Taste of Juliet

by Megan

Chapter Five


Giles stood on the periphery, unsuspecting and shocked by his sudden view of his Slayer and her mortal enemy in a lip lock to end all lip locks.  Just before his glass of scotch took a first class dive to the floor he observed a strange red glow surrounding them.  The Watcher in him kicked in and he filed it away for further research, though he had every belief that this was one that he would never find in the books.  This was one he never thought he would find on his living room floor either. He was completely without a clue as to how to solve this mystery, and unless Spike could tell them something—or might have already told Buffy something—he didn’t know where to start. He felt it was an accurate measure of his evening so far that he hadn't gone in there with stakes a blazing and rendered William the Bloody plant fertilizer.


Something nudged a little corner of his consciousness though, and he closed his eyes in order to try and think of what he was missing.  It also had the added advantage of blocking the kissing two from his sight.  Ah, Cordelia.  What did Angel say that she saw?  That Buffy would need help with Spike.  Maybe she knew something else before the great lumbering ex-lover vampire came crashing to the rescue.  Giles humphed, before spinning on his heel and heading back to the kitchenette and another glass of scotch. 





Buffy didn’t know how it happened but it was everything she had, well, never thought about really.  Her mind was blissfully blank as she felt her lips just barely touch his. There was no movement for a while, just a quiet jostle of their bodies on the floor seeking comfort before her eyelids grew heavy with anticipation and she surrendered her lips to sensation.  His lips were a little dry but soft as they went.  There was no pressure, almost like fairy kisses, and that scorched her skin all the more.  She opened her mouth a little and could immediately feel his tongue slide across her lower lip before gently and shallowly diving beyond to lick her own tongue.


There was no longer any thought, just sensation as she craved his kiss, and as it deepened it tore her former restraint apart.  Her hand snaked around his neck to pull him closer and goosebumps erupted on the skin of her arm as a little touch of his hair scraped over.  And she remembered.  Mmmm, Spike curls.  She moaned into his mouth and moved closer again as his own arm twined around her waist, and suddenly she was hauled into his lap, but still his lips were gentle on hers.  His tongue stroked the insides of her cheeks, her teeth, but mostly it caressed her own tongue. Where she might have forcefully duelled, feeling desire escalate beyond her thought, he remained patient in method and so got the best of her.


She wanted to be closer; she was starved for him.  Something told her they belonged like this, but it was so fast.  How could this happen?  She had never imagined being with Spike like this, had never imagined him with a soul.  She was frightened.  Could she do this again? But God, why was she even thinking that she wanted to? What if the soul was a curse and he lost it like Angelus?  Something basic however clanged like a church bell telling her that she didn’t need to worry, this was her warrior, her champion, and he would never betray her, if she were just honest.  With his lips continuing to tell her stories, she believed it.  She wanted so much to give him the chance.  Not to prove himself, because she had a feeling that he had more than done that already.  The chance for right.  Could they do it without the struggle? This was the Hellmouth though, who knew how possible that was.  Not once did it occur to her to wonder about the reaction of Giles, her mother or the Scoobies.  Nothing mattered, bar his lips upon hers.


Somewhere out of sight she had heard a glass smash on the floor, but she didn’t care. Nothing mattered except the rush she got from this man’s-vamp's- lips.  It deepened as she lost her fingers in his hair, her whole body vibrating with the hum of desire.  She could feel a slow, slick burn all the way to her toes, but particularly areas in between and she remembered Parker, how wrong he had felt compared to this.  She shifted the angle of her head and the kiss became more desperate as Spike held her head to his, his fingers tangled in her long, golden hair. Suddenly he wrenched her back and started to cover her neck with long sultry licks and kisses.  She felt there really was no choice now but to let her warm palms drift across his abdomen under his shirt and her body blazed like an out of control forest fire.  Knowing her face was red and her heart pounding out of control she let her mind wander to other times when they had done this, how wonderful it felt to have his naked, muscular body slide back and forth against hers.  The memory added to her overflow of sensation and her body felt a flame.


She felt his hand at the underside of her breast, brushing against her bra when they came crashing back to reality with the screeching ring of the telephone.  Spike obviously came to his senses first as he thrust her away from him with a look of pure torment and horror on his face.  The images of their sweaty and slick bodies took more time to evaporate from her fevered mind but once they did her eyes narrowed.


"That never happened."  Her voice was flinty and he shrunk back away from her.  He should have known she would deny that, as involved as she was in it.  Why should he be hurt that she didn’t want to acknowledge their heat?  This, after all, was more like the Slayer he had always known, not this soft, caring girl who couldn’t seem to keep her hands off him.  He felt the beginning of a roller coaster ride already speeding out of control.


Her face softened slightly as she took in his wary expression.


"Not the kiss," she whispered.  "That so did happen.  I meant the visions I was having.  I think my memories might be melding with another Buffy.  I think we can assume that our emotions might be doing the same.  So the question on the table is, do we go with it and allow it to happen, or do I dust your sorry ass now so I don't sit up all night trying to work out why, after two years of hating your guts, I now want to lick you from head to toe?  Do these visions come from another Buffy?  Maybe from another dimension?  Or are they from me but from the future?"  Along the way of her little musings she had lost sight of who she was talking too.


Spike was intrigued despite himself.  As grey and hungry as he still looked, he recognised her distraction and he adopted his renowned smirk and kinked his head at her. Leaning forward slightly with his hands draped over his knees he was  hoping to hide his obvious excitement at the image she had just brought to his mind.  Licking…he could definitely get into some of that!


"What visions did you have, gorgeous?"  He licked his lips as he gazed hungrily at hers.


Buffy flushed and almost in a trance she told him of the wild and powerful sex she had seen them have, how real it felt like she had definitely experienced the sensation of him, when she suddenly realised what she was saying.  They were out of control enough already, no need to give him further ideas.


"Not that you need to hear any of that kind of stuff.  So not going to happen again buster, so wipe that sleazy grin off your face," she huffed, embarrassment forcing her to look down and away from him.  The feeling of being trapped overwhelmed her and she looked round for an escape.  She found it by the quick glimpse of the phone line leading into the kitchen.  "Giles," she yelled and took off for the kitchen, leaving Spike on the floor with his own sexy images in his head.


Spike hauled himself to his feet and slowly fell back to the sofa, still feeling remarkably weak, and wishing angrily for some blood. His gut was all twisted with emotion, remorse, hunger and lust, and for the unlife of him, he couldn’t work out which he wanted to resolve first.


That kiss, he thought with a gleeful chuckle, was bloody hot.  He knew what she meant.  It was beyond strange that just touching her made him know personal things, sensual things, about her body and how she would react to his touch.  He shouldn’t know these things; they had never had any kind of relationship that would even hint to him of this situation occurring.  He knew what it felt like to rub his tongue over her nipples, nipping hard at them with his teeth once they became rock hard for him.  He knew what it felt like to be encased in her heat, to hear her moan beneath him, above him as he slid back and forth.  He knew what sounds they both made as she took him in her mouth and sucked him in her own special way.  She needn’t be embarrassed, was his predominant thought, finding it impossible now to control his erection after recapturing those beautiful images. He was embarrassed enough for the both of them.  Spike thought it was high time he tried to solve an easier mystery.  Where the bloody hell did Peaches go?


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