Something Wicked

Author: Aislynn


Disclaimer: It’s not mine all of it belongs to Joss, and Mutant Enemy. I just fell in love with characters from the very first episode. S/B, S/D, minor F/F

Summary: I’ve read several stories where Buffy is turned into a vampire. I decided to take a whirl and see how my ideas would work out in a story. I decided Buffy would be turned during Halloween it is the only time that she was actually weak enough during this time to have it happen, events of the episode will be the same up until just before the warehouse scene. I hope you like it.

Rating: NC-17

Spike finally stopped not only because he knew that Angel wouldn’t be able to follow his scent, the Slayer coming to after her little fainting spell. Setting her down he held onto her giving her a moment to become fully conscious.

Spike watched as her eyes fluttered open beautiful green eyes gazed into his a moment confused and so bloody innocent.

“Who are you?” Came the soft question and questioning glance as her gaze took in his appearance.

“Question really is luv, what am I?” Spike smirked shifting into his game face loving every second as fear filled those beautiful eyes. She tried to push him away it was very human, not at all like the slayer, especially the lack of strength in within that delectable little body.

With a sharp shove he sent her stumbling back against some discarded shipping crates and stalked forward. She had trouble catching herself because of the swirl and abundance of skirts.

“Look at you, shaking, terrified, alone, a poor lost little lamb.” His voice soft yet menacing as he moved forward forcing her into a corner and back against the crates she was helpless. Reaching up with his left hand he grasped her by the throat and purred, “I love it.”

He gazed into those green eyes and with his right hand he reached up jerking the elegantly quaffed wig off her head. Her body trembled against his. A smile touched his lips because now she at least looked like the slayer.

“Please don’t hurt me?” She whispered her eyes filling with unshed tears. He watched as one pooled and then began its decent down her cheek. It didn’t seem right for a Slayer to go out like this without a fight.

“It will only hurt for a moment pet.” He purred, brushing away his thoughts, and sinking his fangs into her throat. There was nothing quite like the blood of a Slayer, and this one was even sweeter. Her hands pushed feebly against his chest, and though she didn’t remember who she was, she was still the Slayer and her blood was like ambrosia. As a sense of possessiveness coursed through him he jerked her body a little closer molding her body against his as he drank her life’s blood, she belonged to him.

Giles kicked Ethan in the stomach one more time. Once they had been friends that had been a long time ago.

“Now, tell me how to stop the spell.” Giles asked, his usual reserved librarian demeanor set aside, at the moment he was protecting the lives of hundreds of innocents.

Ethan glanced up seeing not Giles, but the Ripper standing above him, and knew that if he needed to Giles would kill him to save the lives of others. “Janus,” Ethan spat out blood splattering the floor beneath him “Break its statue.”

Glancing over to the white bust sitting on a pedestal he moved toward it lifting it up above his head and sent it crashing to the floor, an eerie green mist encircled the shattered remains for a second then disappeared. There was still Ethan to deal with and Giles turned to deal with his old friend only to find he was alone.

Buffy came to suddenly, and found herself in a living nightmare. She was being pressed back against something and a vampire was feeding at her throat. The past few hours came back in pieces Angel her running away from him, then Spike. Oh God it was Spike pressed against her. She was weak, she tried to remember how long he had been feeding from her, but she couldn’t. Summoning up the last of her strength she shoved him away and he stumbled back unprepared.

Spike gazed into the Slayer’s shocked eyes she was weak that little burst was about all she could manage, and it had only worked because he had been revealing in his feast. He couldn’t stop the satisfied smirk, she may not be in fighting form, but at least she knew who was ending her short life. He licked his lips moving forward stalking her watching as she stumbled along trying to get away.

Buffy could only stare at Spike, she had known after back to school night that he might be the one to take her life, but in reality she never really thought it would be so soon. The desire to live forced her body into motion and with each step she felt herself grow weaker. Using the crates around her to propel her forward managed to move a few feet forward only to collapse barely catching herself. A booted foot nudged her over and she stared up into yellow eyes as he lowered himself astride her body. Instinct made her strike out her fist moving toward his face and he caught it a chuckle escaping his lips.

“Weak as a newborn kitten.” His voice purred as he slid his body down along her body. “My Slayer.” He whispered leaning down his lips moving toward hers. Turning her head away quickly she heard his chuckle and his tongue moved over the wound he left on her neck. She pushed at shoulders trying to push him away, but it was no use.

“I don’t want to die.” Buffy whispered more to herself than to Spike but he heard it all the same as his tongue twirled over the wound playing with her, as she lay there dying. Raising his gaze he stared into her green eyes, and he couldn’t look away.

“I thought you weren’t the begging kind.” He whispered softly as her eyes fluttered closed.

“I wasn’t begging.” Buffy sighed feeling herself slipping away into darkness.

Spike started down at the beauty before him her hair a halo around her face. A face, which as he watched slowly lost its light as the life, slipped from her body. Leaning down he brushed her lips with his lightly. In that moment he made a decision and bit down on the inside of his cheek forcing his own blood into his mouth and parted her lips stealing a kiss. Her eyes fluttered open and for that moment they connected as his blood spilled into her mouth, her body swallowing in automatic reaction.

“Your mine.” He whispered as her eyes fluttered closed and the life slipped from her body. He lay there for a few moments and then rose picking her up once again cradling her body against his own. He had done something he never thought he would do he made himself a childe. A childe who had once been a Slayer, there was no record of a Slayer ever being turned. Well now there was one, and she belonged to him.

Chapter 2: A Childe Awakes

One moment there was nothing the next moment suddenly awareness hit like a thunderbolt. Voices she could hear voices angry, yelling, growling, and then the sound of flesh being torn apart, and then a soft whimpering like a beaten animal makes.

Buffy Summers lay dead in an empty room upon a bed fit for a Queen. While on the outside she looked peaceful and put to rest within her lifeless body a war raged between the soul of Buffy Summers and the demon attempting to take up residence within her former shell. The two raged at one and other Slayer against a demon in its pure form not the ones that inhabited the world. They were tearing each other to pieces neither able to gain the upper hand and neither willing to give up.

Buffy Ann Summers had left the realm of the living five days ago where she had struggled to save humanity from evil only to find the promise of release denied to her, and another battle on a different plane of existence waiting for her. The will to live was what she clung to as she found endlessly with Amon.

Amon was the demons name and it chose to reenter the mortal plane using her body as its vessel. Amon was not a normal demon she was once worshipped as a god and seeing an opportunity with a worthy vessel she made her move wishing to experience the world again only to find her way blocked by a Slayer.

As suddenly as the battle begun it ended with a flash of light. Something’s could not be postponed forever, and it was time for Buffy Summers body to rise in its new form. Buffy screamed as pain lanced through her body, and she was forced to her knees as her body or rather soul began to be ripped apart, she could hear Amon’s inhuman voice shreaking in terror as the same process was inflicted upon the demon. Then there was a moment just a moment where there was nothing and then suddenly Buffy Summers awoke sitting straight up taking a gasping breath.

Spike sat watching Dru as she danced raising her hands to the imaginary stars in her head. Since his return to the lair with the Slayer his beloved had been even more off her rocker than usual. “Your golden princess is almost here she is knock, knocking at the door.” Dru’s lips formed a slight pout turning toward her protector, lover, and childe eyes narrowing. “Do you love me?” She asked suddenly a pleading and needy tone filled her voice, eyes wide and oh so deceptively innocent.

Spike smiled rising from his seat. “Always.” He smiled, catching Dru around her waist and pulling her close his lips capturing her own. As he kissed her lips he thought of the centuries they had been together, and he regretted his decision in making a childe. He remembered himself in those days he had needed constant attention from his Sire, and he still had Dru to look after she was steadily getting worse after Prague, and he really couldn’t spare time for a Childe.

“You should kill her Spike.” Dru whispered pulling her lips from his the pout still on her lips. “There’s only room for one princess in a castle and I won’t share my throne.”

“You’re my dark princess.” Spike whispered and in that moment he meant it pulling Dru back into his embrace their lips finding each other’s. He felt her begin to sway to whatever tune was playing inside and began to sway with her. Dru threw back her head and an eerie tinkling laughter filled the room as he whirled her around the room. A smile touched his lips as he wished it could always be like this, then something coursed through him driving him to his knees his hands clutching his head as his body shook with the power that coursed through him. It was painful but god beneath the pain was power and the infusion of it was orgasmic. Spike panted softly as he came back to himself kneeling on the floor.

“The Slayers risen.” Spike whispered softly lifting his head to meet Dru’s gaze, he knew it instinctively that his childe had finally found her way to this world. His dark princess stared at him with wide eyes her lips slightly parted; he had never seen that particular expression on her face, it was fear mingled with something else.

“You were all aglow, what has the wicked girl done to my sweet Spike.” Dru whispered rocking back and forth soft little whimpers escaping her lips as she wrapped her arms around her middle.
Spike wanted to go to Dru, but instinct drew him toward his childe. “It’s time for you to rest luv.” Spike murmured softly to Dru walking toward her and leading her toward their room. The bond was between Sire and Childe was always the strongest at the beginning, and the need to tend to his childe was overriding the bond he shared with Dru.

Awareness was too sudden the overload to her senses was almost too much to bear. Glancing around she became aware of her surroundings and knew instinctively that she had never been within this room before. At first all she could do was feeling and smell like an animal there was nothing else beyond basic instinct to feed.

After what seemed an eternity pieces of memory began to filter back, it was disorientating at first. No name just images coming back pieces of the person she was, and she knew instinctively what she had become. Slayer the name whispered through her mind as she slowly slid off the bed. That was what I was, she thought not who I was. There was nothing of her in the room, nothing to tell her who she was. There was a mirror but within the frame there was no reflection and the simple term Vampire filtered through her mind. I kill vampires it is what a Slayer is, their purpose.

Then the door to the room opened and she glanced up she had felt the presence approaching but had been so lost in thought the feeling or rather ability hadn’t really registered. The person stood in the shadows of the door, and then he stepped inside and only one thought, or rather feeling coursed through her body demanding and so complete the only word to describe it was Sire.
Spike could feel her presence as he neared the door, since she had awakened he could feel nothing but her and the intensity increased as he walked toward the room he prepared for his Childe.

Stopping by the door he could feel her inside and wondered what he would do about her presence. The decision to change her had been spontaneous, he really had no choice he couldn’t take care of her and Dru at the same time. With his mind made up he pushed open the door unprepared for the creature inside.

Spike wasn’t prepared for the feelings that washed over him as he saw chi childe for the first time. Yes he had seen Buffy before but she was different oh the shell was the same, but she was not and she was glorious. Power radiated from her in waves oddly she still felt like the Slayer. The uneasy sensation that trickled down his spine during his various encounters with Slayers played across his back and skin intensified never before had he felt a Slayer so keenly, which he hadn’t expected. Beneath it all he could feel her fear at what she had become, he stepped into the room.

“Buffy.” He whispered, his eyes traveling across her body. It was if he were seeing her with new eyes. Before she had been the Slayer yes she was physically attractive, but it was her Slayer status that drew his attention. He never really noticed and her beauty was breathtaking, and she wasn’t even at her best.

Buffy, she thought that’s my name. The sight of her Sire brought details back flooding over her not at all coherent just pieces at first slowly finding their way to other pieces of the puzzle of who she had once been. The last few moments of her life flashed through her mind vividly clear. Then instinct began to kick in and she felt the need, no desire to kill she was after all the Slayer.

“You killed Buffy.” She responded, and her voice caused chills to dance across Spikes s Sp Spike watched as her body tensed as if poised for attack. Buffy Ann Summers had been a predator for sometime, and he knew that transformation from Slayer to Vampire might not be all that difficult. The skills were the same but the intent behind the hunt was not.

“Yes I did, but your still Buffy.” Spike replied there was no point in denying it, he watched as something dance behind those green eyes. It was something he had seen before but he couldn’t quite place it. He would have to prepare for odd differences there was bound to be a few she he had been the Slayer.

“Come here.” Spike’s voice was a whisper but it held a note of command that any newly risen childe obeyed out of instinct and the desire to please their master. He was actually surprised that it took her a few moments before she sailed forward.

Moving toward him with the ease and liquid grace of a Master. When first turned many are clumsy, only Master vampires possessed that lithe and animal like movement neither he nor Dru possessed that level of skill not even peaches did only the truly ancient seemed to move quite like that. It was the first of many things concerning his childe that raised a bloody flaming red flag.

Buffy stopped before her Master, part of her wished to obey the other part visualized driving a stake though his heart. It felt like something was crawling beneath the surface spurring her emotions. Images of a battle began to filter back to her, then her Sire’s fingers brushed along her cheek banishing all thoughts from her mind, her eyes fluttering closed in response. Like a cat seeking affection she turned her cheek toward his hand a soft breath escaping her lips his palm caressed her face. With just a brush of skin he sent every part of her on fire and she felt her hunger begin to boil over.

Spike watched fascinated, all thoughts of ridding himself of his childe vanished as sensations he never felt before rose up within him unbidden. This slip of a girl touched him in ways no other had since his days as a mortal with just the brush of her cheek against his palm. Long thick lashes parted revealing glittering green eyes filled with Hunger. Spike slid his hand back behind her head his fingers entwining in her golden locks, drawing her forward.

There was just a moment of pain as her teeth sliced through his neck. God, he couldn’t believe he was letting her drink from his neck. Since being turned he had only ever willing let Dru drink from that particular and vulnerable spot. A soft growl arose from deep within in her, and slim but toned arms slid around his waist, and in response his free arm slid around her pulling her closer against him. With each pull from her lips he felt his body tighten just a little more.

Buffy felt her Sire pulling her closer she knew a moment of blinding terror as she realized what was going to happen what her body or rather something now within her needed to do. At the moment she felt herself ready to pull away, something took over and propelled her to close the distance and sink her teeth into her Sire. The hunger that dwelled within instantly began to lessen with the first drop that passed between her lips and nothing had ever tasted quite so wonderful, for a moment she felt bliss.

Spike couldn’t believe what was happening even as he felt it overcoming him, he had been aroused by the bite, but he had been so lost in the ecstasy of the moment and her bite he hadn’t realized the intense response his body was having. Spike let out a hoarse cry his arms tightening around Buffy as his back arched back forcing him even closer against her small frame and he found release. Closing his eyes he couldn't seem to pull away from his childe, she could have sucked him dry and he would have happily let her do just that while he basked in the moment. Surprisingly his little childe pulled back from their embrace giving the wound one last lick. As she pulled back he saw his child in game face for the first time, and what a sight it was.

Buffy’s eyes glowed from within though they were not the familiar yellow tinged eyes of most vampires. They shifted but not in color. The most notable difference between them was that Buffy didn’t have any ridges on her face, at all. Simply elongated teeth on the top and the rest of her teeth looked sharper more defined. Never had he seen a vampire who didn’t shift into what he called game face, yet here one stood.

He watched fascinated as her teeth slowly retracted and the others seemed to soften right before his eyes. Buffy’s tongue ran along her lips catching the last drops of his blood.
There was so much to say, yet in that moment Spike couldn’t think of anything so instead he reacted leaning down and capturing his childe’s lips with his own. Heaven, it was odd for him to think it because it was a place he would never see even when he was turned to dust, but he tasted heaven in that first kiss.

Spike pulled away first this time before he got lost within her embrace. He remembered when he awoke his Sire’s blood had not been enough to quench the thirst, and Angelus had not let him feed for sometime in some sort of show of power.

Buffy stopped herself from leaning forward to recapture his lips, even though the urge to do so filled every fiber of her being. Gazing up into his face she again surprised that he was in his grrr face. It was odd that it didn’t set her on edge instead she wished to reach out and run her fingers across the ridges on his forehead, she was about to do just that when his voice broke through her thoughts.

“We need to get you something to eat, pet.” Spike murmured softly. He watched a look of disgust pass behind those eyes and quickly play across her face then it was gone. Perhaps it was just lingering ties to humanity she had been a Slayer, though it could be more.
Tonight would be the first of many tests he had made her his childe but he still didn’t have a clue of whom she was. He what little he did from spying on her watching her fight which told him plenty, but not enough. Taking her hand he led her outside taking note that she moved with reluctance and kept her gaze averted from his own.

Once they were in the usual haunts he watched as she began to hunt at first he realized she was focusing on the vampires, which just wouldn’t do. He was about to mention it when her tactics and targets changed as if she had sensed his displeasure.

As he expected Buffy was an excellent huntress only she wouldn’t take action. He stood in the background watching giving her a chance but again and again she pulled back at the last moment. Finally Spike moved up behind her his arms sliding around her waist as he leaned up against her his lips brushing against her temple.

“Its time pet, no more waiting.” His breath brushed against her skin just before his lips then he stepped back. Buffy wanted to look back, but was afraid of what she might disappointment within his eyes. It was time to accept what she had become. Moving forward she found her target. Tonight wasn’t about seducing a meal it was simply about the kill.

Not looking at the face as she moved toward him, if she looked at the face she knew she wouldn’t be able to go through with it. So she let go and something else a part of her swimming beneath the depths rose up it was nameless now but its taste was familiar and once it had been strong and in this moment it was relishing the fact that it was going to be able to revel in the blood of a human.
Spike watched from the shadows as she moved in for the kill, it was without flaw as if she had done this a thousand times. It was impressive his first kill he had been messy and frustrating because he hadn’t been able to emulate Dru’s kill. Thy diy didn’t even have a chance to cry out one moment he was walking to his car the next he was a happy meal with legs.

Buffy fought her way to the forefront over the blood lust once her hunger was satiated pulling back she was faced with the reality of what she had become. The boy was not dead yet his eyes stared at her horrified his mouth working to scream but unable to do so at the moment. Buffy turned toward her Sire and he moved forward.

Spike knew he couldn’t push her any further tonight he didn’t want to break her just yet. So without a word he moved in taking charge and finishing her kill. The boy was going to die one way or the other it was either slowly bleeding to death in this dark corner of the parking lot, or quickly and tonight Spike was in a giving mood.

Buffy took several steps back as her Sire finished what she couldn’t when the boys body finally slid to the floor she realized she had her arms wrapped around herst, st, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Spike turned toward her slowly and she knew that he wasn’t pleased. He stalked toward her that leather duster of his flaring up around his ankles.

“Your either you accept what you are or not its up to you pet.” Spike growled walking past her. He actually hadn’t done much better his first time but hell she didn’t need to know that. In reality he wanted to wrap his arms around her and wipe away her tears, but it would do neither of them any good. Buffy needed to respect him, fear him a little. He didn’t wait to see if she followed just continued on.

A good distance fell between them when he finally felt her start in his direction, for a moment he thought he would have to leave her behind to find her own way home. Then suddenly she was walking besides him quietly her gaze on the floor as they made their way back to their lair.
They were going to have to find someplace new the old place just wasn’t going to cut it. It was too small, and he was going to need more help to keep his eye on Dru, and Buffy.

Spike’s thoughts were abruptly cut off when her slender hand caught his, with her fingers entwining themselves with his. It tugged at long lost feelings he had when he was William. Oh how he hated William with his glasses, and that bloody awful poetry he was prone to right, he had been such a ponce in those days. Oddly enough he didn’t pull his hand away simply curled his fingers around her hand and continued on home.

When they returned Spike found himself stopping himself in mid-stride as he was heading toward his and Dru’s room. Putting the two ladies together was not an option at this point he doubted they would ever truly get along much like him and peaches. Dru was off her rocker and until he was able to restore her she was far to weak to fight his Childe. Dru was the eldest amongst their new little trio and was Buffy’s grandsire, it demanded respect but Spike had no problem recalling his desire to rid himself of Angelus even in those early days. Losing Dru was not an option.

Spike led Buffy back to her room, and led her inside. He pulled her up against him enjoying just the feel of her up against his body. He needed to check on Dru, but he found himself tilting his childe’s face up toward his own. B’s g’s gaze remained lowered and he was oddly pleased by the submissive display by the Slayer.

“Your angry with me.” Buffy whispered softly, not sure what to do she had never felt quite such a keen need to please someone in her entire life it made her uneasy and she was unsure what Spike wanted.

“Yes.” Spike replied as her eyes flew up to meet his. “Why am I angry Slayer?” He replied out of habit more than anything.

“I am not the Slayer?” Buffy replied anger whipping out in her voice. It caught him off guard for a moment but the little display of power and defiance could not be ignored.

“Not really the most important thing at the moment, now is it pet?” He responded his voice low, and menacing. “Answer my question.”

Buffy found herself unable to continue to meet his gaze, and she glanced down swallowing out of a nervous habit. “I didn’t kill that boy.” Buffy choked out the vision of that boys horror stricken gaze, followed by his lifeless face filled her mind. Yet the fear that she was not pleasing her Sire overroad her guilt.

“Exactly, pet.” Spike responded lifting a hand to brush back a lock of her blond hair. “I don’t know about you but I wouldn’t relish the thought of lying there bleeding to death because the vampire who thought to make a meal of me got a little squeamish in finishing the deal. I expect a better showing the next time we go out, you don’t want to disappoint me pet trust me.” Buffy’s head nodded in understanding but he but ignored it. “Do you understand me?” Spike wanted to hear her say it.

“I don’t want to disappoint you.” Buffy’s barely whispered response followed by a tear sliding down her cheek caused an uneasy feeling to creep inside him. God he felt guilty he realized, as she lifted her gaze to his her eyes sparkled with tears, and he leaned forward kissing away the latest to escape those long lashes. He couldn’t stop himself from brushing kisses down her cheek till his lips met hers.

y coy couldn’t stand the conflicting emotions at war within her at the moment. Part of her was clinging to being the Slayer the other part wished to be Spike’s childe and were at odds with one and other. Obeying wasn’t something she had ever done well, even as a Slayer. And she doubted she would be any better at it just because she was a vampire. She whispered the words he wished to hear because they were the truth.

Buffy really did not want Spike to be disappointed in her, and wanted well she wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted. It was frustrating to have such conflicting feelings. They made her feel like she was going crazy. Then his lips touched her cheek and the conflict faded away. Instantly there was a spark between them. Whether she wanted it or not there was a bond between them that could not be denied. When his lips brushed against hers, she parted them without pause giving over to temptation her Sire presented.

Spike parted her lips further his tongue sliding over hers slowly coaxing a response from her. He moaned softly as her tongue slid along his then ran slowly across his lower lip before her teeth gently caught his lower lip in a playful bite. Spike slid his hands up into her hair his lips moving over hers as his tongue plunged between her lips. He was done playing all that was left was the raw aching need that began to consume them both.

Spikes hands slid from her hair down to her shoulders. She was so petite; he noticed for the first time how perfectly her body fit against his. It was as if she were made just for him. His hands tightened on her shoulders as her tongue slid slowly along the roof of his mouth then ran along the back of his teeth. The little minx wasn’t quite done; as his he tasted her again she caught his with her lips slowly sucking as he pulled back.

Buffy was lost in the moment, and she was usually reserved when it came down to being intimate. She had made out with boys before but never with the intention of doing anything further. Never had she felt anything like this with any one but Angel. At the moment she was enjoying being able to do things she had always held herself back from doing before. There had always been a part of her that she held back, and right now that part was doing exactly what she wanted.

His hands caught in the fabric of her shirt tearing it down the middle, as it reveled her skin it reminded him that he needed to take her shopping for a new wardrobe. How he could think of something like that at the moment he wasn’t sure. Spike took a moment to appreciate the flesh that was reveled to him. He slid one hand from her shoulder letting his fingers trail over the skin slowly trailing down the valley, then under the curve of her left breast.

His little slayer was lush, and the clothing she wore deceptive. She wasn’t overly abundant but she wt ast as small as he had first thought. Moving his hand up he cupped her in his hand and she was more than ample, he flexed his hand and felt a shiver course through her. He wanted to enjoy the moment so he slowly back his Slayer up until the backs of her legs met with her bed, and then he turned her slowly until he could sit on the bed, and drew forward until she stood between his thighs.
Glancing up at her face was delighted that all of her attention was on him. He smiled tilting his face upward she leaned down her lips finding his for a brief but heated kiss. Her flesh fascinated him, and he trailed his fingers over the silky skin of her mound watching as her nipple grew tighter and tighter. When he leaned forward his tongue flicking the tight bud and her entire body shuddered. Spike swirled his tongue around the tight little bud while his hand found its way up to her other breast.

Buffy’s eyes fluttered closed she couldn’t watch Spike any longer. It was too much all at once, to watch and feel what he was doing to her body. Each brush against her skin made her feel even more lost, yet in a wonderful and scary way. Her body seemed to instinctively know what to do, even if she didn’t as it arched toward Spikes wonderful lips. Buffy slid her hands onto his shoulders one hand sliding up behind his head urging him closer. His lips closed over her nipple and a soft moan escaped her lips. His lips soon joined the fingers teasing her other breast as he gave it same attention as the other.

Spike loved the taste of her skin and he rose up onto his feet trailing kisses up the valley toward her neck, and when his lips rose toward hers, she captured his lips using the hand at the back of his neck to draw him upward. Their lips clashed and he loved the fact that they could kiss for what seemed and eternity neither needing to take a breath. Then he felt her hands sliding down from his neck her slender hands slid his leather duster off his shoulders. Spike shrugged out of the coat tossing it aside, and her fingers pulled the tee shirt he was wearing free of his pants her fingers brushed his abs and the skin tightened at the brief contact.

Spike lifted his arms above his head as she began to lift the shirt her fingers trailing over the skin she revealed. Then finally the shirt was off, and Spike lowered his arms waiting a moment to see what she would do.

“Your beautiful.” Buffy whispered, she never imagined his compact form would be well so cut. He wasn’t huge, but toned and god his abs well his whole body was rock solid. His skin was so soft considering he looked like he was cut from marble.

Spike couldn’t help the smirk that touched his lips; he hadn’t expected such a compliment. “Beautiful?” He asked softly capturing one her hands with his and lifting it to his lips. He kissed the palm, and then ran his lips along the length of her fingers finally capturing one between his lips gently running his tongue along her skin then slowly his gaze on hers he sucked on it pulling back, until it popped out. “Not really a very manly term.” Spike let her hand go when she tugged gently.

“I am not a man.” Buffy whispered her entire hand was tingling. How he could make her feel like this she had no idea. He was her Sire, that had to be it she hardly knew anything about him except what she learned when she was the Slayer.

“Oh luv, trust me I noticed.” Spike chuckled softly eager to see what she would do next.

Buffy ran her hand along his shoulder then lower she wasn’t sure what would feel good for him, but if she enjoyed it so much certainly he would as well. So she mirrored what he had done to her, her fingers trailing over his skin soon joined by her lips. As her tongue flicked his nipple, and he let out a low growl she knew he was enjoying himself so continued on, only after let his nipple escape her lips she leaned forward gently nipping the flesh and he let out a groan his hands sliding into her hair drawing her toward his other nipple. Buffy smiled as she followed his direction. She let her hand trail down to caress the washboard abs he possessed. She found her path blocked by his jeans so she undid the button only to find his hand on hers the hand in her hair drawing her up toward his mouth.

“Not yet pet.” Spike whispered just before his lips covered hers and his hands sliding down to cup her buttocks molding her body to his. Spike turned her back toward the bed and with no effort lifted her up guiding her legs around his waist, and lowered her onto the massive bed. He rose up from their kiss and trailed kisses down her body until he came to her pants. He undid them moving lower to remove her boots. He tugged at her pants and they slid off in a fluid motion revealing her skin inch by inch. Spike wanted to do so many things to her but they would have time to explore all his fantasies.

Buffy let out a small unnecessary breath, as Spike slid his hands up her outer thighs and his fingers caught the fabric of her panties. Buffy shivered as their gazes met, she could feel the fabric brushing along her thighs but was unable to look away. A soft smile touched his lips and his hands slid over her ankles sliding up the inside slowly pushing them apart in his progress upward. His lips brushed along the inside of her knee, and he watched as her eyes closed her body arching slightly off the bed. Spike caressed the delicate skin of her inner thighs feeling the muscles beneath his fingers tighten in anticipation. Once his fingers reached the apex of her thighs he ran one finger between her neither lips and was delighted to find her more then ready for him.

Buffy whimpered softly as she watched him raise his fingers to his lips. Their gazes met again as he sucked on his finger. “You taste amazing,” his voice purred. Buffy couldn’t remember ever feeling quite so well desired by anyon hen her life. It made her feel complete, at that moment she wondered if she would have ever felt like this when she was alive.

Spike gently guided her legs a little further apart as he leaned down he pressed a soft kiss to one silky thigh letting his tongue trail up along her thigh a ragged whimper escaped Buffy’s lips as his cold tongue caressed her in one smooth stroke ending its assent by slowly circling her clitoris. Spike twirled his tongue around the tight little bud then slowly slid his tongue down over her tasting her, then returned to the tight little bud gently nipping it causing her hips to rise up against him, and began to gently alternate between twirling his tongue and sucking on the bud.

Buffy’s lifted her hips against Spikes lips, she wanted more, and her hands slid down tangling into his hair. Spike finally slid his tongue between her lips and felt her body quiver. Buffy caught her breath she knew that at that moment she would do anything to keep him from stopping. Spike rose up gazing down at the beauty before him. Her hands fell from his hair to lie besides her head; legs spread open ready for him.

Spike unzipped his pants and quickly shoved them down just enough. The first time he brought her to climax it was going to be within him inside her. Lowering himself he moved up her body slowly capturing on nipple between his lips briefly giving it a nip then he plundered her lips with his own. Buffy moved perfectly beneath him accepting his dominance in their kiss, he pulled back as he shifted his weight bringing himself to her entrance. He shifted slightly bringing the tip of him inside her and watched her lips part softly.

Slowly he slid inside her inch by agonizing inch. Every muscle in his body was taunt, he couldn’t wait any longer he needed to take her, and he plunged deep inside her. It wasn’t her cry that let him know he had virgins before and he realized he was not just her Sire, but also her first. Spike forced himself to slow his hips down, and captured her lips with his own. He moved slowly at first until he felt her body relax, then his hips began to move in an ever increasing tempo, an ever-increasing tempo; a slow burn began to form between her legs.

Buffy slid her hands down along his hips, with each thrust of his hips she could feel the burn turn into a fire that coursed through her body creeping out slowly coiling its way into every fiber of her being. Spike shifted his hips his knees coming up a little under own forcing her open a little further, and her she arched up as he hit a part of her that sent shock of pleasure through her entire being, it was almost too much yet when he rocked back inside her, she arched backing taking him deeper inside.

Spike couldn’t believe how tight she was around him; he knew she had never been with anyone but dear god she knew exactly how to move under him. Shifting his body he knew he needed to make her reach her climax soon, because he wasn’t going to last much longer with her body expertly clamping down around him.

Buffy was overcome; she could only feel she wanted to beg Spike to stop, but she didn’t want him to stop. Then when she thought she couldn’t take any more everything inside her exploded a harsh cry echoing in their chamber, thighs tightening as a white-hot flood of pleasure coursed over her.
Spike almost choked when she came as those thighs tightened so did everything inside her, and he came instantly. His body rocked against her he emptied himself inside her now relaxed body. He buried his head against her neck his tongue sliding over the spot where he had bitten her that night on Halloween.

Buffy could barely move but managed to slide her hands up along his back. “Sire?” It was a soft question she wasn’t even sure what she was asking, but her breath caught as she felt his teeth sink into her neck. It wasn’t even really painful actually it was quite the opposite. Her hands slide up his back her nails digging into his back. God she couldn’t believe this was happening so soon after, but her body coiled tight again her body exploded once again as her Sire lapped at her neck.
Spike licked the wound closed, and rose up. Buffy was beyond exhausted her eyes were heavy, and he leaned down capturing her lips. “Time to rest pet.” He purred, rising up from her he pulled back the covers and expertly tucked her in, he had a lot of practice with Dru. Spike did up his pants as he watched her drift away to sleep. He wanted to stay with her tonight, but he couldn’t he had other obligations waiting for him.

Spike opened the door to his room, and was met with quite a sight. His dark princess was up and waiting for him.

“Bad, bad boy.” She purred sitting quite naked in a high backed chair legs spread apart. “I had to get started without you.” Her voice purred, Spike tossed his jacket aside, dear god he didn’t know if was going to be able to handle the two of them.

Chapter 3: Awareness

Giles stood there for a moment holding the phone in his hand before the words really registered in his brain. The voice had been so clipped an impnal.nal. Since Buffy’s disappearance the council had been uneasy even a little off kilter. It had been day almost a week since Buffy’s disappearance yet nothing so far. Then the phone rang as it had several times over the past few days and Giles picked it up hoping it might be his charge.

“A new slayer has risen.” Came the very proper voice. “The Slayer and her watcher will arrive in Sunnydale in a few days.”

Giles didn’t respond he had tried to hold himself back but how could he if it had been anyone but Buffy he might have had a chance but something between them just clicked and he often found wishing she were his daughter no matter how aggravating she might have been at times.

“I hope it won’t be to much trouble for you to stay on and help the new Slayer and her watcher. Wesley Wyndham Price is young but has excelled at his studies we expect you take him under your wing and guide him.” It wasn’t a question but a new assignment.

“I will do my best.” Giles responded and heard the phone click as the council member on the other end hung up.

As he set the receiver down in its cradle in a daze Giles walked to his kitchen and set about the task of making some tea. As he stood there waiting for the pot to boil reality came crashing down, and all hope for his charge disappeared. One moment he was fine the next Giles crumbled to the ground in grief sobs racking his body. A shrill whistle filled the air drowning out his sorrow yet he only sat there distraught over his loss.

After what seemed an eternity Giles rose to his feet and shut off the kettle. He would have to call Joyce and let her know. After Buffy’s disappearance he was forced to tell Joyce of Buffy’s calling. He was surprised at how well she took the news at first she hadn’t believed until Angel shifted giving her proof. The others would be by soon even Angel as they began their nightly search for the Slayer.
After calling Joyce she insisted on coming over to break the news to the others. Really he knew how she felt he didn’t want to be alone either. Glancing over he watched as Joyce nerly rly rearranged some books he retrieved for her from his private library.

“You really don’t mind loaning me these.” Joyce asked softly her eyes were puffy from crying. For the past several hours since Giles called with the news she had been crying it seemed like she had been crying for days. After the first 3 days she held out hope but each night she cried herself to sleep knowing her baby was gone.

“Not at all, it will help you to understand what exactly your daughter was fighting, and the purpose she had in her life.” Giles smiled softly sitting down next to Joyce his hand taking hers within his.

“There is so much about her that I never knew.” Joyce glanced back down at the Watcher Journals that Giles had been keeping since he first meet Buffy. Within its pages were answers she hadn’t even known she was looking for, it was almost too much. All the fighting and trouble in LA had been for a reason and in a way that made it better.

There was a distinctive chatter outside the door just before Xander and Willow walked into the room.

“Where’s dead boy.” Xander asked over the past few days they had been searching with Angel and he had learned that Angel wasn’t quite as bad as irstirst thought. Actually he kind of saved them on sev occ occasions during their search for Buffy it made him kind of likeable.

“Angel’s not here yet.” Giles responded withdrawing his hand from Joyce’s not knowing what else to say.

“I did some research and found some blueprints of the city’s sewer system. It should help plan out our search better tonight we got lost so many times last night.” Willow jumped right in pulling out the blue prints and laying them out on the table.

“Why don’t we wait for Angel, Willow.” Giles replied softly trying not to think about it too much he wanted to get through it one time he didn’t want to have to relay the information over and over again.

“Have a seat.” Joyce replied going into mom mode ushering the kids to the couch. They sat there in awkward silence for a few minutes just before there was a knock at the door.

Giles quickly walked over and opened it glad to find Angel standing inside his doorway. “Why don’t you have seat.” Giles wasn’t really sure what else to say to the vampire.

Angel passed by Giles moving inside the small apartment. He could sense the unease in Giles, and sadness emanated from Joyce like a beacon.

“I don’t know how else to say this, so I am just going to say it.” Giles sighed taking a deep breath. “Another slayer has been called.”

They all sat in silence each of them knowing exactly what that meant. Buffy was gone. Angel tuned out the grief around him Joyce was holding a crying Willow and Giles was consoling Xander as sobs racked the boys frame. Angel’s heart broke at the loss of his love, his salvation. Lifting his gaze he met Giles and the knowledge hit him that if a Slayer had only just been called then Buffy had been somewhere with Spike for days god knew what he had done to her. Unfortunately Angel could imagine for he had intimate knowledge of the level of torture Spike could inflict and it turned his stomach to think what he might have done to Buffy before he finally killed her.

“What if he turned her?” Willow asked her voice shaky bringing a whole new problem to light.

“He wouldn’t do that.” Giles red ked kneeling down in front of Willow taking her hands within his own. “Its never been done.” Though Giles reassured Willow the possibility was still there, and one he hadn’t considered. Dear god they might have to face Buffy in vampire form, he wasn’t sure he could do it. Giles found himself meeting Angels gaze looking for confirmation but Angel simply looked away and that was answer enough.

Angel closed his eyes, dear god if Spike had sired Buffy he might have to drive a stake into the body that he had once held within his arms. He would have to watch that beautiful face crumble to dust. God he hoped it wasn’t something they would have to face. Even Spike has reckless as he was would never Sire a Slayer it was an unwritten rule, a code they all went by Slayers were killed, but never turned.

One thing was certain Spike wasn’t going to be walking the earth much longer. Angel planned on sending him to hell once and for all where he belonged.

Elsewhere in Sunnydale….

For a moment as she rose the past twenty-four hours seemed like a dream, nothing more. Then as she sat up in the same room as she fell asleep the night before she knew it hadn’t been a dream. The events of the evening flashed through her mind, and she knew that she should feel ashamed of what she had done with Spike. Angel she had loved Angel once, she still loved him in so many ways, but he wasn’t her Sire. Last night had given her a glimpse into the creatures she hunted each night. There was a connection between a childe and Sire that was like nothing else she had experienced.

Hunger began to filter through her senses as she slid off the bed. The bed she just realized was empty, she didn’t have to wonder where her Sire was at the moment she knew instinctively that he was with Drucilla his beloved. The very fact that she had forgotten his connection to Drucilla last night proved to her exactly how dangerous her connection to Spike was, she needed to learn more about the relationship she had with her Sire. The thought that Spike could have been with her last night then returned to Drucilla’s bed pissed her off. It seemed that on thing that carried over was the side of her that required monogamy, and loyalty from her partner.

Cheating was something she hadn’t tolerated before her reincarnation. Watching her mother deal with her cheating father had formed her ideas in this area. Joyce summers had been forgiving far to often only to have it happen again, and again. Finally after humiliation after humiliation Joyce finally gained a backbone and left Hank Summers. Buffy realized she wasn’t thinking of her mother in the same context as she had just a few nights before, it was strange.

Buffy glanced around becoming truly aware of her surroundings, she really hadn’t had time to look at her new room, since she arrived and now glanced around. It had potential it could use some work a few personal touches, and a good cleaning and it would be a lot better. Walking over to the closet, she opened it only to find it empty to her disappointment. That was one thing she was going to have to remedy soon, she really couldn’t wear the same clothes over and over, that would just be wrong. Buffy’s gaze slid to the door; well she certainly wasn’t going to wait in her room all day

Spike woke from a fitful sleep, arms and legs were entwined with his own, and he turned and found himself oddly disappointed to find his bed partner was Dru. Spike pushed the feelingde rde running his hand through her dark locks, Dru was his mate, Buffy was his childe it was just the novelty of having a childe that made him wake with the urge to have her by his side. With just a thought he became aware of his childe, and the disturbing fact that she was not where he had left her last evening. Dear god she was loose among his minions, Spike realized scrambling to his feet and pulling on his clothes. He tore out the door pulling on his pants not bothering with anything else.

Spike came to a dead stop, when he found his childe. He wasn’t sure if he should be proud or afraid as he took in the sight before him. Buffy stood among the numerous bodies of several wounded minions, one was kneeling before her without any effort at all her small and slender hand slammed into his chest and when it came out she held his heart within her palm. The vampire was suspended like that for a moment staring at his own heart until Buffy’s fingers curled around the organ and slowly crushed the life out of it until the heart and body turned to dust.

Buffy stared at her hand as the dust filtered through her fingers. She had come upon the minions just after leaving her room; they had begun to treat her as she suspected many newly formed vampires were treated as the lowest among them. The vampire she just killed had graphically explained just how he was going to use her once their Master tired of her. The others had laughed, and tried to grope at her body. One of them was now missing veryvery hand that had touched her person, and several others were sporting various broken limbs.

“I take it we won’t have to have another lesson about keeping your hands to yourself, and for the record I am no one’s girl.” Buffy purred, tossing back her hair and enjoying the scent of fear as they cowered away from her, cradling their broken bodies.

“No.” Came from several mouths as quickly as possible and echoed throughout the crowd who had simply watched in awe at the creature before them. They could sense there was something off, but could not deny that she was more powerful than the oldest among them.

“Introducing yourself to the clan, pet.” Spike asked softly his voice deadly. “I didn’t tell you that you could leave your room.” He saw the looks the Clan of vampires gave Buffy as they slowly filtered out of the room, they weren’t his own he acquired them when he killed the anointed one.
They had given him their allegiance because he was the biggest and baddest among them, and at the moment they stared at Buffy with an awe and respect they had never given him, and he was defiantly not happy.

“You never said I couldn’t leave.” Buffy responded sensing her Sires displeasure, and not caring because she wasn’t too happy with him either. Drucilla’s scent mingled with his own, and it was making her stomach turn.

“True.” Spike replied circling her, forcing her to move to keep him in her sights. He knew as a predator instinct would kick in and she would never leave her back open to attack. “Am I going to have to set rules Buffy, and punish you if you don’t follow them?” He asked moving in closer and very aware that she moved away from him not toward him as he expected.

Rules, the word set a part of her one edge and the thought roared through her mind, “Rules are for children I am eternal.” The thought didn’t escape her lips it echoed through every fiber of her being, and she grew light headed and felt herself sway slightly.

Spike caught Buffy in his arms as she suddenly became pale, and swayed on her feet. Concern swept through him he realized she had just fai. C. Catching her completely in his arms he leaned down catching her beneath her knees and cradling her against his chest. Carrying her through the warehouse they occupied he vowed to find them new lodgings and finally came to her room and laid her upon the bed.

She looked so fragile and innocent lying there he couldn’t help but lean down brushing his lips across her own. He bit his own lip then slid his tongue between her lips parting her own. After a moment her eyes fluttered open as his blood passed between her lips. Their kiss deepened and he pulled back brushing his fingers across her cheek.

“I don’t have any clothes, and I am hungry.” It wasn’t exactly what he wanted to hear but it brought a smile to his lips. She was after all young and the youth today was obsessed with fashion.

“Well I can take care of your hunger right away. As for your shopping if you’re very good we will go out tonight and get you a few things a whole new wardrobe if you wish.” Spike’s voice sent shivers down her back and she reached up drawing his lips down to her own. She wasn’t sure if it was his blood or lips that she desired more but at the moment she really didn’t care.

Spike deepened the kiss hosedosed his eyes as she trailed kisses down to his neck. The feel of her tongue flicking across the wounds from the night before sent a quiver throughout his body. He wondered if her bite would be as powerful as the last. Running his hand into her hair he drew her close and his breath caught as she sunk into him. There was no other way to describe the feeling, it was as if she had just become a part of him, it wasn’t the same as before it was better. For a moment he wondered if she felt the same for he had never felt this with Dru.

His body’s reactions were the same though far more intense he couldn’t stop himself from rocking his hips against hers. It intensified the sensations coursing though him, and he found his release his breath coming hard a fast against her golden locks. He felt her teeth extract from him, and he pulled back gazing into those sparkling green eyes.

Buffy smiled softly licking her lips pulling back from her sire. “I can’t wait to go shopping.” Buffy smiled up at her Sire relishing the idea of shopping.

A few days later…

Buffy glanced around her room or rather cell she should call it, if she wasn’t with Spike she wasn’t meant to leave her room. Spike gave her the line that she was still young and they were still bonding as Sire and Childe and he visited her almost everyday actually several times a day. The only problem was that she knew that was bullshit. The only reason she was confined to her room when she wasn’t with Spike was so that she wouldn’t run into Dru and upset the loony bird. Though she had met her briefly from the mumblings of the few minions she had actually spoken to Dru was quite simply crazy.

Already Spike was late this evening, which meant after being pampered by Spike, Dru had an episode. Those episodes seemed to be coming more and more lately requiring effectively limiting the time Buffy was able to spend with her Sire. It was already becoming old coming in second in her Sire priorities. Each night she had to wait till her grand-sire was taken care of before she could even consider starting her evening.

Glancing at the clock Buffy’s glaze slid to her closet and she made a choice one she knew would piss off her sire. Tonight she wasn’t waiting for anyone she was going out alone.

The bronze later that evening….

Buffy cut her way through the crowd before she had moved with a certain amount of insecurity, now there was none. At the moment she looked like she stepped off a magazine cover everything about her makeup, hair slightly curling around her shoulders, her outfit black leather pants and a blood red halter top that exposed the elegant lines of her back. Buffy was brutally aware of the attention of others as their eyes followed her, in a way she never had before.

Always she had been a predator but it had been passive, and reactive now it was instinctive a part of her completely. Sharpened senses helped her size up the herd and come up with likely prey. The options were boundless if she wanted a fight she knew exactly who to pick she she desired an effortless meal then she knew exactly who would provide which. It was the first time since her rebirth that she had been in a larger crowd and the assault on her senses was intoxicating. The scent of fresh meat surrounded her and the desire to feed uncurled slowly reaching out within her and pushing her to make a decision.

Finally she spotted the perfect candidate. He would be neither easy nor hard Gage. Gage was popular and athletic but he was on the swim team so he really wouldn’t be a big problem. Decision made she moved across the room her attention fixed on her target. Halfway there something inside her warned her that he wasn’t right or rather his blood wasn’t quite right so she moved on glancing back over her shoulder as she caught a glimpse of red hair. She knew only one person with that particular shade of red Willow.

Spike stormed out of Buffy’s room and grabbed the first minion he found by the throat forcing the pathetic creature to his knees.

“Where is she?” Unaware that his face had shifted and that he had already effectively crushed the vampires throat. The young demon tried to reply but was unable to and tears filled her eyes.

“She left about an hour ago all dolled up.” Another minion spoke up his gaze on the young blond vampiress he held in his grasp.

Spike tossed the girl aside and strode toward his rooms. Dru lay on the bed rocking Miss Edith back and forth.

“Such a bad girl.” Dru sighed. “She must be punished or else Miss Edith won’t be happy.” Dru purred sliding from the bed clutching the doll to her breast. “They won’t respect you if you don’t bring the girl to hand my dear Spike.” Dru’s face shifted into demon form. “Already too much power don’t you see that. She will be death of us!” Dru stopped before him. “Sooner or later you will have to choose the light or the darkness.”

Spike barely listened to Dru’s ramblings as he grabbed his leather duster. “I will be back soon, my princess.” Spike caught her behind the neck and drew her in for a quick kiss then he was out the door.

“Already it’s begun.” Dru growled staring at the door as it slammed behind her dear Spike. “Its time to come out and play Miss Edith.” Dru brought the doll to her face and wagged her finger at the doll. “Such evil thoughts you have my dear, you should be punished but I like them oh yes I do.” Dru smiled patting the doll on the head then twirling her around the room. Chapter 4: The Ones We Knew…..

Buffy remained in the shadows following her best-friend through the crowd remaining on the fringes just out of sight. Willow looked lovely tonight in a nerdy sort of way, not really noticed because her looks were understated not flashy and obvious. Someday she would shine, Buffy saw through older eyes that could see the potential Willow was a late bloomer as people liked to call it.

Buffy couldn’t help the smile that touched her lips as she watched Willow timidly move past Cordelia Chase and her little pack of morons. Buffy wondered how many times Willow was stalked through a crowd by some nasty and had no idea what a perfect target she made.

The wicked smile faded from her lips as the thought of Willow being someone’s victim flittered through her mind. Yet looking at things from a new prospective Willow had always been someone’s victim in one way or another. Shy, sweet, awkward, and unassuming she was the perfect victim.

A skilled predator would know exactly how much attention they needed to pay towards the wallflower to get her exactly where they wanted and then go in for the kill. The thoughts formed into a plan, and Buffy knew that without a doubt that Willow would succumb because sweet didn’t have the power to fight back, sweet died whimpering and begging.

Buffy watched Willow reach her destination their little couch where they spent many evenings just like this. Watching them made her miss their company so much of the time she was left alone while Spike tended to Dru. Buffy’s gaze shifted to the left of the couple as another piece of her past entered the scene, Angel. Sweeping him with her gaze she assessed him with new eyes and he was always found appealing despite the soul that hung about him.

A wicked smile touched her lips as she turned away from the party of three, and moved with purpose to draw out even better prey. It was time to play especially without along to curb her fun.

Angel smiled softly as he approached the pair. Over the past few days he had taken over the role of protector of Buffy’s little family her mother, Giles, and these two. Seeking out any lead he had tried to find Buffy, and was unable to get past Spike’s crew. When they asked if he heard anything about Buffy he lied, saying no.

The truth would only hurt them he heard rumors about a childe born with the skills of a master, and he had no doubt who that childe was. Angel knew deep down he was avoiding doing what he must kill the shell of Buffy Summers. Buffy was beyond somewhere good where she was happy, only a demon resided within the shell of her body.

Angel was listening to them talk about their day when he caught a glimpse of a familiar face it was fleeting then it was gone. His entire body coiled and became alert he felt it now something older, stronger and more powerful than him was in the club. Without a word Angel got up and headed in the direction he saw his vision heading. Instinct led him outside the back door of the club and down the alley.

“Predictable and sloppy,” came the soft purring and heartbreaking voice from the shadows just behind him.

Angel closed his eyes for a moment getting control of himself and remembering that it wasn’t her it was something else. As he turned she came out of the shadows and his knees almost buckled. If he thought she was beautiful before she was a goddess now. A slight smile touched her lips as he moved forward and Angel found himself taking a stumbling step backwards.

“Careful,” Buffy chuckled softly her gaze sweeping her paramour. Thoughts passed thru her mind of their sweet embraces their longing all the excuses why they shouldn’t be together.

Angel stared into her eyes and felt for the first time inferior to another vampire. He could sense she was older than even Darla yet she had only just been made. Then she moved forward and he felt his entire body tighten in alarm.

“You’re afraid of me?” Buffy whispered softly backing him into a nice secluded spot. “You should be.” Buffy moved with purpose and had Angel pressed against the wall her hands sliding up his chest.

Angel actually let out a gasp because while he was larger her slight body was effectively pinning him to the wall.

“You don’t like it do you feeling weak.” Buffy whispered sliding one hand up behind his neck her fingers sliding into his silky hair and she jerked his head back words arching his neck and his body against hers. His body shuddered as her lips brushed along his neck her tongue brushing along his jugular.

Buffy smiled against the skin of his neck at his response to her body despite his fear. “You still want me.”

“You I could never want you.” He growled trying to struggle but finding it impossible.

Buffy raised a brow angling his head downward. “You can’t deny that.” Buffy whispered rocking her body against his laughing as he moaned his eyes closing. “I understand you loved her, the Slayer.” Buffy jerked his head backwards and sunk her teeth into his neck.

Angel cried out at the invasion it was a show of dominance one he had used in the past on lesser vampires and it spoke volumes to the demon inside him who for once was glad he wasn’t the one in the drivers seat feeling what Angel felt at that moment.
All that humiliation and still it felt like heaven her teeth sinking into him, and he hadn’t felt another’s bite in sometime. Arms slid around her cradling her against him one hand sliding over the back of her neck.

“Buffy.” Angel whispered raggedly pressing himself against her his body responding despite his desire to kill the creature pressed against him.

Buffy pulled back moving out of his reach. “And here I thought you didn’t want me.” Buffy fought the temptation to toy with Angel further, and turned on her heel and headed home.

Spike slammed back into their lair, lot of good his connection to his childe was if he couldn’t bloody well find the bint when he wanted. As he walked inside one of Dru’s playthings stepped in his path. Melanie was quite the looker with red hair and has curves in all the right spots. Sometimes when Dru wasn’t up to par she brought Melanie into the mix.

“Master, she came back not to long ago and is in her room.” Melanie smiled, despite the fact that she was not happy at all. She was their mistress and master’s favorite until he brought his childe home. Dru was amazing but it was Spike that she desired, and his dismissal of her hurt. Nor was she happy with the way the others now bowed and scraped at Buffy’s feet after her little display of power a few days ago.

“Is she?” Spike growled barely glancing at the red-head as he headed toward his childe’s room. Spike didn’t pause in his progress and lifted his boot to her door sending it crashing open.

Buffy sighed tilting her head back a smile touching her lips as she enjoyed the hot bath. All she had mentioned in the earshot of a few of the minions was that she missed bubble baths. Within half an hour they had appeared with an old style bathtub and hot water.

God it felt wonderful, closing her eyes she enjoyed the smell of the vanilla bubble bath one of the minions saying he had caught the scent on her the first day she arrived. It had always been her favorite. Buffy opened her eyes as she felt Spike coming and let out a gasp sitting up as he came crashing into her room.

Spike wasn’t prepared for the sight of his childe sitting in a bath tub bubbles clinging to her skin her beautiful breasts bare to his gaze.

“Sire,” Buffy squeaked for the first time seeing him truly pissed off and advancing upon her.

Buffy quickly stood up stumbling from the tub as he approached. He knows she thought he knows I went out without permission. Spike kept coming so she back peddled her back hitting the wall of her room making her very aware that she was naked while he was fully clothed.

Spike’s gaze was focused despite the desire the sight of her caused to course through his body.

“Did you have a nice evening on the town, pet?” Spike’s voice was deceptively calm as he placed his hands on either side of her against the wall. He hadn’t noticed it before but he could smell it now Angel. His childe had Angel’s scent on her skin and his hands flexed his nails digging into the wall.

Buffy watched his eyes flash in and out from yellow to his blue and wondered how she could be so powerful so sure of herself with everyone but this man. It had to be the simple fact that he was her sire that allowed him to make her tremble at the prospect of displeasing him.

“Sire, I am sorry.” Buffy whispered reaching up to touch him, but before her hand could touch him he stepped back.

“Don’t touch me while you still have his scent upon you.” Spike growled. “Did you finally get to fuck your prince charming princess?” Spike slammed his hands against the wall caving in the wall slightly on either side of her head.

Buffy caught her breath at the show of violence and at his words. “We didn’t,” Buffy stammered “we didn’t I fed but we didn’t.” Her words were cut off as he grasped her by the throat.

“He always gets in the way.” Spike growled shifting into game face. “It’s time I start making the rules, and time for my childe to start obeying them or suffer the consequences.”

Buffy barely had a moment before he sunk his fangs into her neck. She gasped softly her eyes fluttering closed as he drank deeply almost do deeply. She should have pushed him away but part of her couldn’t part of her desired his dominance reveled in it, and the moment that side was in control.

Spike pulled back as he felt her grow weak enough and picked her up carrying her effortlessly to the bed. He laid her on the bed and moved to kneel between her legs spreading them open and staring down at her. He lifted his gaze to hers undoing his pants and kneeling so his things were in a deep V, and jerked her legs up over his thighs. Even though his girl was infused with power drained as she was she couldn’t stop him even if she wanted to, which from scents coming from her indicated she didn’t.

Spike needed no encouragement to take what was his with on thrust he was inside her. He gripped on thigh, and her hip to keep her in place as he pumped inside her. He kept his gaze lowered to where they joined enjoying he sight of him thrusting in and out of one of the few places Angel had never conquered on his girl. That’s what she was his girl, his childe and if the poofter thought he was going to take what was his, he had another thing coming. He’d had Dru first every inch of her, but this girl he might have shared a few kisses and gropes here and there but her body was his now and he intended on keeping it that way.

Buffy couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks, as Spike drew himself out of her then slammed back in. It felt good it seemed that when she was with her Sire it always felt good. He had barely touched her and hadn’t even looked at her since he started his onslaught. There was nothing she could do but lie there as he punished her. Then she couldn’t help but smile as he shifted his hips hitting her in just the right spot to send her body arching back. If this was her punishment she might just break a few more of the rules he was planning on setting for her.
End of Chapter 4: The Ones We Knew…pt 1

Buffy couldn’t stop the tears that flowed down her cheeks, as Spike drew himself out of her then slammed back in. It felt good it seemed that when she was with her Sire it always felt good. He had barely touched her and hadn’t even looked at her since he started his onslaught. There was nothing she could do but lie there as he punished her. Then she couldn’t help but smile as he shifted his hips hitting her in just the right spot to send her body arching back. If this was her punishment she might just break a few more of the rules he was planning on setting for her.

Chapter 5: The Ones We Knew, …Pt 2

Spike rose from the bed glancing down at the beauty sprawled out naked and asleep before him. His gaze swept her slowly taking in every aspect of her body and finding nothing lacking. Draining her had made her pliable and unfortunately tonight she tired out quickly. A smile touched his lips because his scent had banished all traces of angel, on her body but he had tasted him in her blood faintly which is why he fed her before she fell asleep.

Running his fingers through his hair he slowly put on his clothing and with one last glance left her alone to sleep where he did every night besides his dark princess. They were tearing him apart his dark princess, and his golden princess each wanting to be his one and only but he was unable to choose. Dru was his Sire, his savior they had been together for more years than he could count. Buffy was a breath of fresh air making him feel things he hadn’t entertained since his rebirth. There was the problem he knew how things with Dru would be with Buffy everything was new perhaps all the feelings he had with his childe would fade with time.

Spike walked into their room to find Dru sitting on the edge of the bed her slender thighs spread open, and Melinda kneeling naked between them. The sight would have normally made him instant hard, but Buffy had taken the edge off.

“Won’t you join us my sweet.” Dru purred running her fingers through Melinda’s hair. “I want to play.” Dru sighed arching back and running her hands over her breasts and smiling as she watched Spike’s gaze follow the trail. Buffy may be able to draw his attention for a while but Spike always returned to her, always.

“Of course,” Spike smiled wickedly as he turned his smile faded as he took off his jacket and tossed it onto a nearby chair. He actually just wanted to go to sleep tonight not have a marathon of sex with the two women in the room.

When he turned there wasn’t a trace of his true emotions as he moved toward the two women. Soon he was lost in Dru all thoughts and worries about his childe pushed aside for the moment.

Angel managed to gather himself together and make his way to Giles’s place. As soon as the door opened the watcher brought him inside.

“What happened?” Giles asked as he moved toward the vampire sitting with his head resting in his hands. Once Angel came in he had sat down his elbows resting on his knees and cradled his head in his hands.

“Buffy.” Angel sighed lifting his gaze. “Buffy did this.” Angel tilted his head to the side giving the watcher a clear view of the wounds at his neck.

“So it is as we feared.” Giles removed his glasses.

“Yes it is.” Angel replied. “She was at the bronze I was there watching Xander and Willow as we agreed if she were changed they would be her first targets.”

“She didn’t approach them thank god.” Giles sighed. “The council is sending a new Slayer to take Buffy’s place she will arrive within the week. I haven’t informed them of our suspicions regarding Buffy.”

“Have you been able to find out anything about the gypsy curse?” Angel asked trying not to sound too hopeful.

“Little, but I have a lead perhaps I might be able to find it or another spell that is similar.” Giles didn’t want to get is own hopes up but if they could restore her soul quickly enough perhaps there wouldn’t be too much damage.

Angel nodded getting up and heading toward the door, keeping the details of their encounter to himself. He was shaken because as Buffy held him he couldn’t exactly feel a demon he felt her Buffy and that just couldn’t be.

Buffy woke it was late and she could hardly move still reeling from the effects of the draining her Sire performed earlier in the night. Tilting her head to the side she knew he was gone that he had returned to Dru.

Always there would be Dru, and Buffy sighed knowing that he spent most of his time trying to find a cure for his Sire. If their roles were reversed she would do the same to save him simply because he was her Sire.

The door to her room opened and a slender blond vampire walked in she her clothing was a cross between punk and Goth.

“Thought you might like a drink, I am Sunday by the way.” Sunday smiled as he carried the pitcher of blood toward the vampire in the bed. Sunday was one of the youngest females in spike’s group and when she saw Buffy take out some of the older vampires she saw power and decided then and there she was going to take a side. In their little fucked up family
Spike was King and Dru was his Queen. Before Buffy had come Melanie and a few others had held places equivalent to Dukes and Duchesses.
Everyone else had held various roles in their little court but Buffy’s arrival and show of power had rocked the boat. The new Princess was gaining followers and didn’t even know it. Spike kept her locked up Sunday was certain because he was unsure about her place, but he couldn’t’ keep her locked up for long and Sunday meant to earn a position at the girl’s side from the start. The others would wait to see how things played out but Sunday wasn’t going to wait because one way or another she knew her future was with the girl lying before her now.

“I went out and got it myself.” Sunday smiled sitting on the edge of the bed. “I shouldn’t be here but I wanted to help.”

Buffy gazed up at the vampire as the girl helped her to sit up and held the pitcher up to her lips. “I thought you could use a little more than a mug or glass so I found you a lovely little college student at my usual haunt.” Sunday smiled thinking about her stomping ground at the college campus.

Buffy drank deeply not needing to take breath she continued until there was nothing left except the remnants coating the sides of the glass pitcher.

“Better?” Sunday asked pulling the covers up over Buffy.

“Why are you helping me?” Buffy asked.

Sunday smiled, “Because I was there when you kicked ass the other day and might I say leaving that one with just a hand was brilliant.” Sunday chuckled, “They respect you, and fear you now if you did that for just a few words and a little grabbing they can only imagine what you would do if they did more.”

“That still doesn’t explain why you are here?” Buffy’s gaze moved over the girls face.

“I wasn’t a cherished childe.” Sunday replied, “I was made then tossed into the masses to make my way through the throng of those just like me fighting for dominance. I have managed to carve myself out a little piece of power a little gang I control but it’s nothing when compared to Spike and dru they control the town me included.” Sunday explained. “I could help you I know the players in town I could be your friend.”
It was that word friend that caught her attention. Buffy gazed at the girl and instinct kicked in. Reaching out she grasped Sunday by the back of her neck and forced the girl’s neck back, and her teeth sunk in. In the back of her mind she knew exactly what she doing, Sunday wasn’t her childe but she was claiming her as such all the same, and she wouldn’t be so lonely anymore.

Sunday gasped as she felt the connection to her Sire snap and a new stronger bond form. Something coiled inside her and claimed her completely more powerful than anything else she had been touched by before. As Buffy teeth slid from her, she felt no loss because a part of her new Master was still within.

“Betray me, and you will die and all those you claim as your own.” Buffy purred softly sitting back meeting Sunday’s heavy lidded gaze. The vampire nodded and swallowed it was so much more than she expected. There was no special bond between her and the one who Sired her, nothing beyond being a slave to her maker but this was more it was intimate it was family.

“I won’t.” Sunday whispered her fingers moving to the wound on her neck, and her gaze falling to Buffy’s blood stained lips watching as her tongue swept out wiping away the last drop.

“I would love a bath.” Buffy smiled. “The one I was enjoying earlier was interrupted.”

“I will see to it.” Sunday smiled back getting up. “Would you like me to get you something more?” Holding up the pitcher Sunday lifted a brow.

“No, the college student and you were more than enough for now.” Buffy replied watching as Sunday headed toward the door, “Thank you Sunday.”

Sunday glanced back, “I should be the one thanking you.” With that Sunday left the room. Buffy gazed up at the ceiling knowing it was her who owed the vampire her thanks because as she lay there wallowing in her loneliness she had been thinking of turning her friends of making their friendship eternal. Sunday had saved her from having to make that choice because now she wasn’t alone though she knew little about Sunday she gleaned quite a bit as she claimed the girl. Shifting through her mind she found her desire to be more than she was and to belong to someone and Buffy had just fulfilled that desire.

Spike woke feeling off, not quite right. Lifting his head he saw Dru and Melanie laying together their limbs tangled together. Getting up he pulled on his pants and headed toward Buffy’s room.

He heard her laughing softly as he neared the room, the door was open slightly so he nudged it open slightly to see his Golden Princess sitting in a bathtub, with a familiar golden haired vampire sitting besides her holding up a pair of pants and a shirt.

“I think you would look amazing in this.” The girl’s voice carried to him.

“I am not exactly the Goth type Sunday.” Buffy smiled her eyes sparkling.

“You are any type, I admit it’s a change from what you normally wore, but you’re not that girl anymore.” Sunday chuckled shaking her head as she thought of Buffy in a cheerleading uniform. “You would look amazing but we really need to get you some more clothes your wardrobe is somewhat limited.”

Spike remained where he was watching as Sunday tossed the outfit down and leaned down next to the tub. “Let me help you, you’re still a little weak.” He stood up a little straighter waiting for Buffy to protest but he was floored when she handed over the cloth and Sunday moved it over her skin.

“Having fun ladies?” Spike asked, moving into the room. “I don’t recall saying you could have visitor’s pet.” Spike’s gaze was fixed on Sunday who he noticed moved forward and in front of Buffy in a protective position. Then he noticed the mark on her neck and moved forward with such speed that Sunday didn’t have a chance.

Spike had the girl on her knees facing Buffy in seconds, her head tilted to the side. “Care to explain.” He asked growling unable to believe what she had done, she wasn’t even two weeks old and she was claiming vampires as her own one who had sworn allegiance to him.

“Sunday is my friend.” Buffy replied not liking the way Spike was holding Sunday at all. “I get lonely when you’re gone.” Buffy sighed looking down at the water. “I needed a friend,” she admitted softly and Spike let Sunday go.

“You have me pet.” Spike replied moving toward Buffy and kneeling besides her his hand sliding along her cheek.

“Yes but you have Dru.” Buffy whispered tears forming in her eyes. “Now I have Sunday when your not here.” Buffy lied because Sunday wasn’t a pet or plaything but in this world friends weren’t the norm.

“I shouldn’t let you keep her I should dust her right now.” Spike growled jealous and angry because Buffy wanted someone other than him.

“Would you rather I turned Willow and Xander.” Buffy asked, watching his eyes shift at the mention of her friends.

Spike didn’t want any of them changed because they would defiantly hold a place in her heart.

“Fine you can keep her.” Spike growled, “But she is it no more taking my minions as your own.”

Buffy smiled her gaze moving to Sunday who had remained where Spike left her the girl returned her smile and got up standing to the side.

“Is that what this is all about, I promise I won’t claim any other of your minions as my own.” Buffy smiled up at her Sire.
“Would you like to join me?” She asked and he smiled back.

Buffy watched Sunday move toward the door and leave without being asked, her gaze slid back to Spike who was removing his pants. A smile touched her lips as she wondered exactly how they were going to manage this in the small tub. “We really need to find a better place than this.” Buffy sighed softly.

“I know pet I am working on it.” Spike smiled sliding into the water with her. “You really like baths don’t you?” He raised a brow filing that little fact away he would defiantly have to find them a place with a large tub that they could really enjoy.

“Yes I do.” Buffy smiled.

Sunday left the room, glancing into the other rooms as she passed some were empty and she was considering leaving her lair on campus and move back here to be near Buffy.

“Well if it isn’t little Sunshine.” Melanie purred seeing the spunky little blond she liked to torture upon occasion.

“It’s Sunday.” Glaring at the half dressed bitch who lorded her position over all of them as Dru’s little pet she wasn’t scared this time or worried.

Melanie cocked her head slightly as she didn’t detect the usual unease she caused the blond.

“How’s campus life treating you, my dear I do miss our times together.” Melanie moved closer pressing the girl up against the wall. Sunday was quite a treat something Melanie indulged in when the mood struck and because of her position in their hierarchy she wasn’t allowed to say no, because she didn’t have the power to stop Melanie.

“Those times are in the past.” Sunday growled shoving the red-head away from her smiling at the shocked gasp that escaped her lips.

Melanie reached out to strike Sunday but he girl caught the blonde’s wrist and used it to twist Melanie around and slam her up against the wall.

Leaning close to Melanie Sunday whispered in her ear. “Touch me again and I will rip your fucking arm off. Things are changing and I am no one’s plaything anymore.” Sunday chuckled softly, “Well except for Buffy.”

Moving away from Melanie, Sunday headed down the hallway.

“You’re going to pay for that bitch.” Melanie sneered heading back toward her protector. Rating: NC-17

End of Chapter 5: The ones we knew…pt 2

“Those times are in the past.” Sunday growled shoving the red-head away from her smiling at the shocked gasp that escaped Melanie’s lips.

Melanie reached out to strike Sunday but the girl caught the blonde’s wrist and used it to twist Melanie around and slam her up against the wall.

Leaning close to Melanie Sunday whispered in her ear. “Touch me again and I will rip your fucking arm off. Things are changing and I am no one’s plaything anymore.” Sunday chuckled softly, “Well except for Buffy.”

Moving away from Melanie, Sunday headed down the hallway.

“You’re going to pay for that bitch.” Melanie sneered heading back toward her protector.

Chapter 6: Soul’s are Tricky Things

Giles glanced over at Jenny as she walked into his office. “Can I talk to you Rupert?” Jenny asked shutting the door to his office closed.

Giles nodded despite the fact that he didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, he was fixated on one thing Buffy and finding a way to restore her soul.

Jenny held the spell her clan had used on Angelus in her hand. She had been sent to Sunnydale to make sure that Angel retained his soul to ensure that he continued to suffer for the grief he brought to her people. But even her people’s desire to keep Angel suffering couldn’t blind her to the suffering of the man before her. And after endless nights of research she had found the key to end that suffering.

“Just listen to me Rupert, don’t interrupt or I may not be able to finish.” Jenny took a deep breath.

“I am sorry I lied to you but just let me explain why I never meant to lie to you.” Jenny glanced away not sure if Rupert was going to let her finish or if he was going to turn his back on her again.

Since he didn’t respond she decided to press on and get as much out in the open as she could. “My family sent me here to watch Angel; you see my ancestors are the ones who cursed him with his soul back as punishment for what he did to them or rather to one of them.” Meeting his gaze she took a deep breath preparing herself for the rest of her explanation.

Watching the understanding of what she was saying fill his eyes then the anger she glimpsed the night he learned she wasn’t just there by coincidence began to fill them. “I didn’t say anything at first after Buffy went missing, because the magic involved was lost centuries ago, but I have been doing research and I found it, the spell I mean.” Jenny held out the document her hand shaking slightly. “I translated it for you.”

Giles stared at Jenny the woman he had started to care for, never guessing for the moment that she had ulterior for a moment, and the document she held the key to helping Buffy. Reaching out he took the slip of paper meeting her gaze. “So all of this, was so you could watch Angel?” He asked softly his voice shifted into a deadly and cold tone that Jenny had never been on the receiving end of.

“No Rupert, not us that was never about Angel.” Jenny moved toward him stopping as he took a step back. Now wasn’t the time for that there were other things going on. “I want to help you.”

“Tell me about the spell.” He asked his gaze sliding over the page he couldn’t deal with their budding relationship or rather their ending relationship right now.

“It restored Angel’s soul that is until he feels a moment of true happiness then he will loose his soul.” Jenny responded softly. “The ingredients are pretty simple except the Orb of Theslia. I checked with the magic shop the moment I translated the spell, they have one at the moment and I put it on hold.”

“So we can restore Buffy’s soul but there’s a loop hole if she is ever truly happy she will become soulless once again, yes?” Giles asked his gaze raking her then returning to the spell.

“Yes, it was designed specifically for Angel it was created to punish him not save him.” A sigh escaped Jenny’s lips as she watched Giles.

“There is nothing quite like a Gypsy curse, revenge with a bit of a twist.” Giles lifted his gaze to her own. “We’ll need to get everyone together I think its time we tell Xander and Willow about Buffy.”


She walked through a corridor the soft whisper that filled the void was the slithering of what hid in shadows trying to get away and not gain her notice. They were nothing to her merely that which feed off those weaker than them, and even now still new to this world and adapting she was anything but weak. Without a care for their presence she moved with purpose her destination loomed ahead, walking out into the crisp night air caressing her skin as she strolled out onto the balcony giving her the perfect view of her kingdom.

This mortal realm lay before her ripe for the plucking. Her arrival in this realm was preceded by a meteor shower which the prophets of this world saw as a sign. The mortals of this realm welcomed her with open arms ready to believe in something, anything so long as it gave them purpose.

Temples were being erected at this very moment to give her acolytes a place to worship. They believed she was a goddess and in truth she displayed all the traits their myths possessed so she let them believe it. It amazed her still how quickly the mortals in this realm turned their backs on their beliefs when they were given a goddess in a form they could see, hear, and touch.

Leaning forward against the balcony’s railing she closed her eyes enjoying the sensations this form gave her opening her eyes she stared out at a small corner of the world that was currently hers, soon all of this world would fall under her power. These mortals had no idea what her kingdom would be like, if they did they would have killed or at least tried to kill her upon her arrival. A smile touched her lips at the thought because it wouldn’t have changed the final outcome of her plan just the tactics she would use to get what she wanted.

Buffy’s eyes fluttered open and she fought off the remnants of her dream. It had seemed so real as if it were happening or as if she were the woman in her dreams. She could still feel the breeze upon her skin, the growing power coursing through her body. Taking an unnecessary deep breath Buffy sat up and slid out of bed.

Lifting her gaze as the door to her room opened, Sunday walked in carrying several shopping bags a minion following his arms laden with a mass of bags, as well. Buffy didn’t need a clock to tell her that Spike was delayed in coming tonight. No doubt Dru was having one of her spells that would require his undivided attention for most of the evening.

“Since Spike won’t let us go shopping, I thought I would bring the store to you.” Sunday smiled, at her mistress pleased as she watched Buffy’s eyes begin to sparkle. Her gang hit several stores last night and gathered all the items they could find in Buffy’s size.

Buffy smiled approaching the bed as Sunday set down some of the bags. “What a wonderful gift.” Buffy watched Sunday as she set out clothes on the bed.

“What do you think?” Sunday asked holding up an outfit.

Buffy smiled, glancing down at the trendy outfit Sunday held out. “I thought we would ease you into the punk look a little bit at a time. We can start with a little leather here and there you would look fabulous in leather, and Spike likes leather.” Sunday teased as Buffy took the clothes out of her hands.

“Does he?” Buffy asked, holding up the outfit and glancing down at herself and then looked at Sunday. “Well lets try on a new look then.”

Buffy found herself laughing as she tried on outfit after outfit. After the first few she no longer thought about what Spike would like and started putting things together the way she liked. If he wished her to dress a certain way then he could buy her something new, or take an interest in her for something other than sex here and there when he wasn’t catering to Dru’s needs.

Spike watched as Dru swayed back and forth her hands raised in the air under the night sky. Even at times like this when she was completely off her rocker he found her breathtakingly beautiful. Something about Dru ensnared him from their first meeting and he had never really been able to break away.

“Do you here them.” Dru spun around her arms wrapping around her waist.

“They are laughing at me those bad girls are laughing at me Spike. How can you let them hurt me so?” Dru pouted softly, giving him her hurt little girl looks that usually got her what ever she wished.

“Bad girls should be punished, Miss Edith says so. That traitorous bitch hurt my Melanie I want her punished.” Dru growled softly clawing at the air.

“Punished,” she whispered the growls escaping her becoming more feral as she began to claw at her upper arms.

Spike moved forward catching her wrists and sliding them down her body and back around her back so his arms cradled her while he kept her from hurting herself further. “I will take care of it luv. I always take care of everything don’t I?” Spike brushed his lips against hers. “Let me take care of the bad girls.”

“Do you hear the music my love.” Dru asked humming softly swaying her body slightly to the music only she could hear. “The pixies are whispering their sweet song in my ear. Stay with me tonight my sweet spike, and lets have a ball just the two of us.” Dru whispered against his lips her gaze no longer dreamy but focused and intent. “Show them all that I am your favorite that I am your girl, your only girl.”

“They all know it pet.” Spike whispered his lips brushing against hers lightly. “They know that you’re my Queen.”

“Even her, you’re princess does she know that your heart belongs to me always and forever?” Dru asked reaching up and cupping his cheek. “I can feel her coming between us she is poisoning your love for me, she won’t settle for second best.” Dru whispered her fingers running over his lips her gaze focused on him.

“Never pet, no one will ever take your place you are my one and only.” Spike whispered kissing her finger tips trying to reassure Dru that things were the same between them. Despite the fact that he no longer knew what he was feeling that he felt like he was being torn apart. When he was with Dru he felt one thing, when he was with Buffy he felt another it was so damn confusing.

“You are so lost in your childe you aren’t even trying to find my cure.” Dru whispered in a hurt childlike voice.

Spike tightened his hold on Dru pulling her further into his embrace. “I would never forget that. Dalton is working on it pet he’s translating that text it is going to take time.”

“Time, is something we may not have.” Dru whispered against his neck a slight smile on her lips as she felt his embrace tighten.

“Don’t say such things.” Spike growled unable to think about a life without Dru. Juggling his Queen and Princess had left little time for anything else. Buffy had distracted him from the most important thing to him and that was finding a cure for Dru and he wouldn’t let anything or anyone stand in his way.

Buffy sighed, slipping into the bath that Sunday had prepared after bringing her another pitcher to drink. It was pathetic she was vampire yet wasn’t allowed to feed without her Sire in tow. It had been quite some time since he had chose to grace her with his presence not giving a thought about how she was doing, nor had he thought to send her something to eat if he wasn’t going to be able to take her out to hunt.

A soft growl escaped her lips at his carelessness about her well-being she was his childe after all that was supposed to mean something. At times he made her feel like she was the center of his world then those moments would pass and she would feel like this inadequate. It wasn’t a feeling she liked, and something inside her flare up at the thought that she was inadequate.

The warmth of the bath eased her body, but not her mind. The baths were becoming a ritual a way to fill the hours she was locked within this room. She hadn’t even mentioned the desire to bathe it she had been putting away the clothes Sunday had brought when the bath arrived. Sunday smiled carrying the pitcher and an elegant goblet and set up the bath for her and left without a word.

Buffy lifted her hand out of the water and reached out for the goblet. Her fingers brushed the goblet sending it crashing to the floor and the dark red liquid spilled out onto the floor.

The blood spread and soon it was all around her all over her. No longer was she in her room but standing on a battlefield a sword in hand. Before her lay a field of blood and gore bodies torn to shreds. Moving forward a hand reached out grasping her ankle. Glancing down her gaze met the green eyes of a young warrior who fell during the battle to the sword she held in her grasp.

“Whorespawn!” He spat at her and she smiled down at him and moved so she was standing over him.

“You have no idea.” Raising her hand with little effort she produced a ball of fire hovering just over her palm.

“I could burn you to cinder right now and send you to join your gods in the hereafter.” A smile touched her lips as she lowered herself so she straddled his hips. “But I think I will keep you for a little while for when I get bored.” Touching her hand to his chest she reformed the gaping wound upon his chest and stood. Glancing behind her she saw her acolytes just waiting behind her.

“Take him,” her voice purred as her gaze looked out over the ground she had just claimed as her own. This region had been more resistant than the last, and now it was bathed in the blood of those who resisted. Those she couldn’t convert with her wiles and lies she crushed under the might of her growing army, and the tip of her sword.

“What about the prisoners and other survivors Amon.” The warrior behind her asked.

“Kill all but a handful, take those left to the borders and let them go. They will spread the word and let all those who stand against me know what will become of them if they do not bow to my will.”

Buffy yanked herself out of the dream or rather memory and her chest was heaving as she shakily stumbled out of the bath. That hadn’t been a dream it had been a memory curling her fist onto itself she opened it holding it as she or rather Amon had and concentrating she tired to form a fireball in her palm.

After a moment she let out a shaky breath and chuckled at herself lifting her hand up she swallowed that laughter as suddenly everything inside her seemed to focus and a spark sputtered within her palm. To weak, a voice whispered inside her head you are too weak for even such a small display of power not yet but soon. The soft voice her own yet it held tone that was not.

Buffy sat down on the bed what was happening to her, something was seriously wrong. Walking to the closet she pulled out an outfit and pulled it on. Without thinking of the consequences she headed out intent upon finding answers, and she headed toward the one person she knew could help her.

Jenny calendar glanced up at the door way of her office, and gasped at the sight of the person standing there.

“How did you get in?” Jenny asked, stumbling out of her chair trying to place it between her and Buffy.

“Actually, there’s an invitation right on the entry way, for those who seek knowledge.” Buffy smiled, sensing Jenny’s fear she moved into the room shutting the door.

“Giles is here.” Jenny warned and felt her heart sink as the girl shrugged.

“Perhaps I will stop by on my way out and say hi.” Buffy moved forward. “I need some information.” Buffy continued ignoring the sound of Jenny’s pounding heart and the delicious scent of her blood it had a different aroma to it sweeter perhaps it was the magic.

“What?” Jenny managed truly surprised at Buffy’s words.

“Information, research I need you do some research for me.” Buffy stopped by the desk flipping through Jenny’s paper work.

“What if I don’t?” Jenny asked bravely.

“I kill you take your body with me and in a few days you’ll do it anyway.” Buffy smiled, and it sent chills down Jenny’s back. “It’s up to you either way I get what I want.”

“What do you want to know?” Jenny asked the choice made she didn’t want to become a vampire.

“I need you to find me everything you can about a demon named Amon.” Buffy moved so quickly Jenny didn’t even have chance to blink before her throat was within Buffy’s grasp.

“If you tell anyone about the research or fail me, you will die.” Buffy purred softly shifting her eyes turning violet and her fangs extending. Jenny had never seen a vampire that didn’t shift into their demon. “Very slowly,” Buffy whispered “And when you rise again I will make sure that your unlife is hell.”

Buffy let go of Jenny and turned toward the door. “I suggest you get started tonight I will be dropping by soon, and you don’t want to disappoint me.”

Buffy slipped back into her room without being noticed, she could tell Spike hadn’t bothered to come that evening at all. Tossing off her clothes she reached for a book it was the only way to pass time there was no TV, and it had been lying around so she snatched it.

Giles stood before the group which consisted of Angel, Willow, Xander, and surprisingly Cordelia Chase he had just told them about Buffy and the spell.

Angel stood up and moved away from the others. He knew the Gypsy’s had cursed him with his soul he just hadn’t known about the loop hole in the curse.

“So we can bring her back.” Willow whispered reaching for the spell, she had been working on her magic and everyday she got better and better.

“Yes, I think so, but we won’t know for sure until we try.” Giles responded.

“Can we alter the spell to ensure that she won’t loose her soul?” Angel asked his gaze focused on the darkness just thinking about Buffy and what she had done to him in that Alley way caused mixed feelings within him.

On one hand he had been disgusted that she made him respond to her because she wasn’t Buffy just the shell, but that part of him that he kept locked away reveled in the feel of her against him.

“Perhaps later we will find something but for now, I think its best we perform the ritual and worry about permanently anchoring her soul later.” Giles sighed taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

“I think I can do this.” Willow glanced up meeting Giles gaze.

“I am picking up the orb today I would like to try the spell as soon as possible do you think you can be ready in a day or so.” Giles asked he wasn’t to keen on Willow’s dabbling with magic especially when it came to her so easily, but at the moment he need her skills.

“Yes.” Willow responded without hesitation.

“We have other things on our minds, but I wanted to let everyone know the council called today and they are sending another Slayer to Sunnydale she will arrive sometime this week. Her name is Kendra.”

“Great just what we need, another Slayer running around she is probably going to try to stake Angel and Buffy.” Cordelia sighed getting to her feet. “If we’re done I have shopping to do.”

Spike left Dru in their bed and made his way down the hall, he glanced toward Buffy’s room as he passed by at the moment he had other things to worry about his childe could wait.

Spike pushed open the door not bothering knocking and met Dalton’s surprised gaze. “Times run out mate, can you get the job done or not.”

Dalton stared at the vampire for a moment then moved toward the cross of Dulac. “I almost have it translated since we retrieved the key things have been going better, Master.”

Spike glanced over the work, “You have two days mate I want an answer by then or I turn you over to Dru, and find someone else.”

Dalton sunk into his seat at got to work, the last thing he wanted was to be turned over to that loon.

Spike went out into the early evening the sun had set just a hour or so ago, but he needed to find himself something to eat he had a feeling it was going to be a long night.

Buffy stood facing a woman known to her yet she had never seen her before in her life. A warrior that much was evident they were like night and day. Where Buffy was golden this woman was dark and beautiful with the most vivid violet eyes.

“Who are you?” Buffy asked.

“I am you.” Amon answered unable to resist because she really no longer existed on her own for in their final battle it had been the Slayer who subdued a god. “We are one.” Amon began to circle the girl who had bested her will and when they were merged absorbed the other.

“I don’t understand.” Buffy whispered moving countering Amon’s advance.

“Watch,” Amon whispered and the darkness surrounding them faded away and they were surrounded by a battlefield where two combatants were engaging one and other.

“We have been at it for an eternity, at least in this place.” Amon murmured with a slight shrug. “It was time for you to rise I thought I could step in and take over I was wrong.” Amon admitted sighing softly as their battle stopped suddenly as they literally began to be pulled apart.

“The powers couldn’t stop it you are being called back and it hasn’t been decided which of us will for lack of a better term be the winner. Normally it’s the demon that is able to overpower the human soul; I assumed a Slayer would be not different.” Amon smiled slightly she was allowed these moments when Buffy was asleep to come out otherwise her essence was fragmented and combined with that of the Slayers.

The girl had no idea what potential she held locked in a gilded box she hadn’t felt the changes in herself and not just the physical one but the metaphysical ones were amazing to say the least. Amon when she was whole had the ability to give life or too take it. More often than not she chose to take it and cause chaos unlike others of her kind who decided to guide lesser beings.

“We became one.” Amon whispered moving behind Buffy who watched in amazement as their essences were pieced back together into one. “Or rather you consumed me, and became what you are at this moment.” Amon wasn’t exactly sure why she was able to reach Buffy in her dreams the girl had obliterated her on the astral plane in those last few moments as they were formed atom by atom. There were layers within the essence of Slayers that had been forgotten or perhaps forgotten on purpose.

“What am I?” Buffy asked softly there was no answer, so she tried another. “Do you control me?”

“I wish.” Amon chuckled, “No one controls you, well except maybe your Sire that I can’t help you with that’s a vampire thing. I am like an echo or a ghost I can talk to you when you’re asleep and sometimes my personality commingles with yours in certain situations but I am not in the driver’s seat. Everything you do is up to you; you can’t blame anyone else for that.”

“Do I have my soul?” Buffy found herself asking and really wanted an answer.

“Actually,” Amon began but started to fade away and she shrugged. “I really don’t know.” The words were a whisper.

Buffy sat up in complete darkness not that it mattered she slid off the bed and walked to the table and lit a candle. Thoughts shifted through her mind as she pulled on some clothes.

The door swung open and Buffy’s entire body went on alert because her Sire had decided to finally grace her with his presence.

Spike felt it immediately upon entering the room something different about his childe and he didn’t like it. He had been heading into town when he remembered that he hadn’t seen to Buffy the day before, and hadn’t left instructions for anyone to tend to her needs.

“You’ve fed.” It was a statement not a question and he shut the door behind himself.

“I was fed, Sunday brought me a pitcher.” Buffy responded continuing to dress.

Spike’s gaze raked her body as she covered all that lovely and flawless skin.

“And here I was worried you might be starving.” He whispered closing the space between them.

Buffy gazed up into his gaze, “What did the thought suddenly pop into your head.” At the look in his eye she smirked her hand sliding up underneath his shirt. The feel of his skin was like a balm or rather a drug it blinded her to the anger she felt at being ignored.

“I am here now.” Spike responded his voice touched with anger. “Care to join me for bite out or would you rather your girl bring you another pitcher.”

Buffy leaned in to him lifting her lips up towards his she gave into the urge and let her tongue slide gently across his lower lip. The taste of him was mingled with the taste of the other and completely changed the course of her actions.

“I would rather stay in.” Buffy was unable to hide the disgust that flashed across her face as she turned to move away.

Spike caught her by the hair and jerked her back against him. His free hand caught her hip and he purposely ground his hips against her buttocks. The challenge to his authority hadn’t been in anything she said but in that look and he was going to make her regret it.

“Can you taste her on my lips?” Spike asked tightening his grip on her as she struggled. “No, no pet my rules you keep forgetting that we are playing by my rules not your own.”

“Get off me.” Buffy growled and surprised him instead of trying to jerk forward she slammed her head backwards connecting with his nose.

“Bloody hell,” Spike growled sure she had broken his nose. Shoving her forward he was ready for the moment when she whirled around and he sent her stumbling backwards with a backhand.

Buffy scrambled to her feet as he advanced but not fast enough she had been distracted by the trickle of blood flowing from his nose. Even as he grabbed her by the hair again jerking to her knees before him, she couldn’t stop the smirk from crossing her lips.

That bloody smirk is what sent Spike over the edge. Instead of flying into a rage he felt himself grow eerily calm that part of him that claimed Buffy taking over.

Buffy felt the change in her master one moment she had him on the verge of violence the next his grip tightened on her hair which suddenly felt like a leash. He reached up wiping the blood from his nose and his gaze shifted for a moment as they stared at one and other. Then his hand slid down his body to his pants. Unable to look away she watched him undo the button on his jeans and the sound of his zipper coming undo filled the room like a clap of thunder. His hand adjusted his pants just enough and her body tensed as he pulled himself out.

The sight of him actually was something new she hadn’t spent much time staring at his penis, manhood or whatever term you chose it was large. Long and thick it was an extension of him and like the rest of him looked like a piece of carved marble.

Buffy felt his hand tighten its grip at the base of her neck using her hair as an anchor he shifted her forward. The tip of him brushing against her lips, and Buffy stared up into his gaze. They stared at one and other for what seemed an eternity until Buffy lowered her gaze unable to hold his gaze for long when he was looking at her like that.

Parting her lips she flicked her tongue out over the skin not sure what to expect but found it soft and silky to the touch. Buffy glanced up at him for a second then away for his expression hadn’t changed. Buffy slid her mouth over the tip completely and swirled her tongue around it gently sucking. His other hand slid into his hair his fingers sliding through her hair his palm against the back of her head.

Sliding her hand up she placed her hand where his had been at the base of his cock. Moving her lips she began to move her mouth up and down. She was unable to take all of him in her mouth so she started using her hand to stoke the area she couldn’t reach. As she moved back and forth she swirled her tongue around him. Pulling back she shifted her head and used her hand to give her access to the underside of his cock. Running her tongue from the base of cock to the tip she felt a throb beneath her tongue and when she reached the tip she sucked his cock back inside her mouth finding it easier to take more of him inside she used her tongue working it against the spot she noted earlier.

Spike stared down at his childe watching as she worked her mouth over him. At first her inexperience was evident then she seemed to catch on and now she seemed to know exactly what to do. Then she began to work her tongue against that spot and he couldn’t stop he growl that escaped his lips.

Buffy glanced up at the sound and found him watching her intently. Thinking she had done something wrong she started to pull back only to find his grip on her tighten and his cock slid back inside her mouth. At first she panicked as he slid out and then back in then his hand shifted the angle of her slightly and she found herself able to take a whole lot more of him inside her mouth. Bracing her self she put her hands on his hips as Spike slid himself between her lips.

“Look at me.” He growled watching as he fucked her mouth her gaze lifted to his and he continued their gazes locked until he came. He watched her eyes widen the moment he came and he didn’t’ let her go forcing her to make a choice to either pull away or swallow it. He almost came again as she swallowed down every last drop. It felt as if he were being sucked deep inside her. Spike pulled out inch by inch pleased that she kept her gaze on him as he had instructed.

Buffy kept her gaze on Spike as he slid himself back into his pants.

“You didn’t seem to mind the taste of her that time, now did you pet?” Spike watched her eyes filled with lust seconds before fill with rage, smirking he walked to the door. “Sunday won’t be joining you tonight.” He ran his tongue along his lips. “She is going be occupied with other things, I might stop by to bring you something to eat, then again I might not.”

The click of the lock sounded like a gunshot in the room and Buffy growled softly getting to her feet. If he thought that was it he was dead wrong.


Author: Aislynn

Disclaimer: It’s not mine all of it belongs to Joss, and Mutant Enemy. I just fell in love with characters from the very first episode.

Summary: First off thanks for the reviews I appreciate them again sorry for the delay in updates RL sometimes intrudes. I am hoping to have an update up every other day perhaps more if I can. Things are moving right along a lot is going to happen in this chapter, I just hope you like it.

Rating: NC-17

End of Chapter 6

“You didn’t seem to mind the taste of her that time, now did you pet?” Spike watched her eyes filled with lust seconds before fill with rage, smirking he walked to the door.

“Sunday won’t be joining you tonight.” He ran his tongue along his lips. “She is going be occupied with other things, I might stop by too bring you something to eat, then again I might not.”

The click of the lock sounded like a gunshot in the room and Buffy growled softly getting to her feet. If he thought that was it he was dead wrong.

Chapter 7 – Shadows

Buffy sat staring at the door as she had for what seemed an eternity seriously considering kicking it off the hinges. It would take little or no effort the door and the lock weren’t exactly made to stand up to vampire strength.

In the past, she would have reacted instantly kicking the door in without thinking. But what would that get her, another confrontation with her Sire? Sire’s she had absolutely no idea about the intricacies of the relationship between Sire’s and their Childe. This was defiantly an area she would research in the near future and see if there were any loopholes.
And just what in the hell was he doing with Sunday anyway? Buffy pushed herself off the bed and began to pace. Sunday was hers he agreed. If he hurt one head on the girls head he would pay.

She knew instinctively she was unable to fight Spike something inside of her held her back. For whatever metaphysical reason Spike had some control over her because of his status as her Sire, and that was the problem. Buffy always fought things head on and in this case that was not an option, at least not yet. If she couldn’t fight back directly there were other avenues she simply had to explore. All she needed to do now was figure out what she wanted, and how to make it happen.

So far Buffy had been focused on Spike and how he wasn’t spending time with her, when she should have been trying to figure out how to gain the power in their relationship. Power was essential if you didn’t have power you weren’t in control which meant you were at the mercy of someone else. Pacing furiously she turned the problem over in her mind again and again until she stopped a smile touching her lips.

The answer had been right in front of her all along. She didn’t need to fight Spike to bring him to his knees. Spike was her sire and in the scheme of things he had the power in their relationship, but he had one weakness. A weakness he had displayed over and over again since the very moment she met him and that was his precious Drusilla. The smile faded as Buffy felt Amon agree, that was defiantly going to take some getting used to.

In their little family triangle as crazy as Dru was she held the power and in the end that was it always came down too, power. A plan started to form in her mind, as she settled down on her bed. The first step was getting Spike to open up that damn door and give her the key to her freedom willingly. The rest would follow now she just had to figure out how to get him to let her out of this cage he created.

Spike leaned against the doorway watching Sunday being for lack of a better term domestic.

“Buffy won’t be needing that tonight.” Spike spoke softly but Sunday still jumped knocking down the pitcher sending the crimson liquid across the surface of the table.

“Then you’re letting her out to feed?” Sunday asked, turning toward the Master. Spike had always unnerved her as he did others because he was unpredictable. Not to mention anyone who doted on a crazy loon like he did would give her pause.

“No.” Spike replied meeting her gaze not liking the independence within their depth. “I have something else for you to do tonight.”

“I have to take,” Sundays works were stopped as his hand wrapped around her throat effectively silencing her.

“I know you wouldn’t contradict my orders you’re not that stupid. I let Buffy keep you, doesn’t mean I can’t take you back.” Spike growled softly and let the girl go shoving her back slightly. “Dru and Melanie miss playing with you since you started your own little nest.” He saw fear spark within the depth of her gaze a smirked. “I am sure they would love a new pet.”

“Buffy would.” Sunday whispered but her words trailed off as Spike moved forward.

“I could make sure you never see Buffy again.” Spike purred closing the distance between them.

“Just the thought is striking fear into your heart.” Spike smirked, “This little bite I bet you never felt its like, you don’t even know what you did do you.” Spike brushed his fingers against Buffy’s bites and Sunday moaned softly.

“It binds you to her in ways you can’t even begin to understand, if she desired it you would be her slave do anything just to please her, anything to keep yourself by her side.” Spike leaned close forcing her back against the shelving behind her using it to brace himself as he met her gaze.

“Now can I count on you tonight?” Spike asked softly.

Sunday broke their gaze she couldn’t hold his gaze any longer for in this case Spike was dominant and she simply wasn’t at his level. “Yes.” She responded softly.

“That’s a good girl.” Spike reached down and gently lifted her chin up. “And think once you’re all done, you can run back to Buffy’s arms.”

“What would you like me to do, master?” Sunday asked, softly head bowed.

“It’s simply really shouldn’t take you more than a few hours if that.” Spike smiled, the task wasn’t important just something he wanted done and anyone could have done it. Sunday had her little pack of idiots to help her, and it helped him teach Buffy a lesson. Spike gave a few minions instructions to watch Sunday if the girl didn’t do as she was told he would take care of her, when he got back.

Spike walked into his lair a few hours later and after stopping by Dalton’s to make sure he was working on Dru’s cure he stopped by Buffy’s room. They were well on their way Dalton had figured out how to use the damn key to discipher the ritual and soon enough Dru would be well again.

A smile touched his lips finding the door still locked a small part of him had hoped she would have retaliated in some manner so he could punish her but she had been a good little girl. Turning the lock he opened the door to find her curled up on the bed her back to him a single candle burned low illuminating the room in a soft shadowy light. Not what he expected a raging hellcat yes, not the sight before him.

Shutting the door behind him, he walked toward the bed his gaze sliding over her as he lowered himself on the edge of the bed.

“Why do you hate me?” Came the soft question and Spike was surprised enough that he didn’t answer right away. He didn’t hate her quite the opposite she was his he wanted to protect her from all the things that could hurt her. Silly little idea he knew but it was what he had intended.

“I don’t hate you, pet.” Spike responded reaching out caressing her arm gently.

“You must, you treat me little better than an animal locked away in a cage. That’s what this room is to me a cage. I am nothing more than a plaything.” Buffy rolled over so she could see him and so that he could see her.

Spike wasn’t sure how to respond if she had yelled and screamed at him he would have known how to handle it. Yet as she rolled over and looked at him with sadness pooling in her eyes, he was lost.

He couldn’t tell her why he kept her locked up because unlike his Sire, he wanted too keep her safe. Not to mention that he wanted her all to himself but that wasn’t something you told someone because it gave them power.

Reaching out he gently brushed his fingers across her cheek, his gaze following their progress toward her lips. Brushing his fingers across the surface of her lips he felt her lips part slightly her tongue flicking out gently tasting him.

“You are my childe I could never hate you.” He responded his gaze focused on her eyes. “You are mine it’s actually rather simple we simply choose to make it more complicated than it is.”

“Is this what its like between you and Dru?” Buffy asked and his gaze left hers and she felt him stiffen slightly at the mention of his Sire. His hand slid from her face slowly, and she felt the loss of his touch intensely.

“No.” Spike responded honestly when he was first made he was more like Dru’s new pet she toted him along showing him off like a prize. The more vicious he was the more satisfied she was her little pet. Mostly he knew she did it to piss off Darla and Angelus who at times were so consumed by one and other they barely noticed her presence.

Daddy, as she liked to call Angelus allowed Spike to stay because he took care of Dru even when she was off her rocker. It had been that way from the beginning. Spike chose to stay because they were family and Dru was his Sire and she needed him. He knew it but he loved her anyway and taking care of her filled a need within him in one way or another living or dead he found himself caring for some who was ill.

“What did you do to Sunday?” Buffy found herself asking softly.

“She is doing a little errand for me.” Spike replied his gaze sliding down to her lips. “Don’t worry I didn’t hurt your girl, she will be back soon enough.” Spike’s gaze trailed back up to Buffy’s gaze. “Then the two of you can go out.”

Buffy’s surprised and questioning gaze flickered up to his, and he gave her a wicked smile. Spike had been thinking about giving her a bit of freedom after her display when she ventured out among his minions she defiantly could take care of herself on that score. But coming back and finding her like this tonight made up his mind. He simply didn’t have the time to keep Buffy locked up in a gilded cage, awaiting his pleasure. He already had to take care of Dru; he didn’t need to warp her into a similar clinging creature. He needed Buffy to be self-sufficient and able to handle herself if she was going to stay with them.

“There will be rules to follow and if you break them you will be punished.” Spike’s voice took on an edge at the end. “I want someone with you at all times, not that I don’t think you can handle yourself I am just worried about what your old friends might do.”

Buffy smiled, and rose up her lips covering Spike’s. Her mouth moved over his and she took control of the kiss brushing her tongue along his lower lip, gently parting them so she could explore the pleasures they guarded.

Pulling back she met his gaze and found herself drowning within their depths.

“I see you’re pleased.” Spike chuckled softly, “You may not be after you here the rest of the rules.”

“That depends upon what possible punishments you might have in mind.” Buffy purred softly biting her lower lip as she gazed up at him, “I might just have to break a rule or two.”

Spike leaned down capturing her lips after a few moments he pulled back sighing softly, “I can’t stay that long tonight.”

Buffy reached up gently pulling him down to her giving him a soft smile. “Not long, but I hope just long enough.”

Spike shifted back quickly shedding his duster, and tossed it aside as he watched Buffy stretch out her gaze roaming over his body. The fact that there were no theatrics no mention of him spending time with Dru was a welcome relief. When he was with Dru she constantly mentioned Buffy and went on and on ranting about bad girls.

Spike gave Buffy a soft smile and slowly lowered himself over her, loving the way she shifted her body instinctively against his. His mouth covered hers and his tongue slid between her lips beginning a long and slow exploration of her depths. Spike gently caught her lower lip between his teeth and gently raked the skin. Plunging back inside her he growled softy as her tongue met his caressing and coaxing his further into her depths. Spike pulled back to find Buffy staring at him with a dazed expression.

A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he stared down at her for a moment she was quite a sight all flushed, lips swollen from his kisses. Slowly he slid down her body watching a puzzled expression cross her face. Sometimes he forgot that he had been her first, and despite being quite the hot little package his Slayer had been quite inexperienced.

His lips brushed against her neck and he couldn’t help but gently suck upon his marks as he passed by them. Her entire body arched up against his at the action and he couldn’t help the smirk that crossed his lips. His lips trailed a burning path down the valley between her breasts. The fabric covering her skin from his touch shredded easily as he trailed his lips to the underside of her breast.

Buffy arched toward his mouth moaning as his hand slid up joining his lips. His fingers gently began to caress the mound of her breast then his hand closed over her breast squeezing kneading the flesh as his mouth closed over her nipple. His tongue swirled around the hardened nub and his teeth gently scrapped against the sensitive skin. Then his lips closed as he sucked on her nipple he let it go with an audible pop. His lips trailed toward her other breast and gave it the same attention.

Spike slowly slid down her writhing body placing open mouthed kisses on the way pausing at her belly button he swirled his tongue around the lovely little site, as his fingers deftly undid the fastening of her pants. Buffy’s skin tasted like vanilla and honey and was intoxicating he couldn’t stop the purr that coursed through him, and he felt her shiver in response.

As he peeled her pants off her legs he teased the unveiled skin with his lips gently sucking, nipping, and licking as he saw fit. Tossing her pants aside he shifted her legs apart slightly, running his hands up her legs he parted them further settling himself between her thighs placing a soft kiss on her inner thigh, then ever so gently he nipped the tender skin and ran his tongue up to the apex of her thighs.

A smile touched his lips at the naught red silk panties she was wearing they were simply delicious. He ran his tongue along the silk and tongued her through the silk placing a hard kiss against her clit. Using the silk and his tongue he ran his tongue in circles.

Buffy let out a harsh unneeded breath at the sensation rubbing against her clit. He ran his tongue around and around the bud the silk of her panties had never felt so good. Arching backwards her fingers dug into the blanket beneath her.

Spike rose up slightly guiding her legs up over his shoulders opening her up to him completely. His left and hooked the side of her panties and with a slight tug he tore right off her body.

A ragged whimper escaped Buffy’s lips as he tore her panties off. She glanced down and their gazes met for a moment and she watched as he flicked his tongue out caressing her lips in one smooth stoke ending his assent by slowly circling her clit. After that she was lost to anything but the motions of his tongue that proved to be a wicked thing indeed.

Spike began to gently nip and suck upon her clit, her fingers slid into his hair as her hips began to thrust against his lips. He then tensed his tongue and drove it inside her causing her to cry out and arch her back. A whimper escaped her lips as he began to thrust his tongue inside then out of her at an ever increasing pace. A slow burn began to form between her legs. Spike rose up sliding her thighs over his knees he knew she was close. Unzipping his pants he shifted forward sheathing himself in her completely. Moving his hips he thrust inside her gazing down at their bodies joined together enjoying the simple sight of him entering and leaving her body.

The burning sensation coursed over ever fiber of her being when his cock slid inside her setting every part of her on fire. It was almost too much she was begging him to stop, realizing what she was asking begged him not to stop. A harsh cry burst from her lips as her thighs tensed and her entire body arched off the bed. As she came back to herself she gazed up at Sire just in time to see him arch back finding his own release.

Buffy smiled, as he slid out of her and met her gaze from where he was kneeling. “You still have all your clothes on.” She whispered her voice a little hoarse from her cry.

“That I do.” Spike smiled moving forward his body covering hers. His lips covered hers in a hard demanding kiss and Buffy couldn’t help but respond. “I have to go pet,” Spike whispered against her lips his tongue dipping between her lips for another taste, before he rose fastening his pants.

“I know.” Buffy sighed rolling onto her side as Spike pulled back the covers. “I will see you later.”

As the door to her room closed Buffy knew she had played things just right. She hadn’t been lying about her feelings she did feel like an animal in cage only she had been a little more dramatic than she normally would. Glancing at the door she smiled as she fell asleep more than aware of the simple little fact that she could come and go as she pleased.


Author: Aislynn

Disclaimer: It’s not mine all of it belongs to Joss, and Mutant Enemy. I just fell in love with characters from the very first episode.

Summary: First off thanks for the reviews I appreciate them again sorry for the delay in updates RL sometimes intrudes. I am hoping to have an update up every other day perhaps more if I can. Things are moving right along a lot is going to happen in this chapter, I just hope you like it.

Rating: NC-17

End of Chapter 7

As the door to her room closed Buffy knew she had played things just right. She hadn’t been lying about her feelings she did feel like an animal in cage only she had been a little more dramatic than she normally would. Glancing at the door she smiled as she fell asleep more than aware of the simple little fact that she could come and go as she pleased.

Chapter 7 – Information.

Buffy glanced up as the room to her room opened and Sunday slid inside.

“Have a lovely evening?” Buffy asked softly watching as Sunday set a pitcher off to the side. “After tonight I won’t need you to bring me that anymore. My Sire has given me permission to go out.”

Sunday smiled turning toward her mistress, “Great we can go to the campus and find you a bite to eat.”

“Yes perhaps, tell me what you did tonight you’re a little late aren’t you.” Buffy asked though she appeared relaxed she paid attention to every detail of Sunday’s reaction.

Sunday nodded, and shrugged her shoulders “Spike asked me to get him some things we were able to gather them in a couple hours for some ritual.” Sunday replied she didn’t want to lie and Spike never said she couldn’t tell Buffy what he had her do.

“Dru’s ritual,” Buffy asked raising her brow slightly.

“I think so.” Sunday pulled the list she was given out walked over to Buffy handing over the list of ingredients she was given. “I took them all to Dalton.”

“And who is Dalton?” Buffy asked glancing over the ingredients.

“Bookish type can translate languages and is working on deciphering the ritual for Dru’s cure.” Sunday sat on the edge of the bed. “Spike said if I didn’t do it he would make sure I never saw you again, and that he would give me to Dru and Melanie.”

Buffy glanced up into Sunday’s gaze and reached out caressing the girl’s cheek. “You are mine no one can take you away do you understand.” Sunday nodded turning her cheek into Buffy’s palm and placing a soft kiss there. “I was scared he would take me away from you.”

Buffy glanced away from Sunday, because the girl had revealed a weakness one that Spike was aware of, as well.

“I am not upset.” Buffy replied. “Tomorrow we are going to visit an old acquaintance who is gathering some information for me. Before then I would like you to find out more about this ritual if possible the details would be nice.”

Sunday nodded getting up and moving toward the door. “I am right on top of that, Rose.” Glancing over her shoulder she saw Buffy smile and knew she seen Don’t Tell Mom’s the Babysitters Dead, as well.

It was already almost sunrise to another night had gone to waste but the sunset would come soon enough and then she would head out for the evening. So many things to do and so little time, Buffy thought as she took a sip from the pitcher it tomorrow would be very, very busy.

Dalton stumbled in his rush to find Spike, he had found it the cure the final piece of the ritual. As he rounded the corner he caught sight of Sunday.

Sunday smiled, as she caught sight of just the person she was looking for.

Buffy watched as Ms. Calendar rush around the room once again completely unaware of her presence. Being the advisor to the computer science club had its duties and one of those included staying late for meetings, like tonight.

“Won’t help,” Buffy purred softly watching the woman tense up. Sunday was guarding the hallway making sure there would be no interruptions. “All that rushing I mean, you see the sun went down 20 minutes ago, and we used the backdoor to get in about an hour ago.” Buffy smiled as Jenny Calendar turned around to meet her gaze.

“I bet you thought I forgot all about you, I just had to take care of a few things. Now tell me what you found out about Amon.” Buffy asked her voice deceptively patient.

Jenny noted the changes in Buffy especially how violet was bleeding into her eyes despite the fact that she seemed very calm. After what she had found out about the demon it made Jenny wonder why the vampire was inquiring. Also, being alone with Buffy wasn’t the same anymore, and she defiantly didn’t want to piss the vampire off any more than she already was.

“I printed out some things I f-f-f-found.” Jenny closed her eyes as began to stutter nervously. “Information on Amon was hard to find.” Jenny fumbled with papers and found the packet she had assembled, she had copies of course.

“Lovely, now tell me about Amon.” Buffy glanced down at the packet then backup at Jenny.

“Amon isn’t written in human history at least this world never saw the demon. I was only able to find information on her through texts written by other demons. Apparently Amon was a world conqueror moving from one realm to another even into alternate dimensions. It didn’t matter if the world was populated by humans or demons if it held appeal she conquered it.” Jenny took a breath and watched as Buffy began to prowl around the room that was the only way to describe the girl’s motions.

Buffy had always been graceful but this was beyond that her movements were liquid. Just then Buffy’s gaze flickered toward Jenny and she caught the impatient flicker in those eyes which were eerie as violet began streaking into the green.

“All accounts describe Amon as a female though she is able to shift forms. Amon usually used myth and religious beliefs to have the local population believe she was a god then she began to take everything over. If there was resistance she crushed it with her army made up of her followers, and those of that world who chose to join her.” Jenny began to calm her heart beat began to settle as she watched Buffy absorbing the information.

“The various gifts she possessed ranged from healing, mind-reading, to telekinesis and she was able to do most things a witch can without spells apparently from her own will. Most accounts came from a priest that refused to recognize as a goddess. Amon mind-raped him then broke his freewill and then pressed him into her service as a scribe to document her exploits.” Jenny sighed there were so many more horrible things she could go on about. “I could go on and on the priest documented things very well.”

“What happened to the demon?” Buffy asked though she already knew the answer for Amon was now a part of her.

“There is only hint’s apparently Amon took on one of the powers that be and neither was heard from again.” Jenny wasn’t sure what to do, she watched as Buffy glanced down at the packet she had handed over.

“I am sure after you learned of my fate you and the scoobies did a little research about Slayers to see if another had ever been turned, tell me what you found out.” Buffy watched as Jenny followed her motions, it was sad really such a desire to keep the big bad in her sights. When it came down to it if Buffy chose to attack Jenny there was nothing the woman could do to stop her.

“A slayer has never been successfully turned.” Jenny glanced away her hand fluttering to her throat nervously.

“But it has been done hasn’t it? Don’t be scared I promised I wouldn’t hurt you if you found out about this.” Buffy held up the packet. “I will keep my promise.”

“The council hunted down and killed the two Slayers who were turned. Apparently when turned they went on a killing spree killing humans and vampires alike.” Jenny whispered taking a step backwards as Buffy moved forward.

“Lovely,” Buffy sighed meeting Jenny’s gaze. “Thank you, for the information. This little arrangement worked out so well I will be extending our little agreement for awhile.” At Jenny’s horrified gaze Buffy laughed softly.

“You didn’t actually think this would just end with this one little research project did you?” A smile crossed her lips, “Oh you did that is so cute.” Buffy sighed as the smile faded.

“Same arrangement as before everyone in the scoobies included, they are off limits so long as you continue to help me and your family the ones who cursed Angel. Betray me and I will take one of them, and trust me it won’t be a quick death.”

Glancing away Jenny swiped at the tears filling her gaze as she realized the situation that was closing in around her. It didn’t matter which path she choose in the end no matter what she chose she would lose.

“A little tip Jenny, never give anyone power over you it always comes back to bite you in the ass. You were mine the minute you agreed in the first place.” Buffy spoke over her shoulder as she left the room leaving Jenny to her sorrow. To keep everyone around her safe Jenny would eventually betray those she loved.

“Everything go well?” Sunday asked as Buffy came out of the classroom.

“Perfectly, ready to get something to eat?” Buffy asked.

“I know a perfect little place not to far its on campus and College students are so much fun, especially freshman.” Sunday smiled.

“I will try everything at least once.” Buffy replied and they headed out. “On our way you can tell me what you found out about the Ritual.”

“Dalton was very forthcoming with information, he was so eager to get to Spike I doubt he even remembers telling me about it.”

Buffy listened to Sunday as they walked. So many times things came down to blood in their world. It actually made sense that Dru would need her sire to be cured, and Buffy knew exactly who that was. The ritual couldn’t be performed for another few nights. Like all rituals everything had to be lined up properly, now she just had to what she wanted to do with the information.

Not to mention the fact that she could kill two birds with one stone. Angel was the key to Dru’s cure, and he could also answer a few questions about Sire’s.

Spike was a little disappointed when he stopped by Buffy’s room, for once it was empty. He wanted to celebrate the good news he knew exactly what it would take to make Dru better, and in just a day or two she would be well. As he shut the door he wasn’t even aware that he had gone to Buffy first, not Dru. As he headed back down the hall alone he sighed that’s what he got for giving her a bit of freedom.

Chapter 7 –So Beautiful

Spike rolled his eyes as he tried to get some rest, which was near impossible with Dru carrying on. The ritual was the only chance he had of making her well then he wouldn’t have to worry about her so much.

Since the very moment they met he had been taking care of her, and after Prague things had only gotten worse. In the past, when Darla and Angelus were around he could leave knowing they would watch over her. Now there was only him, and he couldn’t just leave her, not now while she was withering away.

The night they met, the night she changed him she had transformed a sniveling momma’s boy into a man. Everyday of his life before that he had been week, given the moniker William the Bloody. After his transformation he changed the meaning of the nickname and became Spike. William was a weakling who was a target for bullies and the butt of everyone’s jokes, in contrast, Spike was the big bad who tore the throat out of anyone he wished.

“Can you see all the pretty stars, and the angel’s oh my love they are burning.” Dru twirled around the room staring up at the rotted ceiling of the factory.

After finding out about their success in finding Dru’s cure, he had come to celebrate only to find Dru like this. More and more she was like this seeing, and hearing things from faeries and what not. As she began to sing to herself, and whip about the room Spike got up and left the room with out a word. Sometimes as much as he loved her it just got to be too much.

When he had started feeling this way he couldn’t say, once he loved Dru with such unwavering devotion. She had been the only one in his life for so long, she had been his first everything. The catalyst in making him face the changes in his emotions had been his siring Buffy. He felt so much so soon that it was scaring him to death.

Thoughts of Buffy brought him to her door and he found himself raising his hand to knock, realizing just before his knuckles touched the door what he was doing. Reaching for the handle he pushed open the door and was gifted with sight of his childe.

Buffy flipped through the packet Jenny had given her and found it filled with delightfully sick information on Amon. Amon took exception to the thought, though she made her presence known she had no real power over Buffy. Amon was more like a ghost or a very wicked fairy godmother. There was one thing Amon loved and knew better than anyone else and that was power.

Buffy glanced toward the door as she felt him coming and slid the packet behind the head board. As the door opened her gaze was filled with her Sire, and a smile touched her lips as she rose to her feet.

Spike shut the door watching her approach him. Reaching out her fingers trailing along his cheekbones, the brush of her fingertips across his skin sent shivers down his spine. As they brushed over his lips her gaze following their progress he parted his lips sucking one delectable finger between his lips. Savoring the taste of her skin a wonderful combination of honey and vanilla he reached up his fingers sliding over hand as she pulled her finger from her lips.

“I wanted to see how you evening went.” Spike murmured letting her finger go, his gaze trailing over her features. Her gaze lifted to his and there was twinkle in her gaze that tugged at the tender side of him.

“Wonderfully, you have no idea how fun it was just to be out.” Buffy whispered, moving both her hands over the hand holding her own. “Thank you.” Buffy smiled her fingers sliding over his hand then she brought his hand to her lips gently placing a kiss on the knuckles.

Keeping her gaze on his she slowly trailed light kisses down his long and very skilled fingers. Sliding her lips over the tip of his index finger she flicked her tongue against the tip gently nipping the skin. His gaze was focused on her lips just where she wanted them so she parted her lips and swirled her tongue around his finger then drew it deeper he lips closing over his skin sucking gently.

Spike stared at those amazing lips as they pulled back over his finger, her tongue working over his skin the whole time. So focused on the sight before him, he wasn’t aware he was being maneuvered backward until his back hit the door.

Buffy slid her lips from his finger as her hand slid up behind his head drawing his lips down to hers. There were no tender kisses her tongue dove between his tasting him with abandon. Spike ran his tongue along hers and found himself growling softly as she pulled back.

Sliding her hands to the opening of his coat she slid her hands between them feeling the ripple of muscle hidden beneath his shirt. Over the cloth she ran her hand up under his pec gently squeezing before she continued her ascent flattening her palm over his nipple applying slight pressure. Sliding her hands up further she pushed his coat up and over his shoulders and tugged it down slightly for a moment he was imprisoned by his own duster.

Spike watched a wicked smile cross her lips though he really didn’t care as she lifted her lips back to his. Spike met her halfway his lips parting hungry for her kiss he sucked her tongue between his lips. Intoxicated by her kiss he gently caught her lower lip raking his teeth across the tender skin.

Buffy purred pulling back brushing her lips across his she trailed kisses along his chin, and down his neck. As she move over his skin she placed soft sucking kisses her tongue often flicking over his skin. Buffy stopped at the spot where Dru’s marks were and flicked her tongue along the ridges. Spikes entire body tightened as she sucked on the spot. The desire to sink her teeth in over the marks was almost uncontrollable. Someday, she whispered inside her mind just not yet.

Spike felt Buffy tug his jacket and his arms were free but as he lifted them up she caught them meeting his gaze and drew them back down to his sides. As her fingers brushed along the waistband of his pants he complied with her desire for now and kept his hands were they were.

Running her hand up under his shirt she knew what she would find yet it would never cease to amaze her. At a glance you would never expect a six-pack but that is exactly what Spike sported. Rock, hard rippling abs that flexed beneath her exploring finger tips. Soft silky skin grew taunt under her fingertips as she continued her exploration.

Moving her fingers over the fabric of his shirt she drew it up over his head and tossed it aside.

“You’re beautiful.” Buffy whispered her fingers trailing across the sight before her.

“Nothing compared to you.” Spike responded as Buffy’s eyes flickered up to his he saw the doubt with them, and felt a little flicker of anger ignite within him, not at her at himself. “I’ve been neglecting my baby haven’t I?” Spike slid his hand behind her neck. “In all my days, all the people I’ve known I never had a desire to make one mine until you.” Spike whispered his lips covering hers.

While every part of Buffy responded to those words a small part snapped to attention. With those beautiful and heartfelt words he had just given slightly tipped the scales in her favor in their relationship.

As Buffy pulled back Spike pulled her back into a passionate, demanding and forceful kiss. Buffy smiled as he let her pull back, his hands sliding to his sides on their own. Buffy wanted to explore all the beautiful skin on display before her but she could feel his impatience, and desire radiating from him. Undoing the fastening of his pants she lowered herself to her knees before him her hands tugging his pants down just enough to reveal the part of him she wanted at the moment.

Spike watched as Buffy took him between her lips, unlike last time she was eager, you could just tell in the way her hands moved the pressure of her lips. Spike closed his eyes supporting himself back against the door one hand sliding into her hair.

Buffy ran her tongue along the length of him, before she hadn’t had time to explore or admire the silky texture of his cock, or the salty taste. The skin was so soft not what she expect at all. Pulling back his eyes opened meeting hers, and he leaned forward slightly the hand in her moving to cup the back of her head and draw up. In one swift move she was in his arms, being carried to her bed.

Spike stopped by the side of the bed and shifted Buffy so when she slid to the floor her back was to him. Brushing his lips along her temple his hands slid around her waist undoing her pants. Trailing his lips down by her ear he gently took the lobe between his teeth then sucked on it for a moment before placing a kiss at the soft spot just beneath the lobe. Sliding his hands upwards he lifted her blouse up off her shoulders, as was often the case his girl wasn’t wearing a bra and he cupped her breasts in his palms as he ran his tongue along his marks on her neck.

Spike felt her hand slid up and back around his neck and he sunk his teeth into the spot gently hearing her gasp softly at the penetration. Giving a slight pull just a tasting really he pulled out licking the puncture wounds and sucking on them softly feeling the purr that coursed through Buffy as her body arched back against him.

Buffy could hardly focus between that soft and tender bite, and his hands caressing her breasts she could hardly remember her name as his lips trailed down over her shoulder. One hand slid up her body sliding up over neck and guided her mouth up and back toward his lips, while the other slid down inside the front of her pants and under her panties. As his tongue slid between her lips his fingers found their way inside her body his free hand sliding to caress her very taunt nipples. As his tongue slid in and out of her his fingers followed their motion.

When Buffy began to buck against hand Spike abandoned breast and eased her pants and panties down. Pulling back from their kiss he moved back catching her as she swayed a slight satisfied smile crossing his lips, he guided one knee up onto the bed and then another. Tossing her clothing aside he moved behind her shoving his pants down just a little further and easing himself between her legs so he was moving against her lips not inside her. Sliding his hands over her hips he began to rock back and forth.

Buffy arched back as his hands slid from her hips one hand dipping between her thighs the other remaining on her hip his fingers digging into her skin slightly.

“Lean forward.” Spike purred watching as she stretched like a cat and leaned forward so she was on her hands and knees at the end of the bed.

Sliding backward he shifted his hips and when he moved forward he slid to the hilt in her depths. Nothing had ever felt so good, the muscles inside her clenched around him sucking him in further, and as he pulled back he closed his eyes at the amazing pressure of her contracting around him.

Buffy almost came as he slid inside her filling her completely. No matter what else she may feel toward Spike she knew instinctively no one would ever make her feel like this. There was no desire for power no other thoughts except those centered on him.

Spike wasn’t aware of anything but the creature kneeling before him. Thoughts of Dru were gone the man and demon in him were focused on one thing and that was pleasuring the woman before him. That desire overrode everything else including his own release which was damn near impossible as she began to rock herself back against him.

They came almost at the exact moment, Spike a few seconds after Buffy. Sliding himself to the side he pulled her up and into the bed with him. Tucking her into his side he glanced down to watch her snuggle up next to him her arm sliding around his waist. Leaning down he captured her lips in a gentle kiss then laid back and watched her drift off to sleep.

Gently he caressed her hair marveling at its softness. In sleep she looked so innocent, so fragile. Closing his eyes he placed a gentle kiss to her forehead. A soft smile touched his lips as he drifted to sleep something that had eluded him earlier.

Chapter 10 – Best laid plans………

Spike woke to find his arms empty. Sitting up he found Buffy up already silently looking for something to wear at the moment she wore a silky little robe, that very little to the imagination.

“I didn’t want to wake you I thought you might, need some sleep.” Buffy called out over her shoulder setting a pair of black leather pants aside.

“I did.” Spike stretched sliding out of bed and realizing he wasn’t wearing his pants anymore.

“They didn’t look comfortable so I took them off.” Buffy glanced over at him, as she tried to decide between the two shirts she was holding.

Spike saw all his clothing set neatly on the dresser by the bed. Glancing around the room he took in the condition of the room, noting that little changed but it was still unfit. It had been some time since anyone had taken care of him. That such a simple task as taking off his pants to make sure he was comfortable warmed his heart made him think how pathetic his life had come.

“We have the final key for Dru’s cure.” Spike informed her as he picked up his pants drawing them on.

Buffy turned away from Spike, she had wondered if he would tell her about it, or not apparently he trusted her enough.

“Will you need help getting it, or do you already have it.” Buffy asked pretending she didn’t know a thing as she set aside her choice.

“Actually I just might.” Spike pulled on his shirt and picked up his jacket, “We’ll see.”

“You better go check on Dru, she’s been alone all day.” Buffy smiled walking toward him as he swung that amazing duster over his shoulders. As she reached him she fixed the collar and lifted her lips to his for a soft kiss, just a brush of their lips. Spike slid his hand into her golden locks savoring the gentle sweetness of her lips then let her go.

“Going out tonight?” He asked his gaze taking in the sexy outfit she set aside. A frown creased his forehead as he imagined what she would like in it, not liking it one bit.

“Just for a bit, but I can make sure I am back early if you like.”
Buffy smiled stepping back.

“I would.” Spike smiled as left heading down to toward Dru’s room as he slipped inside he found her and Melanie curled up together in the bed. Shaking his head he corrected himself mentally their bed.

Buffy ran her fingers over her lips still tingling from his kisses, last night had been amazing. It had almost made up for everything else, almost. Tossing aside her robe she began to slide on her clothes tonight she would be visiting an old friends and she didn’t want to disappoint.

Angel hit the floor before he even knew someone or something was there. It took him seconds to recognize that scent and a shiver of terror began to course through him as he realized exactly who was with him in the cemetery.

“Hello, lover,” Buffy purred at the sight of the great soulful Angel back pedaling across the damp grass to get away from little old Buffy.

“Buffy.” Angel growled moving to get to his feet only a blow sent him reeling and he was once again on his back.

“Kind of like you right there,” Buffy smiled moving so she sat astride his hips.

“You reek of Spike.” Angel caught the scent and instead of making him sick the combined scents of the woman above him and his grandchilde was fiercely arousing.

“Trust me I feel the same way about my Sire.” Buffy smirked feeling the evidence of his arousal. “But not exactly why I am here and way off topic I had no idea you were bi?”

“Get off me you bitch, and I am not bi.” Angel barely got the words out before his jaw exploded he hadn’t even caught sight of her moving. God she was fast the thought flashed through his mind there was something else he couldn’t pinpoint it.

“I just hate that word, Bitch its very demeaning and I am no ones dog. As for you being Bi, you’ve slept with Spike haven’t you, and other men?” Buffy raised a brow sighing as she reaching down she jerking open his shirt. A beautiful sight of course but at the moment she wasn’t interested.

“Now getting back on topic I am going to ask you a question then you answer simple game really.” Buffy met his gaze, “Let’s just say you don’t want to find out what I am capable of if you don’t participate. Suffice it to say when I am mad I make Angelus look like a wee little kitten.”

“I ask you answer very simple. Tell me about the relationship between Sire’s and their Childe.” Buffy asked raising a brow expectantly.

“You should know that already.” Angel smirked up at Buffy. “You belong to him; you owe him your existence. When he calls you answer.” Angel found himself staring up at the girl he once loved; she was even more beautiful now if that was even possible.

“Why can’t I fight him?” Buffy asked.

Angel shrugged, “I’m not sure of the exact reason why but you just can’t not yet. Eventually you will be able to but for now no matter how strong you are in the end you are still newly made.” Angel frowned as he glanced into her eyes and thought he caught sight of something, a hint of her soul but it couldn’t be that was impossible.

“There has to be something you’re not telling me, a loop hole or something?” Buffy growled getting pissed she expected Angel to give her some answers, but he was only telling her things she instinctively knew already. Buffy was so caught up in her thoughts she was unaware that her nails hand just sunk into the flesh of his chest.

“Distance helps,” Angel spat out the feel of her above him, and the pain combined were intoxicating to Angelus and on some level him, as well. “If Spike abandons you he nullifies his claim but I don’t see that happening in the near future it’s very rare for a Sire to abandon his childe.” Angel gritted out as he tried to ignore the pain radiating from his chest. “Eventually you will be able to challenge his claim on you and break free.”

“Is that what Spike did with you.” Buffy asked, as she retracted her fingertips from his chest her gaze settling on the wounds.

“No once I had my soul I abandoned them all.” Angel tried to sit up but Buffy caught his shoulder pushing him back down. Then her fingers began to trail across his skin and his body arched off the floor, it felt as if every cell within his body was set alight. Panting he came back to himself his gaze falling to his chest only the bloody gouges were present. What the hell had she just done to him?

“I am sorry Angel.” Buffy whispered as she pulled the stake out from the back of her pants. “I know you to well. You and the others are only going to keep coming after me.”

“So am I.” Angel responded just as Kendra moved into view holding an ax.

Buffy smirked, “You can tell Willow she’s not that good.” Buffy whispered and instead of plunging the stake into Angel’s chest she flipped backwards and flung it in Kendra’s direction. The girl rather ungracefully flung herself to the floor as the wooden stake sunk into the stone of the tombstone she had been passing. “I felt her coming some time ago.”

Kendra scrambled to her feet as the vampire moved toward her she had been warned and was now experiencing the power of her former sister at arms.

“This time I am not going to kill you.” Buffy smiled softly as Kendra took up a fighting stance. “Break a few bones maybe it’s only fair I warn you since you’re a Slayer and all.” Buffy eyes narrowed, “Next time though your life is mine.”

Kendra threw the first punch, it was her last and final punch. After her initial move she was on the defensive as blow after blow found their mark even as she tried to block them the force of the blows was too strong for her.

Buffy flipped over with the Slayers arm in her grip taking the girl down onto the floor and with little effort she snapped it with a sickening pop. The cry that escaped the girl’s lips was the first during their fight and Buffy was impressed.

Despite her fun she knew exactly when Angel got up and in her position she swept his feet out from under him taking him to the ground. In the back of her mind she could hear Amon cheering her on pleased though she thought one didn’t have to roll around in the dirt to take out ones enemies. There were so many options open to her that she hadn’t even explored.

Reaching down Buffy jerked the Slayer up and took her trusty little stake from her waistband and tossed her aside like a broken doll.

Angel glanced up to see her advancing and scurried back on his hands trying to get up. With a flick of her wrist Buffy sent the stake sailing through the air. It tore through his skin like butter and the force so strong it broke bones as it tore through a good portion of the stake came out through the back.

Buffy stood over Angel her gaze impassive as she knelt down beside him. “Angel, Angel,” Buffy sighed shaking her head as she took in the state he was in. "Why must you make things so much harder than they have to be?”

“Fuck you.” Angel growled and cried out as Buffy simply placed her hand on his chest and pushed causing him to slide down the stake.

“Such language to think I used to let you kiss me with that mouth.” Buffy sighed leaning over him she wrapped her hand around the base of the stake and jerked it out.

Angel couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped his lips, hating the beautiful smile that crossed Buffy’s lips.

“I could kill you now, turn you to dust.” Buffy whispered leaning down toward him her fingers gently brushing against the hole in his shoulder. “You need to leave town tonight do you understand me, if you are here by the next sunset I will finish what I started tonight. I have to go I have so much to do and so little time.” Buffy rose to her feet walking away she passed by the slayer and tossed the stake onto the girls lap. The girl was clutching her arm in her lap and glared up at her with a promise of death in her eyes.

Buffy smiled, “You can try, and when you do I will take pleasure in breaking you.” Buffy smirked and continued on her way.

The smart thing to ensure her plan was to dust Angel, but something inside her couldn’t do that just yet not when there were other ways to achieve her goal. If it came to it she would dust him to ensure that Drucilla didn’t gain her strength.
Buffy was pleasantly surprised to find that she was able to let herself into Jenny Calendar’s apartment. As she walked around the room she noticed so many telling things that she never took of notice before. Jenny wasn’t who she seemed and she should have been able to tell that before but she hadn’t.

The door opened and Buffy slipped into the shadows unaware that the darkness wrapped itself around her concealing her completely too mortal and immortal eyes simply because she desired not to be seen.

After watching Jenny for a few moments the darkness slowly let her out of its embrace and Jenny gasped because she watched Buffy just seem to appear.

“How did you, I didn’t.” Jenny’s voice trembled as she realized the one place where she thought she was safe was just an illusion.

“No invitation needed.” Buffy shrugged settling herself on Jenny’s couch. “I am sure after I leave you’ll find out why and let me know.” Buffy gave Jenny a smile. “I have a task for you.”

“A task,” Jenny bristled at the words and tone Buffy used it was that of a master talking to a servant.

Buffy smiled hearing Jenny’s anger and loving that she still showed such spirit. “Get used to it the moment you did my bidding you became mine whether you understood that or not.” Buffy said getting up and moving so quickly Jenny hadn’t even seen her move. The fingers brushing across her cheek sent shivers down her spine and Buffy’s touch was cool, but not icy.

“I am not yours.” Jenny cried out and tried to shove Buffy away but found herself pinned against the wall by her throat her feet dangling in the air.

“There are worse things than being my human servant Jenny.” Buffy sighed. “I could make you my dog if you like though trust me it’s not a position you would find enjoyable.”

Then just as suddenly Jenny found herself on her feet again standing before Buffy whose gave her a breathtaking smile. “Now let’s get to the point. Angel needs to leave town his blood is the key too Dru getting better and that isn’t something I want happening.” Buffy turned away and began to prowl the room. “If you can’t get him out of town by the next sunset I am going to dust him.” At Jenny’s surprised look Buffy laughed her voice was throaty and husky sending a ripple down Jenny’s spine.

“I am still very fond of Angel I found I couldn’t finish the task tonight not when there was still time to get him out of town, but if it’s the only option.” Buffy shrugged turning back to Jenny. “The new Slayer what is her name?”

Jenny glanced away as she found herself unable to stop herself, “Kendra.”

“I hope they have another one ready to go, she’s far too text book its going to get her killed rather quickly.” Buffy moved toward the door. “When I call you will answer don’t fight it just come we don’t want to make your new position any more difficult do we?”

Jenny watched Buffy leave and actually felt the loss of her presence. Walking to her computer she signed on and connected to a few sites she used and typed in human servant. An hour later Jenny wiped away her tears though there had been no ceremony she knew that Buffy had begun the process there was no need for the ceremony for without her knowledge she had consented to the binding. There had to be a way out some way out.

Buffy made her way home after a nice bite to eat she snacked on a nice college football player and sent him on his way none the wiser. Drinking only to sate her appetite she knew when to stop leaving her victim feeling a little lightheaded, and she sent him on his way planting the thought that he had gotten lucky though the specifics and the memory of the girl were fuzzy. No need to kill if one didn’t have to she wasn’t an animal.

Walking into the lair she found the factory depressing and wished they would find new lodgings soon. As she walked in one scent hit her hard it couldn’t be, shit. Moving quickly she burst into a room she had never been in to find Angel tied to the poster boards of an enormous bed. Before him stood a beautiful and frail looking brunette who was wrapped in Spike’s arms.

Spike glanced up as the door burst open with a resounding crash and he found himself staring at Buffy in that little outfit, and she looked even better than he imagined.

“This is not your room.” Spike slid his arms from Dru watching as Buffy’s eyes literally sparked to life and began to glow slightly.

“No it’s not.” Buffy managed to temper her anger sliding her gaze over Angel she turned on her heel and left.

“Bad girl, she should be punished.” Dru sighed. “Can I play with Daddy my sweet Spike? He’s been a very bad boy and needs to be punished.”

Spike’s gaze slid over Angel who was a little worse for wear his boys had found Angel limping it home, with a Slayer in tow for god’s sake. Earlier he had wondered what had gotten to Angel first, now there was no need to wonder. They were able to catch Angel but the slayer got away.

“Have fun Dru, but not to much fun.” Spike purred heading out the door intending to have a few words with his childe. Chapter 11 – Punishment

Spike followed Buffy’s scent toward her room, it was an unconscious action something borne of instinct. Stopping before her room he took a moment to calm down he didn’t want to start things off on the wrong foot.

Buffy glanced at the door her senses were screaming she knew he was there, and wondered if it was too late already. Angel could have told them about her warning if he had then it would be over soon enough.

Spike walked in the grubby room it was little more than a whole and while he appeared calm the door slammed shut rattling the frame in his wake.

Since he sired her she had wished for nothing more than to have his undivided attention, yet when she was graced with it she found herself wishing for anything but.

“Why is Angel here?” Buffy asked after a moment as her Sire just stared at her with those piercing blue eyes. Anything was better then just standing there with him looking at her as if he could see down into her darkest thoughts.

“Does it matter?” Spike asked watching her closely. “He is here that is all you need to know. Though the funny thing is that when the boys brought Angel in beneath the various scents on him I found myself sensing a distinctive one that shouldn’t be there.” Spike raised a brow, “Care to guess who’s that might be, pet?”

Buffy lifted her gaze to his she decided then and there she wasn’t going to volunteer any information if he knew then he knew and would act accordingly. If not she wasn’t about to blurt out the truth, and hang herself not yet anyway.

“Mine.” Buffy sighed. “I ran into Angel and the Slayer tonight they were set to dust me so I took care of it.”

Spike could feel she was holding something back. He wasn’t sure what that was but he wasn’t about to just let it go. “I told you to stay away from Angel. And taking care of it, would have resulted in one dead slayer, and a pile of dust. That’s not what we have now is it?”

Buffy calmed a bit if he had known of her warning she would have known it by now, he was angry for an entirely different reason.

Angel contained a whimper as Dru trailed her tongue over the fresh wound Buffy had given him. Thoughts off Buffy coursed through his mind as he thought of her warning, and the fact that she hadn’t staked him.

“Pay attention, class is session and this lesson has been a long time coming.” Dru growled slapping him sharply across the face, knowing exactly who he had been thinking off. Buffy, Buffy everyone’s thoughts were on Buffy.

“I know just the thing to keep your attention on your lesson, and not on Spike’s Slayer.” Dru laughed in a sing-song voice.

“It’s a special treat just for you.” Angel’s screams echoed through the halls his thoughts no longer wavered from the expert hand seeking to simply teach him a lesson.

“I am sorry.” Buffy responded her gaze never wavering from Spike’s. “I didn’t listen, you told me to stay away from Angel and I didn’t. I didn’t just run into him, I went looking for him.”

Spike was surprised by her admission watching as her gaze slid from his her fingers toying with the fabric of the blanket on her bed.

“Why did you go looking for him?” Spike asked softly.

Why indeed Buffy thought frantically. Appeal to his vanity came the soft echo of Amon’s voice counseled her he is a man make him think you did it for him. The pieces to a plausible story fell into place use a little fact then enhance upon it.

“Angel is never going to leave us alone Spike.” Buffy didn’t push it though she fought the urge to turn on the water works knowing it might be too much.

“Part of him is jealous that you claimed me in a way he wanted to but didn’t. It was only a matter of time before they made their move. They are trying to restore my soul, and kill you for turning me. What will happen to me if they give me back my soul? What will happen to us?”

Spike listened to her weighing her words. Angel was a ponce, but Angelus he knew would have staked a claim on the girl long ago, and the fact that Spike had done it before he could must be driving the demon locked away inside Angel crazy. As for the scoobies he knew they were undoubtedly trying to find a way to either destroy his Slayer or restore her soul.

“Come here.” Spike growled his voice rough and raspy at the thought of Angel claiming his childe, and the Scoobies restoring her soul.

Buffy shivered a tingling coursed down her spine at the possessive growl. Moving forward she stopped before him gaze lowered waiting.

Spike’s gaze ran over her, there had never been anything like her before in his lifetime before or after his change. A slayer turned had never survived for more than a few days he had to wonder why. The only thing keeping her with him was the Sire, Childe bond they possessed. He wasn’t fool enough to delude himself into thinking she was in love with him of her own free will, not yet.

Where he was concerned free will wasn’t something that existed at least not yet anyway. Though he could feel it straining the bond they shared everyday as she grew stronger. As her strength grew so did his desire to control and dominate her at every turn.

Regardless of how strong she was, or that the power of a Master coursed through her slender frame she was still a fledgling and bound to her Sire.

Buffy glanced up meeting his gaze wondering why he hadn’t done anything just yet. Hit her, kiss her, anything was better than him just looking at her. For some reason that he was simply looking unnerved her more than anything else.

“Spike,” Buffy reached out but is hand caught her wrist before she could touch him.

“You disobeyed me.” Spike purred softly watching her eyes flutter softly at the scolding tone he used. “You will have to be punished.”

Buffy nodded knowing better than to argue even if she had wanted too she couldn’t stop him it was the nature of their relationship.

“Yes Sire.” Buffy replied meekly though the words and tone were meek she was anything but.

Spike held her wrist and jerked her around keeping hold of her wrist he twisted it up behind her back.

“Take off all your clothes.” Spike was surprised that his voice came out sounding so calm and detached. He was anything but his desire was raging and his need to dominate came to the forefront. Giving her a little shove toward the bed she caught herself, and began to turn toward him.

“I didn’t say I wanted you to turn around did I.” Spike called out his gaze intent on the form before him.

Buffy fought the urge to look over her shoulder and began to shed her clothing piece by piece. Spike watched as more and more of her skin was bared. As the cloth slid along her skin his gaze followed her progress until she stood before him completely naked.

By the time the last article hit the small pile by the bed’s footboard, Spike was rock hard just from watching her remove her clothing.

Spike moved forward stopping just shy of touching her. Closing his eyes he enjoyed simply leaning forward and enjoying her scent. The aroma that came from her skin was that of roses and vanilla two scents that on her were heavenly.

Buffy jumped slightly as his fingertips brushed her waist trailing down toward her hips. His fingers extended his fingers curling into her skin slightly his palms pressing against her skin.

“Lean forward.” Spike ordered, as Buffy moved he guided her into the position he wanted using one knee to spread her legs open wider. Spike stepped his hands sliding from her hips to her firm and sculpted ass.

A ghost of a smile crossed his lips as he ran his hands over the silky skin on display before him. “Rest your hands on the bed, pet. He felt her hesitate and without pause he gave her luscious buttocks a sharp spanking. Buffy jumped slightly as his hand connected with one firm buttock. Spike ran his fingertips over the red handprint that was already forming.

“That was just a pat you don’t want a spanking do you. luv? Now don’t make me tell you twice.”

Buffy leaned forward her hands just touched the bed when spike nudged her legs a little further apart pushing legs into the side of the mattress.

Spike ran his hands over her skin enjoying the view of her pert little ass sticking up in the air just for him. He could smell her arousal it was heady, sliding his hand between her thighs he wasn’t surprised by the moan that escaped her lips or the dampness between her lips.

As his fingers worked themselves between her thighs he unbuckled his pants with his free hand, and moved them down just enough so they wouldn’t be in the way.

Buffy arched her back as Spike plunged deep inside her, she had expected some spanking, perhaps more not this. Buffy smiled if this was his idea of punishment she was going to have to ensure she received more of it in the future.

Her smile was wiped away as Spikes fingers wet with her juices ran between her buttocks. His fingers wet with her juices caressed the tight rosebud nestled between her buttocks. Spike slide a finger inside her tight little ass.

Buffy pushed off the bed moving into a kneeling position in protest.

“I didn’t say you could move.” Spike growled his teeth caught the skin on the back of her neck roughly. As he slid another finger into her virgin passage, “That’s not where I had you.” He whispered letting the skin on her neck go aware he had broken the skin. His fingers slid out of her and he worked them around getting her ready to take more than just his fingers.

Buffy knelt forward her fingers curled into the covers as her hands moved over the blanket on the bed as he slid a third finger entered her as his cock slid in and out of her.

“You are mine.” Spike spoke softly. “I will be your first everything.” Spike pulled out of her cunt slick with her juices as he slid his fingers from her he shoved his cock into her.

Buffy’s fingers broke through the fabric of the mattress at the feel of his cock driving home. There was pain at first but that was quickly overshadowed by the feel of him moving against her, inside her. Buffy shifted her hips instinctively giving him better access and unconsciously began to rock back against him.

Spike caught her hips as she began to move against him. The muscles surrounding him clenched around him as he pulled out and then swallowed him back up as he thrust into her over and over again. Sliding a hand along her silky skin he slid his fingers between her things finding her clit and began to work the nub with his skillful fingers.

Buffy arched back as his fingers began to move over her, she whimpered as his fingers left her and then she gasped as her head was jerked back his finger coiled in her hair.

“Who do you belong to?” Spike asked his hips beginning to increase in tempo and strength. He was no longer able to keep his voice calm his voice was rough and harsh.

“You,” Buffy cried out the first thing that came to mind. Before now she had never even thought of doing this let alone that she would enjoy it so thoroughly. With each thrust if she shifted her hips his balls would brush her clit just right.

Spike twisted his slightly winding her locks more tightly in his fist. It wasn’t the answer he was looking for.

“Who am I?” Spike asked his hips keeping up the tempo he was coming close. He could feel Buffy nearing her release and that wasn’t going to happen not just yet.

“Sire, my Sire.” Buffy breathed trying to shift her hips she had been on the verge until he moved.

Spike jerked her up against him one hand on her hip keeping her in place that was not the answer he was looking for. His hips never stopped their motion.

“What am I?” Spike asked his lips brushing against her earlobe. His voice was devoid of all emotion cold, hard, and commanding.

Buffy shivered as his lips brushed against the delicate skin of her lobe. Turning her face toward him she tilted her head up her gaze meeting his.

“My master,” She whispered her gaze sliding to his lips wanting to feel them sliding over her own she could already taste him.

The words themselves meant nothing they were just words. It was the look in her eyes as she spoke them, the way she turned away from him moving forward without being told.

Buffy caught her breath as he began to move over her unlike before. There was an unleashed quality to his movements that hadn’t been there before. This was her lesson she realized as he felt him find his release without her. This was about pleasure. Not hers, his.

Spike came with a roar his head thrown back he was fully aware Buffy hadn’t found her release. Unable to stop himself he ran his hands along her skin. It was so soft, and silky beneath his touch. He would be content to simply lie and stroke her skin, feeling her response to his simple touch.

Pulling himself from her he ran his hands along the rounded curves of her ass just brushing the back of her upper things. As his hands ran along her skin he felt it come alive responding to his touch. Curving his hands slightly he dug his fingers into her flesh running them back up along the path they had just traveled and ran them up along her back.

Buffy purred softly and arched her back like a cat as his fingers dug into her skin. Any type of caress was welcome at the moment her body was on fire, her body left unfulfilled.

“This is your punishment.” Spike stepped back from her taking a moment to clean up and tucked himself back into his pants. A satisfied smile crossed his lips as remained in her current position.

“Sit on the edge of the bed.” Buffy glanced over her shoulder at the command and shifted settling herself down carefully her backside was a little tender, her arms at her side her palms resting on the edge of the bed.

Spike grabbed the rickety little chair reminding himself that he needed to check in on the progress on finding them a new home this place wasn’t exactly the Ritz. Setting the chair a few feet from her he sat down his gaze raking her form.

“Tell me what you’re feeling.” Spike got up for a moment grabbing his cigarettes and lighter then settled back into the chair. He sprawled himself out in the chair getting comfortable twirling the cigarette between his fingers.

“It hurts.” Buffy confessed lifting her gaze to his. She didn’t like this feeling it left a gnawing hunger deep within her that was demanding to be fulfilled. “I feel incomplete, I want.”

Spike lifted his cigarette to his lips and he leaned forward his hands sliding over her knees then he shifted them so they were running up along her inner thighs. Her thighs parted spreading open slightly giving him access. Just as his fingers brushed against the curls nestled between her thighs he retraced his steps. When he reached her knees he curled a hand around each and spread her legs open wide.

Buffy was overwhelmed by a sense of shyness she hadn’t felt since her before her death. This was ridiculous after all the things they had done together since then. This was different she felt completely exposed, vulnerable, and dominated.

Spike met her gaze as he reached out capturing one of her hands in his own. “I am not going to give you what you want.”

Lifting her hand to his lips he brushed a kiss along her knuckles. Buffy watched as he turned her hand over he placed a gentle kiss in the middle of her palm his tongue brushing the tender skin.

“You are going to give yourself what you want.” He purred softly brushing kisses along her hand until he reached the tip of her index finger.

Spike met her gaze as he slid his lips over her fingertip and slowly slid his mouth down over her flesh. Buffy could only watch not wanting to think about how he had learned such as skill as he sucked on her finger with a skill that she could only hope to match someday. His mouth closed over her middle finger, as well.

Spike pulled back swirling his tongue around her two fingers. Spike raised a brow as she simply sat staring at his lips. Spike chuckled softly sitting back.

“You let them dry out, but I suspect you’ll be wet enough.” Spike couldn’t help as his gaze trailed over her body his gaze settling between her thighs. “It’s time to give us a show pet.”

Buffy snapped out of her trance she fell under as she gazed at those amazing lips imaging them on her. A frown crossed her features as she processed his words and actions. Realizing what he wanted she lifted her gaze to his as he lit his cigarette.

For a moment she thought about defying him then she thought that she would give him a small dose of what he had done her tonight.

Spike watched as Buffy’s gaze lowered for a moment. He watched as she seemed to get a hold of herself and her entire posture changed. One minute she was sitting there all stiff and rigid the next her body seemed to melt into a comfortable and alluring pose.

Buffy slowly parted her thighs wider giving him an unobstructed view. Resting her hands on her knees she slowly trailed her hands up her thighs inch by agonizing inch. As they reached the apex of her thighs she let one hand rest between her legs the other she trailed up only her stomach. As hard as it was for her to go slow she knew it would drive Spike insane.

Spike inhaled pulling the cigarette from his lips as her hand closed over her breast. Lowering his gaze he licked his lips as her fingers began to move over her mound and between her lips. Buffy began to caress her breast and she tossed her head back letting out a soft moan pinching a nipple. As she squeezed he fought the urge to move forward and touch her himself.

Buffy tilted her head back up her gaze sliding over Spike whose head was tilted slightly to the side. A smile touched her lips as she realized his view wasn’t the best. Buffy let her self fall back on the bed then bent her knees placing her feet on the edge of the bed. Spreading herself wide she began to slid her fingers between her wet lips

Spike watched her delicate fingers pumping in and out of her cunt. Standing up he tossed his cigarette down crushing it under his boot he moved to the edge of the bed staring down at the unrestrained creature getting an amazing view. Eyes closed one finger working her cunt, the other her tits she was quite the sight.

Licking his lips he knelt down without pausing he drew her fingers from her sheath and brought them to his lips. Buffy lifted her head watching as suckled her fingers his tongue swirling over her skin. The sight sent a shiver through her body. Spikes caught her gaze as he slid his lips back over her fingers slowly pulling back his tongue working over her skin the whole time.

“Keep fucking yourself.” He murmured letting her fingers slide from his lips. As Buffy did as she was told Spike leaned down his tongue flicking over her fingers as they moved between her thighs.

Spike stood slowly and watched from between her spread thighs as she closed her eyes loosing herself in the pleasure. Moving his hand to his pants he undid them shifting them down his hips just enough to free himself. Spike set his knee on the edge of the bed his hands moving her hips setting her a little further onto the bed. Knocking her hand from between her thighs he sheathed himself into her depths in one hard thrust.

Buffy’s eyes flew open as Spike knocked her hand away her protests died upon her lips. One moment she was empty and aching the next his cock filled her to almost overflowing.

Spike drew her legs up along his chest then his hands returned to her hips. With each thrust he lost a little more control and moved forward a little more. Buffy arched back as Spike moved over her glad she was limber as he shifted her legs closer to her chest. Using the strength within her slender frame she pushed back and a moan escaped his lips. A slight growl accompanied the moan sending shivers down her spine.

The position was almost painful as he thrust inside her the key word was almost. The hint of pain mingled with pleasure was different and she caught her breath as with movement of his body her legs began to slide down her arms. Arching her back she tried to slide them back up along his chest.

Spike slid his hands from Buffy’s hips catching her legs he drew them apart and guided her legs so they hooked over his arms. Using his arms he tilted her hips in just the right way and began to move at a pace and angle that would drive Buffy over the edge.

The moment his hips shifted he began to hit a spot that caused Buffy to gasp. There was nothing she could do at the moment he was controlling everything. All she could do was lie there and enjoy it, and god was she enjoying it.

Spike felt it the moment she slipped over the edge as her slick channel clamped around his member causing him arch back slightly. At the moment all he wanted to do was pound into her flesh until he found release. Sliding his arms from beneath her legs he braced himself on his knee and lifted her further onto the bed.

Spike slammed inside her just as her back hit the mattress. Spike’s body shifted and he rose up on his knees slightly forcing her legs apart and his hips pumping into hers. With each thrust he let out a sound that was a cross between a whimper and growl.

The sound sent shivers down her spine as he moved over her his body wrapping itself around her. His knees moved behind her, own forcing her to open for him even further. Buffy slid her arms around him, her hands drawing his head to her neck.

Needing no further invitation Spike sank his teeth into the tender skin. The taste of her blood was like a drug it sent him soaring. His release came soon after lasting for what seemed an eternity.

Running his tongue along bite he sucked at it gently working the spot with his tongue for a moment. Spike drew himself up above Buffy.

Buffy raised her hand to his cheek he caught her wrist before she could touch him and he pinned it above her head. Without being asked she raised the other one above her head.

“That wasn’t exactly the punishment I intended.” Spike confessed his hand wrapping around her other wrist. Pleased with her show of submission he couldn’t stop himself from leaning down a capturing her lips. As he pulled back her eyes fluttered open and he stared down into heaven.

Buffy smiled softly. “You could spank me.” She whispered. “Whatever you desire,” Buffy’s gaze slid to his lips then back to his gaze.

Spike raised a brow. “What ever I desire?” Spike asked softly moving so he rested on one arm he lifted the fingers of his free hand to her lips gently tracing her luscious lips.


“I want you to kill the Slayer.” Spike purred softly.

“Why?” Buffy asked before thinking. The request wasn’t what she had been expecting.

“Why doesn’t matter, I just want it done.” Spike responded leaning down and capturing her lips, “Before Dru’s ceremony.” Spike added drawing back from her lips. Teasing her lips he brushed his tongue across them causing her lips to part slightly.

Buffy stared up into her Sire’s gaze gone was the man of moments ago. Cold and calculating his gaze swept her features. “It’s funny all this time you’ve been out feeding and I haven’t run into a single minion you have turned.” Spike rose from the bed. “It makes me wonder pet.”

Buffy gathered the sheet around her as she watched him fix his pants. The answer was simple. She had no minions because instead of draining one victim she found several and took just enough from each. Something held her back and she wouldn’t drain anyone let alone turn them.

“Is that my punishment?” Buffy asked softly.

Spike glanced up to find Buffy covered, and lying on her side. “No, that was an order.” Spike turned toward the door. “Don’t disappoint me pet.”

Buffy stared at the door for a moment, than lowered her slender frame to the bed. Time was running out she had to make her move and get Dru out of the picture.

Chapter 12 – Betrayal so Sweet

Jenny left the school after their little Scooby meeting had been interrupted by the arrival of Kendra. While everyone hovered over the brutally beaten girl Jenny knew Buffy had done the damage. It was a knowledge that came deep inside through the bond that was growing stronger each day. The sight of Kendra broken and battered affected her more than the others because she was bound to Buffy.

Since that first night Buffy came to her Jenny noticed a few changes. She felt stronger and healthier among other changes that threw her into research mode after Buffy’s last visit.

Jenny found information on the demon’s and their hierarchy and customs. Vampires were not the highest on the list though they were the most prolific. Some demons were able to make humans their familiars giving them immortality and strength. Normally the human wasn’t giving a choice merely given the demon’s mark and forced into service.

Tonight as she sat with everyone she had become restless. Because she could feel herself starting to not care about what they were talking about until they brought up the cure they had found for Buffy to give her back her soul. Not to mention the things she did without thinking about it till after the fact.

The spell itself wouldn’t work till the found all the ingredients which Willow was searching for at the moment. As soon as she found out they would need an Orb of These to complete the ritual she went to the magic shop and purchased all they had in stock. Upon arriving home she smashed each one, having been assured by the shop owner that there wouldn’t be another shipment for several weeks.

Willow thought she would have the spell figured out in a few weeks and once again Jenny stepped in to ensure that didn’t happen. With a quick little upload onto Willow’s computer she ensured the encryption program Willow was using was altered to ensure it wouldn’t finish the job.

Walking into her place she set the keys to her place on the table along with her bag. All the changes that were occurring bothered her but even though she knew they were happening she couldn’t stop them. Earlier Rupert mentioned the distance she was placing between them and she denied it though it was true. Somehow she was going to find away to break the bond between them no matter what.

Spike left their lair his thoughts were not on Dru, they were dead set on Buffy. With all the pieces of Dru’s cure in his possession all he had to do was wait which shifted his focus to his childe.

Buffy was growing stronger everyday he could feel the power flowing just beneath the surface. With his thoughts on Dru he hadn’t taken her out hunting, and that had been a mistake. He was fairly certain that she hadn’t drained anyone, or else like he said he would have bumped into one or two of her minions.

A slender figure came into his view and a smile touched his lips as Sunday walked toward the entrance of their humble little abode.

Sunday caught sight of Spike as she approached. Though she wanted to she knew that avoiding him now wasn’t going to happen.

“Sunday,” Spike lit a cigarette his gaze sweeping the girl. “Keeping your little rag tag group in line?”

“Yes.” Sunday responded. “I am just checking in with Buffy.” Sunday moved to pass by him only to find her path blocked.

“We need to talk, privately.” Spike purred softly opening the door for her. Sunday felt that purr down her Spine. As she entered the building she glanced in the direction she knew Buffy was in, but followed Spike as ordered.

Buffy wasted not time getting cleaned up and dressed. The night had a few more hours to it and she needed to get busy. Instead of just worrying about getting rid of Dru, Spike had set her the goal of killing Kendra. Not that it would be hard, but she couldn’t do it.

Making her way across town she entered Jenny’s apartment without a sound. Her servant was sitting at the computer unaware of her presence. The gift she granted this human was instinctive she didn’t know the why or how she just did it.

The need had been there and the knowledge had simply come. Without thinking about it she simply filled the void and now had a familiar. Moving up behind Jenny she glanced over the computer screen her gaze sweeping over the information in seconds.

“So you know what you are now.” Buffy whispered in Jenny’s ear chuckling as the woman flew out of her seat her breath coming in delightful pants.

“What have you done to me?” Jenny asked a little breathless from the fright.

“I made you mine.” Buffy leaned over the abandoned chair and flicked through the information on the screen, “Interesting.”

Buffy rose up her gaze meeting Jenny’s. “I can let you go, or I can bind you to me forever the choice is mine not yours. You can do all the research you like it doesn’t change the facts.”

“I would expect you say that.” Jenny replied surprised by her boldness. “I will die before I let you control me.

Buffy smiled moving toward her familiar with purpose, “I Perhaps a lesson is in order.”

Jenny raised a brow, “What are you going to beat me up like you did Kendra?”

Buffy laughed shaking her head slightly. “I merely slapped that Slayer around a little, it’s not my fault she is so fragile. I am offering you the choice you can either serve me as you have with some of your freewill intact or I can turn you into what you fear the most.”

Jenny felt the shift in the room she could feel power emanating from Buffy like a thunderstorm.

“You won’t be my familiar a place which holds prominence and respect. I will turn you into the basest of slaves. From you research you can only begin to imagine the horrors that will be visited upon you. Immortal yet powerless even the lowest creature will be above you.” Buffy gently slid her hand along Jenny’s cheek wiping away the tears that had fallen.

“The choice is yours.” Buffy stared into Jenny’s dark eyes then those beautiful gypsy eyes lowered. “A wise choice,” Buffy whispered the power that had been coiling inside of her wrapped itself around the two of them. “Despite your reservations you have served me well so far.” Buffy whispered her lips a brush away from Jenny’s “Don’t fail me.”

Jenny felt that power rush through her as Buffy’s lips moved over her own. A whimper escaped her lips as Buffy’s lips parted her as that power coursed through every fiber of her being leaving no part untouched.

Buffy tilted Jenny’s head giving her better access her tongue gently parting the older women’s lips she could hear Jenny’s thoughts. Never in her life had she thought kissing another woman would be enjoyable it wasn’t right she had been told growing up, and that was repeated herself and her friends over the years.

As her tongue tasted her familiar she proved herself wrong for it was delightful. Jenny was having familiar thoughts as her arms slid around Buffy’s waist. Buffy trailed kisses down Jenny’s soft warm skin. As her lips brushed her pulse she let the last of her power plunge into Jenny as she sunk her teeth home claiming her familiar.

Jenny’s breath caught in her throat as Buffy overwhelmed her with sensations. The pain was overshadowed by the power and pleasure that flooded her. Jenny’s entire body shuddered as she found release her breath coming in hard pants and she felt Buffy lick the wounds at her neck.

“Don’t worry.” Buffy chuckled letting Jenny slid to the floor at her feet, “They are already fading.”

Jenny stared up at the creature before her taking a shaky breath she leaned her head against toned thigh before her.

“Now that is done, we have some work to do.” Buffy leaned down picking Jenny up and setting her back in her chair.

“What do you need me to do?” Jenny asked softly.

“Its simple really, I just need you to make sure the scoobies have this little bit of information it’s the address where they will be conducting Dru’s ritual.” Buffy pulled out a scrap of paper setting it on the table.

“That’s all.” Jenny asked lifting her gaze to her Master’s.

“That’s all.” Buffy gave Jenny a soft smile. “Don’t look so sad it’s not the end of your life, it’s the beginning of a whole new one for you.”

After Buffy left Jenny closed her eyes. “That’s what I am afraid of.” She whispered wiping away the tears that fell down her cheeks.

Buffy returned to their lair just before sunrise she was cutting it close but she had that need to be done.

As she passed by Drucilla’s room she heard whimpering and moans apparently Drucilla was having more than just a little fun with Angel. Spike wasn’t going to be happy about that not at all. A smirk crossed her lips at the thought as she headed toward her rooms.

Buffy’s smirk turned into a smile as she opened her door to find Sunday tidying up her room.

“You’re not my maid.” Buffy smiled warmly genuinely happy to see Sunday. “How are things on campus?”

“Good, as always I have two new minions they aren’t the brightest.” Sunday rolled her eyes shrugging her shoulders. “But they are mine.”

Buffy smiled taking off her jacket setting it aside. “That’s all that matters isn’t it.”

Sunday glanced toward the door then back at Buffy. “I saw Spike on my way in tonight, he was heading out he didn’t look happy.” Sunday swallowed nervous to be lying to her mistress.

“Dru’s been playing with Angel I am sure that is what has him upset.” Buffy sighed, “Now we need to discuss why I called you here.”

Sunday sat forward and listened to Buffy’s plan. It was simple yet it would work as long as the slayer and her old friends acted as they normally did.

“Are you sure this is the best plan?” Sunday asked softly.

“It’s the only plan possible due to the time frame, do you have another suggestion?” Buffy asked meeting Sunday’s gaze.

“No.” Sunday replied for it was the option available to them without staking Dru outright. It was perfect so long as everything went according to plan.

Giles glanced up as the doors to the library swung open revealing a girl carrying a duffle bag. Dressed in low rise leather pants and a black top that was cut so short it showed off her tight abs she was obviously one of the disaffected youth that went for the punk look. He really didn’t have time for students today he wished he could just lock the library doors and shut them all out.

“Can I help you?” Giles asked trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice as he addressed the new student.

“Are you Rupert Giles?” The girl’s voice was slightly husky and confident.

“I am.” Giles responded wondering if Snyder had sent to girl to him for detention or some other form of punishment.

“This is for you.” The girl gave him a wicked smile as she handed over an envelope as her gaze swept his body. “I am Faith Evans. I’m your new Slayer.”

Giles glaze flew up to the girl’s dark gaze as he began to open the envelope. Ripping open the letter the rest of the way he quickly read its contents. The letter was long filled with technical garbage, lines of succession, unprecedented events.

Kendra had been activated when Buffy died at the Master’s hands and kept with her watcher to fight in Africa. When the council called after Buffy to inform him another Slayer had been called they were referring to Faith. After the witches the council worked with foresaw a dark power rising in Sunnydale they decided to send Faith to help.

Kendra came out of the office hearing the girls declaration, her gaze swept the girl who dared claim she was the Slayer. This must be a joke.

“Damn girl what the hell got a hold of you?” Faith asked the girl looked like shit.

“This is Kendra.” Giles folded the letter. “Kendra this is Faith.” Giles made the introductions. “Your arrival was unexpected but you may be just what we need.” Giles couldn’t believe he now had two slayers, and somehow he was still worried that they wouldn’t be enough.

Buffy tracked Kendra with ease she knew where they were headed toward the church where the ritual was taking place. So far things had been going according to plan. Jenny had accomplished her task since they were heading in the right direction. Once they arrived on the scene Sunday during all the turmoil was going to ensure Dru turned into dust. Buffy of course would be onsite because she was tracking her prey, as ordered by her Sire. Simple, easy and everyone got what they wanted in the end, well Buffy did at least.

”Elagor, I name thee bringer of war, poisons, pariahs, and grand obscenities.” Spike lifted the elaborate cross that held the knife that held the power to restore Drucilla to her former glory. The church was being remodeled but was perfect for their purpose.

Sunday glanced toward the doors as the ritual began. The slayer and her crew were meant to be here already. They were late the ritual was starting. Damn idiots were supposed to be here already, if they didn’t show up soon she was going to have to take things into her own hands.

“Elagor, wretched master of decay bring your black medicine and restore your most imperious, murderous child.” Making his way toward the embracing couple he held the Dulac cross and slid the blade from its depths, and had to temper his hatred of Angel/Angelus to him they were one and the same.

In truth he would rather sink the knife into Angel’s heart but the ritual was very specific, and in the end Angel would be dead regardless.

“From the blood of the sire she is risen.” Glancing at Drucilla she was so weak she just sort of hung there like a rag doll. Without thought he plunged the knife between their entwined hands.

A wicked smile touched his lips at Dru’s cry of pain as the spark began to flow between them, and Dru began to siphon Angel’s strength. In just the first few moments all his fears that it was to late that he would lose Dru were extinguished.

“From the blood of the sire he is reborn.” With the final words of the spell released power surged between their bodies and energy crackled to life between them. Soon things would be perfect just as they should be.

Just as he moved back the doors to the church burst open and the damn slayer and her bunch flooded into the church.

“Watch them.” Spike growled over his shoulder at Sunday and Dalton as he headed into the fray heading directly for the Slayer.

Sunday moved forward pulling out a stake intending to drive it into Dru’s chest when a dark haired girl sent her flying back with blow. It wasn’t possible only a Slayer had that kind of strength. Scrambling to her feet Sunday faced the girl.

“Who are you?” Sunday asked.

“Doesn’t really matter, when you’re going to be dust in a moment,” Faith struck out but Sunday blocked the blow and sent Faith stumbling back.

“I’m not your average vampire anymore.” Sunday growled shifting into game face and advancing on the Slayer.

Buffy arrived to see their plan wasn’t going exactly according to plan. Her senses told her immediately that there were two slayers in the room. Kendra she knew the other one was trading blows with Sunday who was more than holding her own. The right side of the building was in flames

Buffy located Spike he was picking Dru up in his arms. Kendra was had joined the other slayer in the fight against Sunday. Sunday was effectively holding back both Slayers holding them back from Spike though he was unaware of her actions. The scoobies were all filing out of the building their part of the fight done.

As Buffy moved toward them intending to help Sunday, she heard a low whistling noise. Turning toward the sound she watched as he let loose a lamp that arched in the air and caught Spike in the back sending him tumbling into the organ of the church.

Watching in horror that portion of the building crumbled over her Sire’s fallen form as she took a step toward them as the fire spread over the debris.

“Master,” A horrified scream ripped through the church. Buffy whirled around just as Sunday threw herself into the path of the arrow directed at her heart. As the fire spread throughout the Church Sunday’s ashes caressed her face.

Buffy’s gaze lifted to see Kendra holding the crossbow, and she acted without thought. Kendra turned to run but her head jerked back and she felt the teeth tear into her throat and knew it was Buffy.

Faith whirled around realizing Kendra wasn’t right behind her. Faith watched as Kendra dusted a vampire. She started to turn back toward the door when it happened. Before she could even move Kendra was dead. Flames moved toward her so she stumbled out of the Church.

Buffy shoved the lifeless husk away from her licking her lips, potent. Buffy came back to herself and pushed aside the guilt that arose within her at killing the slayer. Kendra killed Sunday it was as simple as that.

Closing her eyes she could feel them both beneath the debris. Hands clawed their way from the debris and Buffy turned to see Dru free herself from the debris the flames in that area faltering just enough.

Dru stepped down from the debris. “You better go save your daddy before he burns.” Dru purred raising a brow and moving past Buffy.

Moving to the spot Dru emerged from she saw his pale hand and grasping it pulled him from the wreckage cradling him in her arms. As she exited the building it crumbled bathed in flames.

“I told Spike you were a Naughty girl.” Dru clucked her tongue and wagged her finger as she waited for them at a safe distance from the building. “You always hurt the ones you love.”

Buffy ignored the other vampire as she headed back to their lair.

End of Chapter 12

“I told Spike you were a Naughty girl.” Dru clucked her tongue and wagged her finger as she waited for them at a safe distance from the building. “You always hurt the ones you love.”

Buffy ignored the other vampire as she headed back to their lair.

Chapter 13 - You Always Hurt the Ones You Love…..

Buffy stormed into their lair ready to kill the vampire trailing behind her spouting complete nonsense. Since Spike’s injury Dru had become her constant shadow whispering about this and that.

After getting Spike back to their lair and settling him on the bed she carefully tended his wounds. As she settled the covers around him, his eyes fluttered open. Buffy ran her fingers across his cheek mindful of the burns marring his gorgeous features.

“Promise me.” Spike’s voice came out gravely barely above whisper his throat worked as lifted his hand to her cheek. “That you will take care of Dru till I am better.”

Buffy bit back the curse that came to her lips. That his first thought upon waking had been of that bitch made her skin crawl. Nodding she pulled back but his hand caught the fabric of her blouse.

“Promise me.” Spike managed to growl at his childe knowing she would only feel bound to her word if it was spoken aloud.

“I promise that I will take care of Dru, until you are better.” Buffy growled ready to jerk back from his grasp but his fingers slid away and she realized he had lost consciousness.

That had been a few weeks ago and he had done nothing but sleep and what little blood he took down Buffy forced down his throat. There were moments he was lucid but not many his body was healing far too many wounds at once.

“Daddy will be home soon, soon enough the pixies tell me so.” Dru squealed clapping her hands together and began dancing around behind Buffy as they entered the main room of the warehouse.

“Could you leave me alone for just a little while?” Buffy asked staring down the dark haired vampire as stopped her twirling around the table.

“Daddy is going to spank you when he gets here.” Dru, huffed and headed back the way they had come. Buffy thought about going after the vampire but moved toward her room instead. Maybe she would loose track of time and get caught out after sunrise and dust herself.

Closing the door Buffy slid onto the bed besides a sleeping Spike. If he woke up she would be here for him.

Willow left the magic shop bag in hand. The woman who ran the magic shop called her earlier to let her know that she just had a shipment of the orbs come in.

After Willow was unable to purchase one a few days earlier she put one on order but it was going to be three weeks before it came. Now all she had to do was decipher that spell. Since the program she was using on her laptop computer wasn’t working quite as she expected. So after a little tweaking she put it on her home computer and things were already looking up. Soon they would have all the pieces they needed.

Dru walked into the shop filled with all wonderful kinds of treats. Her gaze swept the contents looking for exactly what the pixies described.

“Can I help you miss?” A lovely little shopkeeper asked her voice soft gentle.

“I am looking for an orb of thesela.” Dru gave the woman one of her lovely smiles.

“Seems like everyone wants those these days luckily when I unpacked my order this morning I had a new batch.” The woman pulled out the innocent looking orb and Drucilla smiled plucking it from the woman’s hands. “I need a few other items.”

“What would those be my dear?” The woman smiled heading toward the stacks.

Drucilla tucked the last of the items into her bag stepping over the nice woman’s body as she left the store. Humming to herself softly she couldn’t wait soon enough Daddy would be coming home.

Faith’s gaze trailed over the ensouled vampire who was currently sparring with her. The idea of working with a vampire really hadn’t bothered her once Giles assured he was safe.

Safe wasn’t a term you could use when talking about Angel. Over the last few weeks he had kicked her ass more than once while they sparred. Though he had a sore spot one she knew better than to use during their fights. Just once she had mentioned Buffy during their fight and she had felt the error of that mistake for a couple of days.

“Ready to patrol later,” Angel asked turning to slide his shirt back on.

Faith smiled and walked up behind him sliding her arms around his waist she managed to cop a feel of his rippled abs before he knocked her back turning as he covered up all that salty goodness.

“Knock it off, like I told you before I’m not interested.” Angel left the library through his usual route. Working with Faith was a hell of a lot harder than with Kendra. While Kendra was all work Faith was quite the opposite.

Though she liked to work she was a sexy little package who knew what she wanted, as was used to getting it. At the moment she wanted Angel and wasn’t shy about letting him know she was ready, willing, and more than able to take his mind off of Buffy.

Angel couldn’t stop thinking about Buffy. Something wasn’t quite right where she was concerned. If she wanted make sure Dru didn’t get better she had ample opportunity to dust him and ensure it didn’t happen. Instead she warned him and told him to get out of town. Making his way back to his place he cleaned up and then laid down on his bed.

Sparring with Faith brought back those moments with Buffy, the feel of her moving against him anticipating his moves. The memories alone brought back that moment with her in alley after she had changed. Closing his eyes with a groan Angel slid his hand down his body imagining it was hers. Slowly he worked his hand up and down his member his mind imagining it was someone else.

“Buffy.” He growled his face shifting as he found his release.
Getting up Angel cleaned off then laid down once again on his bed. Pathetic he had simply become pathetic he sighed then fell into a fitful sleep.

Buffy let her victim go as she felt his heart begin to slow. That was enough for her and Spike tonight. Licking the wound she left him with pleasant memories of another girl on his mind as she left him in the alley.

Making her way through the alleyways she came home, pushing open the door she wondered where Dru was this evening. Most evenings she made a nuisance of herself whispering about her Daddy.

Buffy stopped outside the door to her room. The scents that assaulted her were unmistakable she couldn’t believe it. Knowing what she was going to find she pushed the door open and wasn’t surprised by what she found.

Dru smiled turning her head toward the door as her childe suckled at her breast literally. Spike in his current state answered more deeply to her position as his Sire then Buffy’s as his childe. When she opened her vein for him tonight it was the bond that forced him to drink not the blood. Buffy’s blood may be more potent, but in the end Dru was his Sire.

Things took their natural course as Spike’s body sought release in other ways Dru was more than willing to oblige. His hands gripped her hips as she did all the work. The look on Buffy’s face was worth it, she looked like a lost little girl who had just lost her Daddy. It wasn’t about love. The girl still didn’t understand it was about blood about family, and no matter what else happened Dru was Spike’s sire.

Spike pulled back from Dru’s breast he had feasted tonight first from her throat then from her breast. Below the waist the only thing working was his cock though all he could do was sit there and enjoy what Dru was doing to him.

When he awoke tonight he had been alone thirsty, almost starving. Wondering where his childe was he realized the extent of his injuries. Then Dru arrived tempering his hunger and at the onslaught of her blood his cock had swelled at the infusion of blood and she had been more than willing to oblige his lust.

Buffy’s scent was infused in the room, covering him. The soft vanilla scent heightening his desire, a primitive growl escaped his lips he bit back the cry for it wasn’t Dru’s name that almost escaped his lips.

A flash caught his eye and he looked toward the door he could have sworn it was closed before, not that he really noticed. “That’s a good boy.” Dru purred reopening the wound on her breast leaning down toward his lips. As he took his fill Dru moved her hips enjoying the moment for once her childe couldn’t move and she could do as she liked.

Buffy returned just before sunrise. Dru was in the main room dancing and talking to herself, as Buffy passed by she stopped swaying a smile touching her lips. Nothing was said as Buffy walked to her room and entered.

Spike glanced up to see Buffy walk in the room. For a moment he felt guilty for having Dru in her bed.

“You’re awake.” Buffy slid off her jacket and tossed it on the side. “I go you this.” Buffy walked to corner where her little present awaited. “Your legs are going to take time to heal.” Buffy pushed the wheelchair forward guilt at his state and her actions that caused it eating away at her. “At least with this you can get around.”

Spike glanced up at Buffy so surprised at the thoughtfulness of the gift he didn’t say anything. “We should get you up and back in your room.” Buffy ignored the sharp pain that coursed through at his lack of response.

“My room,” Spike asked running his hand over his eyes.

“Your room the one you share with Dru.” Buffy pushed the chair to the bed and with her strength picked him like a child.
“Now that you’re awake we can move you back where you belong.” Buffy wasn’t about to wait for him to request he be moved back with Dru, that would simply be too much.

Spike let her settle him in the chair. So much was happening so fast. They were headed out the door, and the next he was being settled into the larger bed in his and Dru’s room. Oddly enough it wasn’t the room he wanted to be in. There was no trace of Buffy’s scent in the room.

“There you go.” Buffy patted the covers into place. Then she leaned over brushing her lips over his forehead. “You still need your rest.”

Spike lay there after she had gone. What they hell was that? Kissing him on the forehead like he was a bloody invalid not her Sire, glancing down at his lips he sighed he was a bloody invalid.

Spike maneuvered his way through the lair with a package on his lap. It was one of many all pieces of a puzzle, that once solved would reveal the judge. Over the past few days Spike had seen little of Buffy, he learned about Sunday from one of the minions. He knew that the girl had been bound to Buffy as surely as if she had turned the girl herself. The way she was avoiding him was starting to get on his nerves.

Buffy closed her eyes loosing herself in her surroundings. Letting go she let the power inside her ripple through her frame then focused it to the palm of her hand. It had taken days of practice but she managed to do it once. Now she had managed to do it again. Within her palm a blue flame flickered to life and as she shifted her hand it flew out striking the headstone a few feet from her it flame eating away at the surface.

“The flame is just one of Amon’s gifts. I wonder how many others you possess,” Jenny asked from her spot among the cemetery.

Buffy lifted her gaze to Jenny’s and raised a brow. “We shall see, for now this one is enough to master.”

“You called me here for a reason.” Jenny prompted though she felt calm in her master’s presence she didn’t want anyone to see them together.

“Still holding out hope that you’ll escape me?” Buffy asked reading Jenny’s mind, “There is no chance of that I find it amusing that you continue to try to find a way. Just pray that I continue to find it amusing.” Buffy flexed her hand.

“Dru and Spike are resurrecting the Judge.” Buffy turned toward Jenny. “You need to let Giles know the last piece is coming in on board a ship tonight. They will need to take that piece and get it far away from here.” Buffy sighed.

“No plan of your own.” Jenny asked.

“No.” Buffy’s reply was clipped and Jenny felt her whole body respond to the tone. “No plan it’s up to them to get the piece if they wish to stop the Judge from rising.” Buffy called over her shoulder as she headed toward town.

“Where are you going?” Jenny asked glancing around the cemetery.

“There’s something I keep meaning to take care of, just haven’t gotten around to doing it.” Buffy replied. “Make sure you tell Giles tonight.”

Jenny muttered to herself and headed toward Giles place. Jenny was heading out of the cemetery when she bumped into a very broad chest.

“Jenny what are you doing here?” Angel asked, his gaze sweeping the area he could swear Buffy’s scent was in the air.

“I was looking for you, one of the witches I know gave me so information that we need to get to Giles right away.” Jenny hated to lie but it was the only thing she could do.

“Fine, lets get Faith and head to Giles’s. You know you really shouldn’t be out here by yourself.” Angel’s glance flickered over Jenny something was off with her lately he just couldn’t place his finger on it.

Buffy stayed in the shadows watching as Xander walked Willow to her house. Making sure the red-head was safely indoors he headed downstairs blissfully unaware that he was the one in danger.

“It’s a legend way before my time of a demon brought forth to rid the world of humanity. Separate the righteous from the wicked and burn the righteous down. They call him the judge.” Angel imparted the piece of information to those in the room with him.

Giles flipped through the books he had at hand. “You’re positive about the information this woman gave you.”

Jenny watched him frantically searching his books for a reference to the Judge. “Yes she said that Spike and Dru were gathering the pieces of the judge together, and that the last piece was arriving tonight.”

“How did she come by this information?” Giles asked his gaze sliding over Jenny’s features.
“I don’t know I can only tell you what she told me.” Jenny replied. “If we sit around here talking for much longer it will be too late.”

“You keep doing your research thing, and Angel and me will get down to the docks snatch this piece of the Judge.” Faith impulsive as ever got up and strode to the door. “Let’s go.” She called out to Angel as she walked out.

Angel got up glancing over at Giles, and followed Faith out the door. Lately she was getting a little reckless and he had a feeling it had to do with him. The innuendos were increasing daily along with her blatant propositions, which he turned down every single time. It was getting to her, almost as much as she was getting to him.

Xander knew he should head home but he couldn’t help sneaking out to see Cordy. Since their moment in the basement when they kissed they had been meeting secretly. Crossing through the park a smile crossed his features as she thought about how he had finally gotten his hearts desire.

Xander never heard a thing one moment he was walking along the next he was flat on his back the wind knocked out of him. “Well, hello Xander.” Buffy smiled her gaze sliding over the features of the man who made her sire a crippled.

“Buf.” Xander began but the name was cut off as she sent a blow to his stomach that had him curled up in the fetal position.

“Silence,” Buffy commanded kicking him back onto his back. “I didn’t say you could speak.” Buffy sighed staring down at the pathetic boy she once called friend.

“If you’re going to kill me just get it done with.” He snarled at her showing some spunk.

“I am not going to kill you.” Buffy sighed, “I need a new childe you see Kendra took mine.”

Buffy raised a brow at the fear that entered his eyes. A chuckle escaped her lips. “Not you, I wouldn’t do that to you.” Buffy lifted her gaze. “There she is, I think she might be exactly what I am looking for.” Buffy glanced down to see understanding in his eyes. Sending a blow to his head she knocked him out.

A sigh escaped her lips as she headed in the opposite direction. Tonight she was simply toying with the boy she wasn’t going to sire Cordelia Chase. No she had someone else entirely in mind for that position he wasn’t even one of the scoobies.

Faith blocked the blow from the vampire they had managed to get the box, but keeping hold of it proving to be a problem. As she moved to send her stake into the vampire’s heart he used the box against her. Oh shit, the thought crossed her mind as the box struck the side of her head and she fell over the railing.

Angel heard the splash and saw the vampire heft the box up and take off down the dock. Shit he moved after the vampire for a moment then headed toward the railing and sailed over the edge.

Faith wiped her wet hair back from her forehead glancing over at the equally as wet Angel. Though she doubted she looked quite that good wet. With his pants and shirt soaked every inch of him was revealed at the fabric molded to his skin.

“We need to go after them.” Angel reached out grasping Faith’s chin. “Are you alright?” He asked searching her eyes.

“Good enough.” Faith growled knocking his hand away. “Let’s go.” She got up and headed in the direction of the warehouse.

Buffy slipped on the little black dress that was laid out on her bed. The urge to put something else on had struck her only she didn’t know if Dru or Spike had chosen the dress. It was a halter dress with no back the scoop showing the base of her spine. The dress fell at an angle showing more of one leg than other. As for the neckline it plunged down showing off the curves of her breasts. Slipping on the pair of heels that accompanied the dress Buffy sighed hoping she looked alright she left her room to join the party.

Spike’s gaze locked on Buffy the moment she entered the party, in a dress that looked like it was made for her.

“I love to play dress up.” Dru purred into his ear her teeth gently catching his lobe and giving it a gentle bite. The dress had been chosen with care tonight was her party and the pixies had been whispering such wonderful new in her ear all night.

Lifting the glass to her lips Buffy didn’t bother wondering about where the contents of the glass came from, simply enjoyed the moment. Moving around the room she found her gaze drawn toward her Sire, as always. The burns on his face were still there though healing fairly well. It was the injuries to his legs that worried her the most.

Buffy’s gaze moved to the entryway as a minion came in carrying a box. Her grip tightened on the stem knowing what was inside. Those idiots couldn’t do anything right.

Dru clapped her hands the rest of the boxes had been assembled. “Oh, it’s such a wonderful gift.” Dru reached out taking the box her gaze meeting Spikes. “I will have to thank you properly later.” Dru purred softly her meaning clear to everyone present.

Picking up the last piece she lifted it up and set in place. The moment they were joined a flash of light came from the seals of the box and it became one. The box opened and her present was revealed, the Judge.

Buffy’s gaze flickered over the massive hulk of the Judge he wasn’t what she expected, he was Blue. Just as she started to move forward her gaze moved to the catwalk above them. Great they were too late, and now they were likely to get themselves killed.

“Oh look at my treat.” Dru purred softly. “Isn’t he wonderful I could just eat him up,” Dru stepped forward, Spike reached out catching the back of her dress and pulling her to his side.

“I can smell humanity on this one.” The Judge growled his gaze moving to a vampire wearing glasses. Reaching out he touched Dalton on the chest and the vampire disintegrated.

Angel and Faith managed to make their way across the catwalk in time to see Dalton bite the dust.

“Jesus.” Faith breathed her gaze flickering over the crowd then meeting a pair of pissed off green eyes. “We’ve been made.”

Angel met Buffy’s gaze and caught the motion of her hand. Frowning he grasped Faith’s hand intending to get them out of there.

“I smell the stink of humanity.” The Judge puffed up his chest and turned his gaze on them.

“Oh shit.” Faith breathed stumbling backwards intending to flee only to find their way blocked.

Angel glanced toward Buffy as they were brought struggling before the judge.

“Don’t they just reek of good intentions?” Dru purred giving her Daddy a smile.

Angel jerked on his bonds placing himself in front of the Slayer. “Take me instead.”

Spike chuckled. “There is no instead there is only first and second. If we let you go first you won’t be able to watch your little Slayer friend bite it.” Spike shifted his chair back giving the Judge room to get to work.

Buffy moved up behind Spike sliding her hand over his shoulder. The motion caught the Judge’s attention and he stared at her for a moment like a deer caught in the headlights. It was just enough to allow Angel to kick out at the Judge and sending stumbling back. He wasn’t very agile, and Angel yanked on a pulley and sent what ever was attached to it crashing down on top of the Judge.

“They are getting away.” Spike growled his hand sliding up to capture Buffy’s before she could pull away.

“For now, eventually they will be yours.” Buffy enjoyed the feel of his fingers toying with hers.

“The pixies say the time is right, oh so right.” Dru twirled around moving toward her room. There were things to do spell’s to weave before her Daddy came home.

Angel turned away as Faith began to take off her clothes. Tonight she was faced with her mortality the Judge had given her a lesson she wasn’t expected. The fear was coming off her in waves.

Angel heard her sharp intake of breath and turned without thinking. Faith wasn’t quite naked but she was close.

“You’re hurt.” He whispered moving toward the bed and settling down behind her.

“It’s not that bad just sore.” Faith closed her eyes as his fingertips brushed her skin. Taking a chance she turned toward him gaze up into his dark eyes.

Dru whispered the last words of the spell and the orb disintegrated. “It’s all up to you Daddy.” Dru smiled. The spell was simple it was going to trigger the gypsy spell by giving Angel his moment of pure happiness. Then Angelus would be unleashed. It didn’t matter if that perfect moment of happiness was just in Angel’s mind Dru simply needed the perfect situation to make it happen.

Angel closed his eyes for a moment, then when he opened them deep pools of green stared up at him. Without thought he leaned forward capturing her lips. Beyond words his deepest darkest fantasy was coming true.

As Angel moved over soft sun kissed skin plunging deep inside her depths as her lips parted for his he didn’t see the woman beneath him. Instead of dark eyes, and dark hair his mind envisioned green depths, and golden hair spilling across his pillow. As they found their release Faith’s lips muffled the moan that crossed his lips.

Angel woke feeling her pressed against him, her scent surrounded him. Pulling her slight frame against him this moment was the most amazing he had ever experienced simply holding. Pain coursed though his body suddenly. It was unlike anything he had felt before. It felt like something was clawing its way out of his body. Slipping out of the sheets he glanced over to see dark hair sprawled across his pillow, not blond. Stumbling out of the bed he managed to draw on his pants something wasn’t right.

Stumbling outside he made his way into the alley. This wasn’t right something was wrong. The pain racked thought his body driving him to his knees and he let a cry that would leave his throat hoarse.

Sara stopped as she heard the cry. It had been a long night at the bar tending tables. Instinct told her to run the other way, but she saw a man on his knees and he could be hurt.

“Are you alright?” She asked moving toward the man.

“Oh I think I am going to be just fine.” Angelus smiled turning toward her his face shifting in the process.

Sara’s cry was sharp but brief. Angelus tossed her aside glancing down at his clothes, he needed to change. A smile touched his lips as he thought of the Slayer in Angel’s bed. Poor little thing thought Angel had been screwing her, the whole time his mind had been on that delightful little bitch Buffy.

Angelus smirked, as he headed back inside. During Buffy’s encounters with Angel he had found himself falling for the little blond. After being Sired by Spike, she really did a number on Angel the poor sod didn’t stand a chance. Angelus wished she were his childe, but Spike had beaten him to that prize. In a way she was still his through their bloodline but it wasn’t the same.

Now time to deal with Faith, he couldn’t decide if he was going to kill her outright or play with her for a little while.


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