The Toothsome Toothache

By Sailor Lum


Disclaimer: The characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Same goes for any characters from Angel that should appear. Any other characters are mine and may be used for other fanfic (Just note that they’re mine if you use them.)

This fic is an answer to ghostgirl13’s (aka Yani’s) "What if Spike got a tooth ache?" challenge.

Content rating note: This fic is rated NC-17

Continuity note: This story takes place during season 6 of Buffy, when Buffy and Spike were having their affair.



Spike opened the backdoor to Buffy’s house and walked into the kitchen, hand pressed to his left cheek. One of his teeth was hurting like a son-of-a-bitch. It had been hurting since last night and Spike was buggered if he knew why.

Not seeing Buffy in the kitchen, he moved onto the living room where he came upon Dawn and Xander.

“Spike!” Dawn said, brightening and hopping off the couch. “What are you doing here? Xander and I were just watching Army of Darkness. Do you want to join us?”

“No,” said Xander, scowling.

Dawn turned around, put her hands on her hips, and gave Xander ‘The Summer’s Pout.’

“No. I’m not watching the evil undead with The Evil Undead. Speaking of…What are you doing here Spike?”

“Buffy’s keys…” He dug them out of his pocket. “She dropped them in the, uh, graveyard last night. On patrol.”

“Oh, well, I’ll give them to her,” said Dawn, holding out her hand palm up. “She’s still at work.”

“Great,” Spike said dryly, handing Dawn the keys. Then he sighed. He hissed as the pain in his tooth flared up. He returned his hand to the side of his face, muttering British obscenities.

“What’s the matter?” Dawn asked.

Spike sighed and hissed again. “Bloody toothache.”

“I didn’t think vamps could get toothaches.”

“We can’t. Not from cavities and the like, anyway. Don’t know what’s done it, but it’s driving me mad.”

“Awww, poor Spikey’s got a toofache,” said Xander.

Spike growled and then cried out in pain. “Bloody hell!”

“You should go see a dentist,” Dawn said.

“Bugger that! Going out in the daytime, getting smoked, just so I can have some wanker prod about in my mouth?!”

“I’m making you an appointment,” Dawn said, turning curtly and grabbing the kitchen phone. She rifled through some business cards on the desk until she found the one she wanted, and then dialed the number. “We’ll say it’s an emergency. He can probably take you tomorrow. There’s even a sewer nearby, so you won’t get smoked too much.”

Spike rolled his eyes and huffed. “Fine.”

“You know, if it really hurts that bad, I can go get some pliers out of my toolbox and just yank that puppy right out for you,” Xander offered.

“Sod off,” Spike growled.

“Done!” Dawn said, hanging up the phone. “You have an appointment at noon tomorrow.” She handed Spike a post-it with the time and the address on it.

“High noon!? Have you lost your head?! OW!! FUCK!” Spike bellowed, clutching his cheek.

“Sorry, it was the best I could get.”

“Dawnie, you didn’t bother that dentist at home did you?” Xander asked.

“Of course,” she said.

“For Spike?!”

“I would have done the same for you,” Dawn said.

I wouldn’t eat you!”

“Neither would Spike!”

“He would if he didn’t have that chip!”

“He would not!”

“Oh, he so would!”

“I would not eat Dawn!” Spike yelled, mentally cursing his hurt tooth. “You on the other hand…well, no, I wouldn’t even eat you. I’d hack you up into tiny pieces, because you’d probably taste like plywood.”

“Hey! I would not taste like plywood! I bet I’m delicious. Not that you’ll ever find out,” Xander said, folding his arms across his chest.

Spike gave Xander the two-finger salute, then turned on his heel and stormed out through the kitchen, slamming the back door behind him. When he got outside, he kicked a tree on the Summer’s lawn, knocking leaves loose with a rustle.

“Spike, wait!” Dawn said, running out the door. She ran up to him and placed her hand on his arm, hoping to bar his exit. “Spike, do you have enough money?”

“Money?” he asked, giving her a look.

“To pay the dentist. You have to pay him.”

“Why? What if he doesn’t fix me?” he asked flippantly.

“Well…if he doesn’t fix you, then I guess you can stiff him. But if he does, you have to pay. I can give you money if you don’t have any.”

“Where did you get any money, Little Bit?”

“I stole it from the cash register at the Magic Box when Anya wasn’t looking. Don’t tell.”

Spike laughed. “You’d better be careful, Nibblet. If Demon-girl catches you, she might put a curse on you.”

Dawn pulled the cash out of her back pocket in a wad and handed it to him. “Here, take it. It’s $150. Just bring back any that’s leftover.”

“I can’t take that, Dawnie. You should use it for you and Big Sis. For groceries or something,” Spike said, putting his hand over her fist and pushing it back.

“I can always steal more,” she said, pushing her fist forward again.

“All right then,” Spike said, taking the cash and giving her a small smile. “But don’t get caught.”

“Okay,” she agreed, returning his smile.



Spike sat in the dentist’s waiting room, sullenly flipping through magazines. Finally, he laid his head down on the table. His toothache was giving him a headache. He shuddered to think what would happen if his chip went off. Maybe his brain would explode. Dentist better fucking fix me, he thought.

Finally, the receptionist poked her head out the door and called his name. “Mr. Spike? Come on back,” she said, holding the door open for him. Spike grunted and got up, hand pressed to his cheek. She led him to a room and had him sit down in the chair. Spike looked around the room. Along with the dental hygiene posters, there was a framed poster from The Little Shop of Horrors. The newer one with Rick Moranis and Steve Martin. Spike smiled and if his tooth hadn’t been hurting so bad, he would have burst into a chorus of “Dentist!”

“Hel-lo,” the dentist said cheerfully, as he walked in the door closing it behind him. He was a medium built man, with brown hair and a mustache. “I’m Dr. Frazer and you are…Spike? Just Spike?” he asked, looking over his chart.

“Yeah,” Spike said. “Hey, doc. Do you thrill when you drill a bicuspid?”

Dr. Frazer glanced at The Little Shop of Horrors poster and then looked back at Spike and laughed. He pulled up a stool. “No, I’d rather not have to. I like those bicuspids clean and healthy. So what brings you in today, Spike?”

“I’ve got this tooth that hurts like hell, doc,” Spike said, pointing to his left cheek.

“Well, let’s take a look.” Dr. Frazer adjusted the chair and the light and then clipped a napkin around Spike’s neck. He grabbed some mirrored tools and instructed Spike to open wide. “Hmmm,” he said, poking around. “Do you have any cavities, Spike?”

“Ng,” Spike said.

“No? Hmmm….that’s strange…It looks like you have something metal lodged in between two of your molars.” The doc rummaged around on his tray and grabbed up a pair of shiny silver pliers.

“Hn?!” Spike uttered, squirming a little.

“Don’t worry, this won’t hurt a bit.”

But Spike knew better. Doctors were almost always lying when they said that. Spike gripped the sides of the chair and braced for pain. The doc tugged on the offending foreign object, and Spike cried out. The temptation to vamp out and attempt to bite the good doctor was overwhelming. Finally, Dr. Frazer freed the object with a metallic ping.

“Ow~!” Spike said, rubbing the side of his face.

Dr. Frazer held what looked to be a blunt point metal stud, in the pliers. “Now how the dilly did that get in there?” he asked.

Spike gave the stud a curious look and then it dawned on him. “Oh, yeah…” he said.



Spike had held the studded leather collar up, giving Buffy a giddily lewd look. Buffy folded her arms and scowled at him. “I’m not wearing that,” she said.

“Oh, c’mon, pet. It’ll be fun. And I can bite you without hurting you.”

“Who says I want you to bite me at all!”

“I know you want me too. I can feel it. Bet it’s your secret fantasy,” he said, his voice seductive and smug.

Buffy blushed crimson. “No it isn’t!”

“Nuh, uh. Can’t fool me. Now I know it’s true,” he said, drawing his words out, sultry and taunting.

Buffy fumed. Damn him! It’s like he has gaydar but for kink. He has kinkdar. Smarmy pervert! she thought. Then Spike licked his lips and gave her one of his patented Come Fuck Me looks. Dammit!! Why does he have to be such a sexy bastard?! Damn sexy bastard!!

“Fine,” Buffy said.

Spike giggled perversely and flashed her a toothy grin as he fastened the collar around her neck. “Wanna’ do a little role playing or have a little spar to make it more realistic like?” he asked.

“No. Just vamp out and come get me,” Buffy said, backing away to give him pouncing space.

Spike vamped out and gave her a predatory growl. He ran his hand down his abdomen as he stalked forward and growled again, looking at her with piercing gold eyes. Buffy felt a quiver in her stomach and heat between her legs. Surely something was wrong with her if this was turning her on, she thought. Then he pounced. She was on her back before she could blink. Buffy resisted the urge to kick him off and let him straddle her and pin her down. His erection pressed hard against her groin.

Then, Spike grabbed her shirt and ripped it open. “Hey!” she said. Then he ripped her bra off and tossed it aside. “Hey!” she said again. Spike snarled and latched onto one of her nipples with his mouth. Buffy squeaked in surprise and then pleasure as he sucked, careful not to slice her tender flesh with his fangs. She batted at his back with her hands and kicked her legs against the dirt floor of his crypt, feigning an attempt to get him off. Spike moaned and growled, enjoying the friction of Buffy’s squirming.

He rubbed his hard-on into her while he gave her other nipple a turn and then released her. Buffy made a protesting sound as he stood up and moved back, and was about ready to yell at him when he ripped her pant legs up the middle. Then Spike dropped to his knees between her legs and tugged the fly of her pants open, breaking the zipper and sending the button flying off to parts unknown. Spike stood back up and whisked the pants off her. He then dropped to his knees once more and ripped her lacy panties off. He made a move to go down on her, but she stopped him quick with a punch to the head.

“Bloody hell! What was that for!?” Spike asked.

“No way are you going down on me, all fangy,” Buffy said.

“Oh, all right,” Spike said rolling his eyes, as he whipped off his shirt and unzipped his pants.

“All the way off,” Buffy commanded.

Spike gave her a crooked smile, then stood up, and obeyed, removing his pants and shoes. Then he grabbed his cock and asked, “Do you want it?”

“Do you want me to put my fist up your ass?”

Spike looked up and thought about it, not looking uninterested.

“Spike~! Ew, no! I’m not doing that!” Buffy said. “Now get over here and fuck me.”

“Your wish is my command,” Spike said. Then he snarled and pounced, plunging into her. Spike roared and Buffy cried out in pleasure, arching into him. Then he snarled again and sank his fangs into the collar around her neck, biting down hard enough for her to feel the pressure. Buffy writhed underneath him, clutching at the back of his head and holding him to her. Spike made varied animalistic noises as he continued to pump into her and bite into the collar, nearly chewing through it.

“Spike! Spike!” she cried out, wrapping her legs and arms around him. “Spike!!” she cried, coming and holding him tight enough to leave bruises. Spike made a muffled ecstatic sound, and Buffy rolled them over so that she was on top. She pushed down on his chest with her hands and sat up, causing him to release his bite on her collar with a ping. Spike let out a pained noise, felt dizzy, and morphed back to his human face. Buffy rode him fiercely, pounding him into the dirt, her quim pulsing around his cock as she came some more. Spike’s face contorted in ecstasy as he moaned weakly, over and over. Finally he began reaching fever pitch, crying out and bucking up into her thrusts. With one final guttural cry, he slammed himself up into Buffy and exploded. Buffy shrieked as she joined him in climax. She bounced on top of him a few more times as he finished his spending and she had a few aftershocks, and then she was still.

Spike lay dazed underneath her. He had the oddest sensation in his head. A vibrating sensation. Like someone had clocked him with a tuning fork. He groaned weakly.

Buffy looked down at the vampire she was straddling. There he was, Big Bad Spike, all weak and kittenish thanks to her. She smiled in spite of herself. He’s pretty cute like this, she thought. Then she shook her head. Cute, but evil. Cute, but evil, she chanted silently. Evil, evil, evil. Suddenly she felt the need to run. She got up off Spike, grabbed the remains of her clothes, and put them on.

“Going already?” Spike asked, turning his head to see her.

After she was dressed as much as possible, considering the condition of her clothes, she beat a hasty retreat up the ladder and out of Spike’s bedchamber, without looking back or saying a word. Spike had heard the crypt door slam and sighed, wincing at the pain in his head and rubbing his cheek.



“Never mind about how it got there, Doc. Long story. Just thanks for removing it,” Spike said, preparing to get up.

“Now, now, wait a minute. You haven’t even had your cleaning yet,” said Dr. Frazer.

“That’s fine. All I wanted was my toothache fixed. Plus, I don’t have a lot of money and I have no insurance, or the like. So I’ll just be on my merry way,” Spike said, starting to get up again.

“Cleaning comes at no extra charge.”

“Really?” Spike asked, settling back in his seat.

“That’s right, so just sit tight.”

Spike smiled at the rhyme and figured he could humor the doc, if it was free. Dr. Frazer gathered the necessary supplies and instruments.

“Now which flavor of toothpaste do you want?” asked Dr. Frazer.

“You have flavors in this joint?” Spike asked. The only flavor they had in his day was baking soda.

“Sure. We have bubblegum, mint, and cinnamon.”

“Cinnamon,” Spike said.



“So how did the dentist’s go? Wasn’t he nice?” asked Dawn, as Spike gave her the leftover money.

“Yeah, he was a nice enough bloke. For a doctor. Coulda’ done without the lecture on the evils of smoking,” Spike replied.

“Smoking is evil,” Dawn said, smiling.

“And I’m evil!” Spike said.

“Not anymore.”

“Yes I am! Ask Buffy, she’ll tell you!”

Dawn giggled.

“On second thought, do you think you could really make that case? ‘Cause it’d really help me out with Big Sis,” Spike said eagerly.

“I’ve tried, but she just says I’m ‘too young to understand’.”


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