Title: You Think You Know What's To Come (Part I)
Author: Oracleholly
Rating: R
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Summary: Pre-BTVS, Buffy Summers has been having strange dreams…
Prompt Set #1
Prompt: 1- Dreams
Word Count: 921
Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, & ME all own, in their own respective ways, these characters, I just like to play with them.
A/N: Dream world is in italics. Thank you to Spikeslovebite for betaing, and being awake at some ungodly hours.

She found herself walking down a street she didn't recognize. She could tell she was no longer in Los Angeles. The streets were too empty and wherever 'here' was, she sensed it was a small town.

She stopped at the edge of a cemetery that appeared out of nowhere. She knew it and didn't know it at the same time. She started to put one foot on the grass, when she stopped and looked at her shoes. Adorning her feet was a pair of pink bedroom slippers each with a Mr. Gordo gracing the toes. She didn't want to get Mr. Gordo dirty, so she slipped off her shoes and walked on the cool, damp grass. It tickled her feet.

Part of her knew she was dreaming. She was still in her Yummy Sushi pajamas. As she walked deeper into the cemetery, the scene changed. She was inside some sort of mausoleum that had been decorated with lush Oriental rugs and lit with what had to be a hundred vanilla candles.

She felt cold, and she realized that she no longer was wearing her Yummy Sushis; now she was clad in an emerald green, silk nightgown with spaghetti straps. The gown covered only what it needed to, ending just below her private parts. She started to wrap her arms around her when a voice echoed throughout the empty room.

"Don't hide yourself, luv. Let me look at you. Turn around for me, yeah?"

Seeing no one, she thought what the hell and started to turn in a little circle. "Slow-ly," the voice said. She trembled slightly at the thought of who the owner could be, if he was as sexy as his voice.

"Come to me, luv?"

"Where are you? I can't find you."

"I'm right here, pet." Two bare, muscular arms wrapped around her, pulling her flat against his equally hard body. She felt his erection pressing against her ass, and she moved slightly. Her mystery man hissed and cupped her breasts in retaliation.

She moaned at the feel of his rough hands kneading her breasts. The silk created a delicious friction making her nipples harden into almost painful points. She arched her back, keeping her ass firmly against his erection, but pushing her breasts further into his manipulations.

She felt him tilt his neck and the next thing she felt was his tongue licking her throat. Some internal voice was firing off warnings, but it felt so good she ignored it. In spite of or really because of those warning bells, she stretched her arms above her head and reached back til she grasped the back of his head.

His hair felt soft with a slight hint of curls despite the obvious gel in it. She tugged his head closer to her the pulsing vein in her neck. She could feel his ridged forehead rubbing against her cheek as he purred in contentment.

She wanted more… she demanded more. Spinning in his arms, she faced her mystery man. He was beautiful, like something carved out of marble. Despite his demonic visage, which should have scared her or have her trying to find a stake, she instead reached up and ran her fingers across his ridges. In response to her attention, he moved his hand more into her hand and he emitted a deep grumble of appreciation.

"Let me see you," she pleaded.

"This is me, pet. I'm a big bad."

"No, you're not. I can tell. Show me," she puckered out her lower lip, "please?"

As he focused on her lip, he shook off his demon guise and eyes of the most haunting blue met hers. "There you are," she sighed happily. "There's my guy."

"Let me see you, pet," he asked.

"This is me, silly. I'm just a girl."

"No, you're not, luv. Show me," he whispered just before biting her lower lip.

"Alright," she conceded. Stepping away from him, she started to disrobe but then noticed the gray mud on her arms and legs. Her hair felt dirty and twisted into several braids.

"There you are," he said, reaching for her once again. "There's my girl. There's my Slayer!"

Buffy Summers woke up with a start. She found Mr. Gordo on the other side of her bed. Retrieving him, she clutched him to her chest, trying to recall parts of her dream. It had been so erotic, and she realized that her panties were damp.

Her dream mystery man… no vampire… had known she was the Slayer. She'd only found out last week what that meant. Maybe she should tell Merrick about her dream? He'd explained to her about Slayer dreams and how they could be helpful to her in the future. But unlike the ones she had started having about the past Slayers and some vamp named Lothos, this one was already fading in her mind.

Buffy pressed her hands to her eyes in a vain attempt to recapture what her vampire looked like, but it was too late. The incredible feeling that she'd met her destiny though remained with her. Then Buffy shook her head. What was she thinking calling the dream vamp hers? She slays vampires; she doesn't let them lick her neck and make out with them.

No, she wouldn't be telling Merrick about this dream. It was way too wiggy. Besides she didn't want to give her Watcher a heart attack.

Snuggling back under her blankets, Buffy briefly wondered if she would dream of her vampire again before nodding off to sleep.