Would you like to submit a fic to the Bloodshedverse? Have a Challenge Fic to submit? Just fill out the form below and send it to me!

New Authors to the Bloodshedverse
-Before submitting new fiction, please be aware of the following things:

1. This is a SPUFFY site. Other pairings are allowed as long as Spike/Buffy are the main characters
2. This is a Spuffy archive site where all the fics feature some sort of bloodplay/biting. Please do not submit all-human fics for consideration.
3. Not all fic submitted will be archived. Fics must be beta'd or fairly error free. A beta list is available and you may be asked to have your fics beta'd before they are archived. Believe me, it will only make them better (this is from someone who wished they had used a beta from the beginning)
4. Do not send me plagiarized fic. Seriously. You have been warned.
5. You MUST include your email address when submitting new fiction or your fic will not be considered.
6. If a writer is under the age of 17, please be advised that it will be at The Bloodshedverse's discretion as to whether it is suitable for posting or not. Sorry, that's just the way it is.
7. By submitting your fiction to the Bloodshedverse, you are agreeing to all the terms listed here. Once more, not all submitted fic will be archived.
8. I accept Work In Progresses (WIP's). HOWEVER, fics must be updated on a fairly regular basis or are subject to deletion.


Author Name 

(required for first time submitters)


Title of Fiction

(required for first time submitters.)
If you are submitting additional chapters, I don't need this information

URL where fic can be found

Is this YOUR fic or are you recommending it?

OR copy/paste to the text box

The confirmation page shows a different format then what is pasted in the box, don't worry, it comes to me in the format you pasted. If you don't hear back from me within several days of your submission (or see your fic/chapter posted) PLEASE email me and let me know!