Title: You Haven't Even Begun
Chapter: Daydream
Author: Oracleholly
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Summary: BTVS Season 1, before "Angel" episode. A year has passed.
Prompt Set #2
Prompt: 3-Daydreams
Word Count: 458
Disclaimer: Joss, Fox, & ME all own, in their respective ways, these characters, I just like to play with them.
A/N: This is a continuation or sequel to "You Think You Know What's To Come."
Beta by Spikeslovebite.

One minute she's trying to be a good student. Really. You know, trying to actually pay attention to the teacher, trying to ignore Cordelia Chase and her crew, and desperately trying to forget her recent confusion about Angel. What was his deal anyway? He'd said he was there to help, and sure, he gave her information, but it irked her that he stayed so mysterious. The next moment she found herself staring at the fake wood-grain of her desk, lost in its swirls.

Buffy found herself walking along a cobblestone street in an unfamiliar place. For some reason, even though she'd never been, Buffy believed that she was somewhere in Europe. Even though the mid-afternoon sun filtered overhead, the alley in which she walked cast long shadows. At the end of the little street, she could see nothing - only total darkness.

Her heart raced with a mixture of both fear and expectation. Without even checking to see if she had any weapons, Buffy entered the darkness. However, as soon as she stepped inside, the scene changed. Suddenly she was back in 'their' crypt.

Even though she hadn't dreamed of this place in about a year, she immediately knew where she was. Looking around, she discovered more cobwebs and dust. She was alone and cold. And then she wasn't.

Familiar tingles raced up her spine. He was here! In fear that she was wrong, she refused to turn around. Then two pale, beautiful, strong hands reached around and placed themselves on her stomach. She was pulled back into his strong embrace.

"I missed you," she whispered.

"Did you now?" he answered, licking the lobe of her ear.

"Where were you?"

"I'm always here when you want me to be."

"It's been so long."

"Too bloody long, luv." He turned her around to face him, and Buffy found him to be as captivating as before. She saw the fire in his eyes, and she lifted her chin and parted her lips in response to his gaze. With a hungry growl, her vampire plundered her lips.


"Buffy…" How did he know her name?

"Buffy… snap out of it."

"Willow?" What was Willow doing in her crypt?

"Miss Summers, if you would delight us by returning to the land of my History class and answer my question, I think we would all be grateful." Huh?

Suddenly, Buffy's eyes flew open and she realized she was still sitting in History class. She wasn't in the presence of her vampire. And the teacher had just asked her a question. Oh God, everyone was staring at her.

Buffy looked worriedly over at Willow who had the strangest expression on her face. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she tentatively asked, "What was the question?"