Title: How We Met
Author: Oracleholly
Rating: PG-13ish
Prompt Set #1, #1 Cemetery
Word Count: 692
Disclaimer: None of the characters are mine; I'm just borrowing them. I hope Joss doesn't mind.
A/N: Thank you to Ariel Dawn for the wonderful suggestions and betaing.

Of course this was gonna happen. It's like I have some invisible label on me that reads "The Slayer's Sister." Not like Buffy is the only Slayer anymore. No, hundreds of girls now have that title. And it doesn't matter that I am here with two other slayers, I'm the target just because of Buffy. Sometimes being related to Buffy sucks.

Why couldn't I be back in my safe, comfy bed in Rome? Why did I agree to travel with Andrew to California for a training mission? Why am I even looking into going to college in California? I love Europe, don't I? So why have I even applied to Stanford?

Yet, here I am in the middle of a cemetery in Palo Alto, California getting ready to become the snack of three vampires. Where the hell are the slayers and the pain in my ass Andrew?

Things had gone south when the information about the nest of vamps proved not so true. As soon as I saw that the so-called "small nest" really was more like "Club Dead," I completely knew we'd been set up. I tried telling Andrew that we needed backup, but Andrew and that annoying one, Jessica, overruled me. The new girl, Katherine, had kept silent and went along with her watcher. If Buffy were here, she would have so kicked their asses.

I'm scared that Katherine, Jessica and Andrew have all been killed, and no one can help me. It's times like these that I really miss Spike. He would have dusted these vamps for just looking at me the wrong way. I tried to run, but since the monks decided not to give me any superhero speed genes, I got caught, by two vamps who so needed showers. The two of them seized my arms and held me against a cold monument, while a third began sizing me up. Then I heard the dreaded "sister" comment, and my stomach fell.

"Lookee here boys, I do believe we got ourselves the Slayer's baby sis," the third and obvious leader declared.

I gasped and tried to look at unfazed as possible, but I knew it wasn't working. "How the hell do you know who I am?"

"I remember you from good ol' Sunnydale, sweet thang. Oh yes, and my have you grown. Look at the curves on you." The leader then sniffed my neck and roughly grabbed my right breast.

"Let go of me, you filthy vampire!" I yelled, and then I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping against all hope that someone…anyone would come and help me.

Just as I felt the tips of the vampire's fangs pierce my throat, a cloud of dust assailed my nostrils and eyes. Suddenly, the weight pressing me against the monument was gone. My eyes watered with reacting to the vampire dust and I sneezed.

Once I rubbed my eyes clear of dust, I saw a hand held out to me. All I saw at first was the hand; it was delicate with long fingers and just a hint of calluses on the palm. Then I looked up and saw eyes of the deepest blue - a blue rivaling Spike's.

"You know it's not really a good idea to be in the cemetery at night, Miss," spoke the owner of those blue eyes.

My momentary detour into dreamland about "Mr. Blue Eyes" faded as my indignation took over. "Well, duh. Overstating the obvious much? I wasn't by myself for your information. I was here with two slayers and a watcher, but we got separated."

"Blue eyes" smiled and said, "Oh them," pointing behind him. I saw the two shaken girls and one disheveled Andrew. "Yeah, I saved them earlier. They don't seem like slayers, and wait... I thought there were only two. Is Faith around?"

"Long story… now more slayers exist. Faith? How do you know Faith? I'm Dawn. And you are?"

"I'm Connor. So you're Buffy's sister, huh?" His eyes raked over my body til it felt as if I were naked. "Cool."

Like I said, sometimes I think I come with a label.

La fin de scène.