The Devil You Know


The sequel to Scorched

Delicate love, precious and pale
Tempted and torn
Broken and failed
Don't leave me here
Don't leave me alone
I am the one
The devil you know...

 Chapter 1 - Crazy Love

I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles
And the heavens open every time she smiles
And when I come to her that's where I belong
Yet I'm running to her like a river's song

Spike sauntered up the driveway at their home with a definite spring to his step, humming an indefinite but merry tune to himself. That night's patrol had been a roaring success, and quite a lot of fun too. He'd taken out a nest of fledgelings, after of course letting them puff out their big bad feathers and mock his reputation as the Slayer's lap dog. It came to quite a shock to them to suddenly find themselves exploding into dust. Spike chuckled to himself the rest of the walk home. He made a quick stop at the mailbox, figuring that Buffy nor Dawn had bothered to collect that day's post. He was correct, finding a credit card bill, bank statements, a flyer from the Neighborhood Watch, a letter from England and much to his delight a bill from Sugar Daddy's, a lingerie shop Buffy had discovered not long after they'd returned from the mother country as newlyweds.

As he waltzed up the path to the front door, reading over the credit card bill and noting that half the purchases weren't made by William Summers, but by the lovely Mrs. Summers to innumerable shops around town. It was a very good thing that Dawn was an infallible source of money, considering every purchase Buffy had made throughout their pregnancy was done in double. Spike however didn't mind in the least, in fact every time he was reminded of the impending birth of his twins he virtually burst from the joy of it. He had to admit, he was too happy to even begin to define it. He was living the proverbial life of Riley...though not the blighter who'd inconvenienced him for two years and who was hopefully under an anaconda in the Amazon or something equally as deserving. The vampire continued to to sort through the mail as he walked inside, spying Dawn stretched out on the living room couch.

"Hey, Nibblet, how goes it?" he asked, somewhat rhetorically, as he tossed the papers on the coffee table and slipped off his black leather duster and heavy boots.

"It's not my fault," Dawn replied casually, a hint of annoyance tingeing the answer to his question,"I tried to stop her, but you know what she's like."

"Oh bloody hell....are you serious?"

"She did it again....your turn to clean up the mess."

"Bloody.....bloody......stupid....inconsiderate bint! You know one of these days she's gonna drive me around the bend!"

"I know, I'm surprised you've lasted this long, you sure she's worth it?" Spike sighed and looked skywards, mouthing why me?

"Of course she's worth it."

"It's your funeral."

"Don't stay up too late, pet, still got school in the morning."

"I don't think all powerful instruments of creation need to worry about the intricacies of the Crimean War, do you?" Spike ignored his sister-in-law's ever present disdain for academics.

"Wish me still have to go to school on the morrow."

"Make your own luck, sunshine, I don't know who that woman is, but she's not my sister."

"Hormones, still with the hormones....and need I remind you that your the one who's responsible for getting her in the family way in the first place?"

"Like you had nothing to do with it, Mr. DNA Sample. You're avoiding, suck it up, vampire, pun intended, and go attend to your crazy wife." Spike steadied himself and started up the stairs, each pace bringing him closer to the impending doom that was a very very very pregnant and hormonal Slayer. He'd thought the violent mood swings had ended somewhere near Christmas, but evidently not. He loved her madly, but this was the forth time this week. Getting his tempers in check and gathering courage he tentatively opened the door to their bedroom. His shoulders sagged when he saw her, curled up in the middle of a pillow fort, her favored lime green chenille blanket around her shoulders. There was also a mountain of used kleenex pilled up like snowballs in preparation for an after school war amongst the seventh graders. He sighed and flipped on the overhead light, making her lamp lit atmosphere of self indulgence null and void.

"Slayer," he said with the respect one owes to their local mob boss. He disappeared into the bathroom and came back with the thrash can, hauling the pile of tissues in with last night's. Afterwards he sat down at the foot of the bed and looked at her as she stared at him through puffy eyes and trembling bottom lip. He looked in and amongst all her cushions and pillows for the culprits, eventually amassing them in a pile, evidence before his judge and jury. All told there was half an eaten white chocolate Toblerone, a Danielle Steele novel, and the biggest evil of them all, a copy of Terms of Endearment - DVD, letterbox edition. She hiccuped and Spike lost it."Why!?! Why do you do this?!" He was on his feet and angrily pacing in front of the bed."Do you even know why you're crying?" She looked guilty and turned away from his scrutiny, baby tears trickling down her hot cheeks."This is the last time, I bloody swear it.....I'm gonna take these blasted films n' burn 'em! Along with all those infernal Sarah McLachlan and Tori Amos CDs!!!"

"No! You can't!" she blasted back at him, kicking all the pillows away and struggling to her feet, giving him a grand eyeful of her abundant pregnancy.

"Oh I bloody well can! Trust me, pet, I can and I will!" He opened up the doors to the entertainment center where the tv and DVD player were located and began to pull out her copies of Ghost, West Side Story, Steel Magnolias and Romeo and Juliet (at least it was the Zeferelli version).

"Put those back!"

"Make me, Slayer...I'm at my wit's end with you! Every bloody night this week! I go out on patrol, I slay vampires and demons and I come home to what? To this....this....silly chit who wastes her tears on bad romance novels, stupid lame ass soppy movies where everyone ends up either dead or grief stricken! Why do your torment yourself, pet.....why do you bloody torment me!!" He got on his hands and knees and began pulling out old VHS copies of other films of the same genre out from under the bed, along with more Danielle Steele novels.

"Not the books!"

"Oh yes the damn books....havin' m'self a bonfire tonight!"

"Spike, no, not the books....they were my mom's, please." That stalled him, the invocation of Joyce's memory was a cunning play on her part.

"Fine, I'll box them up then." He was on his feet again, the old paperbacks overflowing his arms and falling on the floor.

"Why are you being such a jerk?! I really hate you sometimes."

"Yeah, well, give yourself ten minutes and you'll be beggin' for it."

"Bastard! What's it to you if I need a good cry...this is hard." He was not in the mood for a guilt trip, to be sure he wasn't even thinking about the situation, only how frustrated he was with it.

"Good to hear that the carrying of my children gives you such joy, Buffy." That struck a definite chord and it was one Spike ought to have realized was not a good one to touch upon.

"Oh...oh....oh that's it......get out! Out of this house! Go now!" She pushed him, hard, nearly right off his feet, sending the books flying. He stood his ground, looking down on her with jaw clenched tight, teeth grinding, demon's eyes threatening to bring forth the rest of him. The Slayer didn''t flinch or cower for a second,"Get out." He huffed at her, cocked his head just so, then leaned in close to stare her down. He moved passed her, taking long strides and flying out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. Spike roared down the hallway, grumbling obscenities under his breath and gaming for another patrol, anything to vent his frustrations upon. He jumped down the stairs two at time, only to come to a staggering halt when Dawn met him halfway. He was about to speak when she gave him her patented eye brow raise and hairy eyeball. His mouth clamped shut and she made a dismissive gesture, telling him in no words whatsoever that he was being a cad and should crawl back to his wife on his hands and knees and set things right. When he didn't react immediately her eyes flashed a glowing green.

"Lil' Bit, don't treat me like that, it's rude," he scolded.

"She's an idiot, and you're the idiot who married her. Go be idiots together and stop making me play the heavy.....act like the adults you claim to be. I have a life I would like to get back to and am not your referee. Got it?"

"Yes, Nibblet."

"Go." She flailed her hands at him and he turned back.

"Bloody if my rocks weren't already bronzed and sittin' on the mantle."

Chapter 2 - Every Night I Save You

Coming back to the bedroom door made him feel like he was about to break the seal a mummy's tomb and receive the cursing of a life time. However, it was his wife that did the honors, still looking worse for wear, but welcoming and quiet, extending her hand to him. He accepted it, threading his fingers in between he's and letting her draw him over the threshold and back inside. He closed the door behind him, turning off the lights, letting the soft amber hue of the solitary beside lamp be their only illumination. Buffy sat awkwardly down, the mattress sinking under her weight as Spike sunk to his knees before her."Buffy, love, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to be mean to you, I shouldn't let myself have so short a fuse. It's just when I come home and I find you've been cryin' up a storm like hurts inside and I wonder why you're not happy....I wonder if it's me that's done something bad. Do I not make you happy?" Buffy looked away from him, large round tears spilling anew from her eyes, but soon her fingers all were running through his hair, stroking his head as if he were a large cat.

"Oh Spike." She sighed and looked down at him,"I am happy, I promise, and it's all because of you. Plus, babies, happy, healthy babies....that I love all the more because they're yours. Thing is, I'm feeling weird, I think I'm in my nesting phase, and...I miss my mom."

"Of course you do, it's only normal you'd want Joyce here when your about to be a mum yourself."

"I've read all those baby books....but I want to know what she did with me when I was a baby, you know? What did she sing to me? How did she wrap my blanket around me...stuff like that. The books and movies are the ones she liked."

"And you thought revisiting 'em would help you feel close to her again?" She nodded.

"But I'm still all.... and I loathe the term....I'm all hormonal still and they make me cry, alot."

"Noticed that."

"So, it's not you okay?" He closed his eyes and accepted her placation, he hoped it wasn't him."Spike..."

" precious?"

"Stand up..." He obeyed and she held her hands out for him to pull her to her feet again. She stood before him and scrutinized his face, there was still something wounded inside him, something she'd have to set right. She turned her back to him and moved her long hair to one side and tilting her neck to him,"What do these marks mean to you?" He traced lightly over the scars and their tactile qualities on the pads of his fingers sent a shiver through him. On first glance one might miss them, slight round discolorations dotting all over her neck and shoulders. They all healed very well, but they were there, a vampire's claim. His claim.

"That you belong to me....that I am yours."

"You haven't fed on me since our wedding night."

"Because you would taste too sweet...and I would never take anything away from the babies....after they're are born, perhaps."

"I miss it." The atmosphere had changed, she swayed in that too sultry way she knew enticed him.

"I know you bought us a little something from the lingerie shop, got the bill today in fact." She curled a strand of hair around her index finger, coyly sucking her bottom lip into her mouth. He closed the gap between them, slinking down behind her. His hard muscled body pressed flush against her round and supple one. His hands moved up her thighs, her satin robe falling back down as a cascade once passed over. With fingers splayed, his palms took took possession of the abundant expanse of her pregnant belly, warmth radiating from it and into him."Are you wearing it now, pet?" She shook her head, raising her hands to untie the knot of the sash that was secured just under her breasts.

"I bought it for afterwards, when I'm back in shape."

"I like your shape now, love, like it very much." He pulled her robe away and off her shoulder revealing her nude body. Breasts that had once been perky and petite were now heavy and fat. Substantial weights that overflowed his palms when he held them. Everything about her was different now. She was rounder and hotter in temperature, more malleable and erotic.

From the perspective of a dead man, the changes she'd gone through since their wedding were magical. Knowing that this small but powerful woman was creating children that should not have even been conceived both terrified and enthralled him. Vampires weren't meant to fall in love with the servants of good and they certainly weren't meant to make babies with them. But here and now as he held her, with his large hands exploring the softness of her body, he thought himself to be only a man.

"Do you really, Spike?"

"Yes, Buffy...I think I like you best like this, round and plenty as they used to say. You make me feel alive...three heartbeats to make up for my having none."

"Do you hear them now?"

"Like music, they are - two very fast and one slower, all at the same time, turning into music." He moved her towards their bed and lowering her down to the mattress after pulling the quilt away."

"Spike?" She watched him undressing, feeling her skin flush with desire.

"Yes, my sweet?"

"Do you love them?" He wasn't quite sure why she'd asked him such a question, but chose not to let it bother him that she didn't know his answer already. He encouraged her to give him space on the bed, then lay with her, a hand placed atop her stomach.

"They are the greatest love I have ever known." The answer pleased her, her smile to him bright and giving.

"Oh! I love you!" she exclaimed, reaching for him and bringing his lips to her for a fiery kiss. As they engaged each other in the precursor to making love, Buffy blindly arranged pillows at her side. Consumed with lust, Spike became increasingly urgent with his attentions upon her. His hand found its way between her legs, rubbing the perpetually swollen area, finding the protruding bud and batting it until it was hard and pronounced. After a time he rolled her to her side, shifting her into into the optimum position. The fingers of one hand moved to play lightly over her back and ribs, while the other gathered her very long golden locks away from her shoulders and neck. Buffy felt his growing erection against her backside and reached behind her to take hold of it."Want it now..." she commanded, giving him a squeeze.

"All in good time pet...but it's not leaving for hours."

"Hours...yes....need you Spike....always."

"You have me Buffy." He grasped the inside of her thigh and raised it apart from the other, putting it over the back of his. He scooted down and under her bottom to carefully enter her. The end of his rigid length butted at her soft masses of flesh, letting her flow coat and run over him. With one purposeful push he was home. Buffy let out a sound he couldn't quite define, something akin to the din of a ghost passing though a wall. She melted back against him, the coursing of her blood surging through her and centering between her legs. They'd become experts at this, coupling with him at her back and doing all the work. This left her to be the receptacle for all the pleasure, him drawing the orgasms out of her slowly.

Once just as they were entering the 5th month of gestation, he'd had her on her back and was thrusting vigorously when she'd suddenly cried out and made him stop. After a panicked visit to the ER that night it was determined that a simple potassium deficiency giving her cramps was to blame and had nothing to with with Spike's use of her, pure coincidence. Nonetheless he'd been scared witless and refused to touch her again. After two weeks and her ravenous sexual appetite reaching a boiling point, Buffy had tackled him on the the floor in their bedroom one night just after he'd returned from patrol; stripped him naked and ridden him like he was a wild stallion until she'd broken him into submission. From then on it was strictly Buffy on top. That was until a month and a half ago when the effort became too great for even the Slayer. So here they were, adapting as she neared the end.

He snuggled in tight until no space was left between skin and skin. His chin dug into her collar bone at the same time his cock gave her a sharp jab. She gasped, eyes widening from the jolt. She reciprocated by tensing and releasing around him until she had him purring like a cat full of heavy creams. He began a methodic pumping in and out, the gentle thwapping of his abdomen audible each time it slapped against her backside. Buffy's hand had come to lay on his cheek, caressing and sometimes the fingernails grazing when he did something even more right. She was well aware of how he worshipped her, always making her feel beautiful and sensual no matter how she thought of herself these passed months.

The hand that held her thighs apart lessened its grip to inch down to where they were joined. With his index finger he toyed with her clit, igniting second waves of pleasure between them. She made the sounds he recognized as the onset of her climax and stilled his motions, continuing to polish the nub. She contracted and held him, coiled as tight as a serpent around its prey. She shuddered, but the tension she'd cause him did not diminish. Buffy was holding herself at the cusp of orgasm, it both thrilled and pained him."Come on big bad, give it up," she taunted, choking him inside her.

"You first, Slayer," he grit out, pressing and rubbing her more violently. Spike surged against her, pressing in as far as he possibly could. With a strangled she was forced to give in, simultaneously taking him with her. With the thrum of beating inner muscles and a cool stream from him, they fell into bliss,"Hours....Slayer.....hours...."

"Oh god yes....." And they continued on.

Chapter 3 - Homecoming

"Spike?" Buffy uttered half asleep, half in waking. She certainly had no desire to part from the vampire body wrapped around her's but somebody's foot was pressing into her bladder."Help me up, please." This had long since become routine for the expectant father. Still laying on his side, he gave her a hand up to sit. It wasn't too much of a struggled from there for the Slayer to get to her feet, so long as Spike made sure she didn't lose her balance and fall back down. She pulled on her robe and reached down to give his blond curls a scruffle. She caught the smile threatening to curl his lips and laughed softly. He really was adorable first thing in the morning,"About 20 minutes okay?"

"Yes, dear," he mumbled into his pillow. She selected her outfit for the day and made her way to the bathroom. Switching into her mother's old room after returning from England pleased Buffy to no end. There was the bonus of the en suite as well as the larger bed. She finally felt that this was her house now - her's, Spike's, Dawn's and the children's. Standing under the warm spray of the shower, Buffy was perfectly content with everything. After she'd dressed, she passed by the bed again.

"Five minutes!"

"No worries, pet."

"Thank you."

"Always, my precious." Now began the merciless trek down the stairs. Waddling more than walking, she carefully took each step one at a time and kept a firm guard on the bannister. Fortunately the Slayer strength provided her with a well of endurance. She definitely pitied other pregnant women who didn't have that luxury. She opened the front door and took in the phenomenal beauty of the early morning, bringing the dewy air into her lungs. She felt even more grateful to be alive. That was of course until she saw the paperboy had had tossed the morning paper on the door mat instead of in the mailbox on the door like she requested.

"I'm gonna set the vampire on that kid," she sighed. An initial attempt to reach down and retrieve it failed with Buffy stomping her foot like a petulant child in frustration. Second time around she took things slowly, crouching whilst balancing herself between the door frame. However once she was down at the paper's level, she found she couldn't quite reach it. She growled just like Spike did before staking a vamp and continued to stretch her arm out, but to no avail.

"Lemme get that for you, Buffy," a man's voice spoke as he jogged up the front steps. Beginning with his black leather boots, Buffy looked up to the top of his head his shoulder length hair. Buffy rose to her feet and threw her arms around his neck.

"Xander!!" He hugged her back,"You came home!"

"Yeah.....about time, huh?" He pulled her close, or at least tried to, suddenly becoming aware of a very large impediment to Slayer huggage. He moved her back and held her at arm's length, staring at his friend with saucer eyes,"Buff! Buffy! You''re...!!!"

"I know." She patted her stomach, smoothing out the long sleeved black shirt she had stretched over it."Married too." She waved her left hand for him to see the wide platinum band that encircled her finger.

"You're married?! Oh my god, Buffy that's amazing! You're happy?"

"I'm happy, so happy!"

"You look it, you look beautiful, Buffy.....uh, how long?" He made a gesture at the healthy expanse in front of her.

"About three weeks to go, but sometimes twins can come early, so we'll see."

"Twins?" She nodded and took his arm, leading him inside.

"It's twins, a boy and a girl, or so the ultrasounds tell me. I'm just about to have breakfast, want to join me?"

"Sounds good....I can't believe this all happened to you, never thought it ever would...oh, what I mean is..."

"It's okay, I know - Slayer, plus husband and kids - not mixable, but I'm mixing! I'm the uber-mixy girl." She saddled herself on a stool at the kitchen island and Xander sat across from her, still marveling at the sight of a very pregnant Slayer. He set down the duffle bag he had with him on the floor and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl."

"So, tell me about him, the man that won the fair Buffster's heart."

"Well, he's older than me for one, quite a bit, but it's not an issue. He's smart, funny, devastatingly handsome...bit of a beast when he wants to be. Totally down with the Slayer gig, he's actually been patrolling for me ever since we found out I was pregnant."

"Where is he? At work? I wanna meet this guy, give him a good talking to about treating my best friend right."

"He sleeps during the day.....but usually gets up to make me breakfast. Other than that he's pretty graveyard shift."

"Oh yeah? What does he do?"

"Supernatural stuff, kinda Gilesy in that way. But the best part is....I love him. He loves me, he loves Dawn and he lives for our babies, takes very good care of all of us. Life's pretty much prefect , even more perfect now that you're home. I've missed you."

"I've missed you two Buffy, missed everyone.....well, except Spike." As if on cue, the vampire, still in a sleepy fog, meandered into the kitchen. He was bare from the waist up and wore a pair of dark gray jogging pants below - mandatory after Dawn caught sight of him naked one night when each had gone downstairs for a midnight snack. The vampire wasn't sure what haunted him more, he initial scream or her laughs afterwards. He yawned and scratched his abdomen, also giving Buffy's belly a tickle as he passed by. He got down two bowls from the cupboard and a new box of weetabix. Laying two cakes in each bowl, Spike then retrieved a carton of milk and a pitcher of blood from the fridge. Each bowl was given a drench from their respective liquids before Spike then chose a banana from the fruit bowl, peeled it and with a knife, lay coins of the white fruit over the cereal. His final task in preparing breakfast was the setting down of a placemat in front of Buffy, along with a spoon and a glass of orange juice. He placed a bowl in front of her, gave her cheek a kiss and took up his own breakfast, heading back to where he'd come from.

"Spike....honey...." Buffy called after him. Upon first bite of his cereal he realized his mistake and turned around. He switched his milk for her blood and resumed his path."Thanks babe!" Spike grunted, already shoving lumpy weetabix into his mouth. Buffy sighed and held her hand to her heart. Her moment was interrupted by a heavy breathing sound from Xander. She looked at him curiously whilst taking a mouthful of breakfast,"You okay?"

"That was Spike!!!"

Chapter 4 - Down From Wudan

"Keen powers of observation you've got going there."

"You're married to SPIKE!?"

"Don't forget pregnant too."

"'s that......vampire!?!"

"We saw a fertility specialist."

"For demons?!"

"Not exactly. You should try and breathe, you look like you might pass out." A thundering sound came from above in the form of the younger Summers girl,"Spike must have told her you were here." Dawn came barreling into the room, throwing her arms around Xander's shoulders and squeezing the life outta him.

"Hey, Dawn!" he said, returning her affections. Eventually the teenager released him and was smiling enthusiastically.

"Wow! You look really good!" she beamed. Dawn was right, Xander looked better than good in fact, he looked like a new man from the one that had left Sunnydale eight months ago. He was lean and fit, almost as tight bodied as Buffy's husband. He looked healthy toned in skin of bronze, there was also a palpable change in his aura. It was as if he'd gone through a metamorphosis and emerged a stronger, better man on all accounts.

"How are you? Not dating a vampire I hope."

"I'm terrific - but you be nice about Spike!"

"I''ll work on it?"

"Good enough, so where have you been all this time?"

"Long story....loooooong."

"We've got nothing but time, I remembered it's a professional day at school. Buffy and I would probably just go do baby shopping, but now I wanna know all about where you've been!" Xander exhaled and looked back and forth between the two young women, a smile creeping across his face.

"On top of a mountain in China."

"Well, that's a new one," said Buffy, rather amazed.

"After the fallout with....with everything that happened I just ran and kept on running, until I ended up where I ended up and was ready to stop being a coward."

"We never thought you were."

"I was, I left without ever finding out what happened to Willow or you two...."

"Willow's in England with Giles. She lives in Bath now, as part of a coven of White Witches. She serves a Goddess, does only good - you'll be so proud of her...she's taking the tests to become a priestess soon." The relief that washed over him was clearly evident.

"Oh thank god....I thought about her all the time."

"And you were always on our minds too."

"Buy hey!" Dawn proclaimed,"She n' Giles are flying in next week! Willow's gonna do this cool protective atmosphere thing for the birth."

"The whole gang back together again," Buffy smiled.

"Anya?" Xander inquired solemnly.

"Still at the Magic Box, most of the time. She goes to Arashmahar alot. But she's doing pretty good, even doing good demony wise - I mean it - justice all the way. She was very angry for a really long time, but it's no so bad. We're not close or anything..."

"I have some amends to make, I hope she'll listen, give me a chance to say I'm sorry properly."

"Don't be surprised if..."

"She tries to melt my face off?"

"Something like that. You have somewhere to stay?"

"No yet, came here straight from the airport."

"We renovated the basement..."

"I renovated the basement," Dawn reminded her sister.

"Yes...Dawn did the basement, perfect for houseguests?"

"Twist my arm.....okay, I'll stay. Dawn, how did you do it all by yourself?"

"Oh it was easy, I'm a screwdriver!"


It wasn't until after lunch that Xander was finally caught up on all that had occurred in the lives of the Summers over the past almost year. Buffy told him about Xuxael; Dawn told him of her awakening to her true self and both women told the tale of how Spike came to be so integral a part of their lives. That story wasn't accepted so readily, especially when Buffy dropped the fact that she started sleeping with Spike shortly after her resurrection.

"You have to try and understand, I felt like I was still in my coffin every waking minute after you guys brought me back, I was in Hell. When I was with Spike, being here was easier. He didn't have any expectations or demands, he let me be sad and angry....he let me cry on his shoulder, let me be stupid and drunk....let me vent my frustrations on his poor face."

"But sleeping with him Buffy? How could you let him take advantage like that?" Xander asked, incredulous.

"Xander......I jumped his bones." Xander sputtered and choked on his lemonade while Dawn laughed. Buffy simply smiled and ran her hands over her abdomen,"The only time I felt alive was when he made I'm full of life, full of love."

"It doesn't bother you that he has no soul?"

"Sure he does, in a way....I gave him mine, on our wedding day."

"That's another thing! You actually married him!"

"On midsummer's day...well, night. There's this place in Wales, he was there as a child. In the forest there's this altar, been there since ancient times. A priestess from Willow's coven married us, walked us around a sacred fire and bound us together. I promised my soul to him and he said that wherever his soul was and whatever was in him now belonged to me forever. Willow and Giles were there, so was Dawn."

"She looked so beautiful in her dress," Dawn recalled,"And Spike wore this leather tunic - he looked like a warrior. Willow said the Goddess was there in the form of a deer on the edge of the clearing.....I think it was my favorite ever!" Xander let her words settle in, trying to work their way around his preconceived notions and prejudices.

"And now, you're having children," he sighed.

"They're our miracle...thanks to Dawn," Buffy beamed.

"Right....all powerful creator of the Universe."

"Just one of them, and I'm not all powerful," Dawn informed,"Otherwise Spike wouldn't be able to make me do my homework every night."

"Can you accept that this is our lives? That Spike is good now and we love him?" Buffy continued.

"Those who know honor but practice humility will be as a valley receiving all the world into it."

"I think that's a yes. You quoting Confucius or something?"


"Pick that up in China? Were you really in China?"

"Yes. In the monastery on the top of Wudan in the Kunlun Mountains, where I trained with the Shaolin."

"Holy moly! You're a monk!?" Dawn burst out, to which Xander chuckled.

" a Buddhist, how's that for wiggy? Just trained, learned their philosophies.....I'm a new person, and I think I can tell you that I can understand about Spike and I can accept him. Won't be easy, but if one does not begin with a right attitude, there is little hope for a right ending."

"You're gonna do that kinda thing alot aren't you?" Buffy asked.

Chapter 5 - Sid n' Nancy

Spike made his way downstairs shortly after 4pm. His hair was still soaking wet from his shower and his t-shirt still untucked from his beltless, low riding dark gray slacks. His bare feet slapped noisily on the hardwood floors as he made his way to the kitchen for a mug of blood. As he stood watching the countdown on the microwave, Xander emerged by way of the basement. Spike took his mug upon its finishing heating and turned, leaning casually against the counter to face his old nemesis. "Harris," he acknowledged.

"Spike," Xander replied coolly.

"They gone out for their shoppin'?"

"Yeah. You should know, Buffy's invited me to stay."

"Figured she would, couch in the basement's pretty comfy."

"Spike.....look...I think...."

"Save it, whelp....I don't need the you're a souless demon, Buffy should've staked you long ago rant n' lecture. In case you didn't notice she n' I are married, not to mention she's about ready to pop! And another thing, don't get all pissy and offensive with me - the bloody chip's gone, doesn't work anymore - can't sucker punch me and not expect to get the thrashing of your life in return!"

"Spike....wait a minute, okay? I wanted to apologize to you."

"Huh?" The vampire was dumbstruck.

"I spent the day talking with them. They told me everything - about Africa, you and Buffy, Dawn and the creation key thing and I've realized that if I want to be welcome in this house and back into their lives you and I have to mend some bridges.....right?"


"Congratulations on the twins, Spike." The vampire smiled widely at the mention his soon to come offspring.

"Bloody amazing innit?!!" Suddenly Spike was very excited,"Shoulda seen me when she told me! Vampire's senses thought somethin' was up, yeah, but when she said the words....I started bawlin' like a bloody poofter! Kept kissing her tummy and tellin' her how much I loved cream puff....don't matter...what love's all about, right??"

"Yeah, it's pretty great. I can see Buffy's happy, that's all I need."

"All I need too."

"So...where you been? She's missed you, I know. Dawn too."


"Yeah? Fun place that, good food."

"Ha ha ha. Wudan Mountain....with the monks, training."

"You do"

"You can say it."

"Not so doughy, look like you could be smart in a fight. There's lotsa room downstairs for sparrin'."

"I was thinking maybe you'd like some help on patrol tonight. Buffy said you've been doing it alone since she found about about the pregnancy."

"Yeah, alright...we can catch up...maybe. Actually, truth is I never really paid too much attention to what you were doing, 'cept when you were screwin' up."

"Well, that goes for me too."

"So we should probably try n' get along then....for their sake."

"Absolutely, for their sake." The sound of the front door opening was detected and the laughter of Buffy and Dawn filled the house. The came into the kitchen with arms laden with shopping bags and grocery bags. The afternoon's spoils were unceremoniously hauled up on to the island and both girls exhaled lung fulls of breath. Buffy pouted and took off her shoes, reaching down and trying to rub her feet. Spike inspected the pink and blue bags from Sweet Caroline's, Buffy's baby store of choice, drawing out yet another pair of outfits, little black t-shirts and new born sized denim jeans.

"I ordered those last month, aren't they perfect for your kids?" Buffy smiled, taking the clothes from him and laying them over her stomach,"They have little leather jackets coming in next two on hold already."

"Woman, you're gonna put me outta house n' home," Spike admonished, starting to put away another army's worth of food into the fridge.

"What are you worried's Dawn's magic key money anyway.....honey, I bought grapes." Spike ginned from ear to ear.

"I know, love." Xander caught their exchange and the peculiar looks they were giving each other. Dawn took his arm and pulled him aside.

"You don't wanna know...I'm pretty sure it's a sex thing...they have alot of sex things around here. Be careful, you never know what'll set them off," Dawn whispered in his ear.

"Nibblet, reminding you of the vampire hearing," Spike shot out as Buffy melted into his arms." we?"

"No...we need a to have a meeting," Buffy replied.

"Just what I had in mind, pet."

"A meeting to discuss names again, we don't have much time and I don't wanna call 'em Baby XX and Baby XY anymore....we need to decided what we're naming them."

"I thought my ideas were pretty spot on."

"We're not naming our children Sid and Nancy."

"What about the second idea?"

"We're not naming our children Joey and Ramona."

"Buffy..." She put her finger to his lips to silence him, he reciprocated by kissing it.


"Back rub?"

"That's blackmail."

"That's taking good care of my wife."

"We're not naming them Iggy and Siouxie either."

Chapter 6 - In the Family

Dinner was in the oven, store bought five cheese lasagna, Buffy had a yen for it. Spike obligingly agreed to another session of naming the twins, he and Buffy forming their two bodies around each other on the couch. Mostly Spike wrapped himself around her, laying his cheek against her's as Buffy held on to several baby books and what had become a binder full of options that had been suggested and categorized. Xander and Dawn sat in the armchairs, surveying the expectant couple with amusement. With a pen in his left hand Spike scribbled a few more names down on the pages of loose leaf paper in the binder.

"Sirona, Ophelia and Cymbeline.....those are the ones I thought about today," Spike ruminated.

"They're beautiful names....but again with the Shakespeare? Pretty big names for such a little girl."

"Sirona's not Shakepeare...she's a goddess." Buffy made a face.

"Mmm...anything remotely god-dy makes me think Glory...boy's?"

"Byron...after Lord Byron of course.....Titus, Titus Andronicus...poweful name that."

"I like Randy....let's call him Randy."

"Don't be ridiculous!"

"You're one to talk......Titus Andronicus? Shakespeare, am I right? Get a new hobby."

"Perfectly decent names all of them....what about some of the British ones again? Rufus, Basil?"

"You're just setting him up for playground bullies to pick on."

"Love, his mum's the Slayer and his father's a vampire...I'm betting he can bend the monkey bars with his bare hands."

"I'm going back to my first and only choice - William - unwavering's what I want, it's the only name for my son."

"But, pet, it's so bloody...."

"It's your name. It was also my grandfather's name, my mom's dad...that makes it a family name too. Please?" He nodded his head placed his hands over the round swell in front of them.

"William it is then, still kinda partial to Rufus though."

"William Rufus Summers. Now for our little girl.....why don't we keep in the family too...what was your mother's name?"

"Mary....too plain for our daughter..."

"Your grandmothers?"

"Constance...crazy ol' ninny that she was, mum's was lead poisoning...made her go all poxy. I think not, love."

"What was your father's mother's name?" For a moment there was a glimmer in Spike's eyes and a deepening of his emotions.

"Her name was Allegra. A rare beauty, like you. Spent summers with her after my father'd died, out in the country and away from London. I like Allegra."

"Me too....Allegra Summers..."

"Allegra Joyce Summers."


"Woah, woah, woah.....hold up one second there," Dawn interrupted,"You two have been fighting over names for have a binder have umpteen zillion books and in the span of five minutes you suddenly decide!? You're insane, the pair of you....totally stark raving bonkers."

"Nibblet, come now, be nice. Be pleased we've settled. Don't you like the names?" Spike countered, if not a little patronizing.

"They're nice...I like them.....but...oh nevermind.....too much effort." Spike and Buffy returned to their reverie, placing their hands over where the twins were nestled.

"William and Allegra," Spike repeated to the room, then kissed Buffy's cheek and hugged her. It was one of those moments of perfect bliss he'd been having for months now, each time was an epiphany, he wasn't sad or lonely or worthless. He was a husband, a father and a friend, he mattered.

"What's this?" Dawn asked, spying the letter that had arrived yesterday, but remained unopened on the coffee table.

"Oh right," Spike recalled,"From England, give it a read, Nibblet." The teenager tore open the envelope, noticing the return address to Bath and pulled out the pages.

"From Willow!" She read down a few sentences, then her initial smile quickly faded.

"Lil' Bit?" Buffy sat up too, marking the furrowed brow of her sister.

"Do you guys remember Olivia?"

"The woman that came just before the Gentlemen showed up," Buffy replied,"She was very pretty, made Giles laugh and look she coming to visit too?"

"'s dead." It was a shock to all of them, they barely knew her, but still, a death was never pleasant news."It was a car crash on an...M-way? Willow said would have called or emailed, but she thought a letter was more respectful. They're still coming and Giles is really looking forward to it....but you know....he'll be sad n' stuff."

"Poor Giles," Xander breathed out. Spike threaded his fingers with Buffy's.

"Poor ol' sod," Spike sighed.

"Is there something we should do?" Buffy asked.

"I expect the best thing to set him on the mend will be to see you and the twins, love."

"Life's sure rotten sometimes."

"I know, but sometimes it's very sweet indeed." He patted her belly and gave her a reassuring smile, life for them was sweet indeed.

Chapter 7 - Take the Stake from My Hand Grasshopper

"When we got to China, the first thing we did off the boat was find someone to eat!" Spike told Xander as the two of them headed towards the last cemetery of the night. Thus far patrol had been frightfully uneventful, giving Xander and Spike free range for conversation. Where their perpetual loathing of each other had disappeared to was anyone's guess. It was easy for Spike to be friendly when he was treated the like, it was all he ever needed from people now that he didn't feed on them. As for Xander, the vampire presumed it was his new found Buddhism that was to be credited with the change."Never bothered to really appreciated what I was seein' before me...culture n' what not."

"That's all I could do," Xander explained,"Just stand there like and idiot tourist and stare. I loved everything, especially when I got out into the country. Walked alot....did the Great Wall!"

"Thought about it myself, looked like work. Heard then that there was a rebellion happening, went and joined in with the mayhem....blood, death, you know...."

"The good old days?" Spike chuckled and waved off the comment.

"So after you were done playing tourist, what then?"

"Like I said, I did alot of walking....I was in the middle of no where, Kunlun Mountains actually.....and there was the mountain. Wudan Mountain.....then about a bazillion stairs and two days later was a Shaolin temple and monastery."

"And what? Now you're Bruce Lee?" There was a teasing manner about Spike, mustn't let the whelp, however reformed, get to big for his britches.

"I was lost....and they sensed that, so they didn't turn me away."

"I know what that's like.....needing to find yourself again."

"I ran away, Spike, ran away when things went south. There's alot I could say about you, but you were never a coward."

"Yeah, but where was I when it all happened? Off in bloody Africa!"

"Can I ask you something? Why did you go? Buffy went to find you and you were just gone." Spike slowed his pace and became pensive.

"It's ancient history now, I suppose. She'd called things off and I couldn't deal. I was convinced she loved me, didn't matter that's she'd made herself clear. I got a bit rough one night, trying to convince her. I was half outta my mind, desperate........but then I finally heard her screamin' no at me. I suddenly realized that I was hurtin' the woman I loved and I was disgusted with myself. I didn't know she'd already forgiven me before I'd even walked away. I'd heard there was this demon in Africa....he could do any rate I came back after my epiphanies and the first thing she said to me was I love you. It was worth it in the long run, but getting here was agony."

"Too late for me to stake you for it....what with the married and twins thing."

"The wife would appreciate it. I want you to know something - the evil I carried around in me is gone, I left it behind in Africa."

"I can believe that...when Buffy and Dawn look at you and you at them, you're all a family. I envy you."

"Planet must be off its axis if you're envying me. Bloody've got the one thing I don't - a soul."

"You know Spike, you don't really seem to need one."

"Easy for you to say. I'm full up with love, happiness and contentment. I couldn't ask for a better life, but there's this void that I feel more and more everyday. I know there's something missing still and I want it back."

"Couldn't you just get Willow to curse you? Like she did with Angel?"

"Excuse me and thank you very much, but sod the soul if I have to stop puttin' a smile on my wife's face every night!"

"At least you have perspective."

"Too rights! Let's head on home, sorry your first night of patrol was such a bomb. It's been real quiet this month. For a Hell Mouth the demon population is dwindling."

"Except for those ones." Emerging from beyond a hedgerow were five vampires come a snarling and looking as fierce as possible. Xander and Spike remained unphazed,"Do you mind?"

"Be my guest." Xander brought out his stake and walked casually towards the vampire. Spike reclined against the wall of a mausoleum. Now would have been the perfect time for a cigarette, if he hadn't long since quit.

Xander hadn't had the pleasure of staking a vamp since he'd left Sunnydale - they were sorely lacking in Asia. The first one lunged and Xander side stepped it, delivering a back kick to send it flying. In a seamless execution Xander staked one vamp and back flipped over another to get him through the back. Spike straightened up to better survey the action, he was amazed to believe this was the same git Harris from a year ago. Xander moved down low with his left leg stretched to one side and his right crouched down. He made fluid motions with his hands to then rest himself in an odd but impressive stance.

"What you got going on there then?" Spike hollered.

"The tiger stalks the jungle."

"Does he now?" The three remaining vampires came at the human and suddenly Xander went from very low to very high. A flurry of crescent and roundhouse kicks to the vamps was unleashed until he had them standing one behind the other, dazed and confused. He plunged the stake right though all three at once. After they exploded into dust he gave a bow.

"He who stands on the tips of his toes cannot be steady. He who takes long strides will not maintain the pace. He who displays himself is not enlightened. He who brags achieves nothing of worth. He who boats will not endure. These people do not bring happiness. Followers of the Tao avoid them."

"Bloody hell! You are Bruce Lee!!"


Spike said his goodnight to Xander upon their return home, still awestruck at the whelp's transformation from doughboy to ultimate fighter. The vampire made his way upstairs with one thing on his mind, the only thing that was ever on his mind, Buffy. He entered the darkened bedroom and found her sitting up and still awake.

"You're alright, love?" he asked, peeling off his t-shirt and pulling his belt from the loops of his slacks. She shifted uncomfortably and winced, for a moment he was more than just concerned," something the matter?"

"No..., I'm fine. Just not having a good night, that's all. I can't get comfortable and my ribs hurt, and I'm having one of those times when I just wanna shave my head 'cause little hairs keep twitching my nose! Also....they won't stop stretching around and go to sleep. Grrrr." He understood, as best a man could, how uncomfortable she must be, her body betraying her with every movement. Coming to her he bent down and hugged her, then drew her to her feet. He lay his head against her shoulder and felt her relax.

"How's about a nice bath, you can float in the water, take some of the pressure off. Let me take care of you...."

" haven't stopped taking care of me from the second I told you I loved you....mmm...even before that."

"Is that a yes?" She smacked him on the bottom, it gave him a thrill that manifested itself in a rumble in his throat.

"Get me in the tub!" Shortly afterwards Buffy found herself moaning just a little louder than what could be deemed acceptable as Spike kneeled next to the bathtub, giving her shoulders a deep, bruising massage. He gathered up the water of the bath and let it run down her back before moving to another tensed muscle."I swear this is better than sex..."

"Not quite, pet, which I'll prove once I get you back to bed."

"Oh, sweety, I don't think I'm up to it...I'm just wasted...I don't even think I can stand up on my own."

"Then I'll make you come another way...gentler way..." She shivered and gasped when his cool tongue laved over her upper arm.

"I think I just did..." Spike smiled, nipping at the shoulder with his teeth. In little time Buffy lay in all her splendor on their bed, unable to see her vampire, but keenly aware of his presence. He treated her sex as he did her mouth, kissing with tongue, reaching deep to twist and coil, drawing back then plunging in again. She often wondered if she was being a terrible mother to allow this to be done to her in this condition, but a happy Buffy, meant happy babies when she was relaxed and satiated. When her body tingled and everyone felt warm and close she knew it was perfectly alright. Not to mention the miraculous talent he was only too pleased to show her. She felt a river gush from her, or imagined that's how it was, in truth she was in a delirium, rising to the snap. He nestled close upon her clit, breathing hot and hard on it, then dotting a kiss upon it before close it within his lips and pulling. She sobbed once and went boneless before him as the orgasm flooded through her. Spike traversed the length of her body with mouth and hands and she drew him against her swelling breasts, cradling his head with her arms as both fell into deep repose.

Chapter 8 - Good Morning

There were few things Spike loved more than when Buffy decided to sleep in. Four days had passed since Xander had returned to Sunnydale and he had graciously volunteered, along with Dawn, to meet Giles and Willow at the airport. Therefore Buffy had made the executive decision to spend the few hours until their guests arrived playing another round of Orgasms with the Undead™. At present Spike was suckling at one tit while two thick fingers moved purposefully into and out of her sex. With each withdrawal he deliberately scratched at the gathering of soft nerves along the top of her passage. She squirmed about next to him, pleasure running through her like and electrical current. Her hands fisted maniacally in her hair, anything to keep her grounded.

Spike had begun to groan as he did when he drew blood from her, as if her breast was rendering an intoxicating elixir to him just between her legs or her throat did. She sighed long, realizing that soon this would be how she could feed the twins, that this was all natural. His thumb brushed over her clit and suddenly her hands left her hair and grasped urgently at his shoulders. He sucked harder at her breast and stalled his fingers inside her, thumb now manipulating and pressing on the erect nub. She convulsed around his hand violently and rolled through the courses of her climax.

When she was satiated he removed his soaked digits and massaged her inner thigh, but continuing to feast at her breast."Spike?" she breathed out. He raised his head and the nipple popped out of his mouth with a wet smacking sound. He licked his lips and the corners of his mouth and grinned at her.

"If you're wondering if they work, allow me to assure you, Slayer my love, that the nectar is as sweet as honey."

"What?" She looked and saw that a thin, translucent liquid trickled from her nipple,"Spike! You were drinking from me?! That's just...just...."

"Beautifully erotic." She gave a grumble. She hated it when he did that, making her realize that there was still undiscovered country as far as the scope of their sex life was concerned and she hadn't been the one to discover it, yet again. His attentions returned to the bountiful flesh, kissing the underside as the hand at her thigh now worked over the opposite breast."

"Spike, I think you love me too much."

"No possible," he spoke between kisses all over her well rounded stomach,"I love no one better than you.....and the two here inside."

"This is positively decadent you know......we're not gonna be able to keep this up for much longer."

"Baby, I can always keep it up."

"Don't be cheeky....beast...." He lulled his head upon the top point of her abdomen and faced her, a contented and adoring smile shining down upon her. She reached out and lay a loving hand upon his cheek.

"I know our lives are about to change. I've had more happen to me in the past five years than in the past one hundred."

"Same here.....the five I mean....not the one hundred...hey, you feel that?" He nodded and snuggled in against her where he'd felt the tap.


"I think so....a heal probably....they've turned, or are starting to. It'll be any day now, I think."

"You scared?" She saw the worry descend upon his face and she reacted by brushing her fingertips over his lips, letting him kiss them.

"No, sweetheart, I'm not scared. This has been an ideal pregnancy, Slayers are very well made for this kinda thing....the birth'll be a snap."

"Think so do you? We'll be lucky if the hospital's still standin' when the Summers pass through there." The thought made her laugh."I love you, Buffy."

"Love turn me over, I'm ready."

"Crass little bitch, what are you a pop tart? Turn me over, I'm ready?"

"Horny one, Spike.....oh yee of the five hour erection."

"Your wish is my command."

"Shut up and do it!"


Buffy nervously tried to make herself look presentable and his the fact that up until five minutes ago, she'd still being doing a marathon of Orgasm with the Undead™. Spike had dressed already, the simplicity of jeans and t-shirt over a tight muscled body."You look perfectly lovely, sweetness," he assured her, taking her hands in his.

"I look and feel like a beached whale," she pouted, opting for black yet again.

"Don't put down the mother of my children."

"Spike, honey, I could be wearing burlap and blood larvae and you'd still think I was pretty."

"True....but honestly, love, you look smashing."

"You're biased, it's not working." He quieted her mouth with a soft kiss upon her lips.

"I think I heard a car door...."

"Why am I nervous?"

"Just excited....they haven't seen you since last summer."

"And now I'm a blimp, fabulous."

"It is."


Willow flew into Buffy's arms upon seeing her friend in the doorway. Spike stood back near the stairs and watched the two women reunite. Willow had cut her hair to four inch long wayward tresses that went out in every direction due to gel and kamikaze styling practices. It was good to see the witch hadn't gone totally earth mother. She wore a pale pink sweater and matching pants, the outfit was also accentuated with a quarter sized pentagram silver pendant resting on her chest. Xander and Dawn and Giles filed in around them, putting the luggage down. Spike and Giles gave each other a quick acknowledgment as the Watcher waited his turn to embrace the Slayer. Buffy reached out and grabbed Giles, pulling the stunned man into the an impromptu group hug.

"Oh I missed you guys so much!!" exclaimed Buffy as she squeezed them tight. The hug was released and Willow and Giles got their first good look at the Slayer in all her glory.

"My word!" Giles remarked,"I never expected...I mean I knew of course.....but Buffy, you're..."

"Freakishly huge. I know. Try living it."

"No dear, you look wonderful,'s just so far you've come."

"From dead girl to mommy."

"Yes, well, might not have put it quite like that, but yes." Meanwhile Willow was giving Spike his due with a hug. The witch was suddenly picked up off her feet, swung around and placed back down.

"Love the locks, Red," Spike smiled, giving a strand a tug. She smiled shyly, she always did have a soft spot for Spike.

"Thank look good does your wife. That working out for you?"

"Everything's come up roses."

Chapter 9 - The Hell Mouth Hath No Fury

Buffy had grown used to having hands all over her, though mainly it was her husband and his rituals of feeling the babies move for hours at a time. Occasionally Dawn would indulge herself, but presently there were ten hands looking for the prime spot on the globe that was the Slayer."I don't think we're gonna get much action, there really isn't much room in more kickboxing matches in the Buffy Arena."

"They've always got one for daddy....come on lil' bads...." Spike sing songed. Not too long after he was rewarded by what felt possibly like a hand pressing back against him palm. He and Buffy shared a knowing look, but Willow caught the exchange and scowled.

"No fair!" she complained, looking at Spike.

"What can I say? They make their father proud."

"Xander.....what are you doing?" Buffy asked as her friend's hand moved back and forth over his allotted space.

"Rubbing the Buddha for luck," he replied with a grin. Willow rolled her eyes and nudged his hand away and took up residence in his spot. A minute later, both babies tried to stretch out, sending a ripple of movement all over, causing Buffy great discomfort. She groaned and waded through the moment, while everyone else smiled and laughed, oblivious, except for Spike.

"Love, you seem a little tired, a nap?" Spike asked. The others were about to protest, but Buffy was already struggling to her feet and Spike was pulling her into his arms. As they approached the bedroom, Buffy sighed and sagged against him.

"Thanks for the save," she said,"I don't like being a sideshow attraction."

"They're just excited, don't expect any of them have really been this close to a pregnant woman, rather they've never had a friend who was one. It's different for us....we live it everyday."

"I live it everyday." They entered the bedroom and Spike went ahead to arrange pillows to prop her up before helping his wife settle down. He lay her chenille blanket over her entire body and leaned down to kiss her forehead. Afterwards he knelt before her, hand placed over where his children were nestled.

"I know that it's you that doing all the work....and I'm just sitting back being the proud father...but Buffy, I do live it everyday. I hear their heartbeats every second, I feel their blood moving in their bodies, I know they feel it when I'm near. They know I'm their father, that I love them and have sworn to protect them. Sometimes I think I hear their thoughts..."

"You do?" He nodded his head and leaned in close.

"Not thoughts like you and me....just the emotions....they love us too."

"What do you think they dream about? They've never seen the world, never heard it, they don't know how bad it is."

"I think maybe they dream about.....about where their souls came from.....Heaven? Colors, emotions, sounds that we have forgotten in our years on Earth."

"That's beautiful Spike."

"Yeah, well, I have my moments. Take a sleep, love. I'll have dinner ready for you when you wake up.....Harris n' I are going out on patrol again, probably take the Watcher along too, but I'll make sure Dawn and Red are here for you. Love you, my precious...." He kissed her lips and tucked the blanket around her shoulders before making for the door.


"Yes, sweetness?"

"I love you too."


Once again Xander took all the glory and fireworks home from this night's patrol, letting Spike rest on his laurels of having single handily protected all of Sunnydale for the past 8 and a half months. Giles nearly had a coronary when the young man took out four vampires without breaking a sweat or making a single error in technique. Xander seemed every bit as apt as Spike or Buffy now. Moreover he looked suspiciously like he was having fun.

"Did you know about this?" Giles asked of the vampire on the walk home.

"Oh yeah....crouching tiger, hidden dragon....that's our whelp," the vampire replied with a laugh, then corrected himself when Xander turned around to glare at him,"Harris...whelp no more....full grown...mad bastard with a stake.....vampire will behave now." Giles laughed out loud at the exchange, Spike and Xander getting along was enough to make anyone a bit giddy. Coming close on Revello Drive and less than a block from the house Spike suddenly stopped dead, Xander and Giles continuing on until they noticed the vampire had fallen back.

"Spike?" The blond was quiet and still, almost as if he were listening for the movement of something hidden,"Something the matter?"

"Buffy..." he gasped as he snapped into a sprint towards home. The remaining two exchanged looks of panic before pursuing the father-to-be. Spike came upon the house with all his senses a flare, back with Giles and Xander he was overcome with a sensation similar to have a bucket of ice water thrown in his face. Every synapse had fired at once and he knew by instinct that Buffy needed him. Twenty strides from the front door, it swung open and Buffy came out, Dawn and Willow supporting her on either side. His wife's face told him all, she was in pain, she wasn't in control and she was frightened. When Buffy saw him she couldn't stop herself from bursting into tears from the relief."BUFFY!?" She reached for him and broke away from her sister and friend and fell into his arms. For a moment she clung to him for all he was worth, overcome with emotion, but suddenly she pulled back and grabbed him by the lapels of his duster and lifted him above her so he was standing on the tips of his toes, dumbstruck by her display of strength.

"If I get through this I swear to god you are dust, William!!" the Slayer seethed. She spun him around and pushed him off the porch,"Hoof a rush here!" He turned around, begging for an explanation.

"She's in labor," Willow shrugged, slinging a knapsack over her shoulder,"Her water's already broken...contractions are about 15 minutes apart....she's in a bad mood because she ruined her chenille blanket..." Buffy marched purposefully on her own steam towards the SUV parked in the garage. The witch passed the stunned vampire and patted his arm in support. Dawn closed the front door, bringing Buffy's hospital suitcase with her and taking Spike's hand.

"Don't take it personally, she's really glad you're here...she kept saying how much she needed you...ready?"

"Huh?" Spike sort of said.

"Entered into the blithering idiot stage of birthing coach I see, good for you. Come're driving."


"SPIKE!!!!!!!!!!" Buffy screamed into the night, shaking her husband from his coma.

"Buffy!!!!" he shouted in reply, running after her. Dawn rolled her eyes, sighed and sauntered towards the garage. Halfway there she met Giles and Xander who were just catching up.

"Dawn?!" Giles pleaded.

"Relax....she's just ready to have the twins...if you want my opinion I think they're too nuts to be parents...oh well, should've thought of that months ago. The Hell Mouth hath no fury like a Slayer in labor. You coming?"

Chapter 10 - Speedbumps on the Road to Bliss

One would have thought the Hell Mouth had opened the way Spike had driven them to Sunnydale Memorial. Truth was he didn't even remember the actual drive, he was at home one minute and the next he was bursting through the ER doors with Buffy in his arms and the Scooby Gang in tow. The nurses on call told the manic blond man to calm down and seat Buffy in a wheelchair, there would be a bit of a wait. Suddenly Spike found himself restrained by Giles and Xander and Buffy's hand covering his face. Apparently he'd inadvertently slipped into his demonic visage and was about to tear the nurse limb from limb. Willow retrieved a wheelchair for Buffy and Spike came to his senses and attended to his wife's needs while Dawn took care of the business end of things. She casually waited for the nurse to finish checking in the patients that came before.

"Hello, my name is Dawn Summers and that's Mr. and Mrs. William Summers, we have the birthing room on the fourth floor reserved and left available for us. Could you also page Dr. Ravi please?" the young woman asked. The nurse brightened at the mention of the last name Summers.

"Oh! We've all been interested in meeting you! The donations your family has made to the hospital have been so generous."

"They're special that way....but really, they just wanted to guarantee they got the good's twins you know?"

"That's so name's Caroline, by the way....tell you what, I'll just ask Nora to cover the desk and I'll escort you and your...are they all attending the birth?" The Nurse looked over at the three people in addition to Spike and Buffy.

"We're all family..."

"That's wonderful.....that's how they did it ages ago...the whole family would gather around. I'll be right back."

"Thank you." Dawn returned to her sister, Buffy clutching to Spike's hand and practicing her breathing, working through the pain of another contraction. She knelt in front and place a hand on her knee."How's it going?" Buffy waited until the wave subsided before even trying to speak.

"I'm okay....really...." Buffy grit out before she whimpered and buried her face in Spike's chest. The vampire had become pure devoted tenderness, stroking her hair and holding her close while whispering cajoling words in her ear.

"Right this way please!" Caroline announced. Spike rose to his feet to push the wheelchair, with Buffy reaching above to grasp his wrist. This was going to be an event.


"Take your damn ice chips and choke on them!!!" The Slayer shouted her latest rant at Spike, who despite trying his very best to be supportive and attentive, bore the brunt of his wife's emotional peaks and valleys. The cup of ice narrowly missed his head and caught Giles in the chest. They'd been riding the Buffy In Active Labor rollercoaster for almost an hour now. After nurse Caroline had settled them into the expansive and haute decorated birthing room, Buffy had been examined and told she was only 6 centimeters dilated and it was too soon to deliver. Willow and Dawn were busying themselves with strategically placing crystals and effigies around the room in preparation for the spell Willow had planned. Xander and Giles remained on the sidelines and praying to not incur the Slayer's wrath."Spike!!" Buffy was caught in the throws of another labor pain and he was back at her side in a second, clutching her hand.

"I'm right here, baby," he promised.

"I'm sorry..."

", doesn't matter....I'm not going anywhere."

"You promise?"

"Of course I promise....what do you need?"

"Just you.....just you......ohhhhhh.....drugs....need drugs....." Moments later the doctor appeared at the door, the most reputed obstetrician in Sunnydale, who also happened to be blue skinned and have two sets of arms. Descended from the Indian god Vishnu, Dr. Beatrice Ravi was in high demand among demons and humans who were having hybrid children. Living on the Hell Mouth, it was becoming a more frequent occurrence.

"Good....well, I guess it's morning now isn't it?" She spoke with a hint of an accent."How is everyone doing?"

"B...Buffy..." Spike stuttered.

"Tell you what Mr. Summers, why doesn't everyone take five minutes and I'll examine your can leave your coat in the corner and go ask a nurse find you some scrubs to put over your clothes..."

"I'm not leaving!" Dr. Ravi gave him a smile and placed one of her hands on his shoulder.

"You'll only be gone for a few minutes, then we'll probably be able to begin....and I believe your Wiccan friend needs to cast her net?" Willow nodded in affirmation and drew the pillar candles she had in her bag and arranged them ina circle."We'll move all the electronic equipment out aswell so it won't interfere with the have nothing to worry about. Ms. Rosenberg and I have discussed everything previously."

"The doctor's right, honey, I'll be'll know if I need you...the walls will shake..." Buffy assured. Dawn came around and took his arm and pulled him away from Buffy and ushered him towards the door.

"Come on big bad...she's not going anywhere," his sister-in-law mused. Xander and Giles took the initiative and helped Dawn in prying Spike away from Buffy. They virtually had to drag him from the room, poor vampire.

Chapter 11 - One Good Day

Coming back to Buffy's room was like passing into another dimension. First things first, the room seemed nothing like a hospital's in the least. The machines and lights were gone, and it was illuminated by only candle light and the magic of the ignited within the crystals . Spike held his hand out, half expecting a barrier, and indeed found one, but one that he was able to pass through. Stepping inside he could feel the air as if it were as thick as water, it smelled of sage, oakmoss and palmarosa. Buffy was sitting upright on the birthing bed with her eyes closed and smile upon her face as she breathed calmly. Dawn and Willow were in the corner where the incense burned and a large matte black bowl of water had a blue flame alight in the center. Colors danced away from the crystals and flittered around the room, taking Giles and Xander by surprise as they came in behind Spike. Dr. Ravi was consulting with a nurse, who had brought in the necessary equipment for when the babies were born, nothing overly complicated or electronic.

Buffy looked over at him and smiled brightly, holding her hand out to him."Spikey!" she giggled, reaching out for him. He took her hand and she pulled him in close,"I love Willow." A wry smile spread across Spike's face, while Xander and Giles stood together staring perplexed at the red head. The young witch smiled back at Buffy and resumed her sustaining of the spell."Your outfit brings out your eyes..."

"The sky blue hospital scrubs?"

"'re so pretty......but not as pretty as Willow. Willow's my favorite person on the planet.....oh boy do I love Willow...." Spike looked away from his delirious wife and gave their friend a questioning look.

"Did you give her some of your magic weeds?" he asked.

"No...nothing like that....."Willow explained,"It's the net I put over the protects and neutralizes all negativity, anxiety and pain....sort of a cosmic epidural. She'll be a bit loopy until the spell is stable."

"So the labor pains?"

"Are gone....just a sort of pressure so she knows when to push....makes the entire birthing process painless and easy for her and the babies. Four women in my coven have done it this way, kind of a trade secret."

"And that's why I love Willow," Buffy chimed in,"Can we take her home with us?"

"Sure thing, pet," Spike replied, settling next to her on the bed,"You really doing alright?"

"I'm floating in blue dream....oh!!"

"What?!" Dr. Ravi checked out her patient and then addressed the room.

"Everyone who doesn't want the full monty please move to the back of the theater.....we're ready to begin. In other words...other side of her knees please." Giles and Xander both sprinted to the other side of the room.


There had always been the warmth and the motion, the pulse of heartbeats and a voice that echoed in his ears and all around him. He didn't know too much beyond the small space he shared with his twin, a smaller, more delicate being than himself. He knew that he loved her and loved their world; he also loved the voice and it's melodic tones. Most of the time there was a third presence, always outside, on the peripheral. They four of them were all connected, their bond was strong....and now his world was in chaos. He was frightened, he was being forced to leave his nest; then he was cold and there was too much noise...and he was without his sister.

"Buffy....we have a son! I have a son..." Spike spoke in astonishment as the crying baby boy was laid on his mother's chest. He was wet and covered in the residue from the womb and his birth, and shaking with the shock of coming into the other world. Many hands were upon his body and he was confused, but then there was something warm pressed the top of his head and he heard the voice again in it's startling clarity, his mother's voice.

"Spike....look at him..." Buffy said through a deluge of tears and kisses to him,"Our little boy....he's so beautiful....." The baby had stopped crying and clung to her warmth, he felt safe....but only for a moment, and then he was taken away."Go with him...." Spike let go of his wife's hand and followed the nurse over to the table where she was tending to his son. The new father caressed the baby's head and brushed feather light kisses upon his brow. The baby made a face as his cries receded that Spike could have sworn was the patented Buffy Summers pout. The baby was wrapped tightly in blankets and given a ridiculous blue toque, but Spike didn't pay it any mind. The nurse handed the vampire the living, breathing child that was half his and half Buffy's and he did not care that the room was full of people, he wept at the joy of his son's mere existence. Dawn had come over and had touched his arm, he looked up from the baby to her bright adoring smile. If it wasn't for this girl, his children couldn't have ever been conceived, she was part of the baby too.

"Dawn..." he said, abandoning every one of her nicknames,"Thank you for my son." She smiled even broader if it was possible, then placed her hand on his back and encouraged him to go back to Buffy's side. For the time Spike had inadvertently forgotten his wife and her situation. She was taking a rest, even with Willow's help, the birthing of the first baby had been laborious and draining. Dr. Ravi was attending to her still in preparation for the second child to arrive. The Slayer looked anything but mighty at this moment. By the light of the candles he could see her drenched in sweat and breathing heavily, eyes closed and hands lazily pushing hair off her face. Spike stood facing her and reached out to catch her face in his hand. She looked dreamily at him and smiled the thinnest of smiles.

"I'm tired..." she whispered, laying her head into his palm. He sat down and moved until their torsos were almost touching, their son cradled between them.

"But look, love..." Instead she cringed and moaned, trying to roll on her side.

"It's starting again," Dr. Ravin informed,"She still has a long way to go..."

"I can hold him," Dawn offered, holding her arms out for William. Spike reluctantly gave him up and lay his son in his aunt's arms, watching her disappear into the shadows.

"Spike..." Buffy breathed out, reaching for him. He was back with her moments later, his arm around her back and under arm, their other hands joined. She was panting, trying to stay focused. There was little pain, but the reality of moving something the size of a watermelon through an opening the size of a lemon for a second time was not playing well with the Slayer."This is all your fault you had to ask for twins, didn't you?"

"Sweetness, you're working miracles tonight...just a little further and it'll all be over....and we'll have our girl with us can do it, love." She sat herself up and put her legs back in position, squeezing Spike's hand.

"I know I can do it!"

Chapter 12 - Question of Love

Spike was sacked out in the chair next to her bed, his arms were folded her his lap and his legs stretched out in front of him. His head was hung over the back the chair and despite the fact that he didn't really need to breathe he was snoring. Somewhere along the way that part of his autonomic nervous system had picked up again. In truth Buffy thought he looked adorable. Especially with the brand new chenille blanket Giles had gone and bought her was spread over his chest. Buffy lingered upon the sight of him, not half jealous that he was the one who had managed to grab a nap and she was not. She didn't mind in the least though, because she was the captive audience to the most amazing phenomenon she'd ever known. The front of her hospital gown had been pulled away and Allegra was being nourished at her breast. The nurse had come two hours previously and taught her how to begin. William had already had his first meal from her and though it was foreign and uncomfortable at first, both mother and child had taken to it naturally. Now on the second breast, her second child took her milk. She wondered if her mother had been so hypnotized by the motions and sensation of having small, precious being so close and so alive.

William was laying in one of those hospital bassinets, well within arm's reach. He was sleeping, swaddled in a hospital blanket with a blue toque over his head. She reached out and lay a hand upon his chest, blinking back tears. He stirred and opened his mouth, then closed it again when Buffy ran her finger over his cheek. She was a mother, and the fact of that was so overwhelming she hardly knew how to take it all in. She was a Slayer, she had already died twice; Sunnydale was a dangerous and unpredictable place to live; she was a target because of both factors; but she was happier than she'd ever been because of the three people in the room with her now.

"Buffy?" Spike muttered as he roused himself from sleep, his eyes adjusting to the fluorescent lights overhead in combination with the open curtains and sunlight at the far side of the room.

"We're right here," Buffy replied quietly, Spike sat up and noted the warm blanket over him,"Giles brought it...I asked the nurse to put it over you."

"I don't really get cold though, love....I'm room temperature 100% of the time....." It was then that he noticed what was happening before his eyes,"Buffy....."

"Come see." He stood up and approached cautiously, as if he was worried he'd disrupt them. He stood over the scene of Buffy nursing their daughter with the same look of awe upon his face as when he'd seen her atop the stairs after her resurrection. He hugged his arms around himself and smiled in purest bliss.

"She's lovely...isn't she?"

"The most beautiful thing I've ever seen....why don't you pick up William? He's already had his..."


"Spike, he's your son....hold your son." The vampire gathered up his courage and walked around to where the baby boy lay. Spike was reluctant to take hold of him, but when William opened his large blue eyes and looked in Spike's direction, all apprehension was dissipated from the new father. His hand slipped under William's head and the other under his back, then drew the baby up. Spike held the baby out from his body, taking in the wonder of the new life. Sitting on the foot of the bed, Spike cradled his son in his arms, utterly enthralled by the small person before him. The baby squirmed, but was restricted by the blanket tucked around him. Equally as displeased by the fact, Spike loosened the swaddling, letting the boy's arms and legs be free. It was then that Spike experience his first of no doubt many perfect moments to come. William reached towards his father and Spike brought him close so he could kiss his impossibly tiny fingertips.

"Buffy...why do you love me?"

"That's a funny question."

"But I'm askin'."

"Oh I don't know....I mean, I know...there's all kinds of reasons."

"Tell me....tell me why." The strange manner in his asking irked Buffy in a way she couldn't quite understand. At that moment Allegra came away from her breast accidentally and mewled and fought the confine of her blanket in protest. Ignoring Spike momentarily she did the same as he had for William and unwrapped her from the blanket. She seemed to appreciate the free range of motion and with Buffy's help affixed herself back at the breast.

"I think they're already like you...don't like to told they have to have things a certain way. I love that about you, you don't accept a situation until you've changed it to suit you, or me...that's very strong. I love you because you're fierce and powerful, you're also gentle and sensitive. I love your blindly passionate poet and I love your violent, possessive demon......I just love you, Spike."

"I don't understand....I feel it, but I don't understand it. How can this possibly all be mine? Surely I don't having a soul? What sort of father can I possibly be?"

"A soul? You've never said anything about wanting a soul. What's a soul anyways? Whatever's in you now is more than I'll ever need."

"But, love, what's going to happen when they look in my eyes and see it's not there? What if they think I'm a monster?" He brought William closer against him and the baby curled up into Spike's chest and began to fall back asleep,"M' sorry, Buffy...just ignore me....stupid bloody self pity....forget I said anything..." Allegra was done with her feeding and Buffy once again took her attention away from Spike to fix her gown and reposition Allegra in her lap. Spike's moved closer and lay his hand upon his daughter, she was so small he nearly covered her."She's warm......"

"Full tummy.....Spike, let me ask you something now? If anyone, anything tried to hurt William or Allegra, what would you do?" His face contorted with the thought and then darkened with the instincts her question was waking.

"I tear them limb from limb....make them suffer..."

"And what would you do if....when....they get sick....or break a bone or something?" Now he looked lost, almost shocked.

"I...I don't know....I....scared, terrified..."

"Now, what about when they'll smile at you, recognize you? When they're older and they wrap their little arms around you and squeeze so tight you can't stand it?" Tears were welling in his eyes and he looked down at the blankets covering Buffy's legs.


"Those are why I love you. So, maybe having a soul would change you in the way you think you need....but the three souls in this room are already your's, they belong to you...and they love you completely."

"You're very wise, sweetness."

"I know.......I'm also very pretty.....and I'm exhausted...think you can watch over them?" Already she was laying the now sleeping Allegra in his other arm. She lay back and looked him holding their children, it was the most love she'd ever felt in a single moment.

"Sleep, love...I'll watch over them...always."

Chapter 13 - Snapshots

"Nibblet, please, no more," Spike asked, a twinge of frustration tainting his request,"You'll burn their retinas or something."

"They're asleep, Spike," Dawn replied, taking another photograph of him sitting on the couch in their living room, a baby cradled in each are. Buffy was laughing in his ear and giving the lobe a chew. She had her arms around his neck, while he leaned back against her,"Besides there's nothing sexier than a man with babies....right Buffy?"

"In total agreement here," Buffy replied, hugging Spike and pressing a sloppy wet kiss to his temple,"But you're sexy when you're covered in demon guts." They'd been home from the hospital for one week and so far it was smooth sailing. In a manner of speaking. Buffy had been dubbed "the Milk Machine" and Spike was "the Waking Dead", both nicknames coined by Dawn. Buffy spent the majority of her time with a baby latched to her boob, as Spike had so tactfully worded it, while he barely slept. If one of the twins needed anything besides a feeding, he attended to it.

Officially, Spike had ordained himself to be on paternity leave, letting a very capable Xander and an enthused Giles take over on patrol. No mention of Olivia had even been made, and Giles was by all accounts a contented man back in Sunnydale, afterall he was for all intents and purposes the only grandparent to William and Allegra. Buffy decided Spike had been right, the twins gave him perspective, that for as each death came, so did a new life began.

The minor issue of Hank Summers had raised itself and been put to rest all in the same day. The day the twins were born Dawn had excitedly called his office in Los Angelos to tell him they had arrived. Her father had know his eldest daughter had married and was expecting, his secretary assured Dawn he'd been informed. When a bouquet of lilies arrived at the house, with a card and the word Congratulations printed on it like probably a hundred others that were delivered that day. Buffy asked Dawn to put them in the trash, then proceeded to make Giles hold William when Allegra was fussing and needed her mother's full attention.

So now, as the first week of adjusting to the dramatic change in the family's dynamic flowed into the second week, Dawn was still taking roll after roll of family pictures. There was a stack of 12 developed sets from hospital to home and everything in between and after."Besides," Dawn continued,"We don't have enough pictures of you Spike...only like 2 or 3 from the past year."

"So now you've got 500 of me looking tired and over wrought? Thanks ever so, lil' bit."

"Stop complaining....and say cheese."


"What's that tune?" Buffy asked, watching Spike standing at their bedroom window under the gloam of the moonlight. He held Allegra close to him, dotting her wisps of blond hair with kisses. He swayed to the music of his own making, it was a ballad of some sort, but she'd never heard it before in her life. She sat upright in the bed, whilst William sucked greedily at the breast he'd claimed as his.

"What? Oh's an aria, but a very very old one, medieval. Funny how memories come back when you least expect it. Allegra, my grandmother used to sing it, it was her favorite. I'd forgotten all about until this moment. The words are in archaic old English...I have wist, sin I couthe meen...that children hath by candle light....her shadewe on the wal iseen...and ronne therafter all the night. Bisy aboute they han ben to catchen it with all here might. And whom they catchen it best wolde wene...sannest it shet out of her sight....the shadewe catchen they ne might...for no lines that they couthe lay. This shadewe I may likne aright to this world and yesterday."

"Sounds you know what it means?"

"Ever since I could remember....I have known, that children, by candle light....have seen a shadow on the wall and have chased it all night through. Busily they have tried, with all their might, to catch it. And when they most expect to catch shoots most quickly out of sight. This shadow never shall be any trap they lay...this shadow in the likeness of this world and yesterday."

"You never cease to amaze me, you know that? You have many layers...."

"'Cause I remember a bit of poetry?" He chuckled softly and returned Allegra to her bassinet at the foot of their bed now that she'd fallen asleep. He slipped back in between the covers and relaxed, laying his head upon Buffy's shoulder to behold the wonder before him.

"No, baby, because have the same look in your eyes when you remember your grandmother and your childhood as you do when you talk about a good kill. The world fascinates, amuses and enthralls you and I like seeing it through you...just like I want to through our children."

"Doesn't feel that weird? He looks like he's gonna suck it right off."

"Well, you would know."


"Oh be fair about this.....first, you're a vampire....the sucking gene is firmly embedded. Secondly, you seem to have this fixation with my breasts long before I ever got pregnant. I remember ever since the beginning......"

"Well, they're very nice, aren't they? But that's not what I meant...I think I just have a hard time reconciling it all. I live, I feel, I hurt, I love.....but I'm dead, this body is just a reanimated corpse when you get right down to it. And here you are feeding your children from the same body in which you made them...there's a cycle of life happening all around me. I guess I just don't know where I fit in.....I still feel dead sometimes. The three of you, you're all vital, living, with blood flowing and bodies changing and growing....and I don't. I don't belong..." Tears dropped on to William's cheek and Spike subconsciously wiped them away with the pad of his thumb before realizing he'd made his wife cry. He pulled away from them and clenched his fists tight,"Damn.....Buffy....I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry....I know I can be a stupid insensitive git..."

"It hurts me when you talk like that..."

"Maybe I should just go for a walk then...."

"Spike....will you take William? He's done..." She held the baby out for his father and waited for him to be taken. There was a stagnancy to Spike's thought process in that moment, he was torn between his addled mind and his instincts. In the end his heart won out, much to Buffy's relief. Spike lay his son upright on his chest and rubbed his back. There was something very beautiful about a baby in only a cloth diaper nestled against his father's bare chest, a sort of purity."Now that I know you're not going to run away, I have something important to tell you....and I want you to really listen to me. From September to May of last year I felt dead, well and truly dead...the only time I ever didn't want to go find another tower to jump off was when I was with you. The only thing that kept me in this world was the fact that if I died I wouldn't have you. This was all totally subconscious at the time...but after you left and came back, I knew it all was for real. I love you.....and yeah, without Dawn I never would have been able to get pregnant by you, but William and Allegra are completely yours, Spike. They were made from you as much as me. Look at this little boy your holding....looks at his little sister...without you they wouldn't exist. Without you, I'd be dead, if you really can't see where you fit in, you're a fool. None of this would have been possible without you. If you believe it'll take a soul for you to believe it, then we'll find a way for you to get it back......there's gotta be some way that isn't a curse. But if that never happens can you promise me that you'll just accept things as they are?" Spike sighed and busied himself in dressing William in his sleeper and laying him in his own bassinet, next to Allegra's. He waited a moment, trying to decided if he should go for a walk after all. But Buffy had laid herself out naked under the covers and was waiting expectantly. He resigned himself to accepting that this was where he belonged, however much he didn't feel he deserved it. True happiness really was the most terrifying thing on earth.

He slipped in between the covers and Buffy drew him into her arms. His head nestled between the warm pillows of her breasts as she wound her arm around his shoulders, and wove their legs together. He hugged urgently at her waist, already close to how it was before she'd even been pregnant, she was almost back in fighting form. Something to be said for Slayer healing and metabolism. She kissed the top of his head and caressed her face with the curls of his hair,"My poor, sweet, vampire.....for all your bravado, you're just a scared little boy aren't you?" she whispered, he only held on tighter,"But don't be afraid....I'm gonna take good care of all of us."


"Love to eat them babies, them babies what I love to eat. Bite they tiny heads off, nibble on they tiny feet...." Spike sang in a fiendishly cute way before descending upon the undersides of William and Allegra's feet with mad, playful kisses. Buffy had to restrain herself from bursting out laughing at the sight of Spike sitting crossed legged on the bed with the twins laid out in front of him after their bath. The children certainly seemed to love this new game, judging by their constant movement and focused attention upon their vampire father in his full demon face.

"They seem to like you with the lumpies..." said Buffy as she rummaged through the laundry basket for outfits for the children.

"Figured it would be best to get them used to's gonna be a part of their lives......unfortunately."

"Not unfortunately....they'll probably think it's cool. I happen to think it's a very handsome face."

"Yeah, well, you're out of your bloody mind."

"No kidding. I married you, didn't I?"

"Very funny." She came over to the bed and went to pick up Allegra when she noticed something she hadn't before.



"Do something for me? Lay down, put your feet out."

"Alriiiight...." He did as she asked, while she positioned a twin on either side of him, putting all their feet in line at the end of the bed.

"Hold still...."

"Pet, what on Earth are you doing?" She darted out of room and Spike looked down the length of his body to two babies at his feet,"Your mum's nuts." Buffy came rushing back and knelt in front of their feet with Dawn's camera and snapped a photograph.

"I just all have the same feet...all three of you...."


"Little feet just like daddy's." Buffy saw that smile on her husband's face, he was proud.

Chapter 14 - The Restless Warriors

Hush now, don't you cry
Wipe away the teardrop from your eye
You're lying safe in bed
It was all a bad dream
Spinning in your head...

"That's mommy's good boy...." Buffy cooed as she kissed William's round tummy after changing him into a fresh diaper. The boy stared at her in wonderment as her fingers and lips played over his sensitive skin. He and Allegra both were gaining weight and their features had begun to fill out. They were getting stronger too, very strong in fact, signs of both Slayer and vampire qualities were showing themselves.

"Mummy's good boy is home!" Spike announced as he swooped into the nursery, returning from his first night of patrol since the birth. He picked Allegra up from the changing table cuddled her close while Buffy finished dressing William,"No, you're mommy's bad boy. Have fun?"

"I did indeed....escorted Dawn to Janice's for their sleepover, split up with Harris and let him take the north side of the by, four vampires and a Fyarl congratulated me on becoming a father...right before I killed them...I think it was a ploy for mercy...felt kinda nice though, to hear the words."

"You're very strange."

"I know, pet, but I'm a good man and you love me."

"That I do. Everyone is fed, clean and ready to go back to bed. I think we've got a routine, finally."

"Sweetness, it's been three weeks....they're not ready to keep to a routine...mark my words, an hour from now someone will be screamin' for a snack, or a cuddle...."

"Yeah, it'll probably be you."

"Maybe...but you're very obliging."

"Speaking of week...I'd like us"

"Yes?" She chewed nervously on her bottom lip and continued to do so as she took William in her arms and led them all back to the bedroom. She lay William down, then took Allegra from her father and lay her down too, both of them already drifting off to sleep. Meanwhile Spike changed out of his clothes and slipped into the jogging pants he often slept in. They settled into bed and lay together in the darkness,"There's something you want to tell me..."

"We're very happy, aren't we?"


"Loving and taking care of William and Allegra is's amazing."

"Buffy, it's beyond my wildest dreams."

"However, I think maybe it's time we remembered that we're not just parents...we're lovers too."


"Forget that, huh?"

"'s just that the books said it'd be at least six's only been three..."

"But I'm a Slayer....and I bounce back pretty fast....and don't tell me you're not gettin' itch...." Her fingertips danced around his nipples and her lips brushed over the skin of his shoulder.

"Buffy.....I was certain this would be the last thing on your mind...."

"It's not the first....the first is taking good care of my babies and making sure they're loved completely.....however, my libido did not disappear just because I've given's just acrobatics for while.....just slow, tender, us reconnecting..."

"When you're ready then, sweetness. I won't deny it, I can't wait to be with you again...but I will wait."

"But I'm telling you I don't think we have to wait....maybe a week or two...besides....there's other things I can do for you..." She moved over until she was draped across half his body, pressing her lips to the muscles of his chest.

"Bloody, don't get me all worked up.....I've been behaving, you're being very tempting..." She stopped kissing him and held him instead.

"Just reminding you that this body of mine isn't just made for feeding and nurturing your children."

"My precious....I never forgot're all those things and're everything. When we come together'll be you n' me....not just me layin' here gettin' my cookies frosted.....we're going to make love."


He feasted on the heart of his brother, tearing out the ventricles and gorging on the stagnant blood. The lumps of eviscerated flesh was tossed away and the angel joined the fray of battle once more. Sword held high, he descended into the the throngs of thousands and was lost in the sea of bloodied wings and mutilated warriors. When an angel was murdered, his killer would make a show of the death to his brethren, spearing his body upon a stake and making and ornament for the battlefield.

The below their feet was only blood, crimson red and viscous, rivers washing over the righteous as it did the damned. There was no tact or strategy to the fighting, just mayhem, chaos and destruction. The angels had divided themselves into the wicked and the good and fought each other, fighting until one side had smote the other. The battlefield was here down on Earth, and Buffy Summers was in the middle of it.

As she waded through the warriors as they fell in defeat, or surged up again to take on another opponent, she knew she had to make it through or all would be lost to her. The dins and clashes of metal, the snapping and popping of breaking bones and the cries of the fallen and the victorious had died away, now she heard only two voices. Her newborn babies were screaming for their mother and she couldn't find them, not in the middle of this war. William and Allegra. They were hungry, they were cold, they were terrified and they wanted their mother. But their mother couldn't find them. Buffy couldn't get past the angels, there were too many of them. Her childrens' cries were becoming increasingly urgent, as if now in pain. And then.....

Buffy awoke with a bit of a start, the disturbing dream still pumping through her veins under the power of her fast pounding heat. Spike had awoken too and reach out next to him to lay a hand on her."You alright, love?" he asked sleepily.

"Yeah.....just a nightmare." He shifted to move close enough to hold her.

"What kind of nightmare?"

"The twins were crying and I couldn't find them....other stuff too.....but they needed me and I couldn't find them."

"'s fine, pet, only natural that you should fret....just have to adjust to it all still. It's only been three weeks."

"Yeah, I know but.....hey, it's morning...." Spike looked back over his shoulder and sure enough sunlight danced under the billowing curtains."I don't remember waking up again after I fed William last...did they sleep through the night? Why's the window open? It's too cold out for the window to be open." They looked at each other for a moment, then simultaneous got up and moved quickly towards the pair of bassinets at the foot of the bed. Buffy fell into a fit of convulsions where as Spike was frozen - William and Allegra had vanished.

Chapter 15 - Cold and Broken Hallelujah

It's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah...

She was beyond her endurance point as she ran towards home. Dawn and Janice had been eating breakfast when the younger Summers girl was suddenly overwhelmed with images of heavenly creatures with wings splattered with blood. She heard inside her head the sound of babies crying and she knew well whose babies those were. She'd bolted from the table like a spooked horse and started to run home. Where she approached the house, her worse fears were confirmed. All the windows and doors were missing and the frames were shimmering by virtue of a residue left when the intruders had passed through. Dawn headed straight for the master bedroom, but stopped short when she heard the sound of someone throwing up. She then entered the room carefully, Spike stood facing the beds in which is son and daughter slept, clutching their blankets to his chest, but as petrified as a statue. She walked behind him and saw the bassinets were empty, she also saw the tattoo she'd marked his back with was gone. Buffy could be heard retching violently in the bathroom again and Dawn proceeded.

She knelt down beside her sister and pulled Buffy's hair back from her face. The young mother was now shaking from the dry heaving and Dawn tentatively placed a hand on her bare back, rubbing gently."I'm so sorry, Buffy," she whispered as she too began to cry. Giles, Xander and Willow appeared at the bedroom door.

"Spike?" Giles questioned,"Is something wrong....I woke up and felt, wrong....what is it?" The vampire looked in the direction from where the voice had come, tears streaming down his face.

"My children, Rupert, they've taken my children...." he choked out.

"Who?! What's going on?!"

"Angels...." Dawn began to explained as she emerged with Buffy, clutching her robe around her, from the bathroom,"There must have been dozens of them.....for no one to have woken up....they need the powers of many. I wasn't here, so they could take the marks off Spike and Buffy....and........and.......take William and Allegra."

"Why would they do this?"

"I don't know......" Spike let go of the baby blankets and stalked into the bathroom, less than a minute later he emerged fully clothed. Ignoring them all, including Buffy, he cut a path to leave, however his wife caught him.

"Spike?" she pleaded. He looked at her, he was wounded and ashamed.

"Need answers," he breathed out.

"What are you going to do?"

"Get them." Without a second word he left his wife and charged downstairs, tossing on his boots and duster and running out of the house and down the closest manhole. Meanwhile, Buffy sagged against her sister and all rushed to her aid. They lead her back to the bed and sat her down. She was shivering and for a moment Dawn took on a green luminescence, restoring the doors and windows to the house.

"Don't worry, we'll get them back," said Dawn.

"I'll go straight away to the Magic Box and see what I can find in the books," Giles assured them.

"I'll scry and track down their location," seconded Willow, picking up the baby blankets Spike had let fall,"Shouldn't be too hard."

"I'll go after Spike," Xander volunteered,"Help him...."

"Keep him safe, Xander," Buffy begged,"Make sure he's okay, .he won't be thinking, he'll do something stupid!"

"I'll take care of your husband, Buffy...promise."

When Dawn and Buffy were alone again, Dawn found herself being the strong one of the pair. She stroked Buffy's hair and held her hand. They Slayer's body still operated of its own volition, shaking terribly.

"Xuxael," Buffy whispered.

"No, Buffy, Xuxael's dead."

"No....I know.....Xuxael was so twisted, so ugly and violent. If angels like him have my babies, I can only imagine...."

"I know you can't help it....but don't think about it, just focus on getting them back."

"They must be so scared, they don't have me or Spike.....and cold.....they didn't take their blankets. Oh god.....I fed them hours ago....Dawn, they're hungry, they need me to nurse them. I can feel them, crying for me and I can't find them.......just like the dream...."

"When did you have a dream?"

"Last Night."

"Tell me about what you saw, it could be important..."

"There were angels, thousands of them and they were on a battlefield. It was gruesome, so much blood.....rivers of blood. They had swords and spears, old weapons. Heads and wings were being cut off, some were impaled on giant stakes. I've never seen such gore and violence......William and Allegra are in the middle of it!" Buffy crumbled into her sister, overcome with sorrow.


Spike pulled himself out of the sewers and into the back room at Willy's bar. He waited a moment to compose himself before he went into confront the owner and his patrons. Halfway between home and the demon bar he'd had a breakdown, screaming and crying his heart out alone in the sewers of Sunnydale. The echoes still rang in his ears. He'd also throttled the wall with his fist and now his knuckles were demolished and bloody. Pain on his body was easier to focus on than the pain inside. When he thought of William and Allegra, to his mind the two most perfect beings in creation, he felt such extreme emotions he couldn't contain them. His cold dead body had been an integral part of a miracle, he'd made babies with the woman he loved. The vampires and Slayer throughout all history had been given a balance like never before.

He craved the touch of their soft skin against his cheek, the newborn scent and their radiating warmth that made him feel alive again. He wondered how much more pain he could be in if he only had a soul. It must be so much worse for Buffy, he reasoned. He knew he shouldn't have walked out as he had, leaving her alone with empty bassinets and baby blankets that smelled so fragrantly of the twins. But inaction would have driven him insane. Not to mention that being in his wife's presence right now would be more than he could possibly handle. He wished he could take her in his arms and make her believe that everything would work itself out. He knew it would be a lie. Everything inside the vampire was being stretched taut as if over a medieval torture device. One more turn and he would snap.

Chapter 16 - The Pitch and the Battle

Spike kicked in the backdoor of the bar and the few patrons that were left over from the night before jumped as he stormed in with the demon's face raw and menacing. Even at this time in the morning Willy's was occupied, it was practically a 24 hour establishment. Two Laert demons started to make for the exit and Spike rushed them, throwing one back across the room and crashing it into a table, the other ran back to the booth.

"Hey, hey......woah man," Willy protested, holding his hands up in peace,"What's the deal?!" Spike snarled and grabbed Willy by his collar and hauled him over the bar.

"You know I got the chip outta my skull.....don't you lie to me or I'll break a bone for every false word that comes outta your bloody mouth."

"I got it! I got it!"

"What happened at my house last night?!"



"Okay, okay, okay.......Some vamps came in about 3am sayin' there were all kinds of lights over the Slayer's house and that nobody could get close enough to check it a forcefield or something. That's all I know, Spike, I swear it! You know I never leave the joint...." There was a tap upon Spike's shoulder and the vampire dropped the human to the ground. He spun around and came face to face with a timid looking and small sized demon that for a moment reminded Spike of Clem. The demon flinched at the sight of the vampire's rage.

"I....I......don't throw me into a wall or anything, but I thought maybe.....I know that you and the Slayer are....are together and you've been doing rounds for her...."

"Get to the bloody point!"

"There's been rumors lately....there aren't many demons left on the Hell Mouth, just lotsa vampire fledgelings. They're all skippin' town..."

"What does this have to do with last night?"

"I don't know.....just thought maybe you should know, 'cause I didn't think you would, being as you're fighting on the other side. There's gonna be a party. Demons from all over the world are going."

"Where is it then, what kind of party?"

"Like doomsday kind, don't know where. To the east. I'm just trying to help." Spike turned back to Willy, how was just picking himself up off the floor.

"You hear anything more I wanna know about it!"

"No problem.....what went down?"

"None of your bloody business!" Spike headed back in the direction he came, reaching over the bar to snatch a bottle of whiskey as he passed.


Spike hadn't gotten so drunk off his ass since before he'd journeyed to Africa....there hadn't been a need to drown his sorrows. There hadn't been any sorrows, only love and happiness with his family. That had all been shattered into as many shards as the empty bottle of whiskey he's smashed against a grave stone. He'd spent the morning wandering aimlessly and drinking in the sewer tunnels, and the afternoon in other demon establishments. Once the sun had set, he'd gone above ground to try to find anyone who knew anything, as well as shaken down a few vamp nests for more information before staking them all. He was in the vicinity of his old crypt as he stumbled between tombstones. He couldn't wake himself from the nightmare that was his life. He also knew getting drunk had been a bad idea, he couldn't go home like this, it would only hurt Buffy. She didn't need a drunken louse for a husband right now. She needed answers and needed him to be confidant and supportive. He wasn't that man, instead he was a terrified and lost shell of who he'd been only yesterday.

He leaned back against a tree and began to weep. Then off to one side he heard laughter, sinister and mocking."Lucifer...." Spike seethed. The dark angel leapt dramatically from the shrubbery with a huge smile on his face and arms spread wide.

"Oh I feel the love remember me!"

"Shoulda known you wouldn't be far behind."

"How are the wife n' kids, Spikey?" Spike launched himself at Lucifer and grabbed him by the throat and slammed him against the tree. The angel pushed him off and Spike fell back on his ass.

"Well, that's gratitude for yah. Guess I should have brought and actual olive branch. Gimme a sec, I'll duck behind the bushes and take off my jockeys and wave 'em around on a stick. I come in peace....duuuuuude." He flashed Spike a peach sign and continued with his saccharin grin. The vampire stayed motionless, beyond irritated and imagining pulling the fallen angel's heart from his chest. Without warning Spike was hauled up on to his feet by the two persons on either side of home. Spike looked at the pair, who were obviously demons and took a step back from them. There was something about them that made the vampire nervous.

Each demon was a good head taller than Spike, with skin the color of diluted milk, faces gaunt and tragic with eyes that were completely black and reflecting nothing. They wore black fedoras atop their bald heads and heavy woolen overcoats that were trimmed with fur and touched the ground.

"My two best men, Spike. These are Mr. Pitch and Mr. Battle." The almost twins licked their lips lavaciously and raked their eyes over Spike's body, it was the first time since the early days with Angelus that he felt an aura of sexual perversion around him. One of them extended his long fingered had to touch Spike and the vampire reflexively hit it away.

"Hands to yourself, wanker!" Lucifer waved them off and the pair bowed in an effete manner, then skulked into the background.

"Spike, I'm genuinely all cut up about your missing little got a raw deal."

"I'm sure you are, Lucifer. About as sorry as you are about terrorist bombs going off in churches." Lucifer chuckled a sound like barnacles tearing a diver's skin.

"That's what I always loved about you Spike! You have no facade - heart on your sleeve and acid wit on the tip of that tongue."

"Get to your bloody point......I have to find my...."

"Find your children? You'll never find them on your're dealing with angels, they're a few notches above regular demons like yourself. First and foremost, I am a business man - I don't know where you kids are.....but Misters Pitch and Battle here could probably find them."

"I don't want Tweedle-fucked and Tweedle-even more fucked anywhere hear my children!"

"I'm not suggesting they're your Mary Poppins."

"Forget it!"

"Let's not be hasty. I'll sweeten the pot. In addition to the services of the two best trackers in the biz....I'll restore your soul. No strings or clauses attached, all your's, William the Bloody Awful Poet back in there with Spikey all mixed up into a spankin' new fresh boy. Does the Slayer enjoy a good spanking? Bet she does with a rump like a ripe tomato! Soul? Souuuuul? Hmmmmmm?" Spike was struck silent by the possibility.....his soul. It was everything he believed he needed to assure Buffy's happiness.

" soul? You can really do that? My own soul? Mine again and no one can ever take it away?"

"Sure! I'm the one who took it from you in the first place." Lucifer leaned in and gave Spike's shoulder a firm squeeze,"What do you say, William? Wanna make a deal with the devil?"

Chapter 17 - Shattered Lives and Broken Dreams

"What's your answer?" Lucifer prodded. Spike's hands were clenched in fists at his sides. Pictures of Buffy's face as he imagined telling her he'd become whole for her, and for William and Allegra. His wife would never have to worry about the demon ever again. Spike looked Lucifer square in the eyes. For all his quips and foolery, this one angel was perhaps the most powerful demon in all existence.


"No? You're turning me down?!"

"Don't fancy being Faust, or any other of the millions you've suckered."

"My deals are always fair."

"I know that, mate, part of the reason I'm sayin no bloody chance."

"You rather leave your cubs to the lions rather than let me..."

"I want you and your lackeys to stay the bloody hell outta my life and I don't want you anywhere near my family."

"I'm probably your best chance."

"Yeah, I know that."

"Suit yourself. Sem's probably got those chubby cherubs of yours roasting on his spittle already."

"Who did you say?!" But Lucifer was gone, along with Pitch and Battle. Spike dropped to his knees and began to cry a new. It was all hopeless.


It didn't take Xander too long to locate Spike once he entered the cemetery, the vampire's sobbing permeated the night and haunted the place like a thousand restless ghosts. He was huddled against a tomb with his face buried in his palms. A twig snapped as Xander approached and it was the first inkling Spike had that he wasn't alone. His head shot up and the sigh of a sympathetic face made him only cave in on himself. Xander sat down next to him and put his arm around the vampire and pulled him close to give comfort. Spike screamed into Xander's shoulder, shaking all over.

"Spike, you need to come home," said Xander. Spike quieted himself and pulled away.

"I can't go home," he choked out,"I can't face her...."

"Buffy's worried sick about you, you've been gone all day."

"I failed her.....I let them take her children."

"You didn't let anyone kidnap your kids, Spike, they were're only talking this way because you're drunk. I went to Willy' gotta kick this habit."

"I had.....just a pint or two when we'd go to the Bronze....I just.....needed something to help me deal."

"A bottle of whiskey isn't gonna do it and you know better."

"How is my wife?"

"Oh.....I thought you'd forgotten...sorry. Buffy's insane with worry because William and Allegra are missing and because she doesn't know if you've accidentally gotten yourself staked by picking a fight. You gotta get a thicker skin and go home to her. You and Buffy are a team, you can do this.....stop this self pity and work together..."

"Help me up." Xander was only too happy to comply.

"Did you find anything out?"

"Few things, yah.....don't know what they mean yet, I'll pass it on to Giles."

"Who did you talk to?" Spike thought for a moment of Lucifer, but if Buffy knew he was around it might very well send her around the bend and he didn't want to cause her any more pain than what he already had.



She hadn't moved from the place she was sitting at since night had hallen. Buffy had drained herself of tears. She was certain she would've cried until the moment she felt her babies again, but now she sat on the floor of what used to be her bedroom. Now it was an empty nursery with no children to sleep or play in it. Against two walls were matching cribs. Buffy remembered the night she and Spike had been walking through town and she'd seen one in the window of Sweet Caroline's and her face had lit up like fireworks. He'd had them delivered the next afternoon. The walls had been painted a vibrant indigo and she'd painstakingly covered them with delicate little white stars. The celestial theme had carried over to the nursery's accessories and even the linens for the crib. The room was absolutely joyless now. In her hands she fiddled with the ears of what was to have been William's teddy bear, one Spike had ordered from a company in England, Allegra's was still in her crib.

A crack of light entered the room when the door was gently pushed open. A dark figure obscured by a heavy leather coat came inside and closed the door after him. He sat down cross legged in front of her and took her hand. Buffy snatched it away and shot daggers at him with her eyes.

"Buffy..." he whispered, trying to take her hand again.

"I can smell the booze on you, Spike.....That's what you've been doing all day? Drinking? You selfish son of a bitch!!!" With her left foot she weakly kicked him away from her. She rose to her feet, leaving the stuffed toy in her place and moving as far away from him as possible. Spike took up the bear, for a moment smiling at the memory of presenting them to Buffy after they'd been handmade for the twins. He got back up and put the bear in William's crib. He moved close to Buffy, but kept a distance between them, the distance in their hearts however was not so easy a to gap to bridge.

"I didn't know what else to do." She coughed and it came out as a laugh.

"Yeah, Spike, getting drunk off your ass was by far the most productive thing you could have done towards getting our kidnapped children back!" Her voice was laced thick with acidic and venomous intent and she hoped it stung him as much as it did for her to say them.

"That's not what I bloody did!" He shot back,"I went to Willy's to see if he knew what had happened....if any of his customers knew anything. I went to every lowlife demon dive I could think of. After that I went to just about every bloody church in Sunnydale! Just to see if there was the barest clue! I went on patrol and yeah I got drunk!! I needed to kill some of the pain, anything to keep me from going out of my bloody mind!! Love, please understand I don't know what to do!"

"What about me?! You abandoned me and disappeared! I didn't know where you where, if you would go to Williy's and pick a fight and get yourself killed. For all I knew you could have walked into the sun and killed yourself!"

"I'd never do that!"

"How would I know, you weren't here!"

"Bloody hell, Buffy.....I was doing the best I could to try and find William and Allegra! I couldn't be stuck here all day...with you, looking at me like this."

"Like what?!"

"Like it's all my fault! I am well aware of my failure here, Slayer. I will find them, I'll go to the ends of the Earth, I'll fight any demon or angel, I'll do anything!"

"I didn't wake up either!" She grew cold and introverted, hugging her arms around herself and backed into the cover,"I didn't wake up...." She doubled over and began to cry again, finding another well of tears. Spike came to her and took her in his arms, Buffy grabbed the lapels of his coat and sobbed against his chest. He held her tight and kissed into her hair,"Ow...ow....Spike let me go...." Confused he obeyed as she drew away holding her breasts and wincing.

"What's the matter?"

"They hurt, they're full....I haven't fed the twins in almost 24 hours."

"Shouldn't you do something?"

"Do what?!"

"Express the nurse said when you wanted to start to wean them. You have the thing, that device.....that does it for you?"

"The breast pump. Then what, Spike? Pour it down the sink?"

"I'm just sayin' that if you're in pain.....I know there's medication that can stop.."

"NO! I'm not doing that, what's wrong with you?!"

"Buffy, love, please, we don't know how long..." From out of nowhere her fist connected with his jaw. He was thrown off his feet with such force that he collided with one of the cribs on the other side of the room. The cracks and snaps of breaking wood was shocking and sickening at the same time. Spike stayed where he landed and looked down at his hands helplessly."Nevermind, Xander can fix it."

Buffy'd closed both her hands over her mouth in order to hold in her screams. She came over to where he sat and fell at his feet. He moved himself forward until he could wrap his arms around her as she trembled and held her sobbing inside.

Chapter 18 - Turning Point

"Buffy, my sweet girl, I know you're terrified.....I feel exactly the same.....but we can't lose our heads. William and Allegra are depending on us to find them and bring them home. We must be strong and we mustn't give up." Her arms made their way around his waist and he rocked with her until she calmed.


"Yes, love?"

"I shouldn't have hit you, I'm sorry."

"I was being insensitive."

"You were right. I'm sorry for hitting you."

"It's forgotten. I'm very sorry I got drunk, it was so bloody stupid I can't even begin to excuse it....never a drop again, it's a vow, a promise." If possible she held him closer, squeezed him tighter.

"I did something today that you're not going to like, but it was all I could think of....and you weren't here."

"What is it then?"

"Last year when Riley came back.....when those demons framed you with those eggs. Before he left he said that if there was ever an emergency I was to go to a specific web address and type in a would send a signal to him and he'd get in touch." The last thing Spike needed was to have old reliable Captain Cardboard looking down on him for the ultimate failure of his lifetime.


"He called within half an hour. I like and told him it was the Hell Mouth."

"Because if he knew the real reason....if he knew about me he might not come?"

"Yeah....I'm sorry.....but I couldn't take the risk. I promise I won't let him get away with anything where you're concerned."

"No worries, pet, I don't give a bloody piss about what Riley Finn thinks of me......just need his help if he can give it.....I'll take anything."

"He said he was in Panama and would be here tomorrow......he'll get special leave from the army.....they know about him and the Hell Mouth. Thank you for understanding." He nodded, though he doubted she felt it.

"Would you like me to get Dawn or Willow to come and help you? With..."

"I guess I have to."

"There's no guilt in doing it, Buffy, it'll just keep things going until they come home." They let the silence settle in and the darkness shroud them as they clung fiercely to each other. Their love was under its greatest test and neither would waver from the bond they'd formed and sanctified in marriage. However, without William and Allegra none of it meant a thing, the void was too great to be sufficiently filled with only love - it lived in their children now, it had grown from beyond just the two of them."Come, pet, I'll go get your sister." She let him help her up, then Spike took her left hand and held it in his own. He let the platinum band catch and reflect the moonlight before turning them over to show her his matching one. There was the barest glimmer of a smile between them. He brought her palm to his lips and bestowed it with a kiss.

"You're're paler than usual."

"Haven't had any blood since yesterday."

"There's fresh downstairs in the fridge."

"Have you eaten? No...of course you haven't. I used to have to remind you to do it on the best of days."

"I don't think I could."

"But you should try, love, you must keep your strength up."

"I will if you will."

"That's my girl...fair trade, eh? Um....I'll send Dawn up and then fix you something."

"Alright...just soup." His hands found her face and tilted her upwards to look into his eyes.

"They're together.....I can feel it - William's looking out for his lil' sis...they know we love them and we're coming for them."

"I hope you're right."

"Trust me, love....the four of use will be together again, I swear it."


He heard her crying through the walls and ceiling the entire time Dawn was upstairs with her. A mug of of tomato soup and a mug of blood warmed in the microwave. Eating was the farthest thing form his mind, he couldn't bring himself to do it knowing that likely his children had gone an entire day with nothing. Buffy had been nursing them almost every two hours, he didn't want to think about it. He'd swallow his blood only so Buffy would have her soup. She needed the nourishment to keep healthy, for herself and for the twins.

Giles had gone to the Magic Box as well as the archdiocese to retrieve a variety of books. He and Xander now sat in the dining room with columns of books and a bible's worth of notes. Spike had told Giles that the name of "Sem" had been passed around, though not by who. So far the name hadn't appeared in any passage of significancet, only within the body of other names. Spike believed their efforts were futile, but it gave them something to do, and he wouldn't say a thing against it, just in case. Willow had spent the better part of the day in trance, putting out her Wiccan feelers to any vibe from William or Allegra. Apparently things got a little warm towards the east, but the trail went cold quickly. Still, she wasn't giving up and Spike appreciated it more than words could say. Through it all Dawn was taking care of every one of them, Buffy included. Apparently Dawn was the one to get Buffy to shower and dress, even if the elder Summers had been virtually comatose throughout. Now his lil' bit had come downstairs after helping Buffy and was looking through her mother's bible, not that he expected her to know what she was looking for, but she was helping in her own way. He suspected she was carrying around her own burden of guilt for what had happened. In truth there was no blame, there was just a tragedy.

"Hey," Buffy spoke softly as she entered the kitchen. The microwave dinged and Spike brought out their mugs. They sat next to each other at the island, staring at their food. He took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Bottoms up,'s not too hot we can just chug it over in seconds, like it never happened." She nodded and took up her mug as he did his."That's it....just...." She started drinking and he caught up with her, as soon as they were done he took the mugs to the sink and washed them out.

"How do you feel?"

"Like a sod."

"Ditto." He came back around and hugged her, for the first time she accepted the comfort and returned it with equal devotion.

"I wish I could tell you it was all gonna be alright."

"You don't have to, it's okay. But we're not gonna give up, not for a second."

"No we're not..."

"Thank god you're here, I couldn't be strong without you."

"Sweetness, I won't be here when Riley arrives tomorrow." She pulled back to look at him, confused and even hurt.

"Why not? Spike, I need you..."

"I'm going to Los Angelos tonight, but I'll be back as soon as possible."

"What's in Los Angelos?"

"Angel, love....I'm going to get Angel."

Chapter 19 - Bridge

He used to love driving, long and winding roads that never ended, music blaring so loud he couldn't hear the sounds of the road. His mother had once told him that it was dangerous to wander much beyond your own doorstep, every road was like a branch off a river and you never knew if you'd be swept away. He'd driven as far as Buenos Aires in the black DeSoto, as reliable a vehicle as ever there was. It had seen all of America, most of South America and every dive and dust bin in Mexico, and the Caribbean ocean for a bit of grace. The three hours to LA seemed longer than all those past trips. The Hyperion Hotel was dead easy to find, art deco edifice that stuck out against the organic shapes of palm trees. Angel Investigations was closed for business that night, not a single light invited him to the door. It was closing upon 2am, it figured that the grandsire had already turned in, needing his beauty sleep, Spike mused. He turned off the engine after parking out in front. He relaxed in the seat and reached inside his coat for the photograph Dawn had insisted he take with him.

He smiled, William and Allegra were so beautiful. The photo was from just a week and a half ago, he was seated on the couch with a child in each arm. Buffy was behind him with her arms wrapped around his neck, their cheeks next together and the brightest smile in all the world painted on her face. He got out of the car and walked with a resigned cadence to his gate. This wasn't going to be easy, but he'd weather it without protest if he managed to convince Angel to help them. It would make things just a little easier for Buffy, he had to admit. For all Angel's weaknesses and pitfalls, he was a steadfast and heroic man and he wouldn't let Buffy down. It was just up to Spike to remind him of that.

The large front doors to the hotel were locked up tight, and Spike didn't fancy trying to pick the locks, they were probably alarmed at any rate. He was about to begin pounding on the door when suddenly he'd been spun around and slammed against them. A stake was poised above his heart by a teenage boy with a wild look in his eyes."No! Wait....wait!" Spike shouted, trying to cover his heart. The stake was taken away by a careful hand as a second man came upon the seen.

"Connor, it's okay..." Angel spoke, easing the younger one away from Spike. Angel snickered to himself and advanced on Spike, pinning him back against the doors."You shouldn't have come back, Spike." Spike blinked back tears and looked for pity from his elder,"Spike?"

"Do you believe in miracles? Angel?"


"Real honest to goodness miracles. The kind of blessing you know could only come from somewhere divine.....a twist of fate that changes everything about who you are?" Angel glanced off to the side at the boy, then back at Spike.

"Yeah, I do...." Spike eased Angel's arm off him and fished inside his duster to bring out the photograph. He passed it to Angel and let the solemnity of what the older vampire was seeing set upon him.

"This was us, a week and a half ago. They're only three weeks old. Last night they were taken from us, stolen out of their beds while we slept not two feet away. I know how you hate me and how you probably are sure I deserve pain of this magnitude, but I beg you...for their sake, for Buffy....please..."

"I'll help."

"You will?"

"Don't start asking questions, Spike....I'll just...I'll come with you back to Sunnydale. I need to pack a few things....come inside."

"Angel, thank you...I..."

" quiet, Spike." Angel unlocked one of the doors and let Spike walk ahead of them, he and Connor following after. Angel made for the stairs, but paused, looking back at his son and what he supposed was his grandson, in a manner of speaking."Connor, there's plenty of blood in the fridge in my office, get him a mug......I'll be a few minutes. Don't stake him, not matter how tempting it is."

"Sure thing, dad," the boy replied.

"Dad?!" Spike exclaimed, the resemblance between the two of them starting to be noticed,"Dad as in he rescued you from the streets and you've formed this bond......or dad as in the poof's a dirty old man...."

"Dad as in he's my father.....I think you might've know my mother....Darla?"

"Bloody hell...."

"Come is this way."


The DeSoto had been left behind in lieu of Angel's car, due to the fact that the windows were all tinted and they could make it back to Sunnydale that day. Considerably more practical than taking black paint to the inside of his car again. Angel's son, Connor, had summarized the story of his existence, including the torture he'd inflicted by boxing the poof up in a coffin and dumping him into the ocean. Spike had to give the lad credit for originality. Father and son had traversed their own terrain of loss, betrayal and pain, but come to a good place. Perhaps the same result could be had for the Summers family.

"What's so funny?" Angel thought Spike had gone mad as they drove north. The younger vampire stopped laughing and giggling, wiping tears from his eyes.

"You and me, mate. Bloody look at us! We got half the Scourge of Europe in this car and we're about as threatening as two spaniels." Angel smiled, realizing what Spike was actually inferring.

"We've changed."

"That we have, peaches. Angelus and William the Bloody have gone the way of the dodo.....replaced by Angel n' Spike, fathers of the bloody year." After that Spike seemed to grow pensive."You think this is karma? Divine punishment? To be given our children, to fall in love with them so completely and then have them snatched away?"

"God.....I hope not.....but sometimes, I think so, yeah. I got Connor back, you'll get William and Allegra back."

"They're so helpless, Angel, so small.....fragile...if anything happens...."

"You'll go and Buffy at least have each other."

"No.....if I lose them....I'm walking into the sun."

"Doesn't matter, Spike, because we'll get them back."

"Bloody rights." Angel continued driving and they sat in silence. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Spike's head sink forward and then trails of tears stream down his sharp cheeks. Angel reached out and gave Spike's shoulder a reassuring squeeze."Poof," the blond mumbled.


"Glad you're matter our past....I'm grateful it's you helpin' us. I trust you with this." Angel nodded and took his hand away.

Chapter 20 - Arrivals

Buffy gave her sister half a smile as Dawn passed her a hot cup of herbal tea and sat down next to her on the couch. "Did you sleep?" Dawn asked, knowing Buffy had spent the entire night on said couch. Buffy shook her head.

"Can't really sleep without Spike....can't sleep right now anyways. It's been over 24 hours you know?"

"Yeah, I know. When's Riley arriving? Where are the others?"

"Willow's meeting with a local coven. They're gonna try some big group locating spell, focusing all their energies. Giles and Xander are checking all the places Spike did. Giles also called in some favors overseas, to a University in Jerusalem....there's stuff the public never gets to hear freemason secret society junk. He said his friend might know something, Israel being kinda Old Testament."

"Sounds promising...."

"I wish Spike was here."

"I know Buffy, me too. Getting Angel was a good idea, right?"

"It was, but I think Spike did it to make me feel better. He think it's all his fault, that's he's failed me. He's afraid I hate him."

"Spike knows you love him."

"He does...but he's been talking lately, about wishing he had a soul. He believes that's the only way he'll be worthy of me. He doesn't understand that I don't think that way about him anymore. He's different, special."

"Maybe it's the only way he can rationalize it all. He loves us so much and I doubt he understands that it's possible when all he's ever known is that it wasn't because he didn't have his soul. He's very confused."

"You're right. He's also scared beyond belief...he's never really been scared of anything in the past."

""But he has us to help him through and we have him." Buffy reached over and hugged her sister. A solid knock came to the door and Dawn rose to answer it. Buffy readied herself, configuring in her mind what she was going to tell her former boyfriend. She looked intensely upon her wedding band and hoped Spike could feel her lover for him. She turned and looked behind her out the window, sure enough there was a military jeep parked in her driveway.

She stood up and forced a smile for Riley Finn to greet the rows of gleaming army polished teeth he showed for her. His feet clomped down on the floor as he strode towards her with arms wide."Riley," she stated flatly as she patted his back to give his embrace a semblance of amicability. He pulled away and frowned becoming aware of how unenthusiastically they had heralded his arrival.

"I guess it's serious then, huh?" Buffy nodded and motioned for him to sit.

"How's Sam?"

"Terrific.....I told her I was going back to the Hell Mouth and she said have fun honey!! She's in Russia right now, special ops assignment....we're meeting in the Dominican Republic after I'm finished here. So tell me, what's going down? Or coming up probably, you said it was the Hell Mouth." Buffy opened her mouth to reply but instead yawned.

"Excuse me.....I haven't slept...."

"Are you okay, Buffy? You seem....different..."

"Alot has changed since last year...."

"I mean, you look good,'ve up put on some...."

"It's okay you can say it."

"No, look, I know guys aren't supposed to notice when a girl gains a little wieght....but it suits"

"Riley...I have birth three weeks ago..." That revelation made the soldier's head spin,, he was absolutely godsmacked.

" have a baby?!"

"Yes, two actually, I have twins. A boy and a girl, William and Allegra."

"Wow, I never expected, congratulations."

"But they were kidnapped last night."

"Buffy....." Riley had no words to express his sympathy,"How? Who?"

"Spike and I were asleep..."

"Woah....wait a minute....Spike?!"

"Is their father. I know this is alot to hear all at once..."

"I'll say....." Riley rose to his feet and began pacing in front of her,"Spike?! The vampire?! Is this some kind of joke? The evil, amoral, conniving vampire?"

"He's not like that, not any more! Riley would you stop pacing, please listen to what I'm saying. My babies were stolen from us.....they're only three weeks old. They're so small....." Buffy had begun to cry again and the sight of a broken young mother, especially one he'd loved was enough to stall his rant.

"I'm sorry....I'll do anything I can....where is he, Spike?"

"He went to LA to ask Angel for his help too. He's Spike's grandsire you know?"

"So, that makes them??"

"Family. We need every bit of help we can get."

"Tell me what happened."

"I'll let Dawn...I don't feel up to it." Buffy curled up on the couch, pulled her feet up under her. She closed her eyes and rested her chin in her hand.

"Riley," Dawn began,"It's long and it's complicated....and it's ugly."


It was after 10am when Angel pulled his black '67 Plymouth in behind the SUV and the jeep."Bloody marvelous, looks like the White Bread's arrived," Spike complained.

"Pardon?" Angel replied.

"The army jeep....Riley Finn, the rebound between her first love and her true love."

"Oh him, reminds you of a tree, has this really creepy Pat Boone vibe..."

"Yeah, that's the one."

"I hated him....what the hell was Buffy thinking? Thank god she came to her senses and moved on."

"Did you just pay me a compliment?"

"Maybe...don't let it go to your bleached head. Anything's better than that guy, even you."

"Ready to make a mad dash inside?" Angel reached into the back seat and handed Spike a treated canvas blanket.

"Got 'em for $19.95 each at Fred Meyers..." Spike made a face,"Okay, we'll save the shopping tips for another time."

"Right....let's get inside."


The distinct and unpleasant sound of sizzling vampires was detected just before Spike and Angel burst through the front door. The gang, including Riley, were seated around the dining room table. The vampires patted down any smoldering spots and discarded their blankets. Buffy rose from her seat and glided into Spike's embrace. He dipped down and consumed her with his arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground. He held her securely, their faces buried against each other's necks, lost in the still moment. The display of both comfort and affection was keenly noticed by both Angel and Riley. Each man felt unwarranted pangs of jealousy, but they were felt nonetheless. Spike let his wife find her footing and looked upon her weary, tear stained face, still the most beautiful woman in the world to him. Spike looked past her and caught Riley's eye, but quickly returned his attention to the one before him. He cocked his head to one side and smiled a slight turn of his lips.

"Went n' got the poof," he said softly. She turned and smiled at Angel, genuine and welcoming.

"Thank you for coming, Angel," she said,"And for not dusting Spike on sight."

"Tempting....but I wasn't up for a dusting of my own when you found out," her former replied,"Buffy, I'll do everything I can to help find your children." She nodded and moved again into Spike's sphere. The three of them proceeded to the dining room where a map had been laid out on the table with Giles' gatherings of books.

"Do we know anything at all yet?" Spike asked, standing behind Buffy as she took her seat,"Giles?"

"Nothing, Spike, I'm sorry," the Watcher informed,"Or at least nothing new. We have the name Sem as you mentioned and the information about the demons gathering in the east....but nothing in any of the books speaks of them. I had a meeting with the archdiocese early this morning but it was decidedly unhelpful. The Catholic Church, though adamant about the existence of angels refuses to accept that they are in fact as we know them. My last effort is to get in contact with an acquaintance at one of the universities in Jerusalem. He's well aware of Slayers and the supernatural.....I left a message with his assistant and the necessary details, but he was out on an underground sit excavation, a new tomb under the city. He's the leading authority on old testament lore and mythology."

"Thanks, Rupert. It still doesn't do us any bloody good. William and Allegra are still out there somewhere and we don't know where.....we don't know if..." his voice cracked and Buffy took hold of his hand and squeezed,"We have all these people here......a Watcher, the military, a bloody Kung Fu freak, the Key, the Slayer and two vampires and we've still got sweet fuck all on where the twins are!" He left Buffy's side and continued with his unplanned rant,"What's the use of any of any of you?!.....I....I...." The words fell away and he was caught between bursting into tears or putting his fist through the wall. As a vampire who once answered every emotional challenge with violence, Spike found himself crying in front of everyone again. The depth of the vampire's emotions surprised the only doubter, Riley. The soldier was about to show uncharacteristic support when suddenly the shrilling ring of the phone startled everyone. As Giles went to answer Buff quietly led Spike into the other room. She sat them down on the couch, holding his hands in her lap,"M'sorry, love...I'm such as useless bloody my manly display impressed the hell outta Captain Cardboard." She leaned in and pressed a kiss to his wet cheek.

"Who cares what Riley thinks?"

"Right....but still...."

"I love you, okay?"

"I love you...I love you so much sometimes I can't bear it. What are we going to do if we never find them?!"

"I don't know.....but it's only been one day. I don't know either." He closed his eyes and lay his head forward into her lap. Buffy kissed into his blond curls and to cajole him, she moved her hands up and down his back.

"This is weirder than the Twilight Zone," Riley grumbled as he came over to where Angel was standing, watching Spike and Buffy from a respectable distance,"I thought she was out of her mind when I found out she was sleeping with him last year. I thought she was just depressed after coming back from the dead....she was working at the Doublemeat Palace for godsakes! The guy's an idiot!"

"No, he isn't, Spike's alot of things, but he's not an idiot. Trust me, I know," the vampire replied.

"Yeah, he's also a ruthless, amoral killer. It wouldn't surprise me if he just made a deal for her kids..."


"What?" Angel took Riley by the scruff of his neck and forced him into the kitchen, pushing him to the other side of the room.

"What the hell's your problem?! What if Buffy had heard you?"

"Come on, don't tell me you don't think the same about him?"

"Your experience with Spike is what? A few fights over the course of a year? I knew him before he was even a vampire. I don't like him, but after a century I know he deserves my respect and more credit that you're giving him. Right now he isn't your enemy, he's Buffy's husband and the father of her twins. Buffy can't afford to have you acting like a a jealous boyfriend. First off you have no right and second there's more important things to worry about - her children are missing and both Spike and Buffy are out of their minds with worry. If you're here to help, you're here to help both of it? Or you can walk out and leave it to those of us who are willing to have a little perspective."

"I can't believe you're defending him....what the hell does he know about loving Buffy?"

"Are you blind? Love is the one thing Spike knows better than all of us. His capacity to love is beyond anyone else's....he loves her, he loves his son and daughter. If you keep this up it'll only hurt Buffy and distract us all from the mission. I'm sure you mother told you that if you didn't have anything nice to say then you shouldn't say anything at all. Time to follow that advice."

"Fine, I can do that."

"Good...then let's..." Suddenly Angel's demeanor darkened. His shoulders hunched over and his eyes flashed yellow with the low growl burgeoning in his throat.

"What is it?"

"Someone's here...."

"ANGELUS!!!" Spike hollered urgently from the other part of the house.

Chapter 21 - The Messenger

Got a letter from a messenger
I read it when it came
It said that you were wounded
You were bound and chained
You had love and you were handled
You were poisoned you were pained
Oh no you were naked
You were shamed

Spike was already wrestling with the angel when the other vampire came back from the kitchen. Buffy kicked the angel solidly in his ribs, sending him away from Spike and into Angel's grasp. The elder vampire spun the intruder around and pinned him against the stairwell. Riley too joined the fray and took one side of the creature and secured it against the wall. Like his grandsire, Spike's full demon was alive and vicious. He gripped the angel by the throat and poised a clawing hand over his heart."Tell me where you've taken them!!" Spike roared,"Tell me or I'll rip your heart out!"

"Spike, no!!" Dawn countered, rushing to stop Spike and positioning herself between him and the angel.


"He's here to help....aren't you?" She gave the heavenly creature a sideways glance and for a moment they held each other's eyes. He turned back to look without fear at Spike, his angelic eyes the color of peridot stones.

"I had no part in the taking of your children," he spoke in a melodic, calm voice,"She is right, I have come to you in your time of need."

"Who are you?" Buffy asked, taking Spike's arm in her hand and guiding it off the angel's throat.

"Michael, Son of Light and the Prince of the Presence; the angel of repentance, righteousness, mercy and sanctification; Chief of the Archangels; weigher of souls and the defeator of Lucifer in the first war."

"A bloody roll call of titles earns you nothing here. I don't care what the bit says, I have no qualms about ripping your heart out," Spike shot back.

"I know which angel it was that stole your son and daughter. I know too where they are being held. They haven't much time left before Semyaza makes use of them and that means their death. Release me."

"Please, let him go guys," Buffy bade. Angel, Riley and Spike did as she asked. Michael straightened his clothing, a well worn and beaten pair of brown leather pants that came over scuffed engineer style leather boots. He wore also an ancient style tunic of a homespun fabric under an oil skin duster that looked like it had seen a million miles and battles. He looked as if he belonged in an old Clint Eastwood western with his clothes and long sandy blond hair. His face was as angular as Spike's, but with an eagle nose and a luminescence possessed only by those who had touched heaven. Dawn turned to face Michael and they stared long at each other.

"You are named Dawn now? Very appropriate for the essence that brought about the first morning. You are still the most beautiful of the On High's intelligences." He reached out and brushed his fingertips over her cheek and she smiled at him.

"You look tired, Michael," she replied.

"My brothers and I are weary.....the wars only escalate....time has run out now that the Sons of Darkness have the ones who will sway the balance."

"The twins?" Michael nodded solemnly."Let's sit.....I have a feeling this could take a while." Dawn led Michael towards the living room and without hesitation they were followed by all the others. Spike and Buffy sat with her sister and the archangel on the couch, the new parents feeling a swell of both hope and fear in the presence of the divine being. It was Dawn who addressed them first,"Michael is the most valiant and pure angel in Heaven...I promise he's here to help.....we've known each other since the beginning."

"I am remised for coming upon you all as I is our way to announce ourselves by appearing from the ether. I have come because a second war is being waged between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. In the first war, on the second day of The Creation...Lucifer claimed equality with our creator and took a third of Heaven's legion with him against us....we were victorious and cast these fallen ones into the Earth's core for eternity....into Hell, over which Lucifer obtained dominion. Among Lucifer's minions was Semyaza...he was the leader of the most wicked sect....those who claimed mortal women and beget children. The nephalim, their children were wiped out and it was I who imprisoned Semyaza and his followers. They've escaped now, against Lucifer's will....this is a new an independent force of evil and I have come again to stop them."

"Why did they need my babies?" Buffy asked, overwhelmed.

"Semyaza means to undo the Sefiroth..." With Michael's words Dawn gasped audibly.

"No...he can' can he??!" Dawn shrieked, exploding with panic. This reaction from the teenager chilled Spike to the core and he held tight to Buffy to keep himself sane."It's not possible!!"

"He means to try all the same....the ultimate vengeance....against our Creator and Lucifer," Michael continued,"I will explain...the Sefiroth represents a divine emanation through which the On High manifested its existence during the creation of the universe, the tools he used to in the shaping and creation of all things."

"Like me..." Dawn supplied, taking Buffy's hand,"Creation tools...but we weren't all like that, some were just the first of their the first human soul...."

"This first soul?" Buffy breathed out,"What are you saying?"

"The twins," Michael continued,"They are the harborers of the first soul....twins, each half of the one....they are the first human soul created." Spike's forehead fell against Buffy's shoulder, the revelation meant so many things in the grand scheme of the universe, but to Spike and to Buffy, they were their babies and nothing else could make them any more special."Semyaza means to reverse the Sefiroth, to uncreate the universe. He will start at the completion and work his way back to the first element of creation, thus bringing about the everything."

"What's he going to do with William and Allegra?"

"He will kill them, release the two halves, harness them and destroy them. The last aspect of the Sefiroth eliminated will begin the unraveling of creation...this cannot be."

"But he can't complete the process...." Dawn began to reason,"He needs all the components of the original Sefiroth, there's no way he can get them...angels can't touch me, I'm the first least my energy is...what I'm trying to say is..."

"He's set upon it nonetheless."

"But it's not possible, that's what I mean....he can't get me and I have the Key to immortality right here....." She drew out the marble sized black sphere that hung around her neck, the encapsulated Key she had defeated the previous year,"And how can he get the others? The keystone to the Earth's forming is in the crust somewhere...he'll never find it...."

"He already has....under a mountain in India...Dawn I am telling you that Semyaza believes it possible and he will do everything he possibly can to make it happen, this is fact. He may not succeed in undoing the Sefiroth....but by taking possession of the first soul, he will certainly bring about untold cataclysms."

"You know where they are?" Spike asked, jaw tight and body tense from Michael's story.

"I do...the angels wished, despite their corrupt way, to feel the presense...your children have been taken to the last heavenly vestige on Earth, the Garden of Eden. The garden will care for them, nurture them. It remembers purity, how itself once was."

"But Semyaza is still gonna kill 'em!? Forgive us if your little garden doesn't give us a lick of comfort."

"Where is it?" Buffy asked. Spike could see her determination already brewing, she was going to Eden no matter what. It gave him strength to see his Slayer coming alive again.

"It is located on the east of this continent....hidden within New York City."

"Then we get on a plane tonight...."

"No...." Michael looked to Dawn.

"They could attack...and we'd be defenseless and innocent people could die in the process. We have to get there on our would only take a few days..." Dawn explained, then looked back to Michael,"We have a few days right?"

"We have time, he won't do the murders in Eden...there will be a place, a genesis point for his apocalypse."

"Then I know where it is," Giles suddenly interrupted. Having remained silent as an archangel held the floor had been difficult when he had something perhaps equally as vital to share,"The phone call was from friend. I will get to the point directly, as it is we really do not have any time to spare. Mammon has also escaped his imprisonment." As he spoke the words he looked squarely at Michael and the angel reacted with an obvious swell of foreboding.

"Bloody bad is this Mammon?" Spike interjected.

"Mammon is another fallen angel....he was also an architect and it was he who built the demon city of Pandemonium, their capital demon city in Hell. He's not in Hell anymore, he rose out of a fissure under the Dead Sea right around the time the twins were born. My friend believes that in conjunction with the demon exodus that is occurring all over the world and heading to us that Mammon will be raising Pandemonium."

"For the commencement of the reversal of the Sefiroth," Michael completed, then closed his eyes and prayed.

Chapter 22 - The Promised Land

Buffy hurried around their bedroom, stuffing clothing for her and Spike, toiletries and everything the twins would need when they found them into two backpacks, blinking back tears as she went about it. She turned too quickly to go back to the closet and banged her knee on the bed post."Damn...damn......ow......" She proceeded to slip on the throw rug under her feet and found herself tumbling back on her rear end, but fortunately Spike had come in then and he caught her. He helped her to the bed then knelt before her, rubbing her knee. Her hands were shaking and she was breathing erratically.

"Calm down, precious..." he soothed.

"I'm tr....trying..."

"I know you are, love, you're doing terrific. M'very proud of my wife."

"It's too much all at once. Too much information, too much danger....."

"Yes. We'll be on the road in less than an hour, everyone's just gettin' their stuff together. If we drive straight through it should take four days...the way I drive at any rate. But I imagine we'll stop every now n' I give it five days. Michael said we have that much time, likely more. Pandemonium wasn't built in a day you know?" He'd tried to make a joke of it and she did smile, just a bit, enough to let him know that whatever he was doing was working."Now what say we finish packin', get you into your favorite angel ass kickin' boots and go get our little'uns?"

"I really love you, you know that?"

"I love you too, sweets. It's not all so a week you'll be holding your babies, I promise you that." It didn't matter that he couldn't make the promise for real, the words were enough to get her from this moment to the next.


They'd left Sunnydale just after 2pm, locking up the house behind them and departing in two vehicles. Angel took the wheel in his Plymouth with Spike in the passenger seat and Buffy pressed up against him in the middle. The others for the present all occupied the SUV, Riley at the helm and the back packed with his military gear while Angel's trunk held the more traditional weapons, just in case they were needed. Dawn insisted she went with Michael, there was more to their story than what she was letting on, there was no doubt on that score. At present the three in Angel's car sat in perfect silence, the rear windows rolled down to give them some air current, but preventing the sun from touching the vampires. The brigade of two cars made their way north on Highway 101 until they could begin the trek eastward on Interstate 80. Angel was tireless at the wheel while Spike and Buffy dozed against each other, fingers laced together for the past eight hours. They'd passed Lake Tahoe and then Reno, Nevada without stopping or even looking at the scenery. Now they were approaching the middle of nowhere and when Angel unexpectedly pulled off the road the couple next to him were suddenly wide awake.

"Oi! What are you doin'?" Spike demanded, looking over his shoulder behind them to be certain the SUV had at least followed.

"Gas...we're outta gas and I saw a sign a few miles back for a gas station and diner....just follow the offshoot and we'll come to it. I'm sure everyone's hungry...I just hope it's still open," Angel explained.


"Don't apologize. I know you want to keep the momentum going....but I think we could all use a pit stop." Sure enough, ten minutes later a neon sign illuminated a sparse gathering of houses, a gas station, a convenience store and a diner, typically called Joe's. Both vehicles pulled up to a gas pump and unexpectedly for 10pm at night, two attendees came out of the store fast as lightening. Meanwhile the group crawled out of their seats from the SUV and car, Dawn rushing away from all of them and straight into the diner. Willow sauntered up to Buffy, who was receiving a massage at the back of her neck from Spike.

"She's had to go to the bathroom for the past 4 hours.....we didn't think we should stop..." Willow attempted to explain."Actually, we all do....except Xander - something about moving all the chi away form his bladder so his body forgets it exists.....whatever. I have to pee..." The witch dashed after Dawn. Buffy turned to Spike and tilted her head towards the restaurant.

"Gotta go too?" She nodded. "Go on then, love, be after you in a snap. We should get supper then get back on the road." Xander and Giles followed suit while Riley kept a good ten paces behind the angel. Michael walked to where Angel and Spike stood in front of the Plymouth,"What about you?"

"I will stand guard..." the archangel replied, looking skyward, in a flash he'd ascended into the black and was gone.

"Not that impressive, I must say....the fact that I think his whole soddin' race should be burnt up might have something to do with it." Angel curled his mouth to a half smile and looked at the stars. Spike's attention was then turned to Riley, the soldier standing in the middle of the dusty parking lot watching after where Michael had flown off too.

"Don't get into a fight," Angel cautioned as Spike started forward.

"I won't, Buffy wouldn't like it."

"No just because of Buffy....I think he's having an identity crisis or something. He's on edge, I'd guess it's because of Michael...probably shot the entire concept of God straight...well, straight to hell."

"I don't really care if the God-fearin' corn fed's havin' a hard go of it."

"Buffy wouldn't like it."

"Hence, no fightin'...stop playin' dad, peaches." Spike took the distance between him and Riley double-time. When he came beside the soldier, Riley scowled."Angels....not much for inner light, glowing charges of righteousness or halos are they? The first time I ever saw one he was about to assault Buffy, had his hands on her body, tight on her breast. She was under his influence, like he'd put her mind in a box so she couldn't defend her body. Don't care what you think of vampires, besides Dracula n' his gypsy magic, maybe Angelus...none of us are so twisted....well, I'm not. The only way to kill an angel is to rip its heart out." Riley sighed and rubbed his eyes, he didn't want to hear Spike's words.

"My mother had this glass angel that goes on top of our Christmas tree," Riley began quietly, solemnly,"One year I was running through the house playing and I tripped on the cord of the lights, pulled the whole tree over. The angel went flying and shattered, there was glass everywhere. We'd still find the odd shard all the way into summer."

"Feels like the glass just got shattered again?"


"Well, good....bloody things don't deserve the praise you mortals put on 'em. Religion doesn't mean a thing in the real world...not our world at least. Finn, it doesn't really matter to me what you think.....about any of this, of me....but so long as you protect the others when it counts and rip out an angel's heart when it needs rippin' out.....and help find the children, then, mate, I am forever in your debt."

"You don't deserve anything of what you have, you know that right?"

"I know, I've always known. But I do have a wife and I have a son and a daughter...I can't do anything less than devote myself to their happiness and safety. You can understand that, yeah?" Riley remained silent and Spike rolled his eyes, the boy was probably revisiting gospels or some such rot in his mind to try and make sense of it all,"We're havin' food....I'm buyin', get yourself a steak, white bread."

Walking into the restaurant he quickly spied everyone stuffed into a pair of read vinyl covered booths, Riley passed around Spike to join them. Buffy however sat in a lonely part of the restaurant, in the corner waiting for him. She was drinking orange juice, her favorite, and looking over the dessert menu. He sat down across from her and took a sip from her juice, just because her lips had touched the glass,"I ordered you a steak, bloody rare.....hope that'll do you. We need to get you and Angel some blood, maybe a hospital if we don't find a butcher's."

"That'll do fine, pet, thank you. I hope you got something for yourself?" She slumped back in her seat.

"Their breakfast special....pancakes, eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns. I'm hungry, really hungry."

"Good, you need the food."

"Do you suppose they've been fed? How can I justify eating when my babies might be starving?"

"We can't, love, we really can't. But you're breastfeeding n' I know you need to keep your nutrients up."

"It's just going to waist right now, first motel stop I need to do it again....the pump."

"And then you'll be full up again soon enough and you'll keep doing it so the first babe back in your arms gets it sweet and warm.....that's why you have to eat."

"Sucky logic."

"I know, sweets, but what else can we do?"

"Nothing...nothing. Where are we?"

"Somewhere in Nevada. We'll cross into Utah next, we'll find a motel once we hit Wyoming. Always wanted to take you on a road trip. This isn't what I imagined." The waitress appeared suddenly and put their food down in front of them."Never imagined we'd ever be in this place." She knew he wasn't referring to the diner.

Chapter 23 - The Lost Highway

Michael had flown off again and Spike shook his head more than a little fed up with the whole business. Michael hadn't said a thing since Nevada, except to Dawn and then it seemed secretive, too secretive. Normally he'd sit the teenager down and grill her for information, but in this affair he felt like a naive beginner. The ways of the ancient world were too far out of his league. So instead he resumed his role of making sure Buffy was taken care of. The sun had set in Wyoming on the second day of their travels and they stopped at a motel off the interstate, a Best Western that had likely been built in the 1970s it was so run down. But it was reasonably clean and at this point no one much cared. They agreed to stop for four hours, enough time to refuel, perhaps eat and shower and then catch a little sleep that was not in a moving vehicle. Willow paired herself with Dawn in one room, Angel and Giles in a second and Riley with Xander in a third.

Spike and Buffy took one room to themselves and the first thing she did was close herself in the bathroom for half an hour to take care of whatever she needed to. When she emerged he was laying on the bed and watching the news on television, but flipped it off the moment she came out. She'd showered and cleaned off the wear of the day's travels and changed into a nightgown. He sat up and looked over her with a discerning eye, she'd emptied herself of her milk and he could see how shaken she was. He rose from the bed and led her silently to where he tucked her under the covers and the he turned out all the lights. He changed clothes as well, getting comfortable in his jogging pants and laying next to her on his side, though not joining her under the blankets.

"How are you feeling, love, you look....look like you're not doing so hot," he whispered.

"I'm carsick....dizzy, very tired," she replied in a equally quiet tone,"I just want a little sleep...hold me?" He moved quickly up behind her, forming his body to her shape. One arm went under her neck to substitute the pillow and another went around her waist."I'm so tired."

" now, my precious."

"Will you tell me a story? Something from when you were small?"

"From the annals of William? Bloody hell....shall I tell you how the older boys at school locked me in a closet in the bowels of the school and now one found me until two days later? They had a good laugh of it...."

"Something happy, about your grandmother?"

"Alright....close your eyes. She lived in Devonshire, close to a dot on the map sort of town, seaside village. She was very well off, had a nice large house. I was eleven when my father died and I spent that first summer with Allegra. Victorians weren't much for the beach, but Allegra loved it. So, this being my first real trip out of London, I was into it. The wind was very high that day and the waves were bloody huge, never seen them like that since. We played this game where we'd run out as far as we could, then hurried back in as the wave chased us, tryin' to outrun it. I don't know what came over me, but I stopped once and turned to face that wave...defying it, daring it to knock me over. I was convinced it wouldn't, that I was stronger. Totally wrong of course, planted me in the sand like a clam...but I'd had the courage to try. Love? Buffy?" She was sound asleep and he was grateful for it. He buried his face in her wet hair and found he couldn't sleep, only tremble with the knowledge of how easily he'd lost the innocence of his boyhood and how easily his children could lose theirs.


After their brief repose in nondescript Wyoming, the extended groups of Scoobies were on full throttle back across the interstate. The next stop for any length of time was likely to be Des Moines, Iowa. Spike had not slept since leaving California and Buffy was insistent he forgo his turn behind the wheel in favor of stretching out in the back seat. He slept soundly now, his leather duster rolled up under his head for a pillow. Buffy toyed with a few stray curl that had fallen about his forehead, he hadn't bothered or cared to bring gel to tame them. She gave his sweet face one last caress before turning back around in her seat next to Angel.

"You sure you're not too tired to drive?" she asked.

"I'm fine, I slept back at the motel.....we're almost to Iowa now."

"How long ago did the sun set? I wasn't paying attention."

"About six hours ago, actually." Buffy sighed and relaxed, opening the window a crack despite how cold the temperature was outside.

"Spike told be about Connor......he must mean the world to you."

"He does."

"He's 16 now, right? Because of the dimensional hinge? I can barely remember being 16....I grew up pretty fast."

"I still remember, when you were just beginning as the Slayer, still just a girl."

"Not a girl I'm a mother.....I'm someone's wife."

"And to Spike of all people! Couldn't you have chosen a nice boring accountant?"

"Nah.....need a little monster in my man. I love him, Angel, I love him so much. If anything ever happened to him, I'd be so lost. I couldn't keep things together now if I didn't have him to lean on."

"There isn't much about Spike that I could say I like....but his capacity to love is staggering."

"He's been talking about want a soul, ever since the twins were born. Part of me thinks that's admirable...but on the other hand I don't want him to change. I'm scared he will."

"You mean like I do?"

"Yeah, I guess so. It's not like I think I won't love him still, I just kinda wonder if he'll still love me...and his children. I don't know how it works for him, what is demon? What is man? I'm just babbling...nevermind."

"For what it's worth, Buffy, I doubt there's anything that could ever make Spike stop loving you and from what I remember about William, he'd be writing god awful poems about you inside of a heartbeat." She smiled, contented by Angel's reassurance. She turned herself around and found comfort in watching her husband sleep, a steady rise and fall to his chest lulling her. The mere fact that he breathed told her so much about his closeness to her. His eyes fluttered open and met her's, there was a palpable connection between them. It was as if an invisible cord joined them heart to heart.

A moment later a strange horror befell all. A sensation that could be likened to passing from the clean, oxygenated surface into a pool of stagnant water, settled upon them. Spike and Angel both felt the change heighten by their vampire senses. When the car suddenly died, Spike bolted up. He looked behind them to see the other vehicle in the same predicament and Michael climbing out, shedding his coat and tunic then unfolding his massive white wings. He summoned a long bladed sword to his hand and with a swirl to cut the air, the thing ignited in brilliant flames. The stars in the sky died out, the wilderness faded around them and soon enough the only light was that what shone from the headlights of the vehicles and Michael's sword.

"Suit up, Slayer, we've got company!" Spike warned. Angel was already out of the car and at the trunk ready to hand Spike and Buffy swords of their own. Willow and Giles occupied themselves with raising magic, while Xander and Riley armed themselves with weapons and tuned in for battle. Dawn was the last to descend from the SUV, her entire being covered in the green luminous manifestation of her power.

Against the black of the sky five figures broke out. Their wings were spread wide, twenty feet across, feathers as white as the driven snow, but with quills of black and crimson in contrast. They were guised in battle armor of an ancient and timeless fashion; with breastplates that depicted hideous tableaus of deeds past and of their inherent attributes - these angels were killers.

Chapter 24 - The Angels of Punishment

Buffy and Spike fell into a fighting stance with their backs to each other, each determined to protect their spouse. Likewise, Xander and Angel stood their ground together; while Giles and Willow combined their white witchcraft, the Watcher having become quite advanced in working with the Wiccan since her move to England. Riley stood hardened and controlled, armed with a standard military rifle. Lastly, Dawn and Michael came forth into the position on the front line.

The attackers assaulted the group as one full force. Their savage weapons of swords, battle axes and a scythe were on full tilt and slashing in wide arcs as they made their first descent. Michael met the leader's blade and countered with a reverse parry, meanwhile Dawn emanated a pressure that sent it reeling back. The others opted for a more traditional defense. As the angel wielding the scythe swooped to cut through Spike and Buffy, the vampire spun around and took her by the waist, completed his circle, saving them both and allowing for her to cut her blade across the angel's calf as it passed. Blood burst forth and it howled.

Angel and Xander held their own, the vampire with a sword and the martial artist with a misery cor knife in each hand. Giles and Willow were able to prevent attacks via a conjured field of energy and able to send their opponent off course with bolts of energy. Riley however seemed petrified. The others hadn't opportunity to notice as they fended off the second wave from the angels.

Michael was now engaged in a duel high above the rest. He and the other angel clashed their weapons and the din was like thunder. At one point the two got hold of each other and began to wrestle. Being the superior warrior, Michael was able to over power his opponent and take his chance to force through the angel's rib cage and tear out its heart. The dead creature fell to Earth for the second time in its existence. Without time to rest on his laurels, Michael descended to aid the others.

"Angel hold him!" Xander shouted to his partner. The vampire struggled to subdue the one angel they'd somehow managed to anchor to the ground. Xander became intensely still and quiet, his breathing even and controlled. Closing his eyes, he extracted his mind from the world around him and concentrated. Angel watched in utter amazement as Xander poised his hand a good distance back but over the angel's heart, a moment later the organ burst from the divine creature seemingly of its own volition and straight into the shaolin protégé's hand,"Guess angels never paid much attention to the movement of chi, huh?" He tossed the heart on the ground and made face of definite ewwwww at his hand.

"Guess not," Angel replied, still bewildered,"Um, Xander? When did you turn into Bruce Lee?"

"Spike! Drop!" Buffy shouted. He obeyed and reacted just in the nick of time as the angel they'd been continuously fighting made another attempt with his scythe. Buffy brought up her sword and with fortune on her side she contacted with her blade with the staff of his weapon at just the right spot and sent the angel crashing to the ground. Already Spike, his demon vicious and blood thirsty, was charging at the angel. Without hesitation Spike punched through to ripped out the heart. He threw the thing back on the dead body as Michael's second kill hit the ground. Only one angel now remained and he was hell bent on taking out at least one of his master's enemies. In this moment that meant Riley Finn.

As a soldier he was perfect. His instincts had been honed to react at a hair trigger's pace; he was trained in countless combat maneuvers and strategies; but he was also a god-fearing man who slept with a King James Bible on his beside table. He'd been sitting in the same vehicle as the archangel Michael himself all this time, but it wasn't until this moment, this fight, that he came to realize just how it had blown his faith sky high.

"Bloody shoot him Finn!" Spike yelled, while Riley stood petrified and fixated on his impending death,"Bloody hell! Do you want to die?!" Spike snarled and with stealth and speed hurled his sword through the air in a move to intercept the angel just before it took out Riley Finn. The angel spasmed violently as the sword went into its back, falling to the ground before Riley in time for Spike to kick it over and take out its heart. With the final death the stars returned and the world shifted back to the one they knew. Spike, however couldn't have cared less. He stormed over to Riley and with his bloody fist clocked the soldier with a right hook to knock him back to his senses as well as take out a few frustrations. Buffy had to restrain her husband from taking a second round out on her ex-boyfriend."You stupid bloody sufferin' git! Do you know how close you came to gettin' killed?!"

"Spike...come on, leave him alone, come with me," Buffy tried to reason, but Spike would have none of it.

"If you freeze up like that again it could cost someone else their life, if you can't handle this, get the hell away from us!"

"It was an angel!" Riley shot back. Spike tore away from Buffy and stalked off back to the Plymouth, and she followed, casting a worried look back at Riley. The vampire leaned on his hands against Angel's car, teetering back and forth on his feet, trying not to lash out or wreck anything. Buffy went into the back seat and brought out a bottle of water and a towel.

"Lemme see your hand," she bade calmly.

"M'hand's fine, love."

"Yes, but there's blood on it." He scoffed, hardly caring, but let her rinse and dry it nonetheless."I want you to know I think you're right about doesn't seem like he can handle this...he was uh...very religious when we were together."

"Despite the premarital sex?" Spike laughed, moving closer to his wife. She took his hand in her's and moved it around to the small of her back.

"So he's a bit of a point is..."

"I get your point, Slayer....but I don't really care, we didn't bring him along so he could have himself a crisis of faith. He's here because he's muscle and a good guy, but if he makes a mistake like that could get hurt....or someone else could, we can't take that risk."

"I think he'll be okay, I'll try and talk to him. Give me a hug." He obliged, leaning them against the car as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Oh Buff..." He squeezed her impossibly tight against him.

"I love you too, vampire mine. Don't ever let me go."

"Never, never."


Michael had stowed his sword back into the divine corner of the universe from which it came and dressed himself again in his tunic and coat. He approached Riley Finn cautiously, slowly, with a warmth and love that came from the On High. He brought Riley to his feet and guided him away from the others.

"I understand why it is you hesitated, why you could not kill him. Man has closed himself off from the On High - he no longer sees the Creator as it is, he sees it as his religion dictates. When you imagine God, do you picture an elderly man with a beard? In some places God has blue skin and many arms - the On High is none of this, but yet it is all the same. God is love and God is wrath; creation and destruction. The Creator exists in all things, is everywhere at once - in every demon and every angel. I am a warrior and I fight my own kind when they are corrupt and evil. We have no souls, my brethren and I, we have no souls Riley Finn. We choose our side and we defend it to the last.

'There is a voice inside you that speaks through your soul, that is the word, not the pages in books. You have always had it and you always will. The On High speaks into my ear and I hear the will as clearly as if you spoke to me now, and I must obey. There is no black and white in the universe, it is all colors, including the metaphorical gray. Righteous angels deserve your respect and your awe, the others deserve to have their hearts removed from their chests. Understand?" Riley nodded as Michael spoke. In actuality he wanted to lay down and die; to weep; to rage; but he didn't want to believe the truth he couldn't deny. Michael reached out and boldly lay a hand upon Riley's heart,"Listen to the voice, it speaks only truth."

Riley and Michael rejoined the others, who all gathered at the highway side. Angel and Xander had piled the corpses of the angels between the two cars. Fortunately this stretch of road was absolutely deserted. There was another truth Riley didn't want to believe - Spike and Buffy seemed to be wrapped in a perpetual embrace. Even standing still their hands were all over each other. They caressed and cajoled over shoulders, backs, rear ends. There was nothing he wouldn't give to be back in Panama taking out nests of Hortus demons.

"The Angels of Punishment," Michael proclaimed,"Af - angel of anger; Kezef - angel of wrath; Hemah - angel of fury; Hasmed - angel of annihilation; and Mashit - angel of destruction. Semyaza knows we are coming....I fear time may have run out....for the twins......for all of us."

Chapter 25 - Solace

"Such little things, aren't they? So would take almost nothing to cause them so much pain. A cut into the flesh, it would make them weep for hours. A minute amount of pressure would snap a bone," the angel Semyaza ruminated to the soul that had once been a human being. There was two of them, one menacing and pontificating, the other timid and submissive, but laying before them on a marble slab, the angel's altar, were the two babies that four days previously had been stolen from the loving nest of their parents' home. William clutched possessively to Allegra, holding her smaller self to him just had he did when they had been inside their mother. They were naked, but not cold; they had not had milk, but there was no hunger - the Garden provided. There was however fear, fear so extreme that were they not so innocent and unknowing they would have gone insane. They did cry sorrowfully for the mother who'd held them and fed them warm milk from soft breasts, who kissed their tummies and laughed with such joy. They wailed mournfully for the father that held them too close, that sang lullabies and rubbed their feet."It matters one day I will undo the Sefiroth. Blood and bones are nothing, the soul is all I need."


The group had decided on a few hours rest just outside of Cleveland, Ohio. Coming ever nearer to New York city filled Spike and Buffy with hope, but it also drowned them in apprehension and worry at possibly being too late to save their children. The new parents found themselves in another hotel room, as stale and cold as the previous ones.

"I'm gonna take a shower alright, love?" She simply nodded and walked away from the bed, pretending to look around the motel room. Spike wished he had something, anything to say to her, but he knew nothing would help. Therefore, he sighed quietly and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Spike came out a time later with a white hotel towel secured around his waist and his hair still damp, rivulets of water running down his spine. He spied Buffy standing by the window, looking mindlessly out at the remaining rays of the sunset that peeked through the hazy clouds. She was wearing one of his old black t-shirts, thread bare and dingy from so many wearings and washings, but comfortable. She's claimed it as her's and stopped him as he was throwing it out. Often she wore nothing at all to bed, sometimes she wore a sexy nightie, then on the odd occasion it was this t-shirt. He rummaged around in the backpack for his own sleepwear but couldn't locate them. He moved over to her bag and looked there, but to no avail.

"Pet, have you seen m'pants? Not in the bags..." he inquired. She turned and looked at him and shook her head.

"Did you forget them? When did you see them last?"

"Night before last..."

"Where did you lose them then?"

"If I knew that, sweets, they wouldn't be lost."

"Does it really matter? You don't like wearing them anyways."

"Yes, but....but..." He gestured towards the bed.

"Doesn't matter Spike...we hardly need to be nervous about being naked together."

"No, I mean....yes, it's hard being near you and not being you. It's just that...."

"You'll feel guilty if you get aroused?"

"Yes." She turned back to the window and sighed.

"Would it be so wrong to take comfort in each other? Solace? William and Allegra are frightened, hungry, cold and about to be killed by a psychotic angel and there's nothing we can do about it, we'll be on the road again in two hours, there isn't anything we can do until then, and maybe....maybe I need it too? Things like this can tear two people apart....I don't want to lose you." He walked over to her then, laying his hands on either side of her upper arms and stroking lightly with his finger tips.

"You could never lose me, Buffy. I can't be without you...or our beautiful lil' babies."

"Spike....what if we get there and it's too late?" He turned her around to see the tears in her eyes and the fear that inhabited her constantly,"What if...."

"If....if...." his voice was shaky,"We'll go somewhere...maybe to'll let me drain you and then I will lay myself over your body and wait for the sun to turn me to a shroud of ashes." She leaned forward and pressed her lips to the center of his chest while her hands swept the towel away from around his waist. He pulled his old T-shirt over her head, leaving the two of them naked before each other. Reaching beyond her, he closed the curtains before sweeping her off her feet. He lay her down on the cold sheets of the bed and hovered over her, half standing and half on the bed. Buffy's thighs parted of their own volition, inviting him to join with her, give her a slight reprieve from the woes that plagued them. Spike moved over her and rested beside her, his hand massaging over the plains of her body. His rubbed his nose on the underside of a warm, plump breast, the scent of her skin was soothing to him, assuaging his sorrow. His dragged his lips over her torso, down her stomach, and back upwards to curl his tongue around and engorged nipple. She gasped and turned into his mouth, holding the back of his head against the breast. She swallowed nervously as he began to suckle, it felt wonderful, but wrong in a certain way. He felt the change come over her and he moved away, looking at her face he saw the uncertainty. It didn't matter, he couldn't make himself hard even though he truly wanted to, there was too much ache in his heart to allow himself the pleasure of her body. Opening his arms to her, she rolled into him and held tight around his back. His leg covered both of her's and cocooned her.

There was no space between their skin, but the emptiness between them in their hearts couldn't be filled. It was enough to just hold each other in silence. Her breath was hot against his neck and his lips were pressed to the pulse point on her's. She tightened her body's grip around him and he knew what she was asking. He vamped out, sunk his fangs into her and drank. She made small screams and her body shuddered, but it was in almost divine ecstasy. Her fingernails dug into the taut muscles on his back as her sweet blood pooled in his mouth and slid down his throat. He always had full control of himself when she allowed him to have her this way, but it wasn't until she pulled at the back of his hair that he finally released her. His tongue caught the streams of blood that threatened to run away from the punctures while her voice echoed,"I love you," at his ear.

His human face sought her's and there was no kiss, but they held each other's eyes."Where in Africa?" Buffy asked, before she caught the tear streaming from the corner of his eye and down his face with the back of her hand.

"Where the first Slayer was born, where she walked, where she hunted, where she was killed.....where we began....and that's where we'll end it."

Chapter 26 - The Gandharvas

They had brought her out of Heaven against her will and set her down in Eden to mind after the babies that together harbored the first human soul. Semyaza was void of compassion but at his fellow angel Uriel's suggestion she had been given the status of Gandharvas, the guardian spirits who watched over humans as they went about their daily lives. At present she held the two children, cuddling them against her womanly body, loving them and protecting them as best she could. She knew not what they were named, but she knew instinctually who their mother was. She had no power to defy Semyaza, but her instincts told her that she could not stand by and let Buffy's children be murdered.

Every time Semyaza came to the part of the garden where the babies were she cast her eyes down and cowered from him. He came often to look at them, to say words that made her stomach turn. It was usually something vulgar about how he would enjoy slaughtering them and exploiting their souls. He stood again at the entrance to the tiny space, his cold black eyes sunken against bronzed skin and severe features. William and Allegra were in the Gandharvas' arms, snuggled close to her supernatural body, taking what comfort it gave them; but they still cried for their mother and father. He was about to begin another diatribe when Uriel appeared.

"Azazae has returned from Pandemonium...he has much to tell you of Mammon's progress," Uriel spoke, casting a sideways glance to the souled being holding tight to the children,"And I brought another Gandharvas as you requested." Semyaza turned away to face his disciple, allowing the second protection spirit to slip past and stand with the first.

"Tomorrow night we will take them to Mammon's city for the ceremony....vengeance will be ours, my brother......only a matter of hours. Come, Uriel, we will speak with Azazael." Semyaza abandoned tormenting the innocents for the time being. Uriel looked back at the first Gandharvas and nodded to her, signaling that it was time to set their plan in motion.

Once alone the original spirit abandoned her meek, harmless persona and returned to the strong willed and powerful woman she had been as a human."Do you remember me?" she asked of the new one. The other seemed confused and nervous, not surprising when considering she had just been removed from Heaven. The other woman looked up with fawn like eyes, studying the person before her and the two tiny babies she held in her arms,"It's okay if you don't...I haven't been gone from the Earth as long as you have, I still remember my name and my life before."

"I don't," the other replied, there was however a vague sense of familiarity between them,"What is your name? I don't know mine anymore."

"It's Tara....and you're Joyce."

"You know me?" Joyce asked trying very hard to remember the girl she stood facing.

"Y...yes, I'm Willow's friend."


"Willow, she is Buffy's best friend. Try, Mrs. Summers, your daughter Buffy...." A brief glimmer seemed to spark across her face but she shook it off, confusion remaining,"You had another daughter, but she wasn't really your daughter....she used to be a green ball of energy. Her name's Dawn. Please...we don't have much time. Semyaza is going to kill the babies..." Joyce started visibly at Tara's words.

"The babies...why are they here? Why aren't they with their mother?"

"Because they were kidnapped, they're Buffy's babies, your grandchildren. Would you like to hold one?" Before she had a chance to reply, Tara was already insinuating the little boy into Joyce's arms. It took only an instant, upon his weight settling into her embrace, and all Joyce's memories came flooding back to her along with a deluge of tears. She looked back and forth between the two children and knew with all her soul that these precious beings had come from her daughter.

"Spike..." she breathed out.

"Spike? Vampire Spike? What about him?"

"He's the father....these are Spike and Buffy's children." Tara crinkled her face in disbelief, however on closer examination she could see a resemblance to the fondly remembered blond menace.

"Are you certain?"

"Absolutely. Tara, I remember now."

"G...good...we have a plan. Uriel and I...we're going to stop Semyaza from killing the twins."

"Tell me how...I'll do anything, take him on myself if I have to if he dares to think he can harm my grandchildren."

"Semyaza isn't always here, he goes off for hours and hours at a time. The next time he's gone we have to leave the twins alone with Uriel, he promises to keep them safe. Once we leave the Garden of Eden you and I become just souls again, no bodies. We...we must find new bodies, out in the city somewhere, someone who is willing to trade places with us - give up their body and ascend to Heaven so we can have it. Then we must come back to the Garden, he'll let us in...from there we each take a twin and make for Sunnydale. I'll go one way and you go another. Semyaza cannot begin the unraveling of the Sefiroth if he doesn't have both babies."

"What's the Sefiroth?"

"It's creation...Semyaza wants to uncreate the universe and to do that he needs to kill the twins and release their souls...they're special you see..."

"Of course they are, they're Buffy's." Tara smiled, for the first time in so long she couldn't remember when.

"You're right, they're very special. We must do everything in our power to them." Uriel reappeared, soaring into the room with the true grace an angel should possess, with all that was bright and divine and spoke only of Heaven and purest love.

"He has gone, not to return until tomorrow evening...go now, I will care for them. When you have your bodies you may take the twins and put an end to all this madness."


There weren't enough tears sometimes, even though the fatefully departed deserved a flood's worth. Mariam Hussey had climbed the stairs of her high rise apartment building, all 30 stories. Somehow to her tormented mind it would have been unworthy of her sacrifice to have taken the elevator. She'd dressed herself in her favorite clothes, done her hair and folded a photograph around the locket she clutched in her hand. She'd already waited several days, but knew that she'd given this world too much of herself now as it was. It was a bright and beautiful day, but the air was crisp and cold being early spring. She could see the trees of Central Park from the roof, leaves supple and green and even the hint of blossoms forming in patches. She pushed angry tears from her cheeks, she resented this world from taking her sister from her, her identical twin sister in fact. They were two halves of one soul and with her other half out of reach there was no reason to suffer down here on Earth.

Mariam climbed up the ledge and looked down to the concrete below, swaying as the vertigo swarmed around her. She unclasped her hand and the photograph of them as children was caught in the breeze and carried away down into a spiral to land with the trash in the alley to the right. She looked briefly at the silver, Victorian styled locket and inhaled deeply, gathering her courage to make the leap.

"Maybe there's another way..." a woman voice spoke beside her, almost like the coo of a dove. Mariam cried out and almost fell at the shock of discovering she wasn't alone. She looked to her left to behold an apparition, a blond woman bathed in light and smiling.

"Who are you? Are you an angel?"

"No, nothing like that. I don't have much time....but I can help you be with your sister, and you don't have to jump to do it..."


"Just give me your hand."


Nine in Nails stripped the walls of the homely pictures of a young couple in love with it's hard decibels roaring from the sound system. A twenty-two year old woman sat on the black and white checked tiles of her bathroom floor. Displayed out in front of her like a mad city of columns and obelisks were countless bottles of pills and meds. She'd tried desperately for months to get her fiancé to give them up, but coupled with the marijuana and the heroin, Tal had been a lost cause, even with her love to see him though anything. He had overdosed at a party two days ago, the morgue still had his body. His soul, she knew, however was free and in a better place. He'd been the sweetest, most loving man she'd ever know, just weak when it came to his vices. She hoped she had the courage to follow after him. She had the pills to consume before she'd cut into her wrists. Whether she bled to death or fell asleep and never woke again was no mind to her, so long as the pain of loneliness stopped. She was about to take up a bottle when her hand was intercepted.

"I don't think you want to do that," Tara cautioned,"There is another way."

Chapter 27 - The Garden

You know you're all alone
Your friends they aren't at home
Everybody's gone to the garden
As you look into the trees
You can look but you don't see
The flowers seem to tease you at the garden
Everybody's there, but you don't seem to care
What's it with you man, and this garden

From the dawn of time Uriel had stood as the sole guard to the gates of the Garden of Eden. Even now as the war between factions continued on, he manned his post with stoic pride. The number was too great to count of how many had come to implore for his permission to pass through. Without Uriel's leave, none could enter, especially low life minions of Lucifer's."Mr. Pitch, Mr. Battle, I had heard that a Bollion Dragon had swallowed you both up. At least I hoped," Uriel sighed when the two pale demons in long coats appeared before him.

"We crawls out of the belly, yes," Mr. Pitch explained, ever 's' coming out as an over-punctuated hiss,"Slices him open with our knifeses. Likes a pastry with jams, yes."

"Come now, Uriel," Mr. Battle asked, smiling with needles for teeth,"Lets us in...there be plump little babies we's been looking for on the insides...we wants them."

"You shall not have them!" the angel declared,"And you shall not gain entry to the garden. Be gone!" Mr. Pitch hissed and something obscured under his heavy coat jerked and flailed, then stalled while his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he let out a tiny euphoric sigh.

"Bad angel! Naughty angel! Gots worms for wings!," Battle shot back, picking at his knuckles and making them bleed. In response to their indignation, Uriel unfolded his wings and let his dim light shine as bright as all the heavenly hosts. Pitch and Battle shrieked like rabbits in leg traps and scuttled into the shadows with spiders in the wake of their footprints.

A few hours later, long before day break, Joyce and Tara returned to Eden, firmly ensconced within new bodies. Uriel let them enter and not a minute later both came back running, each holding a twin in their arms and some those loyal to Semyaza hot on their heels. Uriel went to their aid, confronting the wicked angels head on and letting the innocents all escape. The good angel looked behind him and saw each woman run in opposite directions of each other before returning to the brothers he had just betrayed - at the least he was confident that he had redeemed himself for the supposed betrayal to Michael when he'd aligned himself with Semyaza. He prayed that Michael would know the truth someday.

The Pitch and the Battle squirmed out of their hiding spot between two cement blocks, each trying to be the first and getting them both stuck."Lets us out!" Pitch hollered, hitting at his partner with limp wristed slaps.

"Bitch! Purple-hued malt roach! We'll play a medley on your ribs with our fists!"

"We haven't's gots any ribs! Cockscomb!" At last they popped out, stumbling and almost falling over. They shot each other admonishing scowls as they dusted themselves off."Where to nows Battle Battle...the fruitsies are gones from the Garden!"

"But now they be's vulnerable...we's can catch 'em now, lil' bumbles. You go gets the boy...The Battle wants himself a little girl...."


Michael had directed them to bypass the core of the city and head towards the docks. Buffy was having a hard time conceiving that the fabled Garden of Eden could grow in and amongst all the concrete, steel and chemical waste that lined the Hudson river. The vehicles came to a halt in a dusty field littered with industrial debris and before them was what appeared to be an abandoned ship yard. It was covered with obscene makeshift spires of twisted metal, reminiscent of Glory's tower.

When a sudden and violent explosion of fire and gasoline erupted with a black mushroom cloud in the center of the enclosed yard, Buffy screamed and dove out of the car. Without rhyme or reason, the Scoobies scrambled out of the SUV and Plymouth and ran blindly towards the Garden. Coming upon the chain link fence and its gate, they were met with an invisible barrier."NO!!" Buffy wailed, trying to force herself through even though it was as impossibe as a vampire entering a home without an invitation,"William! Allegra! Mommy's here! Mommy's coming!" Spike was with her now, confronting the same panic as his wife. The others were about to try their worth at penetrating the barrier when Michael's voice thundered all around them.

"URIEL!!!" the archangel sounded. From the black smoke and flames of the burning Garden, a lone figure hobbled out towards them. Buffy recognized Uriel from their brief encounter the previous year. His wings had been torn apart and he was a wash in his own blood and that of other angels. His body was marked with what would have been fatal wounds, but he still carried his sword. He dropped to his knees on the other side of the divide, finally letting go of the weapon, it clanged loudly upon the asphalt.

"Eden is no more," Uriel announced, looking at Michael.

"Let us the bloody hell in!!" Spike roared, trying to force himself through,"I want my children back, damn you!!" Uriel was laughing, or perhaps he was crying, it was only adding to Spike's fury.

"Let them in Uriel...for pity's sake, you cannot let these children die!" Michael ordered,"You are a son of the On High, once a loyal servant...."

"Enter then, you won't find what you think you'll find..." Uriel spouted, descending into a wayward spiral of madness over the destruction of the Garden that had been in existence since the beginning. At the angel's word the invisible barrier was no more, letting Spike, Buffy and the others pass. The parents ran into the black, followed by their friends, Dawn however remained with Michael. The two of them stood over Uriel, who by now had collapsed on to his back, barely conscious. The fallen angel looked at the pair and smiled sardonically,"I often imagined that you two would reunite...I remember a time when you were hardly separated."

"You and Michael fought side by side in the first war!" Dawn cried,"How could you betray him!? How could you side with evil!?"

"Do you hear the word still? The On High no longer speaks to have no idea what a void that leaves. How that vampire survives from day to day without hearing it is beyond me...."

"The voice only left because you stopped listening, you lost your faith Uriel," said Michael,"I could forgive the crimes against me...but you aided Semyaza in taking the first soul and the children in which it lives - there is no reproach for that." Michael knelt to Uriel's side, laying his hand over the other angel's heart.

"I know, brother...and I forgive you also."


Buffy's heart was pounding so hard in her chest it was the only sound she could hear. They ignored the numerous corpses of the angels Uriel had slain, following the young mother to where her maternal instincts were guiding her. But when she came upon the ruined altar she knew they were too late. Giving no care to the encroaching fires or thick suffocating smoke, the Slayer sunk against the altar in tears,"My babies....We're too late Spike! We're too late!" Her husband stood hovering over her, his eyes closed and his hands reaching out around him. The vampire face rose to the surface and he inhaled deeply despite the smoke.

"No," he breathed out,"They were gone before the fires started, before the explosion. Someone else was here too, not an angel. It's familiar. Buffy....this way..." He took her hand and brought her off the ground and together they went out of Eden as quickly as they'd come in. The group took note of the now dead Uriel, his chest gaping and heart missing. The also were aware of the picture of Michael and Dawn holding each other. Spike separated he and Buffy from the rest, walking into the middle of the dusty field,"Can you feel them, Buffy? Their scent, their souls, their blood. There were right here, together, then they were separated. One went north, the other south."

"Separated? Then that means..."

"Angels don't have them, that's right, pet. I don't know what's happening, but there's someone else involved now. For good or evil, I don't know..."

"Take Xander and Angel with you...go south. I'll go north with the others. Spike this could be good, right?" He cupped her face, the demon's visage never so comforting before.

"Yes, my precious, my love. We're only an hour behind our babies."

"I can feel it too." She was crying, but her tears were flavored with hope. She reached for him, pulling him close and sliding her tongue along the jagged edges of his fangs and into his mouth. As their lips closed over each other's she deliberately let him cut the inside of her bottom lip. He melted into her, the blood quickening him and her pure sensuality filling him with the same hope. Buffy ran her hands over the ridges of his brow, there wasn't an angel in all of Heaven that possessed the beautiful heart of her demon.

Chapter 28 - The City

One trip to New York City in college to visit the Metropolitan Museum and the Guggenheim wasn't quite enough for Joyce to be able to negotiate the city and find her and her grandson's way to safety. Fact of the matter was she had no clue where she was in the five boroughs, it could've been Manhattan or it could have been Hell's Kitchen. William had stopped crying and was breathing heavily and with a slant of panic. He was cold and hungry now that he'd left Eden behind and the woman holding him, though full of love and protective instincts for him, was not his mother. He clutched to the fabric of her blouse as she held him under her sports coat, hurrying fast in no direction in particular. The streets were relatively deserted, sunrise a couple of hours away. A random homeless person or two slept in a stoop or hid under an alcove. A man in a long black duster had come stalking down the street, and for a split second Joyce hoped it was Spike. The man never looked up or slowed his pace, other than that only the rare car sped by her and Joyce knew she was alone.

If a cab would happen by she'd hail it and make her way back to Mariam's apartment at Central Park West, but there wasn't one to be seen. After so many years of mothering the Vampire Slayer, Joyce Summers had learned a thing or two, particularly when there were vampires near. The group of four emerged from an alley and descended upon Joyce and William with fangs bared and game faces wild and feral. She didn't scream, but spun around on her heals and started to run as fast as her legs could carry them. When one got ahead of her and blocked her path, she darted down another alley and continued on. To her dismay and horror, it was a dead end. Not two hours after rescuing her grandson from the clutches of a most heinous evil, he was about to be eaten by vampires. Not one to ever give in easily, Joyce hoped for an ax, but settled for a makeshift stake in the form of a piece of wood broken off of a palette. One vampire advance on her, pushing her hard into a brick wall, nearly making her lose her hold on William and making the baby wail loudly, hopefully to wake all the neighbors. Bringing the stake up in between them, she got him through the heart and mercifully he exploded into dust. Realizing to woman had a clue about how to kill their kind, the three came for her all at once.

But from out of nowhere a flurry of fists and kicks assaulted the vampires. One by one they were taken down and destroyed. Getting to her feet with a jubilant sort of jump the young woman with two inch short overly gelled black hair and ruby red lips, patted the fresh vampire dust off her leather pants and then spun her stake around before fitting it in her back pocket. She turned to Joyce and eyed the attractive, possibly 30-something, African American woman holding the screaming baby to her chest."Nice improv with the plywood there hon, but you lost points for being a total idiot and being out on this neighborhood, especially with a kid. What were you thinking?" the dark woman admonished,"But hey, no need to thank me, action's my reward."

"F...Faith?" Joyce breathed out, yet again the elder woman was shocked beyond belief. The Slayer started visibly, obviously upset at being recognized, but shook it off and put on a bravado.

"Did I wear my underwear on the outside of my pants again? Where's the name tag?"


"Okay...again with you knowing of my name. Who the hell are you?"

"Oh Faith....wait, you're supposed to be in jail...." William began to wail in earnest and Joyce began to think of doing the same.

"Lady...come on, we'll go to my place. Then I want the full meal deal on how you know so much about me!"


Thankfully Tara had thought ahead to take the keys to her body's apartment, as well as her driver's license and some money from her purse. She entered the studio apartment of one Carly Rhodes, a simple girl with a penchant for heavy metal, goth clothing and witchcraft. As Allegra now lay resting in the middle of the large bed, Tara took in her new appearance. She was rather tall, athletically built, possibly this girl had been a runner at one point. Black died, bone straight hair descended down her back to her waist and there was a tattoo of a pentacle on the right hip was visible over the waist of her low riding jeans. The face was fine featured, soft and unassuming, almost like a frail Jane Austen sort of heroine. Tara briefly allowed herself the wondering if Willow would like this new body.

Allegra began to whimper and Tara knew that she'd delayed long enough. She had to find clothes, diapers and food for Allegra and she had to get herself away from the city and back to Sunnydale. Searching around Carly's home, Tara found a large back pack worthy of touring Europe and began stuffing clothes, toiletries and all manner of magic items that were scattered around the place. Perhaps it was only coincidence, but the witch was eternally grateful that this new body was used to conducting magic, it would make the journey so much easier knowing she could rely on the supernatural if things ever got intense. When she thought she had everything she needed Tara gathered up all the money and jewelry of any value she could find as well as the woman's credit card and decided there was no time like the present to make a departure. It was then that a furious pounding was heard at the front door, causing the baby to be frightened and begin to cry.

"We know yer in there, Tal!!" a man heavy voice hollered,"Don't think you aren't gonna pay up!"

"Oh no," Tara breathed, immediately scooping Allegra up into her arms. She eyed the fire escape, but it was too precarious to try and safely maneuver with a baby in her arms, let alone a heavy backpack. Without warning the door was kicked in and off its hinges, three menacing thugs heading straight for her. Terrified, but keeping her wits about her, Tara tapped into the source of her power, both of her mind and of the new body and funneled it out through the wave of her hand and the utterance of,"Glacialis!!"

Tara negotiated her, the baby and the bag around the men that had been put in temporary suspended animation. She was on the street in minutes and heading downtown. As soon as she could hail one, she'd get a cab to take her to the Port Authority and then the plan was to head straight South, taking Buffy and Spike's little girl away from New York City, Semyaza and all the evils that threatened. She prayed Joyce could manage the same.

Chapter 29 - Divergence

Tara had purchased a touring bus pass for the United States, it had cost $300 on the credit card, but it meant she wouldn't have to deal with ticket agents with their questions and long line ups from now on. She'd hated to have to do it, but she'd also cast a sleeping spell on the baby. This was for the best, Allegra wouldn't be cranky, hungry or scared for a while and it gave Tara time to find all the necessities she needed to take care of her. As it was she found a Wal-Mart in Atlantic City and bought hundreds of dollars in baby needs; clothing and food for both of them and various items that could be utilized in magic. Lastly, she deliberately dropped the card on the pavement in hopes that someone would find it and use it, thus skirting the responsibility for all the purchases to someone else. The next stop wouldn't be until Wilmington, North Carolina, so Tara secured Allegra in her new car seat after clothing and feeding her a bottle of newborn's formula. They fell asleep to the quiet rhythm of the bus' wheels turning over the pavement, carrying them further away from danger.


Spike aimed the Plymouth south, down Highway 13 out of New Jersey. Xander and Angel sat in silence next to the blond vampire. Spike was convinced that his child, likely, almost certainly Allegra had already left the city and that he knew where to follow. The other two didn't question his paternal instincts, but wondered if this was the most prudent course of action after not even giving it a go in searching the city. He drove fast, too fast, jaw set firm and eyes cold. It was easy to see that without Buffy to temper or cajole his inner demon, that the new father was preparing, driven by his primal need to reclaim his own, to destroy whatever stood between him and his daughter.


Faith flipped on the lights as she entered her tiny apartment, revealing a surprisingly tidy and homely space. Given the disheveled building and shoddy hallway, Joyce was grateful for a safe haven, even if it was with Faith. "Have a seat," the Slayer invited, tossing her keys on the coffee table,"You're in luck, my roommate just bagged on me and left almost all their stuff - her baby's, we've got food, clothes and diapers."

"Thank you. He's sleeping, I think he's exhausted himself," Joyce answered as she relaxed on Faith's lumpy couch and brought William, naked as he was, from inside her coat, laying him on her knees,"Poor darling, he's been through so much." Faith handed her a diaper and a dark green sleeper,"Thank you, dear." The younger woman took a seat and looked the other two over carefully.

"So what are you doing with someone else's kid?" Faith wasn't much for tact or subversives, direct approach was always best, even if it got her into trouble.

"He was kidnapped, I got him away. Now I need to get him back home to Sunnydale."

"Hell Mouth Sunnydale!? Okay, time for you to start spillin'!"


"Starting with how you know me!"

"This is Buffy's son." There was a two by four to the back of the rogue Slayer's head.

"Woah! B's got a baby!?"

"He has a twin sister, she's also been rescued. It's very complicated, but the people that had them were going to kill them, I couldn't let that happen to my grandchildren."

"Come again?"

"It's me, Joyce."

"Yeah right." The elder woman's mouth quirked into a smile.

"You of all people should understand about body switching."

"Okay, I'll bite...but I'm gonna quiz you later."

"You escaped from prison?"

"Yep! Got a little Shawshank Redemption of my own. I was wasted in that place and the guards were making my life hell because they couldn't intimidate me into anything. I'm a Slayer, I shouldn't be stuck in a box....besides, you know, vamps to kill, people to save."

"Is that really how it is now? You really want to help?"

"Yeah...prison makes you think."


Dawn had been elusive to the full scope of what was occurring between the two sides of Heaven's warriors and she wasn't ready to reveal all to her sister yet, but if ever there was a time when Buffy needed her it was now. The sun had risen on the sixth day of the twins being gone and it was painfully obvious how it was tearing her down. The Slayer looked as if she couldn't lift a sheet of paper let alone fight Hell's minions. He eyes were rimmed red and bloodshot from lack of sleep and too many tears; she'd barely eaten and without Spike around it was doubtful she'd be convinced to touch a bite of food. Surprisingly, Giles had spent a great deal of time in New York City before being assigned as Buffy's Watcher. Therefore he helmed the road weary SUV, weaving through the rush of morning traffic as Buffy felt the pull of her offspring in one direction or another. An hour ago the streets had been deserted, now they were teeming and thriving with millions of people. Finding the newborn baby of a Slayer and a vampire amongst them was feeling impossible. Willow had attempted to sense the location or even general area of where the baby might be, but NYC itself was so electric with mystical energies that nothing of any potency could be sustained. Michael was silent and introspective and no one felt they had the right to speak to him, there was a darkness shrouding this angel that hadn't been there before. Riley was still dwelling on the Highway. So they around drove in near silence, Dawn holding her sister's hand, being as it was the only thing she could do, and wondered if Spike was faring any better.

Chapter 30 - The Park

They'd scattered around Central Park after sunset, but not because Buffy felt a pull or inkling that her son was lost there. She was certain it was William that she was searching for, at least some of her instincts weren't dulled by exhaustion and despair. Spike had once told her a story about when he and Drusilla had first come to New York and his preternatural lover had danced in and amongst the bronze replicas of of John Tenniel's Alice in Wonderland illustrations. Buffy felt very much like Alice before the caterpillar, about three inches tall and lost in a strange world she didn't know or understand. She knew William was out there somewhere, waiting for her, but she hadn't the faintest notion of where to find him. She wept, silent tears streaming down her cheeks. She prayed for a sign, again.

Dawn approached Michael warily as he stood alone on a bridge over a soothing flowing stream, the water signing as it moved over the rocks. The archangel gazed into nothingness with hollow, glassy eyes of pale green while gripping the wooden railings of the Japanese style expanse. She began walking to him, her footsteps clomping loudly despite her efforts to the contrary. She stood next to him, appearing much younger than the fact of her being even older than any angel. Her fingers crept until they'd insinuated themselves around his. Without precursor he turned and enveloped her waist with his arms and brought their lips together. Their kiss was hot and desperate, nothing Dawn had ever even come close to experiencing in her mortal body. Abruptly Michael brought them apart, sighed and rested his forehead against her's.

"I didn't mean to just do that," he whispered,"But it's been so long...I always thought I'd never see you again. The monks of Dagon had no idea what they were doing...if I'd only known..."

"You took me to them for safe keeping because they'd always been able to in the past. They had to make me a girl to escape Glory, there's no blame here Michael - and you found me again."

"I should have been there to protect you from the Beast...but the war was just beginning, Semyaza had just escaped..."

"And you were bound by your duty, I understand. It worked out in the long run, I love my sister, I love my family....and I still love you."

"I will always love you. Ever since we were nameless, shapeless energies, I knew we belonged together...we were attracted, drawn...I can still feel it."

"We have bodies now, makes things easier I think...hormones." She suppressed a girlish giggle, but Michael appreciated it, there was just something all the more mystical about his love now that she was flesh and blood."Buffy's gonna freak....actually, Spike's gonna freak even more. He's very overprotective-father-vamp as far as I'm concerned, but I don't think he'd keep us apart."

"I don't think I can leave you again...even if I'm called to Heaven."

"We'll deal with that later, right now we have to find my nephew. Can you feel anything?" Michael shook his head before releasing Dawn and pacing back and forth.

"The twins have been separated, it would be pointless to kill only I must believe that at the least the Sefiroth is in not danger of being reversed. Threat does remain to the's a dangerous world down here still. I can only pray that whoever has taken charge of their welfare is apt to the challenge. I know your priority is to reunite the twins with their parents, but I must not let my responsibility as the servant of the On High lapse. I killed Uriel, the angel that once sat by the Creator's side, I am now the primary and the remaining Sons of Light must follow my lead. Semyaza and the wicked will not yield, they will try something else and I must stop them."

"I want to help you...but getting William and Allegra back to Spike and Buffy is my priority."

"As where it should be, but I must exist on upon a wider plain. If Semyaza is not stopped it may not matter if the children are returned to their parents, Armageddon may still have come."

"Michael...if...if it all works out..." He came to her again, holding the side of her face in the palm of his hand.

"Then we'll stay together, yes." She stood on the tips of her toes to touch her mouth again to his.


"Buffy?" Riley spoke when he found her sitting on a bench with her face in her hands, leaning forward, still crying. She looked up and pushed her hair off her face to look at him."Can I sit?"

"Be my guest," she replied, exhaling her complete breath. He sat a little too close for comfort, she hadn't realized until now how uncomfortable he made her. Of course she had some very fond memories, but they had faded, seemed almost too vague to consider once real. In this instance she remembered Spike telling her about the plastic stake he'd received through his heart courtesy of Riley upon being found out for his predilection to visiting vampire whores to get some sort gratification. She made a point of thumbing her wedding ring, it was however completely innocent when she moved her hair to one side of her shoulders to reveal the two puncture wounds from her husband's bite. He didn't mean to, but Riley made a face of obvious disgust at the sight of them and Buffy noticed. She knew all too well what was being played over in his mind."I think it was a mistake to ask you to come Riley, I'm sorry."

"Nah, Buffy, I told you if you ever needed me all you had to do was ask."

"I need you to help me find my twins, Riley, not look at me like I'm unclean for letting Spike....well, do anything he wants to - he's my husband."

"I'm well aware of that fact."

"I don't let him bite me for the same reasons you sought out those women vampires. It brings us closer together, it's how I show him that I trust him implicitly, that I love him. When you see him with his children you'll understand, they're his whole world, have been since the very moment he knew I was pregnant. You don't really know Spike, Riley, you never did."

"What about the fact that he's still actually a monster...that he's dead flesh!? I know that he's schemed, betrayed, destroyed...."

"And then he changed because he loved me. You have no right to speak about my husband this way, I don't like it and it's insulting. How would you feel if I talked about Sam like that? Besides, you're being a hypocrite....can I remind you of a little something called the Initiative? But Riley, I don't really thing this is about Spike as much as it is about you."

"Pardon me?"

"Michael, the angels...religion. I know that's a big part of who you are. You went to church every Sunday."

"Buffy, it's not the priority here, I'm treating this like any other mission."

"It's not any other mission though for two very big reasons. You used to love me and now you're seeing me with another man, with his children....and because you're questioning whether or not everything your parents ever taught you about God is's not any other mission. I think you'll do alot better if you stop yourself and admit it." Buffy got to her feet and let the cold of the early spring night finally invigorate her rather than chill her,"I'm going to follow my own more moping. None of us is wasting another second, not until I have my babies back where they belong."



"Nev...neverermind..." She could tell he wanted to confide in her, in anyone. The words were caught in his mouth, but wouldn't set themselves free. She sighed, too tired to continue the heavy thoughts and conversation, best to shift the subject.

"You ever think you and Sam might do it one day? Have a baby?"

"No....military life...not the best situation."

"Neither is being the Slayer, or a vampire, but it's worth it. Even with all the pain right now, I wouldn't go back to how it was before....can't go back to having less love in my heart."

Chapter 31 - Battle Wants

"Battle, battle, battle....the Battle wants his num num nums....comes to Battle, yes?" the white skinned demon spoke under his breath to only himself as he slithered back and forth along the pier at fairly deserted part of Daytona Beach, Florida. It was late enough that the majority of the tourists, what few there were for late March, to have gone back to their hotels for sleep. Only the odd pairing still walked out where Mr. Battle was cavorting. He'd been patient, very patient to his mind. As one of Lucifer's most favored hunters and trackers, he was certain, as an almost sixth sense told him, that his young prey would come before the sun to this place. But she wasn't here yet, so making like The Lord of the Dance, Battle frolicked over the planks of the pier, with the occasional random breakdance, singing gaily to himself, the barnacles, the brine and the fish.

When Tara had seen the sign on the interstate welcoming visitors to Daytona Beach she breathed a sigh of relief. She looked down at the baby girl in her charge and smiled. She was a delicate child with fine feminine features, but clearly her father's daughter with such blue eyes and sharp cheekbones. Tara couldn't wait to hear the story about how Spike the vampire managed to make Buffy pregnant. The thought that the pair may have also reconciled gave her a feeling of true hope for her own future. She had a life to live all over again and she wanted to try and make it through this time around, she also wanted to see Willow desperately. Trying to imagine the love of her life this past year only broke her heart, she couldn't even fathom what she'd been through. Tara disembarked from the bus with Allegra, slinging the full backpack over her shoulder and carrying the car seat in front of her in her arms. The night was tepid and breezy and vacant of people, that wasn't uncommon given the time of year, the following week , when Spring Break began would be another story. There were three motels in a row and Tara selected the one the far end, Flamingo Lodge. It was cheesy with pink stucco and neon signs, but it looked comfortable.

The front desk clerk was a rubenesque woman in likely her 60s with hair dyed blond and makeup something reminiscent of Lucille Ball's. She smiled pleasantly when Tara deposited the car seat on the counter and the baby gave a little squeal."Aren't you just precious!" the woman beamed, bending over Allegra to tickle her tummy,"What's her name?"

" a friend," Tara replied in haste,"We need a room please, I hope it's not too late."

"No, not at all honey, my husband Gary turns in at 10pm and I come on until to stay up and watch Letterman, then Conan..." She gestured to the small television in the corner,"A room for the night is $30, check out's at noon...but you and the little one can stay until two, I'll tell our maid." Tara filled out the information, with a made up name, in the guestbook and passed her the money.

" don't might be people following me, not th...that I think anyone will come looking here...but...just in case..."

"Ex-boyfriend? You on the run with your baby?" Tara quickly let the lie take shape.

"Yes...if you can understand...he..he was violent...."

"You're protecting your daughter. As far as I know, the person in room 127 is a balding salesman named Phil. My name's Mel."

"Thank you Mel..." Tara hurried her way into the room and shut the door behind, locking it. She dropped the heavy backpack in the middle of the floor and gently took Allegra from her car seat and cuddled her in her arms,"Bet you're hungry aren't you sweety? Let's see if you'll take your bottle this time."


Angel was lounging in the back seat of his own car, Spike insisting he continue driving. Xander was examining a map, he'd highlighted their journey in fluorescent yellow and was plotting the best road back to Sunnydale once they'd found Allegra. The young man had no doubts that the vampire was leading them to his daughter, he could feel the energies flowing through the father and how they reached out to connect with the child. It was truly a remarkable thing to behold. They coasted down the straightway along the shore with the top down, riding the wind, Spike all the while keeping his senses peeled for any inkling of the baby.

"Anything?" Angel inquired, sitting up and looking at their surroundings.

"Yeah," Spike answered,"Don't bloody know what it is, but there's something about this place that feels right. She's gotta be along here..."

"I'm sure she is..."

"She's just gotta..."


"Still no, baby?" Tara asked Allegra with a sigh. The baby kept her lips pursed tight, refusing another bottle. She'd taken it before, when her hunger became to great to refuse, but now she was being stubborn."Well, Auntie Tara's hungry and I think I saw a vending machine back by the office. What say we go and get a Snickers?" Leaving everything behind except the baby and the room key, Tara exited into the enclosed outdoor courtyard. She fished into her pockets for some change, supporting the baby over her shoulder.

"Is she all warmies?" the sinuous and slim man in the heavy coat asked with a sneer when he emerged from the shadows. As he continued to speak he brought up his hands and one by one tore off his fingernails down to the quick,"Been waiting for you, yes? Give us that, the little one...we have plans for her..."

"Who...who are you?" Tara tried to stall him, taking steps backwards very carefully.

"Oh my brother, my sister, my master! We are the quims n' the cocks! The twister and the gold! The button and the branch, we are the battle, Battle, BATTLE!!!" As he voice escalated into shrieking volumes he suddenly produced a long bladed knife with an ivory handle and slashed out towards the baby.

Chapter 32 - Breaking of the Waves

"Munimentum!" Tara shouted, raising her hand to repel Battle's knife. She was too late to prevent his assault completely, only dulling and capturing his slash in a dense field of her own energies. Nonetheless the tip of the blade dug into and sliced Allegra at her left eyebrow. Immediately the baby reacted with a violent scream and Tara turned on her heels and ran for the beach.

"So it be's a game of cats n' mices now, yes?" Battle licked his knife and moaned before following after the witch and the child.


Both Angel and Xander were lurched forward suddenly when Spike slammed on the brakes and brought the car to a dead stop. He'd vamped out and was breathing heavily in an apparent effort to get himself under control.

"What?" Xander asked, his own panic rising.

"Don't know....something's wrong....there!" He pointed to a pink building in the distance and then sent the tires squealing when he floored the gas pedal. In no time flat he'd pulled the Plymouth into the parking lot in front of the Flamingo Lodge,"God, I can feel her....she's right here...." He turned off the engine and leapt out of the car. Xander quickly caught up to the vampire and pulled him back,"What the bloody hell are you doing?!"

"Your face, you can't go in there all fangs and lumpies. Let me or Angel do the talking. Come on Spike...."

"Right, right..." Angel led the way whilst Spike regained his composure and his human face, then continued on. Mel looked up from her television when the three large men entered her office, mindful of where her gun was hidden under the counter.

"Awfully late to just be stopping for the night, isn't it?" she asked.

"Hi," Angel began, giving the lady a smile,"We're wondering if you could help us. We're looking for someone, maybe you've seen them."

"Oh yeah? No one's come through all night."

"Someone travelling with a baby..." The change in Mel's demeanor was obvious, especially to the vampires. Her heart beat faster and her muscles all tensed.

"No, sorry, haven't seen a baby."

"You're lying...." Spike seethed, stalking over to the desk and pushing both Angel and Xander out of his way.

"Spike..." Xander began to protest.

"Back off, whelp!" Spike snarled, then turned back to the woman behind the desk,"You've seen 'em, haven't you?"

"No, there's been no one."

"Bloody hell! Please! My daughter's been kidnapped!" Mel was getting ready to reach for her gun, refusing to give up the woman and baby to the man who had an obviously volatile temper.

"I said there is no baby." Spike was a fraction away from seizing the defenseless woman by the throat when he found himself being dragged outside by his companions.

"Get you hands off me!"

"Spike, get a grip!" Angel warned,"You were about to tear that woman's throat open!"

"Fuck you, Angelus! My little girl is around here somewhere and that bitch knows where! You think I give a bloody damn about putting a lil' fear on her to find out where?!"

"Guys, cool it," Xander interrupted,"Let's have a look around, okay?" Spike scoffed and left them in his wake, storming towards the row of motel rooms. Standing alone before the courtyard, with the wind rolling in off the ocean, Spike sought out the spiritual bond he and Allegra had shared, the one that had sparked the moment she'd emerged from Buffy. His body seized when he found it, she was in a horrible terror; she was in severe pain both physical and emotional. Then he caught a further telling of it on the wind, her, her blood! Soon he knelt in front of room 127 and touched the beginning droplets of a bright red trail. Angel and Xander were come his way and he held up his blood stained fingers for them to see in conjunction with the tears just beginning to fall down his shattered face.

"It's still daughter's blood."


Tara was sure she'd run 10,000 miles between the motel and the pier by now how exhausted she was. Her body was recovering quickly however. She hid them up close to the rocks and erected a strong shield around them, one hopefully strong enough to safeguard against the demon. Allegra was crying her lungs sore and bleeding profusely from the gouge on her face. Her new clothes were wet with it, as it had flowed down her face and neck. Tara didn't know where Battle was but she knew he couldn't be far off. If she didn't need her magic to flow fully into the shield, she'd have tried a healing spell to quell the blood, but lowering the field couldn't be risked. Her mind was racing to find some incantation or evocation to to defeat him, anything advanced like that would take too much there again. The baby's cries were deafening, even over the sound of the waves crashing into the columns of the pier.

Just as despair was taking a firm hold on the witch she caught flash of something white against the dark of the sand and ocean. She had been praying to see that unmistakable bleached head of hair and the vampire in the black leather duster it belonged too. He, along with what she discerned to be two other men were almost 100ft away down the beach. She wanted to yell for him, but knew it might draw the demon straight to them if the baby's cries weren't already.

"Come on sweety...daddy's right there, bring him to us," Tara whispered in the child's ear. Panic was renewed when she watched them turn and head back to the road. With little choice to do anything else, she left their alcove and ran after them, breaking the spell,"SPIKE!! Spike come back!"

"Nots nice to runs!!" Battle spat out as he moved in front of her, knocking her down to the sand and violently jostling the baby,"Filthy strumpet! Gives us our prize!!" The knife caught the reflection of the moon above as it hovered above, ready to stab, but suddenly it was gone as Spike tackled the demon and rolled him away.

The vampire had straddled Battle and began raining pounding fist after fist to the white face."Spike!" Tara cried again when Xander and Angel joining the fray. As the other two took hold of the demon, Spike clamored back to the unknown woman holding his daughter and reached for the baby.

"Give her to me! Give her to me!" He begged and the baby was passed to him. He choked out a cry the moment touched her. He lay her on his chest with her head tucked under his chin, his hands covering her entirely,"Shhhhh...sweetheart. Daddy's found you, daddy's here..."

Chapter 33 - Reflections and Ruminations

No one in their right mind would be out alone in the uncharted parts of a dense forest in the latest of night, but after so many years battling the legions of hell and beyond, not to mention almost being one of them and nearly destroying the world, Willow had no fears to being out in the middle of nowhere in West Virginia. They'd left New York City two days previously after Buffy was certain her son had. She'd cast her circle, closed her energies within its boundaries and set them to working. William was away from the Heavenly forces that once held him, intent on murdering him and his sister. He was out in the world now, naked to every imaginable threat beyond the previous one. She had a personal effect from him, his baby blanket, a soft cotton thing with satin around the edges of the indigo. She let the light and its energy consume and pass through her and she waited.

The lake wasn't vast by any means, perhaps less than half a mile across, but it reflected the moon fully. Buffy had fallen into an almost hypnotic state staring at it, she wanted to submerse herself in the cool silver liquid. But not to drown, just to escape, never to leave this world, not so long as she had her family. As far as she knew she still had them, though there was a certain uneasiness that prevailed presently when she focused on Spike. He was running high and hard, even across hundred to thousands of miles she knew it. William and Allegra seemed closer somehow, they lived so much in her heart that they encompassed nearly all of it. By the same token she still couldn't just see where they were and go to them. She wiped the moisture from her eyes and sighed, resting back on a tree stump.

"Buffy?" Dawn called from a short distance away.

"Right here," her sister replied. Dawn jogged over, settling down on the rocks at Buffy's feet and resting her head on her knee, letting her sister stroke her hair."What's up?"

"Nothing...I just missed you. Riley's sitting in the car, Giles is reading...something, Willow's gone to do her spell...."

"What about Michael?"

"Oh...he...he had to go somewhere."

"Do you know where?" Dawn was silent for a moment, then picked up a rock and tried to skim it across the water."Dawn?"

"I know where. It was something with the war, not really anything to do with us."

"I saw you two, in Central Park." Dawn pulled back, a little startled."You were kissing."

"Buffy, before you say anything, you should know that..."

"Dawnie, it's okay. I've been watching this whole time, the way he looks at you. Spike looks at me like that. You two, you're in love aren't you?"

"I'm not 16 years old, not really. Before I was your sister I was pure energy, so was Michael before he was made into an angel. We've always been together, even through the first war. When the second one broke out, Glory was coming for me and he took me to the monks...and you know the rest."

"You've been in love that long? How come you never said anything..."

"I didn't remember anything until I did that vision quest thingie last year when Xuxael was after you. I would've told you someday...later...when I was older, wiser, but until I saw him again I wanted a secret of my own. You already know that it's a person's spirit you love, stuff like age doesn't matter. Not that you could play that angle, Mrs. My-husband's-over-a-century-old."

"You really love him? With all your heart and soul?"

"I do."

"Then cherish it and never let it go."


"William the Bloody, the vampire...Spike?!" Faith exclaimed for probably the tenth time.

"It's the truth, Faith, somehow he's the father of my grandchildren," Joyce repeated. The conversation had been looping around this same topic for approximately fifteen minutes as they drove across Ohio in Mariam's Lexus, once they'd found their way to Central Park into the apartment. Joyce was behind the wheel, Faith riding shotgun and William asleep in the back in his carseat.

"Really? Blondy with the leather coat and cheekbones that could cut diamonds?"

"That's Spike...I didn't know you two had met."

"Kinda, I was in your daughter's body at the time, I played with his mind a little."

"Oh Faith..."

"Don't go all mom on me, I was hurtin' back then. I'm much better now. Anyways, I didn't sleep with him, I just teased him. Worked him up and left him dangling. It was fun."

"There'll be none of that kind of fun on this trip." Faith laughed Joyce off and made a slight gesture of understanding that they were only playing with each other.

"You do realize your daughter's a big kink with a vampire fetish, right? You do know that?"

"Faith, I....I always liked Spike, he was gentleman, very sweet and sensitive."

"He's a vampire."

"He has nice eyes."

"Your daughter screws vampires, plural. I've never done that, even at my baddest."

"Fine, you win....Buffy....Buffy's..."

"A vampire layer." Joyce sighed heavily.


"Forgot to have that talk about the birds and the bees and the undead with her?"

"Too late now, but I don't mine. He's a perfect little boy isn't he?" Faith looked over her shoulder at the sleeping darling and smiled inwardly.

"Yeah...guess B found something good with a vampire afterall."

Chapter 34 - Revelations and Visitations

The sound of her father's voice and the comfort of his touch turned Allegra's wailing cries to tiny hiccups. He pulled up the leather of his coat to shield her from the elements. She cowered against him and clutched the fabric of his shirt tight in her little fists. But his moment of happiness was shaken when he felt the sticky warmth of her blood on the skin just above the collar of his shirt. Shifting the baby so she could form into the curve of his arm, he drew her back to examine what Battle's knife had done to his daughter,"Oh god! Oh god!" Spike cried. She was covered in blood, a vision that was sure to give him nightmares for all of his immortality.

"Spike?!" Angel asked with dread in reaction to Spike's panic,"Is she okay?"

"He's....Angel he's cut her up!" Spike was on his feet and had his boot on Battle's neck not a second later, looking down on the demon with his pale blue eyes as cold as ice. His grief had turned to pure, unfettered rage,"Where is he? Where's Lucifer?"

"Lucifer?" Xander spoke up,"As in...??"

"The night you found me in the cemetery, Lucifer had just come to me offering up this fuck and his partner to find the twins. I don't make deals with the what the bloody hell are you doing here?"

"He commands me. Follow the pretties, then we do what we wants to 'em," Battle cackled, struggling against the bonds of Xander and Angel's hands,"Lucifuffer's was angries with the Spike for nots accepting..."

"So he sent you n' the other to kill my children!?"

"After we's had our funs....wants to play with the insides..." Spike caught Angel's eyes, though his expression didn't change.

"Think Angelus might be persuaded to put in a special appearance?" Angel nodded,"Shred him." Angel gave a look to Xander and the other man nodded in agreement. The two of them got Battle to his feet after Spike stepped back. Battle gave a sly grin and then to the amazement of of all, the demon's lower half walked out from under his coat and scutttled down the beach,"Balls...."

Tara, having gone unnoticed until now, got up off the sand and walked a bit after the escaping lower limbs and extended her hand, proclaiming,"Incendo!" Abruptly the legs exploded in flames and dissolved into ash.

"You've sunk our battleship," the demon whimpered a second before the rest of him alighted and began to incinerate. The flaming torso was dropped to the sand and all eyes turned to the tall woman with black hair and a wry smile.

"Hi guys," she said brightly, then looked to Allegra,"She'll be okay, Spike. The blood's stopped already. It's just when it's on the forehead that it bleeds so much. What's her name?"

"Al...Allegra," Spike stuttered, holding his daughter close under his duster. The baby curled into a tiny ball and burrowed deep, all her senses drawing in the comfort offered by her father's embrace.

"That's so pretty! You have a beautiful daughter, Spike."

"Wait...wait a minute, who are you?" The smile on her face broadened and the right corner quirked in a familiar way.

"Spike, it's know..." She reenacted a punch to her nose, her eyes sparkled and in an instant Spike knew this to be true. His breath left his lungs and delighted surprise replaced all the adrenaline fused tension in his face. The young witch suddenly found herself being squeezed by one mighty vampire arm, her head resting on his shoulder as she hugged him back. There was a tap on her shoulder a moment later and Tara pulled away to find Xander with his arms open wide in want of a hug of his own."Hey, Xander....hey, um look really good..." The two friends embraced and she smiled over his shoulder at Angel's little wave to her.

"Tara, pet, I've seen some amazing things in my unlife, but this might very well take the bloody prize." She came away from Xander and turned back to the vampire.

"Let's get back to the motel, and I'll tell you everything. How's she doing?" She tried to sneak a peek at Allegra, but Spike had her covered under his coat.

"I want to get her inside...she's quiet now, but he's cut her pretty bad..."

"She's strong, like her mom. Where is Buffy?"

"The others went after William. God, I hope they've got to him by now."

"I'm sure they have. You named your son William, huh?"

"Yeah, what of it?"

"Not, it's great. I was just imagining William the Bloody Jr. when he's a teenager."


Willow reached out with her senses and sought Buffy's son, but just as she reached the height of her energies, they dissipated. She opened her eyes and screamed at what she saw. The others had seen the light when it suddenly illuminated the entire forest as if it were high noon. They came rushing into the clearing where Willow had cast her circle to behold a spread of wings of the purest, most luminescent white, layers of crimson and gold curls intermingled and cascaded down her bare back while her stunning, voluptuous body was wrapped in layers of homespun diaphanous fabric. Her eyes were of a pale blue like a robin's egg and gazed upon the young witch. A moment later the angel drew herself from Willow and turned, still hovering in the air, to Buffy. Dawn gripped her sister's arm and leaned in to her ear,"It's okay...she's here to help." Riley came running up behind them with a rifle in hand and sensing she was about to be attacked, she withdrew a sword from an inexplicable void, just as Michael had done. Instead of charging forward, she sent it spinning, cutting the barrel of the gun off and rendering it useless.

"Riley...stop!" Buffy warned. Giles was helping Willow away from the circle and the angel when Michael came walking up behind them, dissuading them from fear. The angel dropped to her feet and folded her wings to her back, letting her light fade until she stood in the darkness. She knelt before the Slayer and bowed her head in reverence.

"You are the mother," she spoke softly, her voice as calming as the ripples of the water lapping at the shore.

"Yes...yes...." Buffy stammered, taking in the angel's beauty.

"Gabriel, what have you brought us?" Michael asked, stepping forward to greet his fellow angel. She rose, caught a smile from Dawn and returned it, before facing her commander.

"Well tidings for the children...Semyaza has abandoned his quest for the soul." Buffy made a small cry of relief and Dawn hugged her around the shoulders,"But all is not so fortuitous, in three days Mammon will have gathered enough power from the demons coming to Pandemonium to raise the city. He means to bring it forth from Hell and displace what lays above it. After that Semyaza will have control over a vast army, a greater army than the Sons of Light....the greatest army to ever walk the Earth. He still means to destroy all that has been created."

"But we do not yet know where?"

"No...only those of the darkness can find the precise location, it is to the west."

"I must part from the company," Michael turned to Dawn and gave her a sympathetic look,"I must rejoin the others. Now that the children are no longer under threat from my kind, I cannot stay."

Chapter 35 - Protection

"I was in shock at first. I was in this place, safe and at peace and then I wasn't," Tara explained as they walked four abreast along the beach, heading back to the motel,"I suddenly had a body again and was surrounded by angels, but I also knew I was scared of them. They kept calling me Gandharvas as I was ushered into a little room. The twins were there and I felt this pull, Iwas there to take care of them. I knew they were Buffy's and then I learned what Semyaza was going to do. So when the second Gandharvas was brought down...we just had to protect them, it's what Gandharvas do."

"Tara, I don't have the words to tell you how grateful I am..." Spike said, still clinging to the side of his coat to shield the baby from the night air and ocean's mist and wind.

"You don't have to say anything, I know. What's she doing?"

"Just snugglin' tiniest bit."

"So your new body," Xander spoke up,"It's permanent? You're back for good?"

"Looks like," Tara smiled,"And I'm happy to be back, it's not like it was with Buffy - she didn't have anything missing when she was there, I did."

"Willow." Tara nodded."It's been a whole year."

"I know and I'm not expecting...."

"She still loves you and misses you every day. There hasn't been anyone else. Alot happened but I think she rather you heard it from her." They came to back to room 127 and Tara fished into her pocket for the key.

"Come on in guys. Spike, I'll get you a warm wash cloth, there's clean clothes in the baby bag."

"Right, good. Thank you," he replied, bringing Allegra out from under the coat as he shrugged it off. Hey lay her on the bed and began undressing her, peeling the sticky blood stained clothes from her delicate skin. The ruined jumper was promptly discarded in the trash. Tara helped him wipe her clean and tend to the cut above her brow. Spike changed her diaper and dressed her in a caramel colored sleeper. He wrapped her in a quilted blanket and cradled her in his arms. After kicking off his boots he settled down the bed, exhaling a long sigh of relief. Which was offset by a burst of giggles from the witch. Spike gave her a curious look.

"I just remembered one of the last things I ever said to you was asking about the cramp in your pants!"

"Oh....heh, yeah. Um, Buffy took care of that, eventually." There was a knowing smile between them.

"Spike, aren't you going to put her down for the rest of the night...she'll sleep just fine..."

"No....not for a second...." Shifting the baby's weight as he cradled her in his arms,"Never again...." Spike reached into the bag next to him on the bed and pulled out another blanket to lay over Allegra and she cooed when he lay his hand on her tummy and rubbed gently,"My girl likes to be warm, don't you, my little precious?" She looked up adoringly at him and reached for his face with her hands, she recognized his face now as much as she had his touch back there on the beach. Spike bent down to her and let her petite fingers run over his features as his nipped and kissed at her their tips. Allegra made a sort of sigh at his shower of love and attention and he couldn't help but be overcome. Father and daughter looked at their mirror eyes, both clear blue, their connection tangible to the others in the room.

"''re a daddy." The blond vampire smiled at her epiphany, but didn't look away from his daughter. Instead he ran his hand over her head and smoothed the downy hair on top.

"From what I're a good one too," Angel said from his quiet corner. Xander looked up and smiled at the kindness the older vampire had just shown.

"Thank you," Spike replied, settling back against the headboard. Tara came over and lay down on her side next to him on the bed, adjusting the pillow under her head so she could watch the pair.

"She looks more like you than Buffy...I think it's her cheek bones, they're pretty sharp already.....but those are Buffy's lips, and nose.....your eyes....your ears..." the witch mused.

"She's perfect....just like her mum...n' her brother..." Tara reach out and touched his forearm when the remembrance that he knew only one of his children was safe made him crumble. He fought back the worry and tears, but they burst from him and he sobbed. Tara immediate sat up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Spike....I promise he's safe too....Joyce will take the best care...of him." Spike's head shot up and Angel and Xander were on their feet in a flash.

"J....Joyce? My..Joyce? I mean, Buffy's......her mother?"

"Oops....I forget to say? The other Gandharvas...was Mrs. Summers....she took William and I took Allegra."

"William's with his grandmum?" Tara nodded. Spike exhaled long, emptying his lungs and chuckling."That's nothing short of a miracle right now....god, I'm so relieved....Buffy just has to catch up and we can be done with it. She's gonna be so happy when she sees her....she different? Like you?"

"New body? Yes...she's still Joyce though."

"How did this come to be? That can't be coincidence," Angel questioned. Tara shook her head.

"It was Uriel....Semyaza, left had Uriel choose us...I think it was his way to try and undo it, try to help....and he let us back into Eden after we'd gotten bodies. "

"Michael killed him....for his betrayal."

"Michael? As in the...."

"As in the archangel, yes..."

"Uriel helped in the end.....if it wasn't for him, Semyaza would still have the babies."

"Then I owe that angel everything I am...." said Spike. Tara lay back down and watched the baby contented in her father's arms, mechanically sucking on his knuckle."When was the last time she was fed? She only sucks this hard when she's very hungry....if she wasn't so exhausted she'd be screamin' her lungs out for Buffy."

"It's been a while...I don't really know how take care of a baby.....but I tried to feed her every couple of hours....she doesn't really like the formula, but she takes it eventually."

"It's because she wants her mum's milk...but she'll take a bottle from me.....Angel could you?" His grandsire nodded and took up the bag to bring out the food and bottle. The room thankfully had a kitchenette and he busied himself with making what was, in a way of thinking, his great-granddaughter, her meal. Xander came to sit at Tara's legs, watching in awe at both seeing his friend back from the beyond and seeing his other friend reunited with his daughter. After a time, Angel handed the warmed bottle to Spike and he gently coaxed Allegra to take it. The four of them surrounded the tiny girl, her wall of protection, as her father held her close and promised no more nightmares.

Chapter 36 - A Rising in the West

Riley was driving, Buffy across from him in the passenger seat with her knees drawn up and her chin resting on them. Willow had not been able to rekindle the spell to seek William and naturally Buffy had been crestfallen. But since Gabriel's visit something had been awakened inside her and it had quickened her spirit. She didn't know what it was in so much as she could define it, it was simple a deep seated knowledge that filled her with joy. She knew her children were safe. She longed to hold them, desperately; she wanted to nourish them at her breasts and caress their round cheeks as they suckled; she wanted to make them warm, make them believe she'd never let anything tragic and horrific happen them again. She wanted Spike to have his arms around them all as she did this. For the first time in over a week she believed it could happen. Dawn was asleep in the back seat, seemingly very accepting of Michael's unplanned return to command his army. Perhaps true love sustained her sister just as did herself. Love was power and made the Summers sisters strong enough to take on any foe.

"Ah!" Giles suddenly exclaimed, every one's attention turned to him.

"Giles?" Buffy inquired, turning around. He'd balanced several volumes of books on his knees and had copious notes scribbled on a pad of loose leaf. How he managed to find anything, not to mention not become car sick was beyond her.

"Mammon...I knew he was the key to all this!"

"Giles! What is it?"

"'s all here, it's all fallen into place. I know where Pandemonium is going to be raised!" That made Riley suddenly veer the SUV off the road and consequently waking Dawn. All eyes were focused expectantly on the Watcher as he seemed to formulate his sentences very carefully in his head before speaking them.

"Mammon was an artist, so much more than just an architect. Before he fell with the other wicked angels, the, er, On High as it's been referred to had him designing all sorts of significant sites - The wall and gates around Eden, the Tower of Babel and so on. When he switched sides he used his craft and skill to erect monuments and settlements that could conduct and harbor all the evils in the world, the evils of man. Two such places were Sodom and Gomorrah!"

"So are you saying he's going to raise Pandemonium under Sodom and Gomorrah?" Riley asked.

" not there, they're in the fertile crescent, the Middle East. As we've been told demons are converging to a place in the United States - East of California, but west of here. The factors all must be precise....a city of sin, or in proximity to one...."

"What? Vegas?" Buffy huffed.

"Yes! Exactly Buffy!"


"Well, not, not specifically Las Vegas, he'll need more than that...what is one of the most telling tales from the Bible about the two cities?

"Lot's wife being turned into a pillar of salt?" offered Riley.

"Yes! The salt. Beyond the metaphysical significance there must also be a alchemic one also....the Salt Plains over Nevada and Utah! That's where it will be." The revelation was a major one, no one could deny that.

"But William is still missing," Buffy added soberly,"My son..."

"Is the priority, of course Buffy. Where ought we to go then?" Buffy almost laughed at the irony of it.

"We go west."


Angel, Xander and Tara all slept like the dead the rest of the night, and long into the morning. Spike had a stretch of 4 hours slumber, but after Allegra wakened him with plaintiff little cries of hunger and in need of a change he hadn't even tried to try and sleep again. Instead he lay her on the bed between him and Tara and lay his face next to her's and let her small hand grasp firmly to his index finger. She seemed content enough, certainly calm and alert, but the fact that her left eyebrow was marred by Battle's knife cut deeper into Spike's heart. He kissed the healing wound, suspecting it would likely scar."Just like your daddy, huh pixie? Your mum's gonna say something silly, like it gives you character or some such rot. It doesn't make you any less pretty, you're the most beautiful girl in the world, Allegra. You n' your mum. Wish one of us had thought of gettin' sodding cell phones...she doesn't even know that I've found you....and we don't know if she's already got your brother. Just you, me, the Wicca, Bruce Lee n' Peaches...what a sorry bunch we are....except for you of 'course, my sweetest're our shining careful, the Great Poof might get jealous, he doesn't like it when there are girls spiffier than he is."

"I heard that," Angel spoke up, sitting up from his spot on the couch,"Allegra, don't listen to a thing he says....he's just jealous because he's fried his follicles."

"Pardon me, Peaches, but I happen to be a damn handsome at least my wife tells me. But we're all put to shame by my little girl."

"That we are...Spike I never in my wildest dreams ever imagined you like're an amazing father, I mean it."

"Still hate me?"

"Absolutely, you slept with Buffy."

"Many, many times in many different positions for many, many hours at a time."

"You're such a total prick."

"I know....but I also married her, and with a little mojo from the Nibblet...gave her the two most perfect little darlings in the world." He snuggled in close to Allegra and kissed her cheek.

"So what now?"

"We have three choices...head back to Sunnydale....go in search of my son....or go in search of Buffy and the others."

"What about Semyaza and the Sefiroth?"

"Screw him...he can't do it now that he doesn't have the twins."

"But he might try something else."

"Don't give a bloody damn....just want m'family back, then we're gettin' as far away from the Hell Mouth as possible. England maybe, Devonshire...always liked Devon....where Allegra's namesake lived, my gran."

"Don't you think you should talk to Buffy about this?"

"She'll come, she'll take one look at the cut on her baby's face and we'll be in England the next bloody day."

"Someone needs to stop Semyaza." Spike sat up abruptly, starling his daughter and bringing forth a loud wail from her. Spike chastised himself and picked her up, laying her against his chest and cajoling her. The crying woke both Tara and Xander and now he had an audience to the disagreement that was brewing between him and his grandsire."You do think it's so bloody important. Take your world loving soul and go stop the armies of don't even know where they've raised Pandemonium! I'm taking my little girl, my boy and their mum and aunt and getting us a bloody normal life!" He grabbed the bag with the baby's things, then looked pointedly at Tara,"M' givin' her a bath...."

"I'll right there...." she replied as Spike went into the bathroom and almost slamming the door behind him. Tara sighed and stretched out before standing up and walking in the direction Spike had gone, but not before turning to give Angel an apologetic look.

"You can't blame him....after what he's been through. For what it's worth, I'm gonna side with him for now. If you think you want to go after Semyaza let me tell you first that there isn't a demon I've ever seen or heard of that's more terrifying or evil than two seconds in his think you know, but you don't. Don't go after Spike like that again, or you'll answer to me." With that she followed Spike into the bathroom and closed the door firmly behind her. Angel flopped down on the bed and looked to Xander for his side of the argument.

"I think if you just told him it was because he didn't have a soul, he'd believe you and not say another word about it," Xander offered,"I think you're right....that Semyaza has to be stopped, but I don't think Spike's the one to do it this time, or Buffy. I think for right now the only thing to do is get that family back together. Then we can see about saving the world."

"You think he'd let me apologize?"

"Probably not....tell him Allegra's beautiful and he'll let it slide." Angel laughed to himself, Xander was right again."Listen, I know you and Spike can't go out right now, but I'm gonna go scare us up some food. I'll get some blood."

"Get some more things for the baby too." Angel reached into his wallet and passed Xander a wad of bills,"Buy her something cute...and don't tell him it's from me."

Chapter 37 - O Treachery

"You're dead for a year and suddenly the whole world's been turned upside down! Dawn's the Key of Creation, you and Buffy are married....Angel, you've got a teenager!" Tara exclaimed.

"Well, now you and Buffy have something new in common, pet," Spike answered with a sly grin,"Back from the dead n' all that. But hey, it's not all so different. Willow's still got a few of those shirts with the dreadful fuzzy characters on them, Giles still polishes his glasses into a fine dust every time he thinks of me doin' his Slayer.......and well, just look, Angel's still got stupid hair!" The older vampire gave Spike a glare.

"Yeah, you're right and hey, another apocalypse impending."

"There yah go, it's all good." Tara sighed and lay back on the bed, stretching out her lithe, athletic body. Xander had gone for food an hour ago and had not yet returned. When Spike emerged from the bathroom with Allegra, leaving Tara to continue with her morning routine, Angel had indeed taken Xander's advice and complimented the baby girl. Spike was well aware of what was going on, but accepted it graciously. He and Angel would never be friends, but they were family in a sense. The three of them now fawned over Allegra as they continued their conversation. She lay on the bed, demonstrating her infant flexibility and trying to fit her foot in her mouth, her mobility advanced beyong her age. Spike wondered if it was possibly a sign of his and Buffy's inherant supernatural abilities having been passed on. All the while she kept eye contact with her father, whining if he went more than three feet away from her. Whenever she did that Spike felt a thousand pangs shred his heart, so now he lay shoulder to shoulder with her helping her with her foot dilemma.

The light was so vibrant and kinetic that both Angel and Spike's first instinct was the somehow that wall of the motel room had been torn away and the sunlight was assaulting them with full force. Reacting before the thinking of it, Spike had Allegra up in his arms and was darting towards the bathroom. Tara cried out and grabbed for Angel to pull him along after Spike and the baby. The light was already dying away and being replaced with another sensory over extenuation in the form of the baby's loud crying. Her father held fierce to her as the angel settled upon his feet and folded down his massive wings.

"Be calm...I come in peace," he explained in a soft almost pubescent voice. He was smaller than Michael, thin and wiry like Spike, with a mop of frizzy dust colored curls upon his head and eyes like amethysts."I am Raphael....steward to Michael."

"I don't give a bloody damn who you are...." Spike snarled, both he and Angel in game face and poised for attack,"Get the hell out of here!"

"Fear not, you are in no danger from me. Though I do not bring glad tidings, however...the war has escalate and the situation is grave."

"Grave? Grave how?"

"Michael has fallen into a confrontation with the mighty Azazael he was slain and the Key of Creation taken as prisoner..."

"Dawn? No!"

"The Slayer......" Spike's face, despite the lack of blood flow, fell ashen white and he began shaking in conjunction with his daughter's cries escalating to screams. "The Slayer lives. She is going to Pandemonium to rescue the an archangel I was compelled to seek you out and impart the message. I cannot remain, I must return to battle. We are weakening, or resistance is fading....if Semyaza is not defeated, all hope is lost." As quick as he came, the angel was gone. Angel and Tara still stood dumbfounded, but Spike had already turned away form where the angel had appeared and was attending to his frightened daughter.

"Allegra...shhh...shhhh...he's gone, darling. No one's gonna touch're with daddy, all safe....shhhh...." It did not help matters that he was just as frightened and trembling as his daughter."Come on, sweetheart, I'm not letting any one hurt you ever again." She calmed, ceased her wailing and turned her wet, tear streaked face into his chest. He rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head, she believed him.

When the door to the motel room opened the three were ready attack. Xander stood there with grocery bags in hand and eyes wide,"Um, I've got pig's blood and Doritos. Hey...what's the deal? "


Raphael, as he'd called himself, walked along the beach dressed now in a Hawaiian shirt, khaki Bermuda shorts and a streak of white zinc on his nose, the wings were gone. He ambled up to the dark man lounging on the beach drinking a cocktail,with one of those ones with the cute mini umbrellas. He was clad from head to toe in heavy black leathers and boots. ."You know what I love about your shapeshiftin' ways, Merle?" Lucifer spoke, looking up over the rim of his Ray-bans.

"What's that boss?" Merle replied as he morphed into a stunning blond woman in a cyan blue bikini., produced a bottle of Corona, with a lime, from thin air.

"Well...come to think of it, I don't even really like you all that much. What I really like is that humans, or things that used to be human are so damn stupid."

"They bought it."

"They sure did."


"Yeah boss?"

"That's a really good color on you."


Chapter 38 - Guidance from the Mad

"This feels wrong," Spike repeated, chewing mindlessly on his bottom lip, still mulling Raphael's words over in his mind. He had the baby cradled on her stomach along the length of his forearm, her cheek comfortable in the crook of his elbow. Her father had been pacing, thinking, verbalizing, trying to suss out what disturbed him so much about the angel's visit.

"Of course it does," Xander,"We all love Dawn..."

"It's not like that, Xander. Raphael was here just a minute, and I admit I wasn't exactly payin' too much bloody attention, but he didn't feel the same as Michael, even Xuxael last year. They're distinct from everything else, just like vampires, just like humans. This blighter didn't feel right, not by a long shot."

"I agree," added Angel,"Could it have been a demon in disguise? Trying to trick us?"

"That's exactly what I'm thinking....but if we ignore the possibility that this was real."

"Then Dawn, and Buffy....and the others are heading into the largest gathering of demons....ever."

"Oh!" Xander suddenly exclaimed,"That reminds me!" He rummaged around in the bags he'd brought with him, haplessly passed a stuffed toy dolphin to Spike, who accepted it with odd surprise. Eventually Xander produced a newspaper and spread it out on the bed until he found the right page.

"Here it is, last night a ship arrived and when the scheduled workers and longshoremen went to unload it the ship was empty, no crew whatsoever. Not a trace, but the report says that the men claimed that the shadows moved, that the presence of evil was all around them," Xander related.

"Demons, from Europe...stow aways. Likely vampires among them, fed off the crew. They're all heading to Pandemonium," Angel concluded.

"There might be clues..."

"Bloody hell," Spike suddenly let out. He moved his daughter to lay her against his chest, still rubbing circles on her back with his hand,"We don't have a choice, I know that. I don't want to go to Pandemonium, but if what Raphael said is true...if Michael's dead, Dawn's missing...I know Buffy will be on the mission to save the world again. William's out of the immediate equation, I hope, but my wife and the others aren't. I don't want to take my little girl anywhere near there...but how can I abandon Buffy and Dawn? I can't. I don't want to go to Pandemonium, but I will."

"Spike, you and Tara go home to Sunnydale. Angel and I will..." Xander countered. Spike held up his hand and Xander let his words fall by the wayside.

"My wife, my sister-in-law, I won't put them up for slaughter....but Allegra. How can I take her into hell? Oh god..."

"Let me take her then," Tara offered. Spike wrapped both arms now around the baby and in reciprocation Allegra smiled at him, perhaps her first real smile, even if Spike didn't see it.

"I can't let her go, not for a second. I'll die if I'm not holding her."

"Let's check out the docks after sundown, then start going west," Angel sighed,"Spike if you try, you think you can find Buffy like you did Allegra?"


"Soon as the sun sets then."


Spike waited until they were about to leave the motel before picking up the phone and dialing home. As expected after four rings the message recorder picked up. He smiled to himself as he listened to Buffy's voice welcome the caller to the Summers family's home. After the beep his inhaled deeply and let it out.

"Sweetness if you actually stop and think to check the messages...well, I'll be bloody amazed. Buffy....oh love, I'm holdin' her now, our Allegra. She's safe in my arms...she's...perfect as ever. I'll bring her to you, love, I'll find you. I love you and I promise to keep our girl safe. Don't....don't worry about Dawn, we'll get her back too. The nibblet can take care of herself...bye, my heart, we'll be together again soon." He put the receiver back in its cradle and pressed a soft lipped his atop Allegra's head, drawing in the scent of innocence and baby powder to his senses. The baby gurgled, nothing in the least to do with her father's indulgence. She yawned and he just about crumbled at how adorable and bright a thing she was."Come now, my baby bit, let's go find mummy, hmm?" An hour later, a little ways down the coast and away from the tourist area he watched the other three head off towards the ships and crews just beginning the graveyard shift.

Spike sighed long, this was the first real time he'd had alone with his daughter since she'd been found. He moved about until he was sitting crossed legged and he could lay Allegra in his lap. He unfolded her from her blankets and undid the toes of her sleeper so he could rub her bare feet just like he knew she loved."Oh, sweetest darling, daddy's been half out his mind lookin' for you..." He was trying very hard not to cry, not that she'd know. Simply put, he wanted to share this quiet time with her and be happy, as best he could considering the uncertainty of what happened with Buffy and the others. If it wasn't one thing it was another, he'd just got his daughter back and now Dawn might be in danger with Buffy following straight after. Allegra was oblivious to his turmoil and cooed at him with wide, delighted eyes as well as curling her toes and moving her arms about as he massaged the underside of her feet."Heh, are beautiful thing, aren't you? You and your mum, breathtaking slay me, tiny bit. I love you, Allegra." His care at her feet had lulled her and she settled into position to fall asleep. Spike wrapped her back up in the blanket and took her up in his arms, holding her face close to his whilst he rocked her and hummed a lullaby. It was then that the passenger side door was opened and someone slipped inside and next to him."Should have sensed you were near, Dru."

"You're very far away from me, Spike...perhaps too far, you are not my brave knight," she said with melancholy.

"You're right, pet. I'm not the same...I was never the same after we came to Sunnydale." She seemed to mull over his words, perhaps having a brief moment of lucidity.

"Have you brought us a treat?" She eyed Allegra as little more than a meal, Dru couldn't understand how precious his daughter was beyond the concept of being a delicacy. Spike was crushing the baby so tight against him he was half afraid he'd smother her. His hand covered her chest, his fingers shielding her tiny face from the other demon in the back seat of the car.

"No, love, you can't have a treat. This one's not for you." Dru looked at the little girl being held by her former lover and devotee, oddly fascinated just as a small animal might behold something shiny reflecting the sunlight. Then suddenly Drusilla darkened, morphing into her vampire face, poised for attack.

"Slayer!!!" The clarity invading her addled mind had awoken a fierce wrath, but it had also wakened the biological imperative within Spike to protect his precious offspring. His demon fired forth, fangs bared and eyes a blaze. Just as Dru was about to lunge for the baby Spike roared a thunderous sound that quickly subdued and dominated his sire, never had she felt such a rage in him in all their decades together. The vampiress cowered in her corner and whimpered, pulling at her hair and rocking her body nervously. She was still in game face and Spike knew the stalemate was only temporary. His took his hand from Allegra's chest and pricked his index finger with the nail of his thumb. He let a thick bead of blood form before careful drawing a cross on his daughter's forehead. It was an affirmation of her safety in his arms."You got her from the Slayer....but you're the one who put her in there, my Spike?"

"Yes, pet, you could always see the truth couldn't you?"

"You're not my Spike."

"No, Drusilla, I'm not...I'm the Slayer's was meant to be." The demon face faded away as she erupted in riotous peels of laughter,"Love, you are a wonder, to be sure. Go from thinkin' of elephants to thimbles in a split second, don't you?" Her laughter subsided and she looked intensely into Spike's eyes, her dark ones flickering with promises and secrets.

"Does her heart beat strong in the little bundle? Is her blood sweet as pixie water? Is it thick and syrupy, full of bubbles? Can you not taste her on your tongue...a sumptuous treat...we can share."

"Dru, your hypono-thrall mojo never worked on me....not since that first night when you sired me. The baby is my daughter and to protect her I won't hesitate to kill you." The sound of charging footsteps came rushing up to the car and the doors were opened and Angel was hauling Drusilla out by her throat. Spike struggled with Allegra still in his arms to get out of the car and stop the elder vampire from making a mistake."Angel.....Angel, wait..." He looked back at Spike, confused and angry, wondering how on Earth Spike was even questioning whether or not to dust Drusilla as his daughter was cradled in his arms."Angel....listen...."

"Spike?" Xander questioned with the same doubts as Angel.

"Drusilla, pet....there's going to be a party, yes?" Spike's reasoning finally dawned on Angel and he released Dru, who hung on every word Spike was saying.

"A bright party....a fun party....with streamers and cakes and the sky burning over a lake of blood."

"Charmed, I'm sure. Do you know where the party is going to be?"

"Oh yes, oh yes, my Spike......where the snow eats our skin and makes us so thristy...."

", can we come with you? Will you show us the way?"

"We can make a parade! We'll all go marching one by by like the oompa loompas..."

"I was thinking more like driving....but tell you what, you can ride shotgun." She nodded her head enthusiastically and twirled least the trip wouldn't be boring.

Chapter 39 - Highway to Hell

Spike had said something to her once upon their reminiscing over the many apocalypses they'd faced, that the mythical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse would probably ride in on motorcycles nowadays. As it turned out he'd guessed right. Coming up on the Great Salt Lake Desert, Death, Famine, Pestilence and War went whizzing past them on the highway. Furthermore it was obvious that any other vehicles on the road were being driven by anything other than humans. Also, demons of all varieties walked along the sides in the dust and rock. Buffy shuddered imagining that her two innocent children were supposed to have been here in and amongst all this evil. They drove on, the sun setting before their eyes, as the throngs of demons grew more and more dense until the SUV crept along under thirty miles and hour.

"This is unreal!" Riley breathed out, half out of his mind with fright despite himself,"The towns should be evacuated, I should call my superiors."

"I imagine all the humans left long ago...this is beyond terrible. The Hellmouth never saw this many at its worst," Giles added,"I fear it will only get worse once we reach the epicenter."

"I want us off the main road, approach from another direction, maybe we can avoid being noticed. We can't afford a confrontation, we're way too outnumbered," Buffy ordered and Riley complied, taking them off into the outskirts of the desert. Buffy looked out the window and tensed all over, her hackles were up and her instincts were flaring. She had no intention of coming here, but yet because of her role as Slayer she knew somewhere deep inside she'd let herself be lead here. The fact that she wasn't actively looking for William cut her to the core. Fact of the matter was she was lost, inside and out. Without Spike at her side she felt like a compass surrounded by magnets, without direction and spinning around madly with no hope of finding herself. She thought back to the previous month, the morning after she'd given birth and they'd been a whole family, new and safe. She covered her face with her hands and tried not to break down. Willow reached around from her seat behind Buffy and hugged her. It was a gesture that meant the world to the young mother.


"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Faith urged, practically bouncing up and down in the passenger seat of the car. Joyce sighed, tried to concentrate on driving, but her lips crooked in a half grin for the younger woman."Have you ever been? It'll be so hot and there's all that cool turquoise jewelry n' stuff....."

"That's New Mexico, dear," Joyce corrected. Faith pouted and turned around to tickled William's tummy, the little boy smiling back at her."But there is the Grand Cayon...." Faith immediately brightened,"It's mostly just a big hole..."

"Don't spoil my fun. Come on mom, I know it's just a big hole...but...."


"I kinda don't want the road trip to end, you know? I mean, I like the kid, he's a cutie pie and Buffy hasn't had the chance to teach him to hate me yet. And you're being all nice n' stuff...."

"I've given you a second chance, Faith, I'm not going to revoke it once we arrive in Sunnydale." Faith smiled inwardly, an unfamiliar warmth spreading through her, starting at her heart.

"And the Grand Canyon's totally on the way when you look at the map....well a little bit off to the right, but still lined right up with SunnyD. Or there's always Salt Lake City and those plains of white salt...that could be interesting. Or Vegas? We probably shouldn't take Junior to Vegas though huh? Wait until he's older before we corrupt him. What do you say? Salt plains or a big hole?"


"Spike? You okay man?" Xander asked when the vampire suddenly straightened up next to him the back seat between him and Tara, the baby sleeping soundly in his loving arms. Angel looked in his review mirror and mentally knocked his head to the steering wheel when he realized the redundancy of it, he saw no reflection of course. Next to Angel, Drusilla had the window open next to her and had hung her head out like an over excited boarder collie as they came ever closer to what would inevitably the Great Salt Lake Desert. Spike looked out to his left, towards the south, eyes focused on the horizon."Spike?"

"Wha? Noth...nothing...just felt something. Felt a pull."


"No, not Buff, but someone familiar....and my son too I think, hard to tell. We'll keep to this road, keep going to Buffy." Suddenly Drusilla acted and clamored out of her seat and tossed herself out of the window of the moving car. The remaining four passed each other looks of shock and confusion, looking behind them at the lunatic vampire rolling in the dust. Spike chuckled to himself for a moment, then relaxed again."Peaches, all kidding aside...why the bloody hell did you let her sire me?"

"Spike, if I'd had my way we'd have left you in the alley."


It was her dream in living color. There were throngs of thousands, hundreds of thousands, a sea of bloodied wings and mutilated warriors. Angels had speared the bodies of the dead upon stakes and made ornaments for the battlefield. Demons alike lay dead, strewn over the miles of salted plains.

The below their feet was only blood, crimson red and viscous, rivers washing over the righteous as it did the damned. There was no tact or strategy to the fighting, just mayhem, chaos and destruction. The angels had divided themselves into the wicked and the good and fought each other, fighting until one side had smote the other. The war had indeed come down to Earth.

Buffy and the others watched the abominable rawness of pure unfettered violence and bloodshed taking place far below and huddled together. Michael and Dawn had been reunited upon their arrival and were still embraced, for that at least Buffy was grateful. Lovers should never be separated. In the absence of Spike she held on to Giles and Willow. When she couldn't look any longer she turned her face into the tweed clad shoulder of her once Watcher. She didn't know if this was an apocalypse she could stop from coming. She was still just one small girl.

Chapter 40 - Mother Love

Spike was anxious, nervous, scared, all of the above as they honed in on the SUV they'd spotted in the distance perched at the top of a long, sandy slope. There was a streak of white against the black, a pair of wings that stretched out and them wrapped themselves another person. It was Dawn and Michael. Raphael had been a liar, or rather, not Raphael at all for he knew. And there was Buffy, his wife and the mother of the tiny one he held close.

Angel stopped the car a few yards behind the SUV. The others hadn't noticed, they were still transfixed upon the melee of demons and angels on the plains below. Tara gripped Spike's forearm when she spied the red headed figure at the precipice's edge. "Go to her, love," Spike whispered,"Go to the one you love." Xander got out of the car and let the young woman climb out. Spike turned to Angel,"Send Buffy over...then give us some privacy?"

"Absolutely. Spike, maybe this is the wrong time to be saying this, or maybe it's right right time. I'm sorry for everything, especially right at the beginning. Seeing you with your daughter has made me realize..."

"Whatever, peaches. Very noble of you. Listen, mate, what's a little torture n' torment between family members? Water under the bridge, all of it, on both sides, alright?"


"Go n' send Allegra her mum. It's time for supper n' cuddles."


"Willow!! Willow!" an unknown voice shouted from behind. All turned to see this tall young woman rushing towards them, her long black hair flying out behind her. Willow was perplexed for a moment, then when the realization overwhelmed her she clamped her hands over her mouth to hold in her screams, perhaps even her soul lest it leap from her in an effort to reach Tara quicker. Her soul was more than willing, but her body was wracked with sobs as she crumbled to the ground. It was then that her lost love fell with her and took her in her arms,"Shhhh...," Tara cajoled, kissing the top of Willow's crown,"I've found my way back to you. I promise I won't get lost again."

Even though Buffy wanted to try and understand what was occurring, she tore herself away from the scene when Xander and Angel approached, but not Spike.

"Where is he? Oh god! Something's happened! Angel, what happened to my husband!?" she cried.

"Buff, calm down. He's in the back of the car waiting for you..." Angel began, but she sprinted away and straight to the Plymouth. Spike had the baby snuggled under several blankets and under the leather of the duster. She'd only just wakened and would want to be fed, but he would hold off for Buffy to do the honors. The car door was opened and his wife climbed inside. He frowned looking at her, she was tried and thin, even a little sickly. Their days apart had clearly been hard on her. She closed the door behind her and turned to him whilst he leaned forward to meet her at the divide between the front and back seat.

There was an instantaneous attraction bringing them together for a deep and passionate kiss. Tongues drew them together, bonding and locking, relishing in the flavors and sensations they'd each been denied for too long. Buffy pulled away first, her eyes already filled with tears.

"It's been so hard without you!" she sobbed.

"I know, love, I know...but..."

"I tried, I tried my best to find William! I couldn't find our baby...I'm sorry, please forgive me..."

"Oh, Buffy darling, don't cry, don't worry. He might not be with us right now, but I know he's alright. I swear it. But my heart, look..." Slowly he settled back in his seat and unveiled the tiny person snuggled under his duster and layers of blankets. Buffy's eyes shot wide and she began to shake, vibrating with too much emotion swelling inside her all at once,"Come into the back with us, Allegra needs her mum." He positioned one leg along the length of the back seat and gave Buffy room to sit between his legs and lay back against him. He held the baby up until Buffy had snuck under his arms and formed to his body. He brought their daughter down and presented her to her mother.

"Allegra! Oh Spike!"

"Just like I promised." The baby's slight weight settled in Buffy's arms while Spike's held secure around his wife's slim waist. Buffy was weeping, kissing all over Allegra's round face. The little girl was squirming under the blankets, trying to grab for her mother, but hampered by the layers of fabric. Spike obligingly pulled away the hindrance until the baby could touch Buffy's warm skin."She's hungry, pet, been waiting for you..." He helped them by unbuttoning Buffy's shirt for her, then unclasping the fastening of her bra and releasing her bare breasts. He held up on buoyant, full breast in his hand for his wife to guide the baby's eager mouth to.

Allegra greedily took the swollen leaking nipple and began tugging at it with her little mouth until she'd totally consumed it. Spike watched in continual fascination of a mother nursing her child, a gentle thuck, thuck, thuck sound of Allegra feeding filling their ears."It's real heaven, isn't it, my sweet?" Buffy acknowledged his comparison by tilting her head back and seeking his lips for another kiss. Love and warmth flowed between the three of them, just as it should always be. Spike pulled away this time and breathed out,"I have to tell you, there's so bloody much I have to tell." Spike traced above their daughter's brow, Buffy saw the gash and gasped,"She's fine, don't fret. It all started the night after they were taken, when I'd gone off my rock n' gotten drunk." He paused to thank the On High that Buffy was calm, otherwise he'd be in major trouble for keeping the secret. "Lucifer came to me and offered the services of two of his lackeys to find the twins, I turned him down, but he sent them after the children regardless. On of them, he's dead now, cut her. The other's gone for William."

"But you said....!!"

"I know our boy's safe because his grandmum Joyce is with him now....and you remember how handy she was with that ax."

" mother? Spike I don't understand."

"See that black haired girl out there with Wills? That's Tara, her soul in a new body. That's what's happened with your mum, they're the ones who rescued our babies."

"I don't know if I can handle all this..." Buffy took a moment and carefully moved Allegra to her other breast to continue the meal,"I don't know if I should laugh or cry. This is all too much." He hugged them close, sighing in her ear.

"I know, pet, good n' evil's swarming all around us, we just have to keep on as we always have. We must have faith. There's one more thing I need to tell you. I don't know why, but I need you to know this. Lucifer also offered to restore my soul."

"And you told him no. I'm sorry."

"It would have cost too much. I may have lost you and I couldn't bare that. My soul is worthless if you're not here to nourish it."

"You don't need one for us to love you, please believe're my whole world, just as you are."

"I want it nonetheless." Allegra, content and full of warm milk released the nipple and yawned, making a contented sort of sigh. Buffy laid her daughter over her naked chest, patting her back.

"Until then you have mine."

"And I cherish it. I love you, Buffy, with everything am."

Chapter 41 - Pandemonium

After Buffy had straightened out her clothing she'd turned herself over so Allegra was nestled between their torsos and their arms were around each other. The baby was asleep, breathing softly with her mouth open, her tiny fingers holding on to her mother's clothing with an iron grip.

"I though I couldn't feel anymore low, miss them anymore than I did half an hour ago...but the second I touched her, the pain was all the worse," Buffy lamented, still with tears falling. Spike's hand ran itself up and down her upper arm, while the other cradled the back of her head,"I've been dying more and more each day I've been away from them, Spike."

"I'm sorry, my heart, I'm sorry that there's only the one. William will be with us again someday, I will go to the ends of the Earth to bring you your son."

"Our son. My mother protected me every day of my life, she took you on without a hint of fear, she'll take care of William. There's no one else in the world I trust more with him. But it's not the same...I want to hold him like we're holding Allegra, this will do for now."

"Love, I want you to do something for me, for them, for all of us...give up the slaying, leave Sunnydale. Let's go to England and start over. Leave it all behind and give ourselves a real chance, let our children grow up." She was quiet, then in a moment of synchronicity they each placed a kiss upon the top of Allegra's head.

"BUFFY!!!!" The shrill of Dawn's scream alerted them to danger not a second before the car was tilted up on its side and spun around as if some large beast was trying to drag it off like wounded prey. The parents braced themselves as best they could between the two seats, the stars spinning around before their eyes outside the car. Allegra of course was shaken from the attack and began to cry, but Buffy held her safely against her. Spike on the other hand was furious and acting accordingly. He reached above them and torn out the canvas roof of the convertible, giving them a chance to escape. To add to his fury he discovered that half a dozen of Semyaza's troops were trying to kill them. He struggled to get his footing at the same time as grabbing around Buffy's waist to pull her and their daughter up to him. The Slayer hooked one arm around her vampire and the two of them leapt from the vehicle moments before it was successfully dragged over to a fifty foot drop off. They landed hard on the ground, Allegra was mercifully unharmed, however terrified she was. Spike and Buffy were both on their feet, trying to ignore the sound of crashing metal and the following explosion as the car hit the flats below. With Allegra in their arms, they ran back to the others who were already mounting up with weapons to repel the assault.

"She hurt?!" Spike asked urgently. Buffy shook her head, bundling up the screaming baby.

"She's fine...god, Spike, why did we come here?!"

"We were driven, they still wanted us to be here." Spike tore off his duster and put it over Buffy,"Keep her under the leather, keep the dust off, you too." The angels had flown away, no doubt to amass more of their kind for a second attack. The others had encircled them; all of Angel's traditional weapons having gone the way of his car and therefore they'd taken possession of Riley's."We need to leave this place, now!"

"Spike, we can't just leave, they're going to raise the demon city at any time! We have to do something!" He grabbed her hard by the shoulders, jarring her rougher than either expected.

"No Buffy, we don't! This is not your fight Slayer! You have our baby in your arms and the other is lost out there somewhere waiting for us to find him. This time we walk away." She reached for him, taking his bare forearm, but anything she had to say was cut off by a swell of angels rising over the cusp of the cliff and coming for them. A slight reprieve was given in the form of Gabriel leading a company of the Brothers of Light coming to their aid. Dawn and Michael strode forward to engage the enemy. The young girl was consumed by flowing green energy.

The wicked angels overcame them like a wave, crashing them to the ground despite the hail of bullets unleashed as a counter. Spike cut into the sand and rocks on his hands and knees in an effort to protect his wife and child, but he was unceremoniously plucked out from the middle by a pair of dark angels then tossed down the hillside. His skin was lashed and torn by thorny bushes and rocks alike as he rolled all the way down to the base. He could faintly hear Buffy calling his name and his sweet Allegra still crying; he heard the din of swords and the gunfire and in the far distance he also heard the war. He was immobile, pain firing down the lengths of each limb; salt and sand burning into each gash and piece of torn flesh. His only concern was to get back to his family. He pushed himself up on to his hands and knees just as his face came within an inch of a pair of seemingly brand new black leather boots. Spike looked up, blinking rapidly from the grit in his eyes to behold who he now knew had set the entire sequence of events in motion, Lucifer.

Chapter 42 - The Voice

Buffy held tight to the tiny body of her screaming baby, both of them enveloped by the leather duster. She searched frantically with her eyes for Spike, but couldn't find him anywhere in the dark. Her friends and sister had formed a ring around her as angels swarmed around and over them. Buffy crouched low, trying to avoid getting take as her husband had. The Slayer was afraid, her fear coursing through her every vein and invading each cell. She couldn't fight back, not while she held daughter, she couldn't get to Spike, she felt helpless, she felt despair. It was then at the lowest that a darkness crept into the Slayer, a primal ancient call from her sisters past - her ultimate enemy had come to her.

Semyaza had never set eyes upon the Slayer, not until this moment - when he set his feet down upon the Earth and stalked purposefully towards her and her protectors. Even cowered in the dust under a heavy coat he could apprecuate what Xuxael had wanted to claim her. The fallen angel had amassed and absorbed power from the demons that had answered his call to Pandemonium. He had strength and power beyond angelic, beyond night and day, he would tear apart all human should and break the Earth, but first he had a mother and child to claim and kill.

The fallen angel drew out his sword, a blade in black, its shine dulled, but as sharp as a lightning bolt. With a sweep of his hand he scattered them all, save the young mother who was now exposed for his attack. Vulnerable, Buffy rose defiantly to her feet and locked her cold, resolute eyes with those of the wicked angel. Her arms held her child close, but she'd become fierce and raw and in want of his death.

"To the death Slayer, you will be the first," he proclaimed,"Your blood will...." His threat was aborted by a recovered Michael and his flaming sword arching out to defend Buffy and Allegra. It was quickly obvious why Michael was the chosen warrior of the On High as he and the enemy engaged in a fast and heated exchange of slashes and clashes. Meanwhile Dawn was at her sister's side, her power teeming at her fingertips and in her eyes.

"Buffy..." Dawn gasped, but before another word was spoken her sister handed Allegra to her.

"Look after her," Buffy bade as her baby was taken by her aunt. Without a look back, Buffy moved in to show Semyaza what a Slayer was really all about. Stepping in between the two angels when the opportunity presented itself, Buffy landed a sledgehammer of a fist straight into Semyaza's solar plexus. In pain and shock he reflexively dropped his sword. Another blow landed squarely on his jaw, sending him stumbling back. Then Buffy was upon him, beating mercilessly at his face and chest. When he started to fight back, she only hit harder and faster. As she unleashed her rage, fears and hatred upon the one who had stolen her newborn twins, Buffy began crying. When the maelstrom of her violent emotions reached its pinnacle Buffy plunged both hands into Semyaza's chest and pulled out his heart. He never stood a chance.


"You are a tough son of a bitch, I'll give you that, Spike," Lucifer chuckled, kicking sand and salt in the vampire's face. When Spike heaved and tried to stand, Lucifer moved and kicked him hard in the ribs,"You're also very stubborn."

"Go back to hell!"

"Sorry friend, I wouldn't miss this for all the tea in China. You fascinate me, vampire."

"Yay me, do tell..." Spike rolled away and managed finally to stand while his body inwardly screamed its protest.

"Because you're one of a're made to crash and bash, to make mortals suffer and bleed - not play house with the Slayer." Spike laughed softly in spite of himself, his voice deep and gruff.

"I, me, William the Bloody, a demon of your own making turned away from you and you couldn't take it? Bloody hell are you ever a sad bloody wanker! Get over it!"

"Acts of selflessness, love, kindness, compassion...a man - that's what you've become, all without a human soul. Let me clue you in, you're NOT a man, you're a monster, a demon."

"The demon loves, he has a wife and two children conceived and born in love. I took back what you and Dru stole from me in that dank London alley."

"You think so? You think you can keep them? Keep them safe? I'm always lurking...and one day...."

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you before I let this happen again!"

"You can't kill me, William."

"We'll see about that." Lucifer waved him off with a laugh that danced in the air like a court jester.

"Oh you could try, but I'm pretty good in a scrap. That's not what I meant. There is a reason that I am the top dog. I calculate my risks very carefully, I make smart deals and I choose who I make my own. I was the most proud of Aurelius and all in his line, Darla, Angelus, Drusilla..."

"Darla staked herself so her son could live, Angel got a soul and Dru's a flippin' loon...and me, I've turned to the light."

"You could still come back, I'd make it real special."

"Cut the Vader crap, I ain't your bloody Luke Skywalker!"

"I did this for you, you know? Letting Semyaza and the others out of prison. Come on, bring Buffy and the little ones, I'll even baby-sit when you n' the Slayer want to fu...." Spike grew enraged and flew at Lucifer, but in his battered and weakened state, the dark one easily repelled him. The vampire landed hard on the ground, knocking the wind out of him, leaving him gasping for breath. Lucifer knelt down and clutched around Spike's throat."Look at you, you're a vampire, forget you don't breathe? The Slayer won't find a grain of your dust out here. I think I'll have your wife once you're gone. In a few years your daughter..." Unexpectedly Lucifer fell silent, there was something in Spike's eyes, something that made the first fallen angel, the ultimate evil, a little frightened. He loosed his grip around Spike's throat but stayed close.

"I once had a voice inside me and then that voice was taken from me. When my children were born and I held them, I thought I heard that voice again...then you and your bloody angels took that voice away. I've wanted that voice back more than anything...I can hear it now, I hear it again, it speaks to me - after a century in the dark I can hear the Voice and it's bloody glorious!!!"

"Oh shit!" Lucifer got to his feet and ran, ran as far away from Spike as he possibly could, he sure as Hell didn't want to stick around now that he knew it was coming.

Chapter 43 - The Touch

A hand came to rest on Buffy's shoulder and the Slayer turned to see her sister, smiling sympathetically down on her. Pushing herself off the dead body of Semyaza, Buffy rose to her feet and reached for Allegra, wanting nothing more than to comfort and hold her crying baby. She suddenly noticed that her hands were drenched in blood and she recoiled from her own child, unwilling to touch her when covered in the filth of the wicked angel.

"No, Buffy...wait, give me your hands," Dawn asked gently. At her sister's touch, Buffy was made clean, the blood was gone and soon enough, Allegra was back in her mother's embrace,"Buffy, there isn't much time left, we have to say goodbye."

"Goodbye? Wha...what do you mean, goodbye?"

"Mammon must be stopped, he could still raise the city."

"You're not coming back...even if you defeat them, you're not coming back. Are you?" Dawn couldn't help herself, for all her wisdom of the ages, her true nature, so much of her was still just Buffy Summers' younger sister. She began crying too.

"No, Buffy, I'm not. I can never go back to just being a teenager, it's not who I really am anymore. I'm part of the On High's plan, part of the Fighters for the Light and the Word...and I belong with Michael. It's like you could never leave Spike, not now, not after everything you've become to each other. I love Michael and he needs me, not just to fight by his side, he loves me too."

"But you're my sister! How can I..."

"You can go on without me, Buffy. You're the strongest person I know and we'll always be sisters." Dawn let Buffy do what she'd been yearning to, take her baby sister in her arms and hold her for them to share one last cry together."Buffy, listen to me. You've grown up, your more than the Slayer. You have a husband and children and you have them to take care of, and they'll take care of you too. Spike needs you most of know what he's like."

"He'll be miserable without you. You're his Little Bit, his Nibblet."

"I'll miss him too, but there's nothing that can be done about. I have to go Buffy." The two sisters pulled away from each other and Dawn bent forward to kiss Buffy's cheek. The kiss infused Buffy with enough love to last a lifetime, but it wouldn't be the same as having Dawn with her. The younger Summers jerked back and gasped, spinning around and looking down the slope of the hill.

"Dawn? What's wrong?"

"Oh my..."

And when when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven...

The first thing Buffy noticed was that Allegra had stopped crying, after that she realized that everything had stopped. The angels and demons had ceased their fighting; there were no voices, nary a whisper on the wind, in fact there was no wind. Perfect silence. Then, above them the skies began to churn, clouds and stars swirling together as if caught in a cyclone. There was a weight under their feet, pulling their center of gravity down was a vacuum of power was also pressed upon them. Dawn and Michael knew what was occurring. This place, the battlefield and all the surrounding area was becoming the void, the nothing before creation occurred and there was only one reason...something was coming to fill it. Buffy clutched her baby tighter, her soul screaming for Spike, but he was still lost.

The skies then opened, revealing Heaven above them and there was a chorus in the form of white noise, all voices all at once and there there was Light. Dawn stepped away from the others and down the slope a ways, she wanted to be closer, this was her calling after all, she wanted too see the Light again for the first time since the first time. It came.

A shaft of white, blinding, all consuming, restoring, came down - reaching the ground and enveloping one solitary figure. Spike. Then, as quickly as it had come, it was gone. The battle resumed, the noise returned and so did the stars. With Allegra protected under the duster, Buffy started to run down the hill. She ignored the pleas of her friends to wait, and took off as fast as she could through the impediment of the deepening sand. Where she found him it was so dark she nearly passed him by, but her foot caught part of his, almost tripping her over. He was huddled in a fetal position, his arms shielding his face as if the light was still upon him. She knelt down, pressed against him and pried his arms away.

"Spike...Spike? Please be okay," she begged. He stirred at her touch, then lurched and grabbed her hand, crying out and fitfully grabbing at her until he locked his arms around her waist and buried his face at her soft stomach. Allegra whimpered and started to squirm, causing her father to look up at her.

"The baby...the baby...tell me she's alright!" he cried.

"No, she's not hurt...Spike....what hap..." And then she saw it in his eyes, on his face, she felt it in his body. He'd been given back his soul, given it by the Oh High.

God had give him back his soul.

She let Allegra slip a little from her grasp until she was down on her mother's knee and her face was close to her father's. He was filthy, cut up and bruised all over, but Allegra didn't noticed or care, she cooed softly and touched the scar above his brow with her tiny fingers. His tears came and he held on to Buffy for dear life, thanking whoever the On High was that he wasn't alone in some cave in Africa, that he had his wife and daughter to see him through these agonizing first moments."Shhhh...." Buffy whispered, running her fingers through his hair,"I know, baby...I promise it'll be alright, we'll get you through this."

"Don't....don't leave me alone."

"I'm not going anywhere, ever."

"It hurts all over...Buffy....Buffy....I know I'm a monster, that I'm awful....but please don't leave me alone."

"I'm not going anywhere, I love you."

"I can't do's coming down upon me all at once."

"Yes, yes you can."

"Please, I want to go home." As if ordained, the SUV's headlights illuminated the trio as it stopped in front of them. Angel and Xander leapt out, followed by Willow and Tara, Giles and Riley coming up slower. In conjunction, the sky lightened on the horizon, dawn was coming soon.

"Help him, Angel, Xander, get him into the car." They pulled his battered body up, he was as unsteady as a new born foal and he fought them until Buffy too rose and threaded her fingers with his. She kissed him on his lips and moved to whisper in his ear,"Don't be afraid, I'll protect you." They helped him into the SUV and the others prepared to abandon Pandemonium, all except one.

Riley was busying himself by loading his body down weapons; grenades, extra clips of bullets, and other technologies Buffy didn't recognize,"Riley? What are you doing?" Buffy asked, incredulous.

"My orders are to remain and observed until reinforcements arrive," he replied coldly, adjusting a pair of night vision binoculars.

"Reinforcements? What are you talking about?"

"This is a military operation now, and even though you've never been able to see it in the past, you're a civilian Buffy. Carry on home."

"Is something wrong with you?! This isn't a military operation...this is a war being fought by angels and demons! I can't believe you called headquarters!"

"This is a threat to national security, I am obliged to..."

"You're a fool! What about Sam? If you stay here you and every soldier you bring here will die! There are more important things in this world, can't you see that?" He did see it, in his eyes Buffy knew he did. She refused to carry the burden of guilt for this, if he died. Riley's blind faith, or rather his ignoring of reality, was going to get him killed."Please don't do this. Walk away, go home to your wife."

"I can't do that Buffy." His eyes were cold and his jaw was set. Spike called out her name from inside the vehicle.

"Yeah, Riley, you can and it would be easiest thing in the world you've ever done." She shifted Allegra over her shoulder and went to get into the SUV,"Goodbye Riley."


Chapter 44 - More Than One Way to Slay a Demon

It was an indignity for Spike and Angel alike to have to endure the ride home sitting behind the back seat of the SUV with blankets over their heads. All to avoid the harmful rays of the sun. Spike had been staring at Angel's shoes for over two hours. When at first he couldn't bare not to be touching Buffy, now he couldn't bring himself to ask her to reach back and hold his hand. He wondered why on Earth he'd thought he'd be able to handle the burden of his soul. All the blood he'd shed since his turning was washing over him in waves. His former self had been so innocent, William didn't deserve the guilt incurred by the demon's crimes.

He'd begun to tremble, tears making painted on marks on his dust covered face. It was then, as if she sensed his need, that his wife's delicate hand came under the blanket, her wedding band gleaming when the light hit it. The hand waited, suspended before his face, until he couldn't endure the torment of not touch her her and took it in his own, having her palm cut his wet cheek while he kissed her fingertips.


"Honey, I'm home!" Faith called out into the vacant Summers house, after picking the lock to get inside. Joyce came up behind her shortly after, carrying William in his car seat."Huh, guess they're out."

"They're probably looking for the twins, Faith," Joyce offered, putting down the luggage she also carried. Faith sighed, then turned to unbuckle William from his car seat and take him in her arms.

"How's my chubby little vampire spawn? You like the big hole in the ground didn't you? So did auntie Faith and Granny Joyce."

"Make that Grandmother, I'm not even fifty."

"Actually, you look more like 35, did you check out how old your bod was on the driver's license?"

"Mariam was 36."

"Hey, not bad, got a babe of a body and an extra ten years. I'm taking you out dancin', we'll land you a rich hottie."

"I think I'll go back to Granny then, thank you. I just want my family back together."

"Sorry, I know, me too. As much fun as this has all been, I want Buffy to have her son back. A kid shouldn't be taken away from his mom."

"Is that what happened to you, dear?" Faith cast her eyes down, gnawing a little on her bottom lip. She cuddled William, such a soft, warm, beautiful little boy. But then suddenly Faith's head shot up and William was lurched into Joyce's arms. The older woman was pulled back and flung on to the couch in the living room. William started bawling at the rough and suddenly movement and Joyce's eyes widened in terror when she saw the tall pale man in a long black coat coming down the stairs. He clutched a teddy bear between long bony fingers, gently stabbing it through and through with a long bladed knife.

"Been waiting for you, yes?" he gurgled, putting pieces of teddy innards in his mouth and rolling them around on his tongue."Been waiting a long time." Faith took up a fighting stance, fists up and body tense, ready to unleash holy hell on the demon the second he stepped outta line.

"Who the hell are you?" the Slayer demanded.

"They've called us the Pitch, the black Earth, the muggly slimes...but we're not ones for talks n' explanations. We wants the boy for suppers, and some left over for sandwiches at elevensies the next day."

"Yeah? I want your head stapled to my front door for Christmas with a wreath, let's see if Santa thinks I've been a good girl this year, huh?"

"Battle liked's the fightses, liked's the bloodies. Pitch'ums likes to plays."

"I'm gonna play yah into a bloody pulp on the floor."

"Haven't's gots blood. But does have other liquids."

"And can I declare a resounding, eeeewww."

"Less talks, more of the..." Faith, fed up with the posturing, leapt forwards and delivered a solid side kick to Pitch's abdomen. The demon squealed like tires on the pavement. Pitch dropped his knife and bear, then took off his black fedora and tore it in half. Faith grabbed his head and twisted his head 180 degrees. To her shock, the broken neck unwound itself and Pitch looked at her with a glitter of rage in his eyes.

Pitch struck out against the Slayer, striking her across the face and sending her sprawling into the living room at Joyce's feet."Faith!!" Joyce cried, scrambling back with William in her arms as Pitch advanced slowly.

"Nots nice, nots nice!! We'll have your ears for toe hooks!" Setting his sights on baby William, Pitch held his knife up high and moved quickly. Joyce staggered back, nearly falling, still clutching her grandson.

"Don't! you come any closer!" she warned, fierce as a lioness with her cub.

"The Pitch and Battle outgrabed the mome raths! Now's only the Pitch and he will haves his!" With steely resolve Joyce grabbed the poker from by the fireplace when the demon made like he would slash with his knife. She matched it with her weapon when it came, unfortunately Pitch was much stronger than she and the poker was sent flying. The demon made a second attempt and Joyce blindly grabbed for anything to throw at him. On the window still was a potted aloe vera plant, she raised it high,"Eeeeeeeeeeeek!!!" Pitch shrieked, recoiling instantly and back away quickly. He was met by Faith drop kicking him to the ground and proceeding to beat the living daylights out of him. After a time the Slayer realized her fists were having little effect on him.

"Faith? Faith dear, I think he was afraid of the plant."

"Huh?" Faith stopped raining blows on Pitch and accepted the cactus from Joyce."It's an aloe vera."

"Yes, I know."

"No, it's an aloe vera!"

"But he was terrified."

"Okay, whatever frosts your cookies." She snapped off a stalk of aloe and held it menacingly over Mr. Pitch's face. Upon seeing the element of his demise above him, he threw a fit.

"Gets it away! Gets it away! Oh sweet mother love bone! Oh birch trunks and seahorses and attractive silverware! Eeeeeeek!"

"It's an ALOE VERA!"

"It burns! It bites! It freezes!"

"Does it really?" Faith squeezed the stalk of aloe and the pulpy, viscous flesh of the plant and it began to glob at the end. A chunk fell and landed on Pitch's nose. He let out a scream at such a high octave that only night creatures and dogs could detect it. This was affirmed by the neighborhood outside erupting in howls and barks."Now this is just...neat! Fun times with Faith..." She wrung out more aloe, letting it drop all over his face and in his mouth. All the while his body jerked in distress and his skin cracked and peeled."Joyce, you gotta get in on this!"

"Faith, you're torturing him!"

"He was going to eat your grandson."

"Give me some aloe, dear."

Chapter 45 - Journey's End

Shortly before sunset, when the sun was hovering just along the horizon and behind them, Spike and Angel came out of their hiding places. Angel left the back seat for Spike and Buffy, giving them as much privacy as possible. The newly souled vampire had not spoken since the desert and his wife was eager to know what he was thinking, but she too said nothing. He huddled against her with his blanket up to his ears, a sad, desperate man searching his mind for answers. When Buffy undid her blouse and pulled out a breast to feed their daughter, he tried to move away. She promptly ensnared him with an arm around his shoulders and held him close. He watched in almost religious rapture at the child being nourished by her mother, a purity he was convinced he should not be privy to. Buffy giggled when Allegra unexpectedly kicked Spike on his nose, he tried very hard not to cry the jovial innocence.

The presence of the Lexus parked at 1360 Revello Drive went unacknowledged when the SUV arrived, it was already dark out after all."We'll get a few hours sleep, re-pack our clothes and supplies and then get back on the road to look for William and my mother," Buffy directed as the gang got out of the vehicle.

"Buffy?" said Spike, almost at a whisper. She turned back to her husband, facing him and putting her arm around his waist, Allegra between them.

"We're home."

"Yes I know, I can bloody see that...sorry, sorry. I don't mean to be like that, don't mean to snap at you. I don't know where my mind is going, I can barely think straight..I..." His voice cracked and he let out a broken sob. Buffy was kissing him barely a second later. When their lips parted, he had fresh tears running down his cheeks, following the trails washed away on his dusty face. "I'm making you all filthy. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry."

"William is close, I think, your son is near."

"Our son." He shook his head vehemently.

"I have no right to claim him, or your daughter, or you..."

"Spike, damn it, please stop. Don't say these things, it tears me apart. They are yours, we all are, body and soul, forever - okay?" He nodded slightly, but clearly not believing it."Let's go inside, get you cleaned up, you'll feel better." The others had waited outside on the front porch for the couple, thinking it one right that they should enter first. Spike waited in the wings while Buffy went ahead, seeming as if he would sneak away when the moment presented itself.


"Who's auntie Faith's chubby cubby?!" The Slayer sing songed as she fed William his bottle. The boy was comfy and adoring of her in her arms.

"Chubby cubby?" Joyce questioned with a smile as she swept up the last remnants of Mr. Pitch.

"Would you prefer it if I went back to calling him a vamp spawn?"

"I suppose chubby cubby's perfectly acceptable, really."

"Whatever, until we know his name..."

"WILLIAM!!" Buffy's excited cry came from the front hall, Faith and Joyce hadn't even heard the front door open. Buffy stood there alone, holding her daughter, eyes wide as saucers and her entire body trembling. Upon realizing that it was Faith, criminally insane Faith, holding her son she felt her instincts flow with protective rage.

"Hey B! There you are, got something of yours!"

"F..Faith, please, just give me my son, don't hurt him."

"Woah! Rein in that temper, I ain't gonna hurt the little guy, here take him." Buffy rushed down into the living room, the dark skinned woman going unnoticed. Faith took the bottle from William's mouth and he began to whine until suddenly a sublime peace overcame him. His mother's scent, softness and warmth was immediately known. The baby boy snuggled into her, grabbing at her clothing and making tiny sounds and cries that broke her heart. Allegra inched over until she too could be holding him.

Buffy held both her children to her chest as she bonelessly sunk to the floor, weeping with relief and joy. Even Faith had tears in her eyes. Joyce touched the Slayer who'd helped her on the shoulder, giving her reassurance, as she passed to go to her daughter. By now all but Spike had come inside and with hearts full, they watched the young mother's reunion with her children.

"Buffy?" Joyce spoke softly, kneeling downbefore her daughter and grandchildren. Buffy looked at the African American woman and furrowed her brow in concentration, trying to place the familiar face."It's me, it's mom." Joyce reached out and tucked a strand of Buffy's hair behind her ear,"Your children are so beautiful Buffy."

"Mommy? Mom, is this really you?" Joyce nodded and bent to kiss her daughter's forehead.

"Yes, darling."

"You saved my babies."

"They're my grandchildren, of course I did. I'm so proud of you and of Spike." The utterance of her husband's name sent her searching for him. Spike stood separate from the others, the last one to come inside. He still had the blanket over his shoulders.

"Spike! William, he's here, he's alright!" For a moment, the barest moment, he smiled at seeing Buffy holding the reunited twins, but he was overwhelmed by emotions, confusion and exhaustion. He collapsed completely unconscious to the floor.

Chapter 46 - First Step

When Spike awoke he was in his own bed, sitting upright with an array of pillows under his back. He was clean and naked - like he was beginning a new life, covered in both bandages and their quilt in addition to several other blankets. On the other side of the bed Buffy lay on her side facing him, sound asleep. She wore a pretty sage colored silk camisole and the tendrils of her golden air spread over the pillow; she was an absolute vision of beauty. Between them slept the twins, William closest to his father, each nestled under their baby blankets. They were his whole world, his family together again. Unable to help himself from disturbing his sleeping son, he took William up in and lay the baby on his chest. The child was remarkably warm, soft and vibrant with life. William yawned and nuzzled Spike's tepid skin, with his tiny hands played out over his father's pectorals. The scent of baby powder and newborn filled the vampire's nostrils and comforted the him.

"My sweet William, I'm so sorry son, I wish I could have done better by you and your mum and sister. You don't deserve this wrecked, ugly monster for a father...god, I shouldn't even be touching you..."

"Don't....Spike," Buffy whispered in her waking,"Keep hold of your son. He's missed you." She took Allegra in her own arms and maneuvered herself over until she could lay with him, laying her head next to her son's on Spike's chest."We love you and you will be strong enough to reconcile all of the burdens the soul must have brought with it. You will be strong enough because you're responsible for our happiness. Now, put your arms around us and never let us go." He did as she bade, never able to resist her.

"Where is Dawn?"

"She stayed with Michael, there wasn't time for her to say goodbye to you. She's where she belongs, they're in love, like us. I'm guessing they're alright, considering the world didn't end, I hope they're happy. No, I know they are. "


"Downstairs with the others."

"Who washed me up?"

"I did, in a very erotic, playboy kind of way. I swear." She looked up to see him smiling."Knew I could get a grin. I know this isn't going to be easy, but you'll never be alone. If you fall we'll catch you and bring you up again."

"I'm scared, Buffy, love."

"We'll keep you safe. Mmmm, you're cold, honey."

"Oh..take, take William."

"Calm down, hold Allegra." Before he could continue his protest, his daughter was on his chest next to her brother. Buffy got out of bed and delved into the blanket box on the far end of the room and retrieved the chenille throw Giles had brought her at the hospital. She fit it around his shoulders and tucked it around the children. She pulled the covers and quilt up over him and the twins, making a cocoon. She climbed back into the bed with them, putting an arm around his waist and laying her head on his stomach, facing him."There, that's much better, all snuggly."

"Buffy, you're..."

"Crazy, I know, but you love me anyways."

"No, love, I was going to tell you that you're amazing and that I love you more than life. I'm so grateful to have you as mine."

"Oh, well, good, I love you too and our vamp spawn."

"Our what?!"

"Nevermind, sleep now."


Given that the last time Spike had allowed he and Buffy to sleep with the twins just a close as now, the most horrible nightmare of his existence had begun. Therefore when the bedroom door was innocently opened, his instincts snapped him out of slumber. The vampire face appeared immediately, along with a growl and the demon's yellow eyes.

"Are you awake in there?" a kind voice he'd never heard before called out.

"Who's there?" he replied, still with three vulnerable bodies in his protective embrace.

"Can I come in? It's Joyce, Spike." The mere mention of her name calmed him immensely, the demon visage fading.


"I don't want to disturb you, but we're all worried and I wanted to see you." She'd already come into the bedroom and closed the door behind her. She turned on his bedside lamp, to the lowest setting, barely illuminating them. She stood next to him and his sleeping wife and children on the verge of tears. She had a new body, but he knew it was her, his pseudo-mother. He'd always thought, even in those early days in with Dru when they'd first come to Sunnydale, that he'd never have killed her. She was too much like his own mother.

"Joyce." Her name hadn't been spoken aloud by him in what seemed forever, at least not in the sense of actually acknowledging her before. But here she was, beautiful as ever with the same kindness in her eyes. She'd always, always accepted him, never judged him, and there was the issue of cocoa and tiny marshmallows, what was better than that? She looked down on him, William and Allegra sound asleep in his arms, with their little heads tucked under his chin, and Buffy snuggled down against his stomach, curled up in a little ball. Joyce bent over and pressed her lips to Spike's forehead.

"Thank you for all you've given my daughter."

"No, no, she's the one, she's given me everything good I've ever know. I thank you for her."

"Buffy is a very strong girl...woman, but she always had something missing, a peace in her heart. She would never have found it with Angel, and certainly not with that Riley. I think I always knew it would be you. I always liked you best."

"You did? Joyce, pet, I was evil."

"At that point I think you were growing out of it, just my intuition. I was right, though, wasn't I?" She gestured to the three sleeping in his embrace.

"Yeah, you were right, mum."

"Now, if it's alright, the others..."

"They're all waiting out in the hallway, aren't they?"

"Pretty much."

"Come to see the sideshow? The newest vamp with a soul? The poof just must be stewing in his own juices."

"His son's here too, and some others from LA, Fred and Gunn? They brought back your car."

"Ah. Right then!" He nudged Buffy and she hazily sat sat up.

"Spike?" she asked.

"Here, pet, take the little'uns." She yawned and happily took the twins as each was passed to her, they barely stirred."Oi! Bloody in with yah!" The bedroom slowly filled with sheepish looking friends and family. Someone flipped on the overhead light and suddenly Spike knew he was in the spot light. He wry grin spread across his face and something amused flashed behind his eyes. Buffy caught it and smiled in return. He sat up straight, stretching out a bit and cracking his neck and a few other joints."Well, do I look alright?" The nodded and mumbled."Hey Connor, how goes it?" All eyes turned to the teenager and he picked up on Spike's mood.

"Fine...yep, everything's good."

"Got the keys to the DeSoto?" Conned held them up.

"Congrats, kid, you just got yourself a cooler car than daddy...his of course is at the bottom of a cliff. You'll let him borrow it?"

"Maybe." Conner gave his father a smirk that was classically Spike.

" can't give..." Angel sputtered.

"Can and did. Let me ask you something, Peaches. How many years post ensoulment did you mope and brood? Hide in alleys and sewers sucking on rats?"

"Um...about, about 80 years, give or take. Is it just me or is he getting a bit snarky? There should be brooding." The crowd mumbled, somewhat in agreement.

"And how long have I been doing it?"


"I'd wager about 20 hours, I think that's enough? Don't you?" Buffy snickered next to him and he took the moment to attack her mouth with his lips for a albeit short, but fiery kiss."I have an unlife to live, a wife that is my sunshine and two beautiful, healthy babies. I've got you lot, my friends and family...except you three, 'cause I have no bloody clue who you are..." He pointed to Faith, Fred and Gunn, giving them a quick wink,"I've also got a shiny new soul and this horrible scratchy need to help the helpless and write some bloody awful poetry...I also kinda wanna shag Buffy until she passes out, but I digress. So, if you don't want to see me naked, and I know some of you do," He gave Angel a pointed look and the older vampire rolled his eyes,"I'm about to get up out of this posing sick bed and get on with my life!" On cue there was a stampede out of the room, all except Joyce and Faith.

"Faith?" Buffy inquired, giving the other Slayer a cross look.

"What? He said if," she replied. Joyce took her young friend by the shoulders and directed her to the door. Once they were alone Spike slipped out from under the covers and walked over to the dresser, pulling out a comfortable pair of charcoal slacks and a black t-shirt. After dressing he came back over and sat on the bed.

"Give us a baby," he asked holding out his arms. William decided it would be him, holding his small arm out. Spike took him up and lay him comfortably in his arms,"Bloody hell."

"Why bloody hell?"

"They're my children...our children. I love them, love isn't even a strong enough word, it doesn't say all of it."

"I agree. You'll will be beautiful, so long as the four of us are together."

"Think the babes would mind if I kissed you for a very long time?"

"As long as they get snack breaks I'm sure they'll be good about it. Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me."


When Joyce left the bedroom, closing the door behind her, she found Giles waiting. Faith continued on downstairs, unaware of the pensive, worried look on her once Watcher's face.

"Joyce...may we speak?" he asked.

"Of course, Mr. Giles."

"Just, Rupert, please. Joyce, I must she?"

"She's with Olivia." He smiled, just a slight turning in the corners of his mouth. The woman, identical to the one he once loved, lay a comforting arm on his and brought him solace.

Chapter 47 - Coming Home

For immortals, such as vampires, time passes sometimes very slowly, though also sometimes too quickly. Spike was grateful it was the former that he'd weathered these past couple of months. Naturally there were dark hours, when his soul would prey on his mind and heart, making him relive the past. He had spent times in Los Angelos, talking incessantly with Angel, the pair of them finding a camaraderie in their uniqueness. He'd had the pleasure of getting Conner drunk one night, much to Angel's extreme displeasure; especially considering that Spike was the designated driver, a promise to Buffy. Fact of the matter was that they were family and he cared for them. There wasn't always quite so much fun. There was anger too, when he hated himself and everything around him so much that he had to leave the house. He'd kill every evil demon he could find, running on pure adrenaline. Eventually he came back to his senses and returedn home. He'd put his head in Buffy's lap and told her he was terribly sorry. She was always so forgiving. There were most of all, times when he wept. He wept ong and hard until he'd exhausted himself. He cried for himself and for his victims; he cried because he missed Dawn, his Little Bit. His wife held him the entire time, then brought him one of the babies to hold and the pain and sadness was often miraculously assuaged.

Arrangements were made and identities squared away with the issues of Mariam and Carly; names officially changed, moneys and legalities handled. Lives were put back on track. Xander got himself an apartment and started back with a construction crew; Faith's criminal record seemed to miraculously disappear, but virtue of the Council of Watchers, redemption granted for a small price. Faith was now the official Slayer, which suited her fine. Lastly, in a few days Giles, Tara and Willow were returning to Bath.

Buffy and Spike were in synch moreso now than ever, except for one aspect. Both were in want of each other constantly, but the gnawing fear of what could happen if they let the twins alone without them prevented it. But now, more time had passed and they felt secure in the safety of their family.

Buffy could feel him undressing her with his eyes, he'd been doing it all day. Whenever they crossed paths, he didn't once not grope some part of her body. Even now as he rubbed William's back, the baby laying up at his shoulder, she could tell he was trying to ignite her erogenous zones by will alone. It wasn't working, well maybe just a little. She continued packing the overnight bags for the twins' sleepover under the care of Tara and Willow at Xander's new apartment. In fact everyone had made arrangements to be elsewhere until morning, at Buffy's request.

She'd sprung that boon upon him the night before, her intentions clear - hours alone in the house, nothing to except the very obvious. The truth of it was, she wanted him so badly she could barely concentrate on anything else. Over the past few days in fact she'd catch herself day dreaming of being under him, her body given no reprieve or rest as he made love to her for innumerable hours, subjecting her to orgasm after orgasm. Her breath hitched and she shuddered as she exhaled. She looked at Spike and turned away immediately, blushing furiously, trying her best to ignore the self-satisfied smirk on his face.

Spike secured William in his carrier on the bed, next to where Allegra lay sleeping in her own. He moved over to where Buffy was, minding her own business. There was a definite confident swagger to his hips and a determined look in his eye that could cut through steel."What?" Buffy said quickly, avoiding locking their eyes. He advanced on her as if she were prey. His hands raised and insinuated themselves to rest under her breasts, supporting the weight of them in his palms. She was unable, and unwilling to stop him as he thumbed her nipples into hard pebbles through her bra and shirt."Stop that...." She invalidated her protest by caressing his rear end.

"I need inside you Slayer," he growled, squeezing her plump flesh,"Need you to burn me up."

"Soon, Willow and Tara should be here soon. Oh's been too long."

"Two months, three weeks, four days and nineteen hours, not that I've been counting. Are you ready for me, pet? Ready for the Big Bad?"

"I was ready for you three weeks after we have the twins. Question is..." Her hand maneuvered around to take hold of him in his jeans, kneading tenderly, then rougher, he groaned,"Are you ready for me." Their game was brought to an abrupt halt when Allegra awoke and demanded her afternoon snack. Her parents begrudgingly let go of each other,"Go on downstairs, take the bags and I'll feed them."

"Save some for me, sweetness." He kissed her temple and departed. Buffy nearly swooned, but eventually took up her daughter.

"Wish mommy luck, I think I'm in big trouble!"


After Spike had seen the twins off with Tara and Willow he took his time making the way back up to the bedroom, letting his lust simmer just a little longer. She'd been sitting on the corner of the bed waiting for him, having already taken off her shirt and bra. He came in and closed the door, then turned off the lights. The room glowed a soft yellow from the late afternoon sun filtered through the drawn curtains. Buffy closed her eyes, feeling him approach slowly. He went to his knees before her, running his hands up her thighs and then over to her center to unbutton her slacks. Meanwhile the tip of his nose circled around one pert nipple. She shivered, goosepimples spreading over the canvas of her skin. One of his hands covered a breast, rolling and crushing the hardened nipple between two fingers. The other was rolled languorously with his tongue, droplets of her sweet milk alighting his taste buds. He wanted to break and cry for mercy, so blessed to be given the sanctuary of her body.

"Spike!" she gasped,"Spike, hurry, I can't wait any longer...please." He broke away from her, stripping himself of all of his clothing before doing the same for her. When the heady scent of her arousal consumed his senses and his length rose up for her. She went to recline but he grabbed her wrist and yarded her up to her feet, spun her around and pushed her hard against the wall. He held her up off the ground by both wrists, craning his neck up to lock her mouth with his in a wildly passionate kiss. In one rapid motion he released her arms, grabbed her thighs and impaled her. She cried out into his mouth, and almost immediately began jutting her pelvis out into his. Spike buried his face at her neck and under her hair, growling and moaning as he began to thrust in and out of her.

Within the first second of becoming immersed within her body he felt his soul come alive. All this time he'd been wracked with guilt and remorse, but this was pure enlightened bliss, pure happiness. He felt the pull of their hearts, minds and souls tune in as their bodies moved together. On the flipside she was hot as a flame, flowing wet for him and as just as tight as the first time he's take her against a wall,"So bloody good, so bloody good," he practically howled, making her laugh and moan at the same time. With every surge into her he gave a twist with his hips, making her gasp and dig her nail into his back.

He'd take her a bit by surprise, pushing her against the wall and claiming her. The initial shock of him thrusting all the way up inside her had her nearly coming right then and there. He was as soft as velvet, but hard as stone. How she'd survived these past months and weeks without having this every day was beyond comprehension. They were finally home.

After a time of him slamming her backside against the wall, she managed to wrap her legs around his waist. She hugged him with both arms too, stilling his frantic movements. They were panting heavily, her heart racing and inner muscles fluttering around the portion of his flesh buried deep inside her. He steadied her back against the wall and rolled against her hips, grinding against her hardened clitoris and causing her to whimper in his ear as she sucked and chewed on the lobe. Perspiration made her hotter, her skin skin glowed and her scent was swarming his senses. He groaned loudly when she tensed around him.

She drew back searching for his clear eyes,"Blood," she whispered, her finger tip glancing over the jugular vein in his neck.


"Your blood, can I taste it? Just a little? I want to know what it's like for you. I want us to share this."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, because I love you." Taking hold of her backside and keeping them joined, he walked them over to the bed. Bringing them down to the mattress gently, Spike lay himself upon her, fusing deeper inside her passage. He clenched his buttocks and pushed as deep as she could take him, she bit her bottom lip and arched into him with a slow sigh. He repeated the action continuously until she about to break from the pleasure. He bit into his own wrist, letting droplets of his blood fall into her open mouth and on her tongue. This was the first time he'd showed his vampire face since regaining his soul - she thought him truly beautiful, her husband. He lowered the wrist and her bow lips closed over the punctures and began to suck ever so slightly. As her consumption of his blood increased in pressure, he began to thrust a little faster into her soft body. They climaxed simultaneously, bodies shocked with mutual ecstasy, strung as tight as guitar strings, then there was the snap when they were undone, becoming writhing, screaming masses of pulsing wet flesh.

Chapter 48 - Nature of the Beasts

Buffy was limp and listless, laying face down on the bed. She wondered absently where Spike had gotten to before a cool pair of hands settled around her ankles and began a path upwards. Her thighs were encouraged to spread themselves, giving him room to kneel behind her. Then those same hands planted themselves on either side of her and his lips were on her spine slowly tracing the path down her back.

"Your, my love," Spike purred,"You taste like sugar and and salt. You taste like heaven." His tongue was back up to lick at her shoulder and then dipped down to swathe over the flash of a breast pressed into mattress that was peaking out."I'm going to have you every way tonight, Slayer..." She then felt herself being lifted up on to her knees. She clutched needily to her pillow and moaned long and loud as he pushed himself back inside her. He hugged around her middle and pulled her back, making her grunt lewdly, until he'd been completely consumed. She moved back at him, giving another flow of wetness from her to continue their hours of carnal coupling. With heated gasps and snarls he kept a frenzied rhythm of thrusts while Buffy nearly squeezed the stuffing out of her pillow.

She loved being take roughly by him, it was thrilling in a primal way that made her feel closer to her essence as the Slayer. A hunter of animals, demons, beasts being dominated by one of them. The same could be said for the beast ravaging her, a demon though tempered and restrained by his soul and his love for her, having his torrid way with a beautiful, and quite willing, human woman gave him a deep, powerful satisfaction. He kept pumping as he came, a resonating roar accompanying the stream of his release before he clutched her hips and held her to him until he was finished.

When the last shudders of ecstasy passed through Spike, he pulled out of her and turned her slack body over. She was writhing and aching for her own climax and he was only too willing to oblige. He slid down until he could settled his head between her thighs. He could smell himself mingled with her juices, soaking over supple flesh that was all his for the taking. Easing two fingers back inside, Spike thoroughly massaged and pressed at her top wall. He always could find just the right spot of nerves. The stimulation was overwhelming to his wife,. Buffy choked and sobbed on her breaths until she shattered and arched off the bed. She cried and shook and he sunk his fangs into the femoral artery on the inside of her thigh and drank.


Some hours later, nearing 4am, the Summers house finally seemed to have quieted, at the least the walls had stopped humming. However, not all was quiet or in the least restful. Spike lay grouted into the mattress of the bed with his head uncomfortably sandwich in the middle of a pillow whose stuffing had been dispersed to either side of him, leaving him with a flat nothing to support his aching neck. Buffy sat astride him, still stretched around his perpetual erection, trying desperately not to move in any fashion. Sweat pooled at the divot above her lip before it trickled down past her chin to the stream between her breasts, not that one could notice in the blanket of perspiration that shrouded her and made her shiny in the darkness. She was pretty sure that she could discern each individual vein up along his length, for someone with supposedly no circulation, he certainly throbbed inside her like an electric pulse under the ground. Every now and again he'd shift his position to try and get comfortable again, seating her even more heavily upon him.

The sheets were soaked and the room was heavy with the scent of their sex. Spike may have been bone tired under the unwillingness of his wife to call it quits, but he was swimming in nirvana. Besides the fact that he though he might fall asleep from exhaustion, he was still rock hard for her, always in want of her. She whimpered with an involuntary spasm of her inner muscles, any twitch of his cock setting her off again. She bounced on top of him for a few more pumps, then sat still again, her head lulling forward and her long tresses falling over her face and tickling his abdomen.

"Can you speak again yet?" he asked with a hoarse whisper. She shook her head and he smiled, somewhere between the 14th and 18th round she'd lost her voice. Not from the screaming or the moaning, it was as if her brain had turned that function off in order to supply her with more energy for the sex."We can stop anytime you want, love, I'm knackered..." She tightened herself around him and he cried out, when she let him lose he was certain his vision had been suspended like her voice,"Or not...."

He swept his fingers across her clit, mad and red from over use and she tried to push his hands away."That's mother nature tellin' you it's time to stop....we're going to bloody kill each other..." She flung her head back, hair bursting out like a fireworks display and hitting wet against her back. She bore into his eyes with her own, he knew that look all too well, he was about to have his penis twisted up into a nice salty pretzel like some cheeky party trick inside Buffy. He wasn't about to have that, William the Bloody Ensouled Vampire was not the sort to lay like a cold fish. In a sudden rush of vampire stealth, Buffy landed on the hardwood floors on her back with her knees draped over Spike's shoulders. She yelped when he grabbed on to her hips and bore into her. Holding himself deep inside he curled back his pelvis and sliced along her upper walls with his length. The Slayer came alive again, twisting and fighting with him until he was underneath her like before only now she was calm and sensuous, pressing her breasts to his chest and giving the underside of his chin kitteny sweet kisses."Nice n' slow, love...nice n' slow..." She nodded her head and worked away the tension in his shoulders with her hands.

"Love you," she whispered under his chin.

"Found your voice afterall? I love you, sweetheart." He felt her lips curve into a smile as she relaxed into the form of his body, letting herself be heavy, too overheated for another burst of energy, but just enough to push their joined bodies to one last orgasm. She made slow grinds back at him, like gelatin sliding down one's throat. He wrapped his arms around her back and jutted up his hips to meet her lower half. In no time at all a long, intense, but quiet climax was achieved. Muscles tensed and released, shocking pleasures set off every synapse and spread to every cell. Sleep was quick to come, setting in before the last pulses of ecstasy had even run their course.

Chapter 49 - Always

When Spike awoke, quite a few hours after daybreak, he felt a cool breeze tickle over his exposed flesh from the open window. He was flat on his back, uncovered, but with a supple, fluffy pillow under his head. He tried to move and sit himself up, but his body rebelled and demanded he lay still. He ached all over, from neck to ankles and everywhere in between. The flaccid length of flesh between his legs felt like it had been wrung out through an old fashioned washing machine, but it was also satiated unlike any time before. He calculated the time in his head, he and Buffy had gone at for 12 hours straight, a new record for them. He smiled wickedly contemplating trying for 13 someday. Who needed Tantric sex when there's a vampire involved? He groaned, a charlie horse making itself known in his left calf. He winced as he tried to work it out, when suddenly the door to the bedroom burst open and Buffy came in with a laundry basket under her arm and humming brightly to herself.

"Oh! You're awake! Good morning honey," she beamed as she went about putting fresh sheets on the bed, stepping over and around him as she went about her task,"How are you feeling?"

"Like I was hit with a bloody Mack truck, or one petite Slayer. Buffy, I think I'm broken."

"Oh pffft, get some blood down you and let the vampire healing kick in, you'll be ready for another round tonight." Spike covered his face with his palms and whined. Buffy ignored him and went about tidying from the previous night's shagfest.

"Love, how can you be so bloody chipper? I'm probably spending the day right here on the floor and you're buzzin' around like a busy lil' bumble bee."

"Because Spike, I had sex for 12 hours straight and it was so freakin' amazing I don't think anything could wipe the smile off my face. I've got a few kinks and I'm sore in a few choice places, but it's of the good kind." She stood over him, legs apart and on either side of him, her long thin denim skirt billowing slightly when the wind rushed out from under the drawn curtains. He looked up at her and smirked, biting at his bottom lip and staring in wonderment at the firecracker of a wife he had all to himself. She crouched down over him and scraped her nails over his pectorals."Spike..." she said huskily,"You were incredible, lover..."

"Mmmm Buffy...." he craned his neck to kiss and her tongue darted out to lick the tip of his nose before she swooshed away and went back to putting away the laundry,"Aww...come on pet..."

"You can't possibly want to make love again, you can't even get up off the floor!"

"'So what if only one part of me can get up, vampire here, bloody sex machines we are....well, I am..."

"Irrelevant, yay for me, but irrelevant. The twins will be home in less than an hour."

"And how are my lil'uns? Behave for aunties?"

"They were good. Apparently they did pine for us, breaks my heart, but they were okay. I just want to snuggle them for hours."

"Good plan..." She finished her chores and sat down on the edge of the bed facing him.

"Sweety...can we talk?" Her tone had become quite serious, prompting him to sit up on his elbows, giving her his full attention.

"What is it? Nothing wrong is there?"

"No, no, nothing's wrong. I've been thinking about what you said. You wanted us to leave Sunnydale and move to England. Is that still what you want?" He closed his eyes and nodded his head."I decided that I want that too. I want the quiet, simple, safe life we deserve." She moved down to kneel beside him and he sat upright to look at her with awe.

"You won't regret it, I promise you that."

"I know I won't, I've been thinking about it constantly, but I didn't want to say anything until I was certain, I am. Where would you like us to live? In Bath, with Willow, Tara and Giles?"


"Where Allegra lived? Somehow I knew that's where you'd pick...just a lil' hint of your soul coming to the surface. It's nice to see you more comfortable with it. Makes me feel very good inside."

"Am I doing alright? I don't know sometimes. When I hold one of the babiesn I'm at peace, it's so lovely...but then an image will flash behind my eyes and it'll be a memory..."

"Of kiilling?" He ran a hand over his face and nodded solemnly.

"I killed children, Buffy. Here I am holding my own child who I wouldn't wish a moment of pain or fear upon...yet I've done the very worst to someone else's child...and...I....I...and then I have to put William or Allegra down because I'm scared I'll contaminate them. I hate myself for being afraid to love my own children, Buffy, they don't deserve a monster for their father." He'd begun crying, his bottom lip trembling, he cried so easily now. He didn't cry often, mostly he kept it inside himself, trying to spare her his melancholy, but she knew it was there. She could help him forget with concentrating on caring for the twins, or sending him out on patrol, or hanging out with their friends. For twelve hours the night before they'd had nothing but bliss. But now it had all come down upon him as heavy as a safe dropping from a tenth story window. She snuck her face under his, which had fallen forward and began to kiss him, tender and soft. He pulled away, smiling sheepishly, reaching out to graze his knuckles under her chin."And then you go and remind me that it's not supposed to be easy...but it is worth fighting for. Oh, Buffy, love, I'm one sorry ass git, aren't I?"

"Maybe just a little, but I have a thing for 'em. Spike, you're my husband, you're the father of my children and you're my regular soul and demon soul as far as I'm concerned you're just about the greatest thing since strawberry and rhubarb crumble."

"Are you making fun of me?" She planted a wet kiss on to his forehead and got to her feet pulling him up with her despite his moans of protest. She gave his bare bottom a smack and pointed him towards the bathroom.

"Nah, just that Mom's making some later, with whipped cream. Take a shower, put on something pretty, we're gonna have ourselves a real good day." She headed back towards the hallway.

"Buff?" She turned back to see the grateful look on his face."Thanks."


"Whipped cream, huh?"

"Go have your shower dear."

Chapter 50 - To Family

"What is that sound?!" Faith exclaimed for the umpteenth time,"I swear it's like like bone against bone, then this pop!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Buffy replied innocently from her position of laying stretched out on the couch, both twins sound asleep on her chest, each claiming a breast for a pillow. She lightly patted their bottoms while they slept, keeping to her word to snuggle all day long. Spike made a pass from the kitchen to the dining room as he went about preparing lunch with Willow and Tara. The vampire had become quite domestic these past couple of months, domestic, not domesticated as he was adamant to make clear.

"There it is again!"


"Hey blondy, get your ass back in here!" Spike came to the dark haired Slayer's caterwaul.

"Yeah, love?" the vampire asked, unassuming. Faith flashed him a wry smile and dismissed him with a gesture.

"Nothing, Spikey, just wanted to make you come." Buffy burst into giggles, her chest shaking, waking both babies in the process. The twins looked at their smiling mother both with sleepy blue eyes.

"Oh honey, I think William needs a change," said Buffy. Obligingly, Spike rescued his son from the jelly of his mother's chortling torso, making a face at the confirmation that a fresh diaper was indeed in order. Meanwhile Faith was making an overt spectacle of craning her ear to listen for the persistent popping sound she'd been on about. After Spike had disappeared Faith exploded in laughter.

"You minx!" the Slayer burst out,"B, you broke him didn't you?"

"The sound will go away eventually, vampire healing and stuff. But he is really favoring his left hip, nah, he'll be fine. There was mutual breakage..." The blond Slayer sat up and lay Allegra out on her knees, taking up Spike's favorite activity and rubbing her tiny feet.

"Okay...just between us girls...details!! I want 'em!"

"Details? What kind of details?"

"Don't tease me! I want measurements, clocked time, technique, acrobatics, special extras, positions, orifices..."

"Gee...pervert much?"

"I've been in prison."

"Thought that was one place sex was guaranteed."

"Very funny, bitch."

"In the order you specified, larger than an NBA player's shoes; 12 hours; Chinese contortionist, this rolling wave trick he does with his tongue; kama sutra; and everywhere it would fit. Satisfied?"

"Are you? And by everywhere you mean...?"


"B, when did you become such a slut?"

"When I discovered the beauty of monogamous vampire/Slayer marriages. But there is more to my husband than his twelve inch personality...." Faith started involuntarily choking, Buffy continued,"He's genuine, he's strong, he's tender and sensitive. He's a wonderful father, better than mine ever was and he's just such a bad ass, I can't resist his sinister charms."

"Or his personality."

"Get your mind off my husband's personality."

"No problem, I'm thinking about some else'"

"I noticed. You two have been patrolling alot lately."

"Well, Xander's a good fighter...a damn good fighter."

"Is it a thing yet?"

"There's a thingness to it...not officially, yet."

"I think there's know, people in the workplace, sometimes it happens. Faith, there's something you should know. This morning Spike and I decided that we're leaving the Sunnydale and moving to England."

"Oooh! Does that mean I get the Hell Mouth all to myself?"

"You want it?"

"I wants! Buffy do you have any idea how much this would mean to me? A a couple of months ago I was a fugitive with no ties to the Council's put me back on the books; I've got friends...and I may even have the Xanman...."

"Then congratulations, you're now the proud owner of one unpredictable, unstable and generally nasty Hell Mouth."

"Yay me!" The front door opened and the sound of laughter filled the house. Xander walked in, flashing a quick smile in Faither's direction, towards the kitchen with grocery bags in tow, shaking his head and giggling like a school girl. Giles and Joyce followed in after, nearly falling in over each other with their hysterical laughter and completely oblivious to the funny look Buffy was giving them. The continued on into the kitchen with the bottles of soft drinks and wine. "Hello...looks like someone else's got a thing."


With Allegra comfortable against her shoulder Buffy made her way upstairs in search of Spike and William. She found father and son in the nursery, Spike sitting in the comfy chair with William held out in front of him by his two strong arms."Whatcha doin'?" Buffy asked, moving into the room.

"We were just having a conversation...father and son stuff," Spike replied,"I've also been tellin' him about Devon...about some of the things I did when I was a boy...I'm remembering more and more if it, Buffy."

"Because you have your own soul back?"

"I think so...I really think so...guess the ol' thing's not too bad after all, I don't feel so lost sometimes." William smiled and squirmed when he saw his mother and sister, much to the delight of both his parents.

"Come on, lunch is ready...well, the obscenely massive feast everyone's been working on. This was a good idea you had."

"Just wanted the family together now that every one's happy....feels weird, doesn't it?"

"I'm not saying a word, avoiding possible jinx is vital."

"Then I'll just say I love you."


There were many times in Spike's life when he'd been certain he was at his happiest. When he and Drusilla had finally broken free from Angelus and Darla, to carve out a reputation for themselves. After that he was secure in the notion that he would be the only man in Dru's heart and bed. When he'd killed his two Slayers he'd been euphoric. Seeing Buffy coming down her stairs the night of her resurrection, that had been nirvana. Hear her first I love you had unmade him and built up again. The night they'd conceived the twins, the miracle of it; their wedding; watching Buffy grow as the children did within her; the birth; the reunion those few weeks ago back at home. There was also last night, spent tangled in unbridled rapture. But no, this very moment was the happiest.

He sat at the head of the table, his table, as the man of the house. To his Victorian sensibilities, his position was one to be very proud of. He wondered how his mother would think of the fact that it only took him over a century to get here. To his left sat Tara, Willow and Giles, to his right were Xander, Faith and Joyce; and opposite was his wife, the light of his soul, Buffy. The children slept soundly behind her in their bassinets, safe and content. Before them was an impressive spread of food that they had all lent a hand in preparing. There was good food, good wine and good company. They were a family. Feeling bold, Spike took up his glass and rose to his feet, easily gaining everyone's attention.

"Um, sorry to interrupt the meal n' all...just that there's something I wanted to say." He was surprised at himself for being incredibly nervous. Buffy admired him and caught the gleam in his eyes, returning it with pride at the man she'd married,"Right, now bear with me, this is the first time I've ever done this. I know that even a year ago you basically all hated me, with just cause. I won't make excuses for myself, but I want you to know that before I became what I did one fateful night in an alley way in north London, that William Dashel Bainbridge was a good man." He had never told them his real name, not even to Buffy. Upon hearing it she had tears in her eyes, looking at him with fascination, he continued,"Yeah, well, I was also over sensitive and a bloody sentimental fool. Um, nothing can amend a century of murders, but because of all of you, because of Buffy I wanted to change. Somehow, God, the On High or whatever saw fit to give me a wife and two children I love beyond all rhyme or reason and out there in the middle of a war he restored my soul. I don't deserve any of this, but I need to tell you all how grateful I am that we can all be here together - that we're safe and happy. Right, on with it then Spike...I was never this long winded before the soul! A toast - to family!"

They raised their glasses and proclaimed in unison,"To family!" For a moment, Spike was basking in the goodness of the moment, but then an image flashed before his eyes in a display of deja vu. Suddenly he was eleven years old again, sitting at the dinner table dressed in his best suit, surrounded by aunts and uncles and cousins. His father stood where Spike now did, head of the household with his glass raised in salut to the family...moments before his heart seized and he collapsed, dead, to the horror of all those present. Perhaps that was the reason why Spike had forgotten until now the significance of the date.

Spike faltered and Tara lurched to catch the wine glass as it slipped from his fingers,"Spike?" Buffy asked, getting up from her seat and moving quickly to his side,"Honey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, love...just a memory. I'll tell you later. I'm alright."

"Are you sure?" He nodded his head and kissed her quickly to reassure her.

"Positive." He looked over everyone's concerned faces and decided to salvage his reputation by being flippant,"What's everyone bloody lookin' at? Eat up! Celebrate! I just remembered it's my 145th birthday today!"

That night was spent embraced in Buffy's loving arms as for the first time since he was eleven years old he cried because he missed his father.

Chapter 51 - Welcome Home, Spike

It had taken considerably longer than anyone had expected to relocate the Summers family from Sunnydale, California to a seaside village in Devonshire. The logistics of transplanting four American citizens and one British whose identity was falsified due to his death 123 years previously required some cunning legal wrangling. Not to mention the fact that they also had to find somewhere to live. Spike had diligently stepped aside after Buffy had asked to be the one to choose the new family home. Giles, Willow and Tara had returned to Bath not too long after Spike's impromptu birthday celebration. Finally after the months of planning and shipping their belongings ahead, the Summers left California and the Hell Mouth behind. The mouth was now in the hands of the dynamic and very much in love Faith and Xander.

They had been meandering along the coast in the Range Rover that Spike had purchased prior to departure, having it ready and waiting when they'd landed. Two days after arriving in London they were almost home. The vampire was behind the wheel, dreading even the very thought of his wife driving in England. She was watching out the window at the shore of the of the ocean winding with the road they travelled. The twins were sound asleep in the carseats in the back, with Joyce sacked out in between them. For the first time he could remember, his family was truly safe and independent from the Hell Mouth.

Buffy turned back to sit forwards, stretching out her flexus body. Spike watched her out of the corner of his eye."Are we there yet?" she asked as impatiently as a small child.

"Nearly there love."

"I'm excited, I'm so glad we get to settle in before Christmas."

"Sweetness, Hallowe'en was last week, plenty of time to get the house up and runnin'."

"Can you guess what I want us to do our first night in our new home?"

"I can guess, does it involve..."

"You probably don't want to complete that thought with your mother in law listening," Joyce piped up from the back seat.

"Oh! Sorry mum, but to be fair, Joyce, it wasn't me who started it."

"Of course not Spike dear, Buffy has always been a problem child."

"Hey!" Buffy protested.

"Oh I know it, mum," Spike continued.

"Frankly, I think you're a saint for marrying her," Joyce echoed.

"Not funny!" Buffy protested.

"Just teasin', pet," Spike apologized, smiling wide enough to show his dimples.

"You guys always gang up on me...sometimes I wonder whose mother you are. At least my babies love me best."

"Right now, my precious, they love apple sauce and the Clash." He reached across and brought her hand to his lips to bestow a kiss.

"Oh honey, look!" Sure enough, coming up on her left was a huge old cemetery covered by the looks of things in tall headstones, mausoleums and tombs.

"Just like home, eh love?"


"Y'alright, sweetheart?"

"Hmmm? Yeah, just nervous anticipation."

"Sorta like today is the first day of the rest of your life?"


"But you're happy?" She turned her hand over in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Of course I'm happy." The rover came over a hill and descended into the town. The place was a bit of a contrast of sorts. A new grocery stone for example was situated right next to an old Victorian brick building which now housed a WH Smith bookstore. The houses looked either as though they'd been built no more than 20 years ago, while other had obviously been the foundation for the town. As Spike wound the car through the streets full of shops and homes there was a look of bizarre concentration on his face. He had the strangest feeling of deja vu.

"What's our address, love?"

"Keep driving, it's a little way out of town." Spike nodded and continued on, taking note of the metaphysical store situated between a solicitor's and a green grocer's. Perhaps the town had a bit of character afterall if it required a magic shop. He was eager to see the house Buffy had chosen, she'd kept the details from him as a surprise. It also seemed that Dawn had used her skills to fiddle with their bank account, money would never be an issue. Truth was, he was likely more nervous than she. Ten minutes after they'd passed through the two, Buffy asked him to slow down."There we are, 1360...huh, there's a coincidence, 1360 Greenman, it's up this driveway." He turned the rover down the narrow loose gravel path, either side flanked by thick gatherings of trees.

He liked the house on first glance, it was Tudor style and slightly larger than the one they'd left in Sunnydale. There was a pastoral front yard as well, landscaped beautifully, as much as he could tell in the dark. Off to the side at the edge of the back of the property was a small cottage. Spike pulled the vehicles up along the little step before the path that leas to the front door. Buffy and Spike each tended to retrieving their sleepy ten month olds, the father taking up his daughter and the mother her son,. Joyce followed behind.

"I called Mrs. Macanalley, the housekeeper, before we left London - the movers got everything into the right rooms and all our boxes arrived safe, total miracle," Buffy explained as they stepped on to the walk.

"Buffy..." Spike gasped, stopping half way along. He held Allegra a little closer, hugging his daughter as the emotions washed over him. Buffy and William came to him, his wife with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Did I do good?

"It's m'gran's house, it's Allegra's house."

"Our house now."

"I've not been back in over a century."

"It's been waiting for you to bring your family home." Threading his hand in the long tresses of her hair he held her to him as he kissed her.

"You're going to make me cry again. I hate crying!"

"William Dashel Bainbridge Summers, welcome home."

Chapter 52 - Invitations

"I'm bloody crying now! Way to go Slayer!"

"Aww...come on inside, you can give me the grand tour."

"Buffy, you're perfect, you know that?"

"Yep...and you can spend forever reminding me." She took his hand and began to pull him along, just as the front door opened and a portly, elderly lady stepped out. The light form inside the house cast long shadows and also illuminated the pentacle that dangled around her neck, she was a witch.

"Mrs. Summers?" she asked as Buffy arrived at the door first.

"Yes, hello Mrs. Macanalley."

"It's only Heather, dear, I'm not one for formalities."

"Well, then call me Buffy. My husband Spike, the twins are William and Allegra and this is my mother Joyce."

"So lovely to meet you all, won't you come in?"

"Pet, take our girl, I'll get the bags from the car," said Spike, handing the baby over to her mother. He gave the older woman a nod and a sliver of a smile and went back down the path.

Sometime later, after having a cup of tea and scones with jam courtesy of Heather, in the kitchen situated below the house, Buffy became quite worried when she realized Spike hadn't returned. She excused herself, leaving the children with her mother. She scoured the downstairs and there was still no sign of him,"Spike? Honey?" There was a light rapping on the front door, Buffy didn't like the sound of that in the least. Reaching into the pocket of the coat she'd hung in the entryway she drew out a stake and went to the front door. She opened the heavy wooden door quickly, attempting to surprise the person or think on the other side. She was startled to merely find her own husband standing before her, she dropped the stake.

"There you are! How long does it take to unload a couple of suitcases?" There was a hint of annoyance to her tone,"If you needed help you could've just called."

"I knocked hard, but I remember you can't hear a thing when you're down in the kitchen, the heavy wooden beams above n' all. Uh, Buffy, love, does my name appear on the deed to the house?" He was being uncharacteristically reserved, he was almost shy and withdrawn.

"I...lemme think. You did let me handle everything."

"I never signed anything."

"Then, no, I guess not, just my name."


"Why?" He held up his hand to the threshold of the doorway and tried to push through. There was an invisible barrier preventing his entrance. He wasn't prepared for Buffy's reaction, he simply wanted to come inside. Ever the emotional jelly fish, she'd burst into tears, gasping, 'oh god' repeatedly. He'd reach for her, but she was on the other side.

"Sweetheart, come now, just ask me in."

"NO! You mustn't invite him in!" Heather warned, having followed after Buffy and taken up the stake,"I'm sorry, dear, but he's not your husband anymore."

"Blood hell," Spike grumbled,"I am so her husband."

"No longer - evil, souless, undead! Where is your sire?"

"On a dusty road in Utah for all I know. You're right on one score, I am undead."

"Heather, I know Spike's a vampire," Buffy clarified,"He's always been a vampire, but he's a good vampire. He got his soul back, after I married him. Please come inside Spike." He passed though with a sigh of relief, but Buffy started to cry again, launching herself against him and wrapping her arms tight around his waist."Please forgive me." Heather left them alone, returning to the kitchen to ask Joyce for an explanation.

"It was just a mistake, pet, legal and mystical semantics. It's not your fault, I'm not fussed." He hugged her and kiss the top of her head.

"I ruined your homecoming."

"No you haven't, our family is all here, our beautiful children, your mum and by the looks of things a spitfire of an old witch who's not spooked of taking on a vampire. But if you'd like to make it up to me there is one thing."


"Anything? Hmm well, in that case..." She pouted and slapped his backside,"Just what I had in mind, pet. Make love with me tonight. For hours and hours, let that be our memory of our first night home."

"I was gonna to do that anyways."

"Then it works out nicely then."

Chapter 53 - Progenic Portents

The sounds of Buffy and Allegra laughing together with the splashing of the bath water filling the hallway was a definite solace. Heather had cooked them an amazing dinner and was nothing by kind to him after Joyce had shared the family story. Not that the vampire didn't still receive a few nervous glances from the elder witch. However seeing him hold William on his lap and feed his son apple sauce for dessert definitely softened her opinion of him. She'd since retired to her cottage. Joyce had also turned in already, mentioning something about calling Giles in Bath. Presently Buffy and daughter were sharing a bath, William's turn was next. Until then it was just he and his father. The boy himself was a veritable giggle machine as he crawled around his parents bedroom at his top speed while Spike pretended to chase him.

"That's right lil' poppet run from the big bad vampire!" Spike heightened their game by wearing his vampire face. Just as William dashed around a bedpost, Spike caught him and scooped up the boy and held him high. Spike nearly dropped his son when he turned him over and looked up at the child's face.

William's eyes were as blue as ever, but to match his father, the child's brow was pronounced with ridges and pin prick fangs had come down. Spike's own vampire face vanished and he was overwhelmed.

"Spike!" Buffy called,"You can bring William for his bath now!" A ripple of fear spread through Spike, while William continued to squirm and laugh, unaware of his father's turmoil."Spike! Allegra's turning into a cute little prune!" Spike cringed at the thought of showing his wife the affliction he'd passed on to her son,"Spike is something wrong? Are you there?" With William now snug in his arms, Spike reluctantly made his way to the bathroom. Hhis hand over his son's face he entered. Buffy and Allegra were playing tug of war with a wash cloth. The Slayer spotted the new arrivals out of the corner of her eye."Hey! Allegra's daddy's here!" The little girl released her end of the cloth and turned to her father with arms outstretched for him.

"Da!" she exclaimed. Spike closed his eyes, coming down to the floor in front of the tub.


"I'm sorry," he lamented, unable to look her in the eyes.

"Sorry for what?" Buffy replied. He moved his hand away from their son's face,"Oh."

"I never meant for this to happen...I never meant to fail you again..."

"DA!" Allegra shouted, trying to climb over the rim of the bath.

"Allegra did it two weeks ago," Buffy smiled, while Allegra became increasingly frustrated with not being able to reach her father.

"You didn't tell me."

"No, I didn't. It wasn't because I was ashamed or scared..."

"DADA!!!" Allegra persisted before her shouts turned to pitiful crying. Buffy reached over bedside the tub for a bath towel, draping it over the side and on the floor before obligingly lifting the girl out. Once deposited on her feet she managed to remain standing, a first. There was another first right after, taking three quick steps she walked to Spike.

"Oh! Spike did you see that?!" Allegra grabbed on to his shirt, steadying herself and giving him the brightest most proud of herself smile. He brought the towel from where she'd left it and wrapped her up to keep her from catching cold,"Let's have William, he needs a bath too before bed." Silently, one arm now around the upright Allegra, Spike undressed his son for his bath and divested him of his diaper before helping him into the water with his mother. Buffy kissed the ridges on William's face as if it were nothing out of the norm."They're the happiest most perfect babies in the world, they're not demons. Are you going to stop loving them because they've inherited a few of your more interesting characteristics?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Well, duh, no kidding. I think it's beautiful, it only makes me love them more because they're so like you, don't be upset, sweetheart." Allegra looked up at him adoringly,"Let her show you her face, change for her." His game face reappeared at Buffy's will and Allegra squealed in delight and changed to match. He smiled back at his darling girl, the pair of them with fanged teeth and all.

Chapter 54 - A Thousand Years

When Buffy came into their bedroom after settling the twins down for the night across the hall, she was met by romance. Classic clichéd, but oh so loved romance.There was a fire roaring and crackling in the hearth and no other light. Between the fireplace and the foot of the bed lay her husband. Under him was a supple sheepskin rug, something to sink into to, no doubt as soft as his skin. He was stretched on his side, surrounded by all sorts of cushions and pillows, laying nude under a billowing and heavy quilt. One hand cradled a half snifter of brandy, swirling the dark amber liquid around in the hollow of the glass. She left the door ajar, so they could hear the children across the hall should they wake in the night. She slipped out of her bathrobe and lay it over the arm chair in the corner. There were still unpacked boxes strewn all over the place, all over the house, but for now they had a small space just for them. He lift the quilt for her to slip in next to him and she lay contented on her back with her hair out behind her.

He shifted his body until their skin touched and he propped himself up on one elbow, his hand tangling in her hair. He sipped the brandy while she looked up at him, her delicate fingers stroking his chest, breathing softly, smiling sweetly."Thank you, for earlier, with the children," he said quietly,"It was just shocking, I didn't know what the bloody hell to do."

"I understand. To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure how to tell you. They only seem to do it when they're happy, I think it's adorable, but I am biased."

"No, I could see it in their eyes, they're hoping we're proud of them for being able to do it...I think I am. This means they'll be strong, able to protect themselves. We just need to teach them to control it, otherwise kindergarten's gonna be one hell of a mess." Buffy laughed, then reached up to take the brandy from him, sitting up to take few sips of her own. She placed the snifter out of the way and snuggled up to her husband.

"They love you so much you know, whenever they see the vamp face they get ecstatic, for them it's not a demon, it's just daddy playing games."

"Yeah, but I'm wondering how they'll take hearing the truth, our past."

"We've got years to think about that, so don't worry. They're just perfect lil' vamp babies."

"That they are, and their mother...god, she's...everything."

"Mmmm...sweet talker." He smirked, and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before reaching behind himself for something.

"Got something to show you, but you can't laugh."

"Laugh? What is it." He had it folded in his hand, a piece of card.

"Heather had this, went down to her cottage for it n' some others. Seems her family's been here for ages and knew us, Allegra and my grandad that is. Somehow her grandmum got a hold of a few things from the house when it passed to the next owners." He opened the black card to reveal an old photograph. It was a young boy, no older than 12, with longish dark blond hair and spectacles perched on his nose. Buffy traced the dark line of the boy's cheekbone, the picture had faded to sepia and the contrast favored the darker shadows, but the boy's identity was obvious.


"Yeah, quite the little poof eh?" She smiled and cupped her palm over her mouth to stifle a cry just as tears burst from her eyes,"Sweets, I know I was a bit of a sissy, but bursting into tears is a tad of an insult." She slapped his chest.

"No, you idiot. I just fell in love with you were so handsome, so smart looking. I'm going to have this framed." He snatched back the picture and tutted his tongue on the roof of his mouth.

"You're too much of a bloody romantic, Slayer. I'll be tossin' this on the fire if you keep saying things like that."

"Don't you dare! It's my picture now. Are there any more?"

"A few, of other folks in the family too. Photography was barely makin' a head then, cost an arm and a leg for the few that were taken of me."

"I'll cherish William when he was a boy."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who knew he'd still be kickin' around in almost 2004."

"Fate has a way of bringing people together."

"Fate's got a weird sense of humor."

"Don't I know it...but I was worth waiting a century for, right?" It was Spike turn to laugh as he moved on top of her, nuzzling behind her ear and down her neck, pressing sweet kisses to her skin. Her arms went around his torso and hugged him close.

"I'd have waited a thousand years alone for one minute of your love..."

"Come inside, Spike, I'll give you a thousand years."

Chapter 55 - Longing

Some five years later...

"Yes, of course I'm disappointed Giles, but we can't do anything about it can we?" Buffy sighed angrily into the phone,"No, no, I'm not angry with you. You've been nothing short of amazing. I just got my hopes up and I shouldn't have." She sank back into the arm chair she was perched on in the sitting room. They'd come to Wales for midsummer; her, Spike, the children, along with Tara and Willow. Spike and Buffy had returned to the place where they'd been married, Betwys-y-coed, to celebrate their fifth anniversary. They'd rented a house on the far outskirts of the village for two weeks vacation. Buffy had been impatiently waiting for Giles' phone call for the past four days.

Spike listened in the hallway on the other side of the closed door. He knew he shouldn't be eavesdropping, but this concerned him too. First it had been a Shaman in the Pacific Northwest, then a new age guru back in Los Angelos, followed by and Incan priest in Peru who said he could make it happen. Each time Giles had diligently gone to research the viability and each time he had come back with bad news. This time it was a set of Egyptian scrolls.

"Are you sure there's nothing we can do?" she continued,"Please?....I'm sorry too. Thank you for everything, for trying. I appreciate it more than I can say. No, I don't need to talk to mom, I'll be fine. You two have to pack. Your honeymoon in Cancun will be wonderful, so nice and hot this time of year. Mom's always wanted to go. Okay, I love you too, bye Giles." She keyed off the phone and put it by the lamp on the table and exhaled. She willed herself not to cry, but her emotions got the better of her and the tears came. Burying her face in her hands she began to sob.

Spike lay his hand on the wooden door, gathering the courage to go and comfort her. Just then he felt someone tugging on his pant leg. He turned and smiled, although with a twinge of sadness, at William and Allegra. They were already dressed for bed, his daughter clutching her stuffed dolphin, the replacement from Uncle Xander after the original was lost, and William with his teddy. They looked more and more like each other as the years went by, perfect angels with curly sand blond hair and bright blue eyes, the perfect combination of both parents.

"Mommy's sad," Allegra stated,"We heard her crying." Vampire hearing Spike figured.

"Why's mommy crying?" asked his son.

"Oh, loves, mommy got some sad news from Grandad Giles," he replied, kneeling down and pulling them both into his embrace,"But I'd wager hugs from her darlings would make it all right as rain." He scooped them up in his strong arms, giving them each a kiss on their chubby cheeks.

"Will mommy be okay?" Allegra asked.

"Mommy will be fine, pretty pet, so long as she has you two to love." Awkwardly, Spike opened the door, it creaked loudly as it swung wide. Buffy looked up quickly and wiped away her tears.

"Mommy?" questioned William upon seeing his mother so distraught. Spike let them both down and right away their little legs sprinted them to Buffy. They each climbed into her lap and she wrapped them in her love,"Don't be sad mommy."

"I'm not, Wills, just a little disappointed. How could I be sad when I have you two?"

"And daddy!" Allegra added. Buffy looked over to her husband who was standing in the doorway still. He mouthed I'm sorry to her and she nodded in acceptance.

"Yes, daddy makes me very happy."

"Come, my hearts," said Spike,"I believe Auntie Willow's made some cocoa downstairs in the kitchen.

"With little marshmallows?" their daughter piped up, Spike nodded.

"Go on, I'll come tuck you into bed in a little while," Buffy promised. The twins slid off her lap and ran out of the room and in excited giggles. Their parents shared a knowing smile. Spike walked over to his wife and offered her his hand. She grasped it, letting him pull her up. He took her place in the armchair and brought her back down to sit in his lap. His arms locked around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. She was still crying, but comforted.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart, truly sorry," he sighed.

"Me too. I shouldn't have got my heart so set on it."

"Nothing wrong with having hope."

"I wasn't being realistic. Humans and vampires can't make babies and Dawn is gone for good. So it is hopeless."

"It'll be alright pet, I promise. We have our twins, our miracles."

"I know, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful for what we have. I just wanted so badly to give our family another baby. And I miss my sister more now than I did that first year she was gone."

"I imagine it's also a bit harder with Rupert n' Joyce having one on the way themselves."

"It's not right to be jealous, but I am. I want another baby, Spike. I can't have one and it hurts."

"Technically, you still can. It's me that's the problem...if you want to go about having a kid another way, I promise I'd love it just the same as Wills and Allegra."

"I could never have a child that wasn't yours."

"But, love, if you want a baby..." She stopped his words with a kiss.

"I want your baby." He nodded and hugged her tighter, his own sadness creeping over him.

"I'm sorry I cannot give you another one."

"You've already given me two. There's something else...I starting to feel old, I'm the older than any Slayer has ever been."

"Old? Are you off your bloody rock? Buffy you're 27 years old, that's not old, even by mortal standards!"

"I know that, logically, but I can't help thinking about the future. Some day I'll be really old, with gray hair and wrinkles. You'll be beautiful and I'll be all gross."

"Let me get one thing straight you silly bint, you will never be gross, you will always be beautiful. I will never stop loving you, you don't know me at all if you think I will just because you grow older."

"I'm sorry, I know you're not going anywhere...but I am."

"And then I will want to follow you, but I won't, because William and Allegra will still want me around, and then their children might...and so on and so forth."

"You'll really do that, keep on protecting them all?"

"I'll become this legendary patriarch, I can see it now."

"Fall in love again, if you get the chance. I couldn't bear the thought of you being alone."

"Nah, there'll never be anyone but you for me."

"Hmmm, then I'll just have to get reincarnated."

"Yes, please do. How will I know it's you?"

"That's easy, we'll probably hate each other."

"Even when I hated you I loved you."

"Sure yeah did, Mister I'm gonna kill you on Saturday. Come on, let's be happy, it's our anniversary."

"Five years, glorious! I'd never believed you'd give me five minutes."

"Neither did I." She smiled coyly at him, a joy returning to her heart.

"You're terrible to me, Slayer."

"And you love it!"


Chapter 56 - Eternity

Buffy's teeth were chattering as she emerged from the cool stream that ran through the deepest part of the forest. Spike followed after her, the light of the moon making him appear as if his pale body was glowing. He was invigorated and refreshed, the skinny dipping had been his idea. He was at her back moments later, cold, wet lips sucking and kissing her neck and shoulders. One hand mauled her breasts and the other insinuated itself between her legs, cupping and rubbing hard at her sex.

"'re c..c..cold," she shivered.

"Warm me up." His fingers worked in between her labia, searching for her little nubbin and drawing down her moisture to aid in his work. Buffy ground her backside against his groin, feeling him harden behind her. Her hand reached around to grasp at his flesh and pulled him close.

"SPIKE!!" He'd pinched her clit between his thumb and forefinger and sparked all sorts of amazing spasms through her abdomen. She gave him a wicked twist and he groaned, both in pain and pleasure. In response, he penetrated her with his fingers and she caved forwards, releasing him and grabbing for his hand. She pushed him in deeper, sinking herself down on his cold invading fingers."Drink.."

The vampire's fangs breached the skin at her throat and into the artery. His mouth closed over the punctures, but he did not suck, merely let a small amount of her blood pool in his mouth. The second penetration into her body sent her into a spiral, an intense orgasm ripping through her and lasting only a few moments. He pulled out fingers and fangs, his tongue laving over his marks, ceasing the blood flow. He swept her off her feet, holding her tightly against him, his mouth playing roughly over her chest and neck. Buffy, still swooning from her first climax, held on to him, kissing the back of his neck, sometimes biting him as she liked to do.

It wasn't far to where they'd been earlier, eating and drinking, celebrating their love and the years of marriage they'd shared. At first they talked, reminisced about their first encounters and all the ones that had come since; the incredible turn around from hating to loving; and then came the twins, the perfect encapsulation of what true love could create. They were alone, stretched out under blankets upon an ancient slab of stone that had laid there for thousands of years. It had once been a gathering place for worshippers of the Goddess, carved with spirals symbolizing eternity.

Spike lay his wife back down upon the altar, holding himself above her in order to look upon her, the slim smile on her face, the desire in her eyes. She drew him down, opening her legs for him to cradle his hips between her's, and becoming something other than herself when he slid inside. When they made love they became one with the other as the old adage went. It was the pull of their souls as the two melded together and whenever they'd parted they left something behind with the other. Slowly, over the years, they'd mixed into a singular spiritual entity, separated into two bodies, coming together again and again.

He moved within her now with assured rhythm, deep and measured, long and tender. He supported himself with one hand spread beside her head, the other under her backside, bringing her up to meet his thrust. She held on to his shoulders, caressing him, looking into his eyes, though sometimes a unanticipated ripple of pleasure would make her close them and she'd gasp. He made her flesh hum, awaken and sing for him. He stroked every excitable nerve, touched every degree of love, made her want him endlessly.

"Closer," she bade and he slowed until he stopped moving entirely, hilted inside her. Lowering himself to let his weight rest upon her, Buffy wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. The only sound was that of their breathing as they held each other. She tightened her inner muscles around him and held them suspended on the edge until the pressure exceeded both and they came. There was first a downwards surge beginning in her womb, reaching down to draw him up and in deeper, pulling his release out of him. When he climaxed with a strangle cry, their entire bodies were overcome by the mutual orgasm. She felt herself spiraling into a space void of all sensory perception save for that which pulsed and throbbed around him. He was mindlessly pulling blankets more over them as consciousness faded, joining her in restful, satiated sleep under the moon and in the open air. Remaining joined with her, even as he softened, he turned them on theirs sides, her face hiding nestled to his chest and his limbs coiled possessively around her.


The presence of newcomers was announced by a soft misty green glow filtering through the trees and into the clearing where the lovers slept. Walking hand in hand, the pair came to look upon Spike and Buffy, vampire and Slayer unaware they were no longer alone.

"Buffy's as beautiful as ever, don't you think?" Dawn asked of Michael.

"She is indeed. I know how you have missed your sister."

"But she's happy, she and Spike love each other so much."

"Just as I love you. Are you sure you want this, Dawn? We cannot reverse it, the Key of Creation will be no more."

"That's the point, Michael, that way the world can never be undone...are you sure you're willing to give up yourself too?"

"For you, anything. We will be together again."

"We will, so it's all good. And hey, it'll be fun for you, being human."

"Indeed." She nudged his ribs playfully.

"Oh don't be such a worry wart, human is pretty okay as far as creatures in the universe go."

"I shall trust you."

"Good. Hmm, you know, I am kinda nervous. Okay, first things first..." She brought out the small black sphere that hung upon a chain around her neck. She'd had it for 6 years now, always with her, it's power contained.

"The Key of Immortality."

"I'm giving it them, to Buffy. Spike and I talked sometimes. We had this one conversation not too long after they got pregnant with the twins, he told me he was terrified of losing her. That's totally understandable, but he was talking about the future, when she finally just died from old age. He said he was afraid of being alone, because he knew he'd stay with the children and probably all his progeny that came after that...but he was afraid of the loneliness, how he'd handle being alone at night with no one to hold him."

"That is very sad, the immortality of a vampire and the burden of a soul, few can carry this weight. I find him admirable."

"Yeah, and he's just so wicked cool...I mean, the leather and the hair, totally hot. I hope I inherit those cheekbones! You know, I probably shouldn't refer to my father to be as totally hot, right?"

"Mmm, likely not. So, the Key of immortality..." Dawn held the sphere aloft in her palm and then crushed it in her fist. A purplish shower of lights danced from her hand. It swirled and dissipated and was absorbed by the two sleeping.

"There, problem solved. Buffy's immortality is bound to Spike's, she'll only die when he does."

"Will she know it, though, I wonder?"

"When the kids are teenagers and she's still the most righteous babe on the PTA I think she'll grab a clue."

"What of the children? Will it not pain her when they surpass her age?"

"Vamp babies, doncha know...lil' bit of longevity there too...I don't know how long we'll live, but way more than normal humans, it's a perk."

"I think it's time." Dawn sighed, standing up on her tip toes to kiss him, moments later he was gone. Dawn walked close to the sleeping pair and lay down next to Buffy and kissed her sister's cheek.

"Congratulations...mommy." And then Dawn was gone too. Spike stirred suddenly, pulling his head up and looking around, he was sure he'd felt a presence.

"Dawn?" he muttered sleepily.

"Spike?" Buffy whispered, waking aswell."Baby, what is it?"

"Hmm? Oh um..." He looked around, seeing the horizon lighten in the distance."Nothing, nothing, sweetheart. We should head home, dawn's coming."

Chapter 57 - Full Circle

Buffy relaxed and leaned back against her husband when he came up behind her. His hands supported the expanse of her sixth month of pregnancy, massaging all over,"How's my lil' bit doing?"

"Rolling around like and Olympic gymnast, thank you very much, typical of your daughter."

"You're one to talk, pot, kettle, black, my lovely."

"Mmm hmmm..." She closed her eyes, waning a bit. She was always in want of a nap during this final trimester. She spent a couple of hours every afternoon sound asleep, curled up under a nice warm blanket. He'd usually spend that time watching her, if the twins didn't need attending to. Buffy never looked more beautiful than in those quiet hours. He'd listen to their two heartbeats, her's and the little one's, music to him. Then he'd reach down and lay his hand on her stomach and let their warmth radiate out and into him. Sometimes Buffy would wake and catch him, he'd always be a little embarrassed, but she'd always take his hand and invite him to lay with her. They'd undress and make love, or they'd talk about the past and the future. Often they fell asleep together, inevitably to be wakened by William and Allegra, or sometimes find the twins asleep on the bed with them. Spike never really believed he'd earned such a beautiful life, but he accepted it and cherished it.

"Mummy! Daddy!" two voices exclaimed in unison. He and Buffy turned to welcome their raisons d'être. The twins came running down the long corridor of the hospital in Bath, followed right after by aunts Tara and Willow trying to keep up.

"Slow down lil' mites," Spike admonished, halting the rampaging five year olds by wrapping them up in a hug,"And we must keep our voices low, mothers and their little ones are sleeping." Tara and Willow came upon the scene huffing and puffing.

"S...sorry," Tara apologized,"They wanted to see you. I...d...didn't know they could run so fast!"

"No worries, pet, it's the vamp n' Slayer combo, makes 'em wicked fast. Now my treasures, who would like to meet the new addition to our brood?"

"Me!" the twins exclaimed.

"I wanna see mummy's baby," Allegra persisted as she had for weeks now.

"Soon, poppet, the little bit's not quite ready to make her appearance. But she'll come ready for your birthday, alright?" The little girl nodded then held out her arms.


"Pet, aren't you getting a tad big for daddy to carry you around?" She pouted, the well established Summers women pout. Spike crumbled inside of two seconds and scooped her up. Allegra kissed his cheek and hugged around his neck. He was in heaven. Buffy yawned, stretching out, prompting William to extend his arms around her pronounced middle. Buffy wrapped her arm around his shoulder and held him close.

The room they'd all been waiting outside of finally opened its door and a rather obnoxiously happy Rupert Giles emerged,"Ah! Good, you're all here!" he beamed, dressed down in a shirt and jeans,"Come, come inside and meet my son!" One by one they entered the dimly lit and comfortable looking room. Joyce was seated in the bed with a small bundle wrapped in blue snuggled in her arms. They stood reverently around the newborn Giles, taking in his caramel colored features.

"Oh mom, he's beautiful!" Buffy remarked, a mist of tears appearing in her eyes,"Does he have name yet?"

"Michael William Giles," Joyce replied,"After our fathers." The sounding of the name was silently acknowledged by Buffy's baby thudding a solid kick inside. When the newborn opened his eyes, Spike and Buffy both realized the miracles that were being wrought within their own family. The hand of Spike's that wasn't supporting their daughter on his hip when again to his wife's pregnancy. Michael William Giles had the most ethereal eyes of peridot green.

"The On High certainly works in mysterious ways, doesn't he, my love?" he whispered in her ear. Her hand went over his in response.

"Speaking of names, have you two discussed names for your new one?" Joyce inquired. Buffy smiled inwardly before answering.

"Dawn, we're going to call her Dawn."

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