body switch.

‘My Vampire?’ Buffy’s eyes widened in shock as her internal thoughts registered. ‘How did I get myself into this? He’s a vampire without a soul. If he didn’t have that chip-’Buffy blinked, her train of thought derailing. ‘What would he do without that chip? Can I trust him not to turn evil? ’ Buffy shook her head. ‘He’s still evil, just on a leash. But why doesn’t he try to kill us. The chip doesn’t stop him from planting a bomb, or setting a fire, or having his minions kill us or-’Buffy’s thoughts continued to run in circles over the many ways that Spike could overcome the chip and kill them all. She gazed at the blonde vampire, her eyes picking up on the exasperation in his entire body as he continued the explanation about the hell Goddess.

‘Why am I still fixated on this?!’ Buffy asked herself. ‘Why can’t I just let this-’

“Slayer!” Buffy blinked and caught Spike staring back at her, a familiar smirk on his lips.

“What?” Spike shook his head and gestured to the assembled group.

“Maybe you’d like to explain to your mates about the hell bitch.” Spike hopped up on the counter.

“What about her?” Buffy asked, her features schooled in an image of innocence.

“Wha-” Spike sputtered, his expression incredulous.

“You know! Ben is Glory.”

“You mean. . . Ben’s with Glory?” Willow asked with a frown.

“With in what sense?” Xander asked, sending a curious glance at the blonde vampire.

“They’re working together?” Anya asked as she swatted Spike from his perch so close to the money.

“No. No. Ben is Glory. Glory’s Ben. They’re one and the same.” Spike said slowly, as if to small children. He watched as Buffy got up from her chair and disappeared into the training room, his body already aching from the loss of her presence.

“When did all this happen?” Anya asked, moving around the counter to take a seat at Xander’s side.

“Not one hour ago. At the hospital. Bit here was talking to Dr. Dogood, he turned into Glory from what I can sus out and pfft!” Spike waived his arms about for emphasis. “Off she went with Dawn. Before you know it, Dawn’s back with Benji in tow. How else would she’ve escaped the Hell Bitch other that the body switch.”

“But why don’t I remember?” Dawn asked, her face clouded with confusion.

“The spell.” Spike explained, his normal mocking tone softening for the teen.

“So,” Willow said slowly, trying to wrap her mind around the thought. “Ben and glory. . .”She paused and shared a look with the blonde witch on her right.” Are the same person?”

“Glory can turn into Ben?” Xander asked, understands dawning across his features. “And Ben turns back into Glory.”

“And anyone who sees it instantly forgets.” Anya stated, an accomplished grin on her lips.

“Yes!” Spike yelled in triumph. “Finally!”

“Excellent!” Giles exclaimed, jumping to his feet to retrieve a book fro the shelves on his left.

Buffy re-entered the room, a large poster board in her hands. Giles watched her make her way towards the ecstatic vampire, an indulgent smile on her lips.

“Now. Do we suspect there may be some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?” Giles asked as he flipped through the book in his hands, pointedly ignoring the sparks between the two former mortal enemies.

Spike threw up his hands in disgust with a frustrated growl. A giggle stopped his rage before it could fully start. Slowly, Spike turned to see Buffy leaning against the counter, an amused grin on her lips she tried in vain to hide.

“What are you giggling about, Slayer?” Buffy tried unsuccessfully to hide the grin. A wave of heat flashed through her body as Spike’s eyes flashed gold. He stalked towards her, his intense gaze never leaving hers.

“Slayer.” Spike growled warningly, coming to stop a hairs breadth from her body.

“Vampire.” Buffy retorted, standing up straight, her gaze unwavering. The pair stood nose to nose neither able to look away. Buffy saw Spike’s eyes darken as a wave of heat pulsed under her skin. Spike licked his lips as the scent of Buffy’s arousal flooded his senses, narrowing his focus to the blonde woman standing so close to him. Buffy sighed, her warm breath caressing Spike’s skin causing him to shudder with increased arousal.

“Ahem.” Buffy broke her stare, an embarrassed flush crossing her features as she noticed her friends witnessing the heated exchange.

“Here.” She said, thrusting the poster board into Spike’s hands. “Let’s get back to the matter at hand.”

Spike’s amused gaze followed Buffy as she took a seat at the table, before dropping to the paper in his hands. In dark red letters it read:

Ben = Glory
Glory = Ben
Ben + Glory = Sharing a Body + Forget Spell
Trust Me Buffy

Spike shook his head in amusement and propped the sign up against the cash register, snagging a chair from the table to straddle.

“So when did this all happen?” Xander questioned as he waved a hand in the direction of the sign.

“Forget about it, Xander.” Buffy said absently. “The real problem is this forgetting spell. How are we supposed to beat Glory if we can’t remember something this important.”

“Ohh! I know a spell that can uncloud our minds.” Willow exclaimed excitedly, before a flash of doubt covered her pretty features. “Or it could explode our minds, but I’m getting good at this and with Tara’s help we can do this.” Tara placed a hand over Willow’s, giving her a reassuring gaze.

“I have complete faith in you.” Buffy said, smiling at the witches. “You two get cracking on the spell, the rest of us will figure out how to kill Glory.”

“Maybe you should test out that there spell first.” Spike offered. “Don’t fancy you all exploding.”

“You volunteering?” Xander asked, his tone just a little too eager.

“I’m not the one with the memory problems.” Spike snorted. “Figured they could do it on you first, no great loss if you exploded.”

“Hey!” Xander protest before being cut off by an amused Slayer.

“Cut it out you two. There will be exploding of any heads.” Buffy blushed at the smirk Spike flashed her. “We have to figure out how to kill Glory.”

“Suffice it to say, if Glory and Ben share a body, it only goes to say that if we kill Ben, Glory dies as well.” Giles pointed out.

“We don’t kill humans Giles.” Buffy said furiously. “Or have you forgotten.”

“We can’t be sure that Ben is human. I was able to hurt him.” Spike joined in. “Besides, who says killing Glory won’t kill Ben.”

“Can’t we separate them or something?” Buffy asked, turning to the witches.

“No.” Tara exclaimed before lowering her head in embarrassment at her outburst.

“She’s right.” Willow said simply. “If Spike can hit him that means the essence of the hell goddess has merged with his. Separating would kill him for sure and let Glory free of her human body.”

“No guessing how powerful she could become without the restrictions of a human body.” Giles marvelled.

Buffy sighed and ran a weary hand through her hair.

“Then what can w-” Buffy broke off as she saw Spike cock his head and half rise from his chair.

“What’s wron-” Spike lifted a hand for silence turning his attention to the front door. Buffy heard a muffled curse and watched with bated breath as the locked handle of the door jiggled. The group sat silent and waited as the sounds outside ceased. Buffy turned back to her friends just as the door to the Magic Box flew off its hinges with an ear-splitting crash.

Next Chapter *****You Lose*****

Most of the dialogue was taken from the show. Scene and person speaking has changed but yes, some of dialogue not mine, but hey, characters aren’t mine either. But really Mr. Big Joss Man. I’m just borrowing. You can have them back . . .eventually.

Oh and review please people, tell me if this is getting too tedious or my spelling really sucks. Anything. Chapter 33 *****You Lose*****

The door flew open with a crash of wood and chimes. All eyes stared in shock and varying levels of fear as a blonde woman sauntered through the broken doorway.

Buffy leapt to her feet to stand between the hell god and her family, Spike a step behind her.

“No need to stand on ceremony with me.” Glory drawled lazily as she stopped at the top of the steps, her minions fanning out behind her. “In fact I’d much prefer you people on your knees.”

“Glory!” Xander half whispered.

“Smart boy you have there, Slayer.” Glory said snarkily.

Buffy stood speechless, her eyes trained on the woman, her gaze barely registering the ill fitting jeans and men’s shirt that encased the hell goddess. Behind her, Buffy felt Anya, Willow and Tara move to stand on either side of Dawn, Xander and Giles moved to stand behind the Slayer and Vampire.

“Oh, the humans want to play too!” Glory cooed. “Funny thing happened when I woke up today.” Glory said conversationally, taking two leisurely steps closer to her prey. “What do I find when I open my gorgeous eyes but my exalted self encased in disgusting polyester blend cloths and sitting in Benny boy’s pathetic excuse for a car in the middle of rush hour traffic.”

“Looks like the git took your advice, slayer.” Spike smirked.

“I wasn’t done speaking.” Glory snapped, fury clouding her features. “Really Slayer, you should get better control of your boyfriend.” Buffy shifted uncomfortably under Glory’s penetrating gaze.

“He’s not her boyfriend.” Xander offered naively. Buffy could feel Spike stiffen beside her and she ached to reassure him of her as of yet unrealized, newly awakening feeling but she could not remove her focus from the threat to her sister.

“Is he always this naïve?” Glory laughed clasping her hands together in amusement before levelling Xander with a pitying gaze.

“I hate to. . .”she paused, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Actually, no, I take that back. I take great pleasure in telling you just how wrong you are. They reek of each other. His smell is all over her. Gods, how she could let something so impure touch her-” Glory shuddered in revulsion, unable to finish her explanation.

Buffy gritted her teeth and ignored the sputtering sounds of protest that Xander continued to utter until Giles silenced him with a firm grip to his arm. Giles watched the exchanged with an openly amused expression.

“Well, well. Dissention in the ranks, and lying to your friends.” Glory shook her head with mock reproach. “Really Slayer, what have you been up to and where in the hell do you four think you’re going hmm?” Willow, Dawn, Tara, and Anya froze in their attempt at escape. The four turned and faced Glory and her minions, matching expressions of fear on their faces.

“I was talking.” Glory yelled her irritation at a front. “I am a God, you will obey. Boys-” With a snap of her fingers a crowd of minions made their way towards the retreating women.

Spike reacted first, shifting into game face. Black leather flashed around him as he delivered a round house kick, knocking over two of the advancing minions. Buffy was a step behind as she twisted around on underling, backhanding it to the ground with a fast left, her right snatching up a near by sword to stab a second through the chest. The fight was on.

The group had barely a moment to think before the fight was over. With one last flourishing swish of her sword, Buffy removed the head of the creature in front of her. The head flew through the air almost in slow motion to land in Glory’s hands. Her eyes widened in out rage.

“EWW!” Glory screeched, dropping the head to her feet, her hands covered in the dead creature’s blood. “You got blood on my brand new manicure!” Glory took two enraged steps forward coming to stand at the bottom of the steps. “And you killed my minions.”

In a blur of movement Buffy flew across the room to land in an unconscious lump beside the cash register, taking Xander with her to soften her landing. Spike was quick to follow, taking out Giles as he went.

“That BITCH!” Glory spat with a crack of her neck. Enraged eyes trained themselves on the remaining Scoobies.

Willow and Tara stepped in front of Dawn, the pair muttering a quick protection spell. Glory sighed and sauntered towards the women.

“Silly witches.” Glory said with a shake of her head as she came to stand before them. A flick of her wrists broke the forming barrier and had the Wiccans flying off in separate directions. Anya grabbed Dawn’s hand and pulled the terrified teen toward the training room. The pair had barely taken two steps before they were stopped short by a restraining hand tangled in each if their hair.

“Where you going Dawnie.” Glory cooed, pulling the teen towards her and throwing Anya away in disgust. “What is with this sister of yours? Sleeping with vampires, cavorting with witches and vengeance demons. Can you slay sleeping on the job!”

Dawn’s fearful eyes fell on Glory briefly before flitting over each of her fallen protectors.

“Now are you going to tell me who the key is?” Dawn gave no response and Glory sighed. “Imagine what you'd feel with my fingers wiggling in your brain.” Dawn’s eyes grew large and a whimper escaped her trembling lips. “It doesn't kill you. What it does ... is make you feel like you're in a noisy little dark room. . .” Glory stopped, a frown crossing her lips as she fidgets uncomfortably. “You’re naked and ashamed . . . and there are things in the dark that need to hurt you because you're bad . . . little pinching things that go in your ears. . .” Dawn started to shake, silent tears coursing down her cheeks. “And crawl on the inside of your skull. And you know . . . that if the noise and the crawling would stop . . . that you could remember how to get out.” Glory’s voice grew louder as the memories assaulted her, a far off look in her eyes. A quick shake of her head and she was back.

“But you never, ever will.”

Buffy blinked awake, her gaze finding her sister instantly. She watched in horror as Glory placed her long fingers against Dawns temples. A heart beat passed before Glory slid her fingers deep within Dawns head. The teens eyes rolled back ad her mouth opened wide in a silent scream as a pure green light enveloped her body. Glory staggered back in shock.

Buffy lurched to her feet and watched helplessly as a maniacal grin broke over Glory’s face. In a blink of an eye, Glory had swept Dawn up in her arms and they were gone.

Buffy stared in shock at the last point she saw her sister. Around her the Scoobies slowly made their way to their feet.

She’s gone.” Buffy whispered as Spike came to stand behind her. He placed his hand on her arm in sympathy. Buffy turned and gazed a Spike, her eyes bright with tears.

“Slayer?” A lone tear traveled down her cheek.

“I lost her. “Buffy whispered before she collapsed. Spike caught her as she fell, lowering her softly to the ground and laying her as comfortably as he could. The gang watched in shock as Spike whipped off is beloved duster and bundled in beneath Buffy’s head, her hand gripped tightly in his immediately after finishing the task.

“Buffy, luv, wake up.” Spike said softy as he gently patted cheek to rouse her. “Come on luv, come on. That’s it.” Spike gave a relieved smile as Buffy’s eyes fluttered open.

Next Chapter *****Do You See It?*****

Some of the dialogue was taken from the show. Scene and person speaking has changed but yes, some of dialogue not mine, but hey, characters aren’t mine either. But really Mr. Big Joss Man. I’m just borrowing. You can have them back . . . Eventually . . . someday. . .
Chapter 34 *****Do You See It?*****

Empty. The only word that could remotely describe the look in her eyes was empty. A gaze normally filled with emotion, mirth. . . pain. . . love. . .that little sparkle she got every time she argued with him. It was all gone. Bright hazel reduced to a pale grey, staring sightlessly. Focusing on a point beyond even his enhanced senses. Her chest moved rhythmically, her breath even and constant. Her heart beat strong and steady, her body calm in the relaxed state of sleep. Except for her eyes.

He would give anything to see the spark that normally filled her gaze the moment she woke, and didn’t smoulder out until she collapsed exhausted into sleep.

He would give up all that he had gained -- the taste of her on his lips, the feel of her skin against his, her trust -- just to see her eyes burn holes into his skull as her mouth twisted in humourless insults. At least then she would be alive.

No amount of wishing, no amount of prayer to a God he had forsaken over a century ago brought her from her oblivion. The movements around him, the concerned voices, nothing broke through his complete concentration on the woman before him. She was his world. His reason for breathing, for living a life he had no right to be living. It all meant nothing unless she was living as well.

Nothing swayed his attention until a hand crossed his vision, reaching for the fallen slayer. Spike’s features shifted into his demon visage, a menacing growl rumbling through his frame.

“Mine!” Spike snapped causing a startled Willow to snatch back her hand. At the fearful look in her eyes, Spike loosened his grip on the slayer and shifted back to give the redheaded witch a sheepish smile, his blue eyes unbelievably sad.

“What is your problem dead boy?!” Xander spat out, taking a step closer to the vampire.

“He’s protecting his mate.” Anya said simply, pulling a protesting Xander back.

“MATE?” Xander squeaked, getting a glare from the watcher. Spike’s eyes flashed gold as Giles knelt beside his slayer. Reluctantly, Spike sat back and let the watcher look over Buffy.

“Her heart rate’s strong and there is no problem with her breathing.” Spike said quietly as Willow and Tara joined them on the floor, the red headed witch casting an apprehensive glace at Spike. “She’s

“How do you know that, Spike?” Xander asked scornfully. Spike jumped to his feet, stopping inches from the startled man’s face.

“I’m a vampire you git.” He growled, his face shifting from demon to man in the blink of an eye. “Or have you forgotten that little fact?” With a sniff of distaste, Spike returned to his place at his slayer’s side.

“She is fine physically.” Giles said quietly. “But emotionally she’s a wreck. She has retreated inside herself. The loss of her sister on top of everything-” Giles broke off, his eyes lowered.

“There is a spell we can do.” Willow timidly offered. “To connect with the inner Buffy.”

“We should get her home.” Giles said. “It might be better if she was surrounded by familiar things.” Spike nodded once and gathered the slayer tightly in his arms.

“Car?” Giles jumped at Spike’s word and grabbed his keys, Willow and Tara following after them into the night, leaving Anya and Xander to lock up shop and follow in their car.

The ride to the Summers’ house was made in silence. Spike sat in the back with Buffy cuddled in his lap, Tara sitting beside him. Willow sat rigid in her seat, the presence of the vampire behind her causing her unease. Giles noticed the witch’s discomfort and placed a reassuring hand on hers.

The group reached the house in record time. Spike waited impatiently as Willow opened the car door and shifted the seat out of his way. She quickly opened the front door and preceded the group to Buffy’s room.

Willow couldn’t help but notice the disarray the bed was in. With quick movements she put the blankets to rights and watched as Spike gently set Buffy on the bed, propping her up against the pillows.

“I’ll call you when I’m done.” Willow stated, seating herself before the unresponsive slayer. Spike started to protest but Willow’s expression brook no further argument. With a terse nod he strode from the room, brushing past Giles who stood in the doorway. Giles gave Willow a reassuring smile and shut the door behind him. Willow heaved a sigh of resignation and turned to the task at hand, willing her mind to meld with that of her fallen friend.

Next Chapter *****Lost in Your Mind*****

Chapter 35 ***Lost in Your Mind***

It was dark. Not the dark most are used to with streetlights and headlights helping to break the gloom of night. This was true night. Stars overhead glittering like millions of tiny jewels, their light unencumbered by the glare of the modern world. A bright moon sat full and heavy, just rising over the horizon, illuminating the sparse foliage of the desert in its pale glow.

Willow turned around completely, her eyes straining against the dark to search the desolate landscape. The moon reflected off of a lone desert tree’s sun scorched leaves as they swayed in the light breeze. The crackle of fire caused Willow to jump and turn towards the sound, her eyes momentarily blinded by the sudden light.

As her vision cleared she noticed she stood before a raging fire, the flames leaping towards the heavens, the heat scalding in its intensity. Willow took a step back and ran into something that wasn’t there a moment ago. Turning she noticed that Buffy was sitting on a large rock, her gaze unwavering from the fire.

“Buffy, what are you doing here?” Willow asked as she took a seat beside her friend. Her gaze never moving, Buffy pointed towards the fire. Willow turned and noticed a woman standing on the other side of the fire, her hair long and matted, her body covered in mud and rags.

“She was the first.” Buffy said quietly, her voice a whisper over the fire.

“We’ve met.” Willow replied wryly as she remembered the primal spell that caught the Scoobies in a dream and at the mercy of the first slayer.

“What do you know of the beast?” Buffy called across the fire, her voice echoing in the night.

“Strong. Fast. Hell god.” The First Slayer replied; her voice gravely, her body moving with the flames as she paced before the fire. “From a dimension of unspeakable torment, where she ruled with two other hell gods.”

Willow stared at the Slayer across the fire, her mind barely able to comprehend the information being given.

“Along with the beast they were a triumvirate of suffering and despair. Ruling with equal vengeance. But the beast's power grew beyond even what they could conceive. As did her lust for pain and misery. They looked upon her, what she had become ... and trembled.”

“A god afraid?” Willow squeaked, looking at Buffy in shock.

“Such was her power.” Buffy replied; her stare never wavering from that of the Slayer across the fire. “They feared she would attempt to seize their dimension for herself, and decided to strike first. A great battle erupted. In the end, they stood victorious over the beast ... barely. She was cast out. Banished to this lower plane of existence, forced to live and eventually die trapped within the body of a mortal ... a newborn male, created as her prison. That is the beast's ... only weakness.”

“Kill the man,” The First Slayer called out, “and the god dies. She’s found a way to escape her mortal prison form for brief periods.”

“Ben!” Willow gasped; her mind clear of the cloaking spell while within this place.

“Ben.” Buffy replied as she finally turned her eyes toward her friend.

Willow blinked and found herself in a dark cavern. Torches adorned the walls, the flames casting long shadows on the bones strewn about the floor. Willow rounded a stone pillar and saw Buffy sitting in the middle of a large bed. Dawn sat in front of her. Willow watched for a moment as Buffy brushed Dawn’s hair while the teen flipped through a magazine, before slowly making her way closer to the bed.

“What about the key?” Dawn asked pointing to her magazine.

“The key is almost as old as the beast itself.“ Buffy replied, as Willow made her way around the bed to look over Dawn’s shoulder at a picture of a glowing green ball of swirling energy. “Where it came from, how it was created ... the deepest of mysteries. All that is certain is that its power is absolute. Countless generations have sacrificed their lives in search of it, to destroy it before its wrath could be unleashed.”

But the monks found me first!” Dawn laughed as she flipped through more pages, their pictures showing a group of brown robed men scrambling about casting a spell.

“Yes.” Buffy replied with a fond smile at her sister. “They created you with their magicks. They thought they could harness your power for the forces of light.”

“How do you know all this?” Willow asked incredulously.

“I don’t.” A voice replied from behind her. Willow jumped to her feet and saw a second Buffy standing before her.

“This comes with the whole slayer package.” Buffy said as she watched herself and her sister, a sad smile on her lips. “You know about the dreams. This is an extension of that.”

“So you know all about-” Willow waved her hand, searching for the correct words to describe what has been going on.

“No.” Buffy replied with a shake of her head. “It’s all here but I don’t consciously know. It’s all here.”

“Where’s here, Buffy?” Willow asked; her eyes trained on her friend.

“Here is Spike’s crypt.” Buffy laughed without humour. “Don’t you recognize the place?”

“Why are we here?” Willow asked. Buffy walked over to the second Buffy and sat on the bed behind her, taking up a brush.

“We’re here because it’s safe.” Buffy began brushing the hair of the other Buffy as a rumble filled the room. “He’ll be back soon and he won’t like you here.”

Willow flinched as the rumbling grew louder.

“Buffy, what’s that noise?” Willow yelled over the ever increasing roar. Before Buffy could reply there was silence. No sound broke the air as Dawn rose from her seat, a glow surrounding her.

“It’s time.” Dawn’s voice echoed through the eerie silence, the green light filling Dawn’s body. Willow watched in horror as the teen’s skin cracked and peeled away to reveal a swirling green mass of pure energy. Willow shaded her eyes as the light grew; her skin beginning to burn from its intensity. Willow’s last thought before the green fire consumed her was to wonder who was screaming so loud.

***Next Chapter ***When You'd Scream***

***Thanks To Slackerace for the terrific beta job. You are a doll for getting back to me so quick! Thank you to everyone who continues to read and review. My live journal ID is Bugg1322 for those who have asked. I have the rest of the story plotted, just need to type and beta, and me with the next 2 weeks off work. . .***

Chapter 36 ***When You’d Scream***

Willow woke to find four pairs of eyes staring at her. The fifth was staring intently at the still catatonic Slayer.

“I guess it didn’t work.” Willow said wryly as she struggled to sit up. Tara was at her side already and assisted her to an upright position. “How long was I out?”

“From when we found you,” Giles answered, removing his glasses to wipe away nonexistent dust, “a few minutes, but you were up here for almost an hour before we heard the scream.”

“Scream?” Willow asked. “I heard it. Who screamed? Was it Buffy?”

“You were the one screaming, sweetie.” Tara’s soft voice broke in, her hand moving soothingly over Willow’s back. Willow leaned into Tara’s caress, still in shock.

“What happened in there?” Anya piped up, her curiosity over running her minimal level of tact. Willow blinked and shook her head.

“I’m not sure. First I was with Buffy and the First Slayer as they discussed Glory.” Giles perked up at her works.

“What were they saying?”

“It seems Buffy knows exactly who, what and where Glory comes from. Something about Slayer dreams.” Giles nodded thoughtfully.

“What happened next?” Xander prompted.

“Then I was in a cave. Buffy and Dawn were discussing the key, then a second Buffy showed up, Dawn exploded and here I am.” Willow laughed at the gang’s confused expressions. “Hey I was there and I don’t even understand it”

“A cave you say?” Giles prompted. “Did you recognize it?”

“No, I’d never been there.” Willow said with a shake of her head. “But Buffy did say it was Spike’s crypt.” At the mention of his name, Spike’s startled gaze met Willow’s.

“Why would she dream of his crypt?” Xander spat out.

“She said it was safe.” A small smile crossed Spike’s lips. Before Xander could respond, Giles had drawn Willow and Tara from the room to interrogate the red haired witch further.

“Buffy, luv.” Spike whispered. “You in there? Come on Slayer, wake up.” Spike shook her lightly, frustration at the fore as she did not respond.

“She’s not going to answer you.” Xander said snidely. Spike glared at the man and gripped Buffy’s shoulders.

“Slayer, rise and shine.” Spike said loudly, shaking Buffy none to gently. When he received no reaction from Buffy, Spike slapped her hard across the face, but still she just stared.

“Are you INSANE?!” Xander screeched grabbing Spike’s shoulder as Spike grabbed his head in pain. “We could be dealing with neurological damage here. You want to kill her?”

“I have to do something.” Spike raged, pulling himself away from Xander’s grip. “I can’t just sit here watching. We are wasting time with kid gloves. Red’s spell didn’t work. How else do you suppose we wake her? Besides, when all is said and done, Buffy likes it rough.” Xander’s fist connected with Spike’s nose.

“Don’t talk about her like that.” Xander said furiously, his arm winding back to land another blow. A soft hand caught his fist before it could connect.

“Xander, just leave him.” Anya said as she pulled Xander from the room. Spike sat beside Buffy again, his head still throbbing from the effects of the chip.

“Come on luv.” Spike whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “The Scoobies need you - Dawn needs you - I need you.”

“Giles thinks I should try the spell again.” Willow’s voice drifted from the doorway.

“What’s the use?!” Spike spat. “Didn’t work.”

“He wants me to send you.” Spike looked up in shock.

“Bet the whelp’s just tickled.” Willow couldn’t help but laugh.

“The Slayer’s Watcher overrides friends, no matter how well intentioned.” Spike nodded, his gaze going back to the woman on the bed. “You really love her don’t you?” Willow asked in awe, Spike’s feelings for the Slayer almost tangible.

“More than life.” Spike said simply.

“How is that possible? Angel said -”

“Angel said what? That demons can’t feel love? Just ‘cause the ponce was a heartless bastard when soulless doesn’t mean we all are.” Spike snorted in disgust. “We can love all too well, if not wisely.” Willow watched as Spike ran his fingers down Buffy’s cheek, bringing her hand to his lips to place a soft kiss to her knuckles.

“What does Buffy say?” Willow asked, always looking out for her friend.

“She knows.” Spike said, his expression clearly stating he would have nothing more to say on the matter. “So where do you want me?”

“Go ahead and lie down next to Buffy.” Willow gestured toward where Buffy was situated. “Just relax and clear your mind of everything but her.”

Spike chuckled quietly as he easily focused all his attention on the woman he loved. He lay on his back, his eyes closed, his hand clasping Buffy’s in a firm grip. He breathed in and out slowly, matching her calm breath. The steady beat of her heart filled his senses. He could feel the blood pumping leisurely through her body, allowing its rhythmic pound to course its way through his; feeling as if his heart was beating again.

The steady thump of her heart grew louder as his awareness of the blonde woman beside him grew. The sound of her heartbeat grew in intensity until it was the only sound he could hear, yet the thumping grew louder and louder. Spike dropped Buffy’s hand to cover his ears with his hands, trying desperately to muffle the deafening sound. The beating refused to be subdued, growing louder still. Spike could feel a scream welling up within his chest as the beating grew to impossible proportions, the sound piecing his very being. He opened his mouth to scream - but there was silence.

Spike opened his eyes in shock. Thousands of tiny dots of light littered the sky above where the ceiling of the Summers’ residence should have been. He slowly rose to his feet, looking around to find himself standing in a dark desert, a large moon rising full and heavy over the horizon. The crackle of fire brought his attention to his left. Buffy sat on a large rock, her gaze unwavering from the fire.

“Slayer!” Spike exclaimed, quickly moving to her side. “There you are.” Buffy pointed towards the fire without answering. Spike turned saw the same Slayer Willow had described.

“She’s the First Slayer.” Buffy said quietly.

“Red told us all of this, luv.” Spike replied, taking Buffy’s arm in his hand.

“What do you know of the beast?” Buffy called out, her voice echoing in the cold desert.

“Strong. Fast. Hell God.” Came the reply.

“Yes.” Spike hissed, trying to bring Buffy to her feet. “Red told us. No need to repeat the whole disturbing scenario.” Spike ignored the slayer across the fire as he tried in vain to get the slayer before him to move. Every time he reached for her, Buffy would easily shrug from his grasp. Spike threw up his hands in exasperation.

“That is the beast’s only weakness.” Buffy said, ignoring the vampire at her side.

“Kill the man and the God dies.” The First Slayer called out. “She’s found a way to escape her mortal prison for brief periods.”

“Yes we know, we know.” Spike huffed. “Ben.”

“Ben.” Buffy replied turning her gaze on Spike.

Spike barely blinked before he found himself in his crypt. Just as Willow had seen, he was in the cavern below. Dawn and Buffy sat on his bed discussing the key. Spike wondered for a moment ‘just when had Buffy seen this part of my home’, but curiosity was soon taken over by impatience as the pair on the bed refused to acknowledge his presence.

“Cone on Slayer, where are you?” Spike yelled out, remembering Willow’s description of the scene.

“I’m right here.” Buffy said quietly from behind him.

“Bloody hell woman, wear a bell!” Spike yelped, turning to face the second Buffy. “What are you doing here luv?”

“It’s safe.” Buffy said simply, wrapping her arms around herself and looking at the pair on the bed. “It’s my fault.”

“What is?” Spike asked softly wrapping Buffy tightly in his arms.

“I killed her.” Buffy said; her voice emotionless. “I let him live.”

“It’s not your fault.” Spike said forcefully as he pulled her tighter against him, his eyes flashing gold.

“It’s coming.” Buffy whispered as a rumbling filled the cavern, slowly rising in intensity.

“It’s time.” Spike turned to see Dawn standing by his bed, her skin glowing from the inside. He turned shielding Buffy from the burning light as Dawn’s skin peeled away, the power of the key growing until in enveloped him. The last sound he heard was Buffy’s voice screaming his name.

***Next Chapter ***Untitled as of Yet***

Special thanks to Slackerace for being my beta, you rock!!!
The next chapter has no title as I can't think of one yet but it will be coming soon, tomorrow hopefully.

Thank you to all who continue and all new reviewers. You make the words I write feel worthy of the audience. TTFN
Chapter 37 ***Get This Party Started***

Spike awoke to arguing. He could hear Xander’s voice from behind the closed door.

“Why is he in there?” Xander argued. “We’re her friends. How’s he going to help her?”

“Xander,” Spike could hear Willow plead before he tuned out the rest of the voices and turned to the woman beside him. Buffy lay staring at the ceiling, tears running unheeded from her vacant expression. Spike pushed back the despair that threatened to fill his entire being, his face filling with determination.

“If I can’t come to you,” Spike whispered as he pulled Buffy’s unresponsive body to cover his own. “Then you will come to me.” Spike shifted to game face, his golden eyes glowing in the darkened room. One sharp nail scratched over the juncture of his neck and shoulder allowing the blood to well to the surface. Spike carefully placed Buffy’s lips against his broken skin before slowly sliding his fangs into her jugular.

An intense amount of feelings welled up as the potent Slayer’s blood hit his tongue. The pain of the chip paled to that of the pain that suffused the very being of the Slayer. The feelings of guilt and remorse filled his senses as he drew more of the blood into himself. Spike felt Buffy gasp against his neck, her hot breath tickling his skin.

When Buffy moaned, Spike twisted them over until he lay on top, the small amount of blood welling from his cut falling into the open mouth of the woman beneath him. He felt the wetness of her tongue as she licked the crimson stain from her lips. Spike gave another pull of her powerful blood before carefully licking the wound closed his eyes closing in pleasure as he felt Buffy’s tongue caressing his skin.

Buffy’s arms wrapped around his cool body, pulling him closer to her, her lips drawing at the healing wound on his neck. She could feel an over-whelming love surrounding her, cushioning her from the pain that filled her being. Spike moved to place his lips against hers, licking away the blood from her lips. Buffy moaned into his mouth, her one hand moving to tangle itself in his hair, pulling him more firmly against her. Spike couldn’t help but smile as Buffy’s legs moved to wrap themselves around his waist, her body arching into his. Spike moved one hand down to cup a soft breast, his fingers pinching and twisting her sensitive nipple.

Buffy pulled her lips from his to let out a gasping cry. Spike lifted her shirt to wrap his lips around the lace covered nipple, his hand moving to caress its neglected partner.

“Spike,” Buffy whispered, her grip in his hair tightening. “God Spike.” Spike gave her sensitive flesh one last flick before moving to look into Buffy’s eyes.

“Morning, love,” Spike whispered placing a soft, sweet kiss on her lips.

“Morning,” Buffy replied, her hand gently caressing his cheek.

“How you feeling, Slayer?” Spike asked as he leaning into her caress. Buffy’s eyes grew wide, pain and shock filling the hazel orbs with glistening tears.

“Dawn?” Buffy asked, a lone tear sliding over her cheek only to be caught up by Spike’s tongue before it could stain the sheets.

“We’ll get her back,” Spike said with finality. “We will get her back.”

“Glory plans to open a dimensional portal with Dawn’s blood,” Buffy stated quietly.

“It’s always about the blood,” Spike said with a shake of his head, moving off Buffy and helping her to a sitting position.

“The portal will only close once the blood is stopped and the only way for that to happen is. . .” The words caught painfully in Buffy’s throat.

“It will not happen,” Spike said firmly, gripping the Slayer by the shoulders. “Dawn will not die.”

“How can we fight a god, Spike?” Buffy asked, desperation in her voice. Spike sighed and gave Buffy a hard look.

“You are the Slayer,” Spike stated, taking Buffy by the arms and making her look at him. “You are The One. The hero, the champion for the Powers that bloody Be! There is nothing you can’t do or beat.”

“You have a lot of faith in me,” Buffy said softly, her eyes bright.

“You have brought William the Bloody to his knees. You have made the most dangerous vampire, the Slayer of Slayers, your own personal slave.” Buffy couldn’t help but laugh as Spike slipped to his knees before her, his hands clasping hers tightly. “You have made a man out of a monster, Buffy. There is nothing you can’t do.” Buffy pulled Spike to her, wrapping her arms around his neck, placing a soft kiss on his lips.

“Is that why you love me?” Buffy asked.

“No.” Spike wiped the tears from her eyes. “I love you in spite of that.” Buffy laughed and kissed Spike passionately.

“I love you Buffy Anne Summers,” Spike said when she finally pulled back for air. “I love the woman, the slayer. I love everything about you.”

“Spike.” Buffy sighed as she rested her forehead against his. “I-”

A loud knock came at the door and Spike had just enough time to rise to his feet before Willow walked in.

“Hey, Spike? Giles sent me to see-” Willow’s words stopped in her throat as she noticed the conscious Slayer sitting on the bed. “Buffy!”

Buffy caught Willow as she launched herself into her friend’s arms, hugging her tightly. Spike watched as Willow’s cry brought the entire Scooby Gang into the room. He shrank from the glare the Watcher sent his way at the fresh fang marks on his Slayer’s neck.

“So how’s the research coming, Giles?” Buffy asked, getting right to the point once the excitement of her awakening lessened.

“From what Willow found out from her visit to your subconscious, we found a text that explains what we are to expect. The key was living energy.” Giles explained. It needed to be channelled, poured into a specific place at a specific time. The energy would flow into that spot; the walls between the dimensions’ break down. It stops, the energy's used up, and the walls come back up. Glory uses that time to get back into her own dimension, not caring that all manner of hell will be unleashed on earth in the meantime.”

“So we stop Glory before she can start the ritual. We still have a couple of hours, right?” Buffy asked, knowing that the ritual must wait for the moon to rise.

“If we don’t make it in time-”

“No. We will make it. Dawn will not die to close the walls between our dimensions. I love you all but I will not kill my sister,” Buffy stated firmly.

“If the ritual starts, then every living creature in this and every other dimension imaginable will suffer unbearable torment, including Dawn,” Giles argued quietly.

“Then the last thing she'll see is me protecting her,” Buffy apologized, her expression firm. “We need to know how to destroy Glory. I have fought her before and barely left a mark. Slayer strength doesn’t cut it.”

“Oh, the Dagon sphere. When Buffy first met Glory, she found that glowy sphere that was meant to repel Glory. We've got it in the basement at the Magic Box,” Anya said excitedly. “We also have Olaf’s troll hammer. You wanna fight a god, use the weapon of a god.”

“You are a genius, Anya.” Buffy smiled as she gave the ex-demon a quick hug. “Let’s mount up guys. We’ll make a quick stop at the Magic Box to gather our weapons and a few spells for our witches.” Buffy smiled at the Wiccan lovers.


They made it to the tower’s lot with mere minutes remaining before Glory’s ritual was to take place. If they acted too early, they could fail with no second wave to stave off the destruction of the earth. The Slayer, her watcher, her vampire, two witches, an ex-demon and a man. A diverse group if ever there was one, but a group who had turned back the darkness time and time again. Buffy looked around the lot before calling on her troops.

Where once there was nothing but dirt and graffiti now stood a fifty foot high mess of brick and metal. The tower swayed precariously in the cool night air, a disaster waiting to happen. At its base were dozens of 'touched' humans. People who were--for some reason or another--mentally unstable, perfect pawns for Glory's scabby troll-like minions to boss about, forcing them to build the monstrous tower. Buffy looked up the rocking structure, her gaze captured by a flash of red and gold at the top. A woman stood on the edge of the platform clad in a long gold and crimson gown, her long brown hair floating in the breeze.

"Dawn!" Buffy whispered, fear piercing her heart as she noticed a small dark man standing on the tower with her sister, the shine of the moon reflecting on the dagger in his hands.

“Xander and Anya, you guys keep the humans safe. Get as many out of here as you can.” The pair nodded, moving ahead. “Willow and Tara, I need you to take care to protect and help Giles get rid of the minions.” Giles pulled out his sword, the Wiccans began their protective chants. Buffy turned to the vampire at her side.

“Dawn is at the top of the tower, and there is someone with her,” Buffy said, worry edging into her voice.

“I’m on it,” Spike replied, moving to take off up the tower.

“Spike?” He turned to his Slayer, her eyes were bright.

“You will do this,” Spike reassured Buffy, taking her hand in his, disregarding the chaos around them.

“We will do this,” she replied with a smile, pulling him close to place a soft kiss upon his lips.

“I love you Buffy Anne Summers,” Spike said with a smile, then took off at vamp speed up the tower to become a hero.

“I love you too,” Buffy replied to Spike, who was already out of earshot. She watched for a moment as her friends started the battle to save the world until a blonde head caught her eye.

“Buffy, Glory is yours,” she whispered to herself, before running into the fray, her god-blessed hammer at the fore.

Chapter 38 ***Faster***

‘Faster.’ The creaking of the poorly built tower grew in sound as the vampire raced up the metal structure, causing it to sway back and forth by his movements.

‘Faster.’ One of the most important things in his life depended upon him to move faster, be stronger, fight fiercer than he ever had before.

‘Almost there.’ The irony was not lost on him as he pushed himself harder to save the very thing he should’ve rejoiced in destroying. He could hear the whimpers of pain and the smell of blood filled his senses as he rounded the last corner to stand upon the top platform. The small demon known as Doc stood before his girl; her hands tied tight to the structure, shallow cuts lacing her bare arms, the crimson fluid running slowly down her pale skin.

“Doesn't a fella stay dead when you kill him?” Spike called out. Doc whirled around and watched warily as Spike strode slowly forward.

The old demon was quick but Spike was filled with an astonishing amount of determination. A slight shift of his weight brought Spike closer to the edge of the structure as he fell, allowing him to grasp the platform with a steel like grip, his other hand moving up to grasp Doc’s leg, yanking him over the tower. Spike watched the demon fall for a long moment, the small body impacting the debris filled ground with a satisfying crunch. A whimper of fear and pain pulled Spike from his vigil. With a deft swing, he pulled himself back onto the platform and rushed to Dawn’s side.

“I’m sorry, bit,” Spike said softly as he quickly released her from her bindings.

“You saved me,” Dawn replied and wrapped her arms around his waist in relief.

“Let’s get out of here,” Spike said, pulling Dawn from the edge.

As she stepped away a single drop of blood fell from her skin to land on the platform under her feet. As if in slow motion, Spike watched helplessly as it slid sensuously over the dirty metal towards the open air below them. The drop sat for a long defiant moment, clutching to the platform, before falling gracefully from the tower, to strike an invisible spot mid air. The sky crackled with energy as the bead started a chain reaction, the air filling with bright white cracks, spreading out like broken ice.


The force of the hammer caused Glory to fly back into a pile of rubble. Glory had blood running down her face. She looked at Buffy in anguish, slowly rising to her feet.

“You’re just a mortal. You couldn’t understand my pain,” Glory cried, the pain of her wounds taking its toll on her body.

“Then I’ll just have to settle for causing it,” Buffy sneered, hitting Glory again across the face with the hammer. Glory fell to her knees with a cry. With murder in her eyes, Glory flipped her hair from her face and rose again to her feet.

“You can’t kill me,” Glory spat at the advancing Slayer.

“ No,” Buffy replied with a smile. “But my arm’s not even tired yet.” The hammer swung with the force of 100 men knocking the hell goddess to her knees yet again. Buffy didn’t even let her rise again before blow after blow rained down on the hell goddess. Buffy stopped for a moment to look at the pathetic creature at her feet. Glory pushed her hair off her face and looked at Buffy with tears in her eyes.

“Stop it!” Glory cried as she struggled to rise to her feet.

“You’re a god,” Buffy said with a smirk and another blow from the hammer knocking Glory to the ground. “Make it stop.”

Buffy sauntered over to Glory and knelt at her side. She slammed the hammer down onto Glory’s prone body over and over again, the rage she felt at almost losing her sister causing the Slayer to override the woman’s sensibilities. Buffy stopped her incessant blows as the bruised and bloodied face of Glory morphed into that of Ben.

“I’m sorry.” Ben coughed, blood dribbling from his chapped lips.

“Not as sorry as I am,” Buffy replied with a resigned grimace as she lifted the troll hammer to her shoulder.


The pair on the tower watched helplessly as the fissure grew, blue waves of lightning flashing from the bright depths. Dawn turned and buried her face in Spike’s chest, her arms clutching him frantically as a large dragon broke free of the confining gateway to fly screaming its triumph through the early morning air.


“Can you move?” Giles voice asked. Buffy watched as he came to kneel beside Ben’s body.

“Need a minute.” Ben gasped as a shudder of pain wracked his body.

“Buffy, go see to Dawn,” Giles said quietly. Buffy’s gaze met with that of her Watcher’s for a long moment before she nodded in understanding, quickly disappearing up the tower.

“She could’ve killed me,” Ben said.

“No she couldn't,” Giles replied. “Never. And sooner or later Glory will re-emerge, and ... make Buffy pay for that mercy. And the world with her. Buffy even knows that...and still she couldn't take a human life.” Ben smiled softly in relief.

“She's a hero, you see,” Giles continued, removing his glasses from his pocket to give them a good wipe. “She's not like us.”

“Us?” Ben asked as he watched Giles slide the glasses on. Giles looked upon the half man in pity before a calm mask took over his features and he placed his hand over the man’s mouth and nose. Ben struggled weakly for air, unable to move his broken body.


“Dawn!” Buffy screamed as she reached the top of the tower.

“Buffy?” Dawn whispered, pulling back from Spike’s embrace. She found herself squished between the vampire and the Slayer.

“I'm so sorry,” Dawn whispered, a lone tear traveling down her face.

“Shhh.” Buffy hushed with a shake of her head.

“I have to jump,” Dawn said simply. “The energy…”

“It’ll kill you,” Buffy protested as she gripped her sister tighter.

“I know,” Dawn said softly. “Buffy, I know about the ritual. I have to stop it.”

“No!” Spike said, pulling his girls against him.

“Spike’s right. I won’t let you,” Buffy argued.

“You know you have to let me,” Dawn cried, tears running freely down her cheeks. “It has to have the blood.”

“Then it can have mine,” Buffy stated, pulling back from their embrace. “The monks made you out of me. Our blood is the same. It can have mine.”

“There has to be another way,” Spike growled, his eyes flashing yellow at the though of losing either Summers girl.

“We don’t have time,” Buffy said sadly.

“Buffy!” Spike whispered, his arms reaching towards her in desperation. With a sigh Buffy fell into his arms, gripping Spike as tightly as he held her.

“I love you, Buffy,” Spike whispered in her ear. Buffy pulled back and gave him a sweet smile before her lips pressed against his, telling him without words how she felt.

“I can’t let you do it.” Buffy broke from Spike’s embrace as her sister’s voice broke through the fog of sensations that surrounded her at his touch.

“Dawn!” Buffy watched in dismay as her sister moved to the edge of the platform and looked back at the pair still holding each other in a loose embrace.

“I love you Buffy and I can’t let you do it.”

“Dawn NO!” Buffy screamed, moving towards her sister.

“No,” Dawn replied, holding her hand up to stop her sister. “They need you. You’re the Slayer. I’m not even real. I’m the key. This is what I was made to do and it's time for me to lock this door.” Dawn turned and placed herself right on the edge of the tower looking down into the crackling doorway. A sad smile graced her lips as she turned back to face her sister and surrogate big brother.

“Tell everyone I love them. And tell mom I’m sorry, for everything,” Dawn said with a brave smile on her face. “Spike you look after them, or I’ll come back and haunt you.” Spike smiled and nodded sadly through his tears.

“Dawn!” Buffy cried, tears streaming down her face as she took a step towards her sister. The rumbling in the air grew louder as the walls between dimensions began to crack and crumble.

“It’s time.” Dawn turned and looked down into the fissure, her dark eyes reflecting the blue-white glow. With a deep breath she took a step back, her eyes turning to a bright green, then flung herself into oblivion.

Buffy and Spike rushed to the edge to see Dawn fall into the blinding light.

To Be Continued

Chapter 39 ***Rumblings***

Dawn watched as her sister embraced her best friend, their love almost palpable. The pain that filled Spike’s entire being was almost too much for Dawn to bear. This was her fault, not theirs. This was her duty. The world needed the Slayer, not a Key. Dawn knew she was too dangerous to keep around for her sister and for humanity.

“I can’t let you do it.” Dawn said quietly, her eyes sad, fear filing her entire body.

“Dawn!” Buffy cried. Dawn moved to the edge of the platform and looked back at the pair still holding each other in a loose embrace. At least her last wish was being fulfilled.

“I love you Buffy and I can’t let you do it.”

“Dawn NO!” Buffy screamed, moving towards her sister.

“No.” Dawn replied, holding her hand up to stop her sister, tears in her eyes. “They need you. You’re the Slayer. I’m not even real. I’m the key. This is what I was made to do and it's time for me to lock this door.” Dawn turned and placed herself right on the edge of the tower looking down into the crackling doorway. It was a long way down. A sad smile graced her lips as she turned back to face her sister and surrogate big brother, pain almost negating the feeling of rightness at her selfless act.

“Tell everyone I love them. And tell mom I’m sorry, for everything,” Dawn said with a brave smile on her face, her insides quaking with fear. “Spike, you look after them, or I’ll come back and haunt you.” Dawn’s attempt at levity making Spike smile and nod sadly.

“Dawn!” Buffy cried, tears streaming down her face as she took a step towards her sister. The rumbling in the air grew louder as the walls between dimensions began to crack and crumble. Flashes of lightning hit the buildings surrounding the lot, changing the normal brick and mortar to scenes of unspeakable horror. Demons ten and twenty feet tall looked about their new world with hungry eyes, their mouths dropping open as the scent of humans filled their senses.

“It’s time.” Dawn turned and looked down into the fissure, her dark eyes reflecting the blue-white glow. Such a long way down. Dawn shuddered as the reality of the situation hit her. It was one thing to say that you would jump, it was completely different to take your life into your own hands and sacrifice it for the greater good. With a deep breath, she took a step back, her eyes turning to a bright green as the power of the key filled her body. With a final whispered farewell to this world, Dawn took a step back then flung herself into oblivion.

A green glow surrounded Dawn’s body as she entered the fissure. The bands of electric blue light wrapped around her, stopping her speedy descent. Buffy and Spike watched in awe as the green glow that made up Dawn grew brighter and brighter. Her skin took on the emerald pallor until it seemed to melt away leaving a pure white light they had to look away from for fear of burning their eyes. A low hum filled the air, growing in volume until it was at an ear splitting intensity, rising in octave until it moved beyond normal human or even vampire range yet still causing chills to ripple down everyone’s backs.

The tower beneath their feet began to shudder and creak. Spike grabbed Buffy’s arm and pulled her from the edge, urging the stumbling Slayer to move faster down the unsteady structure. All around them, beams and bricks fell from the tower, creating obstacles for the fleeing pair to dodge in their head long flight to safety.

Moving at Slayer and vampire top speed, Spike grabbed Buffy around the waist and dropped the final twenty feet in an instant. He hit the ground running, helping Buffy to her feet to run at his side. A quick glance showed the rest of the Scoobies already making a speedy retreat.

They had just passed the fence to the lot that held the tower when time seemed to stop. The air grew thick as molasses, a low rumbling filled the early morning hours. The fleeing group moved as if in slow motion, their momentum paused as they tried to escape the impending disaster. The air grew thicker, the rumbling louder as the Slayer and vampire moved as one, taking a giant leap into the air, movements almost coming to a standstill as time seemed to freeze. Not a hair moved, breath froze within gasping lungs, hearts suspended mid beat. The silence was absolute nothing piercing the unnatural calm.

All at once everything resumed. A sonic boom filled the air; a brilliant white light surrounded everything, burning eyes with its intensity. Time began again as Buffy and Spike resumed their flight through the air to hit the cement hard enough to break normal bones and even some supernatural ones. The tower collapsed with an eruption of sound, the screech of metal causing shivers to run down their backs as the group blinked around the spots the brilliant light had blinded them with. Then, as if nothing had happened, there was silence.

Buffy pulled herself to her feet to look back at the destroyed lot. Behind her the Scoobies moved in closer, their eyes filled with shock and sorrow. Spike moved to stand behind Buffy, adding his silent support.

“No!” He heard her whisper, just before her legs gave way. With a great sob Buffy collapsed, Spike’s arms the only thing keeping her from landing on the ground again. Sobs wracked her small frame as the finality hit her. Her sister was gone. Spike gathered her up into his arms, rocking her body as grief filled her.

Xander opened his mouth for a moment, only to close it again without a word at the warning glare Giles sent his way.

They all stood for a long moment, loss stealing the words they might utter, unable to comprehend what might make the situation easier. Buffy’s sobs had lessened to silent shivers before anyone could find the will to speak.

“Spike,” Willow said softly, wincing at the loudness of her voice in the silence. Spike looked up towards the red-haired witch. “The sun.” With a nod, Spike gathered Buffy up into his arms and rose to his feet. One by one the rest of the gang turned to follow after the vampire as he made his way down the street towards the sewer tunnel that would help him get Buffy home in the early morning light. They reached the manhole and Spike set Buffy on her feet long enough to pry the grate from the ground.

“I’ll take the Slayer home,” Spike said as he urged Buffy to precede him down the ladder. “We’ll meet you all at the shop after—.” Spike stopped mid sentence and cocked his head to the side, listening.

A faint coughing noise could be heard coming from the abandoned lot. Buffy stopped her descent and looked towards the broken fence. Dust still swirled, obscuring their view inside. The group cautiously made their way towards the broken tower, disbelief clouding their features. The dust started to settle as a body walked through the opening, waving a hand before her face, trying to escape the filth.

The Scoobies stood in shock, staring at the figure making her way out of the debris. Bare feet stumbled over the rubble before finding purchase on the paved road.
The wounded woman looked up at the assembled group, a smile gracing her dirt streaked features.

“Buffy. . . . .”

***To Be Continued***

***Chapter 39 *** Rumblings ***

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