Tainted Love
by VamptasticA


This is a story only for fun...I own nothing, I claim nothing........Dammit!

What's the What?  A drunken cherub, Xander gets hit by an arrow of love meant for Buffy to encourage her
love for spike. Xander falls for spike, Buffy falls for spike... wackiness ensues...it's a mess.

Rating? NC17 baby
Feedback? PLEASE!!!! I've no one to read my stories so I don't know if they suck or not....
Written by VamptasticA

This is a Happy Valentines to all the crazy people on One Good Day ...err...lay...um...day....

The Summers home, the house is dark with the exception of the living room where the Scoobies have
congregated to discuss the latest vamp activity. Or more to the point, the activities of one bleached blond pest.

"What is it with you and the undead buff?" Xander's voice coated in sarcasm as he jealously thought of the
good looking blond vamp professing his love to the very woman he himself had never had a chance with.
*Unless you remember that one time with the love spell, and the tiny black raincoat....aah...Good times.*

"I don't think it's Buffy's fault Xander," Willow defended her friend frowning slightly at the dark haired man
sitting on her left. "I mean, it's not like she encouraged him or something."  She paused for a moment before
turning her wide green eyed gaze to the slayer full of concern, "You didn't encourage him, did you Buffy?"

"What? Willow! Of course not...." Buffy's voice indignant before trailing off.  "Well, I don't think so anyway. Who
can tell right? I mean fighting is like foreplay to him and... Oh....Oh my god," she looked at her friends
frantically, "What if he thinks that's what I've been doing. Sending him signals? Oh god...oh, I did didn't I? I sent
him signals and I didn't even know it...and now he's all with the love having."

As Buffy continued to ramble on about signals, and love and blond vamps that should have been dust a long
time ago, no one noticed what was happening in the darkened front hall.

About the same time the Scoobs were reassuring Buffy that she had in fact, not, encouraged Spike's
seemingly sudden amour, a small rosy cheeked cherub dressed in the stereotypical diapers and wings
appeared out of the darkness. He carried with him a full compliment of arrows strapped to his back, a golden
bow and a mostly empty flagon of Brandywine made by Dionysus himself for Cupid. The fact that he wasn't
Cupid didn't bother Bob in the least.

He sat the flagon down on the floor and teetered drunkenly for a moment before reaching into his supply of
arrows for an arrow of endless love. Now this really didn't guarantee endless love, it just more or less pushed
along what was already there. This particular one had been a special order for Buffy Summers, vampire slayer
to fall in love with one vampire, known as Spike, or William the Bloody, by the powers that be themselves, thus
finding their champion a mate.  And really who was Bob to argue?

So he teetered for a moment more, his small chubby hands searching and finally finding the right arrow, he
notched it ...and let it fly......Right into the back of Xander Harris, carpenter.

"Oooo...hic...pps!" The cherub mumbled as he observed the shaft of the arrow dissolve into Xanders back.
*Eh, * Bob thought to himself, *what could it matter? It was destined to wear off in a couple of days on St.
Valentine's Day anyway, and it was seriously doubtful that the man he'd shot had feelings for a male vampire
wasn't it?  The arrow was meant to encourage the slayer so maybe he’d get lucky and she'd give in to her
feelings for the vamp and no one would be the wiser. No harm no foul.  Yep, just have to wait and see. *
unfortunately was on probation for being a bit of a slacker) with that final thought he picked up the flagon and
promptly drained it of its contents and in a spark of light was gone.

"So what should I do?"  Buffy groaned, " I mean it's not like I can hurt the guy to get my point across, he's
gonna think I'm returning his feelings. Which I ...do...not." With a deep sigh she sank back into the couch
cushions, "I am so screwed!"

"Oh, c'mon Buffy it's not that bad, I mean we've all seen the guy. He's got that whole bad boy image going on,
not to mention those well muscled arms and those bluer than blue eyes." Xander finished dreamily thinking of

"What, what?" Xander asked snapping back to reality to see the stunned looks on the faces of his female

Replaying what he had just said in his mind and what he had uttered out loud,  he blushed painfully before
choking out, "A joke...ha...ha...um...I gotta go!" With that Xander Harris bolted out of Buffy Summers house and
into the balmy night air as a final question was asked, "Ok who else thought that was weird?"

Gifts of love Or What do you get a vamp that has everything?

Knock Knock

No answer.

Knock, Knock, Knock.....a little louder this time.

Still, no answer.

KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK....the pounding echoing across the upper floor of the crypt.

"Bloody 'Ell!" Spike swore loudly as he angrily climbed the ladder to the main floor.  Stalking across the hard
stone floor in nothing but his partially buttoned black jeans, he flung open the door fully intending to eviscerate
the sod that couldn't take a hint and dared to interrupt his nightly viewing of Passions.

Flinging the door open hard enough for it to hit the inside chamber wall with a loud crash, he slipped into game
face and prepared to....
*huh....s'this then?* Spike moved cautiously onto the stone porch eyeing the bottle
sitting innocently enough wrapped in a red satin bow.  Looking this way and that and not seeing anything out of
the ordinary, he picked up the bottle and whistled under his breath as he read the label.
*Dom Perignon,
1902, and damned expensive too. Champagne, not really my drink, but what the 'ell someone left me a
prezzie, might as well enjoy myself. I wonder who?*
A small grin crested his face as thoughts of a tiny blond
slayer came to mind. The fact that she could in no way afford such an extravagant gift never coming to bear on
the subject.  Taking the bottle in his right hand, Spike took one last glance around and returned to his lair,
closing the heavy door behind him, never noticing the brunette carpenter watching him happily from behind a
tree as he accepted his gift. With a sigh of what could only be called joy, Xander started walking dazedly out of
the cemetery, his mind already buzzing with possibilities of how to win the blond vamps love.

What is a girl to do? Or Kiss me you fool

                             5 nights later

"What is with you Spike?" Buffy asked again shooting an annoyed look at the vamp patrolling at her side.

"S'at luv?" He grinned making Buffy stop in her tracks abruptly, and it was four or five steps later when he
finally realized that the slayer had indeed stopped.
Turning back towards her with a small chuckle as he took in the no nonsense position she stood in, her eyes
throwing out such heat he was surprised he didn’t spontaneously combust from her glare.

“So what’s troubling the slayer tonight?” He asked as the grin he’d been holding back broke across his
handsome face, once again causing Buffy to falter.
*Damn why does he have to be so very lickable? Oooo
bad, bad Buffy. DO NOT think of the cruel, well not so much; ok…how about nasty…yea…nasty, sarcastic,
bitable, salty goodness that is Spike….DAMMIT!!!!*
Buffy silently argued with herself as she mentally
clamped down on her raging hormones.

Spike’s grin only got bigger as her realized she seemed to be having trouble walking, or talking for that matter,
every time he smiled at her.
*Hmmm…interestin’, never woulda’ thought that it be just a smile that would do
the mighty slayer in.*

“That.” Buffy’s voice cut through his musings suddenly.
*Hunh?* “What luv?”
“That is what is bothering me, that.” She groused pointing towards him, “What is that smile? You look like the
vamp that ate the canary.”
“S’wrong with me smilin?”
“YOU never smile!” Buffy said huffily crossing her arms in front of her.
“Wrong luv, I just never smile around you.” He answered, flashing that too happy grin again.
“’Sides,” His voice dropping into a silky murmur as he stepped closer to his dream girl, “Wadda you care?”
Tossing her long golden hair over her shoulder she leveled her green gaze at him, “I don’t. You just look like
you’re keeping a secret and you plus secrets equals BAD!”  
Buffy held his blue eyed stare as she hoped that the anger in her voice had successfully covered the jump in
her pulse the closer he got.

Cocking his scarred eyebrow at her, he merely stood back and allowed her to stalk haughtily past him, but not
one to deny himself; he soon found his eyes caressing his slayers luscious bottom as she led the way further
into the graveyard.  

The impact of running head long into Buffy as she stopped suddenly again was enough to send both vampire
and slayer tumbling to the ground.
“Ooof, Dammit Spike watch where you’re going,” Buffy fumed from underneath him where she had landed
face first in the cool grass.

“Bloody ‘ell woman, if you hadna’ stopped …” his voice suddenly trailing off as he became painfully aware of a
certain part of his anatomy pressing into the previously ogled behind of the slayer.

Buffy’s breath caught with a hitch in her throat as she realized that something hard and decidedly large was
pushed up rather intimately with her bottom,
*Ooooo, That is NOT a stake!* she thought as a small moan
escaped her lips and her fingers curled into the damp night earth.

Spike’s hearing picked up her small moan and made him unbearably harder than even before.
*Gods she
feels so good underneath me, I wonder if….she’s not moving…not struggling to get away…she did moan….
it didn’t sound like pain…*

His thoughts becoming muzzy with unbridled lust as he felt Buffy’s hips raise slightly to encourage more
*You don’t have any idea what you just did Luv.* He smiled inwardly to himself before giving in to his
urges and with a groan that sent shivers chasing down Buffy’s entire frame, Spike slowly ground his denim
covered erection into her, eliciting a definite moan of pleasure from her pouting lips.

“More Luv?” Spike whispered huskily into her ear, his cool breath tickling her earlobe enticingly as he spoke.  
Feeling her nod of consent against his chiseled cheek he ran his right hand under her tank top to lightly caress
her quivering stomach muscles before pulling her up to her hands and knees, all the while continuing the
delicious friction against her ass.  

With another moan of passion Buffy pressed herself back into Spike’s lean frame feeling every inch of lean
muscle against her, wrapped around her like an erotic blanket.
*Oh…my…GOD! He feels even better than I’ve
imagined. All those times by myself, fingers buried to the hilt in me, fantasizing, when I could have just
had him, over and over and over again.*
Her thoughts coming to a blazing halt as Spike’s hands ran up to her
breasts fondling them through the lacy fabric of her bra.

“Uhhh….,” Buffy let out the small grunt as Spike ripped the garment allowing her warm breasts to spill  into his
cool hands, the contrast driving the need for him into full force as her panties became soaked with her juices.

“Oh, God Spike.” She managed to groan, “I need…Oh…God….” Her nipples tingling with the light touches of
his hands while he nuzzled into her warm neck, his cold tongue trailing lightly across the curve of her throat up
to the delicate shell of her ear.

“What do you need Buffy? Tell me.” Spike’s voice ran like warm honey down her spine, “This?” He asked as
he pinched an already hardened nipple. “Or this?” He repeated the question as he ran his left hand back down
her stomach past the waistband of her leather pants, past the lace of her thong and into the slick shaven cleft
of her womanhood.

“OOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhh……..mmmmmmmmmm.” She gasped at the first touch of his fingers on
her throbbing center. Buffy’s body was already at the edge just from the sheer heat of Spike’s touches and the
undeniably exciting open to anyone’s eyes, location she currently found herself in.

“Is this what you wanted?” Spike’s voice rasping as he continued to touch and tease Buffy, turning her into a
mewling, gasping puddle underneath the blond vamp. “Want more?”

Buffy nodded frantically as she felt Spike’s fingers slide farther underneath her and into her wet heated core. A
wild gasp escaped her as he moved three fingers into her and began thrusting, while rubbing on her clit with
his thumb.

“Bet you taste so good,” He said smiling as she clenched down around his seeking, thrusting fingers, reveling
in the heat and moans that poured from her petite frame in waves. “I just want to run my tongue down your
sweet lips and then dip into you to lap up everythin’ you can give me. I just want to drink down your sweet
cunny, and then I want to thrust my hard cock into you as you beg me to let you cum, and feel all those sweet
slayers muscles ripple around me while I fill you to the hilt with my cold shaft.”

“Oooooooooo………. ohmygodohmygodohmygod, there…spike…right there…deeper…deeper…oh
yes…now…now….NOWWW………” Buffy’s shriek cut through the dark night as she convulsed around his
fingers in orgasm. Her entire body arching against his, her shudders passing violently through her body and
into his causing him to tighten his grip so that he wasn’t tossed to the ground.

Pulling his fingers from her clenching heat with a wet sound, Spike pulled her still quaking body up against his
and yanked her leather pants down around her knees.  Pushing her gently back down onto her hands he then
quickly divested himself of his own worn pants before sliding both of his hands down her damp thighs pulling
her back flush against his own.  Grasping his hard cock in his hands he nudged it against her damp cleft
before running it teasingly up and down while listening to her whimpers of pleasure. Unable to hold out any
longer he grasped her hips in both of his hands and slid  his hard cool length into the sopping center of her.

“Gaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh……” He growled at the sheer ecstacy that was  being inside Buffy, his loud moan
mingling with hers in the night in a chorus of pleasure.

“Mmmmm……yeeeessssssss….” Buffy hissed between her lips as she felt his cock cut through the burning
heat inside her to her very core.  “You feel so damn good inside me Spike. I never want you to leave.
You…oh….” Her voice broke as Spike started his sensual assault on her.

“I what Slayer?” He barely managed to get out in between thrusts, each deeper than the last.

“You….gotta….keep…….oh…yes….fucking me….” She panted in time with each deep thrust.  

“Oh I will Slayer,” He said as he bent forward over her back driving himself even deeper into her slippery
passage, “You can count on it, everyday, every night, whenever, and wherever, you’re mine now.”

Buffy whimpered as she felt him slide into her, their bodies a synchronization of want and lust, two becoming
one, singular in their hedonistic pursuit of pleasure.Each and every pulse of Spike’s hips spurring her on to greater heights of desire,
greater depths of need.

Suddenly without warning it was upon her, an animalistic cry was torn from her lips as she drove her surging
hips into Spike at the same time he slid a cool digit into her wetness seeking out the sensitive nub of her clit.
The fires that had been building for years between the two mortal enemies spiraled out of control as their
lower regions took over in the mating of the ages. Losing sight of their true selves  they could only concentrate
on the feelings surging between them, as the walls that had been built around cold hearts, were ripped
asunder in one breath.

“OH GOD……..,”Buffy screamed as she felt the prick of Spike’s fangs sliding into her supple skin, the
pleasure of his bite driving her into orgasm after orgasm.

Spike pulled his blood stained mouth from her sweet neck as he reared back and howled into the night Buffy’s
name, his cold essence coating  her hot depths with each clench and flutter of her muscles over his still
pulsating prick.  

“God…….I Love You Buffy…I love you so much….so much…” he moaned helplessly into her silken hair as he
dropped down to gather his final conqueror into his strong arms, not noticing that she had grown lax in his
embrace until she virtually lay draped like a towel.

Breathing a small sigh of relief that she had passed out and had apparently not heard his confession of love,
he extricated himself from her clinging warmth and gently eased the girl that held his undead heart to the
ground. Taking a moment to right his clothing and Buffy’s clothing as much as he could, Spike brushed one
hand tenderly over her cheek before gathering her to him.

“Sleep now?” Buffy mumbled before dropping off once again safe in Spike’s arms.

With a smile of genuine love he pressed a kiss to her forehead  before picking her up and striding purposefully
towards his crypt and a warm waiting bed.

“Yes luv, you can sleep now, the big bad has you. Nothing will ever hurt you again.”

Prezzies, unexpected surprises and OH MY GOD Xander, what are you doing?

Spike looked down on the slayer that was now curled up comfily in his deep red down comforter with
tenderness. Pushing a stray hair behind her ear he smiled as her sleepy hazel eyes came to rest on his with a
happy hazy glow in them.

“Sleep with me?” Buffy murmured softly.
“Not just yet luv, still early for me. ‘M gonna’ go fetch myself some dinner and I’ll be right back. You go on ‘head
and sleep. You won’t even know ‘m gone.” He told her just as softly thinking she had already fallen back asleep.

“Always know when you’re gone Spike, feels lonely,” came the reply quiet as a doves cooing.

He realized that perhaps she wasn’t fully awake and therefore probably not realizing what she was saying but
he decided to let the statement soothe another part of his tortured heart with the thought that maybe, just
maybe she loved him also.

“Be right back luv.” He whispered as he kissed her lips softly.

Dropping his trench coat on a chair he made his way up the ladder leading to the top story of his crypt.
to see what my little vixen left me tonight,*
he thought to himself as he went out the door of the crypt in search
of the box he had seen sitting on steps when he had  walked past with Buffy.

It was a simple white box, really nothing special about it but something in the scent made Spike pause. It
smelled almost like….
*Nah…couldn’t be…it was a gift from the slayer. Another to go along with the gifts left
each night since Saturday. First the champagne, then the cigars expensive Cubans not the knock off
American brands, next came black silk boxers, a book of erotic stories, poetry by Tennyson, the new silk
sheets on his bed, a leather paddle, a cat of nine tails made entirely out of mink and some padded
handcuffs rounded out the gifts so far.*
Spike had especially enjoyed the thought of his little Buffy going in
search of the last items, imagining time and again her body stretched out naked on his bed, candle light
flickering on her tanned skin, her hands bound by the cuffs as he drove her to distraction with the nine tails.

Pulling his thoughts back to the present for the moment as he regarded the box in his hands, flipping it over as
he walked to his mini fridge to pour himself some dinner, he was hit by the thought that
*he had been with the
slayer all night, the box wasn’t there when he had left, so when did she leave it?*
Putting the box down
temporarily he swiftly drank down the pigs blood that sustained him and set the bottle back into the fridge.

Meanwhile downstairs

Buffy took notice of the sensations that hit her first before opening her hazel green eyes. *Hmmmm……satin
sheets, cool air, warm comfy comforter, where is…..Oh…*
She thought to herself happily opening her eyes to
the darkness when she felt the bed depress with the weight of her lover.
*There he is.* languidly stretching her
body Buffy turned to her side about to reach out for him when Spike’s voice suddenly cut across the darkness.

“Get the hell away from my woman Harris! “

“Eeeeeeeeppp……..” Xander shrieked in a high pitched voice his arms and legs flailing as he fell backwards
onto the floor startled by Spike’s angry voice.

Light flared as Spike lit a candle and the lower level of the crypt became illuminated with a shallow glow. Buffy
blinked her eyes a few times before becoming accustomed enough to see Xander Harris clothed in nothing
but his birthday suit cowering on the floor.  

“Xander?” Buffy’s confused query reached his ears as he continued to stare at a vamped and thoroughly
pissed off Spike in fear.

“Xander Harris, what the hell is going on?” Buffy asked her voice carrying with it a decidedly irritated tone.

“Well?” she asked again before realizing that Spike was growling at Xander and inching ever closer to him.
Unmindful of her current state of Spike’s t-shirt that barely covered her completely and nothing else, Buffy
jumped up to lay a soft hand on his brow.

“You Bitch!” Xander cried from his place on the floor at the sight of Buffy clad in Spike’s signature black T and
looking for the entire world like a woman ravaged, and ravaged well.

“He’s mine! You testosterone stealing she bitch! You’ve got more balls than most men trying to take away what’s
mine!” Xander started to stand while shouting at Buffy but quickly went back to cowering away from Spike
who growled loudly at the insult to his chosen mate.

“Ok…something is definitely wrong here,” Buffy said still stroking Spike’s ridged brow trying to calm him.

Turning his golden gaze on her he growled,”mine.” Before pulling her into his tight possessive embrace.

“Yours,” she said simply reconfirming that she was indeed his before turning in his arms to glare at Xander still
cowering on the floor.

“You, clothes now, and then you get to explain this.” She snapped at him, thinking to herself * All I need now is
Willow and Giles and the persecution can commence.*

20 minutes later

Buffy dressed in a pair of sweats borrowed from Spike now sat curled in his  strong arms as he leaned back
against the oak headboard waiting for an answer from Xander as to why and how he came to be naked in
Spike’s bedroom.

Xander also fully dressed, sat in the chair across from them occasionally throwing peevish glares at Buffy and
sniffing haughtily, arms crossed and one leg over the other swinging with agitation.

“Ok Xand, you’re obviously under some kind of spell, so why don’t you go over what you’ve been up too the
last couple days.”

“I am not under any spell, I’ve just come to realize that Spike is the one I want to be with, share my heart and
bed with.” Xander looked longingly at Spike as he said the last causing Buffy to giggle and Spike to shudder.

“Um…you do realize that not more than 6 days ago you were all with the vampire staking where Spike was
concerned right?” Buffy asked trying not to giggle even more at the low growling that was emanating from
Spike’s chest every time Xander looked his way.

“I know,” Xander said dramatically sweeping one hand across his heart, “but I’ve changed my mind. He’s
soooooooooooooooo yummy.” The growl got louder. “I mean, have you checked out his pecks girl?” Xander asked Buffy excitedly
before assuming his previously bitchy pose.

“Oh, I forgot,
my bad.” He said in a sickenly sweet voice looking Buffy up and down like so much gutter trash.

This time Spike chuckled while holding Buffy back from the thrashing she wanted to give Xander for that

“S’ok luv,” Spike told Buffy “He’s obviously under some sorta spell. I mean he’s actin’ like a pouf. Xander is a
pain in the arse I’ll give you that, but he’s never acted so…well, light in the loafers?”

“True,” Buffy agreed turning her head towards Spike, “But what kind of spell turns you into a gay man? And for
god’s sake why?”

“Well, that’s the question innit luv?” He smiled at her “We’ll figure it out and get Xander back to his old
despicable self.”

“Ummmm…hello? Still in the room people.” Xander waved at the blond pair on the bed, “And I’d appreciate it
if you would call me Xandra, Xander is the old me.”

At this comment both Buffy and Spike dissolved into laughter that soon left them rolling around the bed howling
and totally oblivious to the new duo that had appeared out of thin air.

“Oh my Zeus, do you see what’s happened Bob?” Cupid scolded the curly headed cherub next to him, “the
spell has gone all awry and now they’re insane.”

Three sets of eyes turned towards the chubby angels in total disbelief at what they were saying and just where
they appeared from.

“What the?”
“Hell?”  Buffy, Spike, and Xander all said at the same time as they watched the angel seemingly in charge as
he sifted through his arrow bunch and extracted the one he wanted. Notching it, he pulled back and let fly into
Xanders heart.

Digging around again in his clutch he pulled a double arrow out and prepared to shoot at Spike and Buffy
before they both shouted, “WAIT!”

Questions answered, hearts entwined and thank god for flannel

“So let us get this straight you’re Cupid the god of love in the flesh and this is your bumbling sidekick Bob?
Bob, who is a laze about and probably shouldn’t be allowed to mess with people’s emotions, was sent with an
arrow of endless love for me, and he missed hitting Xander. Then come to find out, he not only hit the wrong
person but used the totally wrong arrow making Xander fall in love with Spike because he was the most logical
choice in Xander’s mind. Am I getting this right so far?” Buffy asked the sheepish looking God.

“Well, technically yes. The arrow was arranged by the powers that be for you because they wanted you to find
a mate and have an offspring as your reward for all that you’ve done. We really didn’t expect you to find him on
your own. You both fought it for so long, we thought that maybe a little persuasion was needed….” His
singsong voice trailing off as he looked angrily at the other cherub who still hadn’t said anything.

“You Bob, have stepped on your last heartstring, from now on you’re relegated to the mail room. We’ll see if
you can mess anything up there, it’s going to be an eternity before you see any of Dionysus’ wine either.” The
God of Love waved a hand and in a blink Bob disappeared.

“Now, since this wasn’t a total loss but certainly an uncomfortable episode for all involved, is there anything I
can do to rectify the situation for you?” He asked looking at the trio.

“Yeah, I got one. What say you find a lady for the whelp there? Make him feel more manly, oh and how ‘bout
some flannel for ‘im as well?” Spike said jerking his chin in Xanders direction. “I got what I need right here.” He
finished saying looking into Buffy’s happy eyes.

“That’s all for you? Anything else?”

“No,” Buffy said this time, “ I think we’ll all feel a lot better when all this is over with and we can get on with our
lives.” Looking just as deeply into Spike’s azure eyes and mouthing
*yours* to him.

Xander watched the exchange with a good natured grimace before turning to the Love God.

“Ok Cupid you got one hot date for me and a flannel shirt, and oh…could you make it a girl that likes Trading
Spaces? I just love that show….”

With a tinkle of sweet bells and a flash of gold dust the cherub and the carpenter disappeared from the room
leaving only Buffy and Spike wrapped in each others arms with silly love struck grins on their faces.

“Well, you ‘eard the man pet. I’m your mate, as long as you want me I will stand beside you.” Spike’s voice
wavered with emotion as he looked into the eyes of the woman he had waited so long for.

“I am your mate as well Spike. I’ve known it for a long time, I just felt that I had to keep fighting it,” Buffy shook
her head sending her golden locks down around her face, “Besides we’re supposed to have a baby coming to
us from this and I for one don’t want to try to raise a half vampire half slayer on the hell mouth alone. Just
fighting off your wicked advances is enough for anyone.” Buffy giggled as Spike growled playfully and pushed
her down onto the bed laying his body on top of hers.

Capturing her sweet lips in his he gave her a long deep kiss that spoke to her heart making it speed up and
her thoughts were sent scattering as the only person that had saved her time and time again showed his
devotion to his mate.

“I love you Buffy.”
“I love you Spike, for all eternity.”

the end.

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