Switched Again

by Heather Sinclair



Chapter 1

~*~ Summers' Home ~*~

It's been almost a month since that night. I still can't believe that it actually happened. I have since, tried to keep away from his undeadedness. I really don't want a replay of that night...ever again. I know my body still craves him. I wake up night after night clutching the sheets, on the edge of a dream induced happy time only having to satisfy myself...other ways. Thank god for rechargeable batteries, or else this could have gotten really expensive.

I glance at my bedside clock and see that it is almost sunset. Reluctantly I get up from my afternoon nap and get dressed. My stomach announces it's presence, so I decide to get dinner before I hit the graveyards tonight.

Tonight I feel very girlish and choose to wear my black mini-dress and four inch slingbacks. I'll take along my backpack with some slaying clothes to change into for later. Not that I couldn't slay in heels, but I have a tendency to brake my heels a lot doing so.

I sling the backpack on my shoulder and take my first step downstairs. That's when I felt a wave of dizziness.


"Oh, Bloody Hell!"

I bellowed as I twisted my ankle on the stair's top step, at the Slayer's house, and tumbled down. I ducked my head down and tried to steer myself clear of a broken neck before I hit bottom.

Once I finally stopped, I took inventory of my bones. Nothing seemed to be wrong, so I sat up slowly.
The resident witches bolted from their bedroom.

"Buffy, are you okay!" Sounded a concerned redheaded as she swiftly descended the staircase.

I nodded and held my hand out for assistance.

"What the hell is the slayer trying to do in these things," I indicated the heels, "get herself killed if she isn't careful."

Willow's hand went to her opened mouth in an attempt to stifle a gasp.


I nodded again. "In the flesh...so to speak."

Tara was standing beside Willow by this time.

"Willow told me about last month, but I didn't think..."

I was still a bit perturbed. "Yeah, well I guess this thing is continuin' on."

~*~ Fifteen Minutes Later ~*~

I hear the front door open and familiar footsteps stomping toward the kitchen. The swinging door breezes open and there she is, in my body.

"Do you have to be a disgusting perv, twenty-four hours a day, Spike?" He commented with a look of bad taste in his mouth.

I just grinned. "Are you sayin' that you didn't like 'Interview with the Naked Vampire,' pet?"

He shook his head. "I don't know what men see in those type of movies."

"It's the sex, luv." I offered. "It's not like we go looking for a plot or anything. Just a little bump and grind to start the day off with, gets the juices flowin' if you know what I mean."

I watched as the kitchen door opened again.

"My juices flow just fine, Spike."

I waggled my eyebrows. "I remember, pet."

The witch announced her presence. "You're here. Great."

She was followed closely behind by her lover, Tara.

"We think we found the spell that was used on you guys."

The relief showed on Buffy's face. "That's wonderful, Wil. Now we can end this once and for all."

Willow shook her head. "Well not really. The counter spell has to be performed at the exact moment of sunset...before the change happens."

I sat silently.

"But we don't know when that will be!" Exclaimed Buffy.

"It's the full moon." I made that connection earlier.

Tara made it as well. "So we just wait until next month."

Willow agreed. "You just have to make it through tonight and you wont have to deal with this again."

Buffy looked at me, warily. "Just one more night. I can do that...I can do that, no problem."

Famous last words.


Willow and Tara left to consult with Giles on their findings. As soon as the front door closed I returned to the kitchen and confronted Spike.

"No sex." I proclaimed.

"Furthest thought from my mind, Slayer." She responded. "I am kinda hungry though."

In all of the hubbub I had forgotten that I was going to grab a bite at The Bronze before patrolling. "Fine," I reached into Spike's duster pocket, where I knew he kept his money, "your treat."

~*~ The Bronze ~*~

"She'll have a house salad with vinegar and oil." I announced to the waitress.

Spike looked appalled. "I bloody well will not." Then he turned his head toward the server. "Rib Eye, medium rare, baked potato, loaded... and make sure to bring extra bread."

"Spi...Buffy," I stumbled, "you'll get fat."

She gave a mock gasp. "Spike, you said that you would love me no matter how I look."

I felt all eyes on me at that moment: a scathing glare from the server, a pity look from the couple sitting at the table next to us, and of course a hurt look on Spike's face.

"Fine." I grudgingly caved.

The server nodded and gave Spike a comforting hand on her shoulder before she set off to the kitchen.

"I haven't tasted any real food for almost a hundred and fifty years, Slayer. Let me enjoy a real meal, once." She explained.

I relented and sat back in my chair. That is when I noticed Spike's posture.

"Spike," I whispered, "cross your legs and sit up straight. You are wearing a really short dress and you are flashing the entire dance floor."

Her back went ridged as she corrected her posture.

"Afraid to let everyone know that you aren't wearing any panties, Slayer?" She slung in place of embarrassment.

I tried to explain. "You can't wear underwear with that dress. It will show lines."

"It's a hell of a lot more comfortable than those damnable thongs that you wear." She clipped. "I swear it felt like I was pulling that out of my ass every ten minutes, last month."

An uncomfortable look came across her features.

"What?" I inquired.

"I think I need to go to the facilities." She groaned.


I left the facilities with grim satisfaction, knowing that I completed that task without too much trouble. Buffy was sitting at the table waiting nervously. He had taken off the duster and was just sitting there in morbid anticipation.

Once I sat he started to grill me. "Did you remember to use the toilet seat liner, and wash your hands?"

"Yes mother." I shot. "Did you know that there is a bloody couch in there?"

He nodded.

"Why don't they put a couple more stalls in. Save a girl some time waiting in line." He paused. "By the way, you have a date on Friday, with a girl name of Phra. I was givin' her a looksy and didn't notice her catching me through the mirror."

A look of complete horror dropped over his face. "Spike!"

"Jus' pullin' your leg, pet. Don't get so bent out of shape." I snickered.

"That's not nice, Spike." She protested.

I leaned closer to him. "I'm evil, and since I have this sodding chip in my skull I have to get my jollies when I can get them."

I heard the music change to a slower more sensual beat. "Come on, luv, I want to dance."

I pulled him by the arm, not giving any time for protest, to the dance floor. With the heels adding addition height, I was standing eye to eye with him. It took a second to readjust hand placement. I had been leading for over a century and it felt strange to let someone else do it, much less in my own body.

His hands were at the small of my back, and mine, around his neck. I let the music take this body and do with it things that it wanted: hips swayed, eyes closed, arms rose and slowly moved side to side. The feeling was erotic, and not only to me. My eyes slitted and I could see Buffy gazing at me with lust. I closed the small gap between us and moved slowly against him, feeling the hardness increase under his jeans.

My hand slid down his face, cupping him as they moved. I turned in his arms, pressed my bottom against his crotch and let the music take the lead. His hands glided from my shoulders down my arms, finding my hands moving back to feel the firmness of his tight ass. My head move back to his neck and greeted his cool lips.

His cool hands moved to my hips and traveled up cupping the outsides of my aching breasts then his left hand moved to my flat stomach and his right to my throat, holding me in place for a deeper kiss. I groaned lightly into his mouth for effect and it urged him on. He spun me back around and grabbed the hair at the back of my head. I moaned again and he pulled it back to allow his tongue to travel the length of my neck. I just kept my eyes closed and enjoyed every second.

It had seemed as if the rest of the world was tuning out: the music, the constant chatter, the clinking of glasses. There was just Buffy and myself becoming one on the dance floor. That is until I felt him stop dancing and halting his soft assault on my neck. Then I had realized that the world didn't stop for just us, it had ceased for everyone else as well and we were it's center.

There were mild cat calls from the back and a few muted clap of hands. I felt the blood rush to my face and my hand being grabbed, leading me off the floor to our table.

I sat, crossing my legs, trying to stem the flow of moistness that was threatening to make itself known down my supple thigh.

Buffy was covering his face. "I've never been so embarrassed in my entire life."

I was up there with him, but I had to cover it up. "Nothin' to worry yourself about, pet. They were just jealous of our passion."

"Passion?" He gasped. "We were about to go 'boink' right there on the dance floor."

A voice came out of the blue. "We noticed."

Buffy spun around and saw him. Xander. Then his head hit the table with surrender. "Someone stake me."





Chapter 2

"That can be arranged, you know." Xander seriously quipped.

Spike pushed her chair back and held up her hand. "Look here, whelp..."

I held up my hand. "Spike no!"

That kinda got Xander's attention.


The anger on Spike's face receded to apathy. "I'm her and she's me. We're just making the best of a weird situation."

Xander's open mouth snapped shut one he realized that his jaw was hanging at Spike's revelation.

"And the Hellmouth just keeps getting weirder and weirder."

He and Anya joined us at the table where I gave them the lowdown on last month's and tonight's situation... minus the X-rated parts of which no force on the face of the planet will get me to spill.

"So you can't do anything about it until next month?" Xander reiterated my summation.

I nodded.

"And you two are just having sex to pass the time?" Anya had to put her two cents in, just to make my life even more stressful.

Xander visibly shuddered. "Sweetie, please don't give me a visual."

"We haven't..." I started to protest, but was cut off.

"Don't try to deny it. Everyone in the club just saw a preview of tonight's escapades. I for one..."

Her sentence trailed off to the back of my mind. I saw the truth behind her words, seconds after they left her mouth. I could blame off all my desires to Spike's overactive male hormones, but I knew, just by looking at her, that I would be all over Spike's body tonight. I could already feel the pull of sexual desire that only she knew how to fulfill.

We know our own bodies more than anyone else had any hope to. We knew where all of those special spots are and how to tweak them for as much pleasure and ecstasy that they could experience. Does that make me some kind of pervert...wanting to pleasure my own body. Is this just a really bad way to rationalize my motives. Probably. The one thing I am sure of is Spike's desire for me. I can smell it on her. Is this how he knew that I wanted him, time and again in the past... the scent?

I'm not speaking of 'that musky scent of a woman's sex' that I've read about in Harlequin books. What I scent right now is far beyond that. Call it pheromones, call it unseated desire come to life, whatever. The only thing I can smell is Spike. Her skin, her hair, the almost undetectable trace of sweat after our dance, it is all part of her tonight. He once made a comment to me, long ago, before I could see our mutual attraction. It seems that I too am drowning in her tonight.

I could feel the heat of her body from four feet away. I could sense the hunger she has, just by looking briefly into her cool, dusky eyes. I want to sate that hunger. I want to dip my fingers into her hot moistness and lick away the juices that were created just for me... just for our mutual pleasure.

I feel the familiar sensation of blood leaving the extremities of this body and traveling inward, centering itself for a night of sensual exploration. Is this a vampire thing, being so hyper-aware of the body's use of its own blood? Who cares. I need her now, on this table, in front of everyone. I don't care who is watching or what laws we break.

Fantasies race through my head of flipping the table over and pushing her up against the wall; turning her around and hearing her gasp as I enter her from behind. Watching as she claws the wall, tearing the sheetrock with her fingernails as she climaxes.

I see myself tossing her on the bar and dousing her in Johnny Walker Black, just to turn around and clean it off of her with my eager tongue.

I see myself grabbing the whipped cream from behind the bar and lathering it up on my stiff shaft. I snatch Spike by her long blonde locks and force her hot mouth onto me so that I may deposit some of my own, self-made whipped cream deep in her mouth.

Nothing makes me more hot than to see Spike being submissive to me. It touches a deep seated need from somewhere inside. A need to make her scream, just a little; not from pain but from a pleasured pain.

I see myself throwing her down on the table where we are sitting; roughly grasping her ankles, seeing the shock in her eyes that I am about to make her truest desires come to life, and then pushing them back beside her head as I plunge my hard cock into her tight, hot, wet...

"Buffy?" Xander was snapping his fingers in front of my face.

I jolted out of my self induced porn film and saw the look on Spike's face. He knew. He knew, because he was having the same fantasies. I don't know how I could tell, but he knew... of that I could be certain.

I tore my eyes away from Spike and laid them on Xander. He leaned back abruptly, sensing something weird emanating from my body.

"I...we've got to go." I reached into the duster and retreated some cash, hastily tossing it on the table. "Tonight's dinner is on me."

I grabbed Spike's hand and tore her from the chair. We almost ran over our waitress as she was arriving with Spike's food.

My blonde sex pet grabbed the proffered plate from the server's hand. "Sorry love, got to run. Tab's on the table."

The server was again caught unaware. "Hey, you can't take the plate."

We were half way out of the door when I heard Spike reply. "I'll bring it back tomorrow. Got to go get good and shagged now. Bloody horny boyfriend I got here."

And we were gone.


Well now, don't I feel like the nice ripe tart! It took most of my attention and balancing skills not to drop the plate with my blood drenched steak and mouth watering baked potato on the way to my crypt, but I managed. Damn I forgot the steak sauce.

Buffy was in rare form tonight; letting her mates know that she was bedding me because she wanted to and not because of some daft spell one of the witch's might have performed. There won't be any propositions tonight; just unbridled humping... okay maybe a little bridled action now and again. I'm feeling a bit randy.

I couldn't argue with her though I felt his need as well as my own as he carried me down into the recesses of the crypt and laid me roughly on the bed. He saw that I was still carrying the meal and tried to rid me of it. That is until I protested.

"Hold on there, Slayer. Apparently this body haven't eaten since breakfast, and while I am just as eager to break the springs on this bed as you, a girls got to keep up her strength."

The glazed look in his eyes cleared up for about a second before he dipped his finger into my baked potato, and held some of the contents to my lips.

"Why can we do both?"

A grin widened my lips as I took his finger into my mouth, licking and sucking the mixture of potato and sour cream 'till it was clean once more. Cor, now this is what I call a dinner date!

I set the plate on the bed and watched as he tore off his clothes, throwing the ripped remains to the floor. I was on easy street tonight as all I had to do was reach down, take hold, and lift my dress over my head. No undies tonight, kiddies. One has to question whether or not she somehow knew that tonight was going to happen before it did. It wasn't often that the slayer went around sans undies. But then again, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth.

By the time I had laid the dress carefully to the side, he had a piece of rib-eye in my mouth. The flavor was uncanny. I had forgotten long ago what it was like to consume anything but the life giving force of blood and actually taste it, but to have this in my mouth along with the taste of my soon-to-be lover was useless to describe. One might as well try to explain a baby's smile to a blind person. You could get the physical points across, but the emotion behind it is not to be attempted.

The feast continued slowly: chives and shredded cheese on his nipples, shreds of rare meat on his abs, sour cream and potato on his ridged cock. It was there that I found the plate empty and my appetite for food ended, but my hunger for something else large and meaty was just beginning.


I sat on the edge of ecstasy for the last half hour as I emptied the plate on my aching body and she rid it, sating her body's craving for sustenance. Her tongue has played me to the brink several times and left me begging for just one more bite... one more lick... one more suckle to carry me over onto the waves of a heart rendering explosion, but I was denied every time.

I jumped out of bed and retreated to what passed for a closet, what in actuality was a makeshift pole hanging across two jutting pieces of rock with several sets of clothes hanging, in this underground dwelling. I was too hot for her. If I let it get out of control, she would be hurt.

"Buffy, what are you doing?" I heard her ask in that silky voice.

"Cooling off." I said flatly.

I looked over at her and saw her smirk slightly.

"I'll just have to start without you if you don't hurry."

She lay facing up and arched her back ever so slightly as her left hand moved to her sex and her right fondled her erect nipples back and forth. A subtle sigh issued from her mouth.

"Say, Slayer...you didn't happen to bring your vibrator with you, hmm? I have a serious itch that needs attention."

I watched as she pushed two of her fingers deep inside.

"Oh yeah," she breathed softly, "there it is."

This is not helping matters. I think I am getting harder by the second. I am also fairly certain that I could drill another room out of the rock with this cock right now. Screw it.

I dove back to the bed and pulled her hand out of her dripping wetness, replacing it with the pile driver that is my cock. I was fully into her with the first thrust. Is that sizzling I hear as my coolness is surrounded by the oppressive heat of her nether folds.

I feel her nails dig into my back, drawing blood. I almost scream, but not in pain. It's the scream of over stimulation. It was just too much for me and I lose my myself in the throes of orgasm.

I felt her inner muscles going to work, pulling out every drop of life's milk that I was pumping into her. I couldn't move, and as a result held myself solid as a rock while she was continuing her assault on my still hard member.

Her legs wrapped around my middle and I felt her ankles lock behind me as she bucked upwards so aggressively that we both rose off the bed. Awareness started reentering my head and I tried to get control of the situation. She bucked again and we bounced off the bed a second time. Her body's contractions didn't seem natural. Every muscle I could see pulled taught with each contraction.

At the third, in as few as ten seconds, I felt her teeth at my neck. If she was a vampire I would have been dead in seconds. As it was her blunt teeth could only do minimal damage, but it was sweet nonetheless. At the back of her throat came a muffled scream partially covered up by her attachment to my neck.

Then it happened one last time. I thought she was going to snap my back in two with her attempt to drive every last millimeter of my cock into her. The pain was too great so I did the only thing I could thing of I spun her around and we fell to the floor with a great thud.

This seemed to snap her out of whatever orgasmic la-la-land that she was in, because her eyes flew open. A smile crept across her face and she lessened her grip on various portions of my body. My eyes closed in relief.

Her body went limp and allowed me to fall next to her on the cool stone floor.

"That...was different." I commented.

She laughed in between heavy breaths. "I...never...ever..." She laughed again. "My god... Slayer...that was unbe'fucking'lievable."

I turned my head to her. "You weren't so bad yourself."

"I wasn't so bad? I was brilliant! I was a goddess sent from heaven for this moment alone! That was absolutely the best sex I have had in a hundred and fifty years, and it only lasted for a few minutes." She espoused.

"Hey!" I didn't know if I was supposed to be happy or offended at that revelation.

She laughed. "You were absolutely great. How did you learn to twirl your cock inside me like that?"

That caught me by surprise. "I didn't."

She ignored me.

"Oh Buffy, can't we stay like this forever..." She whispered as she fell softly to sleep.


Chapter 3

~*~ One Lunar Month Later ~*~

Spike and I haven't seen each other for almost a month now. I have a feeling that he was a bit embarrassed over his revelation to himself. It's not every day that you find out you prefer life better in someone else's body, much less a body of a different sex.

I mulled it around for about a week that his reasoning might be a desire for a mortal body, but in the end it all came down to our relationship. When we are in our own bodies I am distant and treat Spike like the monster he was turned into, but when we are switched, we are the lovers that he has dreamed we would be.

I'm through denying that I don't have feelings for him. I'd be lying to myself if I continued down that path. The problem is: How do I explain this to Dawn and my friends. I think Willow would understand, or at least support me because of our friendship, but Xander and Giles would never go for it.

Not that Giles would have anything to say about it, considering his move back to blood-pie-land.


~*~ Spike's Crypt ~*~

I find I am talking to myself more and more.

Get a bloody hold of yourself. You are the scourge of Europe for pity's sake. <Not anymore your not.> All you have to do is tell her. <Tell her what...that you've gone all poofy on yourself; that you like being in her body once a month.> You are William the Bloody! <More like Willimina the Prancy.> You crave the flesh of women. <Don't forget a little cock-sucking on the side.> It's not like that. <Keep telling yourself that, Nancy-boy.>

Only one more hour until sundown. "I have to talk to her."

"About what?" Came her voice from the main crypt, above.

She descended the ladder as I tried to collect myself and not seem so obvious.

"Buffy...I..." I stumbled.

She saw the indecision written all over my face.

"Spike, sit down."

I sat on the bed, crossing my legs and then uncrossing them.

"Stop fidgeting already." She scolded me.

"I'm not fidgeting... I'm...bloody hell..."

She sat beside me. "Spike, Willow is on her way over here. We have about fifteen minutes to make a decision."

I tried to play it with a stiff upper lip. "What kinda decision?"

Then she plopped out with it.

"Do you want to keep on, or do you want to stop this?"

She almost surprised me. "I want..." I paused. "Do you..." I paused again. "I mean..." Spit it out Spike! "I want you, Buffy. If that means we keep on with... this, then yeah, I want it."

She sighed a bit and nodded. "It's wrong, for us... to be together."

Enough. "Why, Slayer. Why is it wrong for two people that love each other to be together."

She got up and started a slow pace across the cavern. "It's not that simple and you know it." She stopped and growled in frustration. "You don't even have a soul."

"I'll get one." I said flatly.

She stopped her pacing. "What?"

"I'll get one. I'll get a bloody soul,. Have the witch conger me up one just like she did the poof."

There was almost a glow of hope entering her eyes. Then as quickly as it came, it was gone. "But you wouldn't be you, would you."

I shook my head in the negative. "Buffy, almost all that I am is demon. I have the memory and skills of William 'the human', but when it comes down to it, he is gone and the demon remains. If he were returned, I would still be in here," I indicated tapping my chest above my heart, "buried deep inside, but I would be here."

I rose off the bed. "I would still experience what it means to love you. I would feel your touch, smell your sweet scent, hear your voice, but I would have no control."

Her eyes moved to meet mine as I inched slowly forward.

"You'd do that for me?" She stood amazed, gazing into my eyes.

I was defeated. I was love's saucy, slutty, slave bitch and I knew it. I could never say no, even if it meant losing her to my human side.

"I love you, Buffy. I can't say it any plainer than that, and if that’s what it takes to be by your side and in your arms... then yes."




It's been six months since that day. The Slayer doesn't talk about it much. Not that I mind. I just as soon forget that conversation ever happened. The witch came by and faked a performance for us. Even I knew enough about magic to know it wasn't a real incantation that she was chanting. A little essence of bat guano for the smell and some flash powder, and I was supposed to think she tried her best?

See... I know my Slayer. I know that she had a talk with the witch and told her to fake the spell so she and I could go on shagging and have an excuse for her mates. I know she loves me, but her pride won't let her admit it. The months that followed we would swap bodies again and again for a day. My little Slayer has quite the imagination. You should see the way I would wind up after the swap. Sometimes in chains, sometimes with a slew of play toys. Yeah, I know my Slayer.

I know my Slayer...inside and out.


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